THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, lflOI. ANNOUNCES HE HASJESIGNED BUPT. MAOLAREN TO LEAVE THE DICKSON WORKS. Roanons for tho Roelgnatlon Are Not Disclosed Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Company nnd Mines and Minerals Havo Exhibits at the Pan-Amoricnn Which Attract At tention Frolght Agents in Ses sion in this City-Notes of tho In dustrlal World. The fit t olllilal iitlliiillluehir-iil of the reidsniitloti f M. X MihI.iihii fnnn the HUiicilntiiiilpmy of Hie Allh-flinl-niers nitnpiiin IVtin iiwntio fliiip" ua ni.itlr lnxt nlRllt, whin .Ml. Slue l.uren lilmclf imhiii il the liifiniiin tion to 11 Ti Ibtini- ni in v ho t oiled Ht 111 jc-ildriitp on Mndlftui nw tun- "Yis," lie wil'l. In nliiet to mi I" Impelled (in to tin llitlll of tin- If- jiort that ho had ti'inli'ii'd h hsIkiiii tlon to the tiiinp nnN olllilal- at Chi chri. "1 lie li"lKili'il hut I ilo not fori like itatliiK ins i siim lor iIiiIiik mi, mill poiMnialh am not of tho opin ion that It piilliiilatl niiieeiin tin VUhllc. Tho loMlKiiiitlnn h.i not set taken effnt ntnl I am not uwnie Just lU'll it Will llu M llo flu tilt I more xt.iH-1 tint ho In tt'lltW loavliiK the tli hut hn not Ml deildrd when In will K" Mr -Mai - l.H i on oimo in t III- ilt iilmtit th seats iiro fiiuii MlhsauKi'i- and etui nil tho e tuples of tin' )Ukoii Maniifutui htK ciimp in Hi-Ihm urn miihm Intend out upt 11 tho tr-lKiiatlmi of Do t'uiinii's .May. who was loi main se.un at tho head ol tho !U k-oii whop One Lnckuwnnnn Exhibit. 'Tin D-liiume I. u and Western llallioid e millions ill- n.u tiut-nt hao a sn.s ll xhlblt at tho I'.in-Anii ili.m i Munition Mull. ilo rniiKlMliiK ol iii.ip" ill mi. nil", inltilii till c mini' and iiiiulatuii oloililoilh opnati'd bii.ikn, wlllill will bo found of sjkm I ll Inti II l In s Wllnt a be tin v I'linsiiineis oi d ale i - " -ii tho eui r lit Issue- of tho I'.l o k IHiiinoiiil "It it now trim mils writ known thai 1'iiin p.slsiiulu W tin onh it 1 1 In tho union 1'ioiluilni; anlhiailto oal In qu milts "(JuiKi.iphlialh. tho milium Ilo Holds nro Mtuatod about tho nilddli' of tin eastern poitlon of tho i in and In rliitle tho miintli .if SuiUohatina, l.m kaw.uitia, l.iioini t'.iili'ni Siliusl kill. Millls.iti. Cnliiiiibii .Noithuiubor land and P iiiphin Tho lloliH aio about Km) nillos imii; wlih an hsoi.ik'' of foui to Use mlli-' in width The totnl mo i is about 17" -iii.iii- mllos 'The l.aiktwanna and WmuuIiik' te plotiH oonipllso tho urn thoin mil basin, the Lehigh KKioil, tho oisii in-iiudilli real basin and tho N liuslkill tho wc-tern-inldillp and snnilhuii basin 'Tho Pilawaif, l.m kaw nitia ind Vcsti rn l.idioid niseis tho Kioatir part of tho l.atkiw.mni and WsmnliiK riKlons, fioiu whlih Is pioiluiid niaih FjO per i out of tho aiithiiiiiti mil Their collie ties aio Imalod at SnaMmi nnd lilnll, Wllkos-HHiio, Il iiimiili. jWondalo and Nantlioko "Anthiatlto, whon liiiuinht out of tho, mini I-, I- of all nii F fiom blK Itimj s to flno io.ll, oi i u tin. and In this stnto might bo Mjlcd as iho i mi of mini-." nlthniiKh this nun Is seldom applied to anthi.trlte, but uihio p.iitle iilail.s to bituminous mal "As anthnu Ite i oal nest i roos to tho maiket In tho foim in whlih it Is mined, but undoiRofs a iIioioiikIi method of piopjidlinn, It will no doubt lie of interest to the dealer and urn humor te nolo the- bioakoi with Its numcious .viieens and apphainos fin eliminating tho "1 1 1 and otln i lin puiitles fiom tho mil The opeiatlons of tho Oelassaie, l.ukawanni nnd Western eompil-o tlft lollloilos and four washetlcs, with a dall lap.uits f 40.0UO tons " D,, L. & W. Bonid foi Today. The follow Iuk Is tho make-up of the D, L. and W liunul feu toda . M()M). li.l-l Wdil i"3i, I ii p m , W T in , U. W. 1 ilrsn iM -'ll It Mi 1.1111-. ll ll I -ll V W ilil ( ll'. I.J it I M s III r I 1 1 r .i 1 1 k n In., I' un urn r 1 p in , M I.Jli.Imn . Milium kbl't - . M (. i in , i in T -Uili. I I., In I II Mi.llT. I ( 1.1, Ui'll W 'bun Ibur 11 ulth II, II hull in w siiminlK I n i in , I I Muri i unli I linni.-an' - i in , i. I r, ulifi IIm r 11 i in, urd, M lnum . I i m -.i-l I i.nri; p Hi, ul lilluuir null II Ni, liul iriw.Tp in uc I l Mn-ti' 7 p m w -t fr in ( iiiji M e.intii, , p in ui-t fi in I miu i 11 n -in 1'uMi t - i n II n. i la i in s i ii nrrti 11 n i n M i ii i M iiplu '.' in . II C s'i I I in W I, Nil I'Jitenk'rr 1 1 1. i i i ' Ti " j n EKiHS T fijht tifltlnels of 1 .. and ' oiKlitei of tmilr and sunhiiu or ' M m a molhe-r 'can fill up the blauL ut ol litr i xprrietn.1. f puny, wailmu eluldren uliu-r cuiinue DiouKUi no (,'iau iio tu Hie home omen ho ha e urn el l)r Tierce's l'aonte l'retcrip Hon is i pro natjl pHintatioii know that it maket nil the difference be twecti happy, bialtliv mot her. hoexl and a motlier linoil of murmur iiiK ami misery. And they know also, happ), healthy mothers Ime happy healthy children " Fa or ite PtefCfiptiun " utreiiKthens the whole body for the strain of mother hood It prnctic ally does un ay w ith the pains of child- Dirtn, unci t lie in other abundant 'vitality and en able her to nurse and nourish a healthy child The "Favorite Prescription" contains no alcohol neither opium, cocaine, chloral nor say other narcotic. I am mother of tii children," write-i Mr. C A. Urlgg', of Millwood, Pouglan Co , Oregou, "ana aiuays too ibicc or iwur ihjiiic ui i-u, onle rrescrlprton' belbre confinement nd never iuffered;ny to pek of( had no alter Rln my bable wr Urge they all welplied lore than right poundi, and I i not a large woman, weigh about IIS poundi I have had ome itomach trouble, but a few doe of Golden Midlcal Ulncoeerj would let me all right I am hardly ever without your medicines They are 11 the medicine one needi. If taken In time, to keep one In perfect hctlth "I feel that I owe iny little boy'a life to Dr Fierce a Golden Medical Discovery, he bad convulilona, and eeerythlng he ate would bring them on I commenced to give him the 'Oolden 1 judical Dbcovery ' In ten drop dot three timet i day, Now he U ' 't a healthy a chlhvia can be found and he growa like a wte-d " Dr. Pierce'a Pleaiant Pellets are the best laxative for women. 1" UMLA Hi! mm JwSnflSnfcnsHasl P -ifiRtrs 10 t. m . .t. nurkhirti 10 a. m , F. E. Sfpori 7pm, Ptantoni 7pm. Miliniern Ullil tutu, ft-4 a. ni , John (.ihiinni 7 a, m . W A Hirthnloiiirwj 8 i. m , .1. nlell, with (i ( crcwi 10 i. m, Unudltan. II . m, llandeph; 1pm, flenrijr Until " p tn . (' KlnwlrM I p. in . Midithu .1 l . tarmoil.i, tl p in . V, I. ken ham smiu lluVtnuti I) IIMinM ropcrti for klncle.T Conference of Freight Agents. l!epiosonlntlrs of the Mirloiii init io, id tompanlrs elolliB business In Him anion held n e'liiiforoiuo estonlay iiflfiniiiiti. In tho iillbo of W. K, Thny oi of Iho I'ential of Now .lor cm Soxeinl matter portaluliiK lo the buslnesH woio dlseusd nnd niteil up on but notliliiK was glxeii out for pub lb ltlou TIiimo In nltendamo wom V. V. Tlunoi, Ci'iiltal Itnllmail of Now .lei .1 i: Welsh Now Yoik, Onlailo and We stern rallroul, ll l l.lddlo, Pelawnie nnd Hudson lompaio. P. T. Yos'l. I.ehlKh Vallev lalltoad, W .1. .Mull' ii. IViins.vlvnnla ralhoad. ' W. Ton Hioi'k. l.aikuwanua, nnd i: W. Drinker, I.oIiIkIi Valley I all-road. This nnd That. Tho CniiltireiliiK and MlnliiK Journal ens of the anthtaillo coal traili M II Casej, silpetltitotidolit of ear sei vice on the kawanii i lallioad. Is in l.oulse, K for n few iIujh. No Till, one' of the I.aekawmma I tit 11 -load lompnn's now loiomollvos, was tinned out of the Cliff woiks eMei ilav There Is eunuch wink alio id at tho lot omiitui' winks nf tho Atiuilean I o-eoin-nlM' eeimpinv In this iltx lo ki-op tho oniploji's ttoadlh nt woik foi tho in Nt i iK'itorn moutlis Tin- uiei b an e'ar and roiindt onm p.iin has Just shlppul fiom Its Jut k sou iV. !-linip plant, Wilmington Pol, two pil He i at s, whlih weio intended foi us,- b the kltiR of Spain Urn Is a di iwIiib loom h and the otlioi it iltnlim i it Tho pallor and Pullman t.vpo oai s will bo shipped shortH for Konei ii ll-o em one of the ptliulpal Spanish rinds 'I In ato belnc built at Wilmington Tin so nils will be for w nib d to Mal.iRa It Is i-iiited that tho Ioiiki M tunnel In the rnltid State will bo built tlinotiKh the Mena NoMiila lnouiltalns nf Call foinla If the plans uf i:. II llarilmin me iltllnl out The tunnel piopoet whlih will IiimiUo an oiltl i.v of fnuii $ ; tmii ooo in $, ofiii.tiiiii i onteniplates the biuliiK of a bole J7 000 feet In lenclh tliioilKb the hiait of the Slenas l'.o- slde.s snlii(r a e limb of 1 r,00 feet, the tunnel will shot ten the Southern Pn- e lllo lltn about soon miles. ' Minos mid .Mineinls, tho well known mluliiK anil me talluigb il Joutnil of Sitnnton Pa has h most Insti ut the and Intoiestlnir e Nhlblt of snfelv lamps at the Pan-Ameili an exposition This i ollectlon of limps Inoluiles forn-fle eliffirent xmletles wbltli aio noith Hbolod and tlesmbetl upon tanls placed above the itnnd inntnlnlliK the limps ThN exhibit stands neai the in llu ibmr of the .MIuinR builellliK and Is well vim th a Mt fiom all who aio Inteiestrd in tnlnlllK Mine k Pli miind 'The anthiaelte toil Hade eonliliues quiet and steail. Tlnio Is no question that tho grade d pi le o ot piadual jid vnue ntraiiROinont this jour his be n aihantiiKtous in sose-ril as ()n tho seaboard trade has been moderate, but unusinllv netho feir this season of the h,u Coil lontinues to kiiiw steadlU Into tonsumeis' auls m cellars, nnd tin to have been more oitlers than lne been known In Alinti't foi ear. There le pr.ietltalU no euttltiK and pi lees have not been fei well milntalued fur in in eas DOLAN HAD A FINE TIME. Tapped His Employer's Till nnd Proceeded to "Liquor Up," When lraol Hanoi whoiunsn luneh room at the e m nor of Klmlen siiei t and T'i nn .iNeliue not aiuuuil to his plm e of bu-lne-s etoiri.iy morning bo found William Pol in, his lunihniin, HIiik em tho ilnoi In a oonilltlon whlih In- diacno-od as iuebi lation A Kltini- behind the- luneh eounter iHieuleil the tliawer of tho ea-h iobIs. let opt u and ouipt-.. ami miothei glaiue lo the light leveabd n btoken inse nnd a help of bioken eioekeiv .Mi Union did not mouse- the uluiubei Inir William, but hastened to Aldernnn l!udd s otlb o and neiuiod a win unit foi his ,n tist Whon aiialuned befoie the abletmau Poliiu admitted havlnrr taken J J Hum tin i.ish loglHIor. but llaron In-lMed tint tlino was $u In It when be left foi Inline on Sumlnj night Aldeiinan lludeU eoinmllted Polan to the eoiint.v Jail in default of :on ball Soveielgn Gmnd Lodge, I. 0. O. F. Indinnnpolis, Ind , Sept. 16th to 21st 1001. Foi thaboM- iieciHlnn 1 1 e. K 1 1 agents of the l.iikawauna will h-I hpetlal iiuiiid It lp tickets to hull map- ills Ind. at logulai tlist luss one way fait- foi the touud 1 1 lp Th kets will Iih nil sale good going Sept IJih to t "ti liuliwU retuining lo bae liulianap i, lis nor l.itei than Sept :: ot eaillor than S'-pt litli. H tloposltlng tickets with Joint agent nt Indianapolis, Ind, on oi befoie Sept J Id. letuin limit will bo extended to leave Indianapolis not lttei than October 7th on panient of '0 eentH Stop off at l"iuf ttilo will bo poiinltted on tho return tilp b doposltlnsr tltket with Joint ngen' -No .id NNennnge street, nnd on pavilion! of 1 liO e-xtin, (untitled that Hi Kit Is used to elostlnatlon within the Hull leturti limit Chlldien between the ag'H of ", and U one-half of tho adult Lite 35th Nntionnl Encampment Q. A. R., Clevelnnd, Ohlo.Septemher 10th to 14th Inclusive. Poi the above ooi,iltni Hi ket agents of the l.atkawnnna lallioad wilt sell speilnl niunil tllp tltkets to Cleveland and i etui n nt one way fate feir the lound tPP. tbkets lo be on sale good going September Sth 9th, 10th. Itth nnd l.'th. nnd for letutn up lo and Intludlng September 15th, except by di positing Uckets with Jolut agent at Cleveland on or before noon of September 15. le tuin limit will be extended to leave Cleveland not lalei ihan October Ctli on paunent of SO lenls extia. Stop off at Huffalo will no pel muted on the ie tiiru tilp by depeisltlng tickets with joint agent at that point and panient of one dolliu, provide tl the same la used within the final leturn limit. Cluu tlien between tho uges of 6 nnd ll one- half of the nbove tate - - - A Focket Cold Curo Kraiihe'R Cold Cure Is picparod In cnpsule form nnd will curo cold In the head, throat, chest or any poitlon of the body In 2t hours. You don't have to stop Tvork cither. I'llce 25c. bold by all druggists, The Pawned From the Bohemian of Svatopluk Cech Translated for the Philadelphia Times by Leo WcineroiiJ 0 vn wnrrr.ns nro nil guiitv of the same fault Thev letninnder too inurli nioiioj that Is, on paper. Tollnw up nny heio In his ten-sheet long Journev : what elo on Hint.' lie Ii.ih genoially no ollWe, no po!tlon anil et ho lives In the best hotels, nts the most expensive elellt ae'les, mnokos exclusively fragtaut Havana', nnd iiIwiivk a dm at nt hand lot nil old beggif, gives due. Its foi tips, and .i mettled Hteid Is ntwtis saddled for him to i hlo In a moonlight night llo takes pea balhs, navels through Italv, and after having wasted In that niiiinei nine sheets of ii us"les 1'fe ho Mill his left n .siilllilont sum in the ti-uth to thiow hlniMlf 'ml of despair at the t,f his Mveethemt in tl.o boiling whirlpool of voluplousness, to di own his sad nimrlcs in floods of ehampaguo to wallow and tavo In ot Hies. . . . Well, ns I Hiild nbove. our wilte'is ilo not know the valuo of inonev. Tlnv slmph Ht.iln small nmoiitils If .vou over flml any sums mentioned bv tliem It Is nlwnvs millions tvvi'iitj and thiity thousand annual I Int ome ; lb w on t dabble with sin lib r liuinbeis. Willi tills goes anothii' fault In de si ilblng u pitsnn ihev alwavs negleet nn esseiillal i tei Isth . Thej give long tllfci iisslons about his form, hair, hum1, eltoss, thm.tetoi but Ihev pui poselj avoid tho onl Impnt taut thing Tin v let Us take a look Into the scoiets of oui hold's waidtob Into the hidden woikshoji of his thoughts. Into th" ilaikest depths of his siinl In shoit, into ev ot v thing exeept his pen kctbook. And It Is thole Ihev I tally ought to be gin Then the leaelor would know at 111 st glume with whom he has the honoi, nnd the hem would at once .stand out In thecharost light I shall take the Hist timed slop in that illuetlnn lleio Is the poeketbook ol mv b in Alftod N Klndlv look Into It You will see a fiw divisions, and In tliem nothing heio Is one spetlil division In It again, nothing Let us tnin tho poi ket book tipsltlo tlovvn, lit us shake It. What has fallen out? Nothing. The 1 0111 lining poionil notbe 1 tun give in a few winds Thev paitly fol low fiom the onipt tiitindiit tion A sltndei, well foi mod hods, a pale tlieam f,iu' on the p a blitei Millie, and weirld-mov ing lilas in tho head On his feet, a piir of worn-out slippeis. on his both m slot lous liouseis nnd tbioo-foui the of a coat, in bin hind", a pipe two ells In length, ftom whlih esuipes n list bie.tth lu tho fhipe of a blue e loud The little cloud i b is. tmiiiils out j weaves It Into Its last betiitlful picture, and this piles, pi,., out nn Its ami) with the ( liniil And tho pipe nnd fniuj glow i old Anil what plituu- vva- It that has plsed aw, iv with tho ilnutl Tho pittuie of a ihanulng but vold-heai ted girl Twilight tittles In the ban- eotnors. his wardiobe .awns wide-, the bed eliennis a fair dioain of fe.ithei beds, tho (book-shelve-- ilamoi foi books, and mlM-ty laughs ghostlike on all sidow "ll'ic, bee' The world has abtnilonod .vou jour sweetheart has si tuned j nn but I will not leave jnu, in x dear follow ' ' The e old pipe ilinps nut of his hatnlfi tho blttei smile (lies ftom his lips, the evellds tlo-e tho goldt n di earns aio gniio A gentle lap was hemd at tho dooi Alfnil JlllUied up Miould he open? No doubt some one had mistaken iho door It cettalnlj Is none nf his at qualntaiKoo, for thev know that theie Is nothing to be gotten out of him Ite would open In iSntln mime' He opemd sofUj, with due rtvml lo bis mjste rloiis tiou-ois mitl the thrte follltlis of IiI-j toat head showetl Itself and on Its t milked featuies was wiitton what his lips ihlrped. 'Old elnthcf., old linen, tnj- jmiug inasici ' Anion pajs well linil knows he pivs well" On Allied s lips appealed th, old blue i smile. "J have nothing'" ho told till- ,i w Hill It was not so easj to get ild of him He- puslutl his wav Into tin- 1 o mi. and Mid through his un-e-' Well in.ijbe vou will final souiethlllR old boots, old shoci Am on bujs ivoij thing ove i v thing' ' 'Couvliiee j out 'elf," Alfied ieloiti-d nngillv "Hi io Is the- t loihespies.s, lieie mo tho bookshelves, heie " ' (but knows, nothing nt all'' the .low wondeieil 'A- If It had been swept out lt a pliv, joung gentle man' A pllj ! Anion pavs well'" With these wolds he eliew fioiu IiIh elliij ohaflau u mueh-iisid leather pui'-i- and .shook It. And theie vms he, i is I a deal, full miuiuI. the tithing voli b ot the metal more e-nilleing thim tin- song of a i-li on Alfied was sihied lit till-- Miunil his eves tiling eageilj to the dlilj inoliej bag Don't lillle with me, Jew' Or jou will llv down tho staliease sttalgitit into tho lap of Abiaham!" "Anion knows what he s about." the Jew .soothed him with disgusting Mibmlsslvene--., "You have a i.ire gem fur whlih Anion will p ij jou nnj thing jou ask, ' Sajlng this, bo win his hooked fingers over his puise. Alfied follow ed the motion with spaikllng ejes nnd tailed out "Spe ik what Is It Unit I have without knowing It.' What am I to sell to jou '" The Jew mine out a Mep nenier, leaned foiwmd to his oai and whimper ed ' Your t hniactei "' Alfredi staled ut him In tenni. "My chaiaetei' Ale jou orazj '" The lew stepped bat k, stialghlenrd himself out and uld with haughty mien 'You me suipiiseti' Well, An itmi bujs eveijthlng east-otf cloth ing, old iiinbiellas, honoi, builds, spaiks of genius, inbblt fkliiM Aaron hujs tho whole- wnild, Why should lie not buy chaiaitei? fliuttiuei Is u lare- thing In our dajs There aie plentj of people without (haiaitor" Alfied lookt d at the speaker In Jun ior Tho last iajs of the falling sun Just then but si thinugh ghostlike up peaiMiHe. The puin in hlfi hunila gkamtd ml. hi illshe vole-tl hair and btiuel we'io i hanged Into golden threads, gold lllikeied Into the folds eif his ihaftan and Into his e looked featuies, and his laign c-jes spnikkd In metallic liiHic, tlasbeel like two limits. He u emed to see befoie hint the demon of Knld. with hint neck, with greedily umed llngu.s icady to throw- hliiinelf upon his weak vlcllni, to buck Ilia living blood out of it, to Character otoke lu It the lad piik ot the Cod head "Well will ou sell nm our char iu'ei' Anron will pay well for It. Theie Is Just now n big demand for them, for the elections aio nt the door We'll, will vein soil It' Anion Will .i an enoimous sum for It " With these wolds tho Jew took n eliliat out of the piiio nnd nilseel It aloft botween his lingers, Alfred fol lowed for ii while' e.iRoily the goblon e lie n- that falntlj gllmmeieil In the dark, but h nuddenlv turned his head nwiij ami lulled out iesolutel. "I won't s( i Tin- Jew shook his lientli 'Ph. oh, ou won't sell It' tlod knows It Is u lino ihatuctei' I'll give- twite ns nun h! thtfv tlmei ns niiuh It's a pure ter' Well, nothing' I'll lniiko ou a million ill i' on will be living 111' pal it es ou will drink the llnet wines, kiss tho sweetest lips." Alfieel loiikul for u moment Into tho air. ns If a beautiful vision had ap peared there to htm, then he rubbed his eves with the- palm of his "1 hunt) won't mid lopeated with 11 sigh, H'lll If" 'Well as vou plea-o Keep jour thnineter with jour tnlseij Aaron will keep lis nionej I bid jou good bj'" ii' thiow baik the elutnts. he had t ikon out, so that thoj made a loud sound, slowlj put the pui.lo back Ii to his chnflnn, nnd started to go. Hut he returned Alfred me-dlititt d He looked around his mom his tloihespiess vawniel, his beid tlieaineil, hl--i bookshelves com plained, and inlseij whimpered. "Novir novel will I have jou'' Ho ni nlo a decision lie motioned with hi-- hand and tailed out. "Well, I 11 pawn It " Sutltlenh he stopped 'How ean one pawn a ihmnrtii '.' Whj, that s the 1 one option eif a tllsesised btalli ' Ho eloeet his ojes, ho opened them, Iho Jew wns theie, he plnihed his eje bmws the Jew tlid not budge, but stood there and said "I know what tumbles jeui. Hut tint Is Anion's, nfralr " Sajlng this he diew out his caftan a t ominon pillbox, opened It and closed It after a while 'All right, jour ihntviiicr Is In there' ' he nd with n .smile, as he drummed on the lid of tho box. Alfied looked nt the box lu teiror he 1 mild make out In the twilight the Inscription: "Noble charaitcrl" upon It. "You soe " spoke the Jew. "what n respettable libel adorns jour ehar ncter. 1 clasMfji them nccotdliiK tn their worth. Heiev-' nnd ho drew .itwither box out of his taftan, "jou have honest 'Olel-Bnliemlin thmacters' jou Hnel thee generally among old people, with long beards who have never killed nnjbodj Hero nro 'pure 1 haratteih' they nre lemiparatlvely cheap, but not duiable. one has to preitei t them will opeclallj against the wind. Poll thai tonuade.s make eae h other piestnts of them upon various oei.islnns In thi- box I keep 'dnent ebaratteis' niostlj- a joblot Hut what do jou eaie for mj boxes rathoi had I piv out the nionej to jou Is it not so.'" Ho again took out hle pui--e and began to plat e the shining inln on top of each otln 1 Suddenlv ho .--lopped ' In five vears fi oui now at thei same time, A.uon will appear befoie jou wheievei jou may then bo If jou elo not pay mo link with Inteiest the sum that 1 nm counting out to jou, jour ch.uattei will belong to me Agieed.'" Alfied nodded nspnt. And the gkheistllke- Jew put his hand deeper in his puise with fall j -like- rnplditv t hi golden plllais 100 ti the telling, and the bottomless jnuc-e did not gmvv emptv and dtj up. Heaven give us all siuh a puise' rive e-ai.s have Mscd We no Alfreel In one of those whlilponls that foams with champagne, glitters with diamonds and nistle.s with silk. KMj like billllinty the- gutgllng of waiei fallf. eoloied -Ihidmvvi in the watoi tho Inloxle.ulng fiagranee of Shl.ia g'udeii'--all this tho iknwin of gold his biought together ami his pmtlui id a nilnaUlie talijlaml Alfred looks veiv well Tho tontour 01 his bodv has munded out, health blooms on his 1 beeks )ns eves gleam with eontent inent It Is evident that he quaffs the 1 bailee of plwiKllte 111 tempeiate tliaughts. with the iHUtlotisnfhs of a nut- Hpltuioan Tlio laik eif t liaiae tor agues well with him The 10 i his spouse'. It is that boautlllll, but cold-heaitfil fflll whose Image his fan had evoked live joins btfon in the last smoke lings.' oh not at all' The Ice erf her little heait hail molte-d In tin- glow of Alfuds iluints., but Alt 1 1 (Is heart hid tiudtlen Iv bei 01110 ioiigeald Mr was no long er attiaiteel bj the fall Imago of tho nialden In the fin me of unoke but In tho frame of pine gold. Indotd, ho did not love his wife, mil dltl she- love him. but thai did not In the least dis till b him. Hefoie tho wot Id th loved eiith othei but llu pilvote a fool is h who nuns his enjojinent of life with old piejudltes! Alfied'.s chaiai terlessness l an open seciet. tveivbodj knows it, eveij- body it ids It on hls blow And jet bo pinudlv i.ilses his head, and all humbly bow elowni hefeiie him His birast Is coveivd with de-ioiatlons the highest hnnoif. have been lonfened upon him, worth, btaut.v, wNdom lie at his feet Honest fathei.s plate hlni hefoio theli sons' eves ns a shining ex ample to lollow ee' How he has ilf-en' How he tlld It who caies for that? All submit te him, gra-halie,l old men who expostulate nn the toi 1 option of the wvuld glow joung when piesslng his hand, gloomy philosophers btightened up at once at one of his gra 1 Iouh smiles, guaidians of Jiistke live In his iinte-ihanibeis polltltal parties light shaip buttles foi him. his name Is foisted on the people- In panegjtlc ni titles. Journals pamphlets, enejclo peellas and leaders, and In thnt guiiet where he hail pawned his cluu at hi, then again sits n slendei, pile jouth, wornout slippers, In ragged ilothes, nnd at the Inst Hltker of a tallow candle tleilitates to hlin a long poi in which Is full of enthusiasm for the high pin poses of huninnltj, A lucky In uulfoim announced to Alfred that nute-lib- wns stHiidlng n dirty Jew who Insisted on being- ad mitted to him. Alfied thought of the pledge which he line! given lle jears ago "Let him come In!" he ordered. The room was rozj nnd replete with luxury. The w nils' were covered from floor to celling with pictures of beau tiful, Impnssloneel, proud, gentle, voluptuous women. And agnln Alfied nnd the ghostlike Jew confronted each other. "You are late," he said, ns he looked tit his wnttli. "Yes; 1 lost time In pnjlng bribes" nnsweied the Jew "And then I loot u tine ihaintter that t had bought abroad. They lonlWntcdi It nt the border. They were not quite sine whether the purchase of t tor did tint strlctlv belong to the monopolies of jtnto. anil sent my valuable charm tor with the signature At .fiom olllte to oince. iimi Knows where, nut so much I tlo know thnt It began to melt Ira the llrst otllee like Ice In the sun, nnd before It enteied the third ottUe, all there was loft ot It wns the slgi'ti ture At and n little snnd upon It" "You lire bilnglng me bat k my pledge, me jou not?" Alfred Inter tuptetl him "Yets jour excellency'" nnsweied (he Jew, and took out fiom his mftnti u ditty box "Oh, Just keep It. 1 do not care for It nnv longer. I have oonvlnietl mj solf thnt one enn veil get along with out churniier: lu fact, better thani with II. Hut theie to something 1 should like le sell to jou " "Well"" ' I havo loft n little bit of shame which at tlmeet causes mo unpleasant ness. I will sell It to j on " Aaron sluuggetl hlt houliIcr. shook his head nnd nnswerod with a ton temptuoiis Kinlle. "I tan't btij It' This nitlcle long ago went out of fashion." SARATOGA'S FLORAL FETE. Great Fieparntlon for This Rcmaik- nble Annual Festivity A Grand Exclusion fiom Scianton, Wilkes- Bane and Vicinity. Sai.itogi N making gieat tlniiH for her nnnti it lloial fete, which occurs Septeinbei 4, 5 and G, nnd no e ense Is being spared to make tho coming ocenslon excel nil otheis, til tlinugh people who witnessed tlu fete last j ear thought It almost Impossible to suip.tss It King Ilex, who was the cential llgure In the New Orleans Mnrdl (Iras, i.s now ut S.italng.i supei Intending the preparations On his tilp north ho was attended by one hundred tout tiers nnd stores of piettj' maids, and ho avs that ho pmpnse.s to dupli cate the New Orleans Mardi Orus fete nt Saratoga, and open the ejes of the north to tho gorgeous nnd beautiful way In whlih festivals nro conducted In sunnj Louisiana Mo has with him nil the knights and ladles who have made the New Orleans Mnrdl Grns the eighth wonder of the world, nnd who now propose to make tho Saiatnga floral fete the ninth Two months ago his lesplendant floats and golden t ball ots and bejeweled piocesslonnl lobes woio sent to the New York wateiing plate, to bo used In the coming fete, and tho people of this vicinltj will have an oppottunltv to witness n duplica tion of l.oulfcl ma s maiv clous exhibi tion. In the grand patntlc which oc curs September B, theie will be more than twentv floats, covet 01 with n tt ural flow eis and costing ft 0111 $s noo to Jl.'Ono each, t'pon these theie will he over one hundied chaiailers in tht richest costumes. Tho stone is one whlih beggars descilptlon At the giand bill, which follows in tho even ing, dancing takes plate on a great floor covering two blocks and Is supei Intended bj a eeiinmlttee of one hun lred ladle.s and on hundred gentle men, whose eostumes me llteially tov eretl with (lower.- set foith hy tiny eledrie lights On this, the print Ipal dajs of the fete S-cptember 4 and .1, a grand excuislon will be nm nvei thy Uelawaie nnel Hudson ralhoad to ac commodate tho Hi go number of people of Sciantnn, Wllkes-Barie anil tbso vallev s who wish lo wlti.tss the won derful pageant and the gtantl ball width follows Trains leave tho Deli waro and Hudson station, Ser.inton, nt fi .'0 n 111 nnd ! -2 p m. The price of tltkets. covering the lound tilp has been plated at the teniaikablv small figure of Tl for ndults and $J for chil dren, and those who take adxantago of this opportunltv will not onlj be per mitted to witness the giantle-t tllsplnj of the age, but will also visit tho gieat et summer lesoit In the countij Siratog.i Springs The- extuision will bo tnndutted by the Pathoi Mathew T. A. H socletj. und hotel accommo dations have been ananged for 1,000 guests Tialns leave Wilkes. Haire nt 6 31 n 111 and .107 p. ni , Plttt-ton at r, ril a m nntl SJl p in , (.'aibondale, at 7 a, tn and 4 33 p in Exposition nnd Industiial Fair, Toionto, Canada, August 26th to Sept. 7th. 1001. Tor the above ooi-.T-lon tli Kt-t nueiitt of the Lit Kiiwanii.i will sell live- day h CMMirsltin lii-kots to Toronto, C'.innda, and leturn v l.i Low iston ,ind Hteamer nt $7 "I, uImo ten tiny tli ket rli st ilnns lu eveiv ri"pei t foi $'t 7." Tit k'-tw w 111 be Rood koIiik AtiKtiit S1t and Sept 1st Chlldien between the iik'" of r ami IJ jenm one--lmlf of the adult fate. llnnlev s lie cream Is populai for deceit tills fiimmer. 4.'0 Spruce stieet RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Central Railioad of New Jeisey. Sialion In New Soik-loot ol I ilieilv ilrcet, N It anl s,nilli Hrif 'IIMI I Mil I IN lIllCT 11 NI n. mm Traina leae snanton tor New Soik, Newalk 1 liralieth, l'liiladelplna, I ilou, Hellilchcm, l lintown, Mauih I hunk and While Haven, at r, a ni epiei, 110, fvpri, 4 ml p m. faun davf, 2 IS in lor Pilihtim and Wilkea llirre, S SS a m , 1 tu and 10) pm r-utida., ,1 IS p in i nr iiililinire anl Wa-hlncli n and point South and Weet vie llethlihem, h 1 in, 110 and I ' p m Sundija i 13 p in Tor lame llraiuh iKom f.iove, etc, at 8 53 a in eoa- ID, anl 1 10 p in 1 oi lleadliu:, lehanon and lUni-huii;, vie Al lentown s '3 a m ' II" l ' Nindijii, 2 IS p ni . , lot PotKillle, RSS a in 1 10 p in lor Mountain I'aik. S 5S a ni , 1 10 anl I Ol Ihrnugli IliVeta tn all peilnU enl, aoiilh and wcvt at loct rilea at the station I M 111 111 l.e-n IMm b! J 11 OI11M si N. I.en Supt Delaware nnd Hudson. In r.lleit lune 'I. llul Iralna foi Carlmiulalc lian Sianlun at fi J), (.nil, h. SI, 11)11 in, I'm'. I-'i. .'II. IS.', t "i. 11 -S, 7 S7, Ii IS. II .'0 ii in , 1 Pi a in 1 or llniiendale and I ike- Loilmi, tl J I, 11) 1 1 j ni , 2 II anl AiJ p in lor Wilkm Dane t. IS, tl) s II, 'M-, mil a m, 12 in. 12". -IN -l-ki, 127. Old, 7 l, 111 11. II .l p m lirl. II It I'olntH-n 15, a in, -2 18, 4 27 nn I 11 o p m Tor I'rnniihanU It It plnl-flU, 0i 2 lh, 3 11 and I 27 p in I or Mhain and all p iliita north fi 20 a tn and i !i p m SLiNIIVY 111 SINS lor I Jllinndale S5U, 11 Jl a in, 2 11, J 52 5 Si and 10 Si p tn lor Wllkfh llario-USS a m., 120J, 15-. 3 2i (1.12 and i 12 p m ler Alliam and point north I 5J p ni. lor II needale and Uko l.odorc S 50, 1133 a. rn. and 3 52 p. in. jETfCtgSOAJS EXCURSION of Scranton Lodge of ELKS TO LAKE LODORE Wednesday, August 28th The various committees ate sparing no effoits to make the tlaj one long, hnppy holiday. Itefroshnients ef every descilptlon will be on the gtounds. Bauer's Band Will Furnish Music TtMltn Ifaie llcljre ami lliul-ui drpot 11 11, mil a m.tjmm ml 2 14 p m lltkcti, Tl irnU, ihililrrn, ID trtilii SUMMER RESORTS. HOTEL CLIFTON, LAKE WINOLA. PA. Flne-et Fnnimer Ihtrl in Nrtllie-nlftn vnnla Iliifrl lucks licit th Inure, I itkiMiini anil Wcalein tl ll n at Iji toi.wllli' l.uUiii; in anj I p in Willi- for rat, .t W, Muore, Prop Siranton U a tt.-. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotel and Anncx Mrnlnli Ave anil Heath, Atlantic Cilj, I bixth jcar, 310 loauillul looms rniuitc, ini,'M and with hatli, hot ami colJ st-a water liathe in hotel anil anne loutlon scleet ami itnlial, nllhln few janH of Hie Ste-el Pier On lie-ti i Oftira fpcclal spring rales, $12 to 11 by week, $Jt0 lip hy til, bpecial rale lo fimille. louhij meet all trains. Write (or booklet CHARM-s 1: copi; RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA BfllROfll Schedule In Effect Juno J), 1001. Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 a. m., week days, through ves tibule train fiom Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet pallor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsvllle; stops at principal In tel mediato stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week dnys, fe Sunbuiy, Hnrrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg nnd the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Bnltlmoie, Washington nnd Pittsbuig nnd the West. 3.33 p. m., week dnys, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and conches to Philadelphia viaPotts vllle. Stops at piinclpal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. m., week dnys, for Hnzleton, Sunbury, Hairlsburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. n IIUCIHSsOV On Msr. J 11 WOOD. Oen I'aM st. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In 1-fleet u 11, 1101 Iraitii leave stianlon (or Sew ork- t I 10, ami 5 , 7 On ami WOi a in. 1.' I , H 20 SI,, lOiJ anil p in lor New ork anl rhiliiietptna 7 VI nl ions i in ml li 19 anl Hi p m Kir Tohvlnnni At i) 10 p m It Ilullalo- 1 1 j, C ii and 0 (0 a in . 1 . 1 3 i 7 " , and II j p ni lor lllngliamton anil wae Ma ti, n- 1U -ii a in and 1 tV p ni lor tl-wein Sraiue anl I tlii 1 l' anl rt '2 a ni , 1 0 and J 'ti p ni l)ew,i.n Mrituv and IM i train at C22 a m dail cutpt snndae lor Vonlroe-TOI a in, 1 OS and 7 US p m Mliolon aieonimoditior. I t1 anl ll IS n in Hlooinibuij IliviMnii-I nr Nnriln nibtrlan I, it HIS and 10US 1 in , 1 .0 mil 1,10 p in tor rhinoiith. it ID a m . .1 V anl oui p m Sundae lialn lor New oik, 1 ID Ji1. " SS and 10 0? a in . I Jl .IIS mil "i Oi) p in I nr llnBalo US and 0 a in 1 0 3 ' ' i and 11 i p m Knr llinshamton ml eviv u limn 'MO and 10 JO a in llloi mahiiri; rlliiiiun leave Vranlnn. 10 US a tn and il 10 p m Lehigh Valley Hailrond. In 1 (Tret lune 2. 1 ml li una leivi' sraMon tor riiliilelplua anl New Sork via 1) & II II II , nt 6 Ij and IS t ni ind 2 ti, I 27 (lllaik III nm ml I pie) anl 11 u P in hull dava 1) . II It It , 1 ; " '7 P I" lor While I liven, llal.tiiii mi print ipal pninta in the toil lefloii" a I) C II It It, I Ij, 2 Is an I 127 p in I oi l'iittilli, ll Ij a in 2 1" p in lor llithlihfin, la-lon, Ileadine II itrl hunt and priiuipil iniunudiiti ataiioin vn ll ,. II II It li 4S 'i is 1 in '1" ' I Ulaik Di i luond Minis."). " 1' '" s'ill. " A- " 11 11 . 'i is i in . 1 a 27 p in I'or ISinkliannoik To Mini I. I Imlri llhaia. (,rm ii and priiuipil Inn iniediili "lation- vu l . W It It . i" 1U a in and I in p in I'or (imeii. IIoiheler lliiniln, Nn.-aia I alW, I Iiiiil i anl ill polnta wi-l viil) V 11 It It 7 l U VS i in 12-1 III f III ii K hum, ml I I icw). 7 1" in ll 11 Up in sninln,li .c. II 11 '. 11 jS i- 27 P I" I'ulliiiin pirloi ml liepltiB er I oIiIeIi illev niilui cna in all triltn lnlwein Wilkeallirra and New irk, I'lulail IpliU. Ilunali ind sin pnislon Undue ItOIIIN II II HI II. " '"I'l'l tnet New Silk ( II 1II I s s III lien I'jm i,l htrnl Ni S'tk i W NONNIMM Mr It. Iln I'l-e 2fi C'orlhnil ' ( on 1 in J t . souih llethlelieni l'i lor lukiH und 1'iilliiun n no inn apph to W Ijtkawanna avrnui-. Vranlon, I'a Erie Baihoad, Wyoming Division. Iialm (or llinlev and Inltrniediile pmula leuo s. rani' ll a ' lli" Nn 2, 7 ID a in No I, h. 60 a rn , Ni u - -i P ' -No s, S 2 1 p in Ni 2 nnd llirniwli lialnt f r Ni w- Silk llhals No 1, s s i in S,. t, lu in a in , S, I IS p m , No 7, u 1 1 p iii liaint No 5 and 7 arc Ihioucli liaini tioiu Now Soik slM) IIIVINs Depiilurea-No 20 0 a in No '2. p in Arrivals No 21, 12 IS p in , No 21 si, p m Now Yoik, Ontaiio and Western Tunc Table In let Sundae. luno 2J, 1 all NllllllillOl Nil leaee leave rrhe Traini r-o 1 No 1 No. 7 .ranitn ( ailum lale I id li ...10 0 a in 11 10 a in. 1 ii p in ... 4 On p in 4 11 P in llul p tn ... fl lu p ni t ( iiliiituUle. i l'i p in -01.11 HOI Nil lens eii Virile I ado-ia lailnndile S i mion, 7 01 a in "Ha ni '.'., e 4u a m 10 01 a ni in 4 1 i tn is p in i o p in 4 1' p ni SL'.Nl'lUs ONI,., Ntlltlll IUHNII leaet- la'aie rrne Manton (ulnndale l nluia, ... h ,u a in li 10 a in 1" IS i m 7 oi n in U 1'arh' ndale 7 15 p in - '. . ., Pit Itl.t V I, .Nn. 0 No I No. 2 No 0 No. 5 -mi i ii i" - oavt la ie iru t uloia t ail" n 'ili" ' niitnn . (j 7 01 ii in 7 10 t rn V, 10 I 0 P "I ,UH I' "' n ,J I' n' ' 'Iralm Nn I m ' - i'11 ""' ' r" 1un dan. make iiulii line imineelliinH I r New S . rV, In llita. Oneidi, 0-wc2o and liimiiinliate ' "ViiOn Ni I anl I make ttiltrn llclhl Hani, tleu anl s,rv . nnen on loi liiiihir inf niiiaii ' m-uO mk I Ik'i'iiM J I VMM llsON f. I' New Soik 1 I Wlisll 1 I' s.raniou natssrthf n Orm Vm4 fr Hun ImIInahUU A Poli rinftili1! tj mtAth i4 tWlrl! frl stunllnn papi-r ;.' 4 i-s Prof.Q.F.THEEL,527?(il K J inirrlft. Juirlif tftfurt iUohy mill Trlnlf. AsPaV ll I n1 loUfln. rfAii IWhllllv. Uit ho1.T FINLEY'S Specials from Oar Hosiery and Underwear Departments innt furcMsttil Men' u-lllne In ihnm ilrpirlinmM Icim in with ndd InM rf ilonlublr hlisli enc lioslm- jni iinrtfr-e-ar r hue eellnitil tlip hrekm lots lo Filhrr ntnl pen hdoH initial llf M th nnnj I nciitu iffrrril Tlic pi let- rut l rtcp anil Riiiiiiiiii, ll Mill vicnlr 1111n.l1 nrtte-l tpiee ffrenii (ill clfHk, elallv plllns lip, ini tnl.1' I his Hip liii.r,t hn.lrrv ilcpjtlnicnt In Ilia ellj (or tlr next few iIjjm LADIES'- FANCY HOSE At 19 Cents "if I t f line -ilk ftnihi-il hnv in mini Ii r ,11 Ii nil-nine ha le" eellli rl'CJtf'1 poll In- mi ev illitit J 11 tiiilitj. .Now 19c pair. At 25 Cents 1 11 lut' (il hint mil aiilnlrar lioee, llenn-iliil rive, ir ii tnin utn. In plain bt ok, lilJil. lti lilie feet, hluk with while- itilta V in itililc-ij tluc at '.'5c pair At 50 Cents I hIIm' 'j e an I .ilk rnihrolilered hn-e In all the n pill ii n! i I Ih I . at well aa thn i niitnii tal inilitniileinl -Itlea, the ile"icm in liivl an I pittttli rvenileil lie arc the lil V iluc ceer nfli ud ul JOc pair GENTS' FANCY HALF HOSE At 19 Cents Itiiil' llk eml roiilneil one half ioe, a Iiikp ian tlni'ni of pntie ilenicm .in I lolor ma ' ur rl 'n qnlllj Now . Hi iair At 35 Cents l.i ni I l-li- tlirea 1 one lull lme in vIH all nil " tl f , 1 tm ciae aln deep Mtleh, la mil -Ilk 'inliiiiiiiireil hie le th" eotoi un:" in- ilk-ntmih fi-t ami - nnlrw ami are the l, Jk IIm -.hnwti Una hfaon N w SJc pair LADIES' LISLE AND SILK VESTS At 42 Cents I ('In I ulr tlrrH ml f 1IH ftllK Ct, i i libul in nl' nnni drin, purr irns, tti lot i(l quiliu in lie ( mud .Now tic At 62y2 Cents llrltir mnlile (ami htlk vt-ts. htmle Now , .. la lii' l.lJle thrcail anil -"iu, ritilit-il, an 1 Tie Gac At 85 Cents 1 ti dm iu.liti I arli-V I ilr thread Atx flint llk c.t htif via. ril Jed, thev are the lioM dillnr nnlilj c err offeifd o hoc 510-512 Lackawanna Ave Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 435 to 4S5 . SCRANTON. PA N. Ninth Street Telephone :all, 2.J33. NEW YORK HOTELS vj:stmi:ssti:ii hotel Cor Sute, nth -t md In Ins I'lace, NEW YORK. Amtrlian Plan, i '0 P. r a anl I pard luiopein I'laii slew l'-r Da) and tpwardl. Stnal Itaiis lo I Junius T. THOMPSON, Prop. 1 HOTEL JEFFEBSQN NEW YORK in.'.ioi.ioo liiNt I .sth street. Ihti.1l HI ItsONiaiethnroiigiiljrflrit-elan lamilyan liranieni hniel olle rinuataroini mum eml a maiinuim n( limir) and comlort. On 15th street juat ent ol Union Square, it li wi-hin n lew nuninei, ot tbe leading hhopt, theatres nnd cluha Furopean Plan, 11.00 up. American Plan, 12 50 up. SuilM with Private Bath, $2.00 up. 1 orapecmlrato Kunleorin(orroatlonnrite Jllll. I . II mill 11, Proprietor -- lor liiiNiness Men In the heart ot tho wholesal district. For Suonncrs minuter' walk to Wannmakers-, S minutes to Slt-gel Cooper's Ble Btorc Kasy of acceis to the ereal Dry Goods Stores. Tor SlsWscen One block from B'wav Car'. 8l; Ine easy uanapoitatlou to au points or interest. I HOTEL ALBERT I NEW Y0KK. r I Tor Ilth BT UNIVKUSITT VU T T Only one Hlock Jrom Broadway t Rooms, SI Up. prKJi. : . Every .Woman 7 S3 ,V f aboiiiihewoiiilrrfii, M4RU W flirting Spray l kS v S. llinewl'"INrtn Jt(, 4 ? Cj, HUM ((( I 4t'trn in tirsn (-( rn "iiom i onvtriiirni Iti'fiotr iBft'int j, It'atcntcii .. .tfirll ii ii ni t tpj'ly the oilier. Iiiihfiiltaiiip(nitl nuiraiet 1-ooii-hMiH Ili.iie full .ni, nUriiii I rinetlionaln . II lllTII llll , ,,1 n II" " IIH Ililfli rtoom 665, Timtt IMS i N'w Vork in s m M V J r