The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 14, 1901, Page 10, Image 10
-tl m THE SCIUNTON TIIIBUNE-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1901. Rpyai mk. a - v IB Powcte Royal Baking Powder is of the highest qual ity, always pure, wholesome, uniform. The contents of each can are exactly like every other, and will retain their strength and fresh ness and produce the same and the highest leavening cflect in any climate, at any time. Tlie "Royal RikpraiitllMMry Cook" over Sou moM prac ticalcooking receipts free to every patron. flOYAL BAKINQ POWDCR CO,, THOSE WHO T00KPRIZES JUDGES ANNOUNCED AWARDS THEY MADE. The Woik Was Not Completed Until a Lato Horn Races in 2.27 Cla&s nntl Fice for All Tin ee Foot Races Between Amateurs At tiactcd n Good Deal of Attention. Other Fair Notes. iieclal firm .1 Mall ( oir"p,n1nt. Maltl.intl IMlk. in lllr. Sept. 1-! T?rlKlit, sunny skies and i Imlmy lircozn Virouclit u law thiomr f ulsluset'i nnd pIumiio ntUfis tn the pit tiiit'Miue 1 IneatPtl RrotmtN of tin- .Mitltl'inil Fair .'iiitl I i i Iiift I'.nk Sui'it-iy toil.ij ftv 2 ii'ilnt k tlipn ieit at finin 6 nOfl to s.non ppihum within the m iloMitc anil t'ety ntio of them seemed happy nml piiJo.Iiik the full to the utmost extent At noon a mllil sensation was iniiseil Iiv the nlr liet'tiniliiK tilled with ,i white, airy Hlh.-taiue uliltli the uiiuphlstl- . ti d t Ity fnll.x ih i l.iieil with nun h tntnlitliin mis a Unity of s-iuu. hut the Knowing fainu-iH smllril (iiiPtly and VolntPil to a Held nutslilp tin Bioiind" ti'lod with "liiiMwetl," tlu dowiiv buds if ulikli wpie liflui,' tiiattPietl li tht t iinnK u ostein v Ind. Dip illipt'tots whin ilnwn on some of the Kamlillnp sanies after dinner. These jirst.i weie about In abundant e and Ha s-non as their de.ihi.s wi'it- diUen fiom one Ifn.itlon they would open up in anotliei. The family pa i ties enjoylnc a days ntltltiK on the hilltops of old Kenton toniirlilp, t r,oi) feet above the r-oa add ed to the attiai thi'iiess of the iliuitn Snr scene npirad out In Ivld beauty fmm thp hlRh stand Maud I'm'v mllrs blue and riim-ii inotintaln tops nestled loli)Kly njMlnst the hiirl.nn. and an linobstiiii ted iew tlnuufcli the ilrar autumn n'.innsplieie wi-ll lopalil Hie pIlKilms for theh lone iit. to rtach the prik rnmiliar Faces. Many familiar f.u es finiu Sirantnn nnd (' nbor.dalo weii seen on eveiy Klde and in every prioup To enuntei ate them x.'ntilil he r-lmply to take up much pneirtis space, for lovei.s of fine hnisefle.-l. and of n.itine aie mini;, In these two t'tlcs of 1. u kawann.i eoun t. The .IikIrps of the ui Ions ilepm intents of exhibits In lil h (ash pilzes wete thp Ineenthe.s for display, cj Id not fin ish up their wink until a late houi. 'limit' Sutvejni Clems.. 1: Stmenson of W.iveily was tlm nillelal most In de iiiand when n IielpliiK hand was needed, nnd to hint should bo lven nedll for making thi.s pan of the r.ilr the sin cess it wan. llo was also a lavis- e Mbltor in many lliic.s, ,n polled ,, title Snj especial i-howlns u lemaiKnliln ell. 'lie i." one of the ploueeis In this section In breeding poll, d HolMelns and flias met -with rumi micclss in ids e-fliprlmcnts-. T.IMtn tiVftnrnii l, ,-, , .-. o...t,i. i. ,---.-, , .,,,, ,-, ,iii,iii, 1 ue BaiiRhter of the Keiilal M-uetmy ot the tissociatlnn, had n -p.i linen of her Fklll In necdlewoik on .show She s but k jcars old, but took tlrst miv.e for loss-stltdilns on mnviis het en ' tiy In inwr a sofa pillow on whlih she hntl woikcd In rmicd block letteis, ' Alalilund DrlviiiR I'.uk and I-'alr t mpiiny, VM1 " A lli-t of prl.f wliiiiei.s will appear In Moiidn's Tillitine. The Races. The Imii-es weie slRtialleil to sel liad at L' o'clock for the prut lace, a trot and pate for the L'.JT iluss, with a pui'i of 1L',". TIipio was an entry list of ei :ht. hill mil half of thin mini, n : s iti. The oflh lals of raeliiR weie .tumps KpII, Diiumoie. hlarter: Harry Y. Seaman, of Kaetoiyle, and Thuri-tnn Pinker, of riaik's riuni iflt, JudKer: W. H. ItrihlnMin, of r)f. foul, r.nd lla.ry Mlllt, of W.ueily, tlmiis. V. C. Smith eletk Tlie horseb' drivers diew ptihltlnni as fol lows: Cedella ROt the pole. Posl Haste, eecond; Frances .1 nevt. and Major H., on the outside. It was an nounced from the Judses stand by Mi Kelly that Frank (1. Ilnnnls had paid up the tine Inflicted by thn N. ,. t , nnd had heen reinstated in Rood ctand. insr. It was privately stated that the "mount of the fine that Mr. llannls had paid was JT6.2i. It was 2.20 when the horses weie teady to start. The summary; RIISIMAItV . 127 il! rum. $Ui: Fiance ,1, lilk. in, lludo.i Council, Bcrantoi 3 111 Cfdcll, li, in , M p. Snjdcr, Dine moro 1 3 3 8 rcit llaslc, li k . II S tionnan, bctan- ten 4 2 2 3 I tarr R, It. k , (I. W. Dunn, Ectaie ten 2 4 4 4 lime-'.u. :'.W, ! U, t.Si. A runnliiR late for a purno of 50, -conditions), half mllo heats, best two in three, ruoiiRht nut four startcit. It xeuultcd considerable time to get them Avoid kilting ponders made from alum. Alum is a torro sie acid, which taken in ' foot means injur to health. 100 WILLIAM ST NLW YORK 1. 1 iib. but when they did r t the wold likes J'eak and li.ury Hellows set ill rod made a Rieat raie to Hie nunr tei, the biR Rf.iy belliR hair a leiiRlh In front and the other two heliiR left m.iii leiiRths behind. Ilirrv llrllnn', lloliort Iw s, hntllf, ' 1'ike s I'rak. II II I'ifrre, t'lrljniidjlp, ., 1 McRrr H1I11, W i: S(,n,, iMHIi, . . 1 MjiiiI. Itinv llrnnrll. I'ioI.,mic o, . . . 1 1 .' ilr I ilr limr U ,i7, ( a iii i, Theie weie lhre loot in cos between the he.its by ambitious lmis fiom the siiiinudliiR towns The Hi si was n sixty-, nd sii.itih rate and was won by Maui lie Dean of Dalloii in fi sei -onds. rhailes Anthmi of Wiillsvlile was second and I'atl Tlftauy of Heit llle iblid. N'xt came a lnfl-yard hailillean. It ploM-d 10 boa dead het bei-.een Dean, sctatch, and Thomas, 10 yeais. Whll inan was third. Time, intt seconds. In the run-off Thomas beat the seiatili man by about tluce feet In In seuuids The football same siheduled for iec attemoou had to be abandoned in duce of the failure of one ot the teams to i oine up fmni Sei anion. Mm tiiie was jots of aintisement for exeiy on,' without It, and all weie satliiVil with the oniioiiie of llie meetliiR. Atost nf flm nuimiii ,,f ili .n I --.-- --. .,.1. w,.,,.,, ,,, ,,,,- .ll I '1 I anil pan in epei t to be in West it- ton uet Wick I he spoils were all oei at . 01 link and Hie I.iirp ihionir oiu-iii-ni ed to set started for home, a pro. lectlliiR tendeied dlfnuilt by the tov lane down which the hundreds of tics had to pass In simile (lie li. 1. llallield. TRADE CONDITIONS ARE SUBSTANTIAL While the Ttagedy nt Buffalo Has Checked New Enteipiise the Basis of Piosperity Is Inipiegnable. 11 ri'lusii Woe firm Ih M01utrd I'ihh New Voik. Sepi. I3.-C. li. Dun & I'o.'s weekly ieiew of tiade touioiiow will sa . ii m-idn' Imllit ilifcLnl iln inecin,. of j iniion lir 1 tinii! mociihI iimlnukiims win? alMiiilonril. .mil ontriK liolil link Ihil uilo jlioul In I, phi 11I Mn-r the t-re.l tlific will In 1 ii'liiin to liirincr imuliiion', lni.iii-p tin mllil fniiiMlatliin of 1 he leunnV uo-iititi t luo ie p In ho iiiiiiniif'iitlv di-liifliril Mil .ire .11 1 opt inu' onlr.ii In inr Iellrr ol .tool 1 iil fir into 1 mi ai sJk. ,, Hut n ilnii'.o In pi If e U iiur. 1'ini.luil tfi 1. tuili Mkui nhonotir nn iliiKr hao uoniN In offiT at ionon.ilile tnin., .nnl 11,0 iii'ipjviI (niip 1 m n tin iii.iti. nnd, IniiiiiUa to inline Inch prim .mil 1l111r.11.1- hie puiti. Sim.,,,, f pi,, j,0II loiitjlnwl Minn -111 ilii Ni.l v ltll-1 lliitllii; the of (,,u 1m Iijioi of Hi. N.iliunnl stfil rninpiio tli m i U ijinil 01 tin 11 i 1 In hli.t on Si pi I iv i'i . 0! mil., 11 iIiiio.ho of out,, jlnmt ,'i4, toin fmni tin- tlanio-i nf u I line 11I of ,1 I in-,. Ihi-ii-iM- in tiirii.11 siink. on .ino'-rit of do kiinvM, ilnit-jM in loti.tiiniitioii of lrI mill., tin 10 .lppi.ii .1 uv o 111.JV1 urn lor iho 11, mitli of iii-ii.i. I.v nl h mill ,.o U iiiul Inn I,,,,, HUllum, 'c MM III Ollt, Hniii:li ip.iriH iioin lln- I mini s!,!,, ,J(1, fillrn In low Hi.- iiiiiiiMllolnl 1111. li in, nl In n til. I. Iho Vl'iK' llpliM loam; il.'.l 411711, 1,1 till-bllpU. Iloill llli llllli ll. JILMIIMI a.liTll.J-.. ,. t o.ll. I'lOllillil-IH lllll Ihl M.lll M,, V , ,0 U,'. ii iiini ls'il ilhj iiiii pioont iho imrki-tliv of !.i;,Ts.' Ini-hoN, loinpiinl Hith n.iiiV-'I'i J DA" I .iiliin- 1,. i- Iho oi u iivinilioro.l l"i In Iho I iill-il Mil,., 1. unit 'C, Ijh n-n .mil rUlitpui 111 I .iniil.i. .ijiln.i ih in I i.i ir STATE LEAGUE CONVENTION. Piesldent Mooie Issues Pioclamation Postponing Until Later Date. Hi Kuliiiiio Wiro fiom Iho Wmlatoil Prr-w. Philadelphia, Sept. 14. Piesldent .1. Hampton Mooie, of the Slate I.ciikiio of Mepubllcati tlubs, issued a pioehi million this mornliiR pnstponliiR until a date to be detei mined by the eei 11 tle lonintlliep of the oiRanlzallon the lonvenllon whlih was to have been held In Scrnnton on September 17 and IS. Successful Aimor Plate Test, t.r FicIikivo Wire from The AtaorUted Pru. jhini!ion, s,pi 1 .. ' ii thnko.t joruie ar mor pbto mi e.lnl it iho Indian lira. I prutirnt Kioumli n,u toioil loilji 1,1 iho b.irojii of ouliuiio Tins w.n 1 Uiniii holii-iie ploo, riprr.iiaink' nhnui iill tin of th- .11111. ,r for Iho iMitlrrlup Miiuil llrfo il;oi fliod it 1.117 1, I.ifiO utiil l,rn.7 font toiniiru ohiolij, 10 ipcrthflj. The pniotratlon -a nbsht, ahnut Hint- iiulira In taili u, ami t lit- to.t uu pin- II .nil nt 1 mo.t tititoiitful ono. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. l-cal ilata for sopp-mlicr It luili IHulirkt tempi r.ituro T.t 1, crop liwffct trmppratuio fjilffiiii Itrlntiio llumlillt: J t ' pt-r 'fid. C p. m i,7 pt-r lint -f-f 4; f - -f WEATHER FORECAST. f - w'hlnclcn, bept. 13. I'orciaiit Inr -f 4- Katrn )'cr,nihanli Ian hahndij -4. -4- liRht to lifh wimlii, mn'tly weolfrljr, -f -f fiuDdir, fatr. -f f-f-f-f4 -f-f-f4-f-f-f-f4----4 PRESIDENT M'KINLEY SUCCUMBS WITH CHRISTIAN BRAVERY office, hut all would waive their per sonal desires and continue until such time ns they could be lelleved easily, If. indeed, they reiiucst tellef nt all. t'nder the presidential suecesslon act. a t a bluet olllcer becomliiR chief maRls. trnle would have to summon coti Riess In special session, but this if (llllicmrnt does not apply to a lce piesldent siieceetlliiR to the olllce of his dead predecessor nnd, It l believed, no I'Slrn session would he tailed In the absence of stuttltuiy requirement, ns the luce months IntervenltiR until Dp 1 embr can be bridged oer without diiriciiity and th' l no special o"cu fclnn for coiiRicss assc'inblliiK. In ninny of the local chtiuhes todnv men and women asseinbled for unlet prayer that the life of the president mlRht be spared. The hit Rest of these nieetliiRs v en held at the Mtropolltan .Mi'thnillsi chuuh, where the piesldent and Mrs. MeKlnley woishlpped. Meie many women ofiered earnest prnyeis that the lit' of the pitsident niiRht be spaietl. iitni'lier of iheui ipitetly told of ptptty I'calents on the p.ut of the piesldent that they had witnessed and dwelt cpf tally on his fondness for hlldren. "Do oti lemember chll li en's din ."' said one of the Sunday school teachers, when he Invited the Utile boys who 1011I1I not tlud seal,s to come In his pew V They weie o proud and happy." "They f,y Just a little while befoie he was shot." lnuke in another, "h had slialteu hiinils and spoken the kind est woids to some little ehlldten." Thus Incident after Incident Ulus tiatltiR the kindness, (be love, the chin It, the lellRiou of tlie president was totalled by llie little Rioup of woiik 11 fctandiiiR aioiiud hlsiuiptv pew. COMMENTS ON THE PRESIDENT'S DEATH Foimer Piesldent Cleveland Ex piesses His Regiet Other No table Expicssions of Giief. IH KxoIiiaUo W iro fmni Tin OPiatnl I'ifM Pi Inn tun. X .1. Sept. 13 K-Pies. dent UiiiM-r 1 'lev eland, when told of Pipsldeiit McKlnle's sei Ions sinklttR spell, said 'This Is eiy sonowful news." When asked If he would sa soinethlns leRardliiR the ptexlileut, he replied that he thoufiht it would lie out of plate to s.iy auytliiiiR at piest-nl. I'hli.iRO, Sept. i;!. Of tlie soiiowlul tidillRs of the piesldenl's bedside I'ol onel William .1 111 van nld tonlRlit to a repti-sentative ol the Assoiiated I'less- "I cannot believe the pies. dent's life is lo end this way It teoius Impossible. I simply will not believe he can die limn an assassin's bul let until I heat that he has breathed his last. While then- Is lite theie Is hope. I'olonel Hi.van aitlvid heie fiom Lincoln, .N'eb., at & TiO p, in over the I'-ui lluctim mad. and was d liven at once to the Sheinuiii house, lie was to have ,idiliesM?d a Demouatit meet lnR tomotiow but when he heard the news fiom lluffalo In said he would in .ill plobalnlll leavi foi l.lll' olu to luol low nun nlng. HOW THE SAD NEWS WAS RECEIVED Tlneats Mnde in Chicago Against the Impiisoned Auaichists but No Act of Mob Violence. By K.icbuito VWre from Tin AMWiiatid I'ltv. Huffalo, Sept. la The tit, not only In those pails near the Mllbuin house, lut all over and even out In the e lusllion Riouuds-, wint Into .1 stall of fe' inent w lie n the news ot Ihe sudden cull.ipst of the piesldent was an nounied. Tlie 111 niws of the eaily ilav had been somewhat softened by the later afternoon annnunoenient that tlieie was a sllplit iminovement and tie suddfii announteineiit of his ap pn.aihltiR dissolution i-atne as a Rieat suipilse. At tile Pan-Ameiit an Riounds It wa iilii'.tilini ed that lie was tlead and tilt tnajoilty of the immense ciowd tinned ti wauls the tit. In the city Itself the papeis jefi, lined fiom any antiilpa tloti hut made It understood that theie was no hope. It seemed but tin instant when tiowiU formed at every eoinei, s , iimed townids the newspaper bul letins anil when they found that tlie mums weie conllimed, some body shouted "I.efs lluish the assassin " With an impulse the ciowtl started ft.i llie station house whine t'zol ros Is toulluid. Telephnntoi weie utilised ami the police notitled and when the nowd at rived they found the police out in lone. Supeilntendent Hull. nntlilpatitiR tmuble, tailed nut the enilie foiie and In addition nsked font th InlRtidc headtiiaiter.s lo be in 1 dullness to assist. I'olonel Welch In iIiji'rc, answered by nideiliiR two loin panles each fiom the Slxt -fifth and Seventy-louith leRlments to their ni inntles to await Immediate call Around the tutlm at S o'clock It was esti mated that nt least li 000 people weie R.ithoird. Th'-y weie not pai tlculaily URly and weie quiet nnd when the po lice pioceeded to dilve them hack there was little resistance. At 0 o'clock they hail been sent back two block on each side of the polite station, and befoie 10 o'clock with the Indefinite news, they had dlspeised or gone to the newspaper bulletins Shortly after inidniRht the Rieat (inwds on the stieet became excited over n minor that the piesldent was tlead A lush was made towatd the polite station wheie CzoIrosz is con fined, it was piomptly met the. pdlce reset ves mounted and on foot and driven baik nfter a weak lesls tance. In fact, twenty polk-eiuen handled the mob on one stieet with out trouble. IndltntltiR that they weie not very much In earnest In their en deavois to Ret la pollie hcadquartcis. Tluents In Chicago. Chit (IRO. Sept. 1.1 OhldiRo was quiet all evenliiR. Aiottnd all the bulletin bo.uds In tllfferent pails of the i-ty larpe cuiwds Ratheied to Ret the latest news of the piesldcnt's (ondltlon. There were many expicssions of deep feelliiR iiRiiltiHt the murtleier and not a few weie leveled at tho annichlslH eonllned in the ituinty Jail heie and ttiwaid Miss noldnir.n who Is held In the annex of the llairlsou pnllco station. Then weie no splceheH but the ciowds, paitlculiii IV In tho iloivn town tllsttlcts, wem In a diinci nits temper, and had any uf Concluded from tha Firtt Page, the nnarchlsty, man or woman, been turned loose a kllllnR would have fol lowed ns soon as the ciowd could man a Re It. Three men, one of them the son of a prominent hotel keeper, visited tlie of fices of thp papers iltirltiR the early part of the evening, with n call wilt ten out and slRtietl by all thiee, askliiR that If theie were tletlnlle news of the death of President MeKlnley by It) o'clock tomoiiow mornliiR they wanted 10,000 men to meet them In front ot the count v Jail and take steps to lynch the auaichists eonllned In the bulld IliR. Their call met with little icsponse althoilRli the Reneral feelliiR was with them. PHYSICIANS WANT AN AUTOPSY HELD The Queer Action of the Heart Dur ing the Long Vigil Causes Professional Cuiioslty. Bf tUrlmitt flirt from Tha AMOclittd l'tw. Mllbtini House, Uuflnlo, Sept. 14.--It Is almost cei tain that an autopsy on the piesldent's hod will be belli to de let mine the cai t cause of death. This Is the wish of all the siii-Rcons mid physlilniis who weie In attendame, The peculiar action of the president's heait was inoie or less of a puzzle to them all, and Dr. McHutney pxpiessetl the opinion that In the Interest of sel cine, as well as In the Inteiest or tlie Rovfinmenl and the wotld, It was ile sliable that the exact tattse of death be detei milled, "The piesldent's heatl Rave tumble ft nrn the IiorIiiiiIiir, but lis eriatic action was at lltsl thoiiRlii lo be due to llie shot k of the wound. Hut when the wound had hcRiin to pin Riess favorably the heart uavo more tiouhle ami anxiety than evei. Us ac tion became feeble and Dually Rave out altogether. The jiiesltlent's death was tine to hem t exhaustion, but some or the phvslclans believe there was oiriiuIc lieat t tumble. The theory of at least one or the physic bins Is that tho 01 Ir i 1111 1 shock of the llrst bullet over the heart had mm h to do with the tumble which caused death. TO PROTECT CZOLGOSZ. The Gunrd About His Prison Will Be Doubled. l l.icln-n- Win frntii 'Iho nt mini I'rrM lluffalo, Sept, 11 The Riiard of the p.i'i net at pollie headquai ters will be Immediately b' resitored to its orlRlnnl pioportlons. It can be said that C.ol ros v.tll he protected fiom any mob wllch may assemble. No names wliatever will lie taken. Korce will be used to disperse any ciowd which may asr luh'e. TIu Rlt-llrih and Seventy-roui th leRlments of the National Ouard have been assembled In tho banacks to be In teadlness should the lai-Re eiowtl as si milled about police headtiuarteis any hostl- clt-mou l 1 .1 1 inn. Theie Ims been no In. II. itlon of a i1lpns. iiou on the pait of the crowd to 1 mt. unit tlie assembling of (lie National i! laid s simp a pieiautlonai meas 1111 Onlv two tonipaiiles liave been ns- sembled Ht eaili armor. Thev will not leave their quarteis. Tlie .mthoti tlps believed it advisable to xumninn a portion ot path icRlmr-nt to at t as a cunid over tlie lilies and ammunition li the in mm les. The eiowtl in qule am- ordeily At 10 p. m., theie were vtiv few people In thp vliinlty of the police station. Main stieet. In tlie vi'init of tin newspaper offices, was ci oiv ded, SHE IS SORRY ONLY FOR MRS, M'KINLEY Emma Goldman Has No Sympathy Outside of That Looks Only at the Consequences to Herself. P.' Kvoliiait Wiro from Tho A'wKiatctd Prim i'IiIiiiro, Sept. IS When sliow 11 tlie Asseclated Pi ess dispatch announcliiR the inevitable deuth of the piesldent, Kmma Ooldmaii, tlie aiiatchtst, now Ileitis held at the llairlsou stieet sta tion, taiefully ad lusted her Rlasses, lead the liullelin and, alter a tno nieut's paiie, without a chaiiRe of ex pression, said. "Veiy son." Absolutely no shade of icijiet or pity showed Itselt upon hrr 1 oiintenanie. "I tlo not see how that 1,111 iiffei I in v case," Rhe added, "If it Is cairled on law lully and leRiillv. Tliey have no evliienio iiRiilnst me Thief Hull and I'ltlef ONeill have admitted that they have none. Thev ute boldliiR me with out evident e. The (until of MeKlnley would only lengthen my teim ot Im prisonineut. If they convicted me. I feel veiy bad for the sake of Mis. MeKln le.v. Outside of that, I have no sym pathy." Cleveland. Sept. 13. Uetecilve Par ker, of this city, and Deicctlvp O'UaiiRhlln, of rtuffalo, have seiuu-d five nllldavllH fiom persons who at tended the lncetliiRS held by Knuna Ooldman here. Tliey aie to the effect tlmt her utteiances were of an anauh istlcaud inflntninatniy nature. Tbenlll davits will be used ns a basis In se em Iiir extradition papers for her ie movai to nuffalo. Popular IndiRuatlnn has t a used the landltutl who owns the house In which the Ozolgos!! family live to order them out, CHICAGO ANARCHISTS AND HABEAS CORPUS Ciiminal Court Judge Chattelaln Heais Arguments but Adjourns His Decision Until Morning. Dy Rutlmlif film Irom llio AuoclttiJ Prwi. t'hlciiRn, Sept. 13. JttdRO Phnttcjaln In tho citniinal tourt today listened for two bouts lo niRiimelits of tnuusel In the hdiiliii? mi th) petition for a wilt of habeas 1 01 pus foi Hip an.ucliisls under 111 test heie. At l.-'O p. in. a ie cess till 10 a. m. tnmotinvv waa taken without any decision having been 1 cached. In lufoimal leinaiki. ninde for the bciielit of tnuusel, the mint spcmed to Incline tu the belief that the polleo had the light to hold the anarchists ns a prceatitlonuiy measure, even thntiRh evidence was lacking to convict them of any prime. Counsel for the city ad milted thnt there was no evident 0 to hold the ptlsoui'is, but pleaded In Jllstl Unit Ion of holdliiR them the win Id-wide moment of the case. In making his icmatks to counsel, the point speeltlrally slated that he was not dlscussltiR the case on Its mer its, lie wild the mntteis for his con sideration were: I'll st Was the process by which the prisoners were attested anil held reRtt Ini? Second Has the Justice court Juils dlctlonV Third Has the mnRlstintc denied n speedy hearing to tlie ptlsoneis nnd has he denied them the constitutional ilRbt of ball'' These questions will be pushed upon by the court follovvinR the completion of niRiiments by counsel tomturow. JUDGE TORRANCE G. A. R. COMMANDER Beats Geneial Stewnit Two to One on Tirst Ballot After General Sickles Had Withdrawn. Ht Kichicnre Wiro from Tlie AworltlfJ Pruw. Cleveland, Kept. 13 JuiIrc 11. li. Tcc'tance, of Minneapolis, was unani mously elected comtnandcr-ln-cblcf of the c nt ml Army of the Hcpubllc: nt tcday's session or the annual conven tion, licnera! Daniel K. Pickles, ot New Yoilc, withdrew fiom tho fight, leavinR the Held to (Stewart and Tor liiiice. The Western man had- been oiiletly RalnlnR In strengtli on his own peri-onaiity since the opening of the encampment. The withdrawal of Sickles also thiew a heavy vote to Tottance, so tlrnt when the balloting commenced, the latter had a valk uwaj. The balloting slood '..".O to 4M in favor or Torrance, when Comrade WiiRiier, who had the Stewnit Inter ests in hand, moved to make Tor rance's election unanimous, The elec tion of ofllceis was the only business ! ore llie -convention today, all busi ness. Including tlie repot t of the pen sion fominlttee, having been leforrt-J lo tlie council of administration. Other national ofllcer.s elected were. Senior vice comiuaudei, John McKlioy. editor National Tribune. Junior vice commander, .lames O'Dnnnell. Custer post, Chicago: sutRcon general, AV. U, Tin. ild, Cincinnati; ihaplain-ln-chler, Kev. I j. .M. Moyle, of P-,nnslvanla. T'ie Inslallallon or ofllceis was con tiuctcd in sei ret, after which the con vention immediately adjourned. The unfavorable news regarding the 1 ondltlon of the piesldent tast a de cided gloom over the convention, 'iheie was it ni.inl'tst disinclination ( ttans ai t 1111 Inii-ims- while the death of the thief i-xccutlve seemed Imminent. Consequently the election of offlcts was. tushctl and the .Tit li annual tonve' lion of tlie Ctrand Aitny of the Iteptib lie abruptly tei initiated. The miming of tlie plat e for holding the nrxt encampment was icferied to the adminlstiation count II which meets late this evening. Clevt land. Sept 1.1 'i'he women or the lira ml Ann of the IP-public nt to day's session of their fifteenth annual com union clei ted the following ofll ceis: Piesldent. Miss- Kmma Wall, I.awrenip, XCansas; senior vlce-pies. dent, Kllz.i W.isgonei. San riantlsco; Junior vice-president, Jennie llainell, Kentucky, treasuiei, Annie .MIchcner, (Jetmantown, Pa; chaplain, I.avlnla 13ialimul, New Yoik count II of admin lstiation, P.achel Dnr.m. Plttshiug; Olive Allison, Itlchmond, Ind. The tnuuiil of adminlstiation dis posed of the icport of the pension com mittee by leferrlntr both niajoiily and minority tepoit to the commaiuler-iu-1 bier and to a committee on pensions to be appointed by him with Instruc tions that at a suitable time, in tlie discretion or tlie iomm,itider-in-chIer, the whole subject matter shall not lx biought to the attention or the presi. dent or the I'nlted States ror his con sideration. ADMIRAL RAMSAY HAS BEEN CHOSEN He Will Succeed Admiral Howison on the Schley Court of Inquiry. Schley Non-committal. Br Rxtliwii Wire from Tht Aworlitod Pttrn Washington. Hejit. 13. Admit nl Ham say has been selected as Admllal llowison's successor on the Schley court of Inquiry. Atlmlial Itainsay was tlie immediate ptedecess-or of Admiral Ctovvnii. shield as chief of the naviga tion but etui of the department. He was appointed fiom Pennsylvania to tlie naval nuulemy as midshipman in isr,0, and his rctoid In the civil war Is full of engagements with the enemy on the lower Mississippi and Yazoo rivers and mound Foit Vlsher nnd rtlchmnnd, on tho Atlantic toast. He Is fi yeais old It Is Impossible now to piedlit as lo his acceptability to Admit nl Schley ns n member of the court. The admit n! did not into to commit himself tills afternoon, but icferietl all InqultPis to his counsel, nnd as the latter hip nb spiU ft 0111 Washington their views can not bp obtained heiP. HAD THREATENED ROOSEVELT. Man Who Had Talked Viciously Put Piomptly Under Espionage. B7 EJClurit TTtn fiom Tin A..oditfd Trtil. ltetiln, N. II., Sept. 1'.. I.e.u nlng that a man who had left heie this rot? nooti feu New York had declared that ho was on hlsc way to Washington to kit Vice President Hoosevelt, Chief of PnVce YouiiRellss has telegraphed 111" 1 1 lef of polM ot New Yoik to look out for him. The nlll tiled t buy a tlck"t 10 VA nsnlngtou, but tottld not do so an) bought oil" for New Yoik. New York, Sept. 13 City detectives tonight arrested a man nnsweilng the tlestiiplion of the one mentioned in tin Het lln, N, H telPfiiam. He gave his name as Chailes Miller, of Heilln. He Is a Oerinan. Tho pollie, believing him to he limine, sent llllli to llellevue. Ile wIhIiuh to bo III, and sa.vs he uiino to Now oik to enter a hosillal. In his pockets was $35; a small tallioad tur- petlo nnd some French literature. He ivald tlmt when he got well he would call on President JtcKlnley nnd Vlco President Itooscvelt. TO CLOSE UP THE BIG STEEL STRIKE Proposals for n, Settlement Under Consideration in New York Tho Jollet Strike Is Called Off. Fly Ktcludio Wile fuun Tli AMOcUfotl I'roiw. New Yoik, Sept. 13. It was learned today fiom reliable quartets that pro posals for n settlement of tho steel strike nip again under consideration In thin city. It wts also slated that Presi dent ShnfTer Is expected here today or tomorrow, but that his coming Is not tho tesiilt of any communication fiom this city. Jollet. Ills., Sept. 13. AlthoilRli not otllclnlly sanctioned by a Joint confer enpp of thp IoiIrps, the stpel strike nt Jollet Is nt nn end. An order from Piesldent Shaffer Is on the wny, de claring the sttlke here oft. The order will not leach here until late tonlRht or early tomorrow morning to ratify the action of Piesldent ShnfTer. In the meantime the mills stinted up nt 2 o'clock this nfternoon nnd many of the stilkpi.s nlrp.nly have gone to work. Other will rooii with nddltlonal turns, nnd seveial departments will be put In operation as speedily ns possible. Plttsbui'R. Sept. 13. The nbsence of Piesldent Shaffer from AinnlRiunnted headquarters was noted this morning nntl when the tiny passed and he did not appear the report that he was In New Yoik was received from sevctnl Rootl sources. The olllrlals or the 01 RnulKntlon declined to dlst uss tlie stilke In nny roim, nnd said they did not know where Mr. Shaffer was. n was learned tonight that President Shaffer, with several or his advisois, took the 10 p. tu. train for New Yoik, presumably under nn nrr.ingpnipnt with thp steel people to settle the sttlke. It cannot be said positively that this Is the case, but all evidence points to It. The Indications eaily in the tin wpic that n settlement of the strike was looked for by the Amalgamated men. This liellef was strengthened by the current Issue or the Amalgamated Journal, which told or Piesldent Shar rer's renewed efforts for new ucRotln tlons. His present tilp to New Yoik Is believed to be the consummation or these efforts. I'titll the lesnlt Is known, no developments nte expected In the sttlke situation. MOST HELD IN 81,000 BAIL. Will Be Examined Monday for Cir culating Incendiaiy Literatuic. fl Eicluiito Wiro from Thee Aunt-mtril TroM New Yoik. Sept 13 .lohann Most, who was at rested last night on the chili ge of ilriiilatlng Incendiary liter, attlie calculated to Incite unlawful acts, was ari.iignetl in polite point to dnv At tlie prisoner's icqupst. his 1 -aminatlou was st foi Monday, Sept. 1C. Tlie assistant diNtiicl attorney asked that Most lie held In J.'.r.OO hall, but the tiinglstiatp said tlie pilsoner was only chni Red with a misdemeanor and fixed tlie ball at $1,000. .Most was locked up, In default of bail. The Shamrock. B? KietlTt Wirt from Tho tuociitid I'rtm. Niw VorV. s,ii 11 ,r Tlinnm I ipton do ridoi! Ibis mnriiini; tint In tho lmmrerk II cut loitai Tninorruvf 1.I10 will gn for lior final i-iin licfnro rnli rime tlio J-rip bin ilri tint Ir slio will rrnuin In dot U, until i'liuroilji, wlion lio will bo t.ficMlly moanroii Semi-finnls in Golf Tournament. Hi hxtlnip Wiro fiom 'llio uiu(fcl I'rrM llmtli I'll i. sipt. II 'Iho tun toini tinii nntcliot woir (ilJircl toiljy In llio mi itoui piunhii cnlf I11111 lumont. Tram. Iho rli iinpinn, loat Ilnuplj-s tno up, anil K J gin hoit srr,j rloion up nllli nn , ij Tiam will play I.JKOi fnr tho 1 1 1 .1 1 n 1 o ru 1 1 i ! 1 tom.uic.u. m German Defnmer Punished. Ilr FxiliKiio Who from 'Iho troi-iitrtl I'r-M Il'rlin, s.rpl 1 1 -Tlie fnroinon nf .1 lukorv in noilln nainod Siiiii-,oinkt lia lioen goritcncocl to iniprioninont for iv nionlln for rlef-inutnrv state-inrnt-i rrgiiding 1'inprpn Vmimtv Vn tnria Duke of York Sighted. Ily liilunto Wiro from 'Iho i'Uloii Prf. Illllfav, S , II -Tho Oph.r. Iioirlnc tho I)u',o anil llnrhovi of I'nrim.dl .111. 1 nil, ainl rnial pirlv, pi.v.pi ( apo North at fill p 111 sho U bu ind for (Jiithoi , 1111, 1, r tho 01 mt nf u.,11 shipi. Sixth Victim of Powder Explosion. Itv I'xcliiHitp Wiro fi cm Iho Wnrmlril I'iowi New Yorl.. s-pt 1. Iliiihnlninrw Ituruo .li .1 fiom tho -A,-, N nf ininnrs i.nivi.l in iho o-tplo5itni nl Hit- villi in ill PntlUor 1 ninpdiii 'n vinrl,i itc-tnclo nt rniiipiiin. Hni tl.-aih tnako tho list of Ulllril Ie lln- r-xpirxnntl si Relief Corps Auxiliary President. Dy l.nlinii' Wiro from llio Au-ooitteJ Pro-a. ('loii-Lincl. sfpi 11 -Mi,, (MtA .liincj, of ItLiilfenl, Voinionr, wj tmlu 11m -iinouit) oloi i rcl pioxlilrnt of Iho Vitmiiil Winion'n lltlii-f I orp. jiimI tn tlio lirjml Vtii) et tho !! t-iihlii m Horace Heydt Appointed Judge. Pi 1 nliiiip Wiro fuun Iho Axsoi ntoil I'rfw I f .11 1 tliili -r s jit 1 1 linti innr Siono hi-i ap pnintod lloraco llrjtlt. nf M1111I1 Chunk, judga of tho l'lfi.v tifih ju.Ji. nl ih. ulu Cor-builders' Strike Declnied Off. Ilv KmIiisiio Wiro fiuin Tho Amni iatn I'rrnw llratlinc, .ipt 11 -llio tar liuilili-rs' union nut horo todiy and tin bred nfT tho throe muiitht' Flrlko at tlio liradi utr tar oliopi Tlio lnkc at Ihe ioniiin'i loioinotlio wntkii 1 ttill on, Kaufman Acquitted, Ily Eiclmittf Wiro from The Awociittd rim Ilrjtllnir. srpi t I rod 1 K oilman, aeod 21, wa thia fnirnoon amuiliril of killlni; Ihinlol M spolin wilh a mall. 1, on ground of olf de. fcn.o Postmaster General's Movements. Vidihllictcn, s pt 1 1 - IVifitnattrr (lonoral Clurlo-i 1 mm smith lefi litre on iho lluflalo evprt.t at T IV p 111 lit will reach llunalo, 10 inouoiv ni'iniint A Chance for Him, ' Mi'" nched iho unliinnm jounr pott ' t loin,' to tin i-oine Bi"at orice for moritan let ttrii " "Whv nnf ol viniini, ' fciiEcoittcl Vn Kn dm I'hlhiilolphii l'rtii -.sV 4 - 4-" 44444. 444 ,4.4. Uur More . . Is Closed Today Will Open at 6.30 This Evening Samter Brothers Complete Outlittert. -4-4 4-4 444-4-4-4-44--4 4444 44-4 4 4-4 Meldrum Scott & Go. See Our Fall Opening of Waists Dressing Sacques Kimonas and Bath Robes. We Are Showing a Most Elegant and Exclusive Line 126 WyomingAve Lager Beer Brewery Mariiifttcturors or OLD STOCK PILSNER 488 to 455 N. Ninth Street, Tclcphono Call, 2333. NEW YORK HOTELS. VVESTMJiWSTEIt HOTliJ Cor. biitrcntli hi and lrilnj Tlacc, NEW YORK. Amtiltan Plan, ?J 50 IV r Daj and I'pwartK l.uropoan 1'Ian, $1 il IVr Day and tpwardi. tpoilal Halts to lamilics. T. THOMPSON, Prop. I HOTEL I JEFFERSON NEW YORK 103.1n1.1iHi 1'ni.i t.-.iii Mroot, Tht.ll'H'KHSONHnihoronithlyfirst-cla.j family andtmnniont hotel otTtrincatanilni inumrnit amAiimumof Insur) anticomfort (In ISth Mreet. jut tait of Union Square, it li mthin a few minutes of tho leadine BUopa, theatres and lubi European Plan, SI. 00 up. American Plan, 12,50 up. Suitr-i with Privato Oath, $2.00 up. 1 or pcclal raica cuicUn or Information write JIIV f. t HtlFII Ml, I'rnprlttnr aazxawcB-amuammammm X For Business Men -f In the heart at tho wholesale 4 dlstrlcL 4 For Shoppcis "t l minuter' walk to Wannmakorv, T S mlnutps to SIorcI Coopei'a nig Btorc. Easy of access to tho creat -f Dry OoocJb Stores. t For SlKlilscers - Ono block from 13'wny Cars, elv. 4, tni? easy transportation to all t points of Interest. I HOTEL ALBERT NEW YORK. I Cnr. 11th ST ft UNIVnitSlTY PU 4 Only one lllock from Broadway. t Rooms, $1 Up. pSST(gSSt. f'f-f -f-f-f-f-f -f -f-f-f X, Every oWoman Ttv n. .1 1. .l.,Ail.lli,e IS lU'Ci" fit intui ' ii'tmiw .' - ,i MRVEL Whirling Spray t tss.; 1 erii'w fatmtiBjri!' n-ff iwn tin v Mrtn Bt -bt fr wt (inTfnifnr H'Jtenttd.l III nnr laait, . .Iforh ' ;j ihe - .... li. ir-rpi 111, lir. I111I ..,,! t.i, for 11 I4IM tank mM (im II lull 11 IlLitt 1111 I iIiih, tinm 'I- ' I" '' ' , Iloom Mi, Tlmo nds New Y01U Drnf R C TURCI ROI North lUltUllllhkl.'.iVl.l Hixtn MX rhllJf(hl, 1 1. Oolt t.frmtn SprrliHtl (i iurU. dutrtntrr Iti fur ilo h nail IVIikl. IMritra,frmhrtn 1 1 ltl dktoi tPMM,ihMi 4 t Hhod fUR, W(AH' Dfhllll) Ul iin1, WrlrnrpU A Slrlflurfi mt ruttUft 1 I nltHp T..... ta. .. bL 1.. kkB fn .. ti.llirinBlallA Raai 1 riplRrrr Bin1lf1 nil tttlrtktruA. Dn(Un piftr, TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS in s 15 1 l vi ..w. vL VAW7 r I a H J v- Ji ilffift!