The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 11, 1901, Image 1

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This Seems to Be the Opinion of
the Corps of Physicians At
tending Mr. McKinley.
All Physicians Have Placed Themselves on
Record as Having Faith That the Worst Is
Over The Bullet Gives the Doctors Con
cern, but the X-Ray Machine Will Be
Utilized if There Is the Slightest Indication
of Trouble from the Lead Vice-President
Roosevelt Most Sanguine.
following bulletin was issued by the President's physi
cians at 10. p p. m.:
The condition of the President is unchanged in all important
particulars. His temperature is 100.0; pulse, 114: respiration, 28.
When the operation was done on Friday last it was noted that
the bullet had carried with it n short distance beneath the skin a
fragment of the President's coat. This foreign material was of course
removed, but a slight irritation of the tissues was produced, the evi
dence of which has appeared only tonight. It has been necessary on
account of this slight disturbance to remove a few stitches and par
tially open the skin wound. This incident cannot give rise to other
complications, but it is communicated to the public, as the surgeons
wish to make their bulletins entirely frank. In consequence of this
separation of the edges of the surface wound, the healing of the samo
will be somewhat delayed.
GEORGE B. CORTEIiYOU, Secrotary to the President.
n I ulu-tip Wire Imni 'ihe "( ntrd Pkm.
Hillfulo, Sept. 10. The corps of emi
nent surgeons unci physicians til at
tendance upon th" wounded president
today committed themselves without
reservation to the opinion Unit their
patient was out of (lunger and that
only the possibility of complications
thieatened his life. They did not give
assuraliio of ids recovery collectively
over their signalmen In an otllclal Itul
letln, but they went a long way toward
It Individually and separately during
the day. Kach of them, with the ex
c ptlon of Dr. Itixoy, who did not leave
the Mllhiirn residence, placed himself
squuioly on record, not privately to the
friends of the president, but publicly
through the agency of the press, that
th" danger point had passed and that
the president would survive the alt-nipt
upon his life.
Of course, we will all feel easier
when a week lias passed." said Dr.
yi Hurney, the dean of the corps. "We
Would like to see every door locked and
double locked, hut the danger from
possible complications Is now veiy re
mote." As an evideiue of the mi prime fullli
he holds. Dr. McMurney, alter Hie
morning consultation, made a tilp to
Niagara Vails.
The little piece of lead In the muscles
of the back Is giving the physicians
no concern whatever, t'nlens 'I should
piove troublesome to the president later
nn. he will probably carry this grim
souvenir of the anarchist with him to
i he end of his days.
The doctors say that once encysted it
'an do no harm. The X-ray machine
's ready for instant use. however, and
f there Is the slightest inHammatlon or
lain in the vicinity of the bullet nn
operation will bo performed.
The vice president, member of the
nblnet, Senator llunnn ami the other
llstlligulshed friends of the president
.Alio linvc remained here to await the
Asues, accepted the verdict of the
jhyslclans today as practically con
Itlslve, and thote was an exodus of
hose who considered their presence
o longer necessary. Vice President
tnos-evclt left this evening for hs
loir.e at Oyster Hay. Sanutor llaima
eturried to Cleveland to bo gone two
lays, and Controller Dawes went back
) Washington tonight. Qa liner Me
!nley the president's brother, will rv
liatn a few days longer, but his family
.vive returned home and Mrs. Duncn
lid several other relatives' of the
"resident have gone. Judge. Day, long
and closely associated with the presi
dent, returned to Canton this after
noon. The live members of the cabl
rsct still here will remain a few days
rather at- friends who have been Inti
mately acoeiated with the. president
for several years, than as public of
ficials. Vice President Roosevelt Departs.
Vice Trcsldent Koosovelt left the city
tonight at .S0 for Oyster Hay, per
tvtUy conlldc.nt that the president will
I trover. So confident was he, In fact,
that whop a question of doubt was put
to him, he nnswered' it with if parry,
lie was asked, "Do you remember that
Pi-o&ldunt Garfield progressed for t-n
days, and then Just when he was ready
to out, he collapsed and finally
Quick a" thought, the vice president
answer' d: "Ah, but you forget twen
ty ears of modern surgery of pro
gress. You can learn also the Garfield
wound was much more serious than
the wound of President McKinley. 1
believe the president will recover, and
I believe it so thoroughly that J leave
here tonight."
Questioned ar to the mode of pro
cedure so tar a the state was r.on
cerneJ, he salo.
"I see no need for the call of an ex
traordinary grand jury. The grand
jury now In session, composed of
American citizens, will undoubtedly
take care of the would-be assassin, and
the authorities of Hrle county will, for
country, state and national pride, make
a vigorous prosecution. Unless Gover
nor Odell Is asked to interfere, I see
no need of his calling an extra term
or deputizing an assistant attorney
general to prosecute."
Asked as to the enacting of legisla
tion against anarchists, he said:
"I have not thought much on the
matter. What has disturbed me has
been to find a reason for even anarch
ists to attack a man like President Mc
Kinley. Here is the one country where
the are allowed perfect freedom of
speech. He, as the ruler. Is a man de
scended from farmer stock, self-made.
Here Is a man who lias no fortune or
no means other than that which he
may manage to save out of his salary
as president. Probably many a work
logman in the 1'nlted States today lias
as laige an estate as Mr. McKinley. In
addition, he Is a kindly disposed, Chris
tian gentleman, and In every great
emergency In which he could act he
has been a friend of the common peo
ple. Why should lie be shot, then, even
by anatchlsts'."'
Remarkable Recuperative Powers,
The president's physicians have been
Impressed with his remarkable recuper
ative powers- and the rapidity of his
Improvement. Ordinarily nn Incision
for such nn operation as was performed
upon the chief executive should heal
within three weeks, but In the presi
dent's ease he may be strong enough
to be moved a little sooner. The presi
dent will be taken direct to Washing
ton us soon as It Is safe to move him.
Within the sick room many evidences
of the president's improvement were
apparent. The president himself be
gun to show confidence In his ability
to care for himself, and from time to
time he would carefully turn himself
and gain n more restful position. Yes
terday he took the precaution to ask If
he mlcht bo permitted to move, but
today lie changed his position of bis
own volition, without difficulty. The
nurses naturally observed with caro
these evidences of growing strength,
and were ready to see that there was
no undue tax on the president's
strength or tho straining of the wound.
These slight movements from side to
side are all that ho hnB attempted thus
far, and It Is too early yet to think of
his sitting up In bed or of any other
marked use of his muscles.
A most Important development of the
day was the private determination
reached among those In charge of tho
case that food should bo administered
to the patient tomorrow by the mouth.
Not since the shooting has a morsel of
food been given to the president by
nnturnl means, but the drain on his
system has been met by dissolved foods
administered by injection. This has
been n period of four days of fasting
from ordinary means of nourishment
atul tomorrow will bo tho fifth day.
The Importance of tho feeding by tho
mouth Is that It will restore the nor
mal action of tho stomach for the first
time since that organ had Its walls
pierced by a bullet. Tho doctors are
satisfied that tho time has come to
renew these normal functions and the
four days which have elapsed since tho
wounds in the stomach were closed
give every assurance that tho sutures
are sufficiently healed to allow nature
to resume her sway.
Although tho bouse was fairly em
bovircd with flowers today, sent as
tokens of sympathy and gratitude,
none of the sweet scented blossoms
was tttltHii to the president's chamber.
Tho most rigid system of simplicity
prevails there, and sentiment Is not nl
lowed to qualify tho stent requirements
of t lie case. The only persons ad
mitted to tho sick room today other
than tho doctors and attendants were
Mi. McKinley and Secretary Cortel
you. Although the president has been pro
:iounc( d out of danger, no member of
(he cabinet has yet been within the
sick room, nor lias the vice president
or those closest to the confidence of
the president, such as Senator Hauna
and .ludgo Day, seen the president
Hut these restrictions established by
the doctors are merely for the sake of
encouraging every particle of energy
in the patient, and relatives and friends
alike accept tho rigorous policy as de
cidedly for the best. Secretary Cortel
you sees the president much, but there
Is never a breath of business, public or
private, and at no time has there been
any reference to anything connected
with tho president's duties.
Counsels Harmonious.
There has been no division in the
counsels of pnyslclans at any time,
each has loyally seconded the efforts
of tho other, and all have joined In
carrying out the masterly work done
by Dr. Mann Immediately following
tiie shooting. In referring to this to
day, one of the president's assistants,
who was present at tho operation, said
Dr. Mann displayed his consummate
skill and calmness by going about tho
operation as If tho patient were a child
with a slight complaint. And yet Dr.
JH r.n has since told a friend that
when bo realized tho duty before him,
although he had performed hundreds
of operations of laporatoiny, he would
have sacrificed all be possessed to have
escaped the responsibility of operating
upon the president of the t'nlted
The dramatic phase of the situation
here Is rapidly disappearing. Plans
ovei thrown by the assassin's bullet are
'.lelnp restored, and matters are rapid-
My assuming normal conditions. In
diana day at the exposition, .set for
Friday of tills week, was Indefinitely
postponed when the president was
shot, but tho original programme was
restored today at the suggestion of
Senator Fairbanks, who says sin li a
com so would not have been thought of
were there any doubt of the president's
recovery. The exposition has suffered
severely in attendance since tho trag
edy, and the managers are now or
ganizing for a great thanksgiving
celebration, which they expect not only
to prove a great card for the fair, but
which they hope will be made a day
of national celebration.
The Restless Firebrands Will Be
Closely Watched in New York
City in the Future.
Dj IxcIihIv Wire from The AuocUttd Prew.
New York, Sept. 10. Police Commis
sioner Murphy today Issued a general
order to all the commanding officers In
the police department, directing them
to take a census of ull anarchists liv
ing in their districts and to forward
the list to headquarters, wheie the de
tective department Is to conduct a gen
eral surveillance upon the nnarchlsts
of the city. The purpose of this, the
commissioner says. Is to make life so
disagreeable for anarchists In New
York city that they will move out of it.
Pedro Kstovo, the editor of tho nn-
nrehist organ at Paterson, N. J., was
visited today by six secret service men
at the meeting hall In that city of the
band of unurehists known as the "right
of existence" gioup. He was subjected
to a dose examination, but, so far as
could be learned, nothing connecting
the Paterson anarchists with tho at
tack on President McKinley was elic
In Custody in Troy as a Suspicious
Special to the Siranton Tribune
Troy. N. Y., Sept. 10. Edward Hlg
gins, who claims to be a mason and
who Is wandering nbout this section of
the country, presumably looking for
work, was locked up lu the Fourth
precinct station tonight, on tho charge
of being a suspicious character. Ho
tells a story to the effect that since ho
was two years old, he has been bant
ered around from one family to another
In Scranton, and he Is now a member
ot the Bricklayers' union.
Ho has a working card signed by
Martin Fox, as secretary of tho local
union, and had a little over $2 when ho
was arrested. He claims to live on
Green Ttldge street lu Scrautou, and
will appeal to bis friends In Scranton
tomorrow for nld.
Steamship Arrivals.
Ily Kulmlve Who from 'Ihe. A.cocUted Pien,
New York, Sept. 10. Arm til: Koenlucn I.iiUc,
iliemen; Kcnlniftnn, Anlweip, (icHrnli V.ul
erland, Antwerp, Sailed: KaLcrln .Maria' The.
iiiIj, lliernrn vl I'herhouii; ami Southamp
ton. Plymouth-Arrh nil Patricia, New Voile
for riicrlnmrtt ami llanilmri;. Tmy l.ljnd
I'aWili HIMoia, New Vmk for Moville ami
(lUxgnw, lluulocnc Arrived i ItnlteriUm, .New
vtk fur Itvtuidatn (jnJ rirocecdvd.j
Ho Proposes to Mnko Things Warm
for Those Responsible for His
Arrest as nn Anarchist.
fly Ktelmlve Wire from The Auiociited Trtv.
Hurfalo, Sept. 10. Alfonzo stutz, who
was arrested' several days ago on sus
picion that ho know something about
Czolgosz, bus been released,
Sttttz Is a German officer and was
held In custody for three days on sus
picion of complicity In tho attempt on
the life of President McKinley. Ho
says he will demand damages for false
Imprisonment, lie nskedi first for the
German consul and then for a Ger
man lawyer and said that he would
sue the authorities for $100,000, He
said that bo told the truth and pro
duced credentials when first arrested,
but the police refused to believe him.
He said that ho saw CzolgosK at No
wak's hotel, but never talked with him.
He blamed Nowalc for his arrest and
said that the hotelkeepor reully knew
all about Czolgosz.
Has Not Followed Instructions of
His Advisors Regarding Settle
ment of the Strike.
By Kxelu.tre Wire, from The Amodated Prea.
Pittsburg. Sept. 10. President T. J.
Shaffer uii'l bis advisors in the gen
eral office of the Amalgamated associ
ation held the power by the authority
of the general executive board of the
organization to settle tho steel etrlkc.
Mr. Shaffer and his advisors apparently
alljwed today to lapse, after this au
thority was vested in them, without
closing tr settlement. On Monday,
It Is sald, the executive board directed
President Shaffer, together with Secre-tray-Troasurcr
John Williams, Assist
ant f-ecictary M. V. iiglie and Ben 1.
Davis, of the advisory board, to settle
without dlny on tho best terms ob
tainable. Since then there has been no action
developing anything to further a set
tlement, but It Is said that President
Shaffer Is so"klng to reopen direct ne
gotiations with tho United States Steel
corporation. In the hope of getting bet
ter terms than those submitted to the
Amalgamated executive board as tho
lesult of the endeavor last week lu
New York of the representatives of tho
National Civic Federation, headed by
President Samuel Gompcrs, of the
American Federation of Labor.
The terms secured by the National
(ivle Federation were neither accepted
nor rejected by the Amalgamated
.board Instead, a resolution was passed
directing President Shaffer, with the
aid of Ills Immediate advisors, to sc
our" the best possible settlement In tho
least possible time. A report from
New York today that the strike had
been settled, was denied by President
The First Real Day of the G. A. R.
Encampment Brings 200,000
Visitors A Big Parade.
rty i:rlnslte Woe frntn The A woe ialeil I'lfm.
Cleveland, Sept. 10. Tho first real
day of the Grand Army encampment
was tod'ay, with nearly 200,000 visitors
in tho city. Tho day was the eighty
seenth anniversary of Commodore
Perry's great victory on lako Erie,
and that memorable and decisive tri
umph of young' America's naval prow
ess was fittingly celebrated by a great
parade in which tho naval veterans of
the rebellion participated.
A light rain was falling early In
the day, but this did not deter the
visitor.- from assembling In immense
throngs nlong tho lino of march. The
mill ceased shortly before the hour set
for the parade to start and the weath
er continued favorable, ultough cloudy
and threatening.
The parade formed on hake and In
tersecting streets and moved along
"Water to Superior, on Superior to tho
east sldo of Monument Square, on Eu
clid avenue to Hond street, nn Hond
street through tho court of honor with
Its reviewing .stands, to Summit, and
on Summit street, where It disbanded.
General Eeo P.nssteur. commander In
chief of the Grand Army, with his
staff, reviewed tho parade.
In the reviewing stand with General
liasslour. was ex-Secretary of War
lUissoll A. Alger and General ,T. "War
ren Keffer. of Springfield, major gen
eral of volunteers, together with other
prominent veterans and celebrities.
Admiral Daniel F. Kelly, a past com
mander ot tho National Association of
Naval Veterans, acted as grand mar
shal commanding.
The parade moved In six divisions,
the Pennsylvanlans forming part of the
Fifth division.
Much regret was expressed by vet
erans today at the announcement that
Vice President Theodore Roosevelt will
not be able to attend the encampment.
It was confidently expected that the
popular military Idol would bo hero on
president's day, but despatches from
Ruffnlo indicate otherwise. The citi
zens committee on president's day havo
placed the arrangements for Thursday
entirely In tho hands of Senator Han
nn, who will also preside at the pro
ceedings of the big Grand Army of
the P.epubllc convention,
Did Not Survive Intelligence of the
Shooting of McKinley.
By Eicliwtve Wirt from Tin Auoelaled Preti.
York, Pa., Sept. 10. Robert A.
Thompson, of Red Lion, aged 80 years,
diled last night as tho. result of shock
produced by tho news of tho attempted
assassination of President McKinley.
"It is moro than I can boar; It will
kill mo," ho exclaimed on hearing tho
news, Ho was In the best of health
previously, but poop took HI and doc
tors were unable to save his life.
The Goddess ot flnarcliu Garrulous
and Defiant When Taken In
bu GulcaQo Police.
She Says That Anarchy Does Not
Teach Men to Commit Acts Like
That Which Has Made tho Buffalo
Assassin Hated and Despised tho
World Over She Denies Any Pre
vious Knowledge of the Crime and
States That She Came to Chicago
to Secure Bail for the Isnaks if
By Kxelwtva wire from The AmocUUJ Vrtu.
Chicago, Sept. 10. Emma Goldman,
the woman anarchist, whose speeches,
It is said, prompted CzolRossi to at
tempt tho assassination of President
McKinley, was arrested hero about
noon today.
Her manner was defiant when she
was led into the office of Chief of Police
O'Neill. She disclaimed all knowledge
of Czolgos and bis crime, admitting
only that she mot him hero July 12.
"Do you know that Czolgosz asserts
your words stirred him to shoot the
president?" she was asked.
"I do not; I never advocated violence.
I scarcely knew the man. 1 as leav
ing for Rochester, via Buffalo, when
Czolgosz had a tow words with mo. Ho
said ho bad heard mo lecture nt some
memorial hall In Cleveland last May,
and that be wanted to know me. He
said ho knew I was In Chicago and
looked me up. I scarcely remember
anything about him save that his com
plexion was light."
'Then bow do you know that this
man Is tho one who tried to kill the
"Oh." she replied, with a shrug of
tho shoulders, "I guessed that from
what tho newspapers say."
"What did you think when you heard
that an attempt to kill the president
had been made".'''
With a wave of licr hands and an
other shrug ot her shoulders the wo
man answered disdainfully:
"I thought, oh, the fool."
The prisoner said that anarchy did
not teach men to do the act which has
made Czolgosz despised and hated tho
world over.
"We work against tho system, and
education Is our watchword. I am an
anarchist a student of socialism but
nothing In anything 1 ever said to
Leon Czolgosz knowingly would have
led him to do the uct which startled
everybody Friday."
The woman pretended at first that
she was a Swede of tho name of Lena
Larson. Detective Hertz discovered
on her a pen on which was engraved
"Emma Goldman."
"What does tills mean?" shouted
Captain Schuottler.
"It means that the game Is up," she
The Warrant Served.
"When the interview was over, Cap
tain Collerau, chief of detectives, served
a warrant on Miss Goldman, charging
her with conspiracy to murder the
president. The warrant was sworn to
by Captain Colleran.
It gives as her co-consplrators Abra
ham Isaaks, Maurice Isaaks, Clemence
Pfeutzer, Hlppollte Ravel, Henry Tra
vagllo, Alfred Schneider, Julia Mec
hanic, Marie Isaaks and Mario Isaaks,
Jr. All but Miss Goldman were ar
rested some days ago. Tho women were
allowed to go, but the men were held
without ball nnd are now In Jail. It Is
the opinion ot several lawyers that
Jtlss Goldman cannot be extradited for
trial in New York, unless she and Czol
gosz are charged with an offense under
the federal statutes. The suggestion
tUat the would-be assassin must be
tried under the state laws ot New
York for assault with Intent to kill
would, It is stated, preclude tho possi
bility of Miss Goldman's being extra
dited as an accessory before the fact,
as her alleged Incendiary statements
were not made In New York' and she Is
not a fugitive from Justice from that
It Is said, however, that she and
Czolgoz might be charged with an of
fense under Section 5,"S, under the fed
eral statutes, which fixes a ten year
term ot Imprisonment and a $5,000 lino
for two or more persons who conspire
to Injure any citizen In the exercise ot
any right secured to him by tho con
stitution and laws of the United States.
The enforcement of this statute against
Miss Goldman nnd Czolgosz would, It
Is sated, penult of tho former's extra
dition from any state.
Miss Goldman was hurried Into the
chief's olllce, while tho crowd out
side waited to learn If she was really
tho woman for whom the police all
over the country havo been searching
high and low. The appearance tallied
exactly with tho description sent out
by tho Associated Tress yesterday.
Chief O'Nell kept her only d moment,
and then turned to the reporters, to
whom he presented the prisoner.
During tho talk which followed. Miss
Goldman detullod as best she could
tecollect, her movements slnco lasc
July. She went from Chicago to Buf
falo, sho sold, accompanied by Miss
Isaaks, the daughter of tho alleged
anarchist editor under arrest here. J;i
Buffalo they stopped two days and
then proceeded to Rochester, where
they stopped at the homo of Miss
Goldman's sister (Mrs. H. Hochsteln,
of 213 Joseph street). Hero they vis
ited a llttlo moro than flvo weeks. Tho
only Incident of It was a short Visit
to Niagara Falls, and another to New
York on business. In tho latter city
Mlts Goldman entered temporarily Into
thr employ of u firm, the mime of
which sho would not divulge. Husl
ncss for them took her to Pittsburg,
She was In Cincinnati on Labor Day,
Weather Indications Today;
t tloneral lUncer Point In tiic President's
t'oniiltlon Paseil,
Ijnm.i (ioMman, An.mhlst, Captured.
Secretary Giro Otter tn tiny Ilniuls.
(leneral Cailiondale Department.
u Local nrmal Meetlnir of the I'lirUtUn MU
loniry Society,
Jluh' Skull Vriuftircil.
Court ProteotlitiRB.
Note anil Comment.
S Imcal Meetlnp of the t'ninn l.e.itfiie.
Sdiool Illslrlit Will KIkIiI Hinl T,it.
(J Local Vet SVtanlnn ami Suburban.
7 General Northeadern IVnn.,(lvatiia.
I'll, am 1st ami Commercial.
8 Iual OpenlnR of the W'alMllle Pair.
Industrial and Labor.
and that night sho left for St. Louis.
"I saw the police there Sunday all
right," the prisoner said, with a sar
castic little laugh, "but they did not
see mr. 1 hoard of the arrest of Air.
Isaaks, of his family and other anar
chists in CI) lea go, and determined to
eomo hero and sco If I could not help
them. Mr. Isaaks bad not been In the
country long, and1 I was afraid he
would not know what to do In legal
"What havr you done to help him?"
Captain Schuettelor asked.
Wanted to Furnish Bail.
"Well," she answered slowly, "I have
been looking for men to go on their
bonds, providing the courtH would al
low us to furnish them."
"Why did you deny your Identity, "
the chief Inquired. "Oh as to that, I
am not quite ready to show myself,
my friends were still In jail and I
wanted to do something for them.
However, you huve got me, but what
Is there to It? They had mo once In
New York because I quoted Cardinal
Manning who said 'necessity knows
no law,' but what good did that do
Dining tho Interview Walter Nowak
who says that he Is the Buffalo man
who Identified Czolgosz, asked Miss
Goldman It she boarded with si fam
ily of tho name of Mendel while In
Cleveland. Miss Goldman answered
In the negatlvo and declared she
stopped nt tho Hollenden under an
assumed name.
Miss Goldman's an est was accom
plished on a request sent to tho vari
ous police chiefs ot the country from
Buffalo. Chief O'Neill telegraphed
Chief null, ot bis capture and will
hold tho prisoner untllthe Buffalo
officers take charge .f lrfir.. ,fca
The chief's olllce was crowded while
Miss Goldman talked. Mayor Harris
on was an interested auditor. At a
conference this afternoon tho city au
thorities resolved to continue to bold
Isaaks and other alleged anarchists
under arrest here without ball.
"I'm afraid I cannot help them now,"
said Miss Goldman when the news
was brought to her.
A message from Chief Hull, of Buf
falo, to Chief of Detectives Colleran
asserts that Czolgosz was in Chicago
on Aug. 19 lu company with Emma
Goldman and Abraham Isaaks. Isaaks
and Miss GolUmnn deny the assertion.
They claim that they saw him last
on July 12. Tills discrepancy in tho
stories Is now one ot the chief points
which tho police are trying to solve.
They adhere to the theory that tho
attack on tho president was the result
of a plot and that they believe tho
plot was hatched In tho west.
Emma Breaks Down.
C. J. Nonis, at whose homo Miss
Goldman was captured, was arrested
Miss Goldman was taken from the
chief's effioc to the woman's annex ot
the Harrison street stntlon, whore sho
will spend the night. Sho will accord
ing to present plans have a heating to
morrow morning. While being led to
the carriage which was waiting to take
her to the lockup, Miss Goldman for
tue first time lost her self-possession.
She bioke down and cried and for a.
moment was merely a weak woman
lu distress. Sho recovered quickly and
by the time her foot touched the car
riage step she was again Emma Gold
man, the high priestess of anarchists,
Giand Jury to Investigate Atlantic
City License Violators.
Ily KtelutlYc Wire from The Awoeutril Press.
Atlantic City, Sept. 10. Supremo
Court Justice Hendiickson exploded a
bomb shell In court today when he
ohnrgled the grand jury on the Sun
day opening question. Ho stated that
It was their duty to investigate tho
alleged barter and salo of licenses by
certain members ot city councils, that
the saloon and hotel men should bo
Indicted for persistently violating the
Sunday laws, also that tho mayor and
chief of police could bo Indicted for
misdemeanor for not carrying out the
order of the court In failing to suppress
the Sunday disorders.
Tho Judgu was direct in his words
and left no doubt as to his meaning.
Ho suggested' that If the Jurors felt
that It would consume too much time
to Investigate tho Irregularities In city
councils, they could adjourn from time
to time at their convenience and sum
mon each member before them. From
tho tone of tho Judge's charge ho
wants a sweeping Investigation of the
license committee of common council,
and the action of tho mayor and chief
ot police. The Jury has Congressman
Gardner as Its foreman. Considerable
excitement has been caused In the city
by the charge, as It Is feared the Jury
will have to Indict every saloon mull
In the city.
She Passed Counterfeit Coin.
Hjr KxrluuiM Wirt from The AwocUtfd Pre.
Camden. X. .1., Sept. W.-Mi. ulc A. Statir,
the mother of rlsjhl iliiblien, wa arieteil at her
home heir last nltht b mi in senile agents,
ihaieed will) uiakiui.' and ia,sln;r counterfeit
file, fen and wentfx tent pled, Mie was
trhen a lie.irlne befoie 1'nltvil Mute Commit
loner MmiNii today and (onfoswi her guilt.
Mie w hcll in .',! bail fur liial,
The Secretaru of the Treasuru Haa
Authorized the Purchase ot
$20,000,000 ot Bonds.
Prompt Reply to Chairman Tappen's
Appeal for Aid to Believe Strin
gency of Money Market Internal
Revenue Receipts to Go to tho
Bankers Activity in tho Bond
Market Prices Advanced A
Scramble for the Securities.
Ily i;(ltMw Wire fioin Tin.' Avu iatid I'rcs.
New York, Sept. 10. The following
official announcement by Secretary
Gage was received by telegraph tills
afternoon at the sub-treasury:
The (.euetary nf (lie triaMiiy lieicby k1C
not lie Hut he will mi'lir anil umhler prupo).
nU fur llii o.ile to co eminent nn aieount of th
MtiMns; fund of I'nltnl staler :t per lent. ImiuN,
loan of llKXSl'ilv, t per cent, bonds luan of
l!rj.", and ,' per (int. bond', loan of loot, to an
amount not cxiecilinv 3l,mn,Uil. 1'ropiw.ih
diuuld lie Kuhunltitl In the' li letter
or teleempli not lalir than Thuivlay, tho litli
int. An.i biiiik aiioptoil to be promptly lie
luereil at the t lilted Sta'ei HiMiriMiiy In No.f
Yolk or to the lieaury llcparttnent at Wash.
uiRlon. The light to lejci t any or all pioposili
It ipiely leaned.
This was supplemented by the fol
lowing letter to Frederick D. Tappen,
chairman or the Clearing House com
mittee, In reply to his request ot yes
terday: lteioKiiiiins the utifainrahlo intluenie upon
business affairs of a continued aliMiiptioii Inln
Hie public lie.i.Mity of reienue beoud expendi
ture, I haie diieited that Incniiilng internal
ri'ienue nielpt he plain! with national litnk
depositation until a balauio with euli U real hid
equal to the par abi" ot the bonds held ih
scunlty fiimi null Thia will
dbeit' about hw inlllloiM from the treasury
The Miietary will lod.i "hulte pioposals for
the sale t the cmeinmeut of of Uni
ted Statei bonds other than the new 'J. It U
bolloed steps will olnlatc the other
lite possible iiuhariav,meut wlitch arc pointed
out in our telcjtrani of jcslculay.
Confidence Strengthened.
This offer on the part of the treas
'iry was quickly circulated In Wall
sheet ind added materially to the
confidence whlcn conservative bank
ers nave nil along maintained In the
money situation. The action of the
secretary Is the direct result of Fred
erick D. Tappen's telegram sent to Mr.
Gago yiifterday calling his attention to
the unexpected absorption of money
by the treasury and the heavy de
mands of currency for tho crop move
ment. Mr. Tappen's telegram was
criticised In some quarters, but tho
result has proved that It was a wise
move on the part of the clearing houso
Tho secretary also added In his tele
gram what he stated to Mr. Tappen
that he had directed that in'ernal
revenue icccipts be deposited with na
tional bank depositories up to tho par
value of all bonds deposited, excluding
the '1 per cent, bonds. Tills will, It la
estimated release about $3,000,000.
As soon as the secretary's offer bo
came known there was quite a scram
ble for United states bonds. The sec
retary's purchases, at current rates, of
the 4s of 1007, the Is of 11-01 and the 3s
of ltH'l have been so far comparatively
meagre, and It was thought that the
secretary might under the circum
stances raise the 1)1(1 for these classes.
Jlr. Gage has, however, adopted a dif
ferent method. He asks tho public to
make offers for the whole six classes
of bonds outstanding.
This action by the treasury and the
favorable reports from Huffalo caused
a stronger feeling In the stock market.
St. Paul was the leader, advancing :!
points. There were other gains, averag
ing l's points, throughout the list, Mr,
Tappen, who was early at tho Clearing
House, curtly Hummed up his views,
when asked his opinion ot the situa
tion, by tho remark, "There Is no situ
Dm yea Saloonkcepor Found
Guilty of Manslaughter.
fly Kjelusive Wire from The Associated Preft.
Wilkes-(Jarre, Sept. 10. In couit to
day Joseph Yushawiez, a saloonkeeper
of Durye.i, was convicted ot tnau
slauglUcr for the killing of .Martin
Cnwiey. The latter created a disturb
ance lu Yushukcz'ss saloon, when th
proprietor shot him. Counsel for Hie
prisoner expected a. verdict of acquit
tal. It is thought the attempted assassi
nation of tho president by a country
man of the prisoner Influenced tho Jury
In Its verdict.
Puddlers' Wages Advanced.
Hy Emiutive Wire fiom Tho AwacUttd Pre".
Vouivslowii, O., Kipt. 10. At the lil-iimnthlt-conference
held today between the lion niau.i
facturers and repiesentatlves of tho Amalca
in.itul Association ot Iron, feted ami Till Work
IM. the wattr of puddhii weie advanced fro,n
jj.-j.-j5 m M.,',n per ton, and flnUher were aU
vance.1 fiom 115.7 eentx per ton to 07 ccntj. The
Increase alfeitK about co.fKO woiKincn and it
tlfrctivu Sept. 1.
beeal du.i for in. lr1.
Highest tuuperalure "0 degree
lajwe.'t tuuperatuie 53 detrreei
Itelalue Humidity:
S a. m ' 0t per rent.
S h. in "'" per cent,
i Preilpliation, 21 luniM ended 8 p, in., O.Ot inch.
Washington. Sqit. 10, Poreeast for
Weduewlay and Thuiediys Kattem Pcnn
lvanla shnwxn Wednesday arul prob.
ably Thuitidays light tn fir.h ioutb ta
ably Thuitidays light tn fir.h ioutb to 4-
east wlmlx.
t -f 1 1 -i 'f. t