?V-'jrc4..f (t 11 u '0 THE SCRAiNTOiY TRIBUNE-SATUliDAl', SEPTEMBER 7, 1001 WEST SCRANTON SERMON FOR YOUNG MEN WAS DELIVEKED T) REV. H. C. M'DEHMOIT He Took for His Text the Woids "Is the Young Man Absalom Safe." Mamie Told Tatally Injtned by Being Knocked Down by n Dog. Struck the Pavement with Such Toico That Hr Skull Was Tiac tuied John H. Thomas Mairlcd In Chicago Other Notes. f!i' II c .Mi Di'tmnii. iMPtni or the Simpson Methodist i;ikiiiiI iliiinli. piPUellOll II S01IIIOI1 lllKt OVIIllllg If) .Mltlllg IIIOIl till till- tlllllgl'IS tllllt tllll- fioiit ihein In thilt ilnllv lir. UN text Was solee It d f i out (In- set mid Honk of Samuel, will ."i, -is Hi.' Vming Mnn Absalom Safe"' Tin-iIIni urn was an able one. (mil was niirntlvelv lltcnul tn. It Was. In I 'ill I ii- rnllnws Is III" voting mini Absalom sad This iiiistiuii liinic riimi tin- np iii ii tlstnss(, fiit ti i Absalom was i hi tlillil son nl Divid i hiIuimI m In sill IOC tint! llgnllll till- UOM'lllllll nl of 111" fntlli I In mi . ffuil tn . i till nv It lillil make himself king Tin- llislligont miiiv lie miivti umI mill tin ngulut run pi ni King David foutjit tin- !- Islve li.it tic In II Mil li if w II. Mil i l oun iry. tii'in Malum. ilni phi of tin- .lm ilnli. The lobols vveli uttiih deft-nttd Absalom's steed In Its night intilnl him under tin- thh h houghs nf ii gnat link. In whhh he became i-ntiumli-il h his lull anil nuns, iiuil while stiug Kilns; tn disentangle hlmsiif In- vmii taught ami slain ami tin. 1 1 tii-llltni uh lit an end. Hut tin- Mist im"ili)irilii klllg .llldlOS-eil til tie llll Ssollgcl eumovvlth lldln's e,r vh tin v. wit". Is the .vming in. in Aliiiilmn -,ifi. ' WAS I'NPIMNCIPI.LD Absalom was liiiin ha Ipli i ami -fNh: hail dlsgi.uotl his fitinll ami In. n guilty nf in-ismi In Hie state, hut T i I'l slineiolv loved hhn ami imninii il lor him. Oiii ti'M shows tin- t length Cif till' klllg W.ls lost III till' ll'llllfl Ill-is of tin1 fat Ik i. Thi' nlil liioimnh with boat In. t cl ami athliig hi'iiit. awaiting 111 blenllllt'ss .lllll-l. tidings 1 1 .1111 tin battle .Hid living nut -Is tin- 4iiiiiK mini sale ' N hut tin- ph lute or mum .in .uislnus iiiii-m toilin as loving lips tieinbllng ask, Ih tin" vouni, liian J-rlfO?" Tin- .voting mnn of inn fuf t iir cnuntiy the voting liian nf our titles tin' jmiliK in. in if nut tunnel-is be s.if. .' J ii the dang, ions path of life the vming man to he sai( necils tin i ninp.itiloushlp of thr loving Chi 1st To he safe In must Mauil mi the i jnu Hoik ol Ages ami have lllnlel m-.ith SUNBURN 7!op an 1 Almond Cin remorpii rrdncu ct the eUn mil soothes the tain ol sunburn In ore night. Take a bottle with you on your Motion ion SALE by a. w. ji;.nki.ss The Chilly Winds of Yesterday Suggested Fall Flannels All right; we're with you. Take a look at our large center show win dow, and you 11 correct fashions Flannel Weaves, shown' includes: Riga Flannelettes, Antoinette Flannels, Lovely Eiderdowns, New Daisy Flannels, Fancy Teazle Downs Pretty Panne Velvets, Plain French Flannels, Nice Outing Flannels . . And other desirable makes, in all wool, wool and cotton and fine cot ton. The shades run the full gamut of the color list, while prices to early t , buyers are considerably lower than I last year's qotations. Have you bought Extra values this week. Globe Warehouse li I tn the evotlastlnu firms. Hut a coin intuitively small number rite safe. We hite a itinlt1 population nf about thirty live minimis In the Pulled States. Of this number about nine millions aie young men between the ages of 18 a tut !!D A collect statement of the pei lontugo of this Mist number who me loiiiiuuuh-iiiits In our i Ittitthes of ihose vho ate intuitu or li tegular ut teiulaiils at divine vwnshlp ntnl of those who hnhltuullv iioglt'i t VMitshlp altogetherwould be appalling. Theie (mi tie no safe popular moial lt.v without lollglous iiuivlitlim ami lustiiiitlou. Dili Ink' mv vaiatlmi 1 spent ten il.ivs In n home with a VoiltiK man who has not attemleil ii-HkIoiis si'i-vlu- In nine .vents When we le iiiemhet then- ale seveial millions like him In our immti.v. our iet heiomes pilnfullv stiKKi'Htlve The onlv enioiir iirImk teattlie Is that mme ouiik iiii-ii than foimetlv aie lull i eli il In i i-IIk-Iimis wm k. sofp.fi: (ir t)i:.MoitAM..TioN. One of the most fiullflll soiim-S of ilemoiallalloti to out vouim men Is Sabbath Hcmm iiitlou The splilt nf our mte Is luti nselj woihll.v It ilimamls Suiiilnv woik umI Similav pleasine. Some of mil Kient uillinails unily- a meati'i illsphiv of ai tlv lt mi the I. mils ilav than auv ila of the week. Mau liuslliess plates aie lieeillesslv ami whkeilh open on thai huh ilav. Then the Similav newspapeis imm s In to III) up the inensuie of win hlllness to the full No voniiK man Is sile who lei klesslv ili.su lutes (loils holv il.iv One who was euteilm; a lllonklvii iliuiih smut- lime iiko uii sutulav tnoiulli was peistiaileil hv a passing in iii.iliitam e in k" to i 'onev Inland 1 1 1 steail Hi plllllKeil lalilessU Into the Ill.ieWliimi nf V Ii e Itf lurnlllK' home iulosliati il. while passing fmin one i ar In amithii he fell fiom the tialn ami Was ili.iwn llllilei the i tuel W heels e llvnl less than an hour Ills luluihs sobc! is! him Ills last message tn his filemls was 'Tell the bov s tn ki op the Suiiilnv If I hail kept this ilav llnlv I wnulil not he liele " Tin n i nines the saloon as a ih stinvel nf votltll Iteiellt Slatlstlis stuiw that theie an- ill loiiuil nuinheis Imi humliiil ami si thmisaiul letall liiliioi tlealeis in this imiuttv TIipv have pel haps an nvt-iaf,'!' ol twenty it I mis e.ii h ami the in ijmltv of these ale voiiii men It is neeilless tn sav I hat it Is ant onlv unwise, hut unsafe fm au mie tn ImlulKc III iutnl ants Till: SWItl'.T SINS Tin- s. , ii t us of the vmiliK me m i v Kital Willi auothei weonh point In the i-nei V a toil llltoc,oui e tlt-l V oils ills, ease ntnl impalieil health of so .niaiiv . mini, iin-n as daimer signals alnm; this ti.uk nt vlie of thlitv-two fiom New mk I'Mimlneii snine time sm e lot t.itli thhlp at West I'olnt tmlv nine Vile anepteil as ili i jillj vuUllil Tvvenl-lhlPf wen- ieei toil nn in muni nt i nlislltutloual weakness eiiKeiuleieil tluutlKh sum tin- Anil what of KamhlliiK urn lean liteiatme ami iiuiliv otln i things' Viimii! men nn stimin 'I'hev have niaile hlstm luevei.v llelil of nohle ami heioh at hieveim nt inanv of the leadeis have wlnUKht with vnuii mains m tlieli htncls ami voiiiik hlootl in Iheii vi ins. Hut that stieiiKth will till n tn weakness uiihss thej avnlit tile sllnii ilts I have luiuiecl It was the npiuioii of Ooelhe that the ilestinv nf ativ ti.it lun at anv Klventinie ileipiuls mi the njilnluns nf tlie vouiik mm tiuilet twintv-ilve The votiiiK men mi In sliape our jinlltlts, g, i.iste tu oiii film atliin. i harai tor tn out i linn hi (llieitlon to inn tonmiene anil ih siim to this mlKhtv lepiililh What will out nation heinnialh a gen- get a good idea of in all the popular The assortment Pall Blankets yet? GIVING OUT The Straggle Discourages Many a Citizen of Scranton, Aiouinl alt day with an aching b.uk Caii't test at night, lhiough to make all.volie "give out." Ilium's Klilniy I'lllt will bIvp re new nl life The.v fill i" lleie will tine the bin km he. eveiy Ulilm-y III. Is Siiantoii pinnf that this Is Ml" -Miss Mniy I.tit, of tP.in Samleison iiveniie, sas: " Usui Dean's Klitm y Till" for a soveie pain In my h.u k, whh h timihletl me mine or less sliite I was small. It nmio.viil im miistl) iiflei lining a haul ila.v's woik, sin h us lionlng, hut a few tltnes of lloitis Klilney I'llls sunn tlinve It awav. Mv bl other also used them anil tliev did blm a gloat ileal of good." I'm sale liv nil (loaleis. 1'iite f,o I ents N V rostei-.Mliliuiu Tn., Hiilfaln, ol" tments fm the I'nltetl States. Itemoiiiht i no siihstltut the name lin.iu s ami take eiallnli sav til ' home , unless this i lass aie milig fi lends, j (,u need To lie s.if, fmn things I'll st-a pi i rut Ideal. Second -A motive In goodm ss as pei slslent as the cffoit to ho good le llllles Thlnl pnwei Unit will limine toi i option ft mn iiiii heaits, ami Colli til-Alt inlllleiite that will aid von to oveiiome tt mptatloli. Those toiiilitlons aie onh nit In lesns Clu 1st His lire Is the Ideal, Ills love Is the motive s blood will lionise the heait and bv His gtaic we will oven ouie temptation. Mi. Btttiall Going South. Willi im 'I' Mm tall nne nf the most wmiln .voting im n nn this ddt, has it-signed Iii- position as advertising mauagii tut the Jonas I.mig s Sons ie paitnitiit simos toiuoept a position as inan.ig'i Im one nf the stoics nf the S II Ku.ss svndliato in Ih. South Mi Huiiall htgaii bis business taieoi as a i ash lm at the (ilnbo s!ie ,n. valuing to Hie position ol inan.igei ot tlnir nun's tuitilsliing tleiartmont U hen th Julias I.mig s sons stole was opiuul. iiiui veils ago Mi lluit.tll hi - pud a .slmllai luisitinii with them I'm neailv a .veil past ,, lias had iIi.iikc of the hook ami ndvtitlslng tie p.iitmutits i'ew vouug nn n puss .ss sm h an e 1 1 Mont i liauii tot as duos Mi Itiiuall, end those who know him best piedlot Im Iiiui unbounded su(e.s In hs new lit Id nl labm Washburn Stieet Chinch. The annual iin-MIng nf the .idles' Home and Coielgu Mission nv sinieix will he Iii hi at the parsnnage I'i Id.u iiieiiiooii at ! 'a o i lot k Mis i; ) I'l-llows will b. In i lun jo III MntliU iue.it boil twn V -l help, ful'seiiunn- .vosttnliy In tlie'iiftei tioon he t iiiului t tl s,.gi I, ,. at the Taj -lot I'tesln toilan chilli Ii Nrt Saliluth inoinlng 11111111111111011 will b- ailmiiilst, 101I I'n imialm.v sot - vu mi vv eiliu-silaj and I'lldav ii us. even- M111I1 regtet s evident betau f tin- itslgnntlmi of Supctlnti'iiil'iit William T. Mm nil In the Itlble school lie haves tot the .south on the 1Mb lnt A faiewoll leieptlnu will be t .mien I bin Thin -ilav ev cuius; In the chilli li The voting; munbeis nf the Mililo .school will mei t mi Wednesiiaj oven. iiik artei iuavei inoetlug fot the post of 1 lotting a siipeilnlendtnt pin Death Due to Accident. A most iiufottun.ite an Mint 01 cuiifil a ft w divs ago to Mamie, the 1 vein-old 1 iiiM nf Mr and Mis jnim Kind, nf l,J Miuth Ninth stiei whhh lisiilltd hi bet death The 1 hllil was mi her wav in s, honl, when she iol lldeil with a laijo ting and was Ihlown fmtiblv to the sidewalk. she stunk the pavement with stub folic thitt hoi skull was fiacluietl and "In was taken home in an untonoious condition Dnclm.s Walket. Polan and Itoos iipifoiuipcl nn opetatlmi on the ihlld In the hope of saving hoi life, but the 1 ffot t was tlllltlest. The Itiiiet.tl of the child was ( on ttiti ted fiom the house, ()n Ninth stieet, a -sttnla.v aftoinooii at 2 11 0M01 k. In tel tuont was made In the Cathedial cellK'UI. Mauled in ChlcaRo. The lel.itlves or John II Thomas, a will-known joung man. who went tn Chicago to leside nliotit a car ago, havi hi on Infill med that h w'.is o,,i,,i ill mat 1 luge on Snetonihei 1 1.. ml.. Cat lie ir.iWMin. a piomliicnt muiuk tcsldent of the Wlndv City. They ate now tnjovlnga wtsiding tip and' may cmne to Si 1. niton fot a few tlajs. The gloom is ,1 binthi of Moigan T lioniit", the Jackson snoot niPicbant, ami fotnieil,v conducted .1 shoe stoie on Main avenue. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. At the legular meeting of St Paul's Ploiim imps heltl esioidav afioi. noon William Sh.it pe was olci ted Hist vlf piesliknt. AVIIllam itlley first lleutfiiunt, ami John MeNultv, tcllei. j no mips win meet fm tl 1 III M rull dies uniform at St. Oavlds hall to. mm mw evening A Polandei and one of tin Chinese l,indinten sot Into nn alienation SUui tiny night ovu a package of laundiy and a theck, and the case Is up to Alderman John fm settlement The dedleatoty sen Ices of the new I'll st Paptlht chin cb will take plate on Satutduy, Oitobet 20 The full pai ii' ul.it s will be published latm The membeis of Division No K, Daughteis of Kiln, will meet at S o'clock tontniiow evening at the home A SENSIBLE MAN w'ouM ue kcnii' llal.ani for 1I10 Throat ami unci. It 11 curlii.' inoie Cmulu, t'oldi, A.lhnu, llruiicliitll, ('loiip ami all 'llnoat ami bunit Truublci, than nj oilier incduhie. 'I hi proprietor lias autlivrird any diujul.t tn till' ot a bainplu lloltlc dec, tu lominic )ui ol lh mult cl lliU vicat limed, I'ikc 2., and M, of Sirs. OahaRiin, G33 Pleasant uticct, to at range for a shirt waist social, to be held at Moms' hall on rrlduy oven 1MB. Sent in. I-ngllsli ervlt.es woie heltl In the Hellevue Welsh Calvlnlstlc Methodist chinch last evening at which the preaching service was conducted by the pastor, Hev William O.ivls The niPinbPis of Hiamh No 621, Ladles' Catholic Upiievnlont assoeltloii, of Si. John's (lei inati Catholic i hut oh, will conduct ,t social W -dnpstlay aftoi noon and evening at the homo of Mrs. Malhoigci, lOO'i Ninth Main u venue, neir Tripp lmk The lemalns of the late Nelson l.ow ry vveie taken to Clifford, Susiiue huntut lotintj, on Satuttlav, fot intor- lllellt. The Sunday st honl of the Simpson Methodist Kplieop.tl eliurcli hold their fiimual picnic at Nuj Aug paik on Situiday. Special i.us- c-onveved the tlilldicn to and fiom th p.uk. The anuoumement of the mmilago or .Miss Ida D. .lames to Chmles S. llovt. of Kheipiifelil, la , ionics us a Kieat suipilse to hoi inanv ft lends on this side. Miss .lames has lieen a ies. dent n this section all he! life ami bus been pinmlm-iit lu inanv sm lal ov nils of this tltv The man luge took plmo Muiidav, September I', at llholeti fpld. and was attentlul bj the near li-lntlves of the bildegiomii The .vnung louplo will icslile at Summit Hill, 1a. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Coniiaitor anil Mm of lEock stieet, ale il.ivs at Crv stal lake .lolm AVIIIIams, spending a few M'ft Jeauette Ashtoii, of PI mouth, who has been the tpst of the MIsos Utibaia and Kllrabetb Lewis, of West l.ootiM stieet, ictuincil home on Satur dav. Thomas I'lemltig, of I.afajette stnet, In illation manager of the Times, s siomlliig a low tlajs at SatatoRa Spilugs William I'ltgoiald. .if Ulnghiimtoii. I the guest nf his btothei, II. M Pit Rotald. of this side. Mis. Il p. Fpi bet and two daughters, of ISoik stteet, have letttrned home fiom Minimise, when' llio attoudetl a wending MKS Jennie Tlinuuis of South Main (venue, left on Saturdav lot Hlonms. 1 nig Statt Noinial mIiooI Altllu Jones 0r Anhbald stippt, John Thmnas, of s,Ciutt p.ebeua ave nue. Ilobeit liobetts Thomas Kvans, David IMwaids and lMvv.inl Iteest'J of Hi Hev u- have letuiued homo floin New Vol k U.ivld Hughes ,,f Ninth C.11 field avenue, has lesiiimd his .studios at CIliUil college, Phll.itlelihlti Misses Ill.ini be Mathews of Itoad lug and i:ila Johnson of Wllkps. Halle aie lh uuosls of Miss Ksther Hopp. of Pall lew avenue Mis lidwanl M Dean of llatken sai k. N J, Is visiting fi lends In town Mi and Mis Chniles itatmlng ami Mis. D P Mjvo. of Swelland stnet. have lotiniiod home rimn a two months snjmiin In Canada Mi- N W llowaid and chllilieu nave letiiiueif horn fiom a st at II111 told. Siisiiiehami 1 imiiitv. -Mi ami Mm. Ii.i Pi Ice. of l.lntolu avenue, .110 tiuei tabling Mr. ami Mis IMwaid Howell, of Plkdale Mi. l.ouls l.aunian ol N coin avenue. Is enjovlng the the Pan-Aiuoilian exposition Mi. ami Mis Ki.u s,c, Tenth sti et. nn spending a nth I.ln slghts at illow of few tltijs at Mtilliiln .Mi ami Mis William Sluttii. nf Noilll Kelicua avenue, have as their guests Mm Custatd ami tlauphtei. Mm Knot lit. of Long Pond .Misses Men,, am) tinliiie Hmdum of North Main avenue me spending a f 'W Weeks at Ml Cnbli Mm Thomas lb, inn and ihildion nf la iiilmtl iniintv have lotuinoil home fimn a visit with Mm Seldon Pawling, f .Vol th Main avenue. l.lewellv n Jones and Cvatt Ilvnns of IMwaids iiiiiii have letuiued home limn a visit n ., w Vmk Di J J C.inoll and biothti )r M A. C.1110II or Plv mouth i: i: l!o I1.1th.1u i: JohiK, and Daniel l.oiu ban havi nimmil fiom Saialoga. GREEN RIDGE. The iisid.-nts of this pntt sulnub ha?c i tin nod fi oni thoh Minimi 1 haunts, ami the chinches wen- well filled .Vent nlav Di Lansing o, t iiiied the pulpit ot the (lieen Ititlge Pit-sbv-teilan 1 hui ih for ihe flMt time im .Iillv. Itov K It. Slngei, assistant pas tor or i;im Paik tliunli pieathul the evening seimoii at Asbuiv chunli. Theie will boa meeting of the King's Daiighttts at the homo of the picsi tlont. Mm j i; h0?s, ,,t .-'amieismi and Hlecitii avenues, this evening at T..U o'clock V. mil atleiulame Is de- Slll-ll. Mt. and Mis. Htuaie Smith of Mon- se IlVeinie, hal etll))H'l f I OIII ,ako Wlnol.i. Ms Mabel Potclham, of I'apouse avenue, is uiutliied to lit r loom b) an attack of tmisilltls Miss Annie Healev nf Palldoi -nn avenue. Is spending In 1 v. nation at Lake Wlnola The inndilion of (lilei Paiko, son of AV. (S. P.nke. who was so seilously iu luioil by being tin own fiom his hoise, near Plttston, some time ago, Is stead il.v impioving. MWs Agnes Ncm.v was taken sud denly III, while at her woik at the Scranton l.ace Cintuln faitmj. Ptliln.v, Miss Ne,n bit nine tint onsi ions, and was 11 moved to the home of hoi untie, Michael Nt.nv, ol Alhilght avenue Vestoida.v Miss Ne.n.v was lemovtd to the home nf hot pmonts. Mr. and Mis IMwaid Noaiv. or Piovldenre, ami hci phshian, Di Stanton, pionounuil he) surieilng fimn apponiihitls. Hci ion tl 1 1 loll Is quite sei lolls SINS OF OMISSION. It Isn't 1 ln 1I1I11. .tun do, dm. It's tin- thin, juii Iriic timlonr, lint ji oil a hit o In ji u 111 VI lit" Mllin.' cf the kun 'I In Iriulci oid fr nolle 11, I'lir Ittlrr ;iiu did not write. IIih fluwer joii did not vnil, dfir. Vri j.tir luinua.i; nliMtt d nlfclit. 'Mn it'll." ou mi.-U linr- llfiril Out -f u liniilior'ii i) , I lii lilt of lifiiUoinc- iniu.cl Vuii wrri' limned ion iiiikIi tu ai ; I If Inline touch if tlif liind, ilci, (lit- i,tntlf. wlnmni. tone. Hlikh jnu hitl in lime nor lliou.lit for, Whli timiblM cnnujli of jour on 'Hhk lllllf Jtti oi llmlm-.. Si fjib out of mind, llhr chiiiiiH tn ' j)ii;c Which p puoi nirtitjl. had. IIipi Muni' id iiIkIu mil li.nf, I jth .nl. nproji lit ill wr.illli, Whin hots' li funl unl lUnrlni, Vn I a chill lu fallen on tsllh. I or lifi li ill tuo thait. ili-ir, Vml unriou i4 ( m girat, In ntfir emr ilon ioniMs-,on, Dial uulio until too Ufr; Vnil il (ui'i the- t lilnq- jnu di, ,lir, ItV Ihe Ihlntr ou lent iiiilone, Uhleh iIim inij hit of hi-Jilachf, U Ihe ilUn.- of the (1111 M K. Saiigtttr. SOUTHSGRANTON CORNER STONE OP NEW TARISH HOUSE LAID. Exeiclses of an Intetestinu Chninc ter Held nt the Tlrst Oetman Ties bytetlan Chtuch Shoit Addtesses Made by a Number of Clergymen. Conttact Pilce of tho Building to Be Elected Is $20,000 Louisa Mogel Injured by n Stone Thiown by Tied Heiz. Tho 1 01 iter stone of tic now pmlsh house which the cotigtegatlon of the Pit st (lei man Piesbj let hut 1 ninth me erectlliB In the tear of their ohuiofh cill lice, oil lllckoiy stieet, was laid esltr. day afternoon. In the presence of up vv ard.s of a thousand poMnus. The I'M'iclscs vveie begun promptlv at L' o'elotk antl weie lu thai-go of the pastor. I!ov. William A. Nmdt A large platfoim bad been ci octet! at one end of th building, (he foundations of whhh 111 now leadv to teeolvo the lloor beams On this, u,it Krniipcd tho ineiiibtis of the Clioial union, 1111 doi the 1II101 tlou of Pinf. Si hiuldt, iiiui Lawteiit e's mil nnbestia. The au dleiuc was giouped nn ImpinvlMMl plalloims itiiinlng mound tho founda tion walls, mid lu tho b,icmcnt of the now stttittuie The exert lf.es. vvhhli weie t omliicteil enthelv In the Herman language, weie opened with a praor by Kov August WMier, pastor of the (iciman Hvan Bellini ihtlieh at Tnjlor. Alter a he lot lion bad bien tendeiotl bv tile Chmal union, net omp inled bv the or chi'stia, the aildiess f the dav was made bv Hev Ciustavo Hobilln, pastor of the PImi Ucini.ui Methodist Pplsco. pal e litiic-li P.ev Mr Hobilln took for his tot the following veises fiom the thlit-iltst ihapter of the set mid bouk of C'iiionl dps. ' nd thus did Hvpklab thrmighnut all .lud.ili ami wioughttli.it vvlilth was Rood and light and tiuth belme the l.onl his Cod. "And lu ovoi woik that lie began In the soi v he of the house of (;,,d. and m tin law, ami lu Ihe t mmnandmrnts, o stek his tiod, i. ,11,1 tt )t, a( l.fi 1 e.u t and piosp-i el " ISilef atldi esses weie al-n made b I!ev. .Mi. Nmdt. Itov. H. J St hiuldt lu.ior 01 tne ciiutclt of Pe.ti o and " i.n. .101111 i- , iimlilt. pasioi of the Coiinan Hajitlst ilmnh Km h of the cleig.vmon assisted In tic lavmg of tho 101 lit 1 stone. Into w 111. li was pl.it id a bov tmitalniiig a hlstm v of the ohliith, a list ot the membeis, l.al tee onls, and tuple' nf the loial papei.s The pirMi house will consist of a 1 as. input ami a flMt Horn, and Is b-lng imistiucted nf 1 tit .stmie by Woelkets .! Ihi'man The plans aspiepuedbv Anhltect Pticlval Mmtls. pioUdo fm .1 building fit by St feet n sle The innti.ici jirlt or tho sun, ttite is $.'11 000 Tho ban mint floor Is In be fitted up Into meeting moms fm the vailmis chute b scuietlis The voting people's sue I -tv will hive two splotlilltllv fill - in ntn looms wiiii 11 iiihj hi used in 'In "Veiling im club putposi-s ''n0 11111I11 floor Is to In! llttoel up as an atl illloiliim and will have a seating ea p.ultv of aliout 1 Oiii) petsmis It um In usui for Similav s( honl put poses and for the holding of thunli entet talnmrnts and evints or a like natiite The m w building s being tecteil mi land situated In the 10,11 ami tn the west ot the Picshvteilin ihunb and fust behind St. Mm.v s Itmnan Cathn lii t bun li. SHORT PARAGRAPHS. Mis Pud MiumIi will Hindu, t an ho 1 0.1111 mid toffee sale at hoi ies. dome. Plttston avenue ami Hlnh stieet Wt-diiesilaj aflci Ileum and even inp. tin the boneilt of the jii w Hlck otv Street Piesb.v tcilnu iluttth palish bouse , I.mtKi Mogtl, tin 1.'-ve,ii.old daugh tei of Mi aid Mis Mogel. of Stone avenue, was painfull tnjuiul Satui 1l.1v night bv a stone thiown bv ,1 bnv n.iinul Pied Hot The liijuied ghl was leiiiovetl tn a iieaiby elnctm's oilii o wheie the wound was tlusscd liev. W . Nmdt s spendliiK his va i.itlon with fi lends and lelallvis lu Nt w Vmk stale Tho Misses Anna Pans!, Maiy Wlilli and Maltha Nmdt aie visiting ftieiuls lu Now Yoik 1 Itv Miss Lena Dioishei, of Itemingtnu avenue, has loiovued fiom a long ptilod of Illness .Miss Daisy Plene, of Hllltfnicl, Conn. Is visiting Mi. and Mm. Potiei. on Piosjioi t avenue. A blight habv son iu,s .uiivul at the Home or Mi anil Mm. IMwaid W.-ttei on Ced.u avenue Mis W.I, Modonstelu mid 1 hildien, of Philadelphia have letuined homo, afti'i a thiee wetks' stav with Mi. and Mm fj a Millet, on Cedar avenue The nifiiiheis of c.imp no, Patilotb Oidei Sons of Ameilta, will unci m HKiilar session this cvuilug lu li.ut man's hall Cuds annoiiming the unnlng nmi rlilge ot 1'ieil K'uekes of Now York, to .Miss Mollle Wevand. of Slone avenue, aie in tin illation among the it fi It mis on this side. NORTH SCRANTON. The flllieial of the late Mm Thulium cimke took pint o o.sttnho iifiei noon at L'.:,i n'doik at the Holy i:os,u i bin th. the son lie being coiitliu it tl b lii'V Pathol llolmos. The ilituih was eiowded to lis utmost by fi lends and lelutlvps, who pallifii'd theie to p iv theli last tllb- uto of ipspott to tho loved one who has passed awa. The ilmal olff tings wc-io inan.v and heautltul, of which weie the "dates AJm," a pillow of pink loses, ami sev etal smaller i.iskot bouiiuots. Aflci the soivlte. Miss I.lbble .'t.it.v, the i bill th oigaulst, ijIii.mmI an anthem, and the fuueial piotosslou inoved to the Cathedial tiiuoii-i.v, wheie Intel mont was untile Vestoida.v afleinoott's functal was the laiken In hi In this section of the city In min eals. Next Pilda.v evening the Piovitleme Sllvei I'oinet band, one of the leading bauds of this see Hon. w III w Itll h num. bcr or people of. North Kciantou. cnJo a tiollej iltle ovir seveial of the linos of the Sc lantern Ciillwa.v eompanv. The hnveonlPied live cats wlibb will be uoatl.v delimited with dlflPiont nil oictl eleetiic llgbta and bunting The tarn will leave the square at S o't lot k. All poisons wishing to take p.ut In the liollcy piuty iimv pun hare tltkets fimn any meinbpi of the baud .lohu Jones, of Ujdo P.uk. the man who enjoys pa,vlng linos to the masls. trate, was loikod up lu the .S'oilb Seianton pollie station twice last wick, lie was aut-slL-d on Thuisday fot the JONAS LONG'S SONS.'. Mothers ! Bring Your Boys and Girls Here TODAY The School Sale of Clothing Presents chances of economy this Monday that no thrifty mother can afford to miss. Facts About Our Boys' Clothing The best clothing makeis compete for our trade. This gives us the widest choice in styles and fabrics and enables us to insist on having clothing made as we know it should be stylish sturdy dependable. The growth of our Boys' De partment is the best proof that we handle the right kind of clothing. New Fall Boys' Clothing. 10 Cents a Pair Boys' and Girls' Fast Black Stockings seamless stiength- ened heel, toe and knee 10 Cents a Pair Suits at $1.98 From 8 to 16 years, made in a-picce double-bieasted style. The colors are dark blue, mixtures and the new shade of grey, tailored and trimmed in the best man ner and strongly put to gether forseiviceable wear. Little Girls Reefer cq Coats for School Wear Lju In blue, red and tan colors, fancy sailor collar and trimmed with different col braid, of splendid heavy cheviot material. Price 1.59 Boys' School Shoes at 99c Box Grain Call and Satin Calf, plain and spring heels, proper litting, good wearing school shoes. dooas Long's Sods III si fot b-lng di link ami illsonleilv and Hnitl $.' width lit paid Aflci be ing it leased In made his wav fm tin lltaifst hotel and time he still In! to di ink again and kept on thinking until Siittlidav night, when ho was aiiosteil agiln Hi was linked up and fined $! whh h ho paid and made his wav home as ipili klv as possible Tile tulsmiiis in polii e limit voxtii ilav iniuulng won .lames Minphv n thonv Aisunh. .lolm lligllus .lost-ph I'asev ami .lolm K ivev Tliev Wtte given a heating befme Maglstiato Pld loi. anil all fined nit aiding In Hull 1 1 lines and behavior in the tmlli e sta tion. Mttiphv was ilmd $.' Aiswlili and Ulgliiis $) .i ill i e Ciim'i was lined S0 and Kavtv $. .wlilcb tln-v all paid All new s nialtei lot The Tl Iblllie will leitivo piompt attention If loft at Da vis' di ug stole, Main avenue ami Mai ket stnet, 01 at the S. .v; S smoking pai bus, Mei'lo biilltllng, Noith .M tin n venue lloni, to Mi and Mis Thmnas nf 'J'heodoie stteet, a boy. Melton lanet.v. ol Chun li avenue, lift vestenlay fm Albanv, Now olk stato. Satttiilav i veiling .lohn 'I'm in i of Him snoot tlgiind in an "t Itlng nin awav on the old boiilev.ini neai Tliiiinp Mi. Tinner was tlilvliig along the hnuh vim! In tin open biiBKV When near Caitet stioit an iiutoinoblle mado Its iiipe,uani e so suddenl.v that liellhoi the automobile dilvn mn .Mi Turner bud tlni" to got mn ot tho wa.v ol oath othei Tin- autmuoblle niaile a llvelv dash light Im wlioio Mi 'I'm net was st i IK tu tlie lu.ggv ami upsetting ii. thiowlug him out upon the giouud, tutting his hands and fare and othei wise hiulslng hlin Tho horse niaile a dash tow in di Tbioup thagglug the liugg.v mi its sidi hi hind him The bm so was iiuiluiod at ulvphmit. .Mi. Tin net was tiikui in his honie and the autoinobllist iin klv ilisaiio,uotl alti-l tin aitldout OBITUARY. MISS MAP.V Ul.vr tllid at In i hunie lu Mlnooka ul 'i o't lot K Halutda.v moiu. In" Slit- was vtiv will known lu i ill 1 1 Siiantoii and Mlnooka having lived in that soi-Unn of the .lt.v for almost fifty yiais. She was the widow of Audi i w Host, who died tlilil-lho e,us ago riho Is sitivivi'd h.v the following fainilv .Mis William Coat h ami Mis Patilik Callughor. of the Twentieth waul. Mis Patilik c.iva nailgh. of U'llkes-Hatie, Mis. P.i t i il O'il.na ami Mm.v lies), of Mlnooka. Patilik of tho Suunton Ash' wotks. .hunts l. of Host's hotel Cedai avt nue, 'and Amliew, Jail koepti limit r Shot lu J-e'h,ult The fuueial will take lilac e this morning A high mass of ietiili-m will he eelobiuted In SI Jo sepli'H chtuch. Mlnooka, aftoi which Intel mont will he made lu tjiiummc cemetil.v brsltlfs thm-e of hci bus. baud. MUS MAl'U l.AVo HAMILTON, wife of Chin Irs Hamilton of tho At adPinv of .Hush, died Sattuilav- inoni Iiik, aflci a Inlef Illness, at her honie at .Miilln-ii.v Hlii'i'l and Ta lot avenue She was :'.' .vears of age mid was well known lu this oil), llei husband antl a young thlltl suivlvo hit The fu. neial will be hehl at 11 o'lloek this lUOIIllllK. .MIIS. IIHNUV HINII.S died at ht r home esti'i iln.v at noon. Mis. Illuon vvu0 ihu wife of I't-tinunuutiuan lllnes, Boys' School Caps,25c Yacht and Golf shape. Blue, tan, brown and other colors, in cloth and leather braid trimmed and em broidered emblems. School Shoes for Girls 99c Sizes up to 2. Kid and Box Calf Button and lace. Fit well and wear right. AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Husic vi 111 is irve V J mm, Mamgtr, One Week Only. Tlie Wolford-Sheridan Co. i ipetiitig 'I anight with THE SON OF NAPOLEON" V, III! ,. ' I i nn u' I r - in an I 'il I in. 10 il mil ,11 imtfl M Kin. i- Dally Ii -ginning Tuesday. STAR THEATRE VII I. Ill IIIIIM.IDN M.m.ljnr Unit Vliinic- lllllll r ill W.il- "NEW IIOYALS." Next Week Kings and Queens. of the Crvstal flit- niupany She was well known end gnatlv liploved by in mv, both in this tity antl In Moosn lit i nialdtn n mn was Mm.v Mi Cole and h 'i Inline hofmo her matiiage wis at Moosii Mit Is suivlvptl bv her hiisbanil mil t little l-jeai-old elaugb tn vThe funi'i.il sialics will takt plat e it tin house, ."11 Ponn avenue, tmum.ow at 1 in In. k ami liiteiiin nt will ii made at ihe Avium lenieteiv, whiie fi lends fimn Moosk and a will have an uiipui tuiiltv of virwlng the loiuaiuii MltS. CAMiiI.INf: MOitCAN, wife of Imiiier Aldeiuian T T Mmgan. of thi Pllli-eiith waul llt I at her home or Hampton stieii at an only horn Sat in day mm nlng Dcceisnl had hem a vlitim of iniialvsis for a Imig tm.r and had bf on untUned to her bed for ovel a week pilm to lit I death. hhe was limn In llivu Mawr, .Smith Wales and was so eus of age Her hus bund ami thic ehlldiPli suivlvr Iki Maiv, Mmv.vild and Ivm. The fuueial will take plate at o elm k tills aftr . inioii from the house Intel mont will ho made in the Washbui n stteet t cine, tei. i:i-iii:Ni: n r.oN(isn(ii!i: of pii i- adolphla, son of the late Dr. I.m tr slimo mid himself fmnttilv a rcsldei t of Ibis illy, died Pildaj aftPinoon at Lake Wlnola. lie was ;s .veais of age ami I'm the last time v. cms ntieml d iidlego in Phlllldolpllla, stUd.vlllK fm the medical ptofessioii The funeia1 will lie hold fiom the home of bis sis i'i'. Mi .lolm C. IIURhes, at 70' (Julu iv avenue todnj nl i o'cloi k p. m ."-veil .old child of Mi. and 51r. William Slttttoi nf 'i Hi ei U court fm in""! I of West Mtanton, died o lenla,v inmnlnK The fuueial will takt plate finiii the house at .' o lot k to inniiow afloinoon lute) mont will h la.ule in the Washbui n stteet i 'meter. Special Low rates to Cleveland, Ohio, via the Lehigh Valley Kallroad, Account G. A. H. National En. tampment. TitketH on sab Htplciuliei Slh to 12ti tinliislve Consult Lehigh 'alley tic. ket ayciils fm piitlctilais. Tim popular Punch vlgar ta still tlia leader of tho 10c vlgats. r 1