THIS SCKANTOIV 'riUBCNE-TIlCJtSDAlT, SEPTEMBER 5, 1901. jffib in Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and bcncflclal effects of the well lcnuun remedy, Srnur op TiOH, manitfncturcil by tho Camfohnia I'm Snui' Co, Hlttstrnto thi'vnlucof obttilnlncr tho liquid hixa tlve principles of plants Icnoun to bo medicinally laxative imtl prcsentinff them in the form most ref i pnIiIiii,' to tho tiistc mid aeecntnblo to tho B.Vfltem. It is the ouo perfect btreiiKthcnliitf lnxa tlve, elennsltiL' the nydem effectually, ilispelllni; colds, liciulticlies mid fevers pontly yet piomptly nnd cmiblln ono to overcomo li.ibituul cotihtlpnlion per inniicntly Its perfect freedom from every olijcctlontibln quality and sub stance, nnd its nctlniron the kidneys, ilver and bowels, without weakening' or irritating them, make It the ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing Hrk are used, as they nro pleasant to the taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho remedy arc obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the CAUFonNiA Via Miiur Co. only. In order to pet its beneficial effects nnd to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of tho Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, CA1. I.OUISVILLF. HT NEW TOBK, N Y. Forsalobyall nruKKl-ts Price (0c pcrbottlo. CITY NOTES. Ill IH MM' MM III1U -dn ii mint .f the run nf Mlunhi iho link fjtnil rciiiiinn w i j aponxl II "ill to lifl I vttiiriln i)t this utck at lMU HI MO l III Oltl'IIW - rpr.itl Inin uill I run up In Mfniil Mttiin ImUi tn ininri t lir iliiro nrpliitu tnun the lldiduil Mhnul lu hr.irr an I Vw ( jmIi IlK.tlUt MrhllM, I In' inin.ii.rlj f Hip II mi- fir tin- lilcmllm will ImM rmulir in illnc Iniiiirnm nt 111 mini tlnio ml plnr if n uird tint cure nmiiMr who n in town will Ic reuit II Vt W s ( 111 lll II MiiIiiw ll.rii. f V I , ninn it. .mi ritiplmp il tho nut anil lull v ik' I til ln IiiiiiI cuiUil hi i mit'iint tclir i iv ml Iii'lli iriiliril Ho ta nkrn In tin I ukan iniu ln-ill it III KM 1", Wei -U thi ill ih mi (or i l .r rilnh. uliliti look plate It tin I I I. lull, in (.innM lull, 'J iiimM cpiiIii j, liikrl So ! Mill Hip elilir. 'Wileli nil laid li Willum 1 Mint, i Hip ni . lilo V eipl.V 1 IIM.I It I.M.I nY.1liP Wnm-n'-l liuixc wlikh, I lie nioiilln if luh in I ucitt. ilo-nl thill it J )i in, mil nun I. f hi tnun n i in lo ii p in I iUit 'un liron mini tlirmielu ut the ihi li I k I'W t Hip li Incur 1 i k avwiiim hiuI it ut i onipini will pir tonionow n llip bunion I, Mori, in I Mjniilh inmi in I n itiiiilai it (In llilliiup, Hii'lilu, iiiii I'liitinrnlil, UtoIu'i ' lliiuplmi llwli I'nk, 'Inn, ut 1. 1 1 laili i. II il I u Vnlili.ilil lMI COMMISSION WAS DELAYED. It Is Now on Its Way fioin Hanis- buig. Tin' ( nmiiiN-liiii of .IikIrp A A Vo.- nut et leaiheil him, althoush it us i nulldiMillv expected It uuil be In io esteul.iy. The iloln tin ldent lo I lie I"uIiik of the iimuiiN- riuii lux been due in llu f.n t th it tlu , mini was at All. null I'ltj .iml fi i iiulml uiiiMilPinble 1 tinning back- m.ihI anil fniMiinl tn net the document M I'd llllll M.llltd mi lis M,V til S" IHlltlltl I'miiii II nio-buiB list nlBht c .imp ill' tin ii ion that the i'itiinilsnu w iitualli on ll.s i,ii .mil if no fin -tin l delu is i ioilPiuo(l It will In in the h.iiuls of .IiiiIru VosIiud; tu daj BASE DALL TODAY. Serpnton and Wilkeb-Baire Motoi men and Conductois to Play. Tin- iiiiitni iiu'ii nnil loinliu tmi nf tlir I. till" I K.lllUHl lllllll.lll.N will ll . Knlili of Invo li.ill tills nfii'tiinnn nt lilt tli p,nk Mith tlie i undue tins iml ji ifiiim.ii of n. Tin llno-up of the Suauton t, am Will be us follow h I'nUliei, t'tiinon, I lu Ihi, i.Mt Miniiiiii in lui i fi siun ).m, Hist liiifo, (iiiidner. siiomi lum. t I'ole, thlid l),ii-i , l.iifpu; ipiiiio tli'lii, VouiiK. iiglil Held,, lift llclu, Mi.mIci. i POLICE AND ALDERMEN. ranmp Imr, of I'nkir Mripf, Mdlrnln iuupil tho incit of Mil l.nili, a iiilihlior, wh nn kIic i liaipi Milli Illinium; Alnncff II I pr liiaiuii; vill to lulil lirfi n M iiu in llmlili this unci nn n WillUin Munloik ho m i irrptpi .n Imv In for Mi tllns a Iiuim' iml tmczi IhIiiichil; in I hn I I iniiliill, if Mir stun j. , imirullliil t Hip iiiiiMi inl iri-iniiji I i.i i,'iitrjie llimc in ilcfjult of 'i'iI lull Maniage Licenses. 1! Iml I iki 1 I77IP ll II I III lli'inai Willi inn JlaiM irill Sunli n Inl r . I nl ir I olor DEAbEUS IN Bonds and Investment Securities V k K V V ft' K tt K ft K K V V i' Y M nrcidnty, N, T, t WiUn nine. CirboniJtle. r 4 5 8 Commonwcilth bM'ff, Scrinton, Tt. i M la U k It M K M tt M M '4 V: Ja If JI RECEPTION rOR CARDINAL. Knights of Columbus Planning to Entcttaln the Apostolic Delegate. The tui'inhPiH of Si i anion iniitiill, KiilKhln of Colutub'iH me pliiiinltiR to tender Ciuilliiiil Muitliielll n leirptlon (it tlie i III!) bouse Ili'M Sumlm IllRllt, If he IllidH It hihIi1c In lemaill 111 the (Ity llflel the inilHl'i llllloil of lllsliop 12. A. (Iaiej, A ineelltiB was held last nlf-lit when n iiii'illoti (ommlttie wan appointed with power lo malm nil unniiKetiiPiitH for the iiffiilr It Is the Intention to Imlte the KeiiPinl puh'ie nnd to kIo (ill mi iinii timllN to meet the iniUl lial. Ah iimin of the other Vlnltllig pielatis tis limy b" able to attend are lo be iiIho Iiu lied. A teleKiaui wni f.n iikIpi1 hint nlRht to Ciirdlmil .Milium 111 who Is at Villa Not u ioIIcko, leii'iestlliil hlin to en Jo the iouihU's hnnpitallt.N, and as Hnon as the lonilillttee KielXes u favoi ahle if ply, iiiiaiiKimeiilM will be made. GOOD SOIL AT WIMMERS. Remarkable Achievements of Mrs. Lucy Bionson at That Place. Mih I.iu.x llimiKon, of WltnuiciM, has a Rlaiitli h.MlriniRui In full bloom, whli h meiistiips L'.Ty feet 111 ilieunifcr nui She has alen piodiupil Kimie leinaik alite lip.itis ft im an ordluiiiy poh plant, one of the buns mcimuiliiK ll's liitlus In leiiKth. If an one has gaiilco piodlRks to boat tlusc, let us hem f i nut him. A LARGE ATTENDANCE. Chtistian Alliance Sessions Weie Ad- diessed Yestculay by a Number of Out-of-Town Clcigymen. Vesti idii s M'sslnns nf the "lllistl,iu Allliiliu i oinontloti now beltiK held on .Ipffeisou tuenup neai Pol.iwnic Mitet, weiv eiy IiukpIn .itteiuled, and the huge iiudli'iiies were ad dieed by a number of out of town th K. .Iiilm 11 K.iil. of I lliiRh.i tiiton, riilheied .111 eloiUPiit nddli"-s in Iho 1110111I11R on the tietessity of nun entr.i tlon of pin pose If 0110 wlsliis tn be .1 ti Hi I'hilsilau. Kei. ('Ii.iiIps Youiik, nl Windsoi, X V., told of the ' Xei es. t ot ConxlLtlnn, ' ami He James l.ehhm.111, of HIiiKliamtnii, spnkc on 'The r.ilthfiilnpss nl !od " The niotn Iiir se-xlun was clnsnl with .111 ean Killstli talk In I!e. A. 1. .MidnilRh, ot Philadelphia. Willis .IojM-i, the iiluinrd nilsslon i.i finm India, spoke in the .iftmiooii on miiiip of the daik plates In India, ami pit lined in Kiapbii woids Mime 11' the hoiilblf toinlltlniis piesalllnK in land Mifion u ('liii-topliet.son, who has bill leeentlv tetiiineil fiom I'liln.i, spoke at nlRht Ho Is .1 Millint hwiile, whose slmplli ll nf ili.u.iitei and nobleness of purpose has ondeiied him In the he.uts of thousands who hne hi aid him "peak He was one nf Die parts nf inlsslonai les whlth Hist en teinl the QumiK-Si piovinie some m en uih ,iro This is the pimlnte whkli was one of the sloim leniies of tlie 15o(is' moveineiits of last M'li A teleKiaui was leielvnl jestonlas f 1 mil Ite. Dr. A M Simpson, of New Yoik, the foiiudei of the ('htlstlm .Vi lli in e anil one of the bi s( IhiKllsli sieikiiiR pulpit malms In tills 101111 ti . niiuoiiiiPliiK that he will . 1 1 r I 1 in till- 1 it j toilav and will ilellft a e . moil at tonight x son ire on ' 'I lie Sei -old I'omlliR of I'lllisi " He will sp,. iK on I'lidav afternoon 011 'Dhlne Heal mj; ' Willis Mjnr will spuK at tills af leinniuiH Mil mi, 011 " India Afti 1 ,i IHn) Yiais of llliidillsm " lie pinpnsis to show that an 1 i illatlon whiih India now hoists nf 1 nn lie attributed onlv 1 hiisilinil and tlie Hinduism .111 il.iiin no sliini' nf Hi, 1 unlit Mi spnko last nlRht at the liieen l.iilRt I'll sij tulan 1 Inn ih ARE DOING MUSICAL ACT. W. C. and J. E. Ott Aie Membeis of Gus Hill's Company. A. ' ott and his brothel, .1 i: (itt, win !ni sep,il eai.s weie luomlnent nn inbt s nf tlie on In stia .11 the (1.1I1 ly tlie.ilie, me now doliiR a musliMl tut n with the fins Hill's ".MclMdiU n's Itnw nl rials" i ompaiiN. V i Ott led tlie niihistia and his b'ollni plaed the fiiaii' ilium Klein 1 uitheis, illicit hi t p. ill of 1 leer musli . Inns, me with Hie two Olts .mil the lull! make .1 ii 11 telle of extiemely 1 mill item inilHiiul ill lists. This lom 1 inv tipem d at .Vol folk .Muiida. HOME FROM GERMANY. August Robinson Reached This City Yesteulay. August Uuliln-on lettlined at U o'lloil. last nlRht finm Xew York, wheie he ,iiiled josterday .iftei 110011 finm (! iniiiin .Ml lliihliisrin sin nt the Inst two mouths u Cailsliiil Welsbadoii, mid nihil points of Intel e-t in (Jeiiinny He was nn 1 at the station b a I.urp deliKiiilun or wilininlnu filend.s. FEDERAL COURT NOTES. I'liiii'iiii f r il 11111.P Imp Inn tllfil in Hip ofrlii of (Ink s, ni, 1 ii, iii.trlit liiliral mull, in tli ihi I Mi. I iiiip K llirrii iml Hit hi in nf M 1111. ( 0I1 in iml II K iplan Hip pnii Hit"' nljinli iitil liiiikrutti luh Un ml luh 17 Ml imp llllpli I Im hlulllu ap r 111 iaili iii-tjiin lmli.1' It W Mi lilulil in I ( lork I II Suili in ip m lluirMiurc, wliirp 1 Msslin if tin ili-lrnt liiluil 1 nun ai In U fi i naiuralia ill II (IIU I 014 Minnesota Piohlblts the Maulage of the Insane, Epileptic, and Idiotic. Hi iin Milan 1 Miiiiii. 1 1 iii, n,.pci v, in lor ( liili'iun lull luoliiluiiiiij Hip numaup rf in chip ipihpiu nii.l iili tn piumw m I ri i.iiii m a niuliul 11111II14I1 fin ill jilliijntH loi irui mn luin-i. iupn"liiipnt eip nlotpi nuk inu' Hip iliu Mn' i 1 1 ' t. jp not quite . wppp tin: n llul Iml hull onzlnilli nnil 10 penult the nuuiJEP of mi fpililr uiiiiiIpiI pennon ni f 1 1 flip IliP Inl 11 lU'lllllll lljllll. PMrlilul mm i, utnii'lon nub lo wiinini I hit u 1 nn nn pirUiit Hri li, tin' tit lit dilution, fur .i hdi line lifin (iiliil IMipiI IhPiC ilLi.iv 1 m cl l( ipii fill It 1 Ml 111 tlPliiitll), it hliililti limjiv (ni iIip clan In pnwnl tlir propiujtlon o lihol,, riiliilliii nil Iiiviih, If I In' InilMiluil iliirrrn dip in I uilllmr In lUnii lo tin ilk 1 itt s uf sti en i' .mil 11M11111 ni rui Wyoming Semlnaiy. l.u h'e and well eiiilpp(d bniidliiK " hool 12eiy miidein conleiienie ''I tilt ales aiiepted ball colleges le K'ivlnR Htudenls on ui tllliale, I.iiiki. "If'l'.it tinetilri of iniiHle, ait and oiatoi) llllrliiesr colli se for r1 tilde Ills who do not wish In piepiiie for coIIpri', $mu a j'oiti Year opens Septeinbet 11 l'or eataloRiie iiililiess 1 I s,,..,r;iie, i, Ji WeddiQ OFflDflY gs DANIELS-SIMPSON. Chailes i: Daniels, one of the lead eis unions tho jouiiRer meinbeis of the Lackawanna bar, wus yestordav united In 111,11 ilarre in Miss Lillian .Mil) Slnip son, the chnrniinR daughter1 of Air and Mis Alexander Simpson at the homo of the latter on Kist Mmket street. Tho ceremony wus iiei formed in the pallor of tho residence which was beautifully decoratid with lloweis and folhiRo. Only the Immoitlate lelatlves of the couple weie piesent as the Kronin nd his attendant, Walter A Simpson, hlothol of the bllde, eliteied finm nne side of the room at noon and met the bible and her bi Idesmald, Miss .leiinlc linlels, ulster of the KToom, who ciiteiod from tho oposiie side. The bilde looked wondiously beauti ful 111 bet soft R-own of clepe lie i lilne om 1 shimmeilllR' white silk, 1 lit on train mid tilmmed with Duchessc l,u t She can i il 11 Iiuko boiuiuet of bllde loses Hit hiidcxmald was attlied In white silk and 1 hi llul a boiniutt of 1. it-nations. Aftei tho eel emony had been per fmnied by Itev. I)i. Georjje 12, lJulld, Ii.isior of the I'lotldeiiio Piesbj lerlan i htm h, a weddlllR diniiei was spied by Hanley. Mr. and Mm. Daub Is left it .It p m ooi the I.,ukawatina r.ill 10.ul for N'ew Yotk city and the .Maine toast, whole the hone moon will be .spent They will bo at home after October 4 .it 1S17 Mousey incline. Mis Daniels Is the diiiiRhti r nf Alex ander Simpson, foimer ilty tieasiuir and supeilntendeiit of the Delawme and Hudson lompato s inaihlne .shoiis In (iieen HidRO She Is a Rl.1dll.1te of the Si r.mton IiIrIi schnnl and a prom inent member of th Alumni associa tion of that Institution. She Is 11 inusl t. In it of note and has sum- In the choir nf the I'linldente 1'iesli teil.m ehilith for some time past Hit personal Kinces and loable disposition liae 011 ileaitd her Mi the he.uts of a numbii of ti lends mid' made hoi eiy piomlneiit In N'oith Siiantnn sodil tlr tles Mi Daniels Is t well known member of the Lackawanna bar and Is one of lb" pioiiiiuent eltl?ens of West Si tan ton He Is piosldent of the Wist snianton boatd of ti.ide and iu piesiiltnt of the West Sltlo c'onttal Kopubllcan club DuiIiir the eailj eais of his oiiiir inanliood he did militant wcuk on the staff of nue nf the newspipor.s and imc Ills Kiaduitlon from the Die klnsnn Si hool of Liw sex oral eais .iro he has m.i"le Lipid htiides 111 his chosen piofeslon and Is c.inliifr out foi hlmstlf a lull ing plate at the bar. WESTCOTT THORNTON. In the home of the bride, at D1111 111010, whlth was piofusilj doc matt d with Rolden 10 I and leins, Daniel (!. Wistcott and Mi. s Maty Hllen Then 11 ton wcto Ji Ineil In m.i'ii iRo last I'M 11 illR nt S o'tloik by Mc. Climles II XewliiR, of the Dunniiiie Mithodist HpNi opil i hun h. The rpaolous 100111s wire tluunid with the hiiRO iiunibi 1 of ti lends pies. 1 ut Miss liiihy Yost, oiRiinlst at tlie Duuiiinio Metliodlit c'lU'th, plaid the weddliiR muiclie. The in.i'd of I101101 was Mi.s Jemiiiii, Juniu, nl this cil, and the ijinoiiisninn was Allison Thornton, hi other of the bi Ide. The biltlt s row 11 was of toloied taf fitn silk en ti.tln, elabointoly tilmiiiid with durhess lace. She 1 ail led .1 showi'i bomiiii t of bllde loses. The maid of I101101 was costumed In a beautiful 1 1e.1t Ion of IIriiiiiI old lose tafieta t!lk nnd caiilod pink nisis An olaboiate weddliiR slippei was setM'd, the follow IliR jouiiff ladles as slstiiit; at the tables. Misses Mm tie Hums, Anna Powill, Maud and Htta Kelkuup, Cliiiii Hiss, Mulld Suundcis, Chiistlaua I'litihei, Htta liuike, IM1.1 IMwauls, May Tnlor. Mr. nnil -Mis. "Westiott lecelved the w.uin coiiRiatulatlons of thelt fiUuds, and left nt 111". oer the Laikaw.iuna for Monti eiil mid other points of In tel est in ('.niacin. Mis. AYesUotl Is the cbiURlitor of Ml. and Mis. Hall Thornton, ot Dilnkei slieet. Ilti pei sonal Riaio" a nl ihainis have made hei many fi lends In the 1 In lis In which she moves. Mr. Westiott has been a aliud unplo.xe nt the Kile 1ail10.ul foi liuuj HERBSTER MILLER. Miss Katie Mlllei and Authnio J. Hubstei, both well known In South Suantnn, wee united In nimii.iRe at St Mm v's (li'.n ni Catholic 1 lunch, by lte. Peter Christ, jisleiduy IlloillIllB at 1 o'tliKK. Th" cttuiiony was wit nessed hi a hii; nunilcr of fi lends As the In bHl p.uty rrieitd Hie dun tli and aelMinc'l towaids the rU'ir the oiRiinlst, l'nif llPiuy Aiki.riin len tleied JlMili'lmiu'i w'V'ir niaich. The bilde was becoinliiRly attlied In a Kown of white Llheily s.illn, Dimmed with point de spilt lace. She was ltd to the altar b 1'iiiil Heibstei, n In nihil of the Riooin. The biideMuald was Ml-S Cillie Miller, slstei of the bilde The olhei altelidatits weie Theodoie Nt lie and Miss Pauline lleib slor. The iisht 1 s weie .lolin Haas and Jteneillit Ulilen At the eonilllsnn of the reiemnuy tho bililnl temple lethcd lo the home of Albeit licibspi, on Stone uM'iiuo, wheie 1 v.'ildiuh illnnei was solved, and 10111 a' illations i.. tended to the ouiir p.ilr. In the ten Iiir the newly niaultil iciiiple Rae a lueplinn to their ninny filcneli nt Athletic hall Ml. and Mis Heibstei me pinmliient liU'lllbeiH of Hi lantern's ouiirci hinait set. and e'liloi upon thcli wedded life with the best wishes of theli niiiiieious 1 1 lends They win bPRln hoiisekeppiiiR nt !1J Aldei street TROY NOTZ. The niaillage of Miss Ihnnia Xolj", of South Si 1 anion, and Walter Tio, of AM on, O, was holemnled estoi dny afteinoon bv Itev .ldmmin nt the Milllin Avenue Lutheian chut eh The bilde and Rroom weie both un atleiidetl Attei the i-iil'ionv a wed 1II11K suppei was soned at tho home of The Pan-American Will illlPllllll loll n Hi munijp HiIiir. llul uIipii )our (lulil I I. li mini In pin in n 11 o hi ihi ui'tiioil. nf ihi ( 11V. sn i nn mo If rntPildiiinl ai llollll 1c II 0H1H s pi Jtii k,nnn I lfrtd I'tnnlni- 1 II I I In 5S uufin.! '""n.MlOl' '-.vr-' "The only perfect 'baby food" 'Aftff rfiil'mlntlnr tfUl of ntktj til the virlou calif 1 btbyfoodifor uur hoy, hf cdtUnt wd Iptrnnd of Or. Uanri'A riioiphattit Milk, and thre arn no -tordi tn th Cnsllih Utifftia-e that ran ipttit itt prali hlnh nnnh It haa th norttMry prop erty which tlin other tn called bahy uiiu ibcki inu 1 rnnnurr it in oniy nfrfert habr food on f ha nirkt fn.r1 that will rhansa n puny, tlckly baby to ft ttrone, healthy child " Hlnfliamtnoi N V , tit pt. 1, lAiO. DR. MAWD'S Phosphated'-? Condensed Milk TI10 iilioiplmlp- nnil bypoplio. phltcs nihil il lo Dr. Iliuiiin Con Icnapil Mill, me nn tnHtclm- it" llirj nre In uli out, ami ImllJ the bruin, iierics, tl-Hiiro, teeth nnil lionr- Jil't 11- wheat iloen, The only terfirt Itifmit fnotl; n milk Hint lirpps -wept wltliout lie tlio liottest dny In milliliter. Write for fri'O lionlclet on liifiint fooelii. THEDR HAND CONDENSED MILK CO. Scranton, Pa. the btlde's inrents, fiir, lllidi stieet. They left on an i" o.iIiik tialn for the I'.iti-Aiiierli.iu and othe,- points of In tel est. Thev will inaKe their futllie home at AUioii, O HEEN WEISSMAN. Miss Clttllle Weli-Hinail, of It vIllR ne nue, and Joseph lleen, of Ceelai ae nue, were united 111 in.uitiiRC at St, Mmy's p.nlsh house, by Hev. rathoi Stiiiub estoiday 11101 nlnj- at S oVlock. 'the In ide, who was liiiiid'oiuely at tlml, was atteudoil b Miss hlle lleen, a sister of the kiooiii The l.ittti was ai conipanled by I'.iul Hone. At the conclusion ot the c.eie mony the bildal eoupl letuined to the home of the hi Ide' taieuls, on Irl Iiik moiiue, white 11 v 1 ddliiK bieak fnst was stred. Mr. and Mis. Hecn left on the' 1.' o'llock tialn for l'iol dpiice, IE. I , and will ictuin In about ton el.ns, In ii they will eommetue house ken pltiK on 1iIIiik inenue, wheii1 a pleasantly fuinlxlied home awaits tin ni. WERT-DONY. John MiCullniiKh Weit and Miss r.eith.i l)on, daiiRliter of Mrs. r. A l)on. of the 101 tier of ('lunch nveinie nnd lilooin stieets, Ilunmoip, woie man lid last night In the Aliu Methodist Kplsiotial chinch b Ile. A. J Van ("lift rollowillK tbe foiemoii, thee woie tli hen to the hat Kaw anna station, wheie thev took a tialn for Huffalo .mil NhiK.ii.i Tails Jits. Weit Is an aiiompllshcil .ouiik woman and is a elauKhlei of the late Itev. K. A. Deny, of Diinmoic Met husband is Intet osleel in the1 W. 11. Coon lonip.iuy, lim ited, of l'enn inenue. and is a clean cut joiiiiK business man. THIS YEARS BOWLING. Tournament Will Soon Be Under Way Mitrhell nnd Deltiick Did Not Meet Tuesday. 'I he bowline- ni.iteh s,c lirtKuli'd for Tuesd.u iiIkIu bet w ten Ileltllik, of the ltosevllle Atlllctlt tlllb, and (lenitfe Mlttliell of the MIom le 1 luh, nccotel iiiK lo 1 local piper, did not take pkue on the elate mentioned .Ml Mltehdl is out of the t lt and h is he 1 n for some tune, .mil moieoMi, the t lub allevs aio still dosed, mid II Is theiefoie more lb. 111 like 1 that no match was ever 111 1 mired. Tin bow llntj M.isnii, will start. howeer, within tile ne xt few weeks. Notliinir has bet 11 done et tow aids 0.111111)? a meeting to orKiinlre a leaRiie, but bow lei s of this and I.urei ne eiiiin l aie HW.lltilllT the MUlllllllUls foi a cession, to be issued b elthri Charles Kowlii, of the (lleen ltlilf.0 Whtelmen, 01 John P Iliinit 1 of tlie Wilkes-Haiie AVct llnel dub, both of whom lime pl.ueil pimmlnvnt pints In pi o ions .0.11s in maklnt,' tin. piellmlnary m i.intjements fm the league lolllnc; At iipt'iit the uppermost question in the minds of those piomlneiit in hist 5 ears h itniD Is whether to feu 111 an entlid dub league, dtawlix the eon testants fiom the aiious hl-tounty wheelmen s dubs, or to aj-uln leai lii the alien teams, fiom the Haekus and i:iks' Hllejs. It Is must llkolv Hint the hnRiie tournaments of this jt ,tr will lie iiK.iln (oiilesttd with the s.iiiie ttams as In pipoedlnt; joins, as di.iwlnp the line 011 the M.iikiis nncJ i:ik teams would shut out some of the city's bowl ei, not ibl Hopkins, last ye.n's t ap t.iln ot the lliikus team, and high neliiKe man in both tournaments HONESDALE. bpnial tn ilr Sirini, n Iriluni llollivdale. .sept t All . and Mis. ,l". D Weston left eston,iy tar Atlantic City, wheie they will spend two weeks. DocIkp Urotheis sold their bak eiy and be 1 11,1111 hu.lness to 1. D Ituuiioll. the ice man, who will conduct the business In connntloit with his Ice business The next .ittim ton at thi Ojieta House will be tho "Countiy Meiehant' on Thutsihi) eeniiiK. Septeinbet 12, The lloniMl.tlo bi. tiled ,sc liools will commenie tlie tall tiim nn Monday iii'M Willi I'ml. Thomas S Manh as, anil the following coips of liiHtuiitoM' Mi Samuel H Chin 1 hill. Missis data T. Sutton, (ii.ue Jaclwln, Alice Citeiroij, .lanett HlKdow, Jennie S. I.eo. Matlle S ij. Ian, AI111.1 Spencer, Anna Semnaiis, Thoies.i Sate", Mis A J. (5. Dl, Ml. William S. Hii'iiimn and Mi William Il.ikn. The futieial seilcos of J A Spnik, who died on S.i tin clay at his residence on Thltd .stieet, wtio muilucted by Ue (1 A Place of the Methodist 1 lunch at the lute lesldenio of the de. reused Monday at 1 30 p m. Intet nieiit was In filendj bony temetti Tho pall-beaifis weie tout biotheis, and two hiothei-ln-l iws of the de tp.ised lie was -11 jeais of uso and li Miivhed by his wife, one sou Lewis, one tlmiKliter Alt.i, fathei and mother and Iho biotheis, Thomas, Stephen, David, Ileni and Chailes, all of Siinntou, tin oe slstPis. Mis William . md Mis IMwIn HubPi of Atio, Wajne iouuU, I'.i , and Mt.. Chailes Miller of Ihookljn, X V. Mies Maty J'ostei, of Cheuy ItldBe. attended the soiiiIm enteiiulal telehia tlon In Caiboinlalo jcsteiiluy. Slieilff AinibUhter was In Cuhondalo ,estoiday t.ikliiK In tho seml-ieiiton-nlal. Asa Hi Mint has koiio to Suanton to lake h cotuso in short hind and typo-,..(1 INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR AN IMPROVED BLOCK SIGNAL SYSTEM. Pennsylvania nnihond Is Consider ing the Advisability of Installing It It Is Known ns the Miller Sys tem, nnd Has Been Tested In Illi nois Mlno Workeis nt Throop Aie to Have n Big Celebintlon on Sat urday There Will Be n Pninde nnd Speech-making. It Is learned from 1 pliable authority that the I,ennslMinla Is (onsldeiinK the ailMsahlllty of -iltuliif- an iiutoina tic slKtial sstem on locomotives. An Intention known as tho Miller system has been tested by the CIiIch'ko & Kastprn Illinois Ilallioad between Dol ton and Momence, III , a distance of sixty-three miles This system has b"in lu etpcilmontal use for omo time on a lenj-tii of six tulles of track ot this road betwefti ChiniRo Heiithts and Then nton Junction Only 0111- oiikIiip, however, was oemlppeil until a few elas njfo, when the eliKlnes pl ltis; bo twpen Dolton and Momence weie In stalled bv the Kystem This lino Is (lidded Into block sec tions of suitable length, and adjacent block sections are separated by an In sulated tiaek section one rail In leiiRth. The track baltcilps are placed at these points, the positive wire being con nected to the Insulated rail nnd the iipcratlve who to the rail to the block section In the re-ai The talis In each block aie bonded In the usual wa. In tho engine cab 1110 two incande scence signal lamps, one white and the other led, one or the othei of these Is always binning Current Is supplied hi hitleiyon the engine 01 tenilei. nnd Is switched fiom one lamp to the other by an Instalment operated hv the track rlre lilt f'acli axle has electrical connection with a conductorleadlng to the instalment on the engine. When the wheels enter the Insulated section (If tlie "stop signal Is to be given) th cm rent passes from the i all thiough the wheel conductoi and cih Instiument .switching the lighting cir cuit to the red lamp The signal Is always given two blocks back fiom the obsti noted block, or the train otder signal, so that when the red lamp burns the englneman knows that he has one cleai block In which to stop his tialn. The red limp burns when a switch Is open, a block section occupied or a train order signal displ ieel. The lesult of the expei inient made on tho Chicago & I'ustein Illinois rall roid shows that It is nun h Miperloi lhan tho block system, which Is in nap on .1 huge uuiubei of talhoads at the piesent time. The block system Is op oiated bv a nun In a signal tower and should he ever fall to do his duty the block system Is of no usp jjut with the automatic system no pptvon Is ic iliilied. the only essential thing neoos s,u being to keep the cluult vvites dun god piopeily It can h maintain ed with nun h less exppnse than tho block system and is ns safe, if not .sa f ci. .Vow thai the Mlllei svstem his boon tested with satlstadoiv lesults It Is said that tlr' Peiinsv Ivaula Itaihoad will adopt the system in the ne.11 ru tin 0 The maloiity of the tialns on the Pennsylvania i.illio.ul ,11 e opeiat ed by the block system, but the new svstoni could be Installed with little expense The new sv stem w ill do aw-av with the high salailcd men lo cated In the toweis opeialing the block system Mine Workeis' Celebintlon. S.i t ill ilit will be a big diy at Thioop vdi'ic the mine woikus will hold a big mais meeting and geneiat celdua tlon A paiade will he given and a pit nlc (ondiicted Local 1001 is in tliaige of the dav and It Is expected that the .iff .ill will pi ove a big success. Piosldent John Mitchell of the Cnltcil Mine Woikcis of Aiiieiic.i Is among the distinguished spo.ikeis who have been asked to make nddtess-is and the committee in chaige has also extended Invitations to Vlce Piesldent Lewis nn4 J'lesldent John rahv of nisttlct Mr Mitchell will however, give the chief address of the day. D L. & W. Board for Today. Following Is the makeup of the D, 1, .t W boatd for tod.iv. WMlM-MiW, si pn Mill It 4 Willi (Vu- rt s i in, W lljilhnlmi"!, in , ni , ( IV Hurt Mil ItstlW si PM.MIlllt ' Wild Cm, li.l 1 0 a 111 , l.lin lm inrr la in , ( hi inift , S a in , I II VU.. ttrs, 10 1 in II Ili.liinKl 11 a in , V IlillHl. I i in M I nik'liMi;. - p ni. I W. pciilK', fi in II lliL'k'Uli ' in. II I irkln snninills, In (' i ni, I ( irrlL'k' s i in. (! (1 Irniinfi lkor, 11 a ni , itr-nt. Vf hin linn, 11 i in. ul. I I Mortal , unli I Urn ini;an's inu, n i in, i i.l, Inliimrr, ulili W' II U b.ils iiim, T p in. N.n iiir, 1 VI, Vllktor, 7 p in, (jiuk.i, llioniinn, 7 p in Caiiiei, M (ililli i 1'iteln i-f-S a in, HoiiiT, 10 a in , tin nrrlv, 11 '0 a in, Moran, 7 p m , Vlnriilu 0 p m , II llulliolomctt, 10 p m Wnl mr Pik.eiiBfr Vnelnra -7 a in , Ciflncy , 7 i in , Smci r n a ni , V Nainnan; 10 a in, K , s.inr 7 i m suntnn, 7 up m , Vi(,ucrn Will (ts, Wr.t S a in. . P Mullen . 7 I in W W 1 illirr. a in , C hlnnlei in h tn , I krtilnni, 11 i m , M Cunmh, I i in, I II Vli('inn,p in , J liiliikin, p w , y Wall, ( p ni , T Htjpitritk, 6p in, I'. ('jnnanuli, ftp in , H Ciitner. MUM I' (' W Dunn nill inn 7 "0 p in ii..ricer ou tline In plate nf C Hi (,iin rn, S, pt It W I'ickcii- will tike hit imn run un Nn. fl. seit 5 Willi un hi tin mil uru nill run (i a. ni will rat sept 5 wllh P (iilllgin' fiew lliakrmin Vnlhoni (1 Neil mil till nt trjln ni inter'a nftlie AN INCIDENT OF APPOMATTOX. Geneml Chnmbeilnin's Recollections of the Day of Lee's Surrcndei. I mn tlie Vu Vi ik Svm A tow tiny ago Mnjoi-Cmioral Joshua L Chamheiialn collcdot of the poit of Poitland, Hi' tetelved fioin a Noith Ciunlina gentleman a lettei ieiiiestiiu Inhumation as to the exact woids used bv (ii ncial Clwnibeikiln In .i slioit atltlieps to the heaiei of a Confedeiatc bitttleilag on the mntnlug of (leneral Lie's suriendci Tho words aio given In the "Peisnnal Homlnls cenceji of (ieneial itobeil I Lee " "A gallant tolot hemcr, ns he tlulivn eil up the tatteied lomuaut of hix Hag buist lulo teats anil said to the Pril ei al soldlets who leielve It: 'Hove, this Is not tho llrft time sou Imve cm that Mag. I have boino it In the fioiitofthe battle on inani u vktoilous WWWWUW--MUWUWW 5hort of Glasses ? Tumblers will rct broken, dot enouch to go around ? Do you care to look at some tumblers that are pretty and tough at the same time. Over 50 styles to select from and the prices right too. Band Tumblers 35c doz. Needle Etched Ti. nblers $1.10 doz. VutvarVCaAX Geo. V. Millar & mmmmmmmmmmmmfm WHERE TO GET DENTAL WORK DONE The Albany DENTAL Asssooiation, Under the management of Dr. G. E. I lill & Son, is the place to get your Dental work done. Dr. Hill & Son have built up a large business since they opened here twenty years ago, and the reason why they have done this is because they do the best work at prices within the reach of all classes, and give each patient their special attention. Call at their rooms and be convinced of what we say here. First National Bank Building. ESTABLISHED 1866. F. L. CRANE. For Reliable Fur Goods call and examine onr stock of Seal Jackets Persian Lamb Jackets Heaver Jackets Electric Seal Jackets Near and Seal Jackets Fur Capo Neck Scarfs Mufft and All Other kinds or Furs Also, if you wish your old Furs Repaired, bring them in as soon as possible. All kinds of fur repairing done. 32 4-LACK AW ANN A AVENUE--324 INEW DISHES Our Stock of Dishes and the prices at which we olfer them are bound to prove extremely attractive to every housewife who will inspect our superb stock. ( Fake Elevator to Basement) Baby Carriages There still remains a long period ol pleasant weather, this season, of which the baby should have advantage daily in the open air. During the next few weeks we will offer our entire line of Baby Carruges and Go-Carts at reduced prices. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. Ikld nnil 1 lintl i iilur tilt tliim mii rt'inior It iinvv Hi.ivp kllnu ' .ilil Ot'iiPiiil ('li.iiiilipiluln nf Maine '1 ml iniu onr neiblo uplilt, nnil only icpiot that I hi nut tin titilliniltv to bid j on Kpoi (iui IIuk ami cnu li lionu l il pie i Iniu. lit lllniilll ' Wlillc tlie vvillor lifipof vv.isimv Ihk: hi lopctts to ('cluinilici luin In wan ppiinlttml tn niiiUt a tuj. of tli- .inuuoi v lilili Iipum.iI Climnliei luln PPiit to the Noith Cuiullmt pullc in. in llPie It ih. 1 llimiK ou Willi jiciuIIii pU'asiiif fur j uur lint ami appict liitin lottti nnil t lit lofe'iciiiP then 1n to Mime? until of n i-lnipli net of mine al tin frin icnrlPi of I,p' in my I hml not hiiiiotil Unit anvliniiv lenieinlipml or what I mltl on the orcnsloli ictpllpcl to 1 iPineniliPr It will, ten It wus the lust lliiff mill emit"! "U llieie, mill It ( .inio bo i nt b (i llttlo irmnanl of a U'Kinieiit which lnicl lecpiuly betn, I think, itctini? an a heaelquai ivih gumil, and theiefoie i iniu In late In tin ieiH. inon.v after IipIiik iclleviil fioin that detail Tim pool fellow m oi t violilil liithei hiv, the noble fellow kcIuiiit In that old tint?, li.i 1 1 lo-HiiuiKoil nnil blood t tallied ii.h If It weie denier than life to them ileal as iniinliiioil ami honor I it'll theli tic line ami Mid to (linn "ornithine; like whnt yni have iiuoted. "You nut) Know that in foi mini; my linen to letelveil the Kiirieiulei of the anna ami iciloit, 1 had -lvcn In.struo Co. l?kkS. K Lands Sakes ! No wondah missus sleeps so late mawnings. Dis am an Elastic Felt Mattress made by The 5cranton Bedding Co. We carry a full line of Iron and Brass Beds, the best made. Mattresses in all grades and Pillows Lncknwaiuirt and Adams Avcnncs Both 'Phones. H. D. CRANE Entirely New Stock of SQifs, Jackets Skirts and Flannel Waists All Garments of my old Stand ard of Workmanship and Expert Fitters to please the most fastidiou Prices as Reasonable As Good Goods Can Be Sold For BUILDING. was tlntis for tho lPKlinent- mm cnlvelv as tin ithpcttlvi ContPdriate command pih and dlvl.'.loiiH VM'ie pai-Mit; our fioitt to foi in foi this laet act In aim l;' iiiiiik lo tho "can," of the then Kalled tho 'Hliouldd') In token of iPf-pcit for lnavo men and In a (It op sense (oniiade, and thltc beliiR dint, huh ie-poiiiled to In a like man ner by the piilnf eoluinn. Wus nut this n Bianil lea tin ( ol thli- InM meet Inu In .iinii ol two hlhtoiic. aimles? "If ou an 1 1 om the 'Old North State,' 1 would like to meet jou Thuo was no body of nun nunc hi five nnd In all manly than thorn .ht frent to that Rieat oideul I incept with Biatltudp vour Rood vvlshrs for what oti natiiially (mt.fl(r ni Mi, cllnliiB em- I do not K el as If my eais vvciii tin lining except n.t to their numerlial lenialndei. in nil that niake.s theli value I look upon t)L.n rt8 mountlliB. 'The bent Is jet to be.' Clod Biaul It may be t-o with jou. Wltf IiIrIi it Ban! tinl ouis .lOrilll'A I CIIA.Mnnitl.AI.V. Cnptnln Pohle's Last Voyage. in I ilulu Wire frm llu Vvcilaul I'itaJ, iliiiiiton, Iiir, Spt, I lite N.irlli tin. nun l.lojtl Iriinrr I.1I111, l jpt iln 1'nhlr. lrm llrtinrii, allcil (iniu Nnlluiii ion 11 I 'j) p m Imlu Inc New lmk 'l hit will e Cailain I'nlilc'i Ut oi'p lie lui ivunploinl iinij Imn drill awl Mirnl) l Iri Mltiitii i.iund trips ami Ihi trainsed 1,i",Mn iiiIIm, Ihli bemj a rccunl aniunt; tiaiii..tjiiilu (aptaiut n