I &f ribune. ... -v" THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD, SCHANTOX, PA., SATl'HDAY MORNING, AHitST lil, 1!)0T. THA PAGES TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES Kf . .AT SX VMJ feAStAS at IV f . .sm - - ?VVSJSm -f.IU1Tlllf 1Wi r'lhVa ;kSKSHi 9& - Z- UH r 5gi5sSJiiam2Hffl MR. SHAFFER DENOUNCED Oroan ot the International Tin-workers' Association Demand His Impeadiment. THE REASONS ADVANCED Tt Is Alleged That Shaffer Compelled the Steel Workeis to Violate Con tractsThe Whole Stiike Uncon 6titutlonnl Match of the McKees poit Strikers Is Stopped by Rain. Preparations for Labor Day. By Escluilie Wire from The Assortited I'kh, Pittsbuig,- Aug. W'. While tllt'io Is 1111 ni'tiiiil change In the steel strike situation inui'li tinnsplied today cnl CUlalcil In ptotlum icsulis In tilt' near future. Tin- contoieino betsseoii tln Hnvleiv committee anil tho Amalga mated otllolnls. Hip I'ontinued efioits of President Mums, of the. Window (Sim's Woikets' association, to bilng aliout aililtiatioii or I'oiU'lll.itiou; the scathing odltotinl In tlu' 1ibor Woild, tailing for tho Impeachment of Presl ili'til Slialli'i ; thp 111.11 pit of Hip sti Ik iis nf McKeespott to Duquesno, and tho dPi'ldpd effect of Hip Injunction pto ei'cdlugs at Canal Dover, Ohio, all In- dliatp that Hip crisis is nppio.ichlng and that an lmpoitant ilinngo In af fairs Is not far distant. What Hip outcome will be no man can tell. Thp details of thp ronfpipiiip of thp H.i lev committee and thp Amalgamated oltlclals liap not as yrt been ells ulgcd hy either part., but tin- fact that the committee is heie would IndUate that the Hayvlosv stilkcts are unoas.s. .1. D Hlekcv and .1. K. Cooper, ol the committee. hao been here luc e Mon day, but llielr picsenco has not been generally known. Tlie goueial belief Is that the main obJeiT cif the com mittee's slslt Is for the put pose of 111 ranging Mime compioinWe by which the Bays loss- plant ni.cy ieunie Pios dont Shatter, on the contraty, sass the two men did not come liete as repre sentatives of the Havvlew lodge. They were simply heie us hulls Idual mem heis of the Amalgamated association to explain in peion the ienoii for theli action In leirirrt to the general stiike older and the tpvers.il nf that decision alter Tlghe's vNlt to Mil waukee. "The lnclce did not send them, nor did It -piicI to me any ie r.uest to be allowed to pi to work,'' said Piexiileiit Shaffei. The two gentlemen left for home to night, and It is said a meeting of their bulge will be held upon' their leturn to take act Ion 'on their lepoit. What that lepoit will be cannot be learned hcjre. Mr. Bums Hopeful. Notu Itlistiiitiliiis' the lepoit from New Tnik that 110 lonleience had been held or ntinnged for between C. M Schwab and 'Mm on Hums looking to uibitra tlon. the lattei has not ielaed his ef forts tu this d it ec t Inn and s-eenis de trt mined to bilng about some soi t of a comprc nilip. "1 e'11 iutnested in this matter." said 1'iesldeiit Huins tonlRht, "as the blu stiike Is .illfctliiR all lines of huI nefs including the window class Made. My puipo-e is to Ret the two sides to Rether and Matt the mills f Piesl dent Schwab Is still opposed to my plan nf aibltiatlon I will leciuest him to MlRRest w hates cr niodltic.itlonc- he de slie. AnythlilR will be acceptable if the I'nlted States steel coipoiatlon can be Induced to Jiiblti.ite and pet the mills stalled It Is foollshin s to s.iv there In nothliiK to niblttate I feel confident that something can be done to biliiR about a settlement that will not be dishonorable to either sdo and result In the stalling of the mllK" The edltoilal In the curient I-mip of the Labor AVorld, the oiriiii of the In ternational Tlnwoikeis' Piotecllse ns foclation, and the mouthpleei- of the PlttbuiR distill t of the mine ssnrkei.x and tin patteiiiniakei"- auVicalJon. Is a King and bltiei attack on Piesldent imftei and demands his Impeachment far ralltng the piesent stiike The de mand for the Impeachment Is made be enure It l cliaiRed that Shaffer com pdl?d the steel ssoikers to siolate con tracts; because he expelled the Chicago moil and tesoked their charter without I'onstltlltlnnal healing and because the Whole strike Is unconstitutional and hns In ought lulu and wieek to men who Imvp made the Amalgamated as fpeiiitlon. The edltoilal glses twenty four ic'.isons wliv Piesldent Shaffer shoul be Impeaclied, Tho fact that (lecnge Powell, presl dent of the Tlnplate Wnikeis' Piotec tive association; L. II. Thomas, piesl dent of the Pattei nniakers' National ieccTue, and Panicle Dolan, piesldent of the I'ulti I Mine Woikeis of Plttsbutg dlstilct, (onstltiitp the boaid of continl of tlie publication, and that Piesldent Shafler himself up to a seek ago sas ,1 n'.enibii' (' the hnaid. ssould seem to lend considerable weight to the utter ances of the paper. The Editorial. The edltoilal Is entitled- "Sacilllce Phatfer, Saso the Amalgamated." In part, it Is a follows: l llio amAlc'iiutinn of linn, lrel ainl iln werkir M be unit to nldujlitcr In h lo.t Hulil am) facritlccl en the altar nt ll.r iiurl ,uu .clli.li ainliitinn of tlii crcMtiirc sh.irtrr IH ) time (or arntiinrut It U a tiim (or tutu ami plain upcaUncr. The hght atraint tlii lnl trust i nt. Hut no cinlcr ioium (loin Sinilciiiulecl lifad')uartria, licre Mialtci rnwri, m mh the lime mm ,it Hie (runt. I.uilna cit oitrinlinl lahnr, forbid It in the lumo ul ihe i.iux joii hold deal, but ulilch i mcivicril an long in Shit. ferinni la allouocl-tci live rrallild it In tlie name of laWa lionnr and huneMy, wlilili Slutlcr'a aita hae Impusiied Then follows an Intimation of an ac cusation of stock dealing that Mr. Shaffer has repeatedly denied. Tho editorial continues; Impeach him lor pliaulm: the AiiulsaiiMtnl M.oct.itlon into a ft r Ike that wm uiiuarrantid, Imccu'h him tor cilllue out the men Jt innntli without cjbliis the mibnrillnlte lmlae a chance to sole en the iurtion ot Mrlki. bupeirh dim for nnl.lliit ilemanHa that wen ni aihllnry and lniifratne tint the Hint rouhl not with honor auhtnlt. Impeach Shaffer for nnVlnst thin dla strike; lie wa (tolncf to net all the elorv and tdci Amalga mated waa eolni to Kft all the cir. On hl own rrponlliillty de l(tned die New orlc aitree mrnt. and when lie repiidUlnl It the odium wa Incurrid hv tlie oictanlallnn tmpeiili him. Imill' lor InvliiK boolieil the Smile imalril In 1 taimle ef broken runtraita and repudiated aereemrnK schlili will woik It Iiiiir Itijuri. and Ijlnif up Ihe cupanltllon In a hope lew nlrlke sinre slnfler will not ainiliie hiuxelf lie mnt Ih eiitlllci'd The .Snnlctcinited mmt lie aed and Mi.iir. n.tn go. sauitiie sinffpr and nee I lie AinakMiiiitid. When shown the editorial tonight, Piesldent Shaffer said: 'Mr. Pots ell, of the tin wotkets, was at headnuaitPis today, and 1 hnse nuclei stood that the paper mentioned does not lpptesent his association The 111 Help Is beneath my notice, and 1 shall not ndvertle the paper by commenting on It." Knln Stops Parade. The match of the MeKeespnrt stllk eis to Huiiuesne this afternoon was a disappointment to the strikers, partly bccaii.se of a heavy rain during the parade and n meeting In an open lot and because of lack of enthusiasm. It wan expected that at leat 5,000 of tlie IL',000 stilkers would participate In the match, but h actual count there weie i"3 In line The lain tame down In tcn tents fiom the time the paiade stalled until the column returned to McKees port. The Injunction gi anted the Ameri can Sheet Steel -company at Canal Dosfr. Ohio, against the stilkers has had the effect ot doing assnv with all picketing about the mill. The wlth dinSMil of the pickets was on the ad vice of the local counsT'l, ss ho advised this eouise until after the counsel of tho ansoclatlon nt Pittsburg should make known what eouise to put sup In the futute. t'nltecl States maishals base served almost all of the POO strlkeis with the 01 der. Piesldent Shaffer today sent clrc u I.11 s to all lodges of the association re s less lug the strike situation, which, he says. Is in good shape. He cautions all niembeis against the South Chicago men who iefii"ed to obey the strike older, denominates them nonunlnn nnd declate.s their catds void. Client piepaiatlons base been made bete for Labor day. Monday next. A giand l.illv of all tiades and labor unions of Wewtein Pennylsanla Is to be held at lloss Riove at which Shaf fer. Pol.tn. Murns and Chin chill are advertised to tell the story of the st ilko The tally will be under the auspices of the Amalgamate! associa tion and i.s epccted to be pioductlse of much em'oiii.igpiuent to the stilkers. A parade of immense pioportlons In scheduled for this city on that dn. the big majority of the trades unions hav ing atiangi'd to paitlcipate. The fli st lne.ik in the strike at Me Keespoit sas made this evening when about forty men went to work in tho seamless tube department of the Na tional Tube work". The men leturned on the same basis they stored befeiie. the ssmpithi'tlc stiike was lnattgui.it ed. The men did not oiganlze, al though they met with the Fedeiatlon of Labor men a number of times. It Is thought many mtiie will repot t to-nior-iow inoinlng. The men were not mo lested, us their leturn was n suipiise to tlie strike leaders. The tube works cillki.ils ate inhlhint over the bleak of the seamless men and the outcome of todas's p.tinde at Ductuesne. Late tonight, when piessed foi some expipssion on the Labor World s m-pc-nrhment editorial, Piesldent Shaffer said "The paper has 110 standing In the labor ssotld nnd Is owned and edited hv men bittetly opposed to me fiont the stmt Mv eouise Is abose Im peachment and the only damage the insplied aitiilf c.'iu do is to cieate a bad iinptession temiorat lly but sslll not Inllueiice thinking people " SHAMROCK'S SPIN. She Flaunts Her Mainsail, Club Top sail, Jib Staysail, nnd Baby Jib Topsail in the Bieeze. tl.v Fxrltuhe Wire (Km Pie oelated PruM New Yoik, Aug. art. The Shamiotk had a most Interesting trial spin for four hmiis toijay in a light bioe.M fiom the southeast Aftir making a couple of tacks to fetch out the tough tlednny channel she stood out to sea on the Mat lu'di'l tack, mule! malnsiil club tn.s,iii jib staysail and bab.s jib top. sail Passing Sandy 1 took light ship close aboard, the yacht stood off shoie sl miles, sir Thomas Lipton and (Jeoige L Watson, slth Coiniuoiloie lllll.snid. weie then ti.insfepred to the Hi In. The Shamiock after making a short tack. Kepi oft at 1.13 for home. The spinnaker boom ssas dropped to port and at 1".', the sail ssiim hoisted anil set in one minute. Those following the yacht had Just time to get a gooel look at the sail which, It wits said, was the handsom est piece of linen ever seen 011 a cup challenge! . when it was quickly low ei"d and at 1.1" a balloon foiesall was substituted for the working one With tlie wind oser the port quarter, tho Shamrock foi the next hour travelled nine knots easily without making tneno than a ilpple on the wntei Coining In thiougli fiednc.s s' channel nt 2 4" the wind Inci eased and with a magnificent bin st of speed the yacht tiaeed from thote to the point off the Hook at a twelse-knot clip, There she luffed and took In all her halls except the jib. Then she sailed 10 her tnooilngs and made fast for the day. THE DEATH ROLL. try F.ulu.iio SSire from The Avoelited Pre. New Sink, Siu '" ririgaillpr IJuieri! I.udlmv, I' s , ilii'd at ( OIWCI4, I , if cciiHiiniilnii tnilit at tin h"il-c of Sr. fliKcom. III. Illlu.t waa lut nnllccil on hi. airh.il in the Philippine. In Slat list. Hi v.i at once ent home, in the In p.. that the Smirlcan rllm.le wntiltl retoro him. I'lillidelehli, Suit 'u -John II l.anWrmil, the ell known phlhnthropl.t and member of ihe Drrxel famlb, who was trlcken ulih paralli la.t Wcilnicnlay, died thli afternoon at hl itj. ilencc In till. ill). Mr ankeneiu 8t ear of aje. lie tiu a ceneroim conlrlliutor to the fler 111 111 1Wplt.1l and to the mother home for deacon, cii.c. lie ai decorated hy KmKrur William I. EVENTS OF THE TURF Gresceii8 Failed to Lower tlie World's Record at the Nar- raaansett Races. HIS TIME WAS 2.05 FLAT The Attempt to Break the Kecord Was Not Made Until After G In the Evening Fall Events nt Coney Island Promise to Be Interesting. Successful Races at Pottstown. Ity Exelusire Wire from Tho AmocLted Trew. Piovldenee, Aug. no Cresppu.s failed to lower the world's Hotting lecoid In bis statt against time nt Narragan sett paik this afternoon. Ills time was 2.0,-, llat. The attempt to break the letnrd svas not made until after 6 o'clock, when the svlnel had died down Tho tiack svas smoothed over and was in tlie best of shape for the champion's footing. He scored down once but did not get n good start. The second time dossn Oeoige Ketch.im nodded for the tsonl and Crescuiis went off his feet In the stretch and he came dosvn once mote. A runner fol losveel nnd a bundled s-atches svere snnpped on the gieat chestnut stal lion as he shot under the svlie. tie got to the quarter In 31 't seconds, svhere a second' runner joined and took up a position a length behind tho tlrst. The half tvas t cached in 1.02'i: the three-quarter In 1 nt'i. and tlie mile in 2.05 flat. Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese minister, ssltnessed the race from a bov, as the guest of Dr. Sulli van, nf this city. Dan Patch, the unbeaten son of Joe Patthen. took the tlrst race, the 2 OS pace In sti night heats, and Mage tee foi ceil him to make the Hist in 2.01'i. It took seven heats to settle the 2.11 tint. Coxey was the favorite, but did not ssin a heat until the llfth, and the next two gave him the lace. Fiasiler landed the 2.20 paie In tluee straight heats and sson with ease. The summaries; The 'Jll-i cla, puinc, three in fhe, pum, Dan Pitch Sltrlte . Slijnr M11-1 nite Slntne 1 llarMJ II "I 4 a Tlie Hiidion. Itimnnnd M . I.mms K Staleii, Pirlel and Tie Sdnilril nUt ftarttel fane - ill's. 2.U?. i ""' llie 2 It iliw. pacine, three in file, purse, JI.Mni: Inxov ') ' s Prince of Indit 1 1 ' Niccir .lick A 1 I I Inrlle Me 1 1 Ph.- I 3 1'iptilii Itriiken. l.lMcriue, lata U. 1 1 .1 1 :i ! 4 ro. MIsH SIl- Don ild .ii.-ii snitril. Time-2.11, -'.1114, S.liVs. 2.1B. Mi'.,. 2 1':. 2 in... Ihe 2 20 cla.-, puliiK. ttucn In flic; pur-c, $1 .im: liaznr 1 1 I Tedh V 2 2 11 Pmdle I ' 'i 2 Tomnis Sir .'1 1 " The .ludce ' 3 4 Pinl II , C'libiiioli, Anna It. alto t crted. Time 2 1i'-j, 2 2, 2 1.'. Siraui-t time to N it the world trnttlnj reeord ot .'OJt,: ('iKieua. 2 0"i Foil Season nt Coney Islnnd. New Yoik, Aug. So. The Coney Is. bind Jncke.s club will open the fall lac ing season of the Metiopolltan dls tnct tomorrow at Shecpsheael Bay. The Futurity, the llchest fixture of the season, Is the star featuie of the pio giamme nnd It is expected sslll prove the magnet for a recoid breaking irowd. The ince Is for two-year-olds clown the old futuilty eouise, sshlch la 170 feet short of six fm longs. Klghtern nf the most loyal bred and highest class )iingsets in tialnlng sslll piobablv stai t, and 111 every respect tlie Held Is one of tho best sshlch ever competed for the rich pi Ize. The entries aie: Ooldmlth, 1RI; King llanos er. 129: Blue Oil I. 12S; Fl ssheel. 1 2.",: Hyphen. Port Itoynl, Nas lurtltlin, 122, Cat roll I),. Pentecost, Yankee. 119: Do Roszke, 117; Hat inn, Saturday, the Talisman, Caughana waga, Ileno, 112; Guntlre, 111, Iux Castn. 10H. AVIiltney stable King Hanovei, Nas turtium, tlnldsmlth. Madden stablts Yankee, Iilue rilrl, Ounflre. Successful Events at Pottstown. Pottstown. Aug. 30. Today's lacing events concluded the most successful fair yet held by the Pottstown Dilslng club. The track record of 2.13V4, held by Omega, ssas lowered to 2.11U by March (lain, In the 'Initial heat of the 2.24 pacing class. Summaries. ? '4 ill, pneins: Merchants Hotel stakei, ill Km March Dale won, s p., second; New .ler m. third Tim. 2 IP J. 2 1-'. 2.11's 2.15 ilas, mixed; purse iM'O .cs.i won. De rccior N. eiond, tlie ijuarker, tlnid Time -2 17. 2 HI, 2 !". 2 1S ilas, mixed, iiiue, Wtn 1 lolion won; fiolden Hod. second Snnitulalor, Ihlui 'lime -2 n'i, 2 i, 2 IV, I YACHT RACES AT NEWPORT. Final Series Between Constitution and Columbia. ny Escliwlse Wlru from Th .oclatfri 1'iex. Neuron. It I. Sun SO rt.e ttudl inc ul 1111a between tlie forntmitloii ami ( oljimliU will lifltlli ewer the Newport course tninoirnu. ll( nil the cnnle.U that hue taken pUcc liiinriu tin, Sinerlean hnal thU neasort lln' .or the nint Important, for on their louli clepimU the ulif. tlon ot the ilefeniler tn mil nvaliM ihe -li 111111.. I; II in the iireit rates Inr tin Sim 11 .1' tup i,rt Minis lloiil. Out of lstren raer ahenb hniheil 1I11I1 hit nun elcht, ami wi rloi tin the nn ln.iu in tho tuiltrr of peel that ni.ini s.kuI chIiUiihii tit Hut wluteier the outrome nt Hie trnU It sill kt til In) n lunl talk in rhn' iNturen tin 111. Butcheis Demand Increase. B7 Tieluilre Wlr from The Atsoclited t'reis. OniuliJ, iib. SO. -One hmi'lud killel tmtilirrk and one hundred unskilled IjlnmrH eniplosisl in the paekinif lioiiceii of Smith Omaha base ie. mended an iiierrJM' in ss ue, nnd hise giscn the packer until Mondj) tu kIkii the hjU', CLOTHES CAUGHT FIRE. Spontaneous Combustion Ignited a Painter's Clothing While Ho Was Riding on a Bicycle. tl P. Ferlier, tlie nesv chief nf the fire department, and the permanent men of the Phoenix Chemical company svere sitting eiutslde the engine house, yesterday tnotnlng, when they sasv n mnn attired In painter's clothed com ing up Lacknsvanna avenue on n hi es eje. As the man got abreast of the en gine' house something peculiar nbotlt him attracted Chief Ferher's attention and after another look he Jumped to ills feet, shouting "He's on fire, boys." The other men looked and ssero Just In time to see the bicyclist lenp from ills sslieel anil clutch his pocket sslth his hands. The pocket seemed to be all n blaze and the tliemen rushed to his nsstnnce and helped him In put ting out the flames before anything mote thnn his clothes ss-ns burned As It ssas, his pocket ssas almost completely desttoved by the flames, while his underwenr ssas slightly damaged. The most peculiar thing about the Incident Is the cause of this flames. The painter explained that the blaze ssas caused by spontaneous combus tion. His clothes svere saturated sslth a peculiar kind of ted paint, he said, which became ignited by tho notion nf tho sun's rays. TOURNAMENT AT SEA GIRT National Association of America Begins a Ten Days Shooting Match Civil and Military Expetts Piesent. Ilv KseluMce SStre from The AlwoclatM Pre. Pea Oht. X. J., Aug. HO. The Na tional association of America began a ten days' shooting tournament on the Xenv Jersey state camp ranges at Sen (Jlit today, svhlch piomlf.es to be the most Important esent held on this .side of tlie Atlantic mean. Tsso matches of International character tslll be decided befote the close of the mooting. Thco events sslll be the spe cial challenge match nt ROD, 000. and 1,000 j ill ds, betsseell tepicsentntlse teams fiom the Tlster Itllle associa tion of llelfnst, li eland, and tho Nesv Jeisey Itllle nsoclatlnn and the tsotltl'it chaniplonship team contest for sshlch only tsso tennis have entered, making It a match botsseun Canada and the I'nlted States. A huge gntbeilng of civilian and mil Itaiy expetts, its ss"ll as many vlsltots, ssMtcbed the ssork of all the men and tlie niee-t interested sHctator during the gi eater pnit of the day svas (los ernor Voorhecs, ss ho coniplimented John Wll-on, captain of the Irish team 011 the ssoudeiful performnnce of his men. At !ioO ai il. John Mot gun, of Iielaud. Mined ten successive bulls ses, and out of the tlrst -- shots he made twenty bullseves nt S00 and 900 yatds. When etich side had finished the round of the three distances Mot gan had 13S points out of a possible ISO and Hubert Duncan, another l'lter man, had a slinilnr s, 01 e. The next host ssork ssas done by Ma jor J. K. Mlllner, sshose name has been liliititlcd sslth Intel national rlllo shooting since lS7t. sshen tlie Irh'i team tlrst slslteci t reectmoor. nue he has not been at his best for some months, he shot ery w today nn 1 his aggregate scoie ssas ?,1. The on'y linpoitnnt matches ilcclded today tseie the Columbia tiophy and inspectois' matches. The foimer ssas confined to teams nf six men, each from New Jer sey state regiments and navnl re serves. Five teams enteied, slth tho follnsslug tesults: Fnuith regiment. Jersey City, svon, ssith a total of 'J4. First leglment, Ness ark. "SS. Thlid regiment. Camden, 221. Second tegliuent, Trenton, '20!. Flist battalion, Naval reserves, Nesv Jersey, 205. The inspectors' match, open to all inspectors of ilile practice, either bv commission 01 by detail, svas sson by Captain Stebblns, of the Twelfth regi ment, Nesv Yoik, sslth !1 points. Cap tain Martin, Second regiment, Nesv .Ier,sey, swis second, sslth lit points: Lieutenant W. M Kinross-. Second teglni'tit, District of Columbia, thlid, S!i points, and Captnln Sprliigstead, Kotlltli regime nt, Nesv Jersey, font til, 80 points. "MOBE" SCORCHERS FINED. William K. Vanderbilt Pays S10 nnd Costs at Ncsvport Police Court. Hi KitliMisp Wire from The Awaiiited Preiw Nittiinit. It I, iik ',0 SMIIuni h Sainlci. hilt, lr , ss n mnitii' iml to pollic court todiv Jllil filled l'l lll'l cewtjc foe Allow 111!.' llU Jlutoll'O lille to cseeeil the pn 1 limit of tlie illy The oiruie win I'omtnilteil on Itliltfe rui't Weilnevljs Chief of 1'oliei Itirhiiilc, sshn setrnUs h.nl I'nxliall Keene anil lleuinalil Vamlerlillt lined Tor fit inlliiif. ssi' Ihe ccimpliliunt inloila.s- iae. Ihe litet ellenilei proniiMil that lie ssouhl oh. crse the liw' lion aim Bitten by a Baboon. Its- F.xeliwlse SS'ire trom The Asuoclatfil Prew. linuha. Aui;. t0 -William Pixies-, ainiis. tnent editor of a loeal paper, ssn Iniured, pir hap (Mails. W hasinif hl tteh laceuled lis J iiiiihlered ImIhuiii. Mi I'lsle) ssa si-llirn the ilrrs-lns; tent of a dog nnd pony i.uss, ationi. pauleil lis hii litter 'Ihe balmon, known i "llm llohltieon." altukeil Pixle.s ssithout sssrn Inc. Intlnir Win iinl tlintk and uiienln tho flcidi in Eapins ssoumN Governor Shaw a Candidate. lly bxi'liislse SSire frons The Awncitted Pre. riiliRKn. s- ?0 -senator l)ollier, of Iowa, sshlle in Clin ail" lodas. announied that liosriiior shiw. of huso, will l.e a ranuidite for tlie pre.l- clc in s Ihe (.ciiatoi ii! 1 Mid that Iowa 11ml a lolitlilerulile piitiicn t't the middle ssest ssoull be liaik ot Muss Dionk Catholic Acid. n.s- Kxedueise SSire from The Awoclated Preu. Ilittolt, Ana .'fl lleuiiho his ssife upbraided him for Koitu out sslth other ssomen John Kraft. 11 elty flirinin, eMily lodiy drink a bottle of arlioiie leld, hefnre the (jm of his fumllj, and tsso lunirs later ss 1 dead, Kialt. sshn sva rirlser ot husc ssa.'un Nu, V, ssai but '.'I jcus. ul a.'e. S0DUS WRECK KILLED ELEVEN Fatalities ol the Northern Central Railroad Disaster Are Increasing. A LIST OF THE VICTIMS Some of the Passengers Die In Hos pitals nt Rochester Rev. A. Park Burgess, Well Known in Central New York, Expires at tho Home of His Son Of tho Remaining In jured, Three Will Scarcely Survive tho Night. Dy Kxihmvo Wire from The AVoelated I'reM Nessnrk, N. Y Aug. SO. The ssreck of the southbound passenger train on the Podus Ray division of the Northern Central ralltoad last night hus result ed up to tonight In the death of eleven persons. Following Is a collected list of the dead: HIT Pit I'xHIx S ni'IKil.Ss, t.sraiu. SlUs A I'SltK liritliKsN, Ssraeine. 1 IISNCIS lll'ltl.l.lCIJ. N'ewatk. X. V. MttS. J Mi:S SS rOIII), Xevnrk, X. Y. Mlts. ANNA KANR. nimlr.i . xVIIJ.MM Mnsc.llEK. Sodin Point. IIOSVMtn TfllllS. r.lmlra. Mlts I,. II HOOD, ,eneri Kalis. Slt. C It nitSDI.F.Y. Seneca fills. Xllts KI.IZSHK.Tlt TODD, Xesrark, N. Y. SIHs. C 0 PPSS Sltps, St. Paul. The Injured In this elty are doing as ssell ns can be expected. Mrs. A. D. Hurnhuni and Mrs. William l.e Muny 011, of Port Olbson, and Mrs. Hose Kd ssntds, of Nesvark, are very loss-. The death of Rev. A. Park Ilurgess. of Sjiacuse, occuiied at the home ot his son, V. C. Hurgess, this afternoon. He ssas svldely knosvn throughout cen tral Nesv York as a great opponent ot saloons. Mrs. C. O. Kdss arils, of St. Paul. Minn, ssho svas badly scalded about the face and chest, died at the Homeo pathic hospital In Rochester tonight. Mrs, Kelts artls had been to Sodus Point and ssas returning tn Nessark, ssheie she lunl been visiting relatives this summer. Of the remaining Injured In the bos. pltnl In Rochester it Is feared thieo cannot survlse the night. Thev ate: K. 11. Bradley, Seneca Falls; Mrs. K. A Hare. Greenfield. Mnss.; Mis. Kllz abeth White, Ness at k. EXPLOSION AT SUGAR NOTCH One Man Killed and Fifty More Have Narrow Escape from Death. It- Fxrluive SVire from The xsfocii.cd Pr'ss Wllkes-Batre, Aug. HO. One man svas killed and fifty more had a nariosv es cape fiom eieath In the No. 9 colliery of the I.ehlgh nnd Wllkes-Harre Coal comnan.v at Sugar Notch, near heie, today. Bernard Josklsk, n miner, fired off a shot In one of the main gangsvays and ssith his laboier, Charles Pltulsh, leturned to the place. An Immense Imdy nf qjs had collected after the shot ssas fired and their lamps came In con tact sslth this, causing a tenifllc ex plosion. Both men sveie blossn ion slderable distance and Josklsk ssas bat tel ed to a pulp against one of the ptops. His laborer escaped with seveie hums. Tho concussion svas seveie nnil thiess mlneiH In other pints of the ssorklngs from their feet. The strong doors sep arating them alone pievented gie.1t loss of life. RESULT OF EXAMINATIONS. Inspector Prytherch Announces tho Successful Candidates. Mine Inspector Henry O. I'rvtherc h, of the Second Anthracite dsttlet. yes unlay announced the names of the candidate" svho successfully passed the lecent examination for mine fore nien'.s and assistant mine foremen's tt tlficates. Those ssho nre entitled to foremen's certificates nie- Ks-au C Davles. Old Forge: Julian Cooper. Scianton; Job Whltehouse, Scianton: Tallle T. Jones, Taylor: John A. Moignn, Scranton; Charles Oioss. pli'tsch, Scrantnn: James Itegan, Scian ton. The follosvlng are recommended to re ceivo certlfliares ns assistant foiemnn: David John Henty Williams, P. K. Hohan, William J Thnma. David J. Davles, Richard It. Thomas., Hugh Williams, Thoinis Hnddak, David Bev non, Bernard P. Hughes, Martin. K. Shfrld.ni. James Trethessey, William li I,eSH, Mnigan J. Jones. Kvnn O. Hughes Hnssfll Davis. Krank Ossens, David J. Llessellyn. Joeeph Vlckeis, John Phllllr-s. Jnmeb Jones, Robert Stenncr. Walter Kdssarcls. Henry Has. ton. Thomas Ford. Jai oh Jenkins, Will lam V.. Oraham. Less Is W. Ksans. John J Burke, C.i Until .lotus William C Joiick Patilck l..imone James (llllef ple, John Rodeilrk. F.dssatd (',, Thomas, John W. Finn. Thomas Itegan. Charles llellard unci Benjamin Watkliie, of Scrantnn- Patrick J. Conssay, Old Forge; Kdssard Oars In, Rendham. Steamship Anlvals. Hi Ercluslse Sirn from llie Sss.u uteil l'rcs Ness'Yirk, u Siilteil: ( jiiii.inli. bis. rrpool and IJui'ili-tmin. (! ind liasi, Niplis ninl Ilium; i:tiuria, l.lserpool, I'lluopl.i, (il.n. Kiw, Itottudam sis MnuliiElie, I'llinu II nil. Inir tli Pljnniitli and ( lurhmiiir sniitlump. trn -Silled: AiiKUle Vlitnria efrom II iinlniiK), Ness' Sork sh rherlinuri Qiieenton- XrritiiJ: but mil, .Ness' Sork (inni ,srrpno laud pioiced ed). I.lranl l'.isstii Krirderidi Prr i.io.m', Ness- Voik for Nmlhanipte 11 and llriinni. blc of ssicht 1'j.Mili Matriidani, Itnltrrilani tor .V York, TIIH NEWS TIIIS M0RN1NU- Weather Indications Today: PARTLY CLOUDY 1 llftietal President Shsftrr Denonnerd. Mine SS'orker' Convention Adjourns. P.lesen Kllleil in the Sodiu SSreck. ltarlne Ksenta ol a Day 2 (leneral CiitmncUlf tVpattment. 3 Local ttiiles Inr (liilditic-e of llullders. How l.ihor Dij SSill lie CctelTattd. 4 fditorlal Note and Comment. 0 I.oeal Closlne )y In The Trllinne' Kdiica. tlonal Contest. fl tieal SSVst Srantfn and Siiluulian. 7 (ienenl -N'ortheatlern tVnnvlsanli. fininelil and Coinnien lal. 8 Loial- serial jnd Pergonal, line SSom.ui'a Vlcssa, Scientific Salad 9 Loral Sundas Si Imnl I enn for Tomorrow-. Heliglous Nesvs nf the SSeek. 10 lieneral Klorlda as a Vanillrliiin Industilal and Lalioi STEAMBOAT EXPLOSION KILLED TWENTY-EIGHT The Conclusion Reached by Police Officials Who Are Investigat ing the Affair. Br Eclulf Wire from The Atwocltted Treu. Philadelphia, Aug. ,10. It s noss rea sonably certain that at least tssenty elght pei.sons peilshed an a result of the explosion of one of the boilers of tho steamer City of Trenton, on the Dednssare tlver nbove this city, on Wednesday afternoon. This conclusion Is reaches! by the police authoiltles, thiough the fact that seventeen pet sonte, svho nre reported by their rela tives or friend tn base been on the steamer, havei not yet been found. Thesfl missing persons, sslth elesen bodies nil em y recsivensl makes a total of tssenty-elght. Ten persons are still In a setlous condition R a result of the dlaster. of sshom four nre In a criti cal condition and may die. The ssoik of searching for the (,e tlms has been kept up Incess.mtly since the explosion octurred. Tsso bodies sseio lecoverert fiom the liver today nnd ssere taken' to the morgue, fp to a Into hour tonight they had not bo-n Identified, , Presuming thnt these tsso bodies. along sslth the tsso othets In the moigtie that aie charted beyond recog nition, are four of the missing pcotm, this ssould reduce the missing llt to seventeen. The city and fedeial holler Inspectois ate ilgldly putsulng their lnscstlga tlon, but they cannot accomplish much until the exploded boiler, sshlch ssas blossn fiut of the vessel Into the riser, ha.s been tecosered. The oss ners of the steamer have consented to raise and place it at the disposal of the author ities. The theory that ssatsr ssas let into tlie boiler after It had become dry. and as 11 testilt the crosvn sheet blesv out. Is gaining gioutwl among experts. This, the englneeis claim, could hap pen only thiough the negligence of the engineer. Neither Chief Knginter Murph.s, of the City of Trenton, nor the company sslll make n statement until the pio peved court of Inquiry Is held by the I'nlted States Inspector of steam es. sols. Three pei.nns. ssho sseie lepoited bv telatlve.s as missing, turned up during the dny. They are William Lotvoit, of Hulmevllle. Pa. who ssas Injuieel In the acK'Ident and Immediately ssent to his home, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Al bert, of Camden, N J. The Albwrts ssent to Ttenton on nn eailler boat. KILLED BY LIGHTNING. Many Guests at a Golf Tournament Are Shocked. Hy Kxclulse SSire from The Associated Press, Altoona P.i Aug. 30 Dining a thunderstorm this afternoon, D I.. Maiks, aged' 23, svas struck and killed hy lightning. With four companions, Minks sought shelter In a pin Hon on the top of n hill on the golf grounds. The building ssns struck and all of the men ssere tin oss n dossn tinenin-clous. When medical asslstam-e arrived, Mai ks ss-as dead. His companions ssere all ie slved. Marks ssas eniplo.se! In the mil load shops, and llveil sslth his patents in this elty. At the same time about one bundled ladles and gentlemen, sslui sseie attend ing the golf tournament, sseie assem bled In the golf club hoitep and ses- I'ral peiwons sseie seseiely shocked bj the same bolt of lightning that killed Minks. EX-GOVERNOR WILL ATTEND. Geneial Chamberlln to Be nt the Reunion of the 143d Pa. Vol. One of the most distinguished sol filers of the Atmy of the Potomac, Ceil crnl J. li. e'hninhcilln. ex-gosei nor of Maine has accepted the Insltatlon of President Do I.acy. of the One Hundied and Foi ty-thlitl Pennsylvania solun teirs, to attend the annual reunion of that leglment at Rhoads' hotel, Har vey's Lake, September 3. Tline ssho attend sslll have the honor of meeting and greeting a most iepru seutatlsc soldier and statesman His promotion is the only case In the his toiv of the lebtlllon ssheie a soldier ssas made a brigadier geneial upon the field of 111 tlon Oeneial 1' S Oram made him btlgadler goneinl to date fiom June K ISfit. for the extraordl limy gallantry of himself and his bri gade He at that time ssai colonel of ihe Tssentleth Maine, assigned to the etinimnnel of the Pennsylvania brigade, of sshbli the One Hundred and Forty thlid formed an lmpoitant pan In the celebrated chin rp on tho main line at Petersbiiig, Va . June U, 1"i'iI Lynchers Sentenced, Bj Kifl'itis-e SVlre 'rem The Associated Pris. SSrtmnpki, Sl.i . 'ic " List nizlH Hie jury heirlnc the 1 ies of .lolm sirriiiili aii'l Mill in Puller, eharerd ssltli haslnc pattirlpmri In tlie l.tiiililni; of Hoheil SMiile, 1 mzrn. leturned a srrdict if suillt "' iniiulii In ll"1 wroiiil decree and MntPncrd llie ilclrii'linti tu ten Jiare in tlie I't nits nllarj . CONVENTION ADJOURNED President Mitchell ol the Mine Work ers Will Make a Tour o! the Anthracite Reolons. PARDON BOARD PRAISED Also Petitioned to Release Ten Riot cis Still Confined In the Pottsvillo Jail Resolutions Denouncing tho Xegislntme for Failing to Pass Laws Favorable to Mine Workers Ate Ruled Out of Order Local Strikes Authorized. lis pjchiMse Wire from The SsjoiUled Press Ha.leton, Aug. ?.0 Th mlneis con tention adjourned slue die at 4 o'clock this afternoon. President Mitchell will go to Mlneisvllle tomorrosv to deliver an address. He sslll tour the coal re gion tor about ten days. The conven tion nuthoibed the executive ofilcers to engage counsel to assist Attorney Oen eral Klkln In defending the constltu-tioiii-llty of the tiinv company stora lass-, against sshlch objections haso been (lied em behalf of several coal companies by Attorney M. Iv. Olm stead, of Harrlsburg. This Is one of tho lasss sshlch ssas passed by th last leglslatute on reepicst of the Mine Workers. f-'veral resolutions denouncing the legislature for Its alleged failure to enact Into lnsss all the bills demanded by the Mine Winkers ssere ruled out of outer, on the giotind that Injection of pntnics ssas against the rules of the organization. The bond of pardons ssas commend ed for Its nctlon In lecoinmendlng the iclease of tsso of the strikers convicted of rioting at Oneida and the board svas petitioned to tnke favorable action on the cases of the ten tloters svho 1 are still toulleiid In tho Schuylkill county jail at Pottsvllle. Locnl Strikes Authorized. The contention nnthorled the re spectlse district executive boards to declare local stilkes sshere last spring's agreements have been violated by tho companies. Pri'i ar.itlons will be commenced at onco by National President Mitchell nnd the throe illstilet presidents for btlugiug about a Joint conference with tho operators. They will collect all data lelatlng to alleged brevtch of con tracts and such nthnr matters ns may be necessary and aimed sslth this will seek an Intervless sslth eni h one of the piosldents of the coal carrying loads lu Ness Yoik. A committee rept -scntlng the execu tlse boatil of this district went to Drifton this evening to confer slth the officials of Coe Bros. R Co. regarding gtlesances complained of at the col lieiles of the firm. The committee sslll report to the executive board tomoi losv afternemn. A suspension of ss-ork at the Coxe mine may be ordered It no concessions aie giant'Ml. CITY CANNOT SUFFER. Director Roche Speaks About Grad ing of Second Ward Streets. Director ot Public Weuks J. K Rocho stated .sesleiiUiy afternoon to ft Trib une man, that he Is Hi mly convinced that tl- city can sufLer no loss by the passage of the ordinance providing tor the grading of certain streets in the Second ssaul. The objection has been lalsed that no relenses nccom panv th- oidluance and that If the streets at,e guided the city ssould bo plunged into el, image suits. "The encllnaiiee Is so ssorded," said he, "as to pi event any possibility of damage suits. II provides, not only that the cost of the ssoik of grading shall be assessed against tho abut ting piopeity ossneis, but, also, that any ihimagis sshlch may .iicrtic shall olio be- asse-ced in a similar man tlet. "Thete Is no piopeity osvitcr ssho ssill be damaged to any great extent, and, if Ibeie nre .inv. the damages can he divided up among the property ossneis ssho ine benefitted by the im provement. Kseu If tills clause sseie not 111 the nldlnaiice at all, It ssould he ss Ise. to my mind, to giade tho., strets and let the city pay sshat lit tle damage's may result, "If these stieels aie not graded the i ity sslll be put to a veiy great ex icnso every ye.it In rpclrlng them. They ate In 11 dcploiable condition, and nn peimanent repalis tan bo made until they am graded," City .Solicitor Watson holds there Is no binding 1 latino In the ordinance) sshbli tellevoK the city from respon sibility for the payment of damages. Mr. Cleveland Will Be Orator. Hy Kxi limit Wire from The Associated Presj PlttkluiiE. Sus: 3ii 1 x Prisideiil firoer fleses I mil Ins ion-inted to clellser the nrstlon at roundel's 1 .11 ot the l ainecie imtltun .rt Ihuri-dis. Vos 7 Tins inform illon a ernes e,l todis bs lelrciain (rmti skiho t,i the commlticj of jirrancniiriiis in iln follossms. "Pietldinl 1 leieliud islrr.. aicrptlnn Imtta 1,011 louudir'a Di.s. SSlite him I'.nllnihrj iMtiedi ' ndiess farnecie " YESTERDAY'S WEATHER, l.oi 1I dit i It Suuut !. liiil: Ibjhr.t iinipeiaim t d'erer l.,issi..t leinperaturi ST decrreei Itiljiise llninldiis - i in 75 per rent i p. ni . W per en' I'm il!.it i, n. "I li Mirs endid h p ill , 0.47 inih, 4- WEATHER FORECAST. -f--f SS ishlintiun, Sun ' forecast for f MMun l'iiiiiilsjni.i. Pittlj cloudy Bat- e lildi.s, pi'iliilils aliiisirrs In northern por- 4- Hon, suudi.s, lalrj llaht sirlibl dnds, 4- .. -.,