The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 28, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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For polishing Hold, Silver,
NleM isras, Tin etc .
In uoll known for the list
ing brightness It RUfs
C'ont.ilns neither Riease.
arid nor pnloon and l
puarnnteoil to give n brll
llaut luMre. A trlnt can
vlll conlnco you Its tho
Foote & Shear Co.
JJ9N. Washington Ave Q
Some Knit Garments
for Bnbo nnd child that will
make a mother happy nnd
tho child restful. Wo nro
specialists In this line nnd
have eveiytning In the ad
vanced styles for infants nnd
The Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruco Street.
r.18 Wahint'n iniir, Gt.crnfy building.
New term teems SPt. 3'
We Extend
to you a standing imitation
to iMt nur hank. "U 111 ho
pleased to show jou mound.
Thf Iifpuhliraii priman clfctl',n will I e held
rn Mondav, t-rpt lfth, 1W1, between the liouis
r( 4 an! S oilmk p m , tho convention on
ThiiMiv, Sept lOih. it in oMoik a m
Kach eandldite nui-t rpzlter his full name anl
nddieM, the ntrUe (or ) desires to b 1
candidate, an! piv bis nw-rtnnit to the county
chairman en or before ti2 J7tli Inst.
The vicilinic cominittic will govern thcinelves
accordinsl. Pivld J. Davis, Clulutun.
H D. Fellow", Mir tiry.
Lieutenant of 1'olue Peter Zii s is at Uifltlo
Mr and Mr. I. O Mevircce arc at Atlantic
Dr 11 B Ware loft jesterdi.v (or I'onland,
Mi.s Moreno Mine returned jeteidi,v fiom
Arorne, U 1
Mi Mirrarct U Ijwlcr lias returned (mm
Vthntlu I it
Mrs 1". 1. I.merson Is back (rem Maeara,
Fills and Pullalo.
Mr and Mrs 1) V. W'aener and daughter are
Miltintr In Hazlet
Itei. V. 1. Cnueli anl brother, Miehnel, hue
returned fidm Halcton.
Mi's Cic Pi up, nt Jorth Washington aic
rue, la in Wilkes lltrrc.
Mrs lames K. ItmiK, o( lnnvy aenue, Is
rejourning it Oeean (Smio.
t-eniter H K. I'oelit, o( Itwieburu, n in
the eity f-terday en busine"
Mi" Katbrn lennlncs. of cjulnr amine, his
returned (rem Boston anl New York
Mrs f.e ree W Ricd n led esterdn iftrrnnon
(or Buffalo and the Pin Vnierlcan ep iltlori
Miss Man llmlf, fit I ebanon, is i euet it the
home of William I.. fciNllli, Hi I.aikiuanni
av enue.
n. ,T Kfrgibon, e( 'lienin loih, rliim s;rnt
(or the Iehich Valley Itsllioad loiupiu, as in
the rity psterdiv.
Mrs. P P O lleilW and diushferj, M ir .
laura ani Mireueiite, of lli aienue, haie u
turned from Buffalo.
0. M Williams, of Wilkes Bure, central pit
rerintendent of Hi Kingston Coal lonipaii, as
in tb city estcrday.
MiM Campbell, rt rarhon Isle, hn bis b.'en
the guest n( Miss Kittle Bohnd, c( I'llttton aic
nue, h returned home.
Uev M B Ponlan. o! Punmnre, anl Kev T 1
Comerford, e( Archbald. .Indue P. P. Ninth
was araonc the honorar pillbearers
John l Hopewell, of the PrnUdcnre 'nejis
tcr, and bis daughters, lhrel and Ma. are M
itlns the Tanalian fxpokltion at Toronto
Mr. and Mrs K ,1 .Nallln ind little dniRhter,
Grace, of Hles . are cuests ot Vlr and Mis.
V II, Main, cl Wyoming aienue, l.reen Bldsre
Mlsifi Kittie r.ihe, o( this rlt . Mirv Shen
din, el Pituton, and Mamie finer, nl Dnksm
Citv, leae tndi (or Sew oik and .Uhur Park
Misa M E. lleale, of VVominir aienue, ni
bi-r nephew, .lohn II Mimehan, left la.t nicht
(or a few weeks' iliy at Ivarnas City and the
Pan American.
Mr and Mr Thomis P Daniels and rluldicn
and Mr. and Mrs William V ftnfttilH have re
tinned from a ten di" vnatlon to Atlantic City
and Phllidelphla.
The funeral et Uev. Thomas J Birrv in Phll
idelphla Monday wis atlrnird by a line num
ir of the tiers, among whom were lle N
I McMantu ami nev. M. F. I.ofius, c,( this cil ;
Hie coming marriage is annoumrd nt Vlny
II Toire, daughter el Mr. and Mr I H
Torre, to Mphonso C. Fitih, al the (Yirot ,mn lioine in Carenoria, N. Y , 'Jiieda.i, rpi in
111' May O'Boyle, ef Mno street, give a euitirt
irl Monday night in honor of Mist ft Seill,
f Philadelphia Miw .lennle Maria won tlm
Ijdiif.' trUe, and John Collins, the gcntUiuans
pi lie.
Controller Pudris Howell and Hepul Pontiol.
I r Charles Hartley, wife and lainib. Iue re
t inud fiom Inz Pond, fiisrjuehinna counti,
where thev fpent lat week. John Howell, cl-rk
in Controller Howcll'i office, left jesieiilay
morning for Buffalo.
teU 0. Nutt, 1'nlled Ktatea Internal revenue
gent from Buckingham, 111 , who has bei.n at
nrk In this district for a month, looking up
the revenue business, received a telegram Mon
day night (rrm his home, stating that one of
lit daughters had died. Ik left immediately
lor Buckingham.
School Tenchers, Attention.
All teachers aru requested to call at
the secretarys office and sign contracte
for the ensuing school term.
' E. D. Fellows, Secretary.
rretty Evening Wedding Occurs In
Orccn Ridge.
The marriage of Miss Anna Well",
daughter of T r WclK esq . one of
tho most prominent members of the
lVirknnnnnn hnr to Professor Oeotge
Wlnfleld Scott, of Philadelphia, took
placn lat night nt the home of the
hrldo'fl nnrert 1527 North Washing
ton avenue, In the presence of a large
company of guet from this city nnd
It wni a "Oolden-rod wedding." the
charming house being nglou with the
national (lower In nil It ileh tones
Intermingled with palms, the plumy
sprays of golden-roil made vivid color
studies In evety tooni Veils of smllnx
formed the poitleres and cool bowers of
tropical plant tilled alcoves nnd Cor
nell. The reremon. which wn" performed
by Uev. W I Stenns. P P.. of Dan-
llle. Pa. an uncle of the bride, took
place In the library, the decorations of
which were most effective The bride
wore white satin, exquisitely designed,
with yoke nnd elbow sleeve of
duchese point Her ell was fastened
with orange blossom. She was given
away by her father The maid t
honor wn Mis Kllznbeth Parke. hno
Pail gown of Tiench batiste mer pale
green wn exceedingly attractive. She
onrrled golden-rod. The best man wn
Mr Prederlc A. f'levelnnd, a member of
the firultj nt the t'nlveisltv of Penn
vlvunla The ushers were Mcsr.
It llarzard, of Xew York. ('. .1.
Dunlip of Wnteitoun. N. Y. (1. It.
LiithrnpA nnd H. S. Wells, of Pernnton.
After the ceremony, elaborate te
frphment wete served by Hnnley.
Unuer furnished mulc.
Tho bride boo loveliness of chnr-a-
ter linde her populnr, Is pos
eced of many Blares nnd ac
complishment The groom ls a
lecturer nt the t'nlversty of Pennsl
vanla on International Law. on which
subject he Is considered authority be
jond the unlverltv confine. They will
reside In Philadelphia.'
Among the out-of-town guest weie1
Prof nnd Mrs II W Po-tpi. of South
Dninge X ,1 Mim Marlon Crane, of
Oaibondale misk .lennlon. of Chicago,
Ml. I.enlz. of New nk. N .1 , and Miss
JohnMin of Wavetlv, N Y
Republican League Committee
Gather in Price Building.
meeting of the gencial committee
having In rhatge the anangemfnt for
the mining convention of the State
Le.igii" of Republican club will be
held tmilgh' in the loom of the Cen
tral Hepubilian club. In the Prlie
bullrllng, and It 1 oarnetIy ieiiipted
thi't e ft, member inak an iMtiicut
elYoit to In present.
Chairman l.outy will announce the
make-up of the lommlttee
which nie to take tip the active oi,
i ml mils li other business will be tinn
sacti'd The re inmltteemen appointed nt the
last meeting, aif all expected to be on
hand tonight Ml Republican,
whether meinhei of the committee or
not, will be welcome
The time In which to make the pie
pti..tlons for the convention I short,
and the woik must bo gotten under
way at once.
Time Limit for Collection of Taxes
to Be Extended.
A sppt'ini meeting of the common
council I to be hold tonight, for the of extending the time for the
collection of taxes, without a penaltv,
tiom eptmber 1 to November 1 A
lesolutlon providing for thlc. ha nl
leatly passed select council.
lively e.u councils, f the time limit
for the collection of taxe nt Septem
ber 1. and then proceed to pass two
i ('solutions In succ essinn, the first pro
viding for an extension to Novemher
1, and the second tor an extension to
Januarv 1. It would be much easier to
make It January 1 at the outset, but
tho eouncilmen piefer to do it the
other way, laboring under the delusion
that they ran thus scare the citizens
Into paying up
Police At rested Mrs. Mary Lynott
and Mrs. Biidget Cook.
The speakeasy crusade, Inaugurated
some time ago by the police depart-
jnun', has reached Pins Brook. Lieu
tenant Peeney and Patrolmen Gem
moll nnd Addyman last night raided
two flaccs kept on Mineral street bv
Mrs. Mary Lynott and Mis. Bridget
Both women wete attested and
taken to the central police station.
Luge qu unities of beer, ale and other
intoxicants were found In each place.
The two women will be given a
hearing befoie Maglstiate Howe, by
whom the warrants were sued at the
instam e of Superintendent of Polite
City Trensurer Requests Controller
to CounteisiRn No More Warrants.
Owing to the fart that there I only
$.1,500 in the elty treasury, with pay
d.i coming on apace, City Treasurer
Loblusor esterdny requested Control
ler Howell not to countersign any
mi re iii'iimsc
Theie If a large numh of orders
outstanding, but unless County Treas.
uier Scranton imh over some moie
of the JHim due the cltv fiom liquor
license?, or some of the large tax
paeis settle up. the chances of their
bclns paid In a huny aio vciy dim.
City and School Taxes, 1001.
The city and school tax duplicates
for year 1901 nre now in my hands for
collection. A penalty of 3 per cent
will be added tfept 1M. 1901, and an
additional one per cent, nn the (list
of each rnd eveiy month until fullv
paid. All taxes remaining unpaid
nftet November 1st will be placed on
tho delinquent list ns ptovlded by law.
K. J. nnblnson,
City Tieasurer.
The state and county taxes for 1901
are now due. The duplicate for the
Seventeenth ward In In my hands for
collection. Ulmer K Kaufman
M7 Prescott avenue
tl yours ihouH
cheer jour home
'ciii jour child to
TORV, to lfirn to
cifc It First course,
. for full ytir.
CaUlofruf. J, Al
lied Pennington, dl.
Says the Amount of the Assessment
Prohibits Him from Being a Can
didate in the Regular Republican
Primaries, nnd He Will Go Before
tho People Direct Carpenter for
Judge; Jones for Controller, nnd
Stevenson for Surveyor, Have No
Opposition Roberts and Batcson
for Coroner.
Colonel r I. Hltchiock 1 not to be
n cindldnte In the Republican primaries
for additional law Judge. He teglsteied
but declined to pay the assessment,
and under the tules of the pally tan
not be permtted to tun He sa.vs he
will be nn Independent candidate.
in the Republican papeis for weeks
p,it bus tegulaily appeared the fol
lowing The llepubliim pilnnn election will be held
on Men In "ept l'l, l"01, between the houis
of I and oMoik p in . tin' convention on
Thurwhs. sepi Pi it ID o clock a m
l.i. h Candida, inut regis) r hL full utrne and
ad'lir, the otn.c for vhUh he clelits to be a
canilidHte, and pav his M.rssnient In the county
clialrmin on or bchre Vug 'JTtli Inst
The gihre i oinmlltcc v 111 govern them
selves minnllngl.
lucid I, Davis, Chilrnun.
K II Fellows, snrctirv
1tst night, when County Chairman
Davis left for lvnio the candidates
who had compiled with the above pio
vision weie.
For adbilnnil liw Julue .1 V t arprnler, of
For controller 1 dw ml V tones, of nhhild
lor coroner Pr I I It bert, of Siranton,
llr I I Balesin, , f S ruiilon
i'or survrvor t, I strrtl,,n, of Siverly
Tlioe who lnd reslstpred. but failed
to jiiy the asscssuipnt. wpip Colonel F
1 Hitchcock candidate for additional
I iw Judge Dr. W I) Donne, candidate
for mi oner, and Aithui Long, candi
date for Mltvejni.
The amount of the pssossmpnt l
flx-ed b the icimiulttee after It I."
known how many candidates will tun
The assessment goes to pay the p
ponsp of conducting the ptlmatli and
if the cost I loss than the amount col
lected, the dlffeience Is letiuned pio
rata to the candidate.
The office with the laigest emolu
ment U expected to ,tnnd for the
largest assessment, and this, coupled
with the fact that theie weie so few
candidates, resulted in the committer'
fixing the levy on the Judicial candi
date at $1 nnn.
Colonel Hitchcock, upon leeching
notice of the amount of the assess
ment, iPfusprt to pay It, deelaiing It
was to him piohlbltlve
Ton Tribune tepoiter last night Col
onel Hitchcock ald he would send to
County Chali man Davis" toda, a let
ter explaining hi iefual to continue
a a Republican candidate
When asked If he would be nn inde
pendent candidate. Colonel Hitchcock
said. "I nni a candidate for judge, I
will go befote the people dliect. I do
not ciillclze nnv one In connection with
the assessment matter, except to sa
taht It seem exorbitant when com
pared to the r,n which Jlosi.v Wat
son and Zlmmciman were assessed last
.oar. Pending the fuller statement con
tained in my letter to Chairman Davl
I will be content to savthat the amount
of the assessment wa to me piohlbl
He Has Presented n Fountain for
Nay Aug Park.
Director of Public Woik J i; Roche
announced yesterday that tho donor of
the second fountain for Nay Aug paik
I John Jerinyn, and that It has alieady
born purchased from the Mott lion
company. The fountain I to be for
horses, and will cost about tlOO
Call Palk, a tejircsentatlve of the
Mott Iron company, I at present In
the city to supei Intend the erection of
the fountain piesented by Mr. J II.
Phelp. which 1 expected to anlve
next week.
Anthony Lance Buried Under Mass
of Falling Earth.
Anthony Lance, of Bull'. Head, was
one of a gang of Scranton Ga and
Wate- compiny men at work vostcr
day morning lajing pipe between
North Hcrantoii and Archbald, While
engaged in excavating about 10 o'clock
theie wa a sudden cmhlng of the
enith and sudi a quantity fell that ho
wtis buried Issneath it.
His comiades dug him out and he
wa i (moved unconscious to the Lacka
wanna hospital, wheie he was found
to huve sustained a broken leg
Wyoming Seminary.
A large nnd well equipped boarding
school. Kveiy modern convenience
Certificates accepted by all colleges re
ceiving students on certificate. Liuge
deputments of mulc, art and niatoiy
liiMiifSS course for students who clo
not wish to prepiie for college, $300 a
year Year opens September 11.
For catalogue address
L. L. Sprague. D D .
r Kingston, Pa.
The popular Tunrh cigar Is still the
leader of the lOo cigars.
We just
received 100
Delaware Peaches,
We also
hao a line
line of
Canteloupes, Pears, Pine
Apples, Watermelons,
Delaware Grapes.
E. Q. Coursen
Headquarters for fruit and vegetables.
Martin McCormick Dies at Lacka
wanna Hospital of His Injuries.
Martin McCormick, of Dunmore, was
emshed under a fall of roof yesterday
morning fit the Oypoy Grove colliery
No, (!, nnd suffered Injuries which re
sulted In his death at the Iackavsannn
He was bully cut about the head nnd
also suffered Intense agony from in
ternal Injuries of the abdomen. He
died nn hour after he was brought Into
the hospltnl. A wlfo and family sur
vive him.
McCormick was aged 41 years, and
is rurvlved by a widow and four sinal'
children. The funeral will take place
from hi late home, on Di Inker stteet,
Thursdav 'afternoon at 3 o'clock, with
Interment In St. Mary's Catholic
A Miner Accuses Three of His Fel
low Workmen.
John Jennlng Peter Illgglns John
Holloran and P. J. Phllhln, mlneii.
weie nncfted late Monday night, nt
the Instance of Anthony Btuke, a
fellow, who charges them with
He alleges that he secured a contract
to cut lock and that the four defend
ants conspired together nnd ecuied hi
dlmlsal by threatening to Influence
the men In favor of a general stilke if
he wa not propped Aldeiman, Ruddy
held each of the defendants In $300 ball
for court.
Contractor's Men nt Work Chang
ing Arrangement of Rooms of
' Cfnci'als of Court.
Contractor Coniad Schroeler has
several men at work on the second
floor of the Pedeinl building, making
change in the nttangement of the
rooms, for which the contract wn re
cently let him by the government
The large room In which Referee In
Binkrupti v C ' A. Van Wormer ha
ha hi desk, and whl?h also serves
n the qtiaiter of Cleik K. R. W
Searle will be utilized as a work loom
for Cleik Sc.ule and Deputy I'nlted
States Marshal J W. Snjdor.
The lattei will retain hi" present of
fice, adjoining this loom, and Mr
Senile will have n hi private oflke
the loom adjoining.
Thl" I being completely lomodeled
nnd will admirably nnwer th? pur
pose Cleik Sea rle's secretaiy, Mr
Rosemond, will lemnin stationed In
the laige work-loom.
Judge R. W Aichbald' new quar
tets will consist of the loom at pies
ent occupied bj Deputy Cleik A .1
Colboin, who will. In tin n, be shifted
to the rooms adjoining the court
room, which are now occupied bv the
judge. Refeiee Van Woimer will oc
cupy the district attoinej's office.
Will Be Held at. Nay Aug Park Next
ThcHiinuiTl leunlon of the Lord fam
ily wilt he held In Nay Aug paik, Krl
da.v of this week. A girat many of
the niemheis of 'this large famll. with
mimermi'. friends, nre expected to be
In attendance, as this will be the Hist
time the reunion has ever been held in
Sc i.i tut on.
Thero will be all orts of fun, rtcl
tation, miflo and the uual good times
thet-p reunion1, aie famous fot, besides
the Interchange of temlnlsceiuth by the
moie eldeily of the inembeis. Dinner
will be contributed to bj many vvell
lllled baskets united Into an appetising
Deputy Maishal Snyder Arrests
a Plymouth Man.
Tinted Mates Deputy .Marshal Sny
der, of this city, went to 1'lvmouth
Mond.iv, where he ni tested James i
Kails on the charge of pissing a coun
terfeit half dollar. The complaint was
made by Chailes Hudenauer, of Wilkes
13ai i e.
Kails was given a hearing before
CommIslcner Gustavo Hnhn, at WII-ke'-rtarre.
jesterdny morning, and,
after listening to the evidence, the coin
missloner held him under $1,000 ball.
In default he was committed to await
James Qulnn Sprained His Back
Yesterday Morning.
James Qulnn, a young man who
lives on Lackawanna avenue, wa.s
painfully Injuifd early yesterday
morning by falling off the- trestle
which extends over Scranton street.
He was crossing It In the dark and
'iiacle a misstep, which resulted In his
fall. Ho received tieatment at the
Lackawanna hospital, where he was
fount! to bo suffering from a spialncd
Opening Day, Tuesday, September 3.
The otllco will be open day and even
ing for the aconunodatlon of those
who wish to make inquiries,
Scranton Ruslness College graduates
secure the best situations and ate
tapldly piomoted. Graduates of other
schools come hete to really fit them
selves for utile e work
Moie teqiiests fop bookkeepers and
stenographers. Wtlte or cnll for tho
new Journal.
Attention, Christian Endeavorers.
Don't forget the Christian Endeavor
union rally which takes place tomor
row (Thursday) evening at the Penn
avenue Haptlst church. Head the pin
gramme which will appear in the city
papers Thursday and note the excel
lence of the subjects nnd tho spenkers.
Tiring all vour friends nnd do all you
can to have a largo attendance.
Keep Posted About Home Affairs,
The Ttlbuno will bo mailed to you
while aw a j' during tho mimmer
months for 12 cents a week. Tho ad
dress may bo changed as often as de
sired nnd the paper will .bo mailed
direct, promptlj', uvciy day. Any
complaint should bo made Immediate
ly to Tho Tribune ofuce.
Walt for the Modern Woodmen's ex
cursion to Blnghamton, Labor Day,
Sept. 2. Tickets, $1 25; children, 65
All furniture, bedding, etc., In the
Hotel American, Franklin avenue, Is
being sold at private sale. Great bar
gains. Dlttenbender & .Co.
Tho Educational Contest Broke Its
Best Record Yesterday The Mar
gins Held by Schwenker, Mies
Meredith and Brunner Are Very
Small Those in Table No. 2 Do
Not Seem to Be Trying to Help
Themselves Much. v
f HfsM''H
Standing of Contestants.
II this rj tht last dij, then would wlnt
Meyer Lewis, Scran
ton 674
Miss Wilhelmlnn
Z 2.
Grlflln, Providence. 020
Henry Schwenker,
South Scranton. . . 408 T
I 4.
Garfield Anderson,
Carbondale 405
William Miles, Hyde ,
Park ,384
Miss Norma Mere
J 0.
dith, Hydo Park. . 227 f
I 7.
Ray Buckingham,
Miss Vlda Pedrlck,
Clark's Summit . .
158 t
Hon msnjr of Hits, will b In Tsbls No.
1 on the closing dijr!
X 0. August Brunner, Jr.,
Carbondale 105
X 10. Frank Kemmerer,
Factoryvllle 103
I 11. David O. Emery,
Wlmmers 57
12. Arthur C. Griffls,
Montrose 30
13. Miss Minnie Wnllls,
Cnrbondnle 24
X 14. W. H. Harris. Hyde
Park 23
X 15. E. J. Sheridan, Haw-
ley 0
X 10. Miss Jennie Ward,
Olyphant Q
X 17. Robert Campbell,
Green Rldga 3
Yeteiday was tho greatest day of
nil in The Tribune'- lMueatlonal Con
test The latgevt number of points jet
scored wete tuined In and seveial
ihanges were made' In pnMtlnn. Ilemy
Schwenker won back thlid place from
Garfield Anderson nnl now leads the
jonng man from the Pioneei city bj
thteci points Mlcv Meredith passed
Ita.v Hucklngham nnd has five points
to .spate this morning In slth place.
Miss lit iilln biought In enough points
eatly In the day to ne.ul.v catch Mejer
Lewis ami take ilict place, but Mr
Lewis later turned In enough to not
only maintain the lead he had .estei
day morning, but to Mightl.v Inct'ease it
Nine of the contestants In Table No
2 made an leturns .vesietdaj Frank
Kemmerei only layks two points to tie
August lliunnei foi ninth place.
The competition Is keen now for the
Hist, third, sixth and ninth places, and
theie aie only four days more left
Hveiv contestant In the Hist table is
working with the fullest vlgoi, and who
will win the Hist throe acholaishlph Is
an open que stion as jet
They Will Run Excursion Today to
Lake Lodore.
A large niunbei of members of the
K.lks paraded thiough the cential city
last night, to adveitls' their exclu
sion todav at Lake Lodoie, after
which they t etui tied to the lodge
coins on rianklin avenue. In front of
which Hauet's band gave a conceit
A gieat tliioug of persons blocked
tbe avenue dutlng the conceit and
thni mighty enjo.vecl the splendid pio
gramme lendeied.
Students Given nn Opportunity
Make Up '"Conditions."
Professor Joslin, ptimipal of the
Scranton High school, was in chat go.
yesterday afternoon, of the examin
ations of about twenty-five students
The examlnatlon weie held In the
High school and the greater percentage
Fall Styles
Now Ready
412 Spruce Street.
New Shapes in Neckwear.,
Oils, Paints and Varnish
MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company,
141-(49. Meridian Street.
First Mortgage Five Per Cent.
Gold Bonds of the
Webster Goal & Coke Go.
Covering its
are offered subject to prior sale.
TOTAL ISSUE, $150,000.
Dated July 1st, 1901. Due July 1st, 1916,
Coupons payable January and July.
Denomination $1,000.
Bonds and mortgage may
for special circular.
Title Guaranty & Trust Company,
516 Spruce Street.
of thpp who underwent them were for
mer students nt local private schools,
or residents of adjoining places, Oly
phant, Jetniyn, Dunmore nnd Avoca.
Special examinations were also con
ducted for the benefit of students of
last year who failed In their llnalu, In
one or two studio" Today the students
of Grammnr A who failed on the,prlng
High school examination, but mnde
a vet ages of T per cent or more, will
be glvtn another chance.
I'rofesor Keber. of the School of En
gineering nt State college, also con
ducted the examinations of four oung
men, who wish to enter there next
month. They were William Kaiser, of
Wllkcs-Harre: John W. Hubbell, of
rittston. John S Hark, of Kingston,
nnd Hobett W Sloun, of Plttston.
Special Low Fares to Cleveland, Ohio,
via the Lehigh Valley Railroad,
Account G. A. R. National En
campment. Tickets) on sale September Sth to 12th
Inclusive Consult Lehigh Valley tic
ket agents for pattlculats,
All furniture, bedding, etc , In the
Hotel American, Tranklln avenue, Is
being sold at private sale. Gieat nr
galns. Mttonbender & Co
Di H 11 Waie will be In his office
on nnd after Wodnesdnj, September 4.
:: At Cost Prices,
B A splendid lot
; Hammocks, the
5 mainder ot our stock
J for this season. They
must be closed out
B quickly now so we have
marked them at cost
v aud less.
VL Strong, heavy color
M ed goods, most of them
j have pillow spreads at
tj5 tached and are full
icngwi, eacit
Before buying, send for catalogue.
H. 5. GORDON, gj?& CVJ.
Men's Suits $1500
Men's Trousers 3 50
Ladies' Suits .... 13.00
Ualny Day Skirt 6.50
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
435 spnuci: STREET.
i ii ii
re- mm
K and up.
be seen at this office.
O rent Reduction In
Summer Neckwear
'' for Ladies.
;; Beginning today we will
; ; sell out every piece of SUM- J
stock for
In the stock you will find T
II many pieces which we have T
II been selling for $1.50 but they
" will all go for
I Cramer-Wells Co., i
130 Wyoming Ave.
jfrforahaf nnrJ
be no. better satisfied'
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
reater Than Ever.
Oar Sixth
Anneal August
Furniture Sale
Conceded liy al! diligent house
keepeta la Scianton and vicinity
to ha
We will tako you Ink) our con
fidence. "A word to the wise
1 sultlelent " Heay purchases
of JIM Room, PlnlnK rtonm nnd
Tarlor Kuinltiire, In car load
lots- this Is strictly ECONOMY'S
WAY for our over Increaslnp
fall tiado makes Imperative
mnro 100m, and plenty of Jt,
atralnst their nrrival Thla Is
tho secret of the fluteherlns and
Sl.iUKhterlntr of prices on all
KoocH aclrulvil durinp the re
mainder of this
August Sale.
A Iff while emiriM Irn Beds, ill
irnn side rnils and wove vvtre i jn
prins. woitli r,V) t.dV
'I he UUnc.0 ot all md up Brusitli
Carpets at ictlv hill pricf
Sec our n irtli window for 75c j q
pictures it lyC
4 OK
A tin on flocstt (nr t. y
II Mi tcnod "it and Irathr; neat
ltnrkcm In (rnldfn ejk er mahosany
finish ItiRiilar prim f i VI to - q
i,vi . . .. i.oy
j ay . . ..... . . .
. . ,
& PgjpvVs