The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 27, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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., ,,.., . - .---.-""' " .'
Delaware nnd Hudson Railroad.
June ft, 1901.
Traln will leave Caibondal- t d'J' utlon "
For Scrantftn and WllkM lUrre 'J' 5'
0 01, 10 01, 1121 mi 1J. ! :sl' 3W'
SOU. 7 OH, 1001, 10 SI p m . . ...
Sunday train leave at 8 K1, 11 SI " - 1B-
For Albanv, suatosi. MrmtrMl. '''Vn m
I-njtland potnta, etc, "On a tn l P '"
Knr'uke lodote. Wijmirt mil IIPnrtOi.
7.22. It 0 tn . .151, OH P ? , u'jtmatt
Sundat tnlrn lra- tr Lake l'0,,.0,1'' ,n
n.l Hmedilf il'IOi mi 171. 4 OP 'nn ,,
Train atrlvo t Carbnndil (mm i ""if '",
and Srnnlnn a folloua ft W. M.. ""'i. '".J
m . i; ir. 2 W. 3 21, t .'f, ft 0', 7 01, ft nli "
11 i7 n n 1 Vt a m , ,n i
Sunriu tnln arrive at 0.17 a m . W W. -
4S. n II 0 p m . - .. an,i
inln airlte dilh from Uninv t 3 l "'
Sip -n i. en s.indai it 2 10 p m .,
Train arrive (rom HntiMdale ant J;m"1
daily II Ml i m 12 ir, 1 1ft. ft P m, ,, ,
sundai train arrbr- at CarbMidalr frnm i
Intlorc Hijmart and HonMdile at 12 ! lo
and 7 .IV p m .
New York, Ontario nnd Western
Juno 21, lnoi.
Tralna leave Cirhnndale (or SVnnton at 7.00,
10 ni n m , 4 00 p m
Fundiy triln at 7 00 a m t ( P m
Train leave Carhondale lr point " "
11 10 a. m , 4 41 p m On und at 1 10 a m
Trilna Itmn: at 11 10 a m week laj nd.9'"
m Sundai make cnnncvtinna for Nw mK-
i ormian, nt
Train, arrlie (rom sYranton at 11 10 a m
ft 41 p m , from point, riorlh. looo i m,
P en S-undan from Sirantrn it 0 10 n m
4 44
4 00
H P m j from Cadncla at BOrt p in
Erie Knllrond.
June ai, liot
Train" iraie rlt ntatlon, Carbendale, dally
Ovrept SiindaO at 7 no j ni. and 4 CI p m (or
nranr.t and X'inneh, tidlli m '"l (
frptlne S"undn) (or Hlnthamtor. nnkw core
rrtlen (or x ork rltj and Pufliln and it
ft 10 p m (or uiufhaniiJ, making ronnrrtlom
lor uctrrn points
Sundav tnln, at 'Ml g m (or nnuf1nnni,
with ftnn ronnpctlon, and 6 27 p m, itli
wne connections
Train, arrhe it 'S.1 i m anJ 6 45 p. m.
Pundaja at h 51 a m
111GII CHOOI, vtl-pESTS nir and old. plej'e
reenter and tflrrt cour of rtudi at rrntril
hnildlnj: en Ttiwli Principal
Decorntlons in Place on City Hall
and Other Buildings on Main
Street -Signs of Bifr Celobration
Multiply Tha Arraneements for
the Labor Day Demonstration.
Other Jubilee Notes.
The city li puttlnR on thf ires that
It "Will wear duriiiB Jubllcp week, .mil
onoiiRh of the red, white nnd blue hns
been draped about the hulldlnR to af
ford a gllinp? of the picture of color
that the town will be when the ieel
rlei of the jubilee will have bosun
The city hall decniatlona were com
pleted yesterdny, nnd during the diy
linemen were buv at the nichco about
city hall park, placing the lm andeeeent
lampi in place that will be employed
in the scheme of Illumination The
HnrrlFon ,n th" next laipe lmilc'iii;
to be trnnfoimed into n blR nmi of
color, and when die docnivitois com
pleted their work the lesuilt was the
object of general admiiatlon Hy the
end of the week een the residents will
scarcely know the town.
Orand Marshal J V. (laffney has
completed the arrangements for the
labor day demonstration, which will
take pine on Tuesday, and from the
reports he has recehed It Is piedlcted
that it will he the hlggest parade of
united labor that has eer been wit
nessed here Four thousand men are
expected from out of town, which
me,ins that there will be over 10,000
memhers of labor unions in line.
Orand Marshal finffney has Issued
the following notice rel.ithe to th
Th flist division will fottn on
River street, light testing on Eighth
m venue and Main stieet.
The second diMslon will foim on
Rher street, light resting on Sixth
The thlid division will foim nn
Church stieet. right lestlng on Eighth
avenue and Main street.
unt: or mauch.
I'V Main to Church street, from
Church street to Iielmont street, coun
termarch to Chinch, to Eighth avenue,
to rtiver, to Dundaff street; counter
maich to Salem avenue, to Main, to
1'aik place, circle the park, and then
down Main street to I'ike, counter
march to Ity building when parade
will disband.
The ladles of the loan exhibit feature
met jesterday afteinoon to complete
atrangements for this interesting part
of the celebiation. On Wednesday the
committee will b ready to receive
articles Intended for, this ex-hlhlt. In
order to hive the relics classified and
catalogued, they ought to he at Tiln
Jty parish house by Tluusday night If
notified the committee win send dray
rnn to collect the lugger articles, but
the smaller ones, to avoid chances of
damage or loss, should be taken to the
rooms hy the donors tnemselves.
Former Carbondallans. whose homes
nre up and down the valle, have sent
pom? lelles to appear In this exhibit,
a thoughtfulness that Is appreciated.
If there are otheis who have articles
that will be of imprest, they aio kind
ly terjuested tn foiwaid them.
Ths semi-centennial historical sou
vonlr Is nn elaborate piodiictlon, one
that called for u ft eat deal of haul
woik, iCHcaich and seaich alter the
oillhnl photngmphs nf the numerous
Illustrations. It is just cnock full of
facts, cov cilng the hlstoiy of C.tibon
tlale ns a village, town nnd city, and
wilt be a valuable possession to the
htindieds who will puichaso them. It
hardly needs to he mentioned that
theie will bo an eager demand foi the
souvenirs and thcte will scaicely be
home thtoughout the valley whose
ancestors came fiom Carbondale, that
onr il fmallfr lur iuln Allen't foot Ease, a
powder to If lial.en Into the thoe,. It make,
tlelit rr nrw hoe, fed ttv, ultra instant telle
to enrna and bunina U the (rreatut comfort
dlcovery o( the ate Curca and prevent twollen
luet, btlMera, nllcui and aore pota. Allcn'a
Tnot-raa la i certain cure far intlnc, hot
arhlnr '" At all druutiiti and thoe atorti'
25c. Trial paekace FRCK ty mall. Addrcw, Ab
le 6. 01mted, U Iloy, N. V.
Carbondale Department.
will not welcome one of these grsatly-to-be-pilretl
The following additional subscrip
tions nre acknowledged: A. I'. Trnut
weln, J23; Shield of Honor, $10; Local
S41, V. M. V.. 10; V. C. Crltmnn, $5.
The following notices call for the
attention of those to whom they nro
directed: .
All delegates representing societies
embraced In the senil-centennlnl nsso
elation will meet this evening at semi
centennial hoailqunitcis prepared tr
give date of the organization of their
All the former volunteer firemen of
Columbia Hose company. No. .". ar
asked to meet nt Columbia hose looms
this evening to make arrangements to
Join In the pnmlc on Firemen's day.
Sept I John P. Mniinlou, A 1, Snhm
Every pupil who attended No 1
school Inst onr will pleas teport to
monow, Tuesday, at A p. in, in their
respective rooms.
All the teacheis In the public schools
ate earnestly urged to meet nt the
Central building this evening nt T.SO.
E. E. Clnrr.
The following letters explain them
selves. "Owing to the very kindly fcllngs
we have for Carbondale we natumlly
want to be represented In some way nt
these festivities, nnd would kindly ask
vou to accept the enclns'il chei k for
f.'o and idaic same at the disposal of
the committee having the nff.Ui In
chin ge Asstiilng ou of our bo-t
wishes tor a most successful occasion,
we beg to ictnaln.
"Yours veiy tiuly,
' Chase cV Sanborn. '
From Z.iiipsvlllc, o . comes the fol
low Ing to the leunlon committee.
"The invitation to nttend the re
union of foimei Caibondnllans Is ic
celved and we are much pleased to
think that we arc not quite forgotten
by our old friends nnd associates of
the city of Carhondalc. All the names
of your committee ate familiar to in
nnd we will say theie Is no i Ity in
the t'nited States that would nffoul us
more pleasure to visit than C.irbon
d.ile, but clieumtaiiccs will not pet
mlt ns to be present with jou this
time. With best wishes for a good
time to nil we icmnln youis,
"Mr. and Mis. Samuel Ulackniore."
K. E. Hendilck. J. .1. O'Neill, V. II.
C.ritman, I'. V. Connor and O. F. Swl
gett have heen chosen as a committee
to decide the winners in the diill nnd
hose laces between visiting companies.
They are the choice of the tlicmen of
the city,
President Collins of Common Coun
cil Sends Mayor's Rejection to
Commit te with Instructions for a
Written Opinion from the City So
licitor. The mayoi s veto of the three years"
lighting lonti.ict nme up tn tomnmn
count II, hut It was not acted on. It
was icferred by 1'ieslclent Collins to the
light and water committee, with in
stitutions to piocuie a wiitten opinion
from Cit Solicitor Stuart on the whole
matter fiom its Inception to the pics
ent time, tn quote the (hnirman
Tins was an adiolt move on the pail
of the supporteis of the major's vito
to save the day Tlicie were giave
possibilities that If a vote was taken
tn sustain or rejun the veto that it
would be ejected nnd the electilc light
men would win out
There was not so much "talking on
the side' in many a night as tould be
obseived In and about the city building
as last night, and It was o'clock
when a quotum assembled In the coun
cil chamber. There were conteiemes
without number among the suppoiteis
of the veto nnd those opposed, and the
earnest whlspenlngs weie prolonged
until Chairman Collins thieatened to
call and take adjournment If the conn
cllmen would not come In.
The veto came up soon after the
meeting and when It was feainl that
It would be sent to Its death. It was
quickly referied, as stated above.
The concurrent tesolutlon letunding
the ten dollar tine imposed on Mat tin
Dotkeity by Aldeiman Dclnvnn for
alleged violation ot the onllnnnce
against fast ill l ing was lefeired to
committee for an opinion fiom the city
A lesolution by Mr. Kennedy was
adopted dliectlng that the windows of
the city building be painted. These
windows, pni tii ulirlv at the Sixth ave
nue side, look badly, paitlcularly slme
the decorations have been put In place.
Mnrtin Murphy, Whoso Insane Out
break Nearly Caused Death of Miss
Margaret O'Malley Adjudged In
sane. Mai tin Murphy, whose onslaught on
Mli-H Margaret O Malley, of Maylleld.
as leported In yemei day's' Tilbune,
was adjudged insane vesterday and
was taken In chaige by the Carbondale
poor district to be fcent tn the state
nsylum foi the Insane at Dtnvllle
Muiphy was examined esteidny In
the police station by Drs. A. V. (Hills
and Di. A. Kelly, who round numcious
evidences of hH diseased mind, H
will be taken to Danville today.
Murphy ruved all day in his ceH and
seemed haunted by every conceivable
fear. Murphy Is well known In this
city, whole lie hns ,i hot of nendn
who have aluun held him In the high
est esteem. Ills sad condition Is sin
cerely lamented.
Unwell n Woudley, of lteach lake,
has accepted a pcsltion at the Deln
waie and Hiuhon machine i-hops.
MIfs Ainnnda Dunn, of Hiughamtnn,
N Y, N the guest of het slt-tei, Mrs.
R. I. Hoel, on Lauiel stieet.
Mrs. Gcoige McUeod, of Amnterdim,
N. Y. Is the guest of her slstei, Mis.
P J I'owdeily.
licit Thomas and Fiank Mertyl have
returned fiom a week's camping at
Crystal lake.
Mis. A. It. Jones and children are
expected home today, after a two
weeks' stay at the cottage of Mr. and
Mrs. E R. Reese, at Waymait.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lewis tpent Sun
day at Promnton
'Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
To Placato Organized Labor tho Park
Commissioners Order tho Fountain
to Do Ropninted.
The Imbroglio over the painting of
the park fountain by a dim nf non
union pnlnteifl It nt nn end The foun
tain nnd Ilxtuies will be painted n sec
ond time, nnd the Centml Labor union,
which raised n protest over the paint
ing by non-union workmen, will be
placated to the extent that the paint
ing that wi last night directed b the
pirk commissioners will be done b
union workman
There wns nothing raid, however, In
the resolution nbotit who war to do the
work, neither did the i nmmlsMonors
recognise tlie fait that the fountain
nnd fixtures hail ahead been painted
So far ns the commissioners were con
cerned the work was not expressly or
dered by them nt their annual meeting
In April last. Tho work was oidered
to be catrled out later by Joseph Alex
ander the superintendent of 'the park
nt the suggestion, the latter alTlrmed
of Mayor Kllpatilck. Aecnrdliigl
when the font commissioners who
mtde up hist night's meeting, Mayor
Kllpitrlck, Chnlrmnn Fletcher of ie
lei t council Chaliman Collins of com
mon council, nnd Robert McIIale of
the Orand Army of the Republic, came
together thev simply took up the mnt
t'r of the painting of the park foun
tiln nnd llxtures as- a new bu-dness,
M'lticthing which lnd not bfen consid
ered before The commssoneis had no
knowledge that the fountain had been
painted, one wnv or the other, so the
protests and petition asking for n re
painting had aitually no standing be
fore the board The Mmple act of pass.
Ing a resolution dliectlng "that the
president of the park commit Moners be
lii'tructerl to have the park fountain
ami fixtures painted before the semi
centennlil" was nil that was to be
done This was what was done, and
by the un millions vote of the membeis
Thete wn.4 nothing said about union
piintcrs. but a member of the boanl
rematked to The Tribune man. with a
slgnltlcai't laugh, that "there would be
no mistake about that this time" The
Job will be given out by Mayor Kil
pitilck. who is president of the paik
bnird, and the fountain nnd fixtures
will be "painted" before Monday n-xt
Mr Alexapr'.er was not present nt
lTt night's meeting, because of his
being one of the speakers at the en
teitalnii'nt at the Methodlt chuirh
Mi Dillev. the other member of the
board, is out of the city on his vaca
Change of Studies from Which Stu
dents May Select Their Choico.
Relow Is the curriculum of the High
school fur tho lomiug Kpno! ear
Among the changes is the Inti educ
tion of n new (outre of studies, whlih
in ikes pioson foi thine who do not
i ate to take up the liingu ige or the
business course A poM-gl.ultiate com se
of one eiu h.if, been pi o hied for, for
tho.e who nuy be dc-lious of going
bf'.vond the legulni toiiisc
The curiUiiluni Is as follows:
English classics 4, higher
arithmetic 5, algebra i am lent histoty
4, politlnl geogtaphy 4, mtllc or
dtawlng J. penmanship and spelling L
English cla-i.ics 4. higher aiitbmetlc
!2 eai .' geography ' eai 5,
hlgheii nlcehia 4, mediaeval and mod
el n hlstoiy I. zoology and botany 5,
music and ill aw ing 2.
English Scientific Department.
Rhetoric and English classics 4,
Fulled States hlstoiv and blnginphy 5,
geometiy 5, plislts 5, bookkeeping 5.
English llteiatuie and clisslcs 4 civil
gov eminent nnd political econoni 1,
chomUstiv fi, astronomy and geology 4.
solid geometi and tilgonnmetry S,
phvsiolng .
Note. The llgiiies after each sub
ject Indicate the numher of foity min
ute ptilods such subject Is taken per
week, Es?as, declamations nnd oia
tlons lequiied throughout the couise.
Review of aiithnutli, geography and'
English dining the last tlx
wceki of tin fouith c,u.
Latin Scientific Departmotn.
English giammar and classics 1.
Latin 5. higher arithmetic .".. ancient
hlstoi 1, algebia 4. music or drawing J.
Caesar S. English classics 4, mediae-
val and modem hletnry 4. algebra
higher 4, higher arithmetic u S.
ph ileal geogtaphy is enr 5,Oeiman3
Ciceio ,", Kngllrh clisslcs and rhet
oilc 4. rnlted States hlstoi and biog
raphy 5, geometry 3. (Set man 5.
Literary and English classics .", Vir
gil and extra Lttln S. Herman : civil
government and political economy 4.
physics S. "astionnmy and geology 4,
chemist!- S, Kitld geometry and tiig
ononietiy 5.
Of elective subjects, one subject must
be taken Review oflhrithmetic, geog
taphy and English gianiniar duilug
the last rix weeks of the fourth ear.
Essns. dcclamntlonti and oiatlons
rcquhed thiouRl'out the couise.
Olassicnl Department'
K 1 1 1ST YL'AR.
Latin Ti Englhh giammar nnd clafe"
lis 1. higher iiilthiuctlc r, ancient his
tory fi, algebia 4.
Caesar 5, liieek 5. English clasMcs 4,
mediaeval and modern history 1, alge
bra, higher 4.
Cicero 5 Anabasis .1, lhetnilc and
English clai-slcs 4, United States hlfi
tory nnd hlogiaphy 4. geoniotiy B.
Virgil and cxtia Latin .", Homer fi,
llteratuie and English clitstcs 4, civil
government and political economy 4,
German or phyrlcK
Erfas, declamations nnd orations
requlied thioughnut the course. Re.
view of arithmetic, geography and
Fngltsh grammar during the last six
weeks of the fourth iar.
BiiBinoss Dopartmont.
English grammar nnd English class
ics I, higher arithmetic E, ancient his
tory 4, commercial geography 3, pen
mnnthlp nnd spellings, music or draw
ing 2, nlgebra 4, 'or German I, 'or
Latin S.
English clns"lrs 4, commercial arith
metic 4, mediaeval and modern history
4 bookkeeping S, penmanship nnd
spelling 2, miiede or drawing .', alge
bia 4, or German fi, or Latin 5, or
phonography 4
Rhetoric nnd English clashes I Unit
ed Stntoft history and hlogiaphy C,
bookkeeping 5, commercial law I, type
writing 4, civil government nnd politi
cal economy 4, 'phonography optional
Literature and English classics 4,
geometry 5, geology and astronomy 4.
higher arithmetic i2 enr fi, phslcal
geogtaphy '4 year fi. chemistry S,
English grammar 4, or political
geography 4, or Latin 5.
Studies so marked are i-Irctlvo.
lVisays, declamations nnd- oiatlons
rcqiiliert throughout the miiirp. Re
view of arithmetic, geography nnd
English giammar: dining the last six
weeks of the fouith jcar.
"A Common 8iunor."
"A Common Sinner." the new musi
cal comedy, was wiitten especially for
William DoVere, who has the distinc
tion of being the only nctnr before the
public who iif.e.s absolutely no make
up, nnd only needs the aid of pioper
wardrobe to Impeisonnto his charac
ter s.
Willie Mr. DeVeie n the teatuie with
"A Common Slnnei ' he fully realizes
that the lesser lights, Instead of de
tracting fiom the Rre.iter. add bril
liant' to its glow, and this lack of
what s termed "professional Jenlott"
hns enabled hio management to sur
round him with a cnmpnnv of capable
iittltF, which makes 'A Common Sin
ner" the stiongtst musical comcuy on
the mad this season.
"A Common Sinner" nines to the
Grand opera house next Satin day even
ing, and a treat N declaied to be in
store for the loveis of amusement.
away Sunday evening nt her home, 100
South Church stieet.
The deceased was tb . daughter of
Mi. and Mis. Edward M.iloney She
wes a native of Iieland. v lice she was
bom about .-eentj cn ago Mis.
Dnugheity was. a ielilrnt nf Cntbon
dale fifty-eight e,ut Het husband
passed away about fortv oirs ago
She was n member of Si Rose chinch,
'vhere her zeal iiiel feivor oie nlw.i.vs
nnnllested She ba.l a wle'e clicle of
friends In Carhondile and Utility, who
held het In affectionate icpaid.
Mis Dotigheity I uivlved by one
son, John, two il-iughtets, Mrs John
Connaughton nnrl Mls Honoia Dough
eitv, both of Carbondale two brotheis,
Anthony Milnney, ot Viehhald, nnd
Andrew Mnlont, of (California.
Tho funeral will tike place Wedncs
e1!' inclining. Beginning nt fi R0, a high
mass of irqulem will be sung In St.
Roe church. Rurlal will be In St. Rose
Tho Infant of Mr. and Mis. Frank
Cilblln, of Oiihaid slieet, died on Sun
diiv night, nnd was builei in St, Rose
ccmeteiy yesterday nfteincon.
The work of starting the pumps in
the Glenwood pump fhnft Is somewhat
moie diflli Hit than was- at Hist ex
pected, owing to thf piesnie of a
quantity of blackdamp, which has thus
far prevented attempts that hnvi been
made to descend It. Some of the woik
men weie down to n depth of between
foity and lift feet last week and ef
foits weie made to diaw the foul gas
out by a fan, but tills was Ineffectual
The water Is still being hoisted nnd
pumped out of the hoisting fdintt and
has been reduced fiom forty-two to
about tw cut -two feet When the water
is lowered n few feet more It Is ex
pected the nituial air cuuent will
ng.iln be established and this will fite
the iiunii shaft fiom the blackdamp.
Ah soon ns the pumps in the latter
shaft can be started, considerably mote
headway will be made In getting out
the water and making icady for the
lesumptlon of work The collleiy has
been idle neail thiee months.
Mi's Claia Nieinoor, who hns lurn
the guest of Miss Mr.i Hills, of Third
street, for the past week, has returned
to net homo nt Dunmnie
A i hlld of William Jessup. of West
Ma Held, is -etlnusly III of choleia in
fantum. MIh Mnrgniet O'Malley, who, so
brutally assaulted nt Maylleld, Sunday
moinlng, ns elejsctibed In este,t day's
Issue, was slight! Improved last even
ing nnd her speedy tecovery ie looked
forwnrd to.
Miss Geitrude.Silvius, of Peckvllle,
Is visiting her sitter, Mis. S. H. Hills,
of Third stieet
Miss Rosamond Smith, nf Wnshlng
ton, !a , who has been the guest of
Mrs. Shield,?, left foi her home ostei
diy and will vst the Ruftaln exposi
tion on her homewaid Journey.
Rev. Foster and Ml. Edward Dar
ren, nf Green Ridge, spent csterday
tihing at Lake chapman.
There mms a little Improvement e
terday In the condition of James
Nicholson, si . of South Main stieet.
Miss Kimball, who has been visiting
here, letuined to her home at Haw ley
C6tc relay.
The P. R T nnd V.'s of tho Initial
socleiy of the Ulakfly HnptM chinch
will serve a supim In the mm lal loom
of that cdllke this evening, beginning
at fi o'cloi'k. Tho following menu will
bo sci veil: Roast beef, cold ham,
baked beans, tomatoes, potato salad,
beets, ( uciiinbeis, chccs,e, tea, biscuit,
biown In end, cake, wnfcis, fruit, tea,
coffee. Slipper 23 touts.
Mis. Jetinlo Stevenson, nf Provi
dence, visited friends hoie Sunday.
Mis. J. w. O'Hilen, who wiih taken
111 on Filday last, is impi ovlng.
Tho fountain on Malum' squaio hns
been displaced again This time one of
the Ol pliant Ico company's wagons
came In contact with It and bent it
out of shape. Malinger Hanahue, of
the ice conipan, sas he will seo that
tho damage is icpalied at onie.
Mi. and Mrs. William Leeds, who
have been visiting relatives here, re
turned to their home In Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hathaway nnd
son, C. M. Hathaway. Jr, left yesterday
to spend a week nt the Pan-American
Mrt. J. M, Meehan, of Forest City, Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. John Nealon,
on Dunmore street.
Miss Mamie Dougherty, of Hell street,
Is In New York.
Miss Hannah Henery spent yester
day with Haw ley friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Gibbons, nf
Avocn, were visitors In town Sunday.
Miss Anna Ford, who has been the
guest of Professor nnd Mrtt. T. r Mr
Hale, returned to her home In Elmlia
Sister Lternndettn, nf Wnshlngton, Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Lynch, of
Delaware stieet
Miss Illanche Smith, of Hancock, who
has, been the guest of Miss Rachel A
Evnns, of Lackawanna street, returned
home yestertlny.
Miss Mary J. Davis Is entertaining
Miss Nellie Moses, of Taylor.
William Rclllv returned to his home
In Hotiesdale Saturday after spending
a week In town.
Miss Katie Cnnnon, of Avocn. Is the
guest of relatives on Dunmnie street
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Davis and Miss
Viola Pugh have gone to Buffalo to at
tend tho exposition.
The entertainment to be Riven at the
Welsh Congregatlonnl church this even
ing by Mls Sarah J. Price, elocution
ist, and her pupils, assisted by Prof
Hirry Evans, n noted baritone of
Wales, Ma Suan Hnvnrd, sopraio
of Newcastle, and Piof W L Jones
tenor, of this town, will be n pleasing
event Mi's Price doubtless will be
greeted by n large audience upon this
the (list appearance of her class be
fore the Taylor public. Attorney J M
Harris will he the chnlrmnn of the
evening, and Miss Ldla Hcskns,
Gnmer D. Rfon?. county organizer nf
the Piohlbltlon league, lequests every
temperance worker of Taylor, and
those who nre In any way interested In
the tempotnnrc reunion to he held in
Nny Aug park on September 13, to meet
In the class mom of the Methodist
Episcopal church on Friday evening
next, where the first fehenirnl of tem
pennio songs will be hold
A Junior branch of the Young Men's
ChrLstlan association will he orgnnl7cd
In the iooiiif ol' the Young Men's
Christian association on Tluusday
evening nt 7 P,0 o'i lock. All bo.vs rnng-Ing-from
S to 11 oars nre cnidlilly In
vited to be present Parents aio ie
quested to send their children to this
meeting and enroll as members The
association will hold a special session
this evening
The Young Men's Rlble class of the
P.vne and Aichlmld Primitive Metho
dlst church will hold nn enteitalniu-nt
on the chinch lawn this evening
The members of the Tnvlnr foot ball
team aio icqiietted to meet this even
ing In theli usual meeting plate
Rev. J. J. McLaughlin, whose home
is In thlr town and who hn.s bron as-s-lstlng
Rev. P. J. Murphy at the oly
ph.ant palish, will depart for Ken
tucky on September 1, to assume his
foimer oh tige.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Welsh
Congieg.itlonal chinch will hold nn he
cream social this evening in the chuich
Masons have commenced woik on
the cellar fur the new single dwelling
of Richard Willi mi, at the corner of
North Main and Keyset- streets.
Mlf-s Bessie Phillips, of Ta.vlor street.
Is home from her week's trip to the
Pan-Amerli an exposition
Messis William and John Francis, of
North Talor, have letuined home
fiom a ten das" visit to Atlantic City,
D.altlmoio and Washington, D. C.
Howell Evans, of Mt. Catmcl, Is vis
iting lelattves In town.
Miss Maiv McDonnld, nf Oak stieet
has l etui nt d fiom a wiek's visit to the
Pan-A mi i lean exposition.
Misses Floience and Mrtlc Holes, of
Milton, vl.-dted MI'S Lizzie Reese, of
Union stieet. cstenlay
Miss s.arah Sainucl- has letuined
home fiom Oceanic ,N. J.
Merchant: M C. Judge Is home from
his luibliuss tilp to New Yoik.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Townnda, Aug hi The next annual
i union of the Union Wtouius nad
Folia o llrndfoia county " -'l le i.eld
at Alliens September ,!, 4, 3 and ii
Firs., class spoakeis have been engfigei
and a bind innceit will bo given e,i h
evening. The Cnrpns, the s-nanlsh
juvenile artists of acrobatic work, -will
bo one of tho main attractions.
An unknown eiazy man is unilet ar
rest at Wnveily for tiding on nn Eile
tin. n, nnd nn effort is being made by
oflicl.ils to leain of his residence.
An all d,i'.s meeting nf the Southern
R'.adfoul Sunday School association
will be held at Sugar Run next Thurs
ela. The Spanish-American volunteers ot
this county have just formed an ot
gr.nliMtlon to be known as Chniles F.
Mooie camp, No. 205. The work of In
stituting tho new order was done by
Major William Sharpe, of Wilkes
Harie, and opened n chaiter with twenty-three
membeis. The olflcers In
stalled nre Commander. F N Mooie,
renior vice commandei, Thomas M.
Stalford, Junior vice commandei, L H.
StteiRo, adjutant, E J. Rimes, quir
temiaster Pnd treasurer, F. E. Rond
man. c ha; lain, G. II. Wetmoie, dele
gite to national convention at Buffalo,
I'eptembcr ! Thomas M Stalford.
Rev. David Cratt, of Angelica, N. Y.,
was one of tho piomlnent visitors in
Townnda during the soldiers' encamp-
nient last week. He also made an ad
dress. Court Stenographer Aithur Head was
In Ruitnlo last week attending the Na
tional Stenographers' convention, be
fore whom he made an address on tho
FUbHt of law and leportlng. Mr.
Head Is also n membot of tho Stato
St Miograi hois' association and nn lion
oiaiy r.i 'inber of the New York Steno
giaphors' association, which also met
at Ruflalo lust week.
Reid ye'ton, n foimer Tovnnda land
loid, Is In tioublo nt Canlstuo, N. Y.,
being n usied for illegal liquor selling.
Tho same charges nte also pending In
the Pi.ldfnrd nuiity coiiits against S.
NlenoK i inpiletor of the summer hotel
nt Mrnintnin lake.
A fish I'nlecllve association Is bring
otg.iiilcil by the nnglfiH of Townnda.
'J he luiiis of Filday night and Satin
day laused consldeiable dniunge In
this s-f i t loi to late oiops, besides wash
ing out toads and small bildgis Ti.ifllo
on this section of tho Lehigh Valley
wii.t ngaln e hocked on account nf nn
othei washout at the Wishing tunnel
and tho Stato Line and Sullivan
branch. An exut?on which was
booked for Eagle's Meie on Saturday
was nerss irlly postponed on account
r.f wasdouts. The Wnluslng cieek
was on tho iniupage at Its Inlet Into
the river and caused considerable tinu
ble to the workmen on the railroad
bridge which Is beilng rebuilt with
heavier f-teel girders. On Wednesday
n second rectlon of Ruffalo eprc?n
No 7 was going over the trestllng the
underplnlng began to settle and Just
as tho last coach passed over the tlm-
Give Pe-ru-na the Credit for Their Regained
PBf fb
feff p
i; " Mlis 1 . sMIIII
Mis T B Smith, hospital nrttton,
(Imalia Binncks, wiites from -MJ7 N
Clark street. Chleign 111, an follows
"Pel una s onied to be the f.ivoilte
tonic among the soldiers nt the bar
racks If they vrete weak or i omnipo
tent aftei an Illness It would build
thm up nnd icstoio their stiength in a
veiy few das 1 ued it mys.f last
fall foi a veiv seveie bickiiiho nnd
bratfiig-down pnln, and found that
tlnee bottles i mnpleti ly cuieil me."
Pei una Is the favorite tonb not onlv
among snldlets, but among nil classes
of people Any one weak oi comities,
i ont nft r an in tit Illness will tlnd
Petiina to hasten tin Ii leinverv nnd
lnlp them regain their iisttil strength
ltl'1 vlgoi.
hers fell Into the high wntor and the
trmk settled several feet. Tho last
feehet hn.s caused the pier nnd .abut
ment on the sumo luldge to settle a
few Inrhes, and woikmen etenl.iy
were kept busy In placing huge stones
In position to save ftuther trouble,
whli h may not oieui.
Constable M Gov ci n, of Snie, has
nitested Mr. nnd Mis James Bloxham,
of Scianton, cm a chaige of definud
Ing while residing In the formei place
The i,iw will be settled In court.
John Cftskt, of S.iie, the most elTI
cient Lehigh Valley lallrmd detective,
has been piesentol a beautiful gold
watch, with liKscilptlon, limn his many
Mrs. E W. On lord Is spending a few
tlavs with her parents in Lfllnvllle
The next convention of the Five
County Volunteer Fli emeu will be held
at Wostllold. Tlogi count.
The Townnda Hi onion will hold their
annual parade on Tluusday evening.
Sep'ember 25. The mute on the line
of mniih will be illuminated with col
ored llgll'S.
Secietary C. M Culver, of the Iliad
ford (. nuiity Agile tilt in nt soi lety. Is
propailng In tho best older possible for
tho .annual fair, whiih will be held on
the East Townnda gi omuls September
21, 25. 2fi and 27. The In M of laces will
be bid and among the ouflde nttrnc
tlntis will be the (list appeal am o In
this county of Miss Belle Torwllllger, a
famous and oxperlcmcd hnisewomnn.
She will In Ing her string nf tilck and
i.ailng hmsfs and on each day will
give two upei fotinanies
William McDeimott, of S.avie. while
visiting tho Pan-Ameiliiin. went Into
a Rull'aln hotel, wheie he alleges to
have been buncoed out nf $l.'o In cash
An earnest cffoit Is In pi ogress nt
Wynluslng to secuio ueces,iry funds
foi the erection of a public library
II S. Topping, of Waveily. an In
valid, and for six confined to his
bed has just died, aged Cil
The buigess fined tlueo lads on Sat
uidny foi cuatlng a nuisance by ring
ing a bell on the graded hihool build
Hns tho Eplcuie Any Real Advan
tage Over the riain Eater.
1'rom tin I. i ii .ii I nn it
Of roiu-o the wealthy man pip a
gneci moie foi bis breakfast lunch
eon, and dlniM than dm s the pom
man, but Is Dives, physiologically ami
nh.vslcnll.v si uklng, an bettti lot it.'
Wo doubt It.
Plain tond is. on the v, holt, mote
acceptable to the ctoiinlii than aio
ilih moisoKs. It Is vn.v questionable
whether Mom the Militl mm Hive
point of iw. chiiuipagne nn1 osteis
aio utter all In health nn advance upon
glngei beer nnd i ooklf. whether tui-
tie Is pieteiabli to cult s head, or cav
I ir to soit honing roe. oi plovers' eggs
Mipttlor to tin- oifllnsi eggs it the
bnindnot blid But there Is a vnt
illffeicnto between the pile; of chum
pagno. sii at 10 shillings n bottle, and
glilRoi beei at a prnu a bottle, nr.d
het vv ten oi-tein at II shillings h pew f
a dozen anil cockles at 60 for a penny,
nnd between untie soup nt in shillings
6 cents a pint nnd call s head soup at
t pence a plateful.
Wo shall be pietty cnnett In stating
that the man who buys common crrs,
lntrad of ploveiH' crrs, and i.ilfs
head Instead nf tut tie, and a pigeon In
Mend of a partridge, is tho galnei at
nnv i.j to fiom th" ci onoinlinlly nu
tiltive point ot view. In othei worn
the pil e ot an in title of food by no
means sft.s upon It Its tood value and
the diifeienrc leinescntcd between the
pilce of champagne and RinRcr beer
between that of ovsteis and toiKUs.
etc. Is tho pi Ice paid ten the pic islng
of tho palate, which extravagance Is
piobably the penalty of n mental rath
er than nf bodll demand.
Hut phslnloRiall It Is akin to sub
stituting tlliiiuoiii I'm coals In the
steim engine. Llixuilous foot's nie.
subtly ppeaking, cieattuo tomfoits,
while jilnln tciods are bodily neieshltles.
It must be admitted, however, that ns
ii i lib ilwlt i -tasting game and moats
nio iieiissatll Midi r nnd tluietoie
iiif.v of as-lmllnlliin. Biitibtul time
must In n limit to the nppiopiiatlon
of food by tl.e bod, nnd this limit
may bo loiiohoil Jut us easily b
means of gnnd, pliiu and tciuki footl
asi h food uf a taici' suit.
Ac i oi ding to this vliW, tlicie must
bo gieat phslologlcul oxtuivngaiuo
going on fiom daj to dnv. In the mat
ter of beveiafcs the sairo suit of e.
UavnRriiice mcuis. Enormous pilces
no given tor n partlculaily iholie
wine, but heie. nguln It l piactlcally
ceitain the human economy gains
little or nothing.
Does the man who dilnks a claret
of choice vintage ot, say 10 shillings
a bottle, deilvo any material advantage
over the m in who drinks his f hilling
bottle ot vln ordlnalie'. It Is doubtful
In any case, the pilces afked foi wine
at big hotels aio to monstrously high
and the wine ottered l to often bad
In cas?s of weakness nnd backache,
boat lug-down pains nnd despondency,
so common nmnng women, Peruna in
nn absolute specific. It cures by stlm
ulitlng the appetite, strengthening the
digestion, quickening the circulation
and producing an equilibrium of the
vntlous functions of the bod'
Mis Anna Mlllr, stoncvllle, Ohio,
"If It had not been for Peruna I
would have been dead now. I am
stout and hearty; I would not be with
out Peruna for anvthbip. It Is the
best lemedv for tatnirh In the world
1 cinnnt recommend It highly enough
It has done wond"is for me "Anna
Mis. Vereno Schupbach, Dallas, Tex-,
"I nm very thankful for your val
uable medicine. I have become well
nnd sttong by means of it. I am 55
yonia old; am past tho chongo of
life, hut keop Peruna in tho house.
My dnughtcr-in-lKW took Peruna
when sho was so weak she could not
do her housework. Even tho flr3t
bottle did her good." Vorna Schup
bach, '130 Lamanstcr street, Dal IS?,
No other medicine his received the
praise nnd commendation of so many
people for such n v.ailety of ailments .as
Peiun i.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the l;e of Pe
iiiim. wilt" at onto to Dr Hartimn.
giving a full rtntement of vour case
and he will bo pleased to give you his
v Tillable ndvlce giatls.
Aililiess Dr. Hartmtn, President of
Tho II.u tman Sanitarium, Columbus,
that this fact alone accounts for an
lnci easing demnnd for whiskey ns a
dinner lievernge Theie Is obviously
considerable phslologlcnl sin and
wantonness committed In th choice
of food and In the quantity consumed.
How to Utilize Them to the Best Ad
I'mm the W ililii2tnn Mir.
Hete Is the wnv to make a delectnhlei
penrh roll- Cieam together half a cup
of butter ami a tup of sugai, add two
Wfll-bealen eggs also half n pint of
rlrh milk. Mix well, then sift In
flour enough to make a soft dough
Divide the dough In thiee, i nil out
each piece In a long oval and cover
the upp"i sldrs of the dough-sheets
with ilje peaches, peeled, and sliced
thin. Roll up the sheets, plreh the
ends, awl lay them In a baking pan
side by side, then set them In a brisk
oven Seive with a very ilch sweet
saute, flnvoied with the peach kernels,
blanched nnd chredded line To make
this sauce cream n cup nf butter, mix
It well with two cups of sugar beat
vet light, then set over hot water, and
bint In a little at n time, half a pint
nf good sheit Add tho shredded
kernels, and stir bird. Keen thn wa
ter mound the suico .boiling until
ready to seive. Cut the toll In thin
slices, put thiee on each plate, and
doing.' them with saute.
Peach shnitinke may be made with
same sweet dough, but to most pal
ates is bitter without tho sugai.
cv ei sou Is used, toll it ill sheets less
than a quaitcr Inch thb k, butter tho
top of half the sheets, lav the others
upon the butteierl surface and bake
until just done. For two shott tjakes
of nveiage sle fake a qu.llt of pontil
es, after peeling and halving. They
ought to be veiy ilpe and Juicy Mah
them quliklv. with a pound of sugai
and stii half a pint of sheny well
tluottgh them. Let Mnnd until the
i.ikis ai,. baked. Lift nlf the upper
eakis, spirud the lower pne thb k
with peat lies, lay on the top, and put
more pern lies upon that Leave out
some of the svrup. and servo It cither
i lea i as saticeaor mixed with cream
or whipped through cream, according
to taste
Peaih cobbler as far outshines plain
peach pie "as daylight doth a lamp"
Line a generous deep ple-dlsh with
good paste, lolled a quarter-Inch
thick. I'lt and trim this t rut wel
then butter it nil around the edges.
Fill the dish hesiplng full of tlpe Julty
peat lies, pated nnd quaiteied, not for
getting to put In srvei il on the seed.
Cover them with i mist, tilm It,
pinch the edges lightly pilck over the
top and bake half an hour In a brisk
steady oven When done take oft the
top 1 1 ust lay It upside down in n hlg
plate, then ii'.aslt the peaches In the
pie, sweeten them well, and beat Into
them a lump of butter as big ns a
walnut When the butter is well wx
eri. add two tahlopnnnfiil of shem
let It stand a minute, then dip out fruit
cumuli to covet the top crust Sprln
kli both t rusts lightly with just
bffore soiling Cieam either "hipped
or plain, ma be served with tho cob
bler Or tho fruit mav be lightly sweet
ened alter opening the pie and served
with it very ilih sheitv-wlne satire
The sherry flavor .accords better with
pent lies than does thit of inv other
wine. Delicate enters prefer tn have
tho peaches letl almost tart, and then
cover the pie with whipped t re am,
swectined and ll.avoied with sherry
The Knights Templar, Louisville,
On account of the tilennial conclave
August 27 to 31 inclusive, ticket agents
of the 'Lackawanna lallrotd' will sell
lound trip tickets to Louisville K ,
at rato of ono fate for tho tound trip
Tlikets will be on sale good going Au
gust ii to 2" Inclusive, and good for
lotuin until September i Inclusive, ex
cept by depositing tickets with Joint
ngent nt Louisville on oi before Sep
tember 2 i etui n limit will be extended
to leavo Louisville not later than Sep
tember Hi on p.ainent of 50 tents
Stop off ut Buffalo to visit the Pan-
American will bo peimltteil on the
t etui n tilp upon p.iment of one dol
lar extia and depositing tbket with
Joint agent, pinvidlng passenger reach
es destination within the final return
limit. The Giand lommandery of
Knights Templar of New Jeisey have
itrianged fm a special tinln to leavo
Hobnken nt 10 a m August 2"i reach
ing scianton at 1 30 p m, and a cor
dial Invitation has been offered tn all
local Sir Knights and their friends t
Join them at Scranton
. i . m iip
Krause's Headache Capsules
are unlllt anything prepared In
America. They weie first prescribed
by Dr Krause. Geimany's f.imnus
com t physician, long before antlpyrlno
was discovered, and are almost marvel
ous, o speedily do thsy cute the most
distressing cases. Price 2c. Sold by
all drugglst3.