The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 02, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Will Spend This Week Getting Ac
quainted with the Department and
Ascertaining Its Needs New First
Class Steamer Recently Purchased
by tho City Has Ileen Received.
It Will Probably Be Tested Today.
Steamer Will Be Housed at the
Nay Aug Building.
H. F. Wrlifr, the now HupPi Intoml
nt or the lillirau nt Hi on. iimuned Hip
'.utlrts of liN nlllcc on. Snttinlay iiwin
.tic, nltlictish IHh nppDlntnicnt did not
actually bo Into effect until C o'eloclc
thnt nlBht. 1'". V. Xlgciiniitin, tho it
tlrlntr chief. deslieii to ro to Huffiilo
on Saturday innmlnc, and Chief J'"r
her iiKrcfd to Hike tip his duties u little
earlier mtwwii)'.
The new clilnf paid yixMenliiy that
he would establish lieadiittaitriH nl tin
Nay Aug onelno hmie. 1IH olllce
hours at tlm city hall will h from 9 to
11 n. in. for the piwnt. lk will di
vote tho lnnrrr putt of hlo Unit this
week In malting' an Inspection of tlie
Fmernl luiso and cngliu' hone and in
VecomlriR nmualtitetl with the peiinu
lent men.
He paid that he contemplates a mini
tier of changes In thf nuiiiiRCiiiwtit of
iho deptii'tineiit, hill desltes to iiy
nothlliB about them fur tho picsf-nl.
Craihlook Most Is. who was appointed
ns ch'ik of the (lopiiitnicnt h runner
Chief Zlzoliniitin unci who xxn.s Ininr
icetly lOporled List wtek ns liitxlnir. re
sUnviI, Is tit lie letnllieil by Chief Vcr
her. Former Chief P. V. XJy.elm.inii has
nceoptMl ii position as I'leik In the
fielpht depai'tinenl of the Deluwaie,
Lackawanna and Wistfin (iimpany,
and will assume his i!uile ns soon as
he returns fioni the I'ati-Ainerlcan ex
position, for whlih he lift on Satur
day, liefoie ho became chief of the ile
irtment he wii emplo.xeil In a similar
captivity by the (niiipniix.
The new llrt-da"' steamer pur
chased by the city liom Hie American
FIte Knsltie company nriled heie on
Saturday oer the Dtlawaie and Hud
Kin railroad and l 1iiib on a car nmr
the station. nxxiiitlni; the anhal of the
company's agent and onglnoci, who are
expecti d to ai live toilaj foi Hie pur of nuikliiB a test of the new piece
of appaiatus.
This test Is to be n oty tlintotigri
one. The steamer will be attached to
a lite hjiiinnt In the icntral pan of
the city and an effott thus made to
ascertain whether or not the water
preMUM- Is sulllclent to allow It to he
operated at Its highest rate. Itn pump
ing capacity will also be tested In the
pumping of water from the tlver.
The new steamer has a pumping
capacity of l.liii) gallons a minute, or
3n) gallons more than the Crjstal
tteainrr. which Is at pirsent the
argest in the i Ity. It Is built more for
ervico than for show and is not veiy
uetty to look upon. Its boiler being
.natneled a dull black. Instead of being
nickel-plated. I). .1. Slowe. call man at
tho Nay Aug Knglne company, Is to
be tho engineer.
On account of the gioat weight of
the new ste.uner. it will have to be
drawn by three horses, but this can
not bo done until the Nay Aug engine
house, where it Is to be housed, Is le-mntlclc-tl.
The steamer at present used
by the Nay Aug ionipan. Is to be kept
in esere In tho central pint of the
city for use in cao of an emeigeniy.
For the Hist time In the hlstoiy of
the tiro department the purchasing of
supplies has now been placed upon a
sjslematle basK one man Is pet sun
nily icsponslble for everything pur
chased and that man Is Directed of
Public Safety F. I.. Wot inner.
"I it in willing." sjld he the other day
In conversation with a Tribune man.
"to be held personally icsponslble for
every single aitlcle pun based for the
Hie department. 1 lmxo given stilct
instructions that nothing can bo pur
chased until 1 hae apptoved the ie-
lulsltion and have ascot mined that
thelo aie sillllclent funds to pay for the
111 tide ie(Uliel. 1 shall take especial
pains to mold tile I'liMllou of dellelen-x'l-'B
and bellcxe Ihal I Will be sllccev.
ful in so doing."
rndei old legul'itlons the purchase
of supplies was left to Iho i hlof of the
Hie department anil tho ihairmon of
thu common and select council Hie de
partment committees Th chief gen
erally did all the pui chasing, but could
not be held diiectly responsible foi It.
Tho rev-it It of this method of doing
business can be sei n In the countless
number of dellclency bills turned in by
' (the fire department tor the past few
fears. This will be done away with by
I Director "Wormscr's system, which re
quires a captain to secure his nppiovul
.ifceioro ho can een lme a horse shod.
ETosepTi Hall, tlio well Known postal
tlork and niPinln i of Mio I'l'.inKllii Kn
Bine company. Ii.ih I n i-li-c toil liy i tit-
KJrcmcn'H llfliof .ikih iatmn n. dolc
BtitP to the .--t.iti llit'iiii'ii's 'onxpntlon
tn In hold 111 1'llllinlclphl.l ill (VlollPI.
Iliirry Orcmnxnuil Iuim bi'in clioben an
Tho Anthracite Coal Hatket Is Quiet
but Strong at Fresent D. 1. &
V. Board for Today.
The anthrncltP innrKct In qiilPt hut
ptroiiBT. Thcrp (ire no illstilflilnK pIp
ment" and prlceH ni' Roncritlly main
talnfit. N'o ono in (Uitlns tln ilroulnr
raiPH, so far ns can 'oe iibcrtalned.
The lue. advance sclipdulcd for Spji
tpmher 1 causes no dlHtiubancp. Thp
trade has been able to absoih quietly
the very large production Itetall deal
ers In the East report tin unusally latur
trade for the 8eanon. In fact, th'-y nay
trat on unusually larR pioportlon of
customers are puttliiK In their winter
clocks', c that there Is almost a rush.
In the western trade trouble Is found
In EetliiiR coal enough. The shlpmenlH
to lake ports are kept down on this
end uci'itUKo of short car supply; whllo
at Lake Idle port."t there Is, trouble
about RPttluc; tho ore boats unloaded
nnd ready to tako coal. The season Is
now ho far lulranced that It Is very
jirobable navlKittlon will close before
oil contracts can ho filled.
Tho nniclal statement of nnthracltc
output to July 31 nhows for tho seven
r.onths HlilpmcntH of 31,219,127 tons,
compared 'with 20,278,606 tons for the
corresponding period of ISOOj an In
cieane nf I,'JIU,5'J1 tons, or 1S.8 per cent.
Many a Scranton Reader Will
Feel Grateful for This
When your back gives out,
Decomes iHine, weak or aching,
When utlnary tioubles set In,
Your kidney are "In a bad way."
Dunn's Kidney I'IIIk will cure oil.
Hpi-o Ih local evidence to piove It;
.Mr. rhlllp (tinver, bather nt the cor
ner ot I.aekawainia nnd 1'enn avenues,
,sny.c "I wai subject to pains across
my back for foihc time. After being
on my feet for fourteen or fifteen boms
a day, tho pain was so Intense that 1
could Bcarcely bear it. 1 tiled dilfermt
ipniedlcs", but never got nny thing that
bi ought lellef until I used Doan'n Kid
ney 1'llls. I only used them n fhoit
time before f was entltely lid of the
palit. and It Is month since I had any
symptoms of my former tumble. My
wife also used's Kldnev Tills,
and Joins me In praising th"in. I would
not be without them 111 the lioue '
Kor .i1p by all dealers. Pi he, CO
cents. Koster-Mllburn Co.. Huffalo. N.
V., sole agenta for the 1'nlteil States.
ltemeinber the
no substitute.
name Doan's and take
The miners' convention Is In salon
nl Hazleton this week, and is consider
ing several alleged gilevancps against
the companies. It Is not b"lleved that
any strike will lesult, as It Is expect
ed that amicable settlements can be
leaehed. Knglneerlng and Mining
Presented with Watch.
Charles 11. AVIIIIatns, of Qulney ave
nue, for many years foreman of the
Delawaie. Lackawanna and Western
Itallroad company's blacksmith shop
and who will l?ae tho city today for
ilamiltoti, O., where he has accepted
a position with the Nlte.s Tool com
pany. was piesented with a gold medal
and chain Saturday night by the men
in his department.
ltenj.iniin Thomas made the presen
tation spoch and William Clarke nlso
spoke briefly, l'vcry man employed in
the shop was present, and following
the presentation a smoker was en
Joy ed.
V., I. & W. Board for Today.
The following Is the make-up of the
D., L. and W. board for today;
Willi fU, S p. Ill , 0. Kcariu.v, 10 p. in.,
M0SI1VY, SI' 2
Willi C.ilf, l'.at l.::o a. in, II. lMcrl; I i
in , .1. W. Pcclni", 10 I. in., II Hi-lMlii;, 1 in ,
('. W. Iiiinn; .' p. in., II. J. I.jrkln; U p. in , F.
S'linmllK. l'tc.-fi p. m , oi'l. .1 .1. Murray.
1'iMnm. -s .i. in., Iliiiwri, 1ft a. in, . W nip.
nfr; ll.::n . m . Mnun; " p. in., Muiili; 'I p.
ni., W. II, nirtlirilnnuw,
IMniKrr llimliics i .1. in , (JilTnrv; 7 .1 m ,
Cilllcin: in n in, O. W. I'it7i:rnlil, 10 n. in,
V. K. Somr; 7 p. m , suntuti; 7 p. in. Mi
(nrrn WIM CM, Wt-10 , in, r. Will, wlih
( nm!i' n; -J p. in.. It. Cittnrr; 1 p in ,
(. Ilini(ilih; II p. in., M. Staples, with U. Cise'd
e re .
not ici:.
V C.i'p will run r, a. in. hiM rat S'pl.
V II. Ilnlhiilompw'n crew ; one trip.
.lolm (IhIul m and itpw will run 6 p,
in pljip ot (ieoruo 'Ihoinix and crpw,
in. wet
S,-.t. I.
(ienree lhon.u and rrrw ruin 3.15 p. m can,
S-I.I. 1.
t'uiiilui tor T Mifarlhy will reioit al mperin
li'libiir olrtip. S ,i. in., Mondaj, Sipt. 2.
C'oii'lii' tor II. I.aikm will report at MierIuleniK
em' odlip, 'I ,i. in., Mnmlax. Sept. 'J.
II with William KlrlitN n, will run
f. a. in. nibl rat, s,pt .', In plaif ot II. J. l.arU
In and riw ; one trip,
Thia and That.
Tho members of the general Com
mltt (' of the Hiolliprhooil of llnllioail
Tialnineti of the Delaware, I.acka
xviinna nnd Western load have Kone to
their ."eveial hornet, after havhifr ar
lar.Ked to have a formal conference
with fletieinl Superintendent Clarke,
September 11 and 12.
Knglnecr ('hailps WlnebraKe, of No.
!'ii.'. one or the large locomotives
which pulls the fast No. fi train from
this city to New Voik over the l.acka
w.mnn road, broke a recoid on Satur
day x hen 1p took the train from
Stioudsbiii'K to lloboken. a distance
of f:i miles, without stopping foi water.
1' In the first time the feat has been
accomplished and -when the engine
m rived at lloboken there was sixteen
Irches of xvater in the tank.
Sovereign Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F.
Itullanapnlib, Intl., Sept. 10th to
21st 1001.
Tor the aliuve nic.ii.lon ticket agents
of the Lackawanna railroad will sell
special round trip tickets to Indianap
olis, Ind., at regular lirst class one xvay
fare for the round trip. Tickets will )it
on sale good going Sept. 12th to 15th
Inclusive, letuinlng to Ipiivp Indianap
olis not later than Sept. Li or earlier
than Sept 1.1th. Hy depositing tickets
with Joint agent at Indianapolis, Ind.,
on or before Sept. 23d, return limit
xx 111 be extended to leave Indianapolis
not later than October 7th on payment
of oO cents additional. Stop off at liuf
falo xvlll be permitted on the return
trip by depositing ticket xxlth joint
ngPiit No. fiO Exchange strcel, and on
payment of $1.00 extra, provided that
ticket Is used to destination within thp
dual return limit. Children between
the ages of 5 and 12 years one-half nf
the adult rate
-- -
Exposition nnd Industrial Fair,
Toronto, Canada, August 26th to
Sept. 7th, 1001.
I'"or the above occasion ticket ngenls
of the Ijickaxxanna railroad will sell
live day coach excursion tickets to
Toronto, Canada, and return via I.ew-
Iston anil steamer at ji.75, also ten
day ticket first class In every respect
for $9.73. Tickets xvlll be good going
August 31st and Sept 1st. Child! en
betxveen the ages nf ft and 12 years one
half of tho adult rate.
Special Low Fares to Cleveland, Ohio,
via the Lehigh Valley Eallroad,
Account O, A. It. National En
campment. Tickets on sale September Rth to I2th
Inclusive. Consult Lehigh Valley tic-
ikat axenta for particulars.
4U lJTiT ji . gm-"'
ii v v., fitjteLfroMttfitfgw
-B lv V l.LrJ-lixiJ-..i,'.mi iiuil "lm
3 pfcgmdipsB s .Bill s L n
i iE eN ili w m
k iatr r..JHi"J "J WiaiHC'iuJi mn&v. mi
, m p , f - - mm ran n i- "i.mfcXT.X iL.,1 TMV.T.- J ! .
'-S " """ -- "Vi.s'
j of money by calling here at the right time. It will pay any person who is desirous g
3 of purchasing a Piano to take advantage of these rare opportunities. j
jl The public is invited to call here before buying. j
f N. B.There is but one Guernsey Hall in the city of Scranton. Guernsey g
jl Hall is located near the Central Post Office Building, f!
1 J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor.
Today's Attractions.
MCKl M "Mioic Aire." Afteinoun
ACUlKMV OV Mf-IC "Kiilnappcd in
iork." Alli'inonn and nlcht.
SPxIt TIIKATCR.-djrkc'ii New Itojals. Af
ternoon and nlsht.
Opening of the Lyceum.
'1 lie l..MPt.m llip.itir will open for thp m mm
toiliy with thp prntlutiiun of lnni' imM
'Hit re will be pi ifinnniiifi aften.oon .mil nuht.
It bi ju-tlv bien Mid ot Hue pi i. tint 11 h
n drill ateli .Hid MiupP bpiiitiful .ic a uiiiiuiii
idorj IN ilui.iitriK .up a dear ,u 1 .ni'i in. In
fciitiiii'i.iH .irp bulb bimioioiN and pitlicne and
its upliflmi; and bilplul. Hie .-Ifny Mr.
llurip telU in '"liore Xues" m e.nil.v lollowtd,
mid im .urn w.iteli its unfoldlni; xmi ipadily
under! ind whv thu siniplp pl.iv has been
trnuiieil with sucli listing popul.iril, b, re
tofurr, the pliv xvlll In- prepnled with inlirp
iiiw Mimry and 1 fin,' ailing (oiupiiij that in
1 bides all the old favntui.
"Kidnapped" nt Academy.
The luilndranu, "Kldnapppd in New
111K," whleh in IN third suitrsnlul MMon,
will bo previitid lure thus altiiuooii .ind mulit
at (In Xi idi'inv of Xluii. Ihla 1 1 U abntp
Hie axmiKi. N"t 01 It Is the plot unfullv
drawn, but Hip rompinv i ot rumrkablp quality.
'I In ti,i turns on the l.idnippiii of Marion
t Ink in Sew X,ork a ft v jear, ,mo. Tli ni.inu
tit Ins ti'.in some liberties wilh the flit for
Hip sil.e of the plij. whlih mikes It full of
tin ilhnir Mliutinm .ind In iclil dlalouf.
'Die iIpiii ibiraiUr aitor. Itjine Clliivire,
U Iho star. In Hip role ot PioIe,, the detntiip,
Mippuitul bx Ihc well Known pl.iil, lin lie
Kin llulii.ilh as .l,u Minion, the s xnnrw,
(,ii.!p l,rlli', Iho popuiai oiiiiitrie loniediau;
I I eiiiii, the ehild actri'..s, a lot ot four
xi.irs, who pla,iii hi r put Willi llu fckill of u
xpi"iati, 'Ihrio is no Mrainini; in hu xoie',
and hhe i .ts luluril as ran be. Ilarri Pn,p,
CI arli", leorird, .1. II Honovau, Mnu Shirley,
I.1II1111 I 1 r I . I'.lh Xijiiii .mil Xd.i Tba,cr
coiiipltio tlu.4 illun.- and well biljnnd cast.
Frederick Warde at the Lyceum.
X ben rrediiick .itih iipp.iis nt Hip l.xniun
toinonow niuht in "I'lu Xlounttbank" In -vlll
bo Mippniled lij 11 tine Potnpji The leadiiu;
I nix of an nrranliMtloti cf tliU rallbre iniit nei.
ijnl be bPhcted Willi the ututoi 1 an Xlr.
W.udi's nianiiteiui'iit hi- bei n eonijMttihttd upoq
the eholii1 of Jlna Xutolnette Ahtnn, .1 lithe
II ml willowy joiiiik wouiin of luudionif fealuren.
lb r ai bin rnit nts have been impinixe thus far,
and h.ic lit-t 11 pirtleularly identlfled wilh .l.nut
O'N'eill, as Virginia in "Viritiniin," and a- lulift
In Mr William Oaiiih' production of "itoineo
and .luliet."
Anoihir xaluiblp mriiilirr of this compinj will
bo ViiKinia Dipw 'Piisiolt. Her inot n.dahle
at liieceiinnts hao beer in ftoik work and in the
fcnppnrt of Mr. l.oni Morri'on, Willi whom -lie
won dutlnelion is thu tjiiuii In hli relrbtatnl
picilurtluii of "I'reJirlik tin' fireit " Not tb
liist iuiporliiit ol Mr. Wanle's Mippnrt will Im
Ins ihainmi,' djuuhter. Mini May Wanle. a xotms
iileis of undi-p'ttid tibnt, aji tbinontlriled by
bei ibxti anil xmiisoiiii pi' s lat'lr of
Mauelh In "I lie l.lnn'a M0111I1," anil .lina In
"Ibe Minlnnt id eiilic " llu Ailern IhrtelU
is a handsome .xoiihk .11 iiiw who was with l.ewU
Mniriwtn for Hie xi-ars -he alo lias had Ktoi'k
ixppintMp with tlio CkiIp S.puip 1 ompauy and
plu.xed Hi? leading loles wilh the Maun l.ipman
inipsm. XII the lidiea cf the orjaniratlon
who (.rleiled lit Xlr. Wanle for their npisial (It
ne for th xailous ftmlnine iaii 111 "llora
tins." "It'iitf l.ear," "The Mouiitelnnk." "Vir.
glnlut" and "Julina (ai-ar," xxliUli form Ills
rt i-i toiro llila n,io,i
"Pudd'nhcad Wilson."
"When iin.-rj, lount four; xthen xriv ancij,
iweur," in ,m axiom lul.tii finm Hie laluulir of
"Pudd'nhcail Wiloii," mam of whlih bate bien
ilMilhiilcd In thi 1 My. 'I he biluht lines in the
lil lie lioi.lla are but n fore t.ute of whit Is
jet tn loine whin the prodin tmu of this drliRht
fill loniuly, under the direction of Milpnun
llrotliein, is I'd 11 In IhU idly at tho l.tceuin on
Wednesday nluht next, and, is it Is inttiprtled
In it miipiii) of iiiiiiie,tiuneil worth, a ilcliglit
lul proiliiillon is .u-iiutl.
William S. tilll will be rem In the title role.
He has plated eteij male charaitcr In the play
and Ins ,i!u pjrtlilpitrd in etery performama
ot the pleto flnie its ttrat production at tho Hi r
aid Npnre theater, and he mi) bo expected to
Bite, a prilrit rendition of Ids role. Ill Mippnrt
ins I'onipany will be of unusual Uripjth and
dramallu work. The etenlo ctlccti will bs p.r
fc. Ufi art now nit uIm.
"""" ... . i .1 - .
(III in in io
Delaware. Lackawanna and Western
In P.ITect Auk. 11. 1001.
Trains leate Scranton for New Votk At l.tO,
3.(10, D,U, 7.60 and 10 05 a. m: lAstf, 3.20,
8.4.1, .V0U and 8.10 p. in. Por New York and
Phlladelphla-7.50 and 10.0.i a m.. and 12 l' and
".15 p. m. I'or Tohthanna At (1.10 p. in. Tor
lluffaln 1 15, (1.22 anil 0 () a. 111 ; 1.S0. 3 ,'2, 7.01
and 11.35 p. m For Itlniihinitnti and way Ma
tions 10.20 a. m and 1 05 p. in. I'or Osweun.
Siiaiu-e and 1 Ilea 1 15 and rt 11 a. m.; ISO
and 3 5.' p. 111. Ostv 'to, .t ravine and Utle.i
train nt fi'A! a. m chilv, except Sunday. For
MoiitrciKf '(rt s mi 1 115 and 7(15 p. in.
Mibolson afiomninihtlor, I 00 and (I 15 11 in.
lllooui.burt; Hnislon For Northumberland, at
r, 45 and 10 U.7 a in ; 1 30 and 0 10 p in. For
PltiiiMUth, at R.10 a. in. i 3.r5 and '10.5 p m.
Kundai Tralnt I'or New Yurk, 1 40. 3 1), 5.55
and 10 05 a. m.: a 20, 3 15 and 5 00 p m. For
1lufT.ito 1.15 and h J a. 111, 130, 3 52, 7 05
and 11 35 p. 111 For Illn3l11nitr.1i and way su
tiom-'l.ol and 1020 a ni IllooinsbiirK dixUion
I.eate Seranton, 10 05 a m. and 0.10 p. m.
Stpr Theater Opens Today.
Two tiiy ilptpr vniilii-elieit, AIhp lmhe and
Minnie llimliait, bite a nntilt.t ait that they are
predentin!: wilh Cirl.e's Si v ltotaU, whuh n
the opinini; atlraclinn at the Mar tnealer. Tliete
two yoimtr ladles Intei-hottn lonnlderable enter
pii'e ill put line together an aet that would be
fiiliiel.t different from the usual run of wster
mix. For the past two .tears Miss llinrhart has
made a apeeiallv of voon roiic. In her i-prc ialty
wilh Mlu she iintes up the harnter of
a tan eolored negiess and mi natural is the make
up that Iho audience i alttats under the Im-lue'-.lon
that she is rrjllv "1 0011" until he
pulls oft her wit; and elme-.. ,11-pljt mc her white
tkip. llie, two aiti'ts aie fuiitdii; "Annie
Moore." "lv laidv llotlentot" and "I Wants tn
Re a Leading l.adt " In .iddltlon to la'slie and
Ijiiuhart, the programme alfo imbraees Fields
and Wooley. Coulter and enr. I.lllie Fnuli.h,
Trolley Car Trio, Carroll and l.baton and th"
burlii)ue, "Oil to llulfalo."
Today bem Lihor dat, the regular etenlne
prlies will pntail for Hie matinee. Tomorrow
nflernoon will be I.nlles' Hay, and all ladus will
be admitted fiee on this opening ladies' matinee.
Stage Notes.
Itobert II, M mil II, xxlime forilieonunz series of
retitals of plat are itlraitimr wide
spread attention, has been aununrrii g at luc
counlr.t pliee, Atlintie llluhliuds, X. ,1.
XV. s. Treniat ne'a inimenselt RtieeifStfnJ roman
tic plij, "A "nret Wairant," will he Bent out
this eciMin bf M W. llanley k on, Willis
lirangir. the umiieut leaiiing actor, bating been
engaged In en nl the prlncipil role of Louis rie
lleaumont. This faseinaling role, originated by
ltobert II. Mmlill a lew jears unte, Ills taken
rank as one ot Hie niot pluurvvpie known to
our dranii, and the play Is ko crowded xvith
human inlerr-t and with I nil thrilling cceii
that it will lite long in the memories of all thit
bate the itond fortune Hi see il "A Secret XVar
rant" will be presented tn this cllv wlihln a
few will,, with .1 metropolitan '.il, and an
elaborate fcrnlo displa.t
Xmelia Illi.gham, whese prodiietlon of "The
nimliprV' will be fern in this city at an larlv
dale, dired from its run of twn hundred nlihts
at the IIIJou theater, saja In a discussion of 'The
sotms (Hf the Mage The aureus who.e ue-
ii-.s is the greateat Is the one who leada the
c,uMlet life -thinking much, reading much, oh-
witing tuueli and who nuku an clforl after
tcinpeianie In all things."
John Lord's Descendants Spent a
Pleasant Day.
The dsvVondant.s of Jolnii Lid, of
Susriuehanna county, held their annutil
ivunton F.Iday at Nay Ausr park.
The day was pleasantly tpcni. Tlui
piesent took dinner In the Jiorthearl
erly coiner of the picnic Rrour.ils.
At u business mcelitii; held In tho
nfteinoon I-'. K. I.oomls xas chosen
piesldent, and Mr. and Mtn. A. H.
Loomls, treasurer and secietaty 10
hpccttxcly. It xxas cUfidetl to hold ne.xt
year's minion at Heart Luke.
Those piesent yesterday xxere as fol
lows Mr. and Mis. Kchoonover, Mr, and
Mrs. J. V. Mink and Mr. and Mrs. John
LiiiiI, nl Littlirop; Mrs. flard and Mli-s
(lard, of p'orest City: Mr. and Mrs.
Will Lord, nf Nicholson: Mr. nnd Mm,
John Men ill, of foster; J. J'". Ilent
ley, of liiiiKhamton: Mr. and Mrs.
Hush Wilcht. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lord,
Mrs. .Mary Lord, Mln Nclllo Lord,
Mrs. Iru Itoaencrans and chlldinu Mra.
Guernsey Hall
Is Headquarters for the
Leading High-Grade
Pianos and Organs
Guernsey Hall is well known as the
most liberal Music House to deal with.
Prices are always low, terms easy and f;
goods equal if not superior to any in the
market. Every instrument is thorough- g
ly guaranteed. g
Pianos are a few of the many beautiful J
and celebrated instruments that can al- g
ways be found in stock. j
Special bargains can be secured here g
almost every day in the week on Pianos g
and Organs that have either been re- j
turned or left on sale
$400 Piano for less than half that amount S
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Flleet .lime 2, l'OI.
Trains leate t.ranton:
For Philadelphia and Niw ork vli I). fc II
It. It., at 6 15 and U .IS a, m. and 2.13, 4 27
(lllaik Diamond Lxpress), and 11.80 p. m. bun
data. D fc II. It. It.. 1.5, !7 p, m.
t'or White linen, llarleton and prlncipil
points In the coil regions, tu I) .x: II. It It,
0.45, 2 tS and 1 J7 p. ni. Kor Poltsxille, 6 15 a
m , 2.1S p. 111
For llethb'hrm. Katnn, lieadlng, Ilarrlihurg
and principal Inteiinedlate stations via I). A II
It. It., 0 45, 0.3S a. tn.; 2 1?. 4 27 (Black Dia
mond i:prrsri), II Ml p. m. Sutidajs, 1). ti II.
It It., t'.ts a. m. ; 1.5 S27 p. in.
For Tunkhannoik. To.'.anda. Flmiri, Ithaca,
ficneta and principal intermediate station, xia
1).. 1 . It W. It It . ( 10 a. 111 and 3.10 p. m
For Ceneta. Itoihester, fliittilo, Nngira Falls,
Chicago and nil points west, 111 I). A II It It,
7 ts, 11 .55 a ni . 1 2s. 3 .i.i (llliek Dlamnnd Is
press), 7 4". 10 41. 11 30 p. in. Mindajn, D. i. II.
It It . 11 .55, t; p. in
I'lillinm pirlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley
parlor cirs on all trains between Wilkesllarre
and New 5 'irk, Philadelphia, HiilTalo and Sin
tientinn Pudge.
ItOI.LIN II'H, Hen. Supt., 2d Cortland
strpet. New York.
Cil MlLl'.1! . I ni. Hen. Pa's. Agt., 20 Cortland
utreet, New xork.
A. W, Dif. P.1s. Agt., South
Pallidum, 1'J.
For ticket and Pullman resertatlom apply to
300 Lackawanna atenue, Scranton, Pa.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
In r.ffect .lutiP 0, 1001.
Trains for Caibondale liaxe Siianlon at 1120,
sno (-51, 10.H a. in.; 1.' on, , 2.44. 3.0.',
6"'i 0.25, 757. 9 1). 1120 P- ni.; Lift a m
For llonculale and Lake I.odoie, n 20, 10 U a,
m ; 2 11 and 5 20 p. in.
For Wilkis-llarrp 0 45, 7 l, 8 11. 0..-5. 10 II
a. m.: 1201, 1.2S, 'A1-, Oii, 4 .'7, 0.10, 7 1-,
111 11 11 Ml n. m.
i'or L. V, It. II. Points C.15, 0 33 a. in.; 2.1S,
4 27 and 11.30 p m
For PeniKiltinia It. II. points U.15, 03, 2 IS,
3 33 and 4 27 p. in.
For Albany and all points north C 20 a. in.
and 3 52 p in.
For Caibondale .50. 11.33 a. in.; 2 41, S.52.
O.'.J and 1052 p. m.
For W'ilkesllaire 0.3s a m.; 1 0.S, IB, 3.AS,
C .12 and S 11 p. 111
For Alhanv and points north -I 5i p m
For llouc'd.itc and Lake Lodorc 5.50, 11.33
a. m. and 3 52 p. in.
Central Railroad of Now Jersey.
Stations In New Yolk Foot of Liberty itnet,
N tt . and Jmitli FeriJ.
TIMi: TMU. I IN LFFFCr ,11'NK 30. pull
Trains leate Siranton for New Xntk, Ncttaik,
F.liribeth, Philadelphia, Kaston, Ueililehem, 1
ientown, Mamh Chunk and White linen, at ,5
a in., epie--s, LIU, expreas, 4 00 p. in Sun
dan., 2 15 p m
For Pillston and Wilkes Pure, 8 55 1, 1,1 , 1 10
and 4 00 p m. Sundati, 2 15 p in.
For Itiltimore and XX'jsliinglon and polnls
South and XVetl tit llethleheui, S.55 a. 111., I 10
and 4 00 p. in. Sundats, 2.15 p. m.
For liiig llraneh, Hcean Uiotc, etc., at 3 35
a in. (Ihiough 1011I1), and 1 10 p 111.
For licadius. liclnimn and llairlnhurg, xla 1
lentowii, b.55 a. 111. and 1 10 p. 111. Sunday,
2 15 p in.
For Pottmllle, R o' a. m , 1.10 p m
For Mountain Park, 53 i. in, 1.10 ind PD
p. m.
Thiough tickets tn all points 11M, smith and
wot at lotted rale at the .tation.
C SI. Ill'IIT. (fen Pus. gt.
,1. II. 01.11 M'SIS, Uen. Supt.
New York, Ontario and Western
Time Table In Feit Siindav. .lime 21, 1)01.
SOHl'll-llOl M)
Ltate 1'ite Arrlte
TulM, 'sranlon Caibondale Cach'.U.
Ko. 1 ...1030 a m. II 10 a. in. 1 01 p. 111.
No. ,'t ... 4 (i p ni. 4 41 n. 111. COO p ni
No 7 ... 0.10 p. in. Ai. Carbondale. ti 40 p in
Leate Leate irlte
Cadcita. Carlsmdale. s, rantnii
Ki. fl ... "' n 40 a 1.1
No. 4 ... M0 a. m. 10 01 a. 1.1. pi to .1 m
No. 2 .. 2 13 p. ni. 1 00 p. in. 4 4) p in.
Sl'NDAYl ONLY. .NOltl'll-HOr.ND
Leixe Lone uiti
Siranton. Caibondale. ( adola,
No. fi ... S.K0 a. m. '.' 10 a. m 10 15 a. in.
No. S ... 7.01 p. in. Ar. CaiboniUilo. 7.15 p. 111.
Leate Leate Arrlte
Cadoila, Carlu udale. S i.uitnu.
No, 0 ... . 7 ml a. 111. 7 10 a m
No. 10 .. 4 50 p. 111. 0 00 p. in. 11.45 p. m.
Trains Nos 1, on week dits. ind n. on Sun
ilat, make main line cnnneitlntw for New York,
cltt, I lica, Oneida, O.tteso and intermedial!)
Trains Nos 3 and I mike Walton, Delhi, Ham
den and Mdney cnnnei tions.
For further Informal Ion innnilt llckel ajents.
J. C. ASHKIIOV, (J P . New York.
J. K. WLl.MI, T. P. A., Mianlou.
V. M. AVliltney ninl ' lilldr Mr. Jnlin
riekerlllf,'. MIhh Nellie I'h keilim. Mm.
ciiarleH K. I.oomls ami itniiKliter, Mt.
Mini Mr. A. II. Loom Is, V. (!, I.ooinla
anil ,Ibioiii I.nnl. of this city.
i iky i
by parties leaving
Ileoms 1 and2, Com'ltk B'l'4'g.
lining and Blasting .
Ut au lloojlo ana nuihdtUt Work.
Bretrlo Batteries, ElaotrloKiplodsrs,
xplodlnj blaiti, Hafoty Pus aai
Rssauno Chemical Co.'s
Grand atlantio Hotel and annex
Virginia Ate. and Peach, Atlantic City, S. .1.
Sixth xear; 350 beautiful locuia eusulte, fin,-!,'
and with bath, hot and cold sei-nater bat hi
in hotel and annex. Location select and central,
within few yatds of the Steel Pier Orchotr.i,
Oilers speiiil pring rates, f 12! to $13 by wrek,
il.M up by day special rates to families. C'oachij
tnect all traiua. Write for booklet
400 Sewall Avenue.
Asbury Park, New Jersey.
I' looms and exeelleiU table.
$(1.00 to i" Oil per xxeek. Locution een
tt al. Urmid pou lie. i;iei trie lights,
Kix-e niiniiies fiom ocean. Scranton
Schedule in Effect Juno C, 1001.
Trains leave Sciantou:
0.45 a. in., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car anil
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsville; stops at principal in
termediate stations. Also con
nects tor Sunbury, Hariistnug,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and the
0.38 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Plttsbuig
and the West.
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harrls
bm g, Phllauolphln, Baltimore,
Washington nnd Pittsburg nnd
tho West.
3.33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkcs-Bnrre.
Pullman buffet parlor car nnd
coaches to Philadelphia viaPotts
ville. Stops at principal inter
mediate stations.
4.27 p. m week days, for Har.leton,
Sunbury, Hnrrisburg, Philadel
phia nnd Pittsburg.
.1 11. Ill T(TIIn On. Mr.
.1 11 WOOD. (Jen. Pas. st.
Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division.
Trains f'
ir Ilnthy and intemiMiato points leate
as f.ilhnw: Vo. e, 7.IU a. in ; No. i,
i No. n, a Ji p. 111.; No. 1, .V.'u 11. m.
Siiaiitoii as
MI a ,m i Ml is -'-I !' ni. 1 .mi. , .1 .!) ,
,Vw '.' and n tnrmiBii nains ior ew voik.
Arrltals -So. 1, t 1" 1. in. i No ,!, In .til a. in ;
.Su i, 3.1.1 p. in ; No. 7, ti 13 p .111. Iiaiiu No.
4 and 7 arc through trains from New oik.
hl'XD.W TltAINS.
l)epailutesNo. il. 0 a. m.i No. il, p. m.
Arrital-.N'o. 21, 1.M5 p, m.j .No. 2J, 8.13 d. m.
Exhibit of
In the fnliliinaMc wnrlil toiliy hltrk hnldj I
milium plaip; It U always in ilylc, dlgntfiM and
Tmlay w-p prrfrnt tnr jmif In'pfptlon thf np.
falirlra for l'.ill and Winlrr. Ihry Icirm an Ire
compar.iblo exhibition cl high tU-a nuttrlalc
Tliev flnK ironil et rxnnWtp trxtnrr flnlihxi in
) nnr fKTlil nnlor eomo to in direct Irom the moct
M, livi tniniiiaitiirfM In 1 ranee, Lngland, Uer
iiuny ami Aniprlia.
Piotnliifnl amone onr torrlsn cnllprtlnn arp th
fammw "PrliMIr" and l.npin" falirin In iin
jtiiilnl quvitlly nml in all the ncvu.t wcnei,
tiich m
Blaritz Suiting,
Satin Raye, Pouzincttc
Crepoline Armure
Indecise, Etamine, Etc.
At ptlrpi uncinc trim 75 cpnti to $3.01 a card.
We urn In hivp dip lipct (-nftil nlitalmblp
llun wp 111 r Hip iltbt at the riuht prlcM.
Whit you wuit at prupn j on conUfhr fair; ani
but cit all, wc itinrjnt,e cicry janl we sell.
A cllt to our Morn will Imkp It rh'ir tn yni
tint tin exhibit cif nura l illllprint to any other
No ailvi'rtlpmpnt ilo Jutlip In the exriuUtt,
qinllly ,iiul nilniPvi of thld collodion.
Wo itictlp jmi tn cill ami ce thcin, No ne.'
to pimluc till jou are rcaily.
A (cw fpeculs at popular prices.
At 45 Cents
40 (neh pure wool rhrvloU ami Norm Scrfff.
40'lneh pure wool intln ftnl.-h .lacquards.
40 inch pure wool Albatross and Surah Sergt
At 75 Cents
45 Inch Silk Mrlpe Crepollne.s.
45 Inrh Mohaits and Noliel .lacrpurd ,
52-inch berges and Chctiota.
At $1.00
40 Inch Armure tndecie.
45-inch Poplins and Piquln Suitings.
61 inch Serges, Chctir.ts and CamclV Hair,
Our 6toro will be closed Monday, Labor Day,
Lackawanna Ave
Uanuracturors or
486 to 465
N. Ninth Street,
Telephone Call. 2333.
Ccneral Agent for the Wjomlt.s District for
Dupont's Powder
Mining, Plistlnr, iortlnj, Smokeless and the
Itepauno Chemical Compxny's
Safety ruse, Caps and Kxploders. Ttoom 101 Con
licit Duildlns ,icu:iten.
THO? FORD Plttiton
JOHN n ll A- SON Plymoutr
W. I. JILLLIOAN Wilkes llarr
Poor Indeed
nre those xselcliecl down by mental de
pression Men rie in this xvorld
tUrmiKli liuoaut nerve force.
The lo,s of this force dally draes
down to failure some of the world's
hriKlitCkt minds, buch n cotidltlou is
commonly known ns Nervous Debility,
When you lose self-confidence and
feel jour strength, enercy nnd tierx-e
force are slipping nxvay, It Is hlgn time
sou M'Ck sensible nid.
You prefer health and success to
misery and failure.
have no equal nsn nerve restorer. A
couple of boxes xvill dispel Hint heax-y
feeling; the unnatural xveariness dis
appears and replaces languor xvith nexv
force and x Igor of body nnd br.lln bii
boxes xvill cure anv ordinary case of
nervous debility. If not, you get your
money tuck.
8100 per Pot; 6 for J.1IV1 mailed In
plalu package Hook free PUAL
MEPictNE Co ClexeUud, Ohio.
For aale hy John II Phelps, rharmaciit, cornet
Wxcmlnii atenue and Spruce street.
. MANUFACTunnn nr . .
iTf-mti: tiii; .n.vmi:.
gPfolXFTf HEEL527 .U'ifil
i jjl 4mrrlr4. dMs,rtlo rir ! hf nil) Prtftt4
'ixT-tf i IWHIj,IhI Hil.'-H..arlrrtfUtHrUlyrrfii . ,
lfrrlifM furf4 4 to UltHjOrt jnr frttOttXH ft rn
Ihoipltftl tptrrt Ur.rmiy, ht fnr hok "Trnlh'ff,
IpOiXni ttrrr w'H'l tlrt trlrtl frau'lt MntlB thU txtprn
I rotnnf ' l 11 irtrioprTno i; inrititi irra,
IMH lis