The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 12, 1901, Image 1

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The Condition of the President
Continues Favorable Nothing
Shakes Faith of Physicians.
Holes in the Stomach Proper Caused
the Perforation of the Bullet Are Now
Considered Healed by Dr. McBurney.
Mr. McKinley in Excellent Spirits, but He
Confesses That He Is Getting Lonesome.
Desires to Hear the News of the Day A
Cabinet Meeting at the Glenney House.
Hnzleton School Children to Be Made
Awmo of Its Evil Effects.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hnzleton, I'ii., Sept. 11. Yellow Jour
nalism was strongly condemned at lust
night's meeting oC tin- city school
board. A i evolution wan adopted llx
Ing Krldoy afternoon next its the time
for celebrating, with appropriate ex
orcises In nil tho' local public schools,
"the recovery of I'reMdetit McKinley,
notwithstanding a murderous assault
by one following the teachings of those
degeuerntes cnlllnu themselves anarch
ists." The resolution concludes with
the following:
"Art part of the exercises the teach
ers shall Instruct their pupils upon the
evils of sensiitlonnl Journalism as seen
In certain dallies fiom New Yoik and
Philadelphia, calling their attention to
the fact that the minds of onurchlsts
are Inltnmed and their baseness sus
tained by these hheets; that their own
ers Itnnvv not patriotism nor truth:
that their so-called staffs consist of
men who have sold their honor for
pieces of silver; that those who pur
chase the papers are equally guilty
with tho who publish them, for with
out them (hey could not live; nnd flu
ally that 111 these sheets theie Is dan
ger to the individual, to the family
and to the republic."
Buffalo Folice Believe That Czol
gosz Was a Selected Assassin.
Buffalo, Sept. 1 1. The following bulletin was issued
by the president's physicians at 10 p. m.:
Tho president's condition continues favorable. Blood count
corroborates clinical evidenco of absence of Any blood poisoning'. He
is able to take morn nourishment and relish it. Fulso, 120; tempera
ture, 100.4.
GEORGE B. CORTELYOU, Secretary to the President.
Hv l.x.lusne Wire trcm The Avorlited Pre'S
Huffalo, Sept. 12. The Conner
this mntiilng:
".Supcilnteiident Hull now has In his
possession the code of instructions im
parted to the selei tod assassin, ('coi
gns;!. The platform of the fice widely
was aNo added to the cumulathe evi
dence of the anarchist conspliacy yes
teiilay. This document binds Its mem
bers together to advocate and work
for the destruction of tho existing
niclal order."
She Is Wanted In Buffalo by the
11 Kiclmlt. Wire from The Awacltttd l'rew.
Haifa lo, Sept. 11. The police have
taken the pielimlnary steps necessary
to sccuie the extradition of Ultima
(loldman, the anarchist leader, under
arrest at I'hlcnpo for alleged complic
ity In the pint to kill President McKin
ley, nnd It Is uudei stood that applica
tion for her removal to this state will
go fotwaid to the Illinois authorities
Just as (illicitly as the formalities can
bo compiled with.
Other than signifying their gencial
llllent, the polka keep silent ns to the
emu so that they plun to follow, and
tho exact uatuic of the charge to bo
made against the (loldmnu woman has
not been dlsi lo-ted.
He Gontinues to Deny That There
Is Anil Possibility of Settle
ment ol the Strike.
Weather Indications Today:
Hllffaln. Sept. 11. The condition of
tiif pieshlent continued rnvmnhlc
ihioiighout the d.iy and nothing oc
iu led to shake the faith the attend
ing siirgeiiiis mid ph.vsicians have es
pi.ssed that he will lecover. The dan
g' r I mm two sources was pronounced
pi .ii tl ally oer today. The holes in
tin titoiuai h piciper. caused by the per
foration nf the bullet are now cousid
ri.d lienlrd by lr. .Mi-liuiney and his
iismh laics and the eminent uigi on
punned In the tail that the beef Julie,
1 'I te (lie patient last night, was icad
ii iligesied, as pioof of this. Sulli
ci in time lias also elapsed to wnr
lint the doelors In asserting that the
danger ol lullaiiiinatlou wheio the bul
h , lodged lias disapiicaied. It is be
In vid thai the hall lwus now bceonie
i lev -led in the muscles of the bail;
and unless lis loe.itlnu should piovo
tMiublesoine later on theie will never
be any necessity fur removing It. Dr.
M.iiiii In speaklntr In lcgaid to this to.
da said lie kin w a man who lived for
e,irs with a bullet in the muscles of
lit.- heart.
The alteiiliou uf the physicians Is
now. Iheiclore,, mainly dliected to the
i. in and tie.ilmeui of the wound
i.iiisid by Hie lm isinu made In the ab
iinini u above the nael when the op
eialiou was pel lonncd. This wound
is pingii ssing satisfactorily.
Decided henellt followed the diess
tng of the wound last night " is the
w.ij the doctois put It ollleially.
The slight Mitre whicll followed the
iiniioiiui eiiient at nildniglil last night
of the opening of the wound did nut
me a leg to stand today when fuller
details of lt inslgnlllcant iluir.icicr
nild illipoi t.ime wcie obtained. The
"iin Ident' as Ii is termed, would not
have In en nn nlbmed In the history nf
an oidlnary hospital ease and the ph.
Fii lans last night debated fur some time
upon the propriety of making it puli.
11. ah they had piomiscd m take
'-" nubile Into their (onliili'iii e they
Mi.!...!' iiineliided that the ledemptlon
ol that pledgi' compelled theni to an
lioiitn o It.
Bulletins Have Been Reliable,
Their fairness has alieady had one
excellent effect. It has convinced all
who may still have hai bored doubts
iib to whether the public weie getting
the whole truth Iroin the sli k ioom
that their sUcpth Inm was imlouiiiled.
Another liillestone passed on the load
to recovery was the dlscont, nuance to
day by 'he doitois of the Ibroies show
ing lespiiatloii , illations In their ntll
rial bulletins.
The president now breathes dci ply
nnd noimally, and the addition of the
respiration lecoid to tho bulletin was
considered valueless.
Tho president's pulse was slightly ai -relent
ted In the afternoon, but the
change was not deemed material and
Ills temperature lemnlned prai tic-ally
stationary at Ififil! fiom ilayllgln until
ilatk. The evidences of linpinvomcnt
were the pieshlent's keen udlsh of tho
beef juke given him dutliiR the night
and the Increase nf his allow nine fiom
one to three tcaspoonfuls. and also the
fact that the wound Is hemming "nioie
henlthy." Dr. McHllllloy expected this
nfternoon that the sllglil Iriltatlon of
tho wouiHl still remaining snouicl pass
away within tho next twenty. lour
The picsldent continues In ee client
spirits, hut he confessed to one of tho
Attendanti today that he was getting
lonesome. lie requested that he be
placed in nnother bed. A depression
bad formed. In the inattiess on whlih
he ban lain since he was taken to the
Mllhuru house and had caused souio
discomfort. Another bed was provided
and this evening ho was caiefully
moved from one to tho other without
dllllculty. Hu has asked bcveiul lliuca
if there was any news whkji be should
Know, but Inquiries, opcciall nbout
public matters, aie disiouraged and
tlie ilgld iiibibition against the admis
sion of nnv one cxi ept bis wife and
faithful secretory has not been iclaxed.
It Is now vitui.illy decided that no at
tempt will be made to lemovo tho
pieshlent to Washington until he has
iiiinpletely ictovotcel, and In a general
n It i an be said that theie Is no
likelihood that this will be until Octo
ber The phsh inns aie all agreed that
liy alt- nipt .-lumlcl be made to lake the
piesldent to Washington while the
piohablllty of an oppiesslvo hot spell
in thi! capital city remained.
.Mrs. .Mi Kluley still displays the same
fortitude she has shown sluie the
tiagedy occurred She went out for a
dilve again today and appealed blight
and cliefitiil.
A Cabinet Meeting1.
The live membeis of the cabinet who
aie li-ie talked over pending public
questions lor over an hour today at
the (Jlenney house, adjoining the Mll
bllKl lesideiiie, but It is Ulldcistoocl
that no action lesulted. The South
Ameilcau situation was gone over and
there was an exchange of opinion le
j. aiding the legal phases of the case
egaliist the would-be assassin. It can
be Mated again In the most positive,
nimuicr that tlieie Is no conlllct of nu
thoilty between the slut1 nnd federal
iilithnilllea lor the possession of the
prisoner. The members of the cabinet.
Attorney (ieueial Knox and Secretary
dage, as well as those who are here,
aie unanimously of the opinion Unit
(.'olaosts' oftense Is against the state
of Nen Yoik and lOrle county, and
i hut tlieie Is no federal statute to cov
er the case. District Attorney Itenney
niisiill d Secretary Knot tod.iy a- to
pmeeduit. lie did not seek Jlr. Hoot's
oiIulou as secretary of war, but as one
of the ablest lawyers in New York
Mate. It W uinler.stond that the local
authoiities ate only awaiting the re
sult of the shut to formulate their
i 'large agaiui the iisMillaut of the
i,cli!i nl
Alter tins aiioi noons tiiillelln, Set -retar.v
Hay atinoiinced that he felt
warianted In leaving for Washington
and he leii tonight for the capital.
At I i. in. everything was quiet at
the Mllbuin liuiise. The lights are
binning wiy low and no one Is stir
ling about.
Russian and Italian Revolutionists
Deploie the Attempt Upon Mr.
McKinley's Life.
ll.v hMliiMte Wire frum the Vw.ncnlril 'rw
Loudon, Sept. 11. Prince Kraiiotkln,
the llusslan levolutlonlst. In an Inter
view today with a icpiesentatlvc of a
new agency on the attempted assas
sination of I'lesldent .McKinley, char
aitei'lecl I'zolgosz as a "lonunnn
murdeiei" and said he should bo dealt
with as such. Krapotkln lefused to
express an opinion on the political slg
iilllcaiice of the anarchist's act.
Nnilcn JIahitesta, the Italian ie
fugee. mlil; "There Is no reason for
null an act In a country like America.
Ii will bilng nioie Double to the Inuo.
fin than to the guilty, ah lu the cao
of Spain and Italy after tho auaichlst
outrages there a few yean back."
They Will Not Be Allowed to Enter
Bail Until After tho Heating
on That Day.
n.v EcliLi Wir Irom Tlie Aiioclated Trw.
tiiicago, Sept. 11. Abraham Tsaak
and the clglit men airested wllh him
ns nn.irclilstri will be held until next
Fiiday without ball. At 11 o'clock
that day .Judge Chotlaln, selling on
the i ham cry In the supreme court will
lie .11 arguments on a wilt of 1 ncas
cot pus presented him today by their
attorney, Leopold Saltlcl and '. I',
Attorney rialttel brought the wilt Into
court this moining, but he had neg
lected to give the city and county au
thorities nothe. Iicforc he would look
Into the matter at all Judge Olietlnln
suit him away on this errand and it
was nearly 1 o'clock before the court
would take up the matter again. Then
City Prosecutor Taylor npearod, to
answer to the court in behalf of the
authorities, lie said he would make
no objection to the tiling of the wilt
but asked that the bearing he post
poned until Friday. Judge Chetlaln
after leading the petition lcmarked
that the offence charged against Jsaak
nnd his companions was before the law
bailable, but that no such request was
made In the petition. Attorney
tlel acted upon the hint mid asked that
his clients be admitted to hall and for
tlfteen minutes the attorneys discussed
the point and they finally reached an
agioeruent that the defendant shall be
held without ball until the hearing of
tho wilt on Friday.
New Yoik Police Are Actively En
gaged in Locating the Distuibers,
11 KvUii'oo wlro Iiom llif wxiitul 'n.,
rv York, Sept. 1 1 . 1 n 1 1 1 o ( nniniiinnrr
Muipliy i-alrl toddy tint the polipp uric Mueiuuf
lv inr((iiiiiii; tho uoik et toMne tho conMH if
t lio minuliUtk. .Viil If there wire Knnii; tn lu
nv :im.-K Coimiil-sloorr Murplij r.'plli'il tint
lie did lint Vnow vit. "I lie wnrljty of .ir, lie
Kiiil, li.ul roquotoil Ilie pollie of all clllrs In en.
epu.ite uilh linn tr'.llilllil the iiu-i. uliwi ot
muuliMr, nti'l lio uas ilnlnu' lliis.
"We .nn lint nttrniptms; tn loiind tlicni up."
the iiiiiiiiis.lnnrr addeil, ".mil (hue j no re-
ipii'.r tioiu I lio KCiretjry to do tint. '.ny me
nriliit. eiKi Iallv tl.o..e lio ate Hippn-ul to b
nitoi, ii imrfiilly watilied by the pnlue."
Advocate the Banishment of Anar
chists and Send a Telegram of
Sympathy to tho President.
Ily 1 Tiln-oe Wire from The A.MOi'iaud l'ri'M.
Y'l 11 la in sport, l'a., Sept. 11, The con
vention of the Pennsylvania Millers'
association came to u close thin morn
ing. First In order was a trolley tide.
After lcturning to the P.iik hotel a
shoit session was held, at which the
closing business was transacted. An In
teresting uddiess was delivered by E.
K. Freed on "Milling Consolidations."
II. Langlv spoke on "A Successful
Local Organisation."
A number of special committees ie
ported, followed by the election ot ofll
cers. All the old otlbers were elected.
President, Aslier Miner, Wllkcs-Burro;
llrst vlce-picsldent, .lohu M. Havoi,
"Wllllniusriort, sei oud vice-president, K.
A. Fleght, Uoaiing Springs; treasurer,
Landls Let an, Lumaster. seuotaiy,
AV. A. lilehaids-on, Philadelphia: boaid
of dlieitots, H. F. Isenberg, chairman,
Huntingdon; D. K. Fieed, North Wales,
T. 1!. Uurgnei. F.lllottson; Ys J. Yea
ger. L-wlstown, J. H. Mauser, Trelcb
lers. The following was adopted relative
to annichy:
We, the niemhPM nf the IVnmj I vatil.i Milhr-'
nsMiilitlmi. In inmrntlon assembled at Williinin
pnrr ell ept. 10, Villi,
lleiolveil, Tint vo .ire unequivocally in favor
of free Utreiirlitp and .1 free pre., hut we tie
nmHite at. in li.v vlcluiii and treaun to our
inimirr. We, tlieiefore,
Ur-nlvcd, That nc ',11 u-e all honnrahle meam
tn iiilhiitue our rcurditiliVL's In consrew tn
pim ,in nit r.illing upon tlie hlef exefutive nf
our piverrineiit to iue a pr (Lunation noti(.ving
.ill h" heliive in an.urhy to have the domilin
ef the I nili'il Sutra, or any nf their pwiewion",
witlnn i(y (liy fi "i. diU nf nch pimlinn
tmn: .aid, .it tin i nd of Midi pi nod, any pimnn
ir peiMiu Kiimhii tn utter pr(ih or puhlifh,
pi hit r iliftilhute, or i.ui-e lu he puhlihlnil.
primed or ilMriliulnl litei.ilurn nilvniatliig an
arihlMic piiiiiipUn liill he arreNted and line
inhnl In rlle tor the term nf their livn
to Mime !l.ind tn he draiiiiiatcil liy the I nitcd
Mat' for sitili pulpitis
Defoie iiljoilinlng the following tel
egram of sympathy to President Mc
Kinley was adopted.
The l' nmvh mi i sijte Milhr' jvnriatton. in
rnventioii a.Minhhd .it W ill!.im?pnrt, Pa . thi.
eleventh day nl SipUinher, 1V01, (leire-. to e
pi CM it-, pn.fniind i-jnipilhy vnlli I'leaident Mi
Kinley in lhl hour uf Mifiirinc, aurt vvltli Mu.
Milvinliy in tun, her tun-, ot knnow, dieple
iliph'iini; tlie viliuli tn tieirly rot lie
lifi" of hun vhne i lreer i to tn! mutch- in
nlvcil with hi iiiiiiilr' iinexjinpled Kii'itue-'
and pnperity. We aie devoutly thanktul for
the promises of hn irrowrv now heM out. Ihn
oigiuiMtinn rainotlv pi iy that lie may lio
Fpiedlly re-tend to health, and for many
more jeirs nf teetulm to the luiion lit Iin o
fphniliilly lid in the pnl.
This afternoon about 1"0 of the mill
ers lefr on the liuffalo fl.ver for n trip
to the I'an-Ani'iicaii exposition.
It Is Officially Announced That a
Sufficient Number of Men Stand
Heady to Operate tho Monongnhcla
Plant ns Soon as the Mills Are in
Headlncss to Start Workmen Ap
ply for Positions Under Assumed
1 (irnrral l'irldent SUKlnh'j'n Condition lie-
potted favorable
latum (iohluiau Ibid Without II ill.
Shaffer l)cnlc I'oMdlilllty ol a Sotilimcnt.
2 Uincral-Caihoiiilale Dep.ntm'nt.
3 l)im.iKi uln fir 100,000.
l.inal foot Hall Outlooli.
Note and Comment,
5 Wal senator TlniMnn Will Attend nepulilb
can Chili Convention.
Miuli Intrrent in Srxioiri ot Clirbtliu Minion
ry Soelety.
0 tral- Wet Scranlon and Subutban.
7 fJeueral Northeiletn Pennbanl.i.
financial and c'oiuincrclil.
8 liial sreorvd Uiv at the Walbville fair. und I ahor.
Robbed of Valuable Jewels,
fly Kxeluiivr Wira from The AMOclated Prm.
laindoii. sipi. i -'he lniili Anm lev.i wn
mhhid n jeurl valued at Ul.mul pnumb, vvhuh
vviie t.iVi'n (l i mi a nielli at WaUiiitfh.ii!i llmur
vilille liu iui at Hit' llnatrr lait etcnlnK.
Edmond Wolcizynski, of Cleveland,
Surrenders to Chicago Police.
IH I'vilii'iie Wlie turn Tin' Aooi nled Vim.
Chlcaao. sipt It A man khiiuj his name ,n
I ilninnd Wnlclijnl, of (leviland, tuircndeied
to tlie pollio luro today. He it.itnl tint he
hcaiil that he n wanted on tu-'picion of Iuvmij
hnn ullli LzoIkoii at tlio time of tlie kliootinj
of I'irriliUnt MtKlnlcy.
He admitted that he va In llutiiio at tho
time, but i il he uat not aimialutrd with the
woiilibhe nwat'ln and hid no relation of any
kind with ,i na nh il . 'I lie police aie Im lined to
believe liU ttor.
A Czolgosz Sympathizer nt Caspar
Has a Ride on n Rail,
Hi Ixiludn W le from 'II. e U-. .. lit. il Pien.
(a.pir, Wio, Spt II I l.i n s W.isner, vilm Is
ed k.inip.iltn
(i.illKud an
fillu tu h.lle evpie'
tnd.iv laired .Hid
toivn nn a rail
Wapner villi be Ivnihed
I' r ( znlKO', van
I rlddiu out cf
Attorney General Elkin Advises
Practical Enforcement of New Act.
By Exchutrt Wire Irani Ihr "united 1'rni.
Hariisburg. Sept. 11. Attorney Gen
eral Klkln ndvlscd the department of
public institution today In a written
opinion that the coinpulsoiy education
bill passed by the last legislature went
Into effect when It was approved, July
11, by Governor Stone.
Mr. r.lkln suggests that In the prac
t lc ill enforcement of the new law dur
ing the ensuing school year due allow
ance should be made lor any derelic
tions on the iuiit of si hool hoards or
the people In the observance of Its pro
visions by icason of uufaiulllarlty with
Its requliemeiits.
Steamship Arrivals.
Dy i:ihulie Wire from 'Ihe Aoonated Vreis
Vw Y"rl, Si pt. 11 Unieil: Oeeanle, I.iv
rrponl; l.ilui, llieineii and snutli.iiiiptini. Sailed:
Philadelphia, Southampton; Vadeiljnd, ntiieqi
via llierhours: Maje-tn. I.iveiponl. I'l.imouth
Arriied: Dent'ih! ind. New vork for llimbure.
.Southampton Arrived: M. Iiouii. Neiv ork.
( lierliourc Willed: fatiliia, Niiv otk lor
Hamburg, balled: lialvr Wilhelm Pir (
(from Piemen and southaitiptonl. Veiv ork,
(ileKOiv Vtrlicd: Klhh'pla, New Yoik. IJottfr
ilini Arrivul: llotlodini, .Neiv mk ill llou.
h'une. (Jnifiivtown Virlveil: Cutuinu, nv
iiik for l.iierpool land pioieednl), Naple
rnird: Ttaie, Xiw oik via (iibraltir, for
I. nn i (and ptoceeded).
Forged Checks in Sum of 93,800.
Ill' KviluUe ttiro (mm 'tlie V-.ocialul l'ie.
I.elijnon, l'a , Sept. II. Tim ihcik M the
amount of .!,), iliaivn aL'aint Couutj Trean
utei John (I. Haldol I liv a iioinin, (on I eihi;
Heltt. were leielved Ii. re ntlir hinkhu linui"
today limn a hank at Mculm-, I'.i., for i oiler
lion. They vieie prnmptl.v ileilired forcene. It
ri tiot known here uhei.. ilio vionnn rehlea or
while he l at prent.
Ethclbeit Stone Released.
By EjcIuiIv Wire from Tht Aorlitil Trrat.
('.mull n, N ' . Sept. 11 Kthelhfrt stone, ihe
laborer viho u.n aite.ted la-l nluht on nepii ion
of helm; n aiiomplue and uhllus and abetting
the attimpliil ion of Piiddint McKln
lev, ii.n relej'd ihii .ntenionn. titer a laieful
InvrMlsallou, the teen't neiilie aui iita inuld tlnd
tinihiiiK i in iiilt aailiet Hu .vouni; man.
if he leiuuie tin k.
Member of Charleston Commission.
Ily lUilii'iie Wirr from 'Ihe Asmialril l'rt.
Ilarrl.liiirc, S 1 1 1 . 11. (ennimr Slone hit ap
polnlid II. W, (Ireen, nf Kmpotlum, u iinniher
of the ChiiU'to!i i'Vukltluu iniiimlxluu fiom
Six-Mile Raihond Chartered.
Ill lAihl'lie Wire limn 'I In wKi41fd l'if.
llHtiWuiiir, iil. II i Inner wai Branlcd
l.y I ho KtJle department tnd.i) In tho I'iko llim
It.illrnad inuipiiiv, ix inlki Ions, to run Irom
Cod Center In (ireenlee MIII, WaihltiRtou iinin
t.v. 'Ilie In sul.uml. P. .1, I'oiMIhe, ef
I Until, n pu-lditit.
Py I xeluMie Wire from The Animated l'rrt.
I'lttsburg, Sept. 11. While stotles of
a peaceful settleiiient ot the strike of
the Amalsamnted association wcie
heard today with much force and per
sistency, Piesldent Shaffer continued
to deny them emphatically and said
that the battle of the steel workeis
would go on until they won. He de
nied that the executive board had In
structed him to settle the strike on any
terms, und said that he would not go
tu New Vol k or make any further
peace move for the present. While the
piesldent of the association was stand
ing lu this position the officials of the
1'nlted States Steel corporation were
putting forth active efforts to start
their plants. This was partlculuily tho
case on tho South Side. During the
dny the company held the strlkeis'
pickets back by a show of police and
got a lot of provisions, cooking uten
sils and cots for the men to sleep on
into the Mouougahela plant of tho
American Tlnplato company. H was
ollleially announced at the same tlnus
theie was an ample number of men
icady to enter the plant und start the
mills, as soon as they were In readi
ness. While the Milkers were busy watch
ing these movements on the South Side,
tho officials ot the company showed
greater activity about the Star mills.
About 11 o'clock in tho morning a car
loaded with skilled men for the Star
plant arrived In the I'nlon station.
These men were taken to the plant
without any Interference fiom the
strikers, as none were about at the
time. The pickets that had been guard
ing the wot Us had gone over to the
South Side to take part In the move
ments of the strlkeis there. In the car
load was about sixty men. They were
all men who had woiked In the tin
mills, and ittiiong them were lolleis,
lougheis and catchers. They came
from the east, and It Is said ninny of
them had bioken away from the ranks
of the strikers In other mills and had
sought work In new loialltles under
assumed names. 'With this Increased
force the Star plant W practically tilled
with skilled men, nnd will bo able to
opeiatc all of the mills there on full
turns. The effoits of today, It Is be
lieved, have practically ended all pos
sibilities of the Amalgamated associ
ation ever getting back the Star mills
lu their control, as tho men who have
gone to work there have declared their
intention of tcniainint; as Individuals
for all time.
President Shaffer discussed the
trouble of yesterday on the south side
and said he deplored It sineeiely. Ho
lurther said that any member of the
Amalgamated association who was
guilty of such actions again would bo
diopped from the rolls, ins sm h ac
tions only Injured the cause and aided
the combine to Its purpose. The same
i tile would apply to violence In Mc
Keespoit. Other olIldalH of the Amal
gamated association also expressed
themselves In this matter.
Secielaiy Williams said he was pro
pal lug to end out the second Instal
ment of strike benefits and would
have them all out dining the -week.
The number to iccelve bene tits Is not
more than 10,000 and this will reipilro
about $40,000 weekly. It Is claimed
that the Amalgamated tteasurer, re
imbursed by tho lodges whose mem
bers are at wmk, will be able to meet
the payments! with the aid of funds
coiili United by sympathizers.
Hungarians Are Ugly.
The Hungarian stilkers at McKoes
port held an Indignation meeting to
night and decided that If they could not
draw benefits sure and quick they
would draw out of the strike. Strike
leaders have tried every means to ap
pease their anger, hut the icsult Is
doubtful. Fires In the Motiongahehi
steel woiks which were scheduled to
start today have boon drawn. All le
palrs are suspended and the men sent
home. Fires are still on lu the Na
tional Tube mill and the report of an
Indellnlto shutdown cannot he con
firmed. Demmlcr mill Is working
smoothly one-sixth capacity and small
Increaso each day In number of em
ployes. Pittsburg, McKcespot t and
Youghlogheny railroad detectives wcip
driven off the tracks near the mill to
day by a crowd of strikers, whom they
ordered oft the company property.
Thomas Knnls, nn old man employed
at the tube woiks, was badly beaten
on his way tn tho mill today
The New Yoik council of the Nu.
tlonal Tube local at Plltsbuig today
discussed the strike. It was announced
that the council adjourned without tak
ing Until action and will pinb.ibly meet
again toinonow. It was practically
settled, however, no long shut down
would be tolerated nnd that the next
attempt to sunt will be a detei mined
one. this is tiiKcu to mean that an
Injunction to protect the employes Is
In stoic for McKeespnrt and possibly
a visit from state militia.
Tonight for the Hist time since the
strike the steel hoop mill at Monenson
Is running full foice, which practnally
ends all semblance of a strike there.
Hvery mill lu that town Is now running
day and night.
A telegram from Now Castle, l'a,,
"A party of fouiicen Amalgamated
men fiom that city departed this
evening for some unknonn point. They
told ft lends they were going to take
places in the Star mill at Plttsbuig
but It Is also rumored that their real
destination was Klwood, Ind., -where
an attempt Is soon to be made to oper
ate the plant. Local strikers are In
dlgnant of the defection while others
refuse to believe that the men really
Intended taking the places of sti liters.
Decision ol Maolstrate Prlndlvlllc
In Gase. of Miss Goldman, Hie
Anarchistic Lecturer.
A Remarkable Story Told In London
Courts by Martial Fattgeron.
Py Wire from The AMoeltted PreM.
London, Sept. 11. Mnitlal Faugeron.
a Frenchninn, who was charged today
at Cierkcnwell police court with the
murder nt Herman Jung, an old Jew
rW, of Cierkcnwell, about ten days
ago. told n remarkable story of a plot
to kill Joseph Chamberlain, the col
onhl secretin y. Faugeron said he bad
been the recipient of small loans from
Jung. The day ot the murder Jung
summoned him to hi shop, where they
discussed the misery caused by the
South African war, for which Jung
declined Mr. Chamberlain was respon
sible, and Jung told Faugeron If
he could kill Mr. Chamberlain, he.
Jung, through Intermediaries would
guarantee him a foitune, tendering
him ten pounds to buy good clothes
in order to enable him to approach Ills
victim. Faugeion says be icfiisied,
whereupon Jung declared he should not
leave the shop alive, and picking up
a heavy Iron, rushed on Faugeron nnd
felled him to the ground. Faugeron, In
self defense, drew a Unlfe and stabbed
his assailant In the neck. The pi Is
oner, who .signed the foregoing state
ment, was committed for trial.
Jung was a noted socialist, the last
survivor Of the group of which Carl
Marx was a member. They formed
the red Internationale In Ijondon In
isfit. In spite of Jung's reputation of
earlier enrs as a violent and desper
ate red, personally ho was a quiet
nnd skillful and wa.s never
specially connected! with any ot the
acts of violence lu which his reputed
disciples weie Involved.
The Woman Stntes That Sho Will
Be Her Own Attorney Sho Asks
to Be Released on Bail but Court
Refuses Charged with Having
Enteted Into "Conspiracy to Mur
der President McKinley."
tij Kxelusiv. Wlr frcm Tho Awoei.ted frm.
Chicago, Sept. 11. Magistrate I'lin
dlvllle today decided that Kinm.i Gold
man, the nmuolilstlc lecturer, under
urrest heie. should bo held' without
ball pending tho decision ot similar
cases In the superior court.
The action of Justice I'rlndlville In
holding her without ball extends only
to Friday of tliK week. At that time
the quest Ion will be considered, nnd
tlie magistrate will decide whether she
shall be h-'ld without ball or released
under bonds until tho preliminary
heating ot tho charge against her,
which Is set for Sept. 19.
Miss Goldman appeared for aliening
before tho magistrate during the fore
noon. Sho had not .secured counsel,
but In a determined voice declared
that .she was icady to nut as her wn
attorney. The assistant city prosecu
tor obtalncil a continuance of a. hear
ing till 'Sept. 19, the date set for the
hearing ot other anaichlsts In custody
here. Mr. Owens, the prosecutor,
stated that tho result of an investiga
tion nt Huffalo was being awaited.
The cnint postponed It.s decision In
the matter of ball, which Miss Gold
man demanded tho pilvllego of fur
nishing, until later In the day. While
waiting. Judge chetlaln, In til superior
court, held the other anarchists until
Friday, when ho said ho would bear
arguments. In the application for writs
of habeas corpus. As the charge
against Miss finldmnu, "conspiracy to
murder President McKinley." Is the.
one lodged ngainst the local anarchists
who are named as cn-consplrators with
Mlts (lolclman, Magistrate Prlndhille
thought It "wLsp to await the decision
of tho hlghsr court.
lit said It would not he necessary for
counsel to apply for u writ for Miss
Coldman as he would deal directly
with Miss Goldman ns Jurlgo Chetlaln
did' wllh the other prisoners.
Miss Goldman wn represented by
lawyers Rrown, Gelling and Saltlal.
They were busy In the habeas corpus
case during the torenoon, but Inter
viewed their client In time to appear
for her In the hearing In the matter
ot ball.
Senator Wellington of Maiylnnd
Hold in Contempt for Remarks
on McKinley Shooting.
fie Eieliiie Wire from The AwocUted PrcM.
Ialtimore, Sept. 11. At a meeting to
night of the board of governors of the
I'nlon League of Maryland, resolutions
were adopted expelling Senator George
I. Wellington fiom membership in the
organization. Tlie resolutions, after re
ferring to tho attempted assassination
of President McKinley by C.olgosz,
state that "the people of Maryland
have learned wllh shaine und loathing
that George I,. Wellington! u repiesen
tatlve of this state In the senate of the
I'nlted States, has countenanced the
ni t of this traitor to his country nnd
enemy of mankind by repeated and
public expressions of Indlffeience to the
act or Its results."
The resolutions older that the sen
ntor be expelled in toiifccriucnc e of his
Impottnnt Decision of Judge La
combe in the Case of Sugar
Hi i;vcluive Wile frrin The Awciatiil PieM.
New York. Sept. 11. In the United
States circuit court today Judge I.a
conibe handed down nil order granting
Judgment lu favor of Ihe American
Sugar Hetlnlng company to recover
$iri0.31! (with luteicwt) paid by the
sugar company to Collector Illdwcll. on
sugars Impoitod fiotn Poito Illco.
Thete weie nineteen separate cases In
volved in the suit, all of which were
i unjoined In this case. The suits were
luought on ilie nppllialion of the col
lector. The decision Is based on the opinion
of the I'nlted States Supteiue coutt
that Porto Illco Is at the present tlnio
a poitlon of the tenltory of the 1'nlteil
States, and that goods In ought fiom
that Island in e not subject to duty In
liny poit here.
Advance in Puddleis' Rates.
II) l'vilule Wire fiom 'Ilie .Woeijlerl l'ien.
ll.n rl.liuri:, t-i l. 11 Notice vv.n po-ted nt tl.e
1,n.ilel i nl 1 i nc: nillli. mil iv Hi il the imilclllii-; line
per ton altrr net Munil.iv moiiM lie l. Tie
liealirn will at tho tjiue lime he advanced to ."9
Uinta per tun.
Four Killed by a Train,
fly Ficlu.We Wire from Ihe AMnclitrd PrtM.
1'ciii. 1 1 1. 1. . si.i II Nat luii I'oiili, lil-t n
ter, Mm. 1' Muiuii, hci Initluiul ami their
l iii'.nilK nh) il milliter were klll"i nrjr here
I. 1 iv li. a Lake Cilo ami Ui'tun 'icnscr
liaiii. 'Hu) vvciu utuiiilui; fiom a (uncut.
She Says That tho Police Would
Have Trouble Wringing a Confes
sion from Her.
Ill Ktcltr-ave Wire fiom Ilie Atviclateil Press.
(hu.ico, Ser.t. II When (.hown a rtiiatrh
fiom New ark, stjtltig that ( 7olen.? hart ail
milled llier. hji a plot to .i..itnte the presi
dent ami implicating her, Slln fiohlinan vihl:
"I cm prove lint 1 hive not been In llitflrflo
Pinie I lett thirc the. litter pirt ef August. !!
clichres he In J no one to osit him. Why
fhnnlil ho implliate nic? lie has not confined
onjthlnit of Ilie sort "
lis Cflilinin then bundled Into tiricli
against the police ami thrlr manner ot vrurlns
ronfix-ioni. "I know (perfectly vcell," he sanl,
"what the poliee ran do if they vvint a confec.
r-ip.n. I ilon't nuke any ticcmitinn, lmt I nr
tint tliev tiny use means of gelling a eonfesdon
which cannot lie couipntilile with the hw of .1
free count iv. They would lnve to ue very evrm
means Indie tiny would kU a confession fiom
When a-ked if she expected to bo fet fire, MIm
ftiihluinn Mill:
"Tint I cannot siy, because I know tho pntlee.
If they vvih to nrry out things legally, they
niii-t id me go free. Hut, ot touree, they maj
trump up a cluige "
Track Walker Killed.
ilv 1'riliidie Wire from lne Aswlatnl Press.
law.i.ter. I'.i., sept II. W. H. Slelnkelp, a
trick walker on the IViuii'v Ivanrii nilrnul, was
utiuck by a train wot of this city lit nlcht and
is itM.intly killed. lie wis curving an urn
btelli, and it is fuppoaed tlie later prevented
him from seeing tho appicuihin,; engine. He aj
Gj jean ot iige,
Miners' Parado nt Shnmokin.
Rr Kxilndvo Wile from The vi-mUted Piess.
en. pal ldetl
Pa., Sept. 11 - five thotmnd mm
heie tndiy in honor of PieMent
John Mitchell, of the I nited .Mine Workeia et
Atneriei. In an address be ns-ured thrm Inat
the recognition of the inlhrr would be demanded
next April from the operator. His coal region
tour ends at Mahaney I itv tomorrow,
Flte at St. Johns.
By EicHkIm Win from Th Aociatr-d Prtst.
SI .lohtis. . I'., S-pt, 11 A clnitriiin MU
ocdirred here today, resulting In tho deidruetion
ol seveia! btotes c outlining fl-li nnd seal oil en
ihe Ninth fide of t, ,0hn.. It ivtarted In a
cooperage in (on.-ea,iunee ol the explosion of i
boiler. Two nun vceie killed and eural other'
Injured. 'Ihe los vull fxieed $.VVi0.
Requisition for Goldman.
He I'm Indie Wlrr fiom 'I la U-oclvlrd Press.
( liu igo, sept, ll-ljptiln (ollcrau his re
ceived 1 linkage fmni l lilt f Bull, ot flutTalfi.
Hitlng lli.ii rriimiiion pipeis for M,l Ooldnun
v. Ul be forwarded as noon a pnwilile.
local (Ida fur Siptnulirr II. I'll:
llisliod trinpeutuio T7 degreM
,mvot teiuperatmo bO degree
llekitivn llumldit.v :
S a. tn M T'r cent.
Spin Mpercem.
Pntlpiuiion, il limn ended 6 p. m., 0.01
f f-r
Washington. Sept. II forepart for
I'islein PcnnsclianlJi Probably cloudy
TluirMl.iy. r'ndiy, thowtra and ooolerj
fre-h soullieil) winds,
t 1 1 1 1 1" 1 1 "t- - t . ,t .t