TH SCKAKTOiN TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1001 ' Gc Scranton vi6unc PiiMlihect Dally. F.xeept nn.tay, 1-y Tlif Trib une I'uUlfhlrs ijnnipaii), at Kill '-n' J1'inl-'- I.IVV O. I S. HlCIIUtlt, Kalltoi-. IIYMIKi:, HiiIiip Minuter. NtwVc.U)mlc1IVS,,KiAM)j Me .Knt lor roll-Inn AlieitWtiK. Knttre.l at the IM.lnllite at Sntnlon, Fen-nil (Ilea Mull Miltir. li When ituae will penult, Tli( ItH-iine l n !".' clad 10 mint linrl Irttri- Horn ll lili-nil ' -r Ire en cmii-nt tflpli-. I"H i "'", ;"',' mii.t l.e .laiipil. tor piiWIullon. I) tli" , ".' . real limine, ami tlie minlltlii Irf rtlrtil I" ' eptnie l tlut .ill iiuitilli'ilione ulull I"! Hitijeii io editorial teiialnn 'i hi: n.r iivii: ron aiivi.htmsh Tim loll'iulnn talle eliow-t tlif pine per IihIi nth tnaerllnn. p te he H1 nltlilu " rM: I lion ol Nli ilia on 1 nil IHSIMiAV. '.ciiTihin iW Imh Mio inchea innn rmm " lpftrt " liper I lleu'llne Piwition .i .11 .1 i .i". i'i jn 11 .! ,K5 .1.-. .IT Jo .llw Kor ennla nl tli.mV. reaiM'itlnn nt anniMeiuo end lmilir anntriliutl m In the nitiui- of ! idtMnir lit Inlmne mikea i -I111.K nf " atnti lino. Hatea fnr Clilflnl ilrrtllnR turiiMinI on "t'f'lii.illoip SCIIANTON. SUl'TIIMHIIIt 13. IPi'l. THE JIEFUBLICAN TICKET. Stntc. Supirme Court -WII.I.IVM I' lon'KH. "lr.Miuru-ni.WK l IIUIIIK l.'leetinn Nov. 5 "Mh'n Hie lienmiU'i- went nut ot pjuer In nir atate II lei' to the Ripiilillrm pun .i Irs fV M Almnit nn ii.imn il .! til llila 1I1M. Py wle idiiilnllrniion nnitu llip'lilii.iii mli. h lirti Jin or entliili Wi li i liincieil he appripriftlinna ! tin' Kiiiiuiti dool, until lie itdml st 111' li nl ol Hi- Am nun l.iln in nippnit nl p. nliii iiioii lmlir ltiiuMiiin uilmlnlitratlmi line l..i. Pirn iniil o.u li J.'ir tor elllr.itlrnll puip'H" inoip tlinn ppioiil.itnl In the DeinniiAtli piny I" trHr ipnrttr nl J i-rnturv of mliriiln We line ininaaeil our nppio pilitinnt to iluiltjlib iimI ileeinnauuty lntliu tier. until 1 mi inaliP 111 tmi-t Hut no ft ite itffn tlii" two oa-eapa Mipprrtt MiP'i IrMitu tirn will 1 iboj our own ilnr T,mi.0nii o! I'ffplo flip IniliiJtlnoiK, hi.nrNi. liw alililinu mil t'rpj'. ,'' Mimnmleil 1 vm nrr on riny fli'o w'tlt rr'ipnroiH b'lnr. million, w'lli proiilp happi, rmploiPil mil oiitoi.tiil. an-l nltli norv inrimf o li'iniT-'i inH traili" lull miupiril. with Ih prmppit nl tin Inlurp lirmlilonliis an 1 iriowin: nmir hop-lul, lb. oM liMmlr pirn- n( rlutrtntlnn 1lul rcjnlloii rrlj up a lutrnial trv nf fall prftenp. Iiii.kiiv iinrl limmrritv dr it-.p p irporp nl nuilpiilin; t'n pnplo anil i-iin Ine lout rwiiwr." I'lnm tho Krp'ililli 111 ?nto rutfftim. Ilvfty Ihpiip of th Sti'.intun Tlmos thesp rl.tys nrtds ciinuilntlvo pioof of the nctuiHoy rf ue h.ivo H.1I1I of It as an organ of eliir". pU'JuiHrP nnrl Forlltlnn. It t its ovin worst ao crr. Aroused. THE Ui:covi:i:Y of the provi dent tiotn the htlllot, (lied with murdeiotiH Intent by a man who put Into eveeiltlon the vlclnu.i losle ot ellow Jotirn.illfin li prneioHsliiK l.iMitably. t" the In expir?.lble h.itlHt.u tlon of 1 IvIII.atlon Hilt pleaHiire Ht the spailliR nt thN In valuable life does not ernwd out of the public mind the preminnt les.Min nf the attempted ahMthhIiiiitlnii. In most eas-Cf. the deceneiateH who llv the pltol or ton h for the put pose of shnulnK their i-ontimpt tor ro -eminent aie mentally ii.ukeil or Irte-(ponf-lble. They are the bubbles on thi Mirfnee upheaveil by a lennen' below. Hut the publlFheis 01 newspapots like the Hctanton Times, ali-ulatlimly cater to virions Instlnel. or piejudlee, are men who know better, who sin de llbetately and In dellanee ol the lijiht. Tliey do not bellow the Iiieendl.iiy stulf they print. They do not belleie, for Install! e, that I'les-blent MeKmley Is a I'leotuie of the mists an oppie?or of the poor, .1 puppet or a despot They do not believe that he eer Intended to break l.tllh with the piople of Tuba, pltlace or lyraunl.e oei the Klliplnos or use the Ameilean aim to e-'tnbll'-ll a military dti tatrut-hlp or an etnplie. Tlipy do not Ifllovi' that the I.iiki cotpiTitti rutciprKep of the lountry me ion?pttai ii 10 lout the people. They do not bellovi that banks .11 e fchemes of lobbeiy. They do not be lieve emplojus. n a iitle, .11 e In tcntloiiiilly dlshnnest or unfair. They do not hclee that laboi aRltators- ate always upilplit. Just and un.-eltNli. 'loy play on tlaj? piejinllee anil ttullli In f.ik"s and liuiuomlK boi,iu-e the K-e 11 I'haiui' to humsUR tin- penpli and enileh ihemsoiies wiihoiit eount InK the nst to the lonimunity. They would not dale to peddle In this way tho Kortusi of a bollly rllM-nre. bi-uiue If they should try to, they would promptly he put Into Jail. littt they haw pf ddloc! hitherto without lestialnt the Reims of mental and 11101 al Infee tlnii, and It was largely beeause the penplo, In their easy-RoliiR optlmli-m and paticin-o, didn't lonipuhend the dntiRer. They are i-oniprehendliiK It now. Ji'mm one end of the muntiy to the other a mighty piotcst Is forming ngaliiFt this vulgar and llrentlous pios tlrutlon of the ptes-s. The ftantle ef forts ht the olfeudlng publLshers to wilKCle 'Hit fiom iinrlei the load of responsibility whkh the awakened eonselence of the nation' is piling jUrUltiprin them meeeed ah little as do tlir, wrlthlngs of the s-erpent under the hoel nf Its bitten letltn. The think ing people of Christian Anieili-11 ate not going to have hl.-tn peiman ently' established among them. They are going' not only to wipe It out, hut also to i.iuterlze Its main ciui. Jlr. Hhaffn- seems to be vety mmh In Disposition nf 11 man who had load rrl upon the wrong aide of tho atoik market. The Court of Inquiry. IN' CHAUiKNtJlNT. for uuise Cbl other olllcei assigned to t-lt jis one ot the Judge of a touit f Inquiry called practically to evlt-n Mils profisslonal i-hatacter, Hear Admiral Schley acted cleurly within lis right. We may agree with or differ !iom jjlm an to tho suiiKIency of the iiiUM-X We may Infer, or not, that the admiral's estimate of the slgnlfl-i-Hiuev,nttac;hlng to the casual remnikx if Admiral Howlson, tittered two yeats igo, shows a curious lack of confidence 30th In the fairness of n distinguished trdleague In the navy whose reputation 8 of the beat and also In the sufflclency f thf case that Admhrtl Schley has to iffer In his own behalf. TJia 1- rooaiaarlli' u matter of nnln- Ion, nulijrt't. np nto nil such opinion, 10 I'liiuniRtantlal I)Ihi. What their cm ho no iloulit of Ib that Schley hud 11 iluht to i-halleiiRi- If he i-ln 101I in tiiTi It: and that, IiuvIiik kd i-loi-li-d, It mii- wisp to rsi-iici- the ihnlh-iiRcil JiuIkc fiom oii-lir- In tin- i-aci-. Siu-h oM-nxi- iloi-M not In an. nay rt-ili-it upon Adtnlial llovvlniu. Illi chararti-r fur honor ninl IntoKi'lt) aw mil iih IiIh lipiitatlon for IiIkIi pitifi-KxIaniil alill lly and a lu-f-ii n-gard for tho honor of tin- navy 1110 both loo llrnily i-ctali-llnhi'd lo In- nliVi'U'il hy 11 (ll.lllcllBt' nindn and Ktintiilnoil undi-r thr-co olr 1 titiir'tiiiirr". 'I'hc n-iiMon why ho m'iim i-.iiifid Ih not that he In unlll or In any nay dWMimllili'd to m-nt', hut that IiIh ii'ieittlon on tin- lii-itc-li, afti-r Sentry had hallr-np.el, iiotild play tutu the olldont pill pose of S hlo 'H fllr-nds to ciy tinfalliu-'x at tin' roittt If lt dci'lxlon chilli illnilp.ifo thcni. I.rl Silih-y hino all tin- Icoisay h nanti. Tin' mot i' litlluilc he ki-Im the moii' 1 01 lain will he tin- Until i-li'.tr-Ini; tip of ihi- wlmlo matti-r. Thoo who mi' enKlliPpilntf llu 1""' piwd Kianci' and Tin key r-tlirlt conn to huu dllllcitlty In nirnnRliiK a dnic. An Object Lesson. rii i'iii:.-ini:NT w tin- typo of what an Anu-rlcan should be. run- of heart, i-lean of hlooil, ileal' of hialn. lolty o of not ii.o altii, nolile In wall. It him talien IntiK Hues of roalty to e till" num. He Ih a model who nriy be h -Id up to owry si hool boy fin emulation, lor owry si hool hoy has the poslbllltle befote hint of beeoniliig Jlixt sueh a man and of lis Ir.u even to hi gteatnes In our nation. The mesldent's swift roeoveiy fiom an aw nil Injury Is tin object lei-" m whli It has a slcnllleant moral. Had 1m been a man of le, pute life, less loncct habits, what has seemed al most a mliacle lould not have been w 1 ought: for even had not disease tainted his body, the tissues would seaiec-ly have been able to wlth-tand Mieh a frlu'htlul t -st. If he had not Pokvokvim the power to i-onttol his own mind nud to summon a ealmuos and seienity tnest beautlltll, to his aid. the veil or the ablest Mil peons on eatth itiight hae failed. JleHllpped Into the itnionn-lousnoss which wa.- the slmlll tiu'.' of ile ith with a prayer on his llp.r and awoke with a coinage to bat tle for his life that bVforo now. In tin ltNtoty of the wot Id, has won vle toi les for n.i'lons. Wi should be a proud people today t.iat we can begin the Twentieth 1 en- liny with a lead -r whosi' prhate lite and whose public- record make such an example, for not only Americans, but tot all th" woi Id to follow. It Is Kimethlng to belong to a system which 1 an produce Mich men for llrst citi zens, or lor citizens of any degiee. Most of the yellow Journal editors now show a disposition to emulate the t ainple of Mr. Most and get under the bed. The Latest Elixir of Life. M KNTION was made lecent- ly on this page of a new lluld of alleged wondei Mil illtatUe ptopeitles cotn pounded alter ears of rxpulmcnt by Dr. Kialiek, a New V 11 K physician of high professional standing, and sue -ii-ssfiilly npplieil h him In the treat ment of many ca.-es of p.i'vanccd tu berculosis In tiutci liuli nl language this Infusion Is supposed gieatly to Increase the disease-lighting qualities of the blood and lo tesenible In elfei t the fabled elilr of life. This, at least, i the claim made for It by some medi cal experts who aie not quacks. Thi'jNoiv Yotk Sun tells ot a second exhibition given by Dr. l-'i allele of this new treatment before a profes sional audleiue. Th' c-Nhlbltion took place at Memoilal houHal, In ltrook lyn. It is thus descilbod: "Klw pa tients were Heated with the lluld, thtee men and two women, and the opera tions weio the mote itit"i ostium llulll the fact that the subjects won- not chailty patients, but some who had tiawllod the country over in hopes of Hutting some remedy to stay the disease. All the cases weic- In tin ad vanced stage. One or two patients had onl.i u small pottiou of the lungs h-tt. As tin- tieatmcnt luvolws 11 id'gi.t 011- eiatlon all of the usual antiseptic 10 qiilieincnts were lnirodm eel. ll.cch patient In tin n was placed upon the opeiallng tal le. The u h: aim was bated to Hie thouiiler and made nnil seitlcally clean. Local anaesthesia was ptoiluced by means of a small quantity of iiicalne. A slight Incision was made In a vein on the Inside of the elbow and the Infusion Injected by means of u long tube leading from a glass vessel containing the lluld. Though a slight one the opeiation Is most delicate, ItnoHiUR tune and caie, It Is wholly painless. Not even n muscle of the face qulwied nl either the Incision of tho lli-ah or the opening of the win. "Tho lluld Is heated to 110 elegiecs befote using. The oftcct on the pa tients as the infusion wa; entetlng tho vein was highly Interesting. Hoing In the lust stages nf the! di.oae. their arms '.civ shrunKf-i and tlu.r fa -c s pule and emaciated. Soon a watin glow itept Into the ''a o nnd a rllght moisture was evident on tho fornlioad. No bad offer ts followed whatever and nothing disturbed tin patient hut ti slight cough, possibly caused by tie wmmth and co.itact of Ih" infiii.iu. One young woman was askl how she felt. She leplled: 'Oh, It makes mo feel so good.' Attsr the tube Is wlth diawn the small wound Is sewed up nnd the urui bound with autiseptk- gair.e. In each cast about sixteen ounces of tho fluid v. is used.' It Is ilaltiietl that fiom four to ten InfusloiiH will icmquer the most Rlub botn case ot consumption. Dt. ileoigo ('. I'ouin-tt, of Mnti Is'iiiiii, N". J., says ho has followed Dr. I-'mllik In moie than HO tuberculosis cases and his Im pression Is that tho doctor has sue. cecded In tlndlng a means of combat Ing and stopping the ravages ot the tuherculo bacillus. Wo set foiih these facts with duo lebervo. They ir-me. Milt heatsay only. Hut they nto clear ly Important It truo nnd the standing of the gentlemen named itboio afcttues us that they are assorted In good faith. Public Denounces YeNoAJcIoarnaIism Sowing nnd Itennlnp;. IIMiop II01111. In Hie Si w ok riiliiiin 'I In. Inlilt .1 unit- .111,1 i.illi. mill 11.111 it our pulilli linn, i c oiiunoli - to In- almiwl iini'i ".il, mm ml winch iwiii- In li imvli Ilia- tin- -"i" ' iiinr mpini 'ut otii linl ihl ol IHni'ill, lint lie n-.,iil ulnip Up 1II1I not now, utnl ruiIi- nil whin- Ho hnl lint 11 11', I, l il ml' 11t.1l iiml .pliliiul lot of uiilvnsil applii illoti. .lust nf the pim.-Ki ot luluii- i.iniint In- tiiu-ali-il In unli-r to pn-cfiii tho niniltii ni "I tin'" wlih II hitie licon '111111, m tin- Inriltnlili- li l moral iiml -plriluit lili' mil. I work mil tin Ir own il loltiil iniil."!', anil nun trap Imiu.'I" tint tin y li I iml ilic.itii nl I10111 "'nl. which. In ihi I lunula lr iloliun- nf ninl lit mmhlc-rpil lurch, Hue 1II1I iml ilic-.mi that tin- wile- lint It II Iml -inilli whllo tot null In pilule ninl In puhlli, In c inn pimI Ion ami In the pn', tn li on to ilr.111 tin- lllio ol illllrunn' liilwcrll liMtlr ami nut-pole n critic bin nt polln mul Hip hlltir il. 1111111 I1U011 it Hip imihiii. Im twrrti tin a inlt miiatli 11 ot ili'ipptxwil I111II101N ami tin llillo of tho linn ill nltln-' It 11. ill i wily etio flip tin Ilia 1 nl. Ill tin- "11111' Hup, tlolll tin liirdi mul ciuil prMotiilllli" nt pcllh, In tin-tn-iilii-iniM u"-.iiilt upon the pi rum ' 'I In- .ittrllnitltic; ut uiii'iii. V" iaiaili "I"'11 t li r. tho rmiKu-tlnu ' wr..inj nupop, the liikhva mul milium iis-.iull up, 11 llm-c In in thorite, an- i ippltur the vrw tmt inlj ol Kipr ciico lor tiller", lint nf in intuition nl tin' ilnlit lultip't mul iippilliiltiM nt rnlo. Who dull iliro to Nil, traelni.' IhiintK l-.nk In tin- rliu aim "ouiii-, lio'V fir lliia tluTTjIillciio-H nl horli Juilliluilit lllnl tin- IIH poli.llitllt.t ol a note lllplll ml" Kpeiali arp the mpiI ami loot from wlilili hiio ppriiin.- tin- honor of thin attempt upon an iliialiiahlo Ufa-r An Apt Comparison. .Iivrpll Mpiiip, III (111- Now Vol I. Mill niiiiw tint soma- ippanntly piopor ninl rrpnt-ahli- 1I1111 In tin- eonfpitloiicrv tuih- who to put up i-nino clow hut alr.ulle poboii uiiilcr the ilia gitl-p nl ti'iuiillin; eanillK anil ahoeolatai mul nlliir alfliiaela'i". Couhl thrre lie- .1 nric ami tuoie ilclirtililp 1111111' afalint hoc lati It null proiluitH who ollrrpil 1I1II1, for 1 pc-niu, tn a hip ilren, .loutht ami iirlinratil ailulls: ct i- pp Hiiiimla mul hUhopa ami nun of pii inlnpin-p iip"'t an antirpilv of pirn 1 woio elnraitrr he pirinilllinr tin Ir 11 inioa tn lip pnr.tnl umlpr llli-lr trintlililltloli" In 11 pipr-r llki- tho Naw l,rk .loiuliil. n mm or thlM a 111 irnl Ktri.l ll.l ui II ullilll elrinor.ili111.' tin 01 li a 11111I lull" li nlliiir tuliliMi ai ia ilillv ofTirnl umlrt Hi-ta-inptiiii; ill-gil-i nf uinilriii plillo. hv in mii li infatnoii" -li'il". or 1I1II1 thill m mot" lie i.iiuoiia a irinnn.1 wllliout 1110l.1t luiiuplion of I lie tin, it cMrrluc- I Tlio Chief Hesponslbllity. I'roni Hip t liiiul-tr-liuiE I'ntalli llplnlin. IhrollKhailll all tin- lltaa llla,1l of Ilia tl li llv it Unit do li-t I'rlih.' om he im uniin.iur,-al ile iiuiuiitlon ol the- aclt itoia ami .iillmi n'-e-pe lia ithiili arp o jioii"ihIi' to a Iiisp ,'Mi-nt fir null a rlni's The icltaton arp thn-p pnaom who nip i1ellili inoush tn wih tn K-p rniiic" a-ul Uniip .iml f 111.11 1 etioiijli ti IikIIp otlnrn to iln it Tin v an- pioniplnl h.i tholr own 1 1 .11 1 nil ltij.tlmt .iml thill ura-ail for Hip la-w inla ulilili tholr iiawitifiii a IpjiIph liiiiea Hum. 'Ilu'ii' l una' Hum not onlj the ilpta-Mathm of all law .ibliline ppoplo, hut llu- metasi poniliy for Imitliu; 11111114 to erliui-. It U aloiililful If the piiif,iniiil ariltatnis iln .la iiiiipIi Injuiy a the-ii.w-pipi'r", tint, tor Hip anke- ail rnl.iijni.' tholr, ,iTiti nth .HI ti K a ipital ami all llmao in lifitli pi HP". Ih'e i.ip iii1iiIipi In al tuiist all thp 1 ill.', ami 1I1IU pi no In Hip Inmla of uiillloin ol piiiplo spiitlniptitil nllilo-a ami a itln.nn 11 hive priniiry illnt U tn liiliinio InttP.I l"i tlnua' moie toitunalp than th.-tnaehpt, in, I tin Mionilire atliat tn fill Hip poikiti aif llio iiiiiimil a-illlaiM. Many inplii of tlirm enuie al ail to I hitnliirsliiiiK. ami it is to Iip wme ali ia tl at tint Him are 11 ol ami helleieil hy pel nun who aiiiuhl t know lii tin. How Yellow Jotunnlism Works. Tn. m the lliookleii l.aitte n lilli iiiPalimli ami .1 lieriuin c-roecr out l'btliii"li wae Iml .1 aidntp on snunlii. The L'toefi Mill ho w ! not Mirv l-rrpiili-nt Mi Klnli-v waa rl.ot ninl liopoil ho woiihl tile-. 'I Iip meclMiiio 111 rt 1 lit t- It a tia at tn klioi k hltll ilown, lull a-loil win In tiikul tint waj. Thp (.loirr nul: "Ma K.11I11 l Hit- Iip.iiI nf Hip met, tin 1 .ne itilml inc.' Hip life out of tlip pool 111111. if ho ia kill -il tho trcial" will fill to pin pa ami Hie poor in in will he hotter oil." IP nilili-al: " ml I 1 in pimp whit I m.i " 'I'll' Irlalnniii Inquin-al : "How can .ion pinie lliil'" '-lie tho-.p." te M1111I Ihe liPimin, lioing tu Hie liiliniin aariflllll pll'-erlnl llla-s ef the nlltorlll anil 1 ntootit of two llilntt 11. liipil" whiih nace lle ilnl inn' anotlipr for month" ami e-ars in pinnuii: ami piitiirint; Mr. Hi M11I11 aa the honl or tall, Ihe inai.tirortliPi.lne, tin ihufoi He tool of the lrut, with rpimik.a tn Mum that tin- 111I1 are Lii 01111111; richer ami Hip pnnr 'irp liaioinlu.' pnoiri with MiKIiiIpi- In blame fnr liotli n-'i.lis. Ihe lrlhm.m tfot Ihe Crrinin to admit that In Iielli r otf than ho pur ua Inline, hut he 1 mil. I not 1 1, mini o I1I1.1 ilure ware not ,c Uir" inimlier of people whom he hail nicer known or yipn who were 1 meat ileal wori-p otf thin the! pur ware liifora anal all am .mount of MeKne In ami the' Irti-ta. TIip pii'oii.iN anil llu- 1 o 1,.1'iH wire all Ihe evl.l. 11. e he w.mliil IP ice, tluiafiri. Kiel tint Hip pinaliliul li "1 In 1 11 lint ami lie Iiopnl he wouhl alie 'Hie I , isle Ii.m i 're th"! tin' lulanip, wlilili ,1 nilen who IpjiiihI of II limusht to our attention 'lln-ia ia 110 ilnul.t aliout it 'lliere 1 no t almut Hip Ip"oii It he". 'I lllle l.uLllil l.e ll.i alollhl .ll'.llll III" (Ifoit nf It am the cemilintora aif the twa, pqnM whiih he nlitoiiila anil putima li u III al'.mt Hut P.t tt 1 ol liilml In tint I111111111 irioei-i "1 e uf tin- ila"a to whom i-ucli appeal" wrie rltrillvo .11 leal a.n the nihil a.f Hum He hot the pial ilenl. Ihe linmin clour out riatliieli wav la c I nl the piesiilont waa i.inl ami la oiry ho ihA not ill. Ile I ilia link on Hi" nliloilils anil 1 n-toon- 1 ,f Ilia' .ip. l.a to Jn.tifj dl fi-elmj Too lonilmtoM of Iho-e plpil' wa.lllel r.illul ho 111, I nut liken them oo 1.11101M1 Ni'itlni .lasixlne Hon nor .minlii wii" tin li ntijeet ouh llu telle nf tie no pipit". ei then- I" the pieatitint hot iml Ilieie 1 the I o l in ill tinier ami Ihiie ne humlieila mil Ihuc-anil" ot otlur who l.elieiiil Hilt the coinuunU ami eaitoona aif those pipera wi-ia true, n-i'l that the luinhicteiid nl Hum he liectil them I" he lllle' The Uppeimost Question. I'r.mi I hi- W.stirn fluUtian dioe ele iilhiu jaiiriiilism i nu'liHi held iirpoiisilili In pot tor the utiniipttHl esasiinitKni i,f Pieai dent MeKinlei I.1I1I011.1I enimuitit und minimi T--eoaie, eul.-ar wltlew and ilisrrppiiiiul i.niia-tun- line mrnislacil tii'iital Inml fnr naiik" and weak mltiileel people. 'Ihe reil of i.ilumni and 1I1 tarnation halo fall, n 011 iiuittul koiI. I'Iio' Kliiela, liki the louiiiil ot Ve.i oik, lino piinlid nriiilm win rein r.impithi with .i-.uu,a. Hon ua pinper 1111 ma of irutliiE iiiilUnlt.i 'axiitet the aiidei anil the Iiwa of oi let) was dl.-i;uloil. Iluw ltnu- i-hall they he endured Scored by Churchmen. Iliv, lull. 'in ',,.tul li llu- Ni'lshhoihnuil Church nl MlalUil.l, I I'llll. When a, nrtiln t.cpe n jouiniH-ni. under n spiaioiia p.ea nf -the ftcoelom of the piejti,'1 hi" .uro'.-iti.l in ltief I lo bmltlena bheite ul 1 .11 tn tin: Hip puhlli anil prnate lile of nun lulled l the people to poailluns uf liitlift trim mul Imnm; end Wlnrraa. Midi 1 nil mires create ami t ,-lrr J spllit of ilMiuat tininil our ruln, ot d.rripet for our lii'titutii'iiv ami of ili-u.aiil of our lawii, tharttnip, he it lloailllll, ' WP, .! lltlj-ens of "t tlfanal del pitiiion inntti'KS and 1 ill up,.n camd m-n and l!wl women citij where tn )nln u in e.ur peti tloti iiruim; a law tint houM alnhro it tn lie 1 iriuie, punlfli ilih- l Hie forfrltiird of all tin iluhta mul prlulmm nl i-ltiriiishlp, or In- Im 1 1I-11111111 nl or l.iiil'lni.iiit. for my puson wiihui the ImideiH if the I Ullnl i to pi 1 lit 01 i.iuv tn he pilnlul, or tn srll ul to hn- lii Ida p.isri lull (or the puuu'sp el hIIiiu- 11' tiiieik' aiur 11111 caiieituip of thn man !n hi the Miirri'.-f 1,1 the piople haa hotn 1 .lllnl and e-.illeil in Hie ellleu of pn nl 1 1. Not Jealousy, hut rati- Piny. I'ioiii tl New ork Mm. In Hits 1 .1.111 rj there ore tuiie- iliou-imla cl tiew..papi i, rilalnrl to the popiilaelii'i iar moil than In am- other pirt nf ilillkaitnn, and ai an nluealliiit four atnoiu. our pe. pie they ate nf the tltt Imporlauio. 'Ilia sa- thnepanda of nrnnpaper iilitora are not auhjectpd to mit funiul time ol thli a The alt not c-tllgpil like lu'oeu ami phisklaini ami tuliilktrra uf lellumn tn attest their ipialilleinoiia In an nfftiial rnnmiii,n htfnrp leeilimR their propalonal u.-ilenilala, let aitiully tin re ia a I1WI1 and ne-ipre an oihk.l to whiih Hipjp rdltoM aiilitnlt tlienisi-liea mluiitanli. a' to iihnh Hipi hold all mrmh'n cl thfli lallhu, iineln the penalty ol tamdemnj Hon ami tenuniin for in iloUttoti, ai thcio ii In ho found In ony of Hip tetrnnl pwlrMlnni. mnne theiit are liit.ilmf itMilea ol Intcllri tual nhlllty, but to tlipji fl'lcllty to the moat pxact Imr moinl ipqulrctuciila nf thplr alllni. Ihe pv irptlona me hi lew ami rare tint Hip fnrhlildin hIiohI of Joutliallani In which we aire- rrlrtilnrf taiiiU nul ihe inoip lliitiiintli in II" loath"oini. ibaiiiiitinti Ni.r i tlila Join 11a lllli nflal lipiin Intiil In Hi- irat hoi 111. i' t rniupetea with il" 1 til example a.f jouriialbm, It motiopollrn a flrhl he Itfilr, into whleli It Ina no fpir of Inliu Ion sInpy .,,iu.p 11 trmla to Hip ileur.utatlon ot Ihe whole of iii-einpipi-ra In Ihe pnhlle estimation, mid U llkfle tn hrlne. Il It ha not Ahead) liioueilit, a tiol.lo piofeaon Into re pro ah ami m,lii,n, llu pro.peilly li rp'pnli'il lit all alcie nt iieuKpipii". It ha" tainted the whole lui.lnea In the mlmli ol ipri many peo ple mul liiakriipil ilialrii"! nf the inoilieia unal aonlrtupt fnr the atttleorit.e of Hip nppippr 11 mialli. Xiintlur 10 liter, nln, wo ri-lrr tn with iiluctaiicp: hut we iiuet peik nl It frank. l.e 'Ihe nUlPiue ol llila loi ilihhii jocimilbm wouhl he linposalhle PMept for Hip ulit inltil mlwldy It tree lira fiom the o putahlr liuslncM cutnmuiilt) In Hip way of iibiiil"lnB Ihli H I lie Inoip iimokihlp hecauae. of aniline, nuh lohhle of 1,11'ltnM ci mmimli Itlnn Willi tho imh Up 1 in Imp no lalue l..r lh imipo'i coinpiralilo with that ot a paper iIimiiIiii; aonllihme ina .n Imnot chronicler nf Ihe ne ami lomiiipntatur Upon intrriil ertit, unlia It l.p In .1 field that tin lapulahle InKllir. 1 nine iteja. i ntltir In It la like nliikltic up ioteni 111 a pi HP frcnil'nl. cat ppcciallj li the InfamoiK and thplr lisnorant liellni". 'Ihe rill association doe far mole ilam nae to the 1I1 tint iiltriliaei than the lile nih Hill Niiiinl iln lietietit him. Kim UMilciit at trulPil h.i lt iitmli imliiani Iijip no ri-npoct tor II or nnilhlmt printed Int It. If thf' arp nl (in Ititi-llleriil allvirltnlnillnn wlilili tuikea profit" utile 01 alaaliahlP Hip appeal nf an adurtlaer to tlirm. Kirn the unlntrlllKPnt who are daivled hy Its lla-h an not funleh rnoiich lo un to II tor 1iii"iiiciia k'ulilincr. All the haine, thla m hool of journalism neenia to he pio"peilniiT lice lue of Hip hn 1111 III Mippnit it rrtelirs from tneicantlle hniees nthrrwie Inilnua ol thflr rtpul-itloi). Ihn arp faedlnet a inoiitrr wl.lih i ualni: th etiriietli llu v ate cliine! mitilllnn to In an flTort to nirlke clem 11 thp miluatlon upon which they ilepend. After Annichist3 find Their Allies. At .1 nititlnir nf the War trlniiiia' 1 lull of Philadelphia. In Id III their roi m. So Hil rrli Hirrt, on satutda, Sept. 7, the feillowlns Jctlm waa takin. Whrtraa. 'Ihe atlimpl upon the llfp nl nur lenoicd ii.d presid. tit an! fellow com. rade, William MrKlnl-y. hy the handa nf in ic-si'i-ln eonieja upon 111 a 11 shock ami mut meet wllh Hip eonil'-m-iitinn nf all lo; 1'. ami liod (eaiini; people; mul Wheieia, Thla I, il.l and atrm mm altark upon th" life of nnr pinaiilrnt Ifinlml" ua that anarele I-111 I imnnint In our nild-t and must he n pies.ed it all InriraN) thriefire he It lli'snliril, 'lint the War Vetei n.a' a lull ot Phil mlilplili lomli'iuna in the reirn-t terma thla awful itid itrnclou crimp and nil" upon all Im d and IPiertv loilnif people tlii.iuehr.iit Hip ntlip t nited Sliten, fiom now- on, to mike lie i.rom nar la re a'ain-l .linn lil'in. so. lallMii ninl nil null ill-lm il oruaniitlnn". until thei 'ie-i-otiu' 1 Minit mid their lininliiii" and s,inatliieM be entireli alriien from rur lind llpeolinl. Tint wliilat we sip in fnor ol "fve fpeei h" and "peronil li'icii" In their tiil1'-t evlent llipir mnt he a limit In Imtli, anil tre.ia. onahle utteiann- toinlinc to ae iniilemnit ot tin. lenie must not he tnlirited and the perpelraton must he promptly nippre-snl and punlahid. liisubeil. 'lint we call upi 11 all the iieople of Hip rnitul stitea to unite and lnaii upon the prompt pisaiso and a nf. iccment of pnper lecit. lillon to evtiiminite and end ill jnarelistli..d InatitutiiiH and thur peoplia liesolcid, II1.1I e lienhy terdar our nlmeieat siiupitli to our hinoie.l and hebied conn 1 le, William' Me Mnle.i. and ln de ir and fiith'til wife. Willi our 1 irnest praeia lor Ills fair and speed leeovei tn perlet t lie .it'll. Ptnctically a Confession. l'ir in the s, rintoii 'Imtli t'arliHinist Upper mul Ida lile "Mi ktnley Mm strila" hate ilifappeated trom the last pace nf thp ,iw Nnrk tournil miup tniiihi-t t znlgn" at timpteil tn takp Hip 1 f" ol the nation president at Hut! tin. T lit-a Is a confession on the pirt of Upper th it he was ih nur the iloul's work. THE COUNTRY TO THE RESCUE. I'roin Hip New eirk Sun Ihrre Is timp now lo eon. Ider th" remiikahle srquemo aif Hip aaault ii'on the piesuhnt and mo why lua life wn presereed Iln Hip inl int a.f the deed Hire adiinieel to thp fomt Hip spirit at piomptltude inaction that whirled Hip fttlik an man to Hip pi iip where ho could he t nl hast. A ho-pifil ptopotl equipped for all rmr. L-iiuies cue near An .unhid iiki was at hind ml there, too, was the- imrnion who on the mo ment knew whit tn do Siarreli llttaen minutea ehp-ed liilnrrii the injur iml th' heuinninB rl the oprntlon. Two ipnld follow hull-l wounda in the iilidomen; lienioiihaiie, iml nutrlow ot iho coi.litita of thp alidoiiunal rcBloiis into the iten 1r.1l piritinial emit. So minute" are all nil pmtant. Hut ther iiPte- uirii tljnlina; hy who wire eipnl tn the pnaaion Ml puirdeiit" In the liratinnit of itlii.lilniit pnli nla wiip 1 la cm 11 tn the winda Thete wai not Hip waste nf a moment, no siimmonini; ol .1 tin wiitltm for inoial "iipput, no dive mm of Icr-puisihillti Ihe opention upon the praeldent wa rfentlall the att ol an imh ililual who dared and did, and I1I4 waa splendid in its ilirine and mistcrly In itj cxttue lion. run lima li cieilil cannot hecnin lo th. opera tor, llr, Minn, or to Hie medic-il alineloi of Un fair f .r the pufeclioii .,f his pioil"lon .uanist aiiidiuts, "end no piuill numlier ol aid" nun, mini- of the 1111 hlshet -nfi-ioni1 eminentp, who lluio to ediis. Hut apirt liuni that, there waa nnthiiiK Miipiblns In tin- rnsiilne . lemon (nation of piofesslond baiiiiin; and kdl. It is 11.1 exieBi ration tn av that there air to he found in eieti tnusiileiahlr town of thil aouiitri. not alone a few Imlliidiials of fpeeial faun, hut dnrin i.ipihle nf lenderini; juat null N-niiea as urn- niiili to Hie di"tlni:uihed vit tun In llutlalo. 'Ihe piou'irsa of ho-pital npupnient ami I'liraiil.iti'.n throiuhoiit the country haa In in aa tuiiouith and inmiloiia aa the aounti a Imlii-trnl kiowiIi ilmlrihle and illleirnt hot pitala .111' tn lip found In miuII timna and nen'i. diieeled by modiat men posp.aln the knowleilu'e 11ml fkill to c in; out the lual. r'a nohle woik in it" hli;het Kiade". 'the impulse to this deirlaipiiitnt hn ennnitid, alouhtleaa, tiotn the huspilal nii:anizatlons In the ill rater iiths llcio. fni iwuple, la a Micca for Innu luiialilo iisitora ftoin distant put a. Hire i .1 ftliiiiilm for iinulation, and licit" modela n Hipplieel for adiptition to the lle-eela of Iis-r districts 'I lie? ceneril ptonrras, ot merlaan nud lea. filrneo, whose p.wihllltlea hale tieen an liikinsb itliistiateal aa Ihe aiutconip of Ihe ie nut I111I101. Ii.ii1 lei ti at hnlltant as II haa l-ctn Pro id There" nieda 110 anilsia nf William MiKmlri'i ihirailet tor htm to In" rnOKiilrnl a lull to ihe hmn of the cmliia nf I11.1 eountrv; and il I that whleli hi" s-iinl turn Happening ) he did to he i.lrkkeii in Hull iln, it w ia none the lesa the national riuiiknPsa of thoucht, holdneiea of hand and thuioushiitsa ol knowlcdso that came to hli trseue. kV ALL THE FEET IN TOWN 1 inr f 1 From Shoe Strings to Boots No Order Too Small, No Order Too Large, Not Profit but Business Increase, Lower the Price, Larger the Trade, See the Point Always Busy Lesris Sc Reilly SEE OUR SCHOOL. SHOE WINDOW. FINLEY'S il n 1 nl it lit NapKln8.T0wels.EiG Splendid gntlierlnu of dainty and uelut pro. elucta fiom the hot ltlh. (Jernian and Scotch lnnniii We Imp timed to nuke thla the frcateit Linen Sale In our hlstnr Greatest IIXSdK OF iJt'M.ITll.o. SS0HTMIAT OK PK'-lfiS, M.I K 1011 TIIF. I0M.V. luilsra nf fine llnena will apprrclile this oppor tunity to tuiy all they need quickly. 42c, Ileal Value 55c Irl'h llleacheil 1)imk, itt tnrhea wide, medium weight Rt.od quality, (ul ordlnar ue. T5c, Ileal Value $1.00 Pine Irish nlearhed Dimisk, TJ Inchea wide, tnedliim weight and cxtm Raiod lalue. $1.00, Ileal Value, $1.25 IMra lleaiy Irhh llleaahed Ilamaak, .2 Inrhea wide -a great harpalti tomes In Le'autlful de tlcni, ,$1.25 to $2.25 and Up, Extra Fine Linens Knlrh nnd Irl'h Ilamaak, 72 Inchea, 81 inches and fin inchea wide. German Silver Bleached Damask All linen, extra heaiy iveiRht a fplendtd wear ing Ilnen-at Otic to llarnsley Table Damask I'xtra heaiy hrnwn linen- no better wearing cloth made. We haip it in full ranisc ot prltCJ Napkin Bargains Ono hiindied dnren fierman Rdier Hlearhed Napkin", extri heaiy linen; Rteat table, $1 ., worth $1 T.-i .VI do?rn Illraihed Napklna, si TX; worth j2 J1 ,'ifi clo?en Hleaehed Napkin", Wii; wcnth $1 H 2n8 lluek Towel", l 40 per dorm 22I3 Knotted Krtrce Dama."k Towels, cW a pair finrhet Itcrl Spread". Tap and 1 (V MirfeilkMP lied .spreada, $1.73, :.2S. $2 75, 2 91. talln Damask lied Spreaela, $2 50 upwards. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave Up-to-Date VvV-rvV &- Shirts, Underwear and Hosiery. &mm 412 Spruce Street. Try our 10c. Linen Collars. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. Mb 'a Tyr; ,r:sia--cT-. s- s. jr 'WL fJf JmiM&G ' ' ) tifl IJiS im mm' JUHft SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NE ED OF EVERY OHARAOTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. L. SOMMAR, llnlldlrus Contractor Emplea union men Katlmatra rheerlullj glien. Ilemodcllnn: and repairing a ipeclalty. 320 WASHINOTON AVC. EDWIN S. WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR. BUILDER ROOM SB COAL EXCHANGE, SORANTON. PA. tlcild Medal vS I'hotosrapher Children' SV Artlit. r FOR SALE Hl'nt'lKS and IVVJ. OSS ol all kinds, aim llouaea and HiilMIng laita at harualna HOHSKS Clill'I'KD and GltOOMi:i) at farrell's Transfer M. T. Kellcr-s Mnira freight. 1'iirnl tine and Ilasgaise, Hafea, Pianos and M. chlnery. 217 lekawannt Ala Lackawanna Carriage Wcrki. J. B. WOOLSEY & CO covr?icroffs AND BUILDERS. Bealera In Plate Glass and Lumber Or ALL KINDS. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE Will -ell all their uniples ot fine imported Madraa Shirts for men at i.Oc ; north 1 to il 50 WALTER E. DAVIS. SI4, ZIG. SID PAUL! SLOG. Attorney-at-Lttw, Scranton, Pa. MRS. SARA ALLYN. MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT MS 501 Meir nulldin:; Parlor open Monday, Thurnlay and Saturday ctenings. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear 511 Lackawanna aienue, manufacturer of Wire Screen of all kinda, fully piepired lor the aprlntt Mason. We make all klndi ot porth fereena. etr PETER STIPP. Oneral Contractor, Builder and Dealer In ItulldintT Mone. Cementing ol tellara a spe tialt. Telephone 2492 Office, .'..'7 Wjuhlncton aienue t Fall Designs In announcing the opening of our new stock, we call special attention to the fact that our Entire Line has been made to our special order, thus giving us an Exclusive Line of designs and colorings from the world's leading mills. Never before have we been en abled to offer a stock so complete at such tempting prices. A superb stock of all the leading fabrics. Wilton Velvet Tapestry H I An Early Inspection Is Advised j I at 1 Williams & McAnultyj 126 Washington Avenue I Carpets Wall . Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Screen Doors, Gas Stoves, Window Screens, Hammocks. 5 325-32? Penii Avenus, J tell, Hanlevs Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST, Successor to HUNTINGTON Wo make a ajieelalty ol ftno bread atufta. Ordrra (or Salads, Ojatcti, Ctnquettea, ate., promptly filled. A lull line ol Lee Cream and lera. W. A. HARVEY. Kleetrlc Wirlne and Fixture Kleetrlp Itell and Tebrhone Work, 30QCommo wc th Building FRED H. WINTER. 1324 CAPOUSC AVENUE, Staple Crocerlea and I'roiialonj A full line ol VeKCtahlea, etr , leteiieal dally The Scranton Vitrified Brick ANDTlLE MANUPACTURINQ COMPANY Maker ot I -nine; ttibk, etr, M II Dale, (i'l'rrat Sales Aient, dlflec 320 Wahinsten iv" Woika at Nay Aus, Pa , 11 & W V It It WILSON d COMPANY. FaihloniMc Tailor (Hotel ,termn Ilulldini,! S22 Spruce atreet, Strantnn, Pa. bulla preaed, ." rents, pant pressed. 10 cent. Clothing re paired, called for nnd alelliered New Phone, 2M2 Kingsbury A Scranton, Manufacturers' Afcenta MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. District Amenta for .tohn A noehllns's Sona Co '$ Wire nope and Mcctriral Mire (iutta I'ereha and Ituhber Slltf. Co ' llcltinpr, I'ockinc lloae and Mechanical Ruhher (tnods. Knowlton I'arkinz Carter's Oil ClothlnK Itnom 310 Paul I Bide SEOURITY BUILDINO d SAVINGS UN On Heme office, "OS 2(1 Mears nulldlnir, tianaacts a general l.ulldms and loin uustnc thtoushout the state ot l'ennaliania. JAMES J. MURRAY. Sueeewor to the Hunt A Cornell Co, in tl-i and sheet metal work and lentilstlnn. Carton liirnaces, lepair ant ceneral tir. work a specialty No 112 I.ickawanna aienue z t i In Carpets Axminster Brussels Ingrain Paper Draperies I l OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus 523,000 United States Depositary. Special attention given to RUSINiiSS, rERSONAI. and SAV INGS accounts, whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. Wm. Connell, President Henry, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Peck, Cashier S