THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1001'. &(Je gcranfon rt6ime Tuhll'hM Pill", r.scept Pnndsy, by The Ttjji line PuhlWilns rtimnn), at Kilty Lents a Mant.i, I.IVV S HirilAHIi. IMitor. O, 1'. IIV.MH'.K. Ilulne.s Minuter. Sute Ajcnt fer I'uicIkii Admtlilna;. l.nterrd at Hip rmtnltiip at Stranlun, I'a . m scioiul IIjm Mill M liter. Uhcn spire ulll permit. Hie Tribune Is atis Rial In print slmit tellers limn lis nlcnd licar In? on tnrtint toilm, Imt lis rule l tliat ltir- mint It signed, rcji piildli alien, liy the writers real rumn nml itip ifindltlc.n pretrdent to . crptincc Is lint all rniitrlliutiona (lull I'" stilijert tn nlilnrhl reilslmi iiii: i i.a r itvr'i: mil AHi:nrMM. The InlloHlne Ulile elin 1 1 n- pilif r Imli each insertion, iur m lie iiwI within one cail linnet .Hilinir "til I "11 msriiW. I less thin iVni Indies :( liulics lrxio pmi ' f(i ' I'.iprr Kmllnz Position ,:ni .J l .Pi .!" A .J'l .HI .10 I .17 .Ho Tor cirri of thinl, ipn1iitinn "I imidnlfiiic and slmilir innliiluiiinn In the iiiturr nf J'l trrtitlni; The TiHninc makes i iliiree of . tents a Jin. Hues for Classified Atlierllsincf JiiniMiM en epplltatlcn. TWELVE PAGES. SCRA.NTON, SKPTK.MMKil 7, 1001. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. Fnprcme (irt-UII.I.IM P P0m:it. Treasurer-FIUNK 0. HAIIHIS. Election Nov. :. "When the llcmncricj went nut nl pmver In jtir Mate it led In the rjrpitlilit in poly 1 I'C ary et almott ,4rl.riXl.i'V) of drlit. Tills il'ht, ly me administration nndi r llipiiiiliiau rule, his hrcn nln,oit entirely piiil We hie lnrrrard the appropriations to the common school, unlll we Hand at the hnl of t li Amerlian sdtrs in support ef popular education, t'nder l' ndtnlnlMritlon there ha been pan! euli jear I"r educational purpoies mere thin was appropriated by the Peme-tritir pmv in Ihdr nuirtrr nf a rfntury of misrule. We hue lnneieil tmr appin pmtlens tn tlmlliMc ami elccinminirj inslllu tlon until e an nnke th" boast tint nn si ite hrtwetn the twn oreitu mpports Ihc.e Institii tions ) dl a' rlne our nn. Our T.ovi.niM of peeple are imlintrlon. honest, liv ihiclms an-1 happv. Vet, iirrniin'lfd a e aie on eiery mle with properon bulneii ierifition'. with penpi hippi. emploietl and lonlrr.led, nnil with eery avenue of business and tride (ulh ntrupieil, and ith the pro.pei t of the fulnre briElitenins and prowlnir more hopeful, the o'il liutnrie pirn of obstrurtion and nejailon Kl up , hxtenei nv of faUe preten'e. hpn,nv and In'tmeritv fir tbe purpwe of miOeidin? t'i- people .ind renin. ir.R lej.t power." Prom ths Itepulliran sutc TJatforni. The withdrawal of Or. ,1. C. H.itesoti nss a eandld.ile for rniouer takes out all possibility of a contest at the coming Republican primaries and Is a welcome U'kr-n of lurninny. Dr. Il.iteson'.s ac tion will be generally accepted as ps t.ibllMilng a claim upon paity giatl turto. Tomorrow's Consecration. THK I'KP.KMO.S'ir.S In eon nertlnn with the ciufei ra tion of Hlsliop-elect Eugene A. U.iivey tiitnnrtow will ..eserxedly ntti.iet the nttenttnn of a van portion of the lesldfnts in this region, lnespeetlvc of .sect or de nomination. It Is mi event which gnes to make Important renuds In tlie hi tory of a gieat ihtireh and I one who." ceienionlals are exceptionally majestic and impiesclxe. It will bring to our city some of the foiemrvt lights of the Catholic faith. A paiallel ecnt will bn jecalled by tha thotis.indH who thronged the t'atho drnl on March ;;, ImmI, to witness the elevation of nishop Hoban, the hon ored and brilliant head of the diocese of Perantun, to the olllcp of bishop coadjutor. On that occasion the city was visited by the most distinguished members of the Catholic lergy in this country; inf Iurling c.iidln,il Satolll, ArehhlMiop, Hlshop Horsiman, tho venerable and loved Illshop O'Hara and other dignitaries, with vast num bers of -the lesser clergy. The picture to be picscntrd tomor row will yivldly recall that splendid Rpectaelo with its beautiful service. It Is the. rrownlng of the life of a priest who has been a faithful follower of the highest Ideals nnd who deserves this supremo honor. If the Columbia, should lose the yacht race, Lawson of Hostnn would be tempted to say: "1 told you so." The flcKlnley Programme, IX Tim UflHT of 'yesterday's tragic happening nt Buffalo the president's speech of tho day before gains new significance. In It he outlines for himself, and for his successor, should the worst befall, n, Mrong and comprehensive policy, the cardinal features of. which may he stated thus: (1) Reciprocity. On this subject he pays: "I5y sensible trade nnange ments which will not Interrupt our home productions, wo shall extend the outlets for our Increasing surplus. A pystcm which provides a mutual ex chango of commodities Is manifestly p?sentlnl to tho continued nnd health ful growth of our export tiade. AVo oiust not reposo In fancied senility '.hat wo can forever sell everything ind buy llttlo or nothing, if su, n a hlng were possible it would not ho est for us or for those with whom c. dral, W'c bhould take fiom our :uatomer3 smdi of their products as xe can ue without harm to our In Justrles and labor. Reciprocity is tho natural outgrowth of our wonderful Industilal development under the do mestic policy now firmly established. What wo produce beyond our domestic consumption must havo a vent abroad. The excess must be removed through a. foreign outlet nnd wo should sell everywheio we can and buy wherever the buying will enlarge our sales nnd productions, and thereby mako a great er demand fur home labor. The period of cxcluidvem-sH Is past. The expan sion of our trade and lominerco Is tho pressing problem. Commercial wars , aie unpiollt.ilile, A policy of good will and filendly tiade ndntlonii will pro vent reprisals. Rei'lpimity treaties are In haimnny with tho spirit of the times; measures of ititall.ulon are not. If,' perchance, some of our tariffs nre tin longer needed for revenue or to en courage and protect our Industries at home, why should they not be em- ployed to extend and promote our m mtr- kets nhroad7" (2) Ilevlvnt of our oeenn uhlpplnK. Vi now, lie Fayp, "huve Initdcqunte stcanmhlp ncrvlce. New lines of Kteiitn crs huve alrpiiily been put In rotntnlH Finn between the I'nvlflc i-nast ports of the United Ktiites nml tho.c on the western roasts of Mexico and Ontrnl mid South America. These should lie followed up with direct steamship lines to .South American ports. One of the needs of the times Is direct conimunl rutltitr. lines from our vast tlelds of ptodiictlou to the Ileitis of consumption that we have hut barely touched. Next, In advantage to having the tlilnK to soil Is to have the conveyance to cany It to the buyer. We must encouniRe our merchant mm Inc. We must have nioie ships. They must be under the American fine, built nnd manned and owned by Americans. These will not only be piofltable In n commercial sense, hut they will he tnessenuers of peine and n in 1 1 y wherever they go." CI) An Isthmian iimiil "We inut build the Isthmian canal which will unite the two ocenns nnd Rive a straight line of water communication with the western coast of t'entinl nnd South America and Mexico." (1) A Pacllli' cable. This "cannot loncer be postponed." The lines thus laid down will he fol lowed whether our stricken executive be spared to lead or whether the mantle no well worn by htm shall amidst universal grlof descend upon another. There are Intimations that an effort will be made at the Cleveland encamp ment of the Grand Army of the Repub lic to dispense with the annual squab ble over Commissioner Kvnns and the pension ofllce, and if, wisdom prevails, this couu-e will be followed. No good can come from threshing It over again. The Nation's Sorrow. WORDS are Inadequate to express the sense" of shock, pain nnd crief caused by the frightful crime committed yesterday upon the foremost ruler In the world. Kor the third time in less than two seme yeais an American president has been strick en wantonly and without provocation by an assassin. In the case of Lincoln there was the intense excitement of war-time to serve, not as nn exi use, but n" in some degree nn explanation. In the case of Oarfteld there was the ferment of factional strife. In this case there I no excuse, no extenuation. not the slightest phase of popular Ill will, dlocnril or excitement. A presi dent peisnnally beloved nnd revered to a degtee unexampled among the past ocuipants of his office; with not nn enemy in the world; while Joining with Ills countrymen In an observance of a popular character and while evidencing the rare kindliness nf his nature by shaking his fellow citizens bv the hand, Is suddenly shot by a man In whose way he had never laid a straw; nnd the enormity of it simply baffles comprehension. What l It In our ways of life that breeds the mania of president-shooting? Thcpp rulers whom the assassins would remove are of tho people and for the people. They come Into power at the people's call and go from It when the people will. Sometimes criticism of their offlclal acts Is acrid and fierce, but it was not so In this case. No executive in modern mem ory Inspired less of that sharpness of controversy which might work upon a disordered brain to generate the notion of personal annihilation. The Inquiry puzzles nnd appalls. Reforo It reason Is stalled and conjecture knows not which way to turn. The one ray of consolation which pierces through the gloom Is that only a luna tic unused to the atmosphere of American civilization could have planned or executed so irrational a deed. Prom millions of hearts the fervent prayer arises that the president may live. But if Uod's Providence shall will otherwise, grand Indeed will be the record he will leave behind nnd eternal the esteem which his mem ory will command, Waldorf Astor has renewed the charge that It was the American newspapers which drove him out of the 1'nlted States nnd forced him to seek citizenship in lircat Hillnln. We won der why; they're not usually vindic tive. An night Hour Day. IN JUS SPKKCH t Poiest City yi'Steiday Piesldeiu John Mitch ell of the Cnlted Mine Workeis told a large assemblage of miners that he will advise them tn ask for an eight houi day nexl spring ami If tho operators refuse to grant it lie Will ndvlso them to light for it. rrheso nre radical woids tor the lead ers of tho mlnviH. a fight for an eight hour day would seem to bo un necessary from the fad that the usual complaint of the miner is that he does not have work enough to do. The avcrago miner will fieely admit that ho would he comparatively well-to-do If he had what he liiIIh "full time." which Is only possible when theie Is a brisk demand for coal and natuie favors us with days of sutllcient length to make It possible to operate a ioal breaker for ton days. Ordlnuilly the mlno worker considers himself fortunate If, taking the ycnr ns a whole, he averages three-quaiter time. In the face of this It would beem that nn womlei fully in gent tea sons exist for fighting for an eight hour day except for the purpose of restricting the output of the mines at times when mine owners are ahle to ship coal by water routes, over which freight is cheap, and store tt for sale during tho season of closed navigation on lakes nnd rivers. This will not appeal to the nverage person ns a sulllclent reason to cause a "light" between tho mine owners and mine wotkcis. The nation Is grenter than any man nnd greater than nny organization which would destroy Its very founda tion. Yet It Is Indeed a palnlul thought that the very ptluclplcs of liberty which make our country the chosen of nil the world In nil linns should also make It possible that the most pieclous life In nil our laud should bo In Jeop ardy from nn assassin's hnnd nt eveiy turn. Theie Is no law which can sup piess cranks, but there should be stein measures taken to make this countty n less favorable spot for the propogatlon of such pests ns killed good King Humbert nnd ns probably Inspired the wicked hand by which the greatest tunti of our times was stricken yester day nt Buffalo. The expei lelico of Captain l'orsyth who unwittingly became entangled In the Schley nffalr suggests that the libel laws should contain n supplement dealing with the ubiquitous unlabel led repot ter who dlstoits. The Demmler strikers nre undoubt edly men of groat self-control. In addi tion to Mayor Black's mischievous pro clamations the pickets aie being ie galed with home-made root beer, and yet no violence has resulted. It Is generally conceeded that the steel su Ike Is nbout over. The In dividuals who arrange the settlement however nie liable to bo 111 ONidunio sevcinl day yet. If the Shaiiuotk II should defeat the Columbia tt Is to be hoped that tho friends of the Constitution will not precipitate a yachting Sampson-Schley controversy. The freezing temperature which Weatherman Clarke pleasantly mur mured about yesterday was not appar ent In largo bunches In this vicinity. It Is an ominous sign when a man by tho name of Hogg stmts out with the avowed purpose of gobbling up tho Standard Oil company. War news from the Isthmus demon states that Ecuador alto desires to be located on the map. - . . Original llanna men nre preparing to Hie caveats out In Cle eland. Trade uMfh China Is NoiU Incasing special C'nriiipnnilcnic of The Tribune. W l-hliutcm. Sept o. ENPullTS TO (him lie lie'iiiiiiic t' unime their mmnil pn pnrtn n The .lulj ti-. lire ef 11k treiin lniri m of moimi h slum the lid il ip"lts In I lillu fn in the I tilted Sutei i. x.'.i.ji.t;-,, ,lalnt -I..II i.i.:i; n July, !'. In the mmii timntlw rinlnu; wnh July, Pl, the Mil ep. tti tn ( hllll .lie 'l,7'i!. T7. ,iBiin-t 'Mi), Ul in the i nnoi-pnilliii: eewii month ef the pieiedini; jr.n. TaVlns the evpoiM tn the llutivli 4ml !!u.i,in pni,ic.inri n I'hlin nt-n, the Mil tnr tho een month ii i-lO.tenl.-K,. .n .lu'iin.t yi,!!,!!.,!) In thu turn., rpvnilnu; period nf li-t jear. Ilur exin!t In I 'hint In .lul.v, POI, .ire lirnr llun in au.i pniodmi: Jult, .1 f it t fr. nn tn Indii.ile lint the couiuiriiiil I rl II j.ill.s with Chun .no nut likely to peiimneiiily sutler .H a result of tin- eenl of the put The nv. irici July rvpmution to rhlni from the I'nlteil Slates in tiie few ,ears In bieu about e.2ii.Ki or rihuiit one half the I fur July, l'ml, .Hid in .lull nf the ,e.ii illiiliedlllely pn Kdinc th- lii'-llllll"J they reuheil only ,ib nit l..'iii,. 'Ihe fnllnwins table nhmiii the July oinrts to I'lilu during tho utl lite .tear: l'i7 i.nin.i,;-, l;,-i l, J'" l.lll.Oi; P M,:c,i;u l'ml Iniludca lluvhii mwloii3 in I lilli.i. u N'enlv .,11 .illicit nf rvpnrU hnw ,i iimrlnl itirre.Ke in .lulj, l'ii, J5 eonipired with tint iiionth ef the preiedini: teir. It l, liovtetrr, ihictlt in loltnn, ell, tnlniio, lumber and blr;i1e that the merea'e i iniM Mmn.-lv nnrkid C'nttnn iloth t;i the lint tn feel the elfeet of tin etenls nf list, .iu I in tho hil ji ir endlns with June the f,ill In our et. pniM of inlton doth to I him wis nenrly l.nmi,. K'l J ink In July. I'll, limtettr, tlitre dii inerejte of otrr l' tHrds .i eompired ttltli Jul.t of list yen. the lljmet belnc: .lulf, Pii i. l.'i.Sln.oi'i jirib; Jul.t, U)l, M,o:i,Ti.t ,tird. In iiiineril ml, the fisures for Jult in the two joiri wire: July, Urn, i,i;,5j gil. lon; Jult, I'll, i.,'!,riJI Kallom. o 'Hie lollnuliiL- t ihle -hows the export if the pnmlpal .alleles tn I him (mm the l"nit"d Sltei in July, l'ml, coiiipJied with thnc nf July, l'l; IIltI nf Jult . .rtlelf. t' 1'hll. I'nltnn llotlu vfl.lMl I.TlMV, Mineral nil. refined 2J,Pii ."ili.nj Tnl nil", miliuf Hlur"il 8,:iJt 71 .'. i I.unibrr l-.l''i Cjeles l.oii i,sn I 'niton in irmf ji turr-H. ixcfpt clnfli 42.717 C'Vli'i) Whejt llmir is.i.l In'iPi prullii anil nuu 1,107 T.m.i, ll'mkii, nupi.. etr ,, Auti 1, ,71 Sinn and b A &.I7'J ,? Setting 111 11 Ilium l,i il '.i,ri llmks and tvulihea (,;,; ,,;: Si'lintlnV liutruntfni l,i"i 1..11; limn'i 1. ;i 1i' '.",1 1.117 riiridlure r.o . ,07n ('alined beef l!.7uii OTt llitnn 1. 'i,,' Mil 'I'm in mine iVU ei.t 'Oliewritrri 073 7;:, TERHA- S. if ttc cnuld .lite ten tlioiiiinil jear, pcrhapi we'd see thl 1 irlh All ladiant with wiilinc and all mutlcal with mirth. Hut nun ami bUttite mtioni oil ilccUrc with warlike rent, "We'll .hott nu we're the blcscst, cten If we're not the best." And they blow upon tl e huslct and the martial diunit they .tuiind, And It V weird and weary waiting till a thou- nnd .trim mil 'round! Hut at Ijit there'll be rejoiclns Ihrouah tho near and ilitiml lands, Wlirn wf cet ihetu matter scttlcil and we all duke liamlj, Ihojie who rtudy human nature ray that while il' Urince, It' true, Tint men like raih oilier belter when they'tc hud a llulit or tun. The hind nf miny a format! in all friendliness jiiu'te Erlpprd, nd .urn found him a (rood fellow when you had linn cnod and whipped. The ( hlniman talkt nonsense, ami the Itusslan wemii to iniwii How tdn we Kft In sjmpatby with Unjuagu like theter llut perhi)i there'll rome a time when each the other underttand, v And we'll 6't these matter settled and wo'll all fluke hinds. Wiihlustcn Star. TALKS BY THE PUBLISHER The Flat Rate Progressing;. NOW THAT tho summer months hnve passed into history, ami the business public Is showing signs of until nlng activity, the publish er will resume hi Saturday "talks" on timely topics iclatlve to modern news papers and their relation to piogrcss lutjr adverllseis. Dm lug the summer the Hat rate for advertising has become more and more popular with Imth publishers and ml vertlseis. Advei Using agencies are asking for a Hat rate covering till busi ness and some papirs are even going so far as to grant this, but while It simplifies booKlteepliig with the agency It Is hardly fair to compel the adver tiser who lines l.non Inrhci to pay the same pi Ice per Inch as the one who uses but 1", although In the past the disci Imin.itloii in his behalf has been too great. Open Space Contracts. Newspapers that hne not adopted the Hat rate nre llndliig themselves compelled by the demands of adver tisers to add to their rate tanls n sec tion devoted to "open spate con tract." This Is true locally. Local papers which a year or so ago never thought nf (Hinting In any other wny than by the month or year for continu ous business, since The Tribune adopted the Hat inte nre being nsked, "What Is our prlro per Inch?" Advertisers aie realizing the great advantage of open space contracts. They may pie l'er to use double n certain space every other day, or thiee times the space twice a week this they can do with an open space con trad. They may wish to omit during a dull hu.ison, allowing their up, ice to accumulate, and use It In big displays this they can do with an open spate contract. In bilef, nn open space con tract Is a contract for a certain num ber of Inches to be used within one year at the advertisers option. All Tribune contracts arc "open space con trails." Possibilities of 1,000 Inches. The most popular contract this fall Is ,nm) inches. I'mlcr such a contract nn advertiser can run .1 tour-Inch ml. eveiy day lor a year, an tight-Inch ud. every other day. a twelve-Inch ad. twice a week, or a column once a week. He can nmlt his ad. for a month or two, using three or four tii irtcr pages or hnlf pages later on. If he has a sale or a particular he can nie extra space to excellent ad vantage. In fact, he can ue it Just as his fancy dictates, pn lug only for the space Decupled when he has used it. The Tribune chniges but Hi cents an Inch for a conti.iet of l.ftnft Inches, which Is but one tent an lm h more than one for i;,noii inches would cost. A Comparison of Itttcs. Two late cm ds have recently been rrteiveil that are similar to that used by The Tilbune, and furnish an op portunity for a comparison of rates charged in other cities. One is from Toledo, ("., west of Scr.inton, and one fiom I'lovldence, I!. j oast of here. The Toledo Times, a illuming piper with it tin illation slightly less than that of The Tilbune, charges L'S cents per inch for nny contract over 70 inches. For less than 7n Indies the prices range lrom .' to "is cents per Inch. A lepieseiitntivo of the Thins infoi ins me, in a conversa tion, that theie is absolutely no reduc tion from these rates. The Providence Telegram charges 70 cents an Inch lor Too inches and over for 11 eln illation imt little laigcr than that of The Tilbune, smaller contracts calling for SI and lis cents an I111I1. The Tribune's Hate. I'Yom these two Instances It Is evi dent that The Tribune's rates aie very rensonublp. nnd 11 more equitable or cloaier plan could not be devised: All tran.ient bii-linv lew thin .Vi int'hr inn toiitr.nt net ,'vni t ) 2 Centralis fin .mm mi lm ;i " " l.iiin " in " ...ui " 1M, That is all there Is to it. If an ad vertiser wishes a special location in the paper, from 10 to -l( per cent. Is added. There Is absolutely but one rate to everybody for the same service. If you fee an advertisement In Tlie Trib une you can lest nsstued It is Inserted nt these rates no more, no less. If your cspeririico with advertising so llcltors leads you lo be skeptical of this assertion, nsk the advertiser. Advei Using in The Tribune at these rates pays. Ask llic advertiser If It tloisn't, Cleveland's Welcome to fh? Grand Army penal lorit-p n 1 n . uf lh. 'Inl it . ( -. pt i Till. I irv i f I I- v.l tn 1 tin "- ! p n ii tritet i il sntpl, ,f th, 1 1i ii t v tillli M li.iinl i in uiipiiirtit nf tin latii'l Vunt 'I . . plllli ip.ll pllbbi tlti.l. leili- i t lie- werl, tu; bo Iln-Sllllul pit nli ntll i I.ijiiiI Villi! i.liWiiln , lilt, ipl II. ill wlidi furll Ihnifllid li'1'l.illt will lie III line, the ll.ll.ll p'll.oh nf N pi III, in tthiih ihe natal ii'iermi'', the I iiimii t. pii-ntur nf war. Ihe l'ir-t Uhln l.iaiil irtilhi aid oilier tiruaniz-iliiuis ttlll lake ptrl, the r . f ' "" '' Pretiileut Mi Itinley in tht- I hnnib' r of I uutiieiif aitilltorliim the in nine of sept. U, th nn-pi In the same hall tn Hie ml k'uus and nn nn nt, inliiliiatidorii m-t hii'f nf .he (.land .Vunt. ept. Vi, tin ir .1 ilnju'ii i imp Hits In tlie ( and i, rat uriimrlet und (he Wisl snli I'uiu lull . 'Puesilay, Wt'ilnoriliy and ThuiMU,i tiuun-.t, et nil liundrrd lesiliituMl biisade ml a.iu.t nupt ri-unli nt in Luce h.illi about 1 In nit .ill ilni-iuh the itnk; jllilflu day at the (letiliul Hiitins park, N-pt li. at 'J p. ni , .ind mint nupiii'iK arrncetl br Ihe wnliun'd orhaiiKatimii ill the liuleli ul the ill. ii ('oliiciitiiiiii will be In lil at Hints: Tlie (rand .Vunt. I.m ln Vtinue Opei.i Ibu.i , Wn inrn'a Relief nrw, I ir.t M ih.lii l.pitupil ihurrh: l.jtllea of the t.uad Vrm.i n Iln- llepub lit, Vouiie Men's Cluistiati w iiu n buildiuci Uliiclllira of Vtlerum, Tippi in ' tlub rtionn, Vbuoiut War Vetiiaiis, c it count il t lumber Vll Thursday und 1 rnljt, ptuptnu Hn' Vltvnan War Vtiriiut, whoso loiittntlon will li-t thruiigh 'i liurad i.v, rridi.v and Sattiuliy. u -'Ihe Publie Npiire rilcht duonnont enibraen fiftt-en tlioii,iud elertrlc Huhiv, and un lme ml). four while pllljiK tf slalf, ouinel.t ind pairiutt tally tlei nritt ), fiftonnrd tontilnt and tlie fit t'HiniiiL' bii.tlinl in nn eletliu bill in the cm It r of the Spiaio nennty (nt in Hie air. The llmul Mr tit tltinratiout of th mind standi, width line bntli side of the Mitel (nun Superior Unit to tho lake, mu (or ito, and tuiisist o( pal riot in buntinif invt .Vinerhan flas. S-lxiy fort rolumin Hind at the Superior sirect rn tranee In Horn! sirect. Kaih ttlll be surmoiinird by a Ikuro of tlrtory. The sincinc school chil dren will be prouped In a cranl siaud at the foot o( llond Hrrel in the form of an American flit; and ttlll wave small tlaes, whbh "ill cite the whole the appearmro ef an American th? watlnB. President Mchlnley will retdetv the piride from a eland on llond street, opposito th ("entril armory. Tills stand will also be ornately decorated. The president will bate three offlclal eneaKementa while he i in the city. He will tetlew the hotel and ennd parades and will be preent at the tereptlon Thre are the only tiffkial ewricrnienlt ho hat nude. 'y' l Tie tlewils will be well taken care of. tutor- Million biirr.iut and Bill Ion In white npt will be Matlonril at the print Ipal platet of entty In the ellv. l'nl tn people hatlne rooms tn rrnt, Imlinlinc print, will be clten to appilrantt at the offUe of the pnblle nmlort eemmlttee. A limited number of miih lanlt will alto be Riten out ,u frre u,u.irtrrt In rchtitre of veteunt w cup I tut foe n,Hirlrra In order that the may Imlee in the iMlidihnrlinndt, At the nfflie at HI! Superior lieet will alsn be utatliihul the niedli al coipt, who i.m be leathfd (litre b telephone at an houi of tho day or tilKhl in ia.e of niddtii lllnet or (ittlden'. Ihrre will altn be rfflrlmt ninliiilanee eertlre nnd ampin hupiul flillitlet at the tlltpotal of tlie 111nll1.1l inipt The ernwdt will becln iriniiic sattlidiy. It It iwllimtiil lint by tilneday there will be 3ii,- una ptople In Ihe rlly. A TIME OF ANXIETY. I'mm the Timklnnnoi k Nnr te. The proprietor of a netpipr lint Is loraled In .1 town where an Induttrinl slrlke ti In prn Kiett It In a initial pmltion We Inte watehetl t nutnlier of thrni ilutliiK f in h petlndt in the piM, and hue felt tnit the poitlnii of editor or lotal leporter wat .iiitthiui; but enviable. There tt alttatt Htn itidet In a timtrel, and tn bo fair In both and not ineur the enmity of either It nn almot abtnlute linpoMlbllilf. Where 1 netttpaper hit a liiue palronice imnnir tlie workernun the prnprietor't niiiipalhlen niliinllt lean In that dim Hon With a ihslre tn net all the "newt" eoniernliiB the trouble, nnd .1 bd of Idle ttotknirn revl nnl anvlout to site It tn lillu, airordlnit lo tlielr own ttandpolnt, be It more thin ordlnirll letel headed if he doet not present .1 riiatnrtrd tle'V of the tae. On the other hand, if he irrtrn!et the offliert of the lorpnntten In ttliotn etablltlinieiit the strike hit entitled, he celt an enllrelt opposite view of tho Irmible, whlih, If leflei led In his piper. Is lik. It to tall down iimn him the until of Ihe workmen, and In all probability will result In keiplmr htm bii'v for oni tint" ihetkimr off the titmeji of tndlcnint subterlbert tthn stop their piper. vti Impartial tieitment of libor troubles at 1 considerable tlitniKe It rare eniiieti. but when one It In the mldtl of It the dlffkultlet are tnienlfled .1 hundretl fold Thote editors who are so Hiuitod and hue a desire tn deal flirty In Imth sld"t hate our tineirett stnipuht, thne who are it.l.fl'd tn take sldfs regirdless of facta tin not need s.tmpith.t. MEANING OF CERTAIN NAMES. I'mm the notion llenld. NiiL-iri. or rnh"r. to cite it its full name, Onl-itt girjh, onn-e'set the West Indlin lor "tlje'liiimder nf ttatepi " lie Ciilbbean sei w I'het Ihe territory of tna I'iriblK. whoe nime inr.nt "t rue) men" The White Vi it so railed frmn lit proxinvtv tn the sterile teciens of not and ire, the lllarV el. bn tut" it abound with Miek rorkt. tli lied sei, on .inoilllt of tlie red ?.oil whieli ftnTM lU botiom, the C.ieen p.ei, iilhere the Per'iin ciilf. cmliur m i pn uli ir strip of sreen abtut tlltririilhle .ilnntf the i ibl 111 slioie, and the el low b 1 from tlie i.dnr nf the water rinsed hr tile mtuie of itt muddy -oil. lint 1111- Iny imt m tailed by t'aptiln C'onK, from thi tarni of pli.H which he found irnntinc 111 il elmret when exploring II In li"o, 'Ihe s 1, rty l.lanlt i-'ilted their nime from ( apt iln Cook, In honor of Ihe Until socleiy. The rantlnc of the itidwlli l-lim's bt Conk emueteil ,1 eiiifliil t nnililliiieut to bonl sand with, flra lord of the .idniinllv. .I.tvi it i intne Vliliv ttoid, eUnif.tlng "th" land of niittniif." . Tim i del l'uico epre-te the Spinith fr "laud of Hie " The I ulrone I-lindt merited thlt ileslsnili n fi.iiii tin- tilt uiuiani o tint when Mmellan liiiiihnl upiin one of flit- lower Itbt t( the coitip in I .V5 ) Hie iiitiie. tiole m-iiit- nt hit sends, when, upon ho tailed tlie blinds the adronet, tthlth is tin- 1 1 n i -1 for thine-. nhnile blind, ii corruption of the P.inbh i"od led, flsniflr.i lied l-lanil, 111 .ilhulon tn its retl thh nppt ii nue Pipin it .1 P.ntiicutte 1 f nn for "frlrrled," in iillu-liiii tn the rniirmiiui (rild lie nit of hair worn bt the natiti-t Miinitri, i niriiiptinii of Tnmatar.i, meant "tlio hippt lind." l'tirmoti it Portucnese for "beaiiltful." .lap in It i Kuiepein ion, brousht about throush the portusur-e tiepufii, of th nalite N'lphon. t oiupourtded of "ni." sun. tire, and "pen." lind, literillf siinlind, or "lind of the n-ins inn," Msnif.nns ' the fountain of beht " tanart were oru'inallf sn railed on V ALL THE FEET IN TOWN . From Shoe Strings to Boots No Order Too Small, No Order Too Large, Not Profit but Business Increase, Lower the Price, Larger the Trade, See the Point Always Busy X-eKTis & IReilly SEE OUR SCHOOL SHOE VxIIM DONA. LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL THAT Is ' A IN ALL KINDS OP FURNIT Odd Parlor Pieces You can't hue ton manv of them. We are showint; an uniittiill.i bright line of odd pirlor pieces, plain and carted; tviuilfull upholilcred ir leather or silk ilimad: Office The largest assortment of Office Furniture in the city. Our slock is complete. Dining Room Furniture No furniture In the hnuti) conies In for harder cr more cmstant use. Me shall etteem it a pleasure to show you our new styles of ilinlnz furniture, that aro thoroushly and artistically nude. Hill & ConneU 121 N. Washington Avenue. account of the numerous dojrs, at well at of their iuiuull sl?e (t.itln, rants, a rloi). bred here. Mauritius, when eolonlsetl bv the Pnlfh, re. relied the name of Minrlte, Prince of Orange. Madeira Is it Poituaue term, slcnlfttn tim ber, Ihe Inference belli that tliN bland was formerly cnteied by an Iminriite fmel Capri slRtilllrt the "Mind of .itt," IRtec ably In the l.iiin tapir, a he cut. Mill' reiene.t ll nime (mm the Pteull, a tribe whn tittled upon It In cirly timet. Milt i .mtlrntlj Mrlll.i, "Ihe place c( refuse " Spltr.brrireii It lit r-r it Unlili fnr hirp pdntr I mountains," rrfenlns In the nianlle k tkt of the mniiulilut, wlliii are o ihirieleristie of (his croup nf i.-liMl. EDUCATIONAL. HO inms J v Scranton. Studies will be resumed on Mon day, Sept. t)th. COLLEGIATC. ACADEMICS. COMMERCIAL AND PREPARATORY COURSES, Send for catalogue or call. Brother F. Andrew, Pros., 33i WyoinliiR Avenue Free sTT j o Tuition By a recent act of the leRiFla tttre. free tuition is now grafted at the Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to nil those prepai'np to teach. This fchool maintains courses of study for teachers, for those preparing for college, and for thue FtudyiiiK music. It will pn- to write fnr pirtieu'.ir". Nn other ulioid ortirs mi n nu.rrior ad tjntHjrs at low latea Adilrcn J. P.Wels1!, r. M, Ph. D. , Pfin. .CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY 'Vi5$ahickon Heights, Chestnut Mill, Pa! A hoirtlinc tclmol for bnvs in the eletatetl and beautiful open country north of Pblln. delphli. jo mlnutet from llroid St Station, l'ot cntafoRiio ntldiet JAMES L. PATTERSON. Ilead-Maslcr. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCRAMOV. PA. T. J. Ko.ter, President 1 Imer II. I.mall, Trcas. R. J. Poster, Stanley P. Allen, Vice President. Secretary. Toilet Tables We late n,'i"e 1 number if very handrome toilet tallies at lomplnte at r.irtn-e-1 at tmi will find an a here. Mo bite them in or.k, mahnant jnd biulmo miple, with bcttlcd milium. Furniture Brass lieds We bate some very artistn- deslsna in Ilrasa Peds e would be pleased tn show jou. m should lonl over our large asorlmrnt btfore buying. UMsMMaHaVUnBH FINLEY'S Ami! Fil M ol Ii linei HlUAEI Splendid tUhfrlnj tf dalnlv ind useful pro. din's fiom the ben Irnh, llermin and Scotch bn'tn? Mi line j uied i miV.c this the greatest Linen Kile in our hi.tort. Greatest ItAMil. OP ll VI.ITIKS, V Willi VII T m- inicss, Vl.l P. Hill 1111. VIIISKV. .Iiidje. of ilro bneiit will apprnlite Ibis eppoi. tunlly tn but all th-) need quit My. 42c, Heal Value ,55c. Irdli lllenhed Dinittk ill I nr het wide, medium weight cood quilitt . frr ordioarv ue. ?s)C, Heal Vnluc $1.00 Hne IrKh tll-irhed Dimi'l., J2 tnrhet viif, medium ttelsht and extra Rnod talue. $1.00, Keal Value, $1.25 1 xtn lleitt lrbh Bleirhed Damask, ,J lnch"S wide -a Rtnit bargain -tomes in leautlful de- signs, $1.25 to $2.25 nnd Up, Hxtvii Fine Linens . oirh and ln.h Dunask, 72 Inihcs, SI Inch?) and ii initios wide, (iennan Silver IJleached Damask Vll bnen, eviri hem nelEht a splendid wear, ins bin n it j1i to ?1 (i). liariislpy Table Damask Pvlra heatt brown linen; nn better weirlnj rlnth nnde We hue it 1n full range ef prices. Napkin Jtnrgnins One hundred doren fiennin Sitter flleirhed Nipkm-.. rttri lii.ny linen, talue, fl o.V; ti.nth 'I 7.'i .vi r..rti 111 ii hed Nipkint. 1 TV, worth 2 i vi do'n rilenhed Nipklnt, M '.V. worth M.O). 5iiH llin k Timet.. M 4" per doten J-'vl') Knotted Inrae l)ima.vk Towels, JOe. a pur Cinehri Heel -pieid, no. ind 1 01. VnteillfK.c Hi tl .xprrads, l T5, 2.2S, JJ.TJ, 1 1 1 .Mtw Dama'k Iktl s-prcads, K-M upwards. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave L OF SCRANTON. Capital 5200,000. Surplus $525,000 United States Depositary. Special attention given ta BUSINESS, TKRSOXAL and SAV INGS accounts, whether larga or small. Open Saturday evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. Wm. Connell, President Henry Belik, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Peck, Cashier Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Screen Doors, Gas Stoves, Window Screens, Hammocks. 1. 325-327 Penn Avenue. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereali 5 Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue, NATIONA BANK is