ribtme. orimtmt THC ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RliCBlVING THE COMPLUTE NEWS SliUVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WOULD. TWO CENTS. SCRAXTOX. l'A., I'ltlDAY aiOHNlJfO. SHPTEM 1JER (, 1)0.1. TWO CENTS. v mr ssljig5i.sfiBB PRESIDENT'S DAY AT THE PAN-AMERICAN The Pollcu ol the Government Is Outlined In the Speech ot Mr. McKlnleu. PROGRESS OF CENTURY Isolation No Longer Possible or De sirable Itccipiocity, Ship Subsid ies, Ship Cnnnl, Pacific Cable Should Be Encouraged The Value of Fnhs. tj Exrlutlfe Wire from The Aworltd Pttv. llillfnlo, Sept. n. I'rc-iilf nt' tiny at tin' Pan-American exposition i.iii Its course under voiy nu-uc-lou' conditions nnil sitH attended "1th every circum stance In keeping with lis high Im port. Piesldent McKlnley, with Mrs. McKlnley by Ills side ami surinundod by eminent pei.ons of high tilllciul lank of this anil fmclgu countries, fni-ocl u ,iM throne of people In the esplanade at ikioii today anil tlcilveied an address th.it In ought forth tho thunderous ap-I.Imu-1-- of tho multitude. Never befoie has sia h a crowd gathered within tho i Nposlllon giounds. Tho pcoplo weie packed In tho esplanade to tho point if suffocation anil ovoi flowed down tho inuit of fountains and to tho vacant .".paces In front of tin- government buildings at the light and the hortlcul tuial building to the lett. Tho presi dent's words weio listened to attentive ly by tho audience. Ills loforonces to tho name of Mladic as tho man in M'patably associated with the Pan Aineilc.in movement; the statoinents that leilpioclty treaties nre In hur iiimiy with the splilt of the times; thnt the Aiiieilcau people must build the isthmian canal and the Pacific cable and cinnuiage our meichaiit niarino ervlco, and that Isolation Is no louder poM-lblc or desirable, were particularly well tec civ cd. The pioslilent's pio gross thiough tho exposition grounds to the stadium and thence to the vari ous buildings and exhibits of Canada and tho South American tcpubllcs was one continuous ovation. The piesldent was iutioiluced by Mr. Mllburn. Mr. McKlnley said In part: I am glad In lip agiin In the ilt.v of llufliln an I exchange gicrtlngs wtth Tier peopb , to wh.n.. grnrinus hospitable I am imt a stringer .ml willi ulictff- good will I have hern repeatcdlv ind MEli.ilh bennied. Tn1l.1v I have additional li faction in meeting and giving vcUonie to tho foirtgn representatives ii-rmh1ed Imp. who.e pieciue ami pirtuipjtion in llm eprction hue 1 ontllbutrd in no tnirked .1 degree 10 its intense ami MisCrs. To tin louum'sinniM nf ihe p... liiinloii of Cat1.11.la and iIip British lolonies, tlu l'lentli Cnloiups, tlir irpulilo of VPuo anil nf fpnlril ami south Vtneru J. ami tin- 1 ouuiih Moll, 1.1 of Cube and Purln ItUn. who idnie with it- 111 this uuiifri.iking, wp cop tho hind if b Ibiwship and fi'lnil.itp with tin in upon tlip Ittiunpht nf ail. kiiitiip, education oil ininu J'liliirp wlinh tlip olil has bequeathed to 1 1 ii' new niuti. Vnluo of Fnhs. l.HMition -op IIip tune-keep, is of piogiesa, 1 he tttnril llio world's latK rinriii . 'Ili.v , rtimulato tlip rneigv, m 1 i ic .nul inlillpit of 1 lip people and n1111k.11 human geinm Tlu.v go into the liouip. 'Ihe.v hrnaihti .mil brighten Hip dillv life nt tin- people. IIipv open inightv M011-hou-es nf Inlnriuilinn to the nudem. I.veu1 exposition, cii'it or mill. in lulpni In mmh 1 nujtil Klip. I oiMp.iriMni of Mi, ix 1. aiHjt i-ilu-i.itloni). tni I a m li iniitnu ihp lirain .iii'l ImihI nf 111111. I'lini'lli ro ilrt d lim, uhiiii u Hip pur lo Inilu.trljl mipioi. on Ml- tin' in-piri-tion to tiptul iuvdition 111.I lo hmli piiilpjor 111 nil 1! I'.olinont nf Intinin .nmiiv It cx.11 u a Mitily uf tlip want, mnifnits .mil ptin the mIiIih- ol tin' pcopli .mil MioKin? Hi.' illlioy nf Mali iiiilli.v ami new .riip 10 win ihoa t.uoi 1 lii iiiri fm ti.nli i .in iiiLintiw to nun of loKiiutf to iipir. invptit. Iinpmv,' inl 1 1 0110111171 mi tlir tout of pioiliiilinti. Itu4iin lift, wh'lhir raiM'iii; oiiipUp nr imiIi nth.r hi,i,', 1 n 4 harp i.1iiiukIp fm mn,-v II will lip iiuiii. tho Iru to in tin fiitinp. lithoiit inmpiiiiiou we woulil 1h 4 HnutiiLT to IIip ilmti.i atiil antnpMipil iiikiv-i nf t.niiiinj nul 1n.111uf.1i inn .in, I ii,. iiipiImmN nl lnl.,liii's nf loin; ju'o, .mil Hip iui. null wonlil lip no lurilur uhninnl linn th, ilallli'Hitll irliluil. Illll tlioiish loiiminiiil 1 iiiiipt'tilor toinmrti i,il 1 hrmip hi- mti.t not Iip. 'Hip I'.iii. iiii ikjii iio-iIii.ii lia. ilmi, 11, M.tik tlnniMiuhli. ii'i'-iinlnc in it. , vl,lln , iIpiiim nf IIip lilu'ln"! "Mil mil iilii.traiiiii; the pingrrst of iIip liuiiiin finnli ,11 lh, nwum lirniirpliiip. I'liU iiiinn nf thi 1.1 nh h.n r. 1.11M' for lioinill.il tun im iln tun ii ln poi fi mini in Hip nun I' nf 1 iiiliainni. It h. not "1 iolnill.-licil inrljtliliiL- (,r fiom ii , 11 ha) (imply done ll IipI, aipl nilliinn 1 milt ni lin.nl fuliipv, am iriHiu'iiizini; tin niinifolil aihinti.. Infnn nt nthrri, il Imiini tlip frlitplli tl,i!iy ' all Hip pnvwr III Ihp ppaipliil piirsiiitj of itad. .Hid tmnnipriP, ami will in-nppralp ntih all m iliumln? Hie lii'lipt .ml li 91 iiilrn l- of Im n 1 1 1 1 i l . 'Hip wioiloin and rnriE.i of all I he n 1ion arp ihhip loo icioii for the orlil' wmk. Up "Uiirv nf ot, munic, iniliHIi.i ami jnipn linn Is an ininiiaii.ni.il ,iit ,1 ml a eoiimion j. Ion. Isolation No Longer Possible. Tin wrtlil' h'IImie pniih atp rPKiilatpil liv maikrt and irop rppoiis. p n.ii' mratri ili lanic in a liorlrr tpn,, of time ami witli nimo Paso than a ppi ihnmoil of In tlip filhpi. l.olatlon Is no loin:, r po.ililc or iloiiahlp Tin amp imporlant news U ip.nl, t ln.uli In illfTcrrtil linetuer, tlip ranr iln in all ( IniMPmluni. I'he tflosraph l,eip in ailnvnl of wlial l nunrrlnir picr.iHhPiP and Hip prm foipliiio with mor. or lca acciiraiy Hip plim mil ,ui,,,.i. ii. ration'. Matkot prn.p of prodmn .mil nf x. iinlllcc arp hourlj Vnnun in em lonmiPiiijI mart, and the Intettiiiinu of tin pK.pic trii'l hpjond their onu nallonal Ii'juihI.iwk inln the runottat put ot tho parlli at luniiitiotn aie ioinJui.trd ami intpin.itlr.ini i, InnfiM .up midr I' Hip tkk of tho utile i:rry rirnt nf lull rest U iinnirili.itp Inillpimrd Reciprocity. Hy rntilile trade ari,mi.piiii'iiU wlmh Mill nit Interrupt our hoinp piodiiilion vm .hill xli-rol the nutlet for our Inut.Kihi; Mippliiii iirpliia. fjitnn uhlOi pimlilii a nmtiul iiluni.e ,,( rominodilira i m.inlfi.tl.i pk.pnlijl in the mu. tinup'l and Inalllml Krotli of our pipnrt Iradp, Wr inii-t not riHi-fl 111 tho famdiil 'inritj that ne tan forpter pII pu'DIIi1 ' d hut little or nothini:. If mill a Ihim: wue powlblp It would d'al. We hnuld take fiom our 1 uli,inpr in Ii (( their pinilucH 111 wp inn iim without I' mi to our liiilu.-lrii'i und lilmr Itiiipnxili n Me TJl111.1l nutuinwih of our ""inliiliiliiiilii-irl.il ilptelnpinrnt timlcr the doineillc piilli.t nut tlitnly rtahlilieil. What wp prndme hpjond our iluniPfllc I'oiituiiiplinii iiiu-t Ii.iip a tint ahitud. 'Hip nun iiiu.'t he rillptid thiou.'h 1 toiriLii utlet ard ImuM ndl etir.twhne we 1.111 and Imy whetrtir Ihe tiu.tliiL' will ml.iiei our iln and piuduitloiit, and Hinihi uuku ,1 KifJtir demand for lintne hlinr. The period nf ejduMte iipm i i.it. 'Ihe ripuulon '' "lir tranle nd (nnmieno ! Hie prevlnu ptoldim. Cotunirrilal wars nre titiprofltahle. A polity of Rood will and friendly tnde relation will luetrnt rrpriuU. Iteilprodly trratlei are In liarmonv flltli the lililt of tli tlrneai incjitirN of retaliation ate not If pen li ime nonie of our tatllN aie no lonser needed for tetriiup or to c 111 niir.iue and proleit nnr Indii-trlfa at home, whv aliould they not he i-tiiplo,t(d to extend and promote our marked ahrmdT Foster Merchnnt Marine. 'I hen. t"" we line Inadequate tp.nnlilp er the Now line ol ate,nnhl. hue heen put ill iiiintrilln hetttppn the Pacific ena.t porta of the I nlteil Malea and those on the wcMoin moKnl Meviio and (enlt.il and South Atnerie.i. Tlioe hoiild he followed Willi dlrei t Meannhlp linea hrlween tlip p.itprn co.nt of the I tilted Male and Ninth .Mnrrliau porta. One nf the tii'p.N of Hip time l dlipit i ninui'ii lit line (1. mi our iat fiild of luodudlon to Hip flphN of lomtuuption that we lute lmt ImipIv ioueiied, rt In adf.111t.1ce to h.itlni; the llnni; In p l to hue Hie cnmonlrmo to (arr it to the lnitr We timt eneoiir.up nui nieri h.itit tiiirini. Wp innt late tnorp hip. Thet niut he nndpr Hip Aim Moan Ihe. hiillt and 111.111111 il and nittied li.i meihnn. 1Iipm will not only lie proAtahlo in (1 loniini re 111 vne, Ihev will he tnenenncr nf pt.no and amity whetpter tliej ro. Build Isthmian Canal. Wp tniol hullil the Idhnilan utul. whhli will unite the two oiein and cite a traisht line nf water loniinimintlnn wllh Hip tv.prn rnjl of Central and south Ainerlei and Mexlto. Lny Pacific Cable. The (OiKlriKtlnn of n I'aeitie ejlilp uu nut bo loncrr piwl poueil In the furtlier.ini e of those (ih)ei l ot nitiontl lnlrret and loniern ou are perforiuitii; an Im portant pot. T liia epoition would hue toudied the heirt nf lint Vinrinni ljiimn wlio-p muni wa ctir alert ami who w.h eirr Kin.t.iut tor .1 larppr enuit-tn e and a truer fia tinnlv of Hie rppuhlh of the Sew World. Hi" luond iiii(jijii -spirit i felt and iinnlfpfteil line. Up need no identlfieitloti to an aem hlace of Anierir.m antttliere. for the name if lllaine ( iri.'epir ihlv .nsodited wllh the Pan- American tuotiment whkh find thi praitlial and Mibl 1nl1.1l evpreIon and whuli we alt hope will he flrnilt .nh.un 1 d In IIip pan- inrrh,in ronsiefK tint neiuhh,a llu autumn in Hi ( ipit il of lop o 'Ihe c mil woik will jo on It nutiot im stopped The.p hiidfllna will disappear: tliU 1 rration nf nit and heauty and llnln-ln will perleh fiom iRht. hut their IntliienM' will retuiin to "Make It lite hejond it too short liunc With pi.ii.r and Ihanku'ltin; " Who 1 an tell Hie new tluumhH thai hate heen nakenid, the amlulloin med and Ihe lmth ndiiPieiuetitK Hi.it will he uinnsht lliroitirh tliU exposition f7enlptuen, let 111 pter rememher that our inlerpt ! In rnwnrd. int lonllut; and th.it nur tPil emineniP tit in Hip tliloiie nf peaip, not tlio.r of war. Wp hopp Hut ill who are ri present! d help mat he motrd lo hinhpr and nohler rfTorl for Iheir own and the world'a ffood, and Hut out of lhi 1 ity niay ioiup nor onlv cip.itrr lommeiip and Iradp fr u all. hut, more rvxiitial thin the, lelatiom of iniilii.il reped, ponfidenip and frh tid-hlp whhh will ileepi n and endure Our pnrut pratei U tint drill will RI.Hloil.lt toudisjfe plo.-peril,t, lnppl. tiivH ind pp.up lii alt our hPichhor. and tike hleircq to ail the people and powers of earth GREAT RACE AT CHARTER OAK PARK The Celebrated Gelding Boinlma Is Defeated by Lord Derby. By Eicluilte Wire from The Associated Pre llnrtfoid. 1 'onu.. Sept. ."..A hip ctowd at Charter Oak park this after noon wluios-i-cd the defeat of Thomas Law son's celebrated KoldliiK. Horalma, by C. .1. Hamlin's I.oid Derby. The race between these two was one of the finest of the ear and it was only after live beats had been Hotted that the Bn-Uiui faorllo's ( olor.s weie lott eied. The botthiK on the imp, the free for all Hot. was very heavy. The starlets weie Horalma, I.oid Del by and The Monk. As much as $W,noO went Into tho pool. Horalma mis a tre mendous f.noilto befoie the stlllt ut odds of tin oe fop iino for tho other two.' The backers seemed to think ho (ould not lose. IM. (leers was up be hind Lord Dotby, James (I. (InUoiub droo Hoialma and M. !:. Mclleiiry held the linos ovei The Monk. In the lit st heat Hoialma led at tho nuarter by a leiiKth, with land Derby second and The .Monk thhd ,The-.o positions weie maintained Into the stretch, whoti Cieeis shook out I.oid Dei by and the race to the wlie was a heat t-bioakci. I.oid Doiby nulled Horalma at the elRliiy vards illstabio and passed tho who a no-o ahead. The last quinter was tiotted in .1(1''.. ho oiitls. The bot tiiiK then tinned to ten on I.oid Dei by to M'von on the Hold and the money was put dow n ory fast. The word fot th- fofond heat was tflven to an oven man. but tlfty yards 1 in the who Lord Derl made a di-astious liieak and fell 11 way hack. Hoialma took the heat easily fiom The Monk and I.011I Derby was ju t InMdo the distune . Horalma was made the pool favotlto at 100 to pi for the Hold. At the iiuartor. Horalma led I.oid Derby a leiiKth and letalnod this to the hair, op tho lower tut 11 I.oid D'luv made an lucsistlhlo burst of speed, passed Hoialma and koIiik slroiiKly. won tho heat b an open leimth. laud Dei by was aain mado a favorite at four to one. As in the second heat, i.oid Derby bioke at the tut 11 anil was simply driven lo save his illMauie. Horalma was lapped all tho way In this heat by The Monk and won by .1 slioil leiiRlh. loid Derb still leinained the favni He and keoplns his feet all the way had little dlllleulty In laklns tin last heat and the rate. PUPILS TltANSrEIUtED. The Soldiers' Orphans' School at Harford I& Closed. Ily FUclualte Wire from Th Awociated Preu, Susiiiehauiin, I'n.. Sept. 3. Tho pu pils In the Soldiers' Orphans' school, nt Hal foul, Susiiuehunna county, weio today tttttibfei't'cd by special tinlu to tho schools ut Chestei and New Castle. Hy a teient oriler of tho state vol (Hers orphan school louimlssion the llarforil school has been closed. DEATHS OF A DAY. Ily l:ilil-le Wire Itoiu'llie iKodaiid Preu. W.ihliijlon, ipt .'. pnl tt'jn reieited at the w.ll ilipiltuiiut toil.iv of I In' h'.llli nf H'lirial (li.iiuiiij MiKkkt. I iiltpd statu Ami), mind, at .1 health itnrt iip.ii Dmd'ii, llanoter. lier in on So diiiiN are L'lti'n. Ceneral MiKn.rr w.i. horn in Midland and tiat jraduati'd at Hie iullliji ,n nl.iiiv in .lull,, hiii, and mired Am;. I, l'i.', .il whhh tliup lip held Ihe rank l eolonel and .ml.ljiit idjulaut tfeneral, STEEL STRIKE ABOUT OVER The Prevaillno Opinion in Plusbtirrj Is That the Trouble Is Prac tically Settled. A SECRET CONFERENCE Trustee John Tierce Mnkes About tho Only Approach to a- Statement of Any Yesterday He Says tho Proposition of the Steel Company Could Not Be Accepted Mr. Shaf fei's Plans. B F.itluaiTe Wira from The AwocU.'fd I'l-n. Pittsburg, Sept. .1. Tho piovailinff opinion In I'lttsburc tonlRht Is that the Ki'cnt steel strike Is ptactlenlly settled, but nbsohitely nothini; positive can be learned from cither side to the eontto vrrsy, Tho day was spent by tho Amalga mated advisory board In seeiel eon foienee behind doors that were guarded closer than ever before. The news paper "dead line" was ill awn most ef fectively. "When tho final adjourn ment for the day came at about i 'M p. in those who had been Inside head quarteis tefused to say a word In an swer to Inslsent questioners and volunteered no statement. When tho meeting was over It was learned for the first time that President Shaffer had not been with his colleagues dur ing the afternoon session and hW wheieabouts up to It o'clock tonight are unknown. Secretin y Williams nlo disappeateil shortly after tho adjourn ment and. he too cannot bo located. Hepoits were cut rent all evening tb.it the two gentlemen had gone to New York, but at n lato hour tonight both Mr. Shaffer and Mr. Williams weio found at their homes. Mr. Williams stated that neither Mr. Shaffer nor any other olllolal of the association was going to New York. While no olllolal statement was made regaidlng any further movements to night, It was learned on good author Hy that a meeting of the executive board of the Amalgamated association had been called to take up the peace matter and It was probable this meeting would be held tomorrow or Sattuday at tho latest. None of the inembets living out of Pittsburg nnlved In the city tonight, however If this meeting convene soon it Is believed that some ptoposl tion for the settlement of the stilke will bo decided upon, that will bo pol ble to meet the I'nlted States Steel 1 orpor.Wlon with. Pending such a de cision on the pait of the Amalgamated assrn latlon, President Shaffer declined to make any statement and persistent ly declared that peace talk came only fiom those oui"ide of the oig.tui''atioli whom weio hi ting without author!!. Mr. Pleice would not say that all negotiation had been broken off. and his intimation that the Amalgamated ass elation Is willing to arbitrate dif leieiKes would Indicate that all ef forts for peace have not been aban doned. Aildo from the mysterious confo". emc, theie was nothing much of a Mai King natuie transpired In tho strike In this city. The steel olllclals ilnlm a big gain h. tl.e addition of lo men at tho Na tional Tube works at McKeesport, making the total number nt woik, fiJI; and accessions at the Pennsylva nia lube woiks and Continental tube plant In this city. Tho strikers offset thP' by claiming that the Delimiter tin mill 1 ould not be taited thli morning, as olllelally scheduled, be muse of tin lack of men. Manager I.atick. of tho Delimiter plant, declared this afternoon that bid men weie tondy to go to woik. but tho start would bo defened until to icirrow. Only Trouble Reported. TIih onlv tiouble roiioi'leil fiom anv ilisttiet today was that fiom Canal Dover, wheie District Manager K. I'. Cllue. of the Shoot Stool company, was knocked down and narrowly escaped seveie tieatni-nit at the hands of a paity of sttlkeis, dining a heated ds. 1 ussloii In tho bar of the Central hotel. Tho .strikers claim that Clino was the aggtessor and charges will ha preferred against him. Sheriff William c. McKlnley. of Al legheny county, will not enter Into tiny controvoisy with Mayor Iloboit .1. Hlack, of McKeesport, leg.udlug th sending of deputies to guard the plants of the Amoiicnu Tin i'late com pany nt Deiuniler. The shot Iff do tlaies that ho Is only p.-rformlng hh duty vested In the authority and to. sponsibllltles of his oirtcc, and will not be disturbed by tlie criticisms of out siders. "As the Hheilff of this county I will try lo comply with the laws of Penn sylvania, and will send deputies wher ever they may be leiiulred." The following telegiam was received today by Piooldent Sh.ilfer: li'liPl, 111 , Npt .1 shaflii, I'nl-liiiiL'. Pa.t no 1 tt lit loll to minor I10111 her.- that the mm Intend withdrawing Ironi the A. . Hot a all mild. Deny all iuh tiuuoia in Pitthtir2 paper, (Slgurdl W ( link, Pun. Inn Court ti di.nl, t. fjeorge Powell, president of the Tin Workers' Protective association, called on President Shaffer today. Mo stuted that ho deplored a recent publication ciltkislug President Hhiiffer'H lomlutt of the strike nnd stated that ho had not Inspired tho article and, In fact, knew nothing of the matter until It was published. In referemo to the se cession of tho hot mill men, Piesldent Powell stated that the constitution of the Federation of l.abop, lo which both tho Amalgamated association nnd tho Tin Workers' association, aio connect ed, would prohibit tho reported change of the hot mill men. A steel nftlchil announced tonight that ono liuiidicn men would be taken from tin; Star plant In this city and transferred to other plant. They will leave the city over tho Pennsylvania railroad, but their destination has not been learned. Tho olllclal says tho Star plant has more men nt work than can be ac commodated comfortably nnd this di vision will be made lo assist loss for tunate mills. The New York Meeting. Tho confeience of the members of the coniillallou (oinmltteo was resumed at tho Ashland house at 5 o'clock and con tinued until S.30, lining which time thete was more telephoning. When the conference adjourned Mr. Mitchell explained the point reached In the ne gotiations with the steel corpotntlon has not vet been noted upon, but the board will probably reject It today. Nevertheless, ho expressed his opinion that tlie sttlko would bo yet sottletl amicably, though ho declined to state how he thought this would be brought about. Mr. Miti hell, while disclaiming that he spoke for the committee and say ing that ho was merely giving Infor mation for the accommodation of tho pi ess, said: "When nil negotiations between the Amalgamated association and tho United States Steel corpora tion In regard to the stilke were broken off the committee on conciliation of tho Nallonal Civic Federation endeav ored to In Ing tho tepi'CsenUitivos of both Intoi estH together, or to act as inodlatois between them. "Wo held conference at Pltlsbtug and obtained propositions from It with mtthoiity to submit tho snmo to the United States Steel ( oiporatioti. These propositions v." submitted to the com mittee at yesterday's (Wednesdaj) cunfeieiue. The company lejected lh. propositions. "Wo then discussed the situation at length with Mr. Schwab and his col leagues, and obtained from them con ditions upon which thoy would agree lo settle the strike, these terms to hold Rood until this (Thursday) evening. "Wo submitted these terms to .Mr. Shaffer nnd his colleagues. Tin; olll cets of the association expressed their conviction to us that the ptoposod terms will not be approved. Wo en ti (alii the hope that an amicable set tlement of this conlllct will jet bo reached." Air. Mitchell declined to make pub lic either the pioposltlon made to tho steel corporation or tho counter propo sition made by Mr. Schwab, or to state whether the time limit for the acicpt ftneo of tho latter proposition has been extended. Stiikeis Would Not Woik. Advb es f 1 mu Canal Dover, Ohio, to night, say: "The attempt to operate the mills at this place has been a failure. Two milts started tin 00 days ago. Today the Hies wore drawn. Tho combina tion has ( lalmed for some days to have enough men to operate least four mills. Tho strikers have denied this and declined it would bo Impossible to inn tlie mills with the men who are In the mills at pieseut. It was positively learned toclaj that there aie sIxty-sK men within tho mill onolosuio. This Includes all the 1 omlilnation wotklng meii employed as c let l;s and skilled men, of w horn there aie nine. Twentv two men weio Imported: tho remainder ale lesldents of tills (lt." STEEL WORKERS AT JOLIET. Tlnee Hours' Sessions Yesterday Were Without Results. Hy F.xpIimiip Wire from The Avocillfd Press .lollet. 111., Sept. C The striking steel workers weio in Joint session todaj for three hours, but without Important developments, so far as could bo learned. Vlce-Piesldent Davis, of Chi cago, presided. Kepresontatlves au IhoriJ'.ed to speak for the strikers say the men are standing firm. They do not ciodlt tho report that lesuniptinn at the Jollet mills will bo as non-union plants, although Superintendent Shel don 1 efuses oltlioi to deny or confirm the leport. oillclaN of the Swansea lodge of tin plate stiikeis, 111 a statement Issued today, deny emphatically the icpoit f 1 0111 Pittsburg that the tin plate strik ers agitate In catting away fiom the Amalgam. ited association and allying themselves with tlie Tin Workeis' In leinatlonal association. The men cle ilaie they will slid; by the strike or dei. WRECK AT CROSSING. A Freight Crnshes Tlixough a Pas senger Train Baggage Car Cut in Two Mall Clerk Killed. lb Kteluaiip Wire frnni The A-nour.trd Prev. Dallas, Ton., Sept. B. A Texas and Pacllle freight train crushed through a titilf. Colorado and Saute Fe passen ger train at tho dossing tlf the loads In the eastern pint of this ( Ity Into this afternoon, Tho combination bag gage and otpioss car wns cut In two and the body of tho mall clerk, A. K, .laekson, of Waco, Tex., was found bulled beneath the cab of the f I eight engine, which was civet turned and bad ly wrecked. The two fiont cars, loaded with hoises and mules, were demolished, killing bnwcen l.'i and in of the ani mals. Tho engineer and fireman of the fielght nanowiy escaped with their I. ves. None of tlie passengots woro hint. The causo of the wicck Is not known. HAVE FAITH IN COLUMBIA. Announcement of Her Selection ns Cup Defender, However, Causes Surpiisa at Bristol. 1 1 1'viliivve Wiie frum 'I lie Anvmuled preu. Iliistol, Sept. B. Tho announcement of the1 selection of the Columbia to de fend tin1 cup vvas a great surptlso to President J. H. llerreshoff, of tho ller reshorf company, but ho declined to discuss tho committee's action, Tho news vvas jecelVed with groat 1 egret in Hi Intnl. It Is th general feeling heto that ConstltutloiT Is the better boat nnd that ultimately sho would prove herseir to be all right. Iliistol people, however, have the ut most (onlldenco in Columbia's ability to defeat tho now Shamrock. ECUADOR JOINS THE SQUABBLE She Has Intervened Aoalns; Col ombia with an flrmu and Vessels ol War. SITUATION IS STRAINED Information Is Considered Clcnr Evidence of the Intention of Ecua dor to Take a Hand in the Sport of the Rebellious Element on the Isthmus of Panama The First Overt Move. Ily l'i!ule Wire ttnni Tlie A voc I itfd PreM. Washington, Sept. 5. A cablegram was received hero todaj from an au thoritative source In Call, Colombia, neat tho Kcuadoican bolder, stating that Keuaclor had Intervened as against Colombia, with an army wed (quipped and with vessels of war. I'ndor the circumstances, the cable gram states that it will bo necjssary to meet the move of Kruador by hav ing Colombian war vessels In Pacific water near the Colomblnn-Kcuadorean frontier. The Information In the cablegram Is considered clear evidence of Kcuador's Intention to Join forces with the rebel; llous element on the Isthmui of Pana ma. 1'ntll now, Kcttndor has main tained strict neutralltj. but the cable gram received today Indicates that the (list overt move against Colombia has been made. TROOPS RETURNING FROM PHILIPPINES When Transports Buford nnd Kil- patrick Rcjach Home Only About 43,000 Soldiers Will Remain. D7 Eieluilrt Wire from The .Auoeltted Preca. Washington, Spt. B The war de partment has decided to bring the Twenty-third Infantiy, now in the Philippines, home on the tr.inspott Huford. which sails for New York, via Suez, on the l.'th Instant. Tho KIIp.it riek. which sails tho sam day for San rranclsco, will bring the Kighteentli Infantrj1. On her next till). In Decem ber, the Kltpattick will bring homo tho nine battel log of heavy const artil lery When those commands leach the T'nuec' States, thete will bo left In tho Philippines about 1.1,000 officers and men, and the piesent plans don't contemplate a further reduction ot the fot ce. Until Oonoral .MacArthur and General Chaffee have expressed tho opinion that about 40,000 men will bo required In the Philippines for nn In definite period. FREIGHfTRAINWRECK. Four Seriously Injured and Fifty Others Slightly Hurt in a Smashup Near Elmira. M FxeluaUo Wire from Tlie AmoelaM Pre r.hiilr.i, X. T Sept. ".Four per sons weio seriously Injured and fifty others slightly bur' In a wicck which oc-urted seven miles south nf Elmira tcvh.y. West-bound Delaware, I.acka x.Hiina and Western freight train, .No, "M, ran into n work train, having on board over 100 laborers, many of whom weio Italians, The woikmeu were hurled hlsjli in the air In all di rections, the majoiitj" receiving minor Injuries The woik train was supposed to have cleared for the freight, but for some loason It did not do so, and tho freight crashed into It from tho rear, demolishing seveial cars. MANILA TEACP.ERS COMPLAIN, Expenses of Living; Are Double Whit They Anticipated. Hi I.m Iiimm' Wire fiom 'Hie W01 uied Preaa, Washington, Sept. S. The cabled ic poit fiom .Manila to the effect that the newly arrived American teachers at a mass mooting yesterday decided to cable to the piesldent complaining that commissary pilvileges were de nied them, and that thoy found their expenses double what they were as suied they might expect, attracted considerable attention nt tlie war de partment. Tho privilege of purchasing commis sary stores at the government ware houses In tho Philippines vvas taken nwaj' from all civilian employes by or der of the secretin y of war In June, and, ns that order was widely pub lished, It was presumed that the teach ers, who sailed subsequently to Its Is suance, weie aware of its existence. Corporations Chartered. Ily llviludv Wire Irom 'Hie Wuuclcil ien, lairiliurir, S. t ,1 Hnrtir wa lued liv the kt.ite ilipirlinint, ,lul .11, lo ihe Northern C .nnliria Mri-it Itailuay miunam. 'IV tin m nr ntoiii atei Prank (I. larti, I leaiflrld; K I., snjilrr, of njieitonnj W. . Suifonl and K. t) Drown, of Pattmi; .1. i:. Ileddlucr. ot Murm Ule; V. I!. Patton, of C'urui tmlllej .lain, Ki'rr. of ( leaitlfM; I. SttHirjil, nt I'luU ildiilii V. I!. Palmer, ol t'oruliiL'. Y V ; I'm! (1. Under, o( lUnUuiri;, and 'I Mcnari Pieue, el S.llt.hme. Motor Paced Race. By ExrliMlro VTIra Irom The Awociatid Trm. Ilalllninre, Sept. 5, The '.'il mile nrntor 11 ei Uif a! the 1'iill.rillii tnnliihl Inluceii Vulile Vli. ruhrn and Itciinle Mnnioe was ea..lto won ly tlie former hy Hi Ii m in Ihlrly.two 111I11 n , llilrtj-four ind oucnllli (econdi. THE NEWS THIS MORNlNti- Wcatlicr Indlcitloni Today: QENEKALL rAlft 1 (leneral -President McKlntrj'a Addtesi nt Hie Pjti-Atiierloiti. Ilellel Tint Mrrl MrlVe l Neatly llmled. Aimllier Central American liocettiment I llcl- llRerent, (iiti.iil.irit Win nt Sea Citt. 2 (lencral CailiemUlc Pquittnetit. 3 I.1H.1I Councilman Clrniuns1 liea lor Taxing Ilia Correlations. Judge Vadium Snorn In. i r.dliott.il. Nolo nnd Comment. B l.oul Heiinlnn nf Viteians at Ihrtej'a Lake. Ilev. A. II. sini)Hon'a Addrejn on Milium, llrllll.iut Wedding lit St. I.uW-'k. 0 tiocal Wet Siunton and Siiljiiiliiti. 7 (irnernl Nurlliejttern l'ennjlvania. rin.1111l.1l .ind I '.-iiiiiiii iclal. 8 l.neal Cli.iiiRe in tlie foot Ildl l!ulc. lndiotrlal and Labor, COLONEL ROOSEVELT IN-VERMONT The Vice President Speaks nt the State Fair and Also Addresses An Audience at Burlington. tlj Kxeluive Wire Irom 'Hie onaied Prp. Hurllngton, A't., Sept. R. Vice 1'iesl dent Hnosevelt nnlved in this city this afternoon by special train ftotn Pioc tor, wheie ho was the guest of I'lilted Sates Senator 1'ioctornt luncheon after speaking at the state fair at Kutland this morning. Senator Pi odor accompanied him to this city. This evening Colonel Roosevelt ! llveteil an nddiess ut the public meet ing of the Vermont Oftlceis' Reunion society held at the Hovvnid Opera house. The bpllding was crowded to the doors. Former Oovernor K. .1. Onus bee, president ot the societj', was In the chair. Major llavvlej' guve a brief addtess of welt onie and the vice piesl dent was then Introduced. He said li W diHicult to eiie the lull nirauto of olihcitlon undir whlih this (ountn i to the linn lio fiom '(it to 'iiS took up the ni"t ter tilde and vitilly tin e.ai tak uhiiii hi ever fallen to the lot ot iy ceneiatlon of men 111 I he nptern hemUpheie. Hlhcr Mien hue n n deieil Kii'.it (.ervlie In their loiinttj. lull the rniie Jim rmdenl w.n not merely Krrnl it wn Iiil iluil.ilile. on li.oe t.iuelit u iiuny lis-ons and luni" mule linpottanl than the teN.on of htothrel.ood. In the flrnt plaee jou Inve left in the rlKlit of luotlietliood wltli Ihe men who woie the uncy in the raiik .ic.lilit whlcli jou were pitted Vt the oprninif of tiiii new century, all of us th iliildien of a reunited loimtii, luce a rlKht t" Kloij in the coutitleiw ikiiIk ot valor dour ilue liv the men ot (he North and the men ol tin. South. We oil let.tin mi ever glowing .dice ot the all-impoitatioe, not 1111 lele to our iec,ilo Inn lo tuariMnd, ofjthe t nion viiton, wiule go nur 1hi In st .nnr heartfe-d in ognitiiio In the Kinieiitc and rlfdeoton of tho Vuterii iih, our fellow loiintt.wut n, who tlien fought jg.iin-t the hl.iin In theii ioiiim- ov there i nono left. Noith 01 souili, who doe tiot take jo and pilile in tlie t nl.ni. and when tlnee yeir .urn wo nine mole lud lo fai e 1 foieiRii rlirniv, the h.art of even true Vmrriean tlirlllnl with pri.ie to M'e vetir.in w'no hid (oiiKht in the C oiiliil r He linifnim onee more appear under I ni le Sini'1 loiors tde hv i.de with Ihrir tornief foi. ..hd lending to virtoii, undi r the fainuiu old flue, the ioih of thoe wlio had worn the Mue and of thoce who hid woin 111 ecr.o. 'Ihe lIvII war li.ul taught another lewn in luotherhood, in that it diew into its rank men fr, .111 .ill walks In life and in tlie ltlorlng and hardship lliat followed hroiiRht all djes ilner lORelher, tliiw wiplnif out, to iritjt extent, tlie lines nf dom.irratlon liclween ntiren whuli ev Uteil in leer decree in tli eouiiliy (oimiliini. ties ind to 1 gieiter evtent in the 4 it hh. Touching upon the recent war with Spain, the vice-president said: The Ii'(on taimht hy the meat war rotild only In- intpiefictlj' tausht hj am leer war. Vev.T-tliele-o not a little good la been done even liv null Mnu:.,,lt,s a Hilt wlildi (tided in limning linlepeiiilence In Coin, and In giv ing to lh Philippuii'S a freedom to whlih they eould never have attained lud we peimltted them to fill into aiiaiilo nr under ,1 tvianny. It was a pleas tint tlilni.' to see tlie way In whlih mm laiim forward from cirri walk of lid, fintn rury feitlon of the innntry an foon as the tall to aniH onmri-d The iced vvas small and easily nut, and not 0111 In 1 hundred of the ardint voiinir fellows who pieced forward to inter the arniv had .1 (iutiie to see an ..trvire wlntever. llm il was coi il to see the pint of 'ill hid not hem lo-d. When jou of the civil wir prim; forward nt Vhraliani t.inroln'x f .ill to put .ill that life I10I1U dear, and lid' lt-.rlf. In the male wllh the in lion's honor, con were able 1,1 do what jou did luijtiM' -011 kid In you not ouli Ihe iiitlitirrt t I1.1t make 1:00.1 illlreiH, lmt. in addition, tho high and intense trait, the deep pis.sin and enthusiasm, whlih K'l to nnke up Innse heroes who ari lit to 1K1I willi iron times. Wi ian never is .1 nation 1IT011I to forget t hit hiik o our te.ison, our und 1st Hiding, and our lommoii 'ne, tlieie must lie in full alrrngtli, the greit (uinl.iliHiil.il iiavlot', wliiili are not olnn need ed, but wlih Ii every trulv gnat raee must lma as a well Hiring of motive in time id need At in o'clock tho annual banquet of the society was held at the Van Xom house. Speeches weio delivered !) Vice I'losidont Roosevelt, I'nlted States Senuiois Proctor and Dillingham. TRIED TO ROAST HIMSELF. A Desperado Attempts Suicide in a Newark Jail. Py Ftolusive Wire from The Cissoelated TrrM. New York. Sept. .". Frederick Ring, ovv.i'titig tilal for highway rohhrj ntloiipted tcdny to roast himself to death by setting tire to his bed In the nssox county Jail In Newark, He Is now In tho Jail hospital under elose Btiard. Tho prisoner, who Is known as a des perado, had received a visit ftom his mother. Dining the Interview he had wept bitterly. Shortly after she left, and befoie his attempt at self-do-Mi notion. Itlng sat down and vviole out a long letter of confession. This was found today by the warden when he searched Ring's cell. In the letter, Ring confesses to having committed a murder In South Jersey about two years ago. Since then, he decl.iics, the fear of arrest and hanging had mado his life .1 torment. Miners Strike for Pay. Ily Kveluaive W ir- from The ,ficliled Trm. Shamokin, Sept. 5 -'Hie eleven bundled riio plo.vn of the Natalie collierv, whhh was tied up last saturda.i h.v ihe nun n fining In woik imleM lliev weie paid ill full, did not return lo work toda.v, Tin company failnl In pa), and 1111 1 it they do, tin. minor- iy they will not go utidirgiound. CANADIANS WIN PALMA TROPHY An Inici'cstlna Gontest Between American and British Marks men at Sea Girt Ranoe. HAD 28 POINTS TO SPARE Tho Match a Practical Duel Between the American King nnd the Eng lish Lee-Enfield Weapons Con test Called for the Use of tha Nntionnl Aim Scoie 1522 to 1404 fly Ptiliulip Wire from The Vsnodatril Pie. Now York, Sept. 0. The Canadian and American rille had a long session today on the acinic tillo raugu at Sea gift, N. J., In tlm contest for tho A ni.'i linti centennial I'liltim tiophy, emblematic of the world's champion ship, and the Canadians won by a margin of 'IS points. The utmost good fellowship ptovailed during the match, which was veiy close up to tho last tela go. Two of the lucmhcix of the I'lster ltlllo ussocliition, of Helfast, Ireland W. T. Ilrallhwalte and Thorn flu Robertson -acted ns coaches for tho Dominion leprescntatlves, and the Americans had Uenera! V. R. Spen cer, with some of his olllcers, attentl lnp, them In a similar capacity. Tho coudltlous nf the contest called for the use of tho national arm of the country represented by tho teams, so that It was practically a duel betwcsii the American Kr.ig und the Kngllsti I.ee-I'hilleld weapons. Tho Canadians used orthoscopk- sights, while tho Amei leans hail service sights. Tho shooting done by at least one of Un American team vvas a revelation to their opponent1. Many of the I'Utcr men who saw it had nothing but the highest praise lor the exhibition given by Lieutenant l.cizear. of Washington, D. ('., who made the highest collective and best Individual score in the match, which was shot in three stages, S00, 'jOU and 1,000 y.uils. I'jich of the teams of eight men hud llfteeu shots at each of these dis tances, and, beginning on the .shortest range, Lieutenant Lclzear made 6S, 7i and C:i respectively1, making a total of 'JO;! points. Captain R. J, Davidson, for the: Can adians, made 70, tib and til, a total of Jiii' out of a possible --'. In tho first stage, the visiting team led bj a mat gin of seven points, their -semes ag gicgatlng .":!!' ns against ."25 for the home lean). On tho SCO j'ards ranges each team made M!i points, the Cana dians .tlll leading by seven points as they went back to tho 1,000 yard murks. The Final Scoies. It vvas nearly dusk when the final si ores Canada. l.'JJ; America, 1191 weio put on the blnckboaid, and then Ceneral Spencer, gatheilng his men about him, oheoied the winners heart ily. Major Mason, captain of tho Can adian team, and his men, lospondcd with "three times throe." Tho next contest for the Raima tiophy will tnko place In Canada, in accordance with the rules governing the1 disposition of tho pilzo. Tho carbine team match was won by tho men from the Klrst tioop of the National liuard of Now Jeisey, which Is known as the KiNex troop, and thoy celebrated the victory roj-al-lj-. This match wns shot over tho 200 and fiort j-atd ningos nnd resulted In a tie between the Kssex men and tho Pennsylvania squadron, each having n total of 20.'. Rut ns the Jersey rifle men had the1 better aggiogato scote over tho longer lango the Pennsylvan ians had to take second place. Squiul 1011 A. of Now Yoik. was next, with 1S4, und Ti oo)i A, of Maryland, was fourth, with lO. In the Schutzen nintch nt the 200 yard ranges D. W. (1. Hudson, was top scoie with 210 out or a possible 22." cm tho fiermaii ilug tat get, and is tied with Hurry M. Rope, of Hurtford, Conn., nnd Michael Don Her, of .lerpey City, each having ISA out of a posslhla loll on tho standard American tin get. The special challenge match tit Soo, '.on and 1,000 j-ards between teams of eight men for tho I'lster Rlllo asso elation ot Relfast, Ireland, and th New Jersey Rlllo association will b the big attraction toiuonow. Steamship Arrivals. Bt Kuclmrlte Wire from Tlie Associated Ths. ivv oik, Sept r. sailed: lleiuSchlin, Hamburg vn Pl'innutli and lloihourg; 1 1 Ch.iutpmne, Havre. ( hritmurg - Vrrlvedi rutt. Human k, New- ork for Hamburg. Liverpool Vrrlved: Cieorgian, New Yoik; Teutonic, New (,rk. Itottenlam- Siilecli rnlsdipi, New mk. IJcjiiI Passed; IAquitaine, .New Veil tor llavie 1 m Negio Hanged in Jail. Ill' I'.xililslvo Wue fiom Hie -joi ulol pre M it on, (ia., s,,t. ft l.rvl fanoll, n negro, wlm wis iiiiiiii led of nuidviig l,i fatlirr nl a negro woman last Pcbruaiv, was hanged In tin count' jail heii? tod.i). Pensions Granted. I) Eiciui Wirt Irom The Auoditrd Prest. W.i.lilnu'liui. vpt. .'1 Spanish war pcnsien of fli has l'ii 11 gianted Mai id Deny (.mother), of PltlMoll. YESTERDAY'S WEATnER. l.oi il dita lor --I pi. .'1, l'"l: lllshesi 111111111.111111' Lowest tempi ration SI detrem 61 clegrcff Itilitite llumiilit' : s a. m 71 per ent. s p. m C'l per cent. Prnlpltaiioii, Jl hoiira ended 8 p. m , none. srosi. - WEATnER EORECABT. f 0- W.uhlnslon, Sept. 5. I'nrreatt for Frl. 4 s dav and Nitiirda.v 1 Kaatrrn Penmylvinici -f f Pair Krlday and Saumliyj vulailt -f -f winds, -f -f- -t- -f f -0 sV. 1 1 jj. ., I .