t r 'cA W "irf fv"" jfn'- Ti t ' .S THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- TUESDAY, SEPTE.UBEB 3, 1001'.' 12 g & -. -v T -1 CARBONDALE'S GOLDEN JUBILEE tf .included tmn IVsls li 1 youth cm tin inotr tic f .in-huMmI lliau Hie leave" 1ft Iooe mi he.iain'e air When i dflnhle nore ol ap.ar haae pasid 'r '"ir head, tli frlfnd ol Mhool nnd ihil.lhnn.1 dia are dead ft Irxt, nnd one must look lor lin. friendship m.i jwclitnt amniiif thov aali", liki himself, hip tlriltliitt nwjy from f lie old tl'oro on life' Hwiiiy tea. It I a twlemn a a-ell a Joyntn m.iul.ni avhl.h brim: in licrt- tci nnov Hip trleiidshlp nf loim.r ilaj, We liiml y tin- nrw-nmln smic nf tin' .ild century ninl I'.v Hit- it.i.lli nf I In1 new, to note the Weld ol xium in tin' hinhllnit "I -i .!. Up liero totnplite Hi" rcinid ol hltv ae.ir ol He.ldv pmgrr, inintiil peiseaninte .iti.l win em fill c'ttnit. Wo, the llaiinr. oft. r tl n a trthnlo to the memory ol our il.nl. ami .li.lk.ilo II to thou who are" Ira follow ,n a ptiirh. htrltai:o. Some irtropcit ol th" half mitiirj aahi.h In hint ended, npp.it tn I mio .1 tlio dntie ol thl oni-lon. I hope ami will I'.' liatlt.ilil enough Imllnr.l to pardon ine f..r iiltoinptlni: t.i lo aahat otlirM ,tiii.inj .i .in imto futlmrly uroomplWi. 1 Iraac tlio mtunlitl.ni of knnviiinr, hoaacacr. Hill there .ire lhn.se here aalm ..in ilitol tn poll.hid txiillonto tlio Mono on avhith I hut rudely Htlcin.l to i.mo thl lulol r. Irrinii I" .1 olli'ii life, "llio Mrriitflli find eimll ol the lniinlilpillty. a "oil .i llio ti.ill.iii. nt Hi' hi llio xllttio, IiiIoI1Ik.ii. .' ami patriotism "I It n'i 7cn.. In the poMii-wlon "f these .iltrlhnl. t r bonrlile Mandi preeminent aiimni; tlio rlti.e xililih (.'lap Mtrnslli ntnl ill traitor to our iminirv In tlio llio of a nation, or a ttiunn ipillt, III jrarn liaao born but 1 innntonl. ami n those aah. . life nielf, h.iac, aallh our . it.a, ihsm-iI tin til tirtti rnll.tnne, It hmiw but a a.stinlia nin barefootrd nml fr. o from .are wo lr.l tlio pr m nml illmhcd tlio hills ol ( .ulioiidilo. I hue Mm tho hill anil nlloii, I ho tl.n nml Itk if all our flair, nml hue a.linirc.l Iholr praii'l. nr nnd briuty. but mm lt.ro luii I fern a ui'"' boiutlful lrw th.in tint whl.li now lmiin up biforc mr, In inintil l.lon, n a 1 null tlio M . Inif hill, whkh Moin.il to mo n .inu ' nf ftunly pinoj nnd Intnlmk aline tho .itliv nf the iJHkiwanni, n llicj .auio tnmlh. r .n lo;Hnir cmbraii1 wlirre tho ualiM tint p.nin.1 ihrouli Jlirkrt llruok Mb" '""' th l.ukiwaiitia time ton tin r. 9hcro la not in llio wl.lo world a .illoy tn awiot, a tint alo In wIiom' bnoiii tho hnclit want mrot. Tho bird.v kilmla and lmrol. fnniiltic tho an rlont fnrrst, crow and MourMiul, and blooniod and withered and dud .iml c.iiuo to llio ncain for rotintloMi .11:1 b.lnrr hiliid linn tt fool bitnrcn Ihoft' hill Mrnnu hoirt and nmnlj man wrro thoy win. flihl hrnod tho hardship of plonror life ba.k In tho lu.iilio. whin tlio tthllo man's axo let tho iirt ijj nf viinliuht t. the hrart ol tho primoal fuioot. tint but a h"tt time before kivo bn.k llio i Imo t.i th- ."d rnan'i cll. Thoy did not nnd awaiting tl'in ny of the olilomoa ol rUHuihmi. r.iortllinii: vn.n Cod bid I'l.ililnl It ..iturii I loir, .iml Ihflr tak wj In luui.'o I ho fi. ol natiir. ml Ira build a town. It hi will bom Mill Ihat tl'.' plroncrft iharattor I bronchi out tlnoimh . . n bat arith nihrntitv and iiipoiii"ii, 11ml it . in n aull and truthlully bo sud ol thov who f."in.l I Carhondjlo tint tlu.a win flmmi in riol m.l braao in nihrndti. II thoy had f.utiid .1. nni. in tho foiet, brhlcoi 1 1 ail t ..iion. llio ti. .hi-.. houses oroctrd nml mill im.lir iiilliiltKui if they had found 1 huri h"4 and tho w Imol await itjc them, it would not h,no ln.ti no.oxan lor thorn to put forth the almost tupi'ilitimm rrh'iin ailiir h lr.infnriiiul .1 wlhleriioN into a .in .f bcmitiful borne, in wlu.li all the i.MntJui .if ndvaucitiE; tlvilltttoti ate in .nletuo on exory band. Tiny . itno hero to w.uk ami not tn i.llo tho time away, Thoy ..tine to build and not to deitrny, 'ihe .lid not eomc b. iu.' thej . ould not liml work at home, hut be. 1110 tlut wished to enjoy Irtedoni and itnh poml. n. o in tt 1 x.n ie, as will a In tho woihip nf .Moi llish. 'Ili.'v umo from aarunu l.ino. Ironi huin tho. Imed rli'trly and well, but 111 wlmli thousht and aiiton weto . urhul hetaiis. ih,a . mill 1 ike no put in llio mikinu' ol lt or In tho Mixtion of tlioo who wrro to admitii.t.r them In 1 word, llo-y ramo to bo free, to w.uk out the prohhtn ol bto for thnnMhi 111 .1 n.w and .tiiim ipit.d wnihl. 'llio Sdit.li. tho Iriah, the W .I1-I1. tho llnulMi nnd tlio (iiiuiati ...mo to the alo ol tho bokt a.anril from Ih.ir far m n khriiiei. and lil.l their .lltTercn.o ol ran and opinion on the .ointnon altar for tho cn.nl ol all, hiii- to i.iru1 a ti"v .hi-tluy ami r.ar a my ol aniuou. p.at.lul liome.. It ai Into of Iilioit. tint hrouclit "iir fathern hero; it wa tho spirit nt imlepfiuMi o that demiinhd th. eflabH-ditiii nt ol a oit.a of their own, rn llnl lo il autotiom. In whl.li raeli Mio fhould bate Ih 11. lit and bunliti. tuicht l-o rcf-osmml. 'I hey taint- with an 1 Mlled hli-t of tho rlcllt aalnth enh mm owe to lib. nelulihoi, and thcio rxl'-l.d a hoittnti. eaeti ahoai tin liw, ill tilt1 preaalemo of a moral ontitniut wliuh undo it isafo In that early day to !.op will, tin locked .loon. ('atlioiidilo did not iail In tho In-iou ne of our country, or that mhd rxt.nihuc Irom tho lniddti! of llio olchtoontli lentury to tlio .ndiin of the lira .purler ol the nlneti-emu. win. h piii brain the Indiin aar. the leiolminii uf ihi .oloiilts and the wit of 1IJ It uieer fr' in forest wild to (it lMaiitiful haf promoted through avhat ml) he 1.1II1.I ihe itiaiiitlao .111 1 industrial prrio.1. The woild'n Ktoat.-t proi-11-4 In been undo ninu the first tn o ava fell.il to tho earth in llarr. tnlale by 1 lit- uividiuin' ie, and wc are now, a. a natl. n. railuu into the avidc-Mtrt.hliii: o.t nf 11n11111111i.il rntnpri., knoavlne no lltniu of hound 11 us Mao llne vt bv tho Almlzhlv Himself. In tin kiimi wo.l; I'alliondilo U well iinlitli.l tn take a nin-l pi.iiiil. tirnt put. Hi r . Iiihhin wn.. not . Iiooli.l in th arm ol war; the ilailj iml of Hie Imad wum. r aias prrfnrnir.) in p. no; tho pith from Inn. to tho temple of (.ml wa nut l. m I In ,111; dim:, r from irnwln:r hiaaL., a wa tin .aw with earlier t-ottlemrnt Tho liattlis of the pion. n if ('arlmti.lal. aieie lliilu-ti i.ll 'I In litnldir ol jour lily wire rirni't, pit inn wotkit, tiu ititnli rocui L-rnwth follow..! . 'tot I ol thur. Meadtly, fti.nlil... i-t.p b, i'ip. I'p tho a.ntur.nH buildoti!, u". Carefully plaiinc lone 011 lone--Thu the h ftleat temple u'lon Your people m not mule up ol million im and iitui.rti The (treuui. ol . ilih ,mi i,, 1 rt v .to not mo, i l.i, 'Ihit win, It nr pe .plo iiwn aa ireu I I. tl ih-iIm. I I,, li i.. tint if thO fll t V 1, - ML 11 l v ., i,l i, n nut Is more common than xve may think, if wo. (U'fltie gluttony ns eating hcyoutl the body's neeil of sustenance and beyond tlieVvoniaeh's capacity for digestion and avstnii! ttion of food. That is a fair definition, and it fastens the name glut ton on many a person who would resent the term as an insult. The fact of this gluttony is marked by its consequences.. The overloaded stomach becomes dis eased. The popular term for the condi tion is " weak " stomach. The " weak " stomach fails in furnishing adequate nu trition for the body, nnd .soon the "weak ness " spreads from the stomach to other organs. Vr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery :ures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It enables the perfect assimilation of food, by which alone the health ami strength ol the body is maintained. "Your medicine helped me so much that I cannot prake It too highly," wtllen Mr, CI,. HrooU, of I'oland, Androscogsiu Co , Me. "The find ihe I took helped me. I cannot forcet how I felt when I took It i I xrai nitlering every thing avith indigestion, ond ray stomach . o bloated that it feemeil as though It mind burst My huband said he was goinc for the doctor, but I said if he would get me n tmttle of the r.olden Medical JiUcovery' I would try that. I had not taken It long when I felt relicaed, and have not had a touch of Indigestion or stomach trouble since I had been sick for four years, iad lets than four bottlts cured me. boine people that knew me before I began to take the 'Golden Medical Discovery' tell rue that they never saw mcli a change In ony one, and they nlso say they don't see how I can do such large waxhliigt ns I do now, when I had not done waf hltig for o loug," Dr. riercu'b l'ellets cure biliousuess. &LUTTONY more people navn Ihelr home In Carhondale, In liroportlon to population, tiaan In any other city in the I'nlcn. The homes jon own you bulhled .aotirclae, and In the cte.tloti jou built "no mean tit).1' Much I fahl and aa-rilton about the fplrll nf cnminirilallm today, 11a tlmimli llnl fpltll w,n now and had hitherto been unknown In tho bre.nl nf mm. The fplrll of tniiiniilolalnni I not new; It I not 11 11 unwoithy fplrll: It I 0110 whlih In lid ilaa and itineration I ,n lie. wary a tho air we brelthe, Thoo who i.uideinn lomincrelallsni lre.uently do m In the name of labor, InrKiKul ol llio iacr-pnetit fin tint 10mm. r. Iillftn I but the bullion ol tabor. . lu men e I an oxchamre of enmni.iditlt. nml Htf wider the ranee of illflributlon the itrutir .the ditnatid for libor to uppl. the pinduit. I ot.i liur.e l the .'piioioii if trade, the hind ma'd of labor. Wo of the new VolM prod belt.r nrti.h. inoie of th. lit, iitid In nlmllrr Unto, thatij ana- nthir i'oopl. or any other mtloii ill urtfi. th.a, the 11 fhoitld we prntil aKilnt iiimnierclal'lMti, aalteii II I our ionim.no that btirdin all niein and fea? Why eliotiM wo 1 mi. I. tun inniinrii iiIimii whin It I nur com menu that fiippliex all land with the bit tlio nnrket .iflor.Ur Whj fnonld we, llio iii-.tt.ir, .h-mnmio what wo iteale, Jie.auc It lour our Imr. to l'" throiiuhout tho world, nml t. all the nrt tlnieol to pioi liutii the iliitetui.' ol m ri( rn- i.r rm mmu itimi S"-(ifiiniv I t (I'N.ill. no 11 . oiilc til W It. (intmap. ..!. lata ('. I.. I... t In up (hnim .111 II. union (ommiii.e. I'. I' ,( iiiinor, Tremmr ' i:. I). Il.ii.lii.k, l'iel.l.t.i Amorlc 111 (.kill and adilearmenl. No; imn iner.i.ilisui I not new. I'roin ihe l.m.Iitisr "I Coluinliu lh.. spirit nf innuni-r. Ill entirpiii ha Inn L'.utun crtiund. 'Hie t-otnltiu.ttion nf llio .oloulefi m opposition to the llrilbh imwu had its lurtli 111 . omiuer. I it he. ivwiti, and Ihe t.it. lishinint nf the fediral union found it origin in tin- del. iiiilnation of tho people to m.intgo their nii limine ami i-iira out their own .oiii men nl 11I01, imliptndrnl ol the niothir loiintry. lino nl tin- mum In the Pi-iliritlon of hide. I" nib in o. the aaorld known imhituinit against King lioorgo III wa. "for .lining ott our nolo with all pirti- of the w.uld.' I'm mid iininnr tttit.d innt..itme with all .ountrie 011 ti mis of tin ir own iinkitu' i. whit our fortfatlnr il,miuil.il, and tlio fpult wlmli a.nt.it.-il tlieui hid. In fore the founding nf f arliomlal. . littered through the gales nl Ihe il,.-Hti..m and moil at. hi.- of the ih! worl I into the h.-irt of their people, animating tin 111 with .1 .olie to lio in a liml wluie Industrial ennrtime ...uld lo uiTied nti fteo front the rule or ..hit ol king ot htpnt in Midi a avaa 1 to ain for tho woik or a filr reward for hi tod, while glorllt'tu (oh! in it exenife To I1111I.I nml iij",t, .real. 11ml dtnlribut.. to be a fat tor in ext.tnllng tho trmli- nf tin union to "all jiait of (he aaorld" was tho spirit wliu h auiiuatod IIiom1 who founded .mr .in, nnd ailule ..hliriting this aiuiii. r-.try wo wouhl fall fhotl ol our full duty did wo nrt ua ample tilhuto to tho noble wntk porfntm d foi h.inie ami niuntra in Hie fear and low of God. mi do not . Uio the Milumo today, but aou tutu a ngo m histnr.v, and anth Ihe a.t snould imiii' the high leiioh. lint liettei thingi. shall bo wiltten of tho liiluro than has bun 1 nl.,1 ot tho pi-t, lliinug the Iile nf ('.iiliondilo tho world ha aaltli. U uinio 01 iiori'v. 1110 e of ndi.nnemint, mot. of (.iutatioti, more roird for the ii.-lil.. nf other. anil more womhrlul a. Idea, mi nt thin bles.d miuklml in ulioli mi tui lis ol fnim.r .leats, hut all lli.se thing, gleit and 011' 1. 1 till athe,i aio, did not upiear nt tho lirikoning ot than. v They came tiatuiallv and n nete-siia d.unmle.l them. 'Ihe tiir hiako -in not tie..fs,m to .lu.k the s-pe.il ot the o team or t mt 1 11 nil. nnd ila fiblhiit aoln waa not h.ar.l until it bo. line the ii-.d ut the liour tn r.dit.0 tin .p nl ol tho tapnvt nam, wm.li .lion- in nam -iml ftago .oa.li into ohliaion Whi'ti Callioudale wa new tin' .IlM.inie belweili line ami sitiiitou, toikon.d b,i mliiuti uud linurf, w.is gieatir Hull the diftaiuo from h. 10 tu iw olk at the piifrnt time. The mairu toa.h m iilo it- one w.an tup 1a.l1 wai a ry il.iv, 11111I now, witii the mil nl ft. am Iweulv tour buliininu . apioM nam numhilan- tlm. nml tpio ei.h li lieiwetn the two .ill., .uti.iiug -ill who wUh to trai.I, .-iHiir on husin.iw. m pl,a 1111, while .111 aunuy known onl. to Cm In that, .nil 'In, nml own now ln l.sihli- tn man, mud in. 1 In trn- ur iHiuudlng on their way from i-,ti. to gito, and .lour to .loot, throughout this otiii' a ill. .1, (tut f Hliiia lead thur weikla pipei, I. llli.g -oil 1 1 1 lio duiig at Iniini, b.a tho light nt iho t. k,w 1 audio. 'I in lupiumng. nut ..nli nf nur wn liml, Iml of l.urope and the larawai Orl.nl, 1 1 I liotoio 11 In tho cl.illi paifiH. run oil on tlio M.lil. I'lifiitlng pre, me road a hr sunlluht 1 1, n we tun. li the billion that vh-ttillle llio onkn.x of midnight into the brilliant ot noon 111 ('iibotiilale, though anutu as n muni. I -I ilni ho, witneiu.d iiuruloiu .iiang.f. I'lio ma I 1 mier of the Ihiilies follnn.-d on hoi-e-1 .' k tin path hlaed throiigli ih. for.st ha tl-o 1 .1 111111. who proode.l him. In tin (01 He. tho m:i 101.I1 Uftllpod the functions if Hie llll"- luig mad larrur. Tin ttftien aw tho 'Hinting ,1 wins irom polo lo poll' 111 the nur. I. of .lu lu, in doin town to town The uoi-o of Mum 1 wiping from the tlrtt Inioinotliv Hut on liiiil.d a tr.mi In Hie I tilted -lali- wu lii.inl in the twetitloi-, wluii it In tall lis w-oik nf rciol.i t oiiimg iunHiit illon on tliv liildiuie r.nd lludxiti t anal 1011111.1111 V railtoad a few flent null from the pot lain lonu wo stand. Ihat i.oiuul loullmu.l to Im rraso in lolnnli nut il in tin- itle e saw the fli.iin ingine pulling p.ni.1 nu. r and mail .ati. u. fiom the irtih to thl f.iitlncl eili, ftjt,"iied heio wh.ro tho lint mum nt I Ih1 lllu. I'ul;" tiUHiiiiaius hid iuii oil. 1 1 tjiiw.ll hii'uio Moping oil to the fort ilo pi iln and 1 illi. is of ihe s,iisiu. hantu and tho llelawaie to tlio norlh of tin The wonderful lamp uf ln. llu whh h filed so tlluriiiL' 11 light nair Hie edges of i.ie aiihiiu Nights iliinug liililhoodV hour, piles, ginws dimmed and bo ioiikk 1 shaduw befoio tho greater light dawning upon the indiit dais of tho iweulb'th leutiiiy. Had 1 pioph.t aiis'ii iiuoug the 011I1 u-t. n if ( nitiomlaln to (oietell Iho womlen, of slum uud elettriill) mid inipresed mr, nhn h haao iuiaded and reaoliitloni.. .1 eiery method of pio, liiiiion, had that pinphei f..i fill the .hinge from hate lliiora ami ireahrd "Mil to 1 .'input aide and beiiitllul liomis suvh ,u we (lljol to dm, Ihei would haae .ailed him inol; Inn the 1011111,0.1 1 hill w liking tlio fticeli of Una Ik an! i ful nli is familiar with all of llii'.-e wonderful agrm lis aid cuji'ia the lointoii, o a hum,. u,, , our fathi rs did not te. kon among tin- po.l,l. tie of the future, (aibomlale ha ilieu to llin IhhIiiim world an exaniplo ol Mpuro, hniiest .haling, In Ihe hot iul woihl khe fits nil example wlmli the gineioui and hoipltahle of j 1 IHei may will imulale llir nopk' 11 re luted at homo and refpeited uhroul. I haae hiii the sons of Carhnndalo in the III Id of Iho koiilh, 011 tho plains of Iho west, and in the mnuutalmi and mining ramp of tho great northwest. 1 foiiml th. m tngiged In labor, basinets and I rule, and wlieicur I met them I exchanged gnetlngi Willi men cstcinud at oillzms hciauic vt the rcput.t- Hon for truth, honor and probity which they carried with them from their eld home In Carbon, dale. The past of Ctrbondalc eoes Into hltnry with out a fHln. lt luttiro loom up briithl with hope and prnmlv ol crenler aehbaement to nl low. May the memory ol the noble dei.U of our flrea be eaer prenent In Ihe inltnl of Ihtwe who aio to carrv to uc.elul Iwue the work they o happily iitid fo well beuan amid ttlal and ad airlla nil lid hallowed iiintind. It If but a poor trilnilo wlileli caeti the inot rloipi.nt lonen.. mti.h If initio. 1.111 rindei to lh.. nrlfl.o and iloantn n lit.li, made it possible for 11 lo meet l"di In i' and think KHIiik. I f.el. thnefore. tint I hue filled In the .(Toil In do Jinthe lo m matnl a theme ,1 that net beloto me. and I lake m.a le.no ol anil ixirelnu' Ihe hope Ihat you who h..si t libit In It to in rlili an Itiherll.tn.e mi) alwaa itinl hit.. Ihe rxampli of th'""' who heio built home, fili.MiK ihurihe and wotkhos. and In their rrntlon ailtnl III fliinisilieiilint tl"' lntllull"m ..I .1 nation who.- tlait If hto.id inoiu.li to imml pmt.itlnti to our Mind of the ea and brlirht etioutfh lo llclit Ihe w.il'.l lo itifran. lileininl. linn. M. J. Hlltlof, nf ChlritRn, 11 ttu'tiilior nf tin KlatP HPtinte of llllnoift. 11 limn alni went from tlio mines of O.ilbnniliilo t tlu- Most, nml vvorltPtl out a fgront rareor for himself, p.iiil hlg:lt tiiliiite tn tho bold lious.iutty that .'HP tho tultlp nf C'at'bomliile.ins. He .said: I !i. in it one nf tho greatest and pmuiht pmlhgm of mi life lo In permittc'l to dililtiK to.i,ia the people of (..thomllle, 111,111.1 of wliotil aa.ro the fri. nd and him lab ol m.a . hlhihood nml oath iii'iiilmoil. Il wa in deir old I arho.i ihle that I in. t night the riiditin lit ol kno vl edge, and it wn lute that, a a 111. ie boa, I be gan to .am 1 batnj in .lour -aoudiiful limn. I t-oleuml.t a.ssuio .ami tint the traiulin; re mi. il in a.nir muNt ha hem ma hot i.iplta! Il hs-oiisiind pleiepts hue brin di.pti . In 1 ih. il lit 111. And todai. a the eae take 111 .aotir henuiifiil .ita. ai.th it. f.hool ami 11 thur. In, it stil,st.antnl stores and flno n an .hn.e, it woinhrful mines, and, nhoie all. Hip em rgi and push of it turn, the hi.iuti and antiie nt its worn. 11, it 1 no wonder that 1 am proud to bo Willi ami .luring tour .elebratinn, am) still promler to be aide lo ,ii liial liete I wa hold and moiled mi oarlv triinlng. In the few amril that I addr. to ami tooai. I 11m pirtnularli anxi'iin to (.peik to th.- aonnj, r el. im 111 'llio hoiii,- training and the environment nl .Intnl. lon-tiliito at .lite the gteat bulwaik of s.afeii nganist th. wukiduo- nnd snare ol .lie worhi oiir In nirs nto the home of winkii. oattiesl, honift. Inik-al, iiernie worker, loial to their gon mint nt. fideral .stale and mmueip.l. Una I to th.lr home and loaal to (loil sui li iieoplo an- the best fhmonU in a nation, at .11.0 patriot), nnd airniou 'Una are ii.ith.-r tlio up)!.! 1 rust imr the low. 1 . rul, but, like the b.ft part of tho pie, tin a aro the substantial ,'nd .suslalmtig MilMtaiu o hetweeu the two inisi. oiir .nairomnetit i oti or honest, laborious nnl, nii.l ihe ttoikinan, though otlen fiowned upon by the L'hhlt rl. h, l'. In ma ibtimatlon, lit ltapjue.t and Ire.st, the most f, nh-ss ami patn ntlo 11ti7.11 in the liml. 1 haie alwai found him the truei-l fri. nd the wiet .ouiiM'Ilor. the most alitiiou aoeiiie Amir flno .III. with Its pltrintle ami pr.isrov.no populjtion, f one of tlio grandest oulogle to Ihe pefn'ieratico and fin. on of Iho workman. Unik I- the gieaieat p.ui.ri for human 111. aaorK i, nin- of the stoat- fattois 111 human .tea. lopment and olnlva Hon, nml it i tho Minikin iiorkiniu the lalmr ir, the indium, and iho miner tint line pined mr lountr.i 111 1 1 is limit tank among tie- na tion. To the aoung, then, I repeal, loam to work, bo pioud of it no in itter II kind, prniidi'd it bo lion...! Put aotu luait m it. it 1011 . 1. sire lo simoeil. N.arr hefoio in the lii-.toiv ol our iniintti wa il more difn.ult for the I11 or tie iin.-killiil to mile a liatug, nid neaei helore wa 11 mot.- u..esaiv tint ihe wotkir fhouhl be in t.ltigitit and thouirliifiil. The mi...'. of union. im I due to the Int. HIl'. in e and Ihouglitfiilne of it uiimhirs. Aon will peneiao how Import ant Int. Ilig.h.e I. to tho u oil, 11 when jou 'hull on the ft't lint titilotiirm ha In in II ntl-spung, and it U 111110I11.-11! thai ha Imoaer wrested the iMllat of bondage Iioin 'he tieik of tin worker. A tiloasnut lui'ldent closiod tho ox-oii'is.'S!--tli(' piPMntntlon nt the in tr.ilta nf throe nf ('atlxmdalp's fnur may. irs linn. .I.tntos Aii'hb.iM, the Ili'Mt chief PNcctitlvc nf the city: linn. .Inhn M. I'noro nml linn. .1. II. Villi Ib'fK.n. The portrait! cam.' fiom the families of tin- .lecciscd, Or, V. V. b'l.'tchor, chairman nf select enimcll, iniide 11 foi lint: roKponsn In aeeejitliiK the Kll'ts in behalf nf the cily and In t lili'Ulnlly paid a cluulm; ttibttte tn the fiiuinlt'iH nf Cuiiondale and Its pi't'sont Inhaliltants. The porlrnlta alll lio suspended In the maynr's, nlllcc. t'liiilrniun .Indwin also road the ful lnnlni! ode, aviitleli especially for the occasion. Our City. bad t" our illy 'ne.lt 11 tlio hill, iioet sale theo lump llilght-ryed was ho nnd glad of limit, a Mia to mighty Fame. When I10111 old nature' wounded breast Ihe glittering coal H n wiesl, Twa Irilng uld, "Within this alo Mull tnnd a cita -t'arliotidali'. ' And will tho name: our nin-kn-id liilli Vil prlsnnrd niiniiiiiB hold, Though all our aeslenl.iw (srtllt ti) I 01111I half a ccntuit told, r.ilav wo unit In liar again Tho glory of the patj Wo hoi kon ilnin the phatitoin a-eais Hear ghiwU ..line II". king n,i. They are tho mm tint ui.ule us gnat II,. 1. 1 Inrors iiuwii.d ut last: Mil Will wi kii.m- our illy tiainU I lilt It. nil .1 solid pant, .Ml hall to theui-llioy Uud, I saa, I la it we might iinhler be. Tiny larioil with tnll uur upwarrls liis lo life .iml llherla. .Ml hall to mm Ihat still do dwell Hire in our inldit ludaa J Tho llalng they hue reed ol pralfe The dud ire gone away. Within this city 'neath the hills Tiue heroes jit .aou'll tlnd. Who glie their Inar and (Hie their (oil To hleM their fellow kind. lie thea In labor's dusty gatb, Or high in soelal place. Vint matter It? In them behold The mini of .1 laie. Tho Prophocy. Ilehold, oh illy 'neath Iho hill, " Kro jet the pcrlert title ilasp, Iho tniindnl ieiiliir.1 full. Old things shall pi away. Ml plied fhall he our illy flteets, flower bnr.lerf on their edges neat, Our pirk fhill ho without a fence, Our fountain guiltless of offense. Ml pole ami wire burled unite. The Tesla light nuke gaa the night i Ihe horsm all tumid out lo feed, An lallfon motor all wv neid. Vow building were the ntd now fland, niiir water on tho ilier f null rltftlo li.tne Willi labor le Mull all our chllilr.n'i. ililldrrti blev. Tlio titinrti'tte cnmpn.oil of II. F.Clark, l.usscll Shepherd, V. F. Clark nnd K. I', line Kanp several selretlnns ditiiliK Hit aflernnnn, and the Mnzart b.ind tendoied old halladst. After the ptocriunme was roncltided, 1 'hall man .India In obiiervetl Captain lie I.accy nf Seriinton, In the iittilleiice and called nn 111 111 for a talk. The laptalu, ax ho aas hnrn In Catlmnilale clxty-soven ycats iikd, tnnk oeeaslnn ilni'itiu; hln rrmarkH to tcKtlfy In the 11lnr and bravery nf Cuiliondale'u sonn (lit iik war tlme.t. nnd dpclated that hiw native town contributed mure sol di. i to the 1'nlon than any nther town In lh" rniiini(inw'rnlth. The credit nf KlxitiK the llrst cnimnand tn lire nt the 1 attic nf (lotiynburB. he declared, be lenpt tn Captain Flynii. n deceased t.'Sidpnt of Catiiniiihilo, who command ed 11 I jd of Infantry. The Wurts Ouarda. iJittinc; the afternoon there was a company of surxixotH of the Wurts guards, a milltaty compiiny conimand ed by Captain Wurts one nf the found p". nf Cniiinndale. The x'elorana axho tiro here atteudlnK the Jubilee enjoyably I i.ss-ed 11 few limit h In fralprnlzlni?. School Childien's Parade. The parade of the school children in ihe afternoon aas the artistic reunite nf Hie Jubilee eel Pinnules of the llrst day. There were about I'.OUO (hlldren In line, the ulrls dres'pd In white, all lotryhiK small Aim 1 lean lla?s. All of the Moats wete beautiful, and sexeral nf them were koi genus. The one that excelled xxus the Iloral wnRon which wart a travelltiB bow it of beauty. The other Ilnats which won the ad miration of the multitudes along the line nf mure 'i were: " I'ncle Sinn and Columbia and Their Pnwsslons," the recently acnulied natlxes In the Philippine. 'Ship of State," with beautiful ac eesstniies In prettily robed little ones. "The Kittle ShepheiTle.ss-'.s" aaith pet lambs nnd ullded ulnffs "The Old Oahpn Hue ket," 'Columbia and the States," "The May Pole." "The Atinynnil the It -d Ctoss," which xxns repio-entpd by two holdlers and a hos pital tent with a ( nips of whlte-uni-fnrnied nun-es cnrliisj fnr hhe wountl ed: The lllrth of tin Ameilean Klatr," "The Nnxy," repie-sonted by the bat tleship "Pennsyhanla" with her com plement of men. In the procession aaeip .sexeral band's nnd at the head In e.miitKpst avere the M'lmnl dlieetnrs, P. F. Huirhes. pres ident: IJIehaid Kerwin. sfcretary: (J. F. Sa Inert, William Kvans, ,Ins'ph tl.'tll.'iRtipr. isobett Vanaan, siiperln tendenl nf .-1 hnnls. Klmor K. (invi ; Pilncipal Mr.xden. nf the hlRh nehnol, nnd the ceiips of city teachers. The parade was riewp.i nt the city hall by the Pihool ellrerteiru. HAVE CLAIMS ON CARBONDALE Ai'potnl.-d l. t-lxen Just a mention of Home of ine men noted In the thioiiK at thn teimion or about the city who e'l.lm Carbondale nt their home or ihe home nf their fatbits, or who at one time or another lived nnd had their he Inr bete Hi.N. I:. W. AHCHHAI.n, Sciantnn. jndKe nf Federal emir I, hot 11 in Car bniubile. IMS; snn of Hon. .lames Alch liaht, llrst mayor of Caiimndale; moved tn Sciantnn aahen 0 years old. HON. T. V. I'OWDKIII.V. WashltiK ton. I. C, cnmmWslnner Keneial nf m n iKrntlnn, born in Carbntidale Wi years HRii. till! o.' TVl'ienie Pnwdoily, the Hi's,: mlnet in Caiijondale. woiked ns saa itchman ubout Poaxderly's mines, which wjh opened by his fitthei; v niUdl ii. Delaware and Hudson ear shops latei nnd when leaving tor Scuiu- tn.t lpceived the only rocommendatlon exir Riven an appi entice by Thomas Pie loon, then stipeiintPinleiit of .sihois, but later piesldeiit of the Delawaie and litt'lsoti coiaiipnj C.KOIlCiK !,. PICKSOX, binther nf Thcnias Plcksmi, a piesldent nf the I), lawnrp and Hudson company, came hen with his brnther in 1S30: merchant and later Keneial ntananei nf Vun Het nen & C'n.'s plant, wedded Miss l,ydla I'niire. (I.'UKhter of Hon. .Inhn M. Poore, one 11111)01 of Catbotidale;, moved tn Sitanlon In ll.d, wheie he has since resided. JAMKS AllCH HA I.D. civil oiiKineer, Hiianlon, InotliPi of Hon. It. W. Aich l.alu, Mm of Hun. James Atchbald: iiune to Caibnndale In lf.r.7: uttettded school here nnd went to Scianton ax hen 111 yeats old. at the time his father Iip ciinip associated with the Delawaie, l.Mkawaniiu nml Western railroad. DU. HlJJ.l, HAMPTON. Keneral prac tltlni.er, Sciantnn; itfjeil So years, iiinte In Cathondale In ISoO; practiced here until 1 Wits : innveil to Scrantou In ISfi.".; no.v In his Mill year, but remnikahly vignmus. .V.AHTIN P. FI,YNN. proprietor nf I,uckt,wanna Valley house, Scrantou: native of Cnrbondale; born the year of tlm Incorporation of the city; pioprle tor for years of tho Harrison house, sticrc-pilliiK his father, who had a meat 1 c iutntlnn ns well as his non for his ki.cwIeilRc of the hotel business uml hl' success In conduetliifr the tame; lenmikably well infoimed on the e.uly hlftor of Carbnudale. WJKMAM F. MONIES, lesldent mamifjer of tho Plttstou Stove com pany: born In Caihondale firiy-nln years ago; snn nf Colonel William N. Monies, S'cnnd mayor of Scianton, who was a baker In Carbondale, II, A. Chambers, teal estate dealer SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Footd'ano, a powder. It rure-i pnnful, waiting, in 1 a oils feet and ingrowing nji,, un, liilantl tk' tlio sting out nl conn und bun. Ions, It'll the greatest comfort .llsuneij of th... age. AIUh loot I'aw make. tight or now Iiihn foil rasa. Il is " iciUIn cuio lot swelling, ,j. Ions and hot. tir.d, a.liing ftct. T It tudai. Isold by ill drugglaU ami hoe ttnre. Ily null lor 'Jc. In stamps,1 Trial pcrkage FlIKL'. Ad riiiw Allen is. Oliuatid. U liux, ,N, V, of Phlladelihla; lived In Carbondale for twenty jarn, prior to lStlS, wnrk Iiik as a sign and ornamental painter, went out with the llrst company or ganized In Carbondale. Mr. Cham bers Is now 70 years of ar.'. Seven years hko he icldirated his Rolden xxeddlni; ut Deposit, N. V. Ills Rtnoiux. man, V. ,1. Condlt, late of Scrauton, and his xvlfe's bridesmaid, Mrs. O. P. Clatk. still lesldent In Scrantou. weie both nt the Khlcu weddlm; iiniilvt-rs-nry. CAPTAIN P. Oi: LACY, alderman of Scrantou, born in Caihondale In l.v-'i;, lived here seven or elRht years nnd then mined tn Slnctim Hollow; son nf William pe Lacy, nil' of Cat lion dale's llrst cobblers. THOMAS P. HUOWN. of Scrantou, came to Carbondale from llonesdalo at the acre of 11'; son of James llrown, one of the miners eiuoombed by the cave-In at No. 1 In 1S4S. LK ril'ANDi: WUIC.HT, of Scran ton, born In Carbondale In 1SI",; son of Abel Wrluht, blacksmith: worked as an engineer on the cmvlty nnd helped put iii a nuinbor nt tho en gines at the head houses. .1. L. ATHKUTON. of Scrantou, for forty years connected with the Pelti xvare nnd Hudson; worked In Carbon dale as a coal inspector. CAPTAIN P. !. ATIIFHTON. kjo retaty ot the Scranton Hoard of Trade, son of the above; spent u part nf his more youthful days surveying; fnr the Pelaavare and Hudson In and about Carbondale. i:. P. MITCHHLL, manager for T. F. L-nnard, hardware dealer, derail ton: son nf .lames Mitchell, who xxns for some .xe.us a lesldent of Caihon dale. FICANK C. PFIlFKi:. of Dtvegu, N. Y., son of John K. Purfee. of Purfee Hi os., c.'irly liver) men of Carbondale; learned the tallnrlnir trade with Lewis PtiKhe, fui ty .xeais hro, binther of Thomas A. Purfee. now nf Carbondale. A. S. liAKKIt. chief accountant Pel nwate, Lackawanna and Western 111I11 Inir deparimeut. Scranton; born in Cnr bondale; son of Samuel I), linker, lum berman, and nlie of the oldest settle! m. T. ,1. KFLLY, of T. .1. Ke.lly oi Co.. axhnlesaleis, Scrantou; born In C.tr bnr.dal". mairied Anna, daiiRhter nf Hucrh o-N-lll. .me nf the mnst prouiln cm of the old-time met chants of Car bondale. COHNF.LII'S COMF.C.YS. uttoinpy of Seranioii. ciiisln of the .ladwins, one of Carbon. Inle's llrst families. .1AMFS A. WILLIAMS. Salamama, N. Y.: I'lmluii't on main line Kilo; born In Carbondtle 1S3I; wntked on old Cfi'.ivlty toad; dune tandem, drawliiK coal cms from Falllnook mine nvr old trestle wotk.s to font of Nn. 1 plane; lift Cailiondnle lSod, .IOIIN ,M. (lALLA(!Hi:i:, Pcckvllle: drlxcr bosH fnr Oiilatln and Western company: boin In Caibnndale is 17; miner In the old level nn Fnllluook side. HKNIIY Pi:cK. Salamanca. N, Y ; Kile tallri'iicl ciiRllieei; Inn 11 In Car bnudale 1".;!S, worked in old (Jravity system. ciiirIu In collapse of tt exile: fell fottx-plRhi toot and burled under seven iais of Rravcl. had mliuciilous i'nii.' fiom death: this almost tuiRlc Incident was a topic ot cnnvcinitlnn for )ars iimiuiR I'arhondale icsl.lrnts. ('. P. .IAPWIN, ical estate binker. Scranton; native of Carbondale and member of .la.lwln family, whbh has been so conspli uous In life nf Caibnn dale. CKOIUIK M. I'OiiKUS. Pundaff; came to Carbondale In ISL'S; moved to Pundaff soon alter, though he has been 11 tieitieut visitor to tl.'isj city ever since. tiKOUOK li. LOVK. of Hrooklyn N V.. bin n In Caihondale In ls"fi; oldest man amoiiR foi met- icsblents of Car bondale; uiPtch.int In thhs city, oppo site ISionsntv's lailway hotel, until lS'lS; moved to liinoklyn, ahlch baa slme boon his homo. W M WILSON, commercial traveler. Si unit. m. Iioin In ('nrhoiulalp in 1SI0; Ili'sH teb'Kiaph opeialor In Caibnndale; Hist newsdealer In 1 Ily. (!. H. NKWTON. Peekvllle; came to Caihondale fiom Pundaff in lsli. I'leiked In Rioceiy stoic and attended school taught by .lohn II. Foidhnm, who xac.bled datiehter of the late Thomas Die loon. FIIANK WATTS. ieldent aRont for St. Louis MllllnR enmpany, hoi n In Caihondale lSGrt; son of Mi. and Mis. Henry Watte; woiked ten- Wilson, the pioneer newsdealer; dellxered Him Cai bnndale Leadeis ever pi Intnl. dellvei InR the whole out lit In about an hour and a half one day 11 we. k; loft t.'ni boiiilnlc 1S7." THOMAS II WATTS. Sctunton; binther of Frank Wattf-. Inn 11 in Cai hondale ISo.'I: aaoiked at foot of No. 1 plain' on old Oraxlty cais; left for Scranton In the early '7u.: lepreseuts WcMein Hour mills. JOHN II. HHYPKN. Nineveh, N. Y.. pnsseiiRer etiRlneer on Polaaaaie and HiiilMm load: ci'me to Caibnmlale in ISM; avorkod at font of No. 1 plane. THOMAS HKAI5N, wbei IwrlRhl. To ledo, Ohio; came to Caihondale In 1S71; woiked as wheehx light In tho mine ele p.utmcnt of Pelawnte and Hudson shops; later 111 cat (.hops; now at Mel hnin xxitRon works, T.ilcdo HON. W. .1. LKWIS. Scianton. e JtlilRe, ex-shoilff: at prcj-ent coal up. 1. alnr and Intetested In ntinieiotts 111 teriirlse's In and about Sitani.in woiked In Net. 1 dllfl. the White llrl.lir. and No. 7 mines; left Cirboiidnb In WILLIAM M'CLAYK, Si rant. .11. member of tit 111 of McClnve. Ilmoks ,: Co.. mukt'ih of Krutes and blnwiis resident of Curhnndale tor sea mil ycais durltiR the middle 'tiO..: foreman duilnR that time of tinning- and plumb IllK shop of Van lloigen .t Co.; wedded dauBhter of Moees T. Rulluiiclti, ploni-cr of Carbundulc, t til mvrmk ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotcu nd anncx Virginia Aae, and lleaeh, Atlantic City, N. .1. Sixth jear, 3V beaiilltul rooms etnulte, slngla and with bath, hot and cold sea water baths In hotel snd annex, boeallon selcet and central, within lew aanl-. of the steel I'icr Or.hestia. Ollirs fpeelal fprlng rails, ill to l' by auck; VM 1111 h day Spc lul rate to families. Co 11 lies meet all trains. Write lor booklet niAM.i'H 1;. con;. ASBURY PARK, Thealhambra 400 Scwall Avenue. Asbury Park, New Jersey. Pleasant rooms and excellent table. $6.0(1 to $7.00 per week. Location cen tral. Hroad porches. Klectrle lights. Five minutes from ocean. Scranton teferenccs. THE CANNON'S STORY. Tly reiiuest The Ti Ibune reprints the follow Im;. P.y .It.hn McConib. Commander nf Will lam II. I), ivies Post. No. 1S7, Ucpt. Pa., C. A. IL. 1U01. The rip and ioar of shellst that tore Fiom illleil thlrty-pouuders, Of Patrott make, xalth four-Inch bore, Weie filrthtftil peace e.Npoundcrs! Tl.s- men who heaul them shriek and crash. And saw them burst and Ily, Ann felt the blood of comrades splash Vhcie many fell to die. Can pi. tine now the absent ones Math' vivid by the scene Wheie nan old-fashloncd Pairott buhs Ken hnrnilot-.s on the pfieen. ThioUKh evolution men discard What eime eimi'iideied pride. Hut 0111 old ,-nl.Ileis .act leK.ntl The thillKS they stood bcslile; Tin muj'.zle-ln.idlnn- caiinon then Weie stylish In their day. And se xacie SprliiKllold muskets, when Ltt's army marched this way! For In the ear of 'Slxty-thiee The date miiiked on e.u h Kllll From (IcttysliurK the hosts of Leo Wen s-outhwatd toned to run. A tellcs of the daikest days This country exer saw. Thus" Kims will call lo mind the xaays (tin tioops maintained the law; ArU thouKh they're mute, they yet do- e lare. In their divortlnp form, The valor of the men who bear The Impress of the stottn Of four yens' war, In which they foimhl Te make this Nation free! And by their blond and pinwess, bought The prestige which we see. For sinee the days xxhen loyal 111. -n. Who aear the datk blue blouse, Came home with tutteied banners, w hen Dlsttess ans In each house, our Culnn's fume has been discussed Il nhn es haxe been told Anil children have assumed the trust Ibiiueathed fiom days of old. And we have seen the sons of sties Who x ore the nine anil (.ray. Stand side by side In battle's Hies And fotelKii tioops dismay. rn.' friendship now ttn.tes the men Who, foi ty years iiko, With heated blond, weie ready then Our H.iK in oxertlltow , And they who toriucd xxlth shot and shell The boys who aaore the blue, Would now chaiKe to the mouth of lull To show they'ie loyal ton; Fo- time a inlKhty chungo has wtotiKht, Sine.- these old Kims axen- made! Am.' men who then ui;nlnst them fought V iilllil wield 11 I'lllon blade Those fnos of old noxa fr.ttunlze WI eievei they may meet, An 1 never fall in recognize The won h III 1'iich complete; Thej know the war In which they fought Leveah'd couragi'ous tt.'ilts On cither side, ami thy wife taught That our l'llltetl States Must be Intact, If wu would hold The world at large at bay; So now lhey do their best to mould Their t hlldren In that way. Those heavy guns mnv haxe a use, Though silently they lie; For by the comment they Induce, From each one passing by, Seine stoiy of the strife Is told, An legend, or as tiuth, Wl Ich has u gleam of action bold, That will inspire our youth To honor those bravo men who wear Tl'11 little pendent star; I'o.' Cnrbimdnle had men to dare The ravages of war! Exposition nnd Industrial Fnlr, Toronto. Cannda, August 20th to Sept. 7th, 1001. For the above occasion ticket agents of the Lackawanna tallroad will &ol live clay loach exwiialoii th ket.s to 'I'm onto. Canada, and tetiirn xbi Lew Ihton anil steamer at $7,iu, nlso ten day tl.ket llrst class in every aspect for i'l TO. Tickets will Ih- good Rnlnj; August :'.lst and Sept lt. Chlldleu between the in.es .f .'. and Vi y.-am one. half uf the .nliilt nile. 5txepfXFTfHEiTL627 8V,? r Vd Hltlilli, In. Itnt; nirrmn rVlUl L'i 4 W S) tuii-rlrR. 1iumnlrr In turr Uu hj Mil) Olittr A JTA.,ifl,M,'rpr',,r,M,l',,1,)l,'"M.4 f f tPir5Crt Bl ' rlto"i '""M 1MI1. tmst 1.htM.r1 iUNiy lirlnifrli K KtrUlurvi (no rblllnyi, I pitrluif ImilbrunVritUn(ni.SrRirurSiuriiTrHiDiiUltllMikl TriplriTj' mnllfkl ni rltrtr.ft1ra.i1, Irnflvn pptr.T -"---- -..-- ,, ..,,!- FINLEY'S Exhibit of BLACK DRESS FABRICS In Ihe fashlotiihle world toiiiy bl.ark hnldi ft unique pine. It l.a alivaif In Male, dignified and dlidlncnilfhld. To.liy wo ptefent (or jour ln.peetion the ne fihrlM for I'all and tatntir. 'lhey form an In cotniirabI. exhibition ot Inula .la si material. The m flno tiondc ol rxqtiUIlp textute llnl'hfd t our fienal order nine to im direct Ironi the met t ti 'inl tn 11111(11 tun r. in frame, Kngland, tier- many and Anirtiia. I'rninln. nt auiom: our foreign col lei t ion are thix fainoii ' Priestlr.a-' nnd "l.tipiu" fahrl.a In tin-fttti'-d iptmtit) and In all the ncwit wcaics. tu. li at Biaritz Suiting, Satin Raye, Pouzinctte Crepoline Armure Indecise, Etamine, Etc. At prl.i'!, munis fiom 1,1 emts to H") a yard. Wo aim to haie the best pood obtainable- then we i.llei ihe rltiht j.'oo,, it the nuht price. What ami u.ul at pu.o ami mn-lihr fall, and hot of ill, 110 mutantec eurv ar.l wo fell. V aiit tn our flute will make it cljar to aou tint lln exhibit f our I ilitlerrttt to any other. No ndiirtifem. nt 1 in do Justin- to tho cxipilslto iinllly and il.hui nf ihl. . olleillon. Wo ina ile ami 10 . ill and cc them, to pur. Imm' till a. mi ,110 leada. A liu fpecial -it populir prices. So need At 45 Cents 4') im h pine wool ( lioit4 .iii'l Storm Rcrccs. -tOirith puir uo.t Mtlti tin Mi .I.itqilinU. lu.mh puic wuol AltutioM ami biirah Serge. At 75 Cents t'llnili ilk Mnpo Crepollnej, I. null M0I1.111 .ind sdhl Iieiuardx oj imli Sirce. and (healotl. At $1.00 I'Mmli Aitnurr Imlrtir t iti li I"i1iim anil Pi'jinn Suiting. il-inth'Nii;i, ( hcicts ami Cam eh Ihlr. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave L I Lager Beer ewery Mnnuracturers or OLD STOCK ER 48B to 455 N. Ninth Stroot, Telcphon-J Call. 2.WJ. NEW YORK HOTELS T i:STMliSTEU HOTEL. Cor. bixtotntli St and Ira Ins Tlacc, NEW YORK. Ameili.-in I'hn, J ',0 IVr I)Jy and fpuaidi. Kurop.an I'lan, $1 01 I'.r lljy and Lpwjrdi bpnul lljti-i tu l'.iimlirs. T. THOMPSON, Trop. TEL JEFFEHSON NEW YORK IO'.'. I0I-IOO Dust mill t root. The. 1 1. Il"l HSO nHthorniiunlyfirst-cUu family nnd transient lint... ooer.mrtttanaint. mnnienntumoiiiiiiiniofiuiiiry and comfort. On ifith street jUt east of Onion Bnuare, It 1 wit lil ii 11 few in.ii.ie of tho loading shopi, tueatresmid tuti European Plan, 11.00 up. Amnnean Plan. S2.S0 un. Suites with Private Oath, $2.00 up. tor neril rate Kimlenor information a rite JOHN I.. 11 Villi:!. II, I'rnprlotnr rtar.'u1-' 'i 1 HHHAMsmeaBmmmm o--- ----" For Business Men In tho heart ot the wholesale dlatrlct- For SlioppeH X mlnutets walk to Wannmakers; S minutes to Blegel Coopers Ul8 Btoro. Uasy of access to tho ureas Dry Goods stores. For SlKhtscer.s One block from R'way Cars. c1; InB easy transportation to all points ut Interest. f f f - -f -f ! HOTEL ALBERT ; X NEW YOKK. X T -.. Firm IIMtVOnOfftV Tl 1 ror. inn o uiiifi.si 1 i-i 4 uniy una iiu- nvin Miuiiuii.17 Rooms, $1 Up. Nl'ssTAURANT Prlcci Itcaionable -- nv Everjf Woman UUHell-lvH-llllll'UUlslin;w . . niioiitltiewondctftil A MARVFL httnq Spray s, ,1 1lii'liewXa1ill"rlite. ni. Q2 s'i ,l UI.J .MO 'lo, llfll-Mf- 1 vS S?a$ i-tt .xloit Convenient, U'jtinud iinr.Qirt msiiBi -, .1 fir II I11. ii.iiot nnpi'ty the other. It'll M-ii't miiii'ferll In.irii.i.l h.mk-...l.d It UlTea full ixiitli-iilsraini I i;'1,;rn.,'', t' n ' ..II. HIIV V 1. 1 o., Itoom fief). Timet nde New Ycrk, inis b rUoTEL ""I I m r IVV 2 . 7 Xs y 'd fc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers