The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 06, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Bperlal tn the Stinttn Trlhut.e
Forest I'll?.. Sept. B.-.lnlin Mltrlie'll,
the pifnlrlf-iit of tin t'liltoel Minn Wot le
pra of Amciliii. will deliver an ailiircM
In t''nifHt ("My toiuotiovv nfirinoon.
AlllimiRli bo nini'H In ftillllliiient nf n
lotiK HtiindliiR pKinilKo, the luriil lalior
lendeis diwi'VP cm edit for his npp"iir-niirr-
iip, us the noted l.ilwr lender
finds IiIb time well oicupli'il, mid It
IPfllilied eonsldi'inlile mercy on the
pnit fir the lorn! iilllc-pi-8 lo neeuie n.
dellPite date for the Innjj pxpeiioil vln
It. Tin IP will he ii lilff pHimle at 2
o'clock ami Hninedliitely nt ItH tioce
the peeri.iniikliiK wl'l bPKln In front
of the new prhool liiillillm:. tlooiRp W,
Mnvy will Inti'i'din " I'n-Flili'lil Mlteh
fll It pi oxpecled. A lllilliher of other
lcnde-H ill the labor vwilil will alfo
mnke until esse.x.
roiest City has been well nlfih ile
stortrrl this week nwlnj? to the srtnl
rMitennlal celebration In C'aibondale.
Tnes-day nil the labor organization
here nnd In Vandllne were In line nnd
Wedpe,dny the Unlet prlsP and VjiihI-
llnc Hns-e companies participated.
.I"lm I.viuii has boitRht the nbl pout
oft.e tiiillellnj, Horn the htllltllliK and
loan arfoclatlon for J2.100.
Mip. .1. It. FlemliiK and children, of
Sir.intnn, are Ktiests at the home of
J .1 Walker.
The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Lynch,
who died Tuesday monilnc, occurred
nt 10 o'clock today. requiem iiihfs
was'el In St. Anne? church ami the
remains were then taken to (iibon
dale for Interment In St. liose ceme
teiy. Oeceascd was hoi n In Ireland
reventy-thtce years nco. She had re
sided In Foiext City elKhtei'ii years
and Is sutvlvcd by her husband and
one son. John.
Hew O. H. Stone, a former pastor
of the Km est t'ltv Methodist chunh,
was a visitor In town this week.
Panic il. Allen mslgned fiom
the spctot.iryslilp of the boioURh coun
M Ills sui'ieshor will be elected nt
tin nipetliiB on Tuesday next.
Oaillclfl Anderson, the fortunate
V inner of the second prize In The
Tribune's lMucatlonal Contest, lias
been iccelvliiK the congratulations of
Ills Forest City friends this week. He
Is popular In these pnits, having lived
nt Klchmondale several years.
W. X. Ueese. of South lllbson, lias
been visiting In town the past week.
Mr Reese was for ten yeais the Hill
side engineer at No. 2 shaft nnd re
URtied this spilng to ko on his fatm.
Ie Is looking well.
A laiRp number of Foiest City peo
ple saw "Shoie Acics" at the Carbon
date opera house last night.
The VandllnR Hose company has just
pur based new uniforms, clatk Riven
In color, and they made a handsome
appearance In the p.uado at Carbon
dale yesterday.
11. P. Payne, of Thompson, has been
elected a dliector of the Northeastern
Pennsylvania Telephone company, to
take the plate of S. S. Hubbaid, de
ceased. Mhs Oenevipvo Nlley, of Pleasant
Mount, Is the Riicst of her sister, Mrs.
Joseph Ackerman. today.
The mission In St. Ariics chinch Is
attrnctliiR large conRiVRatlons to that
cdltlte dally. The services are under
charge of Kcv. Fathers Ilagen and
Connelly, of New York. Ttoth priests
me very ehxiuent and forceful ser
monlxcrs and their discourses have
greatly linpiessed the henrcis. The
mission will last only during the pies
ent week.
Mis. P. .1. Foley, of Susquehanna,
nnd Miss Cella Clark, of Pleasant
Mount, are visiting friends In town.
SfiM to the Sinnton Tribune.
Tupnkhannoik. Sept. .'Marriage II
cirses have been Ksued tn Raymond
Pmond, of West Pittstnn, and Miss
Callsta Winters, of Centeimorcland.
also to Silas Howman, of Colorado, and
Mis l:mm.i J.uie Claik of Wilkes.
PiofcfSi.r OIivm J. Mou-loi'k. late of our high si hool. has se
cuied a jmMtion as pilnclpal in the
Destroy.1 Drain Cells ami Con
sumo Nerve Foree at an
Knormous Hate.
Many Cut Oil in Curl) Manhood and Woman
hood on Account ol Neglecting to Keep
Vitality on the tilth Wutcr Mark.
In the factoilos and works-hops, nt
the oillcs nnd stolen yes, and In tho
home?, mo, people nic helns; Rtonnd to
death hy the monotonous xear and
tear of uncc,i-lnr toll. Day after day.
week In and week out, it Is the mdio
Hoiy of work and lalior of execstdve
toll nnd striiKslc, wIMnni: oppominiiy
of rccieatlon. In the simmer, above
nil other times', tho liuidcn is heavy to
hear and many a vivtlai falls hy tho
way, overcome by nervous cxhaustl.-n,
heart falline and physical Jccllne.
It is useless to tali nf iret In the
cooling hieezes of some lake or ocean
resort. The world' woik must he done
the toller must toil on. Thete Js one
method of rcpl.iclns; wasted neive cells
and bulldlns up the woin-out systcin,
nnd that Is by uslni; Dr. A. W. ChaseV
Nerve Pills after each nicrtl. They kIvc
vlpor and ton-' to the cystein and pic
vent exhaustion and pionui'ion tliey
befriend working; people by tnnklnR
them btron? and well, Klvlni; new hope,
new confidence and sttonRcr dptoiinlii
atlon to hiiccecd. The wonderful medi
cinal power of this Kieut medicine Is
demonsftratcd in thnu.mtu's or
vheto the wasting; process has been
stopped and health te.storeJ oy tN ujPi
Mr. Thomas Hummers, of No. itiio
JarUhon stieet, Scranton, Pa., says:
"Dr. A. V. Chase's Nerve Pills ate a
splendid cure for nervous hick head
aches. Mine were tettlblo ut times. I
was nervous nt the same time. Tho
nerve pills were recommended to mo
and I not a b x at Matthew.i Uios."
drus tore. LacUawnnna avenue, ami
they completely cured the headaches
nnd neivuusiicM. This, I think, Is iec
ommendatlon enough."
Dr. A. V. Chase's Nerve I'llls BO cents
a box at dniRKlstf. or Dr. A. Chase
Medlclno t.'o,. Huffnlo, N. V. See that
pot trait and signature of A, W. Chase,
M, D., are on every package,
Sold In Scranton at Matthews Bros.
dipt; btuic, Lackawanna avenue.
ipchnoh nt Lockpott. N. Y., nt n sal-
ary or Jl.noo per year.
Hlba Wplls Iteynnlds, who Is Ma-
tinned nt Norfolk, Va., as paymaster
In the navy yntd, Is vitelline; hit par
ents, Cnpt. William N. Jteynolds nnd
wife, on Fast Tioga street.
I'Mwaid and Illchard Hennett,
of Wllkes-llntre. who hae been visit
ing at the homo of Hindley Lewis,
returned home on Wednesday.
A. K. Adams, of Scranton, supctln
tPtident of the Fanners' Palry Pe
Bpatch company, was a caller In town
un Wednesday
The dates of the Tunkhannock Agrl
cultuinl fair are September IS, 10 nnd
f-peels.1 to the Scrsnion Tribune.
Susquehanna, Sept. ft. Mr. nnd Mrs.
John A. Kelly have returned home
from Chicago, Cleveland nnd the Pan ,
After participating In the festivities
fit Carbondale, the Susquehnnna band,
liie Hose company, No. 1, and a big
;c3gfJt5- Z "T '-.
. - i .
agaefea.,,. -
uuuajti AM.
Upun my word inJ honor,
As I went to Bonner,
I met a pig
Without a wig,
Upon my word and honor.
Find three other pigs.
delegation of citizens arrived home last
evening, well picked with their tilp.
The (Jraiifreis of Susiuehanua coun
ty met in annual convention nt Kalr
dale on Wednesday.
Tho Hancock and the Susquehanna
clubs will play In Deebe park on Sat
urday afternoon. lioth ate undefeated
Howe's moving picture entertainment
will bo Riven this evening In Hogan
Opera House, under the auspices of
the rhiistlan llndonvoi society of tho
Presbyterian chinch.
I'nless early frosts Interfere, Penja
tnnn Sabln, of this place, will hac a
l.u go ciop ot cranbeiiles on his Cas
cade mnish.
The Warner-llrower orchestra will
probably give several concerts from
the pagoda dining the coming autumn.
Tho sixteenth annual ball of Key
stone lodge, No. 20S, Piotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen, will be held In
Hogan Opera House on Tuesday even
ing, Oct. S. The Ladles' auxiliary w ill
furnish supper. Doian's orchestra will
furnWh music. It will be a splendid
social event.
Several cats of Dillon's southbound
I'rle coal train were derailed at Star
rucca on Wednesday morning. The
tracks weio blocked for some time,
but the damage was not great,
Mrs. Ilobert Lee, of the Oakland Side,
on Wednesday afternoon entertained
the Women's guild of Grace Lutheran
Mai tin (iilflln and Joseph Cooper
have returned home fiom the Pan
Ameilcan. "A Country Merchant" Is the red
letter attraction for Hogau upcia
Houho for Monday evening next.
V. IL W. Searle, esq.. Is nt Hnrrls
burg, attending to Ills duties as clerk
of the 1'nlted States dhuilct court.
Charles Hryden la about to erect
six tenement house's on Drinker street.
The quarterly meeting of the Sus
quehanna County F. A. and I. V. will
be held at Franklin Foikh, Sept. 10.
A stocR company Is being organized
to sewer the streets of the borough.
It will till another long-felt want.
tpeeial to the Sainton Tiibune.
Gibson, Sept. 4. Itev. Herrlek nnd
wife left last Friday for his new field
of labor. May success go with him.
V M. Wcscott has accepted a posi
tion In ninghamton.
Our schools opened Monday of this
week, with Prof. Charles Michael ns
principal and Dora Thlnwer as assist
Mi. Dr. Smart and Mis. Smith, who
have been visiting at H. A. Rarrett's
for the past blx weeks, have returned
to Washington, I). C.
Mis. J. J. Potter and Miss Julia
Sttockhlno were in Blnghamton shop
ping Saturday.
County Commissioner Harrington, of
Montrose, was" in town overseeing the
Mix. a. K. Tlngley, having sold her
personal property, will accept a posi
tion ns cook nt a normal school.
O. h, Harding was home over Sun
day. Jllauchard Suitor, of Carbondale,
apent Sunday with his mother In this
Mts. Will Tiffany wan in town Sun
day. The Methodist F.plscopal aid sold
lunches and Ice rteam at the Bale at
Mir. O. 13. Tlngley's house.
Mrs. Warren Smith was visiting her
parents thin week.
F. W. Barrett and wife visited one
day last week In New Mllford.
Halllo Wellr and wife left for a visit
to Timkhannock Wednesday morning.
13. A. Sweet nnd wife visited Susque
hanna Tuesday,
The South Qibson ball nine and the
Olbxnn nine will play a game of ball
at Union hill Friday.
The Ladles' Aid society of the I'nl
vorsallst church will meet nt Arvlno
Sweet's for tea September l- F.very
body Invited.
The Methodist Episcopal Aid sod
etj will meet nt Mrs. W. II. tlsta
luook's Friday, .September 6, for din
ner. Everybody Invited.
They have llnlshcd the work on the
county bridge and It Is ready for the
Iron, and the tools nre nil loaded up
ready to remove to ltrooklyn.
How (i. (i. Fisher, of Hnrford,
pleached at the Mothodlst UplHcnpul
thurch Sunday.
Ilev. Mr. Wagner was calling In
town recently.
Ml us Plunnuer lio.u ils at W, J.
Henry Scott la having Ills house re
painted. t '
On Wednesday evening nt S.30
o'clock new P. T. Smythe united In
marriage Miss Margaret, the daughter
cf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wniren, nnd
Walter Wollevcr, fnremnn nt the silk
mill. The ceremony was performed nt
tlio residence of the bride's parents. At
the nppolnted time, tho party
entered the parlor, to the strains of
the "Lohengrin" wedding march, per
formed by Miss Margaret Alkman.
Thcb tide nnd her cousin, Miss Jean
Mllllgan, were handsomely attired In
ashes of roses houclette gowns, with
satin und duchess lace trimmings. The
groom was waited upon by Edward
. .
McQueen. After receiving the con
gratulations, supper was served to a
huge number of Invited guests. They
weio the leciplents of many hand
some and useful presents. Mr. and
Mrs. Wollever hae dispensed with a
wedding trip and have taken up their
residence on the West Side.
Miss Julia Devcrs !ft on Wednes
day evening for Kansas City, where
she will become a member of St.
Joseph's older. Sisters of Charity.
Joshua It. Jones, who was Injured In
the Uallsteud mine several clays ago,
is .seriously ill with pneumonia.
-Mrs. Mary McMillan spent the fore
part of the week In Carbondale.
Owen Ituauc left on Wednesday for
St. Paul's seminary, to continue his
I 'rank Fleming, of Philadelphia, Is
spending a few days with friends here.
Mrs. Thomas Mc.Vnlly and Mrs.
Charles Sandets attended tho funeral
of Mrs. Patrick Mitchell, at Scran
ton yesteiday,
t s
American League.
At tletroit (first Rami'l It
Philadelphia '-' 1 o o 5 :i 0 0 0- 11
Detioit I 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 l
II V..
15 5
M .
Uattiries Rrrnliard, I'ourrs and Meelman;
Miller and McAllister, t'mpire C'antillon.
At lldrnlt (rccotul (Mine) II. II. K.
Philadelphia I 0 1 2 2 0 0 n 0-n II 2
Detroit OOOlOOtno-2 f. fl
batteries WiUte and stcelman; Ovvcn and
Shaw. Umpire C'antillon,
At ChlcaRO (first came) - II. II. II.
Washington O 0 O 0 0 .1 0 0 O J it .1
IIiIckro O 2 I II 000 1 I 8 2
Hatterlea Carrick and Clirke; Patterson, Cal
lahan and Sullivan. t'mpire Sheridan.
At ChiciKo (second came) II. II. E.
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 -ll h O
ChiciKO 5 10000 0 10-7 . a
ttatteiiea Pation and Clarke; Piatt and Sul
livan. I'mpire Sheridan.
At Milwaukee R. II. F..
Poston 0 0 00000101 12 1
.Milwaukee 10 0 10 0 0 0 0-2 15 1
Matteries Youne and Crlcer; Oarvln and Ma
lnnev. t'mplres Hart and Haskell.
t Cleveland- It. II K
Ilillimore 000000001-t 7 0
Cleveland 1 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 x-3 10 0
nnterles MeOinnlty and Jtohlnson; Dowlinj
and Wood. Umpire Connollv.
Ifatlsnal League,
At New Yoik (first R.ime) It. II II.
rittsbursr 4 0 1 2 1 0 1 3.1-15 21 1
New York 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0-1 pi 1
Pitteries Doheny. Phllllppl and Yeaser;
Maul, Smith and Warner. Umpire-Dwer.
At New York (aecond camel It. 11. K.
New York 0 0 2 S 0 ft-T 11 a
Plttsburtr 3 4 53 0 0-15 12 2
Palterlea llcstrfer and Fniith; Toole and
O'Connor, Umpires Matthew son and Tanne
hill. At Poton- II. II. K.
St. Inils 1210ft 0 001 5 11) 1
lloston 00 0 0 00 02 4-6 S .1
Matteries MaRee. Powell and Nichols; Niehols
and KlttrldRe. Umpire Kmslle.
At Philadelphia- II. II. K.
Chicaco 1000000 12-1 2
Philadelphia 0 I 2 :i 1 0 0 0 x-7 7 2
batteries-F.aon and Kllnu; DiuRleby and Mc
Failand. I'mplie llrown,
At Ilrooklvn II. 11. K.
Cincinnati 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 12 it
Urnokbn 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-.1 0 2
Ilatterlca-Mlmmel and Pclti; KtUon and
Parrel), Umpire Nash.
Eastern League.
Worcester, t; Providence, 3,
Hartford, 3; Rrockton, 1.
Toronto, U; Duffalu, S.
Rrhester, 11; Montreal, 3,
Rochester, 10; Montreal, 3.
Wnll Street Review.
New Ynrk, Sipt. I 'Hip rpcutlcru of prnfc"
rlonal limln In uhUli Iiikiiii'v) nn the ntnk
txclmnito U altnwt wholly i-otilineit tin mil nuke
more than fiiirilli IjI linirclnn iipoti the mar
ket. The ohjut el the tr.nlfr W Hihlrvcd If
prlccx me mmnl, whrthir In one illrrttlnn tr
unnthir. When the irn(elnn,il "Ui'He that In
ntlllnit utoik Ihr.v are tfrltliiR tntn pjre cum
lunj tlie.v turn Willi the nlmoU ilircrfulneu In
tho liuylnii hle the rllil JutMiliy and lor
time thin morning nnd nhrn the hmlni; ilrnuiul
flumit illnilnMilin; power niut there rtrnx cUiurr
ct hecnmlni: Innlnl up with Ioiir tck, tliry
heplii tu cell with equil nUirlty ai they ilhl thu
Rllrrnnnn The ii"w from iliy tn ila may ton
tlnne minh the nme Million! .illoillni: the pir
loihtity o( the n.triow MinliMtlnn In mich mar-
let Ai n haeksiniind In the market He tho
Hionit ecu 1. 1 1 lomlltloiiA ot limine, the prw
pfit that the interruption to the pro.peroin ton
ilint ot the lel IniliKln will not he nmili lontf
rr lontlniicd ami the ilrteimlnition with which
(ontiollltig ltittir.t in the prnprrtlr illne tn
their holding. II ll the nliilom m1liy ol lame
capital at Mil time to iliwniiiaRe adlie rperiila
tlon, peiMilni: the ile.irlnu nl the autumn money
requirement ami al the ame time oner rtlovtbn
uppoit lor prkea ol aectuillM when threatened.
The principal ileielopnient today wai Hie nnewal
of the Intciler rietiuml (or ciirremy. There w,n
tleprviteil $;nn,non at the uh treaui lor lranter
lo (lilriirn, and iai.ono lor tian(rr ti New
Dilrnna Tolil nile, I'H.'iOO fhirec.
Rallrmil buidc were Irirsutar and dull. Totil
Mle, pir aiiie, ?1.4i',,(i V. S. bondi were
unrhanced on the litt call.
The (ollAnlng quotation ire fuml'hed Th
Tribune hy M. R. Jordan A Co , roomi 705 "OH
Mean building, Scranton, Ta. Telephone 8003 1
Open. Hiith- Low Clo-
in?, et. eat. In
American W5 1V 1'!5 W,
Amer. Tobacco Mil, 1WJ l.W f(
Mchl'on "'4 T'a Ji'j "5V.
AclMAn, I'r 07i P? 'I,., 07"i
llrook. Traction 7S 75 71' 71
Pill, k Ohio JOHi 10Oi 1M' 10l
'hc. k Olilo 47 47', 47 47U
I'hlc. k (It. Wett 2ll 25' ilij Il'i
St. Paul lf'il? 17 Ifil'i 1(15
Pock Wand 1 117 115 115
Kan. k Tex., IT .57 .57'; .57 57'J
bonis, k Nah 105 105', 10li lftl
Man. located ll'i lin'i ll-'i ltsH
Met Trutlon WS K.Sl, U', Ki
Mbwi. Pacific infill, 107 10l, VH
NMilhein Piriflr ftl'a .5'"; . SR"1
Noifolk k Wont M 57 faUi, r.i.'l
N V. Central 155 JVi'i 1.5UJ lot's
Col. Soithein 15'i I5'j 15'4 15i
(Mil k Western .1"'; ''i Hi' a ."Ki'i
Pcnna. 11 II 1l'i H7'i IC.1 1M
P.11 iHe Mill 4 41 4i 42',
HokIIiir II. Tl 4I'J 45U 4l'a 4l',i
Ito.Klins It. II. I'r. ... 77'j 77", 77' 7"iU
Soul hern 1! II 3'Ni M1. S-i M
Muthern. I'r .'l4 ("4 wi
Tciin. ('"ii k Iron .... M ( t "& Wi'a
V S' Leather ll'i li'a H l'a
V S. leather, IT l M1, M M
Pnlon I'aiifie I01i 101 0'1'4 In)
Cnion Paclflc. IT e'i'l el', sv, hit;
Walull. IT ll'i tl'a tO'i. 40'H
Western t'nlon T.H OliJ 01 ni'j
Col fuel k Iron 10) 105 HO 10.!.
Mini Copper 11" ll'i lKi 117i
People's Oil ll'JV, IU'4 1IJ' lli'i
Texas Pacific 15 45?, 41', 41'i
Am. Car rVuin-lry .'11 .11 SO', SO'i
Open- Hlsh- Low Clou-
Wlir.VT. ins. t est Inr.
Petember 7'1t "7"'; 7o 773a
M11 7'i', fi"3 7', S'i
Itec ember n1, ', f r,2;
Mav !-'', r,i's wn Kit,
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Ijckananna Dilry Co, Pr
County Savings Ilink k Trust Co.
Flut Nation 11 II ink (Carbondale) .
Standard Dillllns Co
'lliird National Hank
Dime Depoit and Discount Dank.
Kconomy I.lKlit. 11. 1. co
First National Dank I211O
I.aeka. Tiiist Safe Deposit Co 11
Claik A snovcr Co. I'r 1:3
Scranton Iron Fence k Miff. Co
Scranton Axle Work
Scranton SavlnRs Pink , 401
Trader' Natton-il Ilink 175
S'iratiton Holt fc Nut Co 0
People's Ilink 1.13
New- Mexico Hy. k C. Co
Scranton Passemrr Ilallwav-, first
MortgaKe, due 120
People's Street lliilvvay, Prst mort-
(tai;e, due 101S
Peoplc'a Street flillway, General
moilcare. duo lCr-l '
Dickson Manufacturing Co
I acka. Township School S per cent.
City ot Scranton St. Imp 6 per
Scranton Traction 0 per cent
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by 11. G. Dale. 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
Heaiu Per bushel, choice minow, $2.C0.v2.65.
Putter Freeh creamer, 21a22c; dairy, fresh,
Cheese Full cieam, 10'iallc.
l.'ggs Westell fiesli, IS'jalC; neailiy state,
Medium Deans Per bushel, 2.W.
Oieen Pen Per bushel, 1.40il 15.
Flour Ret patent, per barrel, f I 15.
Deans Per bushel, choice nuiroiv, $3,10.
Potatoes Pei bu-hel sjlal.10.
New York Grain and Produce.
New- York. Sept. 5. Flour Maiket war firmer
and a trifle tnoie actue Wheal --spot ruin;
No. 2 ted. 77ar. f. o b. ailoit, md 7.5X4c eleva.
tor; No I northern Diiluth, War f. " h afloat.
Options opened steady and ndvamed later. ( lo-ed
Aim at Biilc net advance. Sales included No,
2 rid. Mil' closed Su'sc; Sepi , 75'jc ; Oc t ,
7JV ; Doc, 771s!. Coin -'pot Aim. No .1,
e2V' ehvator and rt.iTo. f. 0. b. atloat. Op
tlrns were stronif and aitive; ilnsed .Hong at
lo net advance Mi.v closed uito ; S'pt ,
fi2XJi ; Oit., tdV.; Dee., 02 Hi. Oits Quiet;
No. .1, 37'ic; No. 2 white, 40o ; Nn 3 while,
30c ; traik mived western, UTija'IOc ; trai k
hite western, Sst-jal'e.; traik white, state, .IV.,
a17c. Optloius aitive and higlier with corn. Put
ter Firm; rieaincry, lflvJOc. ; faitory, June
ricked. U'jil54e ; imitailon creamery, Ilal7i ;
state daily, llaHc. Cheese Market weak; fan
cy hrge colored, Po. ; fane large, white, Pi- ;
fancy umll colored. D'Ji ; fancv small white,
O'.-o! l.ggs steadv ; state and Penna., I'a20o.;
wei-tern, uneandled, llal"c ; western, candled,
17a le.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Chicago, Sept. S Corn was leader nn the board
of trsds today; December gamed l'ic-. Decem
ber wheat closed c. higher; oats were 'jaSe.
higher; provisions ranged fiom 7'i tn 15 cents
higher at tho close. Cakh quotations were a.s
Fiom Sleidv; No. 3 spung wheat, fiT'iauVUc ;
Ko. 2 led, 70V. , No. 2 oals, SI'-aMUc; -No.
2 white. 37a.l7sc ! Nn. 3 white, 3i!a.'t7e : No. 2, 85c ; fair tn choice malting bailey, ,S5i
n'oijc; No. 1 tiix seed, l .Is; No 1 northwest
ern, $1 40: prime timothy seed, $5 40; mess
poik, H55.ill GO; laid, Pi;,,') jo: short
ribs, $5 35aSJO; diy salted shoulders, 7'a71ic. ;
short clear sides, t1i0 10; whlske.v, $1.30.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chliagn, Sept. B.-Cattle-Receipts, 9,000, In
cluding 500 Texans and 2.0ii westerns; generally
10c higher! butcliers' stoik. firm: Texans anil
westerns, 10s . higher; aitive; good to prime
steers, 5Wi6.45; poor to medium, flaS 50;
stockers and feedeis, slow, $J25al.'3; cows,
stead, 2.35a4.75; heifers, atrong, $.40a5;
cannera, weak. 1.50i2.25; bulls, steady, (al.00;
calves, 25 to 10 cents higher, $?aH 10; Texas fed
steers, ?l 10i5.10; Texas gras steers, flSOal,
wetern steers, fOiS.-JS.
Hogs Receipts today, 21,000; tomorrow, 2,000;
entiinated left over, 1,500, market Jo .higher,
active; top, d.P'Vs; mixed and butchers, J3 05
aH f5; good to choice heavy, $0.l0a(!.02'i; rough
lieav.v. V.05aii.25, light, ?5 00j0.73, bulk of sales,
M.20ai3 cV).
New Tork Live Stock.
New York, Sept. 6, Reives Nothing doing;
nominally steady: calves, veali stead; veals,
JJa1: grasser and buttermilks, $.13.73; fed
calves, IJU4 50; eity dreed veals, 0U2c, per
pound; selected stock, Vii
Sheef and lambs Good s'neep, steady; com
mon, lower; lambs opened 10 to 23 cent! otf;
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Pour Llnea, 3 Cents for Bach Extra Line.
For Hent.
For Reeto
About 1200 feet of floor spnee on
, lloor of the Tribune building,
su'.table for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
Thij Tribune.
Mill IIKNr-l'our room; heated, with bath.
Inquire 4li Uclmlcr acinue. IMvivlon icu-
en Oct. 1.
t'Oll IlKXI' Oil SAI.K--llou-e and paitlen, on
.Main tieels rcaaotuhle term. durcM
Mra. Pied ( hace, llox 155, factor)llle, Pa.
KOII llENT-Lame .lcant front loomi central.
At 121 Adams acenuo.
1011 IIK.NT Four pleatant rooma, new houe,
ttlth ne ot hath, tem beat, caa or electro
lliht, location lonirnlent. Linden trect. Apply
Kfl .Vorth Washlnnton meniie. (! 1). Stnclir.
FOIl IlKNT Hairy ami truck farm, two miles
from Vranton. .Shruer llrolhet", SU Hro)k
etreel, .vranton.
1-011 IlKNT Four rooma, ItrU lloor, heat, tur
nlshed. 701 (Julncy avenue.
FOIl house In Oreen "Wj0
all conveniences-, largo lot. Ilent, n Act
flrew S. 11,, Tribune.
1011 IlKNT -Klelit rooms, 7 Jcfterton avenucj
alt modern corvenlencea. ' ,
For Sale.
FOIl &I.K Three rooms, one hall ami stair fine
rarpen. nearly new, will feu cneap. .ippij
(i. I) stoehr, 4.U Wrlisler avenue.
FOIl SAI.K A (aim of 35 acie, in Mailnon
tonnslnp, one and one-quarter nilles from
Moscow-; under Rood cultivation, well watered,
fruit of all kinds. On e.ifj- terms. 11. W. Swarts.
.11 ST llltli:i) with car load of horses, good
workers and ilraweia, weiRht from 1,1(H) lo
1,500. Can be cci) at Ml llujmo.iil court. I.
M. Cobb.
FOIl SM.K Two llsht uprlnc wagons and ionic
harncsw, cheap. Evans, rear 1I.U Lurcine
FOIl SAI.K -Car load of dravim; and driusht
horses and cnod fimlly hoises. 2J2-224 Oak
fold coiut. ,1. M. Field,
FOIl SVI.K A Cottrell k Sons cylinder press,
3.1i.1, In Rood rondition, new rollera, $-500.
Apply Wllkesllaire Tunes Otflcc, Wilkes llaire.
Real Estate.
FOIl SM.K Desirable property on Church street,
Iliiiunoie. 1 all cm 01 write . II. loung,
5aterslrcet llrldue office, liltlon, Pa
FOIl SM.K- 1 slory s room frame house, lot W
1.50 on Church treet, Dinimore Call on or
write to W. It Yniinc, ITttaton, Pa.
FOIl sM.K-Coy little homo In perfect condi
tion; c.iiv term. lnO.5 11 nu homo street
pplv on pumises, or Hamilton, lloom 30J Pauli
FAHM OF about K5 aires; Rood house and barn;
near Montnii-p. Addiess llnx 31, Dimoik,
Susqiii liantia Counly, Pa.
MFMiTtKA - FOR Ml.i: - lame house, suitable
for lOmalcMeiits' home or foi suniiucr boaid
ers. Siluiteil near clnnches, poloffUc, railway
and ste.imhoals, First class opening for piaduate
nur'O to open lonvilesn nis' home. The demand
for It exist. Addies A. K. Hush, (Jiavenluirst,
Muskoka, Out.
WANTFI) A large show case. Apply William
Oifford, 1517 Dickson avenue.
WANTED An inlclllaent (Catholic) lady or kci
tlernan to fill a light, pleasant position;
rood pay, it suitable. Addresa P. O. Hox 20,
Scranton, Pa.
Wanted To Buy.
pi.v fair puce slocks and bonds hoimiit and
sold. Fveninir 'phone, 2722, Div, ll.
k Com p 111 v, lliokiis, Dime Hank Uuilding.
LO-sT V black spiniel, K liberal reward for ils
return to -ienft Robinson, 1501 North Wjh
ington avenue.
Money to Loan.
$50 to $50,000 AT ONCE 1 and 5 per cent. In-teie-t
V.dy terms to icpay. lieoige W.
Okell, Coal Exchange building.
I3JO.U0U TO LOAN Lowest rates: straight or
monthly paments. Stark k Co.,TraderV bids.
Etralgl I leans or Duildlng and Loan. At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
S1P315 l.Vnnell building.
SLPEItl'LlOI'S HAIR, warts and molts palnles
I, peinnncntly, scientillcally removed b.v
electru nudle nu Dcimatological Pal
lors. 312 Washington avenue.
cm k Maikwlck, late nf the ( Ity ot siaiituii,
Countv of Lackawanna und State ol I'cniis)
vania, ileceasod.
Hy virtue of an older of the Orphans' Couit
of aikivvanui Countv, the undersigned, cxeiu
tor ol the eslale of Fredrick Markwick. deiessed.
will m'II at piilillc sale and out ciy tn Hie highest
and be-t bidder at the ,ibitntlon lloom In tha
Court House at the City of Suanton, on Frldav,
September 27, Pall, at 2 o'clock p. m. thefoiloiv
ing ilescribid real estate, to wit:
All that eertiin lot, puce or parcel of land
situated in the City of Scranton, County of
I.atkananni and state f Prnrujliania, kunivii
and deolgnatcd 011 .1 Hcerman's map of south
ll.vde Park, as lot number nineteen (10) In block
niimlier ritv-four (54) being fifty (50; feet in
front nn Thirteenth street, the sime width In
rear and one hundred-ten and one half (110'i) feet
in depth, s.11 Improved with a two story (run"
dwelling and outbuildings. ( oal and l'niiuiili
excepted and reserved.
Teims of sale: One-half In cash on the dav nf
Hie, and the balance on confirmation of thnralo
and deliver) of tha deed.
closed 25a'1.5c. lower on all butcher' stock!
sheep, ?250i4; culls. ; lambs, ?5a1.12ij, few
earlv salei at H-5afl.t'l tor choue; culls, IS.I 50
Ilogs-Rarely steady; good attte boss, 7.
Buffalo Live Stork Market.
East Huffaln, Sept. 5.- Cattle Receipt l'j
cars: all sold at former prices; veal and
calves, receipts (V) head; aitive and strong;
tops old at 7..50a7 7.5j good to choice, $0 75
7.25; calves, $flaO.'al
Hogs Receipts 10 cars; fairly steady to nrm.
sheep and limU -Receipts IS cais; 15 to 25
cents lower for Iambi: slirep, also about 10 10
15 cent lower; Inndy wether heep, steadv;
spring lambs, f, liSaS 00; handv wethers s,eep,
.l"Aj, choice to extra earllnsr l3mb, $125
a I 10.
East Liberty Cattle.
East I.lbeity, f-epl S -Cattle Steady; choue,
$5 A5.ifi.80; prime. $3 IJaS (V); good, !. ISaJ.SO.
Hoga Higher; likest medium and heavy yoik
ers, Jd.Ma'1 fslj best heavy hogi, M.FSail.'iO;
Hslit )orkers, cW.SftadeJ; pigs, fcttbmuo,
loiiglia, $5a5 25.
Sheep-Mead); best wethers, Jlal 13; culls
and common, $123a2 23; )tiilngs, j-'flOal-JJ;
veal calvea, f150a7.2J.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Sept. 5,-Credlt balances, 125; cer
tificates, nn bid, fhlpincnt, 50,0si; average,
E2,0M, lluni, OJ.Osl, average, 72,023.
Help Wanted Mnle nnd Female.
hfteN'' V v-V"' WV W W V-H
iti;iiiKsi:sTvrivi.s wwir.n n kmioi.i.
aliidenta (or lii.trurtluii, by mall, In profev
eloml and ainatrur pholonraphj i crajnn, ulcl
ami walcr color wotk. Ilellahle men and women
mat' i-rcuro proHlahle rmplojinenl, wiieru In
iltintry will be rcuinlut h tapld pinniotion. To
euite ixilu.lte terrllniy, iddrcM ur nil nl
erne on the merkan cliool el rt and I'ho
toaraphj, Incotpuulnl. 110 W.ioniltut enue,
lrAnton, Pa,
Help Wanted Male.
WANTKU-Slronc bo.v vviinteil. 1'.. Joseph Kcntlle,
Wire Sciceii Works.
VNT1.0- An ixperlenied inoiery clerk tor 1 i
atlon jut out ol town I), tare ot Tribune.
WASTKIl-Kvprilemeit ilotliltu and futnlsiiiiii:
Hoods nalenmaii at Simon l.onu'a 8un,
Wilkcs-ltirre. Pa.
llllAFISMl'.N WAMI'I) lew llrnt ila me lira ftamen vlth at lead eluht veara
espirleiue. None but espnleiueil men need np
pli I.. I' llietir, engineer, encino
livifion, Laikavvanna Iron and sleej icmpini.
WANT I. Ii Men with lie to adverll and Intro
dine Monanli Poultry Mixture. Mulitht al
aty weekly and expends. AtldnM with
stamp. Monarch Manufacturing to., Iln ,ia1,
bprlncllehl, Illinois.
Iinil'KI.WKIIS W MTI For tiro brick wotk.
Communications' and personal applleillons
will be received at my cfflio in llamock, N. .
n, .1. Iluman.
Help Wanted Female.
5VANTEI)-5ounir. ladv in store; one competent
to awIM on bonks; vvaRca. fl.lH. Addreea
II. M. ('., Tribune Olfice.
vAYrKI A Rirl for ceneral housework; must
understand all kinds of looklnsj. Apply l"7
WyomliiK avenue.
WANTED-dill for Rrneral housework at Dillon.
Address II. T.t care lilbune.
Agent3 Wanted.
t'A.NV SKtlS Lady or centlcman niili-iile the
clt) of Suaiiton can have .1 permimiii .meiics
for the pel fume of the centur.v I'hcnoinetnl
siles. Oocids In laice ilemind I'.veijtlilns for
niched on ctetlit Liberal arransement with the
right part. Addiesa "Cut Hoses," Mth street
and fitn avenue. New 5oil.
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALnrriT SCIILUTZ. corner Mulberry
street and Webster avenue.
GUSTAV PICHKL. MO Adams avenue.
West Side
Ol.OROE W. JENKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FRKD U TERPrE, 72D Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main
avenue and Market street.
Green Ridge
CHAIILES P. JONES, 1557 Dickson
F. J. JOHNS, 020 Green Hldje street.
C. LORENZ, corner 5Vaslilngton ave
nue and Marion itrect.
W. II, KNI.PFF.L, 1017 Irvlns avenue.
J. a. nONE k SON.
DUtllct Cnuit of I ulleil M.1I13 for tin- Middle
district of l'ennlvauia, 'I'll lie K. Hams, ut
Sciantoii, Pa, Lickniaiiin tuutity. Piniisvlvjiua,
a liankmpt iindir the Act of ( ongies.s nf .lulv I,
ls, baving applied for a full dl-alnige fiom .ill
debts against hir estate under aid Ait, notice- is
hcicby given to all known citilitnm nnd other
pcuofis In Interest, to appear before the mIiI
Court at scranton, in a-ihi lllftriit, on Hie Kill
dav of September, 1W1, at 10 o'clock lu tin f'U
110'on, to show cause, if any t tic j- hive, wliy Ihe
prjjrr ut Ihe said petitioner should not be grant
ed. EDii MID It 5V. SEvRI.E. Cleik.
Distriit Court of the l lilted M His ur the Mid
dle Distriit of Pennsylvania. Mums Cohen ui-d
ll man N. Koplau ol Mranton, lankawamu
Countv, Pcniisvliinla, binkiupt unibr the Air
of Congress of Jul 1. ivis. Invlug .ipplleil tor
a lull dii-chargc from all debts pun ibli- againsi
their estate under caul Ut, notice is liireln
given to alt known creditors and other pirsms
in interest, to appi-ai befoie the .aid Court at
Scranton, in silj Dislrict, nn Ihe Kill, dav of
September, PX1I, nt 111 o'cloi k in the fiut-noou,
lo show lause, If anv they have, nli.v the pi iver
of tlie said pi-titiiiuir should not be gianted.
EDWARD It. W. ST.xHI.I.. Cl.ik.
Olhie of tho Capitol Iluihllng (;oiumis.-loii.
Ilatii-luiig. Viu 21. I'!
'Ihe Commission Healed iiihIi 1 tin in nf s
fembh upprnied the lslli div nf Jul, II
l'Kll, foi llie i-onsliiictliiii and lompli turn of Ihe
Capitol building and tor other invilo
the architects of Pc nns.vlvani.i lo submit plilis
and .pci ifliatlons lor lln- 1 un-tiiu timi, loiilduig
.mil loiuplelion of llie Mate Capilol at llairii
biug, Including a power, llclil aod hiat plant
of Biiltiiieut lapiciiy to satlsf.11 loul siiplil tlie
needs of Mid building, as piuudid b) the t-aid
c t nf sxcmbli 'Ihe building must be of uf
itc lent sire In provide ample accommodations for
the cxei utile ami deparuni nt il blanches ct tlie
state goveitnnilit as well as the ginciul asciu
blv, ils oiliiei jnd implnve anil to anticipate
the future ncecjs nf the state. L-erlain .1111 nun
ot woik hiving alteady been clone, compeiltors
aie restricted in 11 mcisiiie to cert 1111 outlines
of cxieiior and inteinu. of all of uliith fads
thev will heiih) take imllce
The enliie cost ol the huihliliz coinpleie, in
cluding all decoiations, power. Ilglit and heat
plum, the removal of tlie two departmental build
ings now occupied bv the se.tiiirv of Internal
.flair md the fouctar of Vgrliultuie, as pio
ih.i In- the slid ct of Vs.semhlv. aicliitei Is"
teen and the expenses of the commission shall not
exceed the sum of $4.ii0.iinn. as under nn circum
stances will extras be i-oii-ldoied, nor will the
con mission ,il for anv additional apninprialion.
the building is to be completed in all Its pans
readv for ocmpani-.v on or befoie the fli.t dav of
.lanuity. PWit, unless Hie condition of the liea.
ur.v justifies Its earlier completion. No plans and
pii'ifii itions from arihiteits resident omside of
the slate will bo reieived, as the liw piovides
that the architect selected must be ,1 icsldent of
Penn-ilv inn Tlie exleiior or outer walls of
the building are t 1 be of gianlle of the best
nualilv. and in -1. 1 is m idle able the ,ntei .11
decoration, (Ini.b aid ti nf the congressional
lihraiv at Washington will be taken 11s .1 Ivpe
ihrm'e or model bv ihe ioinmlsnii In pissing
upon the pUti and -p-i iflcallom -ulililillrd
VII plans and speelfl' aliens imut be sealed and
filed Willi the eirdai in the ofriic of the coin
mission at llatrlsbure on or before Hie 30th div
ot Novnnber, P0I, nt 12 o'clock noon, at which,
hour Ihev will be opened bv the commission
'Ihe jn lilted, who uliall be the .itillicr of the
pi ins and sprclfiiatlons adopted hv tin- conuuU
inn, will be selected as aubited In stipemse
the construction and loiuplelion nf the building,
tlie 1emov.1l of tin depirtmental buildings le
fened In and tlie installation of the power, light
ami heat plant, and shall lecelve in full compen
sation for his serine a commission in annul
auce wllh the schedules of commissions adipl-d
and recommended bv the vmcrhaii Institute of
Architects for full profession il sen ices.
The live anhlieita pieentlne plain and .pc t
tic.itlons considered next best In the opinion or
Ihe commission will each reielie the .11111 of
Ml drawings shall tie one-sixteenth scale No
limit is placed upon the number of designs in
be submitted bv any competitor. Ml unsuc cestui
plans and spei ideations will be returneii to their
le-peetlve auihc rs within a reasonable time.
Coplc ot ihe d of lulv 1. 100. under which
this building Is to be enn.tiuctcd can be oh
tained bv applhatlon In Edgar (' fierwlg, secie
tarv building commission, HsiTlsbiire
The present buildings ire open to the Impee
Hon of ccmpetlne aiehlteets Infoimatlon at to
space for Ihe different departments can he ob
tained upon Inquiry nf tlie heads thereof, The
right te rejrrt any and ill plans and specifica
tion! U reserved, nv order of the commission,
EDOUl C. OCRWIQ, Secretary.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Four Lines, 6 Cent for Uach tUtra Lin:,
Certified Public Accountant.
FiiKiiFiiicK l, niton x. Alien, n, heal
Latato Exchinue llldg., 129 Waahlncton ite.
Civil and Mining Engineers
11. 1 11, mj "connkm, nUILDl.N0.
nn. 0. 1: Eii.ENrtEitoEit, pauli nuilni.Nu','
frprucc street, bcranlon.
F nn. ,''., nOVI.E. AITOHNKV-AT-LAW.
llooma 12, 14, ia inj ja n,lrr bulldlnir.
listed on real estate aeeurily. Meara building.
corner naalilngton avenue and spruce street.
aM rounsellora at-law. Ilepubllcan building,
''aahlngton avenue.
sellOM-at-law. Conimonwcalth building, rtoomj
10, 20 and ;,
L'rlS,AJ?.D ,v- TIIAYEIl. ATTo'n.VF.Y. R001I3
W3W4. Dth noor, Meara hulldinc.
of Trade building. Scranton, Ta.
"ank building.
!11 Wvcmlng avenue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
Inpton avenue. Residence, 1319 Mulberry.
Chronta disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and
penlto urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Ilotols and Resturants
CAFE. 125 AND 127
Kates reasonable.
P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the European
plan VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
reus pools; no odor; only improved pumps used.
A. n. Rrlggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100
North Main avenue, or Elcke'a drug store, eor.
ncr Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones.
rrymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green
houses, 1050 North Main avenue; (tort tele
phone, 762.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of 5Virc Screens.
al'o ladies' waists. Loula Shoemaker, 213
Adams avenue.
velopea, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130
Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa.
In Scranton at tho newt stands of Reisniau
Bros. 400 Spruce and 503 Linden; M. Norton,
H! Lackawanni avenue; 1. S. Schutier, 211
Spmce street.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 531
ashlngton avenue.
Situations Wanted.
Sin IION WVNl'ED H a woman to go out
washlrg or musing. I'lea'e tall or addie.s
Ul'l (edar ammo, (U.
sill TIHN W AVII'.H Hv man as fiifTnan, haa
had experience. 12JI down avenue.
Sin Vl'lON W AVI Ell A vvldnw woman wants
.1 piwitlnii as Imiisckcrper 01 at geneial
liimsevvnrk; Hist class 1 xr-cilcnee; willing tn do
am kind of AddicM Mis. A. M., Tribune
01 lice.
sll'l VI KIN 5 NTED 11 si md lehable girl al
geneial Imiix-wnik In rinill family; plca-c
(.tale wages. Addif-s K. I' . 'lilbune entice.
sllI'MION W VM'l.ll Hy a gill II vears old
In help wilh llahl house woik. Aeldrcs A.
D, -.'ell Irvin.' avium.
.-Ill VI ION vv NTI.H -t anlhlne wheie th'ie
is .1 cliaice- 10 wc,ri up. by a nung mm
wlio has had experience is nonkkeepei and col
lector xilileessC, .aie ol 'Ihe Tribune.
WANTED 11 mm and wife, positlen a inacn
man nt usiful nun-, wife good cook or
hoic-ekeeiH r VV . A , Tribune.
SITI'VTION v NTi:D- 'lo go out washing, clean
ing or ironing, any kind of woik. Mrs, Lee
111 HilNtr.ul limit
WANTHI position as housekeeper to a wd
nicer. In 1 middle aged lad, large expeil
cnee. refeiciiees exc hanged. Apply at 021) VUch
ington aieniie. City.
SITt'NTION WNNll.ll-Hy .voiing man as hoo't
keeper or asltant In ofrtee worn; has lud
several .veais' ispciienie and can give referencei
from former cmpln.icm Addu- J. K. Tiibune.
WANTED -Will seme wealthy man give a nunj
married man a posiimn whcie he can get ri v
motion, honest ami tiut.vonhy. V. A. W.,
Money Will Barn Bis Monthly
The Investor's Fund I'ayi Semi-monthly
Tlie olelest e.lablislied In America No certlflcati
holder has ever lost cent Pajmenti mad to
all subscriber! every 13 dai, No trouble. No
delay. Money refunded on demand. Wrlta to
day for particulais, tree to my addret.
C. E, Maikey k Co, Hudson nid'c . New York.
AW own and offer at prices
ylelilltiK iicai ly live per cent.
P'lrst Mortsrano Sinking Fund
Denomination, $1,000.
Blffle Electric
of Butto, Mont.
Writa for iprciil circular,
Rudolph Kleybolte & Co.
1 Nassau St., New York.