The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 29, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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PuMlvhrd rtallv-. txrrpl Snrvlay, v Th Trtti.
un Publliihltu Pompiny, at Fltty CcnU Month.
MVV S ItlCHAnii, tMltor.
O. F. IIYMiKK, IIiiIucm JtJniscr.
New York Oftuci l.W NaMau St.
?. M Vr.KVt.VNI'.
Bolt A?nt far Foreign AiherlKnj.
Knttrfd at the IVxtftlilcr nt Foranton, I' . at
Secund Claw Mall Matter.
When trace "III permit. The Tribune l alway
slid to print rhort letter irom in friend eir
lnr en runrnt topic, but It rule l that inM
mut he f-lgned, for piilillrjtiftn, tv tli r" '
real names nil the ronilitlnn pmrrfrnt to
ceptame I that all contribution lhati autiject
'o editorial region
the flat rtAir. Fon advehtisino.
The fallowing talili" ahwat the prleo per Inch
ath imertlon. pice to b turd within one .vein
I Run of Siding c
line on 1 rjill
Mdlne I Toltlon
I riper i ne.i
f Ma'than Sno Inches
.25 .iTS
.SO .22
.1 .ITS
IM .17
.15 AM
m Irrhea ...
for rirdv of thank", r'olutlon of iondoUno
and imllr tontrllmtlona In the nitiire of ad-'erflalrj-
The Tribune main a rharce "I eenta
a I. re.
Hlte. fnr DaaalAM Advertising fiimWi'd on
srn.N"ro.v. r. . aiv.i'st .". mm.
Supr'm Oirt VWI.I.I IM P
7reaurir-HiAMv (i HVItItl
Election .Vov S.
"When the I'rnorra'i "nit oil nt power In
jiir cute it left to tt n-ptiW'i in rarty a leg
arv of tlmotf afHrti.irVi ot ilrlit Inn debt, lij
uitr administration imd.r llipublitin tiile, lm
bren ilnr.t xnitieli -nnl Wo hoe I m teaei
ah appreciations' to thi- romnfti tlnol until
we stand at the tnd of th Aineil 1 at t.itr in
nippnrt of popular rduiatlon. I'tulri llepnlilli.iii
adrrinl'tritlon their ha hern pild en I, year 'or
erlnta'lonal pmpnte moir tinn t appropriated
rv 'ho Pni.'iMIn pntv In Hi tr null tor of a
'fntttri of iniin'r We hue im retard "iir appm
rlitirna t. ihatltililo md rbciiinaitim inttlii-
lr until o i in in ike Hi-1 mit tint tli ante
b't'Wrn lh tun mrina aupporta tlirr intuil
rteru a 1I aa diet our man Our 7,ri,ii10 of
people rre induinotn, liinr.t lav I'lidinir and
h'Tpy., uiniiiiided a wi ire on raerj ldo
iith proipe-rniH lNlnet . -iHitlim, mtn pi'npie
luppv, empletiett md Mint'i.t1''! tnd iih oirn
aifnii" of Ivh.hcU .mil nailn fulti m iipmd, ami
with the rroipert of the future lirislitening and
eimvlnt more Impeful, th. .tii hMnrii pin nf
ihitrtittlrn and eett up a htateru it rrv
it fal'e prrtrnie. Iip'iii and liilnnnt for
le pirme of mUleadin: fit people ami tesiiti
rg et (irmei " From tilt llepuldli in tato
Pouo th.t .'". not nnnlhllnto the
Mhor follnu i iiv not fppm to In1 lr-ir-?'l
.11 PItlflilllE.
The Fortunes of War.
"T""HK rnAWrttlUJ (outity tlllrx
I ioitiro tlii)"o who wl"h to
JL hoconie iiintllilntct unticr
thrui to coiitiibttio u .-mil
of money etlm.iteti to lit miiIU l"iit to
defray tho iaiciim' of the in-ltu;it
election. Tho o.pone-( I" vhtuallj tin
FAnx whethfi" tho ollUos- to be llllrd
anrl the r.intlliiritCH for them nro fow or
many. ciu, holnc pio-'
year, with a lull tukot In the Holt!
anrl no dearth of c.iiidlrl.itesi, tho c.
pene vns divided iiinniiK inuiiy and
thUK hei'Hinc model. Ho tor eael 'I'liH
year, the ollko and iandldute. IioIiik
few. the per capita exponi'i' i relitthe
Iy larci-. I'titlef the rule. what money
renin Ins after the pilmary expenses
are paid. Ia returnable pro rata
We are cony that Colonel Hluh
cock, under thes-e rlrctinivttincrti, felt
debarred ftotn '-ubuilttitiB his andl
daey for the additional law JudRelilp
to the Republican Miters. We ehotild
be eiiually hony t" pee him. at his
yeatf. and with hl Ions tecoul of
recularlty, commit the mistake of run
nlr.c stump. In Rueh nn errant ex
ploit ho could not ieat.on.ibly hop, for
election and. il effective at all would
filmply (onttibute aid anil i otnfnri to
the Dr moi-rai y, whhh If alreiuly faltly
and ably teprepented on the local
hent h.
Hut the oircuniMance- leadlnc up to
this decision are not lilameable upon
the reKlstetcd nominee nor upon the
Republican party otganl.itlnn. They
are part of the lot tunes or mMoi tunes
of war.
It is difficult to lioteinilm these das
whether the illploinmlc business nt
Turkej is strained or unstrained
Unavoidable Suspicions.
FOR AT LEAST a quarter of a
century a large majority of
the people of the fnlted
States have wnntetl a tran
lthmlan canal to facilitate travel be
tween the Atlantic nnd Pacllie sen
hoards nnd between the remoter shores
of thiHe gieat commerce-beat Ins
oceans. For at lenst a quntter of n
cenur they have been willing that
their government should build such a
(onnectlng waft way at thelt expense
nnd while wanting the wotk done
economically they have not haggled
over, the cost. During the whole of
thlsf.tlme the attitude of both of the
lending political parties by which the
government Is can led on has been as
serHyely favorable to the canal's con
etruCtlon. Platform after platform
has demanded It. Candidate after can
didate has Indoised It. President after
president has recommended It to con
gress. Vet every time thnt a move
has been made, It has somehow been
Mocked. Our political history shows
no parallel case of public sentiment
belnsr so continuously nnd emphatically
onei way while the trend of manipula
tion has been so long successful In
the opposite direction.
Now by way of climax conies the re
port'from New York, ct edited by "Hol
land? one of the most trustworthy
of Iw York correspondents, that the
latedt superfluous canal commission
the second or third dnce the subject
nrose which vvns created by the last
congress manifestly for purposes of de
lay, ihtm decided to recommend the
abandonment of the Xlcaingua canal
project, and the purchase by the
United StntCB of the plant, concessions
nnd charter of the Panama corpora
tion. Many pluuslble reasons ate giv
en In the literature Inspired by the
latter company for In selection In
preference to the other route; but It
would be difficult to make the aver
nge man believe that a proposition at
hlh Ute day to switch over from NIc
airacua to Panama if not conceived
and ttrtred with n vltv to nddlllnnal
po.tponment of any canal whatever.
It would nut be believed that the
memht'M of the present commllon
could be innai otil) swerved fiom n
r;en of their duty In the pirtnlsr,
but tllo SUipli louwotiltl fntrn. In spile
of their hlRh eh.irnctrt, that shrewder
mind than theim had cleerl effect
oil an Itirllnatloti of JutlKinent which
would n practical conscriuences make
for mote coufuloti nml delay.
Por It must he borne In mind that
the l'ananin canal company Is virtually
bankrupt nnd In tecelsei' hands.
More than :so,0O(i.opa. chiefly hard
eirneil snvltiRS of the French prn.itit
tv. hnia ffnne Into Its vor.tclnus innw
and sunk like lead to the bottom, tint
stati'lluc ?, ntitl 0 pet lent, bonds to
the extent of J.'i'OdOfl.fiOli lire hawked
for sale fiom door to door and nobody
eenti lti lined to buy. To nsk the
I'nlted States to tesutroct this cotpse
would mean. In the tlr.nt Inxtnnce. sears
of iiagirlliis with tho bond holder, and
afterwariH years moie of Ineffectual
fttucirle fipr.ilii" t Panama's deadly II
mate. Those who want a innal and
want It iptlck have no faith In the
Panama uopoltlon ami never have
had. They look upon It as an nitful
iIoiIrp worked In combination by
From h speculators and jppjeseii!'!
tlves of the tcinscontlnental talltoad'.
the one hoping to te-fenther their
weather-beaten rits; the other
eicheiiilnfr to aveit the tompetltlnn of water frelphti.
Consres at lt next session "hould
halt this Intolctable mannptnerlnK nnd
vole the orders nnd the funds to po
nhearl with the Xlrnrngiin canal.
The Urotherhood of Ralltoatl Fire
nun bellee thnt the l)ot way to
strengthen nnd dignify n labor otgnn
l.itfon Is to be faithful to nil ngtrc-ment".
A Necessary Lesson.
NO OX1-: ran be wnrprlsod nt
the ilotermliintlon of the
Ametlrun Tin Plato com
pany to have no further
dealing with the Amalgamated asso
ciation. Tltn latter made with the
fotnier ,i lonttact for a tnr and be
fotc the Ink on It dt deliberately
btoke It by going on ittlkf. Murines"
c.itmot be conducted on such .1 basis.
John .Mitchell -ecs lhl nnd has sound
ed nn lmtueslve warning, other wipe
leaders of labor, like Chief Arthur and
Chief Sargent see it nnd, It N tepoit
ed.have Infoimed Shaffer of the danger
of hi way. The Aineilcan Tin Plate
company, whatever Its limits, keeps
ItH ugi cements. This may In part be
11 vltltie of necessltj. If It btoke con
li.icift It lould be stfd nnd mulcted
In tho courts.
Hut whatever the ti.isons that Impel
It to live up to Its agreements. It Is
within its right and cle.trl.v Justltletl In
iefii"lng to hold further dealing with
.1 l.i bur oigunlzatltin with which
solemn inntracts have no binding I
foice. This lutue mtnl be met in thl
count 1 y and as well now as later. It
l ax Impoitaiu for the welfaio ot the
woiklngman a for the welfare of the
emplove- that lalmr union oltlclals
lacking In regaid for their wiltten
wind shall bo deprived of tin it power
to make ttotihle. Such men lire as
little to be tit)tcd by their followers
iih by the employer-! whom they seek
to coeice, A rocognl70d pilnclple in
law H that he who Is fnle In one
thing is fnlo In all. The labor leader
who will not respect n contract with
nn emplojer will not respect nn obli
gation to his constituents
Nor In the position of Chief Sargent,
that other organizations of labor must
by their conti Ibutlons of money,
hi-lp to defend Sli.iffei's union In Its
false attitude lest Shaffer's defeat
might teact to their disadvantage,
well taken. Tne very Hist thing
necessary to establish a labor
organization In the public te
spei t Is to show, not only by
Its deodu, but also by Its .sympathizers,
that It tunnel's for fidelity to contracts.
If Shaffer, ct. nl., have broken con
ti u-is they have committed nn as
sault upon the title interests of organ
ised labor far moie serious In Its con
.setiuences than any linmedlati Injury
inflicted upon the steel trust. Instead
of shielding them thte-e lendeis of
l.ibor who have labor's wtlfnic slticete
ly at henit should be the tlrst to de.
iimince their course at not sanctioned
by organized laltor In general nnd n.
hostile to the Intent of th labor union
Where then- l.s a ban el of applet
nnd some of the upplrn become totten
it Is nor ssary to sncrlflco tho totten
npplcs to save the good ones. Thli
exactly Illustrates the position in which
American labor union Htaiid nt the
piesent time. The ooutrnct-hreakrrs,
the practitioners of Intimidation and
lawlessness, those which undeiinke to
denv to vvoi Iters not on their member-
h.p tolls thr right to earn nn honest
living, must bo cast out and
el el.vt t l.o whole cause of otganized
labor will fall under public repromh
and the bad In It will choke out the
It Is to be hoped that the latest
trouble about the Golden Hotn will
not ngaln lead tho powers to the ul
tlmutum habit.
Accordlnp; to Doyle.
TUB CRITICS are poking fun
at Or. Conan Doyle beiause
the pressmo of public de
mand has fotced him to
resuitcct Shetlock Holmes. y (o
not s.vmpathlze with them. Hather In
Pr. Doyle to be commended. With the
exception of his predilection for dope
doubtless n human but from the liter
al y standpoint certainly an unneces.
sary weakness, over much emphasized
both in blood nnd on the stage
Holmes, like A. Ward' k nn Km 00, was
nn "ntuoosln' cuss," whtx- wondeitul
goings on gave Innocent plcisuro aui
tellef 1 1 om drowsiness to countless
millions of women tend men.
Never wan there n more outingeons
ense of unjustltlnblr' homlcldo than
when Doylo killed Holmes oil'. Doyle's
excuse whm that the great radtiitlvy
dcteetlVH had become 11 mcnitce to the
permanence of Ids teputatlon at un
rtlrt. Hut this proposition fnlU in
the light of the ftct that noilng wilt
ten by Poyle Flnro the homicide was
committed liaa tended to enhance thr.t
reputKtlon. Any hon', what le fame?
Theie iiih plenty of scrlbbletx who can
take care of tho article sld of lltern
lute and stnrve while rlointf It (5n
the other hand, welters who cnti srlnd
out good detective toilc nre few.
Nolitidy hata ever eiUnlU'd HojIo's
wotk In the Holtnes tales. It mn not
llse to the peak heights of sublime
llteniry achievement. Judged by the
inensutoiuetttH of tin fallow -faced
(titles; but In Ita elm's It ranks llrst.
P.etttr it big toad In u little puddle
than n nonentity In the great ocean.
Theto I condensed wisdom In the
nxlotn thnt every cobbler should stick to
his last. Iioylo's forte M In unraellnR
Imagined (tliii. Let hint ndhete to It.
So long ni Hall Calne Is alive and nble
to put In his twelve hours n day there
need bo no fenr thnt the tetttrn of the
author of n "Study In St Brief to his
special Held of demonstrating the
superliuity of mind oer mutter will
Intriefete with the development of
the ttenuouM side of English Action.
Ocean (June. Is now being thrilled
by the efforts of two "iviy pir.iehers."
As an attraction, the "boy pi etcher"
Is lest objei tlonable tliHti the sen ser
pent or toboggan, but It would no
doubt be bettor for the bos If their
elnqueiuc maid be rc-crved for years
of manhood and tintlei standing. A
,eiion or two hs nn Infant ptodlgy
liai In many Instances blighted what
might have been n, brilliant career
The tellglous freak should be dis
couraged. It Is said that "Coin" Harvey hus
b-en resun etted. His sole mission this
time Is to avenge the defeat of
illliun J. ISi.van
Some Impressions
of the Neu) Sodfh
AHK KM' 1 it ilion Journej into the niouu
tilna el North 1 irolini, ctlh tiiuta at
polnta if inti rrr along the way. product i
upon the writer mini k me Impir-id'nia
thit may pen name pniwcw inteic-t li niiuit
The ri'iite led by i.tlt tn New oik, by bnnl In
Old I'niiit (Vinifiiii, tin me by beat up tin- hi-.-liiriL
,lnuett totr tn Itiihtiiotnl, 111 1 b. tail
.tgiiu to i!)1iiiix and A-IumIIo, reluming the
t imo w 11, leieited
ti -Our
pirn ef two .tubed In New mk in tliu
l.npe tint Neptune nniild do Hie piepi' llun
on the rei trip. One pii-iloiK. iluilng .1
tun in td ISiitit and ku k, lie ha 1 ini.beliord
bull wacj. glr.tth i the atilioiauee el Ib-i'
en hood hip 'Ihla tune he lonk'd laliu at tlit
begtiiiiinu, but gnu ipitin'lotue ell Sandy lloek
light .md from lint point tn the minimi tlm l
ho nt all klnd nf iapett. tine of hit III, kt
wit tn tlnnw totia et M.1I1T en the uppi t de- k.
Mhitli hid caryftu eilei I en larlotit p,i-.-et geti
I hnM .llile In cit un WHO staled alliiu-t tn
ihatli: but tliii-e whn wtie tt re-t Hilar nilli lint
de mi 1 weUt'iued the skicotiiln it as ngteeible
clititMntit aid Mirctlj heped lluj iinuhl elnk
the -liip Vtlinllg Ihe I lilt'- cll-s Meie lien MI
fhiti li.oal iithnlt u-t bilk tleltl Vt.llilll. Inuull
tiled eld ea degt (hit lliec wete one toiito-wd
to IVMIlli tale 11llo.1t th-.V kept Ihe cillliau
Ill-hint) be btioiuiug ,ut stck a the pukit; an'l
111 in lutiiial el 1 em. il,'. (eme one told me tint
be hid iii-iu known 11 nun or nnniin, ho, if
vposiil oiiin (iintiuli, would not unnie time be
intiie -ti sick. Tho Congo of rrendi saiantt
In plan ,1 ciiii'l all. 11k upon thii plague of
maritime travel had not then Wrn called, but
tin nival ii. 1 lit cviilintly would not bank
inn. li on ita pio-pul ol tin tot.
Tim t tup. in good ivratliei, li reitainlv
one of the iHUhta of life, at we had tut 1--ioli
In teilie whitt t'liiiltu liome. I.icti whin
tin- ouati it imuli and ynu .lie in doubt about
lour wanting tn amid a pieiiiatuie it la
ileasiiitei th.n it Icol.., VII the time tint lour
ItitiitiiU ute in Iriol' uniiie it pupating 1011
foi fiilmg I kt a lighting m,!, 1 lit- tit t iln
NntliiiiE eipula the attet efletti., so I hue been
lob! 'Hut it hear-11 bet ante I Inn. lien t bun
st 1 sh k I Hied In be. going doiiu, and gol fit
ti at i-b 1 pini-r't. Itit the liivury of 1 first 1 1 1 t
ntiwi Willi it- liiituto eetiM luetiitt. iliitbd
me ilmugli it lit upon iii nnnpiiilcin nnd gate
I11111 the tli 111.,' tn gloat. The lei tl s of the Old
llomiiiieii line no well furtiMud and totnfoit
libit, the iiiithii ami table Kintie liait bei n
irnpioml until npnl in ant, and Ihe 1 ln-e of
pit-ingits i.iliinl Mipplita wide Mope for Ini
nun iialute etiidt, iuiluding the irrtainty nf
treetiiig Miiue ttllow tranlcra vilimn you ar
chatuiid In kniw.
lint- of' ibe-e wm a minium residing in vti
eon, I,, 1 , who hid bten In New York to b ly
gnoilt pilnunli, and intldenlalli tn ditemrr
low linn h ihete I- in the newipaper 1.i1k about
(.nlliim't wide opi imest He louli'ltd n me,
wlitti he 11.1t able tn hii en dick, tint h' liad
stitieuled in belli utidettakitigs, piwu home he
it 1111 ev.itiip't held Inline Ihe louih; but I ftar
tint during the inlmilt of hit New otk mi.
Juiiin when he w-ia nit hilling goodt he waa II
belt itlng the titieett linli et the Minim will
under Ihn pteiire nf i-ltonj temptiiion. Tldt,
howein, ,nn be an iinwatrantril appieheniion.
Ven often Hint who talk about high
lollirg in the iiiitiopolis live, while in the cily,
at oli.nue hoti , eat at quick luntli counleia
and in i-portiuist scblom get bt-jond Kottcr 4:
Aimed it lihl Pout, a him- laindll pr
vcnitd much rxplntation of the liuuirdiate niir
iniuidingt. I'otl Vlnnroe, ilt moat, high walla,
lug ibtippe.iring guns, hinatki. drill grountlt,
well ke 1 1 finny ipuiler-, three regtmetitt ef
sold int. interei-tlng Hon and 1-1 ill more inter
tsting genu'M Miuthcin dark.i drliing a leimrelv
ciuiilrupiil nri up lo an ancient thalte and of
fering to show all tli fights fur Monb n tpnr
tah'ie a tlollnh " had b-n ir.i.jin letl en a ptior
linl. at linl tniiij nf the placet of hlttnrie In
teretr ehue by To i.ny the programme, Ihe
trolley ride In Newport Nei, something bl-t
nine milta aiciii, u,n ttkui nt soon as the
nralhei eleik piimltleil 1hi trnllei ronl. fine-
I) erpiipp i, and iiinuiiig inoatli al what ternitd
a mile a minute ellp, tlirmigh long altettlirs of
mntruiltn Itiii.lutins salt tinier nnnhea, Inter-per-ed
with negro shai k pllteinrd aiihilee
turalli after the abodea of Printline nnfl, and
appirrntli oulte at old, rcrlainli waa nn anuh
rnnlsin Hut If our notithrrn brother la
emewlul b.iknanl in Ihe mailer of arthllee
tute he it eerttlnlv ahead of the game in iitlnrf
the trollei fm all It it worth. To thirds of th
pasi'ugrrs were st nt and daughter el Hun,
the Inter otter, atlind In fihrlet o
audible hu" and ablo to 1 hatter ai loudly a they
I could write n lioolc on my fottnlghl't iinpre
rlnnt of the v.uihern dark.i -the particulars In
whli to ho illffirt from the more lalart nrgrmt
of tho North and tho ni'iettiir tiecullariliea by
wlilcli lio grides down 11s von approach hit real
hjhital ft It mut be Mid for the tol'red
(nlka in nnd .trournl Nenpott News that they
are the be-t tnokii g and mot rnergtlie repre
aentatiiea of their rue nt Men louih of the
Ohlti liver 'Hie wonitn enprclilli ate comlv
and vliiuou', compiled mh the." further
sniithi and the men just iln.ii tnnugli In tho
wa)a and meant n( Northern enterprise at
fniiisfed abniil the bus,! Iniliora ol Norlnlk and
Neupoit Nun mid exhibited sunieiilut le.a at the hntrla of Old point, tn lr trn
to mine about with .1 eelnity Hut would utterly
disqualify them nearer the gulf. At the bfjt
shipbuilding plant at Newport Neiw, nhbli nn
weie maided to thiniigh the courteay nf
Ita grneial nipt rlnlcndent, Mr. VV. Pout, nut
of T,tM) einploiit .11 pei irnl ate negroea and ,1
lepte-eniallie of tie I'lan.t'.einent told 11a that
fm mii'sh wnik none could be belter Iheie It Mime inpabillly fm works of skill, lliour.h
laiel; re.11 hitig Intn the lilglieat 1 lai..
'Hit ehlp building I'lant, In- lie iiji, nut next
In Ihe dark the moat liilerenltu' tfiiiij- wen
tluring the trip. Krccted through tho rnergv
and iinuu'v nt the lale ('. P lliintlngt 1,1. it m
llltid Ncwpnrt Ntwt In'n inrblMlile prominence
and 'jiien In the merilu.u and war mile ol
llie wrild rfsine nt their nnet apetim'n. Wotk
In tlmalue of jrt.nVl.ryo I, m prntr at its
cium. ami one nn.) lepn-M In nurine arelil.
teetura and rnglnerrlng reaild im ilmiht apt-nd
necka prufttahly In tli vartwi craft .in
th ai. We were particularly attracted to the
new 1'ittleihlp, lli.nntt, iielt tar at her mevir
Inn almot ready Inr hulnria. She had hut re
.elilly reltniied tletorlnua rapeclatton
Itiitii her trial trip, and the workmen, In their, had painted In led teller all curr
her tmk, ile and deeka the otfiiHl' time
in.ide iti khnM "17. ft" Intlde fltllnga were
beliiK pitted preparatory let putllnir her Into
iiitiiiiUI 111 n the moat forni'tlahle, bieaiiee the
tj.tet, of I ntle Sjn,', imtrhlpa. the kli.
iitiii, 11 lttr (ililp. vit In the Jald, halfvlnne.
I ills 1 vaarsltlpa in eight Mere the lattlHilp Vir
1. 111 1. lli mnnlier Arlnaat, the armored cruiser
!1 oj land and West liglnu and the protected
irutvi t hatleton .lut tchy hittli-hlpe, monl
toi and armored crtiiaera khould each hear tlit
nitnea of atatet, uhlle other tpea of narahlp
ah'juld he mined Indlvilminjtely after cltlea
end tlllliigiillied turil odlcetti in other ord,
hr Home definite tide houtd not hace comned
the nimlnir of tliee vee1, no that the landa
mitt might fiom the mine ol the lrip at nnee
know 11a tharader I a m.ntrry of nomencla
lum not yet evptalned
-o -One
loin.', low, rikKh eiaft that tttractrd no
tice a the ternnslriirterl North Herman l.lnyd
llnet, Main, gutted by flimea In the lloboken
tder fite. She hit been for tar-he nmnthi under
the iiltenlliin of the hlpdvtori and nlll shortly
he ready to resume hutlneta at the old atand aa
good an ne Two either inoatter irgotlet en the
mil ete the sttcr ahlpa Korea and Siberia of
the Pailrlo Mill line -rich 5TA feet lonir. evi feet
brain. 40 feet deep, with a tonnage of tl.Ton and
.1 dieptiiriiient o !6,ivi tent Thete are the
large-t merchantmen ecer built In Vmeriean
t'iiika and are detigned for the rapidlv inereating
Onetilal trade, tn plv heturrn n Francleo
and Hong Kong, Ha llonoltilii, Cium nnd Manila,
'llielr fuinlhlng are to be In the top notch
claw, I In ie will be accommodation for -2nn flrt
li and 1,'JOO eteruge pitaen-ft. and the tpeed
ieii:liement call for eighteen knot Pealde
tin -e- premier levlatlnra there were In view, In
v.irioua ttiget of dmrray, 1 hoat of minor eralt
Innler cotiMiiiftloti or repalta Hampton tloada
being .1 naltirat and popular renderioua for tht
hlpa of a'l natloat, the dr dock at Newport
Ne Hie in Mrady demand and Ihe great Hunt
ington enlerprie haa all that it ran do. The
J aula do imt Imprest a landnvin aa being ea
peililb pii tmeatpie. with their aouittv long
aiedt inteiprirril Mill heaps of Heel and Iron
ol nb h,ipea and k!ml; but the hum ef Indii'try
in tliem I cerj gralirying t lirri interpreted at
one ef the pnrlcnN of the dav when the Ameri
can II ig lll (Ii from many maata in every huty
liatlv-r en earth.
- .
Thlt It not, hoM-nci. getting Viutii,nd ery
fat Pretent pne being alriadi fllleil, with
jour permll"n I Mill continue in mv n'M
-I., h. ft.
frrderiok V soward, in the New otk Tr'hune.
In this republii of ours we haie inherited from
the Old Hoi Iti laiiout piohlemt of politicii and
goieniinent tlut ter agiv haie purled its aigej
and Riatesmen it Ins been our dettinv and duty
in anlie In lie New Wruld iptetttona that tha
Oltl Woild Inn well night guen up in detpnr
Insl. we hail Ihe thenrtea of inonuchi and
inttniuiy, of ilutne ngl t and ileapotitin. In
which up tn Hut time all the woild had ar
ipiieMetl 'Ihe tarli leirs of out tutlonal life
were cletoleil tn ilitprnimg tlnm We ren
Mgiinl Hie whole butiiiest of ciuwnt, thront-a,
lanka and title and pilitlc).cd i'asi, with
liieir tiappiiii. iimt gmgaiie, tn tile lumber
loom ot past history. n ir at we wttt ton
ceiiiiil. and nili-tiluted for Hum .1 goiernmiut
In the people, trmugli their lepietenCitlie, in
width inn lillcn might tlute ami ill haie
innal bgnl lightt. Si wc ilHposeil of pioblem
.No 1.
Thtti tame Ihe iiuestioQ nf lind nuneislup
'Ihe usizv m the Old Woild hail heen foi the
(toiiii In glint v it tr lets ot ternlory tn mtnt
fiiotiti't, wlih gon rnmental powers, tinihr
uhich gteit litiiled cstatta wue pinclled out
and handed down through muceatue generations,
to be uoiked In letutite nnd tlepemleuta lie
nipible of brxiiuiiig nnnert We studied this
pioblitii and gruliiilli trfonned the aitlem by
.iholisluni; tendal lentiiia, ttllct, primo
gcnitute ami rut tiled irtales, limi.ul. we en
acted that eittv man, peer or lith, might be
come a land owner if he 1 li-t might Inn and
hold all the binad aetes lie could earn tluring
hit blrtinie but piohibited him rroni tilng It
up in pftpetuit.i for hie ile.ecnit.intt We kne v
that time and the working of natural law
would redistribute 11 anion; the community, so
no -oiled problem No. 2
Nevt tame the mere temples question of doll
ing wilh capital ami Its tnmbiiiillont. Men
hnl aire, oh learned tlut In tombing their en
ergies and capital they coubl accomplish great
enteipiiHi's otluiwix- impnihlo rhe Old W ni Id,
plat tue was to allow c-ouit faiotitee tn tiigati
ie e,l)riru, eoinpanies," lunng the nionopoli
of trade in s;itcihed Incalilint at home anil, lining .il-n .tufllcient powrt to t ru-h
out all tompetition Hid redme tn Mibjection
the liufortiiiiile Inhibit inta who tame In eotitat t
with them Lien some of our tolnnjc-t into be
gun In this u.ii. We stiidud the prubh m long
and thoroughly tluring the nineteenth ttn'iiiy
'ihe outtoine w n a Mttnn tf Itwa in rigini to
cotpoi tlioiit nhuh Miught to iiiain all their
powers, lor doing good ami tn depute them el
their powers for doing Inrm Ita fundamental
punciple was tint mm might freeli combine and
organize under l.iw.s -.n tint all heblt of
enterpti-e shouhl be open tn tompitttion and
none ihc In mnunpoli. A corsiratioti mii,-it
jitpilre 11 hunilted nulls or a tlmus-ind tuilea nl
lailway, but am rinil toiporatiori intild do the
same, l nder the sabilari -trm of state and
mfiontl laws, out louuirv it adiamlng In eas
and bounds in the pith nf rnuimenial pi gross.
Sn we haie soiled pmblriu No. .1
l.etli, we line been intifrotitn! tnlh the
ptobliiu nf liber, lit irlillim tn , and
llielr joint telilion tn the coinmuiiil.i at litge.
Dial pioblrtii we are Mill wiivllitig with We
begun bv ttieing the lal.ntet from all the Old
World t.iiannict anil tn'-diaei il oppiession by
ihtieeing thit be stioiild no linger be erf, peon
er slan lie choiih he (eee tn ch m-e his oicu
pution, tree to nuke contrails tn work where
and how ho plei-rtl I'liitlieimoie. we haie
decided that he hit the same fierdmn nt the
capitalist tn nmliine and erginlzo with hia trl
Imi wotkinen lor mutual protection and hrnctil,
Itich nml poor In Amerlr 1, we dciidid, should
hue cqitil rifchti. i.iid equal piotntlon tn the
It if. nol strange Hut ilten news ol thit .11.
tounding thange in the labour' statin itaehed
l.urope newcomers flocked oier hete In the
thousand tn belter Ihni tnnditinn and to rnjny
the ndtanlagcs of irpublnan fttedom
rtul with them latterli hue totue sonic attiht
tinus spitila and plausible mischief niaketa who,
under Ihe prrtmsc of reiealmg new doctrln-a,
ate (rung to bad men bti k into Old World
notions ( luef ameng It.rae nollotit it the Id 'a
tlut ejh,r-' means liberty to oppress some
Nidi. Tht v pin upon the taboter'a ignorance,
timidity er tridullli. 'lluv tempt, him Willi
the thought being to longet 1, he
mil nun eppte-sor 'Ihei leieh him methoda of
Ijunny against other woikmen agauitt wlilcli
hit brtlct judgii'cnt would icio.t Ttiri tell
him thit wlnle othe mm ne held to their eon.
trails he mn lueak hi 'nth impunity- that hia
personal fietdnm allows him 10 ciriiv personal
fieednni In nthtrs thai ihe rlghi to earn hit liv
ing, which he pnret, , one that he may denv
to nthoi libntcis, and in become a member
ot tin niganlroil "11111011" gnra hun the priitlege
of atoning or sttrung thoe who do not belong
In it TI - ilrin md that, I lisle id nf rxercialng
his rights as a free nun, he shall submit his
will and Judgment tn the "nielru" of an aria.
, -trail toniposed ef ' granrl master and
"walking rlrlej in a" and other tunctionariea
Willi hl,h stilltltlllig mints
VII these ideas lie un American and o re
riignaut to nilural just ii c that thev will Urn!
no enduring foothold oucpt in minds perverted
anil ilnnniilirirl In Hid WmM mltgoirrnment
Ihe children ef ruch "blintl leaders of the
blind" will be wiser than their piienlt, for they
will hair Ihe benefit of mrri19n sthnnla and
n-wspipera. 'Ilm will haie the oppotttinity to
at quite Vtuerlcaii ronunnu sense and discard for
eign tantaslet 'Ihn will know tint the Amerl
tan mixini of "Hie and let Hie" ti the keynote
if indliid' ati'l intinnal prourc-s-i
Tor 'I In Tribune.
After mitr luniher'a lait "good night,"
Vnd her lasi kis the tur,
Aral when beneith Hie tliik.'iing lluht
Veil lima .intir gindy head in pnter;
Hlirti lirmlng btilus tint' cntsen lit ir wh.l,
Vnd e'en in.itriiial eyea ar, winking,
1 ivmidei, lanilse, my tlarlmg gltl,
I wontler wuat on car'b joii are ihlnl'lng.
Who kimwa' I'erlup, rf wonilintit bonnets,
lil.t sultitl In mm ftnti brail t
tlf tl'iirls, tonkin books, and eontl'li,
of loimtnU an I your brother 'led
Pcrliapt 'tl of the thrlllln; innunee
'Hut Annie whupeird oirr trj,
I'Cflups 'ti e, lenti' ljt new alKoi'dtnte
Hf nothing, torhapand, perhapa, o) me
-I'tom Hie lleumanlan by l.ea noa,
Darkest Africa
at the Exposition
TIIVT MIIUVVV la too heavy a balance for tha
Pan-American raporitlon, Ihla may eerm
paiailoalcal since tho Mldtiav ta often
called Vanity fair and la tin if tote light
In weight, but It seems to be so deiltetl tint
It attratta more attrntion troni aititora thin
should lie gili 11 or tiaa nnalnallv Intended hi
the eapoaltion ofllelala to he ginti In mete1
amutemen', It mil' l-e ateerted with some ele
gtft' of aatiirtnce that the maJot!i nt pattena
are belter quallfletl to give an exhauttue deacrip
tltn of Mltlnay leatutes Hun thej are in tell
mile h about the art and architecture or the er.
hlbita In the rupcwitlon prot-er. Iliia la rather a
pit, for while the foreign people and the
amusement In the broad and creokrd way leid
Ing fiom the I'aquimtni Tillage 10 the Indian
enngrett, are interesting and entertaining for a
few lionra, the real valim of the exposition tor
the people in general Ilea beyond Vanity Fur,
the Inleiettlng feature which the
Midway afforela, Darkest vfrlea alionld be inuntnl
In. r'irt, It haa the most titieoiupromltingly,
hldeoua and Satanic llall.ilioo In the entire outflt.
He or he, whichever It may be- It looka ugly
enough to be a man hut haa graes .nut palm
petticoat like .i "'iral lady"- is seen at Inter
Vila on the plalorm outailde golnff through the
madde.t gyritlens with all the fury ef a de
mented creatine and heating .1 kind of heathen
ish rattle thing which adds dUtrtrtingly tn the
pandemonium In that vlelnlt Like th othen
of hi rate In the incloeure ho -aeart nn cln.h-
Ing aleve the waiat, hut he haa a tangle of wild
anil w-oolli hair hanging about hia e.ies whl-h
crinkles a U Vledusa aa he thrnwa back his head.
fine diy when he waa doing a parllctilirly
ilolcnt stunt In the effort to get crowd about
the ticket window a woman with a camera thought
she'd like to get a anapaho she nlpj it at
him when suddenly the orea'ure nred t go
mad indeed He Mmetl dome sort of a gun with
which he was armed and leaping from the plat
form, pursued her with the fury of .1 fiend She
snipped the shutter and then took to her heel",
the angry ballyhoo following through the crowd
nnd yelling like a demon The keeper shouted
after' her In evtltement "Vim take his picture
at your peril, madam. He won't allow an body
to do it and he tears cameras In piece when
eier jiolbIe."
The sprinting qtnlltles tint woman developed
would hare surprised her family It an ot tho
mrmbtrt had been on the scene. Ihe.i had all
gone off to some other show and she waa alone.
She would havn been running jet If unmebouy
hadn't taken the trouble In a.sure her that her
pursuer hid been called oil. It aem that he,
in common with othera ol hia tribe, haa the superstition against a representation of
himself being taken He labor under the hal
liieltutlon that Ihe artist who sketrhrt hia ugly
face of th photographer who points the mnle
of that emlnnua little bliek bos toward him
ste-als something of hia Immortal self without
whiilt he mut wander Incomplete in the world
of shadown toward) which the years are whirling
hia feit t-n he risents iniifi rniuly any eiich at
tempts intl U apt tn btlnj grief to the heart of
the person wlm makes them en the Midntij. it
la tstd enough tn pay from Ml rents to 2 tn get
lour tamrrn irudde the gate, without having it
destrnved by an iipe-bke object with u mtiidtr
out eie an'l a singularly .affile mtnner ot express
ing lile displeasure
Ome Intlde Dtrkest Vfrtci mu lintl it Int. r-t-tlng
enough, though not puhaps at .ihsnibing
tn tlm onlookers aa if jnii stutd oulelde and
weie chased by the Dallihoo. They have beauti
ful bisliew these Darkest Aliliana Somtbotly
haa said tint a white mm la a god taricd in
iiory; a bhtk man one In ebony. These peoplu
cic the most supeib in vantage, the most per
fect in tleielopment In the Xlldway ptrade thit
memorable fViturdiy. They walked like klnga
nnd ownars of the earth, and joii wanted one of
tliein aninne would do tn rland in the" front
hall at home and pose. Their lack of clothing
did not shock .mu, they were simply animated
statues-, moulded by an aitlut with tho fire of
Prnmithcin in Ills soul and the dninity ol lift
etitnal In hia lingers
Within their odd village this Impression la
deepened. Tlicy seem tn be allie; to haie in
telligence and the ntntiieo that actuate ether
people, but yet thev lisik like sculpture, so ab
solute! ftee are they fiom all self tonaeinusnessi,
from the) mirka of bondage which ciiiliratlon
glies, and from ita encriatlnn Voii will neier
pee wuth magnificent shnuldertt and backs on
another race. Kiety attitude ia one of grate.
Oier yonder are thtee young fellows perhaps
they ato voung age seem tn leave few lines on
thtse dark brows- half reclining on a bench.
Such beautiful pose are Impossible to recurs
among the trammeled figures of modern life aa
wn know it, and again you coiet one of these
creatures for your front hall. Wouldn't he bit
stunning done up in bionao or teak wood wqh
that careless gtaee of bended knee, that fine arm
(lung above Ins head, and the polished nhoulder
against hia brother bltck? How they all do
shine, to be- auie.
- o -
In that little hut tit two who stlentli, all the
day long, cmi wondeifiil things on the ivory
tusks of elephants They, too, fnll into statu
esque imsiw aa thev bend oier tneir task and
litlln In- little, clear and pure at cameot, grow
thn intricate llgttiet beneath their deft touch
Thev hue ne, pattern except in liieir own brain,
anil yet studiing Ihe el thorite detail on thes
matAite pieces of iiori jour thoughts fit tn ,1
record of the art of the ecntuilea and Vllehael
Angiln releasing the angel which he saw In
eieiy block of marble; Vra Vngelieo painting
the visions of hi soul in his narrow cell, the pa
tient wcaven bringing out legend and story in
thn priceless Rcaiuaia tapeatrlea wrought eirr
from the evreng side as are our Uvea with the
pattern hidden and ion wonder if these hlack
men from the Jungles fir awn have In their
hearts the poetry ot pre-existtnee which thet
.lie caning before our 011 wonder if the
dirk skinned men of our own country murdered
end lynched tmla at our hands, would halt
held the free, tine 1 ttriage ol these If they had
been forevet free from slnery and would hais
wiought the m.itha and folk lore of centuries on
a curved staff of iimj itislcnt of Intaglios of
blood on their own tlish.
Theie Is an old man oier yonder In the corner
braiding a gra mat suih as joti ire occupying
I at this minute He is surely old. he must be
twn hundred at least. lie looks sa if he had
been braiding mats, while that Inscrutable so
lemnity neier lett his fate, since the dav when
Ham went in out of tho wet before the Ark
aa launilird Ilia is not the age marked by
grai hair and wrinkle;, but the age nf a dit
tant life back somewhere in the renturiet lie
could surely If he would tell about the dim ratt,
"When fishea (lew and forests walked
And fig glow upon thorn "
Mcurd bv an uncontrollable Impulse you walk
oier to. his mat and til to open up a con
vrrsation with liitu, being surprised in learn
that h speaks lerv good French and his
thoughts inn more on "la Petite" iheie in the
arms of another brown statue than on Hie
lilithjosaurtis or the Paleozoic Vge I.e Petite
is his great grandehild, ivnd he It naturally in
terested In her
- n-
Afict 1 while when vou ire tired of waiting,
the natlics ol the Ullage do a war dance and
inn btgin 10 see a reason for the splendid upper
body deielopmenl ol these people In the hrM
place they liaie the fjthinnthle walk and pose
of Ihe present und they don't seem to need any
straight hunt torsrt to glie them the correct
hguro and gait. Thev keep the chest up, the
abdomen back and ths shoulders hack My!
.S.111I1 shoulders and upper arms, If u women
could learn ths secret!
It's that war dance which does It Their s.i
tern of cali6thenios knocks wedish method sll
out They start out en a little Hot, doing a
queer 4ui key wing flap ol tleu aims, bit It
brings out eiery muaele in their torso. It ta no
wonder thej haie such shoulders, Their tj money
for the enterprising prison who will g'i to the
Tan Vmrrican ami take lessons in ginnalua of
the Darkest Afrba.
IM joii know Ihev say (the scientists, I ni'an.
not the Parkrit Mrieans) that one of the indica
tions of 1 tiiliratien is the tleirlepment ol caliea
that la legs. Ihe Indian, iiuisiumeri to traiel
en long matches following peitlnua trails, has
little deiclopnient of the leg Ihe llu'hniin of
Auirill.t ate s'nillarlv coutiriuied Oddlj
eiinugh the smith Vfncana of the Vtidwai haie
no iiuinei contour of limb below the knet It
must be brcatite they delete such an aslnnlihing
amount of energ to that II ip flap motion of the
Ihei don't seem In realize this aa the reason
hnwritr, but attribute it to the possession ol a
urtaiii kind of nut, which looks a little like a
hone chestnut. I.irr Harriot has a ttring of
these, whlih gee 10 piece out his scanty attire
One rnterprlsing individual nflus them for sale.
and inutra veu 10 feel his arms and the muscle
theieof. "ou buy one for a nickel," he lays in
broken Kngllih. "You neirr sick, but sttong,
like me," and he struts proudly across the floor.
$n you buy one and, perhaps, like the artier of
tbeae lines, took at your taitimsn surreptitiously
and Involuntarily stretch out jour arm to, note
any marked increase in its sire. II. ? T.
1'rom "lloltsnd'a" Sew York Letter tn the Phil
adelphia Tress.
There I no doubt here of the substantial ac
curacy of the despatch telegraphed from Pitts
burg to the effect thit Hie officer of the t nltrd
States Steel corporation do not feel jutlfled in
entering intn an) nrgntiillona iiuolilng the
making of contracts or the signing ef agreement!
with the malgannled asstxiatlon la such. Th
reason they glie Is, they assert, one that would
appeal to eieiy businewi mm ami every man el
honor. Their friend say they executed a con
tritt with the olflcera nf the Amalgamated ann
otation, that this nintract was alterwatd repudi
ated and that Mr. .shatter has been quolcd aa
jttstllTirg the repudiation of the tontract In
view of that ea)ierierice lliey eav that any new
tontratt or agreement entered into could not he
regarded a binding and would therefore he
worthiest That ia the onlv reason glvrn (or ths
refusal of the steel corporillon 10 enter Intn an
agrremetit with the amalgamated association,
and thev further sav that they 1 intuit lie accused
of unfairness n view of the fait tint the did
recognise the asset laden ami enter Intn rentrarts
with It and did not themselirs break that con
It must be said that in taking this view they
do not treat the amalgamated association differ
ently from their treatment ol anv rerporallin
or any man who his broken a. contra t er hia
Individual word Ihere la now in this titr a
man who Is prsetleallv an lahnmelite. He tan
neier haie an authoritative relation with any
corporation or an Interest with whlih two at
least nf the moie Important group 01 llnanilera
and capitalists ate identified .at apitnz he wis
chairman of the executne hnaid ol ,v lerj Im
portant corporation. The men who controlled
that proper! knowing that it was tn be attacked
by other interests ome tn an agreement thtt
thev would defend It It was nltrrwaid dlttm.
ered that this vera- man who hid been Implicitly
United had, Instead of defending that properti.
weakened it Thev said that he helmed hia
frienda In a recent reorganisation lilt place waa
taken bv another He la almost nuila'tHl re
1 ould not execute a contract with these men
unle he gaie substantial guaranteea, for the
simple reason that he is looked upon 1 hating
broken what mav hue heen nn more thin a t at it
premlae or understanding Vnd it ta with tt.a
sonlng anilegv of this kind that those who are
of authority in the Mrel Trust nutlfi them
selies for declining In enterain anv proposition
Inmlvlng the execution ol a mntrart or signing
of an agreement with the amalgamated associa
tion, at least under tit present leaderhlp.
The Pan-Atnernan cihihlu include i 22 pound
U present there are Tf.Ontt homes In Pari,
only 2l,OiO of which drain directly into the
In walking a mile 1 man uses 17'-. foot tons
of enetgy. An ordinary tlay's work consumes
501 tone.
Chewing the crust ol nr bread la considered
bi Herman expert one of the best of jx
erclshig and presetting the teeth.
It I expected that some thy the Canadian
government will take oier Ihe control and mm
agement of the telegraph business of the counfrv.
.lury trills arc going out ed fnor In Kngland.
Out of PH cases In the King's rtemh at the
present Trinity session In2 ate to be tried with
out a Jun
The Stultan of Mmooio haa eent King Kdward
twn VHis mountain sheep. JO Vrab horse ami 10
mules as gift inngiitulitnry upon Kdward'a ne
cesinn In the throne
Distilling seem to be proflta!!!1 in rtustii .
Vloeinw ftim, Widow Popoia." ha distributed
1,2(0,000 rubles a dividends (or the jear ltss) nn
a capital of n0n.niv rubles
Negotiations are going on between the Congo
state and n Krancn Itelgian group for the con
at met Ion of a railway between Stanton ille and
Tanganyika, with .1 branch towards I.ado, on the
I pper Nile
The total annual production of timber and (Ire
wood of the llennan forests is estimated at ta,
POinYO ton, and this is supplemented bv an im
port of 4,r.on.iinn tons. The material ptogress of
the rnuntrj would not be possible had It not the
large home production to fall bai k upon.
Pans is thieatened with an delated structure
In it finest streets It I propoed to build a
moling sidewalk, like that used in ths lite ex
position, tn run along the Vvtnuc de l'Opra, the
grand Iioulriard, the llouleiard "sebaatopol, the
Rue Ttirhign and the Hue de Itnoli, a citcult of
about six miles.
"Always Busy."
First Our Fall styles
of Celebrated Korrect
Shoes nt $4 Of). They are
displayed In our men's
window. They are for
the smart dresser who
wants to be Just a little
ahead of the other fellow.
Second Tho plnclnp; on
sale of every man's Rus
set Shoe In our store, low
nnd hlsh cut, 3 and $1
grades. They are dis
played In our men's win
dow. You can cot a pair
of them; perhaps the best
shoo you ever wore, for $2.
Lewis & Reilly,
Wholesale and Retail.
114-11(3 Wyoming Ave
We nre now showing the
largest assortment of Furn
iture ever presented to the
people of Scranton.
Our stock is bigger, our
salesrooms large and better
arranged than ever before.
You will have no trouble
in fmdnig just what you
Our prices are right. We
buy our goods in large
quantities and our prices are
correspondingly low to you.
Our manner of doing
business, our custom of fair
treatment, has won us
thousands of friends.
If you have not yet dealt
with us, don't fail to give
us a call at the first oppor
tunity. We can save you money,
Hill & Connell
1 21 N. Washington Ave.
Scott & Co.
Fall Opening
New Dress Goods
Choice line of
Black Goods
in Staples and
Fancy Weaves
of Foreign
and Domestic
Exclusive Novel
ties in the
1 26 Wyom i ng Ave
Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,00f
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
INGS ACCOUNTS, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday evening
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Conneu, President.
Henry Beuv, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Peck, Cashier.
Oil Stoves,
Screen Doors,
Gas Stoves,
Window Screens,
325-327 Penn Avenue,
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Cut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Ete.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Merceread & Connell,
1.32 Wyoming Avenue.
Allis-Clialmers Co
Succctisois to Machine nuslneas of
1 DlcJison Manuiactmlns Co., Scranton
and 'Wilkeu-Uarre, Pa,
Stationary Ungines, Rollers, Mtnlntj
Machinery, Pumps.
M 8 Fill