The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 28, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    wr"i siWCW"''
kri. t( "fVn?"' - --.' "i ..
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?'nfij f-.."?r?a
rnxsENT, op BurrALO.
Has ChnrRO of the AUls-Chalmcrs
Company's Interests In the Tan
American City The Lackawanna
Trainmen Still in Session United
Mine Workers Off for the nazlcton
Convention Culm Washings the
Cause of Damage Suits Laden
v wanna's Now Steamer.
Much comment lins been ntou'ed
Hboiit the vtty by the- reslnniillon of M.
K. Macl.aren from tlio Miperltitnidt'nry
f the Allls Chalmers company's local
'hop, nnd much siporuliitnn bun boon
Indulged In as to who his probable ma
toscor would be.
It wn learned at the rnmpnr.v'f
nlllees on Peiin nvenu, by u Tribune
mnn, yesterday afternoon, that A.
Nlcdcrmeyer, of Ituffalo, N V.. has been
chot-'cn to uceeed llr. Mutt.nreii, but
that imthlnB In known yet as to Ju.t
when the present fUiiierliiteiulent'M ies
iKtiatlon will go Into eff.ct and the
new oinclal assume haw.
Mr. Neldermeyer l now superlntend
rnt of tlio Huffalo plant opeinted by
the Allls-Chaliners rinnpnny. He Mill
have Jurisdiction ovr the ootnpanv'P
Wllkes-Harre plant an vvi'lt an the local
Mine Workers Leave City.
The delegation miniating ot over
one hundred mine wurkcrs tioni Hum
part of District No. 1 left the city at
0.15 o'clock yesterday tnoinliiR via the
Tieliiwiirn nnd Hudson railroad for-
Ilazlcton, theru to attend the Joint
convention of the three districts, which
convened yesterday.
Hecretary-Tiensuier John T. Hemp
Fy left for Ilazlcton .Monday after
noon, nml Piesldcnt Nicholls Joined
the delPRates yesterday morning at
"WHltes-Harre. The party which left
here van headed by National Hoard
J.Iemlier Henry Collins, of Carbondale,
nnd District Hoard Members M. II.
Henley, John V. Kearney and Thomas
District Hoard Member It. A. Court
rlcht missed the mornlnp train and
left dtirliiK the afternoon for the con
vention. Trainmen Are Still Here.
The general committee of l.acka
wannH trainmen Is still in the city and
its members continue to maintain ex
treme reticence regarding the tiaiis
netlons nt their dally se.-sions.
Chairman CiPorne A. Wood. In a tall;
with a Tribune man last night, said
that the committee will lie here some
days yet. He declaied, however, that
he was not yet at liberty to make any
ftatemeut reRiudliiK the work so far
Culm Washings Cause Suits,
Klght mill owners on Tomhleken
creek have instituted suits nt I'otts
vlllo against the Cross Creek Coal
company for damages amounting to
$h,li(Ki. The plaintiffs allege their
properties have been injured to that
extent by the culm which washes
down from the Cross Creek collieries.
J. XV. Moyer, of I'uttsv UK and John
M. linrmiin, of Wilkes-lUrro, lepre
fiftiu the plaintiffs.
New Trolley Road.
"Work on the new Hazletnn and
AVUkes-I'ane trolley is being pushed
with all possible speed. Some four
hundred men are at work, and quite
a distance of th lord bid has been
graded. The projectors will finish the
line between Hazleton and St. John's
first In order to enable them to con
vey the machinery for the construc
tion of tin power house, which will
hu located on the Welsing farm. Work
on the tunnel wax also commenced
l.'.st week. This end of the tunnel will
be a hhoit distance below Warrior
llun. "Wllkcs-H.irre Times.
New Lackawanna Steamer.
The steamer Alexander iNtmlck
reached the new Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western dock, at Thirty
fifth street, Chlcag u the south fork
of the Chicago river, at noon Monday,
August 1!. The Nlinlek Is .117 feet over
nil, forty foot beam, and, with a draft
of 17 Jeet. carried about 3,00ft net tons
of stove coal. JCverythlng at the new
dock was In readiness for her arrival,
nnd ten minutes after she had made
fast, the big .Mead "grabbeis" were
busy hoisting out her cargo.
'There v.vrc, of course, the little
hitches on account of new and stiff
nncnlnery, nnd also the little delays
incident to breaking In an entirely
now force of men. mi that no attempt
Was made at a iccord mi this boat. The
Unloading proi ceded, hmvvr, without
n fcreakdovv n of any character, and by
Hhe timo tvv or tluee more cargoes
We received so that the machinery Is
'till working smoothly, the force of men
'thoroughly disciplined and wot king in
Jiarmony we may look to m'o this
dock establish some new records for
fjtilck unloading.
Tioubt has been expressed In some
quarters ns to the ability of a. vessel
of this size to navigate the mitith
fork without some extra dredging in
two or three places, but no difficulty
was experienced In this direction."
IJlack Diamond.
D,, I. & W. Bonrd for Today.
The fnllmvlnp Is the make-up of the
D., i,. and XV. board for todny:
ti:i:miv. ai is. t,
WIM rats p. in., .1. . Iiuliie; In p.
I, V, . Latuir., Atii. .
Wild CjM Iiiit-l.EO . in , II. DUIilnir: t
V m., (1. Kearney; S a, in., I". Mallctl; iu j,
,, A. 1'. .Mullen; 11 a. in., ,1. . lluMi; I
V in., I!. M. Ilallett; S p. in., M. Miplm, villi
I. V, Hunn'a erew, 0 p. in., M. .1. llrniiii.Mii.
Summits Ktc 6 a. in., eal, ,1, .1, Murij),
tith .1. Ilennli:an' re; S a. in., wri. (i,
tmunfelkrrj 10 a. in., tt, VI. rimierlyj il
i m.. at, 3. Carrlci;; '' p. m., .Sa. Viur, i:
IcAHUterj 7 p. m., Cayuga, M. (iinlej , 7
). in., ( .iiuca, Thompwn.
Puher S a. m., llouacrj 10 a. in., S. Kill
irrty; II. .10 a, m., Worm; 7 p. in., Murphy ; v p.
St., II, Coclari 10 p. m,, A, Wldrntr.
PaftrnKfr Kniflnea 7 a, m.,' Gaffne.rj 7 a. in ,
T. Slncrri 10 a. ra., A. If. Kowej 10 a. m., F. K.
Becor; 7 p. m Slantonj 7 p. m., MrCovern.
Wild (ji W.t-5 a. m., V. Wail; 7 .1. in..
n. llanmiiil; h a. in., J, II. McCann; 10 11.
tn., lliniuaii t a. m I. Cavanaiiglii I p. m..
It. Coatnei; '.' p. tn , John Gahagatr, ,1 p. rn ,
W. A. Itarthi I niH'Wi 4 p, m., J. Wariiell, with
t), Ctv'-i iieu; S p. in., Douilicanj 0 p. m.,
I). !anilu'li.
Condurter M. itapln will call at uperintnil.
Drakciiian A. Attn reporta for No. K, Ayj, M.
Uiakcmaji Carliii riporU for A. Gctrlly,
Conductor W. D. Minn will UVe hli run S
a. m., Auir. 19.
It. flllllean will nm J, W. V.urphj't crew on
No, BO, Auj, M, until further notice.
Last 1'rldny evening a meeting of the
Taylor Prohibition league was called
to consider an Important communica
tion from National Chairman Stewart,
but owing to a meeting of the XV. C. T.
I.', that night the meeting of the league
was postponed to Friday evening, Au
gust 30, in the Sunday school room of
the M. K. church, nt 7.M. Very Im
portant business will come before the
league. The president would like to
nee every member present,
The funeral of Mrs. Klmcr Slatter,
whose death occurred on Saturday,
took place from her late home in
Fouth Taylor yesterday afternoon.
Mij. fchloMcr was a young woman,
?.' years of age, nnd was of n kind
disposition, and Her popularity
brought n large concourse of friends
nnd relatives to tlio obenules. Ser
vices were held at L'."0 p. in. In the
family residence, Hev. I-'. P. Doty, of
Scranton. olllclatlng and delivering nn
Impiesslve sermon. Thete were tittm
'ions HOral tributes, showing the es
teem In which the dece.iipj was held.
At the close of the services, the it
mal'.s were conveyed to th Wash
burn street cemetery, Hyde Park,
where Interment wns mnde. A hus
band and two children survive-. The
pall bearers were James Calver'. Har
ry Courtrlght. Thomas Fausef. and
Thomas Wyleumn.
The Taylor Lilacs will have as their
opponent on Saturday, on the School
House grounds, the Dur.vea Hlues The
game will commence nt 8.R0 o'i lock.
The Anhtracile Glee club will meet
tomorrow evening In Llewellyn's hall
lor reheaisal.
Klaborate preparations nre being
made by the muinbeis of Local unions
Nos. Mill and IMS, I'nltod Mine Work
ers of America, of the i'aylor and
lyiie mines, for their first annual pb
nlc, to be held nt rewis' drove, on
I'nlon street, on Labor Day, Monday,
Sept 2. Some of the most prominent
speakers of the day will be present.
Then will be many nmusenieiits on
the grounds. Following are the games'
one hundred yard handicap, limit l.'i
yards: fat men's race, etc. David
Harris nnd James S. l.vans are the
ioiiini:Hee on games. All ate invited.
Miss Sl'sle Harris, of Union street,
was the gti'St of friends In Moscow
for the past few days.
Taylor lodge, No. P12, Knights of
Pythias, will plect ofllccts for the pii
suing term this evening.
Chester and Spencer Heesp, of I'nlon
street, nre spending a fuw days with
relatives In Carbondale.
Kdmtind Carter, of Storrs street,
siient the Sabbath nt Olyphnnt.
Mlnonka lilbe, No. H7, Improved Or
der of Hed Men, will meet in regular
session this evening.
Mrs. John D. Jones and son, of Tav
lor street, are spending a few weeks
with l datives and friends at Bangor,
Messrs. W. H. Davenport and K. J.
Fallon are on a tlshlng expedition to
flke county.
Miss Anitlla Lewis, of firove street,
Is visiting relatives in Wllkes-Harre.
Special to thi Sertntnn Tribune.
New Mllford, Aug. 27. The eleventh
annual reunion of the Smith family
will be held In New Mllford, August
30, In the park. Dinner will be served
by the ladles of the Working Oulld.
Miss Clara Inderlled is visiting Hing
bamton frlendH.
Dr. and Mrs. Snyder, Hev. nnd Mrs.
Mallery nnd' Miss (Jorr, spent last
w'ck at Huffalo.
Prof. II. A, Benson has purchased
the bouse on Main utreet, recently oc
cupied by L. tt. McColluni.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Van Colt. Miss
Ina Aldrlch and Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert
Wateiman me camping, nt Middle
Mis Kthel Finch' is visiting Hor
nellsvllle friends.
Mis May Hennet gave a party to a
number of her frendx last Svednesilay
afternoon In honor of her guest Ml-s
Jane Fuller.
S. V. Turnbull and family have re
turned from their summer home.
Mrs. O. Bennett Is entertnlnlng Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. II. Fuller of Scranton.
I'nlon meeting will be held every
night this week except Saturday. Mon-
d'ay night' at the Methodlt chinch,
Tuesday night at the Hapt1t, Wednes
day at the Presbyterian, following
the same older during the week.
Miss Lucia tilllesple was a gutct of
her grand patents Mr. and Mis. ltobert
(illlesple last week.
r of li'tti'rs reiliflillillK lllli'illled
for nt tin- Sct'iiiitoii iioMtoillee, I.aeKu
wniitin eoiiiity. I'.i.. Auk. -. H'Ol. I'er
sons ciillliifr for these letters will
please uny ndveitlscil nnd filve date of
list. II. Hippie, Postmaster.
A. 1'. Apilyk-. speelal. A. 1.. of
Acliersoii, I). Y. Anderson, Heatriee
Andiews, l'reil Aiiilersun.
John Hriiiu h, J. T. liurke, V. (i. Nar
rows. FimiuIs Hari'lay, t'arrie Hloek,
l.ouls Hetnler, O. S. Howeu,
Airs. Mabel and Olarenoe Hlowe. A.
II. liariihart, John HIkks, I)i. Hasker-
llle, (Minrles Itartol, John I'unipliell
Samii?l fiinkshank, William H. Coeh
ran H, Castrll, Jennie Crnnipton, K. A.
'lark, XV. ('. Crawford, Joseph CiieRo
la. ,los,i h Pnvvn, ThunniA IWnut.i,
Warren Detker.
Nelson lhiiinoiis.
Kciiit.ii Klahorty.
Charles liross, .Inhu CicMTlKhty,
An. Mew Ili.r.sen, Henni'Knu l.ros., C.
P. Howe, I.eotii li Hughes, I.c-e Hnl
ston, lliirold Il.iwely, '.ot llaxen,
William Iluuls, Krank HelberlnK.
Inlernatloiial Hrotherluiod ot Sin
llonary Klreiuen.
ddorn Jaeksnii, Clara J01103, Mary
.S. Jones, John JililKe, Thomas K.
J 11 rnh Kline, Marsaiet Kinney,
Horthy Klndall, Horsey and Kellv,
Miuhael Kihl.
John C. Lewis, Theo, K, l.ance. Tom
I.enils, Frank MeDounell, Annie Miller,
H. K. MePall. Nell Murray, John Jle
Kail, Annie Wesslnceiv Annl Mulll
Kiin, Annie Melody, Metropolitan
Sppelalty Co., John .Miller, Metropoll
tan Hppclnlty Co.. Huitene Mel.auKhlln,
James Maiinan, M. .1. .Mcl.eod,
Joseph Nlemvrzyk.
(leoine OswhIiI.
K. il I'liioe, Mrs. I'arlltt, lint Qulnn,
XV. l'roper, r.ydia I'hotliero, .Steven
I'etlet, II. H. Hursel, At. y C. I'aiU
hurst. Kreil Hpopc Crank II, Hoom, Willie
Itldly. Anna Homl.
I.. T. Staffer. I. XV. Saunders, Klla
r-. Stark, XV. II, Smith, A. Sandhlown,
K. It. Stoddard, J, M, Snyder, Jnmes
Shlnran, Walter Smith, William
Shovlln, William Smith, Kxn M. Smith,
Mr. Thomp.'n & Co., John l"homp
son, Natle Tlche, Tlona Oil Co.
JinnIo Wartuletter, lrank Wurify,
vS 5vr-N ?'TV l Itllll iriiTTi . - ;
3 CsAV ? irnltgfiTJftU irwP1
3 nm Ei-Efe'B-rHfini'r HfP F ;Hf
I w" " l'"i.'JanigTOroMc3M!.;.lMl, m7L
g of money by calling here at the right time. It will pay any person who is desirous g
a of purchasing a Piano to take advantage of these rare opportunities, f:
J The public is invited to call here before buying. g
a N. B.There is but one Guernsey Hall in the city of Scranton. Guernsey f-
H Hall is located near the Central Post Office Building, g
J. W.GUERNSEY, Proprietor.
Kn Welncr. H. V. WIlllaniH, Harry
IT. Willi:. ,l(i5.(pli WutkliiH, Moilit AVil
Min, Sclilnn YaKor, Hcllil AN'rcls--, 'V.
V. Wnrliif, Jlrs. A. T. Yost.
West Scrnnton Station.
lVti'r .1. Pntiolillp, .lamps Mnlt1ievs,
Clinrlca .Mit'nitliy, Mrn. .1. A. Me
Culinn, Mrs. J.. H. DonilnRtmi. MIkx
Atinlo Tinilin, Mr. Jennie Vet nop,
Tliomns .imlia.
The Knights Templar, Louisville,
tin nernutit of the tilenulal conclave
Aucust 27 to 31 inclusive, ticket nfconts
of the "Lackawanna lailroad" will sell
round trip tickets to Louisville, Ky.,
al tate of one fare for the round trip.
Tickets will be on sale Rood ffolnc Au
gust 22 to 2,'i Inclusive, and srood for
return until September 2 Inclusive, ex
cept by deimsKltlK tickets with Joint
iiRpnt at Louisville on or before Sep
tember 2 return limit will be extended
to leave Louisville not later than Sep
tember ll on payment or ,,n cents.
Slop off at Huffalo to visit the l'an
Ameiiean will be permitted on the
letiiru trip upon payment of one dol
lar extra and deposltliiK ticket with
Joint iiKPiit. providliiK passenger reach
es destination within the tlnal return
limit. The (Ir.ind coiiimitnilery of
KnlKhts Templar of New Jersey have
an a 11 Kid for a special train to leave
lloboken at 10 a. 111. August 2,1, reach
ing Scranton at 1.30 p. 111.. and a cor
dial invitation has been offered to all
local Sir Knights and their friends to
Join them at Scranton.
Sovereign Grand Lodge. I. 0. 0. F.
Indianapolis, Intl., Sept. 10th to
21st 1001.
I'or the above occasion ticket agents
of the Lackawanna railroad will sll
spei lal round trip tickets to Indlannp
olls. I ml., at regular Hist class one way
fare for the round trip. Tickets will hq
on sale good going Sept. 12th to Mth
Inclttslv", returning to leave Indianap
olis not later than Spt. 1M or earlier
than Sept. mill. Hy depositing tickets
with Joint agent at Indianapolis, Intl..
on or before Sept. 23d, return limit
will he extended to leave Indianapolis
not later than October 7th on payment
of .in cents additional. Stop off at Huf
falo will be permitted on the return
trip by depositing ticket with Joint
agent No. .10 Kvchange street, and on
payment of Jl.OO extra, provided that
ticket Is used to destination within the
final return limit. Children between
the ngs of !i and 12 years one-half of
the adult rate
35th National Encampment Q. A. B,,
Cleveland, Ohio, September 10th to
14th Inclusive.
Kor the above occasion tlckPt agents
of tlio Lackawanna railroad will sell
special round trip tickets to Cleveland
and return at one way fare for the
round trip, tickets to be on sale good
going September Sth, nth, 10th, 11th nnd
12th. and for return up lo and Including
September IGth, except by depositing
tickets with Joint agent at Cleveland
on or before noon of September 15, re
turn limit will be tended to leave
Cleveland not later than October tith
nu payment of W) cents extra. Stop off
at Hulfalo will be permitted on the re
turn trip b depositing tickets with
Joint agent at that point ami payment
of one dollar, provided he same
used within the final return limit. Cbll
dren between the ages of 5 and 12 one
halt of the above rate.
Exposition and Industriol Fair,
Toronto, Canada, August 20th to
Sept. 7th, 1001.
l''or the abovo occasion ticket ngents
of the Lackawanna will sell
live day coach excursion tickets tn
Toronto, Canada, and return via Lew
Iston and steamer ut 17,75, also ten
1t SllUalC
Delaware, Lnckawanna nnd Western
in i:rrect .ub. 11. mot.
Trains leave Scunton fur New Yuri. -At 1 10,, fi.'.S, 7..'.0 anil 111 Hi a. in.; 12.4'i, 3. SO,
3.41, .van ami S.uo p. in. l'nr .New York and
Pliihilelplila-7.S0 ami Ki.ui a. 111 . ami 12. II ami
.1. li P. m. K01 Tohhanna -At .10 p. in. t.'nr
nuffalo 1 is, 6.22 ami 11.11O .1. m. : l.SO, n.W, 7 01
ami II. Si 11. 111. Tor HiiiEliamtnn ami way tta
tlon a. m. ami 1 .01 p. 111 l'nr 0wck.
S.iiaui-e ami I'lkii 1.1.1 ami rt.22 a. in.; 1.:'.0
anil ,'l.iJ p. 111. IHweeo, yr.uu-e anl l'ii'a
tram at 0 22 a. 111. ilailv, ercpt Sunday. Tor
Montiiine (MiO a. ra.j I.IV1 ami 7.01 p. ni.
Nli linNoii aunnniioH.itinr,- 100 anil 0.1.1 p. ni.
Illnciin-liiirc Division - l'nr Nnrlhiinilieilaiul, at
(i li ami 10 Oi a. 111 ; l.Stl ami H 10 i. in. Tor
I'hiiicnitli, at S.I0 n. tn.: .'1..M ami ooi p. in
Sunday Trln l'or Sew York, 1.10, ;i.ri. i Y,
ami I110") a ni. ; il.'jo. n.1.1 ami ,Vi) p. 111. For"- 1.15 anil d.22 a. ni ; 1...0. .1.32. 7.0.1
ami 11.31 p. in. l'nr llinghamton ami .n ia
tmin ami 10.20 a. 111. rtlnninvluiri; iliiiilun
I.eaie Sirantnn, 10.0.1 a. m. anil 0.10 p. in.
Lehigh Valley Hailroad.
In r.ffret .lime 2, 100'.
Ti.iiiH lean- Stranton:
l'nr I'lillaiUlplilii .mil New York via 1). k II
I!. II. at H 41 anil 1I.3S a. in, ami 2 1", 127
llllai k lii.mmnii DvprovO, ainl ll.Wi p, 111. hun
d.n. II. ts II. It. It.. IK. "' I', m.
j'nr Wliite Haven, llazletmi anil
puinH In the mal leninns, ill I), k II. It. It.,
11.11, 2 1' ami 127 p. 111. l'or l'nttiville, U.I1 .1
ni . 2.1 p. 111.
l'nr lletlilrliein, Ka-mn, Iteadme, llaiildmri;
ami iiriinlpal iiilerniiillale clatiom m II. k II.
It. It., 0 45. Q.J .1. 111 ; 2. IS 427 lllliik II1.1
iiiiiinl Hvpresis), 11. 11 p. in. Sumlays, I), k II.
It. It., !U! .1. in.: li", 1'-' p. I".
l'nr Tiinkliannoik, l'n,vjiila, Klinlr.i,,
firneia anil prlmipal mtnineiliale l.ilinn. Ma
II, I.. .; V. It It.. MO .1 in. ami H. in p. 111.
l'or (ieneia, Itm he-lir, llulTaln, I'.ilU,
fliliami nml all pnliiN ie.t, m I). ,V II. It. It ,
7.ti, 11. .V, a. 111., 1 "S. .1.:i.'f (Illaik lii.iiiinml f
presO, 7.4i. n II. 11 "0 p. in. Sunday, I) k II.
It. It., ll.ii. ..'-'; p. 111
I'lillnuii pailur ami !fipine or I.ehiLii Valley
pailiir cars en all tialiH lielween Vt'ilke Pine
ami New Vntk, I'hiladilphla, llulTaln ami Sin
peiioinii llrldue.
HOI. I, IN II. Mll.nrU, (ii'ii. Siipl., 20 I'mtlaml
htl'ei'l, New Yelk.
CllVltl.r.S S. I,i:i:. tieii. I'.ei. A(jl.. 20 Cm 1 1 mil
e-trei 1 . New Ymk.
,. vv N(iNNi:vi.Miii:n. niv. i'a. .vsi . south
Hit hlehc in. Pa.
l'nr llil.i't- ami Pullman ieei,ilinn appl. t'j
t'.ii'i I. jikavv ,111111 aieuiie, Sirantnn, Pa
Delaware nnd Hudson.
In r.ffiil dune 0, l!)OI.
Trains fnr Carhondale loaie Suaiitou at OJO,
SKI, Ml, 10.1.1 11 I".! 1-.0'', l.SO. 2.44. 3 52,
&.2'i. O'Ji. T 17. Ii.ll. 11.20 11. in.; 1. 10 a 111
l'or llnnedale ami Lake l.ndoie, fi.20, o.: .1.
Ill ; 2.11 and .1.211 p. 111.
l'nr Wilkes-Ilairi' 7.K S.I1, tl..i, 10 11
a. 111.; 120I. 1.2s. 2.IS, 3.JJ.I, 4.27, 0.10, 7.1
10 41, 11. "0 11. in.
l'nr I.. V. It. It. PoliiH-0.45, 9.i a. m, ; 2 H,
4 27 and 11. Ml p. m.
l'or l'eniia.vhiiila II. It. poliiU 11.1,1, 11.,'ls, 2.1,
3.3:1 and 4.27 p. 111.
l'or Alluny ami all point north C.20 a. 111.
and 3.52 p. 111.
sisnvY tuuss.
l'or farlmnilale-- s.iu, 11.3a a, 111.; 2.41, 3.52,
S.52 and lo.i2 p in.
l'or WllkM llarre -0 SS a. in ; 12.tkl, 1.5. 3.2.
C.32 and 8 12 p. ill.
.'or Albany ami point north 3 .12 p. in.
l'nr llni'.enlale and Lake bodori, 11.33
a. 111. and 3.52 p. in.
New York, Ontario and Western
Time Talde In Ded unday. dune 2.1, 1501,
I laiie
No. 1
No. R
ho. 7
Si union.
,. 10.30 a. in.
, . 4.ii p. ni.
rarliomiale. C.idaiij,
11.10 a. in. I no p. in.
4.14 i. in. 11 Oil n. in.
.. 0.10 p. in,
Ar. 4'ariiondale. (1. 14 p. in.
oLTii iioixn Leave rrlie
C'ailonU, L'arliomlale. Siianlon.
7.i a. in. 7 40 a. in.
... P.40 a, in, 10.01 a. in. 10.40 a. in.
... i. in. 4 00 p. in 4.41 p. in,
I.eaie Leave Vrrlve
Riiantnn. Carbondale. I'aUoila.
... S.30 a. m. 0.10 a. m. 10.4.1 a. in.
,., 7.00 p. in. Ar. ('aruondale, 7. li p. pi,
Leave Leave Arrive
Cadokla, ('arhomlale. Srianton.
7.01 a, in. 7.40 a. in.
I So.
No. 4
So. 8
No. 9
So. 6
No. (1
No. 10
. 4. SO n. in. 0.1V. n. in. 6 4i n. r.i.
liain m. i, on week, ami h. on ;iiu
rla), inakejnain line innneitiona for .New York,
ritv, I'tiia, Oneida, Omega ami lnternieUult
Train' No. 3 ami 4 mike Walton, Delhi, llun.
leu and Sidney rniinrttloim.
l'or (iiillur information inniult tliket acenH.
J. ('. VNIHIKSON', (I P. A., New Yoik.
J. 11. WLl.SIL T. I'. A., Scranton.
day ticket llrst class In every respect
for $0.76. Tickets will 1m Rood koIiii;
AiiBtist 3tnt and Sept 1st. Children
between the iiRen of .1 and li yearn one
half of the adult rate.
"".?..-.??..-.. .-v.
Is Headquarters for the
Leading High-Grade
Pianos and Organs
Guernsey Hall is well known as the j
most liberal Music House to deal with. !
Prices are always low, terms easy and
goods equal if not superior to any in the fj
market. Every instrument is thorough- S
ly guaranteed. g
Pianos are a few of the many beautiful g
and celebrated instruments that can ' al- g
ways be found in stock. j
Special bargains can be secured here g
almost every day in the week on Pianos g
and Organs that have either been re- g
turned or left on sale by parties leaving g
the city. You can often secure a $350 or g
$400 Piano for less than half that amount &
Knio-hts of
Annual Outing to Harvey's Lake
V .a l.mial linlioad of New Jersey ami 1-hiRli Vallev Tr.un li iim ,terte ( cn'ral
ilepnt rt k.iuanna avenue, at 8. SO a. in. pcll! tram leaif Jervi ilepnt
,11 I 0 p 111 nm 1 lor Like
Bauer's Orchestra Will Be in Attendance.
T'i kci wul lie s.dil f.Tlii f..r jHii'N and 71 renu 'nr .luldr-n. and nu; lie preeureil
fr ni aio nii'iiilii r nf I'n 1 un. il, m al ilipot the 111.. mini; nf Hie e. uim -n
Finral S'lmmer II iel in Nnrllieislern Prnnvjl
inula, lintel h.n ki r.ut Delaware,
and Weetern train it I'ailorwllle. I.e.mns
Scranton V 11. tn. and 4 p. 111. Write for rate.),
iIl J. W. Moore, Prop
Schedule in Effect June !i, 1001.
Trains leave Scnfnton:
0.45 n. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Tullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsville; stops nt principal in
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Hnrrlsburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and the
0.38 a. m., week days, fr.' Sunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more. Washington and Pittsburg
nnd the West.
18 p. m week days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington nnd Pittsburg and
the West.
3.33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from wuKes-uarre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches toFhiladelphia viaPotts
ville. Stops nt principal inter
mediate stations.
4.27 p. in., week days, for Hazleton,
Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
.1 II. lU'Tiiltvnv. nm ir.
,1 11. WOOII. On. I'a Nst.
Central Hailroad of Now Jersey.
Slatinim in Nw Inik-I'oot of I.iIihi) it.
It., and Smith r'env.
Tivii: tviii.i: in i:l'ri:cr .ii'M' .;o. vn
Tiain leave Sirantnn for New Voik. Nevv.nk,
liiralirlh. I'lillailelpliia, La-Ion. Hitlileliein, l
leiilnvvn. Vlamli I'liuiik and While linen, at ..-,
a. in.', expiem. 1.10, e.spieJ, p. in. Sun
Vor Pitiaton ainl W ill.e Bane, li a. in ; t 10 siinda).. '-Mo p ni.
l'nr llalllmoie and vahliujt'iii and poinia
South and We.t via llelhleheiii, '..i a. in., 1 Id
and 4.1" !' " Sunda.v . i.15 p. in.
l'or Jem Hranili. Oiean fiiove. t,. , at g.jj
a in. (IIiioiikIi roaih), ami 1. 10 in.
l'or lteadinif, Lelianon ami llariitlimir, via l
leiiluwn, S.1.1 a. in, and l.lo p. in Sumlava,
2.11 p. ni.
l'or Pottvllle, SSI a. tn., 1 10 p. in
Vnr Moimlaiii Talk, S j.i a. in., 1.10 a'll l.o)
Thronsli llikfN to all pnlnt eat, ioutli and
wilt at loweat rales nt tlm -tailon.
4'. VI. Ill I1T. Ion lm Vut.
J. II. Ol.ll M'SI'.N, (..'li Siipi.
Erie Kallroad, Wyoming nivlslon,
Tialt" for llivvley and Inlennedule piim !PAl0
Siianimi a follnvv.: No. ', 7.10 a in : No. ,
8.W1 a .in.i No. fi, '."il p. in.! Nu. i, .'i-.'ii p. ,
No. 'J and ( lhrouirli liaint for New Vnrk'.-No. I, s IS a. in , No ;l, in .id n m ;
No. , .1.1.1 p. m. I N. ". 0.11 p in. Irjuii Noa.
5 and 7 aie throucli iraln. frmii New ork.
IVpailnren No. Oi, 0 a, in.; Nn. I;', -2 p. m,
ArrlvaU-.N'o. SI, 12.15 p. m. .No. 2J, 8.15 p. m.
Children's Tickets $2.
A grand thro day exiui'slon to Sara
toga Springs, Wednesday. September
4., over the 1). II. railroad from
Scranton, Wilkes-llarre, Ilonesdale and
Carbondale. Parties desiring to remain
three days extra can do so by paying
$1.00 exit, i to ticket agent at Saratoga.
Trains leave Willfs-Mane at 5.3.I a. in.
and oMiT p. in.: I'lttston .Vol a, in., and
3.21 p. in.: Scranton i;.20 a. in and 3..12
p. m.; Caiboudale 7 a. m and 1..T, p.m.
paily il.MCpt Sunua.vj Yu
Leave Scranton nt 8:55 n. m. for
Long Branch, Ocean Grove, As-
bury Park, Belmar, Spring
Lake, Sea Girt, fcc,
lleiiinniiB. Iiav I'"ini at 11 i j m ;
Spimu I iki. II li a in : lli'lniiir. II .Vi i m .
V-t.ini- I' nk ami lliean, I'll1, i i . ,,i
Iliamli, 1- !- p ni. Vnneil at ii.inmn ,n 7 1
p. in 'Iim will lie kipl up fnr Hie ruin. ravin,
e.pei ull) for ilie aieniiiinndaiion of uuiilii.. ,i
it Hill enatili' pasMiiicn r .tune aid leiain
lonifnrtaliU' nan ilurins tin; mute jouiniy.
liooms 1 antl'2, Com'lth B'l'd'g.
Hining and Blasting
M M Mooalo nd Ruib lit World.
Klcotrla llattsrlea. Rleotrlo KiploJtri.
zpioitloi blutvi, .Safety fait hi 1
Repauno Chemical Co.'s
II 1(111
Grand Atlantic Hotel no annex
irpinia Ave and Heaih, Atlantic City, N J.
Eixth iear, 3M biauiilui looms inmite, cingla
and with baili, hot and nld ea-vvaler batln
in hotel and auncv Loiaiion seleit ami leniral,
within livv jhi of the Stiel Pier Oulivntia.
tlftirs rpeiial tprlng rates, fli tn HI by vvrckj
J.'.M up by t-y- spevlal rate to families. Coachei
meet all tialni, VVilto tor booklet,
Specials from
Oar Hosiery and
Underwear Departments
V in"t riuip'.liil ir.ion'n crlllne in th! inrnl lMtr n witli nun.v odd Inl
or iMuiiir hlttli ruw linolfry JInl unacr.
wrar r 1ui Hitil the hrokrn ltt t.
Cdlifr mill rr" lidnw .1 i.ulUI lil of lhi
tiuny lMrc.ilii '(Irirrl. Tlip price rut l rtcp
mi'l Ri-iKinin. will x.iialp nimli nofiicd
pur fer'iiiir (.ill Uiik, ililly pillni: lip, nn 1
mike thl the lniiril lioMfiy deiuktment in
the iltv for lln iii-ii lew iljysi
At 19 Cents
One tot ni flue llk TinidieH lioo In ri'irn.
b. r nt liiml'Din" liail, with ,iiire4ter polk
iloti. mi I'xu'llcnt i'jc iuility. Now ltk. pair.
At 25 Cents
IjiIipV f,il W,ii I. nml ftjlnle. l,n,
Hi tin-l,n f ilie, 111.H00 jatn. In pljiti llli wlille feet, Mark well
Mime rule.. A ln.ilitileM value al ,.2jc pair
At 50 Cents
I .lille' l,i, e .1liil f-lIK rinliloiiliiril lio.e in
.ill tin. populji Milnl li,nle.. .11 oll at tin
nlll ilni'l.l.ll i nilimlilrliMl tll.4; the lieifint
am tm I nnrl pninli eoi uteil. IIhv aie tlm
lu'i v.ilue iiev iifliinl .il 50e pair
At 19 Cents
(titiW MlK rinlti 'hlnrtl iuir hjlf, .iN"nittiini 'f I'frtly doiKtn n1 rnnr
lniif, our Im t 1I.m U.ilil. Now .. llr ut
At 35 Cents
iiuit- I tl (lii .fl nnn-hilf hino in iJiil
1i.dli'4 tf ..ti-l unit ur.i.t , also rfrop htttrh,
Ui Mtul Milk nnlaonicrfH Ftlr, th? color
1 1 a . itr rflnhitl f,i.-i aiul -tain)fM jn-l aic
i h In't -H' hnc hliiin thU P4on.
Nn 3ir piir
At 42 Cents
l..iili,'-' l.i -lo tine nl aii'l (jiny ullk venlJ,
si iiiiliiil. iiuiti limn ilean, pure jarmj
the hi. i .' iiiilit) to tic found. Now .Ail
At 62y2 Cents
lliller quality I. idle.,' I.We thiead an4
fain v Mlk ien, hl nhhed; an Al 7.V
Rrade. New 621?!:
At 85 Cents
l.Mra Are nuilnv l.adirc,' I.Ule and
fun) i-llk fi-l: line Swi rthlied; they aie
Hie liet ilnllir quality we cirr offered.
Nnw Soo
Lackawanna Ave'
1 Lager
Mauuracturcrs rr
485 to 455
N. Ninth Stroot,
Telcphons Call, 2333.
General Agent for tlio VVyomlr.s Distiict for
Dupont's Powder
Minlns, nlatlnr, Sporlinff, SmokeleM anl tti
Itepauno ( heinical L'oinpany'i
Safely Fuse, f'api and LvplodeM. rtonm 101 Con
ned lluildin: .Scranton.
THOS. ronn
JOHN I! smith k -ON ....
... l'l)inoutli
in life l more often due to exhausted
nerve force than to lack nf capital,
Strong nerves nre the capital that
helps men cmipier condition.
When people loe their capital they
settowotk. toienainit
IV hen we Ice our nerve force we
otiRht to ieek it uieitis of Retting it
bark There is a way, certain nnd
feed the nerve, raaVInc; them steady
and stronKn steel.
Wc do not believe they can fall to
cure Nervous Deliilily nnd pii) lcal ex.
li.intlon;' why we. iRtee to refund
your money If six boxes do not cure
SI 00 per hox: fi boxe MOO. mailed
sernieiv seaieu uvnii rrccipi m pint
Hook free Vililrei. Pl'AI. .MKPICINE
Co.,-Clevelanil, Ohio.
Kor sale by John II I'hell", riiarnncUt, comer
Hjomins avenue and Spruce street
tu-M.TI5THi; .ami:.
OProUM Cf HEEL,"527 JtiJltfl
Jl tiurrk. tiimriilMiln rwr Uih; nitll I'rlftUt
A ,tiL IMii-iur t tfr, 4hm, llUtvl I'iiUar. Rrtout,
(Vnl lti'hllHjilo( HBhw'l,iirlrlAilri)Mrnft
l Njjyfl3 tul linn I nrloirlnprntTilt V Khruf.ii Orfttit,
tjf7-.lT7VTr1rJ 4l.irly.IMpr(iMlf0Mni
!boplUltprrknrtlrifriiir"'l furiSAuV Truth '!
luxlnii tntrf ifdll lfftrctfrii1. 1iwll tn ihUpKpr.
t lTl" -- -- Il4
' 4