The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 07, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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'now being made by the land
Messrs. Reynolds nrnl Jone3 Have
Purchased tlio Interests of Schlnger
nnd Porter In the Plot and Aro
Making Many Changes New
. Homes nnd Their Occupants St.
Brcnden Council's Smoker Inaug
uration of St. Maria del Carmine.
Notes nnd Personals.
'Mcssis. ('. 1). Jones and li. I Rey
nolds, who have purchtiscit the Inter-.-Vsts
of John '1. Porter nrnl Charles
-HctilrtgrT tn the West Purl 1 1 not of
In iid fronting on North Mnlii avenue,
nro making extensive Improvements
oil the plot, mid when finished, to
gether with Its natural advantages,
will make It tlii' imiiki desirable rest
Ictico. section of "West Scrunton.-, Al-'.rr-htly
Mimo $J,..nuO hue been spent In
improvements, over oiii'-tlilril of which
has. been spent for Hug walks alone,
. At .present all Iho boulevards, streets
nrnl avenues a iv being graded, new
trees are being planted, tlio gutteis
it lo being paved, fi t-jjji foil I lieltiK laid,
anil countless other Impioveincnts aie
Kl'lttfT on, which nro noticeable on eveiy
hand. 1 1 n ml roils of people visit tho
plot dining tho wool; and on Sundays,
''i'iihI nil me miurcd nt tho changes tint
have tnkon place within tho past two
years. Since tho land was put on tho
market In August. IS'ifi, Hourly two
htimlroi! of tho ISO lots have hoon sold,
nud nver llfty single nnd double houses
have ben ofootod nnd ncenpled.
Thu pi-lees of lots range from JIM to
JI.oT.O, according tn location, nnd thoto
yot remains unsold n number of vory
dclrnhlp icsldeneo site. Tho home
that lmvo already boon Pivoted com
pare favorably villi any In tho oily,
nnd those who have bought lots nrnl
hllllt houses thereon nie known among
tho host people of Wet Si-ranton. On
.Main iivPline, near Pcttehono street, M.
It. Carpenter, sales-agent on the plot,
has hnilt a handsome double house,
with all modern Improvements, and
north of It, Frank Shedd in mutse
of eruption n sulwtiintinl single house,
which will lie ready for ociiipaney In
n short time.
Retween the Schlager nnd Oram
boulevards. Mrs Catherine Smith. Col.
Reese A. Phllllns. titillltli T. Davis
and Samuel I) pettit have erected and
Occupied four of the finest single houses
Itof and Almond Cream remove
redness of the akin and toothM the
pain of (unburn In one night. Take
a bottle with you on your vacation.
At the Globe
A Few News
The work of remodeling the store is far from complete yet, but
you'll find enough changes and improvements on your next visit
to jjive you an inkling of what the main tloor will be like when
the alterations are completed. Fall Coats, Skirts and Waists
have come to hand this week, and the formal Opening of Fall
Dress Goods may be looked for next week.
Saturday Specials
Early Fall Hosiery
For Ladies and Misses. Fast black, fancy drop stitch
and very superior make. Two special values for Satur
day 35c and
A Remarkable Corset
At the price short length, straight front, in an elegant
model. Colors pink, blue, white and drab. Saturday
A Saturday Ribbon Sale
Fine Satin Ribbons in all shades. Nos. 5 and 7 5c.
Nos. 9 and ia 9c. Nos. 16 and 30
25c Neckwear for 9c
All of our Pretty Neckwear for Ladies that sold for 25
i-- -cents, will go on sale on Saturday morning. Choice of
the lot
1 Mate hi ess Neckwear
Most men have an idea that Neckwear that only costs a
'.' .quarter is not good enough for them. Ordinary 25-cent
', Neckwear is cheap and trashy looking, we'll admit, but
;'.'. , ,: ouriis not. ordinary. See the first display on Saturday.
All styles and colors for fall wear. Choice
;New Fall Shirts
Stiff fronts, nobby styles, in an immense assortment of
materials and patterns. Our two leaders are unmatcha
ble for the money. No. 1 59c, No. 3
arly (Tall Shirt Waists
In plajn colors and fancies
: $1.50; $i-75 and $2.00 each.
1 if'f tfn'.ftpt.urday for, each
Globe Warehouse
ii-.irgiVwVVv,'g-iVliiiVV-iJiTiJii "
In West Scranton. Tho handsome
double houso on the corner of North
Main avenue and Oram boulevard Is
being built by the Iwrklti Hrothcts
of West Lackawanna, avenue, nnd will
bo rompletcd In a short time. Ad
joining them is the homes of Lewis
Harris and David Gardner, Just tin
Ished, nnd the other one In course of
erection Is owned by Samuel Folhnmus.
On Hyde Park avenue, between I'ct
tobnno street nnd Sehtager houlevnrd,
single houses have been erected and
ocettpled by .fames It. Quitman, F.vnn
it. Reese nnd Kvnn t. Jones, while
Poor Director Samuel Williams has
built ntip of the finest double houses on
the plot. The single houses between
the Schlnger nnd Oram boulevards on
tlydo Park avenue nre owned by Mrs.
Hartley, Mrs. Margaret Saul, George
Dawklus and Kinerson Knapp.
Five single houses have been built
on ltromley avenue In the first block,
which aro owned and occupied by M.
U. Stone. Andrew Coyne. Frank Chase,
Lot LudwlR nnd N. H. Warren, nnd In
the second block there Is four double
nnd three single dwellings, erected by
Dr. .1. J. Carroll, W. F. Dolmetsch,
William Watklns, Thomas Cllbbnn.o,
Chnrles S. Stelter, Fred Strcunlng. and
D. II. Herfllekor. Two double and two
single houses nre also erected on Rrom
ley nvonue nbovo Oram boulevard.
They belong to llentoii VI. Weldcy,
Mary A. Woolsey, George W. VanGor
der and Owen Singer.
On tho Schlnger hnulovnrd Hingle
houses have been built by Thomas It.
Hlco and Mrs. Schlager, nnd tho homes
on PetteboiiP street have been built
nnd nre occupied by Simon Thomas,
David .1. Walters, William Humphreys,
11. C. Sweet. .1. A. nnd F. S. Stookey,
W. II. Mi'Carty occupies the single
house on Garfield avenue In the plot,
and the houses In course of erection
on Lincoln nvenue aie being built by
.1. It. McCann nnd Mr. Coughlln.
.Inmes P. .Ionian recently purchased
n hlnglo house on that street from the
West Park Land company.
On Sumner aveitme there are six
double houses nud lx single ones.
The former nro owned or occupied by
David II. .lones. It. C. Kline, S. T.
Devoe, W. S. Millies. William Will
lams, .lolin K. Phillips, Mrs. Dei-tha
ltemnly nnd W. .1. Thomas. The lat
ter nre tile properties of the Traders'
lteal Kstnte company. Frank Stover.
Otio (tiiennel. Cadover Morgan, Thom
as Iterldlngton and tho West Park
Land company.
For further particulars call at the
oillco on the plot, M. It. Carpenter,
sales ngent. or G. F. I'eynnlds, Con
noil building.
St. Brenden's Smoker.
The members of St. Hronden's coun
cil. No. I'l::. Young Men's Institute,
held an onJo utile smoker and )-oclal
session in their hall last evening.
President Thomas F. Mcllugh piesldcd,
and made appropriate remarks.
P. ,1. McGuiro, grand state secretary
of the Young Men's Institute, spoke on
th alms nnd objects of the organiza
tion, and .lames J. lloaih, of the Phil
Sheridan cninuil. also spoke along
similar lines. Keinatks were also
made by Joseph J. Cullen, of Dunmiire.
Shirt Waists actually worth
Only a few dozens to go
M. J. FlUdlhbon referred to the suc
cess of St. Ilrcmlcn's council, nnd
President McIIukIi dwelt upon tho
work ho has outlined for the coming
winter months.
Tho other features of tho cvenliiff
were a violin solo by Krnnk Doyle,
declamation by Will (lllroy, banjo solo,
Kdward McCann; piano m1u, Leo Cros
slin declamation, Thomas l.arkin;
vocut solo, William I.ynott, nnd piano
solo, J. 1. Kelly. Uood cigars wore
also enjoyed.
St. Maria del Carmine.
Tho Brand Inauguration of St. Maria
del Carmine for tho benellt of Saint
I.ucla church, of Chestnut street, will
take place today and tomorrow.
A grand musical programme lias
been arranged for tho Vesper service,
which will take place this evening at
7."0 o'clock, also for the 10.30 o'clock
mass tomorrow morning, and will bo
under the supervision of the ltoma
band, of Dumnore.
A fireworks dlsplny will be made
Sundny evening. The display and de
corations will be supplied by Mr. Mat
eruzzo, of New York. Refreshment!) of
ull kinds will bo on saK
Q. A. Williams Improving.
The most encouraging reports yet re
ceived from the bedside of (1. A. Wil
liams came yesterday and were to tho
effect that ho has recovered conscious
ness nnd Is much improved.
He has been suffering from hem
orrhages of tho nose, however, and the
unending physlclnn believes thut when
these are slopped ha will continue to
reiover gradually.
liwilym's hundreds of friends- will bo
pleased to receive tills encouraging
news, and will bo glad to welcome him
back home again In due time.
Mis Mary i:nns, of South .Main
avenue, Is at the I'an-Amerlcaii this
Mrs. W. D. Smith, of South Main
avenue, Is rapidly recovering from her
recent accident.
Mis. Louis llnllet, of Stratford ave
nue, Is 111.
K. V. Kverett, of Stratford nvenue, Is
moving to the central city.
One of the largo open cars of the
Foranton JJnlluay company made in
appearaneo here yesterday.
Joseph lloonan, of Stratford nvenue,
met with an accident yesterday on
0110 of the elevators.
Mrs. nnd Mrs. Thomas Hayless, of
Watson luentie. attended the wetldlnjj
of Mi. Unyless' sisters, at Feltsvllle,
Thursday evening.
Justin T. Smith, of Lincoln phar
miity, has added a filter and earbonat
Ing nparatus to Ills soda water de
Son Ires over the remains of Kstlier.
tho young child of Mr. nud Mrs. (leorgo
Thompson, were conducted yesteiday
ufteinoon by llev. S. V, Mathews, of
the l'irst HaptiM church, at the family
residence on South lljde l'.n-k avenue.
Interment was privately made in the
f'ainlirla cemetery.
Tho leinalns of the late Nelson
Lnwry. who died nt the homo of his
daughter, Mrs. P. J. Itanium, nt the
coiner of Koblnsim ami Chestnut
streets, will be taken to Clifford, Sus
quehanna, county, nt 7 o'clock this
morning, where interment will be made
later In the day.
Mrs. V. c. Hall, of North Main ave
nue, entertained tho Woman's Foreign
Missionary society of tho Simpson
Methodist Kplseopnl church at her
homo last evenlni;. After the regular
business was tiansaited, refreshments
were served.
Mrs. Tliomas 15. Kdwnrds. of North
Hromlo nvenue, is entertaining .Mrs
Nettle An. el nnd daughters, (ioldle nnd
Nellie, of Spraguovlllo. and Misses
Corn nnd 1,11a Hlnlsor. of Wllkes-Harre,
John Snundors, a lad residing on
l'rice street, while playing with a
number of i oinpniiloiis on Thursdny,
near his homo, fell and dislocated his
shoulder. Dr. David J. Jenkins was
called und attended to the boy's Injury.
District Deputy Commander John D.
Francis, of Taylor. Installed the olll
iois of Kloctrlo City coiiminndery, No.
177. Knights of .Malta, oi, Thursday
Kev. J. I. Moffat. D. 1)., pastor of
the Washburn Street 1'resbyterlan
church, will conduct a congregational
meeting at the Taylor Presbyterian
church tomorrow-afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Dr. A. J. Wlnebrake and mother,
Mrs. M. Wlnebrake, of North Rebecca
avenue, loft yesterday for an extended
slay near Ontario, Canada, where they
expect to remain for some time.
II. C. Hltiman, of Tenth street, was
bitten by a dog recently, and ! suffer
ing from u liiine leg In consequence.
An Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Thomas Sheridan was Interred in the
Cathedral cemetery on Thursday. This
Is the second child they have lost with
in the past two weeks.
Rvan J. Jones, of Twenty-third
at root, who was a delegate to the state
convention from Camp ITS. Patriotic
Order Sons of America, has Just re
turned homo from Philadelphia and
Atlantic City, where he went after the
Thomas Houser, a well-known resi
dent of Swetland street, Is confined to
his home wits nn attack of rheuma
tism. Karl and Ilyron Uleseeker. of North
Promley avenue, have returned to their
home from nn extended sojourn with
relatives at Mt. Poeono,
Miss Helen Hoel, of Lake Ariel, Is
spending a few days with West Scran
ton friends.
Miss Jennie Kvans. of Forty Fort, Is
among tho visitors In town.
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Dryant have re
turned to their homo in New York,
after a week's sojourn with Mr. nnd
Mrs. W. H. Iiryant, of South Main nvet
Mrs. L. T. Wldener. of North Lin
coin avenue, has been called to Sweet
Valley, owing to tho serious Illness of
her father.
(ieorge Hursehell, the traveling cigar
agent of South Main avenue, has re
turned homo from an extended trip
through the west.
Mrs. Margaret Robinson, of Hamp
ton street. Is entertaining her sister,
.mis, j-.uzanetn Masters, of Hurling
ton, Kansas.
iMIkh Marjl unnnings, (of Price
fltreet, hns retttrnod home from a
week's visit with friends In Plttston.
William Young, of South Bromley
avenue, is seriously HI at his home.
A pleasant lawn social was held on
Thursday evening at the homo of Mr.
und Mrs. Kdward Reynolds on Chest-
Allow coueli to run until It gets brjronl the
rcnh of, innlli'lne. Tlicv often ny, "Oh, it will
wur y," but In iwwt iaci It will wear
tlicm iy. CoulJ they bo Induced to try im
ucitsalul intdlriiis railed Kemp'a l!jm, ulilih
1 sold en a poItle Ruanuueo to cine, they
would Immediately keo tlio excellent effect after
tal.lng the drkt iloe. I'rlio 8' fr- XrUI
! lr. M all drurriKiK
nue street, where' a large party of
guests were entertained.
Henry P. Davtes, of South Main nve
nue, Is entertaining Morgan Davles
and Thomas Williams, of Mt. Car
met. Misses Jennie Williams, Helen Jones,
Kllzabeth Jenkins and Mary Thomas,
all of thlw side, ore spending a few
days at Harvey's lake.
Miss Sarah Davis, of North ltrom
ley avenue, has returned homo fium
Ruffalo and the Pan-American.
Mrs. n, R, led wards Is spending a
few da.ys among1 friends In New
Miss Kdllh Woodyatt, of Fifteenth
street, was tendered a party on Thurs
day evening In honor of her fifteenth
birthday. The usual diversions Inci
dental to such gatherings were en
joyed by a largo number.
Richard Reese, of Lafayette street,
was kicked by a mule while he was at
work In the Archbald mine recently.
His Injury was not serious.
The members of the Mystic Klcven
foot ball team are requested to meet
nt 7 o'clock this evening at the corner
of South Main avenue nnd FJynon
Miss Rertha Davis, of South Re
becca nvenue. Is spending her vaca
tion at Lake Wlnoln.
Miss Tessle Kennedy, of New York,
Is visiting at the home of Mrs. Walsh,
1924 Washburn street.
Miss Myrtle nought, of South Hyde
Park avenue, Is visiting her cousin,
Mls nnnle Rought, at Nicholson.
Mrs. i.uthor Williams and daughter
Kate, of Rome, N. Y., nre the guests
of West Scranton friends and rela
tives. Miss Mattle Wagstaff. of Division
street, Is entertaining her cousin, Miss
lone Taylor, of Hopbottom.
Frank Phillips, of Swetland street,
has returned home from the Pan
American exposition.
Rev. nnd Mrs. A. I. Ramer and son,
Paul, of South Lincoln avenue, have
returned home from their vacation.
All members of the Oxford Glee
party arc requested to meet at tho
Welsh Congregational church, South
Main avenue, tomorrow evening at 7.!!0
o'clock, as business of importance will
be transacted.
The last mass at St. Patrick's church
tomorrow morning will bo celebrated
at H.uO o'clock, on account of tho conse
cration services of Illshop Uurvcy at
the cathedral. All of the priests of the
parish will participate in the latter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nichols nnd
son, Will, of Lafajott" street, have re
turned from New York and the sen
shore. Mr. Nichols was also selecting
his fall and winter patterns for men's
R. (1. Morgan, son Ray and daughter
Annie R of South Main avenue, havo
returned from the Pan-American. Mrs.
Morgan Is visiting nt Perry, N. Y.
A young man named Humphreys, re
siding at the corner of Pettebono
street and Hromley avenue, was pros
trated on West Lackawanna avenue
last night. 11' was removed' to tho
West Side hospital, where he was at
tended to. At a late hour he was rest
ing easily.
Miss Kthcl Clark, of Youngstown, 0
Is the guest of tho Misses Murphy, of
Chestnut stroet.
Herman Albert, of Stone avenue, was
seriously Injured Thursday, while
working at the Scranton Nut and Holt
works. Albert was working at one of
the large shears, with which the iron
Is cut, when a heavy piece of Iron fell
and injured four fingers of his right
hand, and also injuring his other hand,
lie was taken to the hospital, where
his wounds weie dressed. He was
taken to his home later.
The funeral of Lydia, the 3-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Harry
took place yesterday afternoon at -.l!0
o'clock, from the family residence at
Cionet street and Plttston avenue. In
terment was mad in the Cathcdial
Tho members of tho St. Joseph's
Reneflclal society will meet Sunday
afternoon In St. Mary's hall.
William IS. Rresser. sr., of Hickory
Mi eel, has letuincd from a .six weeks'
tour of Ruffalo, Albany and other
(ieorge Rolf, of Prospoi t avenue, and
Alexander and Henry Meyer have left
for a week's visit at tho Pan-American.
Mrs. Theodore Hessinger nnd sons,
Albert nnd Harry, of Carbondale, aro
visiting .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hessin
ger, on IWUow street.
The members of the .lunger Maonner
chor met for rehearsal last evening at
ijcrmunia hall.
The Meadow Krnnk Drum foips will
run their first picnic in Weber's glove.
Taylor, tonight. There will be visit
ing corps from Carbondale to Pltts
ton. Music for dancing by the Star
The corner-stone of tho new parish
house of the Hickory street (ierm.iu
Presbyterian church will lie laid Sun
day afternoon at - o'clock.
The gospel meeting at tho South
Side Y. W. C. A. rooms, 10:'l Cedar
avenue, will be held Sunday afternoon
at 11.45 o'clock. Miss Strong, state
secretury of Pennsylvania, will be pres
ent and lead the meeting. There will
be special music. All women and glilfl
arc Invited (o be present.
Philadelphia, son of the late Dr. Lang
hnrrie, and himself formerly a resident
of this city, died Thursday nt Lake
Wlnola. He was 28 years of age and
for the last three years attended col
lege in Philadelphia, studying for the
medical profession. The funeral will
be belli from the home of John (1.
Hughes, of Qulncy avenue. The date
has not yet been tlxcd.
died yesterday morning at her homo
on Keyser avenue. Sho is survived
by two sons, James nnd Patrick. The
funeral will be held tomorrow after
noon at 3 o'clock, with services at the
Holy Rosary church and Interment In
tho Cathedral cemetery.
This morning the funeral of Charles
Robliibou, of I.eggett's street, will
be held from his late home at 10
o'clock. A requiem mass will bo cele
brated at Holy Rosary church and In
terment will he made in the Cathedral
Tho funeral of Mrs. Thomas Clarke,
of West Market street, will bo held
Sunday afternoon nt 2.30 o'clock from
her lute home. Interment will be
tnado in the Cathedral cemetery.
The funeral of John Uiifllths, who
died at tho Lackawanna hospital
Thursday inomlng, will take place to
dny. Services will bo held at the homo
of his daughter on Wayne nvenue nt
3 o'clock, and will bo conducted by
Rev. W. F. Davics. of tho Memorial
Raptlst church. Interment In the
Washliurn street cemetery.
Fall and Winter Importations
See Display Window.
fl. J. Horan & Son,
Clothiers, Hatters, Tailors, Furnishers.
Oamewell Tire Alarm Company to
Be Asked to Fix Up the System.
Number of Bills Approved Stone
Crusher Continues to Prove Itself
an Expensive Institution Services
in the Churches Tomorrow Joseph
O'Horn, a Slate Picker, Injured in
No. 1 Breaker. '
The (oumil met Inst nlu'ht with all
numbers jiresent. The clerk was In
structed to communicate with the
Uamewell Fire Alarm company and
endeavor to have some needed ehanses
made to the apparatus on hand. The
borough attorney was Instructed to
notify ull companies who have not
compiled with the license tax ordi
nance to do so within ten days or
legal steps will be taken against them.
The chief of police reported six ur
rcts during- the past month. Time
sheets of the chief of pollie for $3.".3ri,
street commissioner's for Jutiti.ii", stone
crusher expenses for $25J."2, and chief
of lire department for $150, were ap
proved and ordered drawn. Messrs.
Jeffrey nnd X.linmcrmuii, sewer vlow
eij, presented their bills to the council,
but action was postponed until the
next meeting. Miscellaneous bills
nmountiUK to Jss.VI:: were onleied
A mothm was made by i'ouiutlman
Ward Instructing the borough at-
torney to apply to court for a manda
mus against Treasurer Wahlers to
compel him to pay orders drawn for
work done at the stone crusher and
which weie held up owing to the re
fusal of Rurgess Husvhell to counter
sign them.
During the putt month the expenses
for labor done at the crusher amount
ed to J'.TiL'.l':'. and during tills period
19 loads of stone wore crushed, mak
ing the cost of procuring stone about
$l.!i."i per load, Frank Nlcketson was
unanimously chosen as high constable
for the ensuing year.
Church Notices.
Diininore 1'resbyterlan church, Rev.
W. F. (libboii, pastor. Services will
be conducted at 10.:;o a. in. and 7.30 p,
in., by the pntilnr. Morning subject,
"The Dre.sent ('ilsls. Fvenlljj; sub
ject. "Swing l.'p to Our Uest Im
pulses." Services at the Tripp nvenue Chris
tian church tomorrow will be as fol
lows: Sunday school nt 10 a. in.,
preaching service at 11 a, nt., conduct
ed by Rev. J. D. D.ibney. t'ommiin
ion Immediately nfter church service.
Kvenlug service nt 7.1.1.
The, Flint Methoiiist Ilplscopnl
church, Rev. Charles Henry "Vowing,
pastor. There will be the usual ser
vices. The pastor will preach both
morning and exening. Henry Dreyer
will sing nt the evening service.
A. I'. McDonough has added two
handsome Iteiilu coaches, from the fac
tory of Ilaiicks & Johnson, to his
Dr. ('. M. Storm, now of Philadelphia,
Is renewing old aeiiualntances In town.
Miss Minnie Sanders has returned
from a vacation, spent at Rrldgeport,
Miss Leah Mowery Is visiting friends
in Wllkes-Rarre.
Royal Tuft, of ltlakely street, Is nt
the Pan-American.
Mrs. Stephen Harrington, of Ttoy, .
V., Is tho guest of Miss Nellie Har
rington, of Apple street.
John Moffatt. jr., of Kim stieet, Is
lsltlng his sister, Mrs. A. R. O'Neal,
at LcGrance, N. V.
Rev. W. 1''. Olbbons returned yes
terday from a two weeks' visit, spent
with Missouri friends.
Miss F.niniu Ludwig Is very much
Improved and she is now pronounced
out of danger by the attending physi
cian. Joo O'Hora, a boy about l!i years of
age, employed us slateplcker at No. 1
breaker, was slightly Injured yester
day, having ono foot squeezed, hut for
tunately no bones were broken,
John Jones, of Hydo Park, was the
only pilsoner In police court yesterday
morning. Jones bring charged with
being-drunk and -disorderly. He was
arrested by Patrolman Mcllule. Mae-
Fresh from the looms of the
best makers in the world. The
custom-made clothes we build
are unexcelled for style and work
manship, as we employ only the
best workmen. Give us a call
for your next suit.
Istrnto Fldler fined him $3, which he
The Kejutonn literary and Dra
matic -club, one of the lending societies
of this section, are making large pre
parations for a banquet which will be
given next Wednesday evening at the
auditorium. The auditorium will be
decorated by different decorating art
ists of Scranton. The club Is one of
the most prominent organizations of
this city. It has among Its member
shop t-omo of the leading dramatic
artists of the city.
There will bo a special meeting of
St. Mary's cadets tomorrow afternoon
at 1.3D o'clock at St. Mary's hall. All
members are requested to be picsent.
Kx-I'ntrouiuan Jonathan Rodham, of
Rlalr avenue, left Tuesday for Ruffalo
and Hradford, Pa,
The Misses Stamp, of Carbondale,
are the guests nt A. K. Vandermark,
of Spring street.
Services w ill be conducted tomor
row night at the Welsh Rapt 1st church
by Rev. J. V. Davles.
Mr. and .Mrs. Alexander Starkey, of
Summit avenue, left last Wednesday
for an extensive trip through Ohio
nnd Michigan.
Mi Mji.v Miami, et Marinn lnH, Irlt Jen for HutUlii, Mtiriv the will tike .1 ioiiim.' in
Ml. ('. 11. flraily, of llrnio-clilr. li tho uncsl uf
Mr'. M. (' Cirr, ef lli ktnn aniiu-
Mm. O-trrhniit and Mr. 1'rcd ( liase. nf I'ac
torvville, wpif lfliMiwH Htnr line ,Mtrnl.ij.
Harry Diiiiniiic:, of llaitfuril, is Msltiug tirrcn
lll.Ji.-o fil.-nd.-".
Martin MilioR of llir l'lat. nnnre uiit a war
mil for hi father, M. I". Milml.. for re
in? III. life, mill had turn taken Inline AMoitnaii
Ilillej, ot Diiksnu aemie, .vesterchy afternoon.
When the defendant readied the al.lrniwH' uf
Hi" he wan n lull of flshl that he nlehed nn
('lc llufftlnc nnil Hied to Kive him a
thrahiinr and threatened to kill the aldriinan.
He was put under !?IOO bail, hut Ma un.itde lo
Hud a boud.-iiuu and nai ininiiiittid to jail.
Two week airn he u.n aireled for dUonhrly
riimliiit and put under jm lull.
C.ieen lliilife Indue, No. HO!, Independent Or
der of Odd I'YIIoms will nominilp uftii er for
the rniiiinir .'ear 'Ihuiwlay curling, Sept. I'l.
(Irein lllilne druggUU are oonsidenne tin- d-l-.ilnlily
of (Iomiii: their plaees of bu-ino.-j at !'
oMoik p. in., Instead of 10 anil II o'clock, a it
pii'sont. Tlili is surely a mine in the ritflit dim
tl.m. The Initiatory cleeree )i ronfened Thurfday
rii'iii-iK at the regular Meeting ot !reen ItnUe
Iodise, Independent Outer of Odd I'elloHH.
Mr.. .1. M. Howell, of (Jreen llidpe klreet, ia
ft Hourly ill.
Mix. II. It. Niiol, of W ilkei llaue, and Mm.
Charles Chamberlain, iif Klui.'toii, ilauclitrM of
.1. M. Howell, weie minmoned to firetn KldRC
jejlordaj-, uwiiti; to the seriiiw llliie ot Mrs.
Mr. nnd Mi. A. (J. nrandt left je'terday for
two weeks .tay ut bake Idiewlld, Misinioliaiiua
count v.
Ml Nellie I'hkttt, of No. 2d school, will
make her home for the Inter Willi Mr. and
Mil lliadi. ot Mon.-ev aeniie.
Mr. and Mm. II. It. Amlruva, with Mr. nud
Mil. Nel-on (iairett, leae today for the Pan
American, Chicipi and Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. I'. II. M.iikhoue are at Lake
Major T. F. Penman Returned from
Knights Templar Conclave.
Major T. F. Ftiiiuan has returned
from 1 In trip to Louisville to itlend
the triennial conclave of the Knights
Templar, .mil his subsequent trip to
RulTalo. Toronto i.nd Falls.
lie arrived In the city Thursday
ulghti mill yesterday nlteriionn re.
sinned his duties as Internal revenue
collector, lie declares that the Temp
lars' conclave was a highly successful
one and that the Lnulsvllllans' hospi
tality wiw of the most generous de
scription. The Templnis were in session Au
gust "ill, 27. 2S and '.'9. 'Major Penman
acted as the head of the third dUislon
In the grand parade, which was one
of the assembly's features. Pennsyl
vania had a delegation of seven hun
dred Templars at Louisville, the in..
polity of them coming from the west
ern part of the state.
Survivors of the One Hundred and
Forty-third Will Meet There.
The annual reunion of the One Hun
dred unit Thlrty-seconfl' regiment'.
Pennsylvania volunteers, will be held
at Canton, Rradford county, Septem
ber 17, 1001. This beautiful town on
tho line of the Northern Central rail
road Is aeceseiible via Northumberland
and the train leaving Scranjwn at 1,30
p. in. .Monday, September pi, will bo
the train that the Scranton delega
tion and those living In the vicinity
will go on. The faro Is $i5. 10 round
trip. Tlio hotel accommodations are
ample ami a special rale has been
granted the coinrRiios. Those going
from this secllon would confer a favor
on the fcccrctary, Dan J. Newman, ot
Academy of Husic
M. ltlJS, A .1 PI tiY, Manlftfr- Two IVrfoiniiniri 'nf
Miss Amy Lee
Malinee at '.! 1j. I've c ai s 13,
Malinee l'uiei i."i and 1.1 Ci'iiK
I'tening Prices .V), .'J. ..-; and 1.1 CenN. '
Tor one mild week, innnneneliu; Monday evenila?,
Spt. nth, with
mi: mis- in- n pnuoN.
Matinee Prleea - pi and '0 Ce.nK
1'uninc Prices- 10, 20 and M Cents,
.AM, fi. Hl.liltlMiliiN, Manager.
Paily Matinee.
Uilanee of Week.
Next Week Kings and Queens.
for Vfrimu, R-ukuard and peat Mute Chll
dun. I'lmlcal Trillium;, M.iiunl i'lajnlns, Arlle
ulalion. Miuie, Drawing, Kindergarten. Open
jcar diounij. i. ircuiar.
S. A. Doolittle,
fc! I'arview Aienue, ninch.nnton, N. Y.
this city. It they would report to him,
so the delegation could all be on hand
and make arrangements accordingly.
Views of Camllle Flammaiion on thj
The eminent French scientist,, wilt
ing on tho rciiiltM of rndlcultiire at thoj
Jitvlsy observatory, says, experiments
made with silkworms tended to t-hnw
that those kept under dark cnlmcil
glass ate less than those kept under
light coloied glass, and also that un
der the darker glass the percentage ot
males produced was greater than un
der light glass. He thinks that li rlv
peiiments coincide with tiie theory that
a preponderance of male births occur
when there Is a diminution"!!! tho
quantity and quality of nourishment,
supposing that sex can be Influenced
by external circumstances nt nil,
Since the cm ly part of the lust t- n
tury many theories have been iuoachecl
to account for the difference of sex In.
plants and animals, but nothing deilu
lte hilt; been proved. The generally a -cepteil
theoiy Is that natuio tends ii
piesrve Itself by maintaining a nearly
equal piopiirllon ol the sexes anil that
when circumstances teqiiire the lllling
up of the epiota of either sex It Is
biought about by operation of natural
laws. Thus It has been noticed that
after wars or plagues more nwile chil
dren are bom than females. That good
nntiiiediment appears to produce a ills,
tinet prepnndeinnce of females, accord
ing to tho Kncjclopedlii Rrltatinlca, la
perhaps the single result which at ptes
ent can be legarded as clearly proven
and genetally accepted, Twenty jenia
limr Professor Schenk of Vicuna for
mulated substantially the same theory,
which attracted grout attention Thi
Investigation of agricultural observers
leavo little, doubt that abundant lpolc.
ture and nourishment tend to prudu.' 6
In the cne of Insects the tesiilts aro
said lo be still more conoliiiiiiti ,
Thus. It has ben shown that If ratei
plllais are starved hofoie entering ni
i hrysalls stale theresultant butterflies
or moths are males, while otheis of tho
sumo brood, highly nourished, cajiieout
females. An Important experiment was
made among mammals hy tiiron. who
divided a (lock of SOO ewes Into equal
ports, of which tlio one. half weie ex
tremely well fed and served by two
young ranis, while the other was served
by two inaturo ranis mid poorly fed.
The proportion of ewe lambs In tlm
two cases was respectively I'O and 4C
per cent, in the human species, after
ii choleia epidemic or a war, nlorn
hoys aie sold to be burn. In town and
prosperous families there aie also moia
females, while males are moie numer
ous in tin- country and among tho
poor. Tills would also account for tho
extinction of many nobk families in
tho male line. Tli" Influence of tern
peratuio is also marked, morle males
beng burn dui'iig the colder months.
iThfaA tlnv fnnatilH ar.
Inconvrnlonrr, nllrrt Isnil muyf I
in vMen i odriiw. t'iwv'M-j
belli an J Inlrelloua fair.