The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 02, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Rev. R. S. Jones, of North Scrnnton,
Elected Moderator, and Rev. J. P.
Thomas, of Nnntlcoke, Chosen
Scribo Next Session Will Be Held
nt Lansford Cleigymen in Attend
ance Opening of Camp 178's New
Building Two Drunks Oiven n
Free Ride Other Notes.
Tim oyinniifu of Welsh Coiiric Ra
tional churches, which linn been In ces
sion at the tabermirle on South H.vde
Pari: avenue fnr the p.iit two days,
lll conclude toilny. llu-lnr confer
envrs will bo held, cnnintcivelnjr nt n n
m.i nnd nt L p. in. Hev. J. J. Kvnns,
of MlnerpAllle. will preach In Welsh,
and Itev. l'eter HnliPttii. of oiyplmnt.
In 13iikIMi. Tf Welh seunons will
lip picnche.l lit tlip evening bv Rev,
Tlienphlltii Invls of Miner1.' Mills, and
Hev. IS. S. Jntipx, U. 1) , of Not th Scran
ton. In nd.llttoii to tlip ln.v delegate In
iittPiifliini p. the follow iiiK clerit.vnien
hip oui oll-l Kev .1. P, Tlicimn", Nnn
tltoIp; Rev. T ('. I3dwni.! Kingston;
Kev. .1. Vllllnin. SlatlUKton, Hpv
Ivor Thomas HaiiRor; Ito. I-". T.
Kviiii", l.'insfni.l. ltov 1) K. Kvnn.
Klnsnunn: Hpv. .1. J. Hvans, Mlnets.
tile: Hpv. 1). Williams, Pottsvllle;
Hpv. David Jones. Hpv. 1). P. Jones
nnd Rev. H. I 13vans. West Scrnnton;
Hpv. T. '. DavlH. I.ansfoid; Hpv. T.
Rvatis, H.ulnp, WW: Itev. Roderick
Davis, MoiRiintoun: I(p. It. S. Jones,
Noith Siinnton; Rev. W. J. Rlchnrds,
At thp buiiep. ronfpioncp held on
Saturday. Hpv. H. S. Jones 1). I)., of
North St iiiiit.ui. was ploctPd moderator,
and Hpv. J. P. Thomas, of Nantkoke.
was chosen as .scilbe J.nnsfotd was
selected as the nel place of meeting
a year heme.
Tim piPiiihliiR t-crvlces estcrdny
weto attpiulpd by larpo congregations
and nun h inteiest was manifested in
the seivhes. In thp tnninlng Hpv. T.
C 13dwnnls. D 11 , of Kingston, rpoke
in on thp subject of the Trin
ity, nnd Hpv. F. T. Rdvvntds, of I.ans
ford, prPiihod In Welsh on "New
Creation In Chilst "
At the nftPtnoon nicetlnfr the sub
ject of Revivals w.ih ablv discussed by
Hpv. T. ". Kdwnrds Klnp-ton; Rev
Peter Hobort.s, Oiyplmnt. Hpv Ivor
Thomas. Bangor' John R. fJeorse,
Rom and Almond Cream removei
redness o! the. ikln and toothet the
pain ol (unburn in one. night. Talis
a bottle with you on your vacation.
To Our Patrons
We are
In Honor
of Labor's
Which we
Proves a
Globe Warehouse
Wllkes-Hunc: "William Owen, "Wrt
Plttston, nnd Prof. Henry Rvntis,
I.nst evpnliiR- nn English discourse
wn.s Riven by Hev. J. "Williams, of
KlatlnKton, on the subject "Hollevlnn
the (lo.spcl," nnd Rev. W. J. Hlchalds.
I). 1)., of Wllkes-Harre. spoke In Welch
on tho topic of "Full Sa.'vullon." A
feature of tho set vice was a solo by
Mis. Fannie llvnns, and n diiPt by Mrs.
Howell Heeso nnd Mrs. Hvans.
Ministers In attendance nt the cym
n ii f ii were iis.sIkiipi1 to the illfferont
chmchPH ostprday nn follows.
Welsh ilvlnltle Mothodlst ohurcli.
South Main nveiiup Morning, Hev W.
J. Hlchnids. Wllkes-Harre; evcniliR,
Hev. HiMleilck Davis. Morsnntnwn.
First Welsh ConRroBntlonal church
MoininR, Hev. J. P. Thomns, Nnntl
fokp. evening, Hev. J. J. Hvnns,
Plymouth CoiiKieRntlniial church
MornlnR, Hev. Ivor Thomas. H.mRoi;
oNonlftR, TtPV. H W. .Ioiips. Delta.
Welsh Baptist church MornlnR, Hpv.
.1. .1. Uvntm. Minpisvlllp; evenliiR, Hev.
PotPr HobPits. OIihant
Hampton Street Methodist episcopal
churih MomliiK. Hpv. H W .tones.
Helta, evening, Hev. "W. Williams,
FlrRt Baptist cluiich MoinliiR, Hpv.
.T Williams, SlntiiiRton; pnciiIiir. Hev.
Ivor Thomns, H.inKor.
Welsh CoiiRrpRatlonal ihuteli, Noith
Scrtmton MornlnR, Uov. Hodoilck U.i
is, Moi-Ralitown; evening, Hev. F. T.
Hvnnw. Lansford.
The iltmt me beinR entPl t.llllPil nt
the homes (if many piominent families,
and the manner In which Hpv D P.
Joiip.s l.s directing the woik of the as
sociation is deseniiiR of credit.
Camp 178's Now Home.
71ip new home of Washington ramp,
No. 17s, Patiiotlc Oidtr Sons of Amer
ica, on North -Mnln avenue, wns foi
m.iU thiown open to the puhllr on
t-atuidny and during the day huinlicds
of i cuplc availed them'-.'lves of the op
portunity tn visit the building and ad
mit e the finishings and furnishings.
Tin building Is a credit to the
izntlnii and a monument to their fru
St'llty and enteipiiso.
The ramp wns Instituted on December
IS, 1S1-', with twenty-two charter mom
leif. and duilng the twenty-nine years
of Its existence lias grown steadily until
the roster now Includes 32.1 of West
Sornnton's. lepiesentatlve business, pro
fessional nnil patriotic citizens The
new building has been ei cited and fur
n. shed at .1 cost of JO.000, borne en
tlrcy by the membeis of the camp.
un the Riound floor there aie two
spacious More rooms, 1!1n70 feet, with
modem fionts and all up-to-date appli
ance". On the second door Is the ball
or lei tui e room, suitable for enteitnln
iikTiIs, banquets, dances, etc, which Is
irix.'fl feet, nnd In addition thorp is a
stage ten feet deep in the rear of the
hull. In the front of the soiond Iloor
thcip is a kitchen, cloak nnd dieting
rooms, etc.
The ledgp or niPPtlng room Ih on the
third floot, and this is 43xW feet, with
double ante nnd paraphernalia looms,
storage, toilet and inmmttteo looms
suitable for tho ailou.s organisations
which will meet theiein. It is fur-
Well be
Bargain Bay
nishetl with Brussels carpet, opera
chiilrp, combination quartered oak
desks, onk pedestalf, etc., and the
building throughout Is lighted by rum
nnd electricity nnd heated by the
vnpoi steam system.
The plans for the structure wete
(Irani; by An lilted Albert ltartnmn,
nnd the masonry and woodwork was
rompleted by John Aswell and Alls
pnugh Hrothers, Thp woik wns done
under the supervision of n building
committee composed of H. ('. Hlnmiin,
.1. S. Siindeis, H. T. Hldred, John Miller.
In. I). Ntwton, J J (Ireeii, H. W. I.uie
and Fiarklln Phlllljis.
The Colonial club, whlcltls composed
of mnny of the outiRer membeis of
the cnmp, mntcilnlly assisted In the
wotk of furnishing the building, and
In oiitei talulng the guests nt the open
ing. The bulldlngi will be formally
dedicated on the 2'ith anniversary of
the camp on December 12.
Thp opening exercises wore defetred
until the evening owing to the rain on
Saturday, and when Chairman Hln
man called the assemblage to order all
the available spatlng spacp was occtl
uied and mnny weie standing. After
the singing of America by the audi
ence, the chairman made an Infoimnl
nddtcsr of welcome, in which he said
that West Seuinton had long felt the
need ol such a. building us tho (.amp
had elected.
Tie nddips.s of thp evening was do
Ilvoied by A. J. Colboin, past state
piesldent of the order. He outlined the
aims and objects nf the Patriotic Order
of America and followed this with one
of h's chnrncteilstlc patiiotlc adiliejses.
Anothc" pleasant featuie of the even
ing win the piesentatlon to the camp of
u pictuie, "Washington oiossing the
Dflawnie," by Camp .'Js, of Bald
The presentation spenh wns mnde by
0iat Van Huskhk and the pictuie was
areited on behalf of the camp by
Chairman Hluiuan. Other featuio's
vcro lecitatlons nnd songs by I.evln.i
Beyi.nn, Mnud Finney. C.irmel l-'ahey,
Oc'tiude Siillhan, J.llllan I.aBar and
Hurley Xlntel.
The lady fi lends of the camp after
vat ds sened a supper to a laigp nuni
lici In the store mom, and dancing was
enjoyed iii the hall until neaily mid
night by the young people, to music
furnished by Piofossor Johnson.
The hall has nlieady boon engaged
for a number of social events, and the
lodge loom will bo occupied every
evening In the week bv seciet .societ
ies, one of the stole moms is al
ready oiciipleil, and the other has a
piospeithe tenant.
Two Funerals Saturday.
The of the late Mis. Ann
Campbell, which was conducted on
Saturday morning fiom the icsldence
of deceased's daughter on South Biom
ley inoiiue, attracted many life-long
filpiids of the aged woman to St. Pat
rick's church, where Hev. P. K. La
ello conducted the services The pall
beareis weie Anthony Moffat, Patrick
Moifatt. Patrick Sheildan, Thomas
Hart, Thomas Judge nnil John Fln-
neity. The remains were Intoned in
the Cathodinl comcte! .
Ttov. W. P. O'Doiinell oflleiated nt
the funetal of tho late Mis. Ann Con
way, In Holy Cioss church Sntuiday
moinlng. Tho services were attended
by many lesldents of Helleue. The
pallbomeis wtie; Patilck Duffy, John
Conway, John H.urelt. Mnrtln Caw ley.
Patilik Calnin find Peter Walsh. In
tel mont was made In the Cathedral
The ex-members or the Columbia
Hove nnd Chemical company will hold
a (lain bake today at (Jiavel pond. All
who Intend going ate lequesteil to
moot at the coiner of Main nxeiiuo
and Jackson street at 7 a. m
The condition of (',. A. Williams, who
It ill nt Middle Uranville. N. Y., ip
malns uiuh.ingpd, and those In at
tendance upon him do not look for any
change for a few days yet.
The i:celslnr (JIpo club will conduct
an entPitaliiniPiit and social in Meat's
hall on Tuesday peiilng, Oit. 22.
Thp regular nionihlv meeting of St.
David's vestiy will bo postponed un
til next Mouda night.
MKs I.lbbio M. Kresgp of Newton,
is tho guest of her aunts, the Mioses
Kiesge, of 210 North Hyde Park ae
nup. "hailes Leber and Victor I.uxem
berger, of Hampton stieet, have re
turned homo fiom a wheeling tlip
tluoiighoiit the state.
Mrs. John Pi Ice of J.ORanspnrt,
Iowa. Is visiting filend.s In West
Sciantoti. after an absence of many
yea is.
Dr. C.eoigo Beach, of South Mnln
Avenue, was called to Gordon. Srhul
kill county, on Satin dav, owing to tho
seiinus Illness of his wife.
Dr. MeFadden nnd Tlr. T'liilorunml
of Plttston. called on Dr. O. B. Hey.
nolds, of North Main avenue, last
evening. The latter Is recovering from
his Indisposition.
Hev. Thomas de Ciruehy, D. H.. pas
tor of the Jackson Street Baptlt
chinch, has letuined home from his
vacation, nnd occupied his pulpit jes
teiday. Misses llll.i. Shaw and Delia Davis
hnve returned fiom Like Wlnola, and
will today for C.iibondale.
W. C. Briiuliig and family, of Noith
Hyde Park avenue, nnd Hail, of
Noith Biomley aenue, aie In Caibon
daie, to attend the seinl-ientennlal
Hnheit Iliadley and Hdwaid Jloise
aie In Buffalo.
Mrs, Julia Catlwilght, of Oeiman
town, Pa.. Is the guest of her daughter,
Mis. P. F. Strupploi, of South .Main
i:. H. JIiiih' nnd family, of North
Hyde Paik nvemie. will i etui 11 home
today fiom I.aku Wlnola, whete they
hae been spending the summer.
Mis, Ann Leyshon, of Noith Brom
ley asenue, and niece. Miss Maud
Jones, of North Sumner avenue, have
returned home from an extended lslt
In Youngstown, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Hughes, of
North Hi omley avenue, relumed home
Sututday evening fiom a two months'
visit with relatives and filend.s In
Not th and South Wales.
Oeorge F. Hynon, the North Main
avenue merchant, and Albert West
pfahl, of South Scrauton, loft Satur
day night for a pleasuio nip to the
Pan-Ameilcnn and other points of In
tel est
Mr nnd Mis. William N. Chase,
daughter Ruth, and niece, Bessie
Hughes, returned homo Saturday ev-
Allow a cough in run until it edi lirjunc) tlie
remit ol medicine, 'lliev often (ay, "Oh, it will
wear !," tint In moct c.iacs It will weir
them auay, Could they tio Irulureil to try tlio
turceotul meillrinr called Kenin'a Pil.jin, ulilrli
la told on a xviitKe guarantee to line, they
would Immediately wo tlio oxciltcnt effect alter
taklnit tlio flrt iioc, Prlro S3c, and 6U., 'itlul
tUo dec. At all il;n7i;mii.
enlntj from a ten days' sojourn at As
bury Park.
Harry Jenkins, the druggist, has
hoon spending several days of his va
titlon nt Lake Ariel.
.Mr. and Mis. Addison W. Chnse, of
North Main nvenue, who have been
cpt ndlng ton ilnH at Asbury Park, te
turned home Satuiday evening.
Bees D. Jones and family, of Ml
South H.vdo Paik avenue, will luttiin
home today from an extended so
journ at Thompson, Pa,
.Mnllourrler Walter McN'lohols loft
ot. Saturday to attend 11 convention
at Nashville. Tenn,
John J. Phillips, of Shenandoah, l.s
tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Thorn
as. of South Main avenue.
H. J. Piothmoe, of Academy street,
Is spending a few days at Atlnntlc
Mrs. Mlcluol Foy, of Jackson street,
is entertaining Mts, Ueorfio McLaugh
lin, of Brookljn, N. V.
Drayman Frjd Post, nf Jackson
street, Is spending his vacation at the
Pan-American Imposition.
.Mr. and Mis. Chiules Hanker, of
(North Main avenue, have letuined
home fiom Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jeiemlah and
Mis. Putiell. ot South H.vde Paik av
enue, ate home from a sojourn at At
lantic! City.
Miss Anna Iletuhtcr, 0 North S11111
1 et avenue, Is spending a few days In
.Miss Margaret Davis, of South Lin
coln nvenue, accompanied her sister,
Mrs. Oiin Hnyden, to Philadelphia,
where they will reside.
Misses Maud KMeiner nnd Clara
Olbbs, of North Lincoln avenue, are
spending a week at Lake Homy.
The funeral of Joseph Kline, of Hrlck
avenue, took place jestcrdav afternoon
nt 2..1U o'clock, services being conducted
by Hev. Fatliiir Holmes In the Holy
Rosary ihurclu The funeral was large
ly attended, and the ftoinl offciingfl
wore numerou.s and very beautiful.
After the services the casket was re
moved to tho Cathedral cemetery,
wheie Interment was made. The pall
be.neis wore Patrick OallaRhei, P F.
Loftus, John Flvnn. John Ntwcomb,
John Muiphy nnd Peter McOulro.
The funeial of Mary Sullivan, of Put
nam stieet, took place yesterday af
ternoon. In Holy Hosary chinch ser
vices weie conducted, and Inteiment
was made In the Cathedral cemeter;
Thin morning many membci.s of the
North Scrauton Olee club will leave for
Lake I.odore, whete they will compete
for 11 $100 cash prize. The club l.s under
the leadeishlp of William Davis, who
has boon holding tehearsals at legular
Intervals throughout the summer
months. Tlip club Is composed of some
of the best slngei of this section.
The funeral of Anthony Corcoran,
who was killed in Leggett's Creek mine
last Thursday, took place yesterday
ufternoon nt 2 30 o'clock from Ids home,
11J Parker stieet The remains were
conveyed to the Holv Hosaiy chinch,
wheie Hev. Father Holmes lead the
funeial eei vice. The funeral wn.s late
ly attended by friend and relatives of
the deeased, and nl-o by the Father
Whltty society, the Leggett's Creek
Accidental fund and tho United Mine
Woikers of Amei U-a, all of whom
111,11 ched in a body from tho church to
the cemetery. The pall-bearers were
niimbeis of the Father Whltty society.
They weie: Thomas Coleman, Thomas
Noiton, David Muchron, Thomns Me
Sclnlefer, Anthony Stutcn, Thomas
Bandwagons loaded with children of
the Noith Main Avenue Baptist chinch
will go to Like Suanton this moinlng.
Miss Cairle Huff, of Parker .stieet,
i.s visiting fiiends In Now Yoik city.
Hdvvard Dever, of Washington, D C,
who will accompany Hon. T. V. Pow
doily to Lake I.octore today, wns the
guest of his unele, M. M. Collins, of
Noith Main avenue, vestctdn,
Hdlth Davis, of West Maiket stieet,
Is visiting her sister, Mis. O. W. Par
1KI1, of Plymouth.
Hdwaid Colllno, of North Main ave
nue, who ha.s long been connected with
Albeit Srhultz'H ding store, has no
coptcd a position with Druggist O, W.
Davis and will take charge of the
biaiuh drug store, commencing this
fieorgo Sllkman, of New York city,
left today for that place, after spend
ing several dajs with his patents, on
Chinch avenue.
James Jone has 1 etui nod home from
n ten days' vacation, spent at the Pan
American exposition.
Miss Mnry Miirtniigh, daughter of
Thomas Murtnugh, of Oak street, had
a tather, exciting experience early last
Friday morning. She was awakened
by a noise and wns startled to find .1
man standing near the hed. She gave
a v.lld sci earn which aroused her
father, but befoie he could reach her
loom the Intiuder got out the window
nnd descended to the giound by a
ladder which he had taken from the
back of the house and pluccd against
tho side of the building.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Pies,
byteiliin chinch will inert with Mis.
M. W. Chambeilln, of Blnkely stieet,
on Thursday afteinoon at 3 o'clock
Hev. Charles II. Newlng Is spending
some time with New Jeisey fi lends.
Hev. llnny Ne occupied tile pulpit
at the Pusbj teilan chinch Mteiday
11101 nlng
The Tempeiaiue Reunion c liolr of
the Diuimoie Section wilt nicet for
their second 1 cheat sal on Mnda even
ing, September 2, In the Methodist
Hplscopal chinch of Duninoie when
nil tempeiance woikeis of Duninoie
aie Invited to be present and Join the
clitilr. Gomer D. Ileese Will be pies
ent to lead the slnsing.
Theie has been but very little change
In the condition of Mlsr Hmma I.ud
wlg dining the past iwent.v-four houi.s
and her condition 1 still ver critical.
Mr. and Mrs, W J Costello nnd son,
Finnk, left ostercln for the Pan-Anu-ilcnn.
II. C Hublei of Butler stifet. has
leturiied fiom a two weeks' vacation,
Indisposed nt his home
Miss Llic Ileal, of Chinch etieet, l.s
visiting- fi lends at Wyaluslng.
I.etteis lemalnlni unclaimed dining
the pei loci tndlng August 21, at the
Duninoie pnstolllie Poisons calling foi
these letteus will pleni5e say adveitlseil
Mis John Dohert, HIS Apple street
(F), Mis. Ciane, 121 (Siove stieet, Mis.
J Foley, 711 Monroe avenue; Mis John
Grady. Hojle stieet and Apple, James
Haggerty (2), Mr. Couch, Claia Purdy,
caie of Haymond Woodwaid. (liace A.
Shaffer, 135D Jefferson avenue; Mis.
Smith MO Noith living avenue; Thom
ns Wilson, 71S Clay avenue; Mlihele
Covlelo, Mike Murky (F), Asocimed
nxpandccl Metal compato.
William Moffntt, of Chetry street,
left yesterday for Buffalo.
Mr and Mi.s. H. W. Wliriersteln nnd
son, Joseph, have 1 etui tied fiom a two
weeks' trip upon the Great Lakes,
Mr. and Mrs, H, M. Spencer spent
yestetday ut Lake Cletno.
It Wns in Honor of Her Eightieth
Dlrthdny and Was Attended by
Seven Chlldien, Twenty nine
Grandchildren nnd Six Great
Grnndchlldten Funeral of the
Daughter of Mr. nnd Mis. r.
Wcchsel, of Meadow Avenue.
Other News Notes.
A pleasant surpilse was tendered
Mis. Maria Anna Hatich Satuiday
evening at her homo on Cedar avenue,
on the occasion of her eightieth blrth
ila. Seven children, twenty-nine
gtnr.dchlldreu and many other friends
nnd iclatlves vere present. Numer
ous congiatulatlons wore extended to
the happy old lady duilng the day and
evening. Miss Anna Wetter, daughter
of Mt. and Mrs, M Wetter, one of her
gtntic'.i hlldron, gave a brief address,
wlshli.g that Mis. llaucli may live to
t (.unci out a centuiy The grandclill-
(lion presented her with beautiful bou
iiucti of tloweis and her oldest son,
Michael Hauch, piescutid her with a
Iuirl cake with her name and tho tig
uurcs 80 worked out with tlowcrs. Tho
evinlng wn.s spent In singing and other
nif usements, and at a seasonable hour
relieshmonts weie solved.
Among thoso pieseut weie Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Holding, sr , Mr
nnd Mis. John Lentce, Mr. and Mis.
I'cter Hobllng, Ji . Mr. and Mis. J.
Huhn. Mr. and Mts. John Heftl, Mr.
and Mis. Bock, Mr. and Mis. Henry
Wfttoi. Mr. and Mis. Lentner, Ml. and
Mis. Michael Wetter, Mr. and Mts.
Michael Kiamer, Mr. and Mis, Henry
J. Wetter, Mr. and .Mrs. HcVward Wet
ter, Mrs. Welmelr, Mrs. Hauch, Mr. and
Mrs Frank Wetter, Miss Lottie Wetter,
Miss Jlary J. Hlden, Miss Mary Bock,
Miss S Maud Kramer, Miss Celesta
Hcbllng. Lizzie Wetter, Ada Heftl,
Mn-gaiet Kuhn, Hcniletta Wetter. Hil
da and F.lna May Wetter, Mamie Heftl,
May Hauch, Slbllla and Mamie Bock,
.Mamie and Laura Wetter, Hany M
Kramer, John Kuhn, Flank, Leo and
C(oirp Bock, Hairy Heftl, Petei and
Gfoige Wetter and Haymond J. Wct-
The members of St. Irene's society
will meet In regular monthly session
this evening In Phaimacy hall.
John Lafferty and John Biogan have
returned fiom a week's islt at the
Tho funeial of the O-months-old
daughter of Mr. and Mis. F. Wcchsel,
of Meadow avenue, took plate Satur
day afternoon. Services were cnntluct
e"l nt the houe and Foiest Hill ceme:
tery by Hev. H. Smith, pastor ot the
Church of Peace.
Camp 430. Patiiotlc Order Sons of
Ameiica, will meet in regular session
this evening in's hall.
Miss Mary Geirlty, of Bat not col
Icro, Now York. Is spending her vaca
tion with Mis. V. F. Walsh, of Pitts
ton avenue.
Ms Anna Vockmth, of this side, is
spending her vacation with fi lends in
New Yoik city.
John Roche, of Clieny street, left
iSaturday for New York, where he will
make his future hnine.
Miss Mary Hoi, mil, of Pittston ave
nue, has letuined fiom a week's, stay
with friends at Haivos lake.
Hev. Dr. N G. Paiko. of Plttston, 00
eup cd tho pulpit of the (iioon Ridge
Pitsbytorlan 1 hutch yesterday moin
ln, choosing for his text the llrst veiso
of the eighth chapter of Romans,
'Theie Is theiofoie now no condemna
tion foi them which are In Chilst Jesus,
who walk not after the HpsIi, but after
the spirit." Tho veueiablo doctoi was
l.stciiod to with marked attention by a
!m se congregation.
11. F. t-uiith, of Mousey avenue, Is nt
F. st or.
Roland Cur and Hairy Dlmlck spent
esteiday at Lake Henry.
Miss Giace Hums, of Capouso ave
nue, has letuined fiom a visit with
Rochester fi lends.
WILLIAM RAYI.OR, of Benton Con
tei, one of the most widely known of
the pioneeis of Lackawanna county,
died jcsteiday iiioinlug at I !! o'clock.
An attack vif grip affected his huait
and carried hitu nway when Iip had
been seriously ill only n few hours. Ills
condition did not beiome at all serious
until late Satuiday night. Dr. Kay
wat telephoned foi and nriived at Ben
ton at t o'clock a. 111. Mr. Baylor was
then unconscious and extremely weak.
The deceased was the father of At
torney W. W. Bavlor and ,Jis. C. II.
Srpei, of this cltv; John W. Baylor,
malinger of the Baiber Asphalt com
I any at Salt Lake City, and Miss Mai
gaiel Hayloi, vv I10 lives at tho home
stead. Mi. Halor was bom In New Jeisey
sevtnty-sK yens ago unci at the age of
2."i In went to what is now Kenton and
engaged in the lumber business. For
over half a century ho continued in
this business, funning, also, in n small
way to supply the household needs. Ills
wife survives him. The deceased was
tl'i owner of the celebiatid Bavlor
blind, over which theie was so much
litigation. It is expected the tuueial
will take place Wednesday, but this
has not been definitely settled as et.
MRS. MARIA BOYD, of West Mar
lot stieet, passed away at her home
yesterday morning affr weeks'
Illness Ilei death was caused by a
paralytic stroke which she received
some weeks ngo Mis. Hovel was an
old s 'tiler In this community nnd her
death Is geneially mourned. She was
n kind and devoted mother, an exem
plary neighbor, and a tine and wotthy
member of tho Catholic chinch. She Is
tun viv od by four sons and two daugh
ters, Mvles, John, Joseph, Thomas and
Mis. Jnmes Riley, all of this city, and
Mis. Ann Campbell, of Paik City,
I'lah. Also by two brotheis, James
Snltty ami Aldeiiuan Thomas Saltry
and one sister, Mis. Mb hael Mclliigh.
The funeial will take place Wednes.
dav afternoon nt 2. SO fiom Holy Ros
nry chinch and interment will be made
In the Cathcdial cemeteiy,
JOHN LONG, aged 119 yeais, died at
SU o'clock last evening at his home,
LO.i Mullein stieet, whete he had ben
Hi since last Apt II. Deceased was
born In Glaiiiiuorganshlre, Wales, and
came to Ameiica nt an early age. For
eighteen years ho was a mall cleik on
tin Lackawanna ralltoad, running be-
1 tvvccii Scruntun uud Nottliumburlund,
The Bargains come a day late this week but
they are none the less welcome.
A Galaxy of Forceful
Specials for
Tuesday Buyers.
Every item represents the best possible grade
and always at the lowest prices.
Calicos Light colors and al
most any figure you want. i
The 5c kind. Tuesday.. OC
Calicos The best quality of
Indigo Hlue. You know what
that means. 6c quality, . 1
Tuesday 4sC
Canton Flannel Unbleached
and worth 6c yard. Tues- .
day 4C
Outing Plannel Good quali
ity and extra weight. Good
value at 8c Tuesday 5C
Muslin Atlantic F.un
bleached, worth 10c. Tues-
day 5C
Flannelettes New Fall
patterns, worth 10c. Tues-
day 7C
riusllns Fino quality.
Tuesday JQ,
Dress Qlnghams In stripes,
checks and plaids, worth
10c. Tuesday C
Percales 32 inches wide,
dark colors, worth 10c.
Tuesday C
Seersucker Best quality in
stripes, I2j4c quality. rv
Tuesday lUC
Blankets 10-4 size in white,
tan and grey, just the thing for
early Fall evenings, worth . .
59c. Tuesday 44C
Comforts Silkoline covered
and filled with pure white
cotton p 1
Jonas Long's Sons
2 Grand and Glorious Holidays 2
Wednesday nnd Thursday Sept.
4 nnd 5.
Ash Street Grounds.
Don't fall tn sop't Cha T.tnvN
In his ilailnff 100-fpot hlnh ilivo for life.
Tree on show riiiuiiiN, I unci 7 p tn.
I'llcc (if ndinlssloii t" I'lilliliiMi
under ton eius 'f an llh "dull. 20e,
CJ land fiec su t parade,
dally at 11 a. in.
nnd IlliiKlMintnn and New York, l'lior
to lit- 111 ti x' he vva tranffor iloik .11
tli I.aclsavvnnnn lallioad .station In
this city, lie H mirviveil by four
duiiKhteis and one nun, Mm. Avails
nf I'e.Kvllle, Mrs. F. P. llrown. of
Kltnlia; Heit'iliv ami .leiie I.niijf, of
this cltv, and John C. I.hiib. of Altoonn.
'I'll.' fuii"ial announceinent will he
made later.
Mi!S. lWTHU'K KOI.l.AXDS. of H27
Weft Mniket street, died tit her home
Halm day moinlnpr nfter n HiiBering Hi
rers with ear ttouble. Mis. Hollands
was nlinttt 41 youis of uro and Is sur
vived by three sons and one datiRhtei
Tl'pv aie Anthnn, I'atiiek, Mllo and
i.enn I!iillanils,all at home, The fun
eial will take place at 10 o'clo. k this
mornlntr Theie will be a io(iiletu nines
In Holy chiireh ami inteiment
will be miulu In the Catheilial cvnie
ttiy. MItrf. I.OI'ISK HfDo.V. ntred 77
years, died at an eaily hour Saturday
moinliicT at li-r home, 120 fliant nve
nue. Deceased had leslded In West
Scianton for a number of years, ami
Is sitivlved hy two daughters. The
funeial services will be held at the
house this inninliiR and the teinalns
will be taken to Tails, li . for Inter
ment. mhs i.ut isi: wi.vr.iJiiAKi:, hko.i
twet-tluee ve.irs, til" wife of Dr A
,1 Win. hiake, died lust night at hep
hnine. 30i .N'oith Itebei'.a avenue. U -ceased
is survived bv her husband
and two chlMnn, The funeriil serv
1. will be held at the house Wednes
day afternoon, ltiteinient in the For
est Hill lemetei'.
The funeral of tho Into Dennis K.MIy
will take pliue at ! 3D o'clock this
morning tiom the house, 315 Kynon
stieet. Set vices will lie held In Holy
Cioss church find interment will bo
mad.) In the Mlnooka cemetery.
The funeral of the lnte Mrs, Ann
Mmgan will take place this nfternoon.
Services will be luld at the house,
II.' Tenth street, at 3,30 o'clock by Hev.
Thumaa duUiuuhy, of tho Jaclcon
White Goods
A cleanup on all white goods.
You might call them the crumbs
from a big season's business.
Note the prices:
Lawns Plain white. 40 inches
wide, values up to 15c. t
Tuesday 1 1 C
Nainsooks, in all-over Q
checks, values up to 15c. OC
Lawns In Leno and open
work stripes, values up
to 25c. Tuesday 15C
Damask Towels, with double
knotted fringe, size 20x45
worth 35c each. Tuesday 2tOC
Bleached Damask 60 inches
wide, in various patterns, ,-
Tuesday, yard 25C
Napkins Linen Damask, sixc
5-8, worth 1. 10. Tues- .
day 98C
Turkey Red Damask In five
different patterns, worth ,-
35c, luosday xOL
Crash, standard quality, brown
only, good value at I2c,
Tuesday vC
For Home Adornment, a
splendid assortment of Hem
stitched Tray Covers, Stand and
Bureau Covers, under price.
Monday Afternoon nnd Xlght (Labor
Tenth consecutive season of
James A. Heme's
lieautlful comedy drama
Picentod by .lames A Heme's own
company of players.
Fihe.s nvenin?: $1.00. 73r. 50c. 23c.
Matinee 23 and f0 cents.
Seats on sale Filday at 9 a. -m.
LyCCUm September 3
Itc-appcarancc of the eminent artor
rir. Frederick Warde
W lio will present In? f ..mou? succc,
The Mountebank
(Jreit nt SplmUid production Pncca $1 SO,
$1 Oct, 75' . .j". , 'ji
Silo npins at ) a m
Wednesday Night, Sept, 4,
Miipman Ilruiliifs pirn nt Vlaik Tiain3 quaint,
un rn ti u
Podd'nliead Wilson
Vn pv.llMit . nt Willi Mr William S, fitll in
tiif title ri lo. V not ilile event picturing th
life of Mivmiin l'i ml".
1'HICI-x 2Je, WV T.k , JlfO.
Academy of flusic
VI . f J mm, S!anaa:(r.
VI mill. 11. and Wrdurda Muhtj, ub
lieu- Ut M inn. rs lluid In.ii of
Mr. Barney Gllmoie.
Nut. It i pla 11. Iiim.I nn the abduction ot
-piciM. vivitstr lurm.
Vlitln.c I'liiri -! and Pi rrntp
I nmi; I'lir. -.10, .15. 53, 11 cnt
IS il iiilp rf wrrk, .omiwn'iui; Thursdj eien.
Iii, llli Imhi md milinpi Mr ,
I. II, Ijiiutu pi...ni4 WIV 1 1 I. in ( liailca Cal
lulunV .ui .1. tlr nn t
M .in. I'm.. V mid I rn -1
win. i: 1'iic . ,11 , 4iid IV rn'
VI P f, IllltltlM.ION Vljuaurr
lint' tik, c niiiun. iiu M"nijy nuuiuc, Sept.
Jn.l HjiIv mailnte
Mieet Mltt .liunh nnd Interment
will be n id in tin Vuihliuin street
The funeial of the Int" Mrs. Julii
Sulllvar will take plaec. at 9 o'clocW
thin ninriilliB from tho house, on 13m.
met street. Services will b held In
Holy Cross rhtireh and lntormn will
bs made in tho Cathedral cemetery.