The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 28, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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He Wns r.itrollng Officer Hart's
Bent When Arrested, nnd Resisted
Vigorously When Taken in Tow.
Street Cnr nnd Upholstery Shop on
Fire Wnter Meter Vindicated.
McCnll Failed to Mnterlnllze Norl
Committed to Jnll Other News
Notes nnd Feisonnls.
Tt Is seldom tlint nni' mull 1m mme
thnn one or two cIiiu'rcs enieieel up
ncalnst 111 tn In tlio pnlleo ilncket, but
to have a linlf-dozen in quite n ll
tlnctinn, nnd to 1o let off cm p.i.vnie-nt
of a line of $10 Is I'onsldi'reel 1m Uy
under tlio 'itcuininnee.
The individual who thus elMln
pulsliecl himself .t Thomas Swee-nev,
of 1!M0 Jniliin stree-t win, was nr
icstecl ;it mi eatl hour eterdav
liiortilutr tiv r.ilfiiliniiii Unit The e Ir
climstniii cs III ( onn ' Hull with Hie imsp
voir 1'ithrr amiislnij. Unit Is on tin
Vct l.ieekiiwntiim ivi-nin- beat, and
while patiolltiR tin- nMiiiif In the vicin
ity of SIth stieet he henril tapping
on the sidewalk, -which nro usn.tllj
Riven by tlio ollli or n slmiaN.
At flit tlio piitrolnnm nnswcied the
r.ip ni ho usually doc, nnd n few min
utes Imor hcaid inp. These
moused lil-s su"plclein, nnd ho lx-cnn
nn Itn estimation. At tlio Intersection
of Wl Tsirknvvnnmi nonuo nnd Sltlh
fltreet. tlio olllier found Sweeney, who
vvns 'doltiR tho rapping vlth a n'Rii
lntlnn patrolman's club
"Hello, Jim." ald Sweeney, n. tlio
ofrirer approached him.
"Hello." mid Hart. "What are you
doing hero""
"Why, I'm n policeman." replied
"Is- thnt so?" Mid Hart.
"Ycp, .Ir," said Sweeney. "Ileio's my
club nnd revolver"
"You liad hotter come nlnnff with
mo." said Hart.
"Whcr to"" nskpil Sweeney.
"To the station house," answered
"Oh, no." .nld Swoonoy Indignantly.
"1 must he on my way, now."
nut the lcgulnily authorized pntiol
m.m was 1n charge of that boat, so he
started towards the station house with
Mr. Sweeney. The latter roIMod vig
orously nnd It was only nftor much
dlflleulty thnt ho was locked up.
Tlieic TAcis not room enoiiRh on thp
Bof and Almond Cream rrmorra
Tfdncsi ol thr skin and aoothta the
fain ot sunburn in one night. Take
a bottle with you on jour vacation.
ron sale riY o. w. jekkins.
doeket for the poller- magistrate to
enter nil the charge-", against Sweeney,
uhlrh uoro drunk imel dlsorelel ll".
currvlng concealed weapon?, resisting
nrrest. Impersonating nn oincer, unu
making threats.
At the hearing yeflterdny morning,
Sweeney explained thnt he wlii substi
tuting for the regular watchman who
elues duty on the "hill" district In the
ootilr.'it i'IIv nni! lind evidently Wtltl-
dereil nwny from llin post und went to
tho district where the sign "All dtlnks
r. cents" nttraets tho thirdly wanderer.
When .searched nt the police station
club, revolver nnd bottle of whMey
weip found on him.
He wni fined Jin. which he paid. The
police took chargo of the club nnd re
vohvr. nnd the whiskey wns pl.iced In
the sideboard, lter in the day the
police miit,Mtrnte Nsued nn order ill
rectlllK the pollfp to Klve Sweeney his
Kiiu nnd club, nnd he was on dtitv lat
lilV'ht lie nlo wanted the whske , but
he didn't K"l It.
Wnter Meter Vindicated.
The wnter meter bus 1m en indicated,
nnd now l'iddeni W. W. Sii.inton
clill ro-t easier, despite the foet that
the city water still lias u woodj ta.te
to It.
I.iiiir befoie the water, meter unu
thought of, the eiese Wiisti- of
water kept l'icldent Siriinton nwnke
idKhts tlltlK to uevl-e some menus by
Willi h the coiutiauv could cm tall the
i m e, and llndltiK none, he ieoltil
to adopt the meter sstein If the pat
rons of the compute lefusid to cut tall
the iac ess. thej would be i nihil upon
to pi) they mliMit coii.sldtt ix
cesve mtej.
Piesldeiit Sci.inlon's contontlon wns
thnt tlio meter wit1-, n s.iIiikp di'ie,
and that those wlio modllied tho in-e
of water to their netual nt !-, would
lui Mentally Keep down theli water
inteH to such n cost that It would mii
lu se them ut the end of the mouth
It lellinllieil fm KvallS, plo
prlotor of .i hotel ut 10' Ninth Main
avenue, to pioxe the ttilth of 1'iesi
dent Seianton's contention.
Mr. 1'vans pui chased the Keystone
hotel, formeily kept by ex-Select I'olin-
ellman Simon Tliomas, nnd when lie
eniteitd the pl.u e leumed thnt his
ptedoi o.vor hail been p.ijlnt; between
jlO and J1J n month for the use of city
water In hi pine of business.
With n $1 100 license foe starlucr him
In tli3 fnie, Mr. lvnnx tesolved to nit
down expenses, nnd one of-the Hist
things he did wms to look Into the ex
cesshe use of water otn the picinlsfs.
nplnfr of a pint tlcal tuin of mind, he
mused the Ii.mIimuIIc pump used In tho
plate to be i.ilsed four feet fioni it
foimer restltiK place, In older that the
waste wnter could be for othtr
This In Itself ujis n i onsldei.ible -iu-liiK,
nnd he thus t educed the water
rate fioni oer $10 to less than Jil dui
itiK the flist month he was In the place
The possibilities of n Kieater tt tut?
dawned upon him, nnd he tesolved to
effect a pi eater saving.
The niPtor In usp reRtllated the water
supply for both the hotel, the lhinn
npaitments above, an1 a house in the
rear. Instead of usiiiK tlio water fiom
the pipes for Hushing, Mi. Us an used
Bargain Climax in
Hosiery and Underwear
Light Weights for Early Autumn Wear and quali
ties that will positively give perfect satisfaction in
Only Four Numbers
But They're Good Ones
Children's Heavy Ribbed
Fast Black Hose, all sizes
during this sale at the
same price, Quality as
good as any offered at ij
Ladies' Fast Black Cotton
Hose, fine guage and ex
tra finish; extra sizes if
you want them; quality
as good as any ever offered
25 cents.
Ladies' Fine Swiss Ribbed
Knee Pauts in white ouly,
full lace trim and extra
well finished; quality as
good as any ever offered
at 7i cents.
Sa,e Ar
Price nrOC
ITO. 4
Ladies' Ecru Ribbed Vests,
low neck and sleeveless,
made from Maco yarns
and perfectly finished ;
quality as good as auy
ever offered at 25 cents.
These Incomparable Values
f During the balance of this week only. By the way,
if you have childreu returning to school next week,
.? better consult us about their hosiery.
the water from tho hjdrnullo pump,
with the surprising result thnt the n:xt
month's bill sna only $.'.23.
Ills experiments Avere further te
warded nlonff other lines until tvoss- his
wnter bills vnry from Jl 2." to $t TO per
month, nnd they ntc geneiully neater
tho former than the- latter llRitres. This
svns accomplished with the aid of n
hand pump In addition to the hydraulic
pump, which Is Mill In use.
Flist of all, Mr. Kvuns ttrs fiesh,
clean s uler to wash I1I3 glasses behind
the bar, nnd Instead of throw Iiir the
ssnter nwuy. utilizes) It to clean the
cuspidor In tlu place. Then tht water
Is utilized in Hushing the ewer pities
leading from the piemlses. There is a
doubln MUltii,' of hundreds of Knllotis
of wnter In 11 month.
Another source of snslnu comes fiom
the bath tub on th second poor. The
usual family supply Is utilised In
Inking baths, but Instead of running
thlrt ssnter Into the sewer, it Is pumped
Into palls nnd again used In setubbltig
the Hoots. Then it Is used to cleanse
the sesser pipes.
Another sum cc of saving comes from
the lefrlgeiutorM used on the piemlses.
Hetsseen two nnd three hundred pounds
of Ice lire tled eser.s da In the le
fiigeintoi.s nnd In keeping the beer
pipes cold. This watei, fotmed by the
melting of th( lee Is caught In palls
in the collar, and Instead of being
tliiussti assay Is utilized In scitibblug.
Street Car on rite.
Mm ll ei lli'iuent SSlis caused Inst
evening about Sf o'clock at the coiner of
Noilh Main avenue and West Linden
streit. when South Main avenue cnr
No. ,".tn ssas dlsioveied to be on file.
TLe car was being lun fiom the con
tlfll cltv nnd was filled with passengeis
when the accident occuned.
Ju-t as the car hnd ascended tho
Riaiie at that point the foed wlie
burned out nnd Ignited the vvoodvvoik
about the tiucks. Instantlv volumes
of smoke nroe ami the passengeis
made a wild scramble to get out. They
all escaped uninjured.
Tiansfoi.s ssete made to number car
and No. .1h) ssns taken out of service.
As it wnn being inn doss 11 Main ave
nue tile oar again got on (lie nnd
mused another hub-bub. The motor
man suiceeded in extinguishing the
Haines without much tumble nnd then
1 tin the ear to the barn.
Several Social Events.
Miss Matgaiet lllldobiund, of l)ivs.
Ion street, vsas tendeied 11 ,utpilt.c
patty b.s n lnrge number of her friends.
Monday evening. In honor of her 10
tuin home from Donaiiceton, wheie
she had been visiting: for sum, tmo
nis-einiis of nrlous kinds liu Identiil
to stub gathetlngs sseie enjnjed, and
lefieshment" ssete s,.p,
A number of the fi lends of linitield
iMVlw Including the meinbei.s .if the
t'olllinblau onhestia, sseie entei tnined
nt his home. Monday evening. The
event was a plcisuwihlo one in eseiv
lespoct, nnd all pie-onl had an onjos -able
time. s
Mi. und Mis. I.esi Home (h.ipeiomd
a paity tluough the (ifonl mints 1.
tently It piosed In be all liiton i-tlnc
Kpeilein e, espei Inlly for the stt.ingds
In the puit.v. Thev vsi-ie Mis. .lanici
Dellatt, Mix .1. 1. llellait und s(,
Aicbie. nf X. , nnd Ml..
Jane l), ,( Ness ton, N. J.
Wedded ot St. Pnttick's Church.
Kdssaid Jt linings nnd Ml.s ICit,
it iilium both sst ll-know 11 iesd. nts nt
the I'tintliiontiil, weio united in nuu
liage on Monday at St I'ntiliks
Catliolli 1 hill ih, lies. 1'. i:. l.aselle
oflli latlug.
The bible was nttendeil lis her stptei.
Jll Mary iliali.nn. and tile glooms
man was Michael (ir.iham The sscd
dlug iait was tiudciod a teeeptlon
nflerssanl nt the lionie of the bilib-s
At a late I10111 Mi and Mis. .b inilugs
left for 11 tour of tlie West, and' upon
their lOluiu tlle.S will reside nl the
New Glee Club Formed.
A nuinln 1 of siiiing nn 11 met nt the
home of Austin .loins, on Hampton
slieM, loientl.s and oiganlzoil isluit
tho nie phased to teim tin' i;iesor
tiloe club. Their ptupo-e Is nu l.iblllt
ami publli entei t.iluini nt.
The meiubeishlp intludis l.ouls ,t.
si" leadoi, IMssard lleese ueilent;
.Ii'hii A llllaiiis. viie-preslileut, Austin
.limes sccietai.s, Itobm liobeits, ami
Lnst Right's Fhe.
A lire ssns discos i-ied at ln.Su o'clm k
last night in the upholstoiy shop owned
hv .Joseph .Jones In Coheits eouit. situ
nied between Ssselland and IVttobone
sti.ets, and liionilej and Suuiner ave
nues. An nlatin ssas tinned In fiom box ?:.),
nt tin 1 oiner of Hioinl nseime and
Sssetland stteet. but the Humes had
ion mined the contents of the shop ,o
foie the lltemen airlsed, ami nothing
was saved The luss will amount to
abom J.'ini. The oilglll or tile Jilt' is
Gone to Buffalo.
Mthur Davis, ,,f Xouh Uaitleld ave
nue a populai conductor 011 the litis,
ton Hue and Kiank Jta.vniond, vsho vsmi
n free tiip to the I'.in-Amei li an by
selling the latgost number of ticket's
for the streit car men's picnic, nie now
nt the exposition enjosliig the sights
Hnth will be uble to toll their friends
all about It when they return.
Nod Wns Re-arrested.
T"Ml Noil, the Italian who caused
trouble for Daniel tillvaiy on Monday,
was ,11 rested aghln, yesterday, on n
wminnt charging him with milking
threats nnd cartylng concealed weap
ons He wns committed to Jail in default
of JSftf) ball. 1p lefiifiocl to pay the
h of I.Ti which vsas alFu Imposed on
Events of This Evening.
lie ci earn lawn social at tho homo of
Miss lleitha Halo, 14111 Sssetland street,
uiiiler the auspices of class No 0 of the
(iatflehl avenue mission school.
Wedding of Kdssatd Davis, of North
H.vde Tark avenue, and Miss INther
M. reckons, nt the home of the bildeVe
paients. on North Lincoln n venue.
Wedding of Koheit H. McNh hols,
of Scrnnton street, nnd Miss Mary
Flaheity. of Sivetlaml street, nt St.
rattlck's f'athollc church.
Funeral Announcements.
The funeral of the hue Mis. Anthony
Mollltt occuned jesteidny moinlng
Hayes & Varley,!
Globe Warebodse
421420 Spruce St., Between Washington and Wyoming
First Display of Autumn
Double-Faced and
Plaid Back Skirtings
And Suitings.
We place on display today the first showing of
these popular goods in a wide range of colorings, spec
ially adapted for Walking Skirts and Suits
30-Inch Double-Faced Melton Cloth, a heavy,
substantial cloth, in grey, black, green nnd blue, at rr.
per yard 5UC
54-Inch Plaid Backs, all wool, in grey and mixed
blue. This cloth is considered cheap at Smo. We M
sell it at $1.00
54-Inch Double-Faced or Plaid Back Cloth, strict- t -
ly the finest quality of wool ,4) 1 .OU
54-Inch Double-Faced Imported Melton Cloth,
with dilferent color lining, this is a magnificent t
cloth and is worth regularly $2.25. We sell it at $ 1 .75
faOur Annual Display of Silks and Dress
Goods will be open in a few days.
News to Carpet Buyers
1 nell m the lunj.omot, anl otheri
lie hulled to call on noy eltugcUt and tret
tree a trial Ixittlo ot Krmp'i lULain for tho
Tlircwt antl Jiiuir, u remedy that li (juarantcej
to euro and relieve all Chionlc and Aiulc Cuuitlii,
Aitlima, UronchltU and Cciiuuiplluii. 1'iUo l"a,
and (Oc.
finm the fHiiilt reslelPiu-f In Hollfvuc vvrre1 i-onillii teel III llol.v t'roi'S
1 liuivh by P.pv W. I'. O'DnmiiMI, and
Intel ment vmis niailc" In the 1 'nth pel nil
The funeral of Maty, the Infant rhlld
of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony I'liitileii, of
Ninth Hehccc.i avenue, who died Mon
day, will take place at 2 o'clock till.
afternoon. Intel inetif will he made In
the I'atheelral cemetel'.v.
Mystery Remains Unsolved.
The police ueie unable' to uniitvi-l the
inyster.v HiiiioiliiilliiK the nlleRed hold
tip on I'tldRe stteet Mnndio nlht, and
the mysterious Mr. Mi Call, who piom-l-eil
to enlighten the police elenln,
failed to niatei lallze-
The theory Is tint some one v,ii
ir.viiif? to Inveigle the police Into a
wild Rome eh.iop,
A daughter was teientlj tmrn to Mr
and Mrs. Thom.i MIIcm, ,,f Ninth Main
avenue The well-known miHiInn It
teielvltiR the coiiBintulatlons ot his
file lid".
MKs .Mamaiet l.advelp, nf Ninth
Hile I'.nk aM'iiue. and MNs Kllzaheth
Ii.ivls, of Ninth Main avenue, have- le
tmiieil home fiom ,1 tluee week' vNIt
in Ithoile Nlnud.
Mi ami Mtf. William White'. er
I'enni. we'li'oini'd a pew son at their
I'ollie ii'i-entlv .
Ml. and Ml" .1 i: Kfin and ehll
elteli. of Setlillton lli'Pt. aie sejouitl
lllS at the 'e'lishiue
A vet j linpoitant liuslni'.-a ipeetliiK
of the Wet Silt- I'liihlliltlon leaKiie will
lie he-lei In Moiyan's li.ill, Wednesd i
.I11I111 Whetlliicr ami lleniv M. Will
ii m-. two will-known jounc men. left
last nlcht for Hiiffalo. Aftei a few
diiji at the i'Mhi'MIdii. they will Joui
tie y on ti riili iiKie, wheie tlif) will
make' thi'ti home'
Kiank .June'- the well-known. outiK
elitlKKlt. of South Main avenue, left
jpxtficl.iv aft'iuoiui for a few elas"
te'-t anil rei nation nt Luke Wlnola
Attorney .leilnf K IIi'hiiii'i of South
Main avi'tiue. h.i- letutt'iMl hoine fiom
a -ojouin at Lake Wlnola.
.1. S SwMiei. elhtrlet p.i-fenaer
HKPllt of the iVuliMl Callloael eif New
.lei-ej W , oillllii d to 111, liiuiie. oil
South Main avenup, liv illness.
ipeiHllnn" wpip leumiil ,vc.teiiH,v
nt the I'mitlii'Mital mines, after an Idle-Hi'-s
eif IW o week;-.
Hatty Miucan, of Till! tec nth stieet
N home finm ,1 two we-ek"-' Mnv nt
Lake. Wlnola.
T .1. of l..ifii)ettt stteet. Is
MK'iidins his Mie-iitlein nt the I'.m
Allicilean eTposltlon,'
I'. .1 .Miiiumi, of rnloiidale. a the
must of Kieel I'lllllll's, eif ,1m krim
!. L. Firint. and -on, of Wilkes
lkilie, hip til" cuests of fiir iii's on
South Main avenue'.
Ml'-s M.iiK-aiel .lone- of Itne k stiert,
Is .ponillnij her vaeaiiun at Spline
.Mi. John Jones and dauphte'i, Lln
ilall. of Aeademv stieet, have letlliiiPil
fioiii an I'MetnlPil tilp tluoush the
John I! Wllllan.-i of I-'mn te-enth
Mi ft. has iptiuned lium Ocean tJtove
Hint Asluirv I'nik.
A ineetltiK of Loral union. No 07J,
I'nlteil Mini' Wotkeis of Ainellia, will
he held this tv ruing In 1) ) Kv.ins'
hall, on South Main avenue.
Hairy liauilolph and Aithur Le. -hhoii.
of the fJiainl rnlein Tea i-nin-pan.v,
are spenellnc: their vaeatlone at
the I'an-Amei U an exposition.
Mr ami Mis, Thomas Mevan, of
Ninth Main avenue, ate spending the
suinmer at Lake ldlewlld.
licit IJev eis. of South Main avenue
In on a fishing tilp at Lake Ailel.
.Judge ami Mis. 11. M. Kelwanls, of
South Main avenue, left estetday for
llloek Ishmtl.
Miss Diiikn, of the I'ontlnrntal.
Is In Phlladi'lplila, to attend the funeral
of a lelatlve,
Mln Pearl Krcsge, of South llele
1'atk avenue, Is visiting ft lends In
New Y01 k
Misses Nellie and Maggie Klynn,
Delia Allen. AVInlfied Haggerty, Delin
Juilge and Mlrdle Carney aie ut At
lantic cm
Mr. and Mis. Krank ltauh nnd
daughter. Mntle. of New- York, are vis
iting the foimer's uncle, Oliver ltauh,
of Went Him stteet. Mr. Haul) left
yesteiday for the I'an-Atneilean e.
position and Cnnnela, and will letuin
Hepotis leei'lved vpstetday fiom the
hedslde of O. A. Williams, of Hock
stieet, who Is el loudly 111 nt Middle
CitanvlllP. N. Y.. wpip to the effect that
he was no wotse, nnd hopps nie now
entertained for his ultimate lecovery.
Orace, tho oung child of Mi and
Mis WIIIIiiiii Weher. of 113 North Ciar
fleld avenue, died yesterday, and will
he hurled tomoirow nfteinoon In the
Washburn stteet remoter.
Norninn AVhlte, of Townnela, Is visit
ing fi lend.t here.
Jtilth Jones, of Morris couit; Mrs,
William (lleiie-on nl three dauglitei,
Min. Joseph I'rinser and son, Mr. and
Mis. William Phillips, of Hverett ave
nue, aie sojourning nt Lake Cniej
A daughter vvii lecently tioru to
Jlon and Mis. John It Kair, of North
Main avenue
Miss Leah Hiltton, of Heading, is
the guest of Mrs. ti 1!. Reynolds, of
North Main avenue.
ruuetnl of Mrs. David H-illly Yes
teiday Morning Councilman
Phillips Honoied.
At !l o'clock
remains of M
given Inlerine
e emeterv, Th
Stone avenue,
VM'ie desirous 1
at the dep.iitei
At ! n'e lock
and the tuiii-i,
1 11 ge, niowil
wheie a ieittle
liv I'.ev l-'.itht
the lem.ilns.w
dial eemetei.v.
.vestenlav nioitiing tho
s, ill llelily were
nt ill the Cathi'illal
family tesideiin-, on
was thiongeel with
lves and fi lends, who
if taking this last ieu
I Mend.
the 1 iiskt was 1 louil
il cot lege, w hii h w as
to St John's 1 hut, h
m mass was iel In .it oil
r Itol.inil, aftei whli ll
Me- taken to the Cat he-
If you are in any way interested in
carpets, we would advise you to place
your orders for carpets and rugs during
the next few days. The price reductions
are due to the August, Sale. If you are
not ready for then, pay a small deposit
and we will cheerfully hold goods until a
convenient time.
$1.00 and 1.25 Hassocks, now 73c.
Remnant Carpet Rugs, 50c.
35c Ingrain for 25c.
All Wool Ingrain from 55c to 70c.
85c Tapestry Brussels for 63c.
70c Tapestry Brussels for 51c.
ft 1.40 Body Brussels, in room lengths, $1.00.
$1.10 Velvet Carpets, in room lengths.from 75c up.
1 Pattern Wilton Carpet, worth $1.75, for $1.10.
Wilton Rugs, were $4.00, now $2.98.
Wilton Rugs, were $6.00, now $5.00.
Mattings from 12c to 25c. Regular value from
15c to 35c.
Forcible Facts from the Grocery Dept.
I-xtra Fine Granulated
Sugar, 19 pounds for.... ip 1
Hams selected sugar cured,
weighing fiom 10 to 1 5 1
pounds, per pound .... 1 jlC
Flour Jonas Long's Best,
made from the choicest Minne
sota hard wheat. Our guarantee
goes with every sack
one-eighth barrel DxC
Collee Our Old Government
Java and Mocha, good to the
last drop; regularly sold at 52c.
Special for this sale, per q
pound jLoC
Lemon or Vanilla lixtract,
ijuahtv unexcelled; 2
ounce bottle
New York State
choice lull cieam, per lb
F.tncv Santos Coffee,
per pound
7 pounds for Si.oo
Fancy Messina
ons, per dozen. .
Corn Starch, very best,
per pound package OC
Best blgin Creamery
Butter, per pound 220.
One-half lb. package
Black Pepper 1 3C
8-ounce bottle Qiieen
Olives 15C
Quart bottle Ammonia, ,
full test ' OC
Mascot Soap, excellent
laundry purposes, 10
bars for
Pure Cider or White
Wine Vinegar, per gal
lon Choice Canned Corn,
per can
1 cms for
Tenibly Scnltlcd.
Ma. the- ::-e it -olil uii eif Mi a- 1
Ml.-. Ma l.llilwls. of Alder .-tuet.
uti fili?htfull, allied je-trnl.1 nf
tei mum l'.v falling Into a tub of hull
IllK uatei The mother of the ehlld
WHS e'lllll!? 'Ollll- VVIIhlllK nt Im limn
and had pained a lar?e itiintit. if
hieilillK wate'l Intel a till) VV hie ll W.1M
. laniiliiK mi liu- lleior.
-ihe left the- leneni tell a mill. lie and
the 1 lillil, whiih a iilavitii.' ali.uit
the- loom. ilieieiae hi-il too ileal the' tub
and frll Ii.h kMiiis Into it III
ereunif. liieniKlit the unit her into the
loom niiel she look the ehll I iioni the
watei, nnlvl'iR Just in time to .n 0
ahl.v t ie the intant h life',
l'l. N.IV n.s Mtiniiiioiied lei lelleve
the child fi-eim his puff'-ilng.
Plo'santly Surpiiscd.
I'otuie llin, in Tied J'hllllps or the
Kl -vetith waul, tileasatul1- si.i-in-Iced
Monday lilKlit hy the iiiemlipiti
of 111' .llliwr Mai'lllieie-lliil, uhu solf..
nioleil him at his iedeMice, cm (.'eilat
The loyi of the Junker Maenu -t-1
hut, Who Keep ee'ele'ilt hi e iitint ef
theli nirinli-rt,' hii thday atiiilveiyarlcs.
ine-i In Ce'iiiianla hill ami then vMteel
Mr. Phillips in honoi of the- thlrlj
elKhth aiiiilM-isar.v ol IiIh birth.
After le-ndeiliiK m-viiiiI eif thclr
.soiikm. the.v .spent the temalnd'i- eif the
e 1 nliiir In othi'r iiinuyementH. ami at
a late- hour Mis. Phillips tct t-l lo
ci ethnic nt..
The memlieiie of the J lie knrv ,-'tl"et
1'iesh.vteilan I'huieh choral union
1 omlileleil ,1 very mi cestui nolle.v
parly las evenlni,-. AlUthe piollt. of
the eve-tit will c-i, m the- hulhllns: fu'nd
of the- mu parish 1iiuir whle-h is tin
dr i-.ify of c-nnuiii-iiiii,
(Hie e,r the best hall ffaim-s .if tho
seasMii will be plavnl Satin da.v aftei
linoti at Atlllelli' ,u, betwen the
Miuth Slele- club and the Mlnookax, feir
$100 a floe. The two teams are woik
Inir haul te, make It a flist-i la.s
Kami'. The meiiiliers of the- Hoal Aivaiium
vill meet In le-Klllar mMuii ts .veil
iuu at l'h.ti inncy hall.
The llnru Hail IihIki will meet fill,
evening nt S i.Vle.ek at Ilaii tmaii'H hall.
Mlus I..1111.1 ami Mis-s I.amn
lioughtoli ll.iv 1 etui line fiom a twin
weekx' vlxlt .11 l.aKi' Ail-,1
The St. .John's PioteMnnt Kplscnpnl
liilcslon will lmlii a eoncieKailonal
ini'etltic nt the hnnie eif iy, Hiliiln
llfll WVht MaiKet htreet, this eveninr.
nt S o'e-lork. The Qhjee t eif the meet.
Imr will he to clispuni nisonaiy vvuik.
H Is e.Npei'teil that inar'v vlll he pies
ent. Ice iie.tni and enke will heservfcl.
MIps Marlon lllll. of Si heml treet,
has for her guest Miss Helena Hoiu.
ter, of Mem ow.
James I.alnl. of Mttllej's .steite, w
leave fur Not thiitnhei land and Sim
ian y next Satin da, where he will visit
point' nf hl old rolle?KP filemls.
Flovd 15. Cornell, of lMna avenue,
and Miss r.emude llceel, of Dickson
city have retuineel home fiom
Class No v of iho 1 hureh
Sunday w nooi will give n Quaker lee
eream snelal at Wlnton'H hall, Wayne
avenue. Acliulsslon, ten cents.
Many Wlrelmi'k, or Hutte city.
Meintana. In visiting his patents, on
Olamonil avenue.
Miss .Jennie Wood, of JCImlra, N Y.
who will nempy tho position of lady
prlnrlpHl at Keystone acnelemy the
rnuilnft year. Is this week vlidtlnir at
the home of Miss Mniy Pmiheioe Da
vle. 011 Summit n venue,
Harry Huff and Walter I'hristmnR
ant enjoylnp thulr vacation at the Pan-
Anir I M-vrf'c Qrvic
csuyaj JOm j juuj
Attend the August Sale
Ainu in. Thev will also vlMt Toiolito
lie fol f iiMUinlllfi
Hairy Me Ki than aid wife of Ohio,
nie visitlf.- Mi MiKieliiiiii. mini. Mis.
i:uieiy Yiiuur of .lull- Mn el
l.oial No. "" islatioiiaty I'll mi 11.
will lie rt it tin if hall on Matket
,tie'tt lonlKlit .end ll .11 an .iddless by
Intel nalloiml Pi"idfiit .1. V Martin.
The Uiepii lMdRe Women s Chris
tl.iti Tpinpi'iaiii e union will meet this
ovenlm; at "- o'e loi k la the KvatiR'-lli'al
him h, on Cfiiioiise avenue: Mibjei t.
'.'Social Piult.v " The le-son will be In
e'harice of Mis. I' .1. Campbell, hlipei-Itili-inli-l'.t
of th" elepat tnieilt. A full
attendaiu Is deslied. All nie vvel
ifilne. Mis. Townseiid I'oore and 'MHs
J'ooie. of Capemse avenue, have te
ttirned hnine fiom an etended slay
Mrs. .lames l-'raliel?. of MollSe-y nve
llll . is at Atlautle Clly.
Mr. nn' Mis. William ll. Peek, of
Kosi'Ihwi-. will Imvo this iuoiiiIiir ful
1 like Item pe.
Miss cieilie KliM. of PittMon, la the
Kltest of Mis lela Clsner.
Mrs. A. c. l'ullei, of Ninth I'nik,
has letunieil fremi a visit at Lake
Hlrililim. wheie she was the Riiest of
a i.tit;. ot ouii pi'iiple from (iieeu
Itldp.i. who aie uccup.vflu,' a rottase
Miss 'lata M. Nleuie'.ver, of Maellsou
avenue, Inr letuined from a visit with
Cirii.imlalo filemls.
The- choir of th' (iieen ltldue Pres
byterian (hiin-li will take part In the
church feivlees net S.ihhaih, after n
mi nth's , (ration.
I!ni Clmi'lotf Priiee- f, 11 nier lmslor
of tho Kast M.nket Stieet Primitive
.Methodist Hpisiopal church, now' of
I'lynioiith. Pa. spent visteiday
anion? ilieen P.ldKe fi lends.
Mr. and Mis IMwaid Allfnue, of
rirook stieet aie vlsltois at Huffalo.
John Cnuell. of ntlillij Mieet. Is In
disposed at his home
Mis. A C Mitchell ami daiiRhtei,
Hi. ice. aie RiiestH of Wani county
Pi of. ami Mis K.I' Uovanl tetuined
.vestetdny fiom a ten elavs' May at the
Pan-Allieili an.
Traill Oli-patcher Chailes I'oiil te.
sullies his duties today, after a ten
davs" vnrntlon. spent with Ymk slate
fi lends.
Mrs. It N. Davis ami daughters, .le n
nice and Katherlne. aie spending some
tlnu" iiistlcatlnR at Clark's (iieen.
Mis. Samuel Cole, of lliook Mint, if
the Riiest of ft lends In Pike county.
Mis. Y. P. Uuilev, of Webster ave.
nni'. Is at lUnsfbuii?. wheie sho was
called hy the death uf a iclutlve,
MltS JACOH Dl'TTnilMAN died
Monday, at mldnlKht. at her home 103S
Webster avenue. She was "5 je.irs ot
ii rp and li'sided heie for the past
foi t -live eais.
she lis suivlved by sl sons and two
iliiilRhteis They aie. I-'red, of Riazil,
Iniiliimi. Andrew, of Tinner, Indiana:
Nie hulas .1.. of Ciioat Falls, Mnntann,
Albert. Peter and Jin ob, of this city,
and Mi. Maiy Kuhn and Kate But
tetiuan, ulsei eif this ct.
MI1S. I!. JnNI.'S dleel nt ths
home of her Msete-i, Mis. .1. J. Sulll
v.111, on Wa.vne avenue, Monday
evenliiR at .:I0 o'e lock, after a lliiReilne
Illness. Dece-ased was lioin In this H.
wheie shi- I1.11 since leshlpel. she Is
survived by her father, Michael Huike
and one sIMet. Mis. .1. J. Sullivan Tho will take pliie-e Thursdav morn
Iiir at ! o'llock. Interment will be
made at tin- Cttln dral icini'teij
DOIteiTH V 11 CdNNdlt. Dornih, ehild of Di. and Mis Hur
el'tt O'Connor, died .it Hutte. Mont,
last Suiiday. Ausitst J.". The remain
w,l! be brouRht to Serantem for Inter
ment and an' evpet ted to a.'rlve em
Saturday. Mrs. O'Connor, mother of
thp deael child, vcill be icniemhereel as
Miss llltchcuck. forni-ily u lesldent ut
Set anion.
The fuiii'ial of ihe hue Mi Chailfi
Klefel- will take plai e tills nfleinnnn
nt i o'lloek from the family leslelenn
em Cedal .iveiilli- Seniles will be helel
III the lllikory Stieet Prefbj teiian
flmieli h Itt'V. W A. N011I1 Intei -iiie-nt
will he made In the Kurej-t Hill
cemetery. '
The- funeral of the late Chailes Kisher
will take plaee at ."! oMnc-k this af
ternoon tlolll the uMdeiKi of J C.
y.Ulillell, fin Clay avenue.
I'lnna for Sentlnp of Additional
Councllmen Trepared.
RuildlnR Inspieinr I. 1. Brown has
piepured two plans for the le-anatiRe-ment
of the elesks In the common
cumuli chamber, te. in commodate the
seventeen aeldltional niembeis. who
have Just been swoin in.
These plans will be submitted for
the coiHdi'intlon of the commoners a
the Speel.ll lllee'tillR tel liu held to
The lih'ii of llnlshliiR up the uuinm.
pleted finiith Hour of the municipal
lu.lldliiR ami u-diiR It lor 11 council
chamber has been abandoned, for tho
picseul at least
The plans piepaied by the hulldliiR
Inspcitor ptovlde for the lemoval of tha
rallltiR and rows of siectaiots' seats In
tho lear of the council chiiinher ami
for the plachiR of desks closer toRether,
dispensing with ono of the two nlsleg,