Iitfsskl ribtme. THR ONY SCKANTON PAPHR RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OFJTHB ASSOCIATED PRESSLTHE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD SCKANTOX, PA., WEDNESDAY MOKNINO, AlXiUST 28, 1001. -e TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. TINFLATE MILLS TO BE NON-UNION H Positive Stand Has Been Taken bu the Gompanles at Pittsburg AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT The Oflkcis of the Company Con sider tho Action of the Amalga mated Association n Breach of Trust They Will Cut Loose fiom Labor Unions Entirely in Fututc. The Status of the, Stilke in the rittsbuig DIstiict The Stiikers Scoie Victory at Iiondale. Hi ft lnie w n tr m I ip V. . iati 1 Pr." Plttsbing ug 27 Pine tloallv the Olllj lRtllll(.lllt PVOIlt III tlie xtl IKp to- dav whs the positive stand taken by tin Aimiiein Tin Pinto coinpanv In tefpieiite ti lis iouisp In ih( future. An nfllil.tl stitoment fnmi this com imi todav denies that thorp aio anv negotiations nn toot looking to a spt ilriiHiit nf thp strike and nuthoiles tlip t.ttpnic nt th.it mills put Into opot Mtlon during the .stilke will bo eon tinned non-union and .ill men going to wink now will lip iPtalnpl In iliolr positions. This statement will have Its pffppf, beiu use of thp fait that the tin plate tiadp has alwuvs Iippii considered as timing the stiongholds of tl.o Amil ganiated assui latlon and llio dofl ap pears to 1iip bppii hi ought nboiif bv thp association declining a stilke ogilnst thp tin ptatp poiiipany aftpr thp iap for thp car had btpn signed Notwithstanding tho fact that tho Amnlg limited ))ooplo ilaim Justlflit tlon on tho giound tint tholr oonstl tullou piovieles for sin h proeeilnto, thp ollhlals of tin tin platp loninaiis e on sltloi thf notion a lnpaih of trust, and sav that hpin pfoi th tliP arp detor mnipfl to tut loose fiom union labor oiitliol Tho association olllilnls tip.it tho thie.it with IndlffpioiiLO, tholr onl.i iiplv being that tho oompanv cannot cuirj out Its plan, boonine ncarlv all of tho skilled till vvnikcih In thp iiuintiv aio nipinbeis of Hip asso elation and thp pi tut oinnot bp tun without thoill. The toipoiitlou. llovv- pci, hts startpd evciul of tholr plants In n way, and ilaliu to lnve all thp niPii miesvnrv within loach to operate them m full as soon as the machlnn.v Is In pioppi shapp Thp developments of tho il.iv would appear to ev'ricnte slow hut ship pains by tho coipoiatlon The Strike Situation. The following Minimal j, gives the status In this disttii t Pa Intci mill Six mills being oppi ated and management "tvs jlont of M'rri matPrial Is being tin nod out. Mar mill Men .still at woik upon two mills, no moip mm have rntPied the plant; thin! tiuiii may be put on at midnight. Line!- ly .1 MiCiitiheon niill Several men "ecuied. two mills open with s-ep-aiato i ipws Clark and 1'nlon mill- r.iptaln L, T. Urown sos the stuko i over, so far ns the.se mills aip oonieinod Stiikers s-av the mills hip not riinniiiR full MeKeespoi t Iteprr.sematlief. of tube wotkers decide to stand b A'nialga mated olIlihiN. TVmmlei plant ma be stai ted this week. I'l evident T J. Shaffer sajs bo Ujj mnslder a peace ptopositlon fiom te spomdhlo pet sons. Am ilRamated ofTlelals confident of ultimate, sue eon. Where Stiikers Score Victory. The oiio plate within this district where the i-trlkois hao toirl a Me. tory Is at Iiondale, Ohio At this place the Aniorlian Tluplate (ompanv was compelled to rlcv down Its ieiontl opened plunt for lack of men to opei ute It. Tho dav was full of excitement in the little I11.iro and Mivot tights iiinic ll.lc k and fast fyr a time, until the In habitants weie wioiiRht Into a stale of excitement boiderliiR on leiroi. The first llRht of the morning took place when Ihe non-union men left their homos and started for woik in the mill On the mam stieot of the village thev were met b a paitv of about thlnv Mrikiis, who by moial suasion tiled to Ret them to desist fiom their de termination to ro to woik When this failed a stronRor niRtimeiit was used and the men weie Riven a diubbliiR and driven back to their bonus. The village had seanel ictopiod fiom the surpiise which this attack occasioned when word was passed aiound that a party of new men weie dilvlng over land from 'Wellsvlllo Almost all the strikers at onco stalled to meet tho -arrlage and when tin passed the mill Dmce, It a llousoliolilei. a non-union man, shouted nt them This mtlon precipitated a llRht .MamiRcr Han field saed Householder ley diaRRlnR him Inside and shutthiR tho door with .llfllculty. The tin plate company then attempted to file Information beforo Justice Paisley, iIihirIiir the strikers with riot, but the jiisthe lefused to entertain the charge, RayhiR he would issue warrants for those inlvd In the fights, chnrglns nssault, but no moie seilous offense. The nttornej then be gan the preparation nf pappis to ask for an lnjuiiLtlon restraining the Btilk ers from Interfering with the non unionists In nny way. All the men who have been cmploed In the mill Joined the Amalgamated association to day oxropt Ira Householder and James Illndmnn. At this Demmler Plant. Th dally rumor that tho Demmler tlnpbito plant at McKcetpuit Is about to reiiumt opeiatlons wui curient to- nlftvt and the report that a gang had been pi lired to ro In, diow a large otowd of Milkem to the mill for picket dut In font moio dan ncionlliiR to the Amalgamated ao latlon. stilke bono Ills will begin to Issue The Amalga mated aoi latlon pioldr foi no pas ments of benefit dm lug July and Aug ust Sub( ilptlnns have been coming In to Amalgamated headquarters in Roodl nnmlicn mid thine, with the assess ments letiiined b ninny union lodges ihioiiRhout the loiintry, have "welled the .strike fund niaterlallj. Shaffer Addresses Strikers. Piosldent T .1 Shaffer nddiessed tho strlkeis of Painters' mills at a rallv bold on the South Side tonight In bis spooi h Piesldont Shaffer undei toi 1, to icflite the iharge that til" Amalgamated association has iolated Its lontrut with lotistltiiont lom p lilies of the I'nlted States Steel cor poi itlon "The Amalgamated asso uatlon has not broken Us lontraet, and annul affoid to do so Such ihaiges nie false," deilared Mi Shaf fei "It Is line. ' said he "that some scales wpio signed this oar. but thev weie signed bv the lompanles upon the condition that other companies of the I'nlted States Steel coipoiatlon would sign This was the iiim with the Ameiliaii Tin Plate lompim. The other companies did not sign.' ho said, "and lonseqiientlv the Amalgamated men bioke no contracts b sti Iking" Continuing. President Shaffei snid 'While at woik we faltlifulh adhere to eei pait of otu tontiact o are reich to go to work now, If out rlnht to otginls'e Is leoognls'od "If the I'nlted State Stcil crrpoi alion will sign the ti1lc for alt mills signed foi last iar, with the undei standlng that no man is to be dls i lunged foi coniuitlon or sMiipathv with laboi oig-anlatlons and If the t-ealo Is siRtieel for mills wheie the nun want to organise tht stilke will be terminated ' Main of the nine hlnl.-Us of tho Na tional Tube works at McKeesport de i icled to aiee)t tlie offer of the loin piiiv made todm. and -00 of the m to tinned to work tonight The offei of tho lompany was fot tho men to te turn to make noicsm irpalts of ma ihltioi) Some Intipiet the moe as tho flit leal bioak In the Amalga mated ranks, while otbets consider It m'iel nn antli lpntor of an early settlement of tho strike and the io umiitlon of work at the plant. It is loin nod late tonight th..l Prosl elont T J Sliaffer has pent out letters to ill muubeis of tho eeiutlo lom mlttoe of the Amalgamated assoe la tlon, halting their aipioal of the peine plar agiood upon last S.iiiudiv bv the toiiosentatles of the National L'tlo federation and Amalgamated assochtlon. NO SYMPATHY STRIKE. Brotherhood of Raihond Firemen Will Not Violate Agreements with Companies. n.T xcIiimm- Wire? from The AwfUled l'rriw New Yoik, Aug. .'7 Prank P Sar gent, giand chief of tho Hiothoihood of Railroad ritemtn who Is a member of tho Industrial iomniKson of the National Chic roderatlon, was heie tod i to confer with Secretai Ralph llasley loRTidlng the i-tilke of thostcol workeis Ho win return to his home In Peoila, Ills, tomoirow Mr Saigeant, in an inteivlew In tho Times of tomoiiow is quoted as s-u-ing, after his lonfeience with Mi. Kas lej: "I believe the isttik.e conceuih all unions. While out union h greatly In tel estod In the lesnlt of the strike, we June agt cements with the different rallioad companies which we don't hie our way to bioak Theiefoiv, though we ato teaelv to go Into our pockets and contribute to the support of the stiikers wo aio so tied down that we cannot fftilke la SMiipatln At the same time tho outc omo of the stilke lis of gieat Important e to us- Main of the leading men In the rnlto.d States Steel coipoiatlon Juno huge lallioad Inteiests and If the stilke pioes a f Unto the jallioad companies would '. in bet in shape to take aggiot-shc mensiiics tow aid the lallioad biotbei hoods ru the sake of organized laboi, theiefoi ' as will a It.s own, the Amalgamated asvoi latlon cannot af foid to b.uk down In the fight" LUZERNE DEMOCRATS HOLD CONVENTION Ticket Is Nominated, Headed by Judge Lynch No Candldite Against Judge Wheaton. n Fxcludie Wire- from The Aonateil l'rf AVIIkeis-Haiie, Aug J7 The Demo ciatK belli tholr eonntv convention to dav. Hon .1. Rldgwa Wilgbt was e hali man The following ticket was nominate el roinmon pleas judge, .John lAiuh. Oi plums' court Judge, Andiew M 1'ieas, eount.v lontio'llei Cootgo R Mel.eaii. loioidei James ll.urctt, coronet l)i V II Reig The Rt publicans declined to noinl nate a candidate against Judge l.vntb, Si) that Ills ie-election is assilied Hj lesolutlon toda s convention declined to nominate moie than one catielldate for coinmon pleas Judge, mi that Judge Wheaton, tlie Republican nominee, will aim bae no opposition The pint form ndoptid lealllims the state platfoiiu MERRIMAN ARRESTED. The Leader in the Africander Bond Is Paroled. Hy riiliialie Wire (run The Aweclitnl Pni Tape Town, Aug. 27 J. X Merriman, tho paillanieutniy leader of the Afil candor liond, has been ni tested on a faun neat btollenbosch. He has given his parnlo not to leave tho faini Uiiidon, Aug 27 Mr. Merriman, whoso airost Is Biinnuiic'ed fiom Cape Town, roomily visited Rngland nnd urgtd In, speeches and Interviews, a conciliation policy toward the Boers, KNIGHTS AT LOUISVILLE Over 300,000 People Witness the Great Parade Yestcrdaij Morning. 30,000 MEN ARE IN LINE The Sir Knights Begin Their Tri mde nt 0.4 A. M. nntl Contlnuo Until 1.30 P. M. Irwin Bntnanl Is 0 vol come Aelmlral Schley Re ceives nn Ovntlon All Along the Route, Hjr Kicliwiic Wire from Tli Anioolatrel I'rrew l.milsN IHc, Aug "7 It Is estlniiited that inOnfMi people today witnessed the p n ado of Knights Tempi u Thlrtv thousand Sit Knights 1n full uulfoiin weie in line, foi tiling an Imposing spei -taole- with whli li to liegln the twentv elghth tilonnlal com line. The mniob started at 'J 40 a. m. and was llnlshod nt 1 R0 p. in , after iinoilng a distance of folii miles. The course was piotoet eel l wires sti ling along tne sieiowniis to keep speitatois In iheik. This in novation In handling holldav iiowds was consldete1 highly suiiessftil al though a few venturous spit its dodged under the wire at arlous points along the route when the polite was not watching The weather e.uly was tlear and ool, lint by noon the heat be came somewhat oppiisslvo and thoie woio eleven cases of piostiatinn to belt and exhaustion Sir Knight It- win Uatnard, of Oiooiisvlllo, lnd , was ovettome wlille matching. His con dition tonight was it pen ted sol Ions A portion of the Y M ". A lev lowing stand nt romth sin et and Rioadway collapsed Half a doon people Mis talnecl biuWes The cr.uk oomnnndorlos fiom lil cago, Plttsbing and Sin l'l.nuisio nt tiaeiod special attention bv the It nng nllltent appeal ante I'olumbla icini inandci), No. J of AYashiiiRtoii, 1) r, i.iine In for wild applause all along th" lollte, as Sir Knight Roar Admlial Se hle Is a niembei of It and bad hoe n (ppited to niaich with his teimradcs Although ho was absent, at ovoiy point in Hip nuns-, when the Wash ington mi r appeal (d, the uowd tends up the civ, "Schlej ' Sthlev! luiiiali ir Si hlev '" Later, when the foiunl 'voccomo to tho knights was estet clod bv .Judge Parker, of loulsv 111, act ng for Uovornor Rockham, and I'oiincr Congros.sman W. C. P Riocklnrlde, the mention of Schle,v's n-itne elliited ap pliiisp so entliusiastlc thai both ppakois 01p conipcllPtl to stop for spvrnl minutes. I"lroworks, excursions on th" liver, and ntlior diversions oictipioel the s. tms' time tonight S"VPial of the commandeiies Jield receptions, among them being Plttsbing. No 1, Wheel ing. No 1 of Wheeling, Va . and the giand eommandoiy of New Hump shlic. MINE WORKERS MEET AT HAZLET0N Discussion of the Tiouhle Over Mine Card1? Sentiments of Scran ton Delegates. Hi Kxelinlio Wire" from Thc Asnentnl I'ios Tlaletnn, Pa., Aug 27 The creden tials toinmlttee concluded Its woik to night. The roll call mows 7S0 ikle-' gate is In attendance. Yv'hen It was found on lea.ssembllng this afteinoon that th toll could not be completed In time for an afternoon c ion, adjourn ment was taken at :i 3u until totnonow moinlng. So far as can be learned, tin to Is tioulile concerning the i.iul Inspect Ion system at sonio of thi collieries of the Deliware and Hud'-ou ooiupanv In the St ranton dlstilot, and at one eollli of the Lehigh and Yv'llkes-Hano In the Hasdoton region Coxe IJroc & Co, It Is nllegxl by delegates bine not et paid the 10 per cent Ineienpo to Kmie of tin laborois and thonien. Quite a iiumbei of dele gates fiom the Scianton dlstilct have expressed themselves In fnvoi of dras tic) measuies to enforce cind Inspettlon at the mines but th men fruni the otbtr distill ts aio of the opinion that tho ellllleulty can be temedled in .m amit able miinnoi Much depends on Piesldont Mitchell anil the other leadeis, who, It Is be lieved, can piett noaily swa.v theion vention to their wav of thinking While nothing definite concerning' the matter Is mentioned in the ollltlal call and while Piesldont Mitchell refuses to eotlier confiim oi deny the tepoit It Is stated tonight that after the caul question and nthei points at lsue are settled the ceSnvontlon will take the prellmlnaty steps tor securing n Jednt confeiente with the eiperntois net splng Henry (.'olllns, of Scranton, an otboi membei of tho national evuitho boa id, atilved tonight. When nskod tonight whit mtlon ihe convention would take regui cling te sti lotion of the output of coal, Piesl dont Mitchell sulci he would not nt this time vendue a pi edit tlou October 2D, the (list annlveisnrv of the dose of last fall's stilke, which won for tho miners u ton per cent. In crease In wages and other; concessions, will be set apatt by the convention as a general holiday In which their lc toiy will be colobiated In every town by parades nnd speech-making. Authorized to Sign Piotocol. Pr IxiIihiip Wlro fr in llio .ndii. prciw Ivncion, Viijr JS 1 1 Iliac ( hnic ha nntl fled tho mlniarra cl the oucr that I lie ( liiinfc pltniintnitiirl(si are nn iiithnrUfcl In sn Ihe prntcii'ol," n) a rle"patth to tlm fnnr bom I'cMn, clilnl .vrotrrlai, 'and liu rc-'ini.tril lliein to Ml i eluto tor the aliinlng n edict cone me In the Importation ol nni a clrcuUtcl lo tomplite the protocol." ' CONSTITUTION INJURED. Tho Yacht Got n Bad Wrench In Oyster Bny. Ill' rxcliKlve Wire troin The AMOCitdl TrM Rrlstol. R I, Aug. 27. The Constl tutlon got n bad wrench when slip grounded hi Ovstor llav the other day, adding to the Injuiy she sustained by sti Iking an under water obstruction during tho locent New York Yacht i lub irulso. Several plates wete found to be In bul shape whin the vneht was drv doiked this afternoon. At tho time tho plates wire loosened during tho ciuWo the ttouble seemed of llttlet i onseipienco, but tho li.ud racing the iraft has dotip since then has tended to loosen the sheathing strews on this plating It Is thought quite possible that much of tho .vnthfs unsatlsfactoiy woik may lie attilbuted to the ion ellt Ion of the phitps on hpr keel. The Constitution was hauled out nt Jilgh w iter tonight and preparations made for the stiaplng of her undu bod. STORM AT TEXARKANA. Lightning Cientcs Havoc, Destroy ing Life and Piopeity. Pr rulnMic Wlro from 1 lie s.oe-ltfd Pr;s. ToMiikann. Aik Aug J7 Toxarkiina was visited liv a mot i-ovoie elettilcal and taliiMonn today. Pi of Oiis.v's son was stunk bv lightning and killed, his nock being bioken Ho was under on umbrella with n companion, who also was biidh siiocked. Two colored chuichofi weto sti tick ntil badlv damaged One ieldonce was destroved and otheis damaged. THE SHAMROCK II , A WONDERFUL BOAT Said to Be the Most Dangerous Com- petitot foi the Amciican Cup That Has Yet Appeared. ill l'veliiMir W rr from llio wne iitesl l'rr New Yoik, Aug. 27. The Shani ioik II was ulven a good, long spin tod iv, both Inside and outside tlie Hook. Hu was tiled in wlndwaid woik and hi oad and elo-e jeaehing. In l.ei t, tin challenger was given ev oi thing extopt a spinnaker tun In a In i te th it sometimes piped up to twelve knots mil at one tlmewasunder i Ight knots The good opinion of hi r speed moi Its and ability to (iut lofty (iiuvas was emphasised. M.iiiv iiilHlug e-flioits v bo saw" hor pei lot mam i i all her a vvniideiful lioat. All s,iv su Is tho most dangoi ous pioposlttoii that has over i omo ovei tliosi watds hunting for tho Ameiltas cup. She had life In lier oveij minute She gathois way with rein nk i bio lapidlty. Is quick In Mnvs, points very high and stands up under h trtmeiiilous spioad of i.invas like the piovorblal steeple At no time to d iv did she put her i .ill under, even when wealing aiound close h mlPd and taking a twelve knot breeze abeam. With all this. sli- Is n very beautiful boit under sail, and t ikcn altogether Is a doe Med Improvement over the old Miami oek Tho onlv now mI tiled toda was her lu com club topsail It was a ro'V e hitlon to those who isaw It. and It is leitainlv one of Ratsev's finest ciea tlons n appears much latger than the topsails on the Columbia and Consti tution. It extends further out over the giff and runs up IiIkIici nbovo the top nuiHt. It is ald that the ellstance from tho boot of the m.iht to the top of tho topt.iil club l over 1''0 feet The sail sheets out or well and theie Is less looseness along tlie heat than on either of tho Anietlcin lioats. Mr Thomas I.lpton was on boaid dining the entire trial, audi when seen at Sanel Hook, after the tncer picked up her moorings, .seemed much pleaded with her show ing. ' This Is the twentieth spin which the boit has had," aid be. "Iniludlng her laces on the other de She Is lin pi ovlng all the time, and I am moie pleased with liei todiv than eei be fore At no tlmo did we can anv water on deck, she li id life eveiv min ute', and If i-he does not tail back the cup, the Aniotlcan boat that beats her liuiv well npiio pi dc In our people" A noable fi.ituto of the clay was the eon.stant saluting which the challenger leeelved fiom on. in isteaniPis doivn to the smallest of liumlies The Shamroik eovoiiel the nine miles fiom the southwest spilt to Owls Head, against the tldo ot thioe knots, In ".1 minutes" The 1 nn liai k over the same couie, Int hiding six tacks, vva.s done In fi7 minutes THE FATAL FORD. Four Persons Di owned While Cross- ing a Stream. 11 Fxcliubc1 Wire from The Avcclatfcl 1'reH Rulheiforelton N C.Aug 27 Will lam Mills. JO Jens old, and Ills dnugh-tei-lu-law, .10 (ius of ago and lier two 0 and ll-.voai.s-olel bojs were drowned In a small stie.iin In this town late last night. Alt M 1 1 It- attempted to cioss n swift In inch which was about four feet deep, when tho wagon struck a log. tinning It ovei He canled the two voiingest chlldieu, n bo and a glil. :! nnd 4 veais old, to a fence nim by and went back to get his dauglitet-In-law and the two othet chlldicn, but all four weio drowned The bodlrn of the old geivtleman and daughter woio lecnvoied toela.v. The bodies- uf the two bo,s Juno not been toiind Will Trosecute Westnll. Hi rvoluiho wire turn llie- ocliiid Yrt lUi -ini, Aviir I? llio aulhorillu will pni iiiic fir erimiiul nculiK'nir, P. (' Una ill, .hp(vnf the iiiinwv ouhr lintpaii of tho lliwtu pev.tiiilip, ln lo-t 51 " if tho funds it lie potetllei In nil omnihiis wlulo en Hip i,i lei pn tho money In Hip lrr:i.ur flip lUnna werpt jinliip Inow ln ntnlp the nion' 'Hip emir ioinlta of tour pprnoni, to ("leliaii Icon ami two mgrnos Ml arp at lircp anil in lilJIn,'. World's Recoid Established. Hjr Kicluilrt Wire from Tho Anoclated Yrttt. Npw Ihirn. Conn, Vuir "7 oi!el ipeord n petatilUliprl In Hip trn milp open profpwlonvl racp at Hip u'Uii'l circuit inert held Iipip tonight. per lauon, et (lili.lito, hoii; nm I'onprr, fnonil lime ilS 1 i Tho pniloiu reiord WITNESSES IN SCHLEY CASE Navu Department Supplies the Ad miral's Counsel with a Tentative Roll SAMPSON HEADSTHE LIST Although tho Department Refuses to Make the List of Witnesses Public, It Is Understood That the Name of tho Admiral Is Pioml nent Among Those Who Will Tes tify A Philadelphia Lawyer Is Engaged. Ily 1 ve lii-clip Wirp from Tho Awointed t'rrss Washington, Aug. 27 The navy de partment today, thiough Captain Reml, tho Judge advocate of the com t of iiuiulrv, supplied counsel foi Ad mlial Sthlev with a tentative list of witnesses to be called before tho couit by the government. Tho dop-it tinent dot lines to make this list public, but it is uudeistood that It contains and In fat t Is beaded by the n ime of Rear Admiinl Sampson. It Is not oven pos sible to li'atn the numbei of witnesses named, but It is stated that the list Is liv no means complete Some of tho witnesses named mav not be called, while on the other hand not only may the' government adil to the list, but Ad mlial Sthlev s counsel nto at llboity to suggest additional names. It Is uudeistood that Admlial Samp son Is to be teprosentcd' befoto the Sihloi court of Inquiry h counsel The nav depaitment otlliials njv thev hive no ollltlal knowledge on the subject and point to the fait that the toutt of liuitiitv s the only bod authoiled to admit ot debar counsel in sin h cases, It ma In its pleasute tlenv the poison under Investigation the privilege of having counsel piosont before the court en, on the other hand, It may go to tho lengtli of poiinlttlng poisons In sec ondary interest tlie pi Iv liege of em plojlng counsel befoto tho court So the officials s.wv thev hive no know ledge ollli lolly of tho retention of c oun se 1 by Admlial Sampson, but pilvately It Is admitted that ho expects to be so representgd. It was learned today that W. H Stayton, of the law firm of Stay ton & Chamtters, of New Yoik, was ex pected at the navy department to tnonow and It is supposed that bis pin pose Is to consult the records of the department In tho Interest of Admlial Sampson. Admiral Schley's Counsel. Philadelphia. Aug. 27 Tho Record tomorrow" will say that Albert 11 O'Rrien. a prominent member of the Philadelphia bar lias been called In ns ossoilato i nuiisel for Rear Admlial Sehlov In the coming Investigation at Washington Last Thuisdav O Hi Ion was In Washington In consultation with Schley's counsel anil mnterlallv assisted them In the propaiatlon of the brief for the court nt inquiiy. Dm lug thp late CO's ho occupied the post of Judge advocate nf the West India fleet and In I&69 was stationed at Annapolis, where Schley was lieutenant com mander. A warm friendship developed theie between the two moi. Ml ORilon resigned fiom tho nav In 1S7S and took up the practice of law In Philadelphia. AUDUBON BOY GETS PARK BREW STAKE The Lexington Horse Makes a New Record at Providence Other Interesting Events. Hy Pirluilip Wlrp from 11c AsoclatPll Pri Piovldento, H. I, Aug 27 Scott Hudnoii of Lexington. Ky dtove Audubon T5ov In tho P.uk Itiew $10 000 ftake for 2 10 paceis at NatrngatiM'tt Paik, this afternoon nnd won In thioe stialgbt boats Audubon Hoy had to go fast to win tho big puisc lie made n new ictoid of 20G ll.it In the second beat, while the third was onb half a second clow or. Sphinx S pieced the chestnut haul, but bo bad ipeed and endui.iiiio and could do what was linked for, KaMor took tho 2 24 tint In straight beats that woio run easllv In slow time. The 2 11 pace went to Council Chlmos, after the flrnt heat wns won bv Cap tain Sphinx. Armorel made nime light ing finishes that weie the ftatuies of the raio. Summailes: J II iloi, trotting, thup In flip, piirto l '00 ljpr I 1 1 Vlinmip 7 J 2 I. oli i i 9 Shin aie ? .1 1 WllqilO I 11 S iiiritli. Ilillt Uirtl, IVI nt, Man I. rim.. Iia Ihe lohn Hooper ul ttarttd litup-J ll(, r.': '-'i-iU '.' 10 o!a. paclnj, thrp in flip, Park ltie Hik- $in om ii'luhon II n- l t i SplllllV s i soplui 17 4 Pi.iiip IlalW Oil luliii T 1.' .. 7 IHjioIh. snr I'iilIi, lorn r.dliounp, 'ip. s WidgpiMinel, Ijek llircllnj, liiiliuluor. Stuknr I n lor, rmmi M. Urlonlia, I'u'.i UIo ml CerinliiP iilo "tJilod Tlnip .'fWt, 2ini, jii.ii, .'II cla-H, paec, three in liip, puro i,(iel Counoll I'lilnif"! 7 I I t ( tiln sphinx I .' n I Vitnoifl i I 2 IIictti'M '2 I 7 7 I.onl.p ! . . . ' t fi .1 I (iiihlt, ("oiniii MjcIcp nlo nariP'l. limp i in',, . ins,, 2ii, soi Pensions Granted. P Kpliialvo Wop from The MonatPil pniu WflcliliiKton iig 27 n $ ppiku n li i li rn crantrd to Martha l eiambm luiluw), nl Mil Niaukpe Killed by Lightning. Ity FicluMiP Wlr from Thp tworiatnl l'rfna ud 1hIcp, Vlont , iis ?7 Ichn Xnilrp nav intanlb killpcl In John llompm, hi nla took him (or a bear unlle the twu uerc huntins. tub Ninvsjrms mokning- Weather Indications ToJoj! QCNenuLL rAm 1 (IrnPrAl framr'n Sfrinua llrlatlom with Tnr. Tin Pllte Mill In rip Son mil in lloll ot Wltnrs tor Ihe s,Mpi" trial hnlRhtu Tpmplar I'nrailp 4t liiilsvltp. I l.e-liml Clltitndilp 1P trtrnpnt. 3 leil Miinlilpd Iiiriio ftpr Saloon keepers h-iiIiir ot III" Public sclmold soul- Vlpn of th- Hour, 4 Idltorlal Note ami Comment thecal Colonel llltclicock Not tltfd o 1 ( andiilalp Cliante-i in the 1 .lucaliotnl fnntpit. I! Ijoial Wrt s, rjnton in I Subiithin 7 f.Piipril N irtliPi'lern IVmidlvinu. Mninrld an I loiumcru.il 8 lnil-lnlmtrlil an! labor MR. SCHWAB BUYS THE BETHLEHEM PLANTS A Check for $4,032,000 Is Given for the Iron nnd Steel Company's Inteiests. rtj l'vcluilip Vtlrp (rem Th '.orlatfd I'res. Philadelphia, Aug 27 The Hethlo beni Steel coinpanv, vvhlelt aNo liuluilis the Hetblehem Iron compau, toeluv uassed into the bands of Charles M Schwab. A i bee k foi $1032,000 was de posited with the (ill aid Tiust com panv b Diexol & Co, in p.ijtiipnl of Ills 000 sluites of Hothloheill Steel dtoe K The total number of nhaies In the' nun piin Is soo.ono lmmediatelv uftir the lccelpt of the i heck a new bond of dlioitois anil new olUccis vvote clotted The tegular iiionthlv meeting of tho dire dots of the Pethlohein Steel com pany was called for 11 o'clock this morning At that hour u quiiium of tho bo.ud wns ptesent, but no word bad been rotelved ftoin Ml. Schwab 'Ihe meeting was adjoin nod until l."i0 and as Mr. Schwab's tcpioontatlve bid not .vet appeared a f Hither adjournment was taken until J oMock When the dlieitor.s met finally Max Pain, of Now York, WHh piesont, leptesentlng Ml. Schwab, and the mock and mollev weie speedily ttansfeiied. Mi. Pain hail ai langed with Dioxol Vc Co. to pav the ietiilied amount to the Oh aid Trust company and when word was lerolvod that the stock on deposit hud been de livered tho new dltoctors weto elected. The now board Is iih follows H. P. l.lnderman, i: T. Stiiteslnuy, i: M Me llvalne Arthbilel .lobnston, (leorgo P Paei, J P. Ord and Chillies McVeigh The otllters me: K. M Mcllvalne, piosldent A. II. Horle, vice piesieleiil H. S. Snveioi setretniy A. N. Cleavei, treasuroi, AVchlbild vlohnsinn gen eral suippiintendent. All of the direc tors aio now with tho exception of Ml l.lnderman and Mi Statesburv, who seived on the old boaid (leoigo P Haer Is president of the Philadelphia and (loading lallioad. President Mcllvalne elet lined to state whether Mr Sthwab hail pun based the stoek for blmsCIf ot Mi other persons Ho s.nii, bowevoi. that the coinpanv would lenialn independent but would be more aggressive than It hatl been in the past Mr Schwab agiood to purchase the Hethlehem Steel stock at $JI a shaie provided the Hethlehem lion coinpanv was included In the snle. A meeting of the stockholders of the lion oompanv was helel at which It was decided to well to the steel eomp.in.v Thou the dlicctots of both lompanles agiood to accept Mt. Schwab's offei. Yestoidav was llxed as the limit for depositing tho stoc k to be sold Manv of the tdiaieholdoi.s, il is said, did not avail themselvi s of tho oppoitunltv but the time will be extended foi them The stoik wblth has been de posit d with tho trust loinpuiv othc i thin that pilcl foi today will be taken up within the next twenty dis at the h.ime into pel nhTio DR. NELLIE POOR FOUND. The Demented Woman Stiff eis fiom Exposure in the Woods. 0y rueluitte Wire 'rom rhe Atioclatpel Pre; Corning, N Y, Aug .'7 Mt In. Nilllo Poor nnd liei two .sons of Chi i ago, weie found In the woods neat lure todiij Mis Poor Is tht woman who at ted in an insane inniinoi on an l.rle train hint Thurxdiiv night anil then in.vstotlousy clKippcaied She and lr cons hive bten living in the woods for seveial elus anil are suffer ing limn exposuie. Tlie are now taied for In the home of W II ciiamboilaln, of Kauoiia, N Y who is a lelatlvo of Mis pom The woniiin Is hiboilng und. i the hiillui Illa tion that a pi lie ban been iiin her head Injunction 'Against Stiikers. Ilv lie lump Wire from I ho (mociatpcl l'rri I ititiiiiiiti, Xiii -'" - IiiiIkp smith, ot ihp riiurt cf i.iinnic ii pice i .hi cTinlnl t Inn p.nri tiiiunt lion acomt the mon lockpil out In tin e irrljje n arofi luiir In I'nn n Ihe mlt a fUici on liflulf of 1'. rnn I lliiutrr, irpipvpnling Hip ( irm"p Mjuufai luriiN mmi. lion Dip nidi arp njoincel Irene pukPtniE mil from intrtf. ring in hi v wai null tho Im.in.M ot the- vinom eonnin- Entombed Miners Rescued, 111 Kvclmlip Jr (rom Ihp uii4ti 1 !' I nnelon, nif 2 I up ot the ten miners Mho ftrrp Hit mlipil at the IKinll rKIlP icIlll in l'i itlihilc rii iixumI m..ihIj nlirii Ihp (lile'J ot the mine, atum iolliinl i iiIuiiiIiIiik tun of tho ri'turr Hipp uiih Iho kc-up arl if four uli'i Iuip liilnl ii reoirii mike plpipn in all ulinve foe l Mill luiiliidil Independence Diiven to Haibot. 11 KarliuitP Wirp from The AHoilatpet Pren inirinl II in li, Men, Viu .'7 lin le op iicla, liuh pe-liJ. ihp .iwiiiel l,i tlunii.1. W I a . n jawed lhl poit lodit (n in xmpori for lloiteui lint on uc.oiiiil of the tic rthraiprei xiinct .In w ii iiinpPllpU In rrliirn and hnhur Iitp lonlKht Book Binders Strike. (liieauo, Vuc (7 VII th (onnlo nirinhprk of tho llnnk IlinelPii' unl m tiiiioird lo ihp W II ( onkrj (iinipanj at llainin mi, lnd , rnimhpr init alinut ilft), i-triiPk tmli) Ihijim their c.lflirri Ihi IuiI l.cc.11 dUcliarKPd ttcrilj, were not rt Inatatetl TURKEY AGAIN IN DANGER The Recent Break with France Man Posslblu Disrupt the Gov ernment. MINISTER HAS DEPARTED Probable Dissolution of Concert of Powers Departuto of M. Constana from Constantinople Sultnn's Ap peal Disiegnrdcd Turkish Minis ter Notified Not to Return to Paris. French Foielgn Office's View. By Fvrlmlvp Wirp (rom The Awociatcd Yrtf. Pails, Aug 27 - A senil-olllclal note has been Issued that the potto not having i an led out Its undertakings with legaid to the disputed iiuestlotw bedwoeii the Pii-lieli and Ottoman gov ernments. M Constnns, the 1'icnch iinibaHsadoi ae ting under Itiistiuctlon'i fiom the fonign inlnistir, M. Dolcasso, left Constantinople on August 26, thu date n imed 111 bis last e ommunlcatlon to the pen to on the subject. An ntiaugeinont had hi on effected on August 17, and Its terms dtuftod bv the Ottoman foreign mlnlstot, with the iippiovnl of the sultan, who had prom ised M Constant! thnt the text should he handed to him on August IR. M. Constnns telegiaphoel to Pat Is on Au gust 1U that none of tho piomlses bad been fulfilled, and M Deli usee on Au gust 21 tolegiaphol M Constnns that, In v lew of so ilugiant a dlsicg.nd of the nuclei takings, the negotiations could no longei be continued and lequestod M Constnns to Infoini the porto that he bud km civ ed cadets to leave Con stantinople On August 25 51. Constnns conuuunl lati'd with the poito. fixing August '.ii as tho date for his departure, and as the engagements are still uiikept, M. Constnns loft Constantinople on Au gust 2U. With the elepanuiii of M. Constans the tela lions between Pi nine and Tui Uey mnv bo leg.uded as bioken off. .Munlr Nov. the Turkish ambassador to Pianco. has been tolegtapbed to not to letinn to Pails. The curient affairs of tho two em bassies i an bo i in i led on by tho cbaiges il'arfaiios, It is said, but all negotiations of a political nattiio will bo hiispeneled until the .sultan lelds to the Pieiicb (loin mil" Tho Pienih government considers that the suit in has bioken his vvmd Ho bad promised full pijmont of the loiig-stntidlng inilomnltles to Fionch nien. iiniountlng to 12.000 nOO francs, but at tho end of last week bo di ddled to n the full amount and ot fii"d a ic'liitoel sum. which was le fused bv M Constans, who waited un til .vestoidav and then depaited The sultan made a lin il attempt o Indue u blm to remain. 51. Constans had loft Theiaplii on boaid the Vautour Mr Stamboul, wheie ho was to tike the Ollent oxpioss A limit t haielbeilaln arrived at Stamboul In post-haste ftoin the sultan, bogging M.' Constans to letinn to ri'oiapl.i and ptomislr that evet.v thing would be settled satls factorilv M Constans declined to . -tin n dei hiring the time for piomlcs was pist. It was for the sultan to fulfill his undo! takings The Punch gov eminent "" take no flllther steps in the mattei . but will wait foi the sultan to move. It Is not believed that he will illow tin) ptosont HltiiUloll to but vetv lri' Constantinople. Aug. 27. Dining the absenie fiom bis post of M Con stans, the rie'iieh ninb ismcIoi" to Tur key, who stalled esltida foi Paris, 51 P.abst, count lllor of the ombassj, will id as his chuge d'affalies. The following was the position of af falis Immrdlntclv piecoellng the de -pai tine of tho Punch amlnssaeloi Tho Tmklsli gemrninoii. was ".i .u Ing a ellspci'ltlcm to regan' P'o I'ren li de iiuinil' as settled bv tho dado rein ing to the (iias and tho Albanian land serines The Preiudi cmbus-v, In older to pi event a mlsuneloisiaii'i Ing, wioto to Tew (Ik Pasha, the 1111111" tei of fonign nffalM. jostot'e'ay, that Pi ante, In addition, expected the s -tleiiient of two othns ilalnis Includo'l Ir tho demands made on Aug 11, unl that unless they were e one cdeel befoi noon today, 51 Constans would leave, nnd .Munlr Hev, the Tmklsli ambisna dor to Kiatite. would locelve his jinrs jioit.' The Poite, Instead of vloli!m asked foi twentv -four houis' dolav and undo alternative propositions which woio so unacceptable that 51, Connans dii not icply to them. Steamship Arrivnls. 11 IvIihIii' Wiip fiom Ihp Vwnpiatpl Prpw Sou ork, ue "7 -t'lParpp I rlialiml, Vnu prp. si I ml somhitnp'in ulpd" hn 1 Wilhelm Dor C.ii..p lin mm vn I hrrbmirg mi sniilhainpte n lloulocno Vrrtiprl" PoHelim New oik for llillirelom l.itanl PjM balm, Np irk for Miuhampton and flipm n eyiipinton Vnlifcl (iii-enli, New ork I t I ivprHHil land pioepuipel 1 Six Christians Massacred. ttv rxcliwlvp Wire 'r0"i Th vioclatcd Preu llprlm. Vm. ' Hi I il biip nlM pitting npoiN ilu nu"i. re ( i ( hruiltn it Ku J, ( Inn YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. loe ll del I l..r .8 '7. I 101 lbu"het iimniiiiiii oel IPiupcuturP SO cIpctp-"' CO dcRHPJ Itelallio llniiilelii. h 1 111 .... 70 rwr rini x p in . 73 per ffnt, Prpiipiu'i 11 21 Ii.mik indnl S p in, none f-fsy-t--f"-f -f-f-" "fsV"f-f-f"so 4- WEATHER FORBOABTV a, 0- Wathinci. 11, uc 27 rfreraat rVvr V i rlneml m ind rhurndiT latprn Ppidh nil anil- Ononll) fair Wcdneaday lai s- -f "Ihurnlii, light evtenlr wind t 4- -r -t" t "T- ft" 1 1 . . 1 1 -tl