-V r - - -tribune. ormttoit THB ONLY SCRANTON PAPER. RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF TMUASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD CKAyTOXPA.T TUESDAY ,MOKNIX(;, SHl'TOMBER 10, 11)01. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. r H "8SSy 7flBfsiwyfriihVMiTffHn fflfcr UPBH&JSfv '"im!,'"M "" PRESIDENT'S RECOVERY NOW SEEMS ASSURED Since Sunday Night Not an Unfa vorable Symptom Has Ap peared in His Case. WATCHING FRIENDS SANGUINE Faith in the Outcome Grows Stronger and Stronger and All Danger of Future Com plications Seems to Have Been Brushed Aside in the Minds of Many Dr. McBur- ney Seems to Think That the President Can Be Pronounced Convalescent in a Week, While Dr. Mann Places the Limit of Danger Further Away Mrs. McKinley Is Admitted to the Sick Room for a Brief Vi isit. -- VIE LAST OFFICIAL BULLETIN. MILBURN HOUSE, Sept. 9 The following bulle tin was issued by the President's physicians at 9 30 p.m.: The .resident's condition continues Favorable. Pulse 112. temperature 101; respiration, 27. P. Al. R1XEY, Al. D. AANN. ROSWELL PARK, HERMAN AWNTER, EUGENE WASDIN, CHARLES AlcBURNEY. QEORQE B. CORTELYOU, Secretary to the President. Hi Ix lumo W in fimn I In . ujtfd Prp Mllbuni House Bllflillo S( pt 'I -iind i onti Ibutlon to the miil(,in 1 1 nple will in tlie spni illK nl tin piisi. .1 ill Pie ,s Hie eienini; i-hadows m falling touinht Jolin li Mllbiiin, 1 i -M U in of the Pau-Atni'lii in lexn cntli ulteml these winds as be stood l line the liotisp in whii It the nuiiins piilitit was ilchtiiif; su br.neh with 'bail inl ,il who hac been at tli Milium iesiiii(p toil.u lilted tile Mi w that the hittle will In won and tin in.iMis nl tin wot Id will be an- ei-il Mu p last liljrhl not ill un tiiMiiablc s.Miiptom his .ippi-aud l.vin bom lias bun a it ton r.iitli In the oiitionie mow- mioiirci and siioiiKd and hope mounts lilulu i and limhi i until lit tin- minds of snme I he l.int.(i of all futiiii' i oiiiplli atlniis Is In ll-lit il aslilc nnd llnpi' has bei lime i llliti)l Indeed 111,1115 lit tin piesi deiu v nit mis set mid pi i ss, , di tl t-oi t oi sitKiNiittoiis lonlidnne in the pii sub in h ieioM'15 w lilt li nni'iliii; bin in ah-iilute i halite foi tlie woisp i an slink. .nd the b,ss fm (In ,i,i. ti li in t lh.lt Is i piesseil Is snllil 'l'll'ie li.ib b n nothing but impiovi on in KiailuilH ami slowh, but sn ul im ptniiiuiut Klin liulletln, nut pn- lie and publli wind of the ilislilans In itii inlain i' liiiatlies em oiii.iki inent 'I he iuioiIh the ii hIi l.tiis have Klen out n ip tin t as tlies i'st fiom a stleutllli staiidpiiint uimilpil with sentiment tlll Hint the piesldenl Is In no menus out of danuci is the ei i'i t o phi li of them Not one of thim will ilsk liis- pole-slonal icpu t at Inn with a xtal Miunl that tin i .-i di lit will lle All tlle will si Is Hint with peiv Iioiii the iI.iiirpi of compu tations fiuni pi-i Itinilil.s or blood puis. nlllliK' di i leases l)i Mtillliuei Hie niost Piulneiit of tlie ih.silaith 111 at ti iiikinie pspipssh the ojilulou that If the Inipioieinent inntlntii s. it will be u week bi'foie the piesldent mil lie liioiiotiuiid out of dtuiKPr and i on- alesc-nt And some of his mlli asues, like Pr Mann pi, ice the limit of d.in fitl -tlll till tilt I ,uay 'I'lle fe.il of rieiitoidtli' Il i an In- s.ild )iositlel ha well-nlKh diH.ippe.iied With the ppliatlon of the erntj-two hour peilod at I o'lloik this artinoou, ilan rpi fiom tnat i-ouAe was almost cone. The piei-ldcnt IiIiiim If his )neii i lieei -ful all da and has ep(.sed ioiiII dence In his iiioien Tenia v he asked fot a 11101111111,' p.ipei, but this, of t0111.se, had to be dtuliil him It Is with some dlflli ulty he 1 an be ie U allied tioni talklnt; and Coiniiei m ron T Hen lik, ot Cleveland, in iuotid ns HUthoill feu tlie stiiti me m tint he has spoken at lutciwils o s einl thlnss he pioposes to do in the rut 111 Mts. McKinloy's Dtief Visit. ThlH moinlliR he asked to be allow n to move hid position, and w In 11 pii llllnhlou was el on. Iiefoie the atteinl nuts 1 otlld mole him, he th timed to the position he ileslied to iihsunie.w itb out ellllhulty 01 pain This speaks nun h for his Konoinl siiciikHi and spirits, Mis MiKlnle.v Haw him iikhIii today for a htlef visit, and Seuetatv i'ortelou was admitted for the Hist time No one else was allowed In si e lilni, ulihough helniu!iid Hcinal times ,who were below stulro. He was elcu 110111 ishinent todai in the foim of prks beaten in milk admliilsteieil HiioukIi the n 1 turn Tlie watei w hli ll has been Klie-n heietofoie 1 old did not appear to .mice with lilni. and sinie last night eiy hot watei has been taken into the Miiin.iiii thioiigh the inoutli with splendid lesulls His bowels inoiid fieih dining tlie du, und this also was tonsidciid an i-i client sMtiptoiu If he eontlniles to liupiole It will be gi.idualK If he should Slow woise. Hie ihiiiKe In Hint illn I'tlim also piob abli will lie sovx This is the opinion of Di Maim 'I hole will be no niss. If he anlw lit 1 oiiMilesi enie, Di . I'aike epi esses the opinion that it will lie three wei ks hi fine it will be s.if-j to llioie him It is epei ted ttl.tt the iu tilloi wousils will heal Hist The sut 111 es of 1 he a 1 1 1.1 1 1 d tissues weie made so soon aflil tlie bullet passed that they aie piobibh hi tiling l.ipldlv. With the I'Mi-iloi wound It is a slower pllll ( ss. The eti(tue optimism of the vii e. pitsldmi ami the meinbeis of the 1 ab- iliet would lie dlffUult to oiustate I am absoluteh iiinlideiit i'ei thing will tin 11 nut all light" dei hired tlie Ice-pn sldcnt and lie sUil he based his lonildenii' on intoimatioii lielilnd tlie publli espieualiius of the pli.s sli ,m s.11 ieiei'd an Seiietinv U.ige and Atloiue (j.-neial Knox at the impiriie nient that tln will leie foi Wash liigton tonight feeling siiongh that lliell 1 hit f would teioii but with the nsMiiaiii.. or the jihj le lun Hint If a ihtinsp toi the woisp shoul I ronie It would lie 'iiidunl and tint thev would lliue ililple time to rettll II In the 1 use of mm 1 elan dage tlieie was also a public ieiisn wliv he should be at Ills post Ni w iiils lluaiiileis h.iie aji peabd to him to nlleie the situation In the iiioiuj niiiiket h im leasing de. posits in national banks and he f.ds Hint lie (nn hardlv act at this distant p fiom the siene If he nnils that aition Is ilesliable Seiietnn of State Ha is dm' to tit 1 he tonight and will lemnln Willi til" olhel IIHIIlllHts of tu (ihtia( nt least foi a da 01 Iwo Tlie deo tlon of 1 lie nieinbeis of tin , ablnet to llieli 1 biff Is toiiihlng All would de slie to leinaln ne.ii him until the em. (lal tit'ilod Is passed and Seneiaiv Hltehioik and Steietan Wilson mow tll.il onh absolute and hnpeiathe puli. Ih biisliu ss will Indtiie theiu to depait befoie tlie luesldellt Is plouoillued out ot dtillgel Miiatoi Hatiun will also leni.iln until the phHiclaiiM gc absolute assui tune that Mi Mi Kiulei will 'the. Contiollei Iiiwes ami sonie of the nihil imliient men inuiteited with the ailnilnlsttatlon oxpeit to ilppait tomoi ioh 01 Wedneilio If the ImptowMin nl lontlniies, Roosevelt's Tiying Position. Vlte President Itoosfielt has 01 1 u pled a pet ullui l delleate and tl.ilng position sine? tlie eent which tlucat ened the piesldellt'x life, but he has lioine himself till iniglioiit this oidpal in MHh nmnnei as to win the ailmlra tlon and lespeit of all "U has, 11101 c oei milled a new liond between tlm lie inesldent and those Intimately assodaled Willi tlio piesldenl, and tlio latter ate wannest In their expies- sinus of the tnaniHM In w liii It he has iiH-t every 1 equipment of the sltuu llmi. Not for d moment lias ho per mitted tlio ldn to be entertained tli.it llii'ii- UM in cd foi consider lug tln rmitltlltinn-il functions which this would Impose mi Iilm. On tho loii- timj, Ml Ilnosovelt has been one of tlio most positive In tlie ilet'lni.itlon ' that the piesldent would recover. Dining the loin? iieilod of O.ulleld'.s Illness, nlre distinction move us to what constituted the liability of thu piesldent within the meaning of thu constitution, whether when the pli')si e.il faculties weie benumbed while the meiitU f.u ultle were unlmpalted theie was- im illi.ihllltv .11 meant bv the eotistltiltlon. But foi tllnalelv theie has hi eu no Mil h Issue presented on this occasion, and the vh piesideut himself has been pilmntlly icsponsible for the n old, 111c e of nil) thought of the temporal V ovciclso n ee(lile lunctlons by him. Nor has theie been an) occasion foi the ovoiclso of eei 11 tlvo authoiltv foi such minor loutlno matter a It eninc' enn reiuM) bo left until the piceiit enieigcniv has passed Twice dining the d i and again thu evening the he pi&ldunt has called at t'n .Mllburn residence to inept. r as 10 th" picsldent's londltlou. lupng the nfteruoou mil h" met sovcuil olll- ots and rviatoi Ilnnnu mil spent .1 short time with them In Informal dl i us-lnti On the .streets Mi Roosevelt his been a lentie of lespeitful atti n llon. but lie has met this with dlgnltv mil lonipnwilie Despite senseless ie nuiks tint he was going about ru tid ed bv seeiet sen Up men, he has posi tively declined to have anything like ,1 giinid noai him. One of his 1 ein.it Ks ti (I i III speaking to two laboieis who greeted him, stiuck .1 popular iluiiil. Thev had suggested tint he might be afiald to be slopped "No, Indeed," he replied, "j on men ate our protection, nnd the foul deed of I'lldnv will only make jou 11101 p vigorous in profiting those whom you elei t to othie." Message fiom Nicholas. Thnpeuii Nicholas gave happ o piesslon to tin win ll-w hie solicitude met the president in a menage which was given out tod.iv. It Is nddicssed to the piesldent and aftir expiebslng his happiness at the piesldenl s lm pioveiuont, ndds thut he loins with the universal woild In wishing .1 speedy lcovei). czolgoszeTamined. He Peisists in the Denial That He Had Accomplices in His Clime. Emma Goldman Will Be Attested. Huffalo, Sept. !) rolgos, the assail ant of President McKinlev, went thioiigh anollier long esaniln itlon to dav at Hie hands of the polhe oflUials, lint emeited fioin It without having added 11115 thing liiateilal to llieli knowledge ot the tase. The etfoit of lite dctiithes was to dtaw lioni tlie ptisoner some ndnilsslon as to Wk ac toiuidlces, but he peisislontly stuck to liis denial tint lie was not asslsti d In anv way In the commission of (lie crime Het' possible tieiiie was ic soiied to in tlie eftoit to obtain the in formation, but the pilsoun maintained his position and could not be shaken. In answer to questions, be again went oxer the events of riltl.i and told substantial!) tlie same story as In the 01lgln.il lonfesslon inude to Superin tendent Hull and Ulsti Ut Attoiiav Peiine). C'olgos carefully weighed his answeis ami when ioiultisons tint he did not npproie were taken fiom his statements, insisted upon making ex planations of his p,n t meaning. 'I be police hne about concluded that 111010 effetthe work on the plot theoiy can be done on the outside, although (Vol gos will iitobiblv liae another o ler lenie w 1 1 ll the tliiid defeite of polli e 1 1 aft touiouow. The geiieinl linestigallou of the inse pi ogi esses slnwlv, betaiise the men on it must ioer a huge amount of pie llmlnaii gioiind befoie they 1,111 do etteithe woik. Acioidlng to the loi.il authoiltles, the jiollce of the countiy knew- eiy little about the anaithlsts. The s.i that the secret sen he do not show auv siclal familial 115 with them and that theie does not seiin to be a single cltv police depaituii at in tlie (oiintiv Hint has 11101 e than a guiieial knowledge of them Membiis of the Huffalo foice admit that they hae uevei uhen Aiiieiliau anaithlsts seii 011s ( onsldeintiou and that thev did not know tlieie whip an) heie. Slliie the piesldent was shot they hae found that them nie at least twent iiMiwed auaichlsts In the city, lleie, ns i lse wheie, It has been necessaiy tor the deteithes to tlist satlsf) themsehes as 10 tuc iiienitiy ot a 101 or men whom the had iteier had otcaslou to watih lieloie No other anests hae lieen made In connection with the case, ami the lot ul polhe sax Hint thes do not antlilpate anv foi the iiieseiil It Is believed Hint both Ihnuia riold nian and Julius Sdiuali will lie ih--talned bv tlie police wheueier the) aie toiiud Suieilntendeut Hull has made a seneial lequest to the pnllie of the t mint 1 j that an) 0110 Htispeited of com pllcty be detained and examined. CVolgosz Is still kept secludul and the deteithes nie the nuh ones who have iui ess to hlin. He Is still strong und health) and ento with a will Kuciwl pilgp of the condition of tlie pieslilent In kept ftom lilni He Knew 011 Pilday nlglit that tlin piesldent was still alive but lias been given no Infoimatlim since then. Not once slnie his couilneineiit.c itlier in talking witli bU cum da 01 when up for examination has he ashed an to the fate of hln v h tint. ,Nn plan for the uiiiilgmiifiit of the pilsomi has been consldeied by District Attorney Pen nev When seen tonight that olllilal said We nie still Investigating the tnsp nml until the Inqilli) 1)5 the polite Is concluded und something dellultc ns to the lesiilt of the? president's wound is known nothing will be done about the iiiiiseeutlon of the ptlsaner All discussion of tlio subject Is ptettiatuie. 1 liao not set een taken thu mutter up foi lotisideiatlon." CORTELYOU'S HEADQUARTERS. The Olenny Residence Adjoining the Mllbuni Hoiine Tendered. Pi lulusbe Wire finmlhe .oi laleil Pre Buffalo, Sept. fl The C.lonny tosl- ilencp, ndjnlnlng the Mllburn house, luts been pl.n ed at the disposal of Sei - letaiv t'oitel.sou nnd the inembeiH or the cabinet for sui h use ns they ma) deslie to make of it It lias not luen lea led, ns cmnieouslj lepoitnl. The use of it was Pimply tendcted In tlio line splilt In whii It almost cei tliini; In the clt of Buffalo has been offend. Sei retan Coitelsou has moed a patt of the white house staff Into the n-sldeiice to sectlic Rreatet quiet In tlio Mllburn house, espedallv alt ot the oul rl.tl woik of niraiiKii'K dlspatihes and htteis s bfliig done tint p. The inem beis of tin' cabinet nlso met tliPte es teiil.n to disuiss tlie leuticst of Actlntr Sen eta iv llatkett for the detail ot an ollUer ot the ilep.n tnienl of Jusllie to nld .Ttidt'e AdMuate I.emlN In tlie 8(hle mint of Inquliy. The (ilennv f.tinlh lias not moled out Onh two or tin ip looms on the lower tloor are heliiK used b5 tlie white house stair. CORTRIGHT'S CONTRACT SUMMARILY CANCELLED Mnil Canicr Who Expiesscd Joy at the Shooting of the Presi dent Is Out of a Job. III MiIikIi Wire from lhi n " 'fd PrrM Washington Sept. !) Second Assist ant Postni.istet (.ieneial hh.illenbeiger today suininailh cim oiled the conti.ut of a mall ( tiller for epiessng satis faction over the shooting of Piesldent McKinlev The n imp of the poison thus dealt with is Chillies I Coit rlght, and he hail a contiaet for canv lng the nnll boiween Homer, Cortland countv, N. Y. and Spaffoid, In Onon daga coiintv tlie same state The In formation concerning his offense came to the postotllce department thtoimh tlie pnstmasti'i' at Hornet who en closed aflldavits f' ,in four cltUns of the place coiillt tiling his report. It apreais that when C01 flight first teiehcd tlie announcement of the news ot the attempt upon the president's life he remarked with an oath that lie 'was glad of It." and added that the piesldent should have been killed jeais ago Dealing of this tPiu.uk, thiee 1 itiens of tile town called upon Cort light and asked him if tlie repoit was (oueit and he icplled that it was I pern leielvlng this infoimatlon ilulv Mippoiled li) the oilhs of the c Itiens who lieatd this statement, (tiMiei.il sdialh ubi igi r took pioniiit steps to .nice 1 Cottilghts contract on the gioiind that a ption lapable of .sue li sentiments Is not .1 lit custodian of the malls of the government. MR. REED'S OPINION. The Ex-Spenker Believes That Presi dents Should Be Ptotected. Dv Fiiluuir Wir from Th- Arcttcd Vita Kingston, X. Y, Sept. ! Judge A. T. Clear vvatc i, of tills city, Just re turned tioni Par llitboi, was with e speaker Thomas II. Heed when Mi. Peed heaid the news ot tlie nttempt to kill Piesldent McKlllle) Mr. llutl e piessiii tlie watmest liope tliat the ln jui It s weie less si 1 ions than repotted, and for the presidents speed) lecov erv. He said the time had at lived to pto teet piiKldents fiom close contact with the huge crowds. It was not a ques tion of courage. All presidents were courageous, but their duty was to lie piotetted The position was so exalted and Impoit.int so much depended upon tile life and health of a piesldent, Hint he should not be u I Jill 1 1 Oct to lisk lieedlesslv COOK DEMOCRACY ABANDONS TRIP Do Not due to Match in Buffalo While the President Is in Danger. II r l.irlwitr lVirt from rhr AuoriatNl I'reu Chicago, Si pt. ! - The Cook countv Demoiiaiy has oted to abandon Its tilp to the r.ui-Ameili an, giving as a teihoii that it would lie Indelicate foi a political club to niaich nnd enjov itself in the stieets of Huffalo at a tlmo wlien tlie inesldent of the I'nlted States Is in dl'tiess neaibv. The club nlso adopted resolutions "eptecslng slneeie itgiet and scuiow at tlie atti mpled .icsasslnatlon or President McKinlev ami that our es. teemed piisident will he icstoied to tull and pi ifn t health " CARRIE NATION REVILES M'KINLEY Hi l.xiliwii IV ire (nm lli V-o ialcd.l'ii" Nm 5ort,, s , 0- V iruwil ot piopli no U'lihuril in tin slft lo date n innj lUnl 1 1.1 nl jlit to 11, ten to the atilirsH of Vim irrio Njtlou, hoi lid teir uith 11 gcr wlion II10 i 111 In t piilniniri "it iioimcril tint tho mi t,lji Hut 1're-ldi ot Mtkiulo) lull lirrn 1111ntlon.11 l is Miillril mil 1.I11' In prij ho uotilil 1II1 s 3,i Hut tln prt.iilfiit ujc tin' (rliml if nun m'Miis an I Iiiiwcm and 1I11I not ' -crve to Im slniiic1" liNkcil tlie .nullum' Vi Sailon lion leilliil lnr lonrrt J lull Im 1111.I. ' ml ' 40N " 1 lie aiiillinu In .i. 311.1 Ml tin. lull ami uitti.iili km limp 1 hoi it lor Mikinlu Convention of Red Men, Hi I viliehe Wire (run tin V.m.imio.I 'ii- ( Iiiiliuutl, 's it 11 Ilic Hiiiinil it ton il tun ictilluii of llif llr-il Mill lifEin here tmtji Pole Kilcx lioin all put "t th- I'lulril Mitu vmic pirfiit, rciiresciitlliir Hi 1 nl p Vililitlonil 1I1I tauiM to tl f niimtvr of 5 rrpuiirnl the DuisliU'M if I'm iIk lit! I he miniidl 10111I410 .i rr-nirl) iiipihiI In supriini. 1 hit f Ha 1111 till, n sni 1 1 iiirl.ci Hie rt nt the iln h epnit in rlt,lit tiling lliulnoft siMluni will tlCk'tll fuculi) SCHLEY COURT READY TO MEET Sessions Will Be Held Dallu Alter Thursdau from 10 to 12 and from I to 3. WILL SIT CONTINUOUSLY DuiIiir a Conference Between Ad inltnl Dewey nnd Cnptnin Lemly, the Judge Advocate, the Matter Is Ai ranged The Witnesses Sum moned. Br Eiclmtrt Wirt troin Th Aaiocitttit TrtM Washington Sept. 9 During tlie coiifeioiice betwetn Admiral Uewey, president of tlie SchlPy court, and Cap tain Lemly, Judge advocate of the tour I, at the navy depittnient today ,t was uir.'.ngcd that the sessions of the court after Thursdu). when the coin t tiist assembles at 1 o'clock, should be held dally fiom 10 to i u clock and fiom 1 to 1 o'clock or there abouts The f out t will sit contlnuotifdv from da) to day, Sundovs excepted, until the Investigation is ((included Among tlie witnesses examined b) the Judge advocate general today was Commander Solum der, naval governor of Guam, who was exei utlve officer of the bittleshlp Massachusetts during tlie AVest Indian 1 ampnlgn, but was not ptesent at the battle ot Santiago. Other prospective witnesses who re ported at the navv department ate Commander Southeiland, formerly at t icheci to the Cilotieester and Lieuten ant Coinmandei Sears Admiral s.ililev's Hag lieutenant. The latter is on Admlial Schle)'s list of witnesses. Captain riancls A. Cook, who com manded Adiniinl Schle) s flagship, the P.iookl)it, during tlie Santiago cam paign, and I.leutenand Cominander Sears spent piaitlcall) the entlie day In cloe ( otioultation with Admlial Sibley's counsel It Is undei stood that Captain Cook will be the Him witness to taKe tile stand foi Admlial Schlev. Mr. Knox Declines. liuffalo, Sept "'Acting Secietaiv of tlie Navy llackett h.iR beon uiglng Attoinev- Ceneial Kno, both bv who and letter, to appoint one of tlie as sistant attorney gencials to assist 'Viptalu I.emlv, the Judge advocate if the Schley coutt of Inquliy, In the con duct of tho case befoie the coin t Hut the attorney general has declined to ti he a step which he believes would look like the government piosectitlon of the officer on tl lal The government, in Mi. Knox's opinion, .should have no part In the trial. It Is .111 Inquliy under the navy depirtmcnt. made at the leanest of Admlial 'Schley for promotion and now for the depaitment of Justice to detail an officer under it to assist In tlie ((induct of tlio ease would inevit ably be construed, Mi, Knox believes, as a deshe on the put of the admlnl ttallon to convict that otlkci WRECKONTHEB.fiO. An Employe Killed; Another Fa tally Injured and Many Pas sengeis Huit. Pr Itilushe Wire (roin He Avocliti .1 Pre Wheeling, AV. Va Sept. 9 One 1.1II load employe was hilled, one was fa tiillv injuieil and half a dozen passen geis weie cut by broken glass n the vvieclt today cm the Jlaltlmote and Ohio i.tilto.id, at Burton tunnel of the through etpiess. Tlieie weie six loaches In the tialn, loaded with ex itttslonlsts bound for Cleveland to at tend the C,. A. It. encampment. A biokVn flange piesumalil), derailed the engine and the thtee cats, Includ ing the baggage car The Tvreck took fire and all three cars were destro)ed, together with theh contents Knglneer .M H, Stover Is dead and I'll eni, in Mallow injuieil, SPIN1 OF THE SHAMROCK. A Successful Tilal of Two and One Half Houis, Hi 1 1 Imbe Wire from Hit Vm ljt(d I'i New V01K Peit 0 Aftei a success ful tiial spin of two and one-half limns toda), the ShamiocK letuined to her mooting in the hi). Theie was a good breeze fioin the southeast when she started at a 01 p in It slilftul to the soilthwaid unci tiiiall) In south southwest. The iuht sailed on one tack nut through Oedney's. channel to Sindy Hook lightship, thence to sotttlt waul about tin pp. miles, keeping off for hoiiip at 4 I". Ilor speed 011 thp beam leadilng in fiom tho llhlitslilp was undoubtedly be tween touitceu und siMten knots. She toveieil, all told about , twenty miles while she was out She inade fast fur tlie night at fiM p 111 GERMAN CATHOLICS EXPRESS SYMPATHY ll I ilnie Wile fiom the V Dmitri ott. l 011 11 , s(,i n IHUIlll f'lic llir Mfly-tiflli annnil (um rut Ion of tin OrniHti IIiiiihii 1 illn lie ( rnti ll Vricln nf Noilli Vliurii 1 e dml I eie tnd.n. Ihree Innnlr'il ilrlik.ur.. irpn.i ntln,' Ifll ktati' ill the linlm iltuiiliil till tpillln. itesiton V irvilnlinn tl. nont tlnj tin aitilipiel liM-.l-j-liiHth 11 nf I'ltaliliiii VIiKinlei mil niiiler In,- Kiiiipnhi ujs 11n11i1n.1l.il ml, pti I and tiaiKinitlitl In trlimaph In llutljl . An Institute of Allied Aits. Br Tieluttve Wire from The Awoii.lrd I'reii )ier. Di 1 , Vpt ') trillttiali of in. eip.ir 1, t inn wn tlleil Ion tisln In Hie 1 1 inlliii 111 iltnte nf Vllirtl ltd of s rinlmi. I'i upltal ttk. MKT0 Mr. Hay Depaits for Buffalo, Mi Ixclmiie Wire '10111 The liinnntfd Pr llrislnn, sr, n "siirlni of "if Hie rearhnl llnttn from Vnlirm N II, Him at tcrnoon nl departed al 1 o'clock (or HufUIn . MR. BRYAN'S SENTIMENTS. Anaiclty Can Be Neither Excused or Tolerated in America. ttf KclmWi Witt from Tbe Antoclntid IVf. Huffalo, Sept. n William J. Hnnti today telegraphed the Times as fol lows. Vice governments may be over ttitoun, but they cannot be lefoimed bv those who violate the command ment "thou phnlt not kill." Under a government lllte 0111s every vviong inn be remedied by the InvvB, nnd the laws ate In tlie hands of tho people them selves. Anaichy can be neither excused nor tolerated here. The man who pio poses to right a public wrong by taking the life of a human being mnkes him self an outlaw und cannot consistently appeal to the piotectlon of the gov etnment which he lepudlates. He In vites a return to a stnte of bnrbatlsm In whii h eacli one must nl his own link defend his own rights nnd avenge his own wrongs. The punishment nd mtnlstPied to the would-be assassin nnd to bis t o-ionsplratots, If he has nnv. should bo such ns to warn all In 1 lined to anarchy that while this Is an ns.vltnn foi those who love liberty, It Is on Inhospitable plaie for thoso who lalsp their lunds against all forms of government. (Signed) W. J lit) an. THE PROTOCOL IS SIGNED A Cablegram from Minister Conger at Pekin An nounces the Fact. Br BicludTt Wlrt from Hit AinocUtfd Pitt. WaaliinKton. 'opt. t Tho tollonlni; table KMtn was reifbd at tlie state drinrlmtiit P. kin. ept 0. Protocol slgnnl s, pt 7 ftoikliill ldt Mh (Mcnol) C'mis'rr Mr Hot Mull Im tircn triiiic to M irt lioin from I'eldn nice Anc 15 II? was aiithorireil to lr ne then In Vtrftary liar, Init naturallr ile sirlni; to tuiiplclp tlie import nit nork lie liail linderlakin, in rnnntrlion vcitli tlie picpmtlon o( the pn tocol lie nniilnrJ until the tlnKliinj tonrlies luil luen S'lileil an 1 tlie dounnrtit kI.ihi1 HONORS G0Y0 CANADA. The Dominion Maiksmen Defeat the Ulster Rifle Association at Seagirt Range. By InliKie Wire tioin The AiAocialrd l'revt New York, Sept ! The Canadian and lrHh rlllemen met toe a cm e long l.inges nt Seagh t, N .1, in a special contest between teams of five men each. The) shot over the 800, !Wft nnd 1,000 )ards ranges, the Canadians using the Knglish mllltai) lltle and thp 1'lstPr rppiesentatlves shooting with MannlicliPi guns The Canadians received an allowance of eight points each or forty polntft for the team nnd the hnnois went to Canada by IT points on the ginss scene The net scores weie Canada, oli, I'lster Itlflo association, 6J0 The Irish team was selected bv lot Major J. K Millner made H points out of a imsslble r0 at 1 000 ynrds. The niatcli was decided on the scores made In the firft li ilf of the spei ial all comeis 1 asb pi be mat( li in which thlrtv -three men took putt, cadi of whom had ten shots nt SOO, 100 and 1000 .vards The second half will be shot tomonow, the same conditions maintaining TROUBLE AT PANAMA. Mobs Surround the House of Senor Caidor, Venezuelan Consul at Panama and Denounce Castio. Bv Kxduine Mile ft c in I lie voi uiej i'rta Colon Colombia, Sept ft On the publication of the repoit In l'anama )esteida) that a Wneuel in scpiad ron consisting of font ships was boinh.it ding Tlio Ilaelia, on the Caiib hean sen, a lawless, Irresponsible mob proceeded to the icsideneo of Senor Caid(i7, tlie VciiP7ili Ian ronsul at Panama, shouting "Down with (lie government of Cas tin ' Canloi, who Is it Danish subjet t and a native of St Thomas linmeillnti ly took refuge In the palace of the gov -ernoi of Panama wlieie he was te. telved vvltli open amis The local ofll 1 I lis deploie the ligrettable lm blent The mob was entuallv dls'petsed and quiet retitotetl AN APPEAL TO MR. GAGE. He Is Asked to Relieve the Money Market. Br KxcliMirt Wire from The AMOcia'.td Trrv Huffalo, Sept 0 Secietatv Oage has been appealed to In i-nnie of the Xew York financial Institutions to relieve tlie rnonev inurket bv Incieaslnsr de posits In National banks Hopiesenta tlons are' being made to the effei t that vihllP the Intel lnr Is ilemailillug money to move the uops public funds are piling up In the tteasui), to the dettl 1 it t nt ot the loimueiclnl eouutrv. Seiieit.uv flage clet lined to state what, If anv thing, would be done to lelleve the situation He will be In Washington tomorrow and ran theip consldei tlio inattei at cIosp tange. lie will not announce his decision until lie is on the gioiind Coipointlons Ch-irteied. Br Kicliwty. Wire Imn I he Anr,ttd Prm llirrilnirc, s, 1 1 ti (liirlu vere lueil li the -MH ilepiriinrnt tort n In the fnllinlii; r r puitiont llie I urtaii'lKUt 11.ll ("inpjlii, I 1 tjn-i.nt ViintiniU iniliiti 1 ipiul, m)i) I'rnniivi ( heinlial 11 inpiui, I'litnroM, II. I.ivcue itniiiii 1 ipli il ivrmn rhi ()nairi Waor lompaii). Nineiah, M 'iiioitlainl tnnnti iap ltd Tl khi Governoi's Appointment. Hi Ivilnlu Niie from I lie V-hiiii.1 Prist II 11 1 il mt cr, 1 1 1 1 l.niernor stem miijv ap polnlni l.wlih I riheti, nf I'itt.liure, ,111 aililithnal nrli in' trnrl JihIbi 'f Mlmlirn) oiiutv , under ,111 ul piw1 I) the latt Iccrlklat ure cieatihK thin eftU. LAST EFFORTS TO SETTLE STRIKE FAIL General Executive Board ot AmaK Qamated Association Ad journs Without Date. NO PEACE PROPOSITIONS Tito Entlro Matter of Arranpinpf a Settlement of tho Steel Strike 19 Left with President Shaffer Tha Members of the Board Have- Been Clamorinp for a Settlement for Three Days and tho Beat of reel ing Does Not Prevail. D Mdnibe Wire from The Aneoclateil I'rean. Pittsburg. Sept. 0. L,nst efforts to settle the steel strike Ii.ivp fulled. Tho general executive board of the Amal gamated association udjourned thH pvpulng without date and without either accepting any ot tho peace proposltlons.whteh have come lndlrect lv fiom the United States Steel cor potatlon.or making any counter propo sitions, according1 to tho ofllclal state ment. The seml-olficlil report li that the proposition secuied for the Amalga mated association through tho lntoi ventlon of the representatives of tho National Civic federation was unsatis factory nnd that the entire matter of arranging for a settlement was loft w 1th President Theodoro J. Shaffer. The board In Its sessions of three dn)"i Ins been clamoring for a settlement, but satisfactory terms nnd nieani were not nt band, and the sessions resolved themselves Into an Informal discussion of the situation. At the close nt tlm national executive boaid this pvenlng, Piesldent Shaffer declared that ho had no statement to make, but sub.seeincnt ly said. "Tlio botrd has adjourned, and tho out-of-town membets will piobablv leave for their homes tonight. No piace proposition has been lecelvcd and none made " Still later ho added that ho or no othi Member of the boa id would go to New- Yoik during the nlglit to sub 11H a pence imposition, .salni? that ho vv Id e at e.itlciuurlem uh lit' 1 tn 11101 ov T'i meeting of the boaid did ni adjoin n in high good feeling, )et thi .li'lilieis of J10 boaid weie averse to making statements supplemental to that of Piesldent Shaffer. It was stated by some of the meinberH of tlio beard after adjournment that they had left matteis the ,tirre a.s befoie the li'ietlng was called and that the stilkn must go on as befoie having nttange nients foi ,l possible .settlement tin (High a coveted dliect coufeience with the tepii sentatlves of the United Mates Steel coiporutlou with Piesldent h ha IT-1. Mills in Opcintlon. Today (orupleted tlie tlrst thirty da.vs tince tlie Aiiieiliau bhei't Steel tom pan. tho Ainetlcnn Tin PI lie com pany and tlie .Miietlcan Meet Hoop loinpiny began their attempt to suit the union 1 Lints of tho countiy in tin face of the Amalgamated Mi ike. Asides f-i 1 1 the Clark plant of the Steel Hoop 1 1)111)1.111. and tlie T'ppet and, Lower Cniiin mills of the Caiuegle tompari), vvhfie the atti nipt to lender the stiik." effective was never a .suci e.ss, the thiee companies haio duiliig thu uiontli succeeded In placing in opera tion seventy-sK mills In tho union plants single turn Indications 111 that the number will be doubled with in tie i,et ten da)s if tho .stlike ii not settled befoie that time. While the tin plate company has pul up the most aggiessive light of thi lluee, the steel hoop company has been most successful In the eastern distiht and in the west the sheet steel eom pany lias mot with the laigcr success. With the 1 cults known In tin se pie llmluni) skirmishes nt a few" chosen points, all thiee compinles have now lireprred to cany the light Into eveiy union plant without fuither delay. At iltKeespoit thlri evening the stilkers, following up their ndvautagu of tlie morning' In keeping tho work men fiom enieilng the National tulin works, gatheied about the gates of tlie plant in gieat niiinbeis and warned the few men who came out not to te- turn tomorrow morning. It Is genet -all) believed the company will appeal to the shetlff or governor within 21 limits for pintectloii. An est of a Piophct. Hi lrlu.n Wire from 111' .Vivii latril t're llemrr, sept -V rimul fioin Siber (llv, S VI, ui ' Vntnnio M i(Tl,i.i. the miuicUn mil alletrril atun Inn, ln u mhI to hue pre ilhted tlei tn.iAMiiilion (f 1'ietnlent MVIiklnlei tit fme OUolcr, lull wai ar ested i Mn lllti, 1 mining camp near 'iber ( it, N V . ihlj after noon on lintrnitlona from WjhitiRli'n Steamship Anlvals. Ill 1'viln.iie Wire tioni Hie VviriJle.l l're Niw oV, sipt ti (luieil Kalferln Man Tliore-h, llnmni ami viitliunitnnv Piemen ineil (,iONir hmtuiet Ni rk vi Siiiiihiinpion i.ilirjltir nl .1 'luie, New ork fm Niplc mid (lenoi sui(( Allei (from dent 1 ami NipleO New ork Soiilhitnplon -Silleil t rii hull Pir l,rofe ifroin Btemen), Nm url YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I 11 il iIjU for s,,i ) I m. II1U10I tempi rituii "I rlrmrei ljit tempiiaiino li rlreiee Itililiie lluini.liii siin Tl per tenl s p in CO per irm. I'recipliation. Jl lioum enileij R p. in, none . . tftTttTlTTT ff - WEATHER EORECAST. - Wa.hni,iiii sept i 1 oreeait for Tlif rial aid VuIiiiita 1 1 jtl.m rtnntyb - vania I'ailli ( loudt- Tiirdnjrt Kent to s- firh leiiiherlr hIiiiN, Widncodif, -fi--f- pinhablr khnnein, -f, t -f -t- i -f -f S S). Jf s -f Jy LiWWtiAlffMMMMIte MMMS . . h-hMi vWL mfflfam r 1 ii ' Wl rtmrtf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers