The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 12, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    -"rWyill lffl"fi'r-r,Pfif TQW,'n$mm-' i
M "jiNPfW
ruollihed Pillv, Except Fundiy, I')' Th Ttll.
line PublMiltiR Cnmpiiiv, at Kill) tntt I M mi.i.
I.IVV P. IIU'IIAUI). nillfr.
O. P. llVMICr., l!uliH' .Maimer.
Stw Vork (utue: I .VI .Nassau si.
S M. vni.lMMt.
fiali' Arnt It IVrcUti Adveiti-liii!.
Entered at the rot-.(Tn i l itrsnlon, I'J .
S-iuml Liu Mall Matter.
When spire will permit. The Tribune 1 xlwavs
flad to print slwtt Iclt. n Imm It tnrnd "ear
tin en nnrcnt topii, Imt li title I that iy
mint lie aliened, fur Inn, ly thr writers
real name, aid the 'hditlnii ir nlrnl '" "
feptatne Is tint ill lontrihutlotis lnll he ulJS't
tn cdltonal revision
ini: n..M' iimi: ran AnviiitrMvi
The following t ible show the pi ho xr liuli
Mill lncillon, spate tn he ined within one jeu:
I Hun of ldlmr on Pull
HIMPI,Y. I Prr lleailliui Pmlllon
Te thm Afti Indus ..'i " .2T. .W
'00 Indies 2D -'.! -
lftio ii .in I'
MlfO " IV, IT .!"'
OTO " Ill U.1 H
Inriards nf ilntil,. ii-,diiti.n i.f inulnlniic
find stmtlir t nt trihtitnti tn 'ho inline nf in
vrtNiur Hip Tribune tiiiku .1 dniRi' "' s nit
a line
Hate. (,ir rianillrd i!cttliln fuinlhrd on
snjANTox, pi:pti:.ihi:i! 12 imi.
Siipiims f.?nrt- Mll.lM P porihli.
Iicastncr rilNh 11 IIMilll.-.
Illectlcn Nov, 8.
"When thr Urinit ra. ' went nut nf power In
cur state it IpIi 11 tli" lli'pulilii in pail? a lea
st.i M aluiO't f.iiH.(i ol tlrbt I In by
wie timltr iiiIp, In
bten aln n.t rtiinili pud p hue liitir.TCtl
I. ip appinprfation. tn In tunui'Ml limiN until
"C 'land at tilt hid nl III Xuiilii Mi slate "I
uppnit f. popular eritiialloti 1'inttT Itipubltian
i',ininlratinn thrio la. hern piid e.n h ? ar fur puriio,' mnie tltiti wa appioprl ilPil
l'i Hip Dci'imuiit pull in ipiutir ol .1
irntiiM nf irliur Mp Ii.ip nun noil inn appni.
piutlcn tn iliailtalilp ami clpcni".niirj iit-t mi
t "M until f iati nntp Hi' lma-.t tint no l ilp
I'MMpfn Hip twn nipaii Flippoltn IIip-( llnltlii
I i'ii a will ,t iip nur nnn. II1.1 T.f'M.iil (
'"pip aip, liniipi, Iii'.ii1im ini'l
i tppv. ct. urMtuiidpd h p irp on rriji ih!p
with pio.fiou li'Klnra imlilinn. vmiIi prnpl"
Hipp), rniplinrtl a'.il ,;t,nt. 1 inl. ainl Willi pipiv
np'itip nf liu. i". ami tiailp f til 1 nrpnpinl. ami
"itli the pmiipt nf Hip fiitirp litlElitrultii: and
ci"ttij nmip lirp-lul. Hip nicl liUtnric pirn nl
rMrtntion unci up.'.nion tru up a lijft'riiil 1 rv
pf fahp piftrmp, itv ami In.lnirr.H Inr
Hip pillpnrr nf tiiUlpaillnx t't' ppnpln llltl HBllll
ins ln.( pipt,"--rtom Hip Ki'pul.lii .in Mjto
P atfmm.
IMj rmntniinliy in 2pnfr.ll Minitlil Iip it)iiini"l
'I tli" niiliiniiit liitmtip fnr no qinikh flpyhis
hnlil rf till lal.unit) tn tl.p lounti.t, al tthiili
tnpii nf all p.iinp mil iilut. in .11, nw pulillr
frriiillii' anil tlipul linlp aln.11: 1I11 intriipl
pnlillril tnaililiir nf wliKll It I the oiimii anil
thr id Ipnilpr. Tlim
The Htfmpt tn nrnuxo imlillc pi ojn-
iliii' In this town ilittns lurk in Hip
time when thr pi-ppont piiipilntiii' of
the Tillies htitfliil nut to m.ike nf his
IMIipr 11 lli-ol)i.iul .mil piihllt- monaic.
11" oHiitint now sfpilnti away fioin Hip
livlim Is-siip liy -ti IvIuk ti intriiiliu-p
nlHtP politic. Tho Ttlhitnp, at thp
priifpp I Inn. and In till' puipcf I'MHIIPC-
tHin, Mill p.iy dup .ittpiitlnn t(i Mate
pollttr."; Just now u is ciiiinlii;; for p1-
itni'llll llPllWlSllRUPM mill Slt'p-r.ltllPI'4
of a 11.11 1 h. ; and It pinposp!- to ki'i'ji
light tin.
Standing the Test.
ONK OF TUi: fiitulpil wpnk
ncs. s nf a (loinoi intli' fniin
of K'licnnupiit, atciuilliirT tn
!-niiii foreign I'litlii. 1 that
In time of popular i Ituiirnt 01 In
iinnt.iiiciiiin 1.1 Is ls il huh I'uuiliiuily
nf piirpn.-''. The piiiphi'cy 1ui;j Iipcii
in. iiU' that hovpr well It may lu
"-'ilf-d to th" i"Pds of a ppoplp (.Implp
Pi I.ipIpw, Hlirllrir in inndps of IUI111;
ntnl fmv in iiuiiiIipih, It will pimp to
If" U I ollPnlvnill'FSl Ill Ktllll tiiral
KtiPitgtl, wIipii invpi'lni; 11 Kicat tPtil
inry of iii.iuv inli.ibttaiiiH with wldoly
dllfprlnK IuiIiUp of life -Walt until thp
mall iPpnMli' nf the fathers pxpiuidf
I'ltO llllKllty I'lllplfO," Ml' lllllP bci'Il
t'drt In pffp't. "and np hou iinder mid
flpfi mihln tit" ii'pulilliaii Idfii will iol-
Tho ivi'Ptc of th" 1 ait fi-w days hai
suo'illnd a tod .nut . hlllzatloti may
vpjl n pldtHl of (I . iilllinmr. I'lnxl-
i'piu'p ha ftri lotMly willed that the
li'dnvpil itili't "..' ihUp whom nnaiili-i-'i)
trlPil utiPNppitPilly to iciiiop
I'liould Kitrvivp tho iiKsisnlDV .shots. Hut
the iiiunin has chimp mar pnotir;h tn
t:io pngFltililiv nf his inai'trilom to tc
1 UK", with .1 i-oIipiIpt; sopm' felt ilt-ply
hv ppi tlnushtful I'ltlin. that the
inundations laid by thp fathois an
Mill 111 111. ThP SllplUo (if CzoIcock's
pldtnl had ifirccly lifted heroin,
tliinuglioiit tho land unci to Its furtlipi limits, Intituling tho upw ilppoinl
enclps in tho ciih, icsjionslhlp olllflals
)' pip Iniprylnjr to mopt tery p1iiim of
thP P))iersP!icy. In a da. the i uliliii't
and til vli'p-iicllnt mpic In lluffalo,
tpady for wlmtcvpi' duty iuIrIu ailn'.
Within an hour thp si cat h'adeis of
nur tlmtui'liil and life woic
In tninnitmlciitlmi Ini, tn allay
filnrin and head off piinlf. Kllunllj hut
rwlflly. with the ship Unnw IpiIri. Imin
nf thnimish tr.iliilns in the ic-pons!-1-ilHllct-
of ultlzpnshlp and si'ir-Riivcin-tiicnt:
the substantial and i"pri"-pnta-tlve
men In every ilty and town, took
prfcli his nppolnted statlnn, like expert
pallors in fine of niPnarliiR' i;u1ps, and
did what was needful tn keep the ship
of state trup tn her inuihp, Thetp was
Krlff and pain and IndlBiiatlon with
out limit, but not a minute of ion
ftision, not a second when tho llfp of
thp Kovpi-nment Mas In dnnRer. not an
instant mIipu law, older and wise conn,
el M-ero not In oveiclgn mntrol of
the Bltliatlou. The worst was fe.ued
and prepared for. Thank Oort. It did
not come. Hut had It loine, It would
have found tho American people ready
nwEthero would have been not u single
brelk In their llneH.
NfciollPit tint but a shoit time ogo,
under stress of new and Rteat tesponsl
blllUes, Iniposod by the Inoxorablf logic
of war, many of our purest cltUens
wer.o dubious nnd fearful. Hecoilett
that warning notes were many and
plaintive; that timid persons saw spec
ties at every angle of tho unfolding
neiv vista of national power and Inter
national duty; and that even bravo
hearts bung heavy In contemplation of
possible mistake. Vet when the equa
tion of personal patriot IsniwaH brought
home In sorrow to every door, not n.
man flinched or failed. With (ulet
majesty one and all rose to the emer
gency and government nf the people,
by I lie people and for the people
emerges Fit linger than ever before.
Another giiitlfyliig i liTinnmnnro In
eoiitieclloii with the occtiirence that
catiie dppilvliig the nation ol Its
(hlef ep(tltlvp Is the fuel thitl the
luicliiPHS m rocket m In Wull stteet failed
to profit by the cvcltcmelit that fol
low d tho tiring of the nsmis'ln's bul
lets. The Lcs.ion Driven Home.
WI'. NOTICK not tilii'Xpecl
edly the propounding of
the singular proposition
that Journall'dlc abuslve
nes, sensntliiiiallxm and demagogiinl
foterlng of ilni piejudlcp nnd pns
slon, while ptoper enough for rpbuke
when not nutu 111 illy doing iiitnh 111,
must not be held to an mint when they
culminate In a cilme causing 1 1 II
Uattnn to shudder; lest, fot sooth, It
might pxi Up pattlsau rancor or be con
suited 11s nil net of business competi
tion. This 1 tinning endeavor to linpntt to
the public's swift and torn enndnii
tintltitt of yellow Journalism :t pattK'in
or pergonal bias, as If any p.uty or fac
tion wished to have the skulking hy
enas of that kind of jniirnallsm hiding
behind It, Is futile. DetiKxrats nnd lie
publlinns, alike, view with fibhonetm;
tlm cilme conimltted at Huffnlo and
also the Inng-i ontlniud prior crime nf
dally pktnila! nnd tetunl vlllllcatlon
of the president which, ns Sectctary
Hay has truthfully said, more than
anything elsp IpiI tip to the Iluffaln
honor. Thpy ate eiittnlly iletermlneil
that the lesson of rnlgniu's Infernal
in t shall not be lost through nny sickly
sentimentality or weak-kneed timidity
in falling to bring It home.
It may or may not bo a time for re
el Iniluatlnns; that depends upon the
meaning you give tn the word, llul It
certainly Is high time to let the ptib
lMiers of unprincipled uewsp.ipeis,
whatever their alleged politics, know
that tiny c.innot expect to sow the
wind of piejudke, hatred of rich
by poor and miitliiunl fomenting nf
discord and 111 will without Mime day
leaping the whltlwlnd of publie ac
countability. Their m hlnliig assump
tion of grief at the latest logical out
ginwth of their nefarious Motk does
not diminish, it intensities th" public's
Anaii'hy lit this country Is the spawn
of yellow Journalism; of Just such
join nallsm ns the Hcinnton Times has
exemplltled from the day It ciiino Into
Its present contiol the Journalism that
teaches soi lal discontent; (ontompt of
the innservatlNo itilluenies In society;
class envy and liialkc; the dnctilne
that wealth Is plotting to perveit tho
government and plunder tho people,
that oigauloil enterpilse Is hostile to
honest labor, that men in ofllco nte
thleps or hypocrites, that ticinendnus
panlis 1110 Impending, human liberty
Is menaced, and mirililef Is tn pay In
a thousand bonifying fot ins. Deny It
who will, this lias been the great
stimulating ngency that has kept alive
la the open air of free America the
noxious theories of ntintchlstit that had
their birth In the oppressive atinos
phi'ie of the Did Win Id. Without Its
uouiislimeiit ntnl stippoit nnauhy In
tliN kind would speedily polish trom
Inanition. Yellow journalism feeds It,
wiileis It, sends new recruits to It and
Ihtis helps to lay the foundations of Its
Ini endiai ism and ii hue.
We do not intend that It shall wriggle
out from under the frightful load nf
Its pict-eiit direct and Indited tespnu
sllilllly .lust ice In the piesldent, tn the
decent p ess and to the decent people,
as well ns ordinary pieceution for the
fiituie, demands that the lesson of last
week's shooting shall be seined Into
the public's lonsclniisness and not
treated as 11 nine-day wonder.
The Schley Inquiry Is now due for n
few display head lines lit the dally
Anarchists ns Rentiers.
AYKI.l.oW .KiritNAl. sas
that In till piobablllty the
iinnehlst who hhoi Mr. .ic
Klnley newr saw one of the
many newspapeis that 111 e being sing
led out lor assault as Indliect Instlga
tois of the 1 rime Why Is theie any
lmpiob,iblty In the statement'.' Ihiinni
iiuldman, ('zolgosi! and their kind aio
not Illiterates,
Au.uchlHls as a rule are mu.11 of
consldetable education; most of
them are linguists and ate fam
iliar with a number of the l.tu
guagis nioken In America. Ihiinia
(loldinan herself leads and speaks
Kuglish, Itusslan, Oeiiuan and Kieuch.
The nssas'dn (for he U no less an as
sassin because he failed) In his tell
In iluffaln Is loustnntly clamoring for
newspapeis. He has not speclllcd that
they must bo printed la Polish; It H
teasonnble to ussuino that he reads
Kngllsh. Ho Is said by the physicians
who made a ilgld examination of hlui
to be a man of some Intelligence, Jt
Is extremely piotmble that If he had
hid choice he would demand copies of
the yellow Journals which have nil
along pandciPd to his slantlni; view
of civilisation and government. It Is
not to be expected that he would wt ro
tor anything less lurid than he had
been ae ustntned to rend. Thcto Is lit
tie doubt t'nit he confidently experts
to find them lauding his deed nnd In
their special brand of ait protraylng
him as a hero. Perhaps It Is klndneni
to him to, keep him In It-noraiiop of
how his former Journalistic allies havo
suddenly deseited him and turned
1 Aside from this view of tho matter
It In prrtnlnly complimenting the fin
melilxts too hlghb to si.y that thny I
do not read the jellow Journals. lir I
whom else are thou? Journals pi luted,
If not for the type of ( liizen who takes I
their sewpr-wash seriously'.' They
ci rtiiltilv do not Inniipiief the lesnppt-
nlilp, law abiding citizens who abhor
their iiiPthodH.
Art In fidvei Using has inndo such
strldps tpcently that It Is almost Im
possible to tell whether the handsome
woman who graces the pages of the
metropolitan pnpprs Is n society lender
or n cloak model.
It .'ems to be the enncenMii of
opinion that hand-shaking should hu
done hcfoie eleitioii otil.
Scenes in Boston's
Historic Stibtirbs
iitldi f. r Thp riilmnt.
Al I Hill till m 11 hu- l..lustiti m.r ( mi. ml I
?,!.' laiiri in p pulat 1, 'ii, imt pnsMHw nny
KH a liiliiiifr, Jrt l,i'iaitp nf thp liKiurte
pniti iliiili hop numircl In p.m li of
thnii, ittil liii.iui ef (lie n 1,1 M lam'in nun
cf liltPl' him Ii.hp lil(ptl In ("niicelil, thilp
nip lie tmwi imi iitli4 ltinip wiiIpi? Kli'iAii to
till' Attn III .111 pCnpl.' illlll ,POll' el 1 llltl
'In thtsp tti'Mt tlittuiti(l el t.ttnKim intirnpy
t.tilt jt ir mill trittt tliintiuli liirlr tintf ami
iIih llip tinny platpj nl nittalilt' lhtttpt to If
fiiiiml nllliui tliftn. lloMnnltn lll I'll Hip
plulitrpr Hut "Hint! hip thirn plat p jnn tinet
?i"it Ixfiiie Ipiiiltrf tltl iilnlt.i. (.11 tn I'll
niniitli ulitri' 1 1 in 1'iIktIim f.itli fiii-l lantlnl
upon Auiirlt.iii boil anil put jnur foot npmi "lit
l'l, in. mill llnik, ami llt h all lii'.in l.rxln j
tt 11 .iml ( 'inn mil." It ,! inn pritllpjc tn l-lt
only Hip twn 1 t't ttiuipil pi n p lint uliat ini
mjiiiahlp tilp It na. TIip tnun if l.t ltict""
t rltintPtl iiliiint tin mills norllmcM nf tntnii,
'rmllp.i i.u run f inni ltntnn t" l.rlti;1nu, IIipii
iii lo CniKnitl .uitl Ihmiiijli tn btiwt'll. 'Ihp ritln
!. .1 tlillchtfnl nnp, pastil!.' nt .mil tin thni'U'li
Hie illy nf C.ilnl.lliluP .1111I nth I pllir, ainl
tlirniuli fritllp tain, mIiptp apprar Hie npltal
Npw Knslaivl lirmn will) nil tlirir In .inly ami at
trail i(iii it.
o -'Hip
fjinc nf 1 ."tiii;tmi ami ('iiiiiiinl a
far link 1 Vpril, 1,T." It wa iluri-iir Hil
niniitli Kim; (IpniurN military ceinuiamlti,
(1i111r.1l t.itct', m.i crili'inl to jin 1 st saiiuir! lib
.1111 iintl .J 1 iliti lliiiti'ik, Hit' tn patriot lt'.ith r
ati'l Mlio wtip Him t -tiling In l.i'vinctnn. At
(nlitntil, till Itlilp IipioiiiI l.rilmtim, ttll A
inlliitlnn of tnilllati ptnrc whlili (!aun tlotir
liiitiitl to (l(lrni In iniiiiptlltni with hi nrtptt
of thp pilrlot', Ailnn mil llaniotk To athlpio
tin (Itjrit, on llm (Minns ol April I. 1T7.,,
( (i8f Milt fimii lloston sin) rf king
Cportfi''. rtnl.ii Up Mippontl thi rp''tlillnii
Mtniltl Iip ,1 Mtipt (.tip lint Ihp wpip
lint nlptpini;. thi'V knr nf Crmr.ll (Ii;p' pur
m.p iintl miip ptniiiPil to d, feit it. '.auily
Iml Hit' llrllMi sot.lii r InKiin thpir man li in-
iianl l.t'Mnaton .iml Ciimnnl Hup troin the ton
ir of nhl ( liu-t iltLirih. in I'.-wtmi. Ili-linl nisttil
lichl from tvn laiiit'tni hntip limp by tho pv
Inn to wain Paul IIpm'Ip, wIid tnntl in ie.n1i-
I1P. Ill .1 SMilt Blilllllll MPIll m ( liulul.iwti In
rltle win 11 tho mi clicn 10 Lcxliistnn ami
(.'niimrtl ami Mini thp pntrlnt iml ntlmito iikii
(f Hip appioatli nt Hi" lltlti'li oliltprt. What .1
faninti title tint pinxptl tn lip; It hi ntno
iiiiiiii'H.ilirul upon the pacih ol tmriiaii ht-.toiy
ami hi ltppn Hip Inplriit lluiiio fur
itritin. Ml alnnir Hip Ip.hIiiis In l.piic
ton nirr ulmli P111I lli-MTn lmlp tint niPiimMlile
niclit. apjipar tihl. ts .Ipiuniliiis: plan nf In. intrrp!. W'Iipii jou airbo at l.pinu(nii
ami (nntoitl iml m.ihp ro aniiilipre Mitli
out lit'ini; lontrntiliil lo thpp t ihlrt on platp
nf riithiiip anil 'i tho title ot t-titPU autl 011
till! lOlllllinllj'. f
lpinti.n aid l'.,ii'iril ate Imlli hojuliftil
plttpt. Iipinu I'MPllint iPpr(pnlatiPH of tiv
i:imlaml ttiwit mIHi ilii'tr stalely oiPihanpinK
pint aliout. Hip tut inn itrilant 1jmi uiitl
almu Hip mIiIp ami well nietl stippti, tlit'ir no lintnp ,m.l .111 .ilintv.pTirre nf piiIIiup ami
ittiiiciiipnt ppiiatliiu all. tppt'tially tnutnitl.
lit'vitiQtim I-. Hip lirnt of this.' tM ItUtorin town
mp urriip at In our jmunpv from It.ntnn, v.p will
In Kin our ilPMnption of Hie fiijht ,mtl mphh
nf lii'torie lulrrcl Hump. In our tmaKttiati' 11
mo hip on tlm Miin tnit ol Hip lillap nl I at
l.i'Miigtoji. t inirlhi"; nit r thp nrv load Paul
Iti'MTp rapltll.i Mint wlitn on hi maml nf
ii.irnlng Hut nlslit of ptll Is, KT't. ami oipr
thf itiuiko thf llrllMi soltlltr niaiitictl on that
nun fttipilti'it uininiiii; nf pnl pi, !"", uluii
tlici ontrri'il hrsiiigtnn ami met tlit'ir Hi.t me
inillmtit l.nt it.iii liiuKin.ninn tint'iutp .mil
i"iir minil iiiprt link tit tho.p tnnini'iiittu tlii
nil i.iu m'o IIpipip with hi (outline IppiI
hppi'tliiu tlniMi thl Hirpt and ,1011 tan hear hi
una of ? niilnx its up tiiIip .ilt.tijr. What .1
rniuiuolit'ii tlurp I in pxiri Iimi. . 'I lip nip nf
patrmil.tu 1 kiiitlltd witiiiu Hip lin.iiu nf ciPty
Ameiitan. imt Pi din until uiriit.tii imltpcml
tme i- iiltaiiinl. riipiiui aip i.nil'11 itatl.i ami
an apiililc ol Hipm' In up, m-H-sii 1 Hu 111c 1 irn
1 iiiiiIp. s,.,. i(,,w Hip Koldit'i iniiiiin;
tlnwn tin -ItPtl; tnntidli di iIipi tread, tnntl
th nl of iior. 'II10 tn t tuhlrt we imiip to in
l' lvinstt 11 1 Hilt uhiili luarL the linu.p
of .loiiilliaii I l.iri Irigtnti, uho a .1 liter Im.i in
Captain Patkei' (tiupaii of minute men, .nid
Mlm ia alio thp last Mimioi of lliiie iinhlp
pittint MP jnillll'.l nn .1 hill' mile mine
to,ii, l,plnston p iniiip. to Hip nhl Munrnp
taiiiu, Mhfih ua iii'tl a hpadipiirler h Karl
pt'iti in tho tlii Hip ItraUli rt'tifitptl fioin (mi
iimi. IIpip W.i.lilnston illncd 111 IT;), wliuli
.nhl to it intcict.
'llip wit pnint of sp piil lutiip?t I an ar
tislu till tailed stout 1 iinitiii uiaikina: the ppnt
uliere the Ilrittjiii fiuiiit'i wue uirt liy Karl
IViij' IrPsli Hoop, .mil mIipip Iip pi mtPd ,1
Held pit'ip to itnir their ulteit. Seipial ntlipr
plates .no uiaikeil nut I1.1 taliltt aloin; Hip Ml pi t
phi led fioin in .ippropiulii'ii li, Hi" town sunn'
yi'ai njo. llul Hip 1 hlrt altrattlnit lo 1 iNilnr
In Lexlnston 1 tho old common. Thl Is ill the
foitn of a triiuzlp ainl I a ho.iutlltil put. Thl
I the l.t'xliitnn Inttlt field. Here is where the
tlii lilontl fnr Aiiurkau iiulcpiiitl'iitp a t-lml
oil Hip innitiilis of prll Pi, 177.,. Al Hit miuiIi
piii pnint of the eni'iuinii K a mnuiiuinit mark,
loir the lot.itinii nf Hip hl'l thli'p lueelilt lmiie
In ! vluiinii ami" li.ilnz tanid on tlm iear
kidp the U.1111P of tlm ttift (.pM'ii minUter who
until In tin' pirl-li. shnit ilitt.uup nt tL
li"ir cf till innnuintiil mo he -t'li Hip elm
ihp wlui'li licntral llrjiit plinml nn ptil p),
17 " Mliile utlPiiillin; Hip 1 1 iili'iiuial aiiniiPi-iry
of the lntltp. .1 11 -I n .ton r lit 1 r thp niuiiunu
from ililit tnpl ami dlnitty upon Hit' unitl ern
iinjle nf Hie trliinsle I i irn' artMhailv fnimnl
fountain, made nt -tone, nt.d mii mount inu it is
ti tiiaiiintrut Inoiie l.iltl- nf ( tptain I'trVr,
Hip itiuiiii Hitler "I tie imnpaiii uf inlnni" 1,1 i,
M lib li ,i.ptiilileil nn Hip I'nnimun to nppnp Hip
llrllUli fnum TIip nlptnr In pnentptl lilm
with a ni"t 1 nui nrpoiis c in I (Inlrrnimrd appear
ami' in Hu anionic nf mic ri'.uly to i.ilsc hi
sun iintl tire 1 fital Imt. .lu-1 at the reir it
Hil taiul .1 loiti Hu pub hpirlnc almut r.itl-
iy In goliliu loil'is 'lu-p ,t: 'TIip Until
plan ol Snieiliau l.ilitit.i " Wheip Hip IIiip rf
Hip mltiiilp iikii wa torm d 1 tin ki'd 11,1 a h'sli
liniihlir ?rl up on pup Ide of Hip comtiinu. Here
Monti thl Iniiip luud who Imcil lllnrtv l'(f
Icr than their imn lives whin Hip led roil
.nut down upon them with a tlniilde quiik.
LonkiiiR llirin in the fate In Hip imiiilirr (f one
liumlieil ami twentv nun A ijoi Piiialrn, Mlm
I, nl tniiiiiiiuil nf Hip atliinrln; lint l-li (nrn.
Hied out tn llitni: ")Iipim ic itheU! Throw
tluwn .itnir nun 11111I liirt( !" llul Hip onhr
was tint nhejpd Captain Parkrr said to Ini
nieli, n iu-iiilitd upon Hip ttiit: -suiul uiir
groiiml. Huii't flie unit's find upon. Hut If
they tn luie a war, let II liejin lit re."
'Iimi 1.1111P from Hie Up of llio llrllisli oiritrr
Hie einiiiuil Moid 'Tin'!" 'Ilirrp wa hcanl lh
firt rattle of iiiMkiti,i of Hip Uiient .111 revolii.
Hull ami upon (he Kuniud Ml ihad feitn Ampib
tan and 11 in wnimileil ot.u. A .1 tcrl.iln wiinr
M.ii 'Tin' odil asalii't ill" palilou wnp m
iiiiiwlieliiiliu: tint ami' the liilns of 1 fiw
kiattrrlus lid thrv kdp .), ami the llilteh
luaithid (11 to I ommil." iiiunimicut wa
nit led with Imposlm; tin irniilt. In 17!i on llio
ui't nidi' (t Hip coimiioii In intinoij ol llip
iluilli if Hirst' paliint. A lirautllii) by ino
lia tuluoil luclf ahout tli iiionuinrnt, reaihlns
to In top tn a lo pri'stiit a niot iharinini,'
alula. Tlda la ilalnifd lo hp the flul Hcmlu
tloinry numorlat iiiititl tn thl counliy, the
sihllirB flaln in Hie luttle ueio In. I Inn led in
the town umctciy, Iml on the HUiuli aiini.
Mihiry of the lnltle the rcinalna of these paln
(ila M-prc (Icliiteired ami brought lo the rnnininii
and hurled In a tloun wull at Hip rear of the
mmiuinciil. K'tu.nd Kirreil wa the orator nn
tlila nii.i.loii, Miny (ll.tlniiitlnlifd pprjonjsp
h.iie tunic tn this fpnt, anienit Hum
l.afa(tle and Knviith, The Hancock C'arko
liuuc, uii llaniotlt itnct, Is a place of Interest
not only rfc,nte of iu hflm, the ahide of dl.
HtiRiil'lieil cleic.iinfii, hut here Hancock and
ittama ere iniiri from their liimlior hy Paul
lleieif ilit meinnralilp tiicit Down on (lirk
flitj l'(iKi MrrcN, mi "llelfiv Hill." Hand In
an pjnelhnt late cf prcsirialinn the old Itpllr
Tlm hell whith nl nrn nine liium Ml thl lirllry
oiiniptl the n la 1111 en u-e niomlnit the llrltlli
man hid Into t'xltietnn, and it wa abn ii'fd to
aumtnnn ppople to the lniue nf Iintl mi sumlajs
nnd to iIrii'I the Inhihllaiil ol Hip town that
It wa( nine n'Onpk ami Ihriflore lime tn take
up their lire ami retire, aciordliw to nn onrtrnt
ciiMnm When one nl the rcltlpiil of the tnmi-
p.npil nut of thl worhl Into eternity the nldnn
it.itc of the licit would peal the new forth,
o -
'Ihe lit Intpre'tlna" tit mp will fpeak of In
l.pxlnatnn li "Ye Old lliiijinir tlmiinil." The
oil nt (lllr of the (bad tnaj riot he the mnt
Ini Itlnc place tn ijt, but .i ramble about thl
en? wa epeclally Intprpitlne. lint frw I'll
Brim pome In bexlnaton without appntllnic a
time hcip. ,lut a few minute walk fioin Ihe
lommnn t.ikm .1011 1,1 It, Mini' of Ihe ktnne
bale beiome no mo cm tied that It I with
grrnt iblliitilly the In.-t tipilnti can be read,
while eniiie aip far hejnnd liRihllltj. We fnund
nme tnniKtniir bearlntj renin! ol prrnn'
tleath a early a liii-j. In thi ceniptriv I
Imriiil He bt.tlv nf Captain John Pirker beetles
tnatij ollnr patilot nf cnltnlal time. Ilrre alo
la the uraie of thp tlrt Mhool m.nlrr ami hrnt
inlnMir of lavlnrjtnn How ppiullaily the in-M-rlptlnn
nail of IhPin aie caned In
Ihe nlil-fihiniui atjle of piiniilie and apelllnc
.iml et mp ,tnmlti? iiarnlnu" are illicit, such a
Ihp fnllnwim;: "litre Ik ip limb of Villannih
llinfnrd wife In Mr. .Inhti Dinfniil who Died
M.inh .lil, 17'J"t, In je 2tb jear of llrr ape.
Ilchobl all ,nii that piffelli lij a , mil are now fn
once wa I. A I am nnw fo jou nitift be. Pre
pare fnr ilrntli ami fnllrw ihp " smallpox
cpiilfinb' niii'l hue titintnd in I.plnutnn about
1-sil, for nipral tnnilntone mark Hip tleath of
pcisnii dining that jcur and nittioitnce that
Hie.) died of Mnillpni. I pnn a alate tali hebl
up by four alioit pill 11 nirr a louih I iiifiribrtl
the rcinitl nf William Iteetl'j, eq , death, wbiili
ptiiiricil in 17"s. line upon the lib I staled
tint he wa rrprpentatic lueiiti jiai nl tint
tniin, n'sn jietlte of the pi-ire, m tilher of
tin ibildnn ami sramltatlier et onp bumlred
gninilililldieii, lb hi imle rot hi bcloiod
o -
T.ikitu: Imlliv acilu wp start fr.mi Lpxlintlon
to Cnncnitl. It I at the Mllacp inminnn wbfre
j on want tn all-tlit and bpin imir flebt fpelnc
In thl liUmrle ami literan pi 11 e Thl I In
tlenl an ailiulraldt', je. nn Ideal platp of real,
deine fnr litrrary worker 'I help I a quletnes,
an imtues nf cmfiroiiinint In till old town
wliii li aie loinluelic in lllerary HmmtTita. Thrrp
I .1 lltcrarv ntinnspliere suril.i picialent hrre, or
il.e we I'll iciiit il sit Diicrrnn, Hawtlininp, Al
lot I ami Thorcati ntai no lnnmr bp (ern walkttn;
about Hip lppt of Cnm nnl nor labnrinc In Hip
miuHp of their rpfitettiie bmiip btir. but thpir
ititliieiiip tdl Minlic and, while their bodic
inn- be (11111111111)4? to iltist in sleeps llnllnw
nmetrrl uerilbi, their )nrita Mtm still In
hnicr ainuii'l. Cuiild we wu Id Hit pin in the
prothit Hull of loiinine, pnuy autl philosophic
Hinuitht a (Mil thee tim 1.1 men of .tear pon
by lo the cuHlltation nf the worhl, we wniilrl
i-clrit tins ilaie fn prcftrpiiie to ill other to
11 ir our tlen ami iriln our lame. At ptpaenl e
inubl learn of onlv two pfisnna readmit biro
now ensraeeil In lltctaij unrk. iiaiiie in
feiiucil tup Hut the ptetnt inhibitanta arp
"Inli'g nlf cf aparacu, slraulMirie, and Hip
wialth iml notoriety of their jneeetor." We do
not nttrmpt tn (onflrin thl et.ilciiienr, but Hip
bonii i.f Cnntonl, In external upiicnraurp, Indi
cue wealth ami luxury on thp whole. In fpiak
lup of the Mines about Com nnl,
"It. sllxcr lakt that lmeili lusted pleam and
pcnieftil wim.i1 lioddp Hie inttage door,"
wuttr In aitl: "We 1 due these tint ao
luiitli for Ihcip own crate and ilnirin at for the
pleauie they pile to Knicrvtn ami hi friend,
who haip made the rime of Contort! a fimnu
In America .1 Slialfnrtl 1 in I. upland. Miv-t nf
all tlo wo think nf Knierson there in(P to him,
more than to all the rut, ilm the town owe
its icltbrlti."
We will (omtiiciitp our sipht i-reln? tn Com nnl
at the iniinimti or Monuiiitnt .pnie. ao lalled
beiiup of Ihp Inndsomp mnniiiuent tandinc In
thp tenter nf it rreitcd In, the people of the
town in (minor? of their snldnr who fnupht !n
the dill wir Piinp down Monumtnt aturt
mid rrn-frinp nir the lit"tnn ami Milne lailrmd,
we soon contp to thp famou-. nltl maitfp 011 the
bit. -the aiunnt lesidrine of the parUb mm
tt(r nt Cnnirird," built by Ihe liix. William
Kmeisnii 111 170.",. Wc it,ut lam here for a mo
itient ainl rerlect a wp pare upon this old and
pit iiiresipip mpop. In t hi- housp for ten jean
Ihitl U.ilph Waldi I'nKrson, nnd tberp, in a
nn ill batk room on the s'-rend f.nni( inuunanrl
mp an cxtcllent new of the Ctncoid rner, the
nhl Ninth llrldpp ami thp batiKH'Iil of 1771,
KiueiMii wrote "Nature" ami oilier philosophic
pssjju. The loialioii nf the old mine I trutli
full? dcMilbed by Kmersnn In Id e.,av on
-Natiue," where he M?s; -?ly btnue htandt.
in low 1 mil, with limitcl outlook, ami on the
skat of the illape" In Hu atne hou-e and
in Hip h ifTio room llinerson winte, Hawthorne,
the pieaiit nf merit in rnnmii era, ain!, n
snme woiibl tlasifv bun, of the wolid, prepared
fnr piihlhalinii In "I'wUp Told Talps" and
"lloses I'rom in Obi Maiw " llawtborne tie
i hrp Hip bappil four ?cai of bis life wpr(
prut In Hu hnu-p from 112 tn 11(1 Hip old
111 mp st mils back frnni tl.p roatl 1 khoit tln
titic', with a laipe ami heutiful lawn In finnt
lliwthnir.e wiote lu hi "Mo-j-e from an Old
Xljii-e:" "My paitlin, that skated Hip airiiup
ef Hip min-p, wu of pretiscli the ripht extent
n hour oi two of mnming labor was all that
it retpiiied. Hut I ud to ihut ami re-iit It
n doen turns .1 tin. ami htand in dpi p contem
plitinii our my npttahlc prnprni, with a hne
that iinliotly lould ttbaio or coiueive of, who
had neier taken pat In Ihe proies of rieation.
II was one nf the most bewlttblng nlphts In the
worhl In ohserie a hill of bean thni-tinp aside
the soil, tir a mw nf (.illy pra Ju-t peepli g
fiiilli auflli lently In ti.ite a line of delicate
prern." I'mii to this tliy that garden "t'irta
the aunue of the mmsc" and xegetahle are
prowlii? Hurt a In the ilaj of Ihwthorne'a
Malklng on a few' rod heioml the mane ,xou
Knui to .1 short aicnue of elm tret at the left
anil turning down thl jrai iiimi to the Com 01 d
battle piouml, when' the initial and the tie
ilflp blow wa stiu, U In tin in the minute men
and Ihe Ililtl-h anldlira in the war for Xmenran
intlepinileiite. l'irl we niiiie to a monument
inaikiiig the priiuinl held bv the ltritih en
Apiil 111, 1773, ami atitliir, a 1 true, "(hat here
w.i ihe hint fniiiblp reutaup In ririlili apgres-t-lnn."
'Ihe ii'iill of thi rcMttame was the
ilcith of two llnti.h soldier, who were bulled
bv the elite of the toad autl tipptmte the monu
ment. -I few t.tri bung ou to the bulk of
the Coin nnl liter. .1 muill ittii.1111 winning llelf
ainuiid Ihiough the mcadowa ami by the bill
ids. Il i the nine no v 11 il wa when Haw
thorne wrote if 11: "We Hand mm on the ni
ii' lunik It inn will be 1 died the Concord -tin
liier nf peat e ami qulcliics -f..r it I? cer
tilnlj Hie must uncuitahlc iml 1ugglli Ktitam
that eei loltcretl titiptrtrplibli Inward (ts etern
ll, the ea. Posltiul?, I bud lueil tluee weeks
bcble It, bcfoie it pie mute ibar to my per
icpllnn wl.ldi wai the itiririit tlnwed. It nenr
ha a xiiaiiniin ai-fieit, exicfit when a noitb
wistdii liiiivp Is lixina it, en a aun
elilny ill). 1'rnin ihe lui'iirable imlnlnue of lis
niture the atiejui i bappilj lie ipable nf be
(oiuing tl.e lne tf Initnan irgenuiii. a 1 Hit
fite of at 1 miny a wild, free, mountain torrent.
While .ill tiling (Nn are lompdlcd to aulbtna
Mime iHcful piupo.e, it Itlle it aluggith lift
away in lay lilmly, wilbnut lurnlne a aditary
ftptudlc ni afloidlng imi water power enough to
grind the mm that grows upon iti bink. Ihe
torpor of ita imminent allow it iiowhere
bright pi l.lily ahnie, nor 11 inuih as a narrow
trip ef glitcu!tig santl, 111 ani pait of it icurne.
It dumber beneaili bioatl piulrle. kUing the
long meadow glass, and batlua the oirrlungins
bough ol ddci biisliPri ami willows, or the root
ol dm ami trees, and dumps cf maple,
I'lag ami ruhe glow alon? It philn ahore; the
jollow water bh i.pip.ii II, flat Iiaiei on
the ni.iiglii; ami Hie ftagtant while pom) Illy
abound, gnit'ially ndrttli.g a puiitlon Just hi
far from the diet's bank that it taiiiiot be
Kiinpul. .iie al the bawd of iduiiging in It
1 n niiiul wbtiite thl peilett ilnwrr ilrrii't
Hi lnviliuctn ami pel limn, plliipiiii, a It dots,
from the black mud out whlih the riirr 1 repps,
ami where link the hmv cd, and pet kled frog,
and the mud Untie, whnm mntlinul w-nsliluit
nimiot ileanse. It I the Mine hluk mud nut
nt whldi tho ydlnw Illy milt its rank life an I
noisome odor 'lima wo see, too, in the Udilcl,
that koine perkon a.lnilUle only what Is ugly
ami oil lioni Ihe Mine mural iircumstancea
wblcli aupply good nnd beautiful results- the
fraaiame of icliktlal fluweia to the dally life cf
o -At
the font of the aicnue and at the flier's
brink was the nil North Bridge; rude, though,
In alruetuie ?et ai famous as any in the world
berate ol the eient which occurred there. I'pen
tin cic.i of the hill on the other aide of the
aticam stand, a monumen: marking the place
whero "the, initiute men and militia formed t-
fere tnaithlre diwn to the front of the Wldye."
and where some American solthn fell In the
content. The cranlle lue l aiinnounted ivllli
n bronre rtatue of a tnliinte man dolitiied by
11 Com-ord arllal. An obi bronre inlunlal plow
I a ml upon Ihe pedestal, n cnat lies upon one
handle and a land of the natue of the man
rel upon another, while Ip his othr band he
curries an old fllntloik musket, I pen one aid
of Ihe pdet,il 1 cut thPM xenrds of I meianni
"fly the rude bridge that anhed the tlond,
Their Hag to April's brtere iinfurlctl,
Here enie the embattled farmers stond.
And died the shot heard round the unrld "
Thee w-ord aie taken from the tijmn ung
nl the completion of the Concord monument In
ltfl, ami cnmpnsed fnr the ocealnn bj l.mer
aon. Hail wp the time ??e might lsll, two mile
awiy, lti old ItiirMt Ilouie, where wa nored
the munition of war whlih the ltrlllh aet nut
from Charlmton to captuip. llul let u pi
riubkly nn?v and Iew the old Wright taiem,
nfar the rnmmra, built hj Hat id W tight in 1717,
ami nhldi on pill t'l, 177.1. w.i uetl a
quartera for Ililtl'h oirnera, and wheie Malnf
Piiialrn tnnl hi famnu Imiist, "That he wnultl
atlr the nnk(c btnnd that dij," which wis
rialiad In Kngl itul's deep noriow.
-o -
Opposite Hil I the nid bill burling ground,
where lie the lemalii nl Major .Inlui llutterltk,
who letl our men nt the btldge. Paxlng on down
1exlngton roatl, Ihe rn nl oier whlih Ihe British
went In their relrrat from Concord, we pome, as
one raja, "into an atmmphrre venting almot lo
eoftdi the Mcnirr ami earlier teiolutinnar) n
snclatlnii.belniignig to thl highway," becane
j nu aie now In the region of the liomea of "tboe
(rietiiU wit? dwelt together by the winding
tiler," I'mcreon, Alcott, Thorrntt and Haw.
thoniP Ounce Is not regarded the 1 iue of
bringing these ftltndx Into such ilnep proximity
but mutual admiration la attributed as the re.i
eon. I.mersnn' home in Ihe fltst to be seen
Mantling within a ertling of pine trres, a lirge
stpiare bulhllng beiiitllull.t altualed with nn tn
telleclud and 1 Mined ippenrance about It W'e
were Inlormed that on" ol Kmcrsrm'x ilanitliten
etlll realtba thrre and the place is well rated
for. About one hnlf .1 mile farthei Is Orihud
boue, Ihe home nf Ihe Aliolla and Thorcau The
"llllblde Chapel" wherein the annual meeting.
(f the school of phllosopny were held, stands
west of the house and a little wa baik fmm
the street. On the fame able of the mad, kep.i
ratptl only by a ivnndrd growth. Is the home nl
Nathaniel lliwtbntne, and adjoining thee
grounds Is the parent line nf the Cnncord giape.
Thorcau has been the victim, of miny nniompll
inentary atniii, ivblcli aome ef his ardent ad
mirers Mteniinu.b den?'. ti In Concord there
are some who to thi day will tell jou as true
facta about thi poet naturalist, nf hi habitual
failure to pay his taxc, his natural indolence,
bis lnie for flhlnp and hunting. We were tnld
ht'W that one timp Thorcau went tiahlns; ami
Hirnugli home carelessnos of his own a woods in
whlih he was loitering caught tire, lie made no
efToit tn put It out, but calmly and leisurely
walked batk and told others about It. When the
tire was extinguished much damaae was done.
Another lor?' i tnld of how one winter Kmeivn
lamer, lo the home of Thorcau fnncj and krpt
him allie while he was working upon a liteiary
Paik tn the public squire we wend 0111 way
There are jet place ?ve might 1W1 .f
much interest, but time forbid n. The shade
of night have ilrcadv cathcred tblikly about 11,
the stir are beginning to twinkle In, chili in
the dear blue canopy ahnie, Inr the Min ha
long ago dlsippeircd beneath the wetern horl
mn, ami the gnrgeou nnet In that western sky
ha vanished awai. A church bell near by Is
ringing, and the sweet muiiial notes from an
organ arc wafted out upon the summer pipiiinff
7pph.11, dining our souls within us, whilp Hip
ions of men aie pissing up the step to worship
their Ci-ator and ltedeemer The gong ol a
trolley nr is heatd in the disince, and looking
down the street we see It presently speedily
coming tiwaril 11 It stop at the square and
?e step aboard. The conductor rings the bell,
the molonnin turns a crank, there is a huz and
awav we glide oxer the ktcel rails on our way
back to llnston, wlsrr in mind, refreshed in
spirit, though aomewbat wcar.i In bodv from
traicling, and thankful tor Hit privilege we
baie hail to make this mot fisclnatlng pilgrim
age. Robert It. Thompson.
No Sanger.
"Voir, riesi," said mamma, piling final in
structions to Klsie, who Is going to take tea
with a plavmate, "when you are asked If jou
will have Mimrtliing, jou mut say: 'Yes, thaiiK
jou.' and if jou don't want it, jou hum sa.i -'
"Oh, jou needn't bother about that," lllsie
Intel lupted, "I don't expect to refuse anything."
Philadelphia Pi cm.
joung mm, who la fond ot having his name
appeal whoever it will be teen, carefully carved
1 1 initials, which happened tn be "A. S."
Some mean person wrote dncctly under it, "Two
thirds of the tiuth." Washington Mar.
She Didn't Mean That.
Mistress Iltiilgct, I lanuot allow jou to have
jour avveetliexrt In the kitclen any more.
Bridget Oh, mum, It's very kind ot you, but
I'm afraid he's too bashful tn come up into the
thawing room. Iloston (Slobe,
Her Fhst Lesson.
She wa glancing over the new cook bonk,
"llete I a splendid letipe, Arthur, he said,
moving over toward hi chiir.
"Who I the author?" he akcd, thinking all
the time that she was leading .1 novel.
"Chailotte llus-e That is the name above the
recipe." Chicago Rally News.
A Forceful Reply.
Tnmtnv-Pop, what is the greatest force in
lneil politics?
Pop The police foice, my son Philadelphia
Sure of It.
.Tack T made two calls thi afternoon, ami I
iiiul have left my uinbrelU at the last plaie I
Tom l!w do jou kno.v but what you left it
at the firt plate?
"Ilecau-e that's where I got it." New oiW
Circulating a Secret.
The rinnrwalkri -Maggie' that'. about the
twentieth girl Pie ecin jnu whikpciing to this
imiiulng. Whit are jnu tilling them all.'
-Miggic Oh, it's a secret, sir! onkeis States
man. Cheered By It.
"Von are sine jnu iati support mv daughter
In the tvlc to whlrh she has been acciuiomrd'''
asked the heivy father.
"sure," ansurird our hrio, with the assurance
cf JllUlll.
"Will, I'm glad to hear It, It's more than I
can afford any longer." Indianapolis Prws.
Grounds for His Opinion.
"A few j ears ago," said the rnthuslaatle cm
ren who was showing him the wonder of the
lake front, "the lake extei ded Inland far he
joinl whcie we aie standing. I tell jou their
Isn't a town In the wnld that's making history
as fat as Chicago I!"
"It looks to n more like making geogiaphv."
replied the unemotional stranger. The Chicago
Two and by two liy the doves through the linr
hi 1,
P.vt the red suntl'a far lines;
Past tho till, sentl'i-l pltus;
llip the long willow tip, jellow and limber,
Down where Ihe dark water shines.
Olowing In hollows, where Hnata the bent sickle,
Sdinltai-like of the moon;
Wbeie the tound sand-eddies (roon:
Pown wheie Hip sIiiuou bnaK" , riPnts trickle,
Dripping Ihioush rock-nlcnes hewn.
Two and by two go the rejpera together,
Figures In ilu-ky relief,
Hearing the scjtlie and the sheaf;
Where the keen tang oi the aiitumny weather
Peifumei each bloesom and leaf.
Two and by two sloop the times lo the willows,
Where the wind' whispering! piss
Through the wet reeda and the graxa,
Down where Ihe river Its still boaom pillows,
(iray and transparent a glass
Two and by two drift the brenie upland plover,
fllrd-shapes thro' mlst-ipaces blown,
Over the meadow a new mowni
And I and the night, like a lass and her lover,
Meet in the twilight alone,
Kinest MeGiSrs', In Wcintn'a Heme Companion,
Kfom th rtoton ll'rabl.
flrajll Is Portugtive tetm derived (rem hrati,
"a Hie coal," relatlie tn tho ted d)e-ood with
which the comitrv abounds.
t'ruguay means "the sdden veatcr," and Tau.
rtiay "the river of vvalers."
Pernsmbinn means "th' mouili of hell," In
allusion lo the violent mtf alwavs distinguished
al the mouth of Its ptlne'pal tlver.
Venezuela cxprce Ihe Spanish lor "l.lttla
Venice," which ileeignatlnii was given to this
rnunli.v, owing to Ihe did, ten of some Indian
srlllsgrs built upen piles alter the manner ot
the "Silent CII" on the Adriatic ci
The tetm Panama Is Caribbean, Indleatlie ef
the mud flsli lint iihtniml In the waters on bo'h
Ides of the ImIiiiiiis.
Honduras signifies "deep wafer" In Spanish.
Vucatan la a compound Indian word, meaning
"What tlo vim m.vj" whkli was Ihe only an
swer the spinlanl could obtnti fioni the na
tive to their Inquiries riuiicrtiliig a ilcscrlptlcn
of the coimtri.
(lUStemali Is a Knrnppin rcndeiltig nt the
Mexhaii (tislitemali, slglllilitg ".1 tin. lied log
of wood," so 1 died hi thf Mrxlcau Indian who
aetompanletl Alinrad.i Into thl tegiin. be, ause
thei fnund an old worm 1 iten tier near th an
cient palate of the king, or K." liliuel, which
was Hmiight In be thp ppntrr of Hip rountrj.
Mexlin tler.nte the plai e or scat of Mexitll,
the Artet gntl nl w ir.
The lump if Callfoinll, dcrlinl frnin Hip two
Spmisli werd. Cnlleutp fornilla, I. e, 'Iml
furnate," i?a giirn by Cnrtea In the jeir n."
to the pinltiul,i mw known a Old or ftwer
California, of whlih he wa the riixoiercr, on
anoiint of Its hot cbimte,
Ontario comes from the nitlie Onnnlae, "the
vlllige nn tho mount 'in," and chief scat of the
We are now showing the
largest assortment of Euirn
iture ever presented to the
people of Scranton.
Our stock is bigger, our
salesrooms large and better
arranged than ever before.
You will have no trouble
in findnig just what you
Our prices are right. We
buy our goods in forge
quantities and our prices are
correspondingly low to you.
Our manner of doing
business, our custom of fair
treatment, has won us
thousands of friends.
If you have not yet dealt
with us, don't fail to give
us a call at the first oppor
tunity. We can save you money,
Hill & Connell
121 N. Washington Ave.
Oil Stoves,
Screen Doors,
Gas Stoves,
Window Screens,
325-327 Pcwi Avenue.
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Business of
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
nnd Wllkcs-Bnrre, Pn.
Stationary Knglnes, nollers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
Virginia Aie. and Deach, Atlantic City, N J
Sixth jeai, .150 beautiful looms cnsulte, ringte.
and with bath, hot and cold sos-watcr bath
In hotel and annex. Loution scleit ami irnual,
within few vard of the Steel Pier Oribc.tia
Offei-s tpecial uprlng rates, $12 to $15 by week.
J2.J0 up bj daj bpcclal rates to families. Coaches
meet all trains. Write for booklet
8 fif
From Shoe Strings to Boots
No Order Too Small, No Order Too Large,
Not Profit but Business Increase,
Lower the Price, Larger the Trade,
See the Point Always Busy
LeTzsris & Reilly
All II
ol it Linen.
Splendid gathering of dainty and useful pro.
but liom the best lrlkh, Uerman and Scotch
Wp have aimed to make tills the greatest Linen
Sale In our histutj
HANflF. OP QcxI.tTlhS.
amp, mn thi; monp.y
.Itidses of flnp linen will apprernte thla oppof
tunlty to buy all the) need qulckl).
42c, Ueul Value o5c
Irish nicsehed flimask, (M Inches wide, medium
weight good njinltt) , fer nrrilnaij use.
75c, Ileal Value ,$1.00
Hne Irish Weiihcd IHmik. 72 tnenci wide,
medium weight and extia good value
$1.00, Ileal Value, $1.25
F.xtra Ilea? v Irl'h Pleached tlamaik, !3 Inches
wide .1 great bargain cornea In beautiful dc
$1.25 to $2.25 and Up,
Extra Fine Linens
'.ntih ami trih Pamask, 72 Inches, SI inchei
and on Indies w ide.
German Silver
IJlcaeliccl Damask
All linen, extra heavy weight a splendid wear
ing linen -at 50i to $1 On.
Uarnsley Table Damask
F.xtia heaii hnmn linen, no better wcarln;
cloth made. We haie It in full rane ol prices.
Nnpkin Dargains
One hundred dozen fierman 'ilier Bleached
Vapklns, extra beaw linen, gieat value, 1..);
worth $1 75.
50 domi lllraehed Napkins, M T ; worth ?2 21.
SO dozen llleaehed Napkin, V.iY, worth MW.
JOx is lliuk Towels, ?1 40 per dozen
12x45 Knotted rrirae Damask Towels, SOc. a
Crochet Ited cpread, 7V. and ! (V).
Marselllesse flitt Spreads, $1.73, 2.'2J, $2.73
?2 iy
satin Dania'k lied Spread, $2.50 upwards.
Lackawanna Ave
Capital $200,000. Surplus $5'25,00,
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
INGS accounts, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday evening
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Cossbi.L, President
Henry Bi:un, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Peck, Cashier
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereati 5 Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
lfr III if If