The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 10, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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'Delaware and Hudson Railroad.
June 0, tool.
Tralni will leave t.'atbondale. at city nation ax
VorUrantnn and Willes.l.irre-l.(', 7.'W. ?.
HOI. 10.01, II.2I a. in. i I'.IO, l.Ui S-' '"
6 (VI, T.Ott, 10.01, 10.S1 p. m. , , .
Snndav train leaw at 8.50, 11.21 a. w. ''8.
S.l, n.V. p. tn. . ., . .. ,
For. Albany. Saratoga. Montreal, llo-on, cw
Ktigland polnti, etc., 7.(0 a. m-i AM . ro.
(daily). ... ii.
for Lake la'dore, Waimart nnJ lloneadale,
7 2.', Il.o;. a. m.i 3.M. it.l:l p. ni
Sunday Iralni Iraie for bake bodere, Waymart
and llnnenlalo at n.W) a. tn. i l.sil, M, !' '"
Trains airlie at C.trhondale Irnm Wllkevljirre
nd Soianten ax follow: fl..W, H.37, U.W, 10.. O
J m. 12.37, S.ttl, s.S. I.S, DO, 7.01, h.81, U.5I,
11.47 p. tn. i I 5.1 a. in. . ,
Sundav train, arrive at 0.37 a. m.; 12.10, 3.2.,
A 2. .2!. II. Ml p. m. . ,
Ttalnx atrlie dally from Albany at fUn and
0..W p. m.i and nil Sunday at 2.30 p. in.
'Iralni arrhe from llonrvlale ami Wajmart
rtallv at 8. I.I h m.i 12. in, 4.M, (1.17 p. " , ,
Minda) tralm arrive at Carbntulah' from Lake
l.edore. Wat, mart and llotieadalc at 12.1i, 1.10
and 7V p. m.
Now York, Ontario and Western.
.Tunc 2.1, l'KU.
Trains leaie raibondalc for Siranlou at 7 0i),
10.01 a. tn i I 00 p. in.
Sunday trains at .r) a. tn ; B.o1 p. in.
Train liaie C'arliondile for points nortli l
11 10 a. m.i 1.14 p. in. On Sunday at 0.10 a. tn.
Trains leaving; ut 11.10 a. in. week daix and 'MO
a. m. Sunday make lenneilinn. lor New lnik,
Cornwall, etc.
Trains arrlvr from Seranton at 11.10 n. m.i 1
M p. m.i fioni points north. 10.00 a. in., 4 no
p. m. Snndavx from Sirantoti nt 0.10 a. in. and
7.45 p. rn.j Irom Cadoli at ("..On p. tn.
Erie Railroad.
tunc 2.1, 1'Ot.
Trains leate illy station, ('.itlwndxle, ilmlv
(exerpt Sundav at 7.00 a. m. and AM p. ni. tor
Piandt and Mneirh; al 0.;il a. tn., daily (ex
rpf inff Nind.iv). fur llinghamlcn. maklnc. ion
i.eitienA for N'ew- York rity and rtuflaln, and at
i' 10 p. ni. for Sitsmiehanna, nuklm; lonnectlona
lor western point.
Sunday trains at 0.41 a. m. for Susquehanna,
with western connection!, and 0.27 p. in., with
nme conncctlotia.
Trains nrrbe at M a. m. and 5.1i p. in.
Sundays at S.M a, in,
Common Council Does a Lot of Dis
cussing, but the Champions of the
Contract by Adroit Move Put Off
Action for a Week Story of the
Peppexy Talk.
The mayor's voto of tho street light
ing contract, which was awarded by
councils to the Lackawanna Valley
Rloctric company weeks uro. was a
feitlle topic of discussion at last
night's mooting of common council,
thereby uridine another ihnpter to lite
unique history of vicissitudes of this
Last nlghl It wns a mrrtliiK of
swords of llf roiiiiciliupii who arc In
favor of the contract uml the minor
ity oppot-pd to contracts of more than
a year's duration. At the last meetliiK
It was the latter who went under
over: litst niRlit the others saw lie
font starlntr thorn, hut they fought
iKiiltif-t the InipendliiK danger and by
tn adroit move, when piecsed haul,
hey succeeded in hiivhisr the matter
ml over for another week, thus Ratli
ne time and strength for the dual
The iidiolt move mentioned was the
iiakliiR and secondliiR of a motion lo
adjoin n Just as the matter was to lie
taken tor a reconsideration. The chair
was not disposed to rntertaln the mo
tion to adjourn and didn't until there
wits a loud clamor of IndlRiiant mo
lests from tlriso who would reject the
veto. Hut not until the clamor ri-ow
too loud to tie unheeded did Chairman
Collins' ilt-niii"sH Rive way. He put the
motion, and, council by a vote of 7 to I
decided tn adjourn. This vote of 7 to t
indicated also the vote on the veto.
. Chairman Collins, Xealon, AVhitlleld
and Kvans wore in favor of tho veto,
while the expected votes against it
were thop of l.oftus, Kennedy, Mur
phy, Thompson, Stone, .T. H. Masters
and .lohn Masters. Of the latter there
wpre only s"Von, while It required
oIrIh to pass the voto over the mayor's
head. This explains the determined
tlRht for adjournment: it was tho sal
vation of the contract untlt tho next
inootliiR at least.
Mr. T'URllano was absent, hut how
his presence would have figured in tho
defeat or acceptance of the veto Is a
matter of speculation.
Tho discussion, which was prolonged
until it became warmly Interesting,
was opened by Mr. Noalou, Immedi
ately after tho meeting opened. He
called for a report on the voto, which
had been referred at the last meeting
to tho llRht, tiro and water committee,
with instruction to procure from the
city solicitor n written opinion as
loverlng the history of tho contract
from Its granting up to tho present
time. Mr. Xealon said ho was In
formed that one of the members of
the committee had procured, and if
this be true, which ho bt limed It was,
then It was tho business of tho com
mittee, of which he, himself, wns a
member, to dispose of tho matter wlth
. nut resorting to any dilly-dallying tac
;; '.lis. No notice or mooting, Mr. Nealon
" -ontlnued, had been sent to the ilro
," Ight and uator committee and he was
" it a loss to explain why the chairman
: lid not rait u meeting, particularly in
' lew of tho fact that the opinion bad
.'.rn procured from tho city solicitor.
it happened that it was J. H. Mas
erf, the chairman of the committee,
.ho received the opinion and of course
: a to lihu that Mr. Xealon's re-
larks were so pointedly aimed, Mr.
Listers, appreciating this, arose and
y way of reply and defense dei hired
hat he hnd not had ample time to
all the committee together, put pur
insed doing so this vek.
Tills explanation whh considered by
Ur. Nealon as only an attempt at ox
ilalnlng and he renewed his attack,
is It, were, by reminding Mr. Masteifl
that .ho f.Vealon) met the former on
the street severul times and was In
his company also during the
last two weeks, thus affurdlng him
amplo opportunity to glvo notice of u
meeting Jf It had been Masters' Inten
tion to call one.
Mr. Masters did not reply, though
t, ppwrlfT tn h' ahalfn Into Ihc ihoea. Your
ft ftfl twoll'n, iinioua and hl, atirl mt rr,j
iklly. If ou havr mulling feet er light dioit,
,ry AUn' I'ciM-V'ain. It roola the tt anil
riaVtt walking faiy, Cium tpnlltn, awiutlnc
tut, In trowing rill., tllitrn nJ tallou, pou.
Ulltvtt trn anrl bunloni of all pain and gitaj
rcit and remfert, Tiy It today, told by all
diutslto and ahct ituii-i for 'JV. 'liinl iiaik.
act F!U:f:. Addrt3, Allen S. I'limlM, 1 f-i-,
N, V,
Carbondale Department.
Chairman Collins mildly rebuked him
by declaring 'that In Important inat
teis like this one it was tho duty of
committees to act without delay.
Tho Incident waa hushed for awhile,
until Just about adjournment time,
when Mr. Nealon. dissatisfied and
visibly displeased with the course the
matter had taken, called for and In
sisted that the committee dispose of It
forthwith. The city solicitor' opinion
wns in the hands of one of tho com
mittee and It was only a question of a
few minutes to consider It and pre
sent a report. During tho discussion a
motion to adjourn was made and sec
onded among those In favor of the
three yeats' contract. In the mean
tlmo Sir. Nealon, Mr. Mvans alii Mr.
Whitfield were clamoring for a meet
ing of the committee, while the others
worn crying more loudly for the putting
of the motion to adjourn, claiming It
had precedence. Chairman Collins was
reluctant to put the motion, lie was
In favor of disposing of tho veto, but
there was such a cry from tho oilier
side that to escape fioni th" qunndry
ho put the motion to adjourn, which
was carried by tho vote of seven to
four, as mentioned before.
The veto will be acted upon In tho
meantime and should come up at tho
next meeting. September 'IX
The Martin Dougherty Tine.
Among the other matters discussed
long before being disposed of was the
resolution remitting the line of $10
Impeded on Martin Dockerty by Alder
man Uelavan for an alleged violation
of tho ordinance against fast driving.
The alderman was directed to pay the
fine ovei to the city, then Dockerty
can make an effort to secure It. There
was a peppery discussion before this
was decided on, during which Mr.
Murphy spent some time In lauding
Dockerty as a law-abiding citizen ami
the like. '
Must Lay Sidewalks.
A resolution was Introduced directing
the city engineer to lay stone walks In
front of the porportles of the Klngs-bury-Kuller
estate on Terrace street;
Mrs. Itussel. Wyoming street: Mrs. .1.
('Itouike, Seventh avenue: I'. .1 Lee,
Kelmout street, and jilntik walks In
front of the properties of Andrew
Mitchell and (Jeorgo 1 1, Oliver, on
Canaan street. If the owners refuse
to pay for the work the city engnoer
Is requested to Issue levies against the
properties. Non-conipllaiu e with the
ordets of the city engineer lo lay walks
where It was directed lid to the writ
lug of this icsolutlon. It was referred
to committee.
An ordinance for an arc light on
l'liwdcrly street, In front of the prop
erty of Patrick lloouey. was leferred
to committee.
The request of the Merchants' as
sociation asking councils to cnfoice
the closing of stores on Sunday was
also leferred lo lonimlllec.
Attendance at the High School
About the Same as on the Opening
Days of Other Years Impiovc
ments Made About the School
Building During the Year.
Yesterday was the first day of school
fur thr fall tot in. anil yesterday morn
ing louiil the .( In ml riiiims tilled with
i arnest-fai i'd children, who were
readv foi their tas-k.s after idle day.i
of tli" summer vacation, and busy
teachers, who occiiiiPi themselves In
arranging the classes and planning fur
the work of instruction before them.
The attendance at the High sclu-ol
proper was ""fin scholars, and accord
ing to coniparl'nns made by city Su
perintendent (Jan. the number was
plinut the f inn a's on the opening day
)' lr.i.l year. Iteports had not been le
leived last night from the seho'iis
throughout the city, but It was learned
from other souices that the att-nd-anco
was somewhat light. The lethar
gy that the semi-centennial celebra
tions could be responsible for. might
' had something to do with the
school children's staying at homo. It
Is expected that by tho foie part of
next week lagging energies will be re
vived and there will bo n full enroll
ment of the scholars.
During the vacation period the
school hoard did heaps of work In tho
way of Improvements about the school
grounds end in increased accommo
dations, 0 ml the happy result was at
tractive surroundings about the
schools that needed attention, and
abundant room for pupils.
ThCre weie numerous minor Im
provements that went to make a coin
liundablo and creditable showing on
the whole, but conspicuous among tho
t uotislvo changes were those at No.
i, No. 7, and No. fi schools. No. I
grounds woi- not more than a barren
waste, but now 11 has attractive .stir
n tindiugs that are sure to awaken the
arllstio pride of the ihildrcn. as
mould be true of nil school grounds.
At No. 0, the grounds have been com
pletely altered nnd the former uninvit
ing appearance has been delightfully
transformed. A now Iron fence has
b'on elected about the grounds. The
impiov'iiii nts at this school ate not
quite fiuli hid.
The principal change at No. 7 school
nnd a most Important one. Is the
equipping of four looms with slnglo
desks. This Is a move that tails for
nioro than passing notice, and the
policy (if the hoard to supply the
schools with this style of desk will
be connuended for many reasons.
Prof. John V. Delanev began his
duties yesterday as supervising prin
cipal of the schools of KeU township,
a position which he Is well equipped
to nil with beiiellt to the district and
with iredlt to himself.
Mi. Delaney's successor as princi
pal of No. 1 school ,s Miss Kulo
ilealey of this city, who was pilncl
pit: of Itlchmondale school last year.
Miss Donley promotion Is deservd,
and her capability will be shown In
tho position after the school affairs Ret
i tinning In tho right grooves.
A Coming Marriage,
A wedding announcement that will
be received with pleasure Is tho com
lug marriage of Miss Lucy Konii'dy,
of Brooklyn street, tn John W. Tlarrott,
the South Main street tailor. The
fvent will take place on the morning
of Wednesday, Sept. IS, with a nup
tial mass at St. I lute church,
Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Three Days' Session Will Open This
Morning In the Berean Baptist
Chinch Tho rrocrammo of the
First Day's Work.
Tho Uerean Haptlst church will la
the scene of animation nnd activity to
day. It Is the opening day of the an
nual convention of the Ablngton Hap
tlst Sunday school and tho AbhiRton
Haptlst associations. Much prepara
tion has been made for tho three days'
sessions, and the reception and enter
tainment of tho delegates.
Tho programme for today, the Sun
day school's meeting, is as follows:
10.00 it. in. Devotional exercises, led
by I!ev. M. It. Thompson, Jermyn.
lo.ft a, in. Address of welcome by
Superintendent A. S. Lowsloy, Carbon
dale. Uesponso by Pi evident John .1.
Van Nort, Seranton.
10.10 a. ni. Business; (a) reports: (b)
election of ofllcers.
ll.oa a. tn. "Is a Successful Teach
ers' Meeting u Possibility?" Miss Mat
tie WiitkltiH, Klrst Haptlst church,
11.20 a. in. (ieneral discussion.
11.10 a.m. Announcements and offer
ing. 12.00 in. Adjournment.
A tTKISNOO. si:ssk ).V.
2.00 p. in.- Devotional exercises, led
by N. T. Purdy. Dallon.
2.1.1 n. in. Heading of letters.
S.Srt p. in. The arrangement of Sun
day school exercises; (a) primary de
partment. Itlcharil Nlcholls, Jackson
street. Hyde Park: lb) adult depart
ment. Itev. 11. Parlett Hunt. Clark's
XiM) p. in. (Ieneral discussion.
li.lfi p. in. Study of the lesson for
Sunday. September l.'i; (a) primary de
partment, Miss Maude Hartlutt. Her
ean, Carliondale.
::.2."i p. m.-(b) Intermediate, J. K.
Kvans, Ablngton. Waverly.
Ii..!.". p. in. -(c) niblo class. Itcv, l!. It.
Smith. Kaetnryvllle.
3.1.-1 p. in. (d) Lesson. Illustrated,
Rev. II. V. Y. Pierce, Penn avenue,
1.00 p. in. "How to I.elaln Scholars
In the School," Ite. C. A. Spalding.
purest City.
i.l.'i p. in.- Normal class work, Itcv.
(.'. c. (Illlett. Clifford.
4.30 p. in. (ieneral discussion,, p. in. Htislness.
."i.oo p. in. Announcements and
i:vi:niN(1 session.
7.30 p. in. Service of prayer
and praise, led by Deacon W. C. Nye.
7.10 p. in. -"Importance of Home
Headings in the Study of the Lesson."
Paper: followed by discussion.
S.00 p. in. Address, Uev. A. Hatcher
Smith, Seranton.
Tin nvciitlou of the Ablngton asso
ciation will occupy Wednesday a'ld
Thursday. Delegates from all of tho
churches its far as Kaetnryvllle and
Tuukhalinock are expected
MIS'S AMY SQl'lKIt. a resident of
i arliiiudalt for over twenty years and
iiip'U" that time enjoying n any w.i.'ii
friendship."., passed away at her home
on Church stieet on Saturday evening,
alter a Ions' illness.
The deceased was th. daughter of
Joshua and Sarah Squlor. lcv birth
place was Nicholson, where she was
born mi February 11, 1 17. During the
greater part of her residence here.
Miss Sqtii-r conducted a millinery
More, and those who came In contact
with her will recall her pleasant tnan
pet and her numerous personal quali
ties. The deceased was a sister of
Attorney (jeorgo II. Squhr, of this
city, and an aunt of It. K. Squlor, of
tin Sctiinlon Truth.
The funeral will take plan thU
morning. Services will be held com
mencing at o'clock, and will be con
ducted by Hev. A. V. Chaffee, al the
hiiin of .Mrs. Hubert Hlalr. on liohln
soii avenue. The deceased will he
taken to Nicholson for burial.
Thomas Ireland, of Danville, Pit.,
visiting Maxwell Shepherd.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Bronson left yes
terday for tlie Pan-American.
Miss Klcannr Jones leaves today to
enter college at Blalrstown, N. J.
Miss Hattle Humphreys Is home af
ter a visit with her parents in Maine.
Attorney W. W. Latluope, of Seran
ton, was a Carhondale visitor yester
day. Miss Kllstott, of Corning. N. Y Is
the guest of her sister, .Mrs. J. ti.
Louis Jones, of Summer Hill, Pa Is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Richard Blight,
of Belmont street.
Mts. Louise KusIrii, a former resi
dent of this city, Is visiting the home
of Mrs. S. D. Baker.
Mis. (leorge Pendleton, of Seranton,
Is vlhltlng her slst'or, Mrs. Kliner
Avery, of Park street.
Miss Kdlth Hryson. of Philadelphia.
Is visiting Mr nnd Mrs. O. K. Couch,
of Washington avenue.
MNs Ruth Phillips, of Susquehanna,
Is the Rtiest of .Mrs. Frank Hollen
back, of Copeland avenue.
Miss Surah Johnson, of Wilkes
Barre, is visiting Mrs. I. S. Wonna
cott, of Washington street.
Misses Annie and Jnnette Mc'MIHan,
o church street, have gone to Roches
ter and the Pan-American.
Miss Mabel Wheeler has returned to
her home in Blughamton. N. Y.. after
a week's stay In this city with rela
thes. Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Jackson and
daughter Hattle. of Seranton. are visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. J. F. leynolds, of
Wyoming avenue.
Mis.s Blanche Whitney, who has been
speiMlug centennial week with Miss
Kdlth CourtrlRht, leturncd to hot home
In Honesdale yesterday.
Hon. K. K. llendrlck and W. B. Cul
ver leturncd Sunday evening from
Cincinnati, when they have betii for
the past few days on a business trip.
Malt Hulatid has returned to St.
Bonavenlure'N .seminary at Allegheny.
N- V.. after spending the summer
mouths with Ills patents In this city.
John Stone, of (ireonvllle. Pit., left
over tho Kro for his home last night
after visiting at the home of Llhrailun
W. L. Yarrlngton on Highland jwe
iiue. B. K. Lee, of Belmont street, left last
night nn the Krle llyer for Cleveland,
()., whoio ho will visit for a month
with his 5on. Harry Lee, a former Car
boudallHii, Mrs. T. C. llessluger and son Albert,
who have been visiting relatives here
for sumo ilmu past, returned Sunday
evening, over tho nrle, for their home
ut Cleveland, O.
Mis. Mary Ketlden, Mrs. Bridget
Mangen and Mrs. Anna Hlcdlcr were
among the passenger who left here
Sunday evening on the Krle's excur
sion for Cleveland, O.
Mr. and Mrs. Kred Woodworth, Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Halley, Mrs. tfophla
Williams have returned from Sals
bury Heach, where they have heen
spending tho last month.
Harry Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Coleman, of Wayne street, left
yesterday over the Kile for Ottawa,
Canada, where he will cuter the t'nl
verslty of Ottawa to take a university
course. Mr. Coleman Is a graduate of
tho Carboiulalo high school of the clnss
of '01. lp was among the honor stu
dents and wrote the class history. Mr.
Coleman Is an able young man. stud
ious and diligent, nnd Is sure to win
success In his studies nt the univer
sity. - - -
Miss Carrie Sherwood, of Kourth
street, on Sunday evening lost a valu
able gold watch which was recently
given her by her father. The watch
was found by tieorge Hart, why last
evening, upon discovering the owner,
wont to tho young lady's homo anil
returned It.
There will be a regular meeting of
the Crystal Klre company thl even
ing. A farmer while driving along Main
street last evening drove Into a poMe,
demolljtiiing a largr sign cxtiendlng
across the sidewalk In front of Dunn's
insurance agency. The heavy sign
fell with a loud crash and narrowly
missed falling upon a little hoy who
was passing at the time.
Knlph Ilynier, the well known local
foot ball player, will leave today for
Trenton, N. V to coach the Hamilton
college players. Mr. Hymer acted In
a similar capacity for the team last
,car and hl te-engagement Is proof of
their satisfaction.
Kied Hltchinayer, of Port Chester, N.
Y., spent Sunday with Jermyn friends.
Miss Kessenden and Miss Jackson re
turned home last evening from a
month's visit atr Ocean tlrove.
The employes of tho Delaware and
Hudson company were paid on Satur
day from the pay car. The Innova
tion which the company has recently
adopted will greatly facilitate the pay
master's woik, and he will hereafter
probably pay here about two days
earlier than has been the custom.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Orant are at At
lantic city.
The school hoard will hold their regu
lar meeting this evening.
"Th.' Deemster" will be the opening
attraition at tho Father Mathcw Opera
house Thursday evening.
Misses ltaehel A. Kvans and Han
nah Jones left yesterday to attend the
Pan-American exposition.
Mrs. T. L. Thomas, of Providence,
was the guest of Sirs. Klvlra Jones, of
Susquehanna street, yesterday.
The school board will meet in regu
lar session tills evening.
Mrs. "William .Mason and Mrs. Harry
Huddle spent Sunday with Wllkcs
Hnriv lelatlves.
.Mi. J. J. Cummlngs left yesterday
to spend two weeks In Philadelphia.
John Doherty and John O' Ma Hey re
turned to Rochester seminary yester
day lo resume their studies,
Miss Henrietta Stone is quite 111 at
(her home on Hell street.
Michael Connor, of Avocn, visited
relatives In town Sunday.
Mrs. Jennie Cole, of Carhondale, Is
spending the week at this place.
Miss Lizzie Wat lug left yesterday to
resume her studies at Hloomshurg
State Normal school.
Miss Mary O'Brien has gone to Buf
falo lo visit tho expositon.
Mrs. Mary Shields, who has been
visiting here for the past few weeks,
ret uined to her home In (Jrcenlield yes
terday. PECKVILLE.
Whitney Brlggs. who resides on Mill
street, was stricken down with a
paralytic stroke early Saturday morn
ing. He was at the Delaware and
Hudson station at Wlnton when it no
cilrred and was attending to tho duties
of his brother, S. II. Rrlggs, who Is
agent at Wlnton and was absent from
the station at the time. He was made
helpless by tho stroke, ons side being
completely paralysed. He was re
moved to tho homo of his son, Warren
Brlggs. Sunday ho "was taken to a
private hospital at Seranton for treat
ment. First ward Republicans are earnest
ly icquestcd to bo present at tho meet
ing In tho Hose House hall this even
ing, when n Republican club will be
Louis Rrlggs. th young son of Mr.
Warren Brlggs. was badly bitten on
the leg and arm by a dog nn Sunday
night. Tho hoy was In the barn when
ii strange dog entered and attacked
him. The boy .succeeded In driving
'lie animal out of tho barn, but not
before ho was bitten as' above. Dr. J.
B. (Irovor cauterized tho wounds made
by the dog's teeth. Tho dog was a
small black teirler.
The pupils of Miss Sarah J. Price,
elocutionist, will give another loncert
this evening at tho German Kvangell
cal church. Miss Price will be ably
assisted In hor work by Miss Olwen
Howells, contralto: Mr. Richard Wat
kins, tenor, and Prof. Harry Kvans,
of Wales, baritone. Attorney J. K.
Watklns will bo chairman of the even
ing. Tho entire programme Is very in
teresting throughout, consisting of
solos, i dilations and drills.
The Anthracite dec club, which
nuidp such an excellent showing at the
Lake Lodore competition on Labor day,
held a very interesting meeting on
Sunday afternoon In Llewellyn's hall.
Tho club rehearsed several selections,
wliltli they will sing at tho Kvans
benollt on Friday evening. At Sunday's
session it was decided to enter the glee
competition at the Providence eistedd
fod on Thanksgiving day. on "Tho Pil
grims." They will commence rehearsal
In the near futute.
The Taylor Hose company. No. 1, will
hold it smoker at their quarters, on
High street, on Friday evening, Sep.
teinber 13.
Misses Mamie Frauds and Jennie
Harris have returned tn resume their
studies nt Bloomsburg State Normal
school, after spending the summer va
cation with their parents here.
John K. Kvans, of Main street, left
yesterday on n business trip to New
Miss Jennie Daniels, of South Tay
lor, has returned from her visit with
relatives In Mnyfleld.
KlectrUian W. M. Bell, of Main
stieet. Is quite III.
Thomas HcshIoii. a miner in the
Archbald mine, was painfully Injured
about the leg yesterday by being
ciiURht under a sluh of falling roof,
Miss Minnie nnd Master Thomas
Kvans, of Haztoton, are spending a
week with relatives In town,
Miss Anna Kvans has returned to
Jicr home In Tarsons, after visiting
relatives here.
Misses Margaret H. Thomas, of flrove
street, and Miss Martha Price, of Pond
rtrcet, aro sojourning nt ltuivey's lake.
Business Transacted at the Regular
Meeting of the School Board Per
sonals and Other Matters.
The school board held a tegular
meeting In the central building on Sat
urday evening, with nil members pres
ent except Mr. Miller. Incandescent
electric lights are helng arranged for
tho halls and directors' room at No. 1
building. Kxtcnslvo Improvements are
being made upon the grounds at No. 3
building In the Sixth ward, nn ex
tensive retaining wall helng now in
course of construction.
T. K. Boland was transferred from
No. S to No. 10 building, Miss nundle
going to No. S as principal. A now
course, providing for four years In the
High school, was recommended by the
committee nnd adopted by the board.
Miscellaneous bills, amounting to $SS1.
4i, and the time sheet for $3iS.20 weie
The schools reopened yesterday with
a very large enrollment, over three
hundred new pupils being enrolled.
Short Paragraphs.
Oscar Yost wishes to announce that
durJUlg the next thirty days he will
dispose of his entire stock of watches,
clocks and Jewelry nt cost price.
The Daughters of America will con
duet a lawn social at the home of Louis
Kngle, on Drinker street, on Thursday
evening next, rtofreshments will be
served and the public arc generally
The Ladles' Aid Society of the M. K.
church met In tho church pafTHrs on
Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Mary Swift who has been a
guest at Louis Kngle's, returned yes
terday to her homo at Ansonla. Conn.
John McHnlo, John Wyun and
Thomas Jordan left yesterday for Mt.
St. Mary's college at Kmmctsburg.
Uoyal Taft of niakely street re
turned yesterday from the Pan-American,
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Mi.Cormick and
family have returned from a visit with
friends In New Orange, N. J.
A large congregation was present at
the Methodist church Sunday night,
and listened to an eloquent and prac
tical sermon by the pastor. Rev.
Charles II. Newlng, his remarks being
based upon the words found in the
ninth chapter of Luke. "What is a
man's advantage, if he gains the whole
world and lose himself or be cast
uway?" A special feature of the ser
vice was tho solo work of Henry C.
Dreyer. who only recently returned
from a year's study abroad. His many
friends 'were delighted at tho wonder
ful progress shown, and h brilliant
future Is predicted for this brilliant
The Ladles' Aid society of the Metho
dist church will moot in the church
parlors on Wednesday afternoon.
Thomas Jordan and John McIIalo
leave today for Knunetshurg, where
they will enter Mt. St. Mary's college.
Mr. and Mrs. John Curdy, of Rlakely
street, have returned from a visit at
Mr. and Mrs. Brevard Harris have
returned from a short stay ut the Pan
Atuerlcan. William Moffalt. of Dudley street,
spent yesterday at Big pond.
Nearly 500 Members Present Ad
dresses Made by Officials.
II.t EielmlT Wirr from Thr Associated Prw.
Now York, S?pt. !. The cornerstone
of tho new stock exchange building
was put In place today. Nearly 500
members were present. On the tem
porary rostrum were President Kepp
l?r, Vice President Thomas, members
of the board of governors and other
Vice President Thomas was tho first
speaker. He opened Ills address with
a reference to the attack on President
McKlnley and said but for the reas
suring newsa from Buffalo, the laying
of the corner stone might have been
President Keppler followed Mr.
Thomas, and gave a history o tho
,stock exchange. Tho masons swung
the stone Into Its place and President
Keppler tapped It, masonlcally. and
pronounced It "fairly and truly laid."
Tho stone faces Broad street and
bears the inscription, "MCMI." Tho
copper casket Imbedded in the stone
contains mementoes and souvenirs.
Henry Beckerman Is Held for Mur
der of William Fletcher.
Pi r.xrltirhr War- horn The AoctalH Pirw.
Now Ynr!. sent. 0. -Ilrnry llrckrinian, a ml.
ton planter from lUihniond. Va , wa ai
lalgtu'd today, iharsod uith homu ido and waa
tfinanded to iho mronoi' nr.i.
On Aur. 15, Heikriman rrclHrrod at tho Adann
hoiiir. Alter dinner lie went Inlo the har and
remained there for come time drinking, lie be
tamo encased In roiirerutlon with oiie other
men who ere In tho saloon at tho time, one ol
whom a William I'letrhir. Kindly the ilerk
al the hotel adiUed lleikerman tn go up Main
and I'letcher took liold of hla aim to help him
to bis room. Ileikemun tlimight lie aa helng
4iiHrl. and drawing a teinber fired Ave liola
al I'letilicr, two of uhlfli look erleit in the leg
and one in the tight bieant. lietiher died lu.
G. A. R. at Cleveland.
fir Cxihulte Wire Irom 'the Aociated Pret.
(leve'and, Sipt. O.-'fhe flr daj ot thr llilily
fillh encampment nt the (iiand Auny of
the Repul'lli- opened nnJer inoit ampuloua cir
ii:intancr and II i now quite ethlcnt that th
etent will In- one M the gieateH In I lie hlilory
of the organization. 'Hie itirola iwio thionged
wllh people throughout the day and night and
the dliri'lii inmmltleo had all it could dn In
i are fur I lie ilnonilng uiiuiN of l-il-iia. The
dai a largfb devoted lo julBinnn Hie eiewm
to their ijuaruia.
CzoIros?. Has Drawn Sick Benefits.
II) Kmlmbe IMie bom Ihi Aii4tril l'u-.
t'leirhind, sept. 0. I.een Ciilginz wat expelled
(nun t'oret City ialle. Milghta nt the liolrien
Kjgle. trvlaj. '1 lie eiganlrallon Imik pininpl
nieaouip to purge itselt from the mhuin of hla
infinlirt'dilp. 1 lie wnuldtie aaln and anar
cliUt a entered at a iiieinl'ir of this Indite
under the name of lied L' Menian, and had
(luwn tuenly-tix ueekx' aak lirnrhti.
Polish Day Postponed.
Rv KnfluMie wire born The Aiwilalrd TrfH.
fluflalo, Sept. n. The delegates atiarglnt fo
Toliili da) at the txpoiltlon have "In order to
emphaiiie our srlff and ijmpalhy for Treildent
MiKlnley ilfildcd to puttpone I'rilth day Indefl-nllfly."
Miss Maggie Becker, 6a3 Lake street,
Appletun, Wis., writes:
"It Is with pleasure I recommend
Peruua as a splendid tonic to any
over-tnxed persons. When tho mind
Is wearied the body will soon bo
worn out alio, but Pcruna Invigor
ates the body and refreshes the
mind. I have also found it n relief
in cases of severe backache. Wo aio
never without It nt home, nnd con
sider It a household bic&slng."
Has Better Health Than for Six
Mrs. W. K. L'cwcllyn. Florence-,
Ala., writes:
"After using six bottles of Pel una
my health Is better than it has been
for six years. 1 alwns recommend
your iiieillclues to my friends and will
do all I can for you. I had been In bad
health for two veals before I took
Pcruna " Mrs. W. K. Llewellyn
Suffered Tive Yeats.
iMts. ciiiiVJ-ipher Kliehinann. Am
lerdani. N. Y.. writes:
"In speaking of ,our remedy I have
neon sick with catarth of the stomach
and pelvic organs for about live yeats
anil had many a doctor, hut none could
help me. Soinr said I would never get
over It. One day when I read your
ntmanac I saw those who had been
clued by Pci una. then I thought I
would try If. I did. and tumid relief
with the Hint bottle 1 look, and after
two more bottles I was as well and
strong as I was licfon Now 1 can
eat most anything, uml it itnti'i limner
me." -Mrs. ciulsliipelir Kllehmaiin.
Pe-ru-tm Tho Best Medicine in the
Mr. KrederUka HiMqillnger. wiltes
from Tlldeii. Madison County. Neb.,
the following-
"I was in tin Ch.nise of Life, and
was despairing, did nut know whai tn
Government Inspectors Conclude
Taking Testimony nt Philadelphia.
By Excluibf Wire from The noriatcd Picsa.
Philadelphia, Sept. ft. -The govern
ment Inspectors today concluded their
Investigation of tho blowing up of the
steamboat City of Trenton In the Dela
ware river on August 21. resulting In
the death of twenty-six persons. Cap
tain Harrison A. Thotnptirin, Charles K.
Hulls and Christopher Vert, inspectors
of boilers, examined a number of wit
nesses, most of the latter being mem
bers of tho boat's crew. The principal
witnesses were Chief Knglneer Kdward
Murphy and John A. Hrysou, both of
whom were in the engine room a tew
minutes before the exposlou occurred.
Knglneer Murphy said the gauge of
the port holler, which was the one that
exploded. howcd half an Inch of water
In the glass and as the tube protruded
four Inches above the clown sheet. It
wiis evident that the boiler cuntaiiud
four ami a half Indies of water, an
adequate supply. The feed pumps of
both the poit and starboard hollers
were In operation when the explosion
occurred. He could advance no theory
a to the cause of the explosion. Kn
glneer .Murphy was corroborated by
Oiler Hryson and other members of the
Thp Inspectors will make their report
lo Supervising Inspector It. S. Kodle
In a few days,
Meeting at New York State
Grounds Well Attended.
By Elusle Wire from The Anoilated Preia.
siauw . ., Sept. Ii. 'Ihi epciiinc "f ilio
gland tin ult meeting .it the ei etk i lie
flir ground- Indai fuiiiMird ixullent .port. The
Iraik iv.i fat and a crowd of lu.iaai people wat
In atteiidame. 'Ihe tia k leiord of 2.ini'.. nude
l) Cleocin 1.1-1 teai w.i thin- iiiiim htok'-n,
oiiii hv llniel, otirn lo II, nold II. and onic hy
Auduhon Ilo). 'Ihe low walk ii now -O.V.'.
made by lljtiel in thr tiit hull of the -.MIT poe.
shadow- Ihlmiw w.n tin' favorite in the '. 'J i
pace. Umpire Mate takr. purw '.VA lull Ml
duhon Ho) gave him a hinl late, winning two
hraM. The tinmen hore. howeieer, had the em
diiiaiico and won. He-. lime, 2.(Hi4.
Maxell)' took the 2.11 pno, alter panel and
Harold II. had oath won a heal in 'J.iWj and
'J.itj. In tin oemnd heat of the '.Ml pai e tun
finhhed). I'lank, a Inown gelding, loir-t a lihmd
e.el and wa diawn. The llrro. t,.ok two heita
In till race and luiieio one In at.
11) Kxelu'iie Wue fioni Ihe ni uted l'ie-.
Shenandoah, sept f In the imii-e of an .id
dies to the I r.lted Mine Wotkei- hete todi),
and after an Inlemew with ih" -so. i.itorl Pre-
mrre.pnndent I'li-hli nt Mill I ell .nd In- would
iotiiicl Ihe men to demand tei ogniiion ot tin
union and an right limn da .11 tin- epitaii"n
el Ihe linn of agiiiinent will, the mining inni
pame en thp rli-t ol next Api.l.
The Pope Is Impiessed.
H) l.xilu-lie Wile fnm The A.-oiialul !'ie,
l.i'iidon. iit. in -"The pope hi Uin to Im-nri-il
In I la attaik upon f'li-Mihnt X ImiiIiw."
,.,n- the Home 1 fi 1 . -'"ii' lent of tin Dolt Mail,
"thai he ititemb l- take lln imli.iliii 111 imnt
ailion In lie Chii-tian powii- aaain-l in.ii'
ihl'lii. He I- willing an imviti,oit mnilhal 011
the uhje(t, wlinli will hi- piilili-liid 111 xl M.'ii
da) "
To Declare Political Meetings Off.
Hi Kxilii'ite Win fioni 'Ihe ..oii.ltul l'u.
I, 11., Mpt. '. I halniMU paugheitt of
the llruioir.iiu -tale rxeiinnr mmuiiiiee in
da) ,n(.'li--'d .1 Iitti'l In I IM'tlliaii link, of Ihe
Kepuhluin inn. untie. .i.kniL- that all pnlnnal
meeting he ileilared oft" dining tin Illne.j of
Pie-ulHit Mi Willi". The -.iiue aitaugenirnt ot"
tjinid following the h...i..ii,ii,,i nf l'irulent
Comptroller Dawes Sanguine.
By Exelmlie Wire from The Asioelated Press-
Waihlnglon, sept, 0. ( haile-(i. Union, mrep.
(roller of the mrirui)', one of ihe piident'
ilnet IrieinU, sent the following en
louraglug trligtam from IlilfUlo Inuighl tn .1
Irirnd line: "The pieldeni' condition u
tr.ulil) Impmiing .Hid hi, irioieiy utint alnut
leitam "
Tragedy Results from Quarrel.
Hi Wile fioni The xuiiatid Pirn.
)( Mninea, la . sept. !.lliu (ileen, JJ )eai,
of Alhla. I.i. , imlay .ti'iik hi- wife, in nni of
the prim t t n ts of IhU ill), and linn fatally
ivnunded hlni-elt. Ihe uagrd) urtw mil of .1
Judge Day nt Buffalo,
Hi i:xi lu-iie Wne f in Tin xvi lated Piru.
Milhinn llniLve. Iluflaln, -.l. :. -.ludge Wl.
bam It. Pa), of Citiiou, airnril line late lldi
aflriuuoii ami went al nue In ihe Milhurn hniie,
ludgi' D.i) iiao aiiompanli'd In. Ihui. liinige II.
I'll.l-i'. Ol I'llllloll.
General Stewart Improving.
lly Kxtlufiic Wire I10111 Th" A.-oeiated I'iiv.
Ilarn-liutg. Sept. 0. Manning lepnrla weie
iluulated tonlghl leaaidlng the londliion of
Adiutaut (ieneral stewait. Ir.quli.x .it ihe ( nv
ho.pltal eheilri.1 Ihe infnrniation thai he had a
m,i pleaiant dij and l ruling I'uutly lonlglii.
By Kxflmiif Wu If'm The Axuociated Pre".
St. I.oiiia. Sept. 0.-f'hirle It, Xfaekt-nne, well
known ti a tuif writer undu- the tiotn d plunn
r.U$?W S
ys-" iiH'i -
do. I was troubled with hoi flashes!
It seemed as If there was brat nil
urtiiiud mo. I think Poruna Is the best
medicine in the wot Id." -Mrs. Fredrlc
ku Hoepfliiger.
Free Home Advice.
In lew of the great multitude of
woniiit suffeilug from some form of
female disease and yet unable to find
any cure, Dr. Hartman, the renowned
specialist on fcmnlo catarrhal dis
eases, has announced his willingness
to dlicct the trcntment of art many
cases as make application to him
during the summer months without
Those wishing lo heroine patients
fehntild address The Peruna Medicine
Co.. Columbus, i Mill'.
ef 'llir l,.ittflt," ilirrl teiliy in a sltrfl iar air'
ilriu 1 1 it (Htlx-r a I mint Mr lliiman, Dm d
cmiriKi nt .laia. Al nnr timp lie a prliai
Msinait to Itolirrt U.niftt, et the Dlltminte
.iikI (Hum ILiiIiimiI ii'iiipmi.
Two Friends of Emma Goldman Ara
Held by Police.
fly l.vlmlM- War (nun The Anvidattd Prw,
Pittsburg, Sept. . Carl Nold nnd
llcirrv (iordnu. well known Pittsburg
anarchists and Intimate friends of
Kuiiiia (iolttanan. were arrested this af
ternoon. Nold was n friend of IWkmann, who
shut H. C. Pilck. Superintendent of
Police O'.Mara believes Unit If Kraitia
(ioldnian anything to do with for
mulating ut encouraging the commit
ment of the crime that placed the llfo
of Prtsliloiit McKlnley In grave dan
gr. that these two men should know
.lomell.lng of the circumstances. The
police of Buffalo have been Informed
.f the arrests, with the purpose of get
ting whatever Information they may
(Ionian Is known as the head of th?
local anarchistic followers of Kmma
Coldman's teachings, and it was at bin
house that Kmma Goldman and other
annri hlsts stopped.
Expressions of Sympathy for tho
President Aro Hen id on All Sides.
IU r.xfluiiie Wire from The Awociated Press,
Berlin, Sept. !". Public interest In tho
condition of President McKlnley con
tinues xcry keen. The papers print a
vast amount of matter on the subject,
which is the chief topic ot conversa
tion. Kxpiesslons of sympathy on tho
part of the people aro heard on all
sides. The I'nlteil States ambassador,
Andrew I). White, received today the
following message from fount Von
Ballestreni, president of tho relchstag:
"Permit me, in the name of tho relch
stag, and in behalf of myself, to ox
press to your excellency our most pro
found execration of the atrocious at
tempt upon thr life of the exalted ruler
of the flitted States. President McKln
ley, and at tho same time to express
the hope that the gracious God will
preserve the precious llfo of the presi
dent and grant him a speedy recovery."
I Captain Porter of Chicago Pollca
Claims She Has Been Located.
p.) Kxiluite Wire from The A.wociated Vttn.
Chicago. Sept. !. Nearly all the ef
forts of thi' police hero are now cen
tered upon locating Kmma Goldman.
Captain Porter, of the fnlted States
secret service, has a number of men
working to connect local anarchists
with the plot to kill tho president.
Several who xvere suspected are said
to have left the city.
faptalu Porter said ho had ben
hunting for Kmma f.oldman and that
she is under surveillance not far from
Chicago, although not In this city. He
Insisted that she bad been located and
intimated that she would be arrested
The Stunning Blow from the Negro'g
Fist Prevented a Third Shot.
Pj- Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prea.
Washington. Sept. P. A suggestion
was thrown out In the executive do.
partments today that It xvould be
proper for tho Amerean people to dc
something for the colored man Parker
whose prompt action pojsibly saved
the piesldent's life.
The would-bo assassin himself com
plained that It was the stunning blow
ricllveii'd upon him by Parker that
prevented him fioin llrlng another
shot. Inquiries aro being made f't
Parker's full name and history.
'Wheie i Ihe Nk t'liiluella toda) ?" aikrd
the jikliiloh.
"Me U in the hu.paal." Mid th- fiinghani
rmlucila. "Ho w.' altackrd by limns ea-t
1 lid ,vilfid.i), and thrte ot hi nln wre
i wonder whal'a In ho on foot today?" Mid
Ihe Ih'ih) Hal.
i tsari I am," aid the Ituhher slmea, "for
lt' irr wet out."
I ,lon e why 1'iey nil ,1011 a walkin?
ulik." raid the Hal tn the lane.
"Win .hoiildii't Iheyt" I'kcd the ( ane.
"Ilei'.iue )ou tan't walk, el conn," .nd the brutli. , ,, ,
Our n,jlir i nol a xery fait runner. ail
Ihe Perln Hal. "1 juniifd of! hla head iMttr
day. ami' he i-ha'd me ("t Hare hloeki witnnit
taiihlt'g me."
nil. .nni had tin' wind behind jnn, md thi
"WiP, did he," annwfird the Hit.
"lint P;il'' Hat "o tn'by." Hid th
i dn'l wonder it It." ald the Riding Whip,
"the PiiiJi rubbed him the wions wj, and h
ii all muled up about it." I'hilidelphli Timei.