The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 28, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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6aloon-keepers Who Ate Alleged to
Have Been Keeping Their Tlaces
of Business Open on Sunday Are
the Ones Who Are to Suffer Peti
tions for the Revocntlon of the
Licenses Are to Follow Arrests.
Mr. Sturges Snys He Is Only ft
Casual Observer.
The Tribune received information last
light fioni a reliable houicc to tlio
ffeet that the Municipal league I" plan
ning thr nrret of llcciwed paloon
UeepcrK In nil part of the city
who, It Is clalmcil, arc keeping their
place? open on Sunday In defiance of
the law.
It Ik understood that the league au
thorities been working assidu
ously for HPveral weeks In oeeurlrig
evidence - uK.ilnst the saloonkeepers
who ar alleged to have violated the
law. and tint the nrreMs will le fol
lowtd by petitions to court requesting
the i evocation of the licenses,
i:. It. Stui ges, who has been the bend
and front of the league since It began
op rations about a ,ear and a half
nco, was ween lust night by a Tribune
man and asked to verify the Informa
tion, but he emphatically ri fused to be
interviewed on the subject.
"I have ret lied from nctlxe pnitlel
atlon in the work of the league," said
he. "now that I have n-sunied the
duties of Jury oniniisonei. and have
become merely u lasual obseivcr of
eveittH," this with a smile.
"Yet vou mil"! Know whether the
league lontemplati'S the ariest of
ialnnnkeepeis who .ne alleged to have
kept open nn Sunday."' suggested The
Tilbune man
"Well, m.obe I do and maybe T
don't," replied Mr. Sturges. "The
saloonkeeper know what to expect If
they violate the law. They know that
the' league will be nfler them."
Members of Y. M. I. Enjoy Them
selves nt Lnke Iodore.
The Joint excursion of the councils
of the Young Men's Institute of thla
city and surrounding towns, which
was yesterday held at Lake l.odote.
pinwd it highly successful affair, a
delightful time being enjoyed at the
i i'iii:lar teMirt.
Net ween eight and nine bundled
persons are estimated to have heen
in attendance, representing the coun
cils of the central city. Dunmore,
North Scranton. (.irecn Illdge, West
Si ranton. South Scranton, Mlnonka,
oca, I'lttston, Je.ssup and Carbon
dale. Th? day was spent In the usual pic
nic ell versions, a ball game between
the Minooka and central city councils
featuring the afternoon. Minooka won
bv a si ore of T-a. Caterer John H. Mr
l.ane, of this city, served the day's le
f.'eshments. The local delegation arrived home
shortly after ! o'cloi k 'an nlghl.
The committee in charge of the af
f ur consisted of John J. C'lilllun, of the
ccitrnl city; John P. Collins, of fai'
ondiilf. Michael I.anyon. of T'ltt.iton,
James Herald C'ullen, of Dunmore,
Thomas Mcllugh. of West Scranton,
and Thomas Hosklns, of voc.a.
Resolutions Adopted by Division 17,
Ancient Order of Hibernians,
At a meeting of Division IT. Am lent
order of Hibernians, 'Monday night,
resolutions expressive of the senti
ments of the ni'inhcrs on the deatli of
Senator ,1. C. Vaughan weie passed,
together with a tesoliitlon of sympa
thy lor the bet caved family.
Th resolutions epress regret at bis
untimely death anil declare that In bis
demise not only this community, but
the commonwealth, loses a servant of
tlrlesss endeaor and stainless hones.
tv; that the members of his family
loe a true husband and Indulgent
father anil the order n devoted co
woiker In the adanrement of Its
prosperity and the achievement of Its
Senator Vaughan was n chatter
member of Division 17 and its presi
dent for ten years.
The i evolutions wero subscribed to
bi, a committee consisting of Hon.
Charles P. O'Mall.-y. Daniel 3. Camp
bell. Thomas If. Clark, John J. Muirln,
James Cat toll nnd James T. Mitiln
Patrolman Perry Is Appointed to
Sucoeed to Bloch's Job.
Director of Public Safety P. I.
AVoimser yesterday Issued an onler de
tailing Patiolman Charles Peny as
mounted olllcer to succeed Joseph
Illnrh. removed.
It Is the intention of Director Worm
per to parcel this Job out among vail
ous of the ottlcers In turn.
All furniture, bedding, etc., In the
Hotel American, Franklin avenue. Is
being sold at private sale. nr
gains. Dlttenbender & Co.
Try the new Ec cigar "Kleon."
t Broadway, N. T.
WlUts-Ptrre. Ctrbondile.
( 5-6 Commonwealth hld'g, Scranton, Pa.
I I jt ) m f7
v Lt J I ''JTT'ri 6 ' li I V"""" v
Hahnemann Hospital Directors Ac
knowledge Many Gifts.
The director! of the Hahnemann hos
pital gritefillly acknowledge the te
celpt of the following donation for the
mouth of July:
Mm, (Jeorge Sanderson, Mowers, pa
pets; Itev. Dr. Robinson, nadlng mat
ter, bottle of wine; Mrs. Dale, reading
matter; Mis. II M. Holes, reading mat
ti r, pall cherrlis, two and one-half
dozen glasses Jelly, fi (for dessert), 27
trays (for waidx); Kim Park church,
reading mnttei; '. '. Hand, reading
matter; Mrs. P. S. riodfrcy, clothing;
MIhs Mary Olllerple, cake, biscuits;
Mrs. Ilroatlbent, (lowers, Mrs. V.. A.
Clark, leading matter, Mrs. MeOlnnls,
four nnd one-half dozen eggs; Mrs. H.
H. Ware, sugar; Mis. S. II. Stevens,
rending matter, a game; Schanlt &
Spencer, two dozen fans.
Desserts were furnished by Mis. J.
A. Hobertsun, Mlfs K. K. Hlchmond,
Mrs. Hemy llelln. Mis, C. D. Simpson
ami Mrs. H, M. Holes.
Musi mis contributed by Mrs. Fred
Price and Mr. 11. P. Ilolcombe.
A VAI.Ivn.ItlM. MWtRIUii:. l.iKllnti- .1.
T llnwe M-Mnday lAnrrlrrl Henry ItlnrKlry ami
.Mix Jintne McManinu, liotli ot t his (H,.
(II Ml nmvilD-A charter n erantf.l
at I l.iri i.-luii tr, Mnndav, to the Piuiirer (liy
U iter ivunpMiy ol Cirboiidale. It It i iillilircil
11 A- 11. PW-II.e llihware Ami itmlion
rompuiv paid JiMirilij at the Ililtlniorr So. I,
lldiimori' Itinnrl, Coinujlnm, White ink and
.lerinjli cil'n rtes
MTWMKIi llllll.t ion -William t. ttoh-
r In. nav ot linn cily, ht ncieptid i poi
tiim m dim tor of iiiihIc at the Hctoati IliptlM
chuuli, nt ('jihunclalc.
dt.K WOlthCIIV lACI'IfimV.-Tljf rmpt'MM
nf the l'itoiliiirg silk mill, opciated la !t'tllii.r,
t'v Irt A- shorn, will In tirilnl to an enuuion
lo .Mimntim Park, Sitnrdu, ,vpt. 7.
frit IHMV-Onini! In Hip bin dfnnnd (or
Inkt'U In the Knictits t,f Cohimhiift rvoir!on lo
1 lai - " 1 ike trimnrm.v, a pront train will be
nin over 1 lie Jriry Central at 1 30 p. in , direct
to the lake.
TKi:v SrilllKMA ll.b.-rmi. M. I) Mr
f awlrc. of No 1'J ilinnl, w.m Ukrn rrioinl ill
in ih' inie ef Supcrlnlrndrnt ot Si hnnlu Howell
(ii.riljj innrmnR and ws rcmocd to his
liniiic in a tab.
I), t. W. I'W HV"-Tlif ndiwjrp,
I. ii k.iuamii lind Wettrin rnnipanv pild pli'r
tU t IIip MtnWIli. nidinnnd and loiis mtn.t,
ininplrtinc Hip pa.a (nr tin- firt lialf ol the
lnunth ot AiiUt,
IttlVI'lhK ( si: M'PI'M.Vn It. W. North
up, pmnilcnt ami trpiurr ft iln- ractoiylll"
and Milnclnn Tun.pikp rompani, r-.irrdav np
pril.d tho ca-t nt Ihe londpnitMlInn nt taid ro-id
lo llm mprrinr ronil.
Wli:it INspKCHOV. 0intr tn tlp lllnrM
nf NiporintPiiilint llolirrl K-ri, of the S ran
Inn (Jas and W.ilrr iniupmi, IhP annual in
pp linn nf tin wfltrr c.ilrni nf the i unipany
ha Inrii pntpniipil iinlil nrt cik.
(HNCItl-RMIONM. MH-.riNfi. n Impirt-
nnt rniiErcL'Jlinn.d miTlinu- ill ho iM in 1,'iaip
Ijicll-li l.iahrran thiirth II i PH'iilne at 7..'.il
nVlnck, to trinvict nrct'iit liiumfv full at
trndaiiiv of the nifmhrhip l doirrd.
1'INliKlt W -J I I T Ml I. -Mhrrl Vrlr. oim nt
tho i'iuphPH in nrk'n piintliiK nn p, hid one
of the linci rs on I.U lofl hind nil ntT jMtorday
limrinnc lo havhiL' it audit in a wire Milililm;
nuihinr. Hi injur w.n llrlpd at Hie Lacka
wanna hopiUl,
sltNI(iN (illll, INIt Itr.n-Iiine Mi Cor
mill,. .nrPd 7 .m-iim nf this rltj, lm na. wtih
her pari tit al M.ninta n I'ltk Monday, (pII
a Munir and lintiirid nun nl Tn r lit" Iwtwppn
Ihr krif-.. and ankle. she w.n Ijkru to llr.
Jann' iKidxiie at .Uhln.
SPI.I II, lit 1V Hie Uikaanin rallrnad
ran a innl evnirsinn tram nut if Sirantnn
i ( t . i . 1 1 allprimnn In auommiirittr thi'ir Pan
tn.-i it .in tr.ifhc lniwi'in hcrr nnd Iluft tin
sjm'i nl i ir iiniiiic the Niiciri Hose rnnipiny
mid lnnd, nf I'lttslun, to Owpku, .n atUihrd.
MONIIdK I ill'Mt I'MIt -Ihn turni.t-iiitnti
anniiil of ihe Mninne Oownlj .u'riiiillui l
virion- will he held In MmiiiNlitiig for the en
tire week 1'i-L'lnninir s.rj,t :j p-,e rating uid
hi. linn cliin ifpunl atliution, i new- and
fd-t iln iIim pire and trot lulnc (iirJiiL'id for
Situtdav atiprunon.
M:KIII. Illll Will NIL- Mm 'Ihmius nf
Kinslnn, un iriunwd lo the Talnr hn
pllal ptpidi.i, MiAnini: from a new-re tt.h
wound in Ihe liitk nf the ler, -urtilrd hv in
ipninir the i'uiiIi-Mk of I Run which went ntt
while he m ilejnliiK it. 'flionm i cnsiiiecr
al the U'n,idnid cnllui.i.
liiNI'nimNT. Hi:iOltUIOV. Mijor llmoral
Kd C Drum and fcl.ilT cnmpnwl ol I nloiirl
(JpnrcP W, skiHhntti. rutjnt IM I'. lllK,
Colonel 1'. .1. Vittir, Colonil W. ('. Cnwlei and
Major . llrnun, ,ire al Oil t ity tnd iv mil
firiiiif the P. mi ,11 1 hi of I hiciln on the pjtn
anh Milltmt hi null of Odd nil. mi.
WMVI'l) A HKMIINfJ-r. 8imnn.n. ol -prinz
niook touiKliip, wis airaicnul Wdinr.n
llweii ti .lohn ,wlPidiy allrrnoon on the elurtfe
i f krrpm? an unllcrri'ril hou-e and ix-llim; on
siind.u He w,iitrd a lirarli-i: and ruirnd hill
in the Mini nl ( I'nd Wili-hel, jr. of till
luilm ixenm. iushllrd a hl ImniNiuan.
in W MP (IN Mil, s,MS l i in, rum;
nt the hunk and 'all inrii, held l,i-l nichl in
the Iii-,iiiimiiits nf tin rirrnien'n lielief a-n, U.
linn, a inmiiiltlri- wa appnlntid tn wait oil
(mi i jl Maiipir Silllnnn, nf the Nianton Hall
w.i ininpno, and lo nipiet tint all till nun
lu pcnniltiil to ruie (ne on the stntt urn
wlun le-pnudini; In an alarm nf Arc,
Marriage Licenses.
Patrick J. Iteiiiy Scianton
Theresa Faster Scranton
John P.. Wetherlll oiyphaiu
Catherine (irlfllths Olyphnnt
Kdward F. McGuIre Scianton
Kllen L. Hrogau Stranton
Sylvestana Mollnaro Cirbondnlo
Mis Marie Hedoletto Archlmld
Hairy II. Tuinbiill Dtinmoie
Hose M. Ptniib Dunmoie
Charles Smith Scianton
Frnnb Paiigoinltti Scianton
Henry Hincktel Scranton
Jennie Mc.Mauaniou ....Scranton
Reduced Rates to Chnttanooga, Tenn.
and Return via Southern Railway.
On account ot the twelfth annual
convention of tho National Association
of Letter Cuirleis at Chattanooga,
Tenn., September 2-7, Iflul, the South
em railway will tell round tilp tickets
to Chattanooga. Tenn., at rate of one
flrst-elass faie. Tickets will bo sold, to
anyone, on August 31. September 1 and
2, with lliial limit to September 10, ismi.
Thiough Pullman drawing room
sleeping cms to Chattanooga daily.
Dining car set vice.
charlt L. Hopkins, district passen
ger agent. Southern railway. R2S Chest-,
nut street, Philadelphia, will furnish
all Information.
Tim office of A. D. Preston, dentist,
Meats building, will bo closed until
September u,
Snioko tho Pocouo Glsar 5c. "
Tho Number of Pupils Who Will
Attend tho High School Will
Trobably Exceed by Neatly 200
the Number Who Attended Last
Year Three New Kindergartens to
Be Opened Number of Chlldten in
the City Between the Ages of 0
and 10 Years.
The attendance at the public schools
during the coming school year, which
opens next Tuesday morning, pioni
Ibcr to be the largest In the history of
the city. It Is expected that the at
tendance at the High Hi'hool alone will
be nearly 200 In excess of the attetid
ui"e Iant year.
The only new schools which nie to
be opened nt the beginning of the
year are a two-room annex In the
Tenth ward and an additional room on
Couit street. The former two rooms
nie to be opened In old No. fi srhool
to accommodate the ovettlow from No.
3S rchool, while the latter room Is to
be opened In n building In which one
room has been In use for some time
ns an annex to No. 21 school.
The full kindergarten nysleni, which
came under the supervision of the
school boaid, nearly two years ago, Is
being rapidly extended to nil pints of
the city. Three new kindergartens
will be opened this yeat In addition
to the four which have been opened
during til past two years.
The new kindergartens will be lo
cated In No. 2 school in tho Twelfth
nurd. In old No. 5 school In the Tenth
ward, and in No. 9 school in the Sev
enth wattl. The other kindergartens
are located In the i:ighth, Thirteenth,
Fourth and Twentieth wards.
It will be hard to tell ,he peicen
tnge of increased attendance at the
High school until the opening day, but
it is believed that there will be at
least 150 nnd probably 200 moie pupils,
than last year. There are over 100
more (Iinmmar A certificates of nil
mlsrion to the High school than there
were last year. So assured at the
menih?is of the high and training
committee that the attendance will 'be
increased that they have ordeied the
removal of the training school to No,
lti school, in the Fourteenth ward.
The changes in the teaching force
In the several schools will be very
slight and tho number of new bench
ers very small. It will be necsary to
engage two or peihaps thtee new
teachers for the High school, hut no
apoplntments will be made until after
the opening.
Attendance Ofllcor Mai tin Joyce has
compiled an Interesting table giving
the ci itineration of chlldten between
the iiges of fi and lfi .eais and fi and
21 yeais in the various wards ot the
The children between the ages of 0
and 10 yeais are those affected by the
compulsory education law.
.Mr. Joyce's table was compiled from
the teturns made by the assessors to
the county commissioners. An ab
stract of it is printed below;
Children lutwecn ace of
Ward. ii and 111 uam.
I'nurll ,
,s -until ,,,,
Ti in Ii
I.lrteulh ...
Tlilrtonilli .
Knurtenith ,
rifteinlh ..
Sixlcriith ..
Sepntec nth
Ninctnlilh ,
Twentieth .
102 J
The total number of pupils registered
in l!ao between the ages of 6 nnd IS
years was 20,P..",1, showing an Ini'icaso
this year of 631. Tho total number of
children between the ages of ii nnd 21
years registered this year is 2fi,17.1, ns
compared with 25,fi"0 for l'.ifla, shoeing
nn Inciease this year of -isj. Of this
year's rcglstiatlon 13,106 children ate
males and 1.1.07S females, showing that
the sexes are remarkably evenly ill
Colonel Ripple Yesterday Received
Explanatory Letter About It.
Col. 12. 11. Hippie received a letter
yesterday fioni the private secretary of
Adjutant General Thomas J. Stewnit
slating that the general is resting
easily nnd giving a detailed account ot
the manner In which he bioko his leg
last Sunday.
Ho wns out driving with his sister
and a party ot friends, up the river
load at Hariisburg. A yoke strap sud
denly litoke and as there seemed dan
ger of a runaway, General Stewatt
sprang out to repair the damage.
lie Jumped over the front wheel from
the ililver's seat and In so doing caught
his foot In the wheel, nnd sustained a
compound fracture of tho leg between
tho knee and ankle.
Forrest Boyd, of Lily Lake, Sus
tained a Broken Leg.
ForroHt Uoytl, ton of Iru Iloyd, of
Vnnii Illll, had a. lee fractured in nn
nvcldent nt Lily Lake, Monday.
He conducts nn nerlal trolley lino on
til" "flhoot tltft chutes" order, jHiseen
Kers belnp conveyed In n bucket sus
pended from n 'wire, from the ehore to
n point In the lnke. While on an In
spection trip the basket broko nnd he
fell heavily to the ground, breaking a
Alton A. l'rexliii, of Osnuyo, Totter
county, esterday filed n petition In
bankruptcy In the district Federal
court lilts liabilities nre Muted ns lie
ItiK W21.6R. The cine was refeired to
Itpfeieo Alonzo P. Moore.
The UlHtrlet Court of the 1'nlted
'llmimiRh I nt ruction low tuition ratM.
firailinle noiuro bt poiltioiK, Sonic ure now
lirawini! mUiIm ot l,2no, H,'l ami l,N)u,
Mam in (he and lx nmntlK qualify ihrtiif!n
to fill mUion whkli pay $A) ai.d V) per monili
at 111' ilart. The attention i.f AMIIIIilil S miii
foilc l (iillcitrrl, IViitlon turnlihfcl, Write
or rail fr circular!. .
States for the Middle district of Penn
sylvania will hold a session for natural
ization In tho Federal building, Reran
ton, Pa,, at 10 o'clock Monday and
Tuesday, September 2 nnd .1, 1901, nt
which time all persuing desiring to
tako out declaiatlon of Intention to be
come citizens of the t'nlted States, or
to be naturalized, may present them
selves (o said court.
Knights of Golden Eaglo Inaugurate
a Seilcs.
The first of a series of monthly en
tertainments, given by Itoarlng Urook
castle, -I0S, Knights of the Golden
1 ngle, was held last evening at the
lodge rooms. A small but enthusias
tic gathering greeted the participants.
The programme was as fellows.
Prayer, by ltev. J. W. Messlnger;
selection, "Stars of the Summer
Night," Towner quartette first tenor,
J. J. Williams; second tenor, C, C.
Johnson, baritone, William Case,
second bass, J. F. Messlnger; address,
ltev. J. W. .Messlnger; selection, "My
Hod Will Send nil Angel," Towner
quartette; address on "The Physical
Traits ot Man," illustrated by charts,
Dr. Hatcson.
After the entertainment, cake and
crcntn were served. Koarlng Hrook
castle Is a progtesslve, up-to-date or
ganization anil is making tine pro
gress numerically.
Runaway on Brick Avenue Causes
Injutics to Lawrence Lynch.
l-Couiii llmaii P. F. flordon, of the
Second ward, and Lawrence Lynch, of
1317 I.lnden stieet, met with a serious
mishap last evening while driving In
North Set. niton, along Hilck avenue, In
Mr. Cordon's tunabout.
Tho horse became suddenly fright
ened about fi 10 o'clock nnd dashed
clown Hrlck avenue until It reached
MaiUet stieet, wheie It collided with
n telegraph pole and threw out both
Gordon nnd Lynch.
The foimer escaped Injury, but tl)e
latter' struck his head violently against
the pole. Dps, Stanton jid J. J. Sulli
van were called to attend him and ho
was removed to his home.
lie was badly bruised nnd tecelved a
seere scalp wound which rendered
him unconscious. Dr. Sullivan report
ed that Lmh wns In no danger last
night, however.
Many Improvements to Be Made In
nnd About This City.
As the roMill of the conference be
tween President Tiuesdale, of the Dela
waie, Lai kawanna nnd Western com
pany, and the local olllclals; of the com
pany. It Is announced that many
changes ate to be made by the com
pany In and about this. city.
Additional tracks are to be laid be
tween the Mt. Pleasant and Cayuga
collieries, in order that extra yard
facilities may bo afforded.
It Is ptopoM'd to enlarge the car
fhops Im-tead of removing them to
Hlnghamton aiiid to equip them with
new machinery of nn Improved type. A
new In the main yard is
contemplated, as well as new round
houses at either end of the Kejser
Valley branch, the latter lo accommo
date at leat-t. twenty locomotives.
Traveling Man Mistook Window for
a Door.
A traveling man named C. L. Daly
met with n most peculiar accident last
nlellt in the Valley house. He had
Just a minute or two In which to make
his train and after pit king up his grip,
shook bands with Cleik Gibbous and
turned quickly to go out the door.
He mistook one of the plate glass
windows reaching nearly to the lloor
for the door and went with a smash
clear thiough It. The force of the
blow rendered him uncytis-cious and his
forehead was badly cut by the broken
glass, but he was able to take the next
train after he had been attended by a
Merchant Arrested by One of the
Rival Companies.
S. L. Gnllen, merchant of Penn ave
nue and Center strcot, was yesterday
arrested on a warrant, Issued by Al
derman Ruddy, at the Instance of John
D. Iteese, of the Amctlcan Hill Post
ing company.
Mr. Reese claims that Mr. Gallen re
moved one nf his company's bill boards
from the side of his store on I'enn ave
nue nnd permitted the Lyceum Mill
Posting company to erect one in its
place, contrary to the terms of the
contract which Mr. Ileese contends
was tntered into. Mr. Gallen will be
given a hearing- this morning.
The It.iptlf-t Sunday rrlmol will pic
nlc nt Nay Auk park todny,
Harold Miicliette of Scranton, spent
Sunday nt tho homo of Mr. A. II.
Mis liartleson Is quite III with
Malaria at her home here. Dr. Kned
ler Is In attendant e.
A number of relative friend"
arc being entertained by ltev. and
Mi. KnnUin at tile man.-e.
Miss Minnie Luther of Hawley Is
vIsltliiK her sister Mrs V. 0. Dunning.
Miss Helen Williams sppnt Monday
nttenion and evening In Scranton.
Mr. .1. F. Kiiedlcr has i (turned to
his home in Alburtls, after n few days
visit with his sou Dr. J. V. Kncdler.
.Mrs. Manning and chlldieu of Phila
delphia letuined home Monday, after
spending a week with Klmhurst re
latives. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, ,neo
Miss Alice Devnnny, ate enjoying
their honeymoon nt the Pan-American.
On their return tliey will reside
in Scranton.
The members of Washington camp,
No, 2S0, P. O. S. of A. wish, through
the columns of the Tribune, to thank
the ladles, who so kindly assisted
hem nt their plcnlo on Aug. 17. and
nlso for their help In clearing the hall,
Mr. and Mrs. Ilyion Buckingham,
spent yesterday In Scranton.
Mr. ,-uid Mis- iClareute Humlston
have moved to Scranton.
Mr. Mortis M. Shultz and family of
Inst, inter are spending a few weeks
wit'r fnends In this vicinity.
Mr. David Knickerbocker of Scran
ton vls'ted his parents nero ,ir.t wee',:.
The young Irlends of Miss Mamie
Dunning made her n surprise patty
.it her nonie last evening.
Miss Jeiiulo Dunning has gone for a
mouths visit with her friend, Mrs, II.
V.'. States ut her homo In Odessa, N.
Mr, and Mrs. Wnlter Itnney nnd
.on Paul of Dnlton, nre visiting at tho
Wagner home,
Some Men
of the Hoar
Lieutenant Jnmes Feeney, the police
olllcer who was placed In chutge of tho
centrnl precinct last week, Is one ot the
best known men on the foice, and Is
deservedly popular with hl fellow offi
cers and the public at large.
It seeniH a sttange cnlntidrnve that
It was Patrolman Feeney who was
chosen for the poMtlon' made open by
the refusal of Patiolmnn M. J. Walsh
to accept the lieutenancy. Walsh and
Foeney worked together for years, and
have been Inseparable In the public eye.
Walsh nnd Feeney were the brace of
patrolmen assigned to the South Wash
ington avenue beat for eats, and
when on the afternoon shift wete gen
erally seeh pacing adjoining bents
In the central .city. The new lieuten
ant Is well qualllled, In every way, for
the responsible post allotted him.
Tall, well knit anil nf hardy build, be
Is a splendid man physically, and cool
headed and calm by temperament, he
Is the iisses,sor of admirable qualifi
cations for the careful solution of the
many dllllctllties anil emergencies which
nrlce In the eouri-o of a night's duty.
It Is seldom that a young man who
linn enteied the rallioad business gains
.such nn enviable position in so short
a time ns has John K. Welsh, the
traveling passenger nnd freight ngent
of the Ontario and Western railroad.
Only a few yeaie ago Mr. Welsh was
tho "star" operator of the Western
I'nlon Telegraph company In this city,
nnd since bis entry Into rjllroad circles
his progress has been remarkably fast.
When he enteied the employ of the
Ontario nnd Wcsteim l'nllroad com
pany it was ns a clerk to Mr. Fllt
eroft, ho wns then In charge of the
company's business nt the Scranton
terminal, t'pon the latter's retirement,
Mr. Welsh succeeded to bis piesent
position, nnd has since established a
record for himself thetcln. There bns
been a marked inicrcnse- In the freight
nnd passenger business of the com
pany under bis management, nnd his
success Is dlicctly attributable to a
strict application to duty, well directed
work, and a personal affability that
chnracterlzes him as a ft lend whose
friendship Is worth something.
To be a member of the Convention
of Leaders among1 tho Managera and
Agents of The Fidelity Mutual Life In
surance company Is nn honor which
seldom falls to a new man In that line
of business, yet It Is a pleasure to note
that David W. Davis, the company's
Scranton repiescntatlve, has been
chosen, nnd that be has also nttalned
the position of general agent in this
district within a year's time.
Mr. Davis joined the company's forces
Inst September, and Inside of ten
months made a reputation as nn under
writer that Is seldom, If ever, equalled
by a new beginner. The distinction he
has won entitles him to a week's stay
in Philadelphia as a guest of the com
pany, nnd another week nt Hotel Den
nls, at Atlantic City, beginning today
and lasting until September 7.
Mr, Davis was for many years one
of the leading minstrel soloists In the
profession, nnd has had a varied ex
perience In the theatrical business. He
possesses a rich baritone voice of high
range and quality, and is one of the
most popular members of the William
Connell Anthracite Glee club. He leaves
this momlntc for Philadelphia.
Of the many sturdy young athletes
who have won laurels for themselves
and this city on the base ball diamond
or foot ball gridiron, one of the latest
to distinguish himself Is Hlchard F.
Nallln, of South Scranton.
This young man joined the Norrls
town seml-piofesslonal team late last
week, and In the game played by his
nine a week ago Saturday with another
aggregation of fast 'semis" the Scran
ton boy's wotk bntli In the Held and at
bat was mentioned as features In the
press dispatches.
Nallln left Villa Nova college In 1000.
after having established for himself
an enviable record there ns nn nll
arouud athlete. He captained the foot
ball team in liiOO, playing end anil
half-back, nnd was first baseman of
the base ball team. After the college
season was over he played with the
Chester team, one ot the fastest semi
professional nines In the country.
That this latter stntement Is no Idle
assertion Is given pretty nmple proof
bv the fact that at the end of tho Na
tional league season of 1000 the t'hes
teis defeated Shettsllne's Philadelphia
team. Young Townsend pitched for
Chester and wns Immediately signed
by the Philadelphia manager. He Is
now twirling good ball for the Quak
ers. The many friends of Thomas K.
Sliamp, former Tribune agent at ttlen-
bum, Pa., will be pleased to learn of
his rapid advancement In the 1'nlted
States signal service. At the outbieak
of hostilities between the T'nlted States
and Spain he cast his lot with the
Thirteenth regiment and served with
honor, lining n telegraph operator, he
was transferred to the I'nlted States
signal service nnd was assigned to do
duty In Cuba, where his ability was
early recognized by his superiors, A
promutlon Immediately followed nnd
when the telegraphic service was ab
sorbed by private parties, he was hold
ing the position of Reneral Inspictnr
lie wns later sent to Alaska, where
forty miles of telegraph lines were
built tinder his supervision, establish
lug n line of communication between
the Canadian boundary line nnd the
I'nlted States garrison nt Hagle City.
Mr. Shanip's term of enlistment em
pires this coming fall. He Is the recipi
ent of several tempting offers from
bcth tho I'nlted States government and
Central America.
Mabel Paige made a decided hit last
night In the "Pearl nf Sinoj," the
plero In which Maggie Mitchell won i-o
much of her renown as a star, net
work In the "Insane" scenes was es
pedally artistic. In tin- afternoon n
largo audience was delighted with a
repetition of "Tho I.lttle Coquette."
This afternoon the "Pearl of Sany"
will be repeated, and tonight "III he
given "I'nder Two Flags."
The specialties continue to pioe
qtlltn as enteitalnlug ns the play, r.
pedally the act of the acrobatic trio
and the sketch of the Paige sisters.
Mary NollU and M.n lialiMi, two Wru
Scrint'nn I'nIUh women, wrie jmlrriU) third $
Mth by AMfrnun Ituddy (or tt alius mil fmni
thr cara ot the bacUvtanna company nrar I.u
irrtif dtifft.
John Shcrnccx! wai arreted on Mumliy night
How Can You
What we have to offer in LAflPS, unless you see them?
It does not matter in the least what other people have,
you should see our line of rtanutacturers' Samples be
fore you buy.
Decorated Limps Willi decorated globes $ .95
Decorated Lumps, with mounting's gold plated, with
central draft burners complete 2.50
5 Qeo. V. Millar &
t .- .
Why wait until the rush of the
Call in and examine our line of Tapestries. Velours, Ktc., or
let us bring samples to your house and do your work NOW.
The Scranton Bedding Co.,
Lackawanna and Adams
Is called to the fact that
have just received our
Stock of
Peters' Loaded Shells
: And Metallic Ammunition
This ammunition is being
used by the best shots in the
country and is worthy of your
consideration. Loaded with
And Black
126 and 128
J trSole Agents.
1 ru..i...i Ulll Dm'
WusanicKon neiim, mibuuii f
A boarding school for boys in the elrva eel
nnd btaiitiful optn cotintrv north of rhlla
delnM.1. 30 nilnutu from Jlroad St. Station
For catalogued addre
Academy of Husic
Oi.e solid vcfik, ronuiuni ins;
Monday Evening, August 26th
Tin' l.iule Comc-ilieiinf,
fcupiicirlrd hv Hi" "-..ulicrn i k ( oniiun
Mu.nd.ii I i nin-.
Little Coquette.
Malnu-r- deli, bcginnins Tui'-djv al ? H.
I'ihm, to and -' i-iii. Iviini, pure. JO, JO,
oil c-fnU. o.u .n a.M' frldnj al a m
The Order ol Railroad Con
due tora' Clam Bake at
Lake Lodore,
August 29th,
Is going to be one of the great
est affairs of the season. Don't
fail to nttend.
in J iliiiire ! awu'dt and 1ijIiit, pritirri'd nv
,1ih lliuiU, i't Du'odoii' inrt lie uji held in
if-in hail mhhtiIj by Md.'innn Ku
.lohn IMIsfi. Kind mhwri Jiid John W.lnicr
uri'c arrived on Mond.ii nmlit, ih.iri.fd unit
aiwault ami tuili-ry b. Vlolpli Ilrinli'M.). o! h
ktrnt, who i lilmnl Hint Ihi'.i hrat liim linil.llly
en Mimljy inorimic,' at liU home. Ilie lumlili1
KTrw out ot villi' labor Kili.inim hnwrrn Ihe
men, all ol utioin ar eiiiintnl at lht Kile Jiid
W; online Vallej h'ir. Mfiinan Ituncli held
pj'ih ot tin- three defendant in PM hail for
thiir j'.cjraiice at court.
- YfeV.,
Co. IM'!I...A,
iTiiKin una L.OU k Aran a.
House Cleaning thne before
Both 'Phones
Franklin Ave.
Hy a recent net of tho leglsla
tuie. free tuition Is now granted
at tho
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomdburg, Pa.
to all those preparing to teach.
Thin school maintains courses
of study for teachers, for thciro
preparing for college, and for
tUoho studying music.
It lll piv to rlt 'or particular.
Nn other mIihoI olTen huMi auiorior al.
anUae at null low ratci. Addre.M
J. P. Welsh, A. M.,Pu. a.Prln.
Tuition Absolutely Free.
r?rin nt tli" 1 i"' 'irniirUhurg MR'f Normal
I ICC I all triiii njirim hept. 11, J,M,
The rinciriiir In. .ifned Ihr bill tnantln; j
tpeuil a''i"!iii.iunn to thi m hool. a woll m
the lull nukins Million fnc 1-or full putitulir
Binghamton Private Training Schoo
Icr rteriaiK, I!aiWanl and Doit Mute Club
drrn .Manual Trainlnc, I'liy.Ual Culture,
Nofdlewoik, lliu.li1, hindi'rKarl'n, Articiila
tlnn. Open rar lound (inular. I'rioci
moderate. S. A. I100I.ITTI.K,
62 I'alrvlew Aenu.
T. .1. roller, rreildent. r.lmer II. bawill, Treii.
K. J. Foitcr, fctanley V. Alien.
Vice Trcildent rVcretarv