The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 12, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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f the MODntM uAnnwAnn srroiu.
Is responsible for moio
good luonil thnn un nllirr
mtiRf In the world for tlit
simple irnson thnt It al
iv.tjs lnkPH ppifeotlj. Thp
STmiLINO uses lets Mel,
wears twlco ns long nnd
co.ts no moio thnn com
mon ranges.
Foote & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Ave
Everything for the Baby
Airy fairy Riaceful-dalnty
chnrnilnfr little gaiments es
pecially designed to captivato
the mother and win tiadc
we've a glowing demnnd for
such goods we want to meet
you. A few moments inspection
of these Raiments will convince
you of their merit. A line to
us will bring a catalogue.
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Stiect.
Sift Ut.riinetnn airniie, OLcrmcy building.
! term heilru Stpt, 3.
We Want
You to tiy our laundiy. We
want to fchow you the class of
woik we do.
TT ackawainiinia
sn$-310 Penn aenuo. A 1?. Wnrman.
Mr .in I Mm 1 mil 1' i li 1 I It jislpnliy
fri Ni V Vntk nt
JIim Mimic linnfiti In rrtiiinul from llci li
linen uIitp Lo fiit (lie i tt iimnili
VIis U isp Wal'li, of (Ii ivrriur. N tntr-rUin
tiitt Mi Marsiret hrlh, nt llrnnklin, .
Ml l-i ii I cl I'lilU IpIiiIiii, U tlio ciiMt of
)ii r c i, Mi liailr-s licon. nt piiiie Mint.
I'n i II lirmli, nlslit ilrrk nt tin' Hold lir
imii i .petilin,; In a ition it New oik Mid
llu fUli
Ml 1 dill I lillldl foiciiiin of Hie Ktopl
t ml ulieil wmk-, H on .1 visit to hi fdtntlj in
( lowland
Ilijni l!c lli-li p llilun Mill I iv tlip enrnpr
11 nr rit 1 ii' u ( itlmlio Jt Uliiii, lliil
foril 1111 i, nevt undiv
M i I'mline l.old-imlli mil MiMiril Vlmrn,
cf W nnmr. nriup, aio Iioiiip fiom llariij'j
likP mIipip llipy hppnt Mid d month!
l 1 llnwr, tonti.iLt inir IipIrIiI w,rnt of tin
"Mil llailiflirt of iu Jcrtcs, iiluuii I home
v ' In 11 m 1 lmiiiPMi trip to .Sen ork
it mil 1 nt'in M liocli lu returned front
h - pit mil linnip in linu l-liiirtf", ulicie lip spent
I ir Miinmri .ni'l will let ito In Nrantun to uc
tn i In- J lull vion
Wilt r 11 1 Mnrr ho rrprnriiU Willi 1111
II II iiMiiuiin (ompiiii, tin ipIpIiiiIpiI ( o.
!iiinbij tin lit I fini pml lniit i hlopj ing
Hi" I lot rl Iprniin
ls"-liPiifV llnliiii-nn. Mm Urn up, l'lnll
li 1 mi 11 himI 1 icil ( ( ongdon, ot I 111 i, V ,
ap hpinluij t fri l im Mijotnn nt t nl'iulic,
the p-ttr-i ill s mill. 1 nt I ike Hum
Unlit l!i lli'lmp Iloliin. of the ( iilipilral,
mi I lliv I' I MpIIpi, of Miitli sentitnn m nt
to l at ! ..Hid il c-lrl.!n tn (.Ml nn lln I'ltltir
Coll v ln I111 licin ill for coini- Inm
I' I I) nmin. srnpi ii Miprrinlcmlont of ln
"pil In.. I Whpil (ompiin, o tli uti w,n ih
tiion in 11 n pmpihIpiI trip tlimnsli tin pst tuo
pi t t 11 month, ha irtnrncil In tin; 1 it
Mi nil Mi. Vntliont I llprUlpr of sn uli
smm 11, titiiimil Iioiup ptpnli finiii id ir
urililin. tup, wlmh uii ppnt in llnrlilo, Nn...
ait 1 'IN Hi I'm iiipiIi in ami otlnr pmnis of
Intu l llri will ip-inr on l.ler 1I1111
Ml .iiid li II Miopliml Inm rplnrniil
from a limp m nth outiuk. inn.t if ulmli n
fprnt in 1 .1111I1 mil ti ihou-iml 1.1 m.U 1)11
til r Ilium tup Mr anil Vi Minplinl Ihiimi1
fir a
uk it tin I'm 1mr111i) 1I.0 I.iIiil-
N jui I 1II1 ami in in ot In 1 poms nt inii n t
Action of Ministeis at Olyphant,
Tuesdny Night.
At the niiitinr; of the Wplsh Hnpts.
Mtnlf-teis' ConlPiriiio of Xni theasti 1 n
rennsnnla. Tuesdav hIkIu, the tol
lowniR losnlutlnns weie paased.
npfnlird Hut p, tin inmi.tfn of Hip W1M1
riiptjt loll if rihPi.tprii pi nn ihatila. rlfip
Ij riRiot Hip intliiiinn of nnr mrl moiiIii pic-l-rlfiit
Mi William Mihmlit, uliiili do iiiipIIv
ruriifil fioni Ihp umiuI lund of lin
nrulrilp nuinlPK r, ( rnlcn.:
Kiriiliril, lliat i ilo.iic to tlnu pulilnh r
pitfs inn dppp umiMllii with thp pipjl.lont 111
bis woiiiirldl iiniilitinii, ami our lliankn ti (,1
fir inwpilus 0111 piinr in lamr if lilt mm
tr, ami Hut wp iMI pi n (, .. t pp,.) ,u
full rp..(nritinu , , ,, h , lu., ujl(,
anl the Jnj of t tie iiitun our win h he pui!ei
Mrs. Pasco Seco Held in S300 Bail
by Aldeiman Ruddy.
Aleandei Lnngo, who wan anexteil
a few da.s hbo on Hip iIihikp of at
tempting to iiiiniiilt a iiliuinal assault
on Ml a r.iMii Kpio, jeatriday iiiused
tho an cat of the latter, het husband
and reiimi Iteudat, on tho diaige of
pei Jut y
A heailnpr vvaa held laat nlKht befoip
Aldeiiiiau lluddy, at wlildi hevpial
wltnPHhfw testlHed that I.ouro vvaa at
work at the tinio of tho allPRed at
tempted assault whli h Mia. Spio mvoio
to bcfoie MaRlatint j Mlilat. 'JIip iiIiIpi
tnun held Mra. Keto In tAOO ball, but
discharged the other defendanta, theto
btlng nothing to wan ant his holding
A Fall Display.
Of new. tellable clothing, and furnish
ings can bo aeon at the Tall opening
and third annlversuiy aula of Hkhatdb
& Wlrth, aJ6 Lackawanna ae.
File in the Blackmail Mines in
Wilkes-Dane Township.
About 11 odni I: hut nlfilit (lie waj
(IIhcovoi'oiI r Ulip worklnKa of Hie
rrnnklln colliery nf tlio l.ohlRh Vulloy
t'onl (oitipauv, pUuntPil at tlio IJIntk
man In WllkeK-Hiitp towiiMhlp. Jut
otilsUU. thi i'ity limits The Hie im
(IIm oxcici by oiip of Hip wniktiu'it on
nlKhl duty and until wiim at om e Kent
to the toitipany hIIIpIiiN In thN illy
who liurrlcd to tlin hipiio and bhp
01 del h that every ponilhlc rffntt
chould bp made to prcint the Ultima
When the ollhlnH nt lived on tlie
frenp, how over, thoy found the mine
fotenmn hud alre.idj orwitnli'Pd 11 fotie
to llRltt the fit o and ordets wpip Klvon
to lime this force nilBniPtitcd with the
Jesuit that before inoinliiK neatly ev
ery Inalde win at vvotk IIkIH
Imk' the lliiitit'M and ho welt did thov bat
tle by noon tod.ty they pupcerded
In KPttliiK tlio Hip tmdei inntml and
It It I'vpcpftd the Hip will be out by
pveiilnp Tlio Hip Mtarted tit Hip foot of
the Ioiik Hlopo, bettor known anions
Hip mrn its the old Hlope, but fiom
what otlKln Is not known. It N
thought however It Htm ted In the
mule barn and was likely niuied by
u piik fiom one of the vorkmen
Therp vveic hoven iiiuIph stabled In
tills bun and Hip oHb l.tls believe thov
bitv been fimotliPlPd. The rolllpty
was Idle toda In rniiHpqtiencc. but the
ollli litis hope to be able to lesintip
opi'iatlons iniiiininw or next da
1 Ikes-Hat re TIiiip".
Inasmuch as the Republican Candi
dates A10 Unopposed, Theie Is
No Need of Balloting.
f'lialrnian I .1 Piivio, of the Hcpub
lb an count v ronunlttpo, announced
3.pstPidii aflPitioon Hint there would
be no ptlinaty elei tlnn net
Mniuliiv, ,is had been pievlouslv de
cided upon
1 have (tedded,1 hiild he. 'that In
nsmttdi its tlipip 111 o no (ontests and
niilv olio 1 tudldatp for phi h ollke, the
hoMliiK' of h ptlniaiy plcctlon would
be urn .tiled for and unurcessni j. It 11
within niv power, under the rtilo, to
call off the luluiaiies und 1 have de
i Ided to do .x
'The (o-t of keeping the polls open
fin" fou 1 bonis net Monday pvpii
thotiKh theic arc no landldalps, would
ainotint to a ei lotiMldctablo -uni
piobtbl ly J.'.OOO. If there weie
inoiL' tit 111 one e.uidldate foi itn olllie
thelt (nit vsould be Rteatly Increased
I the added expense of additional
ballots, etc. I led that It would be
little Mioit of lldlculous to api nd this
amount of nionev needlpsl and have
thiiefote adopted this 1 0111 so '
Cluili in.'iit P.ivls nnnotnutil that he
desired the nienibits of all the vlKl
l.inii' boat ds to unili'i stand that he o
pidH theiit to (ouduit the elei tlou of
new bo.uds nest .Mond.i) between the
liotus of I and N p. 111 Uetuins ate
to lip made to I1I111 In wiltiiik'. If any
lKllain.i boaid falls to minim t audi
an eledlon ("haitiiiiin Davis is ein
poweicd under Hip p.tity 1 tiles to ap
point .1 new ho.iid
The assessments paid over bv all
tho enndidates nre to bp letunud to
them, I'll. ill nun Davis K.iid.
St liking- Diiveis at Von Stoicli Mine
Have Now Made a New Demnnd.
Miners with Them.
The Mt Ike of the dtlveis and minus
nt the on Stonli (olllei) is atill on
and theie seems to In no piospoit of
an Immediate settlement. One of the
mine otlieiala gave the following vet
alon of the affair to a Triminc man
lat night
lip said that a 01111g dilvet boy, tho
son of a coinpniy baud, named Mat
thew favanaugh, was badly Injtued
In the mine last week bv being
MiKP7p(l against the rib Cavantugh
begin a little pilvato Investigation of
the cause of the an lilt nt and dlscov
eied, it is said, tint .loliu Claike, a
miner, had permitted tho boy to t tko
ehaige of sevetal ttlps of while
ho icstcd. Cavauaugh tepoited this
to the mine ollleials and thr lesult was
that Claike was illsihoigod
The oilglnal demand made by the
diiveis and 1 miners when thov stiutk
oil Tueaday was that Claike bo ie-lii-atated
The mine ollldals refused 10
do this. The mlni't.s and the suikots
held a mtetlng .vesteiday attetnoou
and dedded to make a demand not
onlv foi the le-lnstateinent of Claike
but also foi the ifiinnal of Cavanaiigh,
who thev dainied waa a ap
A loinniitteo lonslstlng of four of the
Illinois nmi two of the dtlveis walled
upon iiuiPtal Inside roteman rinlay
Hii'-ti atlu tho meeting and pioentc!l
lilni with this demand Ml lioss 11
fused to lonaldei It for a moment und
cent b.nk wonl to the meeting to
that cftou
The foiemeu at the mine weie waited
upon early In tho evening bv a accond
committee, tho membeia of which .111
nouncpd that the stilkpia would ie
tuin to woik If Cavanaiigh was dls-
bulged. Thev had dedded to diop
the demand for the lo-lnstatcment of
Claike, they said The membeis of
the committee weie dally told that
Cavanaiigh would not be dlschaiged
wlifioupon thev announced that they
would watt upon Superintendent C. c.
Hose todaj
It is .,iii that Cavanaiigh luiuitpd
the dislike of u huge number of the
eiuploees of the initio because he ip
malned at woik dining the drlveia'
and mlneta tiike at aoveial of tho
Helawaie and Hitdsou nilnes wlildi
pi ei oiled Hip big atilke nf laat jenr by
about a month.
bcianton, 1'a , .Sept 11, 1901
The convention of lt"publlcau dubs
to bo held In thla ilty on tho 17th and
IStli of this mouth, will be quite an
Impoitnnt Inddent Ip tho hlatoiy of
out dty. and It Is lining that wo show
tho visiting delegates, whldi will iiuni
her In the neighborhood nf one thous
and, eveiy couitesy possible
With that end In view, the Dei 01 n
tlon eoiiinilttee most lespectfully 10.
(iiests men geneinlly through
out th cenlial pait of the city to dec
ot itp thelt plates of business, In honor
of this occasion.
Respectfully, D. H Atheiton, J. H.
Toiiey, J. vr On k foul, R L. Woinuer.
W. S niehl, C S. Woolwotth. II. i:.
Paine, W II Christina, K. H. Jerinyn,
Howell II.UI Is, V. A Aver, 1'ipiI Con
iifll, H T I.ace. Jo? IlHUiuelstor, A.
A. Yosbuig, Aitliur Long, Mark Kdgat,
DeWItt Tawkenbuty, tommlttee.
The popular Tunch cigar is still th
leader of the lOo clears.
His Subject Will Be "William Mc
Kinley, a Type of Republicanism."
It Is Expected That the Gieater
Number of the Delegates Will Ar
il ve in This City Tuesday, in Time
to Attend tho Mass Meeting.
Plans for Entertaining the Visitors
While Here.
1'ipsnleiit 1. Sllaa Waltei of thf
I'lllnn leagllP, .vostptday ipipIvpiI a let
Id 110111 lion .1 Hampton Mooio. pies
Idem of the StatP League of teptlbll
1 an dubs, in whldi he was u-assuied
that tiovetinu MniiP, cx-Seliiitor Thuia
ton and Hon .lospph llotiston would
attend and aildi ss the big milling
Tupsilay night, whldi pi pi Piles the
tppiilng ot Hip stale lonientlon heie
Anntr.Pi pioiulnent speaker Is also
ptomlsod bv Piosidont Mooio foi th
mietlng Tin IMill ulelphlii i lubs will
be npipspiiteil it the sc.-siin on masse,
a It Is 1 spooled that n body of, live
hundiiil delegates will tome lip ft om
the Qliaket ( Itv Among tho I'hil idel
1 Inn delegiiti s will bo a body of llfty
uen lopie-piitlng on of the dtj's bpst
known i oloied ( lubs
The gieatPi number of di Ipgatps will
fililVP heio Tuesdav. in limp for the
mass inciting, and It is ospei tod that
tilde will bo n lediicllou of
lalllonl fuu. between Wllkos-Ilane
and iiantem and Caibondalo and
Caibondalp and Miantnu that pel suns
living ui and down the valley may
luin out In full folic lo ntt'tid the
demonstrailon. Two bundled and fitly
dub. In all, ate espoctpd to have dele
gates at the convention.
The ontpi talnini nt committee Is nt
piesent (onsldeiitig all mautiei nf
vvis in which to piovldo for tlio pleas
ni p of tho vlsltots but as jet hivi
hlt upnu no paitnnlai del lip of enter
tainment diivp ainuiid Iil.e Seiau
Inn, tn bp tnllnvvcd bv a big dam bike
tt tho hpeedwaj- hotel was at Hist
stigci sted, hut is thought Impiai llcibtp
or 111 count of tlio gloat numbei of
delegates who will be In tin- dtv. and
the dlfliculties whldi would nile In
handling tho multitude of eiiiipages
wlih It would have to bo utilized
IV w ot the delegates will leavp bo
fotp Thtlf-dav, how e vet, and there Is
th"tpfore stin plenty of ilmo to think
I p tultallo mo los nt ptiteita. nn. put
Tho headriii iitot.s fm delegates will bp
it tho Hotel Jpimjn A iiipetlng of
Hip geneial lonimltteo In ehatge ot the
pieparatlons for tin lonvontion will
be In Id tonioitow night Sub-commit-toes
will lepoit and ati.ingemetits
be peifeeteel.
Mi Waltot last evening lei elved thp
following telegiam fiom l'lesldent
.Monro, of l'hll.'.dolphla
M'li itot Thutstoii viiis 1110 fiom
Iluffnlo tint he will be at Serantnn on
the 17th as ieittestod and will speak nn
William McKllllej, ,1 Tjpo ot Hepub-
II 'nnlsm ' '
The tianspnitntloti (Oiumitteo mpt
last night al tho I'nlon I.eagui' moms
In tho IMI10 building, but tiatisaded
little business of Impoi turn e The
dialrnian Supetinlrniluit It H Wil
liams of tho New Yoik, Ontailn and
We stein Kaiho.i.l, was delegated to
elay to s(o the local managements of
tho diffeient lalltoad inmpnnies and
asiPitaln whit aiiaugPinents could bo
m.nk for nest week, lie will also enn-
fei with Manager I"i ink Klllimau Ji ,
icg.uding sttoet 1. it ttun.spoitatlon
dining the convention
Tianscilpt and Indictment Suppos
edly Stolen fiom the Distiict
Attorney's Office.
The casp of nnlp Wilson, of Vino
slice' and Oakfoi.I eoiiit, chargl
with keoplng a disoidoilv house, was
.scheduled to be he.ud by the giand
Juiy jestotdny nioiulng
n Indletnient was prepaid! the el iv
bofoto and togothpi with the tiansc'ilpt
was Hleel with slinllai doillitienls in
Disttlit Attennev I.owis cabinet.
Vestonlav. when tho dlti it t nttoinov
linked fen the papets with a view nf
calling the case, lie found thy him
bum itistiaitid limn tho cabinet Xo
one about tho nllleo knew anv thing
of t'.olr whoieabouK and the closest
seaich failed to diseln.e thi'in Tho
nnlj- i nnditslun In the pi onuses was
tint tlioj weie stnlen
Aldemian Ktllj. who sent in the
i'iu'i was telephoned to and In the
alteinonn hp was on hand with a dupll-
ato tiatifi ilpt Anew Indie tinent was
piepaied, and tho ease piesentoil The
jiiij will llkelv lepeitt it with a mini
bei of other findings this morning
Crank H. Claik, of IlaiiUon avenue,
W tho piosPUitnt In Hi. casp.
Miss O'Mnlloy and Robeit E. Wilson
Wedded in the Cathedial.
In st IVtet a Calhoeltal josteidiiv
moinlng Miss i;il.abPth .Mnel, llnr.
O Mallej viHh mat tied to Ilobeii 1;.
Wilson with a nuptial mass. ijo.
J .1. Ui llllii celebiated the mass and
also pot tot mod tho ceienionj
At S mlriLk the btlelal patty entered
the diuich precedeel by the ushois,
Order Now
If you want fancy Peaches,
or Bartlett Pears prices will
not be lower.
Colorado Melons
The only line melon on
the market. Satisfaction
E. Q. Coursen
I'm iik H, lluphea and Oeotgp Keane
and ptocceded up Hip lontie aisle. They
wpte followed by thp maid of honor,
Miss Alice 11. O'Malley, a slatir of tho
bildc, and then ihiup the bilde lean
ing on Hip aim of her brother, Mat
tin T o.Mnllev. At the aanctuatv
1 all tlioj wpip met bj the gioom and
the gioomsmau John .1 l.oftus
The Initio looked dimming In pearl
gtej nuns veiling, trimmed with while
Milk braid The walut was tt limned
with chiffon, einlnolil.'ied with up
plliiuo She woto a picture hat. Her
attendant' diesa was ot iosp mm'a
veiling, tueked chiffon with cream np
plletue trimming. She woip a black
pictuip hat. lloth ladies can led aim
Aftpr tlio wedding leiunony a tee op
tion was held at the homo of Hip
bride a bi other, Martin T. O'Mallpj', thp
well known newspaper man, at Sin
Adams nvonue Only tho lelatlves of
tho continuing couple woio pieaent.
Mr. and .Mia Wilson loft on an nftei
noon tialn foi New Yoik and Huffalo.
Thpy wilt bo at homo after Oetobei 3.
Mi. Wilson Is tho manngpi of Wilson
.v. eompaiijji t i Hot 1 11 k establishment
on Spiuip street, and his bilde la a
jniing woman of miinj giaees and ac
complishments whoso ft lends 1110 le
gion. -
Would Deal with tho Anarchists of
tho Countty in Gioups Merit
of the Scheme.
l'lesldent Chailos i; Chittenden, ot
tho svlci t c '1111 II, In conversing with
.1 Tilbtirie niaii jestetday afternoon
uncut Hie attempted nssasslnntlon of
l'lesldent MeKlulcv by Czolgos.5, tho
nuaidilst, s tld that he favoied stiong
ly tho passage of a law bj' congress
providing lnr the punli-hmcnt of anai
chlsts bv gteuips,
'The plan that I favot,' said he. 'In
dalliig with Huso auatchlsts, s to
deal with thoni b gioups Kverjbody
who knows anv thing about nnnrdij
knows that iinaiehlsts esist In sepuato
gioups In tho large dtlos thero maj
bo soxotal gioups, while In the smaller
dlles all the anaichlsts ate gcnerall
Joined together In one gioup
'The mcmliPis of a gioup nevet do
a'iv nf the intlve wntks of assassin 1
tton themselves They generally get
a hold of some It responsible joung
m 111 who 1 an be casllv Influenced like
tills Cnlgos. and till him full of their
linn del oils Ideas They got him to be
lipvo tint he nf all men in thp one
who has been sdoeteel to do tlio dcad
Iv ili-cd and when, with his head
swelled bv vanllj lip gups foith and
litis the fatal shot, the leal amiuhlsta
laugh among themselves and think of
bow o.mIIj tlioj got some one cKe to
do their woik for tlreni
"I would favor the passupo of a
sweeping feeloi.ii statute making ov
ei v me mbei ot the group of anaichlsts
who wends iortlr an assassin liable lo
tho same puiilshment ns the assassin
himself. Such a statute should also
piovlelo that when an assassination In
a foieign I mil can be ellicctly tiaced to
a gioup of aiitithista in this cnuntrj,
cub and oveiv member of that gioup
ahull be ostiadlted and turned over
to the authoiltles of that foieign eoun
trv The assassination of Klrrg lluni
bu 1 ot Italy was dhectly tiaced to
the i'atetsnn group of anarchists and
eveij lnothet a son of them should have
been turned over to the Italian gov
ernment. 'The statute should give powet and
nuthniltj to the authoiltles of cadi
ot the states to take the Ileitllllon
measuiotuents and a photogiaph of
ovpij professing 'anarchist In tho touti
ttj These could be Hied and class-
Hul Into gtouim so that the police 11 11
tlioiitlis would be able Irr a very shoi t
Utile to in lost Hip membeis of tlio pai
tictilar gioup to whlih a ctlmo might
be It. n cd
'The sevetal state legislatuiea
should, In no opinion, pass laws giving
tho pollei of ovetj- cltj within their
boi dels tho power to clap Into pilson
ovcij- Known anarchist betoie anj cele
bration 01 f line tlou entailing the pies
em o ot anj distinguished olllcluls and
to keep them theie until It Is ovei.
Tho police do U11V, now in Now Yoik
dt j, but I don't think thpy have any
w .11 Hint ot law for it.
"I htliovo that If these remedies
whlih I sugest weie put In foue wo
would have vpiv little tioublo with
anutdilsts in this count! y. I'm in
dlliPd to believe thnt thej d veij' soon
seek pastilles new."
Sei vices Conducted by the Rev.
James Hughes.
The of tho lato Mia llenij
lllnes took phuo j ester daj attetuoein
fioni tho ipsltlence at I'll Ponn ave
nue, ltev James llughps, of tho see
onel Proshj ti'ilan ihuidi, conducted
the set v lees. Inter ineiit was made in
I.angiliffo cemeteij' at Avocti. Tho
pall-be-aieia wore D J. Newman, C It.
lllnollne, Chailos K Tmpp and Itob
ei t Willuid. Tito llowei-beareis were
.lainos (if m go, llugene A Tiopp and
AV. S Gould
Theto woto iiiiinv lelatlves and
fi lends piesent. as was attested bv the
nuuioioiis Hoi al offerings. Among the
offpilnga woio a biokon colimin mat keel
"Husband," a wieath on Insc for
hi other and aistot of elcccased, easkot
boiiiiuots fiom Mis. C M Xlelmaiiu,
Mss I.II0 (iiahnm, Mis. Slsonbeigor,
Mlsa M Mult, Miss Agues Mulr, Mi
and Mia. Kdwarel Slobeeker, Mi. and
Mia. Chailes v.. Tiopp, Mr Kail Gun
ator. Mr and Mia. R n. Wlllanl,
Misses Maiv and Jennie Campbell,
Mi. IMwaiel Jot don, Mia Kdgeisnn,
Mi and Mis ppilibk, pillow, from
Ciyatal Hosp coiupaiiv, No. 4, pillow,
George Williams and Charles nines.
To the Republican Voters of Lacka
wanna County.
Notice Is hereby given thnt the foi
lowing named hnve registered as can
didates for the nepubllcan nomination
for tho respective offices named, and
their nnnies will appear on the ofTlcial
ballot for the Republican prlmnry elec
tlnn to be held on Sept 16, 1901, be
tweon the hours of 1 and S o'clock
p. m
Tor Additional Law Judge James
Whenton Carpenter, 100S Delaware
btroet, Sernnton, Va.
Kor County Uonti oiler n, A. Jonce,
Aichbnld, IM.
For Coi oner John C Hnteson, M D,
337 Washington avenue, Scianton, Pa,
John J. Roberts, M. D , 2J5 South Main
avenue Serantnn, Pa.
For Suivejor-Geoige r:, Steventon,
Waverly. Pa.
Kath precinct will nlso elect the
Vigilance Committee at the said pri
maries. DAVID J DAVIS, Chairman.
E D FELLOWS, Secietary.
Mlsa Jesslo Dean, teacher of mando
lln, banjo and gultur. Address, Powell's
music fctore,
Try the new 5o cigar "Kleon."
Tho Annual Addiess of President
Maxwell Was Made Yesterday, and
Reports from Evangelists Were
Heard 8050.71 Spent During the
Year Symposium on Work of tho
C. W. B. M. Addresses nt Night
Session by Rev. R. A. Smith and
Rev. J. P. Litchenberger.
A lnigo number of additional dole
gites to the convention of the Chris
tian Missionary society of th Eastern
Pennaylvanl 1 conferonrp, now1 being
hold In the First Christian chuieh in
North Scranton, nrrivod In this city
jestorJay In time to attend all thrpo
of the ecslons and as a lonsequenve
much greater enthusiasm and Interest
was elisplujed than oir the opening
da j'.
The morning session was lirgely
takorr up with tho address nf Ilov. L.
Mnswell, nf Willlnmsport the pipsl
dent, and with Hip piesentatlon of rp
totts fiom tlio treasilier and the aov
cial evangelists, supported In pait by
tho aoeletj. The ptpsldpnt pleaded for
moio earnestness In rulsdonniy work
nirel pointed out tho urgent rreds of
the socle tj.
Upv. E. i: Manlpv of Allnon.i. ip
liotted that tho work In that illy Is
piogiosslng worrdcr fully and that evan
gelistic meetings aie now being held
with nn average nightly attendance
of van Up leqiusted only $"0 ft 0111 the
society Hoi. David Mlllni, of Haitlsr
buig, asked for iC(i to cany on the
woik In that city, whore no vory
ptogtoss bus hppn made of 1 Up. En
couraging repoits wpip rpcplved from
ltev. 11. O Weaver, of Readlugj Tlev.
John Coster, of Sajre, and ltev. C. A.
Frlikor, of Wcstmooi.
The repoits nf tho pvangcllstsi were
fillowcd by the repot t of Tiensurer
Mnggortj of Ilamslitlig This showed
t.iat VM 71 had bei n ip-cIm-iI d'l'ln
thp past vrai. Of ibis amrunt Jl'O
was eor.ti limit d b tlio Amerlcnn
( InNtlan Misionir society, the o: i r
5 i'iI "I having boon rnlseel bv the
churches. The entlie amoiint vva e
1 1 1 i"d.
Tho afternoon spaon was entirely
rlvui over to the Clnlntlan AYornen's
linarel nt Missions Thei wa.s .1 gen
ual malse set vice led bj' Mis. Eiunce,
of Phlladeljihla, after which an ad
dress of welcome was made by Mrs. L.
I. Davis, of this cltv The response
wns made bv Mis r S. Davis, of Lock
Haven, who Is tho distiict ptesldent.
The foatuie of tho aftpr
110011 was a ajinposlum In which iIipip
was a genoial discussion of tho topic,
"The Place of the Christian Women's
Hoard of Missions in the Church" Tho
piiiiclpal sptakets wore ltev. (1. P.
Hutledge, of Philadelphia, ltev. E. E.
Mnnli'j, ol Altoona; I'.ev. J. D. Dab-
no' of Diinmoio, and ltev. L. New
comer, l'h' session at night was vpiv laigelv
attended, the church being ciovvd'd to
the doois. ltev. 11. A. Smith of 11-11-ndelplili,
delivered n brief address 011
'The Mensuie of Sun ess," but tho
piim Ip il spe iker was npv. J P. latch
( nbeigei, pastor of the Jeffeison Street
Chrlstlnn church at Huffalo, who spoke
lnr nver an linui cu th need ot an
awakening of tho missiot. itj .spliit.
He 'Tld that U1010 vvat. a tlnio In
the ! 'toij of the wot Id when God ti Id
men to do things and thej woie done
without anv knowleilg- on tne pan of
tl.o dneis as to v bv thov had to bo
done. That time has nnw inst, tlio
speaker stIi1, and everj man now
Knows ftoin God's book just whj lit
l.s obliged to do.
"I want to Impress upon jou," sunt
he, ' that jou should think of build ng
up somothlr moio thatr jour own In
divldinl rnurih. You should lemem
b"i that there is not a single place in
Knox Hats
For Fall
Better (if possible), than
ever befoie. Better, because
they are light - weight,
easy fitting and clean cut
styles. The quality always
the best obtainable. Made
by hand.
WimlnrUn An.
The Largest Lines
bma'k hooks, omen scrrLiis
11E.N0U)S nitoiiii.ns.
The Largest Lines
I Oils, Paints
MaIon?y Oil Zt Maniiiacfiiring Company,
T 141-149 Meridian Street. T
First Mortgage Five Per Cent.
Gold Bonds of the
Webster Coal k Coke Co.
Covering its
arc offered subject to prior sale.
TOTAL ISSUE, $150,000.
Dated July 1st, 1901. Due July 1st, 1916.
Coupons payable January and July.
Denomination $1,000.
Bonds and mortgage may be aeen at this office. Write
for special circular.
Title Guaranty & Trust Company,
516 Spruce Street.
the Scriptures where the building up
of a congiegatlnir or of how mnny
eoiigiegntloiiB Is spokpn of. You will
lint! that Hip only thing that is men
tioned Is tho building up of one grand
unlvuMil chin eh to iimipilso all the
nations and all tho peoples
"It :s too light n thing for God tn
think of Nlniplj building up congiega
tlons hero and theie It Is too small
a thing foi a pioachei of the Gospel
lo cenlio hla effotts on the building
up of n cougiegation. Ho should
think of nothing less than tho making
ot his vvotk the basis
of a world-wide evangelization. If
ho falls to do this he Is not living up
lo tho illvlii" tpiiulrements. '
Th" com hiding sessions of tho rou
te mice will be held todaj. Tho tloc
tlon of oIIIcpis will bo belli In Hip
morning in addition to a symposium oir
Sunday school work. There will b
nddrese.s. bj several visiting clergy
men In the afternoon and at night
Tall Opening and Thhd Anniveisaiy
of Richards & Wiith, Clothiers and
Occurs Saturday, Sept II Pinntl
new stocks of Fall goods In eveiy de
partment. Chnnge in N. Y., O. & W. Time Table
Commencing Tuesday, the 17th lust.,
N. Y. O. .V: W. train leaving CndeiU
at 8 40 a. m, and Catbondale, 10 01 a
in, arriving Scianton, 10 40 a. in., and
tialn leaving Sernnton at 4 p in , Car
bondale, 4 41 p. in , and arriving Ca
dohla 6 00 p. m , will be discontinued.
The greatest commercial
economist in tho world today.
Compared to any necessary
investment tn business,
theprofitfrom aTELEPHONE
Is Incalculable.
Residence and Commorcla!
rates at a moderate cost.
Utnager'i office, 117 Adami arenue.
- -i f
TtaJ, --"Ji-
Shirts, Underwear and Hosiery.
412 Spruce Street.
Try our 10c. Linen Collnrs.
in N. E. Pennsylvania
in N. E. Pennsylvania
and Varnish !
rWn-- rail i ' agt
It I .rWS-'i . 1 UV Vj"'S.i
l I I If. (V.-W tn lA.
The Famous
Columbia Yarns
the itind. $
f Columbia Shetlaud Floss v
innUiiM more vnnli fo tlif pound, l mom
da-tii, nml knils UNlier Hun n oth-r. 4
homo Hie elioitienl Culor. arf w)tt nd
In luilrs ist (ilmilile f H
.loliu 1UL'
In llh k aid Wlnlc A.r
per nloulilf i-krini . ,u"
I. Po tint cniifninut ttil-l Alipfrior dots
uuu oilier iniitior nomas
I Cramer-Wells Co., 1
130 Wyoming Ave. ?
has tiimmed our window, to the left
of stoie entrance, with popular pat
terns in bosom shiits for fall wear.
Black and white are the colors. You
wear a blnck or white tie with them.
The price is popular
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Ladies' Tailoring
Rainy Day
Skirts $5.50 and up
Sult3 $12.00 and up
King Bill':, Merchant Tailor,
4 '5 Spiuca Street.
I Every Lover
I Of Aluslc
offer in
Rack is
40 in.
high. iS
in. wide
& made
pott j &
top, fin
ished in
has 4
-.MO Go On Sale at
s1.35 each
i.wcm iiki (i r
g ftjUL a