' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1901. its rj ,J ijs... tyfi FOUR BIDS FOR SEWERS OIRECTOR ROCHE GOT A PRISE YESTERDAY-. SUR- Sewer Contractors Seem to Be Not Over Anxious to Do Work for City The Dliector Thinks Thnt the Careless Methods of Collecting Sower Assessments Which Hnvo Prevailed In the Past Aie Respon sible, nnd Suggests Some Reme dies for the Trouble. IlK-nnlpr f'uiiiirll ami Dliritor nf T'tihllc WoiKh Itni-he wctp xety much cilrprlJpil .M'Htcrday iiftcinoon. when 'hey opened lililn for a number of few- i., tn Hnil that in two instnnccM tlte'tr vwm im hidden at all. and that In tin lntancf miih thru- mnrt' than one bid fur n few pi. 'Tills It rri'tnlnly nstnnlsliliiK." said Mi. Kiu'lie tn a Trihiiiip man. "1 hnrdly know how to nu'ount for it. 1 do not lmllove that the Mnvor rnntiurtoi have an tindrtstiinilliiK with otic another, mi its to tdittt off competition, and the only teuton I ran advance for their fallitie to hlit dlhallfactlon at the way In which the city has been pay lttK them In the past "Tlieio i.i no (itteMtlon lint that the ln methods which have luev.illul in the city solicitor' olllcc In past Mats an- latgely lokiionslhle for the lallute of a l,u ee nittnher of piopeity Illin ois to pay thelt sewer af-M-'uinentM ptomptly. They hae been rIxoii pei mlfislon In the past to put off the pay ment of their ."ewer a(-esMnents time nnd again, until finally the time limit would I'Xplie befoie the lien rotild be lenewed. "Thoe ptoieit mv title, leJolclliR at their Komi IiicU Inm- iiiil-c-d the news mound, and It N my belief that they have Micceedcil in a I.iirc numhet of Inctances In detetilni; other people fiom paylnu- up. In Icullnp them Into 'he belief that they, too. mlRht get out without paying anything. rnxTisAi-Tons ki:pt waiting. 'The tcMtlt of tliN tr.ui "fiction has )i"Pt, that sewer conti.utoi.s hae been Uppt waiting for years for money Just ly due them, and In many Instatu s haw been fort ed to lose large sums. My olllte Is continually bombauled with complaints ftom contractois who have beconit heat t-nnto and weaty of doing woik tor the city "Thcie are a number of ways in wlili li this tonditlon of atfalis can be iinprowil. One of these li.n been put into lotee of bite. The present city Mjlidtor, attitig under liihtiui'tloiis ftom the tet order's talilnet. It doing tilt" lift m his pimer to use vxtin oiillnaiy dlllgente in the tolectlon of s?wcr assessments and this action on his part may pioiluce results. "In some cities when- the piopeity mwici pay pan of the cost of t on sti lifting sewers, the plan has been adopted of collecting all. or nearly all of the money, befoie entciing into a contract. This is a. wry good method, but it tals lime and a ileal of pre llmtnaiy xviiik. Then again, the entlie tost of roiiHtrilctln? sewer.-, can be pild dliectly by the city from tais levied dliectly upon the cltUeur. at laige. This Is the method in use in the very large mnjnili of th Impor tant cities of this cotintrj, and I'm be. clni'ins to believe that It's the only 1'inpi I ,i after all "Rumembei that I'm not sayng pos sitlely that the lack of bids is due tp past caiele.svness on the part of the i Ity In toilet ting sewer assessments. That's only my Individual guess, but I'm Inclined to think it's a conecl one." u.MUiOAD au.ky si:vi:i:. The most Important sewer for whkh 'ids wete yesterd.iy lecelwd is the Cuilroad alley sewer, which Is planned to rellcw the big main sewer on 1 ackaw-anua uwnue. The only bidder tu' this sewer was Thomas V. CI. union, f Jackson stieel, xxhu-r bid was $3.7," per lineal foot. The other bids xveie as loliows: Km Section A sewer. Soventeenth f evict illstilet. i:ieenth waul: Kkkus iv 1'aitildge, $l.T'i per lineal foot, with stoin toM'ieil basins, $1.77 per lineal toot with Pierce lasting loxeretl li.i nn, and 3" tents pi r foot for extia house toiiliecllons. I'nr Section II sewer. Sexenteenth f.?wt-r district, Klcvttith waul. Klckus S. I'uidblge, $l.i!I per lineal foot, with cmeied basins: $Vi per lineal Uoi with I'caice casting coeied ba sins, and :i,i tents per lineal foot for i Mia house connections. 1"ir a latetal sewer on Aldei stieet, liti.ecn Plttstou avenue and Uosen loan, i:ievcuth until' A. II t'oons, 5'1 Si ei lineal foot wlih stone coveied basins. 30 rents pei toot tor c::tra l'.ouse tonuectiiin. A bid was nNn lecelvecl fiom IVi.t Sll)ip for paving West .Market stieel, between the l.ai knuanna liver and X'litli Main avenue, with stone blink, ami for putting in nulling. He of lets to lay the pave lor ' pei sitiaie yuir!, straight i tit ! to be US i ems per foot and cliculai (tub, $.n per foul. Thcic wetp no bids iceelvcd for the coiisttuetloii of Section I' sew el, Sev t'lucfiith district, nor for t he sewer or, ! tlntiK of Wyoming avenue and Ai'll street. The contiacts will lie ni.i.rded oday to the blddeis for the other woik . after computation, it Is fo.ird ih.it their bids aie within the ' it V V V a If V K b" tt V St X H H X X H X X .H ., X X X Bonds and Investment Securities X X X tt Breidwiy, N. Y. Wilkei-rtirre. ) Crbondle. I t-i Commonweilth Md'jr, Scrinton, rt. X X I U totttafctoM)fctatataMiiit M BEAI.KHS IN estimates prepared Phillips. by City Engineer MEN BITTEN BY DOGS. Two Cases Were Yesteiday Treated at Lackawanna Hospital. Mat tin Hoseiiberg was ircelved at the I.twkiiixtiiimi hospital ycslr-lday. suf fering from a painful bite In the wrist, lie H n peddler by occupation, and claimed that while making his rounds, a dog followed him ami, after snaillng fiercely, nttackrd him. Weighed down b his heavy pack, he wan tumble to defend himself and the animal lilt him In the wrist, laeetatlng the llesh. The wound wni cautcilzed at the hospital, and no scilous effects ale anticipated. Itnenbetg was the second man tn re ceive it eminent during the day for the panic complaint, as shortly befoie his nitty a mini had been attended to who said he was bitten by a dog. lie did not give his name at the ho-spltal. The wound was but a slight one, In the fleshy part of the aim. POOL TOURNAMENT. Reptesentatlvcs of Green Ridgo Wheelmen and Scranton Bicycle Club Are to Contest. A peol tournament has been ar ranged between the Scianton Hleycle i lab and Ureen Ridge wheelmen, and I he Hist matches should be plajed at an tally date. The tournament was e.spcitcd to open about September 1. but so far none of the games haw taken place. The tournament will be contested w'ih four men on a side, each to make ma hundred points for his game. Matt lies villi be played .tw Ice a week, on Monday and Tuesday nights. Two of the bicycle club playeis will on these nights go to Oteen llldgo to shoot on the wheelmen's tables and a pah of the (been P.ldge men will i ome down to the bicycle club house and contest with the experts bete. The bicycle club will be represented In the tournament by a quintette of spli tnl il players. John W. Dtisenbury, one ol the llnest bllllaid and pool play eis In the city, Is one of the club's (lampions and the others aie Joslab Imlllelil, (leotge Mitchell and K. V.. Pi .oi. The last named was the win i'i. (f the club toutnamrnt whkh vvns ixiiitly dosed. Smith (iorman came In second In that contest A. A. VOSBURG'S COMMISSION. Has Been Taken to Atlantic City for Governor Stone's Signntme. Kotmer City SolU Itor A. A. Yoghurt tecelved a telephone message fiom Ieptity Attorney (icncinl Klelt7. yes terday afternoon announcing that his I'ommlssion as Judge of the newly ciealed orphan's (ourt of this county was taken to Atlantic City vcstciday by (Sin eriior Stone's private secretary. The governor Is summering at At lantic city and as soon as he signs the commission It will be sent bote by a speelal nicsmger, who Is ex peeled to ai i Ive some time today. An Associated Pi ess dispatch sent out from Ilairlsburg last night announced that the commission had been issued. APPEAL TO SUPERIOR COURT. Taken In Case of Lewin Against the Paul! Estate, In the case of Charles Leivn against the Paull estate an appeal was yester day taken to the Superior com t by At tn! ue.v's I. 11. Hums and C. 13. Daniels. WhiMi the i.ifc was tiled here a ver dict for $1,300 was leturued In favor ol Lew In who claims he was serious ly Injuied by falling down the stabs of a building on I.atkawanna avenue owned by the raull estate. He con tended that thi' htalrw ay was defec liv... Judge I'aipenler on midsummer day In i .mi t banded down an opinion re luslng a new tiUl The case will now go to the Supeiior court for loviuw. CITY NOTES. llll I.F IJWCir. ( I 01 11 I iriiltnint (iitir .liiiuiiiiiirs Mill ihr "flo I mse will tie ik'tcd all altoiiioim IiuIji. ni'ii.s tin ioM'i:nr iiwipiki' iiin.i iii Kile a iniii"il at tlio lliijclo rluli t.ilnl I'tiitiv niulit Hem s "' l"il- nillDI'tt llCI'XH'.rii -'luftK on nw l.p rp. Mimri) evi'i Ilic liidn Itiilue 1 1 re t Wlitec, .i In I'li.krn ullilil ln Li n lepjireil. tiiiw'iio.N xcknowi.i.pckh n.o u.Ka lima Ini-plMl itlaiimliilco tin" li'iclpl uf l"l ,'i.', ilin.itiil In tin ttniliw nf M,irlitoin tnlllii.t nl tlio Muciili Mount nti Coal tmnpiny. IVsprcil II lllllllfiK -tMiintt ( fiiiiiiiKdnnru liilin IVnitini ami .Inhn .1. Union uiii' in l'i II l"n-liii tiKli'iilar, wliirr tint lii-putnl a nrw i. .in ,ir. h InliU'i' ii'tintlt Imill tin ic .t milu 111 till llllllll)llllHIK. llll'Xlll' I I.I II MIN-I Iti:i. SHOW -llitip U iiiiiliralii talk if n niln-lr.! ho in lip ulv it la ilu m nilirrs of the s-r.iiitnii Ilii'jili' rluli, ami ii ti iiitiriniiiinriit nf tint ott It a h)..1iIIi(v l.f tin 111 II fllllllt I'l.VVr ((iVtPl.l'.H'.li. Hip Onll lum I'mnare ti-iiiiuiit ill still t It' Irmilly tniiiptrliil phut at llut.M,in I in t.unnrri.tt. Tlit tomriii inoiii (h liiii-s (iinij.c ami Iiiiiim1 ijnsi'3 ami rniplujs .ilu. ui mil. liuniliul lunift III! UIIX'llllNs fOVIXIMTCi: MKT-- lorillng nf tl oiiiniliirr In iliarse nl the iKcnr.ill.i" i.i tin. ii.iitiniiun ef l!i.ul)u.iii i IhIk, linh i In lip IipIiI lii-rp, ujj hrlil rli-riht' ,ifprnn"n in tlio nlfloo of tlii eliairiniii, lliplaln 11. It. .Xtliirimi. llX'li: is sppp. - hi- .late nf ttiP fiittiltPiitli iPiitilmi ol Hip l'lfiv-Miiii iprliiirnt, Ppii,i1. mil Xdliniti-cr Itiliiitit, it Tnnkh3iiiiol n Spt. K. i tta Jlitul In tlio liorlt of thp an. ti-.i i im . tm nt In tpii.iiat'it U.ui., ui. nor sP,t !!l. a w.i prroriPiiii.il mmr.l p, tir, ,raOliii.. iNirnr.ii m xsr-riiomu s.,1,1, f,i iim- rii.irr. 1 inliiPf In one ol tlio llrip mini.. In tlin liniiuish, .i luilli' nil alioiit Hip (aip .linitlv nllpr nnnii rtcrt1a In tin- fljlmr fumniMils nf Hid, all 1 r 1 III. il Ho tt 14 'rpinoinl Id tho I nkiH.iniil lin.nllil, wlioro hit injiirlii Hrro ilo. rhrpil lint Pildnt II NHIXI, 01' PXI'l. Kl.l.lA - l. fun.ral .( I'nil. Hip infant nn i( Sir ini XI r Tlmtiiat Ki lb. J4 IipIiI o.-trnl n trnin I he (.inillv I, M, flip dm 1 1 nflpilns ttprp niniiPiiiiH aiul lu,iiiil(.il. Hie pill In-iiin urrp: .liinpt .InnJin, I'rjnk Wiinlw, I Iim Iip, .lamp lln.inx, Crmcr llumr and li-ronip llrnw n. lnipunpnt u.n mnli in the Cuhi'ilial tPiiiPti'iy. Wyoming Seminary. A large and well eipilpped bo.irdlng ti hool. Kvery modern cniivonieucp 'ertllltates accepted by nil colleges re celvlng students on certllleate. lairgo departments of music, art and oratory, JltifliieHr totiise for students who dn lint wish to prppaie for college, $300 a yar Year opens .September 11. Fur (MtrogiiP add) ess ' L. 1.. ripragueT'D. D , ICJngston, Pa. MENTION OF MENOF HOUR FRANK L. PHILLIPS' POSITION IN BANKING WORLD. Will Soon Becomo nn Officer of the Tltlo Guaranty and Trust Com pany Joseph D. Evans, One of the New Common Councilman from the Second Ward George H. Gothler, nnd the Part Ho Played In Bilnglng the Federation Con vention to This City. Ft .ink L. rhllllpa, xxho has been chosen ttoastlter and third vice tnc.sl dent of the Title Gun unity and Trust conipany, will take up the duties of his Important positions well equipped for the work. For years he lias been an tit the figure In tho local banking wot Id and under his guidance the Trillins' National bank has grown and prospered marvelotlsly. Mr. Phillips was not (iintent to he merely n bankei. He Is also a lawyer. Devoting his spine tltnu to a mastery of the Intri cacies of the law. he passed the exam ining board In billllant style and was admitted to the bar sonic time ago. His knowledge of the law will ptove of gieat advantage to him in the wotk that will evolve upon him after Octo ber 1, when he will assume his new duties with the trust company. Mr. Phillips xx 118 bin 11 In West Scranton and has been In the banking business ever slnte he left school. He Is still a very young man for one xvho has made such a place In the banking wot Id of Scianton, and even gt eater things may be expected fiom him in the fittuie "A Uemoctat, did you say'.' Come off, now. You can't make me believe that there's a Denioeiat named Kvans In this city. It Is said on good authoilty. you know, that theie aie only two JX'elsh Democtats In rhe county and tliey'io both of the same name and both holding olllcc, the superintendent of m hools and the controller." These t ema! ks. weie made at lii't Thtucday night's fit st meeting of the cnlaiged common council and the poison under discussion was Joseph I). Cvans, the new (iiuiicllman ftom the Sitond waul. "Hut 1 tell you that lie's a Ileum erat. but he Isn't Welsh. He's It Mi," leplled the ft lend of the Intetested t.pt-1'latoi. xvheieat a look of even gteater Ineiedullty ovoispiead the cotttitenanto of the latter. Tho ft lend was light, however. The new councllmaii name Is Kvans and Minnge as It may seem, he's of Irish descent. Ilu Is letognlzed as one of North Stranton's leading businessmen, having been engaged In the plumbing business fur a nunVicr of ycats, and Is evoi.vwheie known as a wlde-awuke and hustling young man. lie has quite a icptttntlon as an nmateui at tot, and It Is expected that he will betome one of the oiatoi.s of eottni lis It Is but titling that the man tide gated by the Central Labor union dele gates to have chaige of the ainauge ment.s for the convention of the Ameri can Federation of Labor, whlth Is to nic't heie In December, and tor the en tertainment of the guests, Is (leotge II. itothlcr, of the clgaimakeis, secretary of the Centia! Labor union. It was due to Gothler that the city .secured this great convention, and he is now working as Industriously to make the affair a success as he did to bring the delegates to the opinion that Serattton was the most desirable plate toi a i (invention of till the cities propos d. Mr. Gothler was the delegate to the last convention of the Aiueilcau Fedet iitlun of Labor nnd when he left hoie was instructed to work tootli and nail to secuio .Scranton the next session. There xvas brisk competition for the honor and the local tepiesentatlve en countered .1 good deal of opposition trotn an unexpected source, namely, the caipentera' delegates ptesent who bad attended the convention of their craft held hut a short while previously 'ti this city and xvho said this xvas ,1 hamlet unsulted by uatute and every thing else for the purlins s of a big convention. Gothler aigued and plead so persuasively, however, that when the last Jlval orator had fired his final shot and the question bad been ballot ed upon, Scranton xvas found to be tho place uf r.'Ol'u convention. lilsbop Slinnuhan. of the Ilnrrlsbuig diocese, who occasionally visits Itlshop Hoban here, and xxho has many filends In Scranton. In the second of his fam ily to be elevated to the blshopik. Ills older brother, the late l!llnip Timothy Shanahan, xvas the first bishop of the Hairlshmg dlneca.. When the Dlo icses of Haiilsbuig and Scianton xveie 1 .lived out of the Anhdlocese of Phila delphia, Hlshop Shanahan ami liMiop O'Htun vvete appointed the bends of the lespeetlve sectt. lilshnp O'Hnia out lived liishop .Shanahnn nnd tame within a few eats of outliving his sin cessor, liishop MtGovern. The liishops Shannhan xieie nativts of Susquehanna, but weie both at tached to the. Archdiocese of Philadel phia. The ptesent Mlshop Shanahan xx iim a priest In Philadelphia when elo xated to the llarilshuig episcopate, lie Is a man of gieat breadth of lutelhit and lemaikable cciutvi. nhllitv, and bids fair to win fur himself an envi able place In (huuhdom, as did bis HltistilouH hi other. DIED FROM HIS INJURIES. Andiexv Pnrift Expired at tho Lackawanna Hospital. Andrexv Parra, of Peckvllle, a miner, employed at tho St'ertlck Cteek collleiy nf the Temple Coal and lion company, died at the Lackawanna hospital jes tet day of Injuiles received seveial days ago. while nt wotk. In lifting a henxy piece of rock, Parta sustained a itipture. He leielved at tendance at his home from a local pliifdi lap. and It was finally dec Ided to take him to the hospital. He was In ought down on the ft :'.' Delawaie and Hudson ttaln. and died shortly after bi-liiK admitted to the hospital. He vxiih 30 yeatfl of age and unmar 1 leil The remains will be removed to l'cckvlllt. The Pan-American Will pntpruln von null mranup thlnci Hut ivhrn tour ilnM liu. Ipatnxl In p'1.1 the punn Pi tho mplhnd.4 nf tho I 0. si'.itx vrnm imi nity le rntrrtalnril al hump Yrar ppeni Spt 7th ism on. J Xlficil 1'Uiniiif ton, Uircetor. MARINK RECRUITING OFFICE. Has Been Opened in tho Raub Build ing, on Wyoming Avenue. On Thursday a recruiting onice for the Fnlteil States niarlnew will bo opened In the Hattb building at 131 Wjoiulng avenue, and will bo In chatgo of Captain .lames K. Mahoney, the loinmiuider of this dlsttlct. AppllcantH for enlistment imift lie iltl.cn.s of the t'nlted Statey, or those ix hn have legally declared their In tention of beiomlng such. L'I and not nxei !!."i ralH of age, 5 feet 4 Inches and not over fi feetvl Inch In height, pei fectly sound, and of good development; uiimatrled, of good chatarter, nnd not addict 'd tn the use of lliiiot, nnd able to lead and wilte Ibigllsh. 'Che pay of mailneH h from $l:l tn $43 tier month, aciordlng to tank of ser vice: clothing, rations, quartern nnd medical attendance furnished, In ad dition, by the government. Marines who have becomo Infirm after twenty Kins' service, or xvho hnxe been dhlchatged for wounds re ceived or sickness brought on In the service, me entitled to tho benelltsi of tho ('tilted States Naval Home at Philadelphia, Pa., or a pension amount ing to one-half the pay of rank at time of discharge. After thirty years' set vice they may he retired ftom ac tive serxbe xvltb tlueo-fourths of full pay and allowances at date of letltc menf. The tet m of service Is for font years, two of xvhlih aie supposed to be served on hoaid seagoing ships of war, or In Cuba. Potto Itlco, Manila or Guam, giving opportunities to visit nil parts of the wot Id, nnd the other two yeats ate served In battacks at the dlffetent mix al stations In the t'nlted States The law pioxldes for the ptomotlon of xiorlhy non-comiiilsslonrd olllcers to second lieutenants. GIRLS DID NOT APPEAR. Lizzie Arlington and Her Bloomer Girls' Ball Team Failed to Play Browns Yesterday. Theie was a game of base ball sched uled for yesteiday afternoon nt Ath letic patk, between the West Side Ibowns nnd the far-famed Llz.le Ar lington anil her Hloumer Oh Is nine, but the match did not take place, t li 1 female ball tossets falling to make an appiaranee. No word was received from them, and the inelilhi'is of the opposing team weie all nt sea as to their wheicabouts. Some of them declared that the team had not even come to th"" city, but othots said that the girls' manager xvas out at the patk and, after gazing at the Miiallm ss of the ciowd and mea greness of the gate receipts decided not to hi Ing his nine onto the gtounds. The Hi owns' management. In order to satisfy those ptesent. however, ar langid 11 game with the Modocs, a in ijorlty of whose members were pres ent, but the match did not occur, as It began to rain heax lly while the IJrnivns wcte piaetlclng. The very mi iiounceni -nt of a ball game seems enough of Into to precipitate a shower ant' theie has not been a full nine in ning gnint played in this city since the ISiotheis' nine, of Pittston. A good game Is promised for Satur day afternoon, when lieatty Williams' team of ox-colk'ge playets will meet Southard's Scranton team. A week from Saturday the postponed game be tween Scranton and Mlnookd will be play eel ofl. A CENTURY'S GLORY. Wonderful Night Scenes nt the Pan American An Electiic Fairyland, (if alt the xi mull ous scenes of scenic pagenntty iver otfeied for public amusement and pleasure, the elcitrical display ovety evening at the Pan American exposition in llttffalo ex ceeds In splendor and beauty anything ever attempted, either In ancient or modet 11 times. Seen fiom the tow eis of Statler'a ho'cl. which ajolns the grounds, the t-lgi t Is one never to be forgotten, and must be seen to be appi eclated, for no language can ever do It justice. Me the bye the Stntler's Hotel re fened to above has become In itself rue of the "sights" of the exposition, for In Its own pattlcular line It stands unrlx ailed as the latgest and most unique hostelry ever planned and lullt. Although only thiee stories high, It contains over 2.100 rooms and can ac tommodate over .".000 guests. Tho din ing room will seat 1,200, and so perfect Is the system and order with xvhlch this glganth Institution Is inn. that large pintles of excursionists, often niiiiibeilng hundieds. uie quickly taken cute nf without as much as a ripple of excitement. Intending visitors to the I'an-Ametl-(,111 should pay no heed to stories told on the trains and elewhere by "inn tis" and otheis about acconituoda t'otts being expensive and dlllieult to gel In liiiffalo. At Statlet's one can get a good, clean, LMiifnt table nioin with tucikfiiHt nnd evening dinner for $.'.00 and $2.50 a day, nnd not only enjoy the uimfoit of being close to the exposition, but save all the expense and fatigue en tailed by going to and from mote lemolc (iiaileis. For those vvho piefer 1.1 t U Im. lid In the hotel, good looms tan bt obtained on the lhuopean plan at $1.0(. to $l.r,o a day, and llrst-clasa mealf may be had at Stntler's, down town restaurant, Clllcott miu.iio, at very moderaie) pi lies. A100SIC. Mlspes Pearl Sniffer and Mae Mai tin of Plains aie the guests or Miss Kthel Tregellas or Main stieel. Mr. I'M u aid Miller has letuined nrter spending a year at the Klondike. Their will be a special choir piatlce ror the M n. choir this evening to piepare ror the Twenthth cenittiy M'llvie next Sunday. liesldes the reg ular choir a number or voices riom Moo.slc Avoca. and I)iuea will take patt In the anthems. Solos ll he lendeied by Miss Dlx or Mnnsle, Mlt-s Cnlvln or Parsons, nnd .Miss Newell of Scranton. Mi. Hatty Ootid returned to Wash Inton, O C., yesterday after spending the pant month xvlth his parents at Greenwood. Mr. Hairy Caryle and sister Miss l'Mna of Scianton spent Sunday xvlth fi lends In town. Miss Lavlua Hus-nud or StioiuMmig Is vistlng her brother Mr. John Uoss aid or South Main street. Fatal Boiler Explosion. (Irprnvlllc, TiMin , N pt. il. X fall linllir rx plnmnn neiurrril at Hj.Wh'i, two iihIm nnrlh nf licrr Mday. Ineliiffr Xlfrpd llarria wji inMint Iv kllb.l! riiirli NVvvlirrry uu fitall.v injurrd, nrt Inhn llulry and John U'ntlrlhrrctr vtpr wriomb Inlnrtil. "I te inuint hail brn opeiat. Ing a thrnliirj tnuhlnt in in open Add. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR OROUND FOR INOERSOLL-SAR-OEANT PLANT. Captain Atherton Has a Plot in Mind and Will Consult with the Officers of tho Company About It Today Fhe Which Has Been Raging In the Jeisey Mine, at Plymouth, Is Believed to Be Un der Control. Captain O. H, Atherton, secretin y of the bon id or trade, will piobably leave today for New York, and there plate berore the nlUeer? or the lngersoll-Sar-geant Drill company the local pioposat for the establishing In this city of that concern's plant. As has been mentioned before In these columns, the conipany Intends tiansferrlng .Its present plant rrom Haslon and Is now receiving bids rrom cities all over tho country xvhlch ate desliotis or securing this great Indus try, which employs between 1,500 and 2(ind hands. The one xtipttl'itlon upon which the Ingersoll-Saigeapt people Insist It that exery proposed site shall be of at least 100 acies Captain Atherton has- se emed an option on 11 piece or land xihleh he says fulfils the icqtilremcnls In every way and, armed with this, he will leave today for New York nnd make a detei mined effotl to land the plant. He will also confer at the metiopollp with otllclals of another large company, vvho are desliotis of locating a factory In this city. It will employ one thou sand opeiatlves and, as tho officers of the company look upon Scranton with 11 favoilng eye, It Is very likely that wo will se-ctite this latter industry. Jeisey Mine Fire. The fire In the Jeisey mine or the Delawaie. Lackawanna and Western Coal company nt Plymouth, which has been 1 aging ror several months, most or which time it has been impossible ror men to enter tho mine, Is now be lieved to be under contiol. Today sev eral or the tlghteis were able to make their way some distance Into the vxoik Ings and leport the outlook ror con fining the lite to one series of xv 01 kings its xery bright. A new method has haved the mine When the light seemed hopeless and the men had been driven by the flames to the .snrfai e. a series or hot air sharts xveto sunk to laige bicasts. xvheie the lite raged, ror the purpose or drawing off tho lntene heat, smoke and the pasts. Tlics-e shafts so relieved the mine that the fighters are now gradu ally nblc to make their way Inside and expect, within a few days, to hnxe the lite under conttol. While they do not expect to be able to put It out, they think they can confine it to a cettaln area, untiil it eats itself out. Wilkes liarre Leader. Arranging the Scale. Master Car Builder ('.infield, of the Lackawanna ralhoad, was in confer ence yesteiday with the general fore men from dlfretent point along the line, artnnging the plcrework scale or wages whlth will eventually become opcraalve in all the Lackawanna car shops. Thoo in attendance weie (leotge Fabei, Cast Buffalo, N Y.: J. C Fiitts, Hoboken, N. J.; It. F. McKen lid. Dover. N. ,1. They weie at com panled by their lespeetlve clerks. The conference xvas held In Mr ('.infield's otllce. and may not be finished for some time to come. m OUR CONCESSION IN CHINA. Mr. Conger Taking Steps to Reclaim the Tlen-Tsin Grant. By ExcliMire Wlr from The AnocUtfd Pre Pekln, Sept. 3. Tho United Stntes ir.'n'ster, Mr. Conger, is taking stops to reclaim the small American con cession at Tlen-Tsin, tbe title to which has practically lapsed of late years because of the government being un organized and a majority of tho Ameri can lesldents being scattered among tlio British and (Sorman concessions Tim American need for the concession 1 rhlelly for military uses, so as to avoid tho experiences of last summer, v '-.on the t'nlted States Army had dlflieulty In getting quarters and dock ing facilities. SMALLPOX DAMAGE SUIT. Dauphin County Court Has n Case That Is Without Parallel. By Kxcliwlte- Wire from rhe Awociated PrM. Harrisbutg, Sept, 3. A suit for $10,. 000 damages was hi ought in the Dau phin county court today by Mr. nnd .Mrs. i:imer C Myei.s of this city, against John Cium, a fanner living near Lluglestnivn. who Is alleged to have taken a smallpox patient to the Myeis homo and in so doing Inotlated the husband and wife and their Tour child) 01 and caused Mrs. Myeis' moth er to becomo insane The patient was Theodore, a brother of Mr. Myers, xvho was employed as a farm hand by Mr. Uium. Attorneys here say theie Is nn case like this on t ecord. WILL SHOOT COLONIALS. Commandant Myburg Also Issues an Edict. lit Kv(lulii. XViro frnin Iho XvuiutrH Prow. Capo Town. Sept. 3. It is reported that Commandant Myburg has Issued an edict dlieetlng that all armed col onials captuted after September 15 ate to bo shot. Captain Wnllls, with a patiol or '.',1 men riom Oudtshonin, was taken In ambush near Melilngspoort. He and two men escaped; thiee otheis weie killed and four wounded; and 1 1 1 -- test who stit rendered and took the oath or neutrality were leleased. Murder to Be Investigated. II." Eiclu.tw Wire from Th AaioclaKd Prn Proinhtvc Sept 3. 'flic nr of the , himi.p r llrliprrx J Moult ..n. now being ntiliia.M here hJtr. Iipen summoned Pfforp the I iilt.il suim toiin hi'ic to evplain the kllllne nt (.roice sin. iWt.lil, llnil xhlpniltt., while I hi r vi I nji nt Xlaunru, Culn. In Inlt Xdimllni: to the n!lon, thi took of the irw-l elmt Siiii'lcmroni ill a quarrel Knights of Columbus. An Important tegular meeting will be held Wednesday owning, Septem ber J to arrange for a iei option to Cardinal Martlnelll. llveiy member lu expected to ho piesmt. Itli'hatd J. Biiurke. Uranrt K night. Dr. D. A. Capivell will return from his vacation and bo In his ofilce Sept. 13 wwwwwwwww Short of Glasses? Tumblers will et broken. Got enough to go around ? Do you care to look at some tumblers that are pretty and tough at the same time. Over 50 styles to select from and the prices right too. Band Tumblers, 35c doz. Needle Etched Tumblers $1. 10 doz. CvmaTVfeA. Geo. V. Millar & mfmfmMftm.mtmmmmmtwt Xv , . . A KiQiiOjOiii tm-Q-O t n ii i B H i Lfl AllJ.iJ 11 MM JArjy)JyJ.f Samter's Shoe Department. For the past five weeks carpenters, decorators and painters have been at work on our new shoe department. Our policy is to have the ucdl at an unties uiat. : uic reason we are opening this 3 new store. Many people have said : i "You have good clothes, J why don t you have good rl-wv P It took time to think it over S 3 and time to find out who were the best shoe makers, J 3 The result of our thinking, we believe, will be the best j ) shoe store, showing quali- $ P ties and styles that will give J Llic wcaici as tinn nc nnr nnnnlnr rpnHv-rn- wear clothes. Some surprises in Fall Shoes will be shown in our 'jtinHnus ahniit Sent. 9th. SamterBros. Complete Outfitters to Men and Boys. vrAAVvrVvNVvrVvv ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. I.l-I of hilirs rrniiliilns inn illrd f"r .it Hi" Mr.llll.Hl po-tnllUI. i.ll klvMllllll l.'lll'l.t, l'i , N.t I, I'nil. 1'irt'n ejlliii fur linn- littir will plia-e. iy .iiliuiifoJ .imi mi1 ilii' "I "a. I17H II llunili', Pm-tiiUftrr. T XI .Viur-i.n. Vi ( W Albir.ir. I'.ur Xnilown. Ililpli M. Aiii'lul'l. 'It'. Mi" ikiii. -ir.ih llnill. I'nil Iliulia. lnrlis ll"(V. IIk") (lore ItilVv, Viinmli ll'llc. Mr. I.in V. Ilirlnn. Mm. lliiniK, Ml K V lluiwn, N. IIiohii, . fturkr. Itklunl llilhiililiii' Kite P iiiipi", Mr XliiK-ird I'liinu. tare f A M. XXjiMiII. ltanlcl CJ'i.t, Mm. M I'. "V, I!. Clarltoii, Xi Kali' CiKlrlln, I'.lnni I om incn Xrtlmr Ilu llnlil. II II. Mill'. Irnnl. flitl. Vn.i lliaihlik, DinlM Huiin, Wlllhui liouil.1, XI l)0lll!ll. Mm. K ririiliin, line t'e.tci, Mis. I I'linn, Lit nl, l'i lilnun. Xti 0 ilbelier, N. H i rll.iey. Hate (,'iile. Mi f! in (Hi. Mil. in II.. Hi. 1. 1. .fiiinli Hull. tuMpli I II. I'l. P.lir.i llnirudlv l-JH'itlll. II M IliiirelJIIil. linouo llnlili.. Xli I llirrln'l..ii. Xli Willi mi llmi mil, M.il 11.11 it llimi-ulMli, I'Ullh llltlllllk. Iim llitliiii..iv. .lollll .Inllf. .Inllll .1 .lonllll I uul Kmliliki, M.111 hlilij. .Inllll he.fi, Inn Kdlj, Xl KoIIiiiucIiIhc, .T tt oli KrluMii.il. .Xlnn ro .1. Kllii". .Mm VI, l.loliniin, Mini l,"C.in. Viiiij VI Lmcrii.t'iiti'i, .Itiui. li mtlikli. Mm. Mjiy V. I. null. Mn r.iu XliiniKiiiiii'it, Mr. Miirui. .lolm Miik, lt.-i. Vld'oinl.. II V. Mcl'all. Mr. (I. Xllllrr, Mr.. VI. MiIi.iiijM. William Moru'in. M, .1 Miiitilit, Mi Ihnuiti Xlnjrr, lainn VlnK, .lnliii I V. Viln, I. .'. Miiri.hi-, Cipulu Milt,:, lUny Xlii7i. Vdtlo A. Merrill. Xll'int lllnci i, V. VllllM Ml. Ihi I I'liuk. X. II I'nlililt M.irL-.ini ll'.l.dti. I'ltriik llliliinh, .Mm I! n .Inw, VMIllain lildl.v. Wlllinl How. I. M Itli.Milm. Inm-i. -1111111. Willi nil -Mill M II. -i hlrlilu, In, (1 -iilllun. liiiirito I' -iiilth, XV. I' MilWr. .lnliii .iiilili, VMIIhiit -rhiilor. I'ltrlik Smlili, l'mlil'iit Tlii'n'Inir -ludor, Vlik, Minnlp fc,ift, MIIIU111 Mm nt, AiIjiii -ilitl'M, Krink (!. bum. Co. "SSSSS. II Lands Sakes ! No xvondah missus sleeps st late mavvnings. Dis am an lilastic Felt Mattress made by The Scranton Bedding Co. We carry a full lino of Iron and Brass Beds, the best made. Mattresses in all grades and Pillows Lncknwnnna nnd Adnms Avenues Both 'Phones. imuvii aauoiav,- f -to- mi. Mis Anp;lr Swirlr Kr.irk t-ilinddtr, T II, Niluulik. (i(inj:i 'lioiiii.ikpi. '. I. liilinnlirr, II. M. lajlur, Mil. Thir-I. Httivnll nl VIih I". X lull Ii, Polrr XVilnin, It, Vrinitrd, I) Il 1 I1I1. 'Ilioiiui Uilli.nn-, llmnm Xaln, .li.lm T. Willi inn Xljru Xiiiin','. II'XI.IW N n ! t l lift (i.i. Nuklin Nitrrpr..lon, Ujm. pmiiin I'liimfii, I'imjiiiIc llodi, Xndlpn Jarz.uii, I .lUBmrn 7r(iliini, Minl.1 -prfilmo, Xcnc'tinfi Ho I'mrii, I'.iirlni loic, i,nndiinl n I ndln, ,-am IViiino, Kr.inu.io ...im, Viitonin I'rtfnal fl ridtn, Xntnn Tons., .-ilnln dl X'ldn, Pr.nioiji.ii ill ll.iiiinilin, lilfl.nli' I'.ihrinio, llaiarrtn I'iu kri,c. MniE'i HI -.11I110. I'.Miilvu Xhtrcmo .11 CiPiiCf., Hill. iu' Hi i.n qua, l(-f.niri Itipiu, V l'.lldirlli. I'lll.lMI. Xllkil NariMiis. .li.i'f lliilkrm.ki, Xli) Fin loii'ili?, I'lotr l.liiklrul.z. loiui lljnn.ut, Kohin Kiiiukl, XX Ir c ntr f.cniul.uki, .Mini l)lnn, Xiiikr.in -iki-irli, IM l.ii.inkl, i'jinina. M.in. mi. , XlntiMi Kiilik.'tM'ki, 'I'. 1 1 i.i- lijrtrttlik, -tjiii'ljiti'iir l,njlt.iii.(il, II l.rij, IVHr IVr tu.kis lnif Vim nth i.vk I, .1. I.eiMnjAliia, .In nn -iikiwnlir, .Ii.p ...Imki In, .iiillan Kr.mlikt, Kailmrr lliiiwIirNki, .lolm DliIn-kl, Charier Mm. liln-l.i, M i lull (lliifki. Ill MIXI1IXN. .lei., pli Ninjiljk, lVd r TiihIj, Ijii Laukit.i, (loi.u Hindi, l'i ink X..ki. Toiiiair (iki, XmlrlrJ O.klciko, Toiin Dankart, Xilk Sirl Ijliijk, jili .liwrki, Frank Knuljlleie, Woj. tltik III nl, I'uiir. Miilatala. I'lon lulita, Adam ,Ukpuli. Tome. I'lwlntrk, Chrlcni XVUdou jiki, .Im Nid'l, Antuii liaxunn.., Iponn llomu, ll.lli.inl lluil, Xntuiii VllnkialU, .Inrrl lnt(uk, K.iliriin liiiulznnk.i, (itniEo l.lriionUii, hinHnr Mjkiil. . I'irt K.iiiiaip. Vicv.in Kiruncalp, W.i.ll.v lrlim. Lrntki. alli. .Iakr.li KrJCnin. .Inlun I'twck, I'dii llnliar. Cimiep 5uma, .fi niiliiKH Valu'klt, Xmliiii XltlUniikie, Mvndrr lliiulrlik, Mike I'.irMirki, .l.ih.n Mm km. .luntpx I'rlirajlif, J.i-cf -ii.ipkii, lhtiu.li l.iau., Wllliurp xiandef, Mnkil t-titlUii West Scranton Station. XIUi I'linni lliikl.'i, Ilu HnnrK. I lnrl? rm frou Stlrv I.iiiptul, Anni Xlonkimirrrovtr), IHI Id Mtrtin (2), Mm l (Vlinntifll. ( luil.-t llolil-in, MIm Annie Timlin, 1'ctcr XX'ilfon. N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers