THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, lOOf B NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MOSQUITOES OF GULF SUMMIT THEY SAVE THE LirE Or A HAT TLERMAKE VICTIM. Queer Propensity of a Carbondale Womnn Jim Cinndnll's Useful Pets Den Sabine's Cinnbcuy Ciop Looks Promising What Mr. New comb Saw ou the Belmont Turn pike. Special to the "Wanton Tribune. Riit-riUfhiinnii, Sept. 11. "Tnlkln" nbnut inttlOMunkoH," s.ilil mi l'tlo brakein.di, "did nu ever hear how tin' moxqultors jnvoil 11 inn n'n life up nctir Gulf Summit Inst Mtimnici 7" Well, while RPttliiK (ml tlf". river back of the Summit, Abo Morbniiup was lilt ton In the lop; by a rattloMiako. A SiiucImiiiih dm'tur nap at iinro font fm, ntiil tho lop; bntiil.iRcil tlKlilly nlinv.0 tlic untunl. It V.HK oxppi'tpd that Miitplinuti? xxeiiibl iil brfeiro IhP ilnctoi eiiine up tho pike on hi IiIJvp. .lust as xooti ti tho Ipr w ImipcI to put on tho bnndiiRC It was nttnckod liv a swin m of mif-iiultdi'M. nii'l liin tlio doctnr an hod lie fntmil tho mini ns lively us a i'i li-kct ti4id In nn nopil of a dnctnr, but thp trintind wui eeixmevl with and dvlns ninp(iiltni Tluv lind surkod tin1 pol-cin fiom tlio wound, and sacil Miucliiiiixr'x llfp This ,ti nilnhty Inn (I cm i lie iiinsritiltiio', but I prpsiinip Morrhouxp's llfp was woith tax In ' " iwr..;itApiunTi:s. Tlioio wpip piiocis In all tho In, ,il rhiiiihcs mi Sunday fm tho e.uly and complptp iPiiupry of t Ik pi evident Tho HildRowmor Dlstrli t Sunday p hool i oiupiitliui was lipid nt Mmit rof today. Tho 15i IdKi'watPi' iismicIii tlnn will niopt at tho same pi, up on AVrdncvday. Thp Monti (t-o club will play In DKIp T'n I If nil .i Ull'ilii u f I nrlirtmi .. Itli tl.- honip nine A clrwo and pviKIiik pranio Is p.vppi tod in Hohpp Pail: mi Satutday nftor nnon thp Suiiit'hiinii.ih downod tin? Hancock') IT and I. Opoiro 11. ri'Piith, of .l.ii'kvon. 1 a Ilepubllcin candidate for county cmn- llllSsldllPl FIo hundicd Sus(iinhiinnn ponpl.. will vre Hip Pan-AniPi'lian bpfoio It (lnp. ji'st ni:Tvi:i-:N fs. Tli" only snort anarohls-t Is a eloail rno I'm lo Sam should dump paciv Known anairlilst upon thp Wl.uul of Pulu and Ip.iw tlim tliPiP, pltlior to woik or .tars p. nii-d,i knows how to handle tlipip blnodtlilrstv lioimd. Kind voids and bald heads neyr dir "Wi-mp Is my ditilniR boy today 7" Oh nnxloiis iiiothcr, liaik. Up"": stpalliiK a l Ido on n slicot car iy. i Hp.idprt fm the bat.rh.ill p,uU A carbondalo woman has boon ar-re-"-teel oharRpil with .stoalliiR an ne mi linn A wmnan wlrkpil Ptiniieli to i-tPTl an ice otdlou would do Slip would rvn pluy nn the dlabnllial instrument. ii.rri. s..Ki:s, Tiinsi:. .liw I'landall. of Iippp Hollow-, a U' tp I -ii.iUp I'lianner and hiinfr, has upntv -nine addprs that think so much Iiihi that tbi'V lollow him atoiind K- il'i,t (in wash dav ih h one 'aip.- the up "f a companion') tall In )ii. mouth and tlipy allow tliPiii.Mps lr bo litniff up on polos for clotliPs nn s In ilio Mimnipr time ihoy braid thPni-ihiV In a liwM liiKcnioiis hain "i"cK in which I'ltind.ill IIps ami loads '"line hupIs on tli' trout stoop. SO.MK MCI si: pacts. T1ip Kilo shop tor. o Is belli!; ki.uIu allx inn eased. The 1 1. ii foul lair Will lip held Sppt. Uo-Jh Ho' laiilln Sabln expects to pick l.(luf) bush, 1 of (lanboiiies fiom his cir ca 1 traii-h, unlo-s e.uly floats come. le.ij. Tlniirt, toimoily mastPi lnc chaiv. o the Sip-iiurliiinn.i shops, but of of tlio Hoi nelKvlIlp -hops lias beon transfei led to llorhostoi. It Is lorioiU'rt that thor were fiosts on the Meinltj hll on Sunday nlRht. Tho eiRlith annual minimi of coni parv I), l'iftictli Poitnsj iMiula Vnlun- tpfs. will ho hold at Moniup, Sep tember -'7. somi: litti.i: Thp funoral of Koioy (i,iiilnn took r'(. p on Tuesday nftotiiomi fmm tin ro-'l'-nic' of Mr. Poolpr, P.pv. W. M. Houti n nfllclHtlnp;. Intoiment was mad? In McK.idp lomptoiy. ThPie is a rush of Pan-AniPiIcan passnRPifi to and fro over tho lhlo. Th vpiuio Mothortlst chinch will hold its annual picnic, at Lancbbotn on Saturday. Th" nn rout report that .Jackson cat tle wpip sufioiiiiR tinm anthrax Is un toundPd. John D. Millet, esq., of this bmoiiRh, will nt iiccopt the nomination for dls fJc attoiupy, r,-tPiitly made by t ho SusquPhanna county Democratic con cntion. a DrtUMMisirs uivi:ly i:xpi:iii kxci:. Tom Xrwcomb a niiiRhamton dium mer, met with a queer advontuio with a rattlesnako on tho Helmont tiunplki, nbon IancS'boro, on Thnrnlay oven ir.e. He was nn his way to this placo nn n bicycle when he fplt the wIippI wabble, and he was violently tin own to tho ground. In the fal nt twIllKht Newrnmb saw a nake four f?et lonB utilPd up In thn real wheel. The snako had beenme .o wound up that It hrokp several spokes nnd win1 cautiht In the spinckets and the chain. Newconib dlsontaiiRled tho snake nud went his way to Susquehanna. The ie. mains of tho .snake wero seen by many hiitj was accepted us a erlllratlon ot the story. Whitney. HARFORD. Bpeelal tn the Seranton Tribune Harford, Sept. 11. Mrs. K. H. Osbom ppent Sunday In Hlnghainton. 13. K. Corvvln and daughter, of Seran ton, visited D. C. Parrar last week. Mrs. Alice Uailow, of Mlsbouil, Is vlfiltlng old filendf. Last Thursday was tho farewell to llaifor.l Diplmn school, as the teach ers, scholars nnd some of the help were transfer! cd tn the dlffeietit schools. It was rather u sad day for all us they bid faiewell to the old plate. A very pretty double wedding oc curred at the home of Mr. and Mis. Charles Stearns, Sept. I. It beliiR the mairliiRo of their diniRliteis, Miss Ctiace to William Humphiey, of Hall stead, and Miss Minnie to Prank Titus, of Plainsboio. Mr. Titus was former ly u Ilaifmd boy. Mr. and Mrs. Htimphtoy left for the Pan-American ami Mr. and Mis. Titus left for Plains boio, whole they will i cable. Mi. and Mi?. A T. Sweet aie vlslt Iiir iclntlvos In Lackawanna county. Missionary society nipptlnp; with Mrs. Louise Tiffany Wednesday. Mis. .1. C. Tanner and Mrs. Julia Hstabtook ate lsitlnp; fi lends In Syia-ctlse. MONTROSE. tpfdul In th Scrinton Tribunf. Monti ove. Sept. 11 Chails II. Smith, of Wllkoh-fiaiic, a widely known in- DRAWING 'k V vV'lf HEAD TO S vOf.nli mghtwand A perfectly proportioned athlete can be drawn to cover these lived its. Can vou doit? Mii-aiico man. Is spoiulliiR the week with Montrose lelatlves. Thomas I. I'a.Mie. actliiR chief of tho Monti oo lire department, attiided the aiililial paiade ot the I.oslethlie. N. V.. the ilepat tment on Friday last. Kdltor .lames P. Taylor, of the Mont rose, was a Riipst of Hon. .lame T. Oultols, at Hnllstead, yes teiday. The allium! meetliiK of the HrldRe water Uaptlst assoi latlmi Is now In session al the Kaptlst chinch In this place. Tlieie s a IaiR' nttend.inee and eeiy chinch In the a.-oc iatlou Is rep lesenteil Yesterday was r!cii up to the Sunday echoed (omentlon, today Mnl toinonow will bo occupied with the wmk of the a.-soclatlon proper. V-teid,i's proKramme as as fol lows MottuuR M's-lon I'rayor and piaii-e f-ice, Ite . M. .1. "Watklns, addie-s of pip.-ldent and welcome to (lib Kates, I!. I! Little; addiess, "Tho Siiud.n School Kaleidoscope," Kov. T. 1" Onj'i, tondltiR of letters and aii pnlntiiient of committees. Afteinoon session Pi also eiiie. leports of com iniuees and other hu.-iness: offering-, paper, Miss ICRRleston: address, "The Teac hoi fiom i Sttp9rlntPiident'i Standpoint,' Jjiiif Morils, Jr ; ad dios. "The Midnay School Teacher.llli Pei.sonalit.N.I'ippai.itlon and Purpose," IIe .! I.. Williams Kvenlnpr .session Young people's iall sour service, Mis. I!. H. Little, piosldont's address, business, addiess. l!e. O. Ii" Fllppo, D. I)., of I'ililadelidila. nniieis of the Sundaj Mdioul association fm the en hulns .M-al weie elected as follow si PioMdent. Italph P.. Little, Moiittoso. lce pipsldent, V. It. Tinker, Hall htP.ul. secietai. Key. H. I?. HuRhe", Hiiiock. treastiiei, Mrs. Snydet, New .Miltmvi. At tills mornliiK's session of the association the openinR himon was Pleached b lies. M. J. Watklns, of llalNiead. Doimlass, the musician and company Rave a very Intel e.stitiR and sucies.sfiil elite1 tnlnment at VlllaRo hall last even- Iiir, and It will be repeated by ieo.uest tonlclil. The Montfo.e ban- ball team e.pecta to ro to Stevpiisvlllo toiiionnw to at tend tho band talr and play ball. On Satuid.o they will, weather permitting ro to Sipiuelianna to play a R.ime with tlio i lack nine of that place. Susquehanna bn.nt of not haviiiR a defeat this .iasnn. hut they are now in liumliiejit danger. Th" ckialiiR spi moil of tho Korty Hours neMitlons at St. Maiy's was pleached last cumins hv l!ev. Father Mcllal". of Plttfton. his tciiiaiks be ing based upon the story of tho Piod Igal Sop. Tho. eenkes closed this mmiiliiR at n :!i) o'clock, with the con vent mass In U, the celebiant bcdiiR Py. Pi. Hanloy, or Honesdale, anrt the Litany of the Saints chanted by six priests. Then- worn in all twenty nine pi tests In attendance, among tlietn being the foimer pastor of the church, J.dv. i:. J. Laff'rO. of Jessup. M'ss Heinlce Jeffeis lett yesterday lor Kingston, Pa. where she will en ter as a student In Wyoming seminary. The tegular dpi vices nt the Metho dist llplsiopal church, which have been omitted for several weeks, while e tensive repair weie going on, will bj lesumed on Sutidnv, Sept. 15. Krv. Kr M. Kallheo, Peoria, 111, bus boon a visitor in town this week, and attended the services at St. Mary's. Tlieie Is no let up In the nisli of buslm-ss at the MontioMi Co. operative (iiiinuv. Sweet corn Is Just now being handled In Immense, quantities. TUNKHANNOCK. Fpeelal to the Seranton Tribune. Tunkhanuock, Sept 11. Mrs. ciar enco Leo and chlldien leturned on Monday from nn extended visit with icdatlves at Wllkes-Barro. Mrs. Arthur P. Williams Is tho guest of friends at Mahanoy City this week. Hotel Graham In being painted out blde, and It will present an Improved nppearnnce when finished. Scrnnton parties are dolnp; the woik, Thero will be n banquet In tho cniil dois of thu coutt bouso nn Thursday eveiilni,', In honor of tho vetoinns of the Kitty-second regiment, nud nfler waids (i cainpllie In the inalii court room. Kodiiey J. Hardwell, who It enciiRed In practicing law In nenver, Colorado, is visiting his boyhood's home In this place. A martlagc license has bpen Issued to Judson A, Wilson, of Wllliwauiiu, Pa., mid Miss draco Wluteis, of Nich olson. Orlllln Potter, of West Nicholson, the Democratic candidate for count v tieas uiit, was a caller in town on Tuesday. Mnuls Oswald, or Philadelphia, Is the Riiest of Mr. and Mis Hatty K. Metcalf. on Halt Won sheet. Miss Nellie lloyce left yestordav for n tin eo weeks' visit with lelatlves lit UltiKhainton. Owego and Waveily. Miss Hllabetb KlttredRO left yester day for Scianton, whole she will take iIiiiikc of u mission klndorRiiiten bchool. HONESDALE. Epeclil to the Scrontcn tTibun. Honesdale. Sept. It. Miss Otnce A. Coiey returned this inornliiR tn lesiime her studies in the Hetlley School of Stenosraphy, Ptooklyn, N. Y. Mr. and Mis. H. (i. Heed, of HIiir. hamtoti, are heie vIsitiiiR nt the rosl dpme of their son, Duane. The subject of IJev. William H. Swill's dlscouisc on Sunday mornliiR; PUZZLE. 14FV?MiflyJm' ""." -iJJv1 '-rl-l uot will be "The Soil In Which An al c hlsts thovv." Miss Louisa Powler Is on a ten days' visit with fi lends in Sus-qiielianna. A local union meeting of the Kn ileavor societies will be held ot Seole.v -ville net Sunday evening. Addiesses by K. Koeno and Mis. llndley. ot the Jpny MeCauIey mission, New York. Chillies Cowles in his beautiful play of Vpimont life, "A Countiy Mer chant." A continuous peifoimance. Street jiarade and baud conceit. At the opeia house this (Thutsday) even ing Mrs. Thomas ciossley was brought to her home .vosteiday fiom '.looming Cliove, Pike county, wheie she spent the summer, being in ill-health. She icturns niinh Impiovid. Homer Ciroono, vvhoo illness has eon fined him to Ills home during the sum mer months, Is slowly convalescing. Dining a shower tills forenoon, light ning entoied the city hall by the elec tric light wires and serious damage lesulted. The chandelier in the fiie nian's room was melted by the cm rent. PiotPction Plre company enjoyed a smoker in their looms last evening, and elected the following olllcers for the coming teim: President, C.oorge II. Whitney, vice-president, (!. J. Mueller, secietaiy, Ii. W. Pitch; tieas uiei, T. i:. Calloway; trustees, P. C. Koene, i:. P. Dudley, C. H. Ilockwell; foreman, H. 11. Hi own; first assistant, Leonai.l Sadler, second assistant, C. H. P.ockwoll, engineer, .1. M. Lon, assistants, T. P. Carroll, P. McMulIen; stokcis, .1, II. Carroll, W. O. Hall. The funeral servlies of the late W. W. Weston will be conducted by his pastor, P.ev. William H. Swift, at ills late residence, on Park street, Thuis day afternoon at Ii o'clock. In the death of Mr. Weston, a pioinlnent unci useliil man is lomoved from this com munity, a constant meinobr of the Prosbyteilan ihureli, piomlnently iden tified with several business Interests, ever nitlvo in what would promote the Interests of Honesdale. He was one of the organize! s of tho Wayne County Savings bank, and for many years Its piosldent. Interment will be in Glen Dybcity cemetery. AVOCA. Mrs. Thomas McCrtndlo and daugh ter Mary, have relumed home utter spending three months with friends In Glasgow, Scotland. The Ladles' Aid Snelpty of the M. H. chin ih will meet thle, afternoon at the home of Mis. M, A. Flook. Tin funrial of Anthony Grannnhan, of Iluryea, took place Tuesday morn ing. A requiem mass was colebiated by Ilev. M. P. Ciane. Interment was made in St. Maiy's cemetery, HerhPit Hnasp has returned to Laf ayette college after seveial weeks' 'va cation. Ilcv. James Moore will deliver his famous lectuio entitled "llamblps Thiough tho Hulns of Ancient Cities" In the Pilmltve Methodist church next Monday night. Admission 25 centB nnd Ui onus. Mis. T. P McGreel and three chll-dic-n have leturned from Wllllamsport. Thomas Plannery has hcon appoint ed night school teacher In the Marcy schools. John Barrett returned to his home in Chicago Tuesday after seveial week's visit with his parents on Grove street. Geoigo Beit, of South Main .treet. left this week to continue his studies in tho Institute for the blind at Phil In the Institute for the Blind ut Phil adelphia. Tlieie will be a enke sale at the home of Mis. Allen M. Leonard of the North Hud, on Pi kitty afteinoon at 3 o'clock. It will bo londucted by tho Ladles' Society of the Langcliffe church, Still Hope. N'inka 1 It true that Mr. Dulllnn'i doctors line cbfti him up! Jlnka-of couue not, U ha plenty of money jet, ew Voik Weekly, THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. N'pcv Yolk, lt II 'Hit nntitilrnl prnlrrtton el tlic tn irkrt b.i irttjlii ol tlio Iln.inrUt pocm a Mill In 011101110 tn come rxtrnt Tlicrf whs tniii ti rmlllni; on all mh mcr tills rlc inont nt linlillns) acquired on ""Htmilay mil rally thl wick in the luitlirranip o( tlic iiuipcxi- to Mippm t Hip liuikrt. 'lhi. K.illilim ( C01IV PIIjIkiI irob.ibl. en a cluiund Horn uiuiitrrrd lmrl, m tlicic win nn rililrncc Inun an niiMlito lntrrrtt In Ilio nutlet or ul a illnpuiillnn In nc (iniiiilitp stniki li.v Iitep binkliiit Intrrrxlii The pnMtlon of Hie ni.irl.rt Ii tlnn restored, ,utont. lj, to Hi it which c'bulnocl Ii, line tlio uttcmpt nn tin' tnrlilciit'n life on I'rlila) nttri riocn. The piirpmcp In protect the inirkri on the part ot the combined i .iph illn. I. not chinaeil, aipairiitt.c, lull lliilo i.i. not the oitne illnrl fhown tn ml niup price or Inille fpniihtlnn 1Jil I) the natural outi;roth of the relief In elllntf to real Ire tint lu itlicailt been arininpll.hed tliU week and of the cledii- in pmleit the money intrket from din InronU In the Inpe of loin for upecu lilhc puipo.c. 'Die rrlupe of the in irket Into liicreulnc (Inllnevi ami Hie henlne ulinun to (h.) can pinlnhly be aileiiualel.i ai ccmnleil for on theo grntmM The cnnlrmllctlon of lut nfuht'i iiimorH ol lerl lrlke neltleiiient lejulteil In ie action of the I nlled i.Uih vtirl lnik, ami the annual report of the ttrpitblti Iron and Meel companv did not nuke in iikoumbiiik iliolni; of loiiilitiom ri'Ultltig finm the ceir'ii InwincM. The fiwrrninent imp npnit linnl a poorer condition of crop than antlilpatecl. .,nie ppn uln f'jM hailni: looked for liuprnienunt oier the Sue. 1 romlltlon 'lite elTcit of the tre.iut.v's prrpo. Mh for lellef of the mnnei nniket wa .onflueil lo MiimUe, nlicii no nMtrmcnt uai tortheomln? n to the amount ot bond ottcied or me price ked. Tlirre wip dunih'i ml ailnnee) In lh', bid pri e of ffoieinmrnt bond on rill, whlih ciiilrd price of all the cirinmrnt iwue. fiept the lini( 4, 'i In I1 j per init orr Hie prli e ruling befoie tin- nllrr. Told Kale tenia), 4'H,WV1 hhaie lUllioid bouil eie dull ami lircgular. Total al(- pir aliie, ,y,VN nlled M iten 'M mtuiif cd H, the 2 and "i, 'i, and Hie new H 1 per lent on the lut i.ill, Tlie follow Intf quotitioni art furnlahd Th Tribune by II. B Jordan k Co , room TOJ'TM Hears building, Seranton, Pi Telephone 8903: Open, tilth- Low- Cle- inr. eat. cut, Inf. Amcricin Sucar HJ'i 11", 111 111 Million Tn Ti,' j ;Vi TVJ MiIiImiii, I'r 'Mi on', Oh'i IK'l llink Tiuitinn lis'i !" (.Tij OT,i Hall. ,). Ohio 101 lO'i, 101 KU (he. ,). fllifn 40 in -,.; (V-i hk. t.t Wiat ':i 'Jl'a IHfc -.i st Paul KM j PV, lojii, 1ii.JH Itock bland lll'.s ll-t lll'a ll'i; Kan. k Tex. Pr fin ',i., r,r, VI koiil .V a"i KMi IOM.j nil lir Man llevileil 110 llT'i lli.'i 117 Mel. Tr.iilnn Kfi pal (,l 101 v o Piiific mm piMi in-;1; ioj'4 souili Pacille .',; :..,! 5T'H 6TS Nmioik k w,t r.cs :,r, .mi. m1. v v ran r.j'i iv llnl. .V WoMcrn ....:,... Ill'i HI'i Ill'i .llH I'rnn.i 1! ft 114 III?, Ill 14I'J IVillie Mill I! CMi l 4.' Iteiilim; I!y 42 4'', 12 42 lli.iilniir Iti , Pr To To'j To Tn'H soiiihem It It K2 1 i Si's .11, .11", -nulhern H It.. Pr , ... STi s;, s;i; s; I'enn fo.d & Iron I't'i Im' (.1 fit P s. ,flither It IT, U 11 P s leather, I'r 2U sm; s m; I s Ui,,l,cr Pi Pi 10 m fnlon Pacitio 0' 057; .i;tj (,;; t ninn Paiilii, I'r h'i ss fs'i 8si; WaliKh. Pi 31' 40 K'l'J r.0J Western t nmn '"t "''j !ii'4 !i2'4 ( ol I'm I ,. linn 100 1CK 9S 0' Vnnl I nppei . ... Ill'i 1IIU 1IJS 1H' People' (.is Ild'j nil, niiii ltll'4 'IVvi lii Iti 4J1; 4,i4 4"j 4' Vim r I ar I ouniln . . 'yi J,nl "'.i, '."1, I sir, ( . . (i ,i 4 41 f S Sf, J ( ,, , pi . oi'J i)r o,,:4 nil, Seranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. srorK" nid. Ijckauannt Dairv To, Pr fa) County Sislns: Hank .t Trmt Co.. 300 ii t National Hank (Caibomlale) Standaid Drllllne t'" Tliiul Sitionil Hank 4 Pune Pipolt and Ill-count Hank.. 'J;-, I'lononn l.tcbt. II !' t'o Asked. .tr JO 46 First Saticrul llink I aik.1 Ttu-t site llepovlt Co. , Claik Jr smvir Co. I'r Scianton Iron lVnce k Mf(r. Co. Sir.inton le Woik l.'uo r.o 100 83 Seranton sa,lnc Hoik 400 Traders' National Hank Seranton Ilolt -V: ut Co People Pink New Mexico 11 f fo HO MIS. fcranton rassencer nillnay, fiift Mortsace, due m'O People' Street Ita'.lway, f.-st mort- Race, clue PUS Teople's Street Kail" iy, (leneral mortcase. clue mjl nickon Mmufaiturins Co I.acka. Toundilp School .1 per cent. City of Seranton st. Imp. 6 per cent Seranton 'liaction 0 per cent 175 101 113 IIS 113 101 102 102 113 Scrnnton Wholesale Market. (Corrcrted by II 0. I'lle. 27 Iackawanna te ) IJeans-Ter budiel, ihoice matron, J2.60a2 b5. Hutter Fieth cieameiy, 21a22c ; dairy, fresh, 21c. Cheese Full cieam, lO'alle l-'nn Wctein ftcrli, la'ialfl, nearby state, 15's.il7'jc. Medium BeansPer bushel. 2 50 Orcen Peas-I'er buhe, -SI 40al ti Flour Hest patent, per barrel, $ j. Hem-. Per budiel. choice maiiovv, $3 10. Potaloei Per budiel-tlal 10 Fhlladelplilu Grain nnd Produces. Plululelphli. sf,t n Wheat i4i lowir. lontrart Ri.ule sepicinliei,!' ( 0111-Finn, I40 bl-jhei; No '. mlsnl hcplemher, (AiiO'-jc. Oats 1,'uiet, but steulv. No. 2 while clipped, 41a lii Putter sieailv ; faui.i western cieaincry 21 a2I'ic , do, nciihv print. 21c. I.s'cs Fill", (-end deiiiuid: fic-.Ii maili.v, I'K , do wei.teiu, 1 i ; do f.nuthwc-.tcrn, l'i ; do southern, Ph fheeve Dull and weak, Niw York full cicttm (amy small, 'A ; do do. do fair lo choice, M--i'i4o. Itefiiied Muate-sieady. rotten -I nclianvied. Tdlow Fitnier and liiulir r; 1 it. prime 111 liluls , .V4c ; do do. barrel, 5c : rukes, rtr. I.lvo I'nullrj r.'cailj ; fowl, lill'8c., old roo,leis. fi'tiTc ; sprins ihtckin, ; dnik, lOallc. Hreeil Poultry -I ncliiiijirri; fowls choae, lMja 12i ; do. fair to prood, lnij all; old roostets, d1"!' ; broiler. nearh.v, l.'aloo.; westun do, 10a 12i ; except Ion it lots, l.allt. Itecelpls -Flour, .l,W) b.uiels and S.'IVIWi pnuiuU In sjckn, wheat, ft I. ft si luilieU, corn. r,,(iTl budiiN, oat, '2J,iV luMiils Milpments Wheat, 12.M0 hudiels, corn, 21,Cn1 bu.hels, oats, on,mi budiels. Kew York Grnln nnd Produce. New "link, ept 11 I loin Matk"t active on MiiimapnlUi lloui ami Kmiiall stead Wheal -spot ra , No 2 lid, T'ic. , No. 2 red, 7l'o, rbvator' No. 1 Noitliorn Diiluth, Toe t n Ii. afloat Options opined tlriii and a lnde huther, but hler weakiiucl ( lo-ed weak at ((iV ti't lo-.s. Ma iloi-ed 70,c(. S-pltmber, Tl-l ; Orlo ber, Tt1..! ; Ileirnibei, ThUc lorn-spot ladet; No. 2, fi c rlesalor .1111I hj',, . f, n Ii, afloat. Options opened .ttfnj;. but, under (olive unload In.', eoon wcakeneiL Clusnl wrak at 'ii'ic net ileibne. Mi closed fit ic. ; beptiinliri, fil'sc; Iliienibcr, (il6e Oiti' spot quiet; No. 2. 'isc ; No. ,1, .17'si. ; No 2 while, 1V ; No. 1 while, .Vic : track mixed western, HT'Sianie ; iraik while we.tern, .!"-il7c. track white state, "sijClTc. Options tlim and lils'her at lir.t wuh corn, but Kulncqucnllv nave way under liquidation. Hutter - siiad ; ucamrr!! I.'a1j2(i'.c , f.u lor June packed, HilVsc; linllallon iieameiv, ItiKi : stitedalrv. ItalN'. ( hne sieailv , finey large coloted, S'il'jc . fancy small colored, Otji . ; fancy small white, O'e. Fsas- steaclv ; slate ami Pciin-.lvanli, l"a.'0c , western uncandlcd, lit 17c. 1 we.tern candled, ITalRe, Ohlcafjo Oroln and Produce. Clueaso, r.ept. 11 Mtlionurh Ihe (rovcrnment croi report eau-od hluhir prices to rule at ihe openint! on the board of trade tody, the market peneiallv tended ilnwnwaid and lleeembcr wheat dosed "salie, lower; December com was c. lower; oats weie a shade lilrjher, while provisions closed fioni .1 to 7'j cents lower. Cash quotations were as follow si Flour Steady; No. .1 spring wheat, n7,ftc. ; No 3 red, TOa'sc ; No. 2 corn, .MUc.f No 3 oats, 3t;a33c.i No, 2 white, S6i37';c.i No. 3 white, THE TRIBUNE'S " WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Lines, 3 Cant. lor Hacti Hxtrn Lino. Tor Bent. For Rento About 1200 1'cet offloorspace on 4th floor of the Tribune building, su'table for light matifacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of Tun Tribune. Fl ItMslll'll lint st; (nr rent to .1 durable ten ant, AH Moinoc (cini' Will icjiidder offer to rent unfurnMiiil. Appl hteilnlck tonnell, IH I'enn arnue Kilt Itl'.Nr FI ItNlsllKIl FltONr HOOMi l.l. inoiletn lomeiilcncc, leleiencM required. 122 Actaui avenue. l't IIMslltn IIOMi: for rent, inn .inderon ae nue, belwcin liieen Itidge and llclanaiii ticel. I'OIt RKNT Vine. room houe In Oieen Itldeei ail conceiilence. larRe lot. Itent, $18. Ad clrev. S (I , Ti Ibune. lOlt Itl'NI'-I.IUit room. T11 .lelTcnon avenue; all modern ccrvenlcnies 1 For Stile. M-XV 101! SM.K Three Iioih-k, .lack.on hllcct cheap. Apply at loll loll sM.I.-llotc. luinef. nnd tuire. iheip. Inquire Jacobs' llur stable, 227 Foicit couil. MIOMVCI'll OIKiAN ir nale cheap. "i Pics nut rtvenuc. toil sI.K- Mrwlcr afo and a lathe at lT.iS Monc aui 111c . I'OIt SI,i:Tlirec loom, one hill anil stair tine laipctn, neail new, will sell cheap Appl) G. II Stoehr, 111 Mrbiler avenue l'OlI S M.i: To light pilnn wapon and some harness, cheap. l'vjn, rear 1132 l.ucrne street. 1011 SM.i: Car load of lira v Irs and draunht horse and cood famdv horses. 2U-2H Oak ford court. J. . Field. " 10R SM.K K Cnltrell K- Son Cllnder pie, 33x1C, In Rood condition, new roller, $'W. Apply Wilkes Ilarre Time Office, Wilkes Ilarre, I'a, Ecal Estate. I'OIt farm. 111 ai re, adjoiuine smoii farm in l.i Piiitne boroutih. I.a kavvamu couni.v (.eorRe fiifwol,l, ractoivville. Pa '1WO 11(11 s , md lot In Klmliurst. will be ohl lo Ihe lili;het bidder on Ortober 1 "t Ii Toitn lo Kint txaimne ami send tu bids llr Hateson, ,'JI7 W.i-.hlni;ton avenue Money toLpan. $VD to VAO11O AT ONCT t and 5 per cent. In terest V.i'y teims to lepaj. (Jrore W'. Okell, Coal I'MhanKC building 3.i(),iji) TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight or monthly pa.vments. Stark k Co. .Traders' blivc. ANY AMOt'NT OF MONEY TO LOAN-Qulck, etial,-;! t leans or Uuilciing and I oan At from I tot per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, SI I 115 IV-nell liull.llnc. Lost. black spaniel reward for In return to shorlfl Itutnn'.oii, 1V1I Noitli Wash ington avenue. Ma'iC ; N'o 2 rc, 6V ; fm to eholce malt liitr. S"n(uc ; No. 1 tlax seed, $1 17. No 1 Noith western 1 17, piime timolhv, sWi, mes po-k, IITU"i; laid, 0 fil in; shoit rib, s50asf,-,; di v salted shoulder, 7'sac. ; bhort clear sulci, $r2."n9EO; whl'kev, 1 ,.li Chicago Livo Stock Market. Chicago, Spt 11 (attle Iteceipt, 2"i(U eluding 2.00(1 'lex ins, I.OuO weMerm. good in fit natives stead: all 0II1CY1 slow to li . lower; good to prime steei. o nali j.i; poor to medium, $la7, sloikers and feeder, 2 i'ial 2'i, io, Jlal 7i, hedci, 2iri cinnrr. lalaji), bulls, J2 '2'nl 73. calvn, laO 'i, IVxat steeis. KM M; western steer. .! 7ii 10 IIou--ltei eipl todiv, 2,0"0; tomonow, 2',rM, e-siimat.d lift over. 3, (ii, dull and weal, to "c . lower, nuvid and butcher, YolOifi7i, gr.nd to choice hcaiv, eW ail 40, light. Mlilidii. bulk of sile. $n ,lO-.ll 7. Sheep Itecelpts, iO.Oenl; sheep steadv to strong for good lamb; het elrong, nlhets stead, good In choice wetheis St ".ill, lair to choice miveil, .1.5011 oi, western sluep, J1; native Iamb, St j: weslein limlis, ?i4 do Otflciil ie eoiptu and shipment ve-Urdav. Cattle, P,0s7; hog. 17.013, sheep, leiis shipments-tattle, y.lls; hog, 2,911. sluep, 7,fd2 Now York Live Stock Marker. Niw Yoik, 11 He eve Trade slow, best teen, stead), common and medium, 10al3c. low er; some sites 2i cents off, bulls btenly lo strong; cows steidv to lie. lower; steer, t 25 ali, half breed, fl 40i.."0, oxen and stag,. Ma 4 ill, bull,, eo, lil.7.i, chime and exita, siitJi, calve, veils weak in 2 lower; graser and buttermilks risv; veal, V.i S, gravers and buttermilks W VI sheep Slow and weak, clioiic Iambs steady to strong; otheis dull and easier, sheep, . illilTS, mils, s2, lamb, t-l 73ai, choice, fi 2iii ,;i, Canada limbs. Sili.'l.i. Hogs Market slow; slate hogs, siilSOaBUU, no sales cf western hogs repoited. East Liberty Cattle. l.ibeitv. Sept. 1I.-I atlle- Maiket steaciv; eholce, j ckiaa SO; pnnie, $.ilii5(AI, good, i 15 a.,'si, lair, t I a I i' , common, $:alVl llog,--Demand good on best grades, pnnie hesiv, 7a 7 0,i. heavy mediuni. i7, light do, i;nia7: heavv vnikers, ti'siai3, light do , i'i0i6 sj, common to fair orkn and grissei. ii..',0an ,0, pig. $a 1(1; skips, !rl ciOi.i VI, roughs, Ja1 23 .Sheep- Maiket slow, best wcihers J.I Mai,, .! .iOa.i 7,1 , mixed, f.1a(oi, culls and cniumon, il2''a22i, xearlings, ii iOjI, spnng lamb, ijsl iO aj; eal calve, V ''i heavy atvl thin, iiai. c J BASE BALL American League. t Wahingt'n u II F II I -I 4 Host .ii 2 5 0000011-0 Wa-hliigton .. . o n o n o n o q oo llatteile Young and Crigcr, Mcner and Clark. Umpire lletfi. t Milwaukee Chicago-Milwaukee, no game, rain. Ilaltlnioie Philadelphia gitne postponid on ac count of ilcliy of Philadelphia team on train. National League. At Boston H. II F. Chicago 3 10001100 fi pi o Iioston o o o o n .1 o o o t s l naileries Hughes and Kahoe; Ilinecn ami hu tridsc. I mplre Nash. At P'lllailelphia It. II F. St Louis OOOII02-2 ft I Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 I 2-1 II 1 Hatteries Powell and Mthols; Donolmo and luuglaa. tinplre Uvv.ver. U New York (incinnati New York II. II F. .010002010-1 12 ,2 (I 0 0 0 0 0 II 0-2 II 1 and ncrgtn; Phyla an I Hatterles Stimmel nowerman. L'mpire-Kmslle. At Brooklyn It, II. E. Plttshuig nisniinnn s u 3 Brooklyn 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 t R 0 Batterlf Chesbro and O'Connor; Donovan and McGuIre L'mpirea Snjdrr and Brown. SITUATIONS WANTED PREG. Help Wanted Mnlo. MAN'VtIKII- rellahle firm wants cipible man lo manure brincli ulthc, taking diiectlon of limine, salat l,.Vs and liberal cuuiiuUlon, good lefcieiiicd and W'l cah leipitied. Hox .lid, I'lillailrlphii. Hltlt KI.SM'IIS WKMIH lor lire brick uoik Cuiiiuiunli itlon mil pcisonal appllulioiis will be rerelved at 111 ofllic in llmcoik, N. . It .1 lluvimin. Help Wnntcd Feinnle. AM'i:i) iiunpncnt Ctrl for itcncril linue uoik In fainil of two. tifcutiics required pil thl week. Ml A C Tttitchell, Id7 (Juliii avenue WANTI.I) Kill lor ucuoial lioiieotk. at I. in-! Mulberrv slieel, tins cvcnltiir Apply WANTKIl CMI for ceneril hoiwwork. lifter enecs required. 1.IP2 Mulberr strict. VANTi:i (ilrl tor Keneial liou.evoik t Dalton. Addre II T, care Tribune Agents Wanted. IiM)V t'N ss.1tsj cn.v. quick feller; biu pay. Inqulie .12.1 Wjshiuiitoii avenue, cr.!ti ton CAN'VtsM..y nr Eentlnnin outi(!c the (Hyof Scianton can havi a peimuicnt 1me.11 v for the perfume ot the cmturv Phennmenil ule flood In liree ilemind I'.vervllilnu fur nished on ciedlt l.lhenl arranRrnifiit with the right pari. Ailrirc "Cut Hoe(" VM slrett and flth avenue, New York BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCIII.fT. corner Mulbciry ftiret and Webster avenue. CL'STAV PICIII.L. GS0 Adams avenue. West Side CEOnCK V. JENKINS, 101 South Malo avenue South Seranton FRED L. TERPPE, "2D Cedar avenue. North Seranton OEO. W, DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Hldge CHARLES P. JONES. 15J7 Dickson avenue. T. J JOHNS, P20 Oreen Ridge street. C. LORENZ, corner Wellington ave nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. II KNEPFEL. 1017 Irving avenue. Sunmore J. O. HONE & SON. Wanted. WANTED A large show case. Arply William OltTord, 1517 Dickson avenue. WANTED An Intelligent (Catholic) lad or gen tleman to fill a light, pleasant po.ition; good pay, If suitable. Address P. O. Box 20, Seranton, Pa Rooms Wanted. W ANTED-ihreo cr four f imbued mom f,,r sin ill linillv with board, or for light housekeeping ildles . rt . Tiibiine. Miscellaneous. St I'l.RI'H Ot's II MIL warts and moles painless l.v, pel mine in I, m nutilli jll icuioved by elect'iic needle, 110 siais. Deuiutological Par lor. ,112 Wellington avtnue LEGAL. AMENDMLNl' TO TIIF ( ONsn ri'TlON PRO POSED lOllll'.C ni.K.NhOFTllll COMMON. WEMIH 10R 'I HEIR APPROVAL OK HI" JECTION U IDE CENhllM. AssEMHI.Y 01' '1I1E (OMMONWFM'III OF Pl.NNSi Li NI . PI HUSHED BY nltllEK OF IHE sF.(ltr'.'W OF Till. tOMMONWELill. I.N PLltst NLH OF AltriCLE .Will OF TIIF. lON&lllViTO.N. A I01NI' HFMH.iniON. Proposing an amt nJiui nt tu the Constitution of the Lomiuonwialtli Section 1, Be it ieolvid b the Senate and House of Reptescmatlves of the Commonwealth in (Jiniral Xssimbl.v met. Ihat the lollowing is pioposed a ainenilnients to the Constitution of the Conimoiiwealih of Pi nn lianla, in ai eordance with the provnions ot the lulileemh ailicle theienf' Amendment One lo Article Light, Section One, VM at the rod ut the lirst paragraph of said section, alter Ihe words "sluil be entitled tu Soto at all eUcllono," the words "sulijert however to such laws requiting and regulating the icgUtiatlon of electors as the General As winhl mi enact," so mat the said section shall lead as follows: Section 1 Oualitirations of Fleclon. Every male eilkeu twenty one iais of age, posse-sing the following nualiticatlon., shall be entitled to vote at all elections, subject however lo suih laws icquiring and regulating the registration ot electors a the Oetieial Assembly miy enaeli 1 II he shall have been a cillren of the Liiltul Slates il leant one month. 2. lb' shall hive resided In the State one .voir (oi, having previously been a qualifl.'il cleitor cr native born cltlen of the State, he shall have leninved therefrom and returned, then six inonthsl Immediately pie ceding the election. .i lie shall have resided In the election eli trie! where lie shall ofler tn vote at Irast two month Immediately pieeeding Ihe elctlon 4 If twenty-two c,ns of age and upwards, he shall have paid within two veais .1 State nr county tax, xvhich shill have been assessed at least iwo month and paid at least one month bcfoic tho elation. Amendment 'Iwo to Utule Light, Sectiun seven Sttlke out from said section the word "but no oleilor shall be deprived of the pnvilrgo of soling b iiason cf his name not being rrgi tired," and add to slid section the following woids, "hut laws icguhting and requiring the reglslralion of clritors mav be cnaited In ,, ply to eilies mil, prmineel that sum laws lie uni form for cities of the same class," so that ihe said section shill lead as follows Section 7 Cniformitv of Election Laws Ml laws legulatlng the holding of dec lions by tuo citlrens or for the registration of electors shill he uniform throughout the state, but laws reguliting and requiring the icgistratmn of eleitnis may be enacted In apply to cities onlv, provided that such laws bo unifotm for ciucs of the same chs A true copy of the Joint Resolution w w oniF.r. Secretary of the Commonwealth. AMENDMENT 111 HIE CONSTITI HON PRO POsED TO TIIF (IIIZLNS OF THIS ( OM VONWEM.TII 1(111 I'HI III APPRO. M. OR III JKTION BY THE (IEVER L Ss1 IBI.Y OF Till (OMMONWLM.TII OF PENNsYI.VANI V. riBI.sID HY ORDER OI 'HIE SFCRETMIV OF Till. COVMONWEM.TH IN PI'RsCANCF. OF ARTICLE NVlll OF THE COXSTITC riON. JOINT HEfOLl HON prosposlng an amendment tn the ConXltutton of the Commonwealth section 1 He it enacted hv Ihe Senile and Home of Representatives of the Commonweiitli ot Pennlvanla In lieiural Wend H met, and It is hereby enarted liv the authoritv of il e fame. That the following is piopoed a. an amendment to Hie Constitution of the Conr.iui wealth of Pennsvlvanla, 11 nirorJineo with ihe provisions of the Elghteeulh article thereof. s xmcndiucnt Sliike out section four ariule eight, am, srit In place theieof, as follows'. section t Ml cloitlnns In iituena shall he by ballot or b ue Ii othei mrtlmd as mav be prescribed bv law Provided, That seeiery in voting lie pieseived A true cop.v of the Joint Resolution. W W HRIEsT. Secretary of the Commonwealth NOTICE- The annual meeting of the members ol thu Laekawanm stote xvniiation. Limited, will be held at the office ot the association In the eitv of seranton, I'a , en Wedresday, Octo ber 2nd, 1101, at ten o'clock m (or the elec tlon of managers for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as maj properly come before the meeting. II, s. F.URCHILD, Secretary. Seranton, Pa., Sept, 10th. J001 DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Thn I'oiir Lines, A Cents for Uach Ultra Line. PROFBSStONAL. Certified Public Accountant. i.nwMtn c llullillng SI'M I.I1IVI, 2i IHWil-ns HAMx Atchltects. iiwis, co.n.nlll I'nw mid 11 llltlhllt'g. riiFDI.IIK K I. IIIIOWN. Mil 11. It,, IH'.VL la.tite Exchange Hldg , 12 Waddneton ave. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II. L. IIMHIIM', cm (OV.M'.I.I, lUMLDINO. Dentists. DU. f. I. I, PAUM Ilf ILDINtJ, spline sheet, strniitoii. DR. C. C. l.MHUII, 111 WiOMINfi AVENUE. Lawycts. FIIVNK II HllM.E. M'lOHNKV.AT-AW. Ilouins 12. II, PI and 1 Iliur Hullding. VJi 'llt(', n-Y .COMMONWEM.TII I1LD0. 1) II. Ill.Pl.Olll.r. riOHM'.- LOANS NKOcT. tlatcd on leal estate seeuilt. llrais Building, 1 oilier Washtngtnu avmue and spiuec street, WII.IAHI), W Mtltl N k KN PP. ATrORNEYS und eouii.ellois it law. Republican Building, W ishlligtou nveliue. Jss . j, ,,ss p, rillRNI.YS AND COLIN. sellorat liw Coniniunwialth Hullding, Rooms l'. JO and 21 I'DW MID W I II H, ATTORNEY. ROOMS tstnsil, nth floor, Mean Hull, ling. I.. A WVHtrx, A'nilllNEV ATLAW, BOARD ot finile Hullding, Scrinton, Pa. I'vni.itsov ,x wnro, trmiers' national Hink llullillng. t (OMKiis, on RKPI HI.ICAN BLILDLNO. A W III RIllil.l'. OFFICE 211 W.vomtng avenue. MOVED TO NO. Physicians nnd Surgeons. Hit V I nveime ALIEN, ill .NORTH WASHINGTON DR s W I WIOItFM , DFHCI". 3.M WVslf. inglon mi 1111, llesiili in c, 1 lift Mulberry. 'limine iIimmsik, lung, heait, Liclnevs atid (..prill., 111 in 11 otgatis a spicialtv. Hours, 1 to I p. m Hotels and Restaurants. THE I.K CME. 121 XND 127 IRANKI.IN AVE- nue. Rates iciiiahlc. P. Preptletor. H'HxNION IIOI E. M:ll D, L. k W. PAS- singer depot. ( ondui led on the European pi in. icr0lt KOI II, Proprietor Scavenger. II HHK.fis (LEWS PRIVY VAFLTS AND ees pool; no odor; only improved pumps used. 1 II llrlgg, propiictor. Leave orders 1I(K N011I1 Vim avenue, or Eiike's drug stoic, cor nci Adams and Mulberrv. Both telephones. Seeds. C. R. (I.MIKE A (O. SEEDSMEN AND NURS ei nun, store 201 Washington avenue; green bonus Vi"x North Main avenue; store tele phone, 72. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KITITIL. RI'Mt .ill I.tCKA. AVI'., S ranlou, I'a, manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. lllil'SsMMvlNi; 10R CHILDREN 10 ORDER; 11 1, ladles' waists. Louis bhocmaker, 213 Ad inis avenue. JIFliMini.E HltOs. PBINTF.RS MTPI.1ES, F.N vilopis, pipir bigs, twine Warehouse, 1.0 Washington avenue. Scranlen, I'a. 'HIE WII.KFsllMtRF. RECORD CAN Bl. HAD in Stianton at the news stands of Reismin Bros. J.iid Spruce and Md Linden; M. Norton, .'122 I ack luatiiu avenue; 1. . ixhutrer, 211 Spruce meet. Boarders Wanted. WANTED Table boarders. Mrs. Tompklna, 531 Washington avenue. - ' Situations Wanted. fell I xTION' W VI LD-1'o.sltlon as housekeeper wanted, capable of taking full charge. Call or addiess "Jl Harrison avenue. SlirTION' WANTED As a cook in a hotel 01 boarding hous.e Addiess Cook, Tubune 06 flic. MIL' A1I0V WAS I ED As superintendent or fore, man at coal mines, fifteen ears experience and best references Box A, Tribune Office, fclTI'ATIOS' WASTED First cla.w conic wishes position, hotel or cafe, C2 Vulcao street, Wilkes Banc. SITCxTTON WSTFD -Bright, industriom boy, 17 years old, desires situation. Work In th civil engineering or thuiical line preferred. Ad diiss V. , Tubune lllnce. SU'l'WION WANTED-A good, honest and reli able girl would like a situation at general housework with a nice family. Address iL IL, Seranion Tribune. Siri'VI'ION W xNTED Ph. ( . registered, want peiinincnl or relief podtlon. Pills, Tribtin Ofluc. MlTITON' WAS'TED-By a woman to go out vvashii'if or nursing. Please call or address 1211 Cedar avenue, City. Mll'ATION' WANTLD K widow woman wsntj a position as housekeeper er at general hoiwwoik flrt claw experience; willing to do anv kind of woik. Address Mrs. A. M , Tribuns Otfice. SITUATION W'ANrED-t anthing wherei thero is a chance lo worn up, by a oung man who has had experience ai nookkeeper ind eoi lector. Address C , (are of The Tribuns. FINANCIAL. 'S ysl.fc OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Money Will Earn Dig Monthly Returns. The Investor' Fund Pays Semi-monthly. The oldest established in America No certificate holder has ever lost cent Payments made to nil subscribers every 15 das. No trouble. No delay. Money refunded en demand Write to. da for particulars, free to any address. C. F.. Mac key A Co., Hudson Bld'g . New Y01U, Spencer Trask & Co BANKERS 27 & 29 Pine St., New Yiork Now ready for distribution, and mailed upon request, Setepmbcr Descriptive List of INVESTMENT SECURITIES Members New York Stock Exchange. Branch Office 65 State St. Albany