6 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1901. (5e l&cranfon $riBime ruMIhd Plllv, Kxffr S"ti''r. hy The Trlh in rubllhln(! Conipan), it Hfty f'cntl Month I '' ' ' ' uvv s niniAni), i -iiior. O F. BYMlrX, ni ill tw Motmtf. New York Oflieel lM Nimhi St, s h viu'H.vsn. 6ole ABtnt (or Foreign VlmtWntj Entered ll the I'eutolTer nt Fennton, Pa , i Scctmei CllM Mall Matter tthfn pice nil permit. The Tribune I 15 plart to print itiAtl letters (mm IM frlftvl if" InR en rurrrnt topic, hut It rul" l lhJl hT rfi'nt he nlgm-el. fnr pulilleMtlon, !y 1ie writer real name, and the rnnlltlnn prevMi-nt ,n. ,cl Cfptanri ii thit all rontilbutlons shall ho subject 'o rdltnriil teelilon THE HAT I1A1H i-OIt AllVr'MlSINn. Thi follmlnn table shown the price per Ineli each Imrrtlnn, space to lw ned within one jear: Hun of idlnnn IlPl.AY Paperl lleidlng fWtlim MM Inches ,2" .275 Mm inchea fO .22 Wt) " irt .175 f" " 155 .17 ftVO ' , 15 lfi. Full 1'onltlon ID .21 .11 .15 M Fer eirds of think", resolutions of rondolenro and similar contributions In the niture ol n rrtiln(T The Tribune makes a charge- ot 5 cents a line Pates for ClamMed Adtertlslns furnlahed on application TWELVE PAGES. SCRANTO.V, snPTi:.Mii:it n. isoi. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. Supreme Court-Will KM P 1'OTll.H. TrcMiucr-l R INK G It vrtrtlfc Election Not. 5. "When the Ttftnomi) went out ol power In our state it left to the Ttcpubllctn pirte i Ire an of almost M" OOl.trOrt of debt. This debt, i wie administration unler Ilrpiilillein tule, has been alrrot entirel) paid We h-nr lncicaed the appropriations to the common schools until we stand at the heid of th ineili in states in mrpott of popuhr edwation I n Icr HeiuMii in administration there hts Incn pild each tear 'or educational purposes more thin wis approprhtcd by the pcmooiatlc pirn in their cpnrter of I rentiirs of misrule We hie ine rowel our ippio priatlons to chiritable md elccmostiur irnttlti tlons until we can make th bout that no stite between the two oceans Miipnrt there InMiiii tloas as well as dies our own Our 7i"Vono of people are tndustriouc honrt, law ibldlni! and happi et, surrounded as eee ire on eerrv side with prosperous business conditions with poopie happv, emploted and contorted ml with eury avenue of business and tri le lulle or upled irnl with the prospect of the future hnshtenlns an 1 crowine more hopeful, the o'd historic pirn of obstruction and negation i-cti up i Insteru il ere of falie ptetense, Inpuiiev and lnlneriit f r the purpose of misleading the- people ind rrciln Inc lost power." from the ltciublican Mite, Platfoim. The Central Mboi tinlon' nntlpntlij to the new nrmnrv clooi tint rclloct the opinion of Intelligent worKltiRincn, It Is a stage play of professionals. Salutations to Carbondale, WK DKVOTi: today much of our space to tepott" of the cplplnation of tho spinl-centennml of Onr bondale's Incorporation w a city and to historical and ii nilnloiiit nrtlclpts approprlTte to that InteiestltiK occa sion We are bHcI to o1pip that tho fu'l'lment of the Hupp dns' proRi annuo nwnr.KCcl with inuch (die l tho enter ptirlns citizens of the I'loneet City ha been cntctpd upon auspidousb and th it tho IntPtcst shnwn his full.s priiifilled their opn tatloii" It k1ps ut ploauit to offot thli eppc lal Usup of The Tilhunc ns a good-will conlilbu tlon, and to aisnitp our pattons in fiihfindnlp that all NorthPa"tprn I'enn sihanla shates In ciur conKtatuliitlons to thtni upon thPlt MiccoWul toni pletlop of half a ctntuiy of municipal life ClePland"s c lntnlhuist ilraii'-r. that !ty Just In time to henellt the Oiand lrniy. Speaking of Pllnn. r T nitlUVLh us to note how man forniPr ahsoclntes of senator JL William i'llnn. of Allegheny comrades of the old Insiu gpiu dijs who pal took fieelv of his bounty and did lickspittle honois when he was hMrilnr the puis-e now piance about in Ble at the iovers-e which he has np PMenily sustained thiough the up horn nl ot the boiutlful hainiotiv pio gramnie In Plttshuig. Lec than two Mais ago Pllnn was t'i' lnt-urgents' hiol, the ctj apotheosis of tl-.olr fonde-t elieains. in those das, vshlle cabbing In foi lefoini," he tom-nif-nctd the eti lvag.int ulogli s of evety little Hlanche, Tiay and Sweet hffiit In the kennels of tho Insuieetlon ai movement, but now that he has desisted fiom that foim of ettava Bnnee and lesumod, as It WPie, the hrei.M-pl ito of a soldier of the tiuo fa'th, he is gieeted b his foiniei aeluln torb with lepioathes anil epithets. 'The nnti-miuhlno ltepubllcans," de claret, the 'Wllkes.Uairo Itocoid, In a. ooi'impnt tjpleal of many, "who have," vtd.ln refcience to many of them here's the jjoke, "been actuated by honest aiul'-unselflsh motlvea In the tr initio aca'iist the piesent machine, elomlua tlonJln the party, expetlente only con t'mpj for Senator Pllnn " Yft Pllnn Is the samp chubby liuckle. seuj'as of oip a little the wlsei for Pjrlenoe, possibly, but far fiom lfFth or the need of political obltu tries, and sensible enough to know ,hfti It Is time to hol&t an umbrella. niay not get evetj thing he wants, low "that cireumsune.es have beepme lln'crent In Plttshurg. but he Is not Ikclj to be Injured much by the brick iat 'testimonials of his former syco. hftrjf,s We rare nothing for Kllnn in hl&anuss, but wo do like to bee fair ,1??, . THjf reason why the llijuld air prnpo lltlon haa not lived up to Its pret-s lotlcps Is explained. Itb tlnantlal back ing Kas congealed. ThjB fate of Oeotge Delcher, vho -was proMbly tho victim of a ctanip whllo giving an aquatic exhibition, should bo. n warning to the nutiioiitlea to sen that fancy swimmer an well as people who perforin foolhardy txctohatti. feats are Tptovlded with safeguards. The rnott expert swimmer w)n seized with crarrjps In helpless and tro'atsrindjlfi; preservers fchould alvvayB ho wfthlh reach. Of course this would lemove much of the fascination of the fchow, i nt the averag ot,-looker always finds a greater charm a6out'''a'n act that may ond In the ileath or mutilation of the ppifcnmer hut thin claM of rntrr tnlnmetu fhotild ho dlacoutarcd In civ ilized comiiiimlllo. The New York TImeB haft iipro. tHtod an ntllnmu with tho I.otidon Timet wheiehi all the lattor'fl newi and Fliocliil at title!" nro put at the fm liter's dlfpoal and at the lipoal of the Philadelphia Times mh well, un der an ntriUiRctuent which contem plates teclprncln. Till?, we BUpp'"e. Is n kind of new h trunt, which will make the iintl-monopoljlRts howl, hut It will no doubt be lewed with com placency by tho readers of the three paptrH, who Bet the bcucllt without Increased cost. Letter Carriers In Convention. FOIt Till: Ihst time In the ipon J cats of Its existence the National .Wnclntlult of Letter Catrlcis, whose Islt to crnton two oatH apo will nlwll' lip l.fld In pleaant tetnembtance. Is holding its sessions south of Mason and Phons line HcBlunluK estirda and colli it, uiliB thiotlBhout the week, the Iitttr catrlers are liPslcKlnK that beau tiful and historic war town, Chatta noopa, Tenn. Yesterdaj's proceedltiBs wete spec tacular chit My. consisting of a Brand p.'itade held In conjunction with the ileal Labor ilay pitade, a public le-ci-ptiot. In the Breat auditorium to the tleic Bate, tini a band tontctt. This tnornlr.B x. Ill witness the hcBinnltiB of th" buslpess of the convention To r.lt?ht a :.ik,'-walk and conteit ate redulpd. Tniminow tho visitors will b drHPti in carrlaBes to the I'nited States paik, fnmotis as the site of the bultl" of ChlckatnaUBa. Luncheon will b- hcned at noou In the park, and after the return In the exeninir follow Iiik the (lav of slght-soeltiB, the convention will testitne the busnes sessions. Thursday will be matked by routine business, .th a pleasant dlvetslon In the (rnliiR in the way of a boat tide on the Tfnnosipe ilpi Ptllij and Sat.lt day mcunliiBS will be tlpvoted to ahe tlo'.liiB n'ssinns, ,tnd tho list lound of s r.llt-scelllB will occtu In a ttlp up famous Lookout mountain The business befote the convention consists of hearing teports, electing oil i ci, choosing the net idaie of n. cot ng and disc ussinc; the measures now ponding in congicss which affict letter i at t lets. These Include the sub stitute eairlct bill the letlremelit bill for iiped and disabled eat He is and the graded s iltir bill All these nieas aies have been favcnably conslilpied In iriiigicss, but have not et teiehed n v,Cile. The convention will tty to put more steam behind them. Pitts, buig, Peine! anil Mlnneipolls vant to (iiteilain the net convention Tor reason, of state pilde our sympathies iifturalh go to 1'lttV-burg, but the 11','ht ptomlscs to be waim and close. dmltal bampson s only crime ap peals to have been the falluie to "Jol 1" eveijbody on tho government pay toll. History of Labor Day. ACCOItDINO to Hon Powdetlv, the wisest oigmlecl labor his T. ' t lt.ulu ever ,h id. the oiiglu of L ibor Day dates back to lis.', and had Its beginning with the Centtal Lilmr union of New Yotk I'. .1. Me (Julie then gcneial societal and tieastuer of the Caipenttis' union and i-eveial oilier discussed the iiiestlon of having a Labor l)iv liaradc on the ilibt Mond iv In Scpteinbci At that time a'l who belonged to the Vtltl.il Ll bof un,oli weie niembeis of the Knights of Labm As the geneial as semblj ot the Knights of Libor met In New Yotk Iti s'cptPinhci, It w.is eleteimlnotl to bolel the laboi pat ido while It was In .session. That pioees sle n one of the lai gest ever held In New Yolk, was levlewed b.v the dele gites and olllccis of the general as fremblv of the Knights of Lubeu fiom the levlewlng stand at Union Seiunit. .li Penseily aelds- "Whllo the naiade vas iiasslng I heard Itobeit Pi Ice, of Lonaconlng, Mel., s i to the weuthv geneial foie nian of the Knights of Liboi, "lhls Is Libor Da in earnest rude Dick' Some fill ther coinpllnieiitiiiy icinaiks weie made about the success of the patade, and the geneial assi niblv was Instiucteel to thank the C'eutiiil Libor union for the couite-.y of permitting Its tneinbcis to vltness such n glen Inns detiioiisttatlon Vailous parties claim ci edit feir Lilmr Day's oi Igln. but the honor should test equally between P. .1 SlcCitilre and Itobeit Pi le e They weie liitltioiitI.il In MHiutng the In treidrctlon of a bill In the New Yolk legislature miking Septembers fltst Motnliiv a legal hollda. The bill was lnttoduced p.ttly In Jnuuai, IS. hm was not pisseel for seveial mouths. In the meantime the state of oiegon passed a hill which was slmllaily phiased. un Jaiiuaty :, lss'!, Libor Day bee ami a leg il holiday In Oregon. New York follow Pd In the summci of 1S8T Ptom time to time other states followed thchP acts, until now neatly all the states have so shaped their laws that holiday on Libor Day Is unlfotm. It was the wotk of organ ized laboi, the tineles unions and tho Knights eif Labor which hot ureej the passage of a Labor Day law In tho various states " The best lesults from Libor Diy nio obtained whero free discussion mingles with diveislnn and entertain ment, and especially where thoo who are selected to address tho gather ings of working people recognize their functions us educators and tnlk con servatively, intelligently nnd with practical common sense. (ir.iduallv this kind of oratory Is coming into tho place once held by the vapotlngs of demagogues, Tho condition of tho count! v loads after seveto i.tlnstnrms Yin season have seived to stiengthen the xuspiu Ion In the minds of tho city elwellor that the labor-saving toad machine Is something of a gold btlck. The fury of tho Sampson-balters seems to Increase' with the news that tho admiral Is nt death's door. On account nf a dlsagieement as to the form of his speech, Prince Chun niav not bo to Berlin after all, The Von Kettler apology business la becom ing ridiculous. Tli news that Tut key desires arbi tration In the affair with Prance may bo taken arc mi Indication that Abdul llamld regaids the strike lost. Law to ii nntl His Yaclit. w ITIini'T knowing much about the technical points In tho conttoveisy which has embroiled Thomas V Law son, the owner of the sncht Independence, and the New Yoik Yacht club, It stems to us that on Bineral pilnclples Mt Law son Is correct In as spitlng that the trial taces to decide what American vacht should have the honor of defending the cup In the lu te iiintlontit lines ought to be open to all come ts Tii, x,, York Yacht tlub Is eml otio ainiitig inali.v inocntloiiH In this ceiunttj elfvoted tei the eticoutage- mnit of aehtlng. Vh"ti England rhiillengis, the I'nlteel Stutes should be lepteseuteil b Its best bo it That niav ho the Columbia, the Constitution, the lndepelide nte or some other acht not et known to fame. No one can say po.sitlvcli in advance of a trial which boat Is the best. Hut the New Yotk Yacht club would not penult Mr. Law son's boat to enter the competi tion unices he should first give conned of It to that club or a inembei theteof In othii words, the New York Yacht club was willing that Mr. Lavvson should penl his good nmne In con stituting equipping and manning a vneht of the finest tjpe, but was un willing that he should have any sav lcgardlng Its manage mint while it wns contesting for the honot of defending the cup To uc hi- wot c!. I ilnl not enter upon tho bulhline ef tin line I title in without the im'iirist eli llbe nil ut Wleti I wis fits lilt prieu tiled to take up tie m rk f liiiililniK n cup el tender I wis mainly indue in iel In iliini; 1 'be tnelit whuh I hoped t" win I r New I njiiitl It Mimed t,i nm In I e t to iel thin,! tl ft the e up elclendir sliewil I lull fi in lliew lltl Then, when embarked itpt n tin intiirli the ijui.tloti nn ibout m jiiininir the New ,uk ulit club I wis aire eh i number it ether ilulie, but I wis lie f rmeil tint I sliiulil litieitie i nrtnbcr of tin New Verk Vaeht club In order to hue i ban I in the race It i-ttuik mi, hiwceer, is it must strike cxerj one else, tint fir tin t" stirt In I tlilel n eitp ehftiiler ml then iflcrwjnl to ap ple f r miinbir.hip in the Sew irk Vieht elub Imkil tiH inns h bki bill lint? fir iiiiml ti-lup In ill it elub nu lute lieird of pi e pie buMiu their w il into exl le I eotild not eh seen I ti Mieh i trick It see nun In me tint If I built e e iu lient shoe mill l tut red as i e impel it ir. tin nnttcr wlur she liulnl (re in Inn niter I fiil't iiimi iilitnihd tin slnntuti, Imuiiri, I w.n willing In di cMrUhln.' tint no i If rcpntlni: mill i Kill I elo I rlgn'fiiilim ttillim.ni t" turn the t ii lit user In tin New t ik ii lite lull if I le v tttiilil but aikn iwleik-e tint I hit some In lull nal riklits In the nutter This wis refu-ed I wis lriitieillt till tint oiieo 1 hid irltui oter tho Inlepetil nee In tin New ork aelit club, en tn i number f tint e lull, I In I m m rc rlchts In her tint If 1 In I tut Kltm tl" b at I tlintiklit I lie IndejrniletKO wis to Itlms t) tin- tin tiller if the elub tn ttlinii he tin then in fie simple He ml.'lit sell her. lucik her up. sink her or ilu vthititer h- tiMml ttlili lnr II w limit nun ni thirc, 1 n-k, who would qutetlt cite up il s'oiltss) proprilt without a re ctipi it am Mill' Nippii-e, Ju-t fir liidanee. ihit ifltr trin-fiirltu; llio Indcpendcnte to s uiie sti niLcr I slioeiM die Hit bint ttittll in t be an is-it nf nit unto Vlt fimih wmill not eten le it c i rlEht tn ik ttliie hid bieome nf Inr ImuiiiH e no ot the iiicinitr c f mt fitnll asR inn the ev.teiii.ible owmr nl the In lepeiidi tie o whit he wis d lliz with the bull, mil 1 emu I Id tn i i limit his I ti.lni s I e imut mi tut wit eleir to trite up ill rUht, title mil inteict in the Inst I mi, as is ttll kniwn, porfeiilt ttillinir Hut the lnlepinihnie sin ul 1 bo hilled iiiuler llio iii.picit e f tl o New tik V hi lit elub, nn I tint she sin ill I prietu lilt be ihe lint of tint club br the time be inir, but I e intuit re bniinJi ill tlzht In lur firmr II N the prin eiple if the mitli r Hut is il Miki O.i this icpicsentntlou of the i i'e, Mi. Livvmiii Is eletrlv entitled to pub- II smpath.v He offets to give Jlfi0.00 to ilutiltv 11, upon tilil, his boit ts lint found tei sui pass either of the two boats now competing loi the cup-de-feneling honot lie offeis tei tin ii hir ote'i to any man, for the pinpii'o of teillnp. hei ability, and to beat all the expense, If nsstnaiicc can be given that In the event of bet supeilmlt being piovn1 she will be used as the1 antagon ist I Shannoik 11. If this offer is not accepted he will oilier bet bloke-n up, as she Is of no ti'e for othei than lacing pin poses. It Is a pity the New York Yacht dub Is not moio llbcial In Its views Ai'e fueling to reports Mr. Hrjan was "a-slcatuie" of the Kansas City Lthor Da celobiatlon Theie wns a time when Mi. Dr.van was the whole show. s to Caibemdale, she la having a Pan-Aiut'ilcan ot hor own. UNDER THE BLACK TLAG. Ilcrildit nl lu'kJPl Iiloimiu, the moikiM cltciil in.' Dawn hi ki r d i tti ejildled, bi.l Deter I triittitt un.'. Wt stu.vlid nut nf Ihci oik wood, we bttcpt the meudnw tail Dip luinpiki liutd u. laujliiu,', wherL tnutt.t he ills might ijuiil a itiiihiii.' llutterii abotii m aijjlmt the elawn- leel al.t. llitteieHt. tlutteied, ttliliircrl. ".Men, it U til and elee"' LUlit us the ilnudt ot niornln;, liluk as tho mil nf kill, Hut none lileiulicel us ho fiw it It was emrn tn die, and win (lur i nl; clnmi wji the lioof-bcatf. Iln! ho! i'lnlr ratiipljn! 'lttjs the iiinrlest mid drumming cic thrilled the ooul ni in en! Ihe lumkcrs timed t lie rilcncc aa netcr a life up.'l t shrill, We tle.i d ihtou.'h wimpllnj waters, wo rile etnUht up the Mil, Ilon.0 .mil nun. wp ttcic ready to the end of I h h md breath. The rfiiu locks whined 111 e woundel gnomes, the hibros nulled in sluath, llio ilinnrrel died lu aelm etcn the heatena kicw pah. As tti i ji liein ji Ii liejth't rolor, to nicit lU.Ull Uiltli hill Heidi men un iho sllliide, u rcidy as tte to e!l, KiMieil ii' a due ne'e unit, ,u tie; mv the black lla.' Il.i, A thin ml r.isctd Ic-lon, we rodo .it their m esse el a u O! tin ,'iit led ptil of battles ne'er ttatehtd a hi ujdUr fri! lii ni tin'tn to ihlti wc eleft them, In nnd eliLlilc Itlsli; A.mIii I del the fibre tlitli, I mrll tho neiv litno I ','U-li; Vuiln I In ir ills, elcitli cries, t!,o bullet's fulfill lilne. 'llio ilium betts fallmj (ilent, as we elcit the lurl hie. Netcr i mm ulcd etiirtcr tlll, Hill the death Mil Hew, Its Milt as ud a the ivllct lduel, and drip pin bliHid.i diw Wc bail steirii it kliuiitl not (liter while i ne had tie tiktll tu l md, Wo elosiel around and snitched it fiom el.tlutf hind tn hand. Htc of the rattaeJ lesion brouiht off tho Hag allte Hut thot cleared tho hill old, cray, and bent, I abmc am lelt of lite. -Mirtha MeCullocli Willlanu, in I.cille'a Monthl). In fh? Theatres Reoponlnp of the Lyceum. The Lyceum, looking spick nnd spin, and more cosy than ever, threw open Its doors vestordny for the season of 01-2. During the summer months the house his been thmoughly tenovated ami gteatlv be untitle el, as told of In de tail In . lucent Jssue of The Tilhunc. Those who visited the house estcrday were Btentl.V pleased with the lm pi med condition of the theater. Theie Is a huge emps of cottiteous, uni formed attendants, nnd altogether the house- and Its management does not sufier by comparison with tho best mettopolltan theaters The plav selected for the opening attraction wns the nlunvs popular "Shore Acies," nnd lat go nudlciites saw the play nfternoon nnd night. The were tjpleal holiday audiences that allowed no point worth applaud ing to escape. The company was a good one and Heine's New l?ng1nnd classic tecelved a line piesentatlnn James T Gallo way was kind-hearted, lovable Na th tnlel Deny nnd Atkins Lawrence was the plg-heaeled brother. Martin Pony. All of the other characters were In good hands and a thoroughly enjovable performance was given. Manager Duffy Is to bo congtatu lateel on his fine theater and tho aus picious manner In which the season has opened "Kidnapped in New Yotk." Two big Labor day audience crowd ed the Acnilcinv ot Music to the eloots jestcnlay anil aw, with gieat delight, the pioductlon of "Kidnapped In New Yoik," a thrilling stor.v. based on the Clark kldnnpplng cise. which so nroii'ed New York something over a eir nB" The companv which pie.sents the diania Is headed bv Haino.v Olltnore, a .voung comedian of nine h piomlsc, who has man.v admireis in this cltv In the tole of Mr Doolev a newspaper lotiPsponilent and tl teethe, he marie a big hit cst(iilii He has a stiong supporting coinpnn about him. anel theie ate n number of good specials aitlsts, vtho entertained the audiences estorclay Mi fSllmnie eang .several song"), and was wnrmlj applauded "Kidnapped In New York" can be seen at the Academy this and tumor tow aftornoorn and evenings Opening of Season nt Star. The season opened eMeielay at the Star theatre, which Is to he the fiituie home of burlesque In Scianton, under most favoiable conditions The theme, loimerly known as the l!aiet. has been thotoughlj tenovateel and remod eled during the past summer, under the petsonal supei vision of Manager Alf. O Herrlngton, and Is now one of the neatest and eoltest houses of en tei talnment In the state The stage has been widened eight feet and i on tnlns sulllclent room to accommodate the latgpst burlesque chorus upon the io id. Handsome now sccnerj and a new elrop curtnln have been added and the chairs have been leatiangid In a manner tbnt gives picater comfoit to the spectator Host of all. however. Is the evident Intention of Manager Her llngton to furnish a better class of shoves and conduct the house upon a higher plane alt around. Tim performance given vesterdav by Clink's "New Hn ills' won an auspic ious beginning of thp list of excellent bookings th it have been i-eciiicel This company, which will leinalu all the week, contains some of the leading vaiidi'vlllee and burlesque artists, In cluding Joe l'iplds anel Jack Wooly, Miss I.Ulv Ihigllsh Maud DlMon. Lew Cattoll, Ml.ss, , Leslie and Hhlnehait, Piank Cotiltei anil Waltpr Stan, anel Itutgess, Mnlth and Huigpt, the ntro bu. The progiamine concludes with an up-to-date travestj, entitled "Off to Huffalo," dealing with the Pan-Ametl-utn exposition, An amusing featuie of the closing sketch Is a burlesrjue upon the famous spxtctte, "Tell Me, Pietty Maiden," fiom Klotodorti. Theie will be special ladles' matinees todaj and on. Prlday af let noon. Fredoiick Warde Tonight. At the Lyceum tonight rredorlck Watde anil his splendid company will ptesent "The Mountebank" The play ei.s surrounding Mi Wanle this eir an the best he has over had with him. His print Ipal leading man Is Chatles D. Herman, whose work In tho legiti mate drama haa given him a wldo reputation, Hairy Johnstone Is the leading Juvenile nctoi Miss Antoinette Ashton Is the leading la.d and Is one of the few lcmllng wo men who aue fortunate enjough to combine gieat petsonal beauty with thn diamatic abllltj. Another valunble nifiiiher of this company Is Vligtnla Dtew Tiecott. a stilklngly handsomo biunette anil an nctiess of gieat fence nnd powei Not the least Impoilant of Mr. 'vVnido's support Is his i banning daughter. Miss May AVaide, a joung aette-ss of iindisputeil talent, as demon Minted by her clever nnd winsome per fotinanees of Maicella In "The Lion's Mouth," and JesMca in "The Met chant of Venice.' Miss Alleen Hertelle, nil otb'i member of the combination, Is a handsome oung nctiess vvho was with Lewis Mouison for five years, "Pudd'nhead Wilson." After consldotable ilvnlty between the leading managers of the country ns to who would fcocuie the Dngllsh attlnE lights for "Pudd'nhead Wil son," tho choice finally devolved upon Sulpmau Hrotheis A company possessed of a high order of merit has been organized to present tne play In tho eastern and centtal Mntp.i and Canada, and theatre goers of thla city will have an opportunity of witnessing a petfoimaiiee of the com ely at the Lvceum on Wednesday even ing. Scats ate now on sale. STAGE NOTES. Willis f.iAtisir, ulin will nlat tins season the elilif role' in " Surct' Warrant," has ticut the milium l nt hla linnn, ll.itli tlraeii, X V Vllss Vtm Ire, the rliarmlnic little tonirdlrnnr, lea arc iirrel Ilia eastern right! io (' I' Callahan's lieaiitlful phi, "I ngie'ii 1err " 'Ihe part of Chip is iailiiulailt iiiltrei tn Mist lee, as It itiinlilnea w-nllnifiii ami pulins V auinptnoiia rctital of Miakriparr'a immortal plat, "Ihniltt." will lie the principal feature if ltolert It Mnitell's tmir unihr the iiunseetirnt of Vt W llinlet, this neisnn The- inmplel tat ttlll lie aa follotti II unlet, Mr Mantrll; ( imilina, Mark Price, hot, rtchrrt (I Mnue, polnnlus, Mfrrel II Hastings, Laertea, We- J. Dotten, Horatio, U M noHttltki nosenerantis, lames VlclHottle, Oullrlenstern, Maurice Heron, Men e litis, llenr) Ssllt, nernardn, Alhert Mutt j Francisco, John Hewitt; first artor, Jamea Clin, ton; second actor, Henry Manners, tirst urate- I dinner, .lohn M Haiti second grate dinner, 5tew art Wood i priest, ( harles treemant Osric, Mary Vlcnregnn tjueen tlertru le, Minnie Vlonk; Plater Ouoen, Mil llcrmini and Ophelia, hrlo llnoth eeuvrii I'alhetle Ineleeil la the fate ol poor Winter stodelarel, an I hemleallt pithetlc it seems to thntp who ale runillar with the brne nht ho has made against the as. mils uf a illi-sv tthkli has rarel) known a eiinpieior I'or sonu mnilea pist ho sought beneflt it the sanitarium it 1.1b ert.t, .V. V , which Inullt) boasts n ellmito searcelt snrpiseil In the east ftr weak limjs, but neither climate nor ineelleal skill atalled, un I ho was brought to the old toddatd home In Kast Klfleenth street to an lit the end Wl'li Intelligence enough to comprehend the situation linm tho tery bcKlnnln, he has eter been eheor tut, and ceiiirageoiis to a degree1 that deserted a chance to fight for Thorp seemed a future of utisinl promise before the tonng elramilltt, an 1 a legion of friends ttrtl regret tint il mav int be permitted hiin to enjoj the honors so bratelt won. CAHEY FAMILY REUNION. Two Hundretl of tho Family Gather at Fcrnbiook Fntic. rotnbtook pirk. that pietty picnic ground on the trolley toad near Dallas, w is the scene yestetdny of a reunion of the Catev fnmll Their weie some IfO tepteseitatlvc's present and the day was elellghtfully passpel in listening to geticalogcnl addi esses, nnd In danc ing, (casting nnd in a good social time gencrtillv Theie was u good attend ance on the patt of the ehllchon anil the) lumped and swung and ute to their heat is' content. The following olllcets were elected for thp ensuing enr Piesldent II D. Catey, Scrnnton. Tteasuter John Do Quick. Pittstou. sipiietaty C. H. Dciby, West Pitts ton. i:ocutive conimlttee Mts. A C Smith, Wllkes.Jtatre; Chillies Will iams. Plains, William H. Detby, Dun inore. The aeemblaije gathered on the pivlllon platfoim and listened to inter esting addi esses by the family his torians, as lollows Mrs. Isaac Jones, of Jermyn, toad about the family of Harnabas Care. Mrs Andrew C. Smith, of Wilkes 15n i e, read a paper on Dleazer Carev, the (list of the Caies to aitlve In Wyo ming val!e. He came here from Con nectleut with the first settlets In 17C.9. bilnglng with him his five sons, John, Nathan, Samuel, Henjamln and Com fort, who are the progenitors of numei ous Carej s in Luzetne and adjacent counties John Carey Williams, of Plains, read a paper on Samuel Caiey, vvho was tnptureel by the Indians in tho battle of WNomlng In 1778 and carried Into captlvltv. C. H. Derby, of West Plttston, lead extracts fiom a history of tho Catev fatnllv nf Ainetlca, hi ought down to 1870 bv Dr. Catey, of Cincinnati. rollowllig ate the names of n many In ntteiielnni e as could he obt lined John Carey Williams, Plains, (.'bathes M. WIllliius, Plains, Diteman D Caiey, Columbus, Lehman Caiey, Jei mvn, rt.ini Is It. Can', Jeinijn, Mrs. John De Quick. Pittstou. Mis. Louisa Cuey Me Liiighllii. Jeinivn; Hatrlson Carey. Wlllees-D.iue, Mi. and Mis John 11 Deibj, Wllkrs.p,ane, Mr and Mis. Diigenp Siimpsou, Maplewood; Mis isnbel Vim Sickle, (leorgetown, Wa.viio county , John Citev, Tunk hnnnock, Mt. and Mis Jndsoti Mink, I West Plttston. William Caiey, Tunk- hannoek. Mis. James Kennedy, Sctati tmi, Mrs isuhatd Pany and son, Spilng Prook; Mis A S. McLaugh lin, Jermvn, Miss Llel i Caiey, Har foid, Mis. HlizitiPtli Sajre. rioytown, Mis Xelela Snjder, Jeimn; Mls Mr tle Snvdei, Jermn; Ddmund Htulbut, Kingston; Willi im C. Cuey, Taylor. Mis. Hoese Llewellyn, West I'lttston, Miss Lottio Catev. Siott: Mr. and Mis fieotco Knapp, Prieebutg, Mr. and Mis. s( eitt Catev, Old Forgo, Id i Cuey. Old Poigt; Thonns Carej, Old Koige. (Twem Catev, Seranton; Oll M'P Wilcox Seranton; Mr nnd Mrs Alfied i: Carev. Wllkes-P ute; Atthle Caiey. WIlkes-Hnrre. Thomas Dngle, Dunmoie; Mrs. Stella Williamson, (iinci'dalp; Mis S M. Moor. Wllkes Hme; Mi and Mis D V Thomas and two sons. Wilkes. Ilni re, Mrs Mar tha J Caio. Jeimvn, Mr. and Mie Dlias Carey, (iiaeedale; Miss Mabel Cate. A voi a; Mis It. A Warnet, St i anion; Mis. Annie Catey Savlgo, Htooklyn. Pa . Miss Coia Sivlge, Diooklvn. Pa., Mis. D. D. Pnvne, Hopbottom; Miss Heitha Makely, Setanton; Prank W. Carey. Moosle ; Mis William C. Carev. Old Tinge; A. A. Carey. Avoea. (leotge r Catev, Avoca, Mis. lxvl Welsh. Patrons, John 15 Caiey, Old Porge; John Mc Cluskoy. Plalnstllle; Mt. and Mis James Carey Sitanton; Mis. J. U, Wan en, White Haven Some membeis of the famlb sptn the name Carej, othein spell It Caty. Klldi's WilKes-Darie Ueeord. THEIR FOURTEENTH REUNION. Survlvois of tho Fifty-second Meet on Sept. 21 nt Tunkhannock. The fouiteenth tennloti of tho sur vives ot the Flft -second Regiment, PPiuislVHnla Volunteer lnfanti. will be held this uu at Tunkhannock, Sept nibei 12. This icglmeiit was raised prlneli all in the Lackawanni slid Wjomlng vallevs. but quite a numher were from Wllllam.sport, Tunkhannock, Wjaluslng, anil htir tonndlng nelghhot hoods it bme a eoiiftpieiious part dut lug the wai of the Hebelllon, p.u tlclpating In many of the hatelost bittles of the Penin sular campilgu under fJenetal Oeotgo ii. MiClellan and was atterwuids stnt to Mentis Islind, South Carolina, and hid the honot ot being the Hist to re stoie of "Old Olorv" to the battereel wall.i of Tort Suintei. It was liming a midnight sally on this famous hi foit bv a detainment of the rifty-second leglment In small heats that Colonel i: II Hippie was captured bv the Confcdeiates. It ultl n alel led to his lucaicctation in tho li hon lien of Anelersonvllle. The fit si colonel of this tPglment was Jrhn r Dodge, fotmerly of Williams port Pa , who, on account ot 111 health, resigned his command after the Pen Irtailfir campaign was over. He was succeeded by Lieutenant Colonel llar i M. Hot, who subsequently became governor of Pennsylvania. Tho pres ent officers of the Iteglmental Associa tion are Oeotg-0 S Leunaid, piesldcnt, Wilkes-Paite. Pa. William McCluve, first vlce-presldenl, Setanton. Pa. S H Williams, t-eeonil vlee-proieent. Petkvlllo, Pa ; H. C. Miller, secretary; Itev. M 13 Kullei, e haplaln Osttegi N V , local committee at Tunkhannock, Gcoige lt I.eonatd, A H Ktenr, Jos eph Itobeus, a. W Panmtvno. ss -- CARRIED JOKE TOO FAR. Geoige Munn nnd Walter Magee Rode a Borrowed Tandem. Joseph Kvatvi nnd Herbett Kohn rented a tandem blcycla on Sunday from Raw ling's bicycle livery on Spruce street, and weie resting with It on Adams avenue when they were approached by George Munn and Wal- ter Magce, who asked to be permitted to ride around the block. livnns and Kohn consinted as they knew the other oung mep, and the latter mounted the wheel 'and start ed down the street. Instead of only riding for n few minutes they lode all tho wnv to Pittstou nnd didn't get back till I ite Sunday night. P.miiis and Kohn thought that ear ning a Joke to Pittstou wns eatry Ing It too far and ostoidiv citiseel the an est of Munn nnd Magce on the eharge of larceny on wnnants Issued by Aldetmin Illicitly. The two defend ants settled the r.use bv agreeing to pay for the rent of the wheel and tho costs In the case. SARATOGA'S TLORAL FETE. Great Trepaiation for This Hemark able Annual Festivity A Grand Excursion from Seranton, Wilkes Barro and Vicinity. Saratoga Im making great prepara tions for her annual llornl fete, which occurs September 4, 5 and fi. anil no expense Is being spared to make the coming occasion excel all othets, al though people who wltnesseel the feto last j ear thought It almost Impossible to surpass It King Ilex, who was the central figure In the New Orleans Mnrdl Oras, Is now nt Saratoga super intending the preparations. On his trln north he wns attended bv one hundred courtiers nntl scoips of pietty maids, nnd ho isavs that he pioposps to dupli cate the New Oilcans Marell Gins fpte at Saratoga nnd open the eves of the north to the' goigeous nnd beautiful way In which festivals r.te conducted In sunny Loulsliuu He has with him all the knights nnd ladles who have made the New Oi leans Marell C.ras the eighth wonder of the wotld, and who now propose to make the Saiatoga floral fete the ninth Two months ago his resplendnnt Moats and golden chatl- otfl and bejeweled juoeet-sionnl iobe wete sent to the New York watering place, to be used In the coming fete, and the people of this vicinity wllMiave nn opportunity to witucs a duplica tion of Louisiana's iiiiuvpIous exhibi tion. In thp gtiu.d patade, which oc curs September f, thete will be more than twentN Moats, eovereel with nat ural llowet.s and costing fiom $s,noo to Jli.OOO each I'pon thesp there will be over one hundted chai actors In the richest costumes. Ihe scene Its one which beggars description. At the grand ball, which follows In tho even ing, dancing takes place on a great floor covering two blocks, and Is super intended by a committee of one hun lied ladles and one bundled gentle men, whose costumes nio literally cov ered with Mowets set forth by tlnj electric lights. On thl.s, the principal das of the fete SeptPinber 4 and ii, a grand excursion will be inn ovtr thg Delaware and Hudson rillroad to ac commodate thp luge number of people of Setanton, Wllkps-Hurn and thsp valleys, who wish to witness the won derful pageant nnd the grand ball which follotes Ttulns leave the Dela ware and Hudson station, Seranton, at 6 20 a. m. and 3 5.' p in The price of tickets, covering the lound trip, has been placed at tho remit kably small llguic of H for adults and $J for chil dren, nnd thcese who take ndxantage of this opportunity will not only be pei niltted to witness the grandest display of the age, but will also visit the great est summer resort In the eountij Sirntoga Springs. The excursion will be conducted by the Fnthei Mathew T A. H. society, and hotel accommo dations have been arranged for 1,000 guests. Trains leave Wllkes-narro at C St a. m. ami 3 07 p. m.; PlttMon, at B 51 a m nnd 3 Jl p. m , Carbondale, at 7 a, m. and 4 33 p in. Special Low Faies to Cleveland, Ohio, via the Lehigh Valley Railroad, Account G. A. R. National En campment. Tickets on sale September Sth to 12th inclusive Consult I.ehlgh Valley tic ket agents for particulars. "Always Busy." i Always Busy Events Plrst Our Tall styles of Celebrated Korrect Shoes at $4 00. They are dlsplived In our men's window. They are for tho smart dresser who wants to be just a little ahead of the other fellow. Second Tho plnclng on sale of every man's Rus set Shoe In our store, low nnd high cut, $1 and $1 grades. They aie dls plajed In our men's win dow You cm get a pair of them, pet haps the best shoo you ever wore, for $2 We will be closed all da Labor Dav Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale and Retail. 11A-116 Wyoming Ave Ililliil NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital S'200,000. burplus $525,000 United States Depositary. Special attention given to BUSINESS, PKRSOKAL aud SAV INGS accounts, whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. Wm. Conniu, President Hlnry Bii.iv, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Pick, Cashier Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machlno Business of Dickson Manufacturing Co., Seranton nnd WilUcs-naire, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. Meldrum Scott & Go. Fall Opening of New Dress Goods including Choice line of Black Goods in Staples and Fancy Weaves of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture. Exclusive Novel ties in the Famous Priestley Fabrics 126 Wyoming Ave Furniture We are now showing the largest assortment of Furn iture ever presented to the people of Seranton. Our stock is bigger, our salesrooms large and better arranged than ever before. You will have no trouble in findnig just what you want. Our prices are right. We buy our goods in large quantities and our prices are correspondingly low to you. Our manner of doing business, our custom of fair treatment, has won us thousands of friends. If you have not yet dealt with us, don't fail to give us a call at the first oppor tunity. We can save you money, Hill & Cornell I2i N. Washington Ave. Refrigerators, ' Oil Stoves, Screen Doors, Gas Stoves, Window Screens, Hammocks. i. 325-32? Penn Avenue, A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. n J X
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