The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 12, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Local Singers Manifest But Little
Intctest In It Other Musical Fes
tivals Dui1m the Coming Season.
New Drlvhip Tatk and Bowling
Alleys Future- Possibilities rare
well Exception This Evening.
Bunnwny Boy Returned Other
Events of Intciest.
Our local sltiRPri nil seem to Jinvo
lost kIrIU ot the fact that the I'.in
moilcan p1tcddfod or "Welsh 1)a"
a 111 occur ono work from today, when
$1,000 Will ho offered In in 1st on
aea! compatltlotis. Xoeffoit has been
made to orsntilzo a iholr, mid It N
ilnubiful If any of our soloists will own
jartlc)p.ilo in the events at least, so
far (is. is known, none of them have
f.lsnilltd their Intentions of doing so.
Tho event will doiihtlom attract
widespread attention, as It linn been
finite extensively advertised In the
"Welsh paper-'. The adjudicators will
be William Aptnnrioi'. of ('IiIcoko; lal
vv.ud lltoonie, of Montreal, and John
Lund, ot Ullffiilo. The president of Ihu
tnornliiK' selon "v 111 he 1. lthodyii
TUvles, of Allegheny; nfternoon, Ion,
i:ills T. 'Kobertx, of "VVwliItiutori, and
In tho evening, General Thomas 1a
James of New York, "will preside.
The chief competition will lie for
jnixed choirs of not less tlinn 1l'" nor
over K0 voices on "God So l,oed tho
"World" ond "We Never 'Will How
Down." The flit prle I $400, and
the pecond $100. The male chorus will
Vie on "Sons of the 1'llfrrlms" for
prizes of $IH0 and $7". The female elio.
ius competition "will be on "The Lul
laby" and "Drldnl of the Bltd." for
p lcs- of $100 and $".
A prize ot $10 will lie offered for tho
j-opiano fcolo, "I Know That My Jie
doeinor Llvoth," and $10 will nIo be
jjlven for the contralto solo, "He Was
Dwplsed." Similar prizes ara offered
on the tenor .solo, "In Native Woith,"
and tho bass solo, "Now Heaven In
Vtillest Ohuy 'Shone" The leader of
caih winning choir will tecelve a sll
er loving cup.
Tho William Conn Ml Aiithiaclte Glee
club dlscuhed the advisability of en
teilng the male chorus competition,
tint abandoned the Idea, as they are
I hod to compete at an eisteddfod in
Poult noy. Vermont, on Sept. 2S. They
have al-o nrinngcd1 to kIvcj a conieit
Ito"i nJ Almond Cream remoTM
rrdncw ot the tkin anil foothca the
pain ot (unburn in ene night. Take
a bottle with you en jour vacation.
Swell Hosiery
For the Smart Set
It will be in one of our windows this afternoon and
for the balance of the week. We'd like you to take
a passing look at it. Of course, the assortment
shown there is far from complete, but what is lack
ing in the window show will be found on exhibition
in the department where hundreds of styles, colors,
makes, patterns, etc., await your inspection, if you
have time to look oyer them all.
A Word on
Hosiery Fashions
Stripes, of course, have first call vertical or circu
lar stripes, in all the colors of the rainbow, or toned
down to the soft tints of a fading twilight, and all
the variations existing between these two extremes,
on black, navy, green, pink, blue, violet, cardinal,
rose, steel, fawn, tan and other colored grounds.
Drop stitches, fine delicate lace effects, new inser
tions, broad ribs, fine ribs, combinations of all sorts,
and fine guage plain weaves give a hint at the makes
you may look for.
The materials include the best Spun Silks, Kx
tra Quality Lisle Thread, Beautiful Mercerized
Goods, Fine Cashmeres, Egyptian Cotton Yarns,
Etc., Etc. They're all of the best, and in most
cases include extra sizes if you want them.
The Hosiery Show This
Year Is Well Worth a Look
Choice of Window Display from 50
Cents to $2.50 the Pair
Globe Warehouse
In the First Welsh Hnptlft church on
Tuesday evening, Sept. 21. and will
leave for Nnv York on tho 20t1i. They
will compete for n prbe of $200 at
Pnultney, on "Songs of the Pitgilms."
which l to bo tho competitive piece
at the Paii-'merlcau eisteddfod.
The annual eliteddfoil of the Hollo.
Mio Hlbllral and Literary oclet will
be held on ChiMnias Day nt the Hello
uo "Welsh Calvlnlfltlc Methodist
(hutch. It might be suggested to the
c uiimlttee that the even' be held in
8 niie place linger than the chtlich, in
Ml jeat the attendance was mi Ihiko
t' 'roe who die' uttnd weie uti
conifortable by reason of the crush.
Thee Is no d that sum an e "it
will attract a much larger attendance
tf It Is held up town or in the central
The programme for this elteddfod
was pilnted loceittly, and applications
fot It can bo sent to II. T. James, sec
toinry, US Stoii.s avenue.
An eisteddfod will also be held at
the Tabernacle In Notth Scranlon mi
Thanksgiving Day. Tin op sessions will
be held, and Ilun. II. M. LdvvauN has
leon Invited to act as conductor ot the
day. The chief choial competition will
b- on "The Heavens Ale Telling," for
u 1 1 i7P of $.'.'i0, for a choir of tint b s
than 100 or moie than U'" voli es. The
s"iietary of this eisteddfod Is An h
.folinoii, of 1M:! Ninth Main avenue.
Pun. Ilavdeii Lvnlts, of the Strantoii
College of Music, has been selei led as
ruljiullcntm of til Vth.i eisteddfod,
vvh'th will be held on Dec. lil nnd .Ian.
1 next. A Ml.e of $i!l0 will theie be
given c r a i-i'mi! choir of sixty voice
mi "Hallelujah t the r.ithor," and
Si'OO fur a male p.nty of thlity-tlve
voices on "The Diulds." A pllze ot
$."i0 will ul'o be given for a male puily
on "The Deleagured" and $.'0 for a fe
male ihoi us on "I.ullab.v" and "liildal
of the WriK"
All these events should be of Inter
est to our lliuslc-lovlllg people, but
compaiativol few are yt aroused to
the old-time A huge c lio
ns if local slngeis will paitlclpate in
the Temperance leuuiou at Nay Aug
path tomoilow ufteinoon.
Cuueut Social Events.
The membeis of Class No. C of the
Washbuin stieet Pies-byteilan Itlble
school, held a. faiewell 101 option on
Tuesday evening at tho home of Miss
Hessle Fiaunfelker. on South ll.vde
I'atk avenue, for their supeilntendent,
William Hun all, who Is about to leave
for the South, vvlieie he has atioplnl
lesponslble position. The affair wus
lufoi nial, but decidedly enjoyable.
Those pie-ent weie Miss Delia Davis,
Mattlo Phillips Ldlth llution, Maty
'bilk, Ihin.i I'leeman, Ddlth llouser,
Mis. Kvans, Mabel Speiuei, .Miss
Powell, Mabel Jioldry, liesslc Moigau,
Helen Jones, Anna l'dwards, Klla
AVelsenllueh, Nellie Drown, .Tennle Jen
kln, and Hessle Fiaunfelker.
A number of prominent oung peo
ple on joyed a delightful trolley ildo
recently to different points In the i Uv,
visiting Nay Aug p.tik, vvlieie ipfiesh
ments were served. In the party weie
Misses Htta Woodruff, Anna Lloyd.
Alice l'onn, Colon ri Phillips, ltessle
Moigan, Kthel Doud, Itoy Knight, Kxd-
ran I.ovvry, l'rert Vlgtcl, Klbuin Until
ing, and Arthur llccuc.
A birthday party wnn tendered Mac
tor Kdgar Oliver, of Hampton streel,
on Thuesday nfternoon. Among the
little folks who enjoyed the event were
Mnrgnret Oliver, Mny Anthony, David
Anthony, Howard and Henjaniln Mas
chill, Hert and Alfred Oliver.
Tho hlxlccnth blithdny nnnlvpi.sary
of MIhs Mattlo Wngntaff was observed
ut her home recently by n number of
her oiiiik filonds. She wan pie.sentcd
with u pallor lamp by tho gueidfl.
Mim Malbeiger of Ninth Main ave
nue, enloi tallied the meinbom of
Hratuli CM, ., (. H. A., at her home
on North Main avenue, yesteulay nf
ternoon nnd evening, at asocial. Thote
weie n largo number of others In at
tendance. The necoiid supper at the home of
Mis. H S. Jacobs on Lafayette nlreet
lat evening under the auspices of the
Knights of Mnlla was attended by an
other large crowd, nnd the event wan n
social and financial tuiccess.
rnrewell Reception.
This evening n faiewell icieptloli will
be lenileicd William T. Iluiall at the
YViishhuin Strict Pn sli.vteilan i lunch.
J' or aliout ten euis Mi. Hiiinll has
been one of the most active and faith
ful .voting men in the iliunh. Tor the
past tlnee jours be lias been supeiln
tendent of the Itlble si boot. Heie Is
the piiigraiiune fur this evening:
Slei tlon.ori liestia: opening leinniks,
dip I, Misses Sailor mid Jones: leading
of loMilutlnti'i; mldiess, Pi of. Stone;
solo, MNs L.villn Sailor; icmaiUs, Mr.
Huiall. selection, on lieslin.
A Miilal will follow, with refieli
ments, in the ihuiili pallors, to w hb h
liunilieis or the iiingtegatlon, lllble
sihuiil and their fi tends, ate loullally
Tim meeting for the puipoe of elect
ing a stiiicxxor to .Mr. Iluiall as super
intendent has been post polled until
llet AVednesdny evening.
Wedding1 Announcements.
l.ouls lliilTnian, of Hampton mines,
nnd Miss Maud Fan Hold, of Duumoie,
weie united In mairlage last evening
nt S.,'!0 u'cloik at the pmscmage of the
.Tin l,-.on Stieet itaptlst i lunch by tho
pastor, l!fv. Thomas do Ciiuhy. They
will leslde In 'Vest Simmon.
OiWllym Maddoel;,or Vulibuni stieet,
and Miss Maigaict Davis, of Eyuon
stieet, will be united in man Inge on
Wednesday, October 2.
David James, of Division stieet. ship
ping ileik at the I'enn Stole company,
and Miss Mnv AVIlllams, of WilUos
ltane, weie united In nuiillage at the
home of the 01 ide's patents cm Tues
day evening. They will icslde nt HilS
I.afaette Ml cot.
New Driving Paik.
One ol the possibilities of the near
filiate Is n diivtng inik and athletic
Held for West hii.iuton, which will be
lontnilled by the leielitly otganl.ed
Wt Side Dilvlu i lul). Sill vc.vois ate
now- at woik si iking out n twent.v
acie ti .it t of land In a suitable loca
tion, vvhli h will not lie made public
for the present.
The club has it 11 option on the tinct,
and when It Is leased, a pinml stand
will be ot cited, slablen will In built
and a base ball gi.iimu l.ild oMt. It Is
evpeited the paik svll! be u lenllty net
New Bowling Alleys.
The pio.-poils for the eieitlon of
howling allejs In the i:icittlc I'lty
Wlieelinen's litb house dining the
coming se.ison Is ovcedlngly blight,
and neai ly .ill the money needed to In
sine the allev.c has been pledged.
With this addition and the cm oil
inent of a lepioi-entallve ilnss ul busi
ness and piofossluunl men in the i tub.
the ollhers e ect to make It a icpie
M'titntive i lub In ovciy sense of the
word. The i lub uuaitcis me ndmliably
lociited, nnd they affiud oveiy facility
for plensui" and enjoyment duilitg
leisure bonis
Runaway Boy Returned.
John O Fiilon, aged 11, who es
caped ftcint St. P.i 1 1 h k s mphannge
nboiil a month ago. was i.iusht by
Patiohuan Klah i'eteis yesteiday and
letuineil to the institution.
He had been loallng aioimd the Dela
ware, Lackawanna nndWestein lound
hoiise and had Injured his foot by Mop
ping on a nail.
Events of the Evening.
An adloiirued logular meeting of the
Wet Side (Vntial P.epublicau club will
be held at the looms this evening.
Kvery member n loquested to attend.
The lt.iflro.icl AuMllaiy of the Simp
son Methodist Kplseojul ihuioh wilt
bold an Ice cieam social this evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. .
Mm i us. fi.'O Notth Lincoln avenue, for
the beni'lit of the Slmpon Morlgago
The Jolly Three Social club will con
duct a clunto this evening In the new
Washington Hall oil Ninth .Main ave
nue. A legiilar meeting of Washington
eainp No. ITS. P. O. S. of A., will be
heltl this evening in their new lodge
The i:iecttlc Pity Wheelmen will con
dm t their Hist lufoimal dance of the
season ai tho club house on Jackson
ftieet this evening.
St. Paul's Pioneer cotps will bold n
full ihess lehe.usuil In St. David's hall
this evening.
Other Events of Intel est.
The Colonial club, of the P. O. S. of
A.. have selected the following ofll
hms to conduct their affali.s: Presi
dent, lieoigo H. Prelfler: vice. pi evi
dent, David P.. Ilairls; secietaiy. John
.Mullen, tienstiier, .initios A. Kvans:
spigeant-nt-aun.s, Hugh Thomas. The
lub will hold a soikil on I'llday even
ing. September t'O.
The local cotps or the Salvation
At my will conduct open air meetings
nt Nay Aug paik next Sunday nfter
noon. and in the evening Knslgn Lent?,
will lei lure nt the hall on Price utiPPt
on the subject, "Pound Dead In the
Snoots "
David J. Davis, the North Main ave
nue blind man. who lost his Mght
while at work In the mines a number
of enrs ago. has purchased a new
patentPd cm pet-w raving machine, nnd
will take this means of earning a liv
ing and suppoitlng his i.uiilly.
Mis. John Stevens, of Lincoln
Heights, is spending n few days with
her mother ut Preejantl.
Tho funeral of tho late William Phil
lips will tako plaeo tomonow after-
Would me Krmp'i Daliam for thf Throat arid
l.urc, It li cuilnir more Cousin, Cold,
Attlima, Ilronchltls, Croup and nil Throat and
l.ung TrouMoa, thjii any other mrdlcinc. lh
proprietor lias atitliorlrnl any druzglst to five
;pu a Sumple llottln t'icu lu coin hue jou ot (lie
marlt s( thU met tcimJ. Pike 2jv, uud M.
noon, ServlceH will be hold nt tho home
of his parents on Pettebono street, nnd
Interment will ba mnde In the Wash
bin n street cemetery.
ThoiniiH Lnrkln, ot West Lackawan
na nventte, u student nt Niagara unl
voislty, left yesterday for school to io
sumc his studies.
Mrs. Timlin, of Noith Lincoln nve
nue, Is entcrtiilnlng her sister, Mis.
Donaldson, of Philadelphia.
Misses Mary uud Han let lCngan, of
'hestnut street, lmve lelutned home
from n visit with their father, P. M.
Hagnn, ul Lebanon, Pa.
Miss tlmce tlniiiniett.of I.akeWlnola,
has leturned homo fiotu u visit with
her mother, on Hampton street.
Miss Latin O'Malley. of Lincoln
Heights, Is the guest of tclatlvcs In
Huston, Muss.
Miss lone Taylor has returned to her
home In llopbottom, after n visit with
her cousin, Miss Mattle WagiUaff, of
Division street.
Mrs. William Hughes, of Plttston. Is
the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Howell Motgau, of fourteenth stieet.
Joseph Liiiignti. of Hampton stieet,
Is t onvalesclng, after n long Illness.
Miss Maigaiet Thomas and hi other,
Motgan, of Division stieet, aie spend
ing a few days at Lake Idlew llde.
Mb haul Major and daughter, of
Notth liebocca avenue, nre enjoying
the sights nt the Pan-Aiuerleun exposi
tion. Will Dlehl lias icsumcil bis position
In Morgiin Thomas' gioieiy stoic, after
an Idleness due to an injiirv.
Mis. Saltmiin and son, of Noith
Ciarlleld avenue, nie solouinlng ut Lake
Sheridan for n few das.
Peter A Ht linger, of Hampton street,
is conllned to his home with an nt
taik of Inilanmiatory lheuinatlsiu.
Willi, im Dagger, of Mark street,
spi allied his ankle while nt vvotk in
tile Mellevtte mine on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mis. William Hatch, of
South Hyde Paik avenue, nie spend
ing a week at Murrain, the exposition
and Nlagaia Palls.
Mr. anil Mis. James Hayward have
taken possession ot u house on Hot It
si roc t.
Mis. Hvan L. llvnns, of Thirteenth
stieet. Is suffeilng fiom a sevcte scald
ing icceivctl lecentl.v.
MKs Mabel Mullen, of Ninth Sumner
avenue, has i etui nod home fiom a visit
with fi lends In New Ymk mid Mrook
lvn. Mr nnd Mi Oeotge Decker, of fif
teenth stieet, nie entei tnilling Misses
Minnie and Louise How den, of Ulceus
buig. Pa
Miss Margaret Dm kin. of Lu.erne
stieet. has retuinotl hoine from tin en
joyable vacation tilp to Atlantic i'lty.
Mrs. John II. Kcllv. of Hynon stieet,
Is touvnlest ' lg. after an Illness.
MWs Muv KlthanW. of Notth Lin
coln avenue, has letuineil home fiom
a two weeks' visit with lelatlve.s at
Misses Muiy and Madeline Uavnor,
of Klmlia. have rettn ued homo, after a
two months' visit with their aunt. Mis.
John flavnor, of Not th Lincoln avenue.
Mr. and Mis. W. It. I'listnor. of Notth
Lint oln avenue, have ns their guests
the foi tiler's sisteis, (lime and Pannle
i'listnor. of Hlnilia.
Mis. W. 'I' Ace, of South Lincoln
avenue, has been conllned to her home
for seveial days with a gathered foot.
Outgo riohei tson, of Noith Itcbeci a
avenue. Is setlously 111 with an atlaik
of typhoid -pneumonia
Mis. Llcvvollvu Davis, of IJvnon
stieet, Is sufteilng fiom ncivous puis
tuition at hei home.
The Swedish citizens' (lub held n
mooting In the Pieiult Motif hall last
evening to discuss seveial mutters of
Intctest to the members
The Shu tun lodge of Odd Fellows met
lu Masonic hall last evening and ttans
.ti ted sei ret woik of the older.
Miss Meitha Dtow, of Pl.vmoutb, Is
the guest of Miss Mae Davis, of Miuth
Main avenue.
Miss Anna I."wls, of South Main ave
nue. Is visiting at W outing and
Wllk-s- Mime
Mis. Lennlng and son, of Pntlsvlllo,
.no visiting Ht the home of Mr. and
Mis, W. J. Morgan, 2J Stairs avenue.
Davltl Wlllla.i s, of South Main ave
nue, has tetuine'l home fioin Mlooms
butg, vvlieie he has been playing on a
team of i oIIpko Til.iveis.
The Keystone Literal y and Dramatic
elub gave their si ootid annual banquet
and entertainment In the Audltoiluni
last night. Tho affnli was opened up
bv a slum addiesM by M. .1. Geirity,
piiv'tlent of the i lub, followed by a.
solo by William A Lvuott ami a piano
solo liy MI-is Libble Neaty. Mis
I'orn (illftin leclted several sehctloils,
and P.itilek also recited. A
.sopg am) dame was lendeied bv John
SKllfentoii and Thomas Hvans, follow id
bv a i losing adtlie. i h (5. J. Weather.
The hall vviitsi beautifully detoiated
with bunting, (lags nnd palms, P. if.
Dill kill, th' centl.ll illy l.lleter, set veil
I he stippoi.
The t' ks anil Defendeis of
South Sctantoti vlll play basket ball
at the Audltoiluni totnoirovv evening.
William Jones, of Throop stieet. was
m tested last evening by Patrolman
Thomas, at the funnel's hum. He
was i harmed with pointing Hi cuius at
his Inothei. Mo was given a homing
by Altleiiuan Pldler ami committed to
Ja'l I'm twenty dav s.
Miss Dora Davis, of West Market
stieet, left for At sou, Wayne county,
Th steatest attiactlotts of the North
Mini are the handsome depurated win
dows of Mulley's stoics. The ilotoia
llons weie made by Ml. Motl, the win
dow Dimmer. The dccnistlon is a tep
tesentallun of the electilc tower whlih
Is such an attiattlou nt the Pan
Amoiliau. The tower Is made of beau
tiful white haudkeichiefs, behind
vvlilth ate several small Incandescent
Hshts, which make a very hnnd.som
iippearante at ulijht.
Mr. and Mrs. ch.ules f'liuich. of
North Main avenue, have letuineil
home, after spending sl weeks at
Pleasant VIpw faun, near PleetvllK
Mrs. li. u. fowler nnd daughter,
Dorothy, of L'huich avenue, have io
tinned home fiom KlmliM, N. Y.
Miss Maiy flerrlty, of Wayne avenue,
Is vIMtlug fi lends nt Syiauise. X, Y.
MIks Maiy Ciiitllths. of Wayne ave
nue, Is visiting ti lends at Nantlcoke.
The case bi ought before Aldeunan
Halley by O. W. freeman. Tuesday
p'-erlug. for loss of fiult anil damagi
to vines, was settled last night by tho
patents of the boys paying costs.
"vl..n of tho Oieen Midge merchants
nie badly cilppljl In their business
becniiho ul tho epidemic prevalent
among the hoiscs.
'Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hitchcock, of
Mousey avenue, aro spending a fort
night lu Now Ynik city.
James Pike, who was n prominent
Oi orn Midge merchant In tho eaily
seventies, now lu one of the govern
ment dcpaitmcnts ut Washington, D.
Satisfies the Most
Exacting Demands
Because it is cleanly
prepared by machinery
nnd without adultera
tion of any kind. In a
word, it is the only
absolutely PURE tea on
the market.
Ceylon Tea
Bulit only In Lend Tacknm.
JlOc, 60c. and 70c. Per Lb.
C., was the guest of Clieen P.idge
fl lends yosteiduv.
Dr. and Mr". J. Men It Kordlmin, ot
Capouse avenue. MHs MatgaioL MlN
hr. of Kusion, who H their guest, ami
iltiite left veterduy tor the
1 an-Aiiiei h an c posltlou,
William Ilolthaiii. of Washington
nvenue, was in Hlinhurit j,esteid.i)
Mi. J. W. Howell, of tltcen Mltlge
stiiet. who has been seriously ill, is
Mnriinge of Miss Jennie Gavin of
Piospect Avenue to Chnrles
Biglin in St. John's Chuich.
Miss Jennie llavill of PiiKpul ave
nue and Chailes Migliu of the
city weie mauled iesteiday lnoinlng
at s o'cloi k lu St. JohuVt Catholic
thill ill. Mefoie the cei oniony u nup
tial mass was tclebrateil by Mov. II.
J. Medley. The maid of honor was
Miss Cliahctli Malla and the gionin
John Hidden. The Initio whs glvin
away by her In other, John (Savin. The
ttsheis weie John Pifgcrahl and Pat
tlck Moliind. The matches were pla.vnl
by Miss Kate Meaitlon anil at the
offcttoiy Miss Winlfied Milvin sang
"Ave Mai la.'
After the mat llage a icceptlnil Wat.
hold at the home of the bible on Pios
pot I uvouuh antl In the afternoon
Mr. ami Mis Mlglln left the city on
a wedding tout
The tlliieiul of Thomas, the voung
sou of Mi. .Hid Mis, liryalt Mt.vau.
look place .vi'sti idn.v iiftciuiion at '-''.)
o'cloik fiom the lumlly rtldeuie, '.il7
Irving avotuie. Servlies ovct the io
m.illis weie lieltl nt the house, intei
inent was made in tho Cathedral i erne
tei.v John D. Qulnn left yesteulay for
Nolle Uamo I'ulvoisity In ludtaua,
whole he will complete his studies in
civil cnglneeilng.
Mis. Ileiity stiiviinuiili of W.vontlng Is
the guest of Mrs. Daniel Sullhau of
Maple sll cot.
John llaltiuau, of Plttston avenue,
lelt .vtsteitlay for Chltaco, 111., whole
lie will putt base liaises for the new
lie tiiuipnnv wlih h wai fm uud le
t enllv lu the i eutial city.
The meniliet.s ut the Si r.inlon Ath
letic club will meet In legular session
this ev oiling at Athletic hall at S
o clock shiiip.
SI. Aloyslus T. A. IS. society will
meet In session this evening ut
Phaimatv hall, All membeis aie n.
cmested to be pieseiit.
Miss Ihumii Hilll and Lena Si belter
ami Katie Kin hint aie spending a few
weeks at Lake Slieiidiiii,
Joseph Hauulik, of Plttston avenue,
loft Tuesday to losmne his studies at
Pordhiiin college.
TuiilKlit the Dauglitc-is of Ameil. u
will conduit a lawn sot lal at the homo
of l.ouls Ihlgle of Di Inker stieet. The
ladles piomlso thai their plevliuiH ef
foils as enlei laineis will be sill passed
tonight ami a suiptlso Is tu stmt) for
all who attend.
A. S. Snvder of Dudley stieet left
yesteiday for Cleveland. Ohio, vvlieie
lie will attend the annual encampment
of the (!. A. It.
Mi. and Mrs. Lindsay Mi Williams,
of C.inve street, letuined home on Tues
day after a thioo months' wtuy with
Si inland fi lends. They weie accoin
P tilled on the i etui n tilp by Prank No
ble, Miss Plazel nnd Jacob Wlnteistelti
has irtiiined tmni .1 Hit with trlonds
In Wllkes-Haiie.
Mis John (Slide, i and son, John, have
i etui net! tioni 11 pleasant stay of sev
eial weeks with ft lends at l.'tlea, N. Y.
The litlhnad einplo)ees of the Kilo
wcio paid yesteiday and the mine
woikeis will be paid today.
Mr. ai'd Mrs. Occur Yost, Mr. nnd
Mis, Dap Powell. Mr. nnd Mis. P. (!.
Pi It unit Miss Muhy Yost spent cs
teiday at Lake Clenio.
Michael lillioy of Applo street was
on Tuesday mmmltteil to the county
Jail for thirty ilnjs In default of $10
tine tor dlsoideily tondiKt.
Miss Mubln Carr of Vllth stieet Is
visiting fi lends In Phlhuleiphia.
Might ltuv. Kugeuo tSarvcy was a
caller in town cstcrday.
Mm ii To Mr. uml Mis. James Me
Det motl, a sou.
Mid. Mutcy, of Dlxun, 111., uud daugh-
Spreads "Blankets
UnderPrice, for
Thursday, Sept. 12th.
At the outset let us inlorni you that qualities will be better
assortments larger and prices lower than ever bfore. A
sweeping statement, but one sustained by the facts.
Here are the facts. Our two big stores Wilkes-Jarre and
Scranton combining their purchases, placed the largest
contracts for Comfortables, Spreads nnd Blankets ever given by
one firm in this section of the country. All the best makers
competed for these orders with the following results:
We were enabled to obtain great price concessions and at
the same time choose the best grades and most desirable styles
that the best mills produce. Every advantage thus gained
reverts to you as we buy so wo sell. That's the reason you
can purchase here tomorrow Comfortables, Spreads and
Blankets at tho following prices :
And Comfortables
Fine Crochet Bed
spreads, full size, id
many pretty patterns,
go at 98c
Worth $1.25.
White Spreads of
turd thread, full size,
fancy patterns,
fringed $1.25
Worth $ 1. so.
Fine 1 1-4 Bedspreads
Marseilles imitation,
manv new deslsns
and patterns $i35
Worth $1.75.
Regular $2.50
Spreads for $1.98.
Here is a great value.
1 1-4 size, heavy
thread, copied after
the genuine Marseilles
with fringed edge,
at $1.98
Worth $2.50.
ollne Com
Fancy fig
ured on one
side, worth
.$1.25, here
for $1.00.
73x74 Silk,
oil no Com
fortables. Filled with
pure white
cotton, reg
ular $1.50
value; per
pair, $1.25.
72x84 Com
fortables. Extra large
and extra
heavy silk
olinc, figured
worth $3. 50
here for $3.
Many other values are to be
to the store today and look them
Jonas Long's Sons
t r Mr Stewait Buell, of "Wlndom.
Minn are visit Inn the fot met s sister,
Mis. S..11.1I1 J Mai sli. of Ulahdv strict.
. .-utiiiKe parly vas lu Id at the
home of Mi Mat IV llnst .'.'I Cciuit
stiiet. Tticsduv ovoninK. In honoi of
I1I1 ioun, MNs I.auliaili. of Nazar
eth, I'.t. The evening linked In
all kinds of amusements. Those who
vvoto pie-ont weie MWs Amelia l'ch-vi.-hv,
Lizzie KtKeislo (liaio Mojie,
.Mamie Sevvill'd. MKs ("lotliamel Mcllle
Tuttlc. Itulh ( '1 est 11, Mis Itlslmii. Mis
Win hat K. Many Murph.v. AV.u ren
Vlieh.n l, (iioiko Cosmoiie, Unity
Ciothamel, ry Prlskt I, Mi. Mann.
MATUI.XS KolILSt'll 1ll.1l vi-teidiiv
uiinului; at I othuK at his iisldento
(!.'! Maple stieel, after a two month1'
lIllKolillK illness. The dot eased was
hoi 11 in (loininn.v. siMv-nlno yea is iiko,
and sei veil In the war between (iei
manv and Finnic, lie tamo In thN
mutiny about twelve vear ayo. He is
survived by a widow and six sotti, Jo
seph, Homy, Mathlas. (illbeit, Tiank
ami Michael. The will take
plate Viiilny niinnlm.' at ? o'lloiU with
a ictitllcm mass at Si Mary's Catho
lic cliitith. Intel inent will be made in
tile Twentieth vvjid lemeteiy.
Sprrlal to Hit saanlon Tnbun.
1'nii.tnii, Soii 11 lli.lnii I use iip V f.atfr,
of l' Ml... n.i iIh.k-c. will iililirilo In Hut
iua?s iim I111 rlri.ilii'ii, .mil Ins lat 1111 In t.
,lotiii3 Hi nun Cillinlti itiurili, VMine hi1 Iih
brrii paUol .Imp lln' 1I1MII1 n( I'.Klirr piiiiini,
liext satimlj.t It rtill lii I puniiltril lush tnis,
Willi ,lll till' lllllll'n-iVI IMS Of tlul 111 llltllul
1 1 1 rinoio VIjiij i-llniL' iriiH iip pM-itiil to
nil. ml on it is Mi'lnl, 1111.1I1I1 iall; . ilul 11 ."
ul nriiir uill lip lifM in tin miiiiit
V lilH1 lull U3IIIC tint u it (nil ol lllti Hft'lll,"
fiutiin.4 nit pljinl .11 I ! U11.1 l'ilttun 1 1 ir
u'ltinniN (lii aflniii'ijii lifliMt'ii Hi" suDiuil. ol
Wdlirs'll.iiip, .mil j kiinti tr.un tinJi r tin luiii"
of tlii I'i 1 1 -t'li 1 1 1 1 t f 4 k. Vlinul la IiiiiiiIiihI
uitliuiiiK weie in .ilti'iulmip. It w.t a xlttniv
tur 1 lii I'itKtiiti ii'.'sii'.utimi li tin n.'io 01 ii
In .1 'Hip fi.itiiiu of tlip jiiip uui thp i;i i 'I
Ii' M Mutk of 1 Mill. 'I011I1III, 11 ininilirr ol 1 1
I nivriil) ot MIiIiIejii It.nn. wliu 1ij lipcn n ml
in: In v 11. it ti m .11 III" liiiiiii- Inn' 'Innlnll Iml
tiMi Int., foni mt uiiu 4inl ptin ait ti) hi.
it'ila, .inJ. uiih .i"iiUin i nu'li Until (lonlili
ilif 'Hip Icjiih IiiipiI up 11 follow. Vlhliiim
-llrililluir, lliiitl I1K1; loiilnll. tnoiul lu-. , I jr
It, tuitrr tii'lJ; (iolilin, led lu-l.l . IIiiiiip. nslit
fiiM; IlLlJIfV, linitrtop: Tojp. ultli"l, Vi (.nl
l'i, fut li.ffi Siliiiidl, iltilifil sUfl,ir,.'h.
left Held: liiliojne, iPiitcr hdtl, (,nli
pip, hointoi, l'liilllp", i.iti her. Krllov . iitilur.
.Sixiiun. (hail Iiim, llradfl, tlrt lne, Klinl.o,
iielit tlclil; Uoiulirrly, sotonil lut.
V alultt 1 Million ot Ki look pine IjIC (lil
jfitriioon in Hip tilth vpIiij ol tin -ictrin lpp,
,11 Wc.t I'llt.ion. tciililiiij M-rion.l.i (nr llov via
c ilf, a Stiiiincitille Imj, nlin w.u rniph.Mil d a
mule Iciiler. Willie lllllli, of Vr( i'liMnn. nnd
oiini; .Mptcalf had chimp of I'tin "' inuli'i
in 1I1P iiiiiip, Hip foiiuer lulus (In' ih In r. -uul
tho hltcr hit ufeii-lJiit. 'Mil uitmi'ion thr Icim
ijii aw.iv, ami Hip tx'j. folhnu'il iln'in Into .1
imition nl Hip iiiiiip with vvlihli tin) wrip not IIioiiuIiiIi'mIv. t'l" nnl ii" inii'intlnn
nj.iiiist the poslhilil) cf uk in (he ihtmh'r
whore thry suiiutit Hip iiiii.iw.ii trim, .mil hii ev
pirn-ion M.n Hip ri.ii.' Ilirlli w,i vriy hadly
lmiiiiil h) (he llerv tliuiPiii .iml 111.1) not rrrntrr.
while hli tnniiiioii moie ft'ilinule In rnjp.
in,- with hut rlishl ImriK. Thp tile hnHh at
Hip lolliir)' npoit hoinu rv.uiiiiiiil the pine
twitp loilj), nml nlin t.'t inula, hut (mind no
(rate of M nt the llinr
Uitilfl llinlci, sn. ml 011 voiiiii: nun, mi
ph'Mil m foriiuan at Ihe .irtl wniku ,11 Hut
plirr, wn thl niornliiir unhid in iiiirrnifp in
iv Vuiif Piiiiini, kiip of tin hot known
iniini; ladltii of I'oith (iiillllli, Imslnv luwn.lilp.
I lie innrN.'P timlt plate with a luiplial iimsh ill
tt. Jolui'ii iliunli this itivruiiu t 'J o'clvt-L, '1 lie
io4 Dlankots 49c.
Some white, tan and
grey, with fancy bor
der, regular 65-cent
blankets. Here for. ..49c
Detter Blankets,
59c. Cotton Fleece,
In several colors and
lively border, regularly
sold for 75c. Now.. 59c
89c Dlankots at
69c. Florida Cotton
Fleece, made with
heavy seams, grey.tan,
white and exceeding
ly pretty borders.
Here at 69c
$1.25 Blankets for
$i.o. A large choice
of splendid wearing
blankets. good weight,
handsome patterns and
worth fully $1.25.
Here for S1.00
obtained in these goods,
Lyceum Theatre
il lllls, hwc K 1 1)1 I-IV, Manauir.
Friday Night, Sept, 13.
ltroadhuist .s Latest Musiial Comedy.
itettun of Last Si .imui's
Comedy Hit
VI I, l W I l TU H Ml. sl'lf I VI HIS.
I'lim Jn . .'. . T ii and l
sui?. on mIp Wfdnidit at 'i a m
Monday Night, Sept. 16.
M. S.iniui 1 i:. Uoik iiiesent.s (ioo. AV,
Loileit'i s iieno minus tians-atlantlc
tiiuinph the extiavaptnzii
The Casino Girl
Hook, by Hiirv Ii Siiuih Music by
l.udw ir LiiKlaudi'i.
4o0 pt i tin main ex In New Ymk city
and fot .1m iiIkIhs in Loudon
l'i ices .'-, .(, ::.. m on, r,o.
Seals on s,ii Kiidiiy at 9 a. m.
Academy of flusic
U. KMS, l.fre
A J DI IKY, Manager.
riatlnee Todny,
Under Two Flags
A Rough Rider's Romance
MaMnre 1'rnrt 10 irnl 20 (Vint
I iiinii I'r Id, '0 and a Cents
Al V C 111 ItUINtjrON, MmiRrr
I in ' li Il.'Giniiinc
in) tv. Scprmitu r liih
"Jleny Maidens Burlcsquers.
Mji hum's Monday anil Wnlmlo
$15.00 TO $18.00 A WEEK
ulirj fir an liitilliK'iii nun or wonuri n ai H
town I'oinuiiriit pi .in. in I i oiiU jut hoi (
hpaie tune M inula, tin i II it r, 1'ln'il phu.
lulile .m illrnilrl In lu i nie Mi Rioli of
I'orth (iiKtllli. iml li ii imn' lif.i linn wji
l'i liioilii'i, .lolin ll'irh ' of s. i inion VO r A
1 ir i.l a I lour tlun mil nn linlo U a-nu'Ctin an I
olliil Irolins lilim Mr and Vr llnil.j ivill
rt'Milo in fsi.mii'ii 1iu In nie ln hwn for i
iitmitior of , n IimiIiii; jli Uil. in I .1 lan
t.iu'4 ,1i cniiil, fiorr lino
'Hip followiin; 1 n 1 nwniii t Minn ople at"
trinlfil ilio lilni" tUiiio ol tin Cnriiit hi Inh in
hrj.lotio lull ht limine s, , mi n, Vlr (.rmv.
ii,' Vm diiuir, VIim llliTml, Mi- (.ilhean,
Mm I'ltir, Vlr Urn ho, Vtlvi lmni-ll Vr.
hiaulii, M'i Iniini l.niini'i, Miirt .Inline lliltu,
Vrilnir Hum, Mlsv Vliv. I'.irun. II I VI.., Ulul.n, Win Milni-in lirr Mm
( minor. .Mm Inline, Vmn Cnoprr, Mime (n.
ii, IMu.inl liililion., Vmn I "i II II St niton,
Vi,, )nnlf4i. J r (ililuiif, .loliri (iuir
Mjiin lirirr. l. Iliich. I. ( ii.h l. Mirilu hi l
It, (lira Ki'lli, Mi. .I"Iiii-oii, Vi, h,i Mr,
(old Inhiivui, .1 lliniiaii, I HiiLiun, M 1
Until in in, .lnrili llian. Ilntilin, 'Ihonui
li,itr,i, MniiMi, I' .1 W.1I1I1 jihI VIim vumn;
lliiiiiiinir, Vli lliiihhpili rfinl Vi, i IVinoneliJ
Hid roiui, Vi. Miv li'lion. I'rnililrnip. Vlr sn.
tU.m ; Vti'iUilH, Mia I'nu'; lliulty, Mil, Calif
critic U'Cuiinur; rukUllr, 'llioauu t'orJ.