The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 13, 1901, Image 1

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'ffi&&,OSRZ$iX&3tjf3lL. 4 '
Watchers at the
President in a State of Anxi
ety Late Last Night.
Alarm Caused by Late Bulletins in the After
noon Increased When the Physicians As
sembled an Hour Earlier Than Usual for
Their Evening Consultation The Midnight
News More Reassuring.
following bulletin was issued by the President's physi
cians at 12 o'clock midnight:
"All unfavorable armptomi in the President's condition have
Improved since the Inst bulletin, Pulse, 120; temperature, 100.2,"
GEORGE B. CORTELYOU, Secretary to the President.
Hy Kxiluite Wire from The Associated rres.
Mllburn House, Ihlftalo. Sold. 12.
The slight alarm which was felt when
the afternoon bulletin appeared was
Increased when the physicians asscni
blid for their evening consultation
about an hour earlier than usual. The of the morning was sne
er. i.i by apprehension and a dremy
l i in whnh began to fall added to the
gloomy feeling which prevailed. The
bulletin whs personally delivered to
the member" of the press by Secretary
'.Vi t lxi.u, and the frankness with
jxhlih the physicians announced that
the president's londitlon was not so
good, disquieting as It was, was a re
lief. U was felt to he additional proof
that nothing who being concealed. It
x as explained seinl-ofllcially to the As
Fociated Press that the trouble which
existed xvns due to the fact that the
food taken this morning had not agreed
'Mlh the president. It had not been
disposed of and the rise In his pulse
was atlributcd to that fact. It was
su.iti'l quite positively that the con
Milting phytdelans do not believe that
the failure to digest the fond was duo
lo the conditions of the wounds In the
Moliiai h. which were believed to be
pi actually healed and so pronounced
by Dr. Mcliurney and his assistants.
That the food would not agree with
tile patient could not have been an
ticipated, so It was stated, but as
soon as It was found that It had not,
the administration of food by the
Motitli xxas discontinued. The problem
vhleh now confronts the phjslcluns Is
to dispose of this undigested food In
the sioniach. Pi .Mann, xtho Is con
sidered the chief surgeon In the ab
sence of Dr. .McHurney, Is eoniident
that the undigested food will pass
away during the night and that tho
T resident will he better In the morn
ing. The fatigue of the president
noted In the afternoon bulletin contin
ued during the evening and several
times the president muiiuured:
"I am so tiled, 1 am so tired."
Dr. Stockton Called.
Dr. Charles n. Stockton, who has
a tine reputation ns a general practi
tioner here, was called In at the even
ing conference. The pioblem now Is
one for the physicians rather tlinn
the surgeons and the advice and coun
sel of Dr. Stockton wns considered ad
visable. After the bulletin was Is
sued two of tho physicians slipped
away through the side entiame, thus
escaping tho newspaper men. It was
understood that T)r. .Mann and Dr.
Stockton remained at the Mllburn
Secretaries Wilson and Hitchcock
reached the Mllburn houso at 9.,".
They seemed anxious for personal as
surances as to the condition of the
president and when they left tlitlr
uinliiges hurried Into the house.
Tho spirits of the Utile coterie which
Secretaries Hitchcock and Wilson
Joined In the drawing roonof the M.
burn house xvern visibly depressed, al
though the assurances of Dr. Mann
thut tho president's condition would be
better In the morning did something
toward offsotlnrc the apprehension they
could not conceal.
At fi.15 o'elmk Mr. and Mrs. Abner
McKlnley mid Dr. ami Mrs. llaer, who
Bedside of the!
had arrived shortly after s. o'clock,
left the house. Mr. McKlnley assist
ed his family to a carriage and re
turned to the house.
"Is there anything you care to say
as to the condition of the president'.'"
he was asked.
"Nothing, nothing," he replied, and
hurried along towaid the limine. He
seemed UtiNlous to get balk to the
house wheie his brother li y.
Mr. McKinley Eats Chicken Broth
and Toast, Has Coffee and Calls
for a Cigar.
Mi l!iluir Wirt fnm The oi land Pie-.
Hutfalo. hpt. 1L'. Six days have
now elapsed since the president was
slid, and this afternoon he com
plaint d somewhat of fatigue. That
was the only disquieting word which
i line fioni the sick loom during the
day. The president hail had a rest
lul night and th beef Juice which the
doctors gave him yesterday had been
iillshe.l so keenly that this morning
hr was given solid food for the (list
time. He was bathed and then en
joyed a, breakfasit of chicken broth, and totrt. He felt so good ifter
this somewhat substantial meal that
In- asked for a mild cigar. Dr. Mc-
Ilutney, the dean of the corps of at
tending physicians and surgeons, xas
thoroughly satlslled with the patient's
ci million and went to New York at 1
o'clock to look after some urgent pri
ate affairs, Ills Intention Is to iv
tuin In a few days. Meantime he will
ktt-p In constant touch with the Mil
burn house and he prepared to come
back at short notice. Secretary Itoot
left on the same train. A slight re
action, boucxer, followed the buoyan
cy of the morning. The president
complained of being tired. The at
tending plixslclmis at tile afternoon
consultation, true to their pronils- to
take the public into their conlldenee,
chronicled this fact with scrupulous
t-aie, hut they displayed no alarm. The
doctois said tho president's restless
ness was only natural and what might
be expeted. "Hesldes, Ids breakfast
did not specally agree with him." said
Dr Mynter.
"The president is feeling the stiain
of his long siege xvithout food, no
nourishment at all having been admin
tftered during the flr.u three days, and
lying day and night practically In the
t-ame position Is fatiguing and hard
lor even the most emplary patient to
bear without murmuring.''
"The manifold responsibilities of the
chief magistracy for four years don't
exactly fit a man for such an as
this, .-aid one ol those closest to him
tonight The doctors ure directing
their energies toward building up the
piesldent's stiengtli. The Interior
x ninds were pronounced, healed and
no long ns no complications arise tho
edges of the outer wound will gradu
ally heal by granulation. Bringing up
the Reneral condition of the patient is
therefore of prlmo importance. The
qeatitltv of beef Julco given has been
doubled and the president Is now get-
log an ounce every hour.
The tone of the messages still pour
ing Into th Mllburn house from all
over the world has changed from one
of sympathy and condolence to one of
eonmiitulntlon. showing the prevalence.
i very wluie in the conviction that the
attempt on tho 'president" llfo lias
Postmaster General Smith returned
to Washington tonight The other two
ruliltiet olllcees, Seeietnrlcs Hitchcock
mid Wilson, have made no plans to
return. They will retunln at lenst wv
enil days longer. The district attor
ney here announced puhlkly this af
ternoon that he had no evidence
against Kinma rioldtnnn, and that
unless some turns up no requisition
upon the state of Illinois would lie
made for her. This does not Indicate
that the bottom has dropped out of
the eonspliaey. It simply means that
no evident e lias yet been ueaured to
connect iior xxith the rime. If she
Is released she will be l;c t undei the
closest surveillance and It will he easy
for the authorities to place their hands
upon her If she is wanted later. There
is a hope here, however, that some
way will be found to hold her at least
until Investigations now In progress
by the secret srvlee people In all the
principal cities where anarchist or
ganizations exist are completed,
She was arrested wholly upon the
responsibility of the Chicago police,
under the general order sent out by
Superintendent null to apprehend nil
persons who might have knowledge of
the attempted assassination. While no
evldeuro has been found against the
tioldman woman the government Is
satisfied that Czolgosz crossed her path
and in due titn, It is believed, what
ever connection, if any. I here was be
tween them will be discovered. The
secret service men will trace f'xnlgosz's
whereabouts back step by step. One
of the things which Is c'n'lred Is a
lomplet" report if the lectures the
president's assailant said Inspired him
to commit the deed.
The Buffalo Authorities Hnvo Not
Sufficient Evidence Against Her
to Ask for Extradition.
Rv Hvladvp Wire frnm The xs-m ialeil Pre.
liuffiilo. Sept. 12. "We have not suf
ilclent evidence to warrant the hold
ing of Knima Goldman." District At
torney Rehiicy anonimccd this af tor
tun n, just after h" had a conference
Tlth Superintendent Mull.
"We have not prepared any papers,
and. of tour.-e. have sent none on.
Neither do we ftitend to prepare any
extradition papers. You may say on
our present evidence we cannot hold
the tioldman unman and no extradi
tion papers will he prepared"
British Medical Journal Speaks
Highly of Their Work.
By ExcliifllM Wire Irsm The Awcniited Press.
London, S"pt. 12. The Mritlsh Medi
cal Journal says: "The details in the
McKlnley bulletins are sillllcleut to
justify the assertion that the treat
ment of the case In piomptltude and
tomplete etHelencv will rank as olio
of the greatest achlevtii'ents of ab
dominal surgery recorde 1."
The Journal highly eomplhncut.s the
skill and eo'irago of th attending sur
geons. The Lancet warmly prals.'s the
thorough hospital arrangements nt
buffalo. It says:
"Considering the nature of tho In
Jury, tho "(resident doubtless owed his
lite to t!)o perfect emergency equip
ment of the exposition, which Is char
acteristic of American thoroughness,
and was made for use and not for
Report' Circulated in Londou Stock
Exchange Yesterday.
lb rxilu-ltf Wire fiert 'l lie .Uoiuni Pres.
London, Sept. 12. A report on the
stock exchange today that Genera!
liotlm had resigned the post of commander-in-chief
of the Moer forces
caused a rise in Kalllrs.
Jljr Wire Irom The AMoeliteci prew.
New Voik, Sept. 1J. Jnhtnn Mail, the nil
jrthet, tm .irretteii tins etc mm .ui'l !ik(.l up
at pnllie hc.irlijiiaiters The arie.t w.n rrurie hy
Central Olfkf Dctectbe Fiirniwn. rirrr Mo-t
hj .trrete at his hcaili)iiarter in (Inldeii etriet.
Steamship Arrivals.
B Rirludra Wire from The .XMocuted Pren.
Sew York, Sept. Is. -sailed: xugmte Vic.
li ru. llimlnnir, vi ritinmilh anil ( heili'i'itu,
l.lmod -Armed: Sertl.i, Sen Vml. Cm-.
iiuiiiIc, New Yni! (lern.i Wiwil :, Vw
Veil, xl.1 Niiplii. ILiiuhmi;- xnltril: IteiiLih.
luinl nml Patrliia, New Vmk tia 1'l.iinniitli m,i
f'lirrlumrs. ijiwMtnliwrn Sailed: teutonic, New
York. rinttfiiljin 'ulletl: Mjj,djin, llou(iie
mid New Y'irk.
Czolgosa Sympathizer Discharged.
By Kicltittre.TTIre (rem The Auoetited Prtv.
Ilinlhiinr. Sept. 12.-x idlglaiiui renin Ic .ibnut
the Injured '.ldeiit tod jj- iot Tlii-tulurr Wilium,
the Mm Ksinllli ill the sl.ilc iii.jne hn-pll.ll here,
hl pmilinn, WM-nn i raid Pi hair rxpmrcM
ntl.fjdlon nt (Vidcn,' deel. ami whin railed
Inline S'upcilntiiiiUiit Orth In anmrr lu Hie
tliarse lie In .Id Pi fint a catalier reply.
He was promptly dlttluiutd.
Thomas Bellis, of Henryvllle, Re
eolves Fatal Injuries.
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
Stroudsburg, Sept. 12. Thomas Ilei
tis, tho IS-your-old son of Mahlon llel
lls, of Henryvllle, was struck and al
most Instantly killed by a hill engine
while xvnlkliur nloiifj the Lackawanna
railroad tracks a short distance from
that place last night.
The young man wan walking between
the rails and the father on the outside.
A hill engine, No. 40S, came upon them
very suddenly. Thomas was struck on
the shoulder and hurled to the ground,
smashing the back pa'-t of the skull.
The father was not lujuird.
I'.ellls was brought to the baggage
room at Hast Stroudsburg lie died
a few moments after being struck.
Two Men Meet Death While Sleep
ing on Tracks.
Il.v llxiliiflvp Vt'lio from Tho Associated Prnu.
I.inrvter, P.I., S. fit. 12. Simiiet Shirk, of
htirihtnnn, this roiinly, went lo sleep last cieti
lim on the tr.nks of tho Kphrat.i trolley loid
three miles hum this city. X ear Mruik nnd
(Iriapltatid lilm. ShllU had lieen In the city
durlni; the 'l.ij nnil when Ijst seen lie wn ire
toMiatrd. Hi' was "s .tears oM and m.irnril.
The hndy of .in tmUnmin man ttas found on
the ti.nks nf Hit' Pi-tintthaiiii r, early
this limitim? ncai Halnliriilco. Ilie cars had (ill
Inm m 'i, at the The nun v,is ttell
dreiil rind it i thntiKht he fell Inim tram
From le'ters fntnd mi the hnd,t the vlrllin I
billeted tn t.r (ieniae White, ot Oxford, a soldier
n( the Sinnili xmnUan war.
The Colored Man Who Undoubtedly
Saved Mr. McKinley's Life to Bo
Honored at Baltimore.
Hy Kxelulve Wire from The Asaoclated Pr(w.
Wlliniiigton, Del., Sept. 12. Accord
ing to tlie story tnld by Frank Nle
dooyk. a 1'ole, President MeKlnley's
assailani onee worked In Wilmington.
Nledosyk said today that a young man
'vim gave his nnnie as Leon fzolgosz
(mixed here on a freight train about
.lx years ago and obtained xxork as a
coppersmith at the plant of the Har
lan xV llolllngsworth company, boat
builders, lie xtas receiving $22 a xxeek,
but left his Job In a few weeks on the
pietext that he was not getting money
enough. After xvorklng a few days
at liaise painting he left the city. He
boarded In the same house xvlth N'le
di syk and he readily recognizes In
him the assassin. Nledosyk says
fzolgosz xtas a (inlet, inotfenslve young
man and not at all conspicuous. A
workman at the leather works of the
(' .x .1. I'yle company, wlio made the
rcinaik that "President McKlnley
ought to have been shot." was sum
marily dlwhuigcd by President Klwood
lle this- morning, despite the man's
protst that he only said the words In
joke. Mr. Pyle said he did not ap
prove of such jukes.
The Stansbury J. Murray senate, a
colored social organization of tills city,
has voted to pi i i nt a gold medal to
James Parker, the stalwart colored
man who knocked down the assailant
of President McKinley Immediately
after the shooting. Parker will be In
vited to Wilmington to receive the
Hanged by Membets of Their Race
for Murder of an Old Man.
Ily l.xilii'ite Wire from The .Woeiated Prey,
Cairo, Til,, Sept. 12. A mob of negroes
last night broke Into the Jail at Wlck
llffo, Ky., across tho river from this
Ity, and lynched three negroes, Frank
Howard. Sam Heed and Krnest Haril
tiim. They hanged the men to a cross
beam In John Mct'auley's mill.
The ctlme for which the men were
hanged xwis the murder of nn old and
respected negro, Wash Thomas. Last
Sunday night they waylaid Thomas on
the railroad track, hit him xvlth a
club, killing him, and then lobbed the
dead body. The murderers confessed
their crime before the mob.
Athletic Events in Collection with
Conventions Postponed.
fit Kxilnlxt Wirn (mm The Aswi'iated 'ie.
Cleveland, Sept. 12. Conventions
re held today by the National As
m rlaUm of War Veterans, the Na
tional Association of Naval Veterans
the Women's llelief Corps, the Ladles
of the ( Army of tho Ilepubllc,
the Daughter h of Veterans and the
Association of the Army Nurses of tho
Civil War.
All athletic oxents In connection
X'liu the encampment were postponed
until tomorrow, owing to the muddy
inuCitlon of the tracks.
Silk Mill Will Be Closed.
Ily r.xeliiite Wire liom The WoiUtrd l'ie.
New York, Sept. l'J nitpiiiau.l brothers
at lme jlk mill at Iheker-trk alrikrs deited
a di' veienliv, aiinoimied today that the
rnnfin would to lmt down oi four nionlh.
Puddling Rate Advnnced.
By Eclnive Wire fioni The ,xv ixled Pre".
Ilarrbliurc, S.-jit. 12.-The Diiddling late ini
been adtamtd to ll nt the ('ln.ipe,ike rill wolk,
to lie elleitlve cltinnif Septemhei ami until further
iiutlie. 'I III-, la the hii;liit fismu paid in lltrns
Iiuik in jears.
Pensions Granted.
Pj Kieluslve Wire from The Awoclated Preta.
Wahint;ton, Sept. 12, -IVnlnn hate hetii
Si.inted lo the (iillowini:: Nelvm lloifman, ef
Wjiniiiik, flu. I'ihIiii l.ainnieux, of Lehman,
j William S". Molton, ol Hippie, 11).
Ily Kxeluslte Wire from The AfoiIated l're.
Philadelphin, Sept. 12.- ( hllln II. Ilini.ii, head
nf die Iiankmu' and lunktiaiie liuil-o of Hloriii K
('oiiipanv, iliid tuday at lua lunne in Itheitnn,
X. .1 Mr. Dior, n h.i hetn a nieniher of tho
Phil uli Iphl.i t(iik cxiliaiiue ilnte lHiil, a ,tai
bora in llnhtnimd, Ya., in P-il, and it turvhed
hy a widow.
P.uln, .Vpt, 12. Knsene l)ja, the composer, It
WHhlnct(in, Sept. 12. Miwdgtiur Sli'plian, He
rutoi of tlm OuIigIIb ImlUni mKlon tlmu Issl,
died hem today.
Sctileu Court ot Inqulru Adjourned
Untll.'a New Member Gan
Be Selected.
A Large Crowd Assembles at the
Navy Yard to Witness tho Com
ing and Going of the Prominent
Naval Officers Who Ave Interested
in tho Trial At the Opening Ad
miral Schley Deliberately Chal
lenges Admiral Hoxvison's Eligi
bility as a Member of the Court.
The Challenge Is Sustained.
Ily Kxelmlte Wire from The xmoelated Pre.
Washington, Sept. 12. Within three
hours from the time of convening the
Schley court of inquiry t.iday It xvns
announced thnt Hear Admiral Unwlson
was disqualified from r.ei'vlr.g as a
member of the court in:l v..,s excused
f i om further duty. This brought tho
proceedltiRs to an nbt'tipl ti-iiulnation
and caused a temporary adjournment
of the court tn o: dr to permit the
navy department to de;,'nnip an otll
cer to sueccfil Admlnil Hoxvison. No
further sesslo'i Is probable in. til next
week. It had ben r::pecied that lit
tle nlliclal btisines would be accom
plished on the opening day, and the
prompt decision as to Admiral Howl
son came somewhat as a surprise.
Prior to the court's convening a good
sized crowd assembled at the Wash
ington navy yard, where the court
meets, to xvltness the coming nf the
prominent nnval otllcers who xvere to
take part In the proceedings.
They came un-unifornied and un
heralded and until the full dress uni
forms had been donned at quarters
Inside the yard for the actual sessions
of the court theie xvns little to lend
Interest to the occasion. Admiral
Dewey and Admiral Schley naturally
xvere the premier figures In popular
Interest. The latter had about him a
distinguished party of counsel. Includ
ing Hon. Jore Wilson, Attorney Gen
eral Isidore Haynor. of Maryland, and
Captain Jami s P.trker.wlth .Mr. Teague
acting as advisory counsel. The Her
man naval attache, Captain Ttobeur
Paschwlt., occupied one of the seats
In the public area and the nutnher
of wives ot naval olllcers present xvns
Howlson Challenged.
A salute of seventeen guns in honor
of the admiral of the navy marked the
opeiu'ng of the proceedings at I o'clock.
'I he usual formalities on the opening
of n court xvere transacted with des
petch. The tlrst skirmish xxas opened
by Admiral Schley rising from his
seat and speaking In strong voice,
calmly and deliberately challenging
Admiral Howlson's eligibility as a
members of the court. Three xvlt
nesses were brought forward In sup
port nf this challenge, namely, Mr.
Kiancls S. Frost, Mr. William K. Spon
and Mr. Foster Nlcholls. Thy gave
very positive testimony as to expres
sions they had heard Admiral Howl
son make favorable to Admiral Samp
son and unfavorable to Admiral
Schley. Mr. Frost testified to a state
nunt Admiral Hoxvison had made to
him at Huston while the witness was
sel.lng news as a reporter. Mr. Spon
lo'd of remarks made xvhlle he and
the admiral were journeying back to
thl country from Kurop" on a trans
Atlantic steamer, and Mr. Nlcholls'
conxt rsatlnn occurred during: a busi
ness call at Admiral Howlson's pri
vate residence nt Yonkers, N. Y.
On concluding this testimony, tin
quistlon arose whether Admiral Howl
sen xvotild Join issue xvlth the state
ments made by the xvltnesses or xvotild
rest mi his privilege to withhold any
answer until he chos? to submit It.
The admiral met the Issue by turning
at once, to Admiral Pewey and an
nouncing that he xvotild make a writ
of lejoliider to the statements nf the
three witnesses. This rejoinder he
pifpaicd very speedily. Willie con
ceding the accuracy of some points in
the exldence. It threw considerable
dcubt on other points and disclaimed
any recollection of the talks said to
have taken place on the trans-Atlan-t!c
It hub not sufficient, however, to
(oitntcwict the very direct testimony
given by the three xv I messes, and,
moreoxcr, the admiral -himself. In con
cluding his statement, Indicated plain
ly that he had no desire to remain on
tho court and xvns there simply lu
obedience to orders. He even appealed
to his associates on the court to de
i ide all doubtful questions as to his
ilislblllt:' in favor of Admiral Schley.
The Cross-Examination.
Hefore submitting the challenge to
the determination of the court, Mr.
Uaynor cross-examined Admiral Hoxv
ison very minutely as to his private
sentiments towards Admiral Sampson
and Admiral Schley nnd dex-eloped that
Admiral Hoxvison had expressed cer
tain dellnlto convictions as to Admiral
Sampson's retention of authority and
responsibility, even while he xvas ah
sent temporarily fiom the fleet nt San
tiago. The chullengo then xvas submit
ted to the court which, under the clr-
cumstanccs, xvas narrowed to Admiral
Dewey and Hear Admiral lleulinm to
pass upon. After hardly more than
llfteen minutes spent In letlrement to
the consultation room of the court
Admiral Dewey In lolly announced that
the court sustained the challenge and
that Admiral llowlson would bo ex
cused from further attendance, The
decision caino so quickly and unex
pectedly that It sent a (hitter of agi
tation throughout tho court room,
Thciu xvus a hx;t. of animated com-
Weather Indications Today:
1 (leneral An.xlely in l'reldttit's Condition
l'aea Aw.iy.
Sihley Ciurt ol Impilry Adjourn.
No Sitilenuiit In the Meel htrlkc.
2 fleneial-Cailiondile llepirlmrnt.
Industrial and l.atior.
3 1.onlChrlllan Mlvdonuy Contenllon Ad
,KleH Taken tn Te.ulien' Pay.
Culmndatc Wants a Municipal Water PI int.
Nutn .ind Comment.
(1 Local -Protet AtalnM Yellow .1rmrnillm.
Ilapld Tran-ilt f'oinpuiy Analn I'ttitlotu Coun
cIIh. 6 Ian al West Siranlon and Snlmrlian.
7 (irneral N'orlhfutem IVnnylt.inli.
I' and Cnmmerelal.
1 Crnri.ll -Anxlelf nl l'r.'M"nt' ('ondlllnrt
8!mrealile Weather Interfered tx-ltli
ment and Admiral Schley exchanged
looks of satisfaction with his counsel.
Admiral Dewey then at once closed
the proceedings for the day by an
nouncing that the court would ad
journ Indefinitely until the navy de
partment had named nn olllcer to suc
ceed Admiral llowlson.
Five Men Are Instantly Killed nt
Oakland Several Others Injured.
tj KieliiKire W'lri? from The Awoeleted Prf4.
New York, Sept. 12. Three explo
sions orellrred In the works of th
Anierlcan-Schull!'. Powder company In
Oakland, N. .T., today. Five men xvere
killed. They xvere: William Titus,
engineer; Arthur Carry, driver; John
pupont. employe; Itlchord Van Hlnr
can. mason, and Harrison Weyble,
Hartolomexv Mtinson and Andrew
Lnssoner xxere fatally lnjmed and five
others xxere less serlnuMy Injured. The
first explosion was that nf the boiler,
followed almos-t Instantly xxllh txvo
explosions, on1 in tho magazine, the
other In the mixing house. The lat
ter Is supposed to have been caused
hy a spark.
Narrowly Escapes Collision with
the Steam Yacht Glralda
Near Sandy Hook.
n.r Kxflmive Wire from The iwoeiated Prew.
New York. Sept. 12. The Shamrock
I! had two perilous experiences while
trying hr sails In the vicinity of San
dv Honk today. She xxas accompanied
In the excursion by tho steam yachts
Krln .mil ("Jlrnlda. th? press boat Unity
and the tender .1. A. Lawrence. The
wind wni fresh from the start. The
Shamioel: had sailed at a twelve knot
clip out through Oedney channel on
the f tin hoard tack, putting her lee rail
under at times duriug the squalls. She
had gone about and eased sheet to
slarbcard for the ranch home. The
Olralda'.s captain, evidently not real
izing the Shamiock's great speed, at
tempted to cross her bow. Captain
Sjcamore, of the Shamrock, xvns un
able to keep that yacht off because of
the in ess tug I'nlty under her lee.
When he cleared the latter, the (Ji
ralda xvas light under his lee, star
board how. To clear her he almost had
to gybe the yacht. The men jumped
for the port preventer bacit stays to
slacken them. The mnln boom xvas
already swinging over xvhen the Girnl
da, under full speed, fairly cinssed
the Shamrock's hoxv and the danger
xvas over. Not more then fifty feet
separated them, and If the Shamiock
had hit her she xvould undoubtedly
have sunk her.
At 1..'0 p. m.. whe-i off the Hook,
returning to the bay, a s'juall strii-d:
the Sh'imrock. For ten minuter thf
xvlnd blew at n 40-mll gait and tho
yacht reeled over to It In nn alarm
ing manner. The stay sail xvas quick
ly loxvered and the boat hove to.
After the squall had passed over
the Shamrock xvas towed to her an
chorage in Sandy Hook hav.
Steamship Arrives at Victoria, B.
C. with S250.000 in Gold.
By Kiclnilrs Wire from The Awoelited Pr.
Vancouver, H. C, Sept. 12. The
ftfamshlp H Ting has arrived from
Skngway with $.'50,of( In gold dust.
Pasesngers fiom Dawson say thnt a
grea outward rush' from that city Is
now In progress. It l estimated that
.1,000 persons will come out during
September and October.
Capt. Ferrelra Also Gives Himself
Up to the British.
Ily TxeluMtf Wire fiom The Antnriitpii Prefi".
London, Sept. 12. A despatch from
Lord Kitchener, dated Pretoria, today,
announces that '. Kruger a son of
the former president of the Tians
vaal, and Captain IVrrelr.i h.ive sui
rendered. Embezzled Strikers Funds.
Vj Rielusive Vlr from Tb Ajaociitod Press.
lleadlnir, Pa., Snt 13. - fter a Irld lasting
f-lru e xe-terdd.t, . II. lleehor, i-vlalmr leader,
un at noon today fonnd guilty nf rnihejllni;
funds of Philadelphia and llenlniK railroad i-iii-pl'4ex'
committee, nliiili I cnndili'tlnx a tliike
in the hop-i nt the company heie,
Corporations Chartered,
Ily FxeluMtf Wire (rum The wfulated Tie".
lUriMitinr, Sept. li. Charters eif l.n"d to
dav by the Hale departnunt tn thee corpora
linn.: Washington Jiniudry. Wahlnitnn; nplMI,
$10,niiil. The Oak (irnte Kleetric rnnipan), Oak
(iiuu', Clliil'jii county; capital, I.Om).
flGGordlno to President Shatter tha
Great Steel Strike Is Still
in Progress.
The President of tho Amalgamated
Association. Stntes That Ho Has
Not Been in New York or Youngs
town A Cab Full of Non-union
Workmen Is Pursued by a Mob.
B Kiclwlre Wirt from The AaweUted Trm.
Pittsburg, Sept. 12. Tho air xvns
again full of rumors today that tho
stilke had been settled. The absence
of President Shaffer from Amalgamat
ed headquarters nil day up to 4 p. in.
lent color to the report. Hy many Mr.
Shaffer was supposed to bo In New
Schwab, and others, xvero convinced
Schwab and others xvero convinced
that h xvas In conference xvlth the
American Tlnplate olllrlals discussing
a proposition to call tho strlko off so
far as that compnny xvas concerned.
When President Shaffer llnnlly ap
peared at headquarters he dispelled all
hopes by saying thero xvns no chango
In the situation. Immediately after
arriving at the ofllce Mr. Shaffer called
the national otllcers to his room for
a conference xthlch lasted forty min
utes. It was Impossible to learn what
the talk xvas about as none of the
participants xvould talk.
An Associated Press representative
captured the president ns he xvas about
to board a car for home. In reply to
questions, Mr. Shaffer said:
"There has been no conference xvlth
the steel people today as has been
reported. I have not been to New
York and I inn not going there, nor am
I going to Youngstown." This latter
xxas said In answer to the report that
the Youngstown strike! h bad held a
meeting tills afternoon and had tele
graphed President Shaffe.- asking him
to nltcntlMin adjourned meeting to
night. He said he knew of no meet
ing at Youugstoxvn. In explanation of
his absence from his all day
President Shaffer said:
"I xvas at home until very late. I
xvas not feeling very xvell nnd did not
come down town. That accounts for
my absence."
Mr. Shaffer said ho bad not heard
of any developments today nnd re
peated the assertion thai he xvas going
home to rest and xvould not leave tho
No Further Propositions.
It was- said at Amalgamated head
quartrts today that the steel combine
has refused to entertain any further
p:opcfltions of settlement from tho
Amalgamated as-soclatlon. Thls xvould
ieeni to strengthen the report from
Ntxv York that tho situation is now
lu Ji'st the same shapo that it xvas
hefore the first conference at Olevc
li.nd. In the bands of tho constituents
of the company for settlement; that
Mr. Schxvnb and Mr. Morgan have
turned the matter over to tho local
olliclals nml that If nnythlng Is dono
It must be done hy them and not
through the otllcers.
With drawn rovolx'ors, two officers,
ono a coal and Iron policeman, tho
other said to be a regular officer on
the South Side police force, sat on tho
top i eat of a cab and guarded six non
union workmen Into the Monongahela
tin plant on the South Side this) after
non. A great crowd of strikers and
sympathizers pursued the cab to and
from the mill and on tha return trip
loth oillcers once moro drew their
guns, and at Fourteenth and Carson
street, one shot was tired from tho
tib. Fortunately no one was hit.
Several persons attempted to catch
the horses by tho bridles, nnd It was
then the shot xvai tired. Oreat con
ftiilon followed and tho olllcers got
away without further trouble.
Nine new men xvere taken Into tho
Snr tin mill today, without any In
tel I'ei'cnce. The situation at all of tho
other plants remains unchanged.
The (Ires will be lighted tomorroxv
morning under the boilers of tho Shen
ango steel mill at New Castle, Pa.,
and preparations will bo nmdo for the
starting of the 'plant next Monday
morning. Tho striking1 steel xvorkeis
remain firm in their determination tc
not return to work.
Gngo Accepts Offer of Bonds.
Ily Kxeiiite Wire from Tho .VworlatM Prew.
WiKhliiEtnn, Sipr. U.-Sifretary fiatf tndij
aicepted i-tors ef hnndt azcienatins $7,301, W ir
reione to Ills annoumfntent of laxt TnepdH
that he would reeeivo offers of all denomlna'ioni
iviept the new IN. The rtlce.s are: For 4 ol
1W, from IU,.0 to 1IS.T'iJ: .Is ef 1W at $111;
Tn of 10(11 at -10S tn JMOs.7.1; 5s of puM at $10' 7Xj
l of li.'.X at ins to 1(110. Tho offers rejected
amounted to $Hl.'iflil.
Rapidan a Total Wreck.
My Kxdnix Wire fiom The .U.nelated Pres.
(,ewe. lii I.. Stpt. li All fiTniu to float thi
j-ii lit Itapiihn, xthlili tranded Tneiday nlsht
'hate liein aliandinii d. and he will he a tola
xweili. She Is liadlv liroKen up and the tide (Ids
and ll.vts thrmiBh her I'nrther ln.tiueton hp
atvaiti d fiom her ovtner. Hubert Hall McConnkk
ol Chirac".
YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. dila lor septunlicr 12. limit
Highest leinperatiuo 7.1 ileur
t.onest tempi'iatnio 6S degi
irljil... Ilitmidill !
S a, 111 M P" ""t
S p. iii "I I'T rent
I'Kciplutien, 21 liniirs ended R p. m., 0.19 inch,
i m
4 Wi. Illusion, Sept, li. Porwut for -
4- HaMein fVnnlvnnlai generally fair frl- H
f diy and Siturdiy, fresh derfy xrlnds.
f 4- -f -f -f 4- -f 4- -f -f ; 4: -4
at 'liJWtetraaiiiiiifr-w'MmiWif -u niiar'- '-r1 -
viiiiiWn iMYiiitAitr-il'iiMrtrtirii'li1.iiiii t' i