The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 09, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Monsignor Garvey Consecrated in
St. Peter's Cathedral by
Cardinal Martinelli.
Present Besido tho Cardinal Were
Archbishop Ryan, of Fhiladolphin,
Bishops Hoban, Fitzrnourice, Mc
ftuald and Prondorgast nnd Up
wards of Ono Hundred Priests,
Bishops Hoban and McQuald Were
iho Assistant Consecrators After
His Elevation to the Blshopilc,
Bishop Garvey Was Picsented with
!?3.105 by the Priests of the Scian
ton Diocese.
T'nr the Mfond time In Its liliny
Stiantoii, P!tri(lav, was the suae of
the i nuftei nttlnii iif a bishop, the eh
utlnii of .Minis, Ihigouc A. tliii vi In
the See of Altooim It N a i oioinnux
tllllt Ik glxell tn few In vi incur- th. in
uicp In a lltotliuo. ami 111. i it xihhh the
ltiiniau rntliotli iliiinli. with all lbs
V":iHIi of i oieiiionlcs has nothing
nioio Imposing outside tin- Kniuuu
uriu. -ii,. mih tin- liiM'xtlliin- of a
Mihday, MimliJii Is'"', w lien Hlshop
lloliiin xxas elexatotl to the oplsc oi( ,
Si I. niton 1 tin -Ht il this sublime slice
In- If lor tlio llMt Unit'. It xxas thi'ii
thought nlllv tile Millligost of tile spet -tntnis
i nlllil llnH' to see It lopeatod.
Y' li'nl.i,'s Huong at tlio i nthi'
niituitii'il liuiiiliciW who attended the
jim'i odlng tiuisi'ciation Then- would
iint In on hundicds mine of those
same li.ul thoio been ioiiiii I'm them.
lint It would niillic a ilwiili of
doiilili- tho dtmi'iislnim of the spin Ions
M IVtoi s cathedral to tn t niiiinodiite
those who sought titkots of ailmittutiic
to .xosteiiho's nsi'iil Those who saw
tin loimor iciusi i l.illoli wanted to see
.niothi'i: thof who had licuul tlic-t
tirt toll of It won- dositous of seeing
tl fen thoinselxo.s and thou In addition
xioio tho thousands of pel miu. il fi lends
of the blshop-elei t. In this t Ity, Cui
Imudule, Wilkes-llano AVillinmspnit
and l'lttston, especially, who would
(onsldtr It one of the gioatest Heats
to hp pioseiit wht'ii his gteut honor
wiih to foiiiinlly come upon him
As It was the atti'iidaiui' had to he
limited to the i.ip.ultv of the .itnll
loiluiu, mid the Imitations weie l emu
lated ucioidlugly. Slv hundied tltk
els were allotted to l'iltston nnd till of
Ilu so weie pioseuteil Theie was not
i palish of ii ii ante In the whole din
use hilt whit sent n delegation, ami
fioni i oi dioi eve In the slate, as well
us pi iocs In other stales (nine ti lends
to lejolie with the new bishop on this
most Joxouh ottaslon. It was an assem
blage, too, as lepiesentathe as It was
estensixe, inaliv of the most piouiluciit
men of the legion ontoting Into lis
A iiiiilinal, an auhhWhop four hMi
ops ami mini' than a huudiid pilosis
loinpilsed the I'leiKy pie-ent. The pill
ules weie the Illustrious .Mat tluolll,
pi'iMUiul if'pH"-ciitatle of the pope in
the ,1'llltod State? Most te. I' ,1
l!aii, of Philadelphia, head ol the
an hdloiesan see, of whlih Sii.iulnu Is
ii p.ut, .mil one of the hiaililest ami
most gcnorallj unoied ihuiehmen in
Aimilia; lit. Kex. Hoiuatil .1 Alt -Quiild.
the xeneiahle head of the s.,.,.
ol rtothestei, Itt. Uev. .loliu I: I'll
lliaililee. the now hlshoti of Kile, Ml
Hex. IMinond J I'lcndoigast, auNlllaix'
bishop of IMilladilphla. .ml lit. Hex. .M.
.1. Ilolian ol Sii.iutoii. xi ho aliemly
has pioxetl to the s.itlsfai tloa of his
people that t-ouiethlng mote than tom
poial Judgment enttis Into the .si'lee
tloil of the pilllies of the illlllill Of
the oidlliaries pieseni, miitij xxeio men
i note, and not a lew wiie pioiiiiui'iit
in the If, nihil,' i elisions onlu
The leiemon.x of Itj-ojf is ileslKiud
In the liluil to he humllful n well a
"oh inn nnd linpicsslxe. It was made
the mine beautiful .xeslenlax hx the
( nti.iui ing det'orations of Hit sam tu
ai v, the nut in til heauty of tin Cat ho.
thai aiidltoiiuin, the ehihoiate iniisli ,
and not the least, the bilgln, waini
runi-hliic that falily iixeillmxod the
t oloi-llniiilf d Intel lot, Willi the hues U
ahsoiheil In Its pas-sane tin ought the
inh stained window..
The poimaucut bianty of the sauciu.
aii, witli Us xihlte inaihle altais ami
tin tilin(in iliupeilos of the tliione
.'Hid San til lleint slillne, weie en
h.inied Ity a piofiisc lloial eiuhtlllsh.
iiient, the wliole nmkliiK an enttaiahik'
silting for tile Kaleldesiiipli seilis of
most attiadhe phtuitt- that ueie pie.
i-Mlted hy Ihe x mi Inns steps of the i imp.
many. Tin laidlnal pin pie, iiIiumhi,
white ami riiIiI. pit'domiu.itini; in the
ostlllent!l of the pi elates and their
letinuts weie In iKhleiP d In tilt Ir
rflo, t b In Injj iniitiastid Willi the
i-ninlMi M.nK of Ihe hundied oidlnaile
MinoundliiK thi'in. Xot Hip least at
tuietlxe of tin pit tines was that pie-
, Investments
M npitdmy. N. V.
WllkH'llirrf. Citlmndile.
I 5 t Oommenwftlth rMV, Fcnnton, Pi,
k 'A it VI l Mi '4 M ) 4 X M K J U
seiited fmin the not ill Kiillol y xxheie
neatly txxo hundied nuns xxete inassril
The xxlinle was of stub an luspiiliiR
natiiie that no iellesiiess was evi
dent ainonir the speetattus, though
the t I'lt'iimny eontiiuieil fiom 10 in
o i Im k a m until I r." p. in.
The III xl step In the teiemonx the
ptiiiesMiiiii to the eathedial, xxas he
Klin pioinptlx at lul.'i the ptlests ie.
iiiIIiih: Ihe pi elates from the eplsiopal
lesldeme to Ihe samtllin.x tailing
xxheie the pilosis opened older anil al
lowed the pielates ami thelt sulle to
enter Hi st.
Tin pilosis disposed thomscUos about
the sides of the salietllai y, and In the
tltst fexx" lows uf seats Just outside the
lailltiK. Aiihhishoi) ltvali, Klshop Mi
tjuald ami l!lshoi Piemloigast took
stats Just in adxaiue of Ihe oidlmiiios
eat Ii xx ith his ihaplnliis beside him
Cniilimil .Mai tluolll asi t tilled Ihe
bishop's thione. ami lllshop-elet l Ciiu
xtx, xx Ith the assistant t oiisei nitois
and theli sexetal ehaplaliis, pun toiled
lo a i Impel niiaiiKeil at the St .loxeph
altai. All t'M opt the t onset intoi and
blshiip.elei t had xesled befoie enter
K tlio thui ih, the priests in Collt-frp
hall, and the pielates, with their at
tendants, In the eplsiopal lesldeme.
The xistliiR of the t onset lattu and
blshop-elei t xxas Iioruii as soini as all
xmmo In plate Caitllnal Maitlnolll, bo
ItiK an AiiKiistliiian. xxoie tho blink
i leak of thai older, his ptodomlmittiiK
laidin.ilate eiislKiila belliK the letl eap
AVhen both xoieosUd for the mass
the taidliial asi ended the altai ami
took a seat on a thione ih.ilr, or fald
stool fin iiiK the t oiiRi opatloti IJIshop
eleit fjarvpy, neponipanipil bv tho as
sistant i onspi intoi. sat at the foot of
the altar, faiitiK the i onset rator. Then
followed the leading liv the let (or of
the apostollt mandnUs, toiifeiilup;
ilpoli nishop Oaixex- the dlKllltx- of the
bisliopi Ii ami asslcnliiK him to his m c.
Xet the liNlmp-elPt t took the oath
of obi'tllellie kneeling bofoi e the t on
set intoi, and tills lielnu i om lildotl, the
lOlisoei.ttoi askM a Iouk sf lies of illos.
Huns of the blshiip-elt'i t. tolli hiliK Upon
Ills beliefs.
The lilsliiip.elci I liel leteixts most
of the InslKiila of the blshopi lo, inollid
Iiik the pet total t ross, ami lnosltatlliK
himself in finul of the iillar. he lies
I .no downwind while the lilnliy of the
saints Is t lianti tl hj the assembled
The bNliop-elet I s net Inxestetl with
the linn, the kIoxos ami the tiolei, in
pastoial staff, ami appio.u hiliK tlio
allai. bonds foiwaitl, while the t nnse
tl.ltoi lux's tilt book of uospels open
ox'oi his head ami spi iiuIIiik his hands
oxer, sa.xs to the blshop-etui t. "Ite
telxe the llolx " Aftel the sluc
Incr of the 'Will Cieatol." the hi ad
and not 1; of the bishop. eh" t .no bound
xx lib xx bite i lotlis, and his head an
ointed with holy i hi Mn. tho hair
htixhitf boon pioxloiisly sjiaxed otf Im
a spate the sle of Iho iisstal of a
watth. 'I'ho i onset rator then lilessts
him ami tletlaies him a blshoii
Tlio t onsooialor til It's hi hands wllli
bieatl iiinnbs the now bishop is taken
to lite s.itiistx whole his hair Is
thlnl ami tombed, ami upon i I ui iiIiik
the new bishop plesents to the i uliv
i rator an olfeiliiK of two small easks
of wlno a loaf of hi end and txxo lluhtetl
i .indies
Two masses haxo bet u pioieedlnK
all this time, the i onset rami telobrat
(iik one al the main altar ami tho
blshop-elei I at Ills t hapel at the sie
altai I'liim iim on thov both 1 1 lo
lirate the ni.istt s at the main altai.
At Iho "ha .Misia lst " the i nni lit
slim of the mass the new bishop, ai -t
oiupanled bx the assistant eont -tiatois,
pass, s ilium iho mlddlt aisle
blessing the feople to thi I lull! ami
hit As lilshop (Iimo.x lt.ithoil ihe
lit -l n xx In xxhli h xiif his lumiodl
ale ltlatixts he .stopiii d hi nt ox'er
and fundi x' klssttl his ngul inothoi
Caidlnnl Maitlmlll KllXe Ills lilelnR
fiom tlio altai
The teieinon.x belliK all torn ludpd.
th" assistant eons, t nitois esoiMteil
Klshop (iaixey to a ehalr at the mlddlo
of the altar iiiIIIiik ami uhon he was
si'.iitd lto. x ,. Mi .Manns, leitoi of
llol.x Itosaix i hill ih, N'oith Siranlim,
pioseuteil 111 in with an onihtiisul ad
tliesst and a i hoek I'm $.11'', subsiilhoil
bx Ihe pilosis nf the dioi eso. I!ex.
I'lthiM Mt. Manns. In makliiK tin pie-
SOIItlllillll, Mllll.
Hi. In Kit I iikom X l.,irtn, II p
lliai llnilhii In (lit natno ui itio ptio1 if
ilu siniitoii itiiit,, salulo, ami hi lirMVih
lino iitn.-raiiilai urn on tlio hluli iml ivdloil
iluiiitt in win, h inn liaii t ins tlax litrn laly.'tl
In titn Xlii.1 u'ii.l P.muir, Im.. Mil, ilnuiisli
lii. in it uiirili.i rtproMnlallii , IIU IimIii.ii.,
i iidiiul X rtintlli
Wo, nun 1. ioiI. im ui Hi. ili.ti. ru'iuo in
', ui ami Inn i.iiiii.iin Hui tho
In 10 I Hill- I. Hid III. I i Hill lll'llhil Will ill)
I ami tho oliltr i it si s t, iho illntoi rtiiiinilur
vlnii llllm ll'llir.i apiioluloil .nni, i itniiii;
.i(-l. Minth im, uar in Iho', lu
pr,lli our ilu Irnulilnl mnvri'i'itlnii nf tho
(hintli nl I In Xiiiiiiniiitii'ii, Wllli miMurl, .1
ti nan Kilt nliitli. irom iiu-n I will mu.
no i no, j. ii.'irh l.k. I in ilu (inh s,nhiii,
il ia in ilu ni"M ilojentd i.uiilllltii I im
tiled nt pili'.H iml lii.liui.," ,u the MMiliiii. nt
ipuKMtl liv ono iiicmliri and tnirriHinid It
in mi. tlicr wrrt vital innl In (lit) filth, I hi v
ilnl nut ilijimiii It, bn iii-o I In i kn.-w lint tint
eld thuiih ut (hiir tiilnr lu 1 ti r tin in Ho
m nU of Otllllll lilo,
,uur iiijnli iliauiltr, loin dignifUd, ini.'.ilv
real .torn utni.t prtac hlni; of tlio inrd, mj.jii
nkindltd ilifir fanli, Ihe I ail... In oiliuaii.m
jou iiutnlrtl lor their children nun their luari,
and th" ottaMUlnnE ol rrhulitu ooielt' fur
tlio joins xva ii mtiiral and rcionable le
'liitiitt' The inatinat t lunget aoon followed X
tnnrtli of tatjicdralii proporlioiw, a tunxti.t, a
i lOrlni! a I lol nil i in inn aro tin standing
iii.moilali nf nijr nit4tli l.l.or and a lea..
n.on uf tin con'ie.'allon't t'uiironit) (nditrung
Inth 'Hut mr no l"Pter mod of ihioju and
IiikIioj l
(ltd to a no i fill I, to tin, ilorit of s(.
1 ' n'l 'hmih, I'llt.lon, lien ilnliu uriu iln
P in on rn, new hont rn qiicl.l.i follonlne,
th i (111 nf vlt ir perietal tielncr ronferrod mi xnti
I lulilnb, tii inn unieineiit riad b) th" a..tnihlo.
prl, .t null Joiuiji iiilmii, iml In Ilk, kp'rlt
did wo ti eho tin ikw of lour lielnj undo a
liini her "f tho pi.lilltiLiI lourl ff inoiulitneur
Von, rlshl loincnil hLliop.iip lliink ion hn,ild
fnl tiap imlai, Xltrit l not thiu re
nardeil It m no unnll honor to le itleofid
b imif linlhi-r prlfa, til' rf threo, nhom
lhe,i diiinl flnt to lulu utei i hi in )t oa m
Mtul! Imnor in Ic vIoitM l,v Hie lihriMn ol
Iho ir.n ii.n' (out ililliiiiil Iiiiim t r us nuiiv
iliflfronl "lioii5M It win im null lionut fur
t lie iTMltv Ijliiiiitpil II aliii (Villi l lo triul
In I ii,o ulmi Mikni-M ami tottirinir eld Juo
ixoiitd luie promptMl otticnilw, to plate our
iiiiiio mi die llt fnf tlic inidjutoriliiii ol lint
llilt PM
Wi" tan Im itfihf In x n no ju tint 1 1 o
lit ill i.r Die gloat pn lite ixlnu, liotiliiR (mm
tlio "I irml HilN," lie m IikIix tin lull ir
lie xsldiiit lonfrrrnl en Soil It eun Juirj In
nBr- H
Iho (rraro of (.oil ami fit r ot our XI -t Xuai -n
P.iiititl l-ii Mil .nun In mv.r limn lo nor
Hub lulim illnliiieiiishptl niroiin an Ilu
Iniiiim ( nilii ,1 Miitinil' tun I' llio
lion ,nd iti.lin nf liia (ti t Iho built p
tlir.t a I liv p .pit iihn th a i1.ii wan. s'd
th, h. I inn t.niuii ni lour t oii.n rati, n
1 ii -t n mi f tlio Rni.rl Mill und i'i i
fflooiii tf (lit pilrit of Iho diocese of s,ruit I
(or nm rlirlii nit It id Inshnp. wo pi no in xnnr
IkiiiN tine ".aitiilimi " It n liiimiii pnuloii o
mil of tlltlno imin.ol tint jmi ko not on .xour
ni inilnii rniiti lianilrtl It i na tee
till tinn n in Iho ilu of the aotlo. hni Our
I old Mid "s,d nutio tpii Inbrl Mtciiliim
toll-it " W it It ht.t iillio lor lour fiituio mm
lt iii III mil In lil tf xour apotolit 1th r. e
sa .ii -i piriins i;r.olnu' l Mullnt nno. "
Klshop (liuxoy xxas pvldentlv mm y
nun h mux pil by the Inrdcnt. but xxlth
poifpet i initial of his xolte ho li'spiiud
etl as follnw:
I think xon fit in tlio iliptln of mi hout dr
xnui KOitiou llt Xour kintlno tu lno lut
loin liuiiifoKlod In Mini a,n mihc I oanio lo
tins Mil, i it tin rcpii.t of our lulninl light
riioioml tdhop nnd li hint ilotlud mill a littlo
I rut .-ml hoi ill Xour l.ili.liif.H Im lontltiuod fir
ii.ih and it i million me it tuiiHn fiom Jour
llin la i (.'tiioiuu", frooiiill rftirinc fan-oiiu-nt
U tho Imit of true friondtliip lie i,ln
la iirappeil up in hU on'i in liildmlity and lull
not pi unit lilin-elf to lir put under oblmm n
1. 1 mint fnl true fritniMilp,
It tills iit.i heart xiilli Mirmu to thlnl, of
liriilani tlio itrod ties tililoli hue hound
lot is. Nenr, uoier xilll I lie able In repi.i tlo
ihlit nt urititmlo I one tun antl ymr litlninl
Pi-hop 1 pr.n I. .! tun rhoiirr ln thoi,it
lilihincs up in t nu and tau-o ;ou In tontlniio,
it nni Into lioen in Iho pit, wi.rlhi of xour
txilltd lotation mil northi to rnrlio the tronn
pi. tin-ed fur ihiotrd serine.
With ihls the pilosis nnd prelates
left the thai eh by tho ooiitei aisle to
tllxost Ihetnsohes of their
Kiub ami assppii),. at the itiunei await
ing tlioui in Collide hall.
Klshop I'helan, nf I'lUsbuiK. and
Klshop Sh.inahan, of Han Mam,', xxoie
to liaxe pat tit Ipateil in tlio itnisoer.i
tloli i lemonli's, but both weie de
taliitd at homo bx illni s
Tin olllit'isol tht i mis, t ration etie
moiix ami the mass, with xihith it xxas
attindod, xxete as follows
1 1, In ml I n iinal Xiatitilli ap -lolit hit
-.i..t mt I non Iht XI I ( i im. tf Xim t
DiaioiK of lltiimi X ii I! i I Im llmle,
(, , of I, liii-luuii, Hi i. Ililiii1 n ( i ulmi, nt I'liil
adelphia oik of the XhlM-lltl 1 X HI), ill', tf
Siiiuton; l!i i William 1', lliinlei of Pitl-liuri;
Ih-lil of I 'reniotuoa Hoi. I', I', limili tu. uf
PltMmi Xla.ttr of I i inanition- Kei. ,1 I II
1 ot lot, of lukt'riiiii
Nnljn Hpi li'hn Koeptr, of illlauppnrt
lliurilor IP i l.iiiruio X Itiirruvn, ut Wil
li itn-iu it
iolittx-Wllliui X, Vnlli and Dmiel 0 Con
loll. itudrnt it s Xlri'a, llililintno
( iiulli lie in i I nun lnittr, eliijiut at St
Ih llllltl'. lloi tlivlt I
Hunt. Ileirti Itiltii llie.n, ktiuliiit at s cr.
inrd'ii, llnilic-ttr.
ill nitii Hi i I V Mot I in, of Viil'i s, i tie
(.ii llti 'llmin.H M llaultt, nf lloniilih.
I w Hi an- llri P ( Winieij, if alti.
I'nai lirr l!oi llnrla hellt, s .1 , f I'lnh
ih I pin i
I, I) llil a Ii, lu III. I-Imp lr
Kr ti us imlllit luuts.l I iuiiiaurli o
tluplilin in llldii p Pipinli leant Hit N ,1
XliMiini-, nf .Vutli vrjni'Ui. Ut'i I. J Mille.i,
, I stiiiili siraitoii
liiplalus lo llitlmp Ilnliiu Ilu- loliti (i X d
In of Mnotiui. kit It . Mi Xiiuiui, of
XX ilkia Ilairo.
i hapliiiK to lli'lnip I'ltiiiauilia Hot 1'atliria
shirl Im iml M-iln r, of I.iIp
l.iilllli to hbhnp i.irni Hit. p I i
Miiui-i of (aeon KuUo, l(e. I'. .1 (..iiinitnril,
of xrililulil
Xll.a II ii' trank I'liildin, Inlin Pad h u I'oti r
I, loliu I iuk.hi .limn. Mini, Wh.tii s,,in.
nu r. Xmliew 1'"lo.i. Io-i pli lloilli ,lmn. Hud.
In lo-epli sindo, eo Itiuli, Xlaiihoit lippit,
I ibnird Hudi Ii hn Xlutphi, llnhert (,aidin r,
tdtiaitl liiiiwlir, llinnm XX iNIi, I.i n Utrijlir.
l.du.irtl lloulti. Mirlin Xluilii, I Im Mi Halo
'Xndiitt Mi II ilo. 1 Miik Wiuili. Iii'm Slim, i.
linn loh In, Xl..'.-iiH MilfiiL'h
The iihhois weie undoi the dliPttlon
of ox. Tather llilllln, at.sisied bj Itov.
1'atliut Klistln. Thox xxoie UentKe P.
Mi Cat thy, .1. ,1 () Ko.xlo.oi Vino stioet,
'I'hoimis 'I'loiney. W. r. VauRlinn. .Mai
t In 'I' ()'.Mallo, .Taints iukkhI, IMwaid
1. Mitt hell, II II Dpi pi, J C Mi Au
di ew, John A Nallln M !' fl'JIalle.x.
Thomas Claike, James MiKtino, Ja't
ihk .MeFlalo, William Coition, Thomas
J. MeUtiho, I'attltk Call.iRher,
Tho MMtaon was piearhod bx Uox
C'hnilPH Kell.x, D D xxhn was In
eharKo of the ohureh at Townnd.i fm
man eais, hut xxho some two m'.iih
tifio tetlred from aellxe t.erxhe In the
piloHthood ami nrixx icsltlew In I'hlla
delplila. He began hx a lofoiome to
the 8110011111? of l'loslileiit MtKlnlej.
"This Joyttil occasion Is oienloinled
by the sail attempt on tho life of our
prpsidetit." sahl tho Fppiikei ' Wo all
piay that (Iml will hphp him for tho
Buoil of his people that he may ton
tllllio a model of i Ix'Ie little foi eats
lo onnie as lir has hoi n In the pant
I am sine that we will all unite to
Ootl In pariimt pinjor that lie xxlll
nap J'rei-lilent MeKlnley lo his pen
pie." CoiitlnuliiR Dr. Kellx said.
"On an ottaslon of this kind It is
usual lo speak of lite Kiandotir of Dm
pplwtop.ay," and then he told of th.
ahlit men of the chin eh, IiipIiiiHiib st.
Thomas of Aquinas, who, he said, w'iik
iiii o the Kieittost Intellt'ctst puob iblx
of tho world, xx ho ref lined tlio honor of
being elexatid to tho episcopal y be
fiilise they bpllexed themselves tin
win thy of II. "It Ih an csalted olllce,"
Di. Kelly said, "hut tho candidate can
take eouriiRo ami know that In s.inutl
fx'ltu: himself he Is sanctifying thou
santlit of otheis' Then branching
fiom the rplstopney the speaker spoku
of tho liiurih as follows.
I n mid m .1 fell xicidt to.! ix wl.j up innul
think (iml fur uil He In' done In (hi. loimlt.i
in tho pot IliM new tliotreo of XI loon I n lint
ii'iv in the lilttoiy of tlie Cilliolii olnirtli l.nty
foot of It it itiiiKi'trititl hi t tic uuik of the
mo it priii-it and bMiopt who hboretl then?. In
I om tinn tun! tuiluiy up liip morr illoictci In
thlt -tao than miu In tho xxlinle counti one
liiimlnil n. an into 'lo.lai wr Into about M
liUhopa and iiililutloi, l.'.cn prlmtn and IV
oi,iii) I itliolk In tlio' I nltid Malei.
'Ilu mm txlio nu' linnorcil by a tall to the
rpi' ipo t Hi pot nolei ted from tiolilo fmiillt
In i in.ildb met. K.ej do not i uno to their
t (Ik In iiilliiniip. I" it jolit.t Ii) merit 'Mio
pric-t rilto tip olio of t lit Ir invn tiuiulier ami
inliito lutii a Iniliop, lit'oaun' of 1d pre ciiiltieiuo
aiuntnf them X xrnerahlo tNliop otite told hip
tint lo did lint xtuit it priori uho xtat not tt
m lie a liHup I iprv ptltvt i innot lo a bbhop,
hut it i i unnd tldnc to b" ttortliy to be a
liMiop TtiH (tri it body of men handle tlio'iv
iii,N of ilollud for tlitir dint Me and jrt met
of them die and Into neartel) rnouiili tu bury
I hem Kiel aie ixoithv folbltri o( the apntlr
Xinl tin It o.i. ii hotly nl miu nlthoiit peeia In
nm ipIIkioik bnili ' .self-ai rlllt Inn, pirnet and
n limn doinis (.otl'a tiotl. xiherexer fent. Them
iip it tleiliond too, the xrry Hotter of I lie
iiiiiroh tilm di (!l ttoik In pteii field o
n i 'or uliit Hie tiierltv, fho iilaeM ire aln i)1
ikio XX ti t pallenip, xtlnt lmlutri thpt illt
nii' Mm iiii i n i Ice ttt prliH isliamed of
urw'ion ij i f rnrnliM IIhj in iko to mio
n nit
The speaker then lefetred at some
IpiibUi to the w oik the Catholic chuith
Is doing foi ('ducat Ion. The lino (.al
leges and seminal let It lias oietted and
the staffs of ptofessois employed in
them who colistlttito the best of Catho-
11c Intellott of the country. These In
stitutions, he said. inc. doing a wonder
ful xx oik, not onlv for tiluontlon, hut
tor lnoials and lcllglon as xxell. Then
taking up another tin cad of his die
ionise ho said:
lilt in i mid tint lino time tint olilt for dp
i mil bnili nl t almlii lutii ot tint t outitrt. Mho
l.n. in mhIi l,ii at avlnaiitc Will mat no
th i nk I. ml t r tlio gr u 03 lie luj ohmicriil on
tho Xintilt in iliurtli Wo are milt in the beitln
Iiiiik if air ureil dentin. XXInle In bond in
n mo nine u I wit i-ketl If Iln i o- wit
leak i K? in tho memlierhlnp nf the (alhulU chiutli
in Xtnciu i, iml I toll them up iteto koiiii; on
bkt a tniiiu. niu- arnit Of IrakiKP then H
sum In ourj truly mmip of tho flint aid
Moik hi iittd drop l (he xtinltlt, hut tie are
(..una: tu I lio ilitiliil of tip church art belin;
inouuoid mil liiitotit la lii-jpp.urink', not lip
Mil, Put Miiil.t, for bl'oiii It old mother xtoid
for Ipnorilii.
llio mn iliote'p of Mttiont galiiA a noble man
in Ih-h p (itiiit. ind a xtteran in tho iterthe
of tlio iluiuli Iho piiftt knoix him for hlj
' lion- iorl, md the heart nf everr prleit In (lip
N union tliotito r. jniitil uliin thot heard that
thit ictnl honor hid tietn cnnf,rred upon lutii.
Up will I p i tithtr an I a fritnd xiho iln ho
tru-tid lit Ida pri hit, tor ho ua trained in the
ptlinthnod hi- the lite llidiop O'lhn, who neter
mil im unkind word tbnut any of lilt printf.
soino mil 1 ni foiKtitten that iihrn the ttltittrt
flit.1 tamo to X ith unport, ho left his own beau
tiftil btiine ind ninl to limrd until the f.itpra
hid a In mo of tluir own lie Mint to tint ptr
I Ii xi hi n it wa .ilinot hostile, hut tint nltii
ih mo in. r and .n it Inrltaianrc won tht l.onta
of the ti ncrftttli n, anl l.rnuffht lurk to the
fold then who tu tp im; awai Krrilb
did this 1 1.111.T1 eiti n harn to Imp lnm tint
when lip was tallnl anai there xtt the mot
cniiilni' I'.'L'lit Up fount a Kuuii (ii Id nnd tilt
it lilooinini; like tho roit, Ma.t (Ind tnntinup
to Most htm a he lian done in tie plot, iml
nni lie Mom tli' biho , pritta and ptoplc in
tin trr iml iiupu.-n ih" aio iiikihiI in
following mo the mimes of tho tlot
gxmeu pai th Ipatlug In or attending
the i onseiiatlon etulues.
Iln. 1 itiin"uit . s, hi,iuii ( ndinil Xlaitmelti
iri lilu-li , ot 1 pin u-, iml MH -t di. dtltsap
to till' l tiitpil sun 4
III-1.1,0 0. M"-t Iln I'uinl. lolm lit in, .nolo
lo.h ip of Plilladilplill.
ItiL'ht lloi M .1 llolnii, Id-tup of s, nni o
UUit Hit. HiTtiaid J t. 1,'il.n.t, lu.h ip tf
lllclil Hit. lohn I'. I milium, l.ih.ip of
1 rn
llmht Hi i I dniiid I' Prmdi i.'il. In. I p if
s.illln mid lUIVllillt lildlup of Pull ulelphli
Hiuht Hit liiuntent Xndilllnifi i, tlnhr of s,
Ilineilitt, imtied ablHil nf s Xinniu'a Xlibt.i,
1 ilrnb,', Wiiiiui'itlind oouiitt. Pa
Xort Iln limu.iu. I Krriut. 0 (' ( ,
Xiuirnaii I'rntintial of th' ( milium, llo-phe
nt Xlt. Cirmrl, Nuiiint I ills, (liitaim, t'liuili.
Xt'it Hit It X Inmnii ( X , i f IniinllK'
burif, Xld , Xtry Hit lohn hmn, nt suniokln,
in ir izmrril dioio-o of llariinhtui.
Hit 1' I shieiun, iiirilnni k Miiiiuari, Hoi
lliniel nt nititir, Hei llrruaid litinheaite. Hoi.
I' .1. Anile, Hit Jostpli II 0 Nr ill, Itet (' .1.
X indtErlfi, Hit loMpn X siiihm, Hpi X' 1,
Crane. Hit. M t' lloiiotan, H-t. .1. .1, t in
lilinruo nf Plnlidt Iphn
Hot h Hiiuipil, 1 liihelh, V .1
Hn 1' (' Prriideiaait, in litlird.
Id i H. Kiernau. of ( torna
Hot .lohn l I'arran, of ,1 .hn-ionn.
Hit Xlilit Swioun, of PatxIiuiK
Hot. Xliriu sheetlv, of Xl'ooni
Hit Inines .1 (oirmtet, of Union
Hit XI r Ditiiin, 1 1. 11, st Mail's nniier.
Hti, II tit Inline, Xld.
H-t M I' lallhop. P.ona III
IP i. () J Mints, n l. C, Vow lliltunore,
Hn. It X Diako, Nord Ik X i
Hot X P Duiital. riitinii
Hn II fi flan-?, (arlltlo
Hi t I. X, (ti nriii, I ittpti
Hit .1 J Illoomer. I Inula
s( UXMO.N Dini l's
Hlotofciii ( inullnr Vert Hi i P P Naale, V
1' , of XX ilkes Hani , Kit XI ' ( lane, of Ann i,
Hot P. .1 tit Minus, of (,i. in HuUo Hei T J,
kit'itiaii. n( PirMins, Hit Hi inounto l.iaiulea n ,
uf Naulitokt
I x mill i m ,if iho ( Icigt Het I p O Xlalh'j,
tf Kmsatniii Hot. It X X, Xmlreit, of ilkes
Unit Hn John l. eper, nt XXilliauii'piiri, anil
IP i Xllilnel Htrt-ralli, of White Hairu
( hllltillnr nf Iht HioukpII, i I I (liifftn, nf
Si Pom's laihetlral, sinninn
S union fill Hex J X (I lleillt, rei toi , Hot.
Mile- th Minus, Hot. I) I Himiiii, Hei, fl V.
n lit rue si Ptttr'a talliidiul: Hoi peler ( hrlif,
H t l'rink P strjuli. s Xljij'.s vtulli sirm.
I m. Iln I ! Millet. Iln P .1 Ililand, Si.
lohn'a, lijtieit, Hn S I Mt Maims, Hpi-,
I X Xlnilin, Hit. .1 1' II line. Iloli Hosirt,
Villi s tun. Hit, XI I, Infiiis, (liPin Unlet',
Hn P 1. I mile Hit I P Huniip. XXtst
siijiittui Hn Xnthon.v haiipn, si loe li'
i I.iilni iniain. Soitli sirinton Hei p O'Din.
mil llillttiip
MilkeBliriP-l!ef. lohn P l,e ih.t , Hi t T .
Mi,nrkl. Hev .1. t Curran, Cm 1ml; Hei. P.
,1 Itnott, Hit. Henry P. Iluike, Hn. II, my
W IlllJiii-pnrt Hef. I' lluirows
( irlionilale Iln Riorkt'J Dixon, Itet Y A.
bOllll in
MiIjiiioi ia-l!el Iota pli XX Troll
Plillis Hit ( oii-tatitlm- llirntki.
llmloli lt(v s s,0t1lwki
Pl.i inoiitli lift. X.. suulv
Xptlibald-llei. 'Ihoiuas .1 fonieiforil, Her
Willi an U'lhia.
Xllnnoki-lln T I Hei, llet. P. J fmaian
.lih'.t- Hpi. I J lliultl), Hei P (. Hur.t.
si. Iuipli'f--Hi. '.ttphiii II. O'llotlp.
Tijloi Ilex. .1 A Xlolhtt
'1'iiw.mdi Hn .1 I I'orviur
siiKir'Notcli-llet-, I II JiiiI.h
sii.nuili.inna It t P. I . llroiertek,
I, on I j. ii-Hpi . SirdKki.
Xio-mw-llet H II nun
I' it. I flti -Hex .1 kiinu
llliplnnl Hot. lolm V Mn
I'lliil.uiL' Iln. losepli Dntlklntlrr
(.teat llnnl-ltpx. 1. s Pia-in
Jinntn-ltPX I' I' McVilly
Pilt.ton-Hrt P I" ijulniiin, Iter. .Itlni r.
flrteif. Hex. P .1. Mtllale, Hei XXilliim Hreld,
llet M fsrrltiilui,
llnne.dile- Hev. Theinn M llanlr.i.
Inkerinau-llei. J .1 II lielei
01,1 I orce Hev I F .Tonliti
lliintnore-ltiv M I1, Ilonlan, Het. X( .1. ,X.
Pleisinl Xtiiiint-IIt't. .!. XV Heile;
IliUlon Het. II, I. iliarauhl).
II itt In Het P (' XXInlrrs
tVtiriM- lUt. John II 1 1 up it,
Vety tlcv. T. P. rofTey,
Cathomtale, was tumble to
on account of Illness,
V. CI., of
he pipsctlt
In the Immense (.ongiegatlon lu thoi
rathedial esleulay the following fiom'
outside of the illy xxere noted
Mr und Mt minion Xlanmii, Mr and Mm
Oliltr llutko, Mr und Xbn ) In ml llaiiptt lir
and XIm, .1 1 .tentiltig. .Mdeiinan and Miu
Ihninat I nliu, Ihomat I'tmlUli. Mr md Xlr
XX II (lllle.plp. Ml lloa.ip Wrbher Xbnlll,
belli tllettitt, Xli Mhj tontut, Hon und Xlra.
M .1 'lltthi', Mr and Mra P X. Unite, Mr ami
Mis f I' Itohm. Pr I W Hi ton. .lalot,. I'll
pitrltk. Mist 1. Ilaintt, MUs Xlni In ulmr. Hon.
and Mr I. 1 llmki, Mr and XIm Xtiiiiu (,ll
rot' XI rs II, Hilda (I'Mallet, Ml ami Mo. II .1
Hill kin, Miss M.u.1 Mukaht, 'llinina. lluikp, Xllas
hatp llutkp, Mis lontptilnp Cawlot, Xlr and Mis
.to'ipli (llennoti, Hon William ltutleili , t hailes
1' Hob in, Mr. Ihohilt Maloue.i, Xllns Catherlup
Malonet, Mltenttr Olllenple, Puld I'aliet, Mr
and Mrs John II Mullen, Mrs llrldxtt llilttuple,
Ml Mat (llllispip. Mr and Mis p,ter Mi
lllenule Mtlermtn Pitrltk Mierlilm, Xlr and
Mrs William Mt Douuall. XVllllim X lot, Mta
.linira Imiio. Mi-j Kilo luin, Mi atnl Mrn
Palrltk llatlle, Miss Xitneis llatltp XII" Teiiu
llitlle, I dit, ml &haimhnpsi, M ljor and Xlr..
John T I'lintiprv. Mr. antl lrn M XX. O'ltoile.
Mr and Xtrn lohn Xllrn, Autliou) Help, .lohn
hlnir, lanin loitc. XXIIIlim llriaiine.x, XIarttti
Midulte, 'Ihninit Clratc. Xlivt Xliry (into, Xlr
and Xfis. ltoser Mine. Xr anil Mr .lames Xlt
Kiitr, X Kate M t K a I tr. ("Inrlea ""ttirrt, lr
.lime (Jiilnnin Xls Xlarcaret lauislniej XI
Xlirirarel Krainet, Mif Helli tans in, Mr ami
Mm Hubert Xlt Pile. Miss Xlin Mortis, M
limine!) t. Mr and Xlt Coiiiilliis Ponnellt Xbtt
Xtiiiie belli, Xbsa II. l.n keatlnir, Xllcs Xlnv
Jnxti, XIUs MirL'inl lot.r, XIUs ntia larli,
Mr and Mra John MiUime. Mr ind Xlrn
('halts Hniumel .1 lines O'llotle, Xlr .lohn Una
lilt in, MIm Xlaiy llreslihan. Xa kite Morih,
Mnt Mite 0 Urn n, Mrs Martin Toucher. Miss
Kate llrown. .lattiP4 0 f ir tt n, Xu-tin Powers X
1 I' ire. XIra Pup, XI I Hem. XX 1 tnlrtl
Inn, (hull a (lililinnt, Pariik (iilliRhrr, Ml"
Mice Xhltile, Miss Mircirot MrlIHe Xlistt Mirv
(onnii Mr. and Mix lohn Pot. Xlr nnd Xtis
P I Xf. Hale, lohn Mill dp. Mls.s l.i7p Mill iIp.
1'iofpv.or llnhert s-lilel, 1 inncls ( title, Mi Xnni
( iwlit, lohn kttmtili, Mr ami Xtrs l'rink Ho.
ban, Mis Anna X illi, .lams VXabh, Mist Mm
Xim ilsh, Thoniis llkir, Xbss HlmtliP laian,
Xll-s llli latin, Xliss (irnip tl alia i;bi r. (!eori;e II
Hi ip, nt Pitt. ton
ijinrw strnino, Xfs lulia stinmo, Xlr ami
Mrs t II Ilunes, .lot. h Mniaii, Hush Mi Iht,
Mr and Mm limes lloland, nf X ilkes Itnrp.
KiibIi I'imileilt, Mint Mat Powtleili. Xlr and
lii Ilrrnaril (illvmi, Hon .1 I II Notll Mr
ami Mrs .1 1 loltus Mr. aid Mn M. DiurIi
eit Mr ami Mis Xlatk ( imphrll, Xles II
and I Ibblp Untie. ,t. P Collins, ot Carbondilp
Mr. and Mm M I llutTj, of IIilMeid, Mis
O II DNtill, lolm O'Xiill. of llonestlalo, Mist
Curlin, of Williaimpurt. 11 J Itmh, of ()j
A .slsier of Hlshop O.irvej, xxlio Is a
nun in a S.m l'tainlseo conxent, no
compiinled by a sister of her older,
oicupled the front pen, xxllh the
bishop's mother and Ills biothor-ln-laxx,
I'. J Jloran. of Dinininie. S'ex
eial of the succeeding pews xxoie ociu
pied by other iclatlvcs,
Thr olabotate progtamme of music
xxas admliablx tondeicd by tlio (athe
dral cliolr ami Manor's orchestia, dl
jcited by Cholrster V. V. Schilling.
The numbeis fiom the CI
moios.t nillltaiy mass, iiioduied h Ihe
latgo cliolr, the orchestia and great
pipe oigan, xxoie tiuly Imposing and In
cvriy way In keeping with the oci.t-
The feat i ne of the niusle xxas a salu
tatoty hymn, "llico SHtordos," com
1 osed for tho oeiaslon hy IIpv. II. .
(i.inss. of Catllsle. The author mod
(stlv oidiplcd the last seat on the loft
hand side of the sanctum y.
Immediately nt the tontltislon of the
j-ei x it os tho elotg lemoxed lliolr icie
tnonlal xestmeiits and icpaircd to St.
Tlioni.tfl colltge hall to attend a dinner
given l tho pilosis nf the Hei anion in htmoi of tlio now bishop. Maitiuelli. Aichblshop ttjan.
Ulshops Hoban, McQiiaid. ritzmatnlie
anil I'll ntleigast sal at the head table
xxlth the. guest of honoi and the lax
guests. Among tilt so lattet xxtie
James II (larxex, M. I)., of Duiuuoit
1. .1. Iloian, of Dutimoie P. b l.otigh
nej, of Decatur, 111 , M I Caxxlex. nf
Scianton, John J. I!nlo, Vino stteot,
Hctanton. John .1. Waid, of I'lilladel
phla Charles J. Hoban, M. IJ . of
Philadelphia; I'. J. Daly, ot Philadel
phia; Thomas P. Hoban, of Si i anion,
lelatives or iloso personal ttleiulh of
Hlshop Oaive.x.
Neatly all the eletgy uho attended
the consceiatlon vine piesont at the
banquet. The tables iiete appioptl
ately deeorated In xxlilte and purple,
and embellished xxlth aitlstlo c.tndil
abia and a profusion of nailing vines
and i ut lloxxeis.
The dinner xxas ni ranged bx a ruin.
mitteo of v lib h ttov. N. J. .Mi. Mantis,
of Ninth Scranton xia.s chairman.
StPxx.ud O'Nell, of Ihe Scianton t lub,
xxas i. itet or. A most olabotate menu
xxas st.pi.
Infni mill spt'iehec, mostly of a light
Kinxl-nat ill oil utialn, xtcie itiiHilged In
at the dim Itthlon of the feasting All
the pu Kites participated In tho post
piandlal eonsos.
Caidinal Maitiuelli atrixotl Satin day
aftciiionu at .147 troni Phllaib Iphi i.
Hioinpaiiled hy his setietary, Hex V
' ItooKoi and a numbei of F'liibidel
phla puestH. He xxas met at the Dola
xxaie and Hudson station bx a delega
tion of Siinnton pilests, a eouimittoc
of the Knights of Columbus, and a
number of piomiuont Italians He xxas
est ot toil to tho epb opal lesblenee
and dlurd xxlth Hlshop Hoban and the
ptelatos fiom othti dloieses who had
Lome to attend the coiimm ration in
the evening he vxas eittet tallied at the
homo of Hlshop Hoban's inothoi, on
Not tli Washington axoiiuo.
Vesteiday afteninoii the ai illiitil
visited St, I.ui.v'.s Italian Catholic i on
giegatlon, Weit Seiuiiton, nuil hist
night xx'as the giiint of hnnnr at a ie
( option glx'Pii liv the Knights of t'o
liimbus, at tht'll i lub house on Noiih
U'liHliltigton avenue. Invitations to
this function xvere geitotousiy dls
ttthutcd and judging fiom tho timing
eveiy Invitation mot vxlth an nciept
mice. Among thoi who attended xxoie
many of the tlty's most ptomlneiu
The club house xxas lundilx clem,
lalot) tor the occasion, gieat bands of
caidinal ribbon entxxlncd la the ehan
delleis and festoons along the wall
being tin pilnclpal adoi nine nl. Pur.
pie, lelleved txlth vxliltc In honor of
Hlshop lloliau and Hlsliup liaivey, who
xxeio also guests, alternated xxlth the
t'nidlual'.s loloi. In the decoiatlun
scheme. Palms and feins xxeio In pro
fusion all about tho house, and hauh
lug the teceptlon line was an Immense
basket of caidinal lloweis.
When tho iHidlual and bishops m
rlxcd they xxeio emiicd to the p.iilnii",
whore a founal gieetlng vxas evientl.
nl b. (irand Knight lliehaid J. Hintiko.
Htlef leHponses xxoie made by the thioe
in platt h.
Artistic Decorations
Table and
This season's novelties displays m unusual artistic advance
in Decorative Art Ware, and our store is filled with perfectly
new ideas in beautiful attractive novelties, which appeal to
lovers of this line of work
Gen V Millar &
I'or Reliable i-'ur Goods call and
examine onr stock of
Seal Jackets
Persian Lamb Jackets
Heaver Jackets
Electric Seal Jackets
Near and Seal Jackets
Fur Capes
Xeck ScaiTs
Mull's and All Other kinds
or Furs
Also, if you wish your old Furs
Repaired, bring them in as soon as
possible. All kinds of fur repairing
The ont ivied himself fn
gieatly gi milled at the lUel laltli ex
hibited b Atnothan Cathullis. He
xx.ik pleased tci tlnd them siuh guild
iltl.ens and hui h good Cathnlles. and
exidem ing a full leallatlon of the fact
that being a good rathollc tho can
lint bo aught hut good eltl.eni
"I am glad to be xxlth jtai" ho said
xxlth a f.eMtue tending lu einphai.c
ilnteilt, "and I am glad tt) Kunxx nu
an engaged in a xxuik fm i mil nun
ami .xcuu couiitix-'n gnod."
This I" the Hist time a ,i i hai
been the gut st of a ctainill of Ihe
Knights of ('i)luinbu-. The Sei.iuton
KilightiH .tie as ,i lanseinienee gteatly
The ictt'litiou xxas In ihaigo of a
lOinnilttee toinpnsetl of lliehaid .1.
HciuiKe Tiiiinthi Hutke. llenty .1. (.'ol
llns, Ui I" 1. Milliaxv. Di. W. AI.
Itpid John Al i Sinister, James 1
Tagg.irt. Kianlv J AloAndiexx, I'etet
T lloxle. Mai tin I'onio.x, 1'. F.
I.niigliiiiii. Peter Hit hards, Alatthoxx V.
Htoxxn. A P Hio'xn, T Al Alilluyli
antl John Colligaii.
Canliiial Alatlluelll xhited rit. I.ucla's
chuii Ii on Chestnut ctivet. West Siran
ton, In (.(imtianx- xilth Hlshop Hoban,
at ISO o'i'lock esteida afternoon,
ami p.utli'lp.iteil In the services luel
dental lo the blessing of the stattio of
Oui I.ady ot Aloilllt (.'aiiuel.
At the iiim liisluii of the rteixbe he
lieltl an Infoi nial leeeptlou, and lu
passing nut to his can luge bestoxxed
Ills blessing upon those piesent. Tlie
Itoina baud took pa it In 'ho exotcises.
The luaiigllialloti uf St. Alalia del
(.limine Is iisiinllx held In July, but
xxas )iM'n.,mil until jenteid.iy that the
i ..dlll.ll lllif'.bt be ptestiil.
Money Subset ibed for Woik of Chtls
tlnn Misslonnty Society.
Tlio annual lonxmtlon of tlio North
eastern I'euiisjlxauia lounrll of tho M y sooletj. xxhich
has been In se.sslon In tho latgo tent,
nc in the lIxaiiRollial t Impel at Jef
feison axeiiue and Delaxx in stieet, for
the past xx eok, i losed last ex oning Tho
11 llil 1 exeiilses ix ue exceedingly Intel -esting
Alls Kick, stipeilntondent ot
the Arissloiiaiy Tialiiiug Institute
gaxo a thh l -minute talk In the morn
ing, xx lib Ii xxa.s followed by tho nioiti.
Ing soi inon by K II. Sonft, .stin'ilii
lt nilent of this dHtilet
At - o'i lot 1: the seixhes of ilodb il
lllg the illlltlion pioseuteil to the hold
xxeio held. At .'"0 the auniial mls.snii.
,tl M'lXlces note held, at xx hi ell the
speaUeis ixeie. Aloser, Chiistophei -Mill
and .Mis Soanhnllz. The offuing
xxas iitkep by Hex. .Smlili ami xxas an
nouiii etl to be $J,ll'o in mono and
pledges. The atleinnon hoi lies closed
at n Jo ii'ilm k
Al il "0 the b.tpihniiil siies xxeio
iniiiliii trtl, jiul a i lass of lui'iitx-lho
xxeio baply."d. The eienliig speakeis
xiiie ltex. ("hllefonis. of Phlnn. and
Ilex, .hiim of Jeiusil'in At tlil.s
nieetliig, Ilex. Smlili ailliouin id that
Hex .MeAl thill xxoulil leslgn his chaige
hole to aiiepl the nltli o nf dlstilct su
lioilntendent ol the Western mate,
uhhh Itiiluilps lovxa, Xehtaska Kau
nas, Coloiado anil Wi stein Allssouil, to
take efiei t Nox. 1 lie tn be mu -(eeded
b. Hi x James Lelfdinian for
th past fnui e,ns Imal supetlnten
dent at Hliighamtoii The ixmk of
Hex-. AlcAitlmr has been xeiy gtatlfx
iiig. Genernl Stewntt Imjirovlnp.
Iblli.liillL'. s,ii ViljutJiil l.rnriil si,
Jrt, hIiiim' lilt I ft i fiiiliiirl re. nil I m i
riinj'i,ii n iil HI. i iliinm tilirli ami ln pin i
1 1 nu are cenfl'knt nl hl uril,i rrmirn llic
moiiihI nm oprnnl tmlai ,nnl t IimiihI Ilu'
lline wj nu liliiinl icilniiiiii; nr nv tlii(trr nf it
X 1 1 imp mi put en llif lunlrii bond tn hnlil
I tliini In lUif until Hit me lull li'tiotliti.
Co wjin Aym
Lands Sakes!
No wortdah missus sleeps so
late inawninRS. l)is am an
Hlastic Felt Mattress made by
The Scranton
Bedding Co.
We carry a full lino of Iron
and Drass Beds, the best made.
Mattresses in all grades and Pillows
Lackawniiim and Adams Avcnncs
Both Thoncs.
Entirely New Stock of
Sliifs, Jackets
Skirts and
Flannel Waists
All Garments of my old Stand
ard of Workmanship and Expert
Fitters to please the most fastidiouf
Prices as Reasonable
As Good Goods Can
Be Sold For
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereatt & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
ny a lecent net of tho leglsla
tine, free tuition Is now granted
at tho ,i
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all those preparing to tench.
This school maintains couibci
of study for teachers, for thoso
piepailng for college, and for
those studjlng niusle.
H will pjt to nntr (or pirlicnlari.
Nu oilier uliool oflcia kin h tuncnor ail.
uiiUkcii at ul!i Km rati. Addirs J
J. P. Welsh, A. M,Pli.D.,PrJD.
Vissahickon Heishts. Chestnut Hill, Pa!
A boarding ncliool for boyii la the elevate)
and beintiliil open couutt) nortli of rhlta-
tlelpliin, o ininiiie" irtim iiiumi m iimuu
ror caiaioKiic uuuicm
JAMES L. PATTCI150N, llead-Maittr.
I'ir Senium, Hi, knird ainl ). i( Mutti Chil
tinn l'lii.h al 'It iiiiinu .Mum it Iniiiimi,, rlto
ul u i. .il SIiimi I ii iv. ing kiniltikiittii Hpin
,ii .it uri ninl I in 'tl n i
S. A. Doolittle,
fc" I'aixnxx rnu , lliiiBlniiilnn, S
cAls, pa.
T J rotrr rieudcnt I'ltnr II l.anall, Trui,
11 J
1 oitrr.
fcunlt-y r.
Vue I'rrinlent
Allis-Chalraers Co
Hueccbsoiti lo Machine Huslneas of
nickson Alanufai tilling Co., Sutanton
and Wllkest.Ib.'iie, Vn.
Statlonaiy Engines, Hollers, Alining
Muuhlnciy, I'umua.