THE SCRANTON -TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1901'. " SOME REMINISCENCES mmmtimiAnmm EX-I'OSTMASTIlll JOHN NHAI.ON la prnlinlily tin- hest Informed man bertnhmitn on the eatly ht(or f Carbondale Mi Nealon Is the oldest cltlren In Cnilioml.ile. Hi- xxus limn In Cnrbondnl In isi'i, when Icr iiIiIiih abounded In t ll Woods" Ihi vn lioilt , When Herantiiii xxus siorimi Hollow nnd Inventive winds ete turning to wards locomotion by Htentn This xxas the yonr the Stmn In hUre I.lon, the tlrst locomutlxo In Aiii-iIim, made ltpnt- lll ...1i v i Main I ! 'I I Nil fill trip Mi NV.ilon xxus the lint i i t controller of t nihon Inl. lie xmis ii. City tle.lSUtel lll.Uul lllll i ntln Ist.M He built the first playhouse t'lilhiiu.liili hoisted of .mil be i oimtiiii led tb tlist larKe blow civ In this vi Hon. Willi all these nehlexenieiits Mi. Nealon was certainly,, closely Ideiitliled with the city's blstoty and by i iinii of this The Tribune plares bis flist .iiiioiik the reitilnlsoenes t the plnneei i lt of the anthracite o it tedious "C'nrhond.ile," .s.ild Mr NVilon in ie ply to The Tilbune in. ins i -iii4t rm early Interesting indlents ,.i tin- Pio neer t'lty fin 'I'he Tilbune s i.m.Icis "had not won than tlilitv oi fortx families mi tin West Mil., x In n I was ,i lad The Side )i,,v, Sh.uity Hill w. called li th. u unx i big IiimlocK iiilf with lot! iblns heie nnd Hup. The I4m l.nw.miia river. or the ireek evry one i.iltcd It. this was In the thlitle-. tan down where Mills' lumber v.inl Is, but latei the course was . banned bj the liel.i v are ann Hudson nunpiny .in ai-eouni of Its mines liuiilltb. .n .1 is nf mining In this .ity, the blub ou llllBllt .si. of the lilt lit .If it' IllllllliK Industry. The Mi t opening' niip.isit, th- bis Jjnii-e was so i t. the sur face that the could be picked out Later the leds xxeie inn and hoi es, the only poW(t for Mars, w,.,,, om. ployed. Rivalry Aiiiohr Mlneis. After the mines wep- stinted xxell, there used to be ilvalrj immur; the Welsh and tin IHsli mlneis. Kn oclt Moikiii and mv fithei weie eot. sldered the bi t ndins nnd the inn .M. nlwa trjlng to k t (.ontests ti) UetWC( n lllelll. Tile sch. ol that I atteiiilnl hh the little red building wbeie the 1'list bank stands now. Kd claih son, James Klihwo.d, ,l.ilm McDonnld, win" of Smdy Motion.. 1 1, who owned Kanly's Held, Tlimn is IMiksini, "llcli nel Hut lie, of South Main sti.ct, nil ent to this school It was John Walsh's I hae a dlsPnct re. m of all of the ipmi who ll.V. in ( aibon dale In the thlilies ml t'.nii s. There 1as II. S I'leue, .l.ilm M Tooie I" (1 Grow, brolh. r of Conmessm lii-at-Laige I'.alusha irow : Paul, k Motiltt. Mho llcd oi. Il.uhth nxenue The nicUrnns, Tlinm.iH and Ueomo, lived On I'ike stret, about where ('oiist.ilil,. Moran's home b. I was only a child thiee eais old when lanii s Aiebliald, fathei of Judse Ai.lilnl.l. of Scwintmi, came brie. Tint n !:. u,, ;uir, a chll eiiKtneer al.niK the canal. The Fiist Hank. "The flist bank In Onibon.l.ile was tho in hate bank of II. S. I'leue, who v.-ns .unnliit, a si.n,. at the tlnu. It ius heie that we put all of on.- drafts, for thete was no otln i mentis of send InK money awav. "In the Pi's thete were two Or thiee hotels, tincins they wtre (lieu, llinn. sun's tallway hotel and Coyles. Hpm Mil's was at the coiner of Main tiei t and Palem nxenue. but It was destioy ed in the blq flic uptown, or those days Tho Hose- Companies.. "The hose (oinpaiiles wuo nil the attraction for us jouiif, fellows Wo bad four companies one for eiub waid There wne tin IP sews No 1 the Eagle No . the (Joodwllls Xo ?, and the Neptunes .N,. 4 Tin Keseues was In om ward and we had a house on the spot where John Von IieUt's large - W'T. . tit' IL&V ilWilfy tiff f The Carbondale milling Co. Flour, Feed, Hay ye Lead AH x C. BY HON. JOHN NEALON I 'iuM Initr mi Smith Miitu hic t inw ' niriiid W( had n hand pump which ' was a nile tm iis h TIioiiiiih Dickson. who wiK- Hi ilialKi of the lielawnle nnd Hudson simps In tluse dn.vs It would be a pom cm ue, for with II w imilil tluow wnl'-r onl as fin as the Width of II stie.l. Til" watir, too, bad to bo (lirilnl III bill kets lllld dumped Into the lank. We bud no Hie iil.unis In those da.xs. Von inn in whatever illleitloii .von saw the itowd peltltli; lllld Whei 'MM the lilnc si.ineil to be. c woio heaw led shlils, and when we Willi on p.liado we wele supposed to weirblaik Holism The (list bills . Wile leKUl.H s ill. it's hats, oil (loll. over siiaw Liter we ot li'lnnls, Willi ll WOle I lie wotldel of till' bo s Fhemun Weio l'opuliu. "ll was Jus) lb.- thliut to be a Hie- i llliill hi those limes, and Hie b-t bojs' of tin town 1 : 1 1 1 with the pumps in tins The Hist bin parade was In '. ' and We niade (pilte n show'lmt, 1 call Kll Mill" i i laliiied Ml .N'ealoll With pi lite 'Thme wep. o(l !tf,il III line. 'The t'oliAubliiH was niKntiltd Horn i oinpaiiles, and then the lebi-, wile and Hudson eolilpauv ppseuted us with in eniflne It was ((iilte an Mill Hie IiiIiikImk of Ibis eui-llli from , S. .autiiii The e.nnpany mulched the' i lull. m ( . mil. u n.i.l Ik i i tr lit. I 1 lli Weie piotlil of tbeli pile The i to nib. is i.f th. old (onipiinv mi fat as1 I mil I tin Iliber Who ale llx lim .lie I'd, i'l H l.'on I'ltrbk Ki'iinii'v, l'atileki I ilinix (-.Hlilice Mollltt, Steplieii N'i'ii. i loll H.illlel HadKllI". James K'llkwood i i I Inhn llni ke, iii ( ih pliant The Shows of Old Days. ' 'Thme wm. n't mum shows in those lavs I mean shows, uic ' l7( whin I built tb Aindeiiiy of I Mtlsh This w is the Hist Ihlee.stmj bulldliiK' In the town and 11 illirallv the piople seemed suins. d and talked and dismissed It ltef,,p. this we bail I shows undo tMlls mi the KPllllids i w hep. the p.nk Is now Aflei the i npeliliih' ot the Ai 'idmnv we bad ipilte .1 Mill of i ntm taliiiiimiis t was the .mix place of Its kind III town and the hall was tilled "leiy nluht It was open, I Mllisllel tliilllies look tile belt .111.1' we Inn) some ..lies U ashliui n's and i'htsi's wep. the r.miiltos We '.ml line Ie. tup is iii thus., .lavs. nun. whos. eipi il Mm don t bun iiowinlax s. i I in an a lectiiie i muse hv soul.. j.iuiiK men of the town that was (pilte n suc- ess and bioiubt some splendid sptak ms to ('.it limid lie John Aitkin, I think, was In (h Hue of ll- jes, I'm sun- It was AIM. mi Some oi the men up town, that s what we called It. thought It would be a "".l 1 in dm IllK the Winter of "l nt 'Tl to h.le lee tuies whldi would btlni; th" .oiniu and middle lined people onethm, s(1 Altk. II llllallKid with th lis Hue ba le 111 Iii New Yoik (Ity to send spc.ito eis h"ie We also had sponkeis fioni town Two of these wme Lewis I'litrhe "and Ihmnas Dickson Th ie weie Hue spiakers in this iiowd, r i'h,i)iln, I'm UollKheitv, Jav Vllllms t'hailes Dana, of the Nf w Voik Sun, and some otheis that can't be leealleil Annn Dkklnson. .IuiIko Ketchum Tllton, the KBF3KX5533EE3SH! . fe& 4l' StZi'Cizivi sC " Js. , 1- ITI 'I ---l-V. zr--v ffi " . n'ywwvr',wr..'r;:t '',':.,?':;; Jill only man who could deliver such a tine lotup without notes, General Mc Caitney, a fine gentleman and a great speaker, weie some of the peisons who gntheied big audiences in the Acad em. Old Fnshioned Methods. "Things were old fashioned In those days, when you compare them with the pla.x houses of todiv. We had benches, but no stage. If a stage was Headquarters for Competition. N. BRONSON, mwiMj mw iie-deil we buitlxl olf to Mills' lumber v.i id and had one built. Just as was deslied. W Iii li the ndilltlou was built to the hall we had a stiiue built Thete was no seeiKiy nor fancy uirtalui.. It was i oifldeied n IiIk tlllliK whetl the Hist set of (miel WHS pliu ed III the Acinhni. Tbb was palnlid by .1. W. I'aiuet that Huie was tuakliiK a bU: hit plityltiK "ISIp Van Wlnhle." ('inner Is still alive and last jear he was maniKlntt a tppipe. I milsn't foiKct t" -say that Howailh's lllb"rn f 11 ti (oinpniv and Huike'a "Dublin D.lll" weie the Kieatest laxolltes e er In I'm bond. lie, "It has often Iii mi spoki ll of how tho town tin tied out to fjro't the "Mujoi Skes' the lllst ftmllle to collie to Cat boudiile This was a (,'ieiit eent in I'ailiond.ile The nel in.itlir of Intep s in iiillioadliiR was the liulld liu; ol ll.' JeffiMson brain h I had two seitliius of the load to eoustltlct One of the tblllllUK llli lib Ills ol btllldlllK tills load Wlls the teiiible IlKlltlllllK stoilii III whli ll Mb I Haley had such I elosi escnie fiom death. A bolt of lluhtnltur tell .iniout; a kiihk of labniein and sttitik Ma team of mules which lllllev ilnnxe, killed them, ilctilollsllcil tin WIIKoll and lipped olf the Soles of the shoes on Haley without barmliiK him In the least Some of th nun In tin itowd, iIioukIi. were stunned This I i 1 1 1 1 . i i 1 1 1 lt math sin h an Implosion mi the minds of the people that ou (an hen talk of it to this da. Old Methods of Blowing;. "It Illicit be luti li-stliiK to tell of the Hist l.iitie biewen ill raibondale and it bow lho liiewid in those days. The Hist luew ei y wis a small sized nf fili, built and t ti it by How. nth bioth ets who wme IhiKllsh cat jiiMitei s. and wlio, b the wav. built the hoiPe which Is my lnniie. "Tnelt bieweiy was located behind inj pleseut home The net one to be built cm! the Hrst Kiikc one was erect i tl bj loxself and stood in the eiy I hue "heie th,. ('.it boudiile bi ew cry Is today. It was a wooden sti uctllic. The maiidlather of John (.'ameioli. the jew i lei, was punted In the old biilld hiy He was a iiibliiet luakei mid he had ll IiIk'P win el to lllll his lua t li I ip- The watt i came fioiu a small stieani tint tlowetl down the l'ist inoiintalu The pit tor the old water a uw foun- w, 1 was lo.ntttl as late as ytais ayo when tliKulnn for tin ilalloli lm th" tneseilt biewmv. "i:eijtlilm; was tun bv hand or limseiow.i The ben had to be immpcd bv baud fiom one vat to au nt Ik r. ami we used to jji Ittal the malt bv aid of hots.s. We did all of our own niiiltltiK in tbost,' ilajs. Alter awhile, wh"ll thev pit (heapel, I botiKht an ftiBlne oi two in .lei'ey City. Some Stiulng Incidents. "1 locall some Incidents that KP'.uly dale Tliep. was the InillKiiatlon meet Inpr In-Ill In ls;T. The Sihoonei, Caio llne, was sent over the Nliipira Tails by some Itiltlsh ('aiiadlnns and fol lowing It the ( Itl7ens met here and held an Indignation meeting 111 the Kail i inilialRn of ltt Cialil sh.x A Glow, who was then about - J l-r-J !-'-? -i-;V iiej-US. i "" s . .. ,',? - X t 7J.- ,J . J&zsr. - Sf?4i .-V. zsHi - J.. "-hC-. -TWftiv r-, K. -aSO- a&ii?v"S.. ' ' FA - ! -rrvriK. . -!.--.MiSnZvs T7 Ol.t) I.i(. TAI ItV-lllisT 1 1 l 1 llfUT IS C 21 years old came to Caiboudale and made his Hist political speech on Hie public squ ire He was a Demociat then At the time of the Whig politi cal meeting on the public square, Hob I'aton was fm bidden to Arc his can non on Sandy's Held, thiough fear of It frightening hnises that hauled the coal over the trestle to the foot cf No. 1 plane So he paid a man 25 cents to the the s.iime The cannon was a small one. It was loaded and ai ll3t. Manae recurely tamped with weeds, stonen nnd tho like and when It wont off It exploded, blowing nwny two of the flu Kets of the mail who pit the quarter for settlliK It off. A blR pleie of the metal, weighing iiboitt to pounds came ciaiihliiK HiiotiKli the toof of Sweet lta inn's stop, whldi wis I'.OO feet distant, whete SIiikci'! ulntlilltff stole Is now f The mine fall of Jan 12, 1MB. was a ten IIiIl happening. 1 mm leinembet It too well Theie wire fourteen lives lost Six wele ni'ui (ound Hliev were John Iheiinan, A. Walsh, John Fan ell. I'etm Claw ley, Jmnes Tool in, Ileniy Dexaney. Nanus of otheis llben Williams. JMt Walker, .las Me Orath. Henry Monte, I'atilek Leonard. Mink lliennan ratrlck Mil. hell, WIN Hum Kline, 1'nt Clarke, dilver boy, lived until evening of that day School Hooks of Old Days. "To pj to inj svhonl dn.vs In Jack Walsh's m houl.' said Mr. Ne.ilon, nfter IhlnkliiK nwhlle. "I'd like to show you smile of tho books we studied, lime they ate Cobb's Spolllm; with Alphabet, and First Second nnd Thlid le.uleis, Cobb's Seiiuel to Iteadei I. CiikIIsIi Header, Hales I'ulted States Histoi, l.lnclle.v Mtnia H KiiKllsh (ii.iiiumi'l. Smith's Atlas mid (leoRiaphy, Daboll's AtlthiiKtlc. Houycastles Mensuiatlon by Michael Jlynn "When 1 look now," toiuluded rMtlliiMiMI I II l IIIVMI Ml N( alon, "I can't but hiiimI at the clump's between the Cnbon bile of to da.v and til" lis when w hid nnlx taxnns, no i.illio.uls or tehpaphs oi any of the woudeiful Lolitilxani es of these da.s." A FUNNY POLITICAL DEMON STRATION. At a Detain intlc meetlni; In lMl.when Polk. Dallas and Shunk were the noiul lliei for ptfslclt nt. lce pi. sib ut and Kovtrnor, Hiite was u tin moll of single and double teams, and o t' ains, all decoiated with hickory poles and boughs over lso ilgs in nuinbei. The men and women wen bedecked with lJV. V"''-'T?.'i7r','"' ZAr-.t4&2& a (-Ii25i??i5i c,-- -'-JrttSsSfix; - rjzk&Z . 2r - -sy. -. ., VI1U0MUU. hickory leaves. Orecnfleld township took the banner given for the l.ugest turnout of any township In the state. Prize given by Democratic state com nilttou. In August, isr.a, No. 4 d im burst, causing a freshet dow n the hills and upper town, ncioss the I.iekawanna nt Mr. Maxwell's place, Hooding tho new mines, and the dip, mine and the ill owning of two bo a (Davis), brothers. tlj rigs r icv;' , , uitj MWiiiiijffJ'L . W. MILLS & GO,. 1 General House SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, SHINGLES, SCROLL SAWING AND TURNING YARD AND OFFICE OPPOSITE OLDEST LUMBER YARD Some Recollections, By Edward Clarkson. I Ildwaid Claikson. luesldent of the Flist National bank, one of Cnrbon dales most stilistantlnl cltlens, was n pchoolmnte of Mr Nealon Topther the wme umxIlllUK siholars, for Ml Claikil(in especially didn't like the xxa.xs of -.lnik' Wiitsli, who, the kids thoueht, was the t i itttt of the little red sihool liotise. Tills school house stool whete th First National bunk Is now located, thoiiKh Ml. Claikson lit tle die. lined that one day he would be piesident of a bank that would stand on the spot whole his Hist lessons weio leauiuil. Speaking of these rally days, Mr (inikson said: "When It was time for nie to p to i school our faliill was llvlnt; In the same bouse as 'Jack" Walsh, the schoolmaster of the little ted school house. The hotis where we lived stood wbeie Saiiltai Policeman Mof lltt's home Is now. Walsh lived up stairs and he uipeil my puents to let me pi to school. Hut I wouldn't ftci to Wulsh: 1 didn't like him. Hut I Used tii play mound Wulsh's home and was attiacted by Mis. Walsh's kindness anil piod tin till o. 1 was willing to lam n my letteis fiom her. but not the smut l HIInT I'tKIOITM I sch lolmaster. When Walsh would conn home he w mild ask, 'What little boy knows his lesson' I would say nothing until he would say later, 'Well, If some little buy can say Ids letteis he can have ten cents' I nlvvays got Hi ten lents," said Mt Claikson with a mischievous smile. "My (.illy i ('collections of Caiboa clip' me somewhat broken," (ontlnucd Mi Claikson, "for the reason that wlnn n xoiingster I felt mote like hav ing udxmitiiies than reinalnlifg at ho' ie I tin recall, well, however, the fast hose I'oinnanles that were heie. 'I bete XM'ie foul I fielonged to Kngle No 2. whbh had Its house xxhere the Columbia s boiue stands now It wns hard In those duvs to get money ft run the cltv. and If the niembeis did not I epivsont most of the families of the town x e would haxe no companies. Th. Hi emeu of today may have tum ble yeltl'ig what they xxant, that Is, they Hunk the haxe They should hixe witnessed mini of our tumbles. Why. the hose house we had to ''lllld ouiselxes David Preitdetgast and more of the boys carted the bark from the tannery nnd Don Cameron nnd inxself put on the side and the lining nnd tilled In between the xxalls with sawdust so the house wouldn't blow axvay and that we wouldn't fteeze to death "The companies had their hands full running to (Ires lt used to kc?p us n-liuinplng sometimes. One night, the night of the big tannety tire, the tnn neiv thnit stood when I ("!. Moran lives tioxx-, xxe had six flies to rup to Mnnv a time I stood up to mv hips In the I.icknxxanna working the pump handles of Mm old engine. Fine Bodv of Men. "The Ilienien weie a fine body of men when thev tinned out on parade, lor tiny were the (lower of the town. Thete used to be gieat rlxalry between (''nrbotidale and Honesdnle firemen, and I can recall the sphlt that used to take hold of all of the boxs whenever they went to llonesilale. Hut the odds weie against us when xxe held our contests theie The Honesdale men. besides being up to nil kinds of tricks and capets, would have the xx hole town to help them work the pumps, The First Engine. "The coining of the tlrst engine to Carbondale, the little 'Major Sykes,' was a great event in Caiboudale, There xvas a xvhole lot nf talk about how the thing might look nnd the day It reached heie eveiybody who could was on hand to see It. There used to be a tm ti table for It near the Seventh Ave. line station, also a little lound house "Where Memorial P.llk Is, we used to call 'pigweed park ' This was xheie tho tlrcuses used to show. My father was no hand to let us go to chcuses, D Building Supplies. CITY STATION IN THE CITY-ESTABLISHED 1870 M PE-RU-NA AVERTS DANGER In That Critical Time When a Girl Be comes a Woman. ss$$$$SS$S$J$$$$W$Wsy I by every girl In the land. It Is a erltl- i il; in! period In a woman's life when ? yv7J?5s. vl she ceiiFcs to be a etil and become a .jMm I 'maL lllSiilt S'. mm I r m ij Miss lllssll Kl INK. Miss Hess.t K. Hog PicMdent of tile Young Woman s (tub of Villex ( Itx Ninth Dakotti wiJies tin following from l'list sticet Smith Valley ('111, Ninth Dakota "Ever Rinco I intituled I sttffeieil with seveie monthly pains. Tho doc tor did not seem to undei stand what the tiouble wns and the medicine ho piescrlbed fiom time to time did not help me. Ho finally suggested thnt I havo an operation. One of my friends who had been cuied of a sim ilar affliction thiough the use of Pe runa, ndvised me to give it a tiial first, and so I used it for tlueo weeks faithfully. My pains diminished very soon nnd within two months I had none nt all. "ihls is six months ago. and dur ing that time I have not had an nche nor pain. I give highest piaiso to Peiuna. Eveiy woman ought to use it, and I feel suro that it would bring pel feet health.'' BESSIE KELLOG. The expcilence of Miss llessli Kt Hog. of Not th Dakota ought to be lead but theie Is always more than one way of seeing u cltcus We lived nt the time In the house on Sixth njnue, w heie Oeorge Posers' home Is now. Of ionise, the tent xxas In fumt of the bouse, mid all I had to do xxas to get up In my mom mid look thiough the opening at the top of tlir- tent There were x ery few shows that 1 didn't see, exeii If father said 'No' Mlustiel tioupes came to town legularly, but they showed In halls. Tbei xxere tin i of these befoie John Nealon built the Aindeiny. The l.ugest xxas Pear son's hall, whli h stood wbeie Louis ltiattei's lukeiy is todnv Later It xxus tinned Into u soldlet's hat rack. This xxas in war times. Whenever a mlustiel showed the hall xxas sute to be packed. "I tei.ill, too, when the coal cats inn up behind Main slpvt, xxheie the rlxer Is now, also the Hist mines that vxns opened on the xxay to Pall Hrook, and the horses that used to xvind up the drum to inn the cars These are about all of the incidents of Carbondnle's early c'js that X can iccall Just now." SOME FUNNY ODD PROBLEMS. The following three questions I re member reading In those First Unix high abov the earth should a person bo raised to see one third of Its surface. (Answered by demonstration only). Second In the midst of a meadow well stored w I tit grass, 1 Jus took nn acre to tether my ass. How long must the cord be, that, feed ing all round. Tic mayn't graze bss or more than nil nrro of ground. Thitd One evening 1 chanced with a tinker to sit, Whose tongue ian a great deal to fast for his wit. He talked of his ait with abundance of mettle, So I asked him to make me n Hat bot tomed kettle. Let the top and the bottom diameters be. In Just such proportion as 5 Is to 3: Twelve Inches the depth I proposed and no more: And to hold In ale gnllons seven less than a score. He promised to do it and straight to work vxent. Hut when he had done It he found It too s( ant. He altered It then, but too big ho mnije i t r Though It held eight, the diameters failed It. Thus making It often too big and too little, The tinker at last had quite spoilt d his kettle, Utlt declares he will btlng his said promise to pass Or else he w mid spoil excr ounce of his brass Ladies', Gents,' Misses' and Children's THE RELIABLE No. 11, So, Main St, Opp. Hotel Anthracite. E, P. BURKE, Pro?, Carbondale, Pa, woman. Very few pass through this pel hid without some, trouble. The doctor Is called nnd he generally art vIkcs nn operation. Perhaps he will subject the patient to a long series of expei Iments with nervines and tonics. The niiMin he does not often make a nne Is because he does not recognize the tumble. In n huge majority of the (ases ra tal th of the female organs Is the cause I'm una lellexes these cases piomptly because It cukis the catarrh. I'ei una Is not u palliative or a sedative or a neiMne or n stimulant. It Is ft spccitie for catairh and cures catarrh whet ever It may lurk In the system This girl was luckv enough to And Pet una at last As she sns, the doc Pus did not seem to understand what tin tioiibli wins and the medicine he pi-i sniped fiom time to time did not help hm I'm una hit the mark nt oiite and she Is now icconimendlng this wondoifiil imnecix to 11 the other glrlr In the I'ulted States Thoiisiiiiilx of the Bills who look nt In r beautiful fiuc and lend her sincere testimonial, will be ImI to try Peruna In their nines of tumble and critical peilods. l i una wil not fall them. Hxeiy one of them will be glad and It Is to be hoped that their enthuslarm will lead them to do as this girl did pioilalm the fact to the world, so that otheis may read It and do likewise Mm. Clulstopher rilehtnnnn, Ama tut dam, N Y , xv rites- "1 hnve been siik with catarrh of the stomach and pelvh organs for about llxe ihiiis, and had ninny a doc toi, but none could help me Some said I would never get over It One day xxhen I tend our aim mac 1 mv those who had been cured by Peruni, Hun I thought I would tty It I did, and fou nd relief with the flist bottle I took, nnd after txxo more bottles I xviik n well nnd strong as I was be fme" Mis Clulstopher Fllfhmnnn If ou do not dorlxe ptompt and sntlsfiu tin v results fiom the use of Peruti i, wilte nt once to Dr. Harttnin, giving a full stntenunt of your nnd be will be pleased to give ou his valuable mix Ire giatls Addiess Di Haitman Pieldent of The llattman Sanltailum, Columbus, Ohio. Nw to keep him from ruin I pi ay Hud It out, Fot he will never do It 1 doubt. On the Hist page nf the spelling book was a fiontlsplece representing n man holding a boy xxlth his right hand, his left pointing to nn eminence, and the following lines underneath: Honm and Fame from no condition llse, Ke that xxould win must labor for th pi ize. 'Tls thus the youth from lisping A, B, (-', Attains at lnngth a master's high de- grte Tt will take some of the time of pres ent school In ,s ti. solxe the TlnU'-i. This Is said b on; who has trlej to solve lt. WAVERLY. Ainen.o Mumford, of Not th Ablng ton, acconipinled bv his son, Fred Mumfoid nnd Lucius Kennedy, vxho nie home on a visit from Nexv York, returned from a four dnys" visit to the Pan-American Inst Wednesday. Irwin Fianklln, son of Levi Frank It?!, of F.ast Kenton, wns bulled last Tuesday He had been 111 for several months with Hrlght's disease He xxus 27 ems of age and highly re spected. William Spencer, vxlfe and daughter, of this place, accompanied by his brother nnd family of Ilenton, started for a ten ilnvs' trip to fhe Pan-American last Tuesdiv They expect to vis It Niagara Falls and other plates of Interest, before their leturn Mrs r H Halley and daughter, Stelli, are visiting friends in Cochec ton. N V "TheCkib" Choice Wines Liquors and Cigars Meals at All Hours Oysters Fresh from Shell J, J, McNuliy, Prop. 44 South Main Strait Telephone 1222 Boots, Shoes And Rubbers
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers