The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 28, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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L. Goodman, of Plttston, nnd Ir
win Kline, of Scranton, Aro
Special to the Scranton Tribune
PIttston, AuRtlt 27.-Tlif famous
l.lly Like hnom wlilrh tint born the
Mlbjpet nf much iicnftMior cnininclit
nml not a little litigation. Iind n po'W
yeMerrlny In sovpi.iI Milt and conn
ter'ults rif-fcirp AluVnniiti l.oftti. lin
Hoyd rhlm.Oio own thr rreattr pnit
of Lily I.nkp. Slnrum tnu ns-hlt'. nnd a
few ypiiis npn erectorl n boom orrops
thr lake. A Ow Wkfk npo. I.. Onod
innn a rp.rpftrd resident of William
turret, thlit t It y. nnd who has n cottapo
t the. lake, entertained as hlf Knott,
Irwin Kline, a Srranton jotinc man.
Kline went out on the lake for a boat
TlinuRht!ojMy or Innocently, rowed
n rops the boom to the portion of the
libe claimed to be owned bv Hoyd. The
Litter siw him. nnd, potting Into a
boHt. rowed out to the lake, and Jump
ing Into KlIne'H boat, a5.uilted him.
Kline-reported tho mntter to Mr. Oonrl
man, and tho latter then, pecurlnp a
revolver, entered tlt boat and visited
the Fame spot In the lake hl gueot
had. noytl poon pled Mr. Ooodman
and came nt him with a .nll boat, but
the latter kept Hojd at a distance by
flourlfding the firearm. Hoyd then had
fioodmnn ane.otcil for pointlnp a fli e
nrm, and tin latter in turn had Royd
aliened for ns--aultlng Kline. The
litter case came oft before Alderman
Loftus hete thl ntlertioon.
After Hoyd had six en ball, he had a
eounterutt entered against Goodman
an 1 Kllno charclnp them both wth
pointlnp n lovoher. Later he was
opaln nnested charged with perjury,
and mndn nn nllldavlt to the enYrt
that Kline had not pointed the re-ic-Hor
at him. He was held for bail,
and after furnishing the required bonds
announced he had another milt te.idy
fnt hN opponent charplnp them with
false arret-t, hut before he could carry
out his Intention ho recflved a me?
Mge from home announcing that one
of his nons had fallen from a hay mow
.ind had broken a log Hoyd Ininiedl left for honn . and the cases came
to a sudden end.
Speclsl to the Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, Aup. 27 Mrs.
Klupe and daughter Anna, of
York, who hae been the guests of
Mr nnd Mrs. Patrick, the past three
weeks, leturned home, on Saturday.
William H. rr.illrk, of Wyoming,
visited filendi at this place
Charles P McKown and family nre
spending pometlme with funds at Iake
At the Denioeiatle convention held
at the court houui on Monday after
noon, the follow ng ticket was nomin
ated: 1'or county treasurer, Orlllln K.
Potter, of West Nicholson; district at
torney, Chaileo M. Lee, of Tunkhan
nock. Tho conentlon was called to
order bv County Chairman A. Hi own.
rf Tunkhannock, nnd I) W. Ptark, of
Tunkhannock. chosen as chairman.
Tor office of county tientner, the fol
low Inp names were presented, viz.
Turman S V.uiphan, of Noith Hraneh.
fjeorpe W. Pecker, of Mehoopany, C
W Aruts. of Noxen and (itlflln 15
Potter, of Wet Nicholson, on the
f-e, ond ballot Mr. Potter iccelved a
majority of the votes, and was de-
lared nominated. The nomination of
Charles M. Lee, os-o... for district at
torney, was made by acclamation.
Mr.". Jamoi Lehr. of naMnn Is vllt
inp her mothet Mr. llvoline , Gear
hart, on Wan en street.
Mi.. Cluiiles Glenon nnd dauphter
Nellie, who hiue been i-Mtlng Mr. and
Mrs James Day, on Second street,
returned home on Saturday.
Mrt. Maiy Shoildin nnd Miss Mary
t'onnell. spent Sunday with friends
in the valley.
Miss Mary ami Josephine Hojce who
has been spending their two weeks
vacation with their parents at this
plare, 1 etui lied to Scranton on Mon
day. Tho funeral of tho late Mis Hen
Jamln Rtown took plare at her lato
residence on Hrldge street, on Mon
day at 2 3" p m. Tho remains were
given burial In Sunnyslde crmeteiy
Jerome Hemlnpton, nn nped resident
of this town, died nt his home on
Macomb stieet, on Monday mornlnp.
The cause nf his death was penernl
debility, resultlnp from old ape.
C M. Parker, M. L. McMllhn. nnd
M K. Walker, three loading Democrats
from Nicholson, were In attendance
at the county convention on Monday
The funeral of Jerome n Remlnpton
will take place at the icsldence on
Macomb street today nt 1 p. m , with
interment at Russell Hill cemetery.
The services at the Brave will be in
charge ot Temple lodge. V. and A. M.,
of which ho was the oldest member.
Ppffial to the Bcranton Tribune.
Forest City. Aug. 21 D. R. Rramnn
Is spending a month In the West. .Most
of the time will be spent at Hot
Springs. Aik.
J. S. Johnson nnd wife are vlsitlnc
In New Yoik c lt
J F. AVellhrock, T. P. McCormlck, W.
Hullah and Nat Dearie are the dele
gates elected to the Democratic county
convention, which meets today.
The Greek Catholic chuich will run
an excursion to Mountain P.irk nn
Thursday. H will probably bo a large
Kenneth, tho Infant mm nt Mr. nnd
Mis. William Rurdlck, died of cholera
Infantum on Monday morning. The
funeral took place at 2 o'clock today,
Rev. C. A. Spauldlng officiating. In
terment was mado In HllKlde cetne.
13. A. Wakefield" Is now handling the
rlbbonH over Morgan & Co.'s team,
vice Cdward McKeinnn, resigned
Mrs. Charles Marhnjl nnd daughter,
Bertha, of Scranton, have been guesto
at tho home of Louis Revnn the past
Dr. O. T. McGulre. nnd wlfo aro home
from a week's stay at Buffalo.
D. B Harris returned today from a
tn days trip to Buffalo nnd Lake
Pter Peelnf Catasauqua, Pa., Is
visiting his mother.
A C"imp of the Woodmen of the
World "'as been organlred In Forest
ritv. Jhrkugh tho efforts of Deputy A.
I. Gitrney of Carbondalc The new
officer, will be Installed September 0,
In the Odd fellows' hall,
Patrick Morrison, one of Carbondale's
well-known characters, has been look
Inp for wotk In Forest City this week.
T C. Mnriser nnd 11 F Aldrlrh, dur
Inp their stay at Atlantic City, did
some sea flshltip nnd capluted a couple
of shnrks
Tho labor organization" will partici
pate In the big paiade In Carbondalo
on Tuesday.
Serial to the Scranton Tribnn.
Montrose, Aup. 27. Thp Democracy
of Susquehanna county met In conven
tion at the court house In this place
today The weather was Ideal and
tpnded to attract a larger attendance
than would have been under less fa
voiable circumstances'. As It was,
Can you draw an athlete, perfectly
there were piesent hut little more than
half the number of delegates required
to make a full conientlon. Out of a
total of tor, there were ."S In attendance
The amount of enthusiasm exhibited
was veiy mhdest in quantity, but
this is not sutpilslng In view of the
utter hopelessness of the Democratic
cause In the county.
The delegates got together this morn
ing nt 11 30 nnd In the unavoidable ab
sence of County Chairman John M.
Kell, were called to order by Miller S.
Allen. The uual committees were ap
pointed and the convention then ad
journed for dinner.
At 2 o'clock the delegates assem
bled, but there was a long wait be
fore tho committees were ready to re
port. Roger S. Searle, of Montrose, was
made chairman, and J. O'Callahan. of
Susquehanna. K. L. Aldrlch, of New
Mexico, nnd L. S. Kly, of Brooklyn,
weie tho secretaiies.
The vice presidents, were Charles
Tun ell. nf Liberty, J. A Tlnklepaugh,
of Arniat. Frank Powers, of Lenox,
William Woodruff, ot Harmony, nnd
C. C. Burr, of Forest Lake.
When Chairman Searle asked for
nomination for the olllce of dlstilct
attorney, Mr. Woodruff, from Lanes
boro, suggested the name of John D.
Miller, of Thompson, a lawyer of ac
knowledged ability, who made a losing
tight for the state senate agaljist Audi
tor General Hardenbergh a few yeais
ago, Theie was no other name pre
sented nnd by motion the secretary
was Instructed to cast a ballot for Mr.
Miller, and as that gentleman was not
In town and therefore could not de
cline ,tho empty honor, he was de
clared the nominee of the party for dis
trict attorney.
J. C. Wheaton, of Franklin, was In
like unanimous manner made the can
didate for county surveyor. Mr. Whea
ton, like Mr. Miller, was not In town
nnd his wishes In tho matter could not
be consulted.
The mort attractive featuie of the
convention was a vigorous and earnest
speech by Miller S. Allen, In which he
very frankly urged that If dissatisfied
Republicans, In county and stato, could
be Induced to aid the Democrats this
ear In sufficient numbers to accom
plish Republican defeat, It would pae
the way for the election of a Demo
cratic governor next year.
Chairman Searle mado a brief speech
In a similar vein nnd predicted dire
disaster to the Republican party.
After providing for the filling of va
cineles on the ticket (that nre very
likely to occur) the annual assemblage
of Susqueh'anna county Democrats ad
journed with a due and fitting solemn
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Factoryvllle, Aug. 2ii. Mrs. Bailey
of Prohibition Park, Staten Island, N.
V., delivered an address In the Metho
dist church last Sunday morning, nnd
In the ovenlng sho spoke to a large
nudlenco at the union temperance ser
li'0 In the Baptist church on the sub
ject, "Homo or Suloon; Which?" Miss
Bailey Is a ery earnest and tlnquent
worker In the tempermte cause.
The Misses Long of Scranton, favor
ed the congregation at the Baptist
church Sunday morning and evening
with a violin and vocal solos that were
well rendered and much apprecnted.
The remains of tho lato Mrs. William
Wrlgley, of Scranton were brought
here last Saturday and lntered In
Evergiecn cemetery.
Mrs. Georffe Crlstnan left last Mon
day for a visit v.Ith friends at Nowark,
N. T.
Mr John N. Capwcll of Scranton,
was a caller In town last Sunday.
Mr, W. C. Wrlsl&y apent Sunday In
Cnsssnovlt, N. Y.
Miss Mary Hoyt of Blnghamton Is
the guost of her sister Mrs. Amzl Mil
lard. Mr. Charles Braytnn and son of
Rhode l3land, spent Sunday with their
uncle Mr. T. W. Brayton.
The Gardner family will hold their
annual picnlo In the grove of A. J.
Oirdiifr next Friday,
The Masonic lodge of this place with
their wives will picnlo at the Academy
grove, Wednesday the 28.
. a. Brown Is in Oil ciiy attending
the field flay exercises of the Patriarch
Mlltltants of western Pennsylvania,
nnd the conferring of the decoration
of chivalry.
FpfcUl to the Scranton Tribune.
Thompson, Aug. 27. The first born
to Mr. and rMrs. Hnrry Croslor was i
sun, on the tr.ornlnir of August 21 Up
wriphed twelve pounds.
Mis. v. iWihn Datr and dnuphior
Gertie, of Frecsoll. Mich., have been
the puests of their nunt, Mis. H. F.
Uarnes, for n few days.
Rev. A. V. David was called to Mos
cow for n funeral Sunday.
Mrs. C. M. Rlpelow, of Haines, re
turned to her homo yesterday nfter a
pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs N,
J. Monroe,
Rev. Hell, of Preston, was n
caller In town last week.
The Gelatt patherlnB will be held
Thursday of this week In the Grand
Army hall In Thompson, nnd the Wall
patherlnK will take place at John Leon
ard's. Poyntelle. August 30.
C M. Lewis and wife have driven to
White's valley this afternoon.
The Sunday gathering at the camp
giound was large, as It Is sure to be
wheneer such meetings are held. The
crowd was very orderly for such a
proportioned, covering these five dots?
gathering. Nevertheless history re
peated Itself In this regard, "When tho
sons of God came to present them
selves before the Loid, Satnn enmo
also among them " The preaching was
grand and scriptural, as It has been
all through the meetings, and the Inter
est among tne campeis is increasing.
Four of the preachers' sons are said
to have been converted last night.
Stephen S Huhb.trd, of I'nlondale,
died Saturday evening, aged 34 yea is,
leaving a widow and five children, be
side a father and mother and many
other relatives, to mourn his early
death. He was born In the township
nnd had been actively engaged in tho
business nffnirs of our town from early
manhood. He was a bold' dealer and
fortune seemed to smile upon him. A
couple of years ago ho disposed of
most of his Interests here and bought
the grist mill at I'nlondale and beside
the work of that mill he did a whole
sale business In flour along the branch.
He had under way tho enlarging and
repairing of his mill when he was
stricken nnd stopped In his work.
Strange as It may seem, when he fell
sick he wanted to come back to his
tine home here, In which his parents
live. He came In spite of all that loe
and skill could do. The esteem in
rthlch he was held by his friends and
by the business men associated moi
or less closely with him was shown by
the many who came from far niief
near to attend his funeral, which was
held In the Free Baptist church. Just
across the way fiom his houe, yester
day afternoon. Rev. William Gould, of
Simon, Pa., preai hed the sermon n
timely one. A number of clergymen
were present, some of whom nsslsted
In the services. Interment was In the
Thompson cemetery.
American League.
At Boston (fllteen lnnins) - Ft
Detroit .loooooooo a noon o-i
Boston .ninnooooonoono 12 ; 1
Batteries- Miller and MrAltirter; Young and
CriRcr. Umpire Cantlllon.
t Baltimore fll inning- B II n.
Milwaukee .... 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 n 0 1-S in t
Baltimore . . nosnonoiOO 1-v 7 fi
Bjtteries eplrl.s and Maloney; Foremii mil
BoWnon 1,'mptre Sheridan, Came called ac
count darkness.
U Philadelphia- I!, II.
Chicieo oonstinnn.j 0 3
Philadelphia 0 2 I 1 0 2 l 1 -7 II 1
Batteries Callahan and MillWiuj lieinbard
111 J Powers. Umpire Connolly.
At Wa-hineton- T H F,
Oleceland 0 n 0 0 0 0 1) o ru-o ; 3
WashlnBtnn 10 10 0 0000-1 M 0
llaltirlc Mocre and Connor; PittJii aid
Clark. Umpire Petts.
National League.
At Philadelphia (Brtt came)- It H
New York 0 0 0 0 I ,) 1 0 0-J 10
Phlladelphli .3 1 n 0 n n 0 1 0-.1 (J
Batteries llirmnin and Warier; Orl'i
Jacklitz. Uniptro Pjci
At Philadelphia (second (tame) R H, E.
New York 000 2 000 0,1-3 11 3
Phlladelphli 102 000 0 J 0-4 4 1
Batteries Tavlor, Fmlth and Warner; Duggle.
by and MrFarland. Umpire Buyer.
.t Brooklyn (first came) n II F
Br-stun .. ..2 1000000000 03 10 1
Brnokbr 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 t 0 0 0 1 I 8 2
Halterle-!)ineen and Moran, llughea and
Forrell Umpire F.mslle.
t Brook n (second catne) It.
Boton onoonoooo 0
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 3
Batterlciw-Pittlnirer and Kltlridue;
II. F.
0 1
s 1
and rarrell umpire r.nuue.
At Plttiburfr n. II
St. Imis inonnoooo-i j
Pittiimnt 3iono2 10x-7 11
Batterles-Ilarrer and Byan; Tannehill and
Yeacer. Umpire O'pay.
At Chicago It. H E.
Cincinnati 1 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 7 1
Chicago 00 000 00 03-3 6 3
Batteries Suthoff and Bergen; Taclor and
Kllng, Umpire Brown.
Eastern League.
Hartford, 0; Buffalo, 4
Rochester, , Brockton, 0,
Worcester, 0; Toronto, 10.
Wall Stroet Rerlew.
Voir York, Aut; 27 Prices el utotk were top.
pled ocr todn .iml tln recently prrtillins; bull
motement apparcnth came to an end The hesl
tallnc tone nhlth ,leelopcil jralenhy lonilniicd
tlil inoinlne. flor tho llrt reicfton In ,nlios
tticnuoui elTorl were nurto to i lin k tho reac
tion which mot llh ileitirc of nmcrj" Hie
iharaitor ot the Imjirx In M Paul wnt linjc
IntluciKO In Hie tcinporar) upturn t( tho nurkii.
Vciy lame imnmit. o( lliUnlxk er tflki n l
In I (re eiippoK'il ti) net for the ciu'lli of linir.
cli-ra l,kh his been foremot In InrurJIr: tn
nti for tho roinniunltv of lntcret l.i mini I
ownernhlp. OptialloiK toward nippottlnc he
maiVet elsenhfto were attributed to the meet
ronplcuous operator In the meet and th ippir
ent fnnflderre with whlih llipy wore londiiclod
sencil to Intimldale the prnfetonal opeialors
of a eiiDller cU who uere Inclined to take 4
hearieh view of the market. Hut 'vhen tliU iat
lr claim detected the iUimtilt4n nf ths ojt'lde
billing through comnilwlon loni mil feme
evidence r.f profll takintc by the lon they of
fered prlfe don boldly and liy neoc,rln Hep
jo ordeni dltlodeed erv heay oflerlnpi under
which the market broke bidly With the down
ward tendency establlMiet, ihe trader cvj i
pewlmlUo twlet to tlie current ne, a la
their wont. There wai, honeer, little ncwi to
account for the courae of the market The In
ference was clearly jnMlflc-J that the Puvtnjt and
bidding up of tmka for xn weekji piat repf
eented an experiment by atoek market upe-Miri
who hoped to attract a eutflclent jutu li? Inter.
eet by this meana to make an active bull tyteu
latlon. Total fale, ..1.4fl0 hare.
The nllroid bonl market Vintlnue-l ejulte ,
the. but turned weak In t-mpthy with to(k
Central of C.ennrlt Kiues wire etronx on the
decliratlnn of tho full IntcicM on the firvt In
comes which rov? SU, and the third incomes,
3S. Totat files, par alue, l.ri.1,0Ol U. S.
bond were all uncnanged on thj last call.
The followlrs Quotations are furnished ThJ
Tribune by M. S Jordan A Co , rooms 701-7O0
Hears building;, Scranton, P Telephone S0O3:
Open. IliKh- Low- Clos
Iny. est. est infr.
American ?usar 1S7 137'i IMI4 15'.H
Atchison rfl'l M. 77S 78
Atchison. IT l'i '"H "T'-j M
Brook. Traction 7rt'4 7M 7.Vi 75-4
Halt k Ohio 10St lViit imi, PO-s
Che. . Ohio 174 l 4v4 'a
Chic A Ot. Wist 31 21 22'4 224
t. Paul 1"7 IfiMk, 1W.S HI",
Bock Ward lit If. Ill U'
Kan A- Tex . Pr " 117 V, M
Louis K VaOi 10VH IOIU 104 10114
Man rielod .. . 120i I2IH llft'i W
Met Traillon 157U 11,7', K,7'i l.'l
Ml-so Pacifto Wi 10i(, 101 10,1
southern Pieifle nlNi IP. f.'H. ftii
Norfolk k Wrst f-7l, B7'. Vi M
S Central Ill 111'. Vh l"'l'4
Ont k We.tern Sfl; V RV,; .1M
Prnna B H 1171, II", 1t7 147
IMrir.p Mill t2 II 42 42
Beadlne n n bl v; r. 4V;
Heading. Pr '' " 7fi 7fli
Southern II B 3.1 -It's R-l S3
Southern. IT "-'i '-S S71i M
Torn Coil k Iron . . fi7'fc f.7'1 K fil'i
C s .l.eitlfr ll ll' US, UN
C ! Leather, IT .. AM'; 1 K S2ij
V Ullblier '-'0 -JO 30 30
Union Pacini- 10tJ lni'4 imn 101
Union Pailflc. Pr ... oia4 p; it, pi,
Waha.h, IT . . .. 11 42 4os. 41
Western Union ni 'Hi; fti 01
Col ruel . Iron os o 0714 1,71 j
11nl. Copper 120 1i; nm 11
People's Ca 112'. 1I1U 112 1U'4
Irie 41U 41' V 41'i 41
Ine, lt 7m 7l'j fil't 7'
Col So 11 11'. I.M-i U.'i
Trxis Paiifle . ... 41 41U 41 41
m Cjr Foundrv . .. 11 31 11 .11
U. S steel C ... 41'J rM, IIU 41
U S Steel, Pr . . fil'i Dl'l 'i 01
Open- High- low. Clo.
WI1F.XT Ins -t et Ine
Vptemrw-r 71' i 71 71 7i
December 70 774 Trt'ji 77l,
( oris
'eptemher M fK14 .10 M
ncrembcr 11 "0 si m
Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
'on Par of 100.
STOCK' Bid Asked.
Lackawanni DilrvCo. Pr fi)
County Salns Ilink k Trust Co.. SM
First Natlonil Bink (Cubondile) 3-(
Standard rirllllnir Co jo
Third Nillonal Bank 4-0
Dune I)epolt and Duonunt Bink.. 27S
i:conom l.lnlit. II - P. Co 45
Flrt National Bink 1iV)
l.aeka Tiut Site lepot Co r,n
Cliik k iver 'o, Pr 105
N-ranton Iron Fence Ar Mfar Co jo,)
Stnnton xte Works 95
irmton Suinss Bink 40t
Tiadei' Natl, nil Bank 175
Srrantnn Holt . N'ut Co jot
People's Bank U5
Sew Mexico II. (' Co ;5
Fcrinton Piwencer IUIla, flrt
Mortitace. due 1'ijn 115
People's street Biiluay, f rt mort-
Cjeo. due iniS 115
People's Street Railuiy, Oeneral
mortcace, duo 1021 115
Dickion Minufaotmlne Co in,!
lacks. Tocnhlp School S per rent. ... 102
Cltv of Scranton M. Imp 6 r
cent 102
Scranton Traction fi per rent 115
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II O Dile, 27 Lackawaniu Ac )
Beans Per bushel, choice marrow, $2 00a2 63.
Butter Freeh creamery, 2U22c. ; dairy, flesh,
Cheee Full cremi, IWallr
Fees W etern frcth, 11'iJlfl; nearby state,
Medium Beans Per bushel, 2 TO
Oreen Teas Per buhcl, l 40al 41
Flour Best pitent, per binrl, f4 45.
Beans-Per bushel, choice nunow, $.1.10.
Potatoea Per hu-hel Mil in
Philadelphia Grain nnd Produce.
Philadelphia. Aiw 27 Wheat-Firm, ,r.
hlchei, roiuraet trade, suir , 7.1'ia7.1Wo Co-n
Mrons, 1r Msliei . So. 2 mlxc-d. Auz , .l-'j
alio Oats-Pull, No 2 hlle clipped, 42aP"-j
Proc-lxions-Unchsneed Wool Unehanced Hur
ler Quiet, hut stead , fine uctcin creamen,
Jii'jc ; do neirb prints, 2"c L'kb Firm,
Rood demand, fresh nearby. lc s do etein,
l?o i do. southwestern, ItV , d eouthem, lo.
Cheese I'm hanted Htfimd suears -Quiet, but
steadv. Cotton-Meidv Tallow rimi, fxir e'e-
mancl; CUV pnnie in nnu , oc , cnunir.v 11 .
do , bbls , 4o ; cakes, f)i1'sc. Lie poidtry
Hrm. fowls, in'je ; old roosters, 6'ji7- ;
sprinir ehiekens, 12iHc j ducks, OiKV. Dre-seil
poultry Firm; fowls, hiKher; fowls, choice,
llr , eh fair to iroxl, lniimjo.; old roosters.
fiUo i broilers, neaiby, 12al7c. werterndo, 11
Bccelpts Flfur. 2,nnn bariols, and S,02S,nV)
nniiml. in ti, l- wheat, fviono bushels, nats.
H.ftffl bushels Shipments Wheat, 110,010
bushels! oits, ln.nno bushels.
New York Grain nnd Produce.
Vew VnrV, uir 27 Flour Quiet but steadier.
t heat Spot firm, No 2 red, 77c f o h arloitj
'o. 2 red, 7.1o. eleator, No, 1 northern Hub
nth, 7s'!- f o. b afloat i No. 1 hard Puliith,
CUio. f o b afloat. Options closed firm at
ia'io net adianee; Sept. rlosul, 75i".J Oct ,
75o i Vee , 77'iP. Corn Spot stic-ng; No.
I, fHe eleiator, and 61c f. o n. nfloat.
Options clowd stronu at lWalo net adiancc.
September closed (Wle ! Deo , fitc. Oats
Spot firmer, No. 2, 3S'jo : No J, 3"e - v 2
whilp, 4Ia4l'to : No . white, 4(V- track mised
neetein, S'ntdc j track white, .TsiITi- Options
firm all di with corn Butter Quiet and baiely
steady! creamery, lfta2"i ; factory, .Tnno ruck
ed, it"jalJ'sC i Imitation creamer-, 14al7o ,
tati dairy, Halfo. Clieeae Ihill and weak,
fancy larire colored, Mac i fancy largo white,
fHia9c. ; fancy small colored, PSa9c ; fancy
small white, !!aP-5e. Firfra Firm, state and
Pcnna , I'aCn,- ; western, uncandled, Hal7c ,
wesurn candled, 17al7ljc
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chuaso, Aus 27 -Cattle Receipts, 8,5on. In
cludlnit M Texana and I.fs westerns; nalliea
and Texans generally steady; westerns, slow;
good to ptlmo steers, $.1 .Vkifi so, poor to med
ium, (UH0a6.25; stockers and feeders, weak, ex
cept choice, $2 2Sa4 23; cow, $2 31a.23; three
cars extraj, $1 63, heifers, $2 4Vit 73, carmen,
alow, $1 23a2 30; bulls, tteadv, K lit 40; cahes,
steady to strona;, Jla.lS.l, Texas itr-ers, firm, H
SOOj Texas Brass steers, $,1.40a3 73; Texaa
bulls, western steers, tM71sl0.
Hng Receipts today, 2l,nnn, tomorrow, 32,
ono; estimated left over, 3,fAi, ehol-e, stead-,
others, weak; tops, $e 45; mixed and butchers,
t5.70aB.45; Rood to cholco heay, 3$3at3;
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Tlmn Four Lines, 3 Cents for Hach Ultra Line.
For Rent.
For Reeto
About 1200 feet of floor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
su'table for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
Thi: Tribune.
ion Ri:Nr-fl, hilf double house, steam heat
free l2i Marlcjn street
1011 I1KNT Sen ileinbli cmht room house-,
"11 1111 nriil, lliniH'rii, iiiiiiiuirtiu i.tii. ,...,...
1114 Itashlncton aienue
FOR RKNT-JlflOn-l louse on Itoek street, eluht
rooms, modern Inquire of (I. T Hils, 711
North Main sirnue.
FOR HKNT-Sinule n roem house In Palton. best
location In town, lice minutes to station,
nearli new house, and good water. Ap
ply to (! ( arlton. Ballon, Pa
FOR RF.NT Nine-room bouse in Oreen Ridce;
all conveniences, Jarco lot. Bent, $13 Ad
dress S n , Tribune.
1 OH Ri:sr right rooms, 713 Jcacrson avenue;
all modem conicnlences.
For Sale.
10R SILL 2 Berlin coaches In good condition.
(heap. Inquire F. A. Flnn, All Jcflersun
FOR -i l F Morse, top buspj, runabout wagon,
two seated sum, in tlri.t clas conii'ic 1 M
.1. Itallerty, 1211 Pittstnn annuo.
.Ilsr MII1IVI II with car load if horses, good
woikeis and drawers, weight from l.ltsi to
l.fnn Can be seen at .111 court. F.
M told,
Hilt s1 1: ( hc-jp, for want of 11-e, one second
hand Singer sewing machine in good condl
lion. V I. Meide, I7 ( miner annuo. Cm
lOlt SM.i: Two light spring wagons and some
hatnew, cheap. Leans, rear 11.12 Lureino
street N-
101! SM.i: Car loid of draclrg and draught
horws and good family horses. H2 224 Ojk
ford court. J. M Field
iOH .SM.I A Cottrell k Sons cylinder press.
.m, in gomi conilltlon, new rollers, sj
Apply Wilkes Birre Times Offlie, Wilkes Barre,
Itenl Estate.
FOR SILL Lugo firm, with good pring waicr.
horse-, ciitlc crop-, loois mil ill l, longing
on a farm M lliillois, Bnx 31, llawle. Pa.
1011 SM.I. llou-e and lot at Clenburn, Pa,
comenlenl to II , I, (V station, tine fruit
and gudeu Wilte or call Mrs, I'rink I. Hall,
Oleiihuin, Pa
Money to Loan.
$V) tn !0,0i)0 IT ONf i:-4 and 3 per cent. In
tercst La- terms lo icpa. Ueorgc W
Okell, Coal Exchange building.
ISJO.WX TO LOAN lowest rates: straight or
monll ly pamcntx. Slark k CoTraders' bldi.
stralgll leans or Building and Loan At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
311 115 fonnell building
Business Opportunity.
Ml TICK to Alius men ind Imcstors Cnmpjii
ih" toiming for the initiuf leture of Ihe
best .idiertlsing noicp mi iIih market The
Needle and Threnl I Hindu I heck, .l.OOO.Oii)
ought to be sold 111 Ne. ..i k iln Come and
si e simplrs and subsiub, ! -1 n k, I0 up.
We neeil salcMmn. Coiuilis i.jI estate wftices.
Uime building
INTI'D Two or tbire tlumsind dnllirs cisli
flsistjn e cpirineulnp 01 otherwise) to In
nodse 1 mint infill aiinliinerv business, located
In vi.inio-i, with eery proHUble prospects.
I ommunic (lions Heated i-lricilv eonfiilentlal, ref
denies ei hinged Address Buslne-y, Tribune
MR 11 Kl Tn the piemfMs of llr Van Mi kie,
oliphmt, 1 light red isiw Owner can hue
the same by panng damages and prosing prop
el t .
Mlllt K ! IIERI 111 t.lVl.V Ihu an applirathn
will lo nude to the governor of Pennsvhinn
on lliursdii. "eptcmbei 12th, l'sll, by T. I lui
lir. R ,1 Fo.ter, II II Liwall, .1 k (.illHlli,
W. L. Coniu'll, T II WatkiiH, Stanley P. Mini.
Thenus 1-i-lnr nnd lliid Cottle, under the ait
of awmhld rntitled ' n ait tn prmlde for the
incoipni ition and nculinon of certain corpora
tions." aproied pril 2'iih, h7l. and the supple
ments ind atiifiiilfiunts theielo, for the clnrler
of an Intended mrprritlnn to be called the "In
teinationil ( nnppcni lemo S( bonis. ' the charac
ter end object o' wliuh is tu istibliiili courts of
studi, and gie mstrui fon thciein, bv corres
poii'lcnce and olherwisp, to such persons as inav
clelrc it, in imlhematic", phi-sics, the arts and
fciemes, FnglUli and for.ign languages, and In
all MibircUs constituting a technieil, vlentidc ,
clatslial, or nudemli education, and In giant
diplomas or certificates nt piohclency lo tho.
who lnll fimi'-.-fiilli coniplrlc I ho prcsnibrd
iriuscs of studi, and for these purposes to hue,
prMo's, and ein-n all tin rights, benefits ami
pruilege of said Vet nf embly and suppl--mcnls
and aiueiuhneuts thereto
UII LARD. IVMilllA k hN M'P.
Sennton, Pa , Aug 21, U)l
THE ANNUAL MEETINO of the stockholder of
Tho "ioianlon Forging Company, for the elec
tion of directors and trnn-mtlnn of other hud.
ness will Ik- held at the ofrtie of the companv in
the city of scranton on Wcdncsdav, Aug 2Sth
1001, at 3 o'clock p m
E. F ClIxMBERLIV, Secretary.
rough heiw, flfililfO, light, St53a.20, bulk
of sile. $.1 Klin 21
Sheep Receipts. 1.WI, sheep and lamhs,
good to choice, steidv, common lambs, weak,
(rood to choice wethi. $1 2Jal, (air ti choiic
mixed, t.ia1 tn, wei-tern sheep, JialO-l, v ear
lings, J.1 ClHt name lambs, $2 50a5 2i, western
lambs, l nal 11).
Chicago Grain nnd Produce.
Chicago, Aug 27 Corn wis the centre cf at
traction on the board of trade todav and prices
on tht cereal made an appre-ablo advamci.
December wheit closed 'jc higher, oats wrie
ls,p higher, but provisions rhsrl ur.ehinged to
7ijc lower ( ash quotations were ss follows.
Flour- triilv, Vo A spring wheat, fiaafO1,' ,
No red, 71u , No 2 corn, MVji ; No. 1 oats,
?.l'11.1i No 2 while, ,!7aJ7o ; No. 1
white, 3l,i17'no ; n 2 ne. Stall", 0 , fur
to choice malting barley, tV'sflZo ; No. 1 (lis
feed. ?1 fs, No 1 northwestern, ft 5i, prince
timothy seel, f.lSil; mess pork, J14 23il4"0,
lard, 1 7i:ai (O; short ribs, !i25i45, dry
salted shoulders, l4a7iso , Unit clear sides,
fseUasOO, whiskey, 1 30
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Fart ' iflab, Aujj 27 -Catlle OtTerlngs, 4
rars. cvlt tn n , inedlum spring iteeis,
Jl'io, fair fit mm, .1a3 2i; veals, f7 n
Hogs Receipts, 4 cir, steady lit vest'r lay's
closing, mixed, $n 10; pigs, JSKalOO, few,
fn. roughs, Jl Vlil 70, stigs, Jl Wil 75
Sheep and lambs- Receipts, 5 cjrs; slow, 10
to lie loner for lamlw, tops, .ijniihii (air
tor good, SflbOaS.ll, culls and common. Mil ,"3,
sheep, steidv; mixed culls tn fair, ,l50a.l2J,
good, $.1 3.1a.) fiO; wethers, $ I HOa.1 ); yearling,
ifl ?Sa(; htavy export ewes, H2Ja3 30.
East Liberty Cattle.
Et Liberty. Aug 27 Call ,e steady , choice,
JSiWaWS, prime, 135aln; good, f3 10ai23,
Hoga Strong, prime heavy, $ lOactM; best
heavy jorkers ind assorted mediums, JrtSnalu,
light jorkers, HSi)io4'i, plgi. as to quality,
14a. 2n, skips, $1 73a5 Jrt; roughs, fl 25a3 S3,
sheep-Steady; best wetheis, Jl.lOal 25, culls
and common, $1 21a2,25, yearlings, fZ Mat 25;
veal calves, $6.50a7,
Help Wanted Male.
. s- ,r
VNTKI) Fifteen experienced woodsmen al nine
to 1 ut by da or contract. A, 11 lluhcri,
Ihtoop, Pa
II t'l I'll louiiit mm to act as bartender and
to nnko himself useful ,lhn Virhei, Bib
Ion lintel, (lid Foige.
1)01 WVNri'D M (Inen's, pawnbroker, In;
tickawinns iceinii', must hue expeilenio 111
cleaning around store, no other need ppl , H''d
NT') n ,xie-eiixd adii'illslng linn, must
.ilso liuo n sen'ril kiinwlnlge nf men Inn
ilise Call on or adduss Jonas long's Sins
WVNTKH-Kxperlen-ed man In msnaKi' our linn'
furnlshinjr deparlment Must also be rjxr lit
tied to buy tall 011 ur address .If.nas Long's sons
perlenred workman, nianl'd nun pief, ired,
sle.idi emplnimeut, bjuaiI wages. II. I. Loder
iek, I'll mouth, Pa
1 ANTKII-stnrdv joung man In work ill stole
with good chance ot advancement llmtni!
Tea Companv
Help Wnnted Female.
t ANTKIV-Middle aged woman as tonk mi
housekeeper; good wage- to right p, rvn
Ipply John Mither, Bab.vJon Hotel, Old Fmgi
(Mill, IllNlKII -For general housework, ppls
sc or, i.srneiu airni.e
t x.NIKI)- (llrl for geneial housework nt Hill m
Addiesa II T, ciro Tribune
WANTLII first class cook xppl to .Mr- I
L. Thomklns, 3.11 Mashlngton avnue
it Agents Wanted.
CANVsslls I adi or gentleman outside th
cll of s-erantnn can hiue a permanent agence
for the peifume pf the cenlur Pbcnomenxl
Mies Oocids In luge demind Fer.t1ilng fur
nlshed en credit Liber il arrangement with the
right party ddrei Tut ltoes," jfiih strut
and 6th aienue, Nev 01le
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any ot the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBERT SCIILttTZ. corner Mulberry
street and Webster avenue.
OUSTAV PICIILL. 650 Adams avenue.
West Side
CEORGE IV. JENKINS, 101 South Main
South Scrnnton
FRED L. TERITE, 729 Cedar avenut.
North Scranton
GEO. IV. DAVIS, comer North Main
avenue and Market street.
Green Ridge
CHARLES P. JONEB, 1317 Dickson
P J JOHN'S, 050 Green Ridge street
C. LORENZ. corner Washington ave
nue and Marlon street.
W. II. KNEITEL, 1017 Irving avenue.
WANri'll learns for work Call at N.irth Mem
avenue, a little above .lickson t-treet
Iposiolico. nv one who wants good dirt fur
filling c ill it mm pin e
WANTI'D-l large show cac Apply William
GlrTord, 1517 Diik-on avenue
MANTLD-rAn intelligent (Catholic) lady or gen
tleman to fill a light, pleasant position,
good pay, if suitable. Address P. O. Box 20,
Scranton, Pa.
Rooms and Board.
I Oil RENT Willi board, moms pleasintlv situ
.lied, newly papeied, fainted and furnWied.
Faurot bouse, lilfi Linden street
Boaiders Wanted.
WANTED Table boardcra. Mrs. Tompkins, 511
Washington avenue.
l.OVT Oflx hound bitih, bhek, white ind tun,
about one tear old, between Lake Scrantmi
and slmerson's' lintel Findei wjll be reward.d
for information or letum. Lewis l'ettiennan,
rear 2-'S Ninth street
lOL'ND - black rem , owner can have same bv
proving propeiiv and paunj ilimigcs l
ply Mrs. Swingle, Bunker Hill
Office 11I the- Cipitol Building Coiinnis-sion,
HairMmiB, lug. 21. 1 i
Ihe Coinnilinii iiiated lmi'er the Ait of
semblv jpiiiovcd the lMh div of lulv, II
l'll, fur the lonstriu tirm and nnipetin it Ihe
( apitol building and for other puipo-en, 1111 le
the architects of Pennsylvania lo submit I'lins
and i-piiihcaiions for Ihe 1 on-liui li.m, building
iii cnmplelion of the Mate Capinl at Usui
lung, tin biding 11 power, light and heat pl,nt
cd siitfiilent cipauty to atlsm ronlv iippl tho
ne-eds jid building us piuvideil bv the snd
v., t of s.einblv The building must be "I uf
11 lent sui to provule ample aKOinmoditlons f"r
the executive and depnlinental bunilus ot the
-lite government as well as the geneial
blv, lis officers and and tn inttcinli
the luiiire needs of Ihe state crrlain iiiinuut
if woik hiving alreidy been done, ronipcntoia
aie nuriclcd In a measuie to lertain nulllius
of exterior and interior, of all of which fus
Ihev will heifbv take noili-e
The entire cost nf the building lompbie, in
eluding all detentions, power, light and hen
plant, the removal rf the two depirlmental biu'd
iius now oniipiid tie the s-ocrrlarv of Internil
Irtairs and the seireiirv nf Igmnlture, .is pn
vided bv Ihe slid t of Assemble, anhiteils'
fees and the expenses of Ihe commission shall not
exceed the sum of at.nOOOnn, ns under no rlriuni
stances will extras be considered, ner will the
rnn mission aU for snv addllinnil appiopuiti 11
The building Is to be completed In all its puis
resell for oc-eiipancv on 01 befoir Ihe first tin f
Januarv liOsi, unless the condition of the nci
uiy justifies its earlier completion No plins in I
specifications from anhiteits resident ouisid. !
tlie slate will be received, ss the law provides
that the archilcvt "elected must be a ieldiiu of
Pcniisvlvanlc The exterior or outer wills if
the building are tn be of graniie of the h-i
quality, and in so fi as practicable ihe minor
decoration, flnn-li and stile of the mlunvxi u il
library at Washington will he t iken is 1 ivp ,
schrnie or model bv Ihe commission In piMing
upon tlie plans and sp-nfii ilium suhuiittiil
Ml pi ins and spei llli atlons nuist tie siahd ind
filed with the seen tare- In the ofrt. e of the mu
ml-lon at HairUhurg nn or before ihe SOth dav
of November. KOI, at i o'i loc k noon, at win II
hum thee will be opened hi Hie inuimiviinii
'Ihe irehilnt, who shill be Ihe autli r of t e
plans and spei Ith aliens adopted bv the lomni'
sioii, will he elected as nri Intei 1 to superv me
Ihe constitution and eompltiion of tne htiililing
the removal of the departmental buildups , e
ferrfd to and the liistallitlon of the power ligrt
and heat plinl, andslnll receive in full ininpeu
sition for his seivnes a uinmi.sinn in inml
ante with the schedules of lonimusions al ipi il
and reioinmendid bv Ihe Vmerlcan Institute of
Anhiteils for full prnfewlnnil seivires
The live aichilects pirsenling plans and spei I
ficatinnc tnnsldeied lit xt best in the opinion of
Ihe Cc mmUtion will each reteive the sum of
Ml drawings shall U one sixteenth si ale No
limit is placed upon the number of designs 10
be submitted by .inv competitor Ml unsuc cestui
plans and specifications will he leturneii in tneir
le.pectlve atlthrrs within a leasnnihle lime
Copies of the Act of lulv is, WW under whnh
this huilding Is in ho contructed cm be oh
talned by applltation to Idgar C Oeiwig, eite
tare- building commission, HarrUburg
The preient buildings ire open tn ths insp'c
Hon of competing architects Infoimstlon as to
pace for the different departments ran be ob
tained upon inquiry o the heids thereof Ihe
tight to reject anv and all pirns and specifica
tions U ifserved Bv order of the commission,
EDGAfl C. GERWIC, Secretary.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Thin Four Llnei, 0 Cents lor Uich Ultra Line,
Certified Public Accountant.
r.nwARo c. sPAi'i.m.Na, a traders BANi
build I nf,
LsUter.xchani!c Illdg., 128 Washington tve.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
nw,?;I: KI''KpKf-K". PAUL! BUILDING,
spruce atreet, Scranton.
Rooms 12, ij, i 41ld ij Uurr tutldintV.
tlated on real estate security. Mcars building,
corner Washington avenue and Spruce sire...
and counsellors at-Iaw. Uepublicao building,
Washington aienue.
!110 ' 'aw Commonwealth building, Rooitu
If. 20 and 21,
. .""W. Mh door, Mears bulldlne.
of Trade building, Scranton, Pa.
Bank building.
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
Ington avenue Residence, 1311 Mulberry
1 hrnnli disease, longs, heart, kldneya and
genlto'-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p m.
Hotels and Resturants.
avenue. Rates reasonable.
P. Zr.lOLER. Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the European
plan VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
cess pools; no odor; only Improved pump used.
A B. Briggs, proprietor. Iave orders 1100
North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor.
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones
erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green
houses, 1050 North Main avenue; store tele
phone, 762.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa . manufacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 213
Adams avenue.
1 elopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, lol
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
In Scranton at the news stands of Relsmin
Bros , 400 Spruce and 503 Linden; M. Norton.
(22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutier. 211
Spruce street.
Situations Wanted.
Sni'lTlilV N1Hi By young mm as book
keeper or aMetint in othee work, ha hai
several years' experience and cm give reference!
from fiiimer employ ers Addre-a .1 K , Tribune.
WANTLIl Will nine wealth) man gne a young
linrriid man a position where lie can get pro
motion, lmnn.t and truetvecrthc. V, A. W ,
sill ATION WVN1EII l"u go out by tho diy
washing or cleaning. .Mr. Rusel, 1210 Cc
dir avenue.
M 1 1' Tlt)V W UNTMl As coachman, white,
mained, white he can have Being apait
nicnts. 1 . A. W . Tribune Office.
Ml I'M ION' 11 lady of refinement,
with 1 little girl would like pontien at
hnuekei per for widower, or for small family.
I.-'O l court, it.v.
WANIHl position by voung man as sten
ographer, tn asit In book keeping and gen
eial cihie woik Addieisi J. C, 32'J Clay ave
nue, lluninore. Pa.
Mil llON' W VNIKD-Washlnc and Ironing to
d't at hi me by experienced liundrcv, hst
lifetimes'. Ichiro- only to Mrs. II. R., care o
fril Fnre-t cnutt
hiri IIION" W NTEII neat mlored girl, Jut
amveil in city, would like a situation at
genenl hoii-ewoik in small limily. Call or ad-ilre-s
' II," 3.11 l.iikawaiini avenue.
Sill MIOS WN1I,D lo S" out washing- ot
leaning Mrs Itus-ell, KIT ( edar avenue
Sill MION WSNTLII Washing and Ironing to
take home, utv tefeieine d lres only lo
Mis II 1 II , care of 12 Forest louit
SITCniON W'ANTKD-By a boy 1 years old;
good pimnan and can make himielf general
ly ii.efnl about office Address Robert lil.
Iiam-, I'th street, lllakely, Olyphant, Pa.
SlllMllON WVMKIl-lly reliable man at hotel
or resisurant or kitihen work or any other
similar emplovment. Addrts3 .1 Bernard, General
Delivere, (Hi
bl STATION' W 1M LD-llouse-cleanlng or any
kind of work, or washlne Or ironlnj. Mrs.
lee, 414 llallstead court
Will Ram lllz Monthly
Thelneeslor'sFundl'aysSeml monthlr.
The oldest etabhshed In America No certifleats
holder has ever lost a cent Payments made tu
nil subscribers every 15 days .No trouble Na
delay Money refunded on demand W'rita to
day for particulars, free to any address.
C. E, Mackry 4. Lo,, Hudson Bld'g . New York.
Vo own nnd offer at prices
yielding nearly Ilio per cent.
First Mortgage Sinking Fund
Denomination, $1,000.
BUtte Electric
of Butte. Mont.
Write (or special circular.
Rudolph Kleybolte & Co.
1 Nassau St., New York.