rihrae. rrantoii JTHE&: wW' THE ONLY SCRAN I'ONJ'APERRbCKIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OE THE ASSOCIATED PRESS THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WOixLD THA PAGES SCKANTOX. IA., SA'ITKDAY 3I()1MX(J, SHPTHMHKK 1-1, 1901. TEITfAGES TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. PRESIDENT McKINLEY SUCCUMBS WITH CHRISTIAN BRAVERY fc p " 16 fit H L K x" remains will be taken to Washington, and there will be a state f uncial. Vice-President Roosevelt, who now succeeds to the presidency, may take the oath of office wherever he happens to hear the news. The cabinet will of course tesign in a body, and Piesident Roosevelt will have an opportunity of forming a new cabinet, if he so desires. The rage of the people of Buffalo against the President's assassin, when they learned tonight that he was dying, was boundless. BUFFALO, MILBURX HOUSE, Sept. 142.24 a. m. The members of the family with the exception of the bereaved wife, were at the deathbed. Mrs. McKinley was in an adjoining room. Dr. Rixey was the only physician present. PATHETIC SCENES AND INCIDENTS OF THE PRESIDENT'S MARTYRDOM. H l'x"Iiie W r Irrnn The A'-oiUful l'rrs Buffalo ? t IS. J. 1i) a. m Thr annouiii "nit nt of the death In the numbois uf 1 ho mhlnot was made by lib 1Ihic who sniil. ' li Is ill ll 1 ' Mi M kilil'-v last saw her husband l II and U o' lock. At tli.it tm sin sit liv the bcdsidp holding h - h.ni.l 'I In- niPinbois of th( i.ililui't .I'lnnttiil to tin? Mi K room singly .11 tii.ii tiiu The aftti.il death piob tii.lv 01 mini about " iiMih lv. It being mull i stood that Pr. Itlxo.v dolus til the .iiiiiiiiim infill liinnientfiillv to nssiue buns. '1 1 p iiinoiiin iiiciil of Hip iipws to tb su waning below was poMponed mi ni Mi. un mb. is of the funillv had Willi 1I1 aw n Winn Hip news was. Imparted ti tli"s. down stah a gio.u sigh of ilihiil w m 11 1 1 1 0111 Hip stiong niPtl iliPio ii'st milled The iiipiiiIipis of the .lllltlt 1 MILIUMS , , li)M )P1(1.S p. min .1 bin 11 1. u niliiuit'i' ThtMi Willi 11 iiiinnil tit.nl ami bowed heads thev urn dim nun the Oni Kiit'fM ninl went 'I'b 11 was nut out anion.; them 1 b n is anil some mount 1! in an l.. V II1 J,' ll 1 I'll' imliiiiv guitiil wiih angm ntftl n 1 11 ii itr iihiii tlip itnnouni puipiii. 'I lu 11 iwds mi Hod nwuy lapldl.v, glv I j x.ittmi In iiiiinlMtaKablp tonus to tin Kn.il sin low the foil. Within a In 1. 1 sp.n p of limo tlio newspaper 1111 n tli. piilin- tlio sonnies of Dip glial d and those whoso duties Kept tb' 111 abio.id wpip the only pun-inn In tMilPiiio within the linniedlatE. vb In. lM Tlinst. pn'stnt at tlio tlino of tlio piesident death woio Sonotui.v Col li lwm Pi 1Mo. .Mis, and Miss llai bt 1 a n Miss puuiaii. Wuli tlio mnmeiitai.v excite incut lu el in upon the nimniuupiiit nt at an op Hip ontiip mpho became 0110 of uninisiakabli and (loop mniiinlng. An If ll.lttlir- but Its hi to tile gtieilng utiwds ,1 ib iis(. tog settled like a pall owi tlio Mt Tlio Mllbuin house bo. 1 am. a innib 01 Mimic Lights not extinguished who dliuniod. vlsltois were dPiiiPd aduiitt imp and tlio minim lug fanilh aiol tlnii uioio Intimate frieurtp who piilll loft alone with thPH distinguished dp.id. INCIDENTS AT THE BEDSIDE The resident's Touching Pntlence, Dovotion nnd Clulstlnu Resignation. Dj Fcliunc Wire from Tim Aoclat.i l'r Mllliiiin Iloiiso Huffalo Sopt u -Holme ii 11 1 look ll wax ileal to tllii.-o nt tlio piosldtnt hctlsidi that lie wan dying and picpaintions wpip inado fm tho last fad otllios of fiucwpll fioni 4 BE 1J5Z, JZ"S jp X ix)6essamssamtmmwmmmmmmw ibo-( who woio nt'ai"st and dtiuist to him. OwRin bail boiii adnilnisteicd lp.nl ily but wllh litllp tfiei t In keeping b.u k the appioaih of death Tho piesident tame out of one peilod of iiiiLimstlons-nt-f onlv to i elapse Into auotlipr. Put In this ppiiod, when his nlnil was p.u llally iloai iKoiuied a soilts of oonti of piofuiiml ttuii'tilntr tb.il.iitei. Down stalls, with stialneil and teai-Millliotl fates member?! of the iiibliiot woio Kitmpotl In .invlous waltiiiB Tlioj Kn w the end was ikiii and that llio time bail 001110 when thry must mp him for the last time on oailh This w.ic. about ( o'i tm K due by one thev ast ended tho Mi.ili wa .spi lotaij Hunt, Sprie tai. llltditotk and Altoinev ieiiei.il Knnv jsoiitl.iiy Wilson was also then but ho held b ick, not wishing to ie the ine-ltleiit in his last nguny. Tlino was onl a luoniditaiy Slav of the oab lliPt olIUciM at the threshold of the death 1 lianibei Then tbe wllhdiew, the tenix stnainlni; down theli fates and the wotils nt Inteiifio Rllef ( hok liiff In their thioats, Cnlled foi His "Wife. Aft. 1 Hi v left the .st k 100111 the pin sit ions lallbd him to must lous liiss and the piosldt-nt asked almost Immedlatel.v that Ills wife he InntiKlit to him. The iloitois toll b.u k Into the shadows of the mom as Mis, jip. KlnloN tame UuoiikIi the dooiwa. The MlollK faee ot the ihlnK lu.lll IlKhtetl up with a faint .mlle as theli hands woio ilapsid, She sat beside him uml holt hs hand. Kbe sat besitie him and weakiuss she boie tii InaMh undei the 111 ileal. The pi evident, ill hi last pMlud of i ni'seioiisiipss, w hleh ml od about Tin ehunted the winds of tho hmn. ' Nun 01 M Hod to Thee" and hid last audible t onsi ions wonls, as taken down l Pi Mann at the hed-dde woio ' tiiioi-!it all, KOod-bt. It Is Hod's wav Ills will be done " Then bis inliitl beKiin to wander ninl soon arteiwanls ho tompletely list oniiHf lousness S ft. unH piolonged for bonis bj the adnilnlstiatlon of i.NJRon. and the piesident finally rx-plfsi-ftl a d-siic to be allow til to die. About no the atlnilnlstiatloii of o koii cea-ed and the puli-e riow falntoi and lalntoi and fainter lie was flnMim Kiiidimll, like a ihllil, Into the if 1 mil uliimbii. ij 10 o'clock tho I uli-e (011I1I no IniiRiT be ft It In his oMietultles and the kioiv told He lm1 siniis the Rilef-stili'ken withering waited sadly foi (ho end. To Say Fniewell. All tin .t nliifr. those who had has tei'id heio fast as steel and steam toiiltl 1. 11 iv them, continued 10 an1e 'I lu dune up In (auhiRos at a R.il 0 01 weie whisked up In niltoiuolilles, all Intent upon Renin? Iimo befoio death came One of the last to aule wan Atloinoj Ccneial Kno who leaihetl tlio house at n P.O. Ho was pei m'tled to ro up stalls to look for the Mm time upon tho fat of his chief. Those In the house at this tlino were t-oiiolniles HltclKoik, Wilson and Itoot, Seuatois Fairbanks, llaiina and Illiriows. .IuiIro Pa, Colonel lleiilck, A bin r McKlnlej the piosidont's biother nnd his wife Pi nnd Mis Hiipi the piesltlont's nlete and her hus bai'il, Mi.s Haibei and Mis Pumaii, the picsidont s sisteis. Miss Man U.u bei Mis McWIIIIains Mis Moldnlej's (ouin the idiyslilans ineliiilliiR' Rr. M( lliiiiipj who nirlveil after 8 oclotk, The Long Battle for Life Came to an End at 2.15 This Morning Words Were : "Goodbye, All Goodbye. It Is God's Way. His Will Be Done." By Exclusive Wire from the MILBURN HOUSE, BUFFALO, Sept. 14. President ittcKinley died at 2 15 o'clock. He had been unconscious since 7.50 o'clock last evening His last conscious hour on earth was spent with the wife to whom he devoted a life time of care. He died unattended by a minister of the gospel, but his last words weie an humble submission to the will of the God in whom he believed. He was reconciled to the cruel fate to which an assassin's bullet had condemned him and faced death in the same spirit of calmness and poise which has maiked his long and honorable career. His last con scious words, reduced to writing by Dr. Mann, who stood by his bedside when they were uttered, were as follows: "Good bye. All good bye. ' is God's way. His will be done." His 1 datives and the members of his official family were at the Milburn House except Secretary Wilson, who did not avail himself of the oppor tunity, and some of his personal and political friends took leave of him. This painful ceremony was simple. His friends came to the door of the sick room, took a longing glance at him and turned tearfully away. He was practically unconscious during this time. But the powerful heart stimulants, including oxygen, were employed to restore him to consciousness for his final parting with his wife. He asked for her and she sat at his side and held his hand. He consoled her and bade her good bye. She went through the heart-trying scene with the same bravery and fortitude with which she has borne the grief of the tragedy which ended his life. The immediate cause .Inliii li. Milburn, John X SiaUhoid, llariv Hamlin, all of this i li , s,,.,,.. taij CortPljou nnd a number of otheis. He C T Wilson, a Methodist minis ter of Tonawanda, X. V., who was the picMdent's pastor for tlnee je.ns nt Clinton tailed at the resident o to ln riulie whether his mtvIips woio need ed, but did not enter the bouse. Arotlur Melhodlst minister, who lias a i huu h nenib, lenialued at tin- Mll buin tesldeiue foi two houis in the btll"f that his sMitos mlRlit bo doshed. At !' ".7. Hotietaiy Coileljou, win hud been ninth of the time with his dlni? ihlef sent out foimal notlll (.illuii that the ineldent was iHIhr. Ru' the jiresldent lliiRoittl on, his pulse ricwIiir fainter and fainter. His Tremendous Vitnllty. Tlieie was no uetd for otliilal bul letins nfler this 'I hose who i ainu lioin the houso at Intel .lis told the taint stoi.-lhut the piesltlent was rtluK and that the end might ( onie at any time Hip trtniPiidous itiilily was the "tils lemalnliiR factoi In the lesult nnd this unit hope only of hi let postpone ment of the end. Pr. Ms liter thoiiRht he mlRlit last until 2 n. in Pr. Mann said nt 11 o'tlock that the piesident was still allie and piobablv would lle an hiiiii. Thus uilnute.s lengthen d to bonis and niidiilRht tamo with the piesident still Imttllui; iiR.illist death Shortlv after iiildnlnht the piesltlont's bieaihln was b.uely peiccpllblo. His pulse had piactltally (eased aiul the oti initios wtio rold. It was io(or nlyeil that uothlnR lenialued but the last sltuRRle, and some of the fiends of the famlh, who had remained tluoiiRh the day, Iipr.ih to leae the house, not tailnt' to be piesont at the final st'oiie. Sut h an Intense state of anxltty e Isttd aiuoiiR the wnttheis that Illinois Riilnotl fieiiiient cluuhitlon t lint death luid alieady mtuallv oteuired. Tho ai t lv il of the (oionoi Rae l so to one siith iiiinoi, and the flood of ri mind less dispatches was sent f.ij lnjj that the end had ( ome. These weie speed, llv sot at lest by an ofllclal statement f linn within the house that the icpoits weie Riouudlcss and that the pusldont still lled. Coinner Wilson said that he had bien oideied by the dlstlht nttoiney or tin (ountv to t'ti to the Mllhiiin leslilenie as soon as possible nftir the nunoume nieiit of the dentil. He tint seen a leimtablo locnl paper Issued with the announcement that the piesident died nt 11.06 ji. in., and hnd huu led up, so that then would ho no delay In le uioilUK the body. He was eiv ninth thiiRiiuetl when Pr Mann nioi him nt the door and told him that his sei ltes were not roqulinl, and that he would he notllled when he was wanted. Pi Mnnn said that the president was still alie and that Pi. .lanouaj was (xmuinlnR the heait at Hon Thoie nt i rally no hope, but they did not deslin gruesome anticipation. Milbiun House Lighted Up. At this lnldnlRht hour tho Mllhuin house was the tentei of a siene as animated a HiourIi It weie nilddas. althoiiRh n solemn hush Iiuiiroioi the Kie.it cinwd of wattheis. The entile lower pint of tho house was urIow with light, und the many attendants, fi lends and ielatles could he seen within moling about and ok aslonal coinliiB in gioups to tlio fiont dooiway for a bieath of ,ti in the upper fiont thambuis the IIkIiih weie low, and Associated Press. ot the resident s death is undetermined and it wi Dossib around un the noilh side, wheie the (hambei of death Is located, theie weie fitful lights some huining brightly and then tm nod low. Setitt.u.v Itoot and Pei retaij Wilson tame Horn the house about midnight and paced up and down the sidewalk. All that Pecictaty Hoot Mild was "the night has not eonie jet " Pesplto i bo fact that iltnlilv con tinued til chh .ns mlilnlirht nnnrn.iehoil no effoits weie spaiod to keep the spark or lile glowing Pi Janewa.v. of New Voilv tlt, an ImiI nt the tlepot ot 11 ID o'tlock lieotge I'lhan was wait ing foi him and thev drove at a bleak neck pate to the MJllttliu house He was sbii n to the ot eslilent's i nnni nt urn nnd began an examination of the almost inanimate foim. Set r tats- of the Navy Long airied nt the .Mllbuin 1ioum nt 11 00 o'cloik. This was his flist M.slt to the cltv and lit had the extreme satisfaction of see ing the jiiosldeiit alive even though he was not consi Ions of his visitor's pies, erne Secretaiy Long was visibly af- felttll. Notifying the Vice Piesident. Vlee-l'l evident ltoootlt had been notitbtl eailv In tho day of the ciltlial Cite or aflalis. Theie was no longer a doubt that In the approaching' death ef the piesidtnt a lompleto change In the executive administration of tlip government would ensue. When Mr Itoosevelt would take the oath of oltlee was wholly a matter of tonjoctuie l'lesldeiit Arthur took the oath nt 2 n. m. after tho death of finillcld. There Is no letiuliement that the oath shall bo ndtiilnlsteied by n lustke of the I'lilted Stntes Supieme com t, although that pioceduio is adopted when tii cumstanies penult Without iinseenih haste the membeis of the cabinet will tender their leslgnatlon. and the new pitsldent will then be fiee to Initiate Ills ow n polit , ami t hoose his ow n i abl net. Theie Is little possibility tonight that Ml. Uoosevolt will got hole befoio to lnoiiovv noon. Mr. Aiisloy Wilt ox, who entei tallied the vho-piesldent when he was here last, said that the best Infot uintlon he had was tint Ml. Itoosevelt would be heie toiiiouovv morning and not until late In the morning. Ho said that the li o-iiiesldent will be unable to icaih a iallio.nl station mm h be fore 4 o'rloik tomonovv inoinilig and that would bilng him heie about noon tomonow Mi Wlltox said, In expla nation of Mi. lloosovelt's being so far out of touch "The vhe-piesldont was at nil times veiv optimistic atul when ho went nway was nbsolutely positive that the piesident would recover and that the t onvalescence would be tapltl. Ho cei tainly never expeited todnj's sad nt -tuiientes " SENDING WORD TO THE VICE-PRESIDENT Messenger Left nt 8.30 Last Night. Roosevelt Not Likely to Get to Buffalo Before Noon Today. Ill I kcIikiip Wirt from 'I he iiiunil l'rr Noitll Creek, N Y. Sept 13 -A team Willi (lie late bulletins was at K .',0 o'doil; dlspatihed from the low pi cluh house, a distance of ten miles finin tho upper club house, where Mr. Ttoysevelt Is stopping These should mull him at 10 p. in. If he should stiut nt ome upon their retelpt he will be obliged to dtlve or lide thirty-lHe miles over daik loads before the lllage of Not th Creek tan be readied. Aiiaiigom.'iits have been made to reielve woitl heie as soon ns he passes the low pi dub house. Albany, Sept. 13 Superintendent H II. llairlngloil, of the New Yoi k Cen ttal load, late tonight lod'lvcd a tele giam ft mil Supuilutendent Hammond, of the Pplawate and Hudson Itathoad rompjii, who Is nt North Cieek. with n spedal tialll to ionve' Viie-1'iesl-dpnt Itoosevelt to this tits-, stnllng Hint the vice-president will not teach North Cieek before G or C o'tlock tomorrow morning and cannot be brought to Al biny befoio 7 or 8 o'dock. North Creek, 'N. Y, Sept. 14 Vice 1'icMdent Roosevelt left the lower flub house at Tahawtis, ten miles from the upl ( r club house, at 1 1" a. in., for this village. He will probably arrive heie at S a in. nnd at once take the special twin for Alban', ai riving there about Ta m. At Albany, another spei lal will bo awaiting to cone- him ovr the New Votk Centtal road tilled to Huf falo THE STORY OF THE DAY'S FLUCTUATIONS Alternations in the Distinguished Patient's Condition nnd the Nu merous Itumois They Caused. Bj Kirlu.W. Wire from Tkt Auocl.t.d Pr... Alllbinn Houso. Huflalo, Sept 14 The president's last dns whbh entletl lu despair, was begun In hope The Ills that tame on Friday aftnnoon when the oigalis of digestion tefused to handle the solid food that had been taken eat Her In the day had seeming ly been oveicome bv midnight anil when the new day taino It found the piesident ulleved anil resting Hope, that had suddenly droppid tioiu the high place which It had held, began to revive. The healing of the wounds had piogiesstd fiuoiahls, nnd geneial con ditions In the main weie quite salls faetmv The phslclaus who had been In almost constant attendance dining the night paited nnd Ihe watch In the flck loom was reduced. t-uddenly there was a falluie of the h'art which for seveial davs had been nunlfestlng slgrwi of weakness anil the piesident sank tow aid lint ouhcIoiis ness. This was at 2 o'dock In the morning, Theio was an Immediate ap plication of lestoiatlves and a geneial call went out to the absent plisldans and nurses Plgltalls, tijchlnla and saline solutions weie ndmlnisteietl to the patient but there was no Immediate icsponse to tieatmeut The phsslclaus admitted that he was despeiatelv III and Seiietais Cortelsou tleclded to send for the relatives and llio doso filPllds of the piesident, the vlie-pies-lileut and the nit'iubei of the (ahluet Those within leaih weie called by tde. phone or messenger anil telegianis wtie M.shed to those who had left tin. ct The 111 st of the messages went out at 2.30 o'dotk. anil within half an hour the Milburn houso began to llll again Tho seilous condition of the piesident mid the geneial tall sent out gave ilse to a general feeling of hI.iiiii that was v recmire an autoDsv to fix the never again allayed. Desperate meas in ea were lesorted to lu oulei to stimu late the limit ami the sinking spell was over bv 4 o'tlotk It was decided to Lontlnup the tieatmeut anil the physicians laid their gieatest hope on weathering the day It was agreed that If the wounded man could be (an led for tw ont -four bonis his diantes would be veiy f.i vol able, for the wounds weie healing splendldlv. It was dedtled to summon Pr. W. W. John ston, of Washington, and Pi i: fi. .lanowa, of New Voik, heart spot bil Ists, and telegrams weie liuiilnl out asking that thos coin, at onto I'.efoio dawn a doeu or the lel.it Ives ami filends of the piesident nnlvtd at Mil burn house. They assembled in the drawing-room, where they walled foi tidings from the side loom above them The ph sit Inns assuittl them that tin piesident had a lighting diinue foi his lire nnd to the hope that lu the end vldoiy would be his. thev dung all d.i.v. Hundred or vWHois tamo din ing the morning, ami ir the polhe hid not kept the sheets t lear and b.u ml eiitianco to PehlW.lle avenuo theie would have been thousand Sen.itoi Hanna, close p.(iuni ami pullthal frleiul of the pHsldetit, huu bd up fiom Cleveland bv spot lal tialu. Oth r H lends in rived bv logiilar Mains and all thiough tho dav thev mine In In (leasing numbeis. Theli ngi.-t and sympathy weie piofound The dav developut but little eiuoui ngement Tor them, howovei. Pining the forenoon tho piesident made a slight gain of stieiiRlh and held It well Into the afternoon. His phvslt lans an tiounied that the had again given him nouilshinont nnd It was thought that possibly tluMP was a chain e foi a fuither gain of stiength. It was kimw n, however, that he was lu a veiy smIous state. Sudtleiily at i" o'i loi k In the afternoon theie was a n petition of tho heart attack, and those In the piesemo of the strhken mnn know Hint the toil was at hand This knowledge soon spiead to the stnet, anil llio waiting newspaper men bulletined It to the woiltl. Hveiv one who mine ft tun the house was besought for an expression as to the state of the piesident Hath suei ceding report was wins, than lis piedeiessor and the ollh lal built tins w ere absoltltels without hope EXTRA SESSION NOT DEEMED NECESSARY The Constitution Does Not Require It and Public Conditions Ate Not Likely to Demand It. lb I uIiihvi' Win fi.uii lii m ninl Pni Washington. Sept 11 -The news of the denth of Piesident Mi Klnlev tamo as a el ashing blow to the nation's mpl till Nowhoie poihaps. had the it zons been so full of toutltleuce In ihe Ultimate letoveis of theli beloved piesident, und the huo.wint bulletins of the past week fiom the sh k bed hail lulled them Into a false sense of set lu lls which made tho shot k teirlble whPii the news that tho Huffalo Irag eds would have u fatal ending mine to tlieiii All tlav long the bulletin hoauls were sin i minded bv onwds waiting in sup pi piiseil cMllcmciit for the latest wind fiom the Mllbuin home and numerous exact cause. The President's newspaper oxtias were ragei Is" r.ntVPPed up. I.litlt weak was done In tho gicat exetutive departments, ni at tho slight est exi use the clot Km (hopped their pons ami turned to talk In small, nvve stibken groups of tho t haiKies thnt their thief magistrate hnd against death in tho gallant Mrugglo bo was making lu the fat-away cits- on tho lake The tin to cabinet ollhois In the capi tal todav woio pit tines of distills. Two dnxs ago Setietniv lluv had lort hla (bier nppnientlv on the load to lecov eiv. ami todav Postmaster fioncral Snillh. who hnd left liuffalo even later and ie.it hid lien- this iiniiiiIiir, said that when bo mine fiom the Mllhuin homo xestiitlnv the pusldont was, nc cnidlng to hlglit st iiifoi iiuitliin, sutely on the nienil The posiin:istoi gcjioinl tetiiiniil lo Putt ilo on Pie T 1" tt.llll tonight Set lelai v Hav haul engaged nc- oiiiiniitlailons on tnnlght's N'ew Hng liiiul tt.iln lnt ntllug lo letuiil to his New II itnpshli suiniiM i lnmie for milt h net iletl lest, but i am oiled the milei eirlv In the dav. as on huu de volveil hnpoitant fuin lions at onto on the piesldellt's tlellllse lie ilivldill Ills time bet w ion the state ill i 11 tmellt mill his home waiting fm th 1 In patient leslglllltloll, plep.lletl tm his sol tow ful dill x of tiiiivevlng to the nations of the win Id In ollh lal fnim the news of Ihe demise of the t lilt il tooi b all piesl tlent thiough the iu in v of an assas sin s bullet within the shmt srp.uo ot one ll 111 III! 1 1 life s the st lllill 1110111- b.'i iii tank of the i.ibiiiet. on Mr. llnv's sluiiiltleis also will list the bur den ot government of tin unit lepub lli lu the shmt but linpoitaut lnieivnl lllill IllllSt ellipse befllle Hie Il-pPS- deiit, iiuder tin lei ins of the ((institu tion assumes the tans and losponsl bllltles of the gloat .ieslielitlal olllcc. t lis lionii ai Wtiiidbv s iiotnrv (i.lge UlimillfllllV iwaitid tile i ln-,e uf his i lili t s life Pining tin dav In hail 1 1 op al the tic isiii'j dt iiaituii nt an I 1 atl kent in tout h with Ilium. I. il uf Talis In hi del that the pit sid ml s end night nut tn use ,in iununeiil.il ills tin b. un is that fun lgbi on pnit or IiIm depaitmeiii loiild nvoit. ileii'ial ("illlt sple, in ting sot rotary nt war. suit k in his post in the woi depn tniont for the pin pose of making stu h ai m v (inl-Ms ns tho sail event would lint him to Issue. Ho i-i't Into tin m ii nil u t Imi with (ieneral Milis at Mottle, ami the lattei noti fied ihf ilepailim lit that he would re turn humediatels No Extin Session of Congiess. Tin fact that tin1 phvslt Inns hart e.nii up all hope, mused some dls- ision among the puulli nieii in tho tltv of tho piiib ibllltv of an extia ses sion of (ongiess anili of tails ( hangesj In the tablnet, but the consensus ot opliiloii was that no i.ibliiet changes ni Impoilnnt dop n nil's lu pulillo pnl lev weie at all llkelv fm some tlmo to time and that congiess would not ho assembled until Its legulai esoii In pidliiber All tho tablmf, the chief d pai lint nl otlh lals and tho heads of liuiiiu ifitit hllioaus attoiding to cus tom will teiitlci tin Ir leslgnntloiis to lelbve tl.e president of enibarinss. rni nt but It is believed Mr. rtoo.sevelt would follow tho vtecodent s,it hy Piesident Aitlmr, after Ciailleld',s tltmise and lequest them to contlnua in ofiii e Some of tho cabinet inem beis aie not in gcod health and would sliii"ielv weliiinv. a relief Irani thole ( iiiituiucil on I'a.'t 10.X I u