The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 05, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Ilelcne riuldcM, a Utile
Olypliant Klrl, who t vIpIUiib lior
Kiiiiulfatlirr, l'atilik l-Vpney, of Noilli
Mnln sticot, wttn rii-rlotnely liijnicri yo
tenlay iiftcrnonii by fulling upon tin,
linn fflHP. line. M. J. Khleldo, J. S,
tlmvow, of Jpnnyn, nnd Kelly, of oiy
lilintit, nttpiirli-el lic-r and In cIiphsIiik
her Injuries niiielp nlxtcc-tt sIUiIiph. H
ivns at llrnt Intriielr-el to lmvr- the clillil
tiikcn to a ('niliolieliilo hospital, but tn
thin Hie parents objected, and the rlilld
Ib now tinder the cure of Dr. Shields.
The people of Jennyn li.ive shown
almoHt as much enthusiasm In the f'nr
bnndale telebiatlon ii the lesldcnts of
the 1'loiieer Clly. AVoik has been sus
pended heie the past three days, and
the people of the both IioioiirIih lime
dally visited the ilty. Yesterday tluee
Jennyn organizations, the Citizens'
band, Crystal Fire company. No. 1, and
the Artesian lloe company, of .le-i-myn,
and the William Walker tloe
lompatiy. of Maylleld, took putt In the
parade. The Arteslans, vhl h was the
youngest oiganlzatlon In the line of
parade, intule a most e client appear
nnce, nnd wore the rci Iplcnt of many
flattering eNpies,-lons.
Justice of the Peace Ilolilnnn bad a
busy afternoon yesterday, lllrtiltiR In
a Milt between Joseph Kouc h. n l evi
dent of the Kast Side, and a Hun
garian resident of Simpson. Kouc h
and I'eter Turbok conduct a gencial
stoio on the llast Side. Tin link iniii
rled a daughter of the Simpson man
and a short time ago a child was hoi u.
The. father, who Is a Oreek Catholic,
wanted the child christened In the
Clreek dirndl, while the gltl and her
father, who aie Human Catholics,
wanted the child chilstened In their
church. The child's father Insisted,
and the chilstenlng was clone ac ecu cl
ing to bis wishes. Yesterday Kotlc li
went to Simpson to deliver some goods,
when he was met by the father-in-law
of bis partner, who accused him of be
ing the cause of the whole tumble liv
Intlueuclng Tin link to oppose him. He
made all sorts of tin eats, and so badly
hcarcd Kouch that he was afiald to gn
again to Simpson, and he theiefoie
bad the defendant ni tooted. Attorney
If. P. O.i ley nppeareel for the piove
clltnr, and the Hon. MtCabe, of Car
bondale, assisted In the defense. The
vase lasted nearly two bonis, and the
'squire finally held the defendant In
1.000 to nppear at court. .Mr. McCabe
nterod ball for lilin.
Miss Matg.iret Osborne, of Candor,
C Y., is visiting iclatlves heie.
Miss Maty Nicholson has lettirnecl
home finm an extended i-tt tn
WHItei-Uurro nnd other imlnts.
W. T. Osborne will leave today to
lake up a oouise in the I'nheislty of
,Wont Vltglnla.
Thnmas M. (Irllllths, who has been
at Hlk hill for several weeks, lei upd
ating his health, is much Improved,
and Is expected home on Sunday.
The mines weie Idle again yester
day, on account of the Cirboml.ile
svinl-ct ntennlal celebi at Ion.
Dr. and Mrs. ciiovcr hme letmiied
from a trip to the I'an-Anierlcan ex
position at Huffalo,
Morris Hughes Is spending the week
nt Buffalo.
'Mis. Suu.m Ann l'ope and daughter
Evils'. William Shaffer, aie spending a
few days at Saratoga, N. Y.
Joseph 11. Hell vv.m a Taylor caller
J. T. Dewey was ele, ted secietary of
the Hlnkely borough comic II at a
meeting held Tuesday evening. The
meeting was ,i spltlud one fiom st.u t
lo finish. 'J'he stone crusher company
had a representative present, who tiled
to Impies.s upon council that they
would expect payment for the stone
f rusher. Councilman .lames W. Smith
also iinprcscd upon the icpiesenta
tlve's mind that council would not.
Mr. Smiths voids wrre vole-ed by all
The Teckvllle see lion of the temper
ance reunion choir will meet in the M.
V.. i lunch Sunday school mom. I-'ilil.iy
evening at S o'clork An Imitation Is
extended to all poisons to bo picent.
Woik at the Khst waid m hool an
nex has Icon oidoiod stopjied liv the
school boaid. Till" acllon was taken
b"ccUE-e of the fniluie ol the Pe. k
I.uinber cuiMpaiiy to complj to the
plans of the building. On Monday,
when the o.itpontois anhed at the
building, they wete oi deled off the
gioundsaucl woik has been at a stand
still since. A meting of the boaid has
been call'd at vlil.h 11 pii-sc ntathc s
of the coinpan. will lie pies, m mid It
is expected that the chilli llllv will lie
T ft good thing for the young husband
to give the oung wile. ' Hut sympnthr
will not abate one jot of her nervousness
or lift her to that plane of sound health
where alone the wife and mother can
Cnd happiness.
JDr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
meets every
wonuinlv want
and need. It
tranquilires the
neres, restores
the appetite and
induces refresh
ing sleep. Its
use previous to
maternity makes
the baby's ad-
, vent practically
painless and
gives the mother abundant nutrition for
her child. " Favorite Prescription " is a
woman's medicine and has no equal as
a cure for womanly diseases. It estab
lishes regularity, dries weakening drains,
heals inflammation and ulceration and
cures female weakness.
Accept no substitute for " Favorite Pre
scription. " No other medicine is "just
as good" for weak and sick women.
"It atTordii me jrreat pleaiure to be able to nay
few word In rejpra to the merit of Ur
Tierce I'avorite Prescription and ' Coldc-n
Medical Discovery,"" write Mr Flora Arn, of
T5alla. Tarluon Co . Mo. "I wit te ranted to trv
thee medicine after teeing the effect upon my
mother. At nn early age of
married life I wai
greatly uocnerea wnn pai
froublnemie drain which
alnful periods, ato a
i rendered me weak
and unfit for work of any kind, I became n
thin there wa nothing left of me but skin and
tione. My husband became alarmed and cot
,'mea bottle of favorite rreierlptloa After lie
aaw the wonderful effect of thai one he got two
more, ami nflrr I ued thote up there was no
more pain, and I began to gain in flesh very
T)r. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of ai one
cent stamps, to pay expense of mailing
only, Address Dr. R. V. Tierce, Bui
Mb. N. Y.
Is the Best
Because its cleanliness,
purity and strength
make it appeal strong
est to fastidious, care
ful and economical
Ceylon Tea
Hold only In Lend Packet.
.10c, 00c. and 70c. Per Lb.
settled to the satl'faction cif all con
cerned. The town was In tutnl daiUneM cm
Tlli-Mlny nlRlit. the electric- llj-ht pl.itit
helm; tenipoiiti lly shut down, while n
new wnter pipe line wiim heltiR laid
The lltihbcM necks will pla the Klicinir
Mlniinkii teiiin. ut the latter place, on
Heptetulicr i. MnnnKer Uokhii will take
down the best mateilal In town to com
bat with the -Minoolt.'iH.
MIm-" Jennie Kennedy, tie cciinp.inled
by her brother, Will, of ItliiKhamton,
left jevtetdav for Sptlniis
nnd Albany, X. Y.
Mix. V. W. Jenkln Is NltiiiK fi lends
In Vllke-IIiiiie.
Mis. r.iehard .lenkln. of I'.uk,
called on fi lends In town ,etenl,i.
Hoy Kelly has accepted a position ns
shipping detk with the Klk Dini;
company, of lllnRhnnitou, N. Y.
.Mis. Mai la Hull ami daiiKhter. I'laia,
liae letmiied home fiom an extended
tt ip to Km ope.
MNm Allle Kapp. of New Yolk, -spent
the past week with .MIr-s Jennie Ken
nedy. of Blakelv.
Mis. Jnmes Hi own and ilniiiihteip,
l.ouKe and Nellie, hae i etui lied to
their home In Albany, after upending
the slimmer here-.
Mrs. TlioniT! I). Moes i.imI away
early esteid.iy after three weeks Ill
ness of cancer. Decascd wa a kind
and Keneious woman and her death
will be much (cit among; her family
and nelt,'hboi She was .1 deoiit inein
ber of the WeNh HaptKt c hutch. A
liusbeiid and two daiiRliteM and one
con at- left to moiiin The funei.i will
be held Friday nftetnnon at L' o'clock.
Services in the lamllv tesidem-c. ln
tennent will le made in the KoteM
Home cnnetei j
The membeis of the Antlmulte llee
club nnd business men of this town
ate niiaiifflnjr to Re Piof. Hany
i:ans a benefit before his tine
for lit- nathe land, AV.ilex. Piof.
Kan Is the pcioxcssor of an excellent
b.nltone voice ami has don mile h in
entet-t.ilnliiK the people. The date of
benelit Is Septembei- J.l, and will be
held In Weber's link
Postmaster ,1. . ifeM' is ill at Ids'
home on I'nloti sticet.
The L.ickawaiin.i lodge No. K. Ainer
Iciu Pudestant Ladles' a-.--i)cl.itloii,
will hold a m and he ctenrn nnd cake In H.cshain's hall, coiner of Main
mid .-.tieets cm Saturday even
ing. A good time assured.
The Taylor 1,11, u s, fast foiclng
themselves to the fioiit cm the base
ball men. i. will h,ie ai- their oppon
ents on S.itutday afteinnon on the
home giounds the Miong i'lttston Oil
oles, tj.ime will be called at i:.!0
o'clock. Williams and (llynn will be
tb batteij fiom the home team.
The Aichhald Mine Local No. 1!,
I'liiti-d Mine Woikeis of Ameilca, will
meet tn Hie odd Fellows- hall this ev
ening All ineiubei.H ilie ic-quest'd to
be present.
Mr and Mis John A Jones of Main
HI I eel left este I'd.H for Hllfflllo wlh'lft
they will hpend ten daH at the Pan
Ametlian exposition.
Lewis Heynolds, son of Mr. William
Hcynolds of Washington htieet, and
Miss Maigaict Mcugans of West
Sci-.tnlou, weie united, in marilage on
Tuesday at the Initio's home. Hev.
William D.nis of the Calvlnlstic Meth
odist ihtneh, tleel the nuptial knot.
MnsPi Hussell o'lloro of Main street
IctUllied esteiclay 10 Cliaiel iollege,
I'llllailelnllbt. to iCMinie his similes nf.
ter spending tin- sutnniei- vacation with
his mother, Mis, It. M, o'Jioro.
l.iickawanna Valley count 11, No. M,
J i- Onler fulled American Mechanics,
will meet In tegular session this even
ing. Miss Jennie Wylam of South Taylor
has tettnned home from a, few weeks'
lslt with her aunt, Mrs. Aubuek at
Ithaca. N. Y.
Miss Lena Oendall of Peckvllle has
returned homo niter visiting Misses
(let tt tide Mori Is and Maud Davis In
this plac e.
Dr. and Mis. Aelam Steglner of Itenil
ham visited the hitter's parents, Koro
man mid Mr-s. O. S. Decker at Ptenl
dence yesterday.
Maurice Dean left yesterelay foi thn
Pan-American exposition. He will
eompeto for the woild's tec cud In the
foot i aces to be held there this week.
Mr Dcnn has now seveial prizes In
foot racing in Now Yotk nnd It Is con
lldently expected by his many frlenels
that ho -will bring somo back with him
from Uuffalo.
Mr.and Mrs. Trank Von Storcli, Mr.
nnd Mis. Theodore Miller, Hev and Mm.
H. It. Thompson, Hurry Finn nnel MIsh
Anna Uunklns returned home on Fri
day last from Tako "Wlnola where they
spent a week In the "Word cotage.
Mis Ornco Purely arrived homo from
a visit at Lake Ariel.
Hoy Decker will fill the position of
assistant principal of the public schools
tit Nicholson this year.
1'". M. Tiffany Is disposing nt auction
of tt largo quantity of his store goods.
Stanley White has nccepteel a posi
tion with Halter Newton Purely.
Frtd Snyder nnd Samuel 11, Shoe
maker ate doing the Pan-Ameilcatt this
w eek.
Services wero held In the Haptlst
e hutch on Sunday aftr being closed for
two weeks. During that time the
chut eh has been thoroughly cleaned
and newly carpeted.
Hev. A. W. Cooper who has been 111
for the past week occupied his pulpit
on Sunday morning. In the evening
Secretnry O. O. Many preached a most
acceptable sermon.
Mr. and Sim Walter Purely will
move to Seranton on Thursday whcie
they will mnke their home for the fu
ture. Woik on the new bridge has been
some what Interfetred with owing to
the high w'nlor In the cteek from the
heavy l. 'ilns.
The work upon the new addition to
the public school building Is raphlly
Hearing completion. This addition has
made n Improvement to the nn-pearance-
of the building. We hne now
one of the largest and best equipped
schoed buildings In tiny of the towns
of this county, which the people
of Daltcm should be pi mid of. Theie
Is nothing more advantageous to
the piospe-ilty and giowth of a town
than good public schools. Piofessor
I!. Ilanyoii Is gieatly elated over
the building and the most ptnmlsiug
piospoets for this school ear. The
sr hools will open on Septembei lfi lie
sldos the huge attendance of pupils
fiom the boiottgh the outlook Is for a
linger at tendance than ever befoie of
pupils fiom th" stiiiouudlng country.
Titer will be ample loom to accommo
date all who wih to attenei and the
tuition will bo the same as In foimer
3. oats $1 ;,n per mouth.
A supper will be- held In the Methodist
chinch em Wednesday evening nn
T'tlelay evening the l.aelles Aid of the
Haptlst church will serve a supper in
the chinch.
Mr. mill Mis. W. S. l.V.n-n ir.lin iw,1
i S.itutday evening, last from u six
i.v l-dt nt the Pan-American ex-
Mr. Frank CoUin tettnned from Huf-
ilo on Tuesday, finm n two ilnvs ti-tn
to the Pan-American.
Mr. Hentiiniin Jl.-ael and fninllv with
Mr J. . Hlgglns left Wednesday for
Lake Carey to attend the leimnlnn
of Company C. of the 203d legiment.
Pennsylvania Volunteer, veteran of
the- eh II writ, nnd of Fort Fisher fame,
of whle h they were meiubeis.
Mises Katl", tieitle, Maty and Ivlna
C.uyer spent n week with ft lends In
tlieen Ridge, recentb.
Misses (liaee A. Davis, Ciurle Wells.
P.esle Mulllnex-. Maty lines, IMlth Wil
son. K.ltlo (tliver li till Vie T ,i. t. 1 ..!;,..
and daughter Chut lotto. Mis Nellie
Wilson and son Ihnremv unit li- c-nm
Smllll i.lliltini oiind In Mi flu...... s!tn....
.. v.. .... .... .'-.,,, -ii,ui,-.
speiu iniiny picnicMng at Lake Kee--
Wnilllo l'..t llciilnr- In r, mu. la. .k.. .....I
r. " 'i'"'i "r.ric mm
dienchlng sloiin.
.Mr. and Mrs C P. Matthews nnd
gi.iud daughteis Matlnn and Hvelvn
Matthews are vMlois at the Uuffalo exhibition.
Miss Cunningham, a umnier sel
lout iter at the home of Mr. anil Mis.
J. It. Austin, leturned tn her home in
Scianton on Monday last.
Mr. Cliambelain and family returned
to their home in Wilkes.It.n m .n Mon
day last after a two months resilience
wnn us, m the T. II. rireene hillside
Mr. James S. Wagner Is linpinvlng
Ills lesleleliee hv i.iislinr tils illnln,-
ronm ami kite hen.
Mr and Mrs. Met ton returned to their
home n Tllughnmtou on Satutday last.
Miss Helen Italian, who has been a
victim of a sever nttnek of asthma, Is
now convnlesidng
Mr. Lewis and sNter Maggie
Lewis of Cteen Hleltre wen. thn mu.ito
.' -. . . . .... n'nir
of the Mlses Katie and Certle Otiyeis
.mis l.nmia of Heiidhani nnd
Miss May lilies of Slhlnv . ,i...
guests of Mis. i:ilaheth Wells and
ciuugiueis, i at lie and Mamie Wells,
last week.
Mr. Ch.nles Wells leturned yestenlny
to tSlr.nd college wheie he Is now tak
ing a of Instt notion,
Mr. and Mi-. II. F. Hanett and
daughter, Isosslo. weie lsllois at the
home of Mr. and Mis. N. s. Davis last
Mis. i:. s. Cooper and daughter i:il,i
Matle letllineel on Tuesday to their
home in Philadelphia after a ten day
visit at the home of Mr, and Mis.
(ieoige W. ISonel.
Mr T T. Spi.igue visited at the
hiime of Mr and Mrs. Kclwaid Lutsey
on Monday last.
Mr and Mis, ,), s. i.tpy ,,, Hn leiinned to their home In Scran
ton on Monday laM.
Mr and Mis. W. P Coon, left here
Satlirelay foi a visit among telatlve.s In
Honesdalo, the foimer lettnneel on
Monday last.
HeiiJ.nnln i:vans and Miss IMlth
Hlaek. of Seranton, were lsltorsnt the
AVagnei home on Sunday.
Mis. j. ,i. Jtnnkln is a visitor at the
Pan-Ainerlcaii this week.
Miss Alice Hucklngliain. of Scianton.
spoilt Sunday and Monday with her
cousin. Miss liossio Hucklngliain.
Mr. and .Mis. F. A. Page nnd ehitigh
tei, Isabel, visited fi lends In Plymouth
over Sunday.
Hyron Ihicklngham mado a business
it ip to Seranton ,esterday.
C. C. Clay and Miss Lottie Play at
tended tho funeral of a relative at La
Plume on Monday
Scdiool oiieneel Tuesday morning, with
Professor Hogeis principal nnd Miss
Schlmineilliig. primary teacher. About
eighty weie enrolled the first clay.
Miss Ilutli llanley, of Seranton. was
the guest of Miss Helen Williams on
Mrs Cora Olds, of Factoiyvllle. Is
spending this week with fi lends here.
Hev. J. J. Rankin Is In Navv Yoik
receiving treatment for his eyes.
Mrs. Norton Wagner, daughter Ruth
and on Paul left on Tuesday for nn
extended visit with ft lends in New
Yoik and Connecticut.
Mrs. II. A. DoFieher and daughter,
Miss (inice, letutiuMl to their homo at
Mechanlcsbtttg on Filduy, after spend
lug two weeks with lelatlves heie.
K. L. Pickens, Miss Hanley and Miss
Williams enjoyed a delightful outing
at Lake Woith on Labor day,
W. A. Shaffer, of New ork city, and
.Miss I Mini Hucklngliain, of Seranton,
culled on Klmhurst friends Sunday af
ternoon. Miss Anna Wltitersteon returned tn
her homo nt Seranton Monthly after
spending a week with her friend, Miss
Kll.t Wagner.
Over one hundred people attended the
-yftoDej-al SociVx'DiP Opening ! "
A Handsome Souvenir will be
to every purchaser on Opening Day.
Concert by Lawrence's Band.
I ManhattanX
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In VtTert June 2, 1"0I.
'halm leave Sirtntim:
Tor Philielilfilila mill NVvv ik via I). K. II.
It it, at 0j uml !.: a in, nml 2 IS, I J7
tllluk llhinonil Urines.), nml II 10 p. in. Sun
eijv, I) ,V II It it., l.fiS, s ; p. III.
i'er While- Haven, lUrlrlon ami irinclpst
pcllits In the ceial ri-:lon, via I) A it. It It,,
(H't, 2i ami 1 J7 p. in l'eir I'otlnillle-, a
in . 2 It p in
Per llttlilchrin, Kattem, Itciillm;, lljiclOiun;
ami principal intrnnnliale Malieim via I), k 11.
It. II, CO, 0.-JS a m; 2 1". 127 (lllirl l)iv
moml r.iprrsfe), ll.."0 p in Sineljes, II A, II.
It It . It :i a in ; 1 3S X 27 p in
i'er TiinLlunnork, t'oAanila, liinlrj, ltlma,
(irni-ia ami prlnrlpil iiitrnni-eilali- Iillnn.. vU
P.. I. k W It It . .Ul a in .mil .1 Id in
l'cr (IrtiPta, line lintrr, llurnlo, Nhitiij PalN,
flileacre ami all point vrt, vie I) k II It It,
7 4S, II r a m , I 2. XM Cllliil. llnninnil l.s
prrw), 7 IS. Id It. 11 10 p Pi Mincljja, 1). A. it.
it It . 11 .V, s-j; p m
Pullman pertor ami Vccplnc er l.rhlch Valley
parlor car on alt tninc tet-veon Wtlkr ilirre
iiihI Xi York, I'liilulclphla, MulVilu ami Six
pi mlitii llriitfte
1(01.1 1 II Wli.niit. fie-n s,t , 2d Cortland
stlfe-t. Xrw nlk
rilMtl.lN S l.Ki:. fitn l'.is gl , 2fi Cnrtlaml
trrct. N'e-vv York
A W VONM'.MM IIKIt, Piv I'jm. Ant, S,,ith
llclhlrhi-m. Pi
For tlckoia ami Pullman rrcrvitlonei apply to
COi l.ackannna avoniix, .siranton, Pa
Delaware. Lackawanna and Western
In I fleet int 11. 1W1
Trains leave Seranton for Sew ork-t I 10,
ROD, r. .'.5, 7 50 anil 10 ttt a in; 12 t", ,i.'jo,
"45, 'i nil anil s 0 p. in lor New Yoik and
Philadelphia 7 50 and 10 05 a m , and 12 40 and
3 4'i p in i'or Tobc henna it 6 10 p m I'nr
tliitTalei-l f, Ci22 and Ceo a lie . I ..n. .152, 7 er,
and II .15 i m For Ilinehamton and uay na
tion 1020 a m and 1 03 p in. I'or IMvcrii.
Scracnce and t ttca 111 and el 22 a ra; ISO
and .1.52 p m 0n -cm, .scraeme ind ffea
train at el 22 a in elailt, eveept Sun lay. lor
Montro--0tl a in j 1H1 and 7 0'. p in
Mehulaon airommodatlci, -I and fi li p in
IHoom-liurL; llivlion- For Northumberland, it
cl 43 and 10 0', a in ; 1 .10 and (-10 p m For
livtnoiitli, at S 10 t m , .1'.', and 101 p m
Sunday Tnin For New ork. 1 40. .1 Hi, SVi
and 10 05 a m ; .120. .145 and finel p in. lor
Ilndalo 1 15 and 0 22 m : 1 SO, 3 52, 7 n
and 11.15 p m For Ilinehamton and i n
tlnm-'lim nnd 1020 a in lllnninsliuri; dicmon
l.eivc- Seranton, 10 05 a m and P 10 p. in
n.tptl5t Rnnd'iy school ple-nlc- at N'.iy
Aug paik last week.
Il-ny Mueklngham vvislies through the
eeilumns of i'he Trihun- to heat lily the many fi lends who so kludlv
agisted him in the tecetit educational
contest and theieby m.ide It poMdble
for him to "ivln.
Kev. anil Mis. !. N. Hertzeig. who
have heen the gue-et of lr. and Mis.
.1 W Knedler for the week, left
em Tuei-rt.iy morning foi a ImH at the
Today's Attracton3.
V( Mil Vl tun I ( in "1 ,iK . 1 en. '
s MS ( lark' Vn It. J Mirrimnii ai. 1
"Pudd'nhead Vilson."
Time deec not .tale "I'udd'uhe.iii
Wilson," that dellshtful stoiy, whUli
was tiansfei ii-.l t-i the -taKe by the
late rt.tnk Mayo. It is a play with
the true touch and the teal ilnp, and
time in its llluht dealb sentl.v with It.
The company piesented this
qiialiit play at the- !,)ceimi lns-l nlKht
Is headed by William S c Sill, who e-s.
s.l.veel the idle created by the lamented
Mayo, nnd he pave an extietuely Rood
piesontnllon eif I'lidd'nheail. the law
j er, who waited mi Ions? .end uucoin
plainiiiKly tor a e lleut.
. fallly Roeid company suitciuiidi el
him, the Tom Dilseoll of Kliner liuir
llam and the ISoxj of Miss l.enihe Klp
ley lielmr especially Rood. A Kood-sh.e-d
auclleme saw the pluj.
Bill nt the Stir Theater.
t'l.llk's New ISei.Vnls hllll hold fen til.
anil an- undoubtedly pleasing the Rood
sized audience who attend that popu
lar tlu-atle The vaudeville pen Hon
of the pioKramme Is erne of tin- hcsi
ever pii-scnii-d in Scianton, ami each
and everj act Is what would be known
In circles as a head liner.
The Itoyals lemiiln heie lor Hie bal
ance of the week, with dally matinee,
and deserve the Rood cled audiences
they aie drnwlntr.
Amy Lee's Engagement.
sparklin.' Vine Ut-, whn It u-ein Lilly tuiiii-ilul
tic pirs .aid pilhlli tn In- the- mii-icmhiii
nl l.otti, will nirfki- hr lii.l i-IiIIji ,ippii,iii.
hue-,il tlii Vejiliuo ol Mii.le ml. I. I'.ill.iliiti -U'liitllul
pl.ej. "I iej' leir.i." tuiilcln, ("i e
tlii i' ilij riisiccinint .
'I !' plct eil ( liln l ulmlrrflil Milted to MUs
l.i i. .i it cuuhln.4 ioiiihIv, m'litlmuit mid
pathos An entirely new and complete mm.
piodiulioii li I' en peinltii li,c 1'uiil, Platter. d
Ike Viicleinc nf Vlmli-, New oil. and tin t-v
plu-li n eicne in the third net Id one- uf the luu-t
reiHiliuli.ll cter Ki.c.-ed 111" kiippurtlliK coin
ianc l evie-ptloinllj (lioiii:
Ml. nna Hi Id will tar thi si-aton in "I'.m
I illle IMtlie-Hi," .e iiiiMcjI cninretr I' ll.irrv II.
Smiih and llrmuilil lie hnven Her Xc-vv oik
appeaiamo veil! occur Inter In the ce-n-rn tliei
date U not jet elchnltelj fived it the Camo.
Mi. siiip Martinet will ftir thi ra-nn i
Mr I lulu I'ileli'a new plev, "The Vtauiase
dame " founded en Anclei'a "I.e Man !','.
il'Olunpp." vhe- ln Mitiniinilril hei.elf ultli an
excellent cnmpanj aid will Win her esion at,
ike llronl stiert theater, PhllJildplila, em e-pt.
inlre-w Mack i now pla.clni; at the llii.ld
's.iuare theater. New ork. Ill- plev thla n-a-nn
l 'Toiii .Mooie," n drann h.v Iheodoie- Hurt
Sine-, In hleli the Umnua lrih poet i the
hero lie vclll unialii at the llerild Npnre to. cierU, and "III then take) Ills pli.t oil
tour through the piliulpjl cltle.
Mis Miulidi llarned (Mh. I'.. II Solium) .
ktanlus thU rj.mi under Mr. dialled Fiohnuu
illiecllou. and -.s III ho keen In "Vllt-o if did
Mnirnnea," a ilraiiiithatlnn liv I'dicinl I'. Il'i-o'i
uf Manlier Tliompon' popular nmel. Mr. I'mn.
nun alo li.i foi MiMlUimd an adcpl itlon of lli'.r
Fulila'a (Sernian pla. "Twin Sitei," which w.u
vci.v aiucirtlul at the Irving I'laie theatir latt
412 Spruce Street.
i i
Manufacturer of
4S5 to 455
N. Ninth Stroot,
Telephons Call, 2.133.
i it run
Schedule la Effect Juno G, 1001.
Tinins leave Scianton:
0.4D n. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet pallor car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsvllle; stops at principal in
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Hanisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Wash
ington nnd for Pittsburg and the
0.38 n. m week days, fev Sunbury,
Harrisburg, riilladelphn, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
2.18 p. in., week days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.), for Sunbuiy, Hnrris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimoie,
Washington and Pittsbuig nnd
the West.
3.33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule tiain fiom Wilkes-Baire.
Pullman buffet pat lor car nnd
conches toPhlladelphia vlaPotts
ville. Stops at principal inter
mediate station".
4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton,
Sunbury. Hanisbuig, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
,t n 1HK Mivso-; On M;r.
j 11 WOOD. Or P.i. il.
Delawaie nnd Hudson.
In r.flec luu . 1 "d.
Tram' f r Cailic ndele havt nijuImi it fi.l),
pro s.v.. in l.l a in. fern, i j . n, :i ;,
5-"i e. 'a, T..".7. Ti. 11 -0 p i . 1 I a in
For lloneNlile ami l.aV- l.odoic, t. -JO, 1J t.
m . '-Ml ami "' " I' m .
Fei like Hme ''. . v "- "". Mil
a in; 1-' (I-. I - - " ' ' -" 'I". ' '. 11.. H I' '"
I'm I,. !! h Poliitf-O I"'. USa. m ; J Is,
I 27 and 11 " I' I"
For Peniisiliaiil It 11 point II 15, 0.-S i,l-,
?:! .aid is; l m.
lor Vllunv and .ill points noith (1 .'() a. m.
and !' V! m
Foi (.iiliombh- r.SO, II J.I a ill , 2 11, .i 52.
5 ')j and in "i." p m
For VVilkei-Ituie t'.-.s a. m ; W 0.1, 1.5S Sit,
C .J and I J p in
F.r Vllilln in I p-dnW noitii I J p ill
For II m-el eh- fnd lake l.odnn 50, 11 ,i
a in and .1 .1-' p in
Now Jersey Central.
tntion- in New "ik -Foot of I.lbenj sluet,
N II , ami s .nth I cri.v. -,
uvii. imii.i: in n 1 1 er .11 nf .ai, iimi
'liain leeve su mloii foi New Wk, Newaik,
Vllelielli, l'lnlJilelihli l)Jt"ii. IIiIIiIiIhiii, .
Itnlnnn, Vliuili t hunk ami While lliuii, at ,
a in., expii'-j-. 1. 10. epiie, 1 () p. in, & m.
elaCH. - l'i V in
For I'lllMmi and Wdkta llaire, S 5 j a. m j 1 10
and I 0) p in '"iindejie. 1 l'i p in
n llallllllixe .Hid allilietilll lllll p., MM
viuih and Bwi via lli-llilrliiin, i- ,Yi a in , ) u
and I ei p in. itidn. -'.15 p tu
For 1oiis IIijiiiIi. liu-Jii (ii.iu, ei , at s jj
a in. echiiiu,li tueeli). and I M p in
I'm Hi idiint. I.el'inon and llairiliiin-, u 1
Icntown s.jj a in and 1 111 p in. Mimlnn,
3 1" I' m
I'm l'etl!!l-, '!' 1 111 , 1 10 p III
I or Motiutain Park, ij i in , 1 10 an 1 I "1
p m
'Ihinnsli Ihkrt to all point ent, , mtli and
west at Unveil lilen al lli- tillon.
(. VI IIFKI-. i.mi Pi. V.t
J II 01.11 VFS.KN, t.'.n -iipi
New Yoik, Ontatio and Western
Time 'lahlc In leit niiiiIij, June 2J, liOl
NOItlll 1101 N)
l.eace Leave- irlce
Trains. S. ralilon Cirln ndile. fail..n
No. 1 ...M-'il.e II 10 a in. limp in.
No. 1
No. 7
... I '" p in. ii p in u mi p n,
... u in p. in Ar Cirliindile, (I 10 i in
H)b I'll 1)01 Nil
leacc leave
C.'jil'i-ia. Cniliondjle,
7 CO a. m,
... H 10 a in. 10,01 a in,
2 l'i II. in I (l i 111
Si laiiton,
7 in a in,
lo in a in
.No. 1
No. 'J
I l p 111.
SlMi.Vit- ONI.V, Mill I'll IIOt'.NU
Leave Leave Vrni
Siianton. Cailioinlale, ( jilo-u,
,,, S HI it, in. U 10 .1. in 10 r, a in
... 7.00 p in Ac Cirtiondale, 7 i p tn,
l,iae Leave nie
C' ( ailiondale. i iriloti
Nn. 0
No. 3
No n
i li a. in. , 10 a m
No 10 . I R0 p in n (vi p m f li p m.
Train No I, on week dec, and 0, on -miii
daw, nuke nnin line eoiiiieitlonn for Nnv York,
iltv, 1 lica, Oncldi, O.wi-po and Inteiniediaie
'liain Ne a and I mike Walton, Delhi, Ham
den and Wilnev tonneitl.nn
For furlher iiifminilloii enn.iilt thket a.ent
J. C VNPLItsON-, 0 P . .New ork.
J I' WHIMl, T. V. A , herantun
Etie Railiond, Wyoming Division.
Trains for llinlei and Inti-rniedule point leno
Fuanton n follow No , id ,i m . ,
8 0 a ill . No li, it p in No s, ;, 'i) ,, ,n
Ne i anl el thimiuh liain for New oik
rrical No I fc l I in No I. 1U..H a m .
No 8, ,11.i p in , No 7. Ol'i i in IriiiH Noi
5 and 7 are- ihiouali niln fr. in New imk
Pepariuren Nir d ii a in , No ", n m
Arrival -No '.'I, 1 ' 11 t in . Nn ., s 11 m,
Prof.G.F.THEEL,527 aVxfh
kmrrlrt. OurBlfM u rur ) hj niil frltitt I
hltratM.lfrrak rim 4 Is l'ldt)tirfiif,ibu(fi,I
UI.aJ .l. k....... II. Lllll . I a ! J T
t MilUiii "" "I'vm iTireieii. !, caannocni,
f XdbWN Tirlftrrte k StrUlurtt ( rultlnft, I mlriflup.t rnllmoil4l(ci Bouki
tfiftlt rrr mtill an4 rlttirlrttlfrauil, lttnlUn iitpcrr'
mmin wmmfflmmfflmmMmM
HBiii iilli mmmm mm Ti w T fiivmtM
Broadway, 5th Avsnus and
.j ,-;.jii .w.m win tp
rim ftrd'i.W W?m
'Ll "-s- -
i'. .' iJ ian SK2Sr;
mfCS! ' IX
In the center of the shopping district.
'Flic Only Hotel in MaiiiinUau Fronting on Broadway and Fifth Ave.
V Vpdiiii I ni C!is II. i I ( inpl. ir ti ill t. hi e in. ii- 1 ti in-) mc ind elri orationf
rritntlv n e tl ion. n in Vi "Him ,iUim n, f i ii) um I hi u i v ith luilm. Hot and col
veier ind leliphoit- in tviic lo .in e i-.nn un . t llr,
k.yv -VvV,. i
Cor. Mvtrentli tt and In ins 1'lai.e,
Anieiitan PI in, .! 0 P r P.u md I pa d
i'uiopiaii Plan, si on p, i iij and I pivaidi.
Special I'.JUi to Famine!
lo'-.ioi.ioo Lnxt Jftlli ilrret.
Ihe.U 1 I I ltlOSicliroiihlylirt-claw
familj nniiTantueni hotel.oilennBativniinl
lnum ett it maiiniciin of In turs and icmfort.
tin ni" '"' J." "- ....-...-,--...
.. .. .tiin - tnxtt ttiinuiAn of thQ loatlinc
.. ... w.a. ..... iiar n, .in.f.n nniiH...
tuopa, vreaire' nnu mu
Laropean Plan. $1.00 up.
American Plm. 12 30 up
Suite with Private) Bath, 32.00 up.
1 oi foei ill rate c uit-or Irfori- ationiTnto
.tin l . c Bl TI-ll.l.ll. I'rt.itt li-ttir
For Business .Men
In the hturt ot tho whalesilo
For JsUonpcis
"t mlnuteu' wulk to Wnnnmalicr)-,
" S mlr.utri to HleBcl Cooper's ISIr
" Ptore. IZnay of nccons to the ureu:
Dry Goods Btores.
For Slslitsecr
One blocl; from B'way Car), slv
lnr ensy triuisportatlou to all
points of Interest.
Tor. 11th 6T UNIVHRSITY rt
Only ono liloolc trom Hreia Iwav
llOOUla, P 1 U I. Price leaonibl)
4 - --
. Every Ataaan
k wtnteriiUilMinlriiouWkniiw
nut niv iuq nun urii
MARVEL Whirling Spra
Ilie new ll )'".' "'-r
,.!,. .mil ll. ft, 111. ItAtt . Il
fX u'Ss
rt- MOM l OlIYt-ll till
Patented 1
IMIikBMt Ittldi-l .
1 C.r II
a I i i Ihe
Ifltltlll,, aeiepliin .,
tiuer, I in .eiulM imp ror ii
iI1Ihh k ill Itcive.
, I ...In i.l ., imiilliTn. linn. In
room fill. Time ndz., N'ew Verk.
paKviis2WiaiSWsiSKwnoiWuiiiJi. I aBK,
ai ,
3-. - " i
ii '1
fll T-"
&y w
27th Slnel, NEW YORK.
iH-isi ill
m ftPnW,S i Aw Wu
U it'll l,t I rjJHr-J .
ttffir--2&1-' - '-"
Scott k Co,
Fall Opening
New Dress Goods
Choice fine of
Black Goods
in Staples and
Fancy Weaves
of Foreign
and Domestic
Exclusive Novel
ties in the
126 Wyoming; Ave