The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 07, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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ZZT i- 1
burke , Carbondale Department.
"Delaware nnd Hudson Eallroad.
V .. . June 0, I'M.
Tialna.ivill lone Carlioinlale t cll atallnn a
fidci sTnton and VVUkos.llirre-fln.1 7(l, jm.
fl 1O0I.J1 Jl I" . !! t?i ' " ? '"
ijtm Tim jTmii, 1051 p in
sundae tralln leive nt 8 VI, 11 11
1 10,
t.lfl, 4. A SO) p in . ,
t til. mi. Mntna.1. Vtonttral. Hoton,
rnalatnl punt', rli , ;i u in I HI p. m
(rla1l I ... i i
-lor like Inilnre, Witmirt ml llonedile,
f . 110.V h in 111, till p I" ,
vuniUv ttiln loito tor bike I mlrr W ivmart
tlH lOIP5lll0 it ' ID n m I ". I ' P "
Train; arrive it ( urboiiiHIe trttn Wilke.lUrre
and s.mnton a follow h Ml. SIT. P 10. HI
a m , I J 17. 1 O. 3 2). I US HO, 7 01, 14, 9 41,
11 57 p in , I M Hi . . , .
Sundiv Halm airltc at IH7 a m , 1J 10. 3J.,
4 2, M JO, II II p III
Train, airlte chili from Allmi it 1 W nl
9 M p tn mil on sundit al .' .( p m
Tralrn anlie from lloiirmlalo ami Watmart
dill at ' H a ni , 12 In, I in. 17 p in
siindav train irrlvp it ( ubnndile from I.ike
Lodote. Wavnurt Hid lnmlilc at I' 17. 4 10
and 7 "" p in
New Yoik, Ontnilo nnd Western.
June 21, I'll
Train; Irate rarbondale for nnlon at 7 01,
10 n a in , 4 HI p in
hiwhv tnliu at Tin i n : f . p m
Tialn. Imr lubendile fr p nun north at
11 in a m : I II p in On sun In it n 10 a in
Trains lenliiz at 11 10 i in wiek din and 10
a m. -iiiiiIh luiki iinniitiniH for Sen urk,
Cornwall n
Train, auur fiom s iintmi it 11 10 a mil II
fi lit n. in . (torn nolnl. noitli. lorn) a m , 4 00
n m 'undna frrm Vrmton at ft 10 a in
7 4-. p
Irnin Cid'U at fi rl
Erie Raihond.
.lime "I, ItOl
Train leite ritt htition, Cirhomlile, clallv
(exrrnt Siindav) at 7 no n m ind I Jl p ni fir
Draridt and Mnetoh, at 1) 1.1 a m, dallv lex
orptlnir -undii), 1, r lllnchamtnn. tnakinc ton
nertlon.1 for N'ew V ik rltv anil llutfitn, anil it
f. 10 p m for "ti.n.uclianni, inakini? connection!
f(r vvr.tern point.
Sundav tninn at 1 l" a m for Suqnf!iaiini
ulth Mpntfrn ionnrttlon, and 27 p in, with
Mnii connection
Trains airho at S "1 a m and S 15 r m
Sur.tlns at 8 53 a. tu
In His Address at Toiest City the
Tresident of United Mine Workers
Advises the Miners to Secure This,
Peaceably, but if Not Peacenbly,
at Any Bate Details of the Labor
Demonstration in the Town at the
End of Valley.
John MltrhtMl, prexlrlenil of the
t'nltccl Mln" Worker of America,
marie the most slRnlflc.tnt sl.itoment of
any he h,it uttfrr-tl on tlic minltiK "Itu
ntlon diiilnR his prosioiit vl'lt to till"
portion when he doel ueil, In l'oiet
Cit ii-xtr-nlny aJtet noon, that he
vonlil nrlip the men to fKUie nn
clBhi-lmm flay In Hip ppiliiK
"I will tell .nu." said Mr Mitchell,
In leading up to the Important state
ment, 'what 1 intend to advise the
miners to do. 1 Intend to ndle them
to spoine nn elRht-liaur dm, pi aff
ably If tliey can, but to picuro it at
any tate."
The ochmJiii for 'the mliHesq In
ihlcli the mine woikcis leader matlo
thx statement of uliit would bo .in
lmpottant pirt of the dem mds for
the mining: eai, was the Labor day
riemon'-tiatlon the locals of the
upper end of the alley aii.uiKed n
honor of Mi. Mltthell's pt tt the
biihtllnK boioiiRh of Totest City. This
was his litst lst tliete, and nrranKC-
inonrs weie ik oordlnKlyt made to
make It a fitting and memorable one
The mlnots mici ceded In their efforts,
fni It was a flattering lecoptlon that
Mr. Mitchell was Rien, one which he
appreciated In that earnest manner
ch.tiacteilstlo of him.
It was a bin da In the (nicer of
rmet City and the blKRcst dav In
the hlstm of the labor oiRanlatlon
of the place. It was prnttlialb tt
holldav. The il ly was wholly Klen
orr to the rune of labor, and the
saloons nnd dttiR lores wtie the onlj that lemalncd open. The stoics
and residences wete bedecked with
fines, and Main street for the entile
distance was a Iur plitute of the na
tional colois, The localx of Vanillins
nnd Simpson took pan In the demon
etiatlon. In the procession theie weie nentlj
a thousand men and two imtslial or
KanlzationH, the Toieht city biass
band and the Torest City Tlfo and
Drum corps
J. D. Jones was Krand maishal of
the day. The procession was headed
by Chief of Police Patrick Dearie and
Illeh Constable Jamb Kretchle. The
Brand mai.shdl'8 aids followed All
were mounted. In the line of car
riages that followed were the frucsts
of the day, the locals' oniceis, the bot
otifjh councllmcu, school dliectois, and
the like.
President Mitchell, Dlstilct' I'resl
dent Nichols, Di. ner, the liurKess,
and OeorRe Maxey oi upled the first
carriage. In the canlapes tint fol
lowed were Kdwnrd MeKnj, of Mt-Keei-Tiort,
nanlonal exe(iitlo boaid,
lleniy Collins, of Cnibndale Vlco
President Paul Pulaikl, of District
No. fl; Adam Itescaap,e, Pl mouth,
JamrRl Clark, ipiesldoiu Incnl IOJt.
Pamuel Slay, president Local lf.o;, j
F. AVeldilck, borough tiensurei, Peter
Glllesplp, ptesldcnt of count lis. Coun
cllmen Dennis Fallon, Michael Keantz,
J. J. Dearie, Michael Kane, P. J HaK.
gerty, School Dliectois John Munu,
T. P. McCormick, Uernard Pallou,
I.pvI Decker, Patilck cieary. W. M
Suartz, membeis of the Harbors' un
ion delegates.
The proiessioii, whlih contained
about 1,000 enthtihiaHtlt marthei.s,
men who were glad to do honor to the
leader who led them In the tight of
last year, was niado up of Fedeinl un
ion SS3i), Locals l!i, 109't, 1700, Forest
City. id. of Vandllng, und lOM. HUli
mondale Aftei tho parade the mass meeting
took, vlaee In front of the new public
iehV)l at the southern end nf the
town. Their? weie fully 3 000 peisons
In fiont and about the speakers' Ftand
when Di I)wei, the buigess of Foi
est City. niml welcomed the guests
and extendi d the town't hospitality
to them, lift also Introduced (lenige
nnn l mallfr all r iHlnj; Mien's hoot I a,i, t
pouder to Ix Intu tlic l nc. It nul,,,
tielit, or new lire ful j., glu, (mtnt rclltf
tn ronia and liuiiti n lit tin ciuli.t loninu
dlcory of th tgt Cuici lua ptevrut mtoJici
fett," t)llun, eilloua anl ,e pot. Midi1,
FooEat is i ifrtalti .uic foi jting ,.n
iclilns fft At all dnu;it and lio lloiti.
tie. -Trial rl"e Ffll.l. I tnaili ddffM, KU
le a.OlmittJ, I.e llo;, .N. 1.
Maxey, the chairman of the afternoon.
Mr. .Maxey Ik a clever young man
whose ability Is sure to win n splen
did career for him.
Mr. Maxey gievv iloiiit nt In bis In
troduction, likening th Blent 1'idtis
trlal battle to the battles Hint have
been fought fot ccntuilcs b'iv.cin (he
illffcicnt nntlons. Tin print Iplc t nave
over been the snine, nnd today we hiie
another Nnpoleon he said. In the ln
dnstrlnl ntmv, In the pet son of Picsl
dent Mitt lull, nf the mine woikcrs
Theie weie two spial.cis befoie Ml.
Mitt hell, PlPSlditlt Nit hols, of DlsttUt
No 1, Paul Pulaski, who spvkt In
Polish. Nearly nil of Mr Nichols' talk
was n glowing ti Unite to Mi. Mitchell
and bis successful lendeishlp lit the
late movements, lie lefencd to Ml.
Mitt hell as "the genet nl In the lnbor
iirmvi the lender who plntinid nnd
tairltd to Its sitiipssftil end the gi cut
est movement over made foi the
cmniii Ipatlon of the woiklugiucn " Tho
stilke plans, he continued, wete will
laid, they weie not a flash In the pin
Thty were tho ouliome of the good
judgment of our lendet, our pttsldent,
who Is gt eater In the ces of the nn
thrniite miners nnd holds n waimei
phte In theli heaits thnn evfi
Speaking of the grlevames of the
miners. Mi Nichols ndvlscd to ni bl
tinte them If possible, but (list be stite
they are grlevames. It Is easier to ef
fect it settlement before than after a
strike, but if oti me stite .vou me
light, don't allow nuv metnbei to bo
set aside oi unfulih dealt with.
Mr. Mitchell mo-e fiom the Mollis
chair In which he wns spnted and took
Ills stnnd on the front of the platform,
amidst the bunas and shouts of the
thiong, which lasted for some little
lie piefaied bis talk with a ( onipll
ment to Potest f'lt.v, which, net Hiding
to his adviseis. bad no miner who wns
not In the mine w inkers. "If this bp
tine," he said, "then Poiet Cltv Is thp
only place where this condition pre-
alls, which is to the gieat i redlt of
tho town If this condition ptevalled
all through the groat unthiniltr- region,
theie would luive been no neiissltv to
strike List fall The opeiatois would
not daii' to r ngnlnst the 1'nited Mine
Workers had evetv wotklngmaii been
In the oiganbatlon At the time of
that strike Jess than f, pet cent of the
men weie In the union and onlv 8 OflO
out of 122 Ooo weie In good standing
"There wns n iiopulat mlsappi obtu
sion that tiades unions mo n distuib
lug factot In nn Industtlnl conununltj ,
that they stnnd foi stiif,. and stilke
or turmoil. Instead of peace and tian
qullltv and bnrmouv. Kvoi.v simient of
lndui-tiiil nffalis will ngiee that theie
ate less stilkes In nn oiganlid loc nl
Itv, and hlstotv pioves that theio
not been one gieat stilke whole the
majority weie organized " lie then to
pented the stntement that If the men
were ftlllv oignuled theie would have
been no strike
'The puipovp of the t'lillod Mine
Woikois" said Mi Mitt h II Ms tn
keep peace and huiuoto to i xtnhlNU
relations botweon the opoiators nnd the
woiklngmon, to meet otuo a oni, ns
Is true of the bituminous legions,
wheiolioth initios sit down at a table
to ii.unn out the tumbles that ate
llkolv to occtit, nnd thus in Pit a stiike
We will licvoi stilke If wo got what Is
Just, but If we me not Justlj tieutod,
then wo will stilke "
Mr .Mitchell took up the Idea of
compulsotv nibltiation and pi iced
himself on leioid us being opposed to
It Ho oven called upon his heaiois,
with gnat earnestness, to oppose the
scheme, which he said, was nolthei
plausible noi practlinl.
"It Is otit duty, as tillens," ho py.
claimed with force, "to stnnd flint
ngnlnst anv law to compel nibltintlnn.
You cannot make the law effective
without penalties, nnd hive ou inonev
to pay the fines that may bo Imposed
by renson of not kicplug to the deils
lon of the boirtl ' i'an Lnboi pnv tlm s
I gti(s not' The chain os would be
that Libor would hnvo to j,o to Jail
The scheme Is not undi i a
fiee gcneinnent, and shall not bo tol
erated bv wotklngmen who me fieo
"Labor has often oluutai ily ofieiod
to atbltrate, but theie me times when
I lefused to mbitiate. I ic fused to ai
bltinte with M tiklo, and would leftiso
ngnln. I would lathci have scon L.ic k
iivvannn and Wvomlng alloy nunois
defeated than to have the bihitvlklll
miners non-lctoilotis it was this pol
icy that won tho fight, the kuowledgp
among tho men that one sido or onp
locality couldn't win without thp otliPi
winning also This u kindled file of
love for better conditions, it quit k
ened tho desire to be fieo, and thank
God Almighty the nnthiailte Illinois
aie fiee "
It wns at this Jimituie that Mr?
Mitchell made the admission that the
eight-hour dav proposition would be
given a forward plate In the u pre
sentations nt the looked for Piinfeieno
In the spring, then If theie bo no io .
ference. among tho demands of the
"The strike, it Is tine, did not u
dress nil wrongs, theio nio still some
grlevames, the nilnois have not all
thev ate entitled to, but, by standing
togpthei, we will be ntgnnled to mako
nnothet forvv.ud move I will tell ou
what I will advise ou to do," V
claimed Mi Mitchell, as ho giew ex
citedly earnest "1 will tell ou what
I'll ucHlse you tn do, tn t-entio peace
nbly. If vou can, the eight-hour day.
but If not peaceablv, thin at nn into."
Then? was a wild stoim of ibeois
over this epies-lon of Mi Mitchell's,
which would seem to Indicate that the
mine vvorkeis' ptesldent had slunk n
populnr chord In the Judgment he ex
piessed. Mi. Mitchell then went Into n dis
cussion of the right-hour dny piopo
sltlon He pointed out tho opeiieneo
of trades unions that wages woie never
permanently liljjh until the hnuis of
lnbor deci rased. Ho suggested that It
would be bettci to equally dlvldo the
wotklng das nf tho minus in the an
tbiac ite. legion than to weuk is, chs,
ns at piosent leaving 11", davs tin
w diked, on which the inlnein would bo
pievented Horn woiklng. even if thov
so dot-tied Tin- bituminous inlnein
fought foi the eight-hoill elav fot ovei
thirty j eats, but sIiup IK'tt;, when sue -cesHful,
tliPli vvarjen have Inneaseil
even eni mid last vent lm leased $jn .
000,000 You, men who dig haul ioal,
must iodine voui bonis of woiklng,
Ml. Mitchell concluded Ills uddiess
with an uiaent nppcul foi the bioakoi
boy, that he mtrdit be icleapeil fiom
bondage and snt to school, wheie he
belone. 'Cioel never Intended." Paid he.
''thathlldien should go to the bieakei
at t(ji jeJis ol age. Many me foucd
'Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
by cntiilitlous, vvblth they cannot enn
tml, to send their little ones to the
breaker, but ngnln theie ate times
when they tan bo kept nt home. I
would iidvlso you that tho boy who
cannot teatl or wilto Is In no position
to guard himself. I know what the ex
pet lence Is to acquire an education
nfter tho yoats u have spent In the
nilnrH. 1 wns one of the boys who was
sent tn tho mines when he wns ten
yeais old, and I don't want to see other
bovs do the same.
"In i losing, I would ask ou to give
tho companies nil jotl agreed to, but
tc that ou leceive nil they agiettl to
give you."
At the conclusion of the mldies".
('hull man Maxey presented Mr. Mitch
ell with u huge bouquet of handsome
loses that wete sent tn the platform
by (ieoige Piokopovlts, of Olvphant
Mr. Mitchell lemalned In Carbondale
last night at the Hariisou house. To
day be will be nt Tin nop, nnd on Stin
dav or Mniidty ho will leave for tho
Sihuvlklll region.
Considerable Inteiest attaches to lb
Wn.tts (iimlng, for ho Is the son of
a foi met pastnt of the church. lilt
father was Hev. William Wvatt, who
was loeited brie In ls'i2. During the
time that spltlttiillsm inn lampant.
Hev Mr Wv.ttt took a decided stand
n; this tloctilne, he made a spir
ited l hi. and his offotts weie so con
spin cats nnd to blesod with sucoesi they won fot him a name that Is
held In the highest icsppct and levei
otii e to this dav by tlm-o who hid a
knowledge of tho man of those clas.
Dl Wjatt Is it wot thy sue cessor to
his father In the mlnlstiy Up hns had
P. instituted to him the same charac
teristics and stetllng ttalts which will
be lovpnled bv being hi ought close to
him. Ho Is nn eloquent speaker, nnd
tho announcement of his coming will
be a gtateful assurance to n multitude
if pi i sons in Caibondnlo who will be
iinxious to heat him.
There will be spei inl mush at both
let vices. Tho selections will le-echo
the rphit of the church on this extia
onllnai v occasion and, under the ellroe -tlon
nf W 1. Ilvaii". tho exceptional
meiit of tho Jubilee preigiainmc will be
An Important Event in the History
of the First Methodist Church to
Be Celebtated on Sunday Rev. Dr.
Wyatt of Huntington, N. Y., to
Pleach nt Morning nnd Evening
Sei vices Special- Music The Pio
gi amine of the Day.
The M'Vont.v-thlnl anlvoistty of the
niganlatlnu of the Plist Methodist
i lunch will bo observed tnmouow nt
that sailed cclllleo, with soivlcos and
leiomonios hellittlng the .signal event.
The occasion is lclatlvelv as Impoit-
nnt a c the golden Jubilee of the cltv,
nnd tho zealous and energetic p istor,
Hev A. 1' Cli iff ee, mid the meniliiis
of hl flock in o greatly stliud up In
,i .r'e Ipatlon of what will be a con
spicuous day in the annals of the
While the nnnUersniy of Its, If will
be nn evint. jet what Is surely moie
Intel c sting and nf ev i n gi eater Impm t
iincc Is the npet tiiticin to hive the
churi h wholly fieo of debt on the even
ing of the annlvors.trj It Is expected
that the papeis that tell of the pet mi
ni obligations nf the chinch will be
dcstioj d at this si iv lie, their destine -tlon
going to make n spoet.ule that
nil be a lenllation of the labots and
hopes of tho past two jcais Two
ypdis ago when the ehtiieh leleluated
Its niinlversai v, the con
giegatlon lamiieil Its plan to wipe out
the nl ligations tint followed fiom the
eieitlou of the beautiful nnel imposing
houe of wen ship a nec-d eellflee that
Is the object of the admiration of vls
tois to the town, and which Is of the
highest etedlt to the chinch's wor
shipped. Tho plan was happily suc
cessful and now the membeis nnd their
beloved pastot will have, occasion to
felicitate and Jubilate, as well, fot this
n an achievement that Justllles and
calls fot a jubilation. In the telle na
tions the occasion will give ise
to the nu mb-Ts n i tho vailom
churches ol the city will bo eeitaln to
Tho .speaker of the occasion will bo
Itcv. A. H Wvatt. 1). D of Hunting
ton, N Y, who will deliver the ser
mon at the morning and evening .soi
Mce. The musical pi ogi annuo Is as foi
Otgaii, "tiiaud Chu
ms' 'I'll Dubois
orrottoij, ' Knmnncc" H Tours
Postludo i:. L. Ashfoid
Pioiesslniiiil, Mlloila" A. Amite
Olfeitoij, 'Iltrcatolo" Ilciffman
Postlitde, 'tilnilu" Mozart
Voluntaiy Autheiii, "Send Out Thy
Light" Gounod
ll.vmu 1.'.
Cieed. Player. Anthem.
Psalm,' s,eck jo tho Lotd" V. . Perry
C.lotla Notlios. Collection.
Anthem, 'tJieat and Marvelous"
Hvmn MI. Seimoii
lljnin 111. ppnedletlon
Hjmn i!s Cieecl Piaver.
Anthem, 'The Uadlaiu Morn Hath
Passed Awav" H. Wnndworth
Glnila. Lesson. Notices Collection,
Anthem, ' The King of Love, My
Shepheid s" bkclley
11. Mini "i'iJ. Seimoii.
Hvmn orii Henedlctlon.
Conflicting Stories About the Disas
ter to Ono Michael Cavlson,
Michael Cavlson, who lives In the
Dunefaff section of the town, met with
a dlsastei on Wednosdnv. His light
hand was cut oi totn ot bitten, bitten
he- dec lines, b n dog though the own
er ot the uinluc sajs no The question
Is Who Is light .
Cavlson uvus that he was getting
a dllnk at the house of cx-Chlef of
Pollco HaiiPtt on Wediiesdav evening,
when the big clog of the lattei Jumped
at him and e bowed his light hand
until he tilt el with pain Uo exhibits
tho hand as cvlde.Hi' of tho dog's
chewing and also went to ihneigency
hospital to have It drpsted.
The owner of tho doff pooh-poohed
tho Idea that Cavlson was bitten and
suggestod that the luttoi met his din
aster in fcomo uthtr wu. Ho waa will-
Ing, however, to shoot the dog if It
could be shown that the animal was
responsible for the injured hand that
Cavlson is carrying around, wrapped
In antiseptic-soaked bandages. When
Sanitary Policeman Moffltt, who was)
asked to kill tho dog, learned theso
facts he decided to postpone tho dog
WILLIAM DAVIS died nt his home
on Dchuont street, above Drtimmoud
avenue, Thuisday morning. He wns
taken sick last April and hnd been un
able to work since. Dropsy wns the
cuuse of death,
Mr. Davis was born in Wales, tvven-
Kty-elgbt veais ago last Deremher, but
he lived In this coiintrv since his In
fancy. Ho cnine tn Caibonrtnle fmm
Mlneis' Mills twn yeais ngn and since
then bad won tnnny warm friends.
Deceased Is survived by a wife, two
children, Unil and Kimik, a father,
who Is in Montana, one sister, Mrs.
Itachcl Thomas, of Miners' Mills, and
ono brother, Knchailnh, of Wllkos
Barie. The funeinl will be held this
(Katutdny) afternoon. At 2 o'doek
Pov. A. P. Chaffee, of tho Plrst Metho
dist chinch, will bold services nt tho
bouse, nfter which Initial will be In
Hiookslele iciuetei.v.
1JVAN" WILLIAMS, the popular Del-
nwmo and Hudson engineer, whose
spluo was broken bj being tin own
fiom n cabonse, his chili being caught
under a guide who while passing the
Coalbrook bleaker, died at Ihnergene y
hospital cm Thuisday night Mr. Wil
liams' wife ami datightei, who lived In
Chleago.wote with him when ho pissed
Mi William was boin in Wjomlng
county, a slim t distance fiom Tunk
hmnock, llftj-tlnoo jo.tis ago He
came tn this city about twenty-live
j oats ago and hnd been he to contlnu
Htslv since. He was one of the most
competent englnoeis on the toad and
was a liiombei of the englneeis' ninth
oihooel. It was his Intention tn aban
don lallinadlng this fall anil take up
his residence nn a New Jet sea? farm
he teceutlv ncqulied.
Mr. Wllll-ims Is suivlveel b Ills wife,
one daughter, Alice, and twn brothels.
The f uncial son lees will bo conducted
this evening at ! o'cloik at Mis. Mun
ley's, on Church sheet, bv Hey. A P.
Chaffee, inistor nf the Pltst Methodist
chinch The body will bo taken on
the 11 21 train Siindav to Ttinkhannock,
wheie Interment will be nnde
That Game with Archbnld.
Much Inteiest has boeni ic itodamong
base ball Piithuslns ts ovoi tho pio
piised gamp be tw pen the descents anet
the Archbnld Sunsets nt Luke Lodote
on the Sth lnt. In the tltst game with
this e lub at Alumni pnrk a few weeks
ngn, oui home nine was defeated bv
some seilous eitois and this fad gives
ili for eonsldr.iblo (.peculation as to
the outcome nf the next contest with
Atclibild. It can huthftillv be said that
the Sunsets was the stiongest team
that tho descents wont up against In
a long time, mid wo feel lonfldoiit that
Managei Pox will not espec lallv at the
close of the season penult his club
to ruffe r elcfe it a second time nt tho
binds of the Aichbnbl bovs The
game will li' n thomughlv Inlet estlng
nne nnd will no dcuib, be wltnesseil
bv luindieds of people thtoughotit tho
legion The Mo7irt bnuel will nlso pn
llven things nt tho popular ipsoit on
the occiflon of tho closing nf the ex
clusion season next Sunelav.
Columbias Nominnte Offlceis.
The Columbia Hose mmpanv Ins
neiiiiliinted the following nfllcers. Pies
lelent. .1 P Heivlan, secretin j, P. P
Men. in and Will Kiup itilck, tronsur
ci, M. ,1 Hoian, foi em in, John Lnf
tus nnd IMwatd Healv, assistant fote
mau, J J Iliennan tiustees John
I: Hi own John Nealon, James Livery
nnd Michael Cm den, dilver 12 J
Neat v assistant dilver, Thomas Moi
iin, musician. Jnnies Livery.
Sunday Excursions to Coose.
The Sunday exclusions to Lake Lo
tto! i' will ee iso toniotrnw The last
Siindav at the lake inn be well spent,
fni the Mnzait band fiom heio will be
seated cm the steam lntinch to provide
the latest musk. Caterer Gorman will
hnvo nn abundance of choice refresh
meiits to sine those whoso appetites
will be shin pencil by the stav among
the htalth-laiUn breezes from tho lake
und giovo.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church,
South Church stieet. V Khingr,
piisttu Fouiteenth Sunday In Ttlnltj
Sabbath school, ;i "'0 a. in. Sen Ice,
10 10 a in. Subject of sei mon on the
gospel for the Sundav, 'Thankful and
rnlhanktul ' Aftoi closing, a meet
ing of the voting membeis will take
place, nnd in the afternoon in the
chinch, a council meeting, ot 2 10
Rev Klrelmunn, of Scranton, has
assured us he will be present.
Unclaimed Letters,
l,lt of lettets lemalulng In the Car
bonehilp, Pa . postofllt e Aug B VOL for
persons unknown H P Hrlttel, Pied
Dai ling, T P Cnlllgan, Hert Giles, J.
Healev. John Hnin, Pied Lehman, A
K Tnjlnr, Albeit Wescott. W. F
Wright. Mr. Annie Davis, Mrs J H
Henle.v, Mis J. P. LaHnr, Mrs. Lillian
Mulfoid, Mary Ann Mills, Miss Mar
gatet Heennn, Miss Llzzlo Walch. J.
11. Thomas, P. M.
The Cicscents nnd Sunsets.
The ciack Creseents and the best
team in Archbnld, the Sunset, will
bittle at Lake Lndore Sept R, nnd will
undoubtedly athact a gieat throng
for there Is the keenest rivalry be
tween tho teams and the rooteis front
both towns.
To Attend Funeral.
Carbondale lodge of Masons, No 219,
I lequested to meet this evening In
the lodge moms at 7 30 nnd tomormvv
morning nt S TO to make arrangements
toi the funeial of the late Pvan Wil
liam. Sold His Property.
John Piton. for many veats with
the Dilawaie nnd Hudson companv,
has sold his pinperiv on Illxnn Hill,
and will fjo tn Scranton the latter pait
of Septembei
Miss noun Wiiriipi of St.iiiiuca, nuel
Miss Chat lotto Mull, of Honesdale,
have letumed to theli homes, nfter
spending n week with Mr. and Mrs.
Rcndall Stephens
Mr and Mis Rnbeit Mo.Mlchael have
ltt!llied to theli home In Pott Jet vis,
nfter visiting the Intter's slstet, Mis.
Juhn Mllllsan. on tallbcrt sheet
Council met In special session on
Thursday evening, with nil members
present. Kx-Tax Collector Hohan wns
present, and Informed council that ho
was making every effort to close up
his accounts with the borough, On
motion of Mr. Nealon, he wns gi anted
nn extension of six months' time in
which to bring In a final teport. It was
reported that the proposition made by
ex-Tteasurer Lav In, in regnrd tn hl's
unsettled nrcounts, was acceptable tn
tho Delawnre nnd Hudson tntnpaiiv
nnd that the matter would be adjusted
nt once. The borough attorney was
authorized to oppose the mauitnmus
proceedings which will be aigiietl In
coutt nn Monday. Mr. Nealon stated
that tho men employed on the sheets
were unable to get their orders cnslied
by tho tieasurer, nnd suggested that
the finance committee await on thnt
officer unci ascertain the reason nf bis
action. Tho street committee wns ell
recteel to consult the tlvll englneei te
gmdlttg tho sidewalk guides, ns the
ordinance recently passed by council
hnd been signed by Hurgess Manning.
Adjourned tn meet Monday evening
The rnngregntlnn nf the Gtassy lsl
nnd Methodist llplscnpnl e hutch will
hold a lawn snilil nn the lawn nf Mrs.
Vesspy, Mondnv pvpnlng
Stetson's "I'liele Tom's Cabin' will
be the opening athactlnii nt the Father
Mnthcw opera house on rilcliiv even
ing, September 11.
Menvln, the Infant son of Mi nnd
Mis John Hinoks, died nn Thursday
evening. The futiPinl will be hold tn
mntrow nfteinnon, with Intel inent In
t'nlon eetueteiy.
Miss Annie Doughei, of, Wllkes
Parre, Is the guest of Miss Salllo
William Hecse Is seriously III nt his
home on Hill street.
Misses JuIIh and Katie Pest have te
turncd home, after spending the week
nt Dnston.
Mis. A. K. Shnvv and son, Robert, of
Plakelv, nro visiting friends nt Kings
ton, N. Y.
The Monday dancing class will con
duct their weekly social on Monday
Piesbyteilan ichurch, Hev. S. II.
Moon, D I), paator. Service at 10 30
a. m. nnd 7 30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. P.
H Parkhuist, of P.lkland. P.i . may
bo expected to assist In the singing
All welcome
The following notice has been sent
the Plrst vvaid Republicans The an
nual convention of Republican clubs
of tho state of Pennsylvania will be
held in hcranton duiing this month.
Nearl eveij town In the State wheie
the Republican patty Is ptedomlnate
will be lepresented at tho convention.
It Is fitting that so s.rong a town nn
P1kville shnuld be repid-iented nt
this conventinn, and with this object
In view a meeting will be hotel nn
Tuesdny evening, September 10, at
the hnse house, for the purpose of oi-
ganlzlng a Republican club nnd elect
ing delegates to this convention You
are earnestly Invited to attend this
meeting1 'Meeting will he tailed tn
nulcr at T.JO p in , and speakei of
imminence will be pesent. Committee.
Peckvillo Bnpiii thoiiHi. Rev J.
S. Thomaw, pastor. Soivlcos totnot
row at 10 JO a in and 7 10 p m. Morn
ing subject, 'Souls In Prison." Even
ing subject, "The Sun an L'mblem of
God. All aie welcome.
Mrs William Von Stoteh nnd daugh
ter, Nettle, spent Thuisday In Stian
ton. About $l"i v as tealleel from the sup
pet In the Methodist chinch last Wid
nosela.v evening. Theie was n huge at
tendance. At tho Rnptist chin ch on Sunday
pvinlng thp pastoi will Mvp a doseilp-
tlon of sights and scones in hlstoilc
Lexington nnd Concord, places vvheio
the (list blood for American llbeitv was
shed and which be ictently visited
J T. Hvnns nnd family has been vis
iting his hiothei, John KvniiH, near
South Gibson, for n few dajs.
Mr. nnd Mis s P. Finn, Mi nnd
Mis Ficd Snjder and chlldien and F
H. Greene attended the leunlou of the
Greene family nt Cllffoicl on 'Ihuiseiaj
of laut week.
A telephone company, which has been
putting a now line of wires thiough
this place, has been very fieo In the
mutilation of trees along the line of Its
poles. A lady who losides In this place
and whn Is much Interested In tho nne
nf tiees, has wiitten to it stute nillclnl
of loiests nbout this iii!dcmcanoi of
the emplojes of the telephone tom
pany, and Is Informed that thoy have
placed themselves liable to soveie pun
ishment. This should be a warning,
and in tho futuie such acts ns this
companv s emploves nic guilty of
should not bo lepoated.
Mr and Mis. F. N. Wells were In
Scianton Wednestlav.
Mi and Mis. W. A DePew enter
tained tho following guests at dinner
Mondav Mr. and Mn. B. 1 lav den, of
Piovlriencp, Mrs Alice Noack and
datightei, of Sandwich, 111., Ml. S. H.
Hit deu of Cnloindo; Mi. nnd Mis.
Fiank Havden and chlldien, of Mon-ilc;
Mr and Mis Clateiice Stevens and
children, of Ilamllntou, Mr and Mrs.
Hniace Finn and children, of Llm
htnst, ami Mrs. P. A. H.murd, of
Mi S H Hajtlen and Mis. Alice
Noack have returned to their homes In
the West
Miss Morgan, nf lljde Paik, Is tho
Rtien of Mr. nnd Mrs Hert Hlesccker.
Mip Pi lor and daughters, Fllznbcth
and Adeline, and Mr Heniy, of IJiook
ljn, N Y, aio the guests of Mis.
Miss Helen Williams, of Flinhurst.
wns the guest of Miss Ruth Gardiner
Mr and .Mrs. Hoc kenbenj, of Scran
ton, visited Mi. and Mt'.-S. J Horn
baker Thursela.
Mis Geoige Horttee entei tallied Miss
Julie Cruser of Monti osc, Frlda.v.
Mr nnd .Mis. Charles Wardell and
chlldien were Seianton visitors Thuia
daj. Ml?s Valedla Wilbur has lotuined
homo nftei a visit with fi lands In
O. K Vaughan attended the soldleis'
leuulon at Hanej's Lake Thuisday.
The ficsh air chlldien who have been
In this vicinity tor the past two weeks,
i etui ued to their homes In New Yuik
city ycsteidaj.
Ir T I. Mrrilll U viatttni! frlmdi in New
urk Hatf, ttlietf liu wife prrie-dul him "iu
tlnie ago lhj will tcturn lionu in llic iioji
lire Ohirln Itunold), of Siratoja sprlni;', V
, firinfrlv pator of the VfetholUt Ipliopal
church at thla place, lias been tpcndlns the week
among hit former puinhioneri
Vlr. 11 f Hon, it unable tn work, en account
of in anUe. ublch u icietny grained rcccntlj,
HfpVank J. Zeller: WfmM
Chief Zeller Protects Himself
with Pe-ru-na Against
Summer Colds.
lion Finnk J X.cllei fonuer ( hte-f ot
niollieihood of Locomotive lJiiBineei
No 143 of Meadvllle Pa now Ald'i-,
man Thud wind, Ttjonvllle I'.i
"I suffeied a number of times with
seveie colds nnd vvna laid up repeat
edly. A friend told me he had taken
Peiuna and it kept him well. I have
tried it and found thnt it not only
cuied me, but that taking Peiuna oc
casionally, especially in bad weather,
keeps me fiom catching cold. It
seems to thiow nil sickness out of
the system nnd I would not be with
out it." F. J. Zeller.
Cold" me cotnldeteil one of the lie c
o'saiy HI of life One lis, liable to e an h
cold both summer and wlntei Vc i v
often suminei colds piovo fatnl. They
aie nlwuvs dnngernus
A etild Is the beginning of citaith It
liiav calico citatili of anv of the inter
nal tho head lungs anil h pspee lallv A trmee'v tint will
cure n told then would cute all then
dliect effoe t of colds Pmiiii I such
n lemetlv Wo have littois fiom all
over the Fnlteel States attesting te till
fact Tin pool and I le h alike use and
recommend It A look of tiMlminius
In the exact word of the wiltct nut
to anv addicts firt of elingc. bv 'I lie
Peiuiia Medicine Co. Columbiif Ohio
Mi James I'tlo.v Cmuileu, ittnton
county Tt nn wiltes
"I am glad to have the pit asm e of
telling the wot Id what IVnini has tlone
fen me 1 was t ike n sli k last Apill
mwl lmd tluee of the lust ditois we
Imvo in out imintiv in el the ellel mo
bill little gone' If anv When I brgnll
with voui niee'l no 1 e otild not lie down
at night m otigh was ki bid M
Vh lilio mil hujliur of liilien 110 omipi
tuc tho pie i nit tin nn it" furniture si io
Vh Uiml It I'irkii iniUVI VI HiiITuril dticnl
eel t ii stinuiMiiu fair i mapl ' IJ' xhi
Mr TliirlK lio jr , of sritill7illi had 1
thumb iieuli boi.ii ill b a Mill iw mull "ii
Iridac and inn ii ( tark'i s'litnuit t' weuro
meilliat jttriitim t .r tin Inlurrd pha' etue
VIm bd I md two iliushlrra ho ue boon
the i,iimh 'f Mr ml Mr It Woochvorth.
of smiiinit Pill., tn novcial elav. relumed io
III ir t . in. in l irni'iwn N
Mih I) I I .mil Vlifo llo.e I in ri It -
1 mi Ii mil t.ian VIiei ni it f In I'an m ru n
lire li Wen k trio m iiildus tm the
KniahM if Mill i list sundjv rccnins h !
nniTrrmo n 'II u iiiililiuis and ilmriiiisiilv
apjiree tiled bv the mm ii t Mr I'livcl l j,Ii. t
C Intiilnlli .ili i-pike tr fc.tral imntiti' in h.
iimiiI enleitalidig iiimnrr
Mr V I, Ininnu i nnplnvel bv Mi I M
oull while bu ton I dwan) miu, i " lilllioel
tn Iho botisi with Mini '
Mi 1 I Imkl mi m I (imilv of Hill r.
innviit into iooiih it the Vlj.jtin lull until tho;
can nunc' mon mil ib'o n i mmo latima
The Teimjn boroush euiinul hold tlnlr rrsu
lai inonthh" iiieriai; in tin b m buildiiij,
with nl) i no iiieinlnr punriit Hio auperviMir
iriHiiteil'tl at tin In idee und alh v m the leer
cf III i) '8 liteiv .tjlilo. ue in need nt ifuir.
Snine ilU ikIi ii arn ov r tin nuilir and iiiinv
ruskr-tmiia wrtc tiiuli. when fliullv a ni"inu
w.n nn Io nil iJiriul Hut the itiiot ci niiniili i
be iiuinvinril to lepiir Mini biulki "id dlbv.
( nuiiiilinin Wliiiiri no in mi a .Miiumi i"u
irinlni the loiulii '1 nt Main ami sm mil ciioru
lie end Hut n nuiiihir nl iialelenU on tulli Hi'
abeiv, lmn w u niiUiii;ciw Iv 1 1 if fl iiiriu
on mm, of i iv - I ntitinuliiB, hi jid Hut Hm
livei I the ii .el i t if'WinS on Main lie I in
in imnimeiii ilniiu. and the atieoi. ili.uidit,
to Hie t Iiiiiimi II "j.. tttullv d
elded Hut Iho r in I It) bi illMiililid Ii n ililt
the Initi'ii ii'I11mii di nutieiiliiJ Ihuii I" li
ra i anl plcuk thru link ill lliiiub the hm
oiuh I hi nuilir i 'Ihi'iiiiIU Hi' iilitiiii of
tho mil nu 1hii VIi ii and i" "ml iircl vm
Irfi in the hand if th uml 1 1 iiiniiltri I In
f Ibiwln? bill vvero read anil i rdi iI pud lor
nun II. In I i.ln iiiiiipiui. V IH 1, I'nk
I llttlhn illllipHllV l.s Vljllitl VIi inln sue).
Pom hil'v t VI I i ink t.lles llivul liu
kin. Puid llminia and V (,re.n, J pnh r
audltuiB lh beniiikh bonk, ( hief nt I'nliio VI
t.inlev fli I Ii bum fur eivuca a Keorii irv,
ili (hief nf Pnliip Mil.wliv uaa Hun kiuuuil
a vie k a vaiation The judllora upon j nail,
aieepted anl ordered pljieel nn tile Tax mil
tor Win w u piiMin at the tnioiln; and audi
e-oinplilnt nf evn il famuli, whiwo hnrmuli I m i
liavo tint brcn pud IIipm fauulle. cveie fluallv
evoneratril, one lainllv hivina bom fiuiml wmiln
it ev mil itlon and liu' olliei hivini: mnved fpnn
timn Vlliiimv lliilhidlatid pimeiit and a.
ithtimt d i" irppni i tat nu nt and ehaw up
ii Irird onlinaiiii tnr tin Uie nf l ii tvnini
cf Itntnlt tnr the pmiHW "f lakim; i tin ml
nindliia: bond" Si fitrllirr limine., buns train
mini, the met I In.: adpiirurl
Tho xelal of l.ih nt lull,". N" l"1. KiniiiK
cf I'tlhli. I" hi ill aeiiibli hall la. I iiuiinu.
W.I4 ullillilld b ntir full luaidiril kllikhl- ail I
llnlr lilt fill ii I. liu un la I vta iKiud ui N
e'llo k It t Iijlitiiiu I. Ilftl.. ul vtlnw ,i
rinoKt ihe nil in i.innliUice united in ainsuu
' Viiuiiia, ' lmiiB ai iiiiipmiid bv llnsarlha
cribe.ira n eviellem addrian n thin debt,
rlnl b b liu 4llkili. one of Hi ri.ilur tnim;
oul'ira. wlo.e ollnrl. Hire nni.l llo
ym (i Mowed b) I u In I Inn In Hi,
and another illirea wan Hi u mule to I htliuua
W pit , w Ii", on In lull of iho Indk'e, bule
all a hiaitv welinine 'Ihe uihiatra ajih plated
and then bruan tlm principil niiinbir of ibn
pvriiiinr, i hurles'i'ie rntitled "The vneldu Hi
tler ot leicu'e ' In vtlileh a ijndlilite n
ariotrd and Hie whole eerrl nf tin outer le
velled In a.tniii.liins manlier, luiuli to the jmu-i.
inent of all picwnl DnritiB the" candidate' Ini
tiation he waa lerpilreel to tide a goat, jud both
the lidrr and tho seat did their urt to perfec
tion and provukcHi icars of lau.-hur. Ihe caat
1 1 Imds all salil that I had consump
tion and that I would not live long
I . ..,,ii,ir,tooil iiitvliifr Peitinn nnd be-
fini. I had tnkeii the tltst bottle 1 could
ftPe that m cough was bettet nnd
vvlien I liael tauen six Homes i was a.
well man AVhen r began with Peruna
I onlv vvelglied 1J0 pound. and now I
weigh Fid pounds anil cannot say too
linn h lor Pet un t
I lni II be glad tn answer anv lettem
if inqultv tn an, one at anv time."
James Ftlo.
Mi S C Rni gin, Hi ant, Douglas
countv Mo vv tiles
"I had nihil ill of the head, thioat
and frtoinath I snlfetcel fiom the ef
foe ts eif it It would sfatl In my Moul
in h anil i un up mv spine Into my hend
and nci k and my stoinacb would
ei.uup and dinw tngctbei and my head
would .swim 1 was snie ov cr tho pit nf
my stomae h and was a phjsUal wreck
1 was constantly spitting iiiueoti. nn
tho mui oils would ile In my throat
and mouth nil the time.
I got hold of one of Dr. S P Hurt
man s pamphlets nnd saw Peiuna ice
nuimeiiilecl and 1 puichiecl come find
began to take it and fioni the verv
stmt 1 (onimenied to liupiovo When
I iniiiiiH'meil to take Peiuna I weighed
110 pounds Alter taking live bottles i
am as utiiing as ever anil weigh 10
and e ttb do a good n dav s weuk ns 1
fvi could l itcoinmeiitl Peiuna to Rll
sum ilng humanltv " S c Hmgin.
Do not accept anv substitute for Pe
i un i Do not allow nnvmie to c onv lnce
vou that there Is anything Just n?
good" Tin re i" onlv one svsletnlc ca
tmh 1'iiiielj and that WPctunt.
wi a f llovn lliuhli lllu.iriniM llnnki link
llnid linkin. I md of Vtitbilli, cjinui I leni
bv liw and iiiwnnimin ImiikIh Williim W
liain l.riml and Misluv I vuulionir. Iiihnnn
Il'linolt, Ii Pre rmiliit t Pilliie ( nutwll ir
Ihiimas WikiiiII I uModian of lli.piltliea Hint
Ijukiiiiii ljiiaileimiti r l-dnaiil Vhjnanl Mar
f,,l - icevi I'rineipil Vlutbian. sunn, t
l.iitfltlw si mini h. I' bi livl and Williim Cud
lip V the iindulati. Iliunuj M DivU man
1 dot uli il hit and the tvhnlt alTiir wa in si
hiiEliable Vt Hie eonolii.loii if the ciilrn r
mriii all wire eoititl with ue e mm and bin in i
Tin lominlltH of airineinriitk wa lompiw I t
I pivla. I 1 II pew, l.eiiitre III ikr Sim el
VVaioia und Hum I iritinan. anl tuiuh of ilo
MiniM of the unlal wn due to tlirir
l!ev ami Mil M II 1 nil r iiturnfd from
On in (rnii' and oibei prnntu lat evening
Ilie Pcliwaie anl llinlin lompaii)' will pat
their rolllerv cnipliivf" I'll iftirnoon
lulil Mison. nf s(.(oiul ttreet, who lus been III for 1 iiitinln r of weoVa, wtv tikrn
tn the MpiIIioi liiroiEii it lmpnal it I'lulideJ
phi i )rteidiv He tta. iiinmpantrrl Ij ln a n
in law, c mini llmin nawlinc
M . s.o lllitlei, of Vlnulit Olive, III, nn 1
Miw I III Priinni. of Vaon (in. Ill , vthn ha n
been ponibnt: n tune it lib Prue;Elt and Mr
.bnia. left ti.tudav in visit s, ( mton friendc
Difficulties of Keeping Navigation
Open on the Ilile.
The dllllitiltlcs and dangeis nf toil
ing i pas,ikc 'lniiugh th dense
masses of floating vegot it Ion whte Ii pe
licidl. ally nbhhtict the Nile, making
n iv Ig itlon luii'islhl'. nio .-ell de
sulhej In nu aitbli In Pearson's Mtr
azliie A free vvntorvwiv Ins now been
iiponed up the Nile as tar as L'ganda.
Ill ill fnuitcen hint ks nf the sudd as
the dit f ting marshes nte called have
been i outlived the tnul lotiRth of tho
rlvpr elenred being olghtv -three miles
The ut ttml work wns dons by come TO
Soudanese pilsoneis under tho dliott
nielets nf two jntilig oltlcers of thp
Hilllsh It'ial navy, 'rho following is
an eMia t fiom a journal kept by on
of them
".Vow, as to how we do It. On ni liv
ing nt a bliiel: wo tio up the slpatvwr
and set everything nn lit the-n 't
down all the dead papvi tu when " n
the sudd, until It mon looks llko a
frv rough Hold Then this Held Is lug
into small sections font or the
snuar. the none lies are dug to piout
two feet under watei. tho sudel nelf
being one, two. en time feet ihme
watei, and from si to ton inlei
iiPiith. Not we put pieces nfvvnol
round our section (cut up tcRinph
poles) ll a wiie linwsei inund he hpi -tlon,
shoved well clown In the leiiihps
and behind the posts, and liig two
Piuls on the sieamoi The steamei
then backs iiHtoin, and oventiilly pulls
nut tho see tlon, whlili Units atvnv
down stie.nn The who Is go on boa id
ngnln, the pole aie iecnvei'i. and the
steamer preiceds for nnotfr seetlnn
Tho torre anil Jerks which he steamer
tilings cm the vvlios sovprsllio innts nf
the sectlnn tin leinenth fpm the oth-
eis -ni at least sometime does!
A Suio Cuw
"Those New York scilnl refouners
soetii to have all Hdmllile letiiedy for
doing uwnv wiUt the choice evil."
"What Is the sihomi?"
"Abolishing mat" Cleveland
Plain Dealit.