THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 11, 1901). 'i Olilcct BURKE miiiniNft' lit : j RAILROAD time tables. Delawaio and Hudson Itallroad. .tiinr '), vol Irnln will lcu mliuiulalt t ill UlUn i lor smnlon nml Wilkes llirre-nnfi, 7 M, S no, 0I, inni, 11 ii mi I2I, 1 H, S'i :,J) Jim, 7iw, Win, MAI p in , ,. Minrtav trjliu lfir at hfil, II 21 i m . ' . 2. in, 8 Ml, SOU ii in lr Mfniu, Sintiul, Monlrril. II ilon. Nrw Iiizlnnil pollll", i (r , 7 im u in . M "I ,llll( ... ii I'or lake lvloir, Uminitt an J IIiiiomIjIc, 7 -', 11 0.1 ii in , 1 "t. nil in Siiiid.iv ltiln lento for l.iki- Luili'tr, Srtmart ml llnnrihp nl (MO u mil "0. I n p in Trillin nrrho .it I nilinmliilo tiom W Ilk" lime nnd Vranton m follows t. VI, S.I", P'lO. 1 "o m . I! 37, 2 ml, I Al. 4 2. H0, 7 01, s.ll, 'J l, 11 fi7 p. m ; 1 S.1 it in. Siinc1.ii tMliw iiriltt at n 17 a in s 12 10. 3 i., 2, it ."), ii nn p in "lulni arrlio dalli from Mbim at .It" anl V.V p in . mid in iinilaj al 2.m p rn ImIih urrbe from llnnrulilff nrnl W'umitt dulli at 8 13 ii. m.i 12 HI, 1 in. it 17 p m vundaj tialm arrlo nl diilmmlilf Irom Liur Indole, Wmmirt mid Jt 1M7, 4 10 ird 7.fi5 p tn. New York, Ontaiio nnd Woatcm. tunc 21, lioi "Halm leave (aihomljlc Im Scrjnlun t 7 00, 10 01 a in , I 00 p in Nind.ij trulrm at 7 no a in i flOu p m Traliu hale CiiIiiiikIhIp foi points notlh it 11 10 a m ; 4 41 p m On hunli) t 0 10 a m Trains lcavinc at II 10 i in week dm and n 10 a in Ntntliy in ike connection tor Sew lork, Cornwall, Hi. Train airho from Vranlnn it 11 10 a mil It d in p. m ! from point north, 10 00 a tn , 4 oo p m Sundi Irom set-niilon al V 10 a in. and 7 45 p. tn ; from t'nloMi at fi nrt p m Erie Railroad. June 2J, l'lOl Trains lraip illi l ition, Curliond lie, illib (extent Sunilai) nt 7 00 a in and I II p in lor Brandt and Mncirli. il'lli m . dally (ex crplliic Mintl.n.1. fur Illrmlinml nn, iniUinif i on iifitionK for New mk rlu und lliiftito, and at (5 10 p in for Niaqwhaniii, making connection (or western point 'umlaj train at 0 l" i tn for Siivpirhinni, tilth tmlcrn lonncilion, and b 27 p in, with Mnie connection Trains unite at fil i in and tfi p. tn, Sumlatt at HI a in. ABINGTON BAPTIST ASSOCIATION MEETING The First Day's Session Given Over to the Transaction of the Business of the Sunday School Union An nual Election of Officers. Thf thief dns' session ot the Ab nBton lLiptiit ai-orlatinn opened jes Ifday moinliiff In the Herein Haptlst Inn ill, I'.irbundiilp, ulth tlie fuiidny school I'oinctitiiiu. The i loudy ok dtnliif? Ilip whole dn, thieatenltiK rain, pievpntoil the him from spiuHiik foitlt lt- win nt of the few dris, ami with tool Keptember zephjia tnaile the d.iy an lomi'iitlon one. AKlintiKh the people of raibr(idalu lwe Jiu-t passed tluoilKh theli senil leiUPimlHl eelebtatlon, iheie K every e Ideiu'p the hae not expended nil ot thrli hospltallly, but aie able to loy ally enleitaln the Isltlitp: deleR.ites to tlie lonvViitinn The ihuiih has ircently imdetKone a thorounh ien Mitlon and iitlniit liuproeinent' hae been nindp about the pillllce. llev. II, J. Wlialen, I). 1), the loiiKenlal pi.xtor oi the chut ill. Is moft beat Illy weleoni tns? the deleRatex and is a bu in bis oisjrht of entei talnment and othei mattPi.s peitalnln to the ton pntlnn. OvvIiik to the latenpss of the .uihal of a ttaln ,md the consequent dehty mc oi ilelPRatrH tlie imnentlon did not open at the hour asKned. It was nrnr 11 o' loek when the convention lonvened In the tp.u Ions auditorium of th i bin i h There weie few dele K.itps oniipyitiR plates in the pews when II. .1. Pe r.iaw, of Maydeld, opined the lonventlon with a fifteen minute devotional eilie, .ifter whkh the piesldent John .1 Van Nnit, of Scranton, took cluuge of the pxeriNes. The Hist thliiR- on the pioRianuue was the trading of tljp lcttei of the Sunday i hnol of the Heiean Haptlst chinch a AVIKnn !eaty. The letter stated hut tin- past ear had been a very 'tiuehstill and piospeious one. l'lgh t"cn of i he mIioIiiih have united with the chiliih and thiee have been le niovpd b death. An addics of wel come followed, this Riven bv A S I,ou.ej, Mipeilntendent of thp Heiean Minday s-i hool, whlih was vei heaity In splllt. and I'tesldent Van Noit made a bilef i espouse, ppie..snR the pleas uie of all In mt'PtliiK with this ehuiih In lonvention HiisIiicsk was the net In onlei on the pioRi.tinme and tom tnlttep.s weie tailed upon to lepoit The progi amine lommittee tepoited, and the pi ori amine as atiaiiRed nnd pi luted wan adopted, i: M. I'ei U, of Caibondale, tieasiuer of the Sunday m hnol lonvention, pipented his an nual repuit, mIiowIiik that tU.Zr had bun leielved and epended , I). 1M wauls, of Mlakely, and William Cap well, of Si i anion, weie nppolnted to audit the Iip.ikiiipi'x an mint. The In Flltute noiinal class lommittee was i ailed upon to lopoil, but made no ie-epoil.-o. The aunuiil elei tlnti of olliiei.s w ih then held nnd icmilteil as follows. I'rtsldent. ', 1). iMwatds, of lilahel.v : vlie incsldnet, A S I.eusley, of Ca't bondalp. hPiietaiy, V M. Koehler, ot Sotanlon. tieasuiei, i: Jt, Peck, of (irbondale An Invitation was ex tended to vIhIUuk biethren and sisteis to occupy Neatu and paitlelpate In thp proceedliiKS of the lonvention. At this point Pioldunt-iplpi i i:d ward took the pl.itfonn and In a neat address thanked the deleRates rm the honor they had bestowed upon him, and piefdiled over the lenialnlng he.s. f-lonc. The nuiuber.s on the pi ori amine fot the nioinltiR bession in the way of addiOHSes lould nut bo can led out as anaiiRid owlns to the failure of those n.KlRned to appear to pie.sent them This wai comewhat of a dlHiippolnt imilt to all The loples, liouever, weie Utilized In a Reneial dlM-iinslon. The mbjeit ax to whetlier a MUuexxful tenchcin' mutliiK Is pussible wus finite fijljy dlvciiMcd and a deilded dlifei-pin-e nf opinion pi ev ailed, xome elalm fniTthe poxlhlllty of xtieh and others rtenjliiR It Thefe factx ciem to be In the predomlniu'v that wheio teaeheis' meetliiRs aio held on the prajer meet Ing nlRht and nt the close of the ser vice It ptovex to be a stlerexx and tint n puieemful Sunday mhool can be ton- Us3 Allan's Foo!-Easi In Your Glovss A lad) wrltin 'I kluku .Mlni' 1'not p,J0 Into ni) ijkHM and rub a Utile on my Ii.iikU It un my ilntia ) aliaoildni; nipliaiion w U a nio.t ilJlnty toilet tHjudu " a Inilto Hi,, ittrntlen .. plnilclani, and duua' lo the aluluie purity of Ulen'a 1 cot-Kac. Pr C, VMmtt rdlter of tha Clilcaso rilnli. win "t l j granj preparatlen; I am nlnjr it lonHtanll) In my prictlcf." .Ml dnitf and tlioe ttorm aril ll, tSe. fcmpl wnt VSMK Addieni Alltn b Olmtted. U Itav. N. . Catbondale Department, dtictPd wllhiuit ii teaeheis' nieitliiff. John J. Van Nort, who lin had con xldruible aeiualntniKP with the cep ond xtihept on thn pioRiamnie, "The Xoinuil Class Woik," was i ailed upon to speak nboul It After the maklnR of anuoillicements fot the dav and the lecelvlliR of the offeiltiR, J. Wallai p Tiffany, of npctvllle, Hie new tlinlnff of the orphan' totnf, and who hax for foit lonsectitlvo eaf intended the lonvpiitlons of the Ahiimlon iwm la tlon, made a few brief remarks of a ieininlsi',iit ivatui With the sIiir InR of a selei Hon and (he pionolincliiK of the benediction bv tlev. ('. A Spald Iiir. of roiest City, the tnornlliR session came lo a close. I'lomptly nt l'.!.i( o'eloi k at the noon hum. timU'i the bade) ship uf llev W. 11, (itow, I lie dclcRiitcs man lied fintn tlie ehuiih to Watt's ball, one blink away, wheie dlnneis and suppeis will be Reived most bountifully by the ladles of the enteitalnliiR committee. It was J o'i lock when the delegates assembled fot the nftetnoon session. I'cv. Ci. I. riibsoii condiieled a devo tlnnal servlee of a iiuaiter of an hour. In whlih many paitblpated In piaver fitn' Joined heaitlly In ptalsliiR their Hod in soiir. At this time, Itev. II. 1 . Pleue P. I), of Scranton, orte-ej a most feivent and tnuehltiR piaer lor Clod's blessing upon our nfllleted Piesl dent MeKlnlev and his wife, and a universal amen of nppiovnl lexounded thiotiRhoiit the larRp body of dele Kates present rollowliiR this, came the reading of the letleis finm Sinday Fcliools by 1'. .M. Koehler and II. .1. Ietii.iVi. The follow Iiir schools le ported Ameilcan .Mission, bliiRlon, Bentot', Korean, Ulakpl.v, Calvaiy, Clark's Oieen, t'laiks. Suninilt, Clif ford, Dalton, IlinitiliiRs, Dundaff, 1'lk dale. Factoiyville. Koicst city, Klist Teinirn Tlrst Siianton, Fiist Ptovl dence, Oreen ISIiIr, Ctlenbuin, llollls. torville, Juckhon Stiect, JenuMi, New ton, I'eekvllle, Ponn Avenue, Piovl denco Ninth Main Thtoop, Scott Yal le.v. The lettci.s piespntpd the lollow Iiir statistics: 1,170 f-cliol u t-, 477 olll ceis and teiuheis, 172 baptisms dining tie J(u. A MJinewhat animated but innceeshaiy, dlscus.sslon tiansplied ier a il.iusc Inseited In the Ameil can -Mission lepoit lvgatdliiGT three .scbolats of the school who had united with a chhtiiih (not a ltajitlst) and who 'mil consequently been wuiuklptl. Illchard Nlihnllx, of Hvdo Patk, was not pie.sent to lead his paper on "The Pilmaiy Ilep.n tinent," and the matter was not taken up for discussion. Itav. II. P.illett Kast, nf Clark's (iioen, lead n vvell-piepated paper on "The Adult Hippr ttnient." The nrt Reneial sub let t on the proRi.inime was "Th'1 Study o' the Lesson foi Sunda.v. September IV entitled. "Jacob, thp Pilnic with the Clod" This was divided into four .sub-divisions and anaiiRed lo be con slileted as how to study the lesson in the pilmaiy, in.tiuipdlate nnd Illble class depai tments, with the leson 11 lustiatfd The tlixt two divisions weie not taken up. owing to the ab- .senee of the leaders of pipis, as K'nied to be tlie fate of the conven tion I5e (J It Smit'h, of K.utory ville dlsiusu'd his topic, "The Hlhle School Department," In an able iiinii nei Ho .stated theie ate mail me-hods of teaching, aieoidlng to 'ne ilive-.'ity of the chaiacter of those who teadi Some make nun h use of the quaiterly, to ext client advantag'; otheis (lo not. Ho emphasized first, tlie neies.sity nf seeing the lueaulug of the passage. The lesson was quUklv dlv ldd and elabotated upon, under the following lieads Flist. "Pel II I'nto Death": second, "Ciethr seinune of Piajei ', thltd, ' Princely Vlcloiy " The topic. "The Lesson Illtistinted," was prc-ented by Itev. It. V. Y. Pien P, D D, who is a pilnc among men for this woik. His iiililiexs ,is eloquent, vlvldlj desiilpttve and sphitually edl f.v lug. lie (-aid, "Theie ate .some Ieh hons mi Rieat that thev aie dlllkult to p', Mich as eteinlt, the Holy Splilt nnd piajei The koj -note of the lesson" s-ald lie, "Is piayer." His ad diess vas inteipeihod with the ue of beautiful and impulsive illustiatloiiH of ciavon diawlngs, whlih he rapidly dtew befoie the ejes of hc audeni p. "How to TtPtaln Siholais in the Si hool," was the subject of a pappr b.v Itev C. A Spauldlng. lie nthn i.ited the hieaklug up ot tlie routine i ' th" Muslims, the putting nf life In the .sel'onls, (he showing of enthus iasm. Hie Riving of object lesnns, and the Insistence of punctuality and iegu lai ailendanc e. These addresses weie followed with a Reneial discussion Mls I,a Veine Mlnuiss, of Kluliua, China, VMts Intiodiued to the conven tion nnd pnkp Intel estiiiRl.v of Sunday school uilshlnn woik in that tountty. A motion was made that the net inn vnton be held at tin plai e wheie the Alilnglon ussoeiatlon shall convene net j ear The i-essloii adjoin ned with lnglrR. "Neatet My Clod to Thee," and Hev David Spent ei, I). D., pio nouneed the benedletion, Tre largest attendant e at Ihe con v htlon was ut the evening sei-slon. lly this time a great man delegatPs had airivpil. The session began at 7,.!0 o'tlotk with a xeivlte of piayer nnd pialse conducted by W V. Nje and the music was under the dltectlon of the I'eiean Hautlst choir and wax thor oughly enjojed by all. .Miss IMIth W. Watkliui, of Tayloi, irad a paper on "The Importance of Home Headings n the Study of the l.psson," nt this ses hlnn The illntipal feetuip of the ev Piling pitiRiamme wax an address on "Scope In Hlble Study," width was ably handled bv llev, A. Hatcher Smith, pastor of the North Main Ave nue liaptist chin eh. Scranton. This Is the tlrM tlm Hev Smith hax appeared befoie the Ablugton assoi latlon. and he vas most favtitably leeehetl by Ills healers foi hlx oiatoiltal poweis. With this atldiPhs, the Sunday nhool ton. ventlon came to a close. This morn ing nt ID o'clock, the ntnelv-foiuth an nual convention of the Ablngtnn Hip tlst association will tonveno for Itx two days' sessions. An Intel estlng pin. giaiume ix nitnnged for each of the sessions, Changes In Jobs. William Male has seemed a position as lineman with the Caibomlale hi audi of the I,.it kawauna Telephone coin paio. I'liink Kllpatilck, wlio for a year past has been with Druggist II. A. Kelly, has leslgued hlx position. Kind Wouls. The telcbratlon at Cnibondnle thli week will long be remeiubeietl by those who were fortunate enough tn attend, Another fifty yeais and the "Pioneer City" will be riiIiik the piesent Rpnei atlon onu better. -Olyphunt Het'tnd. 'Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 AN ESTIMABLE LADY LAID AT REST The Body of Miss Amy Squler Taken to Nicholson Yesteulny Morning For Interment Were Mnny Floial Off cilngs. All that Is mortal of .Miss Amy Squb'f, who tiled on Saturday after an Illness of about Ik months, and whose obituary appealed In vpstoiday h Tilbiiur, was laid at rest yesteitluj moinlug finm the home of her nelce, Mi". Itobeit Illalr, on Itoblnson ave nue. The IiIrIi rsteem In which Miss, Squler wax held by her townspeople was shown by the larRp niimbet of beautiful floral plrtex which bedecked the broadcloth covered casket In which she wan bulled. At S o clot k llev. A T. Chaffee, of the Tlrst M. II. church, condiieled services. Up preached a seimon which at once l'ttided tlie noble tialts of the tlppaited nnd consoled Ih" sin v I vol s. Sllss Squler was well known for her pletv and chailty, and the pastor said that slip must find a high place In that home wheie pain and soi row Ii no moie. A quartette fiom the Tlrst M V. chutch, composed of Mi. IS. Fowler, Miss J. Hutler, J. Kllpatilck and H. F. Clink, sang "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" nnd "Aslcp In Jesus " The body was placed on tlie fi.oi Delaw.ue and Hudson tialn nnd con vejed to Nicholson, a few miles from which It was Intel led In the family Initial giountl. The pal! beateis weie as follows: !". W. Hiliupliie, Hen Dlmock, X. F. Stephens, P. IS. Hlalr, T. C. Itoblnson and J. M Stewnit. Many out of town people attended the obsequies. THEATRICAL NOTES. A Favorite Comedian Coming. Chailcs Cow lex, the favorite thni atter comedian, comes to the CJinnd Opei a house Frldav night In ills beau tiful play of Vermont life, "A Coun tty Merchant.'' Mr. Cowles has filled hlx beautiful play so full of action, In tetest, comedy nnd pathos, music and darning that there if mains not one dull moment. A Riotosque fanner band will give a stteet p.uade. Do not miss f-eelng It. Uncle Tom's Cnbln. Time aie some theatilcal atti ac tions tint are not affected In the least ilegue by the shifting public taste. One of thp-e Is Stetson's "I'ncle Tom's Cabin," the tl Ameilcan tltaiua that has retained Its hold upon the public lor over a decade. Its Hist pio iliietion took plaee In the Troy mus eum. It was then put on at the old National theatie, Chatham stieot.'New Yoik, in, ISII, wheie It en Jo.ved a thiee jcaifi' ittn lo enormous business n will be piesented nt the til nnd Open house Satin day afternoon mil evening by Stetson's toinpanj, an niganization which Is said to be of a vei supeilor oidei. The alriactlon will be of especial Intel est to the peo ple of this tltv us Miss I,i1IUn Pcuck eit, a Carbondale ghl, will play the pait of i;ilza. This is Mss Peuckeit'fi second ear with the Stetson com P.m. Neil Burgess in The County Fair. Theie s only one Nell Huiross, and he is i tuning heie with that wontlpiful stoty oi country life, "Tlie County Fair" Mr. Huigp,s Ix tills year mak ing a tour undei his own management, and to those who have over seen his pmdiutions it need not be said that the pipspntutlnn will bs, on a huge stale. Tlie production will contain, In nun Ii Impioved foiiu, the features whlih hive made it famous, and with the assistant e of a callable and eftl t lent cast tlieie should be a tieat In sioie, Amongst those in the cast nio Shetinin Howies as Otls'fllikoi, IIiiuv S. lloblnson as Solon llnniniPiliend, Chillies Hlank as Joel Hartlett, IM inund Htu roughs as Tim tile Tanner, IIui i y H. Noiniani as Hill Harket, Mabl Wilght ax Sally Oieenaway, and the Tiansatlantle Four. Tills big pro ductlon will appear at the (iiand Opeia lioue on Monday. September 16, and It is epcited will do an Immense business The Simla Seance. At the (Irani! Opeia house on Tues- dllV. KlMltntlllmr 17. thn ltlrvnnut bnimi- tion in local amusements will be of- reied. Sir Henry 'Iiupla x engagement will tonilnue live nights, and ut every pei I'm mam e lie will piesent "The Simla Seance," tlie gieatest occult wondci of a centuiy. Of other featuies, mighty rlevei ones, too, will be given, and that part of the pro gi amine will be changed nightly, but the Simla Senile e will go on eveiy night, vailid by the dlffment queile's asked by tlie audience. Altogether It is a vv nntli nus show and will work up a new line of thought, THE WATER CASE. Aigument of the Injunction Suit Will Begin Tomonow. The aigumentx In the Injunction suit hi ought by Joseph Jeiiuvn anil othets. to lestialu the illy nf Caibondale fiom selling the $14.',non bond issue to pay for the toiistiuitiou of a city water plant, will begin tomonow. The case was to have been heard on Monthly, but owing tn the absence of J. H. 'I'm ley, one of the iitltirncvx for the plalntlrf, on at count of Hie mairlngp of hlx tlaughtei, the healing wax post poned until tomoiiow. Judge Hdwaids wax lo have heard tliu case, but tor some leasou he lias tumid It over to Judge Halsey, of Wilkes-Ilarie Until shies lmve sub poenacil a lot of wltnexxe.s, and the tilal will bo an linpmtaut nnd Inter esting one. , A Tug of War. A tug of war team fiom tho Cottage Hose company will enter the contest for a silver ti limpet at the picnic of tlie Vandllng Hose i nmpany on Satur day. The other contestants will bo tho Fnterpilse Hose company of Forest city and tho Aitexlan Hose company of Jeini) n. Four New Residents. Mr. and Mrs, Fiank I.avelle, of Foi ty-ijpennd tteet, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter l.lppeit, nf Klghth avenue, are the piuud patents of two bouncing What IN olden, Grecco when the wife accepted tho obligation of motherhood, nil her davs of pro-natal tu ion wcro spent among tho fairest scenes and most beautiful objects. Whuicvcr her cyu fell it rested on beauty. Her feet moved to and fro to pleasant melodies. Her mind was feci on tho high thoughts of the poets. For this icason tho children of these Greek inothcin "furnished models of physical beauty which havo over sinco put tho world to shame. Tho time that most ran be dono for tho baby is before its birth. With evory stitch tho mother puts into tho dainty wardrobe she pro paics, theie should go somo happy loving thought. With every meal eaten, with every household duty easily accomplished, with each night's rofreshing sleep, theio should coma tho thought, "All this counts for baby's wcllbeing." ' But how can all this bo possiblo for tho woman who is in daily misery of mind and body? It. is imiinssililo. Tliu fust thing a mother should own health. If she thwart disnattircd to enlui of her own: tho babv's face . ... ...... 7 fc w own features. Mothers who have used Dr. Piorcc's Favorite Prescription during tho pro-natal period testify to its wonderful health-giving qualities ; to tlie cheerful mind and healthy body with which the mother comes to the day of travail, and of the almost painless birth hour. It docs wonder ful tilings. It is a wonderful medicine. THE PROOF. Mrs. T. Dolan, of Madrid, Perkins County, Neb., writes : " I was cured of painful periods by the use of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription and his ' Com pound Extract of Smirt Weetl.' I think Doctor Pierce's medicines the best in the world." Mrs. James W. Black er, of 629 Catherine St., Syracuse, N. Y., writes : ''Your" medicines have done wonders for me. Por years my health was very" poor ; I had four miscarriages, but since taking Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription and ' Golden Medical Dis covery ' I have much better health, and now I have a fine, healthy baby." " I suffered fifteen years with female weak ness and nervousness," writes Mrs. Vincent Bo hall, of Franklin, John son Co., Indiana. "One year ago I began taking your ' Favorite Prescrip tion ' and ' Golden Med teal Discovery.' I took six bottles oi each and now I am well. I owe my life to Dr. Pierce." Mrs. Carrie II. Donner, of Dayton, Green Co., Wis., writes : " I can highly recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and also his ' Favorite Prescription ' having taken the lat ter for tune months pre vious to confinement. I suffered scarcely any compared with what I had at other times." Ono thing which marks tho superiority of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription over all other put-up medicines for woman's use is this : It cares when all other medicines havo failed to cure. It does time and again what tho local practitioner has failed to do, and what in many cases ho declares cannot bo dono cures womanly disease of long standing, and cures them perfectly and permanently. MORE PROOF. " I hid lieen a great sufferer from female weakness," writes Mrs. M. B. Wallace, of Muenster, Cooke Co., Texas. " tried four doctors and none did me any good. I suffered six years, but atlast I found relief. I followed jour advice and took eight bottles of the ' Favorite Prescription ' aud four of Golden Medical Discov ery.' I now feel like a ne:i woman. I have gained eighteen pounds." "My health had been poor for many years and I had taken a threat deal of med icine, but it did me no good," writes Mrs. Rose Kennedy, of Springbluff, Adams Co., Wis. " I,ast August my health was very poor ; I had no appetite ; could not sleep, for when I went to bed I had nervous asthma and also lieart trouble. I wrote to Dr. Pierce and he kindly advised me to take his ' Favorite Prescrip tion. I took five bottles of the ' Prescription ' ftnd one bottle of the Golden Medical Discovery,' antl I feel like a new womau.," RAISING J& BABY ls somGthln9 Mat oan't ho done by instinot. the knowledge any woman noads is found Sense Medical Adviser, work on household medicine and hygiene is sent FREE oss receipt of stamps to pay expense of mail" Ing ONLY. Send 21 one-cent stamps for tho hook bound in paper, or 31 stamps for it in cloth covers. Address: Dr. R. V. PIERQE, Buffalo, N. Y. biby bovs Hoth tho niotheis nnd chitdien ate getting along llnelv. Mi antl Mis. Andrew Cavltts, of White's, nte happy ovei the atiival of twins, bovs also, The number of male blitlis in this city ot late is fully double that of females. To Cultivate Her Voice. Miss Minn Fiank will leave nrxt week for Syiaeuse unlveislty whoie she will enter upon a four ycuix' couise ill music nnd languages Mlsx Flunk Is alieady one nf this citj's most tal ented vocalists nnti has sung in both the Fhxt M. i:. and Tinlty Kplseopal choiis. Her many fi lends wish her the abundant success her ability deseives. A Child Dead. John, the Iti-inonths-old son of Mr antl Mix. Joseph Ortona, of Hospital stieet, tiled Sunday after two months' Illness. Huilnl wax made yestetday afternoon In St. Hose cemeteiy. Expected Home Soon. Santo Pugllano, who has been In Italy for the pat sKtcen months, Is ex pected to sail for home on tho i!5th of tills month. He has been entirely if xtoicd to health. Have Removed. Oeoige lloucher has lomoved hlx family and hnusihold effects fiom No. TU llelmont xtieet to No. I!) Hlikett xtieet. Uncnlled for Letters. List of letters lemaliilng In the Car bonilalo postofllce September 10 1901, for pemons unknown: .1. Ailliin, ,1. FaU, John Fife, A 11. Hannu, Jacob HISLOtt, Joseph Kamo J. II. Thomas. P. M. THE PASSING THRONO. The many fi lends of Mis. V. II. McOiaw. who has heen In Philadelphia for ht r health, will be pWrcd to hear that she has icturned to hei home In to Do not her Biiotiitl do lor nor nnny is to CFinijiiBii ncr doesn't &ho will bear " a chilcl of spleen to bo a 1 torment lier." Tho baby's wails will bo but the c babv's face will reflect tho antriiiBli lined in her do for her baby is to establish her will reflect tho anctusli imca in her XSOCT-Tr4'- J containing 1008 large pages and more than 700 this tltv Her condition Is most en louiagiiig V. It. Johnson is in Philadelphia attending the tonventlon of the Travel ing liglneeis' association, of which he Us a member. Thomas Killeen and daughter Mar gaiel II, nf Hiooklvn stieet, left es tridav morning for Huffalo and the Pan-Anieilciin exposition They will also vllt friends In Michigan befoie letuiulng. JERAIYN AND A1AYFIELD. The Joimvu school boaul met last evening. After the adoption of tho minutes of the last meeting, bills amounting to $ll.l!) wete icatl and tu deretl paid Tlie only piopo.-al foi hauling coal, 110 tents a ton ami 41 cents a load for leinoval of axheF. wax fiom .1. (I. Aveiy. and he wiib a winded the contract The building commute was Instituted to piocuie and erci t a Hag pole, and Mniconi. Ciawtoitl and Kdniiinds weie appointed tho viFltlng committee for tlie ensuing month Tho May Held hoiough t ounell met on Monria in onlng The committee ap pointed to give notlie to tho telephone ctmpany legaidlng tnvitlon of poK-s, I c ported progress A rnmmunlMttlnn was irnd ftnin the boiough nttoinev tegaidllig the Injunction pt tic-codings In pi event the stieet tai company tiom i mining their coal car through tho boiough, ami statetl as th case stands now, It Is lost. Health Odlcer Di. Harding nnd Societal v Ducking ham, of tho boaid of health, woie pics out antl wanted compensation for their smites. When a t oinmiinlcatlon Cl mil Itotough Attorney Kduaidx, j mini, upon tho Mihjeit, wax lead. Id -il'iili he stated thnt the boaid of health, being oflleoiH of tho boiougu, arc ilierefnio entitled to no compensa tion, o.NCtpt tilth as may bo fixed by law, Jt also stilled that theie Is no la'v niithoilzlng councils lo fix salaries foi Individual momberti nf the board of health, the latter matter being loft to tint boaul as a body. The question was then laid over until next Mon day evenins. for the Dr. Pierco's Favoiito Prescription is not a cute-all, It has ono pur pose, tho cuieof womanly diseases, and it has power adequato to that purpose. It establishes regul.iiity and dries the drains that sap womanly vitality. It heals Inflammations and ulcerations which cause so much suffering to weak women. It cures femalo weakness. It makes mater nity e.isv and gives strength alike to nuising mother and nuisling child. Its whole mission is to tu.iko weak women strong and sick women well. There is no alcohol in " Favorito Piosoription" nnd it contains neither opium, cocaine, nor nny other narcotic.' Mothers may use it without tho fear that the child will begin to acquire the tasto for alcohol at tho pure fountain of the breast. WHAT WOMEN WANT. "What many a woman wants above all else is tho opportunity to tell her story to a physician with whom science and sympathy walk "hand in hand, tilio shrinks from telling her story to the local practitioner and undergoing the unpleasant qttestioninijs, the indelicate examinations and the obnoxious local treatments, conidcicd necessary by many physi cians. Sho hesitates before accepting tho offer of "free medical advice" made hymen or women who do not claim to be physicians, and, there fore, at the best can only civo second-hand advice, which could not tako into consideration the variations of womanly temperament and charac ter. Sho wants help real help. She wants to lean on tho Btrong, manly arm of some accredited physician whose reputation is vouched for, alike by his long cxperienco and tho eclobrity of his cures. What all women want many vited to consult Dr. Pieice by letter free. All coiresiiondunce strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. II. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. In the past thirty years and over, assisted by his staff of neatly a score of skilled phvsicians, Dr. Pierce has Heated and cured more than half a million women. There is no similar oiler of ftee medical advice which has behind it a physician of the national repute of Dr. Pierce, with a staff of nearly a score of trained medical assistants, each man a specialist in some one or more of tho diseases peculiar to women. Buy your medicine : you buy your flour on its reeoid. No dealer can sella housekeeper an untried Hour in substitution foi' c which she has tried and proven. The dealer says : " This is just as good." She says : "Thanks. I'll want bomcthing 'better befoie I change.' Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the standard medicine of the woild for women. When a dealer offeis a substitute as "just as good," tell him you are not making experiments. You want either ' Favorito Prescription," the remedy with a reeoid or something better, with the proof behind the claim. There's nothing "just as good" as the "Pio soription." There can't bo anything better. Mnrilr-d tin hepii'mlier 4, nt houth C.ieenllold, Dade lounl.v Mixtouil Chailcs Hound, of Pa, to Ml-s Leila M. C'o. The wedding took plate at the home of the Inkle's mother. Mis. i:. SUM Ulan. Tho bible's sister, Miss Fannie A. Cox, was biide.s nialil. .mil Mi W.ndnur Holder olll ilalcd ax host man About foity In vited guests woie picscut. The nowlj m.ii i led itiuplc lefl on Sntuiday lor Nome, AlasKit The Methodist I.'pl-t opal choir aio onjoving an outing at Ciystal lal.o to il. . Aiis. John Solomon N homo fiom n ni nib's visit lo New Ymk filcnd Al tliui' Winter will lnvu today to talo uji his studies in the Wyoming seminal . 'I hi Alloxan File company will iit t ;:tl In a body the Stat" FhomenV innventlon at Philadelphia next month. Hoi ii To Mr. and Mis. William Vealc. of Third stieet. n hon, and to Mi. and Mis. Wluileld Shaffer, of Third stieet, ,i daushlei. OLYPHANT Th thoatiiial season will be opened tuition n night at tho Fa th pi Mathew Opeia House with the "Prenixtei " It Is willtn by Hall Calne, author ot 'The ClulHlan" and 111,1111.111011 by Ch.ules W. rhase, the well-known pla wilght. Mi. Chase has biought foi ward all the piiutlpal si ones of the bo ih and the iliania Is Indeed 11 sitting one. It Is in font ails nnd a ntimbei of scenes. The .oinpanv has ben liiielully stdet ted The inanageis, who saw Mi Chase's woik. doilaie It to bo Intenxcl' strong. A gang of men w re at woik on I ucl'iiwanna stieet .visteitlay, lopali ing 1 hi depiosxinnx In the pave t-nurcd by 'he coiixtiuetlon of Ihe sewer of th iilvphnnt Sewer company. Lack nf .1 fjuniuni pi evented a nieet i:g nt council on Monday night. Only rl-c numbers were present. Another at tempt will bo made to meet next Mon day plfiht. Tho Hrovvns will play Manager Baby. women have found, as the following let ter shows : "I would like to ex press my gratitude to you for the benefits I have received from your medicine, 'Favorite Pre scription,' " writes Mrs. c is. Anaerson, ot 1 ;cocKonngc iiains, kock bridge Co., Va. "It is a God-send to weak and sickly women, restoring r;ood health without sub jecting their weak nerves td the shock of an ex amination. "I was all run-down in health from Novem ber until March could not work but a short while without resting. Was so restless at times that I could not even w rite ; had a v cry poor appetite, and what I ate did not seem to do much good. I decided to write to Dr. Pierce antl state my case, and am tlnnkful that I did, for in due time I received a favorable reply as to what kind of medicine to take. I sent and got it and commenced tak ing the 'Favorite Pre scription' and 'Pellets.' Took si-: bottles of ' Fa vorite Prescription,' one of ' Golden Medical Dis covery,' and one vial of Tellets.' I can now work as well as I could before I was taken 6ick, I think Doctor Pierce's medicine the best in the world for sick and nerv ous women. May God bless jou in your good work." Women suffering from disease in chronic form are in it needs knowledge. Mi in Dr. PSorco's Common illustrations. This greai j Smith mi x (1,1111 hi iht Mianton pais, toiuoiiow ufteinnon Nivnlge will piohablj pltth foi th" Ui owns T M. Vojle and S. M. Md'abe left vwterda.v foi a Hip to Huffalo ami Tm onto. Mis, W. W. JeiiKlns and daughtei, Vlt tin lu, have retained fiom a visit wllli lel.ithes at Wllkes-Harre. llev. P J. Muiphj Ih enjoying a week's vacation at Atlantic City. Mr. mid Mrs William Jones, of Ileal t Lake, wore vi-ltnis In town os toida. Mis. I.eoiiaid Kelly of Lackawanna street, Is ciltlially 111. PECKVILLE. The Ladies' Aid soerty of the Pre? bteiian chuich will serve ice cream Filday evening, Sept. 13, on ths porch ot the tiinnse All are invited. Class U of the Haptlst Sunday school will 11111 a tiolley excursion to Xav Aug park on Friday next There will be singing at the park by a choir of over 1100 voltes Come and lot Class 1.1 take ou to tho convention Tickets fin the round trip, L'.'i centt, at W. W Watklns' duis stoie. Advettlsifll lettei. Maiy Harvey J A. Lee, Pefr Plakci, John Hielnger Jul Koj n Mr. Kdiuuud Williams and Miss Stella WnileniHii weie united In mai ilago at high nimn .vostorday at tho home ot tho bible's parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. H. WmlMiinii, of Illtkory meet, llev P. fiendull outdated Ml. and Mix. L. II. Thompson have returned finm a. few davs spent at Hai vov's Lake IMcImiil Taslor and Chic Coleman .nt a 100-vard nice at Mntt Haven on Satuitlay foi n puiso of $1". Coleman won e.isll. Tiank Hyde Wins at SeagUt. P.i hxclmlie Wlru from Tlir vnclatc4 Trm e rrk. hfit 1" 1 Nnk Hide, of Km .ort., wen tlie 4II1 01111 1 rlfli- nulili at Sctslrt, N J . toili), nl-Ji i kin nerf nf 22 rMnt. 'I lip nt bftt wfic Hi J C SelUri, lrtUnl, STOi Vljnr Vllilntr nd Thomu CildwtU, 'Iro Ijml, J "5 cash.