THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1001. 6 SECOND DAY OF THE FAIR THREATENING WEATHER KEPT MANY TERSONS AWAY. gome Pino Displays Aio Made in the Booths, Most of Which Ate Well rilled Tho Famous Missing Link Apple 13 Attracting Consldeinble Attention Rnccs Weie Inteiestlng nnd Excited a Good Deal of Intei est The Entiles and Winneis of tho Events. 1'ioni a slart l.iiiwpi tidiiit Mitltlaiul I'.iiti. WiUIkx lllo. Split IM , 11. Two k"mI troitliiK ntiil pat-ini? pvpiits mid a itiiniliiK ruio xxeie tin1 Itiuinlnoiit reunites of l.iii'Uiixxuiiiiu county's iiKi-lrulluiiil fair m Maltliiml l'uik," Wallsvlllc km1.iv. Tlii'ic hi iilmut a tliutisiiiiil r-poi tiilm in the Kioiituts ilurlnir tin- afii'iiinini. A Hll'llllR XXltlll Mnpll1tf tlllWIl till' llllllle- Mrolcli liiiuli' It a lallpi It. ml pinpivl tlon fur tlie imppih. A IniRpr muulicr of lili Miu-vs weie In e.Nlstuiui' tliaii on tin- uppiiliiK Iti ami nit njiin-il lo In' KPttlnu IlliPial p.iliniiiiKP. Dllll'itr tln iifli'iiuii'li 'in K..1I1I0 KnlKht "1 lit ntiiit township Hhut ilmxn tin- lilK wlH'i'l r duliine on 1lii hill ami biol.i- up n flu'll Kiime that vim ruuiiltiK The hpioiiiI dux'n iitti'iiilanri' n ll. willy up to the 1 ttitluiw of tlie rlhpi'iniH iiinl tin- nilipfi litimii tally In- toiosii'il. This w.m pinli.ilily 1 1 k- to tllp UllflHOMllll' api'l 1 of tin1 i-ltx In the euily nun nliiK. wlililt mi Just Milllileiitly oviTta-t to di'li r ilu' Mtiul Ins upon a Iiuik; Jiiiiiiii- h tin- num. ny xlsltui-. who nrc. itft.i all, the Ilu IiIhuip of a (utility fall. In tlio pally iiiurnlim tin- tuiek, Willi ll wa In xui h roiiiI iiiiull t ion oil Tui'mIii.x, waf III an iiliuoxl (1p-pliil-able Htatf Up.iv.x .slimxi re (liliiliK the lllftllt liml ullM'l led It Into a il (it limit and tile fuel Mepliltiu: hius.'.s, nftir tliey hud in en put tlnoimli theii p.uly illuming i-aie lime lint xlluht IVSCtllllllltK c to I IIP .sill,X-i (llti'il. XXi'll pioiilliPil ill Isl.ii lat of 111" tlllt tllpy li'llllx weie. TI'.ACK ITT I.N' Slt.M'n. After the Mm hud romp out mid the li.ic hail lifted from the iii'IkIiuuiIiik hillsides the illieitiu of the fair IHOinptly look nmticT" In hand, and a ir.iutr of 11IP1I .111(1 tun "PS Weie eel lo vntk hrrapliiK and h. 11 lowing the jjiuiinil all the xwty around the In an iniipdildy shot t ."p.u e of time tho xx titer had Peon dialned 1m Heath the stui tin p, a w. u 111 t-oiithptn wind had Fpiun? up and the my of tho i-un Minn di hit the liiilf-iuile iImIp My llio time the 111. st line wii" 1 ailed tin omro was In Rood shape. Tho booths ilewited to ehllill" who all well tilled pslnid.iy iiiihiiIiik. Srimo flue ilisjilaxs weie made. The must pioinliient one. In many lespeet", was a Mp.nIi'.iii liootli. Ilttul up In ph -liircMitiu fashion by I'otiutj Survevor lieoiRU K. Stoxclicon. It piiiIii.ipp'i jihotoKiMph", mis, Inillun and AztPi! lelles, head wuik, skillfull;. u u baskets, antleis, .Meluiu di.iwn Mink, lil.inkotH and many Implements (if and iliiiiipstlp uu of li -pnnp fcntmli'". Thn booth" deoted to due lleeille voik, hoicehold alt and doiue"tle liMiiufaetllKvi air well tilled with an jiUlitiliK quality of (jonds. A rpiiphuis (ollcctiiin of house plant" and 1 ut ilow fw tills almost one-half of one side of the l.irKP hall ui"tiili" In the main Inilldltiff. i:i:.mai:i m.i: aimm.i:. The fiiliiotiH ".lls"ins l.lnk ' apple, vhli h is ( l.ilinoil to leniiilii pound tor four yeai.-, Is on exhibition, plaeeil their- by ll. M. htoiip of Stall. I'a. It is attractlM'ly set foitli. In the fumy venk depaitment 11 jileee of ptiibiold tiy shown by .Mis. lM-xin Tiffany of JJopbottnui biliiR" I'm III exiluiu.illous 1 admtiatlon fiom neatly cveiy feinlit Inp sppetator, and iuan. a iii.i"eullni ep is rlvptted by its beauty. It U a lafRP eiutie piece, of double tiips, voiked In led. pink white and pale :ipIIoi. Tht'ii tlii'ip aie a niiuiber of pMllllstti ly worked line rollins of liuelipM' and li.ittcnliPiK. mid linen liandkeri lilefs, liemstlti lied and sui loundeil with lliiest hue", make the booth vi ry altjaetie. I!e.des tlie'-e theie are di.iwn work leutle pli-i p" and bateau (oeis. a laiRe nuniber of pieced and knit hnliiullts 1 ur.y qiillu. IiIm lilt ciLihleiii", -ota ( iisliluii" in silk, lice, clicullli' ilerdm and nittou and t uslilous cinlnoldAii il. limiil iiaiiited kfltul Rotten up In ajiuo"i eci nin- culvalilo vay Thin .lie main pleies nt olil-fashloiii it I. u '. pl.ilub tamlly rcllcs, rtlRS, (imlntid and uiinii woolon mid Knit ."Kirts 1 mrhetti d Hiood", dhouldt 1 at- f is' 11111 1 01 . " Infants' nppnrcl and the oldtlmo rug carpets In bale. Theio are Jellies, preserves, Jams, phktes, peppcis nnd nit other kinds of kltchi'ii arts. Maple stiRiir cakes, honey In the comb nnd In bottles, tes tify liiutply but eloquently to the skill of the housewives. .Mi:nriiA.voisu display. The lower pnit of the main liulldltiR 1 all tilled with inerrhnndlsp displays. 1). It TlioiniLs of Norlli Main avenue. .Seiniitoii, pally has the handsomest show of all. I-'lvp blKhlV polished pliiiuis, and n number of sewltiR tuu ihines me installed In tho upper end. DiIrrs tc MneCoimell of Nicholson occupy two sides of tills hall. One Is di'Mited to stoves nnd comptlse.s kitchen imiiki'h nnd eookliiR and par lor stoves, ull haniNoiiiP pioducts of the fonndiy. (n the other side they slmw hanu-'ss and hoise clothliiR of all ilesrtlptloil". II. 1.. Trubeiibndi. ot Koikaway llellill. N. Y.. lias 11 colllltei lllled Willi Jew eh y, heads and sea helK A HiiiR hninton lit m comes next to him with a llnp or clothes wasliets and wiIiikpis. .1. V KellelibeiRerof raetor.vMlle take" tip tlic leinalnder of the space with his lie (I earn and lemonade stand and table. At the other end of the lull the t'eckvllle r.nterlalnmeiit lomp.iliy dl.iws Rood-sized uowds to lis theutie with a iiiovltiK plctuie and iihonoRiaph show. (iiii"lde the old whip limn Is Installed In hi" usual 101 tier. keepliiR the crowds miiiiseil b his witticism" unit lep.lltee. No fall Wotlld t Hllpleto without tills whltc-milKtuehed. pleas, allt-faeed old Kelltlemnil with Ills stoi les mid (tt.i in t sa.tlmts. I!v Hie time the hoises weie (ailed Up foi the lli"t laic tliete was quite a 1: mil-sized iillilleiue plecellt III the stand and the Held to watch It .l.iinos Iv. lly i.ri.Iu olllclnted as sialter. iind Wllllain Siuerei. of lVikvllle: Tliun iiii I'.iikei. of I'lmk's Snminlt: Smith I'lOiinati. of Seimitoii. ami llari Mil let, of Wax pi I v. wet-- the Jiulge." and Hun 1 s. Tin: KinsT isai'i:. Tl. lust 1111 p. the S.ID das--, v Itli a puisp of JHni, xx an called at 2 o'clock. TIipk weie seven stntteis, iiuiKiii); a ill',- buiuli for tin- JiiiIrps to control on the -..liliel 11,11 low ttiiek. (told Itln iIkw the pole, with .IpiiiiIp 1!. seiolld. Miss Lou. t 111 1 (1. and t'nde Ned on tile outside of the llrst low. Tlien came .Mll'llle S, Call H. and Ml"s .tennle tllilllllU-. lalill horse lepu-seuted a dltfeieilt loi.illty unit theie weie lump fiom Pei.mtnn. Tlie mcc by heats lol low " I'll si lieiit -TIip second attempt to Mine was a Rood one. xxith the e 1 "Pllon that Jennie H. was left. So Stattei ICellv called them ti.Kk. Ar.iIii mill mruln tliey xxpip tiled, until the Rood temper of Kelly almost failed I11111 aiiii In had to admonish the ilrheis se xpipIx and xxain tliein that lines xwiuld he intl.i led for tile lievt offelK e. Af ter " mole futile .scoies they wiie sont away fallly well, .tennle 11. Rot at oine Into her stilile and foe a furluiiR theie was .1 clenr letiRtli be tween her nnd tile Held. Then Miss l.dii 1 nine uloriR in a uisli ami ted to tllMllst (ll. II ler, Willi Miss .Ipuille liet .". Inru! liil'lnil. At the half Miss K011 1'ishel past the JiiiIrps sllll in limit mul k( pt tlieie until the thiee-(iim tei.s v is leached, xihen Miss .lennle t-xiK up inmmaitil mul keit it until attei ll" xlie xx as passed While 1 oiuiiiR iiiouial the tut 11 for the home suodh ('.ill it. hioke and "ixcrxi'd Into the "Hlky (llaxMi by .lennle H. bieakliiR llie iiliiel and filRlitelihiR the nine Into .1 11111 She uiiiif In a xx lid Ral lii) up the sli'tih. hut when oppulte her Miible stibsldPil Into 11 snu pai e .iiiil w is easily caiiRht The heal was turned nl'i bv ill,ntei" In tills Rood time. 11 .:: 1 IT'j. 1.5U: '.' :uij. .Mi. CipiellliiR, theownei of .lennle H., an llouuccd III" Intention of stm tiliR ill the n-.t, (l-'spUi. his luukeii sulkx. t 1 This Question Should Be An swered Easily by Scran- ton People, YliIoh Is xxlser to have confidence In the opinions of your fellow citizens or depend on statements made by utter strniiReis? Head tills: Mr. Isaac Smith, of 11C0 Sadlo place, Hyde Park, employed by the 1)., 1j. & W. at Atchbald mines as n miner says: "I had a dull pain In the small of mv back If I Mimed about quick ly n stitch-like pain caiiRht me across my loins. In lookliiR oxer the paper 1 lend a statement of a poison 111 luff In Hi 1 anion who xxns tumbled just as I was. 1 Rot a box of tlirm at Matthexvs Hi os di iiR store, nnd they proxed to be Just what I needed., and befoie I hnd token the whale biy tin? pain left 1110 and 1 have been fiep fiom It ever since.'' atl dealeio Tike lia Kostci -Millitnn Co., sole iiRents for the PICTURES and FRAMES At unusual prices. It lias always been our motto to give our customers exceptional values. This new department will have our best efforts. 10x14 and Gilt Frames. Rec ularly 25c. Here.... 11x14 inch 14c l'or sale by cents n.f bov. lliilfalo, X. Y rnlted States. Iteiiiemher the no substitute. name Dunn's and take 15x20 and 16x20 inch Imitation Oak. Reg- 'lCn ularly 50c. Here... JC 2)1 Inch White and Gilt or all Gilt, sizes 1 JX20 and 16x20. Regularly 'iQp 7CC. Here JC 3 Inch Imitation Oak with Gold Lining or All Gilt, fancy design, 15x20 or 1 6x20. Regularly AQr 90 cents. Here 4-7L Two inch fancy gilt or white and gilt, sizes 15x20 or 16x20. Regu- Cp larly 50c. Here &D Five inch, 3-piece frame, all gilt or white and gilt.size 15x20 or 16x20. 7Cr Regularly $ 1. 25, here 3' Four inch solid oak, gilt linings, sizes 15x20 or i6x 20. Regularly $1. Qr Here "7L All kinds of framed and unframed pictures at corre sponding prices. Bring your pictures no charge for framing. The New 4 Cent Store 310 LACKAWANNA AVE. EDUCATIONAL. I Free Tuition Tty a recent net of the lcRlMa ture, free tuition Is noxv granted nt tho Literary Institute nnd State Normal School Uloomsburg, Pa. tn all those picpniltiR to teach. This school maintains coumes of study for teacliPis, for those ptrparliiff for rolleRe, and for those xtudyiiiR music. It wl'l piv tn "rite frr pirtlruhM. Nil other riliiul odi-rii Midi mnnlor .up xatitiiRM at fuvli low talcs .VMicxi J. P. Welsh, A. M, Ph. D.,PrIn. Meldrum Scott & Go. I CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY l. i . .,. ..i..i urn n. WissahicKon licii;nts, v.ninui inn, r. the dilxeis they kept liwlit on for the mile, finishing In the same older. The time for tlie iuiiler xwm U'i seconds and for the half tulle. I.tinij. Sei'iind It ipiiiilipil but one pi e lliulnaiy toeinir of tlie inaik before Air. Kellv sliouted "ro." Diamond ( xxns a little behind his tluee mates. l.miiiblai k and Itaudolpti ('. made a von- ptptty race of It all the xxay in uiinii the ( Ii i lilt, (llstatu Iiik tlie olliei txo stm ters. At the epurter ISaudnlpli l had Ills nose ex en xxllh the wheel of T.iiinplilai k's sulkx-, but tlie iliiver of the liliu k let out an etta kink and lie inoxed up about half 11 dozen leiiRtlis in fi out of Itnndnlph by tho time tlie stand xxas leached. The other two xvere h.ilfxxay down the home sttetih at the time, plaluli outi lassed. 'I'liiie of iiuaiter iuIIp, 4I'j seionds, lialf-inlie. 1 I'M,. l.fT WHAT. Thiid This xn n repetition of tlu other tvxo heats, the only differ ent o beltiKtbat I.ampblai 1 was further aliead of llaiidolpli ('. titan formerly and the other two still fuither in the rear. Tlie y folloxxs: I imp 1' s '.,.n. W itkrs lltrrr. 1 ! The WalkOver Shoe I $3.50 and $4.00. 1 Fall Styles Now Ready. i A tioanliiiK "cliool for boys In the etejpjf' ami licaiitifiil open country nortli or I'lili.i ilelpMa X" nilniiles from llro.Kl ht .station for mtnloRiies aililic JAMES L. PATTERSON, Uead-Maiier. l i liunl.ilpli ( . li k . I. W. linn, Xlonl ioi . 2 2 2 M iic.iet (VII. Ml, in. c sn,,,,ri , I'lillno. . t S .1 lliininiiil r., l.r ir. (' W. Cnlp, Pilion. I t I mi 1 '.i - l.'i,. 1 17. Then (.line a lunnlnp the ion ditlons belnjr lialf-mlle heats, best dl TALL CORN doesn't rnnic by accident A fertile soil and can fill cnltix'a tioti ,ire iiccessirx' to produce the tow eritig stems and he.ix'y cars Y( t Hip farmer who under stands Hint he can't haxc a healthx- corn crop without fceduuj and weedmc, seenis to think that lie can h.ix'e a healthy liodv xwthout either care or culture Hut the body Is built up just ns tlie corn is, by the assimilation of the hcx-cral chemical elements on xvltieh x'it.ihty depends. And xx'hat weeds are to the corn, diseases of the stomach and tmtritixe systems are to tlie body they (lix'ert Hie neces. eary food supply from the proper channels, and the body becomes lean, sickly and Hi-nourished The proper diR-estion and assimilation of food is a pri mary essential of health lly healing diseases of the stoni acli and organs of digestion and nutrition, l)r Pierce's Ooldcn Medical Discoxery increases the dlgestixe and assimilative powers, stimulates the nction of the blood niaVing glands, and exery organ of the body the rich ted-corpuscled blood on which physical vigor and vitality depend, "I toolc two bottles of Doctor Tlerce'i Golden DI(cov ery, for ttomach trouble," writes Clarence Carnea, Ksq , of Taylor, towu, Loudoun Co., Va. "11 (Hit rne to much good that I didn't take any more, X can eat moit an s thing now, I am fto well SlIl'OND HIJAT. Second After a lonir. dieaiy xait, anil xxith the piomlse if n Hue lieliiK: luMleteil by the starter on the di Ix cis xxlui did not appear in a kIxcii (.1111 the heat x.i finally called A nimibei ot fiuitloss atteinpts xxeie iii.iiIp befoie ,i. Kelly xxns s.itsled with tlie llue-up ami k.ixc pei inlsnn for tile unwlelily Held to Kt Kolng. In tlie meantime. Miss .lennle had lost .1 to-'weiirllt. whli ll flintier delayed tii. When tliey fc-ot nxxiiy tluallv .Miss .leiinie lepealed her tin tins of tllP last by Kolmr iiromptlx ahead t'mle N(d got a little the xxoist of the .stmt. Miss .lennle W! all tlie xax to the iiuaiter. xhhli she i eddied in llT'i seioiuls, 1 1 1 1 t'aii li, (lose up At the half In l.HU, these same two hoises ieie tlKhtlllfT for the lead. .Miss .li-nnl-. hiixltiK the il a li-nmli. and tlie leiiiululm; lix'c beliiK stietched lor a tuiloim belilnd. The two leadeis tlottpil steadily all Hie way i.iouilil the upper till 11. hut Millie of those 111 the rtti'lv InoKe badly behind the hill. The sK fllllongs XM'le inado in Kit. On the drlxe luuue ("ail H, ni ule n xaliant pftort to catch the little bay male In fiont of lilin. but was beat 'li for the heat by about lxo bombs fnilp Ned, tlie old timer, xxas ii"t to iiass the xx lie, liulf a dozen h ukiIis uw.i.x. while tho iest weie fur. ihei away stiitu? out In a lon line Thiid heat Four tltnps anil olV 1 1 1 went Miss, .lonnlo led to tlie muitir wlili Cat! H sei ond and I'm lo Ned rest, p.uli sepaiated by a leiiKth. Time - n'iiiii. At the half, Mls.s Jennie led, I'm le Ned, second, and ('nil It., thltd. I'aelc of Hie hill Carl It. bioke nnd tell heitlnd. Cold Itelu took his place .it thiid. wltli tlie mine two leaders in limit. Cumins' home. Miss .lennle paired und?r tho wire tluep lengths alien! ot I'm le Ned, who Jed Cold Holn bv about tlie same distance. The test of the field xxeie tr.illiuff some dis tance behind. Till id mid fouilli nionex.s xer' oiileied dlxided between Call II. ami .Miss lyou. smininary: Mi l tiniP. I in, I inns (Viol, Villi- thiee In llxe, for a purse ut $"0. The first xxns a splilted lip.nt tie txxcpii llmiy Itellows nnd Pike's Peak, tliey beliiR on almost even terms until the heimestreti h xxas leached, xx lien Ilariv sliot ahead ami Peak slowed down. Nlfwr P.aby was thiid and Palsy fouilli. Time for the (matter was L'T seioiuls nnd for thp half, .'iT' M'l Ollils. Ill the seiiiud heat l)aly did not start. At tlie quintet Pike's Peak xxas a nose in fiont of llnrix, but lip was i. night there ami passed, llaity beat ing the giav for tlie heat by a good margin. Kummar: : Hun, hr c, Kulur Ir, s, tm(7 illr. . . 11 Pil,i' P, it., v . II II I'urip, I .u l.oii- illli , n Nifuir Mil.s. Iiik s. W. I" sinni., w.irrli, 'I aT 1 ft aTA- m V. - i oar jkif n. W I .Kj m m Im M I M m f m m m m & M m aw mm m m m m El m M fc U m aFfc 0 aw ap lW 7& I tofcy'l BINGHAMTON TRAINING SCHOOL lor Vriou, IluVwiiil anil IVit Xluto Clul ilirn 1'liiKH il 'lralnins, Manint ruining. Arm m itlon Mmli Uraxvlng, Mnilercjtun. Open j n ir aiouml. (.huiUr. S. A. Doolittle, s' I'aixlrw Xxciiu, llinRliitnlon, N. Y. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCRANTON, I'A. T J 1'0'ler, PrcjIdcnU Tlmfr II Lawall, Tren. It J Poiter, htinlpy r Vtie President. Allen, SocreUry. Fall Opening of New Dress Goods including Choice line of Black Goods in Staples and Fancy Weaves of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture. Exclusive Novel ties in the Famous Priestley Fabrics RAILROAD TIME TABLES. SiiiiiiiiuiuiiuiuiiiiiiiieiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiKiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir, llji-i, l.r in . S 1' Tunc OST's. 0 ' l.v. I llltnril. 3 ( iir Today tlieie xxlll be two nues, one a fiee-for-all. for a purse of $2nn. xxhli h has ten entries, nil of them fast tlax eleis. The other xxlll lie for the L' ', (lass, xxith a puisp of Y:, xxltb PlRlit staiteis on the ( aril. V.. , Hatfield. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. It Is Said O. & W. Is a Good Thing to Buy at This Time D., L. & V. Boaid for Today. T I' in, Cauies, M (.inlr , ; p in C it.i, lli'.ini".! n l'u.liem fi ( i m I uinrit' s 1 m II i" II Sn a m, Mnr.ui. 7 p in Murplit ' p in. It llxrlliolntiipu , VI p in X W iileuor I'lorncrr l.iislneJ 7 a. m , Caltnri ,7a in , Puiffir; 11 i m, Nimiisn. la . in, t' K Snor: T p. m, Willhm ll'.ar, 7 SIX p m , Mc Colm Wild l'.it, Wil -", .1 in , It ("Liner. 7 .1 in . Iliinilkjiii s a. in, ll. Kniiliilpli. In i. in, W. I Mier; II a in, iXilhim Klrln 1 i. in. huiu-.lrr- "J n in . X K. Kt'tdiun. .1 p ni . XI. I'limixlv; 1 p in , I 11 Xlri Htin, X p. in, .lohn (ilwKiii, 0 p m, ii w. l'ltnrTal.l. NOTirK 1 XI, , mull will inn I' lalllirmi'ii irew until fuillier n.itup I. I (dot, lln jinl cip'i "ill r in .ulilill'inal siiinmli,, s p in s,pi To Begin Operations. lMixln Moses. inanaRei ot the l.aeK awanna Window Cleaning company, lias been Industriously encased dutlim the past f xxeeks In ( lo-liiK (.ontiact.s wltli a laiRe number of initial iit hi siness men and it is ppei led that tin conipany will bcem woik In the f.ear flltuie. 'I lie enmpan.x Piitploys a liitKP miinber ol deaneis, and It is tlmtiKht that one In operation It xxlll be toiind that the (oiiiern fills it Ioiik felt want. It Is the first company of tills in c to xcorlv in Siriiliton. THEATRICAL NEWS. -h li-ti' mil pi I u I In. I ll.l lllll 1 M I l ll . ill JituU tiling l .MUM - ll .f . i- ii ti ti li I nitwit u'i ii Uni L i t im iu I i . I At the Star Theater. (If nil ln liililt'iitti er.ll.l7iiliiili li. v 1 I llie ililil. "Mic Xlem MjIiIiiiV .inpiie will pill X1n!ltt.t.t . IiiimUi .mil Wrlnii-'!i t ni'Xi wml. .a Hip UiimIii. villi M. imIii i .1 i iltiiiilj.i iiuIiii'i.. .p i.iniciliil 1 In it i1 i Inp. Ilir iilm U ,iii i viiplieiMin uiinii en . Itnl .lllliilis tin llteniliirn mo lii im lit l mi il Nilh lllllli'l. plinnill liuili(llr plllnu ililitil, 1 H li 1.HUII, illlllit imni'lltl .lllll lllllw Lull II. il uf tli until, turnip, I.iIimuiI 1tij:ti., ili.iiilmii i hi i in Till. Itlllll S. ti,. I.l.tlllill pi It I s nf Mill. illle; I in mil 1 liipnun. imni'iti .niiilnt-, sp, , i er llii'llii n, miiIiimIV IioiiiiIi , .mil Miiiv litu I. Ilu m iilil . jti net ti.i pnn lui uli i i iit.iiilei uliiiinit .in III lililllmn In the .ilinw Hull ml, ,i im. I, p le.iiim, "X ll.o I inn. hi Ilu' I , .mil Xl I1-.I ti lloi li,' Imtli i1i.3.itnh niniitiiiil whit in i filhieni iiini an. rlnlili,i1 rfToi-. .init i pi'U illill (ImrilK nf IHrtiM .(.illli; ijitn ., In .Kit I lilt Ij. i o.-uiiiimI an V. Ilalelit. Liiri tlie, ., II. W. V'lnuiK, Par. Hun- t in li- Nut, It. b , Itnlicrt li., Silmi xille, ('ml II ,ti K. .1 M;- Lou li. in. iniiillli' f.ul'l Iti'ln, It. t tilli. .Inline It , It in LmiiJili. .. Xlinnip s . (, p 'lime .'It'., -J 1 1 1 W. I'. Norton, Allien- t reiilinir, t'jr- 8 t A I u i plcanen wltli It I Baruly Know now to tlinokyou for your kind Infor. niation. I tried a xvholr lot of thing before I wrote to you, There was a gentleman told me about xour medicine, how it had cured hi. wife. I thought I would try a bottle of It. Am now glad Hut 1 did, for I don't know what I xvoutd have done If tt had not been for Dr. Tlerce'i Golden Med ical UUcovery." Dr. I'lerce'i Pleasant Pellets regulate the bowels and cure I C3UjtJjtl0U, ('. Muiler, l.i I'liinie, ..177 HI. L'..u. Till: f'Ol.T HACK. TIip colt i.ue, divided Into hnlf-inlle heats, tiest tlircp In five, for a jr,0 puise, iiiniP next. Theie xxeie four slaiteis. TIip saino (ifflcialH picsidcd as In tlie 111 it im p. The lieatH lesulted as fol low s Flint bent-Mm gat et O'lt. xxas tlie lmky horso to set the pole, Lamp Illaik was next mid TtandMlph ('. nnd Ula iiioud C. xx ere thiid unit fouith. It ie ejulred a number of efforts, to jret the strliiK eolner, but tit last, to a eood line up tlie word wnBBlven. I.iiiuplil' k Btepped rleht out and led all tho xxay around, at tho quarter leading Hun dolph O. by txvo lengths and at tho half about the Fame distant e. Tlie other two horses tl ailed far behind In - ""v-i Indian, flic, iTbrout'h botne inlstake of on all sides It N said that Ontaiio and Westcin xxili do to liny at these pnees for eltlier a Iouk or a slant pull. Ilvpiituull.x. Its ft lends think, the Mod; xxlll sell axxay up. Opeta tlons of the mail foi tlie past flsia! year lesulted III a surplus of JSTO,".':!;, as against a sin plus of JsT.i.iL'l for tho prexlotiH ye.u. Tile sutplus xxas eiiil xalent to 1'.. per cent, on tlie ntitstand Iiik stodt. OiiKinally the Ontaiio and AVestein liad 2 non.nnO inpfeiicd stock, but all but $.-i,00l) of tills has been ex- i limited for bonds. Tlie stodc so exdiaiiKed, how ever. Is kept nllxp and tlie xotins tiust liy xxlildi It li liehl eleds elKht of the tlilitppii diiettors until Midi time ns an pained dividend has been paid on tlie lonimnii. Manifestly these terms lould bo compiled xxltli noxv if tho maiuiRP input tlioiiBht it adxlsablp. but riesl dPiit Vowler liitlmatPS that dlvldpiuls should not be pxpeded nt piescnt, al though they me In slKht. Coal furnishes neaily half of the loiupany's gioss levciiup, mid of tlip Iniri'iisp of $3.9.0nn in bioss last ear, J.'i.'.l.nno was from mul trafllc. The (ompaiiy naturally Is ilevulliif,' pmticu l.ii' attention to this hiandi. The On taiio nnd WestPin labois itndPr some physlinl disadvantages, which lannot up xxiioity lemoxed, altliotiBti great impioxcinent lias been made in this ip sped The loinpany evpended $1,7TS per mile last par for mnlntPiiaiire of wii, as aBiiliiht JS67 per mile In 1890. The eoal piopeitles iPce-ntly nceiulieil appear lo lie iiipablc of paying their own way. and peihaps a little nioie. Pliiladi'liilila Stodtholdcr. D., L. & W. Board for Today. Following Is tlie make-up of the D, I.. At AV. board fur today: U'l.D.MMIW. M'l'TI.UIII.It II Wild (.il. I.JM-s p ill, 11. 1, iltli 11, (.llliilJU'. in, ID p. in, I, X. Till ItsllxY. SlIIMI' li. Wild I im, i:atl -HI a. in , .1 I a. in, M. It MiI.jih' . 5 a in, M ,1, llninlk'Jiii h a in, x ti lliiiiniilt; lux. in . O W Unit, It il III, I! Ilimiii.; I p. in, J. II Xlikiria; f. p. ni . I' an Wonnir; p. m , .1. Wat'lrll, with li. T. si.ip.'i' iri'tt. siuniniti, Ilu. il a m , rt, .1. .1. xiurrx ; s a in , url, l I'reiinfr liter, II a. in , wrt, XI. t liiiiul , ii p in , i.ui, .1. ( 4iiiui:i k p. in , tut, Ln.lliucr, 7 p. ni., Nwy Aut', li. .McAUlslu; "The Danites" nt the Academy. X iloliehtful pi i form mi i nf flic Iiuhik. ' olil linn" wp-Ipiii iiipIIi.iiiii, .i. uurn li-t inu'lii it llie Xijildii.i o( Xlii.n l. Mn Wnlfonl (iinipllil Xlis sliriiilin Wnlfmil hs PilU I'ifer i(.i a ilci-cr innii ptii.ii mul i-li Ma itili Mipperinl. 'IIiIm aUriiiniiii "1 he HiiukIi Itnl n'-i Itomani -." a flue iiilllun drann, rrplMfl mill (Oineili ami Hiirlnu IiiiiIIiiih will I"' Kiiin Tonisht "t mler ln l'lan." ill be tin' ,utl Hllon, pir.ciiliin,' fnr llie til -t tuiir- in tlii( i itj t lit- UTrat dinil htorin mciip ciirii at the liinliii tlieitfr. Ncm Xmk i t 'llili (Oinpanv hat the Kile lltflit In ihl crinn anil Sioml firner ill add tn the pi ifoiinanir Mini Xol futil appeals at I iitaMK. 'House That Jack Built." "Hip llnu-i .Till. Itlllll." liPi'icc H lllnnlhui's lali'cl inii.ii j1 fine, xull line it uroiinl itinii al (In lairuiu toinoilou nulil. In lil( pirvlini-i Lint's Mr I1iii.idhiii.l Im ii.iiI I ilMinitly llirini- n. Ilu lipn nt Im pli.ii. In thin (mi, IiniiMir. indent nf .uinlnir il(" fKiiis it the liruim nf iliuiu'.lu .en int ami the xanmi lilmr iiiiion hi uliits tliiiu Jt tlie full- nt llie xinuld lie 'lheil-,t IK ItCllkil I i.l lit'Uai 11 sititiiinw.uliil xi ill appear n a pipirliain;ii. .nut Mks (. f.eoice IIU..PV a the rii h wiiln Oilier mem- heia nf tie (onipim ire 11eii llniknnnil, (' I". 1.0H1II1P, liiiuli I .iiiipi m, XI' li" (.liiri.i, Xllmt Xinlieii;, Xlildieil Kiitli, Xti (uiiutiij. llnliert Priiwir, Ine Willi iiu, Arllnir (line. KipiI .lnlni, llatrv llnplans iml hIIipij, utiinns iilunii are liiui xjuilcxillc lieadllniM Seal Jre nuw nil tale. "The Casino Gill." fter a n..peioin inn nf am peifninuiiii-i In Niw oil. illy mul .100 liiulils .It Ilu shiue-hiin IhMtie, honilon, "The Ca-iun (.ill," t.invp . I.ulinr'a Ci-inn niiiilul rxtiaiau'iii'i, "111 he hi.iught tn ihl (lly on Monlai rxniliii! mxt ami will he pre.iiitnl at the I.jkiiiii tlieitie uiiilpr the peKonal ilircrtliin e,f s,mUpi ; ltnrK The pit'iluitlmi li Mid tn lie "i "t H" "I1"" iiiiciiHl.ini Muse iiinieption( that tic I'.ii-lm h.i eier keiit fmlli 'Ihe libretto N I'j Harry II. siniih and the following htory I. the cxi u.e fur the ilinlleij ptmu ilriuii of the Ci.nio, tlrlntr nf thu (ontliiiliU, l.oe-1 to f'Jlio. I'lttxpt, mid mien eoiniiieri l1 life ai a milliner hi New crk i.he had a medhiail, who nearthen for hi. he loi ni iirail he locale. Iter in Ihe mm hiinud eliy el the Sile lie dinvps in C.iuo at 1 time "lien Ihe (mint i,x i cultnl t the ilepifilmoiii of two joiiil roauon who arc fiueil .oiiKht toi In ihe polhc lien Mul.j, the deierrr of Hit pur. In (wipe .ine.l, limn au.pliion the wo.ier nf tin. L'a.inn Bill. Ihe loiter I turn bun i u luih in llie liiiuli iliiilc.l lulcitid and U e lalgmil liefme Pllirmr IMnlu, whn has Jmt wii his title and ottlu hy the inlimliiilioii of beer lo tin; Khcdlie III Meal nf liw ate liidlrin if and hi. jf.iunpllnii of iIIriiII l louilnl in tlm extreme 'llie fun U fuinlh(il h. Ihe I'oln, Dili Muli) iml Ina I'li'iii mn pinion, ulm .lie i nit ii a pall (if liilidila .n en r i.tepiid on the uiinii i'n ll, ami In fi nor (.aim, a Ci.i el i.pei.i ttmn. uli". wilh hiii Ji.imiMll-'ii ''I "'" hull. IkiuIiii .li.uulpil nil the Iniider it (he de.til V -.vveel tme tale, with ihe I a .Inn Bid nnd tier xnieili.iii admlirr a the (fie nil llzuri-i. nuw tlnniieh the -ton Iniiiimerahlc ill nailer ale Inlindueeii at llnielv Inn rial', mine In .lui;, -.nine In ilaiiie. and ntheia lo add I'fHUl.i In the --ii m. Iliiii.' n I a. inii piniluillnii It l intilh's' l' kUto that tin: (inilnhuj ilivrui will be STAGS NOTES. Xtldli w. Xh, K. in "Tom iinn," ha( In i nil e a Itionlw 1,1 f iiniiti, and U ihanuu i.ipiiiu .lildiriniv tn the lleiald s,Uir, li,,iti, I in lu-t luih mtAr tn plai mi Itimdua In eii-.. .iml lie tlr.t 1.IIKI uptm llMMtluav tieiiitui' ihe ihr urn il I'uitir. Iiis t.iine.1 la icr.v tl .a rlnsf. Ii.ili to li ii ii iml hi luitiisi'i., Huh ,V Hull- Mr XIji I, Mill iimiin at Ihe Ilu, ltd spian ihi an uriKi Iiilnio he hpln. Iiia t.iur ef the priin ipa i ith. 'llie iiMuim l.i 1m wiiiii in Paul I'.iltit'-i tun Itnl iKHteib. in nhlih tiuftt XIjdii and I 1 it i t.ipuiau ale ""ii In open Iheli uie In u ir made fi.iiu phel"-:raph-i nl heienii .i lint., male and . liken irieutli in the 'line (ill. Mr. XIjiiii'h inike-iip mr Ihi rule nl Put I'liiitlnii will he n (iimpn-ili iitiidi i.r (.unlit .IiiiiIii it iiiil Hutu I' nil Mum i Ihe uppi t p i tinn nf the fee. li pu rni Ina the hi iglil "f ll"' r lllll llleln e. uill he luplul fli'lll Ciliiril .1 in Iml, while ihe ileti rmliMiiiiii and ili.'i.'itl pir.iM eiiie "f KiUL'rr will lie ilepli ml in tin mi" , niinilli im) i lull. 'Ihe Miw .V Irlinair I'.niiuli i iiiiii.-iih' imh the Ihurr-i lililllmn in "Ihr lintel. Itinlhiis in XXii.hluslnit," will run lilt hut hie un-ki lunji r at Ihe Kiilikeili'u Ihe.llli. Ilitir In. I mitni politau i imaci mi nl foi- th!-. i-ea-nu Mu. Imiikid for bin xcien mciK. let In dial thin tlm ul huipt Unit hekt Vl'W Xl'll. llli'Kl, llllllll M 14 (I 111,1X1 ut nn tteiki, lai-t e.mni Xllir pi n- Im: in Itninkljii ami Nenurli Ihe Ihiei- luiiihua Mill hri;iii ii (mu Miek' i-if.-aL'i im in .il Hi" Ifnllui Miirt Ilu .Hit- in llnatiin, btgiliiiuu: Nv 11. KI.IM .V I'll IIUI (" pilillllilli'll nf 'lllll lllll ' U pi ii im; In i'iii.riiinii-i leieipis 41 ilu IIIiih.Ih tlualle III Ihii.lL-n. where 11 "III inllllliile ..t I Iniu 11111 It Mill lie pie., ill nl 111 nilnr lalue (.Uie. h"fnii tlie 1 nil nf it,o seal 11. Mao Kl.iu, of KU- & l.lljn.-il, riluiluil fiuin I it.--1 Hid mi sjniiihi, s,.pi ,, Ut, 11 u, in I.,, i in Hie links in (11111111 linn Mlth piipitulinii. for the Pnin 1 me pindui luui nf "lieu 1 1 .at " In hi mule in Mjiih lull. Nejiiihiilnn. 1111 li""' pendinir f ' 1 pimhn 111111. nf It, 11 Hut ' in ln ., llrrlln and si p, iir-lmi.- Ml ("ii-l.n pu.uiii tlui-i nf ilu-i ilriuii Mill he made under the di ledum and unilm! nf Mni .X t'rliiuii. Schedulo in Effect June 53, 1001. Tinins leave Scranton: 0.45 n. in., week days, through ves tibule train fiom Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor enr and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Hnriisburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wash ington nnd for Pittsburg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, fee Sunbury, Hariisbutg, rhilndclphn, Balti more, Washington nnd Pittsburg nnd the West. 2.18 p. r.i., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.). for Sttnbuiy, Harrts burg, Philadelphia. Baltimoie, Washington nnd Pittsburg and the West. 3.33 p. in., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Banc Pullman buffet parlor enr nnd coaches to Philadelphia viaPott3 ville. Stops nt principal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Hnzleton, Sunbury, Hanisburg, Philadel phia nnd Pittsburg. .1 11 111 rrillNsflV (ten Msr. J It WOOD. (!rn Pt. X?t. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In I ITeil tune J. 1"0I 'Irani. Iran suantin l'or Philadelphia uul Sew X,oik m I) k 11 It It , at lfi and t' .t a in. and J l, I J7 (llliik Hi am ml l.xpu-"). ami II Ml P ni sun dam, II .". II It It 1 i1-. '' I' ni- l'or XXIiile linen, llajletmi and priiiiinl pniiit. m the mil resoim-i, xi.i fi 11 It It, 11I1, Sis dlid 1 -T p 111 l'or PolUulle, ti li l 111 . l! is p. ni 1 nr Ilettili liem. l.ann. iteauini;. naiiunurc and prinupil interineiliale t itinn. n II .. II II It, 0 15. O.iS a m , -' 1-. 1 JT itllaik 111! mend I'xprisiO. 11 " P- m Mni'liJ", I) i It 1! It , ti Is a in ; 1 5s, s -j; p in 1 nr 'Iiinkhinnixk. ro.ianili, I Iniira, I1I1J' a, (iimii ami prmiipil intrrmeili He .(aliens u II , I. K w II It . f- HI .1 111 "I'd 1 HI p in l'or llrneii. lto.he-.ler. Buttilo Niiuoi I ill, ( I iiatn and ill point. Met, 11a tl .X II It It, 7 IS, 11 "i"i i in , I '-'s. HI' I (III nk lliiinnnd I x pii-.'-), 7 1. In II. II"11 P m Mind 11., I n. II 1! It . 11 .V, S J7 p 111 I'lillinin pirlm and -.hepuu or leluu-h itley pailor tar. en all train. Iiitttem W 1IU11 llarre and Sin 'rk, l'lnliiMi!in, lliiflil.1 and tun pin. Inn lliidi; ,, , , liOl.bIS II Wll.Ilt'It, l.m spt . 'it Cortland ftteet, New Ymk. fit XIII. I I IT. (.en IM'" Xui . M CorHsn t utreet. Sen Xoik ..... A XV N'OVMIMVf HUt. Ho I'e" X.t , south Itelhlelnlil I'l , l'or ticket, and I'lillinin re'ernlnn. apply to Siri annue, I'a 126 Wyoming; Ave iinis s Lager Beer Brewery Maiiur&cturors or OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 455 N. Ninth Stroot, Telephone Call, 2333. .PR NEW yOWJOTELS WESTMINSTER HOTEL tor Sixteenth 't and Irving Place, NEW YOBK. Anieinan I'lan, .i 50 I'er Ilav and t pxia'd. I uiopean Plan, 1 1 Per Ila,' and Lpwards. fcpei ul liaim to 1 amities T. THOMPSON, Ptop. RAILROAD TIME TABLES New Yoik, Ontaiio nnd Western Time Tahle In l(t Sunday. June SI, piul SOItlllltOI Ml Lraie a.ic Xirue Nrjiitnn iiliniiilale (jiIomi. , 10 f) a. ni II 10 0 in 1 1 p in. ... 4 im p in- 4 it 11 m nem p. ni. ii Ul p. 111 Xr ( aihoml'lc. (I 14 p in sOl'TII IIOl'MI feaie beaie Virile Cadola. Orliondile. Si r.iniou. 7 nil a m. 7 in a. 111 ','.' MO a 111. Ifll a. in. in to .1 ti, .. 2 IS P. m 4 Ull p 111 4 11 p m. M'S'nAs OM.V. .NOIt I'll HOl'M) I.eaie l.r,ue Xmie S.-ranton. Caibondile, ( ado.ia. ... s::0 a. in. 0 10 a in 10 ; a 111 ... 7 0 P ' r- ''arhondalc. 7 IJ n in. S01 llt-IIOI'Ml. ' beair ta.ue 1rl1e Cailo'la. Caihondile. uuntun 7 00 a 111 7 10 a in 1 .n ., m. fi.on 11. m r. 1. ., ... i. in .. . . 1 - , --- i- .... Tialn. Nn 1. "n w',''' "1, "!" ' on un- 1j)(, mike main line (onneiuon.. ur New inrl, (III. llha, Oneida, O.neo and jntcrnuduto 1 Traill. Nr. .'I and i mike W1I1011, Il.-llil, Um. den and sldiif oimeilion. l'or further Infiirunilnii inn.nll thket u.eni. J ( XMIUP-OS. (! P . Sen ork J P XVKI.sll. T P A . s,nntoii Erie Ixallrond, Wyoming Division. Tialn. tor llah and Intrimrdiite uiiul. lejio .ii.ilitoii a. follotti No - "1" a in , Su, , 8 i0 0 .in . No. '-. - -1 P '" 1 " l". u -'' p. 111 Vi,. 'J ami tliroiisli tialn. foi New ork ' AitbalH-No. 1, S 18 a mi N'n .1, in ai a in. j No 5, tt.15 p. in i No. 7, a U p in train. :o 5 and 7 aic tlimush lialm fintn cm ork. MJNDW I'll IS liciiailiiie-N" '-" u I" ". - P m, Train.. o. I No. .1 N.O. 7 No n No I Iio. S No. n No. i No. B No ID Now Jorsoy Central. Mitim In Neix Voik-1'oot nf l.ihuly ttiret, It and sinth Kin.i 1 1 IMP. 'I MU I IN I.H'K'T II Nl a), loot Tialn. leoe sttaiiton for Neil Xnik, Nenaik, MTelh. Phtlaihlphia. I.a-lnn ll.thl.l,,,,,, Al iiiiniui Xlaiiih I hunk mid White Hum, at s 5 a in . eui' 1 1U. cipim. 4110 p 111 Sun ,1 ii " l.x 1' m Y'oi Pill'lnn and W likes lime, e V, 1. m , 1 10 and I 00 P i siili'l''-". - '5 P "' Pur Itilliiunie and X ,-.ltiuc;tnn and pntnta South and W . t xia lletlih linn. i ,Vj 1. ni , 1 lo iml tl" P ni Siindai., 2 l" i 111 Per Innii Hi mill. "iean (.rnie, ele , at 8 5 j a m (thrmi'li 1 nu In, and I 10 p in I'nr Ileadms. l.ehaii'111 and llariintiuri;, mi M linioMii. S m a in. and 1 10 p. in sundaes, " 'nr I'ntl.l ihe. .Vi .1. in . t 0 p 111 nr Mmiutaii. t'aik. 6 Ji a. m, 110 ami 1 1 lliiniith In lid ' "" point, ei.t, south and et at lowest riteH il Ihe ntxtion C. M III It I". liui Pa. at. J It 01.11 XI s.N. (,en. spt. amammaammmmmm HOTEL I JEFFERSON NEW YORK lo.'.IOI.lOU rnst I.Mh Slreet. 'I he .11 I I KftsONi.athnroiiBhlj flrt-cl. family andtrnniienihiiiel olferinKRtaroinl. mum co. i a maximum of hi niry and comfort. On 15th Mi eel iui eirnl of Union Square, it i. wiilun .i lew minute, uf tho leadinc shops, tlii'utre. and rlub. European Plan, SI 00 up. American Plan. $2.50 up. Suit, with Prikala Bath, $2.00 up, I orpci-nlrateti auidnerlnformatlonitnts ,IOII V IMTMI.I.Il. rrnprlelnr -- Delawaio nnd Hudson. In i:iTict lune n, I'iOI Trains foi Caibondalr leaie suanlnn it CHI, bio So I. lull a m . UIW. 1 --. '-Ml, Da.', S"'' fi"j, 7 .'i'. 0 I ''. H -'n !' '" I'"- m "l'or llnneulale and Lake l.ndoie, JO, 10 1.1 a. in 2 II and S " P m. lor Wilke.llure Ull. 7 l. S 41. o-.s, ion am, litis. 1 . -I1' a'!l -" u'0' " 'N :is, 10 11. 11 10 V " l!.r I, V It It Pmnu-Or. OJsa 1 o; ,,! I) Ml p III For Penii.xbanla II 11 T'lnn -6 . 0S. " J8. 3 'II and '-'7 P m ,, . . l'or Albany arid all pnmta noun C "0 a, m and.5ip. '"MsrnvnIIUVS, I'cr raihindili S 40, II 11 a. m i 2 tt, ."! 52, "or Wll'kelUrre-o RS a in . 12 0J. 1 5-", 3 Sit, f,j and S M p in IV,? lll.nm Jlnl llillllt. 1101 ill i J P 111 I'nr llone.ilale and bake l.odore 50. 1133 a. in an! .152 p ni. Delaware. Lnckaxvanna and Western In I'ffert Aus II. tVOI Train, lean- Scianton for New Xork t 1(0, anil, A.'S, 7 50 and 10 Hi a. nil 1- 0, J '.0, :t4i, - iw and 8 '.0 n in l'or Ne Voik and Pliilailelphia 7 .VI and I0.l)."i a in . uul I.' t') and !l l'i p m l'or Tohihaiuu- Xl t 10 p in 1 r Iliillahi- I 11, 0 22 and I' 11' a. m ; I .to. .1 52, 7 ill and 11 .11 p in I "' lllnuhamtoii and irii ta ti his Hi "2ii a in and I 01 II in I ui ll.nn.i Suani-e and I tin 1.11 and "2 a in , 1 .0 ami .11' p in ""'' U". smj, a.,- jn, 1 m i t i jin at 0 2J a in dail). cxiepi simdjv l'or Xli.utriise !i Ol a in; I ul and 7.Ui p m NiilinUiiii aeioiiunnililiei, t (.1 and n l,i p in lllooni.luiiK lllxi.luii -I'nr Nnrlhi.inheil lud, at (ill ami 10 01 . in , I '0 nnd n 10 p in l'or Pliinoulh, at S 10 a m ; .'151 and 'lu p. ni hund.i Tinn. '''or Ncm link, t 10, ;t rti, fl il and 10 05 a in : -'". tt.15 and 5i1 p in. l'or Iluffalo-I 11 and (I '22 a in, ISO, .152, 7 01 an I 1135 n, tn i'nr Itlncli iintun ami nai ia tleni OKI and 10 20 a. in lllooui.tiuri; iluuiun -a- f "t- -0 l'or nuslness Jlcn In tho lieart ot llin wholesaU district. For Shoppers a mlnllt0i walk to Wnnnmakr-ry. S mlnutm to Slrsol Cooper't. Big Sture! Uasy of access to the creat Dry Goods Stores. l'or Sightseers One block from n'way Tars, glv. Inc easy transportation to all points of Interest. HOTEL ALBERT : X NEW Y0JIK. t Tor llth ST. & UNIVKIISITT VU T only ono Itloclt from Hroadxvay - X Rooms, $1 Up. pftVbi. t .Every, Woman is ijrriuiin i "u v"1 ' .. .ibouliLawoiiitfiful MRn MiWJng Spray t I 1(l " . ir...... fit moi i iinfnieni. .sS ' - S. A. ' Ss,'. 1 siss r. w Tlk tl liriat" ."wi mr-n?z :,y n tl'jtcnlcd 1 . i r..r II ill t not mll'i-ly Uie I tin III., an Minn 'l.i r lili --end fi Hup ler 11 mliu'eil Ihi. k .MleJHi-i. Hi i 1 ir.en I l .- if rtnemfV.l Tlmmndu'. v 1 ' .B zrJ rm.i'ipiii.. r. ' ' '", '''' '"I .a, -"ri .nirrlfn. llu.r.iilfr. Ill mi1' .lny w.U I rl.U, 'T TXt i,i...... rvh .....( In Hid... ikir.Mis.lhu.tM .t z.t!4 AiriiIJ--.Nt. -1 1-.1 P. in.; .No. ii, b.lj v, in, I Ltaie Scuiilun, IO.Uj a, tu, and 0.1'J p. in, iiu.A.1 l'. ;..... X.ri.B. ll.blllli, I..I ..IiikiiI, llHlfiraiailMMlf sirlltM fiilllMi.lailwI'ia.. T.rjTh....l.n tor s.ori. 1 rtlliiil.ia Do.kJ ?.i'i"yy;l.rjtt!i;'. . .' . . .". p.'p."' TRIBUNE WANT AI)S, BRING QUICK RETURNS