The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 07, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    fT-fftrtHfJt nJ'p"-'''1 '"",o jkr-ffpori
i- - pm'
j i
An Excellent Combiinition.
The pleasant method nnt beneficial
cfTccts of the well known remedy,
Srntir of Fiob, inannfnetnred by the
Camfoiinia Fio Srnur Co., illnstrato
the valuoof obtaining the liquid laxa
tlvo principles of plants known to bo
mcdicinnlly laxative and presenting
them In the form most refreshing to tho
taste and acceptable to tho system. It
Is tho one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overeomo habitual constipatlou per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every object lonaolo quality and sub
stance, and Its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or Irritating them, innku. it tho ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
arc used, as they uro pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho
remedy aro obtained from senna nnd
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California. Flo Svnui
Co. only. In order to get itsbencflelal
effects and to avoid Imitations, please
remember the full namepfthoCompany
printed on tho front of every package.
For salo by oil DrtiRRlsls. Price Ma. per bottlo.
P. k 11. PAY ll.s. 'Mic Hclinaic nn.l llii'l
on plcl JfnliriUy at Ihc Mcmtn-, Lcnnrtt'i
Cretlc, )licVon jihI Von Mnnh mini's.
f'lvr. PKHONS NATI IIU.I.IUI.- Kie prrnn
wrf n.iluinli?cel at tin- M.lnn of tlm lYelrral
e-wirt hfld in ll.irrilniiir lln week, jihI t lirce
attornojs jrltniltni In jirai tn o In Uir court. 1,101011 SI'.U.INn. M.iuMr.ito Storr
'. yrrlrnUy i-oininlttfil .Inlm Noll, nf Miitli Si ran-
ton. tn the county (.ill for llilrly ih. on the
' ihaise of rclllnc liquor without a license.
HAS M0i:i HIS OIWirratS.-IMoirc In
Hankrupliy I'. A. Van Wounrr jctrrday iiiomiI
into hl l'iftt- qtMitrm In t lie ImileJiiic.
llf Is now ornmcil In the loom allotlcil the ellv
trlit attorney.
Ni:w I.r.rilMl 10. A new ldtcr lm .i
jrftriday iilareit in the nulling mom at the
limlnffkr. It rontaini one lmtulreil ami forty
I'lieon liolrei and will lie iwd for tiipar.itinK
larnc letters fipm the ordinary mall.
I'OOr 11M.I, I'llVCril I!. C.itiln Kucene
Tioip and hii Scranton Ilisli uliool foot lull
team aie Krtllns dill.v n.iclieo .it Athletic I'aiK.
A Urce nmiilu'r of pb.cen aie tr.iin for tho
cleien and llio eonipeiltlem is linlv.
T. A. l.UUIV 1M1I!IV- A letter wa jester
rliy teielied at tlie pn.tnlflic .i-kinir for Informa
tion a to the minion of Tlionian A. Lewis, lite
pilvate in Conipanv A, 'I'lilrleentli recltnent. 'Iho
loniimmli'atlnn cn from lilentrnant Colonel (I.
W. Il.ilrd, of the pay department.
t-M.r, nut com.miiti:i: Mi:i:nn -Tin?
prinoirallu ftamlins roinmittee of Lackawanna
county will meet at the St. Clurlei hotel Mon
day rmliiff at S n'clnil, for the purpose of fit
mir the time tor holding lloinoci.iilc primaries
and -0!init ion.
ciiAiini.ii wirii ini:nrins-. Mm. neorge
V. l'o.-trr, of 1.110 llamplon street, ranged the
w arret of her hu-li.iiid on 'l'hurd,iy nisht on the
i hirers of definition and non-uppnit. He M4
committed to the immty jail liy Mjglstratc Howe
tn default of $.ii bail.
ni.OC'II WANTS A .Mlll.--.lrfpli niorh, tlio e
mounted patiolmiu, who was removed from the
force iccently for "lli gooil of the service," is
aniom to eruie n kltuation, and If any one
lilions of a joli tint will lie to .loi's liking ho
will he grateful to tliem If they will "put lilm
nfl," lie
P., I., k V. PAY DAS. The employes of the
Diamond, Nl.inv ilto and Storrs mines were paid
jestrrday and todlv tlie paymaster will visit all
he roljirrir In Taj lor, Krjser Vallev, We-t
Fcranton and North Snanton. On Monday the
r ml -monthly pa.v will lie nude at the lollirrra
in the lower end of the company' territory.
r.rtAMMAH A 1i:.UIli:itS. - mirtlng of the
Orammir A piliiilpals v.n held jefteiday after
noon in tlie lioaid of lontiol loom., when Iho
following oflli rr-i weie to-elected: President,
T'rofcor Pavid Owens, of No. l.i; seiretaiy,
PioffM-or .1. II. Ilawktr, of No. 2. The luinci
pals aie to meet at Mated liitriv.ils to dism-n
among thenislics the work ji( (iramnur A
WIITI Si:i!IOl'.-t.Y ClIAIKilMI. -Annie .l.ikos
ky aiyl .lohn Dir.pNk, who are charged with hav
ing lived together as man and wife at Old Torge
for several months, were aliened jCAtcnlay at the
intanee of County Detective V. . Phillips on
the rlnrge of adulteij. Mr. Phillips Is ailing
as preecutor In place of Anthony .Icrkosky, the
woman's hn.lnnd. The couple will he given a
heailng this morning by Magistrate Millar.
A f-OCTAI, SKsln.N. A hocial ke.sion wis held
Thurday night by tlie MrpliUto club at Its rooms
on inuie meet. ItifrrxhuieuU were eived and
an enjojable programme was rendered. Those
prefflit wrr; William Pecker, Calvm lleiker,
rhlllp Men;;, C.eorge Cleveland, John Ilechtnhl,
Itobfrt Jones, Ilnliert Stewart, Walter IVcliiik,
Julius PoMier. Jacob Ivulilmaii, (leoige Maulev,
Joseph Kirn. Hioige Seeley, Wjrd llloonier, Itiy
CUrk and Kdviaid Hal lock.
Y. O. & W. Special Sunday Excur-
,. .fcion for Lnko Poyntelle.
WMlUleAve Seranton 8:30 a. in., Car
bon rial e."fl: 10 a. m Sunday, Sept s.
Fare from Peranton $1.00 return, Cnr
bondale M cents,
M' rtroidvrijr, N. Y.
Wllk-ei-Ilirre. Ca"rbondle.
i t-t Commonwealth bld't, Scranton", Pi.
t? DEAI.EnS IN 5
Female Burglar Entered Daniel Dal
ton's House Thursday Night.
One nf the nerviest nnd must tinpte
tent lous female till trIii I'M that ever ve
iled Pine Hrook entered the house of
Daniel Dnlton, on Ash street, Thurs
diiy nljjht mid earrled nwny his pocket"
liiHik. containing $T, and soinu small
Mrs. Pulton, who Is the mother of
two children, was awakened by hear
IllK n noise In her room, and thinking
that one of the little ones was III, arose
to make an Investigation. As she did,
she discovered a woman In the room,
wearlns n calico dress and a sunlion
net She sctenmed and nwnkened her
The latter nsked the Intruder what
she wanted, but she cldently paid
little attention to him, but proceeded
to rllle Ills pockets, tnklliK out his
purse containing the money, lie or
dered her out of the house, mid watched
her walk up Ash street to the court
leadllifr tnuatds flreeli KIiIrp.
One of the children had lost the door
key, and Mrs. Unit on neglected to lock
the door on retiring, nnd the Intruder
walked In nnd out of the house with
out nny diniculty.
The matter was reported to polite
headquarters, nnd Captain 'Williams,
who Is acting city detective in the ab
sence of Latin Day. who Is on his vaca
tion, went to woik on the case.
Subject of Rev. A. B. Simpson's Ad
dress Before the Christian Alli
ance Yesterday Afternoon,
I!ov. Albeit 11. Simpson, of New
York, piesident of the Christian Al
liance, l?llvcied two addresses at
Green P.ldKe yesterday niornlntr and
afternoon, at tho set-islnus of the con
vention there. Ills afternoon topic was
"Ulvlne Healing," and Immediately af
te the sermon he left the city for
New York.
The day's services were opened in the
moinltiK by a player service, w hich
was conducted by Itev. Mr. Itryden, of
llazleton, l!ev. James l.'lshtnaii, of
KhiRhamton, spoke on the subject of
"The Doctrine of Ulood." and l!cv.
Simpson Bfive a powerful address on
"A Deeper Christian Life, or Practi
cal Sanctlllcatlon."
At l.oO o'clock there was a children's
mcetltifr, at which .Miss Scisholtz, of
India, Kave a very interesting talk, and
at :.'.:i0 o'clock Itev. Simpson delivered
Ills lliiiil sermon of the day.
"1'Nilth takes healltiB," he d'claied,
"but without faith no cure can he con
summated." Following his sermon,
testimony was heard on the subject of
lieallnn, the returned missionaries be
ins' the 111 st to spniik. Hev. Mr. Moy
ser, of Akola, India, told of the re
markable maimer In which he had been
healed of cholera, merely by main
taining a .sturdy trust and faith lu the
ability of God to cure him, without his
resorting to until for the aid alTotdcd
lu medicinal means.
Fied Curlstophci'Min, the Swedish
mlslsnu.iry, who went through such
harrowing experiences in China, then
told of several Instances of divine
healing which came under his direct
Ho had himself stllfetvd seilously
from malm la, and without aid of any
physli'liins was restored to complete,
health. Mr. Christoplierson's testi
mony iuis followed by that of several
persons In the atnl'ience who weie
called upon to relate their experiences
by Uov. McArthur, who presided over
the session.
Mr. Callender, who has seen more
than the three, score and ten, lose up
in the meeting, halo and hearty, de-i-plto
his hoary hitiis, and told of the
manner in which he had been cured
of an almost deadly complaint several
years ago, and his consistent allegiance
since to the principles of tho alliance.
Jeremiah Swingle told of how he
was cured of heart disease and others
told of marvellous healings of ap
pendicitis, rheumatism and other com
plaints. Following the giving of the
testimony, Uov. McArthur linked
whether there were any persons pies
ent who felt the need of prayer, to be
oifered for the alleviation of physical
suffering. In all portions of tho big
tent men and women stood up, some
limping, some poor and pale from Ill
ness, all evidently in sore need of re
lief. Dr. Mij.Yrthur duckuvd that all
those desiring treatment would be
prayed for in the tabernacle, where
they alone would enter. Itev. Mr.
Arthur stated that the ceremony was
not one for Idle onlookers, hut could
only ho attended by those persons
possessed of faith, whose hearts were
open to the player which would ho
oifered for them.
Last night llev. Sentt, the stato
superintendent, delivered an Interest
ing address before a large audience.
Tlie convention will he hi ought to n
close tomorrow, when the collection
for the missions will ho taken.
Is everybody's
next week. The
conveniences tor
large inhibition
show. Four days
society off cih many
patrons. With tho
building, cattle and
iioii sueos on eiev.iien ground lu ex
cellent condition, with shade, water,
grass plots, commodious grand stand,
ample hltehinjr room for all teams,
splendid half-mile track lu good con
dition for the races, dining hall, lunch
counters., and one of the llnest foot
ball ground In the state, they tcel
that tlic-y are Inviting the public t.,
a place where there Is nothing to of
fend and everything to commend.
The poultry show will he lug.
The foot-ball gumes will be played
for all there Is in them.
The domestic and fancy departments
will contain much that is new.
Tbeie Is no better place to meet obi
Come on the opening day, Tuesday,
and stay to the close.
Kvery day will ho a big one.
The running, trotting and colt races
will be great.
Thcie will he many side attiactlon.
Ha on the grounds In order to get
Into the pictures, that will he taken
during the fair.
Ofllce nf Consumers len Co,,
Scranton, la August 2S, lorn.
Mr. Moses lirown, Geni Agent, Accl.
dent Dept. Aetna l.Ifo Insurance. Co.,
707 Council Hulldlng:
Your cluck for Twenty-five Dollars,
111 settlement of claim made Ainr. "illh
X received today. Thanking you for
piompt settlement, and 'recommending
your company tn persons In need of
Accident Insurance, I am,
Tour respectfully,
W. O. Wall.
Dr. V. A, Capwell will return from his
vacation nnd bo in his ofUce Sept, 15
Try the now Ic cigar "Klcon." "
Otnntl Jury Will Begin n. Session,
Constnbles Will Make Returns,
Opinions nnd Orders Will Bo
Handed Down, nnd the New Or
phans' Court Will Organize Judge
Carpenter to Chargo tho Grand
Jury Theie Will Be More Than
Ono Thousand Cases.
Court will reopen Monday, after the
summer vacation. The grand Jury will
begin a session, constables will make
returns, and, It Is expected, it number
of opinions and orders will be handed
down. Tlie day will nlso mark the
opening of the sessions of tlie new Or
phans' court.
Judge J. W. Carpenter will charge
the grand Jury. It will ho the llrst
time for the new Judge to perform this
The grand Jury will have more than
one thousand bills to pass upon. Dis
trict Attorney Lewis stated yesterday
that he expects It to be one of the
busiest sessions it Jury has ever had In
this county. For this reason no tran
scripts will be received for presenta
tion next week, that are not III the
district attorney's olllce today. Nxcep
tlons will be made In cases where the
statute of limitations will prevent the
case from going over another term.
Next week the district attorney will
put in operation the plan he recently
devised of having all cases heard In
alphabetical older, according to the
llrst letter of the surname of the prose
cutor. The schedule prepared for next
week Is as follows:
V or II, Mond.ij, sept. !'.
C or I), TneMlay, Sept. 10.
!', V or II, cdned.iv, Sept. II.
C.i-cc wherein the chief of police of Scranton
appo.m m pio-ecutor. Thnr-cday, sept. 1:1.
II. I, .1 or K. rrld.iy, Sept. i:i,
I, or Me, S.itunl.iy. srpl. II.
M. N or (I, Monihij, Sept. C,
P, J or II. Tucd.iv-, Sept. 17.
S or T, WecliiFMiir, --ept. 1.
P. . W, ., Y or .. Thinday. S,pt. p.
For example, the case of the Com
monwealth against John Ilrown, In
which John Smith Is prosecutor, would
b' heard, Wednesday, September IS.
Three homicide cases are scheduled
for presentation. One Is the case In
which Tony I.ongo Is chnrgetl with tho
murder of Police Olllcer James Golden,
lu Dumnore, last spring. If the Jury
returns a llmllng lu the llrst degree,
I.ongo, who Is Imprisoned lu Italy, will
be extradited for trial. The second case
is that In which Thomas Shefsky, of
the Archbald mine, Is charged with
killing a hoy named David Thomas, by
fracturing bis skull with a pick. Tho
other Is the case from Austin Heights,
in which John Duglas Is charged with
killing n fellow Polaiider with a club.
In tills last case the corner's jury re
turned it verdbl to the effect that
heart disease, and not the blows lu
ll i ted by Duglas, caused death. Those
who will compose the grand Jury aro:
Bird, 1'. II , giocer, S. union.
Clark, James brie kl.oer, liglihfnth ward.
llwjer, William, hotel, South Washington ,ive.
Picker, An hie, engineer, Mom ow,
II. ill, II. C, idiiicm.ikcr, S'n.iuton.
ll.irncj. Ma hied, lelegiapher, Lehigh,
Hill. W. II., tanner. Illeiilmin.
llmk, lieoige s., i.cruier, Covington.
11. million, dearie,., tiill-pcv-lrr, Scranton.
Jones, liavld II.,, Scranton.
Kelly, D.iiilrl, mllMi.iud, Si i.inton. '
h.nkiu, William, Idac ksmltli. Scranton.
.Matthews T. J. forcmin. Spring lliook.
Maunion, J. .1., lahoier, ( .irbnnd.ile.
Nc Unn. John, builder. Si raiiton.
IV.inti, 11 niitieii7o, vtudent, Si-ranton.
Pi lie, William, t.i collector. Spring lliook.
I'uiilj. C. tt., c.irpentrr, ll.illon.
Kiiujon, .lorpli 11 , book-keeper, Scranton.
Svvaitz, .. T., farmer, M.idi-cou.
Smith. P. I,, farmer, oith Ahinzton.
Skilllmrn, li. tt.. agent, Scranton.
Scolt, Mieliiel, liliorer, Ntiiiitmi.
aughau, John, si., lalioie-r, si tauten.
It Is likely the Jury will be in session
two weeks.
Xaclcnwanna Sued for 820,000.
O'lttien ,t Martin yesteiclay tiled a
statement of tho case of S. AV. Reyn
olds ma.lnst tho Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western Railroad com
pany, in which damages In the sum
of $'.'0,iino are nsked.
Mr. Reynolds says he was hoarding
a train at Rath, July 31, Uion, and was
roughly handled by train hands, be
ing pulled trom the story to the plat
form and later dragged fiom a coach
to it baggage car ami detained there,
lie claims he was badly bruised nnd
maimed and that his injuries aro of a
permanent nature.
Submitted to n Referee.
The ease of Thomas Plckrell against
the hoienish of Die) Forge was yester
day referred to M. P. Caw ley for ad
judication, by agreement of the attor
neys, K. W. Thayer for the plaintiff
and J, L Watklns for tlie defense.
Mr. Plckrell sues for damages done
his property by water which over
flowed from a blocked culvert.
Mnrriage Licenses.
Chailev J. Illidin Ill b.iekiwanni avrn
.l.ein' linw.en
Il.iiilrl II. lllluii;
i: 11 1 it ii v.iii ....
.Inlm Mm kll
l)i i llijnulU ....
Pl'i.pre t acelltlf
(iii'pn fiime
:l Hiaiimnnt ariiiii
!'i llciimioni afnue
Run Down by Cars In Mines tit
Old Forge.
Lewis I'cfenskl, a Hungarian, aged
I'l years, was Instantly killed In the
mines of the Moosle Mountain Coal
company, at MarMnvood, yesterday.
I'cfens-kl, whose home was In Old
Forge, was in quest of work at the
colliery, ami was walking down one of
the Inclines lu the mine when he was
run down by a runaway trip nf mlno
cars. Ills body, which was badly man
gled, was taken In charge by Under
taker Sweeney, of Olyphant.
Cormier Huberts, was untitled, hut af
ter hearing tlie facts In the case, did
not deem an Impiest necessary. The
remains ware taken to Old Forge last
If you are fond of rich, sweet fan
tcloupes, try the lino Canada Melons
which we offer this morning. Our dis
play of all kinds of fruit and vege
tables should certainly show you what
yuu would rellhh for StimUiy ellnnei'.
Oyster season has opened and wo can
supply you dally with tho finest In the
market. W. 11. Pierce,
110-111 I'enn avenue.
Mr. R, K, Kouthworth, teacher of
Piano, can be found at his studio, over
Powell's niusle store, Tuesdays, Fri
days and Saturday. Puplin received,
from the earliest beginning to tha most
advanced (,'rades.
I You IfM
J don't 1
I - vH f
I 16 U 1
''. 7s i
I'ilh llf (-
Hand's ..
CondeiKcd Mill: you don't need
ice to keep it (iwect, and you
can always feci pure of its
petrily. D-.livercdiuilk is frc
ntcntly I. pt from souring by
UK' use of chemicals tluugcrou's
to health.
Is always swcot
no mnttrr bow hot It frets. It In
Nclictu in butter fnt and han redded
nil the phosphates nnd hypopbos
phltpfi contained In wbciil. It hnn
the flavor ofcrenin, tho snstnlnlnc
power ofn wheat diet, Hooldetfree.
Scranton, Pa.
He Will Not Be a Candidate for the
Republican Nomination for
There will be no contests at the Re
publican county primaries to be held
on September Hi, between the hours!
of 4 and S o'clock. The following can
didates will hae no opposition and
will be chosen:
Additional law Judge James Whna-
ton Carpenter, 100S Debivvaie street,
County con 1 1 oiler K. A. Junes,
Coroner John J. Roberts, M. IX, 2:T
South Main avenue, Scranton.
Surveyor Ucoige IC. Stevenson,
Theiu were two candidates for cor
oner, Dr. liateson and Dr. Roberts,
the piesent coroner. Yesterday all of
the candidates met with County Chair
man Davis and the situation w-a dis
cussed, as coroner was the only ofllce
there was a contest for, the candidates
deemed It advisable to have either Dr.
Roberts or Dr. F.atesem withdraw, and
thus save the gieal expense of a pil
mary election. At the conclusion of
the conference Dr. Uatesnn annoutieeel
that he would not be a candidate for
coi oner. To a Tribune man he said
last night:
"I have decided to withdraw my
name as a candidate for the Republi
can nomination for coroner. I deelned
It advisable to do this in the Interest
ot harmony and the general good of
tho party.'
Rooms of Central Republican club,
Price building, Washington avenue.
There will be a mooting of the Cen
tral Republican club at the dub rooms,
Price hulldlng, Washington avenue,
this (Saturday) evening at S o'clock,
for the purpose of electing delegates to
the convention of State League of
Clubs, livery member Is requested to
be present. W. S. Millar,
The Misses Merrill's Private School,
612 Jefferson a venue, for primary and
intermediate pupils, will icopen Mon
day, Sept. 1, 1901. .
A few summer fabrics at less
than half price.
5c Lawns all good styles 2c
-c Dimities, big range of patterns 3Jc
All fine Batistes Dimities, etc 7c
50 pes. 10c Eider fleece Outings, light colors 7Jc
One case 6c Shaker Flannel 4c
Best prints Indigo blue, grey, chocolates 4c
Good quality 6c unbleached Muslin 4c
Best quality 7 l2c unbleached Muslin 6c
Good quality 6c bleached Muslin 5c
Best quality 8c Hill Muslin 7c
12 Vtz Cotton Covert Skirtings y2c
2liC Silkalines good assortment 7c
75c Pure Linen Dice pattern Napkins 59c
$1.00 Pure Linen Dice pattern Napkins 79c
soc Table Linen Dice pattern 37c
Cotton Crash brown or bleached 3c
Stevens' pure Linen Crash 6c, 8c, 10c, I2c
25shadesof i2jc Parcalines 7Jc
15c grade black Percaline ioc
20c double faced Waist Linings 10c
Genuine German Hair Cloth I3c
415-417 Lackawanna Avenue.
Twelve Players Entered the Tennis
Tourney Yesterday nnd Competed J
in tho Preliminaries nnd Seml
flnnls During the Morning nnd
Afternoon Fine Work of G. C.
Shafer the Day's Feature Loving
Cup nnd Stein the Prizes Tea
Served by Committee.
Twelve players entered the tennis
tournament at tho Country club yes
terday and throughout the morning
and afternoon the Interested onlook
ers, who wntehedi the playing from the
porch of tho club house, witnessed
some exceedingly brilliant work.
The match will be concluded today,
when a remaining seml-tlniil match
will bo pulled off. Yesterday's scores
at the end of tho afternoon were as
(iorelon Tajlor defeated M Jessup. Scores,
60, se, .
David Boies defeated Tajlor I'osttr. Scores,
fi-2, -:i.
0. ('. Shafer defeated DouRlau Moffatt. 5-coie.,
6-L 61.
P. ('. Puller d-teated J. II. Brooks. Scorei,
6-2, 6-2.
II. S. Kiikpalrlck defeated Pivld Boles.
Scores, 1, fl;i.
Iloliert s'n viler defeated Oordon Taylor. Sroiej,
6-.I. I. 1.
If I' Shafer defeated James Blair, Jr. Scores,
fi-1, fl-l.
fi. f Shafer defeated Itohert Snvder. Scores,
61, fi-1.
K. H. Shafer played Mr. Fuller, the
winner of the preliminary match be
tween John II. Hrooks and F. C. Ful
ler, and their play was In progress
when darkness forced them to finally
leave the court. Mr, Shafer won tho
llrst set of the gome.
The players who entered the tourney
were: Max Jessup, Coidon Taylor, J.
Taylor Foster, J, II. Brocks, F. C. Fill
lor, W, S, Klrkpatiick, James Ulalr, jr.,
K. 11. Shafer. (i, C. Shafer, Robert W.
Snyder. David Holes and Douglas Mof
fatt. The tournament Is In charge nf
the greens committee, of which W, H.
Storrs Is chairman.
The members nrc James Hlalr, Jr.. J.
It. Hrooks, J, H. Torrey and F. C. Ful
ler. Two prizes are offered the contest
ants, the llrst of which Is a handsome
silver loving cup, and the second a sil
ver stein, Today tlie winner of the
mntch between F. C. Fuller and K. H.
Shafer will play Mr. Klrkpatiick, and
the winner nf this contest will be
played by (". C. Shafer. The latter and
K. II. Shafer are brothers, anil It would
be strange, Indeed, If out of all those
clever young players engaged In the
tournament these two would meet In
the llnal match.
(?. C. Sliafer's play was tho distinct
feature of the day's work, Ho Is n
Princeton student, and a member of
the team there, nnd his playing yester
day shone brightly on a Held where
clever exhibitions of tennis were
numerous, James Hlalr, II. S. Klrk
patiick, Robert Snyder and F. C. Ful
ler all doing remarkably well, Mr.
Shafor's smashing was savage and ef
fectlve, and his lobbing of the ball .par
ticularly fine.
Ono ot the features of yesterday af
ternoon was the serving of tea to the
players by the entertainment commit
tee, consisting of Mrs. II. H. Brady,
Jr., Mrs. Walter Klotss, Miss Hunt. Miss
Matthews and Miss Belln. They will
serve again this afternoon,
Both courts were In use during the
matches, and exceptional interest was
taken in the games. Chairman Storrs
acted as official scorer of Hie play,
which was conducted under the regu
lation rules, two sets out of three con
stituting the necessary points to win
each match.
The office of A. P, Treston, dentist,
Meats building, will be closed until
September 9.
Short of Glasses ? f
5 Tumblers will get broken. Qot enough to S
3 go around ? Do you care to look at some
3" tumblers that are pretty and tough at the 5
S same time. Over SO styles to select from 2
tfi and the prices right too. Sn
ag Band Tumblers, 35c doz. g '
5 Needle Etched Tumblers $1. 10 doz. 3
Geo. V. Millar &
t jrfr-j.J"- r ""'r " "i;,r. -
The Albany DENTAL Asssociation,
Under the management of Dr. G. E. Hill & Son, is the place
to get your Dental work done. Dr. Hill & Son have built
up a large business since they opened here twenty years
ao, and the reason why they have done this is because
they do the best work at prices within the reach of all
classes, and give each patient their special attention. Call
at their rooms and be convinced of what wc say here.
First National Bank Quilciing.
Our Stock of Dishes and the prices at which
we olfer them are hound to prove extremely
attractive to every housewife who will inspect
our superb stock. (Take Elevator to Casement)
Baby Carriages
There still remains a long period ot pleasant
weather, this season, of which the babv
should have advantage daily in tlie open air.
During the next few weeks we will offer our
entire line of Baby Carriages and Go-Carts at
reduced prices.
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
For Reliable Fur Goods call and
examine our stock of
Seal Jackets
Persian Lamb Jackets
Denver Jackets
Electric Seal Jackets
Near and .Seal Jackets
Fnr Capes
Neck h carls
Mulls and All Oilier kinds
Of Furs
Also, if you wish your old Futs
Repaired, bring them in as soon as
possible. All kinds of fur repairing
viJ&uiVi .vp"ft f. y'iyrfl'iPjf" jSis ' "iT-nTTi; "j'jS2.
Co. "tSS
Lands Sakes!
No wond.ih missus sleeps so
late mawnings. Dis am an
Elastic Felt Mattress made by
The Scranton
Bedding Co.
Wc carry a full lino of Iron
and Brass Beds, the best made.
Mattresses in all grades afd Pillows
Leickiiwaiina nnd Adams Avenues
Both 'Phono3.
Entirely New Stock of
SHifs, Jackets
Skirts and
Flannel Waists
All Garments of my old Stand
ard of Workmanship and Expert
Fitters to please the most fastidious
Prices as Reasonable
As Good Goods Can
Be Sold For