The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 29, 1901, Image 1

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    - ' - I
Seven Persons Killed In a Boiler
Explosion Manu Others In-
lured -Four Missing.
The Bollct of the Stcnmoont City of
Ticnton Explodes Neai Philadel
phia, Killing Seven Poisons and
Injuring Over a Scoie of Othcis.
After the Explosion the Boat Takes
File and Huns Agiound Is Now a
Wiccked and Blickened Hull List
of the Victims.
V l'.iliiir Win fi nn l"he .itvialfi I'reM
Philadelphia August J While Hip
tiiiinbn.u 'ii i'f Tmutnn, f the WIN
1 1 1 1 1 1-1 ' .i Steamboat i, was ii
hoi miij, from this My t" TipiiIoii. N.
.1 thiH pvenlng her l'"it bollei x
plmtrd kilting sovt ii ici "-on- iind Iiilui
iun nvei a MfHP iif nihil. Pout pas
"n'tlgllS hip missing, but HH lllll UN SI1S
lilltlpil slight lllJUtlo.. II N thought tlu
Illl-slHK lltll 1)P IllllOUg tll(le VV III! lllll
nut tinil it ueiessury to go t tin' In"
I lull
Tlio dead hip.
Li.t of the Dead.
I l I III W. a-elslallt I lit UK rr
Vss I ll.llll.MI lilll I V. I'll lail.lilia.
I0 I ll'.l MIA. 11111101 uiikmnn
OXI III ( l II M mi nkn 'n
1UH l'ss XI.I lis nune- unknown
Ml!- .lulls MM rill -. I'tuladilpli i
Vllls M Mil i I ISlss I'lulidelpl la.
IWn I IIII. PHI. X, win cri I i jump our-
Injuicd, Staldcd and Binned.
Tl.llisa lllll 111 I'lllljdrlpillll IIUll
I I uia I'hi-cIiim, k I'liilnli Iplm fatall).
I s smith, t Hindi ii. X I
Mrs. Ihrcrtl, ( innlon .1
Ml.. VlltM llnnur, laillilttt X I
(i. i II i Macrt.Kam, Philadelphia.
Ilinri Majti'Sin, rlul.iilrli'lii i
I h, pliarl. I'hiladilphn
Mm I, Mitilipiie, Philadelphia
Mm. ii. I. niiiIIi, I'lulitlelphia
Urside llp'un. I'liilidilphn
I ihii Van . lmi.. Hi n.-ltlstimn, N J.
1 1. 1 in He llri.l, Philadi Iphii
l."llir liittunsnli I' linden
MiImiIi Meike. Philadelphia
W I Mim limim. Mmii.idV, Pt,
.1 W lU-lni..--. Pliilultlphia
Mm I lli-lili.-, I'lulidtlphi..
tin f I. main;. li'Mnn, X .1
I V lie l-itit. riillailelpliit
Mr. I Hi- l.nri. Plillulelplui,
Mis I imlnide, I'hll ulrlphia
'I i-l I .in If I mnltii'li Plilli lelphn.
VII it I ci. I'liilulilpln.
Boat Takes
Afti p llu explosion ill" boit tmik flu
iind i-.i ii ii(.inuiil. Tonight she Hot n
re i Kid ninl bl, ii ki lied hulk in the
lllllls'KS opposite 'I'm IpmImIis sixteen
miles aluM this i it Hot hnlil is
llllrd with uiiti'i iiipI Ii Is leant! uimo
of Ilii .isseugeis it hi I emu may bo
Mllinl III tin biittnin if the when
I.I.' '.-III i Is pilllipeil out.
A iiuiit bplntiKlliK t" tin- poll, p do
piillip in ani'lioipil a hoi t ilKtamp
ft ii. tin Htiainlcil i i nit-Ion Mtpaiiior
1 UHlI'lUr (hi utPi' lioiii tho lll-l.ltid
-el. ninl uipinlipis of Hip jiolti o loirp
pip on kIiiup ipiiiIs to spud any biiilli"
lliat may lip ippommpiI to I lie iiioikuo
ll tills i it. TIip l'lt ol TiPiiton hi.iKpm
'ally tilpn botwpin I'liilaili'lplila ami
Tiiiiton, Hiuppins hi Ibti lliision, X. .1.,
l'llstol, I'a ami otliPi mint." on tlip
Mil, Slip loll the (iiuip.iu whaif at
I It oVloi K this litioinooii, ilftpi n mill
hips bililml Iipi si lipiluli limp. Hit
li.isht'iim'r lifit was IIkIiIpi limn uiual
.inil MlipiaiiiPil pi llltli' fiflKbt Tlio
nphsiI was In ihaiue of Captain W .
Wmipll. Tin- othci olllipis wiip IM
ward t'uiiy, pilot: .1. V VhipImnpi,
ii'iiIp; IMward Muiphy. ihli f piikIiippi
.1. I). i'Iipw. assistant pimhippr, ami
t'U tun Koj linli, puiM-i Tin i i win
al'nul tipi" IliPiupii ami tip, U liamls
almaiil. Nothing of niomi ni onuiixl
lllitil the boat ipiipIhiI Toiip'-ilalp t
.1 point oppiisito what is Known a Hip
lliillls-on inaliion a hpiu lnus builillm;
ItoutinK Dip Ui-lawaii iIvpi at this en
nui ban i can I, tin- Hti'iiiu pipp lonipii.
InK Willi Hie inn t IhiIIpi Inn xi with a
luilil ippiut. TIip loi until pun Ion of
tin uppei dot k was wi-ll lllbil with pn
mncpis, w lilli many oIIipim win In the
uiblu. Hpfnio any of the pai.sini;pi oi
plliplojps had an ipioi tun'iy of h, pK
lni; plates of salit an ppluson m -i
iirred and thin time the pint boiler
was lent In twain SealdliiK sie.tiu ami
water pouiPil Into tip uiblu and m i
lioilt) "t the uooilwoik of the boat wele
tmnawni li the ton e of tin explosion.
Tliiisi of the ias.eiiKPis who weie nut
huained ami pianul by the nalillni,
etcaiu ami hullim; water ueie Htiuil;
by the tbluK poi'tlon.s ot the splluteieil
jabln. I.cks ami anus weie broKpii
mil fai'PH and IhhIIph wpip pai Imilul.
1'Iip M'leunit. of the Injillid i ould bo
noaid on llolp ami Hip 1 1 ps of thie-i)
tho leaped and wpip blown into the
lvi wmo Iipiii tipmliiiR So Kri'.it was
the fotPi' nf tho PNploslon a piano
n the uppii diawiiiK loom of the boat
.ih htnlpil niaio Iipi a win, fioni Hie
joat Into the tlwi. This jiiomiI a fm -nnatu
clicuniHtanip fm inan of th-
njurert pausctiReiK Tin own lulu ih"
,atcr Fialniil and
to that the wpip
:hey clunff to tlio
fallen into bhnllow
otheiwls" luluioil
lendeied helpless,
Piano, wlibh had
watir, mini res-
Hulled from the Pilot House.
When the explosions neruiied, Iat
VandersPie and I'llnt Ctury weie :u
the pilot IwuhP. Moth w mp hut led
with tprrillf foiop fioin tlio little pu
doftire and the wheel, for koiup unae
tountable ieann bPKan to ioolp ,th
llchtnliiK'likf lupbllty. As i lesult (if
thlp, the uidder turned tho bow of iho
boat tow aids slin-i ami she inieklj
ran aKround, ending heiholf In tlw
Hy thlF time the e-si had eauelit
flio ami tliime of the pd-nnMiBi'm wiin
were still aboard were compelled ts
leap fm their lle. Km tnnatpl. Hip
waipr was not niotp than fotir feet
dipp, and inaii of tin- liilnin of me
ilNimter, wpip able to wadi' ahoie
Some, liowpM-r, who weie too seilouslv
IiiJiiipiI to bi'lp tlieinspUes wpip rps
i tied i uipinbpis of tho bout ellibs,
wbo-p houses line Hip I her flout at this
point The rapt.iln and pipw of f,,e
boit i oipluelPd IIipiiispIm's us Iipi ii's.
The. lPiideied alt Hie asslstatlie possi
!!' to Hip IiiIiiipiI, ami Captain Won ell
was the pint man to Ipivp Hip boat
Ml of Hip spiIoihIi IiiJiiipiI wpip has
tlh ioiixpM'iI to Hip hospital at the
lloiisp of Cm ret tlon, at lloluipsbutp,
iiboiit tlltpp iiiIIps below Toripsdulp.
s soon as possible, wold was si-nt to
Hip i III for tile pollip boats Samuel II.
shhtidKP ami lldwin .S. Stuatt, an'
the Piiii'lKPlii V mips of dnclnis. The
lmi pollip boats rPiulplPd pffpethe sei
lb In i nMiiruIsIiIiik Hip IIiiiiips, wlilill
wpip fast I'imsiiiiil npr Hie boat, ami In
i.nlin,' loi tin- IiiJiiipiI. TIip phvsl
i Inns mid uikpoiis of Hip PiiiPiBPiiey
imps assisted In ipIIpiIuk the i if(p
ln oi Hie Ii Jilted
In House of Collection.
The si-pups In the llousp of Coiree-
tlmi hospllul wpip pitiable. Men and
women. Willi the tlesli hanuliik! imti
tV'li limbs Iioip their suffeililR like
sti s and Milne oi en smiled while H i
ilm litis piispiI the law and IiIipiIMik
llpsh with poollnj; lolloiis , few
tiiinulps uftei the psploslou ofpiiripl,
two fteaineis the I'annlp mid Coliitn
I la, on thi'lr wav up thp ii er. stopped
mil offend assistant e, but Hi Inpi'vl
liiti e'l been p.i.mI for an I the In. its
pioieedetl to their ilpstlnallon. Xo'te
of thp IiiJiiipiI was able to kIp an In
tellli;iblp acioiint of Hip dlsistei.
Chief KiiRlneei .Miuplix, who was on
wati Ii when Hie a blent happened, ip
portpil to the iillb lals in this i It v to
nlKht that the holler w lib h pplod"l
paiiled oiilj 1ii pounds of steam Mui
ph. nlniiK with an oiler uanipil Hiv
foii had Just left the bullet loom
when Hi" pploson net tit red Hoth
nre poslilie tliat the linller did not imi-
iv the limit of steam allowed liv law.
Muiphv was slljlitl. IiiJiiipiI and lbj-
son psiappil without a m l.itcll. The
assistant eiiKlneei, Chew, and r tl.e
tuan, who wpip off watih and were i u
ileek. weie Killed.
The bulli i.s of tli i'Ii.i of Tiputon
weie Insppi ted In .Iiiiip by feiliinl In
sppitois and -toed a hidio-siatie test
of '.'ii'! pound" to tin hit It She was
allowiil to piu i. i !"." pounds ami her
.-atety lalie, lompnn.i olllt lals a),
was so Httaniied that steam bleu off
at IfiO pounds Imclnt'i Murpbj aNo
liialntaliirt that tlieie wpip ppii iiulns
of watei In Hie bollei at the time of
the explosion.
Mr. Wilson's Statement.
I.ate tonichl lloiat e WIImiii llie
pie-ldent and luanafrer ol the W II
lulimtou Mcauiboat i'ouiiau.i, is.smtl
the lollouliitt Matt num.
" s near as up pan a-nitaln the
ati'ident to the .stennipi Clt of Tien
tou was due to the explosion of her
pint bollei ot lillfj Hi c- to the iP'.-el
The sillllllllR niKllieeis lepott umile
water In the bollei within two iiiluiitct,
pi lor to Hip i xplosion .lii't what
iiiupil Hip explosion wp hip unalile to
ileteimlne tit till- tlnif '
The steamboat i'Ii.i of Tienton was
l.i n tn IipiI ni Xeatle , Ite's ship aid Mai eh She was built I'm the
WIlniliiKtmi Steamboat iniiptin. In plv
liptween I'hlladPlphla and Tienton and
was drsleiH d for speed In shallow
watpis between these 'lilt. her
ili.iushl of b n than Hit fept peiinit
tine her in tun nt top speed on low
tide Slip was pij fept Ioiik and Si
fpet beam
I.ate tonlshl two atblMlimal bijilles
wpip Hiou-ieil fioin the wieik ol the
Meunitr and wen? IiiiiukIH to tho
mm Kile In this ,.tv .t inldnlKiu the
i Itv polite, who me ."0,11111111)? Hie n
ii finiKht the lititU of a bov on tln-lr
jtiappllnir lions In tit,, i luinuei of the
llM'l when- the t xplnsliiu ottlllieil,
This milkr. II total of ten Hies lost
Time Is a stums' belief that nimo
Ii llnis an 111 the l lor and the t-oau h
will lie Ki pi up until eei pan of the
sIm.iiii in Hie ii'lnlt.i has been jjoiip
oipr by the Kiupi'leis rotir lump
lioifle- have lit t Ii 1dri Uted at Hie
moiBiie, in.ikliis fix In all They hip
Aithtii Lansimr a iimultler. of Tienton,
X .1 ' .lames Oi'onnell tlirinau on Hie
I'lti of Tienton ol W llmini'tnu DpI :
otiM l.ibli 111 'in. in I'hllaijplplilu, jid
Aimust Ma lib ileikh mil J'hlladel
I 1 i.t
Mi Patteison Declines to Take Fui-
thet Chances in Running
the Wopsononock,
III IvliKiir Wlie drill Tin Ai.uililnl I'rin
AMooiia la Auk JS Piank C, Pat
leison. Kenilal mailliRel ol the Pltts
Iiiiic, .lohustown, IHk nsbiiiK and Past-
piu lalboad, louilh known as the
WopMinonoi k has shut down the mad
and wli oil his lOhlKiiatiou to Samuel P.
l.anKdoii. of Philadelphia, lessee of the
mad. beuiuse tlieio was no inoiipy to
pi pinplots and fm the additional
leuson til 11 he lonsldi'is the mad un
safe. Ml. I I ll I Sllll look i llllire a e,irim'o,
and sim i thin has been i iiinpi llctl to
depend Upon the letelpts II mil flelullt
ami pasieimei tiallli loi lenewals and
(ipeiallllK expenses. ItPtulllS WPio
rinall and spu'ial lumiths w.ikps an
now tine the two iialu news that inn
on the load, and the (teneial iminiiRi r
has i ft fix i'il noililne; lr his sciiUes.
The load bed !iiiIik leiehvil tin at
tentloii. Is positively unlit for the pin
pose Mix mied and almost weekly en
gines and pais have left the Hacks.
Vol innately no loss of life ok lined,
l.uely the only lovenue tenlvpil was
fioin pusseimor ii.imI between Al
lootiii and Wopsononock. a Milliliter to
sort five miles up the mountain fioni
this city. The "Wopsv Ik n naiiow
KatiRe load and was built about ten
eais apo by Altooua busliuss nan and
Iliteudnl to i nllliet t with the Itpcch
Cieek rRtem
i m
Strike in Cotton Mills.
Hy rhnlt Mire Irom fh AnwcHtM I'rtM
l iiliiinliu, ! ( , iiii: 'i' A t t iti it ii ilr-
Uiuil in all tin. iottuit inllli in IhU ill tu-night.
Manaaement ot the Star Plant at
Plttsburo Glalms That All Mills
Will Soon Be in Operation.
Tho Ametlcan Tin Tlntc Company
Adveitisc for Men to Stait Their
Mills All Applicants Offered tho
Highest Wngcs and a Peimanent
Job Mr. Btuns' Arlbtiation Plans.
lit Fvtliiip Wire (rm Tlio AMtociilnl I'nn
PittsbuiR, Auu. L'l The steel i or
pi .it lmi 1011111111011 maklni' K.iius in
tins dlsiilct and toil. iv adtleil cuoiikIi
men to Its tone al the Star plant to
li'snm tin, woiklliK of two mills double
tinn'iilKht and day fioni now on. The
n ntiiiReineiit elaliiis that the (Utile
plant will be on full bpfotc the week
ends. The sttlkeis av this clulin tan
not be iiiade Rood and it Is met civ as iv
lu puisuance of Its antimineed plan
to inn all of Us plants absolutely non
union, the Aineilenii Tin Plate iiuiipanv
tt tl.iv ooiuniPiii ed iulvpitsnir lot non
union men to ko to woik All appll
taiils in e iilfeitd the hlu'hest vvaues and
piiuiaueul Jobs, hut In eveiy uii' the
applbatlon must be made peisontllv
and the applltant ilethue himself fi.e
fioin nil in, Ion iiiiittol The lompani
has not as el made the nttiinpt to
stait i Ither its MmioiiRaliela or
Peinniler iilauts but aunmime that
both w III In stai i, d soon.
Wlui .isknl today what In thoimht
i tin tin plate lompau.v's avowed In
tuition of liienkliiR awa.v fiom the un
ion eutiitl) Piesldent Shaffei. of the
AmalKamatiMl as"oi'latlon,sald "Whelp
will thev Rpt men to inn their plants.'
It wp thought the men toilld be se
tilled the mlRlit fiiKhtPU us.
I'ptll wp .up assuied that tb" me
fi I thenillillK wo will llPep our lieiip"
The latpst ileilaiation limn
steel sonnes Is that the stilkp can now
be seitlpd onl bv the men roIuk b.u '
to the mills, The position the olllt lals
take, It Is said, Is that Hip stilke Is
oi pi mi far as theli ilealhiK with the
sttlkeis as a bodv Is ponieineil Thev
want workmen for their idle mill", an I
men who want wmk t ,n have It for
Hie nskini nt w.ikos ji.nd befnte i'ie
shut down. Tbe'j may be union mt u or
not, but the union tan Imv n i i.v as
to their wmk oi wages, Xotwii li
st indliiR- the well tlcllueil posit inn I iK
t'll b.l the steel (.otpoi.ltiuil as to a
settlement nnnthei aibltiatlmi m heme
was lauiu lied tbi cvenliiK: b.v Siuiou
Iturns piesldent ol the Window illas.s
Wmkeis' nisoiiatloii Mi Hums
pmpor-ps .in ai bitiatimi nintiit toe si -Iritfd
fioin anions- stub nun as Anh
blsliop Inland, l?l-hoi Pottei i tit
Low and otheis of like piouiMunie
who nit-1 hav Ins the niHii niatt r
explained to theiit by both sld, s to
the t oniion it. , shall havp abeolutP
nilthnrltv to settle upon teillis of .set
tleniPnt. Their ilei llon to be and
at tepled by both paitlfs.
Mr. Buinb Plan.
Mr Hums' lotlei Is mm iollow.s:
1 hf piront ilitnuilti t Utii.u: Prtiurn the I in
tra st,itc .still toip njtii'ii .mil Hit Vuitlcnn-iti 1
IV'iillinn i out tint UJiit.ll. Ilii' r Old Ilitl
pul'IU no' UlCfl.i liilcictoil in .ind tin liuln
p'liiili nf tin-ili-i'iito jii' not mull rstiiud In ollim
l Inn I lie tin) nr?ain7.iti"tis lint mr
I lie til (juration lor in ailntriti' n bond lo
ili ilii,' Ik itliillior tliric i a ni I Ii i ni; in l.i t. .
llu- lir-t jn, I iiio.i ii ii nt tin nun r h in mt
l.nli Nides tn ,-ii.ti an nn lit lo .nlnti lie. f lit ti
ill. lotlllllillllll of llu plmt. jud tin -i Ifi tniti
ni llu .nhitriiPM Willi ilii-. in inlii'I, 1 til'iiur
tin- t..lnilns ! a lia.-i. (or iiliitijllmi
I iil Hut I'lo-nlrnt "imlci uml l'li'milt'iit
siimili i, put" iitttiL- lioiii idi, ljl mjii an
HCir, in, nl In Htliiiriti, iind ilui tin di i -si it
I I ,i in ti,rilv nf Hi' liiunl i'f irliiliiliiin slull In
Iiii.iI .mil liiiidin; lu all Jurlm luiimilul linn
ImiIIi orj.inliiioii'i
s.'i nn, I lint iiiiinidialili llli mi doili mli'.
ni.ii'1 In.- tu .ulnti ilr, 1'n. -Iilf in "li.iilrr utnl the
, lti ills nf Inn trsinizjti(iii Mull jirninpllt .ill
,11 I In' iril.t and mill r ul! men to nurii in
n.iik. 1 1 ill !) mutt ill atripl llie ilts unun rrn
Ii ml
Hiinl-riJl ill ii'itlcrs lilm ii'JmiI unrk o'l
firil r m I'm' lit slull i r or Ilm al!l lain nt tlm
i il nil11111114 "lull be .ill nn d In irtinti tn noil,
in ilietr icjiriiivu plaice mid iiithnui jirijiiditu
ei iliiinn'iidiinn
1 niirili Ilui tin' aitiliritlon li,iul kli.ill cut -n.-t
nf I litre lilttill'fl-i. oil Ii pun tu mint iIm,
lln Ihlid tn lie r-liiiul by llir Inn iwniul.
I lllll-Hut eatli idc sliaitl ptildlily annniiine
tin iijini' ol tin' nun -diitnl viiilnn tiiitni Imir
Ii mil. inn hikiiiiu Hie asri'i input, Hut, iln
(maid! oieanUe within Inn tljia ilitrcall, r
and n lull r 1 ilu-lsluti lu urillnu si.inil In it
I, u.t lit, inrndxrn iiilltlti al li'p-t tillron datr
Mxili I hat all trtui inn -lull U l.ik, n tiinKr
mill, mid tin lioaid shall luii lull uullmiil.t
In .ntniiinii an.i pi imiii coiiiiei till vi i ( ii riitni
.hi,, aid li ill hut' titiri lo ivaiiiiiii. an; n-i
mil, pajnr m il'Hiiiiirin in lonnri liun ulih tho
.aim. and "lull aUo hat'- Il o right lo an)
jiii miii hiiiiiiKhI tilth I'illi r siil. .
Sininlli II il eatli nc iniz llion lull haio the
rl jlil tn "led tun irpiriirnlaliiiii to annul I lie
iin'rliin,'" ol the hnaul an I irus rxaininu uit
l.lulilli Hut II at in; timo ilinnu llir lili.l.
ei ii'tr, tin re N am dlpulr atioia the iuirini
lain n or inl'lit ( the txianl's iltiitiun and II
lhi pinpri ofhi er ol Ilm iiik'aiduUmi laniut
ptiicfiilii iluiilo and iftilc It, tliui it .lull tin
nfi Ilui In II"- IIIIIIHIJII m 010 imllil 01 irt'lllj
lion and Id ilctMon slull be ii'miii'id h. I. Ill
Xintli- In Iho fdrctinn nl nil.ilraloni i a Hilc,
laih nil Mtiiirv I Ifprfiit illio "It inpl.v In
I nor 1 1 IN I'jrili ulnr lnlnr.t. prrpi'llinl ind
I'ljiotil In the nthcr fthle. and iindirMnh lontit
It in Mir lettleniriit rrl ullli llif third piri.
itlm nimo liino U neliitrd In lm, Iherrhj nut
uc diiMtl.taciion aim peiiup nstiiiin.- in l
ilt i ii( n not tn the menu ol the cjie nr uitli
ItiiiiPM, and Jintne m Poih Nut .nk piper
ha'd llie plan and hai Kiied In ml n,
if r,in.lul. Ilm i' Eond, l nt. I, iiiiihfnl and
fm li,i ni ii, Mho, lm mallei it hit fiilc lnll
ulut lliein, iiniilil rrndfr a In.t tleiUimi 'Ihne.
(no lo ci t Imlh ur.' nn 1111111 loittlKi and
ri"u h neitleinrnt I niiL'i'il lint I'ruiident Slnf
dr rtiiet and aitrpt llili"p I'utt.'i at i npif
utiitaliie (nr hi nrimilatlnn, and i'reililrnt
Si htnb reipnt tr win I Mi s ih, o( Nnv
Vink. or Viihhl.hop Irrlmd, ildili i lure crn
tlriiun hue iznilieil wllliiiLUrM tn M-rte. 'Ilii
Hill the it leat Inn unn men Id Bt lit uitli
.slufTrr Jppimet the plin
Has Shaffei 's Sanction.
Mr IIiiiiih sas he has Piesldent
iJhaffcr'a tunctlou fut the uiuvuinunt,
and If the empoiatlmt will nftteo to
the plan the "ti Iko will be dteliired
off at om e, .None of the ttiel people
heie will tllsitiH Hip mutter In iiu
Mr Sharfei deilaiPtl lonlRlit that llie
sit Ike. In spite ot the (Inline of the
otht r sltle to the conti.ii, Is pioietd
Mik satlsfneloill.1 and his noclanon
Is imikliiR' suth seilous Inioatls on the
itiipmutlonVt business Hint It will bo
(impelled sooner or later to enme tn
terms 111 nien, he nis, hip f I i lit
all nlfiiiB Hie line and ate tied niilned
to stand fur tlmli iIrIiIs to Hip i ml
II" sas Uo few mills that hint be' u
stmteil hip 11111111? but little tITpdhe
wjnk The fad that Hip ititpoiatlmi
Is nddhiK to Its fone dally iIops not
wony the president, because ho lie
linos them to be either urn-killed or
poor woikmen who will be a dt aw back
lather than u help to their emplo.ieis
The strol people luii mithltiK lo sa,
but point to the mills at wink and
Hip piodiiet tinned nut. A( Hons, they
saj speak louili i than voids.
A Seattle Lawyer Seaiching for Ed-
wpnl Bruce,
lit Kttlu.oM' Wire frmn The Aoeiateil I're.
Nasimi Auk. - A Iok.i1 battle has
been Iipkiiu hi'ie lor the inssesslon of
Hip $ 1 "O.OOtJ pstulo of John (inulil, Heir
Seattle, Wash, and Hon 1!. AV Utit
lln, a Seattle liwyer. has liistlluted
habias tin litis piooeedliiKS to compel
lion Mow aid A Hai tsel, a former
mav or ol Piston and exet utor of the
eslate, to pioilute IMwaid C. Hiiite. u
Kiandt hlld of Could and an hell.
It Is tlaliued bj Kullln that Hurtsel,
who Is now lu Seal He. has ouiik Hi in
(Onlltied In Pastoii, and that an effm t
Is beliiK made lo dppitie him of his
rlf-htflll share of the (inulil estate, .lobn
(ititlld wint west fi om Pastoii iluilnr
the Kobl ti ao of IU ind stnuk It
They Piotest Against the Appiopii-
ntion foi the Fatland Piotec
tointe Olllceis Elected.
lit l,lii.'0 Win- fr, in Hie 'iuted 1'r, v
I lm i i-lnii u A ni;. JS. Tin st i mid
tbij'd se-simi of the state (amp Patil
ollo Older Suns of Ametiia, movid
t.ilher slowl.v today beiaU'-e ot tin
i ontpsts fm tlm liupoitant olllt ts. 'I'lip
mips of the mtbi lequln an eUcllon
b.v mijoiiiv and this made It netts
sat to have additional ballots ti
ll, nn .1. Xoll Camp ill, was elct tcil
pic-ldcnt: William U. Thunius. Camp
.'..' vIip piesldent: Sam M. Ibiilln
('amp fiTO mastPi of foims, Iiwln S.
Smith. I'nnip TT tteiMiiei. and Wil
liam Wp.iutl. I'limn TT -etntai.v
ltesnlutloiit wpip offeied and n-
tened to the nsolutions imnmlttt'e
inotestliiK' fiKainst the anion of the
l,i"t ler-lslatme In pasInpr an appto
pilatlou of $l(i.000 to the Phlladi Iphi.i
I'atland Piotet torate, a Catholli Instl
tit t lilt, on the Kioliud that tht 'IikIi
Inlors have no HkIh tn vole mini our
publli money lo a pun l.v mm t. it Ian in
stitution" also imidrmnlnK (iovpinor
Stmii'H in Hmi in .ipiiroviiiK the bill,
and Instituting tin state setntarv to
i mnmuiiliiiie with the submtlluate
camps, notifjIiiK tliPii of Hip mums
of senattns and n pieVeutatlves who
voted fur this bill ami u"kitiR" thtui to
iso all honoiablp means ior the defeat
of their le-olcetlon oi toi an iilllte
within the Kiltjiif their tonslltuonts
A rostilutloii liit-tiiii'tliiK llie national
delegates to vote fur a chaiifre in the
tltual was lejettetl. KintastPr and
Wllllain"poi t woio noniluated fm next
v par's i mm ntlon, The ipsult will be
iiiiuoumed at toiuoii'ow's "iiin
The follow Iiik oilbcis wcip eh t ted
bv tlio Valle.v I'iiiro lleuiliiuaitci.s as
sotiallon. l!ef,rnt, Mis. Uebei t-a Me-Iniie-e".
Xmil.slowi , vlie ickcius, (list,
II. .1 StiiRoi, (Jlenslde, and ct'ond..lis.
Maiy lii'iin .louts. Coiishnhot ken si(.
letai.i. H. T. S. llillowell, Sweedland.
tii.isiucr, P (I. llobsim Xmilstown:
tlliecton, Mis l w Smith, Xmils
town: Mis. M K. Pieston. Xoiilslown.
Jiwlu S. Smith Hi idllis, Samuel .M
Helms. UcadliiR P.Ii bind II Koih,
Potl.sville. Dr , Kiotk, Mahanov
City W II. Si liw-nt 17, Altnomi. II.
1! PlemltiK Wllllaiusiiitt, Piank P.
Spleso, TailiaiUit. Pied Pit tub tie,
Munch Chunk; William Weand Phil
atblphia; .lames II Wolle, Phlladi I
phlu: Dr. P X. K Sthwelk Phlltid"!
phia: Pml II Mms Phllatli'lphla A.
D Ketteiolt CoIIi.r, illU, ,1 M Slallf
fer, Heavet Mi ulnws
Ptepatations Aie Made to Establish
an Emeisency rund.
ll.l I i ln-ilt W ii f m ll.e Vvoilatfil Piom.
Hull'alo. Am,, jx The Pint'd Tj po
thetao of Ain.'i Ii a In i.nvt ntlon at
tho Took tlealir toiiaj, dht ussctl the
tliestlon of having a pemiaiit'lit nuct
itiK liln. 'e and ellininntliiR the emei
talnment feature nut the mutter Itnal
Iv Willi ovei until iujU )i.u Piepat
iitbuiK to establish an eiuciK'no Hind
ninl to (.hatiRc the (oust It utitm tn rvp
the supreme body more autocratic
power uiir the subonllnate bodies
weie dltscusspti without tin il action.
This nf let noon the meinbous Joined
the ladles of the paity ot the exposi
tion. Banlt Officials Responsible.
By Vxiliidve Wlro (rum llie Asoela'.ed I'reif
l level tml, j, 55 ne srand jii'y
tnila.i took up Hie uu m iiilitre nf llu supfiior
Street lliltins ninl Sjiipft minpaiii Indue
II. IIiiiKiul'Ii tleliKieil llir iharce, miihl' ainnm.
(ilii, i ihtnr. "It .mil 'lull Iind Hut i Ins hum
cnntiiiiieit In reirite nionei alier It naa hrlple-t-li
liiailirnt, rien the mint nut i.
ti'liid hi i tier), or till, r inn nui-l hold the
othilals ol lite hank reHntilili (m iho n t "
Strike Clones n. Printing Plant.
Dy Fclmlie Wiru lioni The .ociatd 1'iesa
I IntiL", Viiu' i VII ili pjilniilits of the IV,
II I iMiki i teinpvniN prim I e plant at Hani
liinnil, bid, rviipt tlio intiipfi.ln- rnnlii, wero
ilnetj lodai Oirr l.nml euplnirt o( the t mil
ium ire iimi' mi tlilke, "strike head'piiH u
bme hren ts-tahlUhed ant) nun ami itoinen are
Mid tn le il'iln." 'Ii til ilm v Xo cltnrl his hern
made to I'lik'tie tin' liijiiiuilon vranttd ).i ludjc
List ol Members oi the Resolutions
Gommittee Annotated at Hazle-
ton Yesterdau.
President Mitchell Says That tho
Committees Hrive Found So Many
Violations of Agieement on Pait
of Various Companies That a Sub
committee Has Been Selected,
The Celcbintion at McAdoo.
Hi liilnsiio Wire fn in The worlateil I'reiin.
llayleion, Auk 2' --The lesolutlons
cnmmlttee, appollitotl this ufteinooti, Is
(iiliiposed of Piesldent Mitt hell, .Na
tional Sedt't.'liy Wilson, Hie tlllee dis
till t juesldetits, and the follow Ihr
twpnt -one deli'KulPs f I nm the lespet t
he tllsltlcts
Xo. 1 Mllliiui Pyne, WoiiiIiir;
Sydnej Ciiipeuli'l, Maltbv : David Hon
roiirIi, .leinoii, Theodme Yurlie, Nun-
tit oke, .luhn Wnlsh, C'aiboutlalc;
Thomas Davis, Stianlon. William
I'Ttrsimmnu Duninoie.
No T. W A. Duttip.v NuiemboiR,
Pattlek Smith. MllnesvlllP. W It. .lof
fii'V", llalPton, William (llldpii. Coal
dale Prill Irk (JallaKher, Picelatiil.
Patilok Kelly. Heaver Mtadow; John
P.ieslln. Illlhli 1 1.
Xo 1 Mollis Pi loi, Xeiv Huston;
Ihioch Stevens, Shenandoah: Thomas
Kb hauls, MIiipisvUIp; James Mt Don
ald, lili.udvillp. J. hups PpihipII, l.y
kens Patiltk Poley, Mt. Cainiel,
(ipoirp Marlleln, Shamokln.
This i oiumltlee went Into session Im
mediately after the adjournment of tho
Mi. Mitchell's Statement.
CoiHonilnK Its wmk, Piesldent Mit
chell said timlRht
The following let s weie refi'iitd
to tills iiinimlttee lli"t'i Hon of i.nils,
Joint (oufeicute with the opeiatms,
lestilttlon nt the output-ami lonsider
allon of Rilevantes The nun
mltlee found so manv violations of
.iKiepiiipnts mi the pait of the v minus
itunpanles thai a sub-toiuiuluec ton
sIsHiik; of mvsdf, Xatlonal Sciietaiy
WlNon and the thiee tllstibt )iiesl
dents was appointed to tliaft into i (so
lutions the i (inclusions fif the Rt'
i miiuiltte, . We met and drew up icsn
liitlons, iv lik li will be .submlttttl to tho
Rtlieial toininlttt'p at S o'clock toinm-
miv inoinlnK, ami If niev are tippinvcd
thev will lip plain) before the i (inven
tion as the Hist older nf business when
the delegates convene I expet t that
the convention will adjouni within the
next two davs."
Piosidonl Mitchell ami the
.ind dlstiltt oflltpis who are here at
teudcd a i elebintloli held at MiAdoo
toulRht 111 (ommeuioratlou of the
miii i li made neaily a voai uro fioin
that town to the Panthei Cnek valley
by tho upper I.uzerne and Sthul.vkill
strikt i ".
Coloiado Commandeiy No. 1 Vic
torious nt Louisville Contest.
11 rxoliiidie Wire from llie Attoeiatrd Pie,.
I.otllsvilb. Aug. 2s Colin ni to toiii
namloi.v Nn 1, of Denver, befme a
thinng of ls.odrt people am) undei the
iillliat pps of a buaid of iudgp.s imn
po'td of Hupp iPRiilai ntiiiy ollbeis
and a loptosontutlit of the KiiIrIus
Ttii.plai', toda.v (uptuiid lli-t pi ie in
the tompetition dilll teams limn ema
il andeiies nf the Knights. St. Pernanl
Ni . :!',, tile favoilte wltli tho majoiiiy
of the spettatms, took mm nnd plate,
vihlle (iiilileu Hate No. lfi. of San Pian
t Ki it, and llansilmau No. 1.1. of Clu
iiiiiiatl, came In lor thlnl and fouith
prlzts lespei tlvelv C.lllfninla i otu
niaiideiy No 1, being the onlv mnuuled
t muimind. bail no diflb ulty tn captiu
Ing Hip tiophv for Hip hist appoaiaiue
am di ill on
Goveinor of Mississippi Acts Prompt
ly in the Case of J. R. Stoweis.
Hy Kxelnslie Wire from The Asaociat'd Pros
J.n ksou Miss., Aug JS. (Jovenior
I.nnnino lod. i indent! the suspension
of Stale TiP.isiiiPl J II StoiiPis ami
appointed C! W C,uso tPinpoiuv
tmistini Stowt'is, in a statement
given out last Pilday. said the JluT.OOO
missing and uuieiounled fm wlnu
the Rovernnr i minted his t asp August
la was deposited in banks under his
dlipttlon, wltli li Is foiblildeu bv law.
All the banks of Jackson having de
nied that they had any o this money
mi deposit, the gov mum last night
wtnit Stowi is fnr a lonipleip statp
incnt as to win ip Hip deposits weie
made and all things toniiPtipil with
the tliilism tion. The lie.isuiei'a it
pmt has not Iippii m.idu public.
Nebiaska Republican Ticket.
lit- Mtltiine Wire f re til llie Vtsoeialrd I'rest
llmoln, n.? !! -IIip tulel .in.llie of lie
stipmiip court, sjmiiel II s,,ktulk, of Virl,
iniinti. intenltot th ituiier.iit, (ail I Im'.i,
of l.iiuaiiei , II I. (i mill, ol kelih ItipuMnini
rf Nehid'Ui in Hale tnnirntinn Hut aiiennion,
after a inula nf lonflnt and mniiiiii; of utmi
Mlnti, noinlniti'd iho ahoie tnkil
Pitcher McOinnlty Expelled.
n Kvdiitlte Wir- from The Utoelated Piesi
thiiasn, iij, 2- I'ip.idrnt Inlmt n i.t ihe
Vuiriiitn Ip ttfiir . t "lai amounted the pitlsimi
ol Pin In i Mil, intuit, of ilr lliliiiunre trim, hit
nflrn-p lieiiii? oiprunuliiiit In I niuie I. fun
liolh't Uie,
Andrew Btydcn Dead.
I'lllsli'ii, Vin;. SO, Vinlien llriilni, I it,- Ben
eral inini Mipmuttniliht Hn I'enu.tliania
Ceil ii mpm). died al I .0 ii'i I k lhi niiirniiu
at Id" home en W'illlim mrt'el
Pension Oianted,
W'asliliiBti n, ic 'Js - A pilisinii
been Kranlfd t'liailoa W. tu"pir,
s lfc
Weather Indication today!
1 (.riirril- Vlmi killed Hid Wuundid f llurtt
linr sioanislilp linller
I'muiest nf the fill? sltel Sirll.e.
VI Ine Witkirs In I oiiientlen
Ilnsslan Mrntllles in Minelmrli,
2 (letieril-Cirhiiiidale p,ptrliiienU
1 lot il IViher Xoh t hle( nf llmeitl of t'lrft
1'ii't.r innne o( the ( ulmndale Sfinl t entennlal.
I I dili rill
Xoll- mi 1 ( ninnient
i land ( ninnilftre-, for llrieptloti of isifnrs
tn Kepnhlit an 1 mcmo.
I hisini? Ho" ot the I iliieitlntiil ( milrst.
I l.i i al West vnitlon unl Silmrlnn,
7 lrnrril -Xnrtlieiilein IVnni.tlnni I,
I ni tin id and I nmnien Id
S 1 nil Industrial an I I ah r
iiiililon Wnlilini? nniterait
Dolly Bldwell Takes the $10,000
Roger Williams Stake for 2.14
Tiotteis Thiee Stialght Heats.
fit Kneltnito Wire frmn the Vsaiinled Pr, s
Piovideneo, All if. -S Pour eventH
lonstltutci' the i aid of lates sit the
pi. mil iliciilt meetlnc at N.iiniRaiisett
p ilk this afteinoou ami thiee went in
snnllflit heats, while one devr Input Into
n afl'ali. Them was a Rood
a'tt niliitn e and inteiest as ruaiilO si
I'l.lit Ipally 111 the KoRer Williams $1(1 -WC
stake for L' It trottPis, w lib li vvmt
In stiaiRht heats to Doll.v Hldwell.
Ib'llbili S took the Hist two heats
in the Lli pace and then Siott Hudson
drove Don Ulley to win the next three
.ii t ion pi time. NothliiR lu the 'J 10 tint
mild beat Mloata and nothing but
I'loni.i inulil beat Countij Jay. and
villi thb fieiefitlv uinleistood then
was Utile haul tlilvitiR, and Piank
Joins' bb.ek niai e wont imtinl three
linns to win the race with Coutitiy
.lav follow Ipk ami the Held after them.
DnMv Dillon went lu 'JOT flat to win the
- If tint, and Toggles, nfl r iosHiir one
luat. .'inii! the next two anil Rot sec
ond mmiev. Tin stimni.nles.
1 II ill-, ii Inc. llir, c- in fur, pur-i , SI, 'nn.
li.m llil.i -i 7 l l I
l.'i nl en s i 2 l
Il nn i I i 1
I iu-ht s ,r , ,', ,
I lih Hud, Ir i s I I .1
.Innriii. Vh Int i ami I irinchtl il-n sl.iilnl.
lime 'irn,. .' I(i, '.' IP,, 2 12. J 111,,
JII i1v, tliillliii;, tlntd In tin, linger Uil
b litis stake. innn):
liolh lll.lMrll I 1 t
View Whin ei S U
Xiia siniiiion, s 7 J
I n'lsnrla s ,....7 t
( lurlli' VI .i r. II
Voln, llt'lle ('iirrv. s.ip , , t,raitp Onward,
I nit ltd. he, While Mimil. Vlhrrla II . llrlni
t.iii. hnli'-, bird I up uml J.ttnis simlin iUi
,1 olid
1 nm I ', ' 014. 8 "i j
2 'ii i la-, Irnltins', three In flip, purse, sj.ii:
than 1 I 1
('"lint 1 1 III L J 'J
Vlcmiill s I ,
II Mlligr t :s .1
V mil i ' A I
Xn'liratpr ,. di.
lime IV 'in, II1,.
In (lis- tlotlini;, tlnre ill file, ptllse, l, "e
lidli llilh'ii ill
loirales .I
( liun. Imt i i .1
si.lei Vine I I I
1 iltle IHtk . . . . 1 I :
Wtluk ind ( "nielli II He il.n stnlut
'1 into .' nsi, 07, .' ih
Theie Is Danger of Organic Compli
cations In His Case.
Hy Kvi hi. up Wire from 1 tie V-i'ittrd Pre,-
Haiilslititg Aug JK--T!io tontlltlon
nf Adjutant iltiioml Mew int. who
In oke his left li r In a l uu. iwa uttl
tb'ut on Siinda.v evonlng Is veij m-iI-nus.
SuiReon (bneial Sliooinakei, of
tho National (inaid nf Poiinsylvanhi,
o1 Pllllnilr Iplii.t. who w.ii- (tillpil in tou
siillatlou today. s,is tin- Ren
eral'H pondltlon Is alainiltiR All pi r
soii" even hM lelitlves, Iuivp been
tot hidden ftoui seeing (leneial Stewait,
who Is undei the earn of tin phjsl
i bins al ihtt llairl-buig lio-pital
The lb si e.xainlnatlon of tin wound
ed leg was made today and iva.s pin
niiiiin ed lemaikabl) well, but theie Is
dalisei of oiguuli i omplli ntlnns ('ol
ouel ShooniakPr will nune to Hauls
bilig again on Piblav to see the nil
Jutant gtneial If not undid sooner.
No Mote Racing Will Be Allowed on
the Stieets of Newpoit.
Hi l.v lusite Wire from Hip Vssstntril l'irs
Pinildcuie, H. 1 Aug. 2V .ludgo
Wilbur, In tin apptllate division of tho
Supicnie court toda), giauti'tl an In
tlpllnltc pxrpuslon of tho iuiunctlmi Is
sued last wick against tho lacing of
.iiitoinohllfs on Oman avenue. New
piu t.
The r.nes for Kmla.v ovei Oman ave.
ntle will be held on that date on Hit)
one mile track at Adquodiieek,
four mlbs fiom the city.
But they Ruin Thousands of Dollors
Woith of Ptopeity.
Hi Evilmiip Wir fr m Hi" Vs.oniled I'rrnt
Had Axe. .Mlth Aug Jx -James H.
Hall's bmk at Klnde, this toiintv, was
tnbbed last night and while tho thieves
seemed mil) Hurt thev tlestio.ved tho
bank building and all Its contents.
Some explosive was plmed beside the
vault and the innnisslon when it ex
ploded blew up the building as well as
the vault. All the iiioitgaRes notes
ami valuable pupeis In the vault weio
Steamship Airlvnls.
H) rvilmite Win frmi llie W-tu uted Pres
Xe ork, u. .'s Vrriied. s ttia, l.itrr
pnnl. Ill Ittd I'ur.t III. in in It, ll.iinliiirt-. tu
l'l)miiih and liril..nn-, i,i,mp Kuifiilit, Hit
mm tit s.,lahiniiinn sir(, m p,ul)i snmii
ainptiin, liuteitlt. I.liirpiml, lilrflind, Mil
tirrp. Iliiiliulim Virltedi suamer 1'utnlini.
Xcm rk. Siutliiniptin s.iiled' li.iisilit Marl t
liiernla llrini llrciia.ii, .Xni uik via tlur
Report Is Received ol Another
Massacre ol the Peasants
In Manchuria.
Russians Claim That Fcnsnnts Killed
Weie Mlstnken for Insurgents.
Oiave Insuricctlon in the Ptovinc.
Author of Amur Slaughter Not
Dead Meicly Banished Boxer Ac
tivity in Choit Ping Piotestanta
Slain by Roman Catholics.
fly Kveluslie W'lrp from rh ',-eorltted fret.
Vlttmlii H (' Aug 1'S. ChlnesQ
papeirt rtielvtd b.v the S S. Knpresn
of China toiitaln an mints of a innn
s.k m of Chinese lu the Ktt.ui Tien
Nien dltilit of Manehuila. Tho
Itusslans i'viiis' the mass. it re by 'tho
stiileineiit that peasants killed weie
mlstnken for iustiiRciit" Pew ilotallo
me glvi n
Put Hut timibles in MmiRolla uml
.Mam lllll la aie npoited Aitmdlng lo
the North China Daily News, the Kus
.slans have pi iced JO ooo nun on the
Maucliui Ian-Cm can frontlei to tope
wltli the it'liels.
M White. Rtneial m in iRer of tl.o
Canadian Paelllc tallway, who left
London on Mil) 2T to Investigate Sl
boilan tiatb' possibilities, leal ned.vv hile
at Khablmlf that (leneial C.rlbskl, le
pmted to ha ic (ommltted Milcldi" be-tatisi-
of the Amiii niai-nacip.s lu which
J'Hii innoipiit ppisnns In all wpip slain
b.v the Itusslans, had Iippii banished
to Katust haiku. Mi, White mi.vs iv
gtave Insutii ( Hon pievalls In .Man
(hut la He was w ai nod at Pekln ny
the Hiltbh nmbassadnr not to go
thtotiRh theie
The ShatiRhiil Menuiv publls-hes a
letter fimn the )tev. Prank Ilarinan, of
ciioti Ping wlio has been journeying
thtough Noilh Shin Tung. Mr Hut
in. in sa.vs that Moxcis are drilling and
piepailng for a tli-e lu that piovlnce.
t'lulsllans li'ivc been openly threat
em d.
The Chlntse pipei.s iniitaln long at -
(ountH of the llnuds i attsed bv tho
overflowing of the VatiRtsp-KlnnR
Stotlic .up told of the dmwnlng of
hlindieds of vlllapeis b) the broaUng
of einbalikmt nls Millions ot acics of
rice Holds have bet u llootlt d, It Is
The uIIIps have letuiticd to the Chi
nese the viaishlp llaiiiig. Hagshlp of
Admral Ylh width wa.s taken (luting
the boiiih iidmeut of Taku.
A blood) alfiii) Is i cpoited fioni a
Chinese villiiKe tlftei'ii miles fiom
Klaus: si. whom Pmlestant and
Calholle tonverts tiuaiielletl an'l can e
to lilnit.-, with Hie it suit that 111111)
Piotcstants in ip kilb d
Edict Piohibiting Impoit of Aims
Dlssntisfactoiy to Envoy.
Ilj Ktolusiie Wire from Th "issoeiated Preat
Pekln. Aug Js 'llu imptilnl nib I
foiblddliig Hit Inipoi lation ol runic
ami munitions of w.u is not sati-r,i
tmy to the foitlgu inlnlsuis
uieetilir. of llie iniulslPt.s has hrpn
i nllcd to illsiiiss it 'Ihe in dot IR
Iinies the vital Imt that the pinhlln
tinil apitlbe- to tlio govt t iimeiit and
that It Is pan of the Chne'e punish
ment It miiki s It appiai to In tutir.
Iv the govt i mm nt s voiuntai) hi
prohibiting Chlm so snbjtit-s fiom in
poitliiR aims ami niuuiiiou, a.s tic
(ounti) is ilntuibeil b.v lulgands
Typhoon in the China Seas Many
Junks Destioyed.
Hi I'm lut ip VV lie fii'in Hit naled I'r ts
Vlttoila, 15 c. Auk. Jx The ollb .
of the l'mpross ol Chiiw. vvhiili a
lived heie )CHtcitlii.v, n port tint i
licav typhoon raged In the China
shortly lipfoip the vesn-l snllid s
mis tlainiigr was done to man) ! ti
A number of I'binest Junks wen
si i n.v ed and man) vllhiR(s on Hit -
slimes wm devilpitiitetl.
AiuoiiR ihe steamships wlibh sulPt l
wuo a numbi r ol Hie Iiiirp Inn
Tin llusslan vest-il Plnamp .Minis'
Wltte was sunk by a huge wavi di
lug the t.vplionii. The Katsuv nt
Main waHiilmnst uiitkid, and ntuil
ed lo W oo Sung
Captain Diamond's Case.
lie I'vdiitiii' Wirt' fin'n 1 In- Vssmntcil I're
Xeiv Vntlt, Vila 's Vli,r a long areunieni f
couiii-il mi ImHi Mills in i ip iiie nf Polni t
lain lliainond, iiiilnuil (o nejlnl if dun I
Ihe (ius'erhh in Hie wiiirine inurt, loria'
i iiii d l h ir llu mniitii it'iiioii i iv m iai n a
flat of pirn udim;', tntrithei nilli the nlnti n lor
a i li.tni;" id i rim.
McPheison Will Contest.
Hy Fieluihe Wire from The Atoclatd rreta
Wjhini?mn V I.' - Mi- I I'll Vh Pnet n
Vluir, diiiclu r nt llu hn I i,iio I Mates nei at ir
(inn Xiw fu-et. I'du AM i tnnlet f t
Mill of hrr ini'iliei in ihe piotuie tourt I i nt
tin she illicit- limine indinme on Iht pan it
Hn hi in tii ui irs nn h i llir uill
I .al dala ( r VuuU'l - l'l limiirniuu
l.ine.t i.nipeuiii'i
llrlillif llniuldiit
s i in
s in
I'm ipitai inn Jl Immi ended R
. . - drtreet
. &i ,le;i. s
7a psr rent
Jl per tent
in , nun
4 s s
f aV s s 4s aysV...
W Liiliijlon, Viu 'J 1'irernt fir -
I atlrrii I'riin-ili.inla Fair Tlniradiy ant -
I I Id it, light tn firth cast tn touthuit -f
ttln l, sv
t -f 4 i f f f-r .tt-t-.t