THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1901. ixxxxxxxxxxx; tub MODi-.nx iiAnDWAnn flTona. TOE STERLING RANGE Is responsible for more good In mil Until any n" range In tli world-- . simple reason that It Al ways bakes perfectly. Tho STEHUNG uses loss f not, wcats twice as long and coms no iiimo than torn mon iniigus. Foote & Shear Co. JJ9N. Washington Ave :xxoooooooooj Everything for the Baby Airy fairy graceful-dainty chfttmlnf little garments es pecially designed to captivate the mother and win trade we've a giowlng demand for such goods wo want to meet you. A few moments inspection of these garments will convince you of their mciit. A line to us will biing a catalogue. The Baby Bazaar, 510 Spruco Street. ft LACKAWANNA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Slfi Uishinctnn amic, Guernsey building. New turn becins Sept. 3. The Directors Of this bank will be pleased to have you be come oue of their patrous THE PEOPLE'S BANK. PERSONAL. il 5-polnrr liii relumed from a vaiation 'pent lit Bonalo ami .Si ip,iu Palls, M II t ii. fupfiiiilrnilrnt of ear service on the l.acknvanni railioad, uient csterday la Nivv tirk. T P. MeTlonousli and .1. I'trd Sihvvcnk, derLs at the potlcltlic, will toilay hcRin their mu tion Mims Pauline l.old-tnlth anil Miss Mildied Mor ris, of W .mining avenue, have I dinned liom llaivrv's lake. Havid II. ImUns anl llu-h Wright will ro fume work toiliy at the (lostufhii, hiving n tuuirrl fiom their vimlions. Vlis Mini anil Mil Precnim, who lnc liccn I'penilin:; ilic Miiiiuior in l'urnpr, Mitcd fiom Anlwnp li-t "Mtiiuliy on Ihc Zccliml. liiusinp Superintendent 1'. l. lline, of the laikiwtnni I ulioid, has returned home fiom a feu dn' vimi at hi.s former homo in Akion, O, Hi and Mi. Wrllrr diovo .vostcrday to W'il!c. ',jn, and allrd upon the lattcr's piionts, Mr. and Vlt. .1. launder, and her brother, Dr. Sunnier Hie Mic lliniiwrn Milliard nnd Mary 1'. .lone, of Joins I one's "n, hive icliuned frftn a vacation pcnt at Kits Mount nn, l'istil Like and I.enowillc. llcv l'athri Miles J MiMinu-., of M Pctci's, suauloii, who Is hring ticatod lor f-vnnvitl. at the Meiey lieitnltil, tlii- nt, n rapirlH imptovim; under the laie ol Dr. 1'. P. lavnhan Wilkes Haire Novo. Mim MiKenzie, ot Washington, the tiilnid run-c wlio his hern sent (oi by Ilr. Hivcv, to 0'sit In carina 'or the piesldent, is known M many Scratilonl ins, hiving been in attendance upon Mr ltnfus .1. l'oster dm Ins her Illness ol a car ago AN ICE-MAN ARRESTED. Is Charged with Selling Iceto Cus tomers of His Own. William J. Van Dyke, of Piovlelenee road, who was einplooil by the Con sumers' lco company us a driver, was Hrit'Sted yesterday at the InMnneo of the company officials on tho chaigc of larceny liy bailee. It is alleged that he had several cus tomers of his own in South Scranton nil summer, to w horn he sold ice regu larly, pocketing and appropriating to liH own uo the money received ftotn trfm. Ho is to be given a heating be fore 'Maglstiate Millar at 4 o'clock this afternoon. REGISTRATION CONTINUES. Office Open All Day. Registration and arrangements for lesson houis will bo continued today at the Conservatory of Music. School year begins on Thuisday. We ilave For Sale Clark k hnorr Tobacco Co lock, Consumer' Ice and ( ( o toL Kianton Ileddinj Co kloik Water bond", with ilmk bonus Iirewri) bonds jLl line almost ; reonoiny I.., II A- P "o Iwm, Dr, lUnd'd ('nnd Milk Co sloik Title tiliaunlcc TlUal Cu. Muck Stocks and Bonds Bought, rold and exchini;ed R. E. Comegys & Co. Pane Hank Duildini,', Sainton. We Want to Buy Colliery Knglneer Co. kloik, Serantcn Pcdijlrc "". tcuk, ( l.ii k. & Snovci fobaeco Co tocU. Scrunton Molt and .Sut Co ktotk Scrantoii Iron I'dita Mftf. Co. etook. rKritituii Ale W'orU toik Ladawanuu Dairy Co, stock, tv raiilnn Hilllint Co. ttnek New Mexico Ily and t. Co. .lock, laicka, 'luijt una Safe Dep. Co. slock. ( onnty taln(n and Tiuat Co, stock. Dime Deposit and ni Hank stock. Ttnlrr.' N.tlonil Jlank Hock. IVople'. Pink slrttk, I nlted Lumber Co. dock. B?M i , ... , riTCII-TORREY NUPTIALS. Ceremony Terformed at Cazcnovia, N. Y., Lnst Evening. The marriage of Miss May Humphtey Tone', daughter of Mr. mid Mis. J. II. Tot toy. to Alphonso Edwin Pitch took plmo lust evening at 7 30 o'clock at the touuiry place of the bilde's tiarcnts In Cnrenovln, N. Y. The (eiemony was ppifoimctl by Hew Dr. C R, noblnson. MWs Mary Vell, n rnutln of the bride, was maid of honor. Theie weic no bildestnalils. The bride was glrn nway by her father. The house was elaborately detoiated, nnd many guests weie In attendance. The btlde woto white satin with dlich ese lace garniture. Among the guests from this city were Mrs. Douglas Jay, Mr. and Mi p. H. S. Kltkpatrlck, Miss Hess Sherer, Miss Jilhtsiheth Hunnell. Many Honesdale friends weie present, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Hollo O. Jeriuyn, of Oswego, N. Y., were In attendance. The bilde Is n young lady of excep tionally attiaetle peisonnllty nnd pos sesses Intellectual ability of a high otder. She is n giadilate of Well col lege. Countless friends In this city re gret that her inaitlage will take her to another home, so far uway as to sep arate her from the clule where she Is so beloved. The groom Is a lawyer of great pioininence In a legion extending far beyond the tontines of Ca.enovla. He belongs to a distinguished Canadian famll anil it will be In Cannda that their honeymoon will bo spent. SCHOOL DIRECTORS. Ofllceis Meet to Arrange for the An nual Convention to Be Held Next Month. The oincers nf the School Directors' ssxiielatlon of Lackawanna county met :.-sterdny nftcinotu In the iilka of lol'lunty Stipeilntendeitt of Schools J. C fpjlor, in tho court iiou.e, to at rnngp a ptogratnme for the next an nual meeting, which Is to be held In the oiphans cnutt loom Thursday, Octol cr 31, during the county insti tute Aiek. Those present weie: President II. C. lloffmnn. of Jefferson; Vice Picsident I . J. Noitliup. of Glenburn; Secre :uy t! C ItogCjis. of Dickson; Trenstiier ..ol-ri C Tuttle, of Hlakely, and Couu t Suprlntendent T.tlor. t .,ls reported to the meeting by Siiiif'liHe.ii'tiit Tilo. tlivt ' sttw art the deputy state superintendent, lias been j-ecured to deliver on of the villi i'es. He will dlsetihs the ne. school laws at the dltectors' meeting In the morning, and In the nfteinoon will deliver a popular addtess In the main court loom, befoie teacheis and d, rectors. It is also expected that Dr. Mcl.el I in. l resident of the Normal collcg.', r.t Hamilton, Ont , and author of noted worku on psychology and mathematics, who Is to be present during the entire session of the institute, will deliver an addrs-s nt tl.e directois' meeting. A circular letter has been sent by Superintendent Talor to the socte tTrlt of the ftoveral school board 4 thioughout the county, asking them to use their best efforts In securing a full attendance of their respective boards it tho dliectors' meeting. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED Anthony F. Duffy to Become Man- ager of the Clock Tobacco Company of the City. Anthony V. Duffy, of the nun of Went. & Dufly, the well-known Lack awanna avenue wholes-ale gioccis, es terday withdiew ltom the paitneiship, and henceforth the conietn will be inn under the name of C. P. Wentz & Co. Mr. Duffy letiicd fiom the business to incept a position as manager of the Clock Tobacco company. The firm of Wentz fc Dulty was fotined about two years ago, when Mi. AVentz succeeded Krank Jetmjn as senior member of tho concet n. Previous to Mr. Went.'s entry Into tho linn, the store had been uin for several cais by Jenny n & Duffy, who succeeded Ollmorc & Duffy. Tho stoie was originally run by DeLong & Co. Mr. Duffy was connected with it thtoughotit the dlffeient managements, in various capacities, for tho last twenty yeais. FOR DEAD BROTHERS. Knights of Malta Memorial Service Last Night. Antluaclte commandery, No. 211, Knights of Malta, conducted Its an nual ineiuoilal service last night nt Malta hall, the ceremony belbg, how ever, private instead of public, ns In foimer eais. Sit Knight Commander K. A. High field, assisted by the tegular staff of otneers, was In charge of the set vices. Samuel Hobbs, of Wayne county, was tho only member of the coinmandeiy who died since the last memorial ser vice. Miss Jessie Dean, teacher of mando lin, banjo nnd guitar. Address, Powell's music stole. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. last of Idlers remaining uncilled tor at the eronton postolnce, laKknwanna count, Pa , Sept II. 1'iUl Person, calllne tor these lettna will phase sa adieillscd and giic dale ol lUt I.zia II, Hippie, pottmiHcr. Vndritt Andiison. Kate llanett, John Pilkenkainp, I.rora BriftRs, I.aui.i Von llodcn, hale llanett. Ilesslo Crandell, Alexander Cunningham, T J Connor lata Drake, l.tlirl DoukUss, August llonniap, William DUnu, Kuiiene, He Long, Nellie Davis, Krank Doiifhain. K O Ilvcr.v. (Iveste r'nnna J A. Gilluie, Il Cicatley .V: To., Leona Oess ness, Mary Cillgallnn, I. M, niav, Irene llartman, Tlioiiun Hurley, Thorn or John Hullp, Mrs. T. lldiihlci, John llenn, Mits M Heart. (Jcoigi' V Ive, PrancU living, Miss Jenkins k Co Mrs J. A Knoll. Mr. Wilson I). Ki im. billie Kennedy, John Kelly, leeretar Pa. .Stale UtMie Clubs. Kd Iain.'. II J Mm. Albert buffer. Madam Majse, Helen Morton, Joseph Molnar, Katharine McColluui, II. 'J, Mcfiouan, Nellie McAullHe, M MarDonald, P. T. Mihon, Mr.. Sarah Murphy, I'ellie Manne. Charles Nelson, Klna N'atale Vv V. O'Hiien (J), Anna Oakley. William Parris, Mrs. S. P. Pope (.J), H. Preich, M Palcria. Mrs. W. II. Palteison, Mis. M II Rush, Mizle HodJInr. Mrs 1 O Spear, Howard O. Sluu, II, Schel ble. Mis, b. I, houle, William Hcndeiion. Jack Von (salas, Mm. James Werton, W O. Wellmaii, Kara Wnclnur. (lllbert Whit, Mrs, T. II. Ward. Jlr, Itlt'.elman. West Scranton Station. John llailey, Mrs. Crane, Mis, Henr) Prlcke, John Ollrny, Charles McCarthy. John II, Mor nan (2), Jime. Matthews, Henry Ort (2), Mrs. W. II, Sturdevant. MEETING OF UNION LEAGUE DELEGATES ELECTED AND RES- OLUTIONS PASSED, i L. B, Caiter, Frank B, Reese and P. Silas Walter Chosen ns Delegates to Convention of State Lenguo of Republican Clubs Hete Next Week. Were Instructed to Place Before Convention Nome of Hon. F. W. Fleltz as President Resolutions on Attempted Assassination. The I'nloti league held n well-attended mooting last night nt lis rooms in the Pi lie building, and elected dele gates to the convention of the State League of Republican clubs, which Is fo be held bete next week. It also passed resolutions regnrdlng the at tempt on tho life ot President McKln ley, nnd other lesolutlons Instructing the delegates to tho convention to pie scnt the inline of Hon. Frederic W. Fleltz as piesldent of the league. Hon. J. Hampton Mooie, of Philadelphia, the present Incumbent, has nliendy served two terms, nnd It Is genet ally under stood that he will not be a candidate for re-election, as piecedent hns almost made two successive teiins the limit for any one man. The resolution on the matter leads as follows: w, 'hc annuit comentlnn nl the I'enn ftbinla slate I.cicuc ol llepiibllcan i IiiIm is to be held in the cili ol Nmiton, s,ii, i; and 1H, ul which convention officers (or the ensuing je il ale In be ilidid, nnd - Whereas, This otsinlratlnn numbers imnng lis nicmbeix one wliov fidelity In Itepiililkan prtn i fdrK, whoso tuillrini; nml ceaseless labor, whoe ciiiikc, enthusiasm and nil lne lenderrd lilin pioniliiint as i Icadir in the sijtc liacue, wliose repiiiitlnti evlrnds Ihrouehout tlii common wealth, then fine, be it Hesolud, 1 h il the delecriles elciled nt this inirtlmr be and they are hereby In Uncled 'to rrevnt (oMhe slile conuntlon at Scrintou the mine ol Hon 1'iederie W l'leltit as president of the Pemisilvanli state l.eainie n( Republican dubs, and to asp all honorable efforts to secure his election. dklkcatics chosilv. The delegates elected were L. H. Car ter, Frank H. Heese and P. Silas Wal ter. (Jeoige W. Mai shall. Jr., II. C. Powell and L. II. Senker weie chosen alternates. A committee, consisting of L. H. Carter, Frank Heese and Hnny S. Poust, was appointed to diaw up a. set of lesolutlons legatdlng the at tempted assassination of the piesldent and piescntcd the following, which weie unanimously adopted: We, the I'nlon lemiie nf Larknuunm counlc, brliecins In the saciidness of coc rnnienl, and of Koieriunent In the rule of inijnrlt, do di" piote the distardl.c atteuiit to asyisInite lite piesldent, Willi im Mchlnlec, In Hiirtaln. l'rldav last. Sin), lln attempt sirikia at the or, loot nnd fabric of free Institutions. It ittemuM to hubstltuie tlio will nf one Im Ilic oiie of all, whlb, intlcad of ei idic itlng suppoxid evils, it Jntinducirf initnld ennecpunees of cianner to our Institutions, sutli things cannot and must not exist in a tree coiuitrc lloriu-.e we ate a frte peojde it laimot be siid tint our enwinment does not poses tho right and the power to stamp out anarchc. WILL ACT AS A.N KSCOHT. It was also decided nt the meeting that the mcmbeis of the club act In conjunction w.lth the other city clubs ns an escoit to the visiting delegates dtnlng the convention. President Wal ter, of the league, last night received a telegram fiom Piesldent Mooie, of the State league, In which the nntnes were given of tho speakeis who would make addresses at the mass meeting Tuesday night, September 17, at the new at mot y. They aie Governor W. A. Stone, Hon. John M. Thurston, ex Cnlted States senator ftom Nebraska, and Hon. Joseph M. Houston, of Phila delphia. The Cential Republican club will be repiesented at the convention by the following delegates' Hon. W. L. Con nell, Major T. F. Penman and Major W. S. Millar. The Ninth waid club will be leptesented by M. AV. Lovviy, Hon. F. W. Fleltz nnd Major Hverett War ton. WERE HELD IN BAIL. Three Men Who Stole Sugar Must Answer in Court. John Sublimit!, John Sheehan and Charles Spangle, the tluee young men ni rented: on Monday night for hteallng a bag of sugar fiom Oswald Jones' wholcsalo giocery house oji lower Lackawanna avenue, weie held In $100 ball each yesteiday morning by Magis trate Mlllat. It developed nt the heating, accord ing to the story told by several -witnesses, that two of the young men were sitting on the shipping platfoim out side tho store and attracted the at tention of the driver, who was loading a wagon, while the third started up Kalho.ul alley with the sugar. Shephan Is the young man who was arreted Inst spring chatged with iob blng a West Scran linn man named Man.sllelil in the White house. When the case came to tiliil he ptoduced such an anay of witnesses that the Jury acquitted him, FEDERAL COURT NOTES. The cae of Simon Sclilrws, of VV lllampoit, Ins In cm dlscharccd bv .PhIrc It W. Vrchbald, NlilosA was adjudued a bankrupt Jul .1 (.forge V Matteson, of Sweden township, Polls county, cteida died a petition for discharge at the otfice of Clerk I". It. VV. fccarle of the district federal court Try the new 5o cigar "Kleon." If You Want a Delicious drink aud waut something that is really good and thoroughly re freshing, drink Coursen's Java and Mocha Coffee, 25c pound. IF IT'S COURSEN'S. IT'S PURE. THAT'S SURE. E. Q. Coursen Grocor ......... -,. IVWISSSiEKEUEmM mi a inanii TEMPERANCE REUNION. Progininmo for Next Friday's Meet ing at the Park. The nirnngeiuents ate all completed for tho temperance reunion that will be hold at Nay Aug paik Friday, Sep tember 13, The Prohibitionists of the county will hold a convention on the grounds, between 1 nnd 2 o'clock, for the put pose of nominating men for tho olllces to be filled at the fall election. The tempeinnce reunion progrnmino will begin nt I o'clock. The committee was unable to secure Dr. Swallow at this time,' because of hi business, but he hopes to bo able to come some time In the future. It has, however, se cured the services of Rev. K, K. Dixon, of Lehlghton, formerly of Kaat Stroudsburg, famous for his greut llht against the liquor traflle. He Is nn eloquent and peisuaslve speaker. Rev. N. J. Hawiey, of Luzerne county, nnd Mrs. Vaughan, piesldent of the Women's Christian Temperance union of Lackawanna county, will also de liver addresses. A choir of nearly 200 voices will be pieseut and render appropriate selec tions. The West Side Temperance Oleo club have nlo kindly consented to assist. Tho programme Is arranged nt ltcsent ns follows: "The Mar Spanglcl llpiner"- Tempeiance lb union rholr. Tracer Hev M ,1. llawley Recitation Miss Kdlth Anna May Addiess , Vtis Vnughiin Sdo Ml" 01 will llnwells Selection Wist Mde Temperance fllie club Address Hev. N. ,1. lliulev lleeitatlon , Miss laicretH nilcr "The DiirIc Call" Tnnpeiance iliolr Vddicss Hcv. I,. K. Dixon "Ihey Come" Temperance choir NEW ENGINE ACCEPTED. It Will Be Placed in Service This Morning Was Given Another Test Yesterdny Afternoon. The new llist-tiass Hie engine pur chased by the city from the Ameilcnn Flte l'nglne company was given a final test yesterday nfteinoon on Wyoming' nvenue, between Mulberry and Vine stieets. The test wns eminently satis factory, and nt Its conclusion Director of Public Safety F. L. Wormser de cided to nccept the engine, and It will bo put into commission this morning. Yestetdav's test was made with the view of ascertaining bow fnr the en gine enn throw n stream of water In a horizontal direction. An nttnchtnetit was made to the hydrant at the corner of Mulberry street and IPO feet of hose was laid to a point about one-third of the length of the block. Several fire men whip then srtntloned near Vine stteet with n measuring tape. The farthest point touched by the stream was -marked and the distance between It and the nnzle was measured. With an Inch and a half no.le, ele vated at an angle of about forty-five degiees, the engine thicw a single stieain Just 2S1 feet. The steam pies sure iegsteied was 120 pounds, and the water piessuie L'SO. The water pres sure fiom the hydrant was foity-flve pounds. The test with a Siamese coupling was not quite so successful, the distance lecorded being only 259 feet, but the stream was a much moie poweiful one than the one whiili curled a gi eater distance, the nozzle used being one and three-quarter Inches in diameter. The engine threw two sticsums, from Inch nnd a half nozzles, a distance of 239 feet. Supeiintendent H. F. Feiber said, after the test, that be proposes at taching the engine to one of the Lackn wanna nvenue hydrants some morning next week, before the stieet cars com mence running, for the purpose of ns cet tabling whether the water piessuie In the Lackawanna avenue mains Is sutlk lent to supply It with water. The chief appears to be conlldent that he can piove the water piessuie to be moie than sufHclont. "I want to make this test," said he yesterday, "so that if the water pies sure Is found to be sulllclent nnd we hnve another big Ibe like that of last February, the blame for Its spread can be lnld nt my door and not laid on the water pressure." Permanent man D. J. Slowe. of the Nay Aug company, will net ns engineer of the new steamer, nnd John Kelly will be stoker. Former Chief F W. .lzelmnun ncted as engineer during yesterday's tept. The engine wns built In Cincinnati by te Ameilcan Fire En gine company. m THEY WANT TO MEET M'COY. Two Local Lads Are Ready to Take Him On. Young Kid Mi Coy's sweeping chal lenge to lightweights and bag punchers Is likely to bear Unit. The following letteis weie lecelved yesterday by the spotting editor of The Tribune: PilUton, Pa , Sepl 10, loot. Spoiling Lclitur of The Tribune Dear sir I see by this morning's Tribune that ounB Kid MiCei of Philadelphia, is in the cilv Inoklner for a match. Mnlf and backer will be at The Tribune office tomorrow riming at 8 o'clock, and will be Jlad to meet him with a view ol arranging a match. John TiRhe. Sporting Kdilor Tribune I hercbv accept ouiiif Md McCov's challenge to a hae-punchlm: contest, and will meet him at The Tribune office tomoirow (VV'edneada) nlBht at 8 o'dnek to arranire the details. P niadlc, Crescent club. To the Republican Voters of Lacka wanna County. Notice Is heieby given that the fol lowing named have leglstered as can didates for the Republican nomination for the respective oiilces named, nnd their names will appear on the offlelal ballot for the Republican piJmary elec tion to be held on Sept. 16, 1001, be tween the hours of 4 and S o'clock p, m,: For Additional Law Judge James Wheaton Carpenter, 1008 Delawaru street, Scranton, Pa. For Couty Contioller-H. A. Jonea, Archbald, Pa. For Coroner John C. Bateson, JJ, D,, 337 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.; John J. Roberts, M. D., 225 South'JIaln avenue, Soranton, Pa. For Surveyor Geoi go E. Stevenson, Wnverly, ru. Each precinct will also elect the Vigilance Committee at the said pri maries. DAVID J. DAVIS, Chairman. E. D. FELLOWS, Secietary. Change in N. Y., O. & W. Time Table Commencing Tuesday, the 17th Inst., N. Y., O. & W. train leaving Cadosla at S.0 a. m and Carbondale, 10.01 a, m., arriving Scranton, 10,10 n, in.; nnd train leaving Scranton at 4 p. m.j Car bondale, 4,44 p. m,, and arriving Ca dosla 6.00 p. m will be discontinued. Walking Is Beneficial, A walking skirt Is a comfort. See Crane's line, 324 Lackawanna avenue. Take elevator. ,..,...... , i. miiiMi Miiiinimi i mi m i u DISTRICT WILL MAKE A FIGHT STRONG OPPOSITION TO PAYING TAX ON BONDS. School Controller Maintain That State Hns No Right to Levy tho Tax on Bonds Not Held in This State State Authorities Claim That the District Is Liable Be cause It Assumed the Payment of All Taxes on Whatever Bonds It Floated. It Is pioposed by the school board to fight to a finish against the collection of n state tux on tho school district bonds. They claim the state has no tight to Impose the tax, and If an at tempt Is made to assume such a right, the whole gamut of the courts will be tun in an effort to pi event It. . President John Gibbons and Solici tor 1). J. Reedy waited on the county commissioners yesterday, to enter a formal appeal ftom the assessment. The commlpisloneis declared they weie unable to do anything In the matter, ns they had received specific directions from Hni llsbui'g to levy and collect the tax. A consultation was afterwatds held at tho olllce of Solicitor Reedy, which a number of the prominent members of the board attended. No detlnlto action was decided upon, but It was tho sense of tho meting that the board should let the state ptocced to get Judgment, If It could, and If judg ment wns scented to take nn appeal and fight It In tho courts. The state's giotind for assessing this tux ngnlnst the school dlstilct N found In tht fnct that the school board made nn ngteetnent iissumlng all taxes as sftseel against whatever bonds It Is sued. The school boatd oppoes the tax on t lie ground that only such bonds ns ate held within the state ate subject te n state tax, and, ns far as the board knows, all of Its bonds, except what f'W ate held In the sinking fund, nre In the possession of partle- outside the state, principally In New York nnd Hoston. The bonds are paying a tax In these other states and cannot be l.ixtd in this .-Hale al-o. 'I the state can show that any of the bonds are held In Pennsylvania, the board will assume to pay the tax c ii them. It will nlso pay a tax on the bonds In the sinking fund. It does not, however, propose to pay a tax on bonds that are already being taxed in New York and Massachusetts, or possibly London and Pails. The district has about $ir0,000 woith of bonds outstanding, and some of them inn for thirty yeats. Their avet age life Is estimated to be twelve ears. This ear the tax would amount to $1,S00. Hefoie all of the bonded debt Is liquidated, the dlsttlet will have been called upon to pay In the nelghboihood of $20,000 In taxes It was never before called upon to pay. JUNK DEALER ARRESTED. B. Garflne Charged with Receiving Stolen Goods. P.. Canine,, junk dealer doing busi ness on Rroaclway, was at rested es teiday at the Instance of Special Ofllcer AI. F. Spelbunn, of the Delawaie. Lackawanna and Western conipan, on the chat go of receiving stolen metal fiom small boys with a guilty know ledge that It had come Into theli pos session Impioperly. At a healing held lust night before Aldeiman Ruddy, Ramie Lampjaik, a young boy, who was nneMcd some time ugo for stealing zlne, testified that he had sold some of the stolen metal to Oarllne. Since his (Lamp Jack's) an est, he said, daitlno offered him lifty cents not to tell wheie he sold the stuff. Alderman Ruddy helei the defendant In $,'i00 ball for his appeaiance at court. WASHERY CLOSED DOWN. All Because the Hose Connections Had Been Stolen. The vvashery at Duryea, owned by the Wainke Coal lompnnj, wns dosed down last Monday, throwing fotty men out of work, all because the btass hose couplings attached to the hose weie stolen on Sunday night. Detective Day found n Polish peddler selling two of the couplings in a Penn avenue Junk shop on Monday night. He claimed that he had bought them fiom a Duryea miner, und upon his promise to give jiifoimnttoti to the Luzerne authoiltles regaidlng this man's Identity, he was allowed to go. Dr. D. A. Capwell will return from his vacation and be in bis olllce Sept. 13 Knox Hats For Fall Better (if possible) than ever before. Better, because they are light - weight, easy fitting and clean cut styles. The quality always the best obtainable. Made by hand. Br Whitwi Ansr : Oils, Paints and Varnish : 4. MaIon?y Oil 5 Manufacturing Company, AlmlAQ MAflriinn Cft 141-149 Meridian Street. TELEPHONE 26-2. ... J . ., . . ,.'. iwii Hiiiiinii i m iimimhi niiii $100,000 First Mortgage Five Per Cent. Gold BondsNof the Webster Coal & Coke Co. Covering its SSON PROPERTY are offered subject to prior sale. TOTAL ISSUE, $150,000. Dated July 1st, 1901. Due July 1st, 1916. Coupons payable January and July. Denomination $1,000. Bonds and mortgage may be teen at this office. Write for special circular. Title Guaranty & Trust Company, . OF SCRANTON, PA. 516 Spruce Street. THE POOL TOURNAMENT. Bicycle Club Leads in Tourney with Green Ridge Wheelmen Scores Which Hnve Been Made. The first four games of the pool tour nament between the Sctnnton Hicyclo club anil tho (Jteeu Ridge Wheelmen all t exulted In favor of the foimer club's plajers. The next matches will be played tomotrovv night nt the two club houses. Tho games played thus far resulted ns follows: J. AV. Dusenbury and J. J. Dufllcld defeated Wade and Hennett, the Gteen Ridge tepresentntlvcs, on the latteis tables, Dusenbury beating bis man easily by the scoie of 100 to 29, and Dudleld winning out In a close game, 100 to R9. At the Rlcycie club house. E. E Pror defeated Wedeman, 100 to 65, and George Mitchell downed J. G. Reese, who is tonsideted the best player In the Gieen Ridge club, by a scoie of 100 to 61. The ofllce of A. D. Proston, dentist. Meats building, will be closed until September 9. " The popular Punch cigar Is still the leader of the 10c cigars. j5 Good Bedding g Q News for the ? S Careful Housewife 5 0 Cotton Blankets for 5 these cool autumn nights 5 V too warm for wool' and 5C Jv" just right lor these cotton jj" J 10-4 Size Correct j V weight, soft, lleecy, cotton M ft blankets. The least money ft ft you have ever paid for a 5 good blanket. Pair, . J5 Jr this week 4vC X Heavy Cotton Blankets io-4 size, colored bor- ft ders, fine quality, - JsJ pair ....:. 69c J 11.4 Size All grades, all Jc colors, all weights, different ft color borders. Price, pair asr 89c, 98c, $1.23. J? Feather Pillows- -Fancy ft size IQX26. I:ach. 45C s KSiKSCKKKKSiKKKSf Up-to-Date peF Shirts, Underwear and Hosiery. 412 Spruce Street. Try our 10c. Linen Collars. i .',.' n in mill imiii itnMiisMsiinii ii- i i fw n? svwji 42-S1? "3 -Y'titffv: JjiBiirw?vXvsjfcz-s vj,.-iww y,wimcLim " T4 The Famous Columbia Yarns are superior to all others, the well known SHETLAND FLOSS is a Columbia Yarn. We have Just re T celved a new lot of the Flos. All shades I and colors. In Shades, per skein, ISc : . In black and white, 16c ', '. We ask ou not to confound this yarn ' ' with other cheaper brands. : Cramer-Wells Co., 1 130 Wyoming Ave. has tilmmed our window, to the left of stoxe entrance, with popular pat terns in bosom shirts for fall wear. Black and white nie the colors. You wear a black or white tie with them. The price is popular $1.oo. CONRAD'S "A Gentlemen's Furnisher." 305 Lackawanna Avenue. 3 HENRY BELIN, JR., Ccneral Agent for the VVyoralnB District for Dupont's Powder Mining1, rihstln-. Sporting, Smokeless and tht) Jlepauna Chemical Company's -m aUGHj EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Cars and Exploders. Room 101 Cor nell Building .Scranton, Ve.I.VCIES. tho. ronn . Pittston JOHN P. SMITH v 'sO.V .. Plymouth .W. V, J1IjLLIGA. ., , ., Wilkes Curs Your Furniture Needs Can best bo supplied at a stoie wheie quality has always reigned Mipreme whero today wo ato just us particular In selecting quality as we were the fit st year, before a county-wide reputation had been built. We can sell you one pleco or fur nish your hotiso complete with equal piomptness und satisfac tion. AVe me making a specialty of supplying young couples with outfits MEET THEM FOR SE LECTIONS ANY EVENING APPOINTED. Stoie open Sat urday evenings. Credit given when deslied. EVERY GRADE OP CAR PET can be found in our car pet stoio that Is of the worthy kind. See Our $20 Bedroom Suit See Our 75c Tapestry Carpet CREDIT YOUP CEETaUNLYt 221-223.235.227 WYOMING AVENUE. I . ,.. .i-hai , , MatA-ailUi '-spi-m injiifi. TlW