The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 10, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Will bo started right
this fall If you putchnso
your Ammunition heie.
You'll hnve the best.
We con supply you with
powder, shot, empty and
loaded shells, with black
or smokeless powder,
Itlfle and lcvolver car
tridges, etc. See window.
Foote & Shear Co.
J19N. Washington Ave
Everything for the Baby I
Atitr f nil ir.(rt nrof l1.4nlllf V B
chaiminp little garments es
pecially designed to captivate
the mother and win trade
we've a growing demand for
such goods wo want to meet
you. A few moments inspection
of thcbe garments will convinco
you of their merit. A line to
us will biing a catalogue.
Th? Baby Bazaar,
BIO Spruco Sttcot.
MB WnshniBlrn mni'ic ULeriufj- building.
New lrm begins f-ept 3.
We Launder
so thry retain nearly all the
natural fluffy softness of the
new goods.
.W-310 Penn avenue.
A. H. Warman.
K rnei Hum 'inccr, r' V v ork, M vii'
Ins frirnd In I lie ill.
lie. Kiihiiil HimiK nri'l uiff lmc irturncd
lflll Stlll'iUil, , .
( M ( nnniMliT hvlrn llorll is til at hl
hnne on mhlnirii Mrrrl.
ltrini'lrr nniu'll i- out ft the fit ami will
lint irturii unlit Ttmrl iv.
Mi-.-, llir llcilitriM Im-. irtiimcit from a ilcc.
att ,njllnn i-int nt llcitillli.
Wat I iml I) iilf trft intently (or Mlrlusan,
l.i i. .nine liU iii.1ipi ,it lllll-il lie.
Muni- .1 II I'i-Ii. "I North Mhiii aieinie, ri.n
t 'ii rpiile ill (r enic ill- I'i'l.
Mi i.tlliril IjIIii. nt nilli i-tr.Tt. lm ic-
I ii iir.l imiii l.iKi' an-l iiiliill.
Hie ii.ei limine mid liato Drelir liaie re
t lined MPiii Hie l'.in .liuiliiMii exposition.
, ( II (I'Niill. nt llo'iesdil", I' .1 Iiic-t at
t. i. -irlriiir nf I. .1. O'lloilo, id tnc Mint.
Mi- It Kutnir .ind Mi liiainer are lieme
i in - ui to liiihflild llrlll and tin- Pan-
llll I H 111 I pP-IIIHll.
M,-is It i nl landau mid I'r.itik r.. ("olrniin
1 i Kiinncd tioni a mil tn Migati l'alli and
tlie I'm mrrn in iinitlon
loiiner Miemt cIiipiup I' Prior liai retunifd lii. I.nrnpein tup and mil Idle th" ''l
foi Hie Pan expoMllon.
Mi and Mi. 1 laulv Mtlioirrn lone tnnlslit
ii ,iu eMrnded etnn llip and will t ilc in the
Pin Vnnlian on llinr iciuin.
l)r lfifd t Din in. n (lie l.llr,;e of Plnli lam
and sineiniu " Halltm Ti'. Md , it lUitiii lm
i. m-in, I mils II, l.iiin.111, o( tin, my.
Mi Willi.nn Hiii.. o( Pldlnlclplila, and Mia.
l hull. llMKir, nt I .it 'Irnud-liiire, wire lli
uue-is of Mio. (.Illicit l.i Hir during Uic t'Vt
Hh rnsiS'lii'iil 'ia I fen aniiounied of lir
Aliv.i.l. i I. I ill tu Ml.. Item IIOVM'.
of Tlu'iuai Hi'iiP, id SmiiIoii. IIIp Pane
In .1 I, IV k lm rrtiuiKil trom a tiln
himdied mill' trip mi inn lofeninlille, ii.itnn: tip
JetMi nii-t, I. oi 2 l.hnd, Micllir I.I ind and por
tions of i'i oik lale.
(arl A'lcln. lalnlictorian o( tlic i Ijn of 1'nrt
f tlie Sraiiton IIIbIi mIiikI, lift nlcnlaj to
l'f(.in a imiiM' cf cliidy at tolitalc unlteiit
at llaiiultoii. N. .
I I. t ourtrn will trtinn todn (mm ( niiaue
tin. M i-i , iilifie lie ha luen prmline i lie
Vj-i l In ro iimntlK tor ilii Ik m til nl liU linltli,
11 In, h l Mill to In' tllllfll lll'ptmed
Matixtiale .lulin T. Ilmie ti in Se oik
t ii attrndln? the nitlonal ronirntion of !
Iinpimril tinier of Ited Men wlilili u lirmj lielrt
Hie e lids week III- will not iTtntn linint tntil
I ml. i
Hair. la. k-uin, nlio lm liern for viine time a
niniiliri ol one of Hie llelawurr, l.i(kaanna and
Menem eriiiipaiii'a rnullicirini: iurp, tai let!
for I elush utiiiirrit, wlicte lie iilll rccuiiic lm
i iidn-
lulin l.lji-nrr ind fiitem, Mi-4 Piulme and
1 hilirtli, of llroinli airline, liaw Ii tt fur a
tour iliionch the iie-t. On their trlmn tlie will
lli-it the I'. in ami N I a ,'.11.1 1 alln.
Ilalpli I Itnlieilt, ol New ntk illi, iho hn
Lffn -I'Cnrllns lux motion null hl pitrnln, Mr
and Mt. ! I.. Itohnn. of ttirt pittnon aieinie,
)ia rttuiiifil to the Milropnln Mr ltohirK
la one of Hie irportin; tdif ,if tho .Minluttaii
llfpoitinc iorop.nn.
(Under tliLi lifarlinc ihort leltera ol nteret
lll tie pulilbdied wlifti acioniianird, for publlia
ion, by the wriler'a natnr 'Ihc frihuno does not
itiume ruponallilllty (or opinion here ctprced J
Thanks of a Veteran,
Editor Sainton Tribune -
Sir: 1 want to pciwinillv tlunk . u f"i imir
ditorlal in this moi iitiiic"- l.-ue ( I he 'IiiI.uih,
uUo Mr . Honor (or lna l.ttir on hi h
the aitlde nai written. It thould In lead uni
re-read and copied urnfrall. lntilnlv the
'cnix" ol the onifl larloont Ins iroihned tie
cflftt" in tli "11 oiiiirrcliif al llutlalu, or at
lca.t liua foiitrilmtrd tn it. It oalls In mind t lm
iruel caitooni in the f.ieelrv cainpiiBn. I don't
remember tlie papir, but one pUtuie wai nuwt
cruel, iianiel: liarln Piinmer pliuntf a .ib
luce on lloraic tiieilej'i rmlltiril (traic, and but
a lew week after Hie pure and ijood t.ireley
died of brekm litait. Afier the a I emit I
hue no doubt the paper would Imic rcialUd toe
tartoon and blotted it out of iho tuiniori f
"iery true Aimittin. I am put Hie ihuii
nile'.tene, but tn expel the ille Man who line
irousht trpioaih upon our people and men
ountiy, 1 wetild re-thniiMtr ni pin ind cipel
'Km liom the land.
ouii leipeillullj.
J, M, AltxanUir.
Carbendale, fcept. t, 1W1.
Auditing Committee Thought that It
was Too Small.
Tlteto wan some little illeuslnn nt
last night's meeting of flip Joint audit
ing committee of councils i'f tho
small numbei of llfilitfl inputted out
for the month of August liv the police.
Accrdlmr tn the police teports theio
were only llUS lights out during the
mollis, making a dockage of only
$31 1'rt to b tukiMi from u bill amount
ing to $1.0.1. The niPiiibPiH of tin1 com
mlttrp weie iitiniiliiioiit In ctui'dderliig
this numbpr of lights to lip rllli'ttotily
small, and the bill was hold up ponding
an Investigation.
Hills amounting tn to fur tbp analy
sis of pnlnl used on Hip Hoarlng Urook
brblRC were held up, the ronteutlnn
being tlint tlipy should bp paid by P.
.1 Johnson, thp lontrnrtor, and not by
the rlt..
It was decided to illu'Pt the chief of
the 111 o flepaitmeiit t& liitU' Ills clerk
In the futnip send to thp (omnilttpp
flip oilRlnal (Imp sheets tor bunk and
unit nu n sent In by thp captain of Hip
Mirlotin companies Till was derided
tipnn after tbp p.iy-toll of tbp bunk and
imII mm for flip inontbs of July and
AiiRift bad bppu,
"Hercs wboip we'll pet buncoed,"
said (li. ill iii.iti VauRlmn, "If p don't
ininnipnip liRlit heie and now tn Mifp
gtianl our Intprct" Thp"? fellows
will lip turmtiR in nil kind of t lino re
port If we don t witch nut"
Fiogiamme that Will Be Obseived
at First Christian Church,
North Scianton.
KoIIowIiir Is the programme for the
.'Ixty-niRlitli nniiiial kphhIoh (if the
('luiitlati Mlssliinniy Soi lety of Hast
orn ToniiHi linnlii. to lie lield In the
Klist riiiistliiaii cliurch, North tcrun
ton, on Soptenilior 10, 11 and 12:
TtMISDAY, SIIPT. 10, 2 P. M.
:.00-T)potlniinl t.prlif, led by .'. A.
l'rlck. AVcHtmnor.
Addt i'm. What Ih the Value to a
I'iciii Iht of MltilMtetlul Iiihtl-
tuti's.'" A. I!. Miller. I.nik Haven.
Dlsi tisslnii f .iiiH" opeiifd by It. II.
Saw telle. Henton.
Addri'n. "Kevlvuls," C. A. Hiady,
DIsiUHslou iipfiiril by II. 1. Maltiuiiti,
Say i p.
7 SO p in. llpvotlonal fpiilcp, t
Kriik. Mill Hall.
AddiPHi, H. (i. Kuuik. I'hlladelphln
vi:dni:sday. .shpt. u.
'.Mifl a. in. Devotional sen lie. M
Wdinl, Siippt Valley.
Preildcnt'M aililicss, I.. Maxwell, Will-
lfllTll-pol t.
Suivpy of tlm Held by the roiiewpond-
liifr Seeretary.
J.OO p in. SphhIoii of Hip State (J. W.
U. M.
Praise ami Ptajor Spiv ice, Mis.
riaiii'e, Phlladelliliia.
Welcome (lieetinif, Mik 1.. K. Ilavls,
ItPPpoiu-e. Mrs. V S. Stllitll, DlFtllit
Pieyiilpiit, I.di k llitvpii.
Symposium 'I'lip Place of the AV. II.
M. In the I'liimh.
First. "The '. W. U. M. ai a Means of
Educating Our Women." Mr. CI.
P. Ilutledsrp, Pliiladelplii.i.
Second, "As Hops the W. It. M., so
floes the Womanly Activities of
the I'hurili," Mr. K. K. Matiley.
Thlid, "The Power of Oijr.inlprt Wom-
Htiliood," Illustiated by the C. W.
H. M.. Mr. n.ibney, Duumoie.
Fourth, "The Value ot a Youiik Ladles'
(Mtcle as a Tralnliif; CSrotitid for
rutin r Otllieis and "Wotkcis In
the ('. W. Ii. M Jlr. 1.. New
comer. Fifth. "The .lunlor Wotk," Mis, M. H.
7.M p. in. Devotional service, F. M.
Clay, Lefioy.
Addiesi, Heiijiiinln 4. Smith.
M. S..
spondliifT Souetaiy A. ( .
I'liiciiinutl, Ohio.
TIll'USDAY, Sni'T. 12.
P.00 a. in. Devotional servlip.
Smith, Philadelphia.
Symposium on Sunday Si hool
Hoys' and C.ltK Rally Day
R. A.
Dcmirtment, Teachers' Mcetlnc;
Noiinal Woik. led by C5. I". Hul-
ledKe, Philadelphia,
2.00 p. in. Devotional service, O, C.
ZelRler. Newbetry.
Addtes on O. H. Wotk, K. I'. Randall,
Addres", "'I'lie Juniors," II. G. Weaver,
7.20 Devotional service, R. R. Jope,
Addiess, J. P. I.khteiibeieer, Huffalo,
N. Y.
Issues a Challenge to Any Light
Weight in City.
"Youiik Kid" McCoy, ot Philadelphia,
a pupil of "Kid" Mi Coy, has nt rived
in town and Is out Mlth a sweeping
ihalleiiKp to box any lightweight In the
city, befoie any tcputable athletic club.
Young McCoy is veiy desiious of ai-
raiiging ,i miitrh at the eaillest ojipoi-
tunlty, and the (list to tome will be
first spi veil.
I'.elow we give a few of the "Young
Kid's" best battles. Defeated Lew
Riu her, pIpvph i minds; defeated Kit
Catnas, six i omuls knocked out Kid
tileason, seventeen rounds; Kuixked
out Ned Mi Council, four rounds, beat
Jim Ruike, ten lotimls. beat Ficddle
Snyder, ten lounds, diaw with Matt
Flahert.i. twenty lounds, ill aw with
Ilddle tiaidner, fifteen lounds; diaw
with ".lai k" Stitnster, six i minds.
knocked out "Hill" Devlue, tlnee
lounds; knoikeil out Mint Judge, seven
rounds, bested "Chlik" I.uKens, llftcen
Young Mi Coy will be glad to meet
any one In a bag punching mutt Ii. Any
icply to this may be sent to the spoit
Ing editor of The Tiibuue.
Mis. Cawskte Killed While Picking
Coal fiom Track.
Vhlle pliklng (oal from between tho
tallrond Hacks rjinnlng from Stons'
shaft No 1 and Stons' No. il, yester
day morning, Mis. Josephlno C.iwskle,
of (Irani avenue, was struck by an en
gine drawing n train of twenty (.us.
She fell between the tiaiks and the
entlio ti (tin passed over her body. Her
remains vvete leiuoved fiom the
nnd t iker to her late home She was
:! yens or age and is survived tiy a
Dr D A. Capwell will retuin from his
vacation and bo In his office Sept. 15
The North Pole
la a lotiff nav off
ER5fc Vi ii niece. II vou
r ii v t
TOIIV will Karl and
kerp iou rlaht Sou
open Beit, fpilfk
eil aurenl' Pati
loitue Cnuriei, ..0
a" 1 tipnard
I Xtfrcd Tennlng.
ton, Director.
1 jwjijsi,
New Machine Purchased from the
Ameitcnn File Engine Company
Was Operated on Spittce Street Be
tween Washington and Adams
Avenue Threw Stieam Seventy
five Feet Higher Than the Mears
Building Final Test Will Be Tried
This Afternoon.
The IK w lite engine pun based by the
city ficiui the Anieilian File lhlginc
I'oinp.iu.v, of Seneia Fulls, N. V. was
tested jestetdiiy, and Judging by the
height and length of the stt earns
tin own, and the veiy out satis
faction of Dliectot of Public Safety F.
L. Woi inner and Siiiierlntendent of the
Hut can of Flies II. F. Fetber, the nrw
piece of appainttls wllMlccldedl do.
It will, howovet. be given tinolher
riuil filial test this aftei noun at .1 o'c loc k
on Wvoiulng avenue between Mill-
beiry and Vine stleets Several tests
weie iiiaile estPtday afternoon niiil lit
the I'lincliidilir; ono two stieams weie
thrown over the Meals building, deal
ing the big sti uc tute by a geuci'iius
nun gin.
The engine was stntioned nt the
hvdiaiit, al Spline stteot and Wash
Inglon avenue, unit was In chatge of
C. K. Wessell, the englllpet of the
ViiipiIciiii File lhiglne coitipali. D. J.
lowe assisted him clurlng the; tests.
Supet Intemleiit Fetber Intends attach
ing the engine to Hiiglue itunpanv No.
1, foinieily known as the Nay Augs,
wlilili will aNo letalti their ptcsent en
gine, ns a leveive. The supei inteiiil
ent yesterday iippiilnted Slmie as pel -mnnent
englneef of the new machine,
and John Kell.v, tinothei Nay Aug man,
as stoker
nu: first ti:st.
Six liuiitlted fpPt of hose vipie Used
fluting the alteiiioon. The 111 t-t test
consisted of ascertaining the time It
took to make steam Horn cold viater.
Forty pounds of steam was talscd in
six minutes nnd a ball, and then came
the second of the list of tllals ai
langed. This consisted of tin owing a
stream finni a one and ope-foutth inch
nozzle, hm bontallv and peippiullt u
laily. The length of this stie.iin was
not measutecl, nor was It In an in
stance, but today n larcful measuii
itietit will take plac e.
Two stte.mis weie then tin own fiom
one and one-eiglith inch nozzles
tliiough 210 teet nt hose, and tough
estimates maile placed the length of
the stieam at about Kit) feet. Two pel -pendli'itlar
stteatns weie then thiown,
and as the poweiful lets of water shot
high Into the air. tlicy looked like a
pair of geyseis win King oveitltne.
The suilden maiioeiivei In changing
the diieitlou of the hose whs unex
pected by the cloud, and mute than
one pet Mill was ill euc lied by the (lying
spray. A veiy ptetty sight caine next,
vv hen four slie.iins vieie directed up
Spiuce sttppt, fiom oup-inih noz.les,
tliiough lr.O teet of hose. The stieams
were long, poweiful ones, and consti
tuted a ery foiinlilable water battery
to play on any loull.igi.ttion.
The stieam tliiough two lines of hose
KiO feet In length weie slainesed Into
one stuaii) thiough a tlnee-iiuh hose,
a one .mil thtee-iuarters ltu h nozz.le
being used, and a stieam of tPrilfie
velocity and fotce lestllted. The llnal
tests had the Meais building for their
obiectlve point. Two stieams fiom one
and one-eighth Inch noz.les weie 111 si
trained upon the tall building and
then, as Supeiinteiidont Fei bei gavp
the signal, tlieie was a tush of water,
a stieam buist foi tli fiom the nozz.le
and lose high, high in the air, until it
had ile.ired the stun till e and cleat ed
It by so many teet that spoctatois, one
and all. marveled. Archlteit Lacey,
who stood on the loof dining the test,
declaied that the stieam was fully
seventy-live feet higher than the build
ing, which Mould give It a height of
considerably mote than two huudied
Following this test, two stieams ft om
one and ono-quatter Inch nozzles were
thrown over tho building, During tho
day's tests, the picssuie maintained
was from 2.'0 to S00 pounds. A large
crowd watched the 1 1 In 1 of the engine,
and int hided In Its number were many
pioniinent (lre-llghtcrs of this city,
among whom weie ex-Chiefs of the
File Depaitment F. AV. Xizelinaiin and
P. J. Rickey, Isadoie Cioodiuan, ex
piesldpnt of the Nav Augs, and otheis,
Bethlehem Fnir.
The fair at liethleheni after a long
period of pitispeilty has assumed pm
pmllon of collossjl size. In everv
branch one (lads the details minutely
cairled out, and the show Is tu eveiy
way most complete and inteiestlng.
The vegetable show will bo without
ripial. the inttle and live slock divi
sion has line entiles galoie The mid
way and entertainment features me
the finest pioc urable, nnd with the
cnieftil attention foi which the Rctlile
hem fair management Is noted, will
UMki this season's exhibition well
worth visiting. The fair will be inn
ft om September 10th to 13th. and dur
ilng that lime the New Jetsey Centrn!
will sell i educed inte tickets to Bethle
hem tor the event.
Try the new 5c cigar "Kleon."
If You
Want a
Delicious drink and want
something that is really
good and thoroughly re
freshing, drink Coursen's
Java and Mocha Coffee,
25c pound.
E. Q. Coursen
Will Leave for Hl See Ono Week
fiom Today.
Hlshcip (iatvey will test during the
ptcsent week, and, on Sunday next,
felehrates hi" Hist pontifical tnas, nt
St, John's ilititi'li, Plttstou. On the
Tuesday followin,; be wilt leave for
Mtooiui, iiccomp tilled by a delegation
of pi tests and other filondR of the
Siiantoti and an escoit of
pilests fiom the diocese of Altoona.
Hlshop llohan has not as yet an
nounced who will succeed to the lee
toishlp made vacant by Hlshop Har
vey's, elevation.
Caidnal Mattliielll left at li.M P in.
vcMPidiiy op the Lackawaiilia for Phll
ade1ihla. oceoinpnnled by his seeie
tai. Rev. F ,. Hooker, D. D. lie will
attend the dedication of ail Italian
si hool In Philadelphia today.
To a Tribune leporter Cardlnt.1 Mar
I limit! said he expects to bo tecalled,
but has no Idea when this will happen
or by whom lie will be succeeded, lie
being made a caidlnal tiaiisfoims him
fiom a delegate to a pio-delfgalo or
one tii'tlug for ii delegate.
Hlshop 13. F Prendeigast. of Phila
delphia, acconipaiiled by his brother.
Rev. Fiancls Piendotgast, of Phlladel
liliia, and Rev. N. J. McManus, of
Noitli Scranton. left yesteiday for
Hilstol, Conn, to attend the funeral
r l.ev, l', it tier liiirvev, or niisini.
The other visiting pielates left for
their respective homes Sunday or yes
Agnes Dunn, nlins Ruth Bennett, Ar
tested Tliiough Effoits of Dep
uty U. S. Mnishnl Snyder.
Deputy Fulled Statps Marshal J. W
Sn.vder .vestpidav tecelved a commu
nication fiom Postofllce Inspector Wll
Ham J. 'Mrhorv. of Philadelphia, an
nouncing the artet nt Hath Reach, N.
Y. Friday of Agnes Dunn, alias Ruth
Heiumtl, fat met Iv of Avoca. who was
charged with Impersonating one Kdna
A i iiold. Julv ID, and getting cashed a
money order for J.'O
The attest Is the illiect leslllt of
some veiy clever detective woik by
Deputy Maishal Sn.vder himself A
month ago, he received a win runt for
the woman's an est, with the Informa
tion that she was believed to be lo
cate ,it either llazleton or Avoea.
She was described as being an all
around i look
Mr. Sn.vder Immediately went to
woik on Hip p.tse and while unable to
ascertain the wlieteabnuts of the wo
man, Dually found that .she had sls
lets In lla.Iitoii, and one of the
subuibs of Wilkes-Ran e. He was In
Wllkes-H.uie and In company with
tb" chief of pnlUe theie, and a detail
of offlcct s sp.iiched the city for the
Diinti-Rennett woman, but without
success. Up continued working on tho
case, hoiiDVer, ami finally struik the
clue which 1 exulted 111 this important
captuip. JIp found that another alias
had been adopted and Anna Duncan
was the name under which the sus
pect was Raveling.
A watch was then pUied on alt the
mail leaving the places wheie the two
sisters lived, and It ivas ascertained
that letters weie fieipuently sent to
Anna Duncan, Hath Reach, near
Rtooklyn, N. V Inspector Mehoiy
was notified nnd the an est followed.
The woman waived an examination
and was committed to the Jersey
ttate penitentiary nt Trenton, to await
Rial In the Federal court.
Mrs. Enonmski Hit Him on the
Hend with n Club.
John Renofsky Is In a dangeious con
dition nt his home In Olyphant, as the
lesiilt of a blow on the bend he le
eched Sunday fiom Mis. Mary Rno
miiskl. Roth reside on River stieet In
They had a riuaiiel and Mis. Ruo
niuskle hit Renofsky on the head with
a i lub, fiactiiilug bis skull. She is
now In the county Jail.
Judge R. W. Archbald Issued an or
d'M' J-aturdny for a dialling of gtand
and petit Juiois for the October ses
sion of Federal couit. which will be
held In this city. Twenty-tin ee grand
and forty-eight petit- Jurois will be
The (list objections yet filed against
a petition for dlschaige In the dls
tilct Fedetal court were received es.
terday, when Attorney Hurton W. Da
vis, of Wllkes-Rnrre, acting for Iaz
arus Mo.ver, of Pliiladelplii.i, filed ob
lectlons to the discharge ot Chailes
M Klethhllne. of Wllkes-Raue.
Refeiee 111 Rankrupti y C. A. Vnn
Wornier csierd.iy deilaied a seven
teen per cent, dividend In the case of
Chailes R. Rllss, of Factor Ille
Referee Van Wormer Is now coui
tnttably settled In his new aunt tots In
the Federal building, ther 00m allotted
the district attorney, the wotk of mov
ing having been completed Satin day,
None nt th" other officials havo yet
c hanged their otllces.
To the Republican Voters of Lackn
wnnna County.
Notice Is hereby given that the fol
lowing named have registered ns can
didates for the Republican .nomination
for the icspectlve otllces named, nnd
their names will appear on the official
ballot for the Republlian pilmary elec
tion to bo held on Sept. 16, 1901, be
twecn the hours of 4 and 8 o'clock
n. m :
For Addltlonnl Law Judge Jnmes
Wheaton Caipenter. 1008 Delaware
Btieet, Scranton, I'n.
For County Contioller K. A. Jonee,
Archbald, Pa.
For Coroner John C Hateson, M. D.,
337 Washington nenue, Scranton, Pa.j
John J. Roberts, M. D L':'5 South Mnln
avenu. Scianton, Pa.
For Survejot (ieotge E, Stevenson,
Waverly. Pa.
Rath pteilnct will nlso elect the
Vigilance Committee nt the bald pri
maries, DAVID J. DAVIS, Chairman.
K. D. FRI-.L.OWS, Secietary.
Change in N. Y., 0. & W. Time Table
Commencing Tuesday, the 17th ItiBt ,
N. V.. O. & W. train leavliiR Cadoslu
nt S.40 a. m , nnd Carhondale, 10.01 a
111.. arriving Scranton, 10.40 0. in., and
ti hIii leavltiK Bcranton at 4 p in , Car
bondale, 441 p. 111. and arriving Ca
dosla 6.00 p. ni , will ho discontinued.
Wnlkinp Is Beneficial.
A walking hklit In a comfort. Pee
Crane's line, 321 Lnckawanna avenue.
Take elevator.
Eight of the Twenty-six Members of
the County Committee Assemble nt
the St. Charles nnd Fix One Week
from Thutsdny Next ns the Time
for the Fnll Pow-Wow Prlmnrles
to Be Held on the Ficccding Tues
day Some Probable Cnndldntes for
the Nominations,
The Demociatlc county committee
met at the St. ('Initios Inst night nnd
Issued n call for the lounty conven
tion. The piimarics will be held Tuesday,
September 17, and the convention on
the following Thiitsday.The primal les
will bo conducted between the hours
of 4 ami 7 p, m. The convention will
be held In Music ball and will com
mence at ! o'clock a. m.
This will he the laigest convention,
In point of the number of delegates,
ever held by the Lackawanna Demo
crats, the new nppoi tionment having
Inei eased the total repiesentatlon from
16-' to 103. A dlsti let having polled moie
than liifl votes for the picsldcutlul
candidate Is entitled to two delegates,
and ii poll of moie than 30 votes given
a dlstilct thiee delegates. Twenty-nine
dlstilcts of the county are entitled to
two delegates each. Aichbald, Second
watd; Scianton, Third ward, Fltst dis
trict, nnd Scrnnton, Twentieth wind,
Second dlstilct, ate each entitled to
three delegates.
Only eight of tlie twenty-six inem
beis of the committer attended the
meeting. These weie Vlce-C'haliman
H. C. New comb, Seaotory T. P. Duffy.
School Hoaid Solicitor D. J. Reedy,
Count.v Commissioner John J. Duikln,
Deputy Jail Waiden Victor Rursciiell,
J. J, O'Ho.vle. Colonel Herman Osthatln
and M. J. Donahoe. Mr. Reedy was
called to pieslde In the absence of
County Chaitmau James J. O'Neill. It
was explained that the slim attendance
was due to the fact that no notices
weie sent out. Cbniimau O'Neill's let
ter directing Sectetaiy Duffy to call
the meeting was delivered at the hit
ter's otlhe while he was nl the Pan
American. It Is an open question et ns to who
will be the Democratic candidate for
Judge. R. C. New comb can have the
nomination if he wants It, the wise
ones say, but ho has not thus far In
dicated that he wants It. It Is be
lieved among the leadeis that he will
take It and that an announcement of
his iitndldacy will be forthcoming In a
few das.
Cot nellus Coniegys and Aaion Au
gustus Chase weie about the St.
Chailes last night, leady to decinie
their willingness to be Judge If any
one cated to sound them. Mr. Coniegys
has foinially announced his candidacy.
Mr. Chase Is a conditional candidate
W. A. Wilcox Is also a candidate, and
there Is talk ot running S. H. Pi ice
or I. II. Hums.
Dr. J F. Salti, Dr Lynch, of
Claik's Summit, and Dr. Kelly, of Oly
phant. aio candidates for cot oner
Former City Rngluppr Patitck Hlew
itt and Hubeit Johnson, are mentioned
as candidates for county surveor
County Auditor P. W. Costello still
continues to be without opposition for
county controller. It Is as good as c er
talu he will be accorded an unanimous
It is quite possible a slate will be
made mi that will be acceptable all
mound and that the convention will
have nothing to do but to go tliiough
the formality of making nominations
Understanding with I. B. Eeltz Said
to Hnve Been Renched.
Th" Infotniatlon comes from what Is
believed to lie a reliable soutce that
the lloldeu mine ot tlie Delawaie,
Knox Hats
For Fall
Better (if
ever before,
they are
easy fitting
styles. The
possible) than
Better, because
light - weight,
and clean cut
quality always
the best obtainable
by hand.
The Largest Lines in N. E. Pennsylvania
punk nnoK oi-nrt: sfi'i'i.ii.5
The Largest Lines in N. E. Pennsylvania
Oils, Paints and Varnish
Maloney Oil & Maniifactiiring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
First Mortgage Five Per Cent.
Gold Bonds of the
Webster Coal k Coke Co.
Covering its
arc offered subject to prior sale.
TOTAL ISSUE, $150,000.
Dated July 1st, 190H- Due July 1st, 1916
Coupons payable January and July.
Denomination $1,000.
Bonds aud mortgage may be seen at this office. Writs
for special circular.
Title Guaranty & Trust Company,
516 Spruce Street.
Lackawanna and Western conipatu.
near Taylor, which has been shut down
for seveial months, will lesunm opera
tions as soon as the necessary re
pairs tue made.
The company. It Is said, has .11
rlved at an undeistandlng with 1 H
Fellz, who owns considerable 10.1l
land about the mine Falluie to re.u h
an agreement with him has kept the
mine idle
Company A Members Opposed to
Choosing Captain fiom Outside,
An Impromptu meeting of the mem
bers of Company A, Thliteeiith iegl
nmnt, was held last night In the nr
moty.whcu It was decided unanlinousl
to select a candidate fiom the com
pany foi the captaincy, to succeed Cap
tain Oeotge II. Riiss, who has lesigned
The onlj candidate so far mentioned
for the place Is Second Lieutenant Kel
wattl Com ad. Setgennt Rlihaid Thom
as Is mentioned as n landldnte to suc
ceed him as second lieutenant. An elec
tion has not jet been oideied.
Office Open All Day.
Registration and iiriangements for
lesson houis will be continued todaj at
the Conservatory ot Music. School
year begins on Thuisda.v.
Miss Hessle Pean, teaiher of mando
lin, banjo and gultai. Address Powell's
music stoic,
The otlhe of A. I"). Pteston, dentist
Mcais building, will tie closed until
September !.
The greatest commercial
economist In the world today.
Compared to any necessary
Investment In business,
Is Incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Uinigtr'i office, 117 Adimi ivcnm.
Shirts, Underwear
and Hosiery.
412 Spruce Street.
Try our 10c. Linen Collars.
fe e. ty.
-W J4
The Famous
I Columbia Yarns j
irr cupfnor to all Mhrr '
I. .. .11 I ..,. n V
hit- 111 11 nun" 11
i j ( nlumlna J"i J half juit if
rrncil 11 ticn lit ol the l'li.. All Ihldej
aipl cnoi
Ill Shades, per skein, ISc
In black ami white, Hie
W ion n..i 10 .iintounl this Jim
!eh other clifdiri tiunili.
Cramer-Wells Co.,
130 Wyoming Ave.
has tiimmed our window, to the left
of stoie entrance, with popular pat
terns in bosom shiits for fnll wear.
Black nnd white nie the colors. You
wer a black or white tie with them.
The price is popular
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
GcntNl Agent tor the VVjomlts Ihttnct for
Dupont's Powder
Mlninj, nia.ctlnc, 'porunir, iiiol.rl"t n1 t:.
Jirpauno Uitinlul l.'oinpiiij'i
Sfety Tine, Caps and Hiploden. Iloom 4)1 ton
nell llullcllns , Scianton.
( 1I.S
JOHN II -Mlllt k 0
W. V. itlLUt. VN
Wilkes Dur)
Can bent lie supplied at a
stoie wheie equality has always
telgiied Hiipieiiip wh"i'e today
we file Just as particular In
selecting quality ns we weie the
fltst tfiir, npfoie a cotintN-wide
leputatlon had been built We
can sell you one piece or fur
nish our hnU!e complete with
equal piompiiiefp and satisfac
tion We are making a specialty of
suppljhiK young couples with
APPOINTED Stoie open Sat
urday eeniugs. Credit given
when dcBlied
VV.T can be found In our car
pet stoie that Is of the worthy
See Our $25 Bedroom Suit
See Our 75c Tapestry Carpet