The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 07, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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chunh of vvhlih Tn. A U. Ka
inei Inr. been the pHxtot for tho
past -l veins, will eelehiate the
tui'li iiiiiiIvcm ny of Its oiK.iii
lzatlnn nn wt Sunday ami .Mnndii).
At the nmiii'tirf wtvlie on Sunday the
sermon will be pleached by the ltc.
I.dvvln I.unn MIIIpi. of Mlllnnipnrt,
I'a umlpi wlm supoivlMon tlm urn
erf sn! inn w is niKniiiped on sopt t,
Ifitl In tho iiftPinoon, Hip Sunday
Sihonl will niPPl lit J 10 Addie'scs Will
bp tni'lr bv Itevs lMvvIn I.unn MIIIpi',
0 O speikei nf Huh Ttlnlt) ihuiih,
and Iiev V C 1. I.tupi. of St Pauls
chuirh On Sutidnv iM'iiIiik, Hip put
tor will pip.uh thp opinion
On Mondnv evenliiK Hip Itev Dr H
H HrunliiK of White Haven, Ph., will
piP.ull PollnwIliK tllp seivlce, a con- i Minion will bp lipid, wlipn
thp Sundsiv "i liool will seive teficwli
npiit A llttlp pnniplilpt cnutiilnltiK a
In ipf sketch and put Nil di
ectnrv his bppn published b) tho pas
lir Thp pmKi.ininip follows
lirl.iv S MlitlMIltc 111 III a in. Ill'
fpiii .rib tlic Itei liltin I unri Mill, i Milium,
put 1 i "inilM si ho I .' (I p m Villio.r-I
II Mmn limn Mllln it' v ( (. spiilver (
llf'v lritnl iliimli, rinmii Ihv W I I
l)ui i ( M Pauls iliiinli n niton Veir
icni e "Op in . tfinrn h tin !'il i
Mnn.liv srpt 0 V e-.rr urine, 7 11 ( it
Ffttnrn In tin- Itn II II IIiiiiiiiil l I' .
Wnii limn i i.iitiiin,s Miin'iin t
5- rinlnn Ullkrsltirre P it.rl! i.s.i. 1 11 n It
nn on nf ill ii. nn mht i, ii (. r wrvin In Hi1
1 .foment Hip smiiln Imol vv II nir
Infill kpfilil imi'ii il ill thp unites li tnf
ill Mr
ppsinnliif! Tiio-tiln iiftiinoon, Sep
tdnlifi in a i nnveiitlon ot thp t'hili
tian i him lift of K.isIitii Pennsylvania
will bp hold with tho OhiNtlin (hutch,
Not th M.iin avenue Itev. It AV. Clv
lmi i astm hlln lliN ipIIrIous body
Is UPll. Ill these pllltx illtlMCst Is I etl-
tere I upon It on .mount of Its phe
noniriiil Riowth In tho wpst.
: amiiliiR In the wpst less than
oi handled )eais nt;u, undei thp lo.ul
n lp ol Alexiindei (."ampbell, It has
n i . ui extended Its bntdets fiom
i phi to oican, but lias in tho toiclirn
1) I s .' .7 niissloiiaili's TIiptp ato now
l.l'oiii) nitiiilipis to this both It has
II mtifiRn and unlveisltles, sepral of
will h haw ipiihod one thousand In
lii pii1, attend nn o List eartlipv
'I 'In i ted on an aet.iRp three new
ihuiih blllldliiRs ePi two das dm -Iiir
t lie e.u The .nB in Usui at all
tinifs has bPOli "Whcie the Hllile
pf iUs we kppiiK, and whpie the Hlble
Is s lent w ate silent "
I In Ii dlstlin.tle plea, theieloie, has
Viirn I'hllsllan liultv on the ltlbl-
lon asseitltiRat all times that Hible
things should be i llltd b Hlble n line,
divisions anions the tolloweis of
i bust sinful and the fiusti atlon of
find s ittf uipts In convi tlltiR the vvoi Id
t tlu lonventlon TiPsilaj,, Wednes.
flav and Thuisdav evenliiRh tepiesent
ativi men inun Philadelphia, Cliuln I and Iiiillalo will make nddics.,es.
1! . It A 'louev, U I) pilmlpal
of the Mooilv Hlble Institute ol Chl
i.iro and pieailnr at the Chli ird
fiviim i hun h, will be at the Ninth
".I iln avenue taboiniule In Piovldiine
v m ivenliiR duiliiR the week boRln
I me Septeinbet lh 111. Tmuv Is one
ot ihe Rieatist bllile tearheis In Amii
i a a mini ot i onspU nnus
jowii il. i p cm j-tciatlon and aptness
t i t ,n h His lillile lei tines thiol) and
puliti ulih llli One nevei hens a
nioir i nthusiastle theoloRl in Hm e
li 'I niev hot nine the li nlei ot the
t'hi aco avenue iliuuh the ihuiih
liis uitne-scd the ionveisnn of over
a thoutiand peisons c,uh e.u U his
w II be his Hist visit to Hi iinton It
is rpeitirl that Rieat uowils of peo
1 If will piiJov hl minlstiy. A pro
sional pioRi, inline (oi the ineetltiRs
nt the tabeinntle iin ludes the follow-
n subjei ts Justifii Uiiin of I'alth,
''li Atonement The New Itlith, The
1'utuie rondition of the linpenlteut,
The Minlstiv ot tlu Ilolv Splilt Noon
Mer tlivs vvill bt iiindueted bv l)i.
Tjiiicv mi men onlv at f'ueinsev s
lull undei the auspj'es of the V M,
f sopttinliPi 17, is, Jt and JO and
foi women nnlv in the V AV c a
toini- at '. niloiU on the saim ilis.
T'l-1 nlnetv-thlid annual anntvet ,iiy
of the Abinptou Baptist association
will hi la I 1 in the Heiein II iptist
ehuieli i arbotul lie beginning at 10
o clrn k nt Tuesduy, Sept. 10 and
conttmiiu i in s,i an I Thuisdo.
Dt JKI'od ot this iltj and Dr.
Tlte popular idea expressed in the
phrase, "the art of self-defense," shows
the opinion that the chief ptumies a man
has to defend hlmstlf from ure visible
and external But the real danger of
every man is from minute and often in
visible foes. In the air we breathe and
the" water we drink are countless minute
organisms leagued against the health of
the body.
The one defense against these enemies
is to keep the blood pure. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery thoroughly
purifies the blood, removing txnsonous
substances and accrettons. When the
blood is pure there is no harborage for
the germs of disease which find a lodg.
ing only when the blood is Impure and
"Iconnidtr your'Oolnlt Mrdical Dlicoverv'
one of t,ie bett tntdlcines on tin face of ttie
tarth " writes Mr Win Floetcr. of Redoak,
Montgomery Co Iowa "Willie in the south.
vtil, three vears ago, I got poisoned with poi
u ivy The poison settled iu my blood and
tlie horrors I nufferert lannot be told in wordi
I thought I would go cran I tried different
Mndu of medicine, tried different doctor, but
all the relief tliev could Rive me wa to make my
po-ket book tighter I then began taking Dr
Pierce fjoldfii Medical Discovery Took four
liottles without rell'f Kept taking it I took
in nil ten bottle and got entirely cured "
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con-stipatiou,
WmM defense.
tokP', of ttist llTnipton. will cx
ihance pulpits tomorrow. Pr. Btokei
has nmri inpached In Sorantnn, but
he Is wpll known as a olear thinker
and an excellent preacher.
The lat week In October will bo of
preat Importance, to a large portion of
thlx enmmnnltv, as It Is the date of
the SnodliaI nicetlliK, to he held In
tho Pltst Ptf-b' tcilnn thuich.
Methodist Episcopal.
Pirn Park churth Prairr ind pnUe mfftlnu
at 010 scrticp and utimon at KIJ) by h II
sln;rr vlliiii hi. r UiM tncPtinu at cln!
of prriin in sutidii m liool, led by Prnth'r
lloninm simdii tliil at J p m hininr
Ipiiiui. M I ii Mr I (I Slirpliml, leadrr.
Worship ml viord it "to b l)r W 0 simpon,
pjlnr if Vtnii MithotlM 1 plucopil rhurch.
siiiih n Metliiillt tpiHOpal chunh, Main and
Iifmilr utieen, llnl .iunton llev II (',
MiIIpiiii ill Mlnr Prcaililnii at 10 GO a m
in I 7 up in Muriilns Biibjeil, "More Prcilom
linn I. Id," Minim; Mihjcil, "Is the lounc
Mm Vlmlnm sif, -in )ji(,ciii to YounK Men"
Nimli mI nil at I. in , Innlnr loiRue at I p,
tn . I pvuith IriRtic at fl n p in , tnpli, ' Ilriv
mil llilirn" ( li turctliii! Iiioila rvenlnit,
Priur iiiM'iliiir Wnlicjdav tvcnirig fhe penpla
an- innllill) iiivitnl
liiti M I chilli Ii, loinrr Mnrwpy aitime
ami Iklmarr Mrert, Hcv V t, sanpon, 1) U ,
patoi -Deiotlonal niectlnii nl the llrothrilinotl
tt SI. Piul it ) 10 i in , piiuhing t 1(1 Ii) a
in, Milijut "IMIkIoih I oiult.i ," sunilii aihoi 1
nt "J in p m : I imoith league at u 10 p in ,
irriiliing it 7 "0 p in , In tlm Itfi I II
singer, isllnnt pitnr nf the l Im Puk clmrih,
priur incptitiK WiiIucmIiv it 7 .0 p in , lm.
rici mcitlni; il tie Unthr-rhoml of st Paul en
llir pci mid ind foiutli lursila4 ot rttli muiitli
at 7 to p in Spun frrc amt all are weliomi
Prniiilciiie M P Llmrtli, He fioorfi'
('nn, pi-tfr Hip Ilrntlierlionil ol St Paul tiiPrt
at Id i in wibjpit n inoriiltig fiiinnii, at 10 W
'Win I iiiii dlirsMil 11 IpMIe In tie
'IhpIip lulls Siattnrd hronl," Similij sthnol
il !)i m , I pnorlli Iracup at 6 I" p m , tnpit ,
"llpiifiili llplpPM " pvpnlnit irmon it 7 to
('pilar vpiiiip M 1 ( Imrr Ii Itrt I' P Dm.
pivtoi s,rui0, Mpt s toot Meet Inic of Hiolh
rilinol nf st pm a 111 i in , inoinlng nnnhlp
mil vrninn il 10 "0 Sunlai mhonl fnllnuliig;
lunlor I im nil liai;up at I 0 p in , Inoilli
IriRU' nitrs at t 10 p m , ornlnt; viorslilp
ni.l opinion it 7 0 p in ll lordiill) .li
ci lllrcl
V'h srr,t Miihiuli.t liUmpiI ('.mull Tin
) It uctln pettoi Vloinlnc pipiihiiig anvlir
Tt 10 II 1 1 m inert ma n I so ( lnrln ( irain,
linlir, suniiiv nlmol it 2 p in 1 W stnne,
Mipi iltitiiiilrtit I pworlh h iKtip at C 4i p m,
Miw llrnrlplln lhi, IpiiIpi rtrnlnc pipuhins
fctivipt at 7 o V tnnJiat vrhotnp tn ill
No Vui: Mpthoilist lpipoal lliuitl ItPt I
It Vimiii n-tor sunilii Ktlmol at -' .0 p in ,
irpitlniu srrinp at t III ii in Ml wplnnir
louit sltiPt Methoilivt I pUioptl (hiinh, (
(' limni pilnr I mi tpat, in l m , fnl
Mwpil It linit ;nl lro-t mul the I old (. supper,
s intlav uli ml, 11 I j (. It (lark, Mipermtend'
tut lunrth laigip I 0 p in , pipHhini;,
7 ID p tu I he choit will be piP?rnt and on
iluct the Miifiiiu (JiiiiIpiIv ronfiiptup Wpilneo.
In eiptiinir it tlose of prijei inutlii? pih
tl. e V mi till I o urUoiuet!
Ilaiiiptnn surpt MtthmlNt lpismpil chunh
Hrv taitiPo llpiinlntttr plaint Piiathing at 10 0
u in , Mihiitt, ' How tn stillp thp fiohl Vein"
I lis mn linir at 11 0, mrl i pthool at -, Ip
Moiili Inuup tit i. 0 I pnini; t icuhitisr hcnhc
it 7 "o Mihjsl 'Hip l.ipilrt Oi ilor '
Vfilim Milhnilitt I pisrnpil ihuuh, Hnwarl
pi up Dr D s li nil , pi.ini Pieaihlnc at
to if) i tn , siibiut "Iliiw to l-inplov lift'
(nhl.ii Mour " sindit ithnnl 2 0 p m , V
P. itpr Miippititilpriilpnt Pipithlni; it 7 4pi p in ,
Milijeft ' Thp Powtr of the ( i. " V innll .1
vcrlconie to all
Pi nn ViPiiup llaptlt chunh Pipaihine innin
lie at in i) ami fietiliu; nl 7 0 hi the pittor,
ltoi It.lmt I V Pimp, D I) Miunini piav
us In the lower truiple it n t" IIipiup nt
tho inn mnif Miinnn "Dimiip Optliiilum, tir llinls
fir liiiftlins Wlm (,et the Illue", sundat
fil xl it the honip church it 2 oMnck ind at
Hip Vtnoinian mission at "0 TliPme of the
(vrnini (.piinnn 'Our Nilinn'n (,nom and
f)l n ' llitRht iuuic, brief talk, popular fer
v it e Ml tn i h pi nine
I not HiptiKt ( hiinh, south Miln aieiiup. Hot
s P Vithps, paitir lli iwul npniics sib.
bull iiiniiuu and riptiltitr, 11 ii) a in and 7 in
p ni in thp In-iment nf the Welili Paptlst
rhurch, sundiv school at 2 0 p m , Pljmouth
(liuiili, Dr II s Hid lie, Miperlntendent, It
I I prllcls it i 0 p iii Iinritc Hall, praicr
nipclinsr, Wfilnrnii cienltc, 7 10 All are cor.
tllilli iniilpil In thprp ..rni'.-
Ijtknn supft tliplist iliincli -Ret 'Ihnmu
iini.nuiit ii n pisioi inrninc iravcr meet
ing it 0 n Itrnthrr l!rn '-mith lialpr At the
iiHitiite i.erwip, 10W, the Intilg upper will la
ailiinnislerpil i si nrt sermon nn Our I nul'a
I. lief snnrn pthnnl it 2 p in eienitig ser
v lie at 7 p m riil ffrvne bright, Mmrt and
full nf music The pislnr will cue i shott tllk
nn ' ( lulstianit nn the I pnanl firade " ou
arp ill writ nine ti the wruipi nf our churth
files n Ibtlge llaptist (hunh ( huitli servliri
null sermniif Ii the pi(or at 10 0 i in mil
. .up in siinji 1 1 in i no inmning "Hie Wrip
i ig Pnphrt " in the rv tnriar O ir Vln lei
siitlilil Sihnnl it II 4 Inprlliu 'I MlP lllllli r
s phti it " "0, ptaver meeting of the Senior
snirli nl h 10 p in
In.t WiMi Itiptist ihitr. h, M nkc t sheet -1!ps
I V Diiie pastnr 10 a in rPimnu I y
Up pistrr 'J p tn , similiv si limit (1 p m ,
mn n 1 1 up pi-iiu The cnlire ei tunc orvim
will le cr mill ted in lie I ngtMi laiunage l
fniniN ai imdijlp, inilied to atttnl Ml
sriu lite
Nnitl lun icnup lliplist rliinth, mrncr
Sntth Maui ivrmip and Oik street -Itev lbeit
Hiiiher sn)n , pitrr 10 .0 a ni , ' ( linst nt
tie Dmr .f i I hunh", 7 .0 p m, "What Is
sin This is the eighth in a series of aeinmnt
mi '(lint in llediinplinn " Cinidi filiool at
U in ( hnstian I nilr inr at f 10 p ni
Metnnrnl Pipti.t ilumli Ret W I' Davie6,
pajmr sfrvilP toinnrnuN at 10 n ni and
p ii The pastor still priaeh Welsh in the
ni mini; ind Iiuhsh in thp Pienlnc Ilible
selnnl nt 2 p in, iipFriiitrnrlrnt I) 1 lain
Dudlej Street Itaptnt chunh Dunmore Rev
Wlllnm II siuBt,r, te of Dmr, S .1, will
preaili at 10 If) a ni and 7 to p in , Sunday
school at J nnnn kin 111 welcome to ill
Wivrrh riiptist thurih- Rei K Petgen Iiiowe,
a fnnner jistrr of the rhurch, Mill preuli in
Vtaverli llipust churth tomoiroiv morning and
lllakilv Itiptist chunh Rev Davll Sperner,
D I) pistor 10 .0 i in , public scni-shlp, lth
senunn np "Tlie Oreat sprltu1 Wonders", 11 4S,
Hit le nhnol, ""A p in, eieninc senite, with
srimnn nn ' Character More Than Mnnej " pterj
tndt welcrtne
Mnnglnti lliptist ihurih, Waierlj, Pa Rev
V Rergen llrnn, nf Mifiialdillle, , will
puith inninmg and evening, at 10 u0 a m and
7 "0 p ni
Second Presbvterian (lunch, Ilet ( harlea F.
Rnliiimon, I) I), pastor fr-cn teen at 10 30 a m
and 7 "0 p in The Rei Shepherd hnapp, Jr ,
nf Sew Vuk citi, will preach morning and eun
ing A cordial welcrnic i extended to all,
Prnvldenre lrebitcrlan Cliurch The paatni,
Rk Dr f.ulld will officiate at tlm 10 10 a in
nn I 7 10 p m serilte. Sundaj school at noon,
I mleavnr meeting nt (I Ai p m. fi-ut aluaja
t.reen Rldae Presb.tterlan rhurch The puler,
Rv I I I anting, will rondiyt service of wor
ship and will preach at 10 JO and 7 30, n.hlo
thool at 1 ni Ml are cordlallj Inilied
Washburn Mrect Preshyteilan ( huich, Rei.
John P Moftit, D I, pastor-Servicta at 10 30
a m and 7 lit p in Hlble school at 12 m ,
f K ounc People at H 0 p m , aubject,
"lleaien Helper!," leader, Horenee Irilngj
prnier meeting, Wednesday 7 SO p m. The
pastor will preach morning and evening. All
cordially welreine.
Capoiua Chapel (Pmbyterlin) Preaching at
1U...0 i. m. and 7.30 p. in. by the. paator, Bat.
Sunday School nv
Lesson JaCOb lt Bethel. J.E.GIlbert,D.D
, f0f Qen. XXVlii: 10-22. Secretary of Amerlean
September 8. f& Rel"5tou
IMflont (TIOS - llcluren list le.on an 1 tlu.s I
we halo an .mount of Hip hlia.lmj besluiicd upon
.lacob bv his father, deprlilng nf the birth
right which lie hi I picvloulv n Id (lien xi.
."I) Tlili cii'tnm nf pililauhil tiliiM was eipilv.
ah nt to Hi' eviiutlo'i of n will in our diy bv
which one who 11 ihout tn die tt ui'fers his;
wnrldlv estati In the i ite nf .Hcnb, hniveiir,
the spirltuil gift war rstermid moic tlnu the
ttinpnril Hi meins ef it lie bitntne. hrlr tn
all the ptimlsfs mailp ti Vbrihitn and tn Due,
assuming the plate In the uitrnaiit which tiny
had tilltil The value nl that hiheritiiicc louit
hardlv be estimated 1t tint time, iltlmugh it
awakened linie ant Included the dliut fnnr
and protntlnn nf (!nd Thit lacob might be
able to keep tlie loiinant ami to intit hi
gritlous prnilslons his fithrr si lit hint lutk tn
the ancestral Imine tn nlitiln a will. It) miln.
tilnltig rue purlli it wis evpecied tint greitcr
prtvperltv would be seiurcd Our lessen relitM
eventa in the earlv pirt nf Jiinb'a Jiumct.
s I Mill It (irses in md II) -I caving Ids
fallici'ii Imine In Peer shelra, which was In tho
Rntitliem pait nf Pilestlne, Mtnh tiitcled in n
northerli dliectlon toward Iliran, the pi ice nf
Abraham's sojourn (tiin M 51) Mtcr find
railed him to leate li ol tho Inldeas The en
tire distance tn be entered must hue been at
least Hie hundred miles t the clnse nl the
second day lie wis hi the open plilns ahiut
firti eight inllcr fiom the point nl depirtiue
1 the sun was declining, he fnutid tint it wh
itnposslble to null an city befnte tlip gitci
would he ilnsed fir the night, and lie knew tint
aftrr diet were tlnspil he would be limbic to
enter selecting a stone, not stonca as In our
I nglMi version) as an elev illnn on which tn"
head might tet, and cotcrinjs that, doubtless,
with some girnunt or iiihioti, le liid down tu
slumber Iu the t pen field He inn line ap
pointed witclmirn from minus the seriatits, or
lie mn hive felt scenic under the proleition of
(tod (Psilni III: 5) The weiilness nf the Jnur
net ind the purltj nf the iltnospherc were favor,
ihle to icposp
ISI0V (cisc U) Philosophers nf all time
hue tircfullt studiid the pliennmeiii nf sleep
Thne who boll tn the dull nitiire nf nun as
soul and bndj, admit tint while the vulunlirv
functions nf the hller are supnide I, the for
mer is tapible nf evenises ot greater linpnrtance
Vitnnlinclt inmv things mil ncrur in sleep
quiie betnnil the nnllnirv In w iking lintirs, so
ilcrpb, impte-spil as tint to te lost limn memory
when tlie prison returns to phtshil touelous
ncs Iu the patrhichil times (,nd selected
these spoons nf shitnlipr, soiuetitnes Inditing
thrill In nn evtriotdiiiiii liifluni'e, tn mike
speihl ilUclnsitres to his servants H.pii ii 21)
si It tune to.litnb tint night nn the plain II"
had i vision of a Inllcr set up on the earth,
leithlng to heiirn nn wlilih the ntgrl nf l.n I
ascindcd and diicrilcil (Inhn I 1 il This wis
intended as i piitnrh! it) rearnt itinn nf the in
ten ouise between eirth md hrairn, Ihe lotim
tinn of the two nnrlds bt angelic mUintrt
(llrb I' 11) It wis granted at this time tl
asMtte I it c li nf pirsnnil security and guidince
in his futuie life
I n I os'er s md n sthoool 1 p ni , lunior
I ndeiior 4 p in Senior 1 iidemir ( "O p in ,
I'njcr meeting, lhiuliv ctrning at 7 to, busi
ness meeting senior rnd-aior, 7 W p in Mon
du eteuing Wiiconn- tn ill
Vditns vtenuo clnpel New ork street. Ret
lames lluglies, pastor Preaililng at 10 (0 a in
ami 7 "0 p m , sniulij srliool, 3 p m All
St luki'fi parish Rei Rigors lnel, D I),
loi tot Ret I .! ll.ughtnn, snlor curate.
Ioiirteenth Sundn after Tiinltt
st I ukc'i. iluirch 7 0 a m, hnli cnmmun
Inn, 10 0 i tu , intimitis' ptiier and sennnn,
7 p iu, cieniiig pritcr, l) l'i a. tu , .Sunday
schnol in I Hlble c.lis s
st Mirks, I) niniore "0 a m , I oh oi in
muiiiou, s p m , eienlng pritcr ind sermon, 3
p ni, sntidai sihool ind lliblu daws
last Ind Mission. Presiitt ivenue J p in,
sundn sthonl an I llibli i la-"es
Siuth Snle Mission, I ig streit 2 "0 p in,
Sinn it sclinul an 1 It il 1 t lapses
Reformed Episcopal.
f,me ItifirniPil Ijistopil cliurih, Winining
aienui, bilnw Mulbur strett llei l.mic,p I
Mrlth, pislor Praicr and praise srrtitp, o00
a ni ditine worship, 10 "M i tn and 7 0 p
m Mi ruing subject, "Wilhout ( lit fullness," I
Ci r 7 '2 eienlng subject, ' Christ Hit King "
i'si 2 7 U, sablilh filinnl at 12 in , P !
C I , (I (I p in I csson stnlt, Wtdnesdav cten
ing at 7 10 n'clnck, follmtcd bt prat.r meeting
at 8 o clock Scats free Ml are wolicme
Evangelical Luthetan.
I tangcllcal I utheiati Ioiirteenth knilu niter
Triniti dospel, l.ukc, 17 11 111, epistle, (.al o
16 24
st Mark's thurtli Wishbuin and Fourteenth
finds Rei I. Ratner, Ph 1), palor ser
ines at 10"0 a in , 7 0 p in , 1 uther leigue,
f Op m , Suiidav si hool, 2 to p. ni The tenth
anniieisaiv will he celebrated Itei 1'divin
I unn Miller, of 'Villi, mspnrt, will pieath at the
morning serine, Ihe pastoi will otcupt the
pulpit in the eienlng Reunion nf tlie toneic
gation Mom! it ihhcsi bv Ret Dr Bruning,
of Wlute linen, l'a
Holt Trinilt, Vdiins nenue ml Mulberry
strict Hit l" (! spieler, pjvtor Seitiees,
10 10 i in , 7 0 p m , l.uther leigue, C 30 p,
m Sundn se hoe 2 m
st Puds church, s,ort atrnup Rev VV ('
I. I viler, pittor srttes, 1010 a m, 7 30 p
m , sundn school, 2 ti) p in
Finn's church Mifflin avenue Rev P I' 7lse
niiiin pislor s.mees, 10.10 a ni , Sun laj
school 2 p Hi
(hrl.t ihunh (idar nenue and Ilireli street
-Ilet limes Witke pator Sertlces, 10 30 a,
in 7 10 p m sunelay school, I) a, m
st Peter's, picstott atrnne Rev lohn Ran
di Iph, pastor .Serilccs, 10 '0 a m; Sunday
si Imol ) i in
I manuel i.eiman Polish I uthenn rhurch, Reese
street Rei litilinind Sittelmeler, pisinr
Pieiihing in the P. rman langinge, 10 a in ,
Siinetit sihnnl, 2pm
l.rue I i uigelii il Iulheran chunh (flrmiil
teoili i miii r Mulhem street and VI idisou ate
' i Itei 1 uther Hess Waring, pastor 0 0a
in sindit school 10 il a ni , liltlne worship
.ti on hi the pastor on "The Meaning of th
'jtrament nf the lords Supper" Instillation
of neitlv elnted church ofHieis, rcieptlon of
membeia, adtnlnUtratlon of the holy commun
ion. 7pm eienlng sertlce, subject of ills,
course, 'Our Church's Confession" There will
be special music both morning and eienlng
Siprann, Miss Jennie baufman; contrvlli, Miss
Skinner, baso, Mr Wentel, tenor, A K hier.
t'irl f liurch (Christ Scientist), 110 s,dams ate.
nue-Sunilaj sen lies, 10 to a nt and 7 .0 p m ',
siunlat sihool, 11 I. a tn , subject, "Substance",
testimonial meetings, Wednesday evening at 8
o'llork The cliurcli is also open etriy day dur
ing the tteik The Hlble and all Christian sc.
enco llteratuie I kept in it (ree public reading
loom Mienie and llialth, with hey to tlm
Stilpture," hi Mart Haker Idly, will be loaned
tn intcstlsuloi vtithnit charge Vlsltou and
letteis nf uquu are welcouied and giien cour
tonus attention and information free
Ciltaiy Reformed church, Monioe avenue and
C,ih.on meet Ret Mai Ion I. Uror, pastor her
tiers at lOuO a m and 7 ID p in Sunday
school, 11 SO a in , Christian Indeaior, 7 p in.
Morning aiihlfct, " oung Old Man," eientng,
"K oung oung Man "
7lon 1'uitcd hiungehtal f hutch, 1420 Capons
aienue Preaching at 10 0 a in and 7 ) p m
bt the pastor, Ret I . Messenger, suhjectj,
' Prlunipliant .loj" and "Jeu and the lluled
Drninulac" uoni lulling dlscouisej, Mndiy
ihnol, o 10 i ni , lunior I ndeaior, i p m i
r-enloi Indeator, h 10 p in , piajer nuetlng,
7 iO Vrdnesda evening riat (ice and cteiy.
Iwdj well nine
flrrman ion Iulheran church, Mifflin avenue
Services bv Rev Oiiar (lillenkimp, of Hones,
dale, Pa Morning sermon in (.eiman at 10 30,
and evrning seunon in hngllsh at 7 iO. Sunday
sihool at 2 30
Customer That last butter was
rather strops.
Dealet Shouldn't wonder. It was
from a union dairy. In union there Is
strength, sou know. Boston Tran-
I'POMIsM (Verm It, II and 15) -Whit was
thus rvpicssed In a plituie to I ho mind was
nllcrwird declired In tennis The duplicated
deliiciancc was Intended tn lucre ute the lui
presteiies,s rf the mess.ii,e, tlie one Intrtpti ting
and innlliniiig the nlhcr Ami tel the explain
ton language tins fuller llnti the Inllhl visinti,
It intitalned time itupurl ml piilnts Htst The
i lie wlm spike wis the t.nd nf Mu ihliu, md nf
Inn, the same who mule lutinitit with tho
fKlier if IkoIi ( vxll 1 1J, who now
pripnsed tn irnew tie minimi Smnd lha
land n mlsed it first ihuuld belniij tu Jacob
and tils pnslrrltj, who should beicme a great
multitude and u blessing tn nil peoples llilrd
The Ditlne piesetitn shlll be wlih lanb in his
Journct, I ringing him again (u site! tu his
fithrr's hi me, and fulPlling all the gracious
purpose Here were tun ttrv comfoitltig prom-l-ea.
loth icstlng on Ihe falthfulniM of (Jod,
both well suited tn sttrngth the heart an 1 kindle
the hope of this traielcr on hit Journey to ft
distant countrt,
PR! SI ( II (Verses Id ami 17) Man so taber
nacles In the flesh tint his most Intlmite reli
tions are with material things Ity the senses
there aie borne in upon the foul impressions
of the tangible world In such tailoty as quite to
nbcure the spirltuil world tint lies baik of all.
When for i brief time tlie dominion of the srnej
Is broken, wlen (Jod rcvcils Himself, ind tlu
spiritual Is seen tn be nil, men ire filled with
fear and reiennce. huili experiences aie of In
calculible nine, n they tud to restore the
normal relations between soul and Iki.Iv (Horn
tlil: t) Tint was, therefore, an ntca'lnn of far
leiililng Influence In the life of .laroli When he
nwikeiied In the innrnlng It was ctldent that tins
vllon md mevice had pindiucd i salul in ef
fect He wis leierentli nfi ild, tnnilntcd Hit
he hid been In the nieeiue nf (Jod, Hut ho
bid ignnrantlv pnumed to slumber In amli i
holt spnt, tint, Iu flit his cnuih hid Let li the
house ot (Jed and the tciv gilc of lienen. He
lid leirned what mint neter learn, tint the
Inula presfnic ilone nndcrs i place sacicd.
PlIl.VR (Verses IU md 111 The effect of the
vision wis tint altogether emotional ticob wis
empbitleillv a tinn nf actlnn lie resoltcd to
commemorate the rcmirkahle etent In his his
ton In cieitlng i ininuiiient tint might mirle
the spot in I so In nine holt tn him In all after
time tid sn Ihe stnne which Ind served is I
pillow wis sit up as i pill it t pon the top nf
it nil tt is poured, 1 an emblem of the gifts
and ernes nf lh" Unit Sprjt i wa, belleted
it tint tune tint bi tills ceremony the stone
betaiup iiistiiut wllli the energy ot ditlnlt.t, i
reiunint nf superstttinn hinded dottn from remote
time There Is c tridlttnn that this stone
wis riflcrtt irds 1 rouglit tn IniKllein. eirrlel
theme In spiln afterwird to Irclind, theme,
tn Stntlml, tint nu it the kings nf sctiati 1
wen ctnitiied ldiiird I, it is claimed, Ind It
I rnughl tn Westminster, mid thru this stone,
i illed Iiteb's plllir and Inch's pillow, H now
pi lied under the thair nn which the king sits
whin he is rrnttned laioh further slgnilhe 1
the etent bt giiing i nunc to the locilitt, cill
Ing it ttethel, or liter ills, IIouc of (,o I
It Is not sin prising; that the pios
petts foi ,t very laigo attendance at
the Conservatory of Music the com
luff x eat ato extteinely hrlfjht. This
Institution Is pioKtesslve and Its. sue
cess is due to positive merit and actual
lesults, Mt. I'ennlnBton spares no
pains to Intiodiico each jear into the
i onet vatoty new Impiovements and
advantages vvhleh will matet tally con
d'lie to the students' piocrieii.
To sny that Kointr to the ioncrn
tniy fot nuislcal Institiction Is a fad
may be tiue, but for any one to asset t
that this fad will not be permanent
shows him to be unacquainted xvlth
thii c.onseratorx 's hold upon the peo
ple. In education as In business, the
public is not slow to .show its nppioval
ot that which it Knows bv experience
Klves "value leeched' and possibly a
little more.
Jlr. nnd Mi, J. Alfred Pennington
spent a few dij.s at the 13uffalo ex
position till" week. Mr. Pennington
expt esses himself as greatly Impressed
with tho bilge- dally attendance at th
ft eo oigan teiltals given on the large
org. n In the Temple of Music nnd the
manifest appreciation of a promiscu
ous public.
Mls nthel A. Stone, of T3oston, who
comes to this city n.s a. member of the
('onservatoiy faculty, attlved jestcr
day. Mlas Stone Is a graduate of and
late a member of the faculty In the
raelten Planpfoite school, Uoston.
I il "
MIs Mabel A. Fiench, nf Newport,
Hhode Inland, atrhed In the city es
teida. Miss Trench tin a member
ot the Suanton Conservatory faculty
last 'eat. Miss Fiench was a gteat
favorite as a teaiher nnd socially, and
her leturn to the city and to her Con
servatory dutlefl w HI afford much
The following musical selections will
b icndetcd at Klin Paik church to
morrow under the dliectlon of J. Al
fred Pennington, organist and choir
master; MOKNINO.
Organ, Andante Cantablle In A flat..
Cholr.Anthem, "O Ood Who Hast
Prepaied' Roberts
Organ, Offertory, Invocation In D ..
Contialto solo, 'The Song ot Uter-
nlty" Nevln
Mrs. Lenoro Thompson.
Organ Prelude, Offertory In n flat ,
Choir, Anthem, "The Sun Shall Nn
Moie tin Down'' Woodward
Oigan, Offertory, Andantlna In r
minor Calkin
Duet for soprano nnd contialto, "As
Pants tho Heart" Smart
Miss l'lizabeth Thomas and Mrs.
Lenore' Thompson,
Choir, Hymn, "Thou Hast Redeemed
t's" .', Dome
Oigan Postlude, Sjinphonlo Move
ment Gullmant
i:im Paik quartette Miss Klizabeth
Thomas, soprano: Mrs, Lenore Thomp
t.on, contralto! Alfted Wooler, tenoij
Philip Warren, bast,o,
Tho Ttlbune has tecelved a copy of
Tho Consetv.itoiy Keynote, which Is
it 'tied In the Interests of the Scranton
Conhervatnty of Music Resides short
articles peitnlnlng dltcjuiy to the
Conservatory, It contains several pithy
articles on music nnd mimical educa
tion Tiin one on "Trash That Is So.
called Music" deseues to bo heeded.
That "Coon Songs" nre not conducive
to icDnement there (an be no doubt,
and their popularity In the low re
sorts of a great city Is a sufficient In
dex of the low moral plane which
produced them. The most of them nre
worse thnn silly, both as to words and
music, and their use, especially by
I those whose social position elves them
0V (Verses CO and 21 )-The most flevnt
ing spiritual experiences begin In tlie Intellect
and piocecd thence to the emotions, but they
do not end theie The) arc completed onlv by
affecting the will. Whatever one may think ir
feel, he rise tn highest dignity when he te
soliea, and when by mil resolie he determines
his own conduct, latob now pissed into the
volitional stole, and ma le a tint, a piunise or
oath, nf lite long totally to Hoi "fhe Lord
shall be tut find" was his iclf-lnipiised pledge
(Huth, I, Id), a vohmMry consecration Hut this
was not In the best foitn It was mule con II'
tlnnal upon the fallhfulnes of (!od to Ills
premises. Jut made II Hod would be with hint
and help and Keep hitn. and piosper him, and
bring him back iu safct), then the vow shoul I
hold, an implication that otherwise it would le
null and void Thlj birlering method was in
full hirmonv with the disposition nl lacob
Mimesis, xxv, 21 II)) Sullv out of t lace lice
It was after all better linn no von at all
Much Is to he leined before an unconditional
consecration would lie possible.
Tlllir- (Verse ".M-Ihe selfish and dickering
rpirlt of lacob app-irs further In hla allusions
to propcrtt He promised In gite buk to fiod
tho tenth ef all that fled guc to him, 10 per
tent on the ditine intesttnent This hat a dt
rldedli mertctnry asp'd There Is ton much of
the quid pro quo ahnut It, a sort of piety alto,
gether too common cton in our div Many
prire religion as cue nl the cnntenlences of llf,
means to an end The tithing ststem wis alter
w ird Intiodutcd Into tlie Morale eionomy (Lev,
will, .10) is v method of supptrllng the priest
hem I, and (led roinpl lined of Ills pet pie hecau-fl
thet did not inert this requirement (Malachl,
ill, S) nd let If wis not In ant wise i pteof
nf blgli spirltuillti, but dlirctli the opposlle.
Tithing is not to lie practiced under the gopel
The followers of (linst must rrgard all their
proertv as Ills ard ttcmclvcs as slenards
(Romans, Ml, 1) Our citing must not be bv
incisure, but nut of i cheerful lieut according
to ablllli. (II Corinthhns, lx, 7).
Ill III ri IONS -This clnpter In the life of
the pitihreh must not be liken as ifTordlng
stindards for thristiin 111 Ing It slmplv showa
how fiod appeued to htoh at this important
time tn Ids bistort and what response he made
God neter brfoie nr ifter appeired to him or
anv oilier in the sime wit, and It Is quite err
tiin that no one n-ed expect such nnnlfestitlnn.
Jacob retealcd his spintuil condition, showing
tint he ins on a lerj low plane Hint Is ol c
n ison (lid adopted Hit method lie alttats
rults himself tn men (I Cnnnthlin. xil, fl).
There nre some tilings to ci mmenil In Incob's
iniirsH ihiitli his reicrince, his desire to com.
incmnrate the eient. 111 ttllllngnesa to be the
Inula Hut all this Is clouded bv the working
of Ids cannl mind the remnant of superstition.
He coiulitionil lotaltt, the pledged percentage
on Ools gilts .lacob has a ling Joumev to
mike befire he will retth tlie reihn of absolute,
total, dltlnterestrd surrender to lie C'od'a servant
In the cotetnnt of Mirahnn Tlie sliges In hli
progress imv t eisilt traced in his biographj
the power to eei t a strong Influence,
Is to be deptecated
II !! 'I
The musical ptogiammn at the
Tlrst Presbjteilnn (hutch ptepared by
J T. WatUlns tor tomoriow's seivlce
vvill iniludo the following numbers:
Te Dcum (U flat mlnoi) .Dudley Ruck
Solos and quaitette.
Recitative and Aria (Horn the Ota
toilo Klljah), "It Is l'liough."
Air. J. T. Watklns.
Duet, "Love Divine' Stalner
Soprano and tenor.
Hjmn anthem, "Abide with Me"
Solos and choli.
Sopianos, Miss Matthews and Miss
Hanaway; conttaltos, Miss (Jiuener
and Mrs. W. P. Hunter, tenots, Mi.
Stevens and Mr. Dewltt; bassos, Mr.
James Dickson nn'd J. T Watklns.
Miss rioience H. Richmond, organist.
I! ,
While nt Chautauqua, J. T. Watklns
took pa it in the .singing of "The Holv
City," by Alfted R. Caul; "The Sons
of Ham," by Rubinstein; "The Mes.
slab," by Handel, also sang in a song
teiltal given by J. Hany Wheeler, of
New Yoik clt. Mr. Watklns letums
to his labors with lenevved lgur nnd
will soon be found at his studio in
Tow ell's Music store.
.1 II
Theodore 1'ies.ser, music publMici, Philadel
phia his rfeceptrd Vllred V oolet's new tacied
(.oug, '(ow Into Me When sll(mta Darklr
f!-ither," and will rhortly issue it md pit Mr.
Wooler n roj llt.t on enh topv sold Ihi is
the second song of Vlr Wooler' Hut this firm
baa accepted The Hist one is enlitlid "Ufe a
Minor" ami Is ju,t out following i a par
tial list of Vlr VVoolcr'fl published compositions!
' lleaien Is Not lar Vniv," "I jnd no fair,"
Heir Mi l'nter" tiiitcd quartette or chorus;
' ) Ilo lot ful," Jubilate Deo, inurd nuiitntte or
chorus, 'wcet I tt tl- Man," "Peat Vdeliue,"
"Hearts sVi 'hue," sior Mild," "Rle, (.lorl
om Conqueror" "life jnd Deith," "W hv Art
Thou Out Down, O Vic Soul1" "Dearest Flower,
i-nrget me not " 'The little faialier," march:
' f.olden hui.scl," rondou "Vutunin nicezc,"
i.omtlni "Molhe, I lote Vcu " "Wallitig,"
"Vnieini, () (Hirlus I ind " 'life's Mirror"
' Come I'nto Mo Whin Siidou-i lUVy (Jaiher,"
Srxelil to the Scranton Tribuna
New York, Sept 6 There. Is art In
the fashions of tho autumn of liftl,
gerulne ait that combines beauty,
gtaco and hat mon) l'vei) thing seems
so entirel) new and oilglnal that the
woman who would be vvcll-die&sed
feels that she would like to iclegate
hei present waidiobe to tho seeond
hanil dealets ot notno othei Inslgnin
cant place and "beg-In all over aguln "
Nothing Is moie elegant than the
elvet costumes which arc to be worn
until cold vv-enthcr And inanufactut
eis have so perfected the making nf
this luxurious material that It is to lie
found In all weights for all oceaUons
fiom tho soft, sheeny panne to the
heavier and kt-s lusttous silk chet.
Muny evening drcssese nro made of
panno velvet combined with lace nnd
embroidery In fact embroldeiy Is to
have a piovliue extending far be)ond
the realm of eienlng gowns. Aftei
noon dresse, nioinlng tobes and even
tailor gowns show tout lies of embrold
eiy combined with the daintiest of
laces nnd all constitute one ginnd
drchni of elegance and costliness
The ultra-tashionnble color of nut
umn will, be)ond nil quoitloii, be ma
telot blue. It Is sott and adaptable to
tho vogue for varied combinations, nnd
what is most Important, is found only
In tho light weight matet lals of sntln
llnl'h which nre made upon clinging
lines and lend so much grace to the
A chaimlng dedgn in matelot blue
cloth has a plain sklit with tho over
lapping hems hea,lly stitched at the
bottom. The boleio shows overlap
ping studied lB)ets of tho doth; and
over It is a shoit boleio of guipure,
buttoned1 acrors the chest with a huge
silver button An undorblouse is ot
nuiuvte inoufrellne embroidered In
matelot blue dot, elevated from the
sutfaco of the. mnussellne.
Tor an afternoon toilette nothing is
moro exqualto than a gown of black
panne. Tho klrt of a stunning model
Is clots tittlng about tho hips and
made with a deep yoke from which
depends a depp flounce. The flounce
is trimmed around the bottom with
w----mm aa. - f. -r-rrrit- n.r-n-nnn.
Broadway, 5th Avenue and 27th Street, NEW YORK. ' -'
In the contor of tho shopping district
The Only Hotel In Mnnlinlttui Fronting nn Broad way mul Firth Ave.
Modern 1 irl riivs lint I ( i)initcti In .ill its npiinlntmiMit riiiiiMiltiE inil rlffflrarlnni
entirely new throughout VKonnnoihlinin (nr 'itX) c.ness 1,0 fmtcs vith ImIIis Hot tnd cold
water and telephone in ever) room. Culne nnc vcelleil
scnllops of janno studied upon either
edge w ltili whlto cllk and the entlie
skirt falls over a detachable diop skut
of black taffeta.
The Jacket Is a tight fitting affair
nnd extends below the vvtil-t at the
back In two short tails cut off quite
squnte and studied with white rill..
At the fiont thoie ate double teveics
of black nnd gold embtoldeted panne
opening over a vest of ollow'-white
chiffon embroidered in lilac l The
sleeves are of Paquln design with ruffo
of black llbeity satin gathered upon
tiandts ot black nnd gold embioldeted
A wotd about the (li tachnble dtup
sklit Is not amls heie. This so .11
innged that It can be lemoved fiom
the waistband ofi the sklit with ei)
little ttoublo and substituted with an)
lining that suits the fancy of the
weaier. Man) women of tnhlon ate
having sepaiate linings mads? with a
vevv to matching the tilmmings of
their gowns nnd thee are substituted
for the otlglnal foundation whetevcr
Sepatato walts Inctease in elegance
as the season adntuc and one Is be
wildered by the beauty of the flannel,
silk, satin, velvet and moitssellne de
felgn. The latter I illumed elaboiately
willh hand work of every description
and lace, will be the smartest thin
nil through the fall and winter. Some
for wear with tailor coats and skins
of the most fashionable women In
Gotham affected the fashion last w In
tel, but It did not gain genet al favor,
nnd it Is doubtful whether the diapha
nous matet lals will rival silk fot
blouses duilng tho t-earon to come,
l.lbeity satin In such delicate colots
as peach, h).iclnth blue, Nile nnd wil
low greens, beaver, etc, made -in se
vere bhirt waist fashion and fastened
with Jewelled buttons, si miii to be
one of the most uccesful bluiiM s of
tho .'-eason.
A final t blouse Is of enu de Nil
doth, very highly finished and equall)
light In weight. It Is laid In veitkal
tucks nnd a band of white em
broldeied In tonventlonal scroll design
In black, white anil gold bordeis the
giilmpe and tuns down the front of the
blouse. The gulmpe and collar are of
gtilpute. Past-lng through the sm ill
gold bucklis fastening tlie fiont of the
blouse ate two s-quntp baifl of Illicit)
satin and the git die is made also of the
black satin. The bishop sleeves have
embroldeied bands,
A veiy dink ftoik suitable for i
luncheon part) or for attomoon weai
1st developed In natural color serge mil
lltalte. The klrt Is perlectl) plain nnd
barely touches the tlooi It boasts no
flounce or tucks, but Ills peifectlv and
Is finished with a silk waistband
stitched and aitangef In sudi a wa)
that It can be used al'o for the belt
The coat Is a fitted Kton, with a di ep
attached girdle plei o of gold doth,
which describes an np-tutned V In the
back, and in the tiont emeiges fiom
the (inderai ni seams wheie It Is tin
ished with gold buttons The full
sleeves show a full puff of while cloth
finished In gold, with doth of gold
wrlitbands and gold buttons. The
blouse to be woin with the suit
pnuihes veiy little at the fiont nnd Is
of the most delicate tove sK muslin
with meeting spr.i)s of white How en
embroidered on each side of the dos
ing plait In the middle. A high ioiiihI
)oke of the same mateilal finishes th"
Tall hats are beginning to make
theli appeaianie and i-hovv the niiwt
CLcentrlcshapes, Tortuna telv , how ev ei ,
lor thf) woman with tho slim puise
they will be so elegant In mateilal and
fanciful In form that theio will be
needed only a i-mall quantity of tho
elegant trimming matrlals new upon
the counteis.
English ns the Indian Babu Wrote
It to the Editoi.
Fiom the 1 uidon "sens.
In tho latest copy to hand of an
Indian contempoiaiy Is an Inteiesting
example of ISubu loquacltv. It takes
the familiar foun of a "Letter to the
Udltot," and tuns as follows:
"Ilonoied sli I should like to bilng
tn notlco of public, through wlddy
sratteied columns of )our valuable
Journal u peiadventute that ovti
took my petKin.illty, whitest taking
noctuial peiambulatlons on West Moat
toad, In oidfi to caution fellow dtlzrns
ngalnst simultaneous dangets Whilst
wending my way along above tsatd
thoioughfaie on the evening of the i!.'d
lust nnd puisulng a touise ns uin
flies toward my humble domicile, 1 was
suddenly and Instantaneously con
flouted with inonsiious hli-slng and
much confounded low In Immediate
vlcinlt) I tlist remained solo volie,
and then nn applying cloe si rutin) nf
my double opths to spot whence pin
ceded above said dlstui names, I was
much honltled and teinporaneoiisl)
paralyzed to lo and behold a mighty
enoimous icptlle of Cotbia do Wapello
makliig frontal nttack
My pedal appendages being only
clothed In wooden sandals, I thereupon
Immediately took to nether limbs nnd
beat histy retreat (as stated In wat
telegrams), or, In other word.s, made
rapid retrograde movements by loco
motion of lower shankd though pet
sonally much courageous, I would like
to Indignantly question. What are our
Coi Sixteenth st nml Irving Place,
American Plan, J "0 Per Day and Upuardi.
luropejn Plan, $10) Per Day and Upward.
Special ltatci to lamillea
lOst-ini-ton I'iim l.ith street.
The. 1 1 H HtsON n tnnrnuchljr first-clasi
Imuilynniltritniirntlioi'il offering at amini
mum cost ninaiimiimof In mrv and comfort.
On lSih Street just east of Union Square,
it la mttiln a few minutrn of tbo leading
shopa. theatres and clul s
Uuropesn Plan, 00 up.
American Plan. $2 30 up
Suites with Private Bath, $2.00 up.
tor apecial rates cultles or tnformfttion svnte
JlillV 1-. IUTI II I , Proprietor
X For Business Men
In tho heart ot the) wholesales
Tor Shoppers
T X minutes' walk to WAnamakers;
S minutes to Slegol Cooper's Big
Bture Kasy of access to the great
Dry Goods Stores.
For S.ffn..seer.s
One block from B'way Cars, giv
ing easy transportation to all
points of Interest.
Tor. 11th ST. ft UNIVERSITY PI
Only one Block from Broadway.
Rnnrri! R1 Iin kpstaurant
nOOllli. sDI UU. Prlcei Reasonahls
Grand Atlantic Hotel and annex
Mrttlnla Ave and UcJch, Atlantic City, N. J.
Sulli year, .TO liviitlful looms en.uite, single
anil with lath: hot anil cold i-oa water bathe
In hotel and annex lot atlon select and central,
witliin few vartls of the Steel Pier Orchestri
Olfeis tpei lal i-prhi rates, $12 to $13 b) week,
$2 W up In day Mietlal rates to families Coachej
meet all trains. VV ritu for hooklet
newly elected cliy fatheis coRltatlnK
that they hhnuld not take eommen
mu ate steps to lelesato sin h carnivor
ous nnimals to limbo of oblivion and
Insiit e satety of pede.sttlans and toot
pads.' I'lease answer me this In
.sciutable nuesllon, famous Fir. Piay
lui? foi )out wi'lciime and lneleae ot
filial bond" 1 am, miwt obtd slr. )our
ier obedient wtvant, Bubu Chowduri
".V II If this epistle i lom-ltrned to
waste papei b.if-ket and no notlee
laKen of my almve humble lomplUnt
1 t-hall nu mot Kite In othet papeis."
I I .Mil t 11 -l llll Ills Vlllt III in
Tndiy theie Tie fij'i unlveisltles and
roIIeRes and V, schools of tei hnologv
In tlie I'liiUd States 'Ihe total value
of the piopettv possessed by Institu
tions foi hiRhei ciiiicatiiiii amounts tn
ilJ sv.1. ii , j,,n ,,f aliotit $j1.000 OhO
over t'n anio'int foi the pieiedlna;
vt at 'ill. iiiloument fund amounts
to I"il 1.0 ."JO The total Inuime for
the ve.n, iMliidltiK benefartlon:,
amount d In $.TTiil"l The value of
Kir Is and beiiiosts during the )e.r
3S05-1S19 nmoiintcd to il, 9.'.' J 5(1 Some
.' 5nn in invested fot cacli student who
Is now onjn)liin' the advantages ot a,ny
of tho Institutions of leitiiltiK.
riissical lOiuscM claim bv far thft
Kienter nuiuhet of students .n.'iO.'i stu
dents out ot the 117.161 while. 2l'C
weie laklnpr the rjenei il eultuie couiset
P.SuS science course, 2"U In
.st l net Ion in iiKikultuie, 4 2T tn
iiHchnnlcal enplncci'lntr, j in in elvi
( HKlneerlni,'. and -' l.'O In elect! !ca en
Klneeiliis 1.0JJ students were studying
mining f-ngluecilns, J7 aicliltectme,
n.nOl pediiBOKy, and 6,tiiS were taking
busiiietis couises
Tiin number- of degices con(er)cd
dm Ins: the e.u for work done, wns.
1." PR7 10,714 nn men and 1,.'S3 op
wniueii Thii t)-elnht different vari
eties ot desices wcie oonfetrcd, and in
some eases only one candidate reccfv -ed
a decriee, musical (Ipctor, for e.
ample. Seven hundred jind thlrty-fle,
honoiaiy deRiees were ipnfejred."
In 1R7J the numbi r nt student!" jo.
each l.ooflnnn of population wua fi73: JrT
lSO It had Ineiejsed to 770, In 100 tu
80, In IStl to 1017, while In 1SD3 th
number was l,lit. ,
Thnt's DIlTetent. '
"I am lint expettlnff any package,"
said tho bid) of the house.
"This is the numher," petdated the
driver of the delivery waRnn, looking
Ht his hook again. "Name's HlCetlns
ain't it '"
"No. 71""
"That','" our numhr."
"Then it's for )ou"
"I think not. It must be a eise o
mistaken identity."
"No, mum. It's a case, of beer." Tit
Bits. ' "