The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 09, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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PiiMUhfit llslli. I'.vcpt iirola.i, hy T',T,J!
me Publlihln:; t'ompinj, at Wtj nt .1 Mrnil 1.
i.n v men 1111. ijiiior.
O T. IIVMIIX'. Iluln-w Minuir,
b"lc .,cM (t KiiicIkii iluillHnl.
Lntried it (lii PnliltiP fll "nanlon.
second t 1 1" Mall Millri.
Hhfti spite Hill pritnll. flir lilluiie In .il.i
glari tn iliit short lot tt t- ll filcnd
inu nip 11111111I titii . lint It 111I1' I that luy
mut In lii pubtli.illoii, lij llir wi"'''
rril natm ; and the minlitloii pi"i rtlrnl " "
ifptinr l thai nil innlillmtioiM hall lie wlijnt
to edltnrial trvl'loti
The tnllnnlntr tilde elum the pirn per Imh
fain In.rrlli'n. .pair I11 In- u-r.l ulthlli nnc .irai
I Hun ..( hlilliiK I'll' Pnll
TllM'I.W I Papei I lli'ii'llni I'lHllimi
If"thiili .'Hi Indie .'1 " I ) ' .W)
Vl lnr1(-4 . .J' 1 "- '! 1
loful pi 1 ,i;i pi
.Wl I'.l ' IT ' l-
fom " ! S ,iA I l
I'nr laid .l thank, tonlutliin if mmlolf in i
ml similar ctiiiiilliiilinn In the lutnte nf h I
willslrc 'flic Tilbuiit' nukes 1 iIhibo lit "' if"!
Ri(i for Clae-Urd Ailicillliur futiiUhnl on
-viiA.VTo.f. si:i"ri:.Mi!Hi: !. imi.
Hptem l mill Ull.l.MM P
KIretlcn Nm. 5
"When II r li'ii-ni 1 H 1 neni nut if pomr in
"ir state II led to the lirpiihllian parti .1 We
il of a'nin.t ii,niu,iiiifi oi id Li hi il'lil. ..
i -rlniinUti fl i nmlir mlc, ln
iwfn aluou piilmlt pii'l. Wo hue iwna.cil
the appinpriailoiii. in tin iimiiiiin diiiiili until
np stand at Hie IimiI iif Hi' Amnion Hate 111
'urpPil of pppulur rili.i illmi I'lnlu lirpiililn .in
aflmthUliatiiiii ttirip ha. turn piid p.h n n ar .'ir
ediMatlrnal puipinc iiipip thin na appinpnatcd
ll IliP III linn rqtii plll in thelt qltartrr nf a
irnti'M of ml.iulr. Up l.ip uiiiiateil nut flppin
prutiftiK In iluillililp and cheiniiian in-tilu
Hon" unlll iw 1 111 mike Hi" Ivia-t lint tin uli
h'lurfri Hip In i nir.111 nippnrl Hum In-titti
tlnn a mil i ilv nip imn Ilin 7,i1.iH),i of
pflilp hip Itiil'i-tiiotK, nniipi, law-.ihiililr.' .mil
liipp.t. pf, iiiniitiilrit a hi up in ppi fiili'
Hllll ptOiplntH liUltlP 111(111101)4, villi pPOpIP
lilfipi. rniplii.ipil jiiI untri.tii. anil Hlth pprv
mfnip nf lminpv .lli-l lr.n!p fnlli ninipiril, ami
wild Hip of Hi,, fut ft liiiElitP.iiiiR nil
tiowln; tump l:i'i..(iil. Hip oM lil.imli piri.i "f
oMtniilliin ami nriratlon pI' up lij'trrnil n
of flm prftfii-p. Ii ion ii ml lninuritj for
thr mrpnr. nf ini1pnin; I'n ppopti iiml iPiiln
Irt lo.l prrtPi." Tinni Hip Itppulilnan l ttc
ll l II1110 lluit tlio lino iliiillld lio
drrtwii botwri'ii fri'n .prorli and tni
Fonahtc tiilU, no iiiHttrr wliothor it
I'oinoa fiom i... lilcai-oyoil .in.trlil-t
or tlif yollow J011111.1l pfi'vi'tt.
To Strengthen the Law.
lli.V APTIJIi thf n,i!Hlii,itlim
of I'loxlilont Cunnt ut I-'i.wiiv,
ilium niir Sloiio, tlu'ii ii ti'iiii'-
!-(.MII.Ilh( III 1 III1KI I1-" fllllll
rpiiniylvunlii. Inn ilu'-il ,1 lull pm
vidlns: tluil any poi-un wim trmk nr
ittcmptofl 10 t.ikp the life of tin- inol.
ilont. vlfp picsldent. iiumuIkmm of tin
taliliiPt or IiiiIkp of thp Stipipmc louit
hriulil suffpr pmiNliini'iit.
I'Iipi-p nun an nntri j that tlio tiio.iniii c
." loo ilr.iflli' and ll was allowed to
"piio In lonimittrc. A law of this
Kind on tlio Matntp books today would
CK-Htlv tinipllfy iiiatti'i-s.
Al till' IIPM s.psoii of 1 oliifS i;pp
K'Spntatlvp CmiiU'll pxpei ts to Intio
dui'p a lilll calciilatPd not only to i over
ai'lnal atloiniils at a-s.ilnatlon but
alro. If It h pisslblo !o to franio tlio
Htututp. to ipstilcl moic fiiicfully tlio
iliihs of InitnlKiatloti anioni; which an
nrrlilfltlo (loclilni's s-ppiii to piop.iK.itP
limn ioiiiIIIj. .Stpps hap ah'Pady bp.n
lakpn to spuup oxpi'it aihiio In tho
franilnc; of Mich a iiip.isiiip and imtli
lnc will bo left uniliiiio to IiiIhk forth
a Mil rici'iii.itel.v llttpil to Hip tiltlral
midlllon iPraloil by tho cilinr of KH
ly ImM.
Such ipRiFliitlnn Is iii-RPiitly inn.
It Is mm Konorally adililttrd tint
lip 1 rp.icnt tumble IhMwppii 'I'urkpy
nnd I'l'ttncp 1 tho dlroct ipmiIi of the
of tho speculate p hep.
al.l of tl.p
as tho nnntver-
I'i lulu fill tidal
.H. w a v p
and i-lorin that dcias.
tatf'd tlio milf lo.isi and all
bill wiped out the pio-iiMous i-lty of
liahrston. In pioof 1h.1t Aniprlcaii pii-torprlt-p
Is I111 uliipiablp, iph t-nini's )(
ilfilir.stim Xews with ,1 ::ti.pHKD icsur
rtH llnu Uatii full from rooi in rovpr
with tho pplrll of "lu-icr s.1.1 dip," Hut
iip 01111 bpst lllusir.ito ejnivp-tim's
vitality b iiuotliiK Minip nf tin iIruh's
RKtfli lij tho jCoiiK
(iHlxcMnu'H total potion ii'iplnts for
lOml-ltinl 11 etc .MTT.HV! Ii.iIps. lompaipd
with l,Tlft.'.'ii.Uialos fm S,y.i!inn. Cain.
ton's b.uik iIp.iiIiiks foi tho ,kmi' Just
rlnipfl ainolllitPd to J:!ii0,:r,i,nf)0, k 11.
prrl with ?e::!,i;ji,v.o for tho pnnn.
Iiis.jc.'i'. UuiIiir the m'.ihiii of ir-no.
1 011, tlio total injftwbo and fmelRii
pNports I rum tialvostmi wpi" lalupd nt
fJU..:ii7.217. as I'liiunaiod with $J1S,S5I,
512 for the pieilous sonson rialies
ton's total foi-PlRii ppoits Ini'lurlliiR
rtomeHtli' and forolRii Roods, for the
year Just clnspil neu laiuod at $101,.
P62.7!. I'onipaied with ?vfi,r,7fi 1SR for
the previous scis-mi. UuiIiir tho cea
finii Just closod, (jalvestoii pNportril
1.603.197 balos of cotton 1 allied at JR'.'..
03.I.3R2. compared ulth t.ri!i0,2."!i hiilos.
valued at $f!a,;,1.22l for tho proi odlni?
fMMin. The total value of (inlvi'.!on's
exports of cotton and by-products for
the season Jiitt closed wns JSS.MT.'J.l.ia.
Jomparod with t.9.G21.307 for the pre.
(ijioun sprtHon. nurliiK tho fli-cal year,
jrilvoton cxpoitert ll,(iltl,:i7S hushols of
"iMieat. 1 allied at JlO.S10.iS13. cninpuifd
with 13.S3I.S39 bushels, mined at !.
S27.904, for the precedlnK sason. The
jntal' value of wood and iimiiufuetiiips
'df wood exported throtiRh the pott for
the hpason JuM closed was Jl.OJ.I.u?'.',
compared with !'S7.915 for the preced
ing tlROI1,
That these Rains hi buslnesi should
have come, nbout in spite of stotin
daniRga nienmred by 7.000 live and
$17,000,000 Is lmp1y marvcloim and goes
far to sustain tho claim of the Non
that Galveston Ir the natural, most ac
cessible and most economical sea-outlet
for more than one.fouith nf the
t.rof tho United States. "When the
'ftone eea wall nuthorlzcil by the List
(rirlnii of tlm Tcfl" Irclnliiltlti' M1.1II
Iihvo boon I111III. fiuanuiteellip ruilnln
plotPollnil Bgittnsl storinx hiiiI Hood.,
ntiil I'lipi'clally wlii'ii 'IV xi in ifwly
found oil rpcouiri's shall linvo Iippii
fllll, lll'l'lo)li.'(l llllll lltlll.PlI. UlPI'P 1 1111
be no doubt that i!iih'"toi will ''.
porli'iii'P 11 Kinwlh thai will b" tho
niiirrl of tin laud.
I'hir.iRo's I'XpiM'leiu v with aimioliy
"hollld to.ti'li r.itnison that plomit
incHHiiioH air In wiler l
axi'i't rUI Tit I- l. a hiuiiI Unit m
Cmise niid Hffcct.
f w j 1 1 : 1'oi.i.i.winis b'tti'i'.wiit-
ten im Saliiiday by an In-
1 illinium of Si'iaiitmi
to tho publUhi'i of in'iliiipH
Hip most ciiiiHplruiuih yollnw now sp.ipi'f
In Him iiiunii, voU'i'S a fi-olliiK of IP
"ciitnu'iit and of wiiiiiImk that Just uov
Is w Idi'spii'iul
Kilitin Np i.ik .Iniiriial. Vh iiil.. .
II. .11 Ni . I piillli.llil Mil .Inlllllll till inmii
itiir. ilir i.up nl -rut. 7th. mill i n '''
miiihIm'iI ut in 11 till nl. for I
oil 1. 1 lint h'lp
f.-. line. 111 1 It. llii-h' hi III
i..iiu.r 1111 I'hirmil i.iirnH. ct lpal
l.n lllP of
Hip tiilatiilli that I1.11 lirfallm tin
iiiilnii In tin".
alliiiiplnl airawlikillnii iif nnr IipIiiipiI pti
If lit. I win unprlipil ut Hip mtli'on "l.nii nml
-unpillij," on I lie I il pauP. I H.m iipml. I
hail llpi'llnl loll In Ii" Imp In Jnnr put inniil
of IiiiIiIIiik up to rlillnilp out ilnpf iiiiBlnriii'.
Mini lllil PlpPitnl lii Iiml .1 l.lllool llllll l'i"
tni., "lllli' P.ipi" anil "lljniu" li'kin,'
for a micron for "Wlllli. '
It Ii luiiillt Minililiht lor Jim .it Hip pron'tit
I Imp In p, a on aik 1 1 Ii .mil .I'll", nilf p."'".
ai It bai Iipi n t oinliii In). .I'iIMp'I In iiitikt riii Ii
im Durnporl ami Upppi, iWtli llirlr nuir .mil
miliar 1 one f plum. inaUn llio trauuli nl ipm
lll.l plWlllilP, III II III llli IPplllllll of imiik lion-
arill. in 'hi- l.inil. anil In lhl asi', in pioilnip
mil Ion. ihi pill 1I1I1' 1 ntixiiii nml Im Hii p'n
piiMi. nilriiilril. i 1 iit.iiliii, .iihI lion 1011 .11
Hip filllor mil iiiMior of a imnlillip iipuMlilo
iipii.ptp, r. 1 in H11111 Ii hiPipllialiti ll
Momi to iililnur 111 lnt.-ini' of moril ilipiavni
of Hip IohpiI u po on Hiflr part, mil tin- pnr
po.r on lour put to iin Itp tlio 11111.1I1 of ll,. .p
Him arp ii.loiM In plan mill rx.inii' Hip
lp,l Hiai Imiik Hip ot il.p Kmul illiim of
Ilin nallon in mrm i.mIii ll inn not I,p iipii
on .iinl .11, mill. Inn 11 h likil.i 1,1 In Hip . it
it lioih ll ilmnlil In poi.ihli. lor a Iniii ml In
In loinhatlii. Hitliinit iliroiini tlllli. In anakin
politlr opinion, iilllirait i..i'illnc tn thai 11I1I1I1
Ik lii'p.l in In 1 111 in natnip. I'lu' that
,1011 print inai uppi 11 vpr.i iniiiii. anil 1111,1 apiital
In a 1 1 lliili ll.l-i of K'Oplj, Imt In I10M up n
lulu up In Hip uimt inar.p 11.1,1 our pir.lih ul, 11
.loin paprt Im iloiip In Hip pl.t. 11 Imttiiil I 1 rr
mil 111 iiilaiinlipi bko 1I111 of .ifiiinla.i Mr Hii
nipoit, Mr Dpppr ami mur-rll liaic ilimnl ami
iuiiIp uiprri. lail it uruii taliipr IniouiUioiii mr
iom at H1I1 time to .H.uiiip iirpr. In all Ihi 11
fnoit for ipflirllon foi ion, for all tho ppuplr, mnl
t r Nouri,
limn U0H11.
m rinti 11, . pi 7
It Is pn"lhli that ne may never
know In detail. It Is posj-ililo that tho
cia.y assailant of the piesldPitt does
not himself know, Just what f'd tlif-
smoiilderliiR llres of ilemciillit in his
biaiti until they bl.i'.ed up hi Hi" awful
crime that h.m thrown a heal t-cluuh
aiouuil ill illatlnn. Hut It Is ipi.i plain
that Ih-' co.itM' biutallly and
lltpiitlousuess nf yellow Journalism
lime not i'Plcise(l any lelileiiive In-
llilPiico 01 helped to lift the pioMdon
tlal olllce so hlKh In lite I'lli'i'lll of all
our people none would bo liu Ited
to do bodily Injtuy to Its oicupaiit.
.lust think, for a moment, how .lellow
Joiiiiiall-in opeiates. When It dlffeis
finni a man In public life it liiiuiedl.
ately proceeds to desi 1 Ibo anil portiay
him as a sinuinliel. Tbeie Is 1111 allnw
11111 0 fin po""lble holievt dlfl'erpln pi of
opl'ilou. The editor of the "yellow" Is
always llRht and those who IKiricp
with I1I111 1110 always wuiiir, and In
stead nf ai'RiiitiK I lie matter ho mtleis
Ills tepotteis to libel and defame Uiiim'
11I10111 he wishes to attai k, and lilies
111 lists to devise 1 he most 1 nnleinptllile
plctutos lioldltiR these opponents up tn
public iRnnmluy and ildicule. This is
dnne not only In the heat nf fin ions
campalRlis, but It Is followed out as a
H'Rllliir business. Mien whole the'" Is
no political nlijoit to lie Rallied 1 .i.
Ice In lent, men of emllienic pi .
tooned mnl lampooned ami ihiii'imI ul
1 Iclnus motives and of lack nl honesty
simply bemuse theie aio men ami
women on eailh who dellRht In de
traction and will buy papers that make
It a stock In 1 1 ado.
Yellow Journalism is iIoIiir iiioip to
inrrupt and unsettle the minds nf the
Ameilcan people than any other lonl
the (lei II Is iislliR. Tn the Intellectual
life of this nation it is pieclselj what
pioMlttitlnli Is to the plijslcal life a
ftlRhtfill Mini i" nf nieiiai e and Infec
tion; iiiiilei inlnlui,' heiilth and diaiac
tor; pullliiR down to lower depths those
alieady weak of mind and will; do
stinyltiR leieieme foi what is pmc
and Rood, ami feediiiR a passion that
riows on what It feeds until the lime
(nines when niPiwiniiRht lieries aio
beyond inutinl .mil the losult Is lifan
Ity and crime.
Theie is no esiaplliR flnm these nin
clllsions. Papeis like the yollnw pests
of New Yolk. Philadelphia and Seruii
ton, that without appaient sciuple 01
cnmpiim tlnlt liaie delibt lately traf
llckod upon 1 lass inejuilicc and hh la!
illscnutent as tip woman nf the street
trallles upon lust, hale a Miiiip of ie.
siionslblllty for the dastmdly 11 line at
lluffalo which will not be enilalile
when the (nimnon souse of the people
fully awakeun tn the sltiinllnn and pin.
1 eeds, as ll will do, tn icckoii the 11c.
l'l nimbly a Rood many Democrats
still belleip in the Ifi to I ratio, but
they at p not inakliiR much noloo In
tiylnp to serine coniprts.
Domestic Service.
Tol'li' of discussion that
does not seem to wear out
Is the pioblem of seciuliiR,
maiURliiK and ictalnliiK
household hortants. No phase of
.(bur fiuestlon Is mote dplUato or
the I
(iltlcal. In .spite of tho disposition
Reneially shoMii to tient It Je-tliiRly
-a disposition that usually masks real
anxiety this problem Is a soiiiiim one.
Social conditions mo such that It Is no
lotiRer possible for the iivoinRe inlsti'oss
of a well-to. do homo who 1 4 ali-o the
mother of ehlldieii to cine tor I101111
mid ehlldieii In tho manner deiiiamlcil
by contentlonal umbo without the alii
of at leiiMt one other woman, eltlpr a
lelatlve or a servant. Yeais uro, when
life was simple, sort ants were a lux
ury of the rich. Today they am necessl.
ties of all but the very poor, and one
of the saddest of spectacles Is the heio
Ism with which many mothers, whose
cares multiply mopo i.ipldly than theli
ItKunies, mi (to al the, expense, of theli
own tn-natlt and health tn hoop up
i ilbnut rmtiloyltiR aid.
Iluw to have and hold unml set mats
1 1 thciefoie a pinppr mihjert of study.
W-- aio mil inepainl to nffei any new
nr laluible sumu'stlous tniichlnR thli
mnttei. Hill in 11 Rciientl way It may
be Mill the tun main (lllllctlllles
nit 1 lie siaruliy of available Rood iii.e
leilal out of which to evolve Rood set-I'
iiml the freiiteiil lack nf ability
nit the part nf the home maii.iRer who
elide. 11 ins to superintend the pin
cosses of evolution. It may be taken
fnr Ri, iiiled that the empluyei, tn R"t
ai'ceplalilo wink mil nf any dnniestlc
iissliMnnt, must be the nsslstanl'R .ill-
lienor, both .1, kttuwIcdRP nf what In
tn Ie Inne nml In pouei to dominate
Ibo llualkiii. Where two women work
side by side III a huine, nne must tie
bn"s. While ll is nimiiuiilly
the nip' lib 1 1I1, 1.5 the paying, M't ac'ti
all.i It is often the one who Is paid
That Is not 1 lie sen ant's fault 1 and If
thliiRS Rii u 1 our, the seiianl Is not to
blame. The higher education of tinmen
needs to Include liberal attention to
hnino-kooplliR as well as itiusU , lan
RiuiRe and the line arts, it Is a pour
rule that expects the .tnllllR wife tn
learn this In bitter eNperleine after
iiiairiaRe. It Is an unceitaiu policy
which pi nt Ides 110 place for tiaitiliiR
In thos,. matters save the home Itself.
That may or may not be a Rood school
When it Is not, some oilier place of
sclioolliiR should be al tillable to cor.
i'ci the dellclen'ey. It Is by no means
ileal that the inocessos of lustiuetloii
In our IttRh schools, lutllei' seminaries
and so-called female coIIpros cmplm
sle as they should the ilmnpsile side
of the piobable caieeis of a majority
of their Kill pupils.
As for the set vanl. the.t, loo, should
hale evi 1 1 u here better means of edil
(hIIiik Ihoinsi lies for their work,
as tialneil ai'o educated for
nnrsliiR or it omen slettoRr.ipheia for
pelioimlllR ileilial duties In buslnes.l
olllces. Tin-, in time, will lift tlio
social ban which now lests oiprosstvelv
mi Rltls whn ate "nnly iloinestlts," as
If to do the duties ot liomi-keepliiR
wete 1101 as honorable and as 1 redltable
n 11 oik as can be dime by those whn
ale lilted to do II. The Rood mil so Is
levered eieiywhele ami nuiiR tinmen
01' ambition Rladly quality In e.1111 their
livelihood b.t nursliiR, beliiR certain of
Rnnd p.i.v mid nol handicapped for
nianliiRo if the desli,. to niariy Is
piesent In theli minds. So it should be
with the Rood household sertaut; and
so It inn.l be when domestic Servlie,
Instead of beliiR" .1 caiecr ( hosen usu
ally because no other honorable ukmii
of eaiuliiR a lltlitR 1.111 be Iiml, shall
be advaneed to the plane of a Mica
Umi of skill and both paid and lospcd
ed ai'i ordliiRly.
A deineiileil nitis,lila' at Denier has
been les'oieil 10 icasoii by llslunlnK to
the ails fiom the "liohenilaii l5ltl,"and
limv Iter rt lends aio anxinu.s lest
the music nf some of the modem coon
sours may cause a ielajie,
llilsspll tape's methods nf aciiuiiliiR
wealth may be all ilRht, but Ml. Cat
iiorIc's way nl dlsposliiR nf it Is much
more In keoplllR tilth the te.uhliiRS nf
the Master.
Al the i 'iw-e of the apoloRelii (,ie
innnlps. I'tlncp I'hun's ttip seems to
hate assumeil all nf the pleasurable
isppi ts nf Junket.
Comments on the
Buffalo Shooting
Hoot Out the Anmchists.
I imn tlio Wllilaui. p ll l,iii i an I Unlit i u
Whitliii Hip pu.iilriii -iiriiim 01 not, n h
hooifi tin Inn rn at, piopli In re' in Uipii nncht
aim rool ,ml aianhi ami th" pinfisnl aillieniiti
Ihiirli, in pmi.i ill liililrru Hip tilo niiail'
No loan nlin i liliiu to lip an niiar' lil-l hoiil hp
priiiiitinl in Iiip uinlpr tin fohli nl Hip tinrrii an
rnililrin of firrilnui l.awi fm thpir rpuli.oii,
luipitM-iiiim nl, or. hritpi lli.ui auilhiin; pNt ,
llipir jniuiiili lit pMiulioti, !iotilil In Puai IPil
In pun it up in ihp I iiiou, af mil a( hi ion
iMi t pioi-iil anaitliiit Ixnrt. tlip inali.p
of niiinli i in hii hiMil, ami ih. n iiiurili r n mil.
I. niplaifil I lie mlpiit ilo-rrii Hip piini.lininit
proinliil for Hp (.oiiiiiiimIoii of thp irinn.
Too Much Iiberty.
I rotu im ahfti!:ton Port
Soup nt mil i hii f uiam-liaip. ha mr po..i..pi
rfo iiinalli mil mi irultalli Hio priiotial aflii
lion if In. plloii (itiiiii oiip liai si Hioi
mislili Ipiplril pan luriiui ami riail pinion
prpjinliipi. In all Ihliui nl.llinx In Im liutupiliaip
imllilihiallli. Mf liai (imlnl foi liuii-Plf .in it
iiio.phiii of mr nml (onfiilpin p; Iim liai loiuhril
Hip iiuipatliln of pipi.i IhiuUini; linn Up Ii.u
l.nuhi in ill In d'l I that hi nii.lri.l.iiiili ii.,
hari oiu mrrnii anil our Jm. ami iiouhl hplp
hi 01 In ufail iiilh in if he (011M Minn.t pipiv
I iieIh.Ii pial.iiiii niiiii of llili npuhlii his
cii.p of iirann'ii to Mr. MiKinlP i piip of
p.4.oiii' In him a faltliful ami Uiuilli frlriiff.
lie ill. muni peril ohmiM Ii.iip lu'.i'i Iiiiii,
c 1 t louuli nn ai;iiut n lufiinoii., N i nuiuh
I I -' tlic nliote nallon In a fun of i;rlrf ami
fiieu 'llio ii.iiilii. for mhIi lp n, uliPllipr tin
i i iim I ii m or ilit i .ii. thai hp i an auaiphUl ; hp Im "ilono Im ilutj": hIiIIp it i si 1. 1 of
him that In ii a PhIp nml m tinipiiliu,
Whalpin hp nut In, hoiipirr. In Hi. iniitir of
origin ami iiaihuiilili. In- iilihoiit iiouhl a irp.
loptitatlip ol Hip hriilhi rhonil of aniMiii. fir
iihiiip uippllon up Iuip loo lone fliiuir hiiIp
opin oiu uaipi, am! tn iitmsp fiUp lain of
iiiiitinlotii ip lino llmpiinl null innoipiit irrrlul
in lli- ii tin' Inili of our liiilli.rliinnalp mi
i iiuiagi im ul of "irfucppft". of our roiifuiion of
hlitii.i iiilh lupii.p. of Hip alinoni iriinitnl iirell
chip tlnuiiL'li hIiii h iip put Hip ballot Into dip
haul ot alu in nlin ImipIi ipral, our Hiiuacp,
iihu nip inc ipalile of iuii!frlinrtix oiu lintilii'
tiom, miilal ami political, anil iilioup "rituiri
fhlp" iiml mip Hip mark' put a premium
upon run form ot d k r a 1 1 1 1 1 tr il'inoRiRj ami
Favors the Whipping Post.
hroiii llir Pituluirs I oininrrcial dartttp
tluilrin oi Ipi.i m nuftfrirc: 'Aitli a ori o(
fjttt iletrii-utirn iihu h ii III irqiuip uliaipircai
infill. A i fliiin In Hip fptcrltii k nf foimrr asm
i lii'llliir piolnlilp nor, Imt tnehul
ticlili'.ini. in Iin i fill km, l nt puhlir jiuilip mil
Piki plaip Ii ii imt npiisarv t" H'nori (o 'vrupl
ami iimi.inl puiiNhniPiiti" in Ami at Ipait oup
pffii n umi ilrtrrrmi of umrpMial (rimri, It i
inriili riniph im am of puoUliInc "(Tpii'Iits
iihidi laiini IIpIihiiip lo In filnuiiirit P.v all iip
lllipratp iriiiiiuili Hip whipping po.t Tlitrt
will ho no iiiinia nf .liuiiln In that ktltp I'lie
nunhUt i a iriulurr of ni.jililil jill. Hip at
Ipiiiion ii l.lili lilt nlin" pxpiIpi, thp fljiirp lip
mil inalp In loiirl, thp llnmli nf uraiory from
ihlp nml phupirnt laii.ina thai hln trial pinkr,
on n hii part n Hip ihlif .11 lor on llir KjfToM
thpp ihini.-. all f 1 oil liU taiiltv, hut nuili a rhlic
iih in hiiluillntloii It tn In tiPil up tn a iililpplne
pnt mnl l.i lipil 1 1. a niiiniilar drput) ahfrKT
that Iip (null nnl taml. 'IIip ananhlit 11 III lie
low In llrlaiiaip or In anv olhfr Ut? iililih fol
ium ll-liiiaip'i rxiniplp
Tho Sentiment of Canada.
Prom lh Toronln Olnhp
l thrip (in,v IrMnn in r rlrmn from the
riniPi temmiitpfl icilnit LincoTn. aeamit llir
rti'l'l. nu.iiint Mi hlnlri 1 It lli'if uni m.iri'r
In 11I1I1I1 our uclghhutl imj draii (jnol frnn
rtllf It ma.r hp MM tliil lhie l no iMulule
pafrgmnt asalrmt aawlmtisn tni riiV, an.r
irlmlnal, tan I mi ami imp pl'tnl Hut it
inai hp that Hit nal-inn Ihoughti of Hii hour
inai (amp thp Aiiipmaii ppnplp to act lliflr faipn
tnnrp atprnl) agalnit HoImkp ami IjwIcwupv of
all I1I111U. Thrr up illfflpiill prohlMna to hp
ileall with Mairi.v hat left l.rliliul it i formlil
nhlp train nl pi III, of wnkh Hip mint aiitul
H ihp liuinliiK nf neaippi at thp lal.p 'Ihp
Omhrri maj plfail that they arp ilnltiK an apt
of Juillip, anl that Rood omr out of pi III hut
!'. not Hip anardiltt mf fornanl 1I1P miiip
iirplrlml plpa l!i cry ff l'i I nllnl Statu
rpi'plic fiom l.uropp nn Iiiiiupivp l'(l) of mfn
tilin .lip linflllpil tor frpp iintlliitloii", whUliPr
h.v IliPlr imn fault nr In irnlurlP of oppir
ulrn To fit Ihtni fnr frprilotn I a nohlp tioik,
Inn It liai In ilangrri, In meet which la a
Ink HPith.i of Hip tilacliret nlalpamaiMlilp It
tuiiit 1P mill lur Ihp tniprliani that iihrn a
Rnat (urailnn ,irlir, tniulilni: thp ilfpppit
(IioiHi of palrlnllnn. Ihri are nol fouinl antlti.
TI1P.1' mailp rmaiiioiii MOlfliri In onlrr lo alml-
ll alairrj IIipj haip Hill lo .opp llh Pdla
iprhnpi not n crnni mil pilpahli a ilaipi.
hut not 1pm fnrmiilalilp In Ihla hour of tiouiiip
ihpj ilrirrip our iiirp"t .in.p.ilhi. anil we feel
mr that 11 mil l.r fripli an mini
The Unity of the Rfice.
I nun Hip Phihilrlphla Prrw
Ihp cirai Iuip of .iinpath.i fnr ihp prnlilfnl'a
iioiiml ami of 1 in 1 all.. n for Hip (Huh' ha Hd.ipiI
aiouii'l Hip worhl. o larnl ii aliwnt ami no
ppnplp nh lit Mini of all. at tlila nt
iiipriiliPluiitK national torinir, thp Knajllali pp.ik
inc raip. mipipiI llmiich It hp I it all Ihp pja
ami lojal In illltprliii,' tlasi, fpp Hip iinil.l of
fouunou iinotioni, 1 oiuinoii aimpathira arnl an
rmhrailm: line ami leRstil for lli unalrr niup'
an IIipi ilnn npar Hip nit, 'I it !p Vlclnrli t
iMiirnr IIoiiip or Ihp plain fnnifr'n mn al tluf
falo, nn In rriprpil ami Intel Mipip iIIip .lll,
whhh In rai h ami all hrm? hnnip Hip nPlu ,lng
rnnu 101,11 cm that law and orlrr inH hIiipiMiii,
Imp, rqiiallti, liberty and prPj;rf Ptlll Ipip the
naiaup irlnilnal an.inhlt rraih tn 'lay Ihp hot
anil mot lntnl of all Hip lanH, hear aim thpir
Irmoti of woililwlilp aimpalhv nml an unlipnal
rrffaul foi llio unml man who lia hPfn hrnutfiit
n nfai Hip nnl that notip an jpt tell If Iip la
tn iPluiti in .afrli Wliairipr Hip fml niai hp,
ami hop" 11III cathpn nt pint hour, auhjpit at
am luomint to ili.niur, Ilipr" l ait fnrlh hpforp
all uipii Hip apirilunit Immn of thp Koorl llfp,
lli purlt.i, iti iiMralnl fiom all pul. id lioiioi
ahlp ilitoiioti In iifii Kipal inuip and iti per
pi'luil painpp IIipip tlnnsa liai. lone brpn
kiiown. hut thli 1 rinip plippi them all In tint
Hell nlilih orili Hip npar npprnn h of th rnd
of all thinci liilnci I'nr Ihp nation and for thp
world. lhi Ip'snii h laiiulil and remilna, wlial
pipr 1 Inmrri foinp or whnlPtPr fate hrfalli. Nor
leu thp ppliip for Hip third tunp of a rrat
qntpiniuiiit, wtf ipiiipinl ami irlf rulpil, inntlng
witliom .hoik tr ih.ii"SP whin ll hpad ii Urupk
IVrturlniion thpip I111 been In Hip kIoi niirkrt,
but Ipii thin mr lipforp 'I lirniighout. thii (ad,
Iprilhlo and i nithliic miidppd trrin.n and at
tpinptpil iiuirih'r toiiPllifr. liai but madP more
ilillil" ihp unit! of thp imp to nlin Ii Hi" cent
man Mrukrn bploniri ind ihall Hiroiich all hiitory
brlonir. Hip Imp am (.impilhi of nation, tho
an huu: noluliti of Hip uood lifp. thp tah1
trlllcHl of frpp iiiititiiiioii. and Hip loheient and
1011-iioiii htipiicth of iiilllaiiou iihlih nrither
1 time n"r patatrnphp rnn hlnh
Stntesmnuship's Oient Problem.
I'tom Hip Hoi holer llemoirat and llironlih.
tip nip ppipleteil ami appilled hi Hip ri Oec
to. 11 that 111 iliii fop npuhli llh it lihpral
and hfiitllirnt lintlliilioni. wiih 11 Hide frPidoin
for Hip indliiiluil illirfii. with it. open Inllnt
hoi fur ininhnoil mflrmp, w.ih ll pli mini op
poitunitiiii fm ilpirlopiueiil ami promotion from
thp huinhlfht to Hip Iif ttlif. t link if life, nitli
it Irrp pip, and itii frrp ppn h it liould nuiio
to pa that 1I111I111; Hi" hlinrt period ot Hi in ix
jpir time priilmiil of thp I nilcd statu, a
of thrill I.I o ,il, Rtnelotli, in iRtl.ililllinili uipii,
should blip bpfonip Hip 11111k of dpidly
iipjponi Othrr land, haip utl,rr! 111 th" 11111
mi In in ml .,ir l!mla hi bt an 1 lie
per. r, I isiiie ami lltarll path i pip.iilpnt and
lielrh an pinpre. In thp liimijt of murilpier:
hut 111 no other foiiuir.i, hoiipier hirsli nml 1 ruel
it dcnotem. haip t lure of it rulna thii bp.
1 Plllp Hip tiilitn of dpadll liatlPd Old ttillen e.
tthripin Up Hip ptplanniioii of thii .trump 'In
blliti of our pn.iiletitH in ih.i.-iii itloli I ll
in Hip iie,ikui..i of 0111 I in ,1 in the iIpIih an I
iimirtalnit of llu 1 pMiutinn0 I 11. pulip
In the iiiioiirairruii nt atTordPil lo 1 liipuit u(
pnrllon of thp publn piito ippkei- afor nnioi
eti In am inoani, lioneier pipi i ihlp and bio ii
Or U It po-.ilblp a portion nl Hip tun 11 11
pioph, with unlit who hale 1 otuP lo it. linn
forpimi I ind., iiniiaiiii'd In ndt tfoierninrni. .ie
muinal to Hip larpp libpitn of 0111 tmru ,1
wi-li'in, and i itinot 1 njoi iiliboul ib 11111 1 Itni '
Whitt'irr thp piplmalioii, 11 bphi me 0,11 no
nun and liaihri of pnl.1l mnialin and '
In look I irpfllll.l llllll lie ' ntiilllioll- of pi .
in thu (oiiuti.i. let the oil and iioiroi hp i r
thii i.ii ibplorni? cri 11 to ropiuiioni iihu I. t
101111' pos-lhlp irnii. will ihipairn Hip film t
our 1:011 rniiif nl and m ih .tioi ih" htij;iu.t
h pr. of maiikiml
Obstructionnry Incidents.
I'n 111 Hi, v. .'. t. k sun
IIip loiiatdli a alllt 11a nidi the Pi.i'lu .0
iiuiirrip iiiinifpaatinn of a fppliic ff tetoi 1 .'ii
li it ml of a ipsi-tliN Im nf hutiian ileirlopinrnt
iihli h ( hituaii 1 iPiunneu. cten fiom tin 1 1 larli r
plaif. bi.ulpi notorious 1 neier ii
popular pi.iinui. hue brpn making Hi'Iii.p'ipi
iniiipii iioiih of lal In itiiuuiatiiv. apoloiiit
for. ami loddliiiir, oul for 11 huh tt.o hii" lip n
MPkins; 10 pioioko iimpathi a. a rpa.onihle n.
flltlni lit ll 1 a plr.l ot nialpiohu. p. of (h
st nn Hi eiies. of inn, hit reft and iiiiIiip an! all
iim haiit.ihlrnc- In lli blind fun it would
llir. im ilniiii ind trample upon per miiuini. ut
of 1 iiiljatirin ami m liter and hum up Hip ar
t umiihlion of triasiup ami beaiili liullation
ha mule and ! linking. Hut I the fort of
feilni-; whlih n iiholp idiool of loiiriiall-m,
piwiipii of rneni iPar. . oitrntaiioulv woik-
ll In kindlp into pn.ionitp unlrnip.
Ihei tell in ot at'ii hIipii fair I Inialii
l.fll klllRhl lipoll tlPlii .Hid lUPit,
I'n Inllli' whrroii a hioiii; luicht b;
For Hip honor Hip.i held an he.
llu ha.tfiiid llirin fn'tli thin' Hi' mile norlrl
tnd fought for a iioiiii or a clou
And wlnnlint, the.i rmllpil, (r fallms, tin
Wheiher gloij llu ctprdon, or loie.
Ilul upipr a knisht all thp .tears a oiu kuleht
sn noble, mi litnlfi and braie
Wnit farlns n woeful a inmhil tn flsht
Ponn Hip uaiinii, dun road Inward the Rraie
tilth a (ad world awrfpinc amle ,n Hip IHd,
tnd waillnc wiih numrlnc bieath
t iiinorh,. oul win re our Imp may nit shield
Up enier the li.ta mill Pf.ith
Ah, hnishi
of our, in tour drrad qtiet
If foi ih ton mint
firp In the frai.
Ion arp takine . ir hrart hi the ude of jout
I'nr .ton thpi arp btPikins lodai
Harriet t lav Penman
1 .
From Shoe Strings to Boot
No Order Too Small, No Order Too Large,
Not Profit but Business Increase,
Lower the Price, Larger the Trade,
See the Point Always Busy
Annual Foil
nl ii it.
Pplendlil Ralherine of dainty and mcful pro
Hilda fiom tlic het Irlth, Clmnan and Sintcli
tip haip aimed to make thl IliP Rtealeat l-lncn
falp in our liiitory
nNr.i:op qiamtif.".
.ssOltTMP.NT OK m.M(!S,
.ludse of fine llnena will appredalp this djft
tunlly tn buy all they need rpiltkli.
42c. Ileal Value 55c
Irlih nifaehed Pamaak, IM Inehf ntde, medium
wrlRlit good e,iialllvj fcr ordlnaiy up.
75e, Keal Value $1.00
llnp Irib tlleidied lumaik, Ti Inehe widp,
medium neiRht and rxtra Rood talup
$1.00, Ileal Value, $1.25
Kiln Ileal v lrlh llleaehed Pamik !! Inrhe
wide i creat baicaln conua in beautiful de
li; n.
$1.25 to $2.25 and Up.
Extra Fine Linens
Sioiili and liih tinak. .2 imhe, el imhea
and DO Indie wide
German Silver
lUcachcd Damask
til linen, extra hean hpIrIii -a plendui wear
Inc linen at .'A to tl on
Barnsley Table Damask
1.iia ha- hronn Hnn nn brtlrr urnin
i loth made Up hc it in full i.n&'1 of price.
Napkin Bargains
One hundied (liven (letinan tn llleaphed
Napkin, eilra bran bnin, treat lain", l ,
worth tl T".
in dn?en llleailied Napkini, l 7'.. north 'I
Ml ilnrrn niearbed Napklin, s.l"t; north l IV i,
-PitTl lliiek Tnneli, l 40 ppr dnen
'J.'tl) Knotted l'rirsp llama-k I'nwel. iV i
t'loehrt Red spread. TV. and l O.I
Maiecillrno Red iptead. l.7.1. - 2 V 71,
Salin Haniak llfd spread. i .VI upifird
Lackawanna Ave
To use furniture in your office
that is not up-to-date in style
and quality.
You meet prospective customers
in your office and they will judge
you by your surroundings.
Your office furniture should be
such as to make a good im
pression. We carry the finest stock of
Office Furniture
in the city. If you want Desks,
Chairs or Tables come in and see
what we can show you.
Hill k Conoell
121 N. Washington Ave.
Grand Atlantic Hotel and annex
Virginia Ate and Reach, Atlantic City, N' I
Sixth irar, 3j0 beautllul looms emultc, slngh
and with bath, hot and cold sea itatcr baths
in hotel and annex Location select and central,
within few taids of the Meel Pier Orchestra
Otters special erring rates, 2 to 15 by week,
iilO up by day Spedal rates to families. Loaches
meet all trains. Write (or booklet
L. SOMMAR. IliiiltllnK Contractor.
Emplnja union men lUtlmatra chterfulljr
Slitr.. lUmodellns and repairing a inecialty.
Oold Medal
liniC.IPS and WAfl
ONS cf all Uinds,
Ian 11 and
llulldln at
harpalna UOlt'illH
Tra nsfer
Jlor freight. Purnl
line ami RagR-aup,
t-ifr. Pianos and Ma
'.'17 I.aikaiwnna tie
M. T. Keller's
J. B.Wcolsey & Co
Dealm In
Plate Glass and Lumber
Will sell all their timplei of fine imported
Madras Shirt for men at 60e. . iicrth $1 to SI 50
214, 216. 2IB PAULI SLOG.
Attorney-at-Law, Scranton, Pa.
03 Ml Mears Duildln?. Parlor open Monday,
Thursday and Saturday eienlng.
rear ill Lackawanna atenue, manufacturer nt
Wire Sireens of all kinds, fully prepared for
the spring Mason. We make all kinds of pordi
fcreen. et
General Contractor, Uullder and D.-aler In
Dulldin; Mono. Lrmeiiling of itllais a spe
daily. Telephone ilirl
Office, S27 tVablnctnn atenue.
Fall Designs
In announcing the opening of our new stock, we
call special attention to the fact that our Entire Line
has been made to our special order, thus giving us an
Exclusive Line of designs and colorings from the
world's leading mills. Never before have we been en
abled to offer a stock so complete at such tempting
prices. A superb stock of all the leading fabrics.
Velvet Tapestry
i .
jjl An Early Inspection Is Advised
Williams h McAnulty
126 Washington Avenue.
Ii Carpets Wall
Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,000
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
INGS accounts, whether large
or small,
Open Saturday evenings
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Conneli, President
Henry, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Peck, Cashier
Successor lo
We make a fpeclalty ol fine bread itufla
Ordera for Ealada, Ojitets, Cron,uettes, etc.,
premptlT ailed.
A full line of Lee Cieam and Ice.
l.lectrlc tVirlnu and Flitures.
Kleelric Uell and Telrphone Work.
309Commo we th Building
Staple Groceries and Provision! A full line
of Vegetables, etc., lecclicd dally.
The scranton Vitrified Brick
and tile Manufacturing Company
Maker of Patlng flil.k, pic. M II Pale
Cereral Sale Agent, (Hike .129 Waihlneton a'.p
Works at Nay Au?, Pa,, II. L V V R. It
ladilnnahle Tailor (Hotel .fenron Ruildlnsl
311 bpiucc street, Mranlon, Pa. bulls pressed,
S3 cents, pants pressed, 10 cent. Clothing ie
paired, (ailed for and Uelliered. New Thone, MM
Kinqsbury & Scranton,
Manufacturers' Agcnti
DistrUu Agents for
John A Roebllng's sons Co 's tt'lre Rope and
Ucdriial Wire Gutta Perdu and Rubber Mfg.
Co 'a Ueltlng, Paiking, Hose and Mechanical
Rubber Good. Knonlton Packing. Caller's
Oil Clothing Room 310 Paull Bldg.
Home offlie, :0S-209 Mean Rulldlng, transacts a
general building and loan business thioughout
the ttate of l'cnnjilunla.
Suecenor to the Hunt Cornell Co., In tin
and sheet metal work and tcnliUtlon. Carton
tunnies, i (pairs and general tin notk a
specialty No. 432 Lackawanna avenue,
In Carpets
Axminster Brussels
Paper Draperies !
? ,.-----.-.---.
Oil Stoves,
Screen Doors,
Gas Stoves,
Window Screens,
325-32T Penn Avenue