'Ill IJ SCKAiNTOiN TKJBUiNE-.MONDAV, SEPTEMBER 1), VM1. OiilCC: BURKE BUILDING s: ,f..-- . RAILROAD TIME TABLES. " Delsware nnd Hudson Rnlhond. lunr 1. i'l limm will leaic I ciiliomb'o at ill nation "lM Sirinlmi Htiil VlilV.isll.im fliM. TOrt. S '.". (ml, lnoi. 1121 in. 12 in, 141. 2.il, '''". A PA TOii, 10 01, tit 51 i m , ,, siindjv Halm luce at S "". II 21 ln " J,t. MO. ilrt) p in . Per Vlli.no,. siriteci. Vlnnlicul. Ilinlmi. Incline! iuint, rti , 7m a in , 4 CI I1 " (iMII.i) , lor I iKp Lmlnir. Maimait unl lloneclilP, 7 ii, II 0,1 m , -1 il, I' II P. I" S,inr1j t r.i I n lenc lor l.Vo I ndurr, amact ami llmod.Ho al i " m I " ' I' '" Halm ariltr il ( ailmmlalP Item VVllVc llano anrl Nranton a ioln. (. n. s 17. I.H. 1' " m i 12 :i", Jul. 121. I 2H tllH, 7.UI. I!II ' ' 11 V" p m . I M a m "mid iv lialiK mine at 'i IT a in , IJ I". -' 4 S. tl.i, II 11 p in , trains anlw ilailt (mm Mlnnt a I .1 PI an I !.". p m mi'l mi iinili at ' ai p in lnlnv atilir from llonovlalc ami Watinait (tail) at S II a in 12 4, 4 111, HIT p m -tiwlai lialix anln al I all nmlalo (mm I ako t.nbie. Minimi iii1 lluii-ilali at 12 11. I I'l arrt T "i p in New York, Ontario nnd Western. .Illlir i., I ml luln IralP ( ailmmlalr f h Nranlmi it TIM. in til a in . I im p in "niiHii tialn it T l"i a in i.i. p in Mains liaie lailH,mlil, (it (mini mirth il 11 in in , t 41 p in "ii "Miinlai at 0 in J in Iralm ImvIiis at 11 Hi i in week ilaw nnil I'll) a In vinihv rnaKr n unci limn tm Ncv Vols. ern ill. ""ii lialm anlr (lent sntilnii il 11 in i mil II t 1" p in . (mm p"lni nnrili loon i in . I m p m iinilaii linn "lanlnn il " 10 a in an I 7 t"i p ni i Horn I artii-la it i. ( p in Eiie Raihoad. luno ". HOI Train" Ii up .III -Ulion, iilinmlili dub (ever-nt suwlai) at 7 on a in .eivt I II p in I n Ilianill awl S'lnrifli. al 'ill a. in, ililli n I'ptlnc siinin). for Hindi union nuking inn ncllon (pi Nr ti k (Hi .in. I llunaln. an I il h 10 p ni Id Niviuiliinni, niakltu innniitloiH (n MPMrin pnlnt snndai tialn al n t" 1 in (oi stiwiirhantii U urtrrii innnritlnn, ami n 2, p m, with Mmp (iinnictinn Clam- aniip it VI i in ami l" p in Siimlm at Ml a in METHODIST CHURCH'S DAY OF FELICITATION Titting Observance of the Seventy thiid Anniversary of the Establish ment of the Church The Most Significant of the Day's Doings Was the Burning of the Bonds Which Represented the Chuicli's Debt Sermon by Rev. Dr. Wyatt. Ycstoitluv was a da of tolio'tatlng and Jubilating among the ihpiiiIipim of the rniiRieRiitinn of the Plrt Metlio dlfit oliuiih It w.is thr seenly-tliiid annleis,ii v of the cst.ihllhhltifr of the dun ill. an c out whii wan olworcil In the spirit to which iho oiiMvion k.ip tl"e I'.ut as Iinpottaut .ii w.i the .mnhfif-aiy and .is Intric-tlnK was Its trlpi,i- tlon, nmtp slsnlllciint by far was the (olobtatlon of the fad that tli(" (htlih'-, fieednm fioni debt The stniRcIt' whlclt tlu unRri Ration bat tled with for tin- past tow :.ear.s, the t-.ii'iltloes whli h the made dutliiR that time, ended List nlRht, when the p.i. lor. I!f A P I'linffoc annotiueod with rIowIiir pildo that tlio ihuiih debt had been lifted, t lir haluKonie s-.uicd cdlflie, which Is a it edit to the 7palous and enerRotli HorU was tiee of ltd peountaiv obllR.itlons ThiH RratlflnR annoiinienient was fol lowed by the tiluniplial IminliiR b the Justly proud pastot of the bonds whUb icpdfsontid the ( Inn eh ludilitedness. The servlies of esteiday. lnninliiR nnd exeiilnp, were pattleularlv Intei esitlnR and lmpreslc, and weto niarkrd bj the uplilt of the oeeaslon. The speaker ehm-en for the day was Hev. Dr. A. II. AVjatt, of HuntliiRton, X. .1. The choice was a happy one, foi It was Or. Wyatt s father who was pastor of the church In IS",.', when be fought so surie.stnlly aR.tlim the spread of the eiaze of spliltuallstn. At the ninruliiR seit.o Pi. Wyatt'rt theme was "The Ascension." Ills tei Mas front I.tiko L'l 51-.'.. The polnta of his i'ctmonu weie four, as follows: The ascension as lewed fioni heaven. The aseeni-lou ns iewed b man The llRht the nsiemdon threw in the life of rhtlst. The llRht tlie acienslon rIc (on lemliiK the MiiRduni and .omiiiR of Christ ln the eenlitR I)i. Wjatt's foue and eloritlinte weie shnun In Ills scimon on "Tlie rhtlstlan WoiK" Ills text was tioni .lames 1: i; 'A doei of the woik, this man Is blest In the dohiR " Dr. Wjatt diew a companion of .limes and C'lirlst They had many thlnss In common; they bad family trails that were natutal to botli of them, they weie cplRiiimmatli In speech, they diew their parables fioni nature and they riivc expies.son to the Rrcatcst lommon hcnse and ttutb. So piomlnent was the last cbatacter Istli In -lames that his tcachlnRS ate i ailed tht Rospcl of rommou sense. James looked upon the piaethal side of eeiythliiR. He dellned tlie ('bil. tlan as tlie doer of woik, not the Christian In belief. In experiences and emotions, but In doliiR the woik of the Christian. AW are In an ae when no nun lhes to hlniFelf. he Is a pait of the Rieat btotlierhood of man. If a man stands up and sas 'I enjoy icIlRlon." Ills answer Is not to the point, the ques tion Is, Docs the community, does his church enjo his ioIIrIoii. The Riispel of Christ Is so Rreni that no man, no ape, can emphasize an one pilnclple more than auotbpi Dr. Wyatt pointed out the dortilnes that Martin l.uthei and John Wesley taught and emphasized and miKGe.steil that I was not a (itiestlou of wblih was the moic piaictlfal. it was a tut'Stlun "f what Rood and for whose Rood. Kery dnitilne mut stand or fall as It answers to wliat benefit t may be. There was splendid music at bulb di sices. W. D. i:nus ptcpaied a pio. ri amine of HliiRlnR that was In Hue with the spirit of the occasion The oiRan nutnbeis weie also espcclall Hue. The (nnRrcRatlon now moves hIoiir the iouise towaids thu diamond Jubilee SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Alkn'a Foot.Kair, a poudrr. It ruira painful, imaitlnc, ntnoii, (ctl and ingiouins nalli, an J Iniuntlv taVPi Iho itin nut ol lonu and lum lm. H'a the grralrit inintcrl itlnnri of iho age. AlUn'a loot rate makrt tlslit oi n'riv (hot, feal city. It ji i iciUIn iiire for tueating, cal, loin and et. Hied, adilng Uti lr) it lodai. Cold by all drutcltti and (hot itori y mail tot tie. In tmp. Ttlil patkice KRfcK. Ad irM Allen S. OlmHtd, l.c Itoj, .N, V. , Catbondale Department. of the dirndl, with the institution and boa-t nf b.ivltiR Its biuiltlful edlllie fii of debt. RACES WERE AGAIN SUCCESSFUL. Events nt Lee's Park Promise to Maintain Lively Interest. The suci ess on Fildav of the sei ond seiles of laies "i heduled fol l.ee's Mils Ink iark. In tlreenlleld lownshlp. has Rreatlv assured the tut fined of this section, and a highly sunessful sea son of tailtiR Is looited for In the L'.IiO class theie weie four still tf is. as follows1 (Jeoige CiewlltiR's Jennie It, Kmoty l.ee's Violet. Lafay ette l.ee's Utile Itaikct, and II. H. riene's Almokln. The result was as follows I'll st beat -Almokln. (list Jennie H. sci ond. Violet, thlid. Little liaiket. fouilh Time. 1 I2'. Sim olid beat Jennie 11, (list, Little liacket. seiouil, Almokiu, thlid, Vlo lit. font tit. Time, 1 Ifi Third heat Almokln and Jennie It . head and head, (list, l,Hte linckrt. thlid Time 111. Violet was with diaw n In this raie. In the tliice-tnluute i lass theie were foul entiles 7, II S I'letie's Miil Lot. .V. J. Hell's (liftmonl. Joe S( bei k s Weasel nnd Hal Held Williams Hid Wilkes Tlie lust niiiued hoi so was not st.uted. boweei. Tlie lesult was as follow s I'll st hi.it Mai Lot. (list, Cilftmont, sei ond. Weasi'l. thlid. Time, 1.11). Seiond Ileal Mai y Lot, Mist nift inont, set ond, Weasel, thlid. Time, LIS. 'Ihlid lieat lilfimont. Hist, Mmy Lot. 1111111(1, Wuiscl. thlid. Tlnic. I :'ni4. Pourlh beat lilfimont. Hist Maty Lot, sei ond. Weasel was withdrawn Time 1 )!. Hate (ailed off mi annum of daikncs In the Rieeii taie tip lc weie nln four entiles as follows D W, Lijiniin'i Spaikci. Abel Tonkins' Tilukel Aithlir Pleiie's (ieniRo and James Kvalts' IIos.iHnd The lesult was us follows" Plist heat Sp.u Iter. Hist. Tiinket, seiond Uosallnd, thlid, UeoiRe, font th. Time 1 II Seiond heal Ti Inket. (list, Spaikci, finml lioealiuil.thiiil ili-oiRe, tnuith Time. 1 3.' pikils i'i:aks past ti.mi:. Pike's Peak, It W. PctbUk's hoi so Rave ii u exhibition 4 nun lug line. Willi b stiued up much enthusiasm The llit half was made in one minute II. il, and the seiond half In flft-lhe mm ninN The two icmalnliiR events will b" Ik id some time in Oi toliet. Scveial loial boies w ill be stui tul at the Maitlalid fail ill Wallsville linn meuclng tomoiiow The laiing will take pluie on the 11th 121 II nnd l.lth II II Pleue will stui t Almokiu. Cicorgc I'lcseling will i ulei Jrnnie II mill K V Petbliks Pike's Peak will ( utei the i tinning taies (juite a nuiubei of loial hoiscnien will he picsenl duillig tile da.vs of i. ii lug OUR GOLDEN JUBILEE. John McComb Tells in Veise How Caibondnle and Her Visltois Feel Ovei the Celebiation. The pioieedlngs of ( "al bondale s golden Jubilee has awakened llir poetli spliit within John Mi Comb, and In the following small esp be tells t ho (lt s pilile oei the fete and of the thought) of those fioni alnoad afh r visiting the ilij and witnessing tho stlulng sienes of the (elebiatlon orii c.uLDi:x .irnii.i:i:. Hv John Mi Comb Ity is tnuiid of her wondciful Our st lidos, And visltois pause to admiie Her chinches mid schools, nnd her piospei tle In ides. As well as the men w ho light (he. They note with delight our most o (client streets. AVheie oiue beds of mud met their eves. And as for oui park they deilnto that It beats Most siots on tlie eattli of Its sl.e. Out public equipment, in seweis nnd light. In watei. and tiollej. and biains, And nninlilp.il building, solid nnd blight. They talk, and cuilt In our gains. Old Carbondale's sons who weie lieie foi a stay U.iw found admliation at home, And they have been told in a most pleasing way Their pialses aie heaul wheio they 10. un. They ate stui dy in lighting the battlo of life. The aie lo.al, and honest, and tine They aie scions of slics who entenil the Mtlfe When this valley vas known to but few, We have held a iciinlon in the old dale, And paraded its vltiificd briik: We have talked of our stmt fioin an Indian ti.ill, And exlillilt a i It.v tliat'a slltk. Our H'lni-ieutonnial pioved a sun ess lu adornment, glitter nnd gfaie, Tlie tliewoiks weie giand! and they left their impress On tlie minds of nil who weie tlieie. Pai ailing of thousands, thr music of bands, Tluie days of a gieat Jubilee. Dlspeislng of filends, the picssuie of hands Tlie past Is a blight meinniy. Bilths. Hoi n, Keptelllbel I!, to Mi Hld Mis. L. V. Ciauicr, of SH Lain el sticit, a son, to Mr, and Mis. Itoboi t .Meliule, of Siott stteet, a son, to Mi, nnd Mis. Uenige Hi own. of DundalT sticet, n. son, to Mr. and Mis. Daniel Diuui, of Ilclmoiit Hi i cot. n daughter, to Mi, and Mis. Meigs Abbey, of Dillon avenue, a son. Meetings of Tonight. Common inincil. Olhe Leaf lodge, No, 1SB, Independ ent Older of odd Fellow 3, Federal union, No. 7i0t, Patriotic Older Sons of Ameilca. Carboudalo toumll, No, 32'.', Knights of Columbus. Thonc : I NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 TEACHERS SCORED FOR NOT PARTICIPATING Those Who Failed to Take Fait in School Demonstration in Jubilee Exercises to Be Censured Warm Discussion at Satuidny Night's Meeting of School Bonid. The sihool bmud held Its postponed legulnr nieetlng Satutday night All of the membets weie piescnl The most Important event was the caustic si oi lug given those teachers who failed to pmtlclpate in the seinl-ccntennlal celcbiatloii as iciiucsted bv the boaid. Just who these teacbei.s me the su pei Intendent would not sny. but it Is known to iin hide most of the High si bool faeultv and seveial of the tenth, ns from th" illsttlel schools. Seveial of tlie dliectois weie veiv pointed In thelt tomaiks and desliod some ptthlli displa.v of the board's ills. appioviil Ml (lallaghei and Ml. Keiwln oh Jei ted to I Ills liowevet. Ml, Swlgeit mined that the teaibeis wlm lefused to take pint In tlie semi-ieutetiiilal e. ebiatlon lie lu ought before the ,ohool ho.ild and that thev be letisuud bv the piesidcnt. Oallaghcr ilcmanded a loll i. ill. It lesultcd as follows. Ajcs i:vnns, Hughes, Swlgeit and Vnunan t Na.vs (Jnllagher and Keiwln 2 i n motion of Mi Swlgeit a vote of thanks was rIvoii the teachei who assisted the supei Intendent and inm mittee lu their woik A bid fiom the Hlack Diamond Coal compinv to fm -iilsh i lii'stnut and stove coal foi J ! "0 a tun. and pen ioiI for $2 '21 a ton was I ejected on motion of Ilvnns Mr. Swlgert then moved that all toal be purchased fiom iho Delawaie and Hudon (ompanv and the sooietaiy vmis Insti acted to einplov John P.ooth to do the hauling, and to also furnish wood mid leinove ashes A lequHltlon foi Appleton's icndeis for tlie High m html nil' lefeiied to tlie bonks and supplies (oinmlttee with powei in ii( I The boa id then ad journed LIGHT CONTRACT VETO. Will Possibly Be Acted Upon by Common Council Tonight. An Impnil.int inattei will po.sblv be acted upon in omnioii ouncll this evening It tlie veto of the stieet lighting tontiait, vvhlih was a few weeks passed over Mavoi Kllpatl lck's head ill solc( t tnlllii II Tlieie was Just tile ierUslte number of votes four 'I'heie was one vote against it. Ml Haiiolts and one. Ml Davis, vvhlih was not cist elthei in favin in against its passage. Tills s line ( onti ai t has hi en buffeted about evel since the oall.v spring, and its tme lu i ouinion (ouinil Is a matter of speculation At the last session, two weeks'.iRo, the veto came up In this bodv, but when it became evident 111 it It would lie lejoded Its suppoit eis sin i ceded 111 hiving It sent to i oin mlttee, with Institutions for u wiltten opinion of tlie legality of tlie whole pun ceiling fioni beginning to end The fait that no action was taken on tlie veto foi a numliei of weeks after it left Mnvoi Kllpatl lck's hands lalsod sev -eial (inestlons and it was p n tl .though not whollj foi this tea 'on that the opinion was nought The opinion Is cpc( ted tn be on hand tonight and a vvtnni discussion Is looked loi The icason that Maoi Kllpattlck Is op posed to slRtilng the coiiti.ut Is that he is not in favor of tlie ( lt enteilng Into a binding agiecmont of this char ,ii ter tor 1111111' than a cai. when, as he believes, theie Is a possibility of stioet aii lights beconilng iheupPi, and the possbltj, also of impiovcd methods of lighting lu tlie meantime. The i, i to he lonsldeis icason.ible enough, the only question being one of expedient The inimbeis of ommnii mum 11 are divided on the question and whatever wny the incasiuo goes. It will be by a small in ii gin Theie Is a vvlilospie.nl Intel est in the agitation which will uuiloubtedlv be manifested in the at tendance at tonight s session A SUDDEN DEATH. Samuel Lee, of Lee's Ciossing, Ex- piics After a Day's Illness Tiie Coioner Notified. Sam Lee, a well known ios(ont nf this section, whose home Is nt Leo's inisslng on the ontmlo & Western lalhoad, passed awa suddenly yester da.v nioinlng about ! 30 o'clock. The i i use of his ilea Ih has not boon deter mined. Cm oner Huberts has been no tilled of the happening. Mi Lie was out on S.itunlaj and appe.nid to be us well as usual Ves teida.v nioinlng lie was not feeling well enough to ailse, and slioitly aftet fi o'cloik lie was sel.ul with an attack of weakness fioni wblih lie failed to lallv Dei eased Is smvlvcd by bis wife and live cliildien Two me mairled, Mrs. John I'm tell ami Mis. Patilck Caiden. Theli husbands are both stieet car loudlictois on tlie Siiautou Hallway compauj'.s lines Tlieie is one son, Samuel Leo, and two nuuger ilaugli- tCS Mr. Lee was employed as a cutter of spiags about the mines in this section. He was about .11 veais of age and had u wide aequalntiiiK c and a host of sln i eic fi lends. Biso Ball at Lodoie. Ycsleida.v elnsed tlie exclusion sea. sou at Luke Lodoie, About l.onn en joyed the dav, Tui being fiom Caibon dnle. The bull game between the Sun sets of Aidibald and tlie Ciesients nf Cni bondale wan the feattue of miiusf ment. The Ciesients weie victorious by a si cue of lfi to !l. Hattei les des cents, niltli iiiid Loltus; Sunsets, Pi he and rinunghan A Ointeful Patient. Thomas llnwaid. of Canaan stnet, father ol Miss Mamie How aid. now a patient at Kmergenc y tfnspltnl, de sires to expiess'hls giatltude thtnugh Thev Tribune tn the hospital staff of suiRcoiis and nurses foi the skill and cat ef illness civ en In the case nf his daughter, who was operated on over a week ago, after a sudden attack of appendicitis, and who Is now convales cent and Is rapidly returning to health, Miss Howard's case was one of the emergency charnctei, one of those In which there Is some doubt In under taking nu operation, she wan about the street one day lu Rood health, and the following dny was on the operat ing table Mr Hovvntd attributes the pteservntloti of his daughter's life tn the doctors' skill and the scientific caie of the nurses, Heme his teason for publicly tetlf.vlng to the hospital's ef. tic lent. THE PASSING THRONG. Miss Anna rariell, of Pike street, visited In Si I anion jesterday. Miss Oeitiude Rockwell, of Hones- dale, Is the guest of Mis. J. S. Heriy. Mis. Nellie Hind Is conllned to her home, on Canaan street, with a sevcie attack of typhoid fevet. Merchant John (Si let. of PilceburR, and daughter, Miss Leonote, were Car bnndale vlsitois yesteiday. Miss Josle Taylor has ictuined to her homo In til ecu Illdgc, aftei a few weeks' visit with relatives In this city. Hen Tuckei left this nioinlng for Schenectady, N. Y., wheie be Is em plo.ved by the Kdison works at that plai c. Mrs F J McDonnell and son, Kt un ci" have lettirned to their home In Sdnutoit, nftcr spending seveial da.vs In Ibis city, Koval Postei has lettnncd to his home In Plttslou. nftci visiting his patents, Mr, nnd Mis. (leoige Poster, on Seventh avenue. Mi. and Mis Molt, of Si canton, called on fi lends In this city Satuidny. Mc. Mott Is chief electrician for the Siiautou Telephone company. Tlie Misses Anna Raffetty and Min nie Clink, two accomplished young ladles of Scianton, aie the Riiests of Mis. M. Finnegan. of Pike stieet. Misses Lbzio Petblik and Louise Hodle have i etui nod to their homes In Prninpton, after spending n few davs with Mi and Mi. H, A Lewis, on Summit avenue William Delaney, who has acted as sexton In the St Hnse'ihUKh tvr some time, left Thnisday night for the Saia togu mission houo of tlie Older of Hc deniptoilsts wheie he will enter upon studios, ptcpaintmv to beioming a inembei of that older. His many fib nils In this iltv wisli him sucioss. JERMYN AND A1AYF1ELD. The fiineini" of the la lie Kobett Sitphens who died at his home on l'oiiitn street last Thtusda.v, aftet a biief illness of Inflammation of the binlii took place jcsioidny afternoon. Hnef soiv'ie weie held at the house nnd hvnins weie Ming bv the M V. chinch choir, after which the icmains weie taken to the" M K i lunch, wheie ee vices weie conducted by the pastor, Itrv M. D. Fuller. D D, who In tho (Oiiise of his tcmntks spoke tender winds of sympathy to the lueaved ones and icfenod to the christian life of the I'i'i'fSfil and his faithfulness to the chinch. Theie weie a numliei of boau 1 1 1 ill Hoi nl gifts, which weto lairled by I', K. Hill and John Iloblnson The pall heaieis weie (Jeoige Ciullip. John Avei.v. James Davis, John Penioso, William Kastlakc and William Ling inap Mi : ml Mus IMmlnstrt and daugh ter, nt Ouiklln, N. J . aie tlie guests of hot In other, i'cuiih llmiin Hadger. of Cdiietcij street 'I'l e pli nil of Hogmths band, which it was oi igin.ill.v Intended to hold in Maple giove on Satiirdav has been listpomd until the following Monday, hepliinboi Hi. Miss Manic Wlnt. of Wilkes-Hat i e, who has b, on spending a lot might heie v.ith fib lids, lotuilicd to her home .vesterdav. A ih'l'l (l Mr and Mis linage Hob Ins.in was sliRlitly Injuiril on Satiir dav "Vang b a wagon iiinulug over one ol his ftet roitunHtel.v tlie wagon was a light oiii and the child's Injui n - weie thou fun only s)Rht Ml"-s Janet liardnei, of Siranton, siM'iit jcsiidav wltli her aunt. Mis. Iain ih. is i ',u tci of .Main sheet. 1 i v hoi in, of siciantiui. was heie vcsle'iia.v in i onsiiltallon with Dr M J Shi. Ids on the little child of Mr and Mis. Will Mciiltt, of Scott stioet. who w ciitlcnllv ill of appendicitis. W, H Men lit nf Kushbrook load, is home 'i un SiiinliK l hill Mus Frank Jeffries, of Fouith stieet. Is (I'tilinid to her home by illness. Hj the substitution of the word pics, (nt foi ahsont in our Item of Filda.v's ciitincil meeting, It was made to appear :he meeting was held with but one councilman picsenl. PECKVILLE. spedal meeting of Class No. '.i as. oi la ti in wil bo held in th." ihutrh, pailois Tii'sijnv evening at T.Sa shaip All inuinreis , n uiged to be present D. S Lvani. attended tlie funeral nf IMwaul I'Miteiost at Piompton Sun da James W. Smith spent .vcsteiday at Like Lo me. .Mis. W. S Mutt, who lias been Fpendlng the past week at Hiiffalo, his M'tuined Mm. Mott was only a few feet distant fiom Piesidcnt Mo Kinlr.v when nr was Miot. ilonls M. Tlughi'S, of this place, was also an eje witness of tlie sad affali. Chicken tbleies matle a raid an Hell place residents on Fildny night. Neatly one bundled ohii kens weie taken. M". ilosengei was the heaviest loser, some thlitj low is being taken At ill. Cole's the thieves weie snipping a peach tiee of Its fruit, w lien Mr Coin iilpchatged a shotgun at them They suivlved the shower of buck sho' and marie good their erape K M. Haines chief engineer at the borough electilc light plant, has se emed a weeks leave of absenie and will take his fanill to Buffalo to visit Hie Pan-Auiei lean Joseph R. Hell will take ill Haines" pewltlon at the plant during his absenie climbs Ginmps, of Dalton, l visit ing his daughtei, ilis. Lewis Avery. .Mill, ilaiy Harnes Is at New York visiting hoi son, R. H Haines. ill and ilts i: A. Haibei. of Ni again Falls, who have been spending a few days with filends here, ictuined home Satuidny ill and ili.s William Hell spent vestoidny at Tavloi visiting their son. Maple Hell, who Is quite III, .Mr. and Mis Chailes H. HeaUv' weie vbdiois at Tajlor yesteiday. M00S1C. Mis James McCilndle and ihlldicn. nf Penobscot, me visiting filends about town, The fund al of the Infant sou of Mi. and ilis. John Hmnslde took place from the home. Satin day af let noon. The Misses Anna and Alice Colvln, of Parsons, unri illss Newell spent Sunday at the .Methodist paisonage. Misses Pearl Sniffer and Mao Martin leturned to their home In Wilkes. Hanc Satuidny. illss HlUabeth Gieene cuteitalned a number of her friends Friday evening. Miss Greene proved herself a most de lightful hostess, , Mis. Aich Decker, of Diamond ave nue, Is visiting filends at Stmudsburg. Mis. Carpenter, of Jersey City, Is vis iting at tho home of Mts, Dlx. Hal ley Tlngley has accepted a posl tlou as ilcik In V. J. Schoonovet's gto eery stoic. Kaile Johnson, of Oiaiedale, spent the latter pint of the week among his old friends, before his departure for college, September 10. TAYLOR. The sweepstake shooting inntih held on Underline's hotel grounds on Sat uidny was witnessed by fully ROO en thusiasts. Some of the best shooters from up nnd down the valley partici pated lu the match. The Hist prize, .10, was divided between T II. Jones, nf Tnylot, and W. H, Pier, of Luzerne county; second pilze divided between I) Jones and Sim Davis, Theie weie six tie for third prize. The sOoic H Tnvlnr 1 Lev Lewis 0 Sim Davis 1 Will Amtnerinan ...0 03 1-.1 t-S 1-4 1-4 12 02 0-6 1-7 0-2 0-,1 02 1-7 0 .1 1-1 o-J 11 1 ?. Tlios. Mutray 1 Joe Warner 1 David Davis o David Jones 1 T. II. Jones 1 1M. Hiitvey 0 J. Stone 1 T. Lewis o W. H. Pier 1 II. C. Shingle 1 K O. Thomas 0 P Ciirran o A. Hathaway I J. Van Hetgec ...0 Tlie Lilacs, the home aggiegatlon, was defeated in an Inteiestlng mutest on the school bouse Riounds on Salur (la by the Olloles. of Plttslou Tlie (ontest was one of tlie best gaines plioed on the home gtounds this sea son. The score: H H V. Lilacs 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 7 2 Olloles . . . 0 2 0 0 10 2 il (I The funeral of Mis Thomas I), Moses net in led on Fildio afternoon, from her home on Hldge stteet, and was largely attended Itev D. C. IM winds, pistor of the Welsh taptlst cliunh, oftlclated and pleached an Impiessive soimon Intei ment was made In the Foi est Home (cmeteiv. The pallbe.nois were Messis Thomas M. Davis, (iriflltb W. Owens, William D Kvans David Ueese, Thomas Jones and David '1' Davis All poisons holding books for the benefit coiaeit and drawing for John Kvnns aie requested to have stubs and nionev in tlie bunds of tlie com mittee this evening at the ( ouncll looms The lie ileum sin lal of the Ameri can Protestant Ladles" association at Hasluim's hall on Satin dav evening v,ns a sin cess socially and financially Key Di H II. Halt Is rlellveied two eloquent nnd Impiessho sermons at tlie Calvary Haptlsl church .vcsteidav lrnrnlng and evening. Di Hart Is dwelt upon tlie attempt to assassinate Piosldent McKlnley during his dis couise. Misses Hessle rind Virginia Illttei of Milton, aie visiting their biotlier, op era tor Oeorge Itittoi, on (iiove stieet Mis Felts and daughtei, Miss Kiuiua, of Ninth Tnjlor, vlll leave to. da for the Pan-Aineilcan opostlnn Men bant Oomei Jones Is homo from a few das" business trip to Potts llle, Miss (Tussle Helnlimilt was the guest ol lebitlves hi Plttston jesterdav Mis H W Heese of Main stioet. is visiting lolatives In Plv mouth JosepliCuit.it of Main stieet spent vesterday as the guest nf filends lu Hlooinsbuig Thomas W Jones, of dove sheet, is mound again after his lecent Ill ness Ihnbloiu division. No J7. Sons of Tompc i am e. will meet this evening In legulai session Miss Stella Pi Ii of Mo-cow, ha" ie t in net! Iioine after being the guest of Miss Susie Harris, of Fnion stieet Mr and Mis John Jones, of Taylor stieet, aie home from a tiln to their native land Wales Miss Helen Met of New Voik. has l etui nod Inline, aftei a week's visit with hep i ousln Mis W J. Hmklns, on Main stieet Hv .1 P ilotf.it D I), of tb" Wa. hbuin Stieet Preshv lorl.in oliuri h ailed as mndeiatoi of a meeting In the T.ij loi Piosbjteilau ihiluh .ves teid iv ntteinoon, whin Hev ill. Filnk, of ruujca was invited to be i mil" pastor of the Tavloi cIiukIi. lu conjunction with his piesent chaige. OLYPHANT The Olv pliant and Hlakely bntough geueial dliettiiij Just Is-sucd, is the most complete woik of Its kind ever attempted In this vlclnlt.v It contains mi alphabetically ananged list of over seven thousand names of losidcnts in the twin boioughs it aim (ontalns a lulef hlstoiy of olypliant oilheis of the vnilous municipal bodies, fiatetual and seciet nrganlallolis Fine half tcne cuts of all the chinches and schools are a featute of the book. Its icmplleiB weie S J Hvans. Hugh J. Ruddy and Peter L. Walsh Copies aie being sold at flftv cents e,n ii ills Maty Kvaus and daughiei, illss Allie Kvans, of Hyde P.nk. spent vo.s. tinlay with ill. and ilis. T. P. Jones, on Lackawanna stieet ilis. I'atherine Thomas and daugh tei, illss Com gla 'I honias, the efficient ami com trnus assistant at the post odlce have moved io tlie It loiniei home in Spring Hiook The fuueial of Meiwin the little son of ill and ilts John Hionks. of Iaok awanna stteet. was held vestoidny af tei noun Sei vices weie held at the house anil were attended by many filends of the famllv. Intel ment was made In Fnion cemelerj. The pall- beaieis wete. Mav Kvans, Hannah iloigans, Hlanche Williams and Minnie Moigans; flnwec beaieis. Llz7le Mor gans and Lizzie HiiRhes, illss Kittle Jolinson.of Wllkcs-Haiie, Is the guest of Miss Hannah lionet y. of Delawate stieet illss Anna Relllv. of lloliesdnle. Is vlslilug ili mid ills il. i: Daidls, of Duumoie stieet. .Mrs ilaiy Davis, of Delawaie sticet, Is spending a week with lebitlves at Ca i bondale. Miss Maine (illboolev, of Avoc.i, Is visiting friends In town. illss ilary Rutleiigo i etui nod tn In i home in Plttston, Siituulay, after a visit with lelatlves heie C. J Watklns spent .vestcnlay at his liome lu Tavloi. ills Fiedeilck ilaundoi, of Dun. moio stieet, Is serlouslv III, Aftnld. "Pupa's got a new set of false teeth," said little Willie. "Really?" leplled the visitor. "I didn't know nur papa's teeth weie fulfe." "Ob. yes; and say, I'll bet a hat they'll cut down the old set and make me wear "cm." Philadelphia Pi ess, NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANN0CK. ?prrll to the Scrnton rrlLunf Tunknannoek-, Sept !. Miss Flora H'MiJitnln. of Scianton. and Mrs. ThnniHS Kvan". of Ht. liuls.vvho have been visiting their aunt. Mi. Jolin D- Pue, the piifct week, leturned to Stranton on Friday. .Mrs J K Peck and daughter Mame of Kingston, who have been the guests of Mrs. J W. Piatt, on Second stieet, the pist live weeks, returned home on Fi Idav llair.v Pai don, of Plttston, visited his mother at this place this v-k. ill's il.nv Mitchell leaves to-day for Wilkes. Hai re, wheie she has secured a position as ntnse lu the t'liy hospi tal Mls Sopbionl.i Luekcnblll visited friends nt Wllkes-Hiiio on Friday '.Mis , H Woodward has teturncd from a visit with relatives at Cnrbon dilc .Mis W. It Amis Is entei tnlnlng her sister, .Mis. Lnndon of Chicago Kdltor Jesse L Tiffany, nf Nlebol son, was a visitor In town on Frl dnv Dennis Hiirlev, of Meshoppen, was doing business In town on Satin dav Tlie Slaik fiimll.v it union was held a Cniisliaw paik on Sntunl.iv Theie was ti laige atti udaiice .Mls lintli Piatt who lias been visit ing friends In tile Wvotulng vnllev, le tuined home on Saturdnv. ills John il. Hat ni in is cutci tabl ing filends from N.intlioke. NEW AILFPRD. Spfclal to the Serinton Tribune. New Mllford, hept v Mis. Wateiman. of Hallsicad. was a Heit guest of her llcr illss n,i Aldricll a few da.vs last week. .Mrs Hstella Hnnilltoii of Carbon dale, called on filends hue leceutly. ill" mid Mis. (ienige Sliav and son, Caileton of I'eckvllle, ate visiting tela lives lu town. C. C Ptatt and wife weie In Hlng h, iinton Fildny. illss Hessle Shell, has ictuined to Mansfield to attend school. ilNs Jennie Hoyle entci tallied her filend, illss Clapper, of Hinghamton, the past week Daniel Hannah Is 111 nt his home on .Main stieet. Ralph Shields has leturned to Key stone acadeni. Chailes Mm so and wife, of Hrook l.vn. N. Y. aie visiting their parents lu this plai e ills, tieoige Paikei is lu Huffnlo, cailng for hot mother, who was in Jilied while alighting from a stieet cai. Hev Williams, of Hlnglianiton, was lu town Thin sday nnd Filda.v ills Chaibs limpet and daughter, Mlidied, visited at Fnion Hill last w eek. FACT0RYVILLE. prill to tie Siantnn rrilmnc Fac lnr.v lib Sent s The lten. olds fnmllj will hold tlieli annual ie union and pit lib In the Academy glove Satuidav. Septemboi It. ilis Sanlth Inghani and daughter Katie of Huntingdon W V.i . nr ilved lieie Thuisel.iv evening to visit filends anil lelatlvc, ill Ingham Is a daughtei of the late Wilbur (ianl ncr and was a icsldent lieto eais ago ill and Mis H H Hedell and chll dicii of Minneapolis, Minn left for tlieli western home last Thursday evening, after spending a month with ulativcs in tills sot t Ion. ills i: il Stark, of Kiston. Pa: ilis (icuiro Waiuer nnd tlaiighter Hel"n Flames ami .Mis Helen Nlver, of Nicholson, weie guests of ills. A. A. Hiowii last Wednesday NICHOLSON. Speihl to the fsrunion Tnh il Mcliolsou, hept s Di and ills V. C. Dei kei i etui mil home Thnisday evening, after a weeks ctay at the Pan-Aineiiean. ills. il. Clock, who has boon spend, lug some lime with lelatlves nt West Cllffoiri. has leturned to her home on hlate stliet. ill. and ilis II S Stephens ami two Illicit it aie visiting the foimer's pai -cuts. Mr. anil ilifl. J. H Stephens, at Rojal. ti W Johnson, who lias boon the guest of his uncle i: F Johnson, for the past week has returned to bis hiinie at Si raiitou .Mr. and ills A T fold, have boon the daughter. Mis C. F. past few davs , Sweet, of liar- gucts of their oslmine, for the AV0CA. The Ileptasoplis will meet tills even lug Tlie Ladles' MHslnnmj society of the l.aiigilllfe t Inn li will meet at tlie liiiine of ills. James ilciton on Thins dav aftei noon .Mesdani"s A II Mm pliv , .laine.s Hut In T A. ili Andiew, J, ,1 King. P F. Keaine.v. il .1. Clink. J D Gllioy. M. J t'lviin and J, F. Kiib.v spent Fil dc at Na.v Aug p.nk Fd.iwid Mitchell i etui nod on Satin il.i to New. spun News, uftoi a month's visit with his motliei, on the West Side William I'l on. Ii. or Lincoln Hill, bad bis leg broken on Filda.v moiiiing lu the HllMd" slope, bv being caught be tween tlie cm and a lib C II. DiUltnei has ictuined fiom the Paii-Ameiiian. Joseph Uallaghei of ila.vliold spent jesteida.v with friends The nun i luge of Patilck ili Andiew and Kate llf.ile.v was annouiiied In St. ilaiy's i liui i h estenlu ilis Daniel Foul letinncd to her heme lu West Vliglnla mi .Satuidny, aftei a month s visit lieie. .Mil's Nellie Henahmi, of Plallisv ille. Is the guest of illss Kate ilalouej. Th- dentil ol Anthouv lii.ui.ihan oc cm i ed on Sntuiriio nioiuiug. Whilo walking In the gauleii he was sud denly hclc (I wltli a weak spell and bv the time assistant e rc.u lied him lie was dead Deceased Is suivlv',d ! a wile ami sinwii-up family The funeral will take phiio tninciiinw moinliig at O.Ui) u'cloi k. A lequlem mass will be cele brated in St Minv's church. Inter ment In St Mao's cemcteiy .Mr. and Mis. P. II. O'Hilen spnt vesterday with friends In Jormvn illss Hessle Wnbhcr attended the consecration servicer at the cathcdial yesterday. Daniel Thomas left on Fiiday for his home In Wales, after .evetal wfekR visit with friends lieie. The ilooslc glas works will tesunv operations this morning. For the com Ing year they will manufacture many vm lelies of glass bottles. The Other Girl iri H 12 WAS in a veiy annolng mood, and cveiy one al all events, eveiy woman knows how veiy nniio.vlng a man can be when he likes "She Is i hut nilng." he snd. In answer to mv question ns to what she was like 1 allowed my Up to curl slightly not much ou know, foi Jack never could stand a scornful woman. The thlid ilis Jenkins" spoiled her chance Hut that is auothei slorv "Chin nilng-' I said "My dear Jack, I knew that, Kvciv woman Is (Iikuu Ing." He n know lodged the truth of this .statement with n bow. "What I meant, howevei, was that she was unusually c harming, nntl- "In fact, the veiy essence ufihaini'" I Inton upteri. "The tielilt". distilled essence, Dora. You haven't the least idea " Hut II wasn't llkei.v that I was going to listen to his piaises of another woman when It was only to mnolf I whlspcicd It I wanted him very much no self. "Of ionise I haven't " 1 put In chcrr frill.v 'I huvon't any Idea that any woman Is moic than usually charming oeopt" -and bete I boweel mocklng l.v "oup humble servant," lie smiled. "ll'in I don't deny that ou hava chat ins, Demi, but sho " This vvHH nioi i- than any womap could be expected to stand. "You might tell me her name," I sug geted, ard then commenced to hum an ale Just to show how utterly in cliff ci cut I was, "Would that be fair?" he asked. "Would If nu weie In mv place, do you think you would like It?" I laughed. 'Oli Jack. on foolish hoy, I can't imagine mself ln her place at all be ing loved by vou, I mean. It's too ili'iint " "I don't see it " he returned. "You well If it wasn't for her I believe I would ask ,vou to mairy me" "Thank j on fop nothing." T said s-wietly, though my blood was boiling "Peiliaps, if she icfuscs you, ou may think It worth jour while to" "To propose to nu.' Perhaps" I but I do hope she won't refuse me" "So do 1, Jack, because to Ret two icfiisals Isn't the best thing for a munis dignity." "You would icfuse ine?" He seemed suipilsod. "Oh, no: I would Jump at you," I ictuined sarcastically. He Rtew thoughtful, and after a mo ment oi two I asked: "When do ion. intend to er ask hoi '" 1 can't tell any one what It cost ma to ask that question. It was like ask lug vvheiiyl was to be executed. "Well I don't know," he replied. "You see I'd iusk her at once, but I am afraid that by doing so" "Faint hcait" I interiupted. "Don't you think it is much better to know tho wiqst than bo kept In suspense?" "(t depends, Dora, If sho were an ordinal y gill I dare j.iy it would be, but she b ' Why did lie leturn to that? It Tvas most galling. "Oil I know,' I F-ald, hnc-tlly. "Hivs ou a photogiaph ou.conki show me'" "I have her photograph," he replied slow lc, ' but I couldn't show it lo you." I could have killed -wim "Dear me'" I cried "She must be lly the by, is she pretty?" " Pictty.' Oil, dear no; not pretty- beautiful. Her e.ves aie like" "Spaie mo please Jack," I said, wltli the laudable Idea of sparing my self. "I'm mho 11 wish ou all suc ce." "Thank vou. ' he said Ho spoke lathei gloomily, and mj spirits lose Peiliaps she would refun him aftet all. and then and then "I wish ou both every happiness 1 said as I piepared to go, "Fh ei Dma!" he stammered, and I paused. "Ycftt, Jack " "Iff or awfully good of you to er linen to me. 1 et can't tell ou how much vou help me. I" Oh. nnnsence'" 1 cried "Oil, but It ln't. You'ie so beastlj kind, and I wanted to ask If you" Was he going to piactlco on me" "Please ?a plainly what ou want, Jaik. I-" '"A kiss, Dma " "A kiss' A kiss! Is that what ov aMked foi "" Ho nodded. "JuM et one Dma " My Impulse was to refuse, but bf foie doing so It struck me that what hn wanted wa'n't cfi veiv unreasonable and, nioi cover, that It might be woull be veiy nice. Well Jack wove been good frlmls for a long time f don't mind " It was weakness on my pa it ird when his lips touched mine I despised mj self thmotighlv. lu a moment,, however, 1 forgot about that foigot about evet.vthlng, inelceo, for a palp of slicing arms were aiourd me and a ho.nse voice whlspried n in x eat "Oh, Dora, Dora .My darling' 1 fieed nise!f as speedll as I could, and sutvejid bliu In some astonish ment "Jack, what would she sa ".'" I asko I lepio.u hfullv . fm, though I wis augi. no tlist thought was of liei "What do vou'.'" he asked, and tin emphasis was on tlie veib "ile" Wh '.' Oh. I " "It Is easj lor ou to say. 1 oh ou know wluit I nieiin " Fp till that moment 1 had not knowr but his eves told me then. "You lnvo me!" "Of couoe I" ' That's all eight." I said. "Hut tha other plil the neblc-dlstllled rstenta of-" "Is ouc dear little self," he Inter, uipted "I wanted to make .vou Jeal ou, and when 1 found 1 couldn't I I lost hope," How little tho drar fellow knew! Tho King. .