The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 27, 1901, Image 1

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    .. .
President Shatter Declares That
He Has No Knowledge of
Efforts at Settlement.
Tho Steol Men and Members of the
Amalgamated Association Prosent
Arguments to Show Gains and
Mako Claims of Success Tho Sur
prise of tho Day Painter Plant
Resumes with Six LIUls Running.
Mayor Black Fines a Workman,
,ly Ktdusno Wire fiom Hi m" 'and 1'ievs
Rlttsburg. AUK "0. -Repotted ponce
negotiations foi (lie settlement of tile
strike through the mediation of dlln
torftpil parties-nnielnls ntul members
if the ollo federation ie-rt-hed
it Jolt when I'losldeut Theodore
J. Shaffer, of tin- Amalgamated nFinel
n' Inn of lion. Stool mid Tin Workcis.
tonight dot l.irod absolutely that ho hud
no ntlti'iiil knowledge of such proceed
ings ?i ltd tluit If Mirli been started
! did not luivi' tho olllrlal sanction of
Hi. organization.
Nevertheless the 'subject will not
down, mid tonight It is said the con-
imtnry ooinmlttoo of tlio e Ivle i on
to Iciatlon .nlieady pronilnont m tlio
luatlci Is fully pippni'i-il tn i',ii'i) on
negotiations unit will, If noieaty. en
deavor to see lire tlio Rood otlloes of
Archbishop Irebind. RMiop 1'ottor,
Daniel Hannn nml Seth l.nw. us on
mcmheis of tliolr organization, In order
to give tu li prominence to tlio commit
tee that tho proposal will bo roocltod
by the s'oel t m porntion. In tho niinn
t.nio both sides to tho 'otitroversy
make il.ilma to a loiory. Tho stool
people point to tho gains thpy h.c
mmlp all alone tho lino In tho way of
Fccuilng nion and slatting plants, while
thp Amalgamated nHlclais .say that in
stead of lo-iug ground, iIip usMiciallon
i gaining etoiy il.iy, and that while
the roniblno 1ms suoi oodod in starting
it few plants, tlioy aro not tinning out
ni'Tchantablo material and aro losing
monoy and breaking valuable inaihlii
crv. ami In tho pud will have to ask
their old men to coiup to tne roioii".
Tho steel people rldlrulp tho i lalms
of tho a-so. i.ttion and point to tlio
fnlluio to induce the South Chicago and
tlio iJiiqupsnp men to go on ctrlko as mi
o donee that tho stipncth of the Amal
gamated association has dop.u toil. Tlio
ofllii.ils say iho only id. mis at which
thpy experience ditllru'ty at aio tho
Mar and tho Lindsay and Mi rutohoon,
but thoy rxport to in orcoine all trou
bles there and liao tho mills running
fullrfit an early date.
Surprise of the Day.
Tlio ui prise of tho day wns tlio
I'.iintcr plant with six mills, tho sanio
nulls that wire tunning when tho
s'rtko hvgan Not a striker could bo
found anywhere noai tho mill.
Superintendent F. I. llaiper said:
"Wo Halted this morning' with six
mill.' tunning full Week before last
wo began with two mills, which wo
kept tunning nil thit week nn day
tin n. Last wci"k wo addod two mnip
mills, also keeping ihpin i mining on
day turn. This nioinlng wo added two
iiuifp mills, making six In all. The
mllK running hip tlio lii-lni b bar mills
nd an R-lneh mill which we Minted
Hi's inniulliR: tho 10-ltn h mill, tho il
ia h mill and two oilier S-Ini h mills.
This makes civ mlllf. ami the ety
mils wo ,re ninulnc wlicn the plant
was phut down ) the snlkor" Wo
re running along row iiRaln Jum ns
wo did before our old men wont out.
And 1 want to say that about Jirt per
cent, of tho men now winking In the
plant nte old men. unite a lot of iliein
Tho report fmm Wheeling Innlulit N
that tho inanatjer of the Aeina Stand
ard sheet plant of the Amoilcan Shoot
Stiel company leoplved moVi"- today
from the general olllees to ilmnutle
sheet mill No. and -hlp the ma
ililnoiy to ViiiidotRi Ift I'a. .Mi, V.
son does not know whether or not ihN
ii the- start of tho cairyhiR out of the
liroat to take plants from the Who, 1
niR dlstilct. owtiiR to the sliouK ttilko
sontlnient hoio. The work of dlMiiani
linc will ho commenced ni om
The strikers at WolNvlllo aio jubl
lunt tonlRht over the olllclal news
i.imltiR to them from liond.ile. TIipp
teporti say that all of the men who
have been working- In the mill, except
I'a and Hnrr. Householder, letueil to
Co back to work and woie relnsiatod
In th Amalgamated Indgc. TIiom. two
men, with the addition of .lames nnd
Harry Hlndmati. constitute tlio entile
workltiR force of the mill today. Theso
four men make one-half ,,f no (.,pVV,
it rouulrliiR pRht men in man a tlii
mill. One mill was winking today with
nlh partial crew, the leuiHnder of tho
plant beliiK idle.
Black Fines a Workman.
Mayor UhiPk, of MeKeesport, todny
flneil John Sheridan, a workman In the
Dewees Wood mill, JJS and msiii, and
Sheridan will havp to mip thiity'days
In the wiukhouup in default n'f ball,
Sherlilan has been potted for sunie
time by tho strikers because he s.tid
the strikers would not succeed nnd tliat
he wanted to return to woik. Satur
day he tnhl leportets he was sure sulk
ers or police would trump up some
eharso to get him out of town. He was
drinking hard Saturday night and
locked up.
Today (it a healing no Informant ap
pealed agalnfit him. but Mayor Ulack
lined htm him because he heard ho
had called him names. He then lefused
a bond for the lino and refused to let
teporters Inspect tho docket or trans
cript of the case unless they would
KuarantPp the line and costs. When
asked leasons for such treatment of a
rrlfnner he bald:
"I Just sent him up for his health."
Superintendent t, M. I'ltcock, of the
Pminler tin plate mills, said tonight
the mill would be started thl week
with tho old men. Ten city police and
strlkeis. aio guarding the plant to
House of Representatives Expresses
Admiration for Steel Workers.
My t.xilmiif "Iff '"m Tl.f Avli,n 'r.
Austin, Texas, Aug. Urt. The houe
of lepiosontntlves today adopted by a
vote of as to .is the following resolution
after u debate of considerable length:
11. it rinolirri. t'i Mil" hoik", of rilTiw im
nf tin lrvialaturr nt Ihi' ttf el TeM Hill triiilh
.inl ninii' tii'llfn ur fnnlrdr In the iml itinl
utiiiii" el .1 lire prnplr, ilitnnlhp of Imllt idull
I drill ami miliwMltr el tl.o irinilplc if n r
rudliriii f.iiin nf con mnirril . lint ur rrtngiii''
In tlio rniiwl Malr Mnrl rnrmrilliii nn iitk'ini.
llnn Mhlili rnidnilln all the p iN nt the tnit,
innnnpli Jtiil ri.mnmullv nt inlcroit (ilea mil mir
iilmli hi rrinn rf llir 111 inTier nml amount et
ii miiu'i.ilinn jin.J phn ef oprtatinn. m.ii 1
mh til. tlir htj h.iH ami front nt tlio nflmil
tiir "i.liin 'IImI mp ii. In hiarlv ftiiniithi
null tin' in.itc nn it nl jskiii latlmi In the mnlo't lliri r.' nfiv Mauitit; with thi I iiitoii
Mitt MitI c mn fur a jutl Atid pqmtahle
ui.iKnitiun ot Ihrtr union
Secretaries of Trades Unions and
President Mitchell Talk to Head
of Amalgamated Association.
D.T KxrhMvr Wle troin TIic iwwtlnl I'tfw.
New York, Aug 'M It.itph M Has
lex secietar.x of tho National rixde
Podoratioii of Labor, and Henry White,
sei tPtiny of the t 'nlted (iarnient Wotk-
iin of America, arilvtd heie today
fiom l'lttsbuig. They said they had
iut boon authoilzed to make any
pioposltlon looking toward a settle
ment of tho t'nltcd States Steel cot
pomtlon tilke. While In nttsburg
tbox' had tt confeieine with President
Shaffer of th" Amalgamated associa
tion, but without tangible result.
Samuel ' flompptv, president of the
Aiueilcan Kef'erntlon of I.nboi, nl'-o
ai rived In the city toda.x. coming from
ItutTalo in route to Washington. Mr.
ioiiipet nni In eonfiience with Ml
K.isley and Mr. White, but It was said
tin i unfort in o resulted in no plan of
aitlnii. Mr Kh-1p said
"Mr. White and 1 did not go to Pitc
hing to make an.x proposition to Mr.
Shaffer nor have we been authorized
to mike any piopositiiin to the steel
trust manageis. Wo went there to got
Infoi miitlo.i and unite by chance we
met PiofosHor .lenks, tho trust export
of the industrial commission, and .lohn
Mitchell, of the I'nitorl Mine i'orker,
and the four of us went to -cr PresJ
dent Shaltoi. Wp merely wanted to he
Infoi mod of the exact situation and to
s"e whether there was any opening for
the good olllcos of our conciliation
l.o.itd. Mr. Mitchell, for his part,
wanted Information because he had
been asked to call out ".sn.lion mlneis on
a s.Miipa'thetlc strike, and was not
willing to 'go it blind.' Wo had no
pmpositlot. to make and xxe did not
seek the authority to hi t for the Amal
gamated association. We merely made
it clear that we aio at the sprvlce of
both sldi s in an effort to teach a set
tlement "We are ready," Mr. Kasloy added,
'to endeavni to bilng the contending
faclois to an understanding, hut xve
have made no offeii to either side.
Such an office might do more harm
than good."
Mr Kasley said, in conclusion, that
h did not cpoot to see Messrs. Mor
gan or Schwab and that lie was not
trying to abtaln a confetenee with
Nearly One Thousand Delegates Are
Expected to Be Present Will
Represent 205 Unions.
lit I'ailiniip Who fimn TIip Vnuinl Pu,
It 1 7 Lit j. n 't 4 up "V. In iiiirxiun tn a i ill
ivin'xl uuk-.ii In Iho tliftrut ot'tiiim
iH'inN tlio I miImI Mine Wnrlcer-t of thn antlim tt
iml Hi tiU will lilti a i iiiivciition lu n lutnonim,
at liili iip.hK run llirtiiunl ilelrjfjif. npip
untitia !''" uni'Mi. n expeMctl to 1
iiPMiit. Ihi' t ouit'iiiit'i) uill (onilniif fnr t lit i e
or Imit iljn ltlfll.ll of M nf tin rtul t ntll
1 mu-s to t .nittti'ii.uii o tlti rani ltixin linTi Mstrtti
a i 'if i iilliMiK, .tlliu'-'l f ii lure ( oiliotd tn u
ttlP 1 pM ll'lit illillM' HlppO-OlI tO li.ilp hull
Ki inti'il 1 (.n Hutu1 iinr lavt .princ 1
H IM )1) ( it IhI lliP 1111 1 1?J Mil I toil of til1 fciatintl.llV
(hittifh in: iin, hlii 1 mitli. i .iricn(cr atnl
ti.iinOtrf ih iho I itiltd ine W'oilkpr will l'(?
tlif iiiifi mi iii i nut in .ti. rh c niuitlfrrii.
Wluit tit i nn mi nt tlu lomoiition will In
i nii ftf thr h tI r will proilu t .Siim, of tho
ihlttrnti' will ilini4 ilit nutation
Nicholas Kranz, a German Farmer,
Ib Relieved of 85,000.
Ily r.nluMNf Wire from ll.e AMiorlitnl I'rei.
Cliliaitu, ue "it Niihnlaa Kiaiir, a (., unan
firiuir luniL' ne.ii iiruia. Ill, n w,lii., ,
ner .Mi In imlif, siv. In i liei k and f,, m
i urn in v on a I otlace (.roie ieinie ihle train
here toda. lie iairld the ininet and nutOh In
Inia Irillicrn imkel bonk, in nn imirio poi k"t
nf hi. nut Me luilMi-a In. vilualilm wtie taken
In twn inin who ,iileil him nn the i.ii an I who
alighted lintU bifoie he dltenvered hl ln.
the inbbeiv a ieinrt(i In Ilia iiollre, lui
ate now wotkin on tit. tae.
No Fear of a Coal Strike.
Tlv Kxiiuoie Wire from The W.oilated pirm
"haniokitt. ui il - Ihiee hiitidied lielesne
from the Sinih dllrlit will attind the llarletnn
lonM'nilon of I nlted Mine Woikem, wlilth no
nnii tomorrow The loial. I.ken Vallej and
Sihmlkill deleL'.ilia aie a unit on voting In u
ipilre the coil i ninpiiilta In llie up to ihelr
iiL'iifiiiinla and t'i lnll on i'iiiplu.iei allowing
lardt of union moil In hi lnpectrd nl llie inin,.
Mit i.f tin' -li'li-unt don't fiar that unl.e
will be orderrd N pi W.
Late Consul Shaw's EfTects Arrive.
By F.xrluiiir Wire from The .virllted preat.
Vew York, ue !M. iln thr tte.imhlp Mle
Ehru.i, wliieh arrird lodai, wn CirIo I'ontlner,
wlm bronchi the prrnnal eflfrta nf the late
Ma.hlngtnii Inini; -lnw, the I'nlted Statea ronil
to Pjianriullla, fraud Mle of ( elomhia, who
lomnillted miclde ome time a;o. The rffrru
will he icnt en to Uu UoU, Pa., wlr'the family
H ei.
Generals Steun, De Wet and Botha
Send Protests to Kitchener
and Promise to Floht.
Lord Kitchener Telegraphs That the
Boor General Havo Announced
Thoir Determination to Continue
righting Surrenders, However,
Increase Small Party of British
Captured in Orango River Colony.
P.i Kxrlimte Wire from The wviati"! Prrss.
London, Aug. "fl. A dlsiatch from
Lord Kitchener, dated fiom Pretoria
today, says:
"Three oflloers and sKlv-llve men
who were pent noitli of I.adybrand
(Orange Itlver colony) on tlie right of
Klllot's columns, were surrounded on
unfavorable ground nnd oaptuiod by a
superior fotce August "'2. One man was
killed and four woie wounded. The
prisoners: were released. Am holding
an liuiulry.
"Have received a long letter from
Steyn, containing an argumentative
statement of the I'oer case, and saying
he will continue to light; also a short
letter from Pe Wet to the same effect.
"Hotha writes m know-lodging the re
ceipt of my ptoclamatlon, and, pto
tesllng against It, states that the Boors
Intend to go on fighting. On the other
hand, the surrenders lately have In
creased conslderabl."
American Refused Compensation.
He Fought with Boers.
London, Aug. 26 --New Inn I'rane. In
behalf of the Amerlein embassy, his
ptcsotlted another claim to the South
African compensation commission -that
of Charles It. Nelkln, a native of
Pi ussiu and a naturalized American
Major (teneral Sir John Ardagh, top
lefontlng the foreign ofllep, pointed out
that the claimant's letter said he had
joined the ltoeis In order to ptotect
his property, seized by the Moors, and
"No person who has fought against
(reat Britain will receive any compen
sation on the recommendation of the
Mr. Crane said that Nelken wns a
man who had laid down his arms and
resumed his neutral status at the time
he was deporkd. nnd was entitled to
the benefit of his status
Chairman Mllvnin replied "No per
son who his fought against (treat Brit
ain will roi eive (ompematinn."
They Endeavor to Identify the Pistol
Which Figured in the Murder
of James Seymour Ayrea, Jr.
Washington ncr n.-llptertie Mulhr, who
ueiii In 1 .IiimiIi. Mo , in ceiiiiu lion with I'io
woik of atlrinpiinir I" nlentif llie pilol wlmh
h.nreil in the killimr ot jounj Imi,.- Nmour,
m.i. Jr , .it the KiiiiiMri' hmil lit irltur, nn.l
foi uhli'h MrA lcl.1 lloiune hl-i hecn ilvlliterl, il
n turned to Wahinulnti III report itiilualM
Hat tho e.iimi h.K not lieili f 1 1 1 1 tilentlheil.
flu' dialer who w.n idleed to hale Mild the
wi'ipnll tn Mm lliilillie'd lunther di nied tlin he
had nohl him the one eiitmn him h llu S ih
inirtoti ofllitr. hut tho in. in Ho (taniied to line
re plated it dielared it did belong to Mr. Ileum,
Mrs llniilne'4 brother. It l lil.ily Hut Iho di
tn loo will make anolhir trip tu ! .bk-iiili bo
furo the tnal cf Mr lliiime iaUe pl.u . .
Corporations Chartered.
Pi i:(linhe W'iro frmu The Aoolated I'n.a
liarii.biui;. uir. '?" iiiohk the ihiilera h
fiie.1 b tlie at.ite deparliiient todav weie tht foi
lnwiiig: l.mulilm Miuufai turlni imupini, I'liii..
lull;: lapiUl. fi.rmn .lunlat.i ilu la niupiuv,
Siwton, lliiiiillnii:, 1ii,0iW Tin Va
iiiunl Wiatlier trii innipinx. MIi-bIiiio ;
lapitd. Hd.fuKi llie laiuhlm vupily iniiipaiit,
PiitelnirK: ipiial. Vt 'llu; llimmnuil supply
coinpiiu, PiiulmrKi (.ipltal, $'i.iml. Thi linn
motul M inuiai luting iciiipitii. PiltbiiiL;. i ipi
tal. Hii.iam The .Mill In ll-Wanon I and
('..lo (inuiiiiy. Illaliioille, inpllal, f,l,uai.
Plnneir I'nv Witer eompaii). Corboiulale; iapi
ill. ioii Tin I'eopl,' Moie compiiij, Km"j
eipital. " ena The William Ilrntnn 1m , I'MU
bine, lapnjl. Jii.i"l. Tin- Pniliiiik spiral
Wire Ibip riinipanv, capital, jui Wil,h It
Hoi inn loinpiio, (liartered in WY.t Viiginli,
ami lei liirtiiul in I'.iiii-.i iiann w th a i.iptal
uf JJ arm.
Alterations in Constitution.
Iti Kdune Wire fiom The Aoi iated Pre.
llrMol, It. I Kng. Jil -The ('anlitutlon eamo
up fmm Newport llm aflernonn for the purpose
of enalilim; tlie deelcnei, who wa mi In,iii, t.i
eo what (hinu'it weir nen.dri hi fnre kho in.
tered the Hid raie nevt Saturdi). Tlio (Vnll
lulion will be tiken out on Hie inirine nilw ir
tomoirnw. Thn Hie under bodv ii tn ho bright -ened
up, the lop aldea naiti"l and many muiII
inaltrr attended tn
An Organizer Discouraged.
Mi Kiluie Wire fr ni Iho oiiatrd Pn,
loraitie. ()., Aug " -J (' William., a.'ent
of the malganialoil a..oiuiion, hi. giin up tho
attempt to orginl.e .1 lodse inionjr tlie loo il
Mrrl worker, and i now directing III iiMitinn
tn tironiring aid tot tlie atnkeia. Ho
aia It ia out of the ipii'.tion In oigmlzo tlie uu n
here at the pteeent lime.
Wahloy Wins Raco,uot Tournament.
Fly F.jclutbf Wire from The Aiaoeiatril l'if,
NoiwiiIi. (nnii, ur -Jil W. II. W.ihlei. of
W.Khlngli'ii. won the iiailmul riiupiet lournimi nt
hire tld o ft inn . hi In d f, iiing c. (, ( ,v, ,,f
Maiden, Miv., Ill Iho dnidln; giune nt tliu pUi
Steam Ship Arrivals.
Dy F.iclmlve Wire from The Aainciated 1'rni
Vew York, Stir. 2'V- irleds 1rae, f.enr.a,
fieorgle, Mverpooli Southwaik, Antwerp; F.thlnl
plfl. r,lagow. riearfit Kalrr Wllhelmn Her
firoiee. llnrr.en via Cherbourg and Miithimptnn.
bliard I'aiwdi rottdam, New Yoik for Hot-terdim.
All Blacks Not Employed or Owning
Property Drlvou from Salpulpa.
tij rrlule Wlrr from The AwocxUil Truw.
Silulpi. II T. ns "JO Nntlic wamlnii idle
timnim tn true lnn line nuiilleil in early
IiIjiV not miiiIo.iiH. or owning iroprrtj, taking
I hi 11 ilr . irluir '-iirniini.lliis touim arc aim) UW
tint up tin- Unlit nuMUKt the ncRnips,
Mioinl. II T, nit -". Tin- dilrr lo run nil
ikiiioi (lulu tirrltmv lon, klailcil at saltilpa,
li pre id tn, tm n of gunlilfn
unit lutein lnw ilriifn all the Mill from toun,
In iiMillon thr.v tore ilimn the liniir ot to
ersriin. liinii(il Hie ImUdlnsit ind content.
Tin. troulile nirtul when a nrni allcmpltil la
Kill .1 uliite nun. Ihi- oflld'u o far have not
Nswport Property Owners Aro Back
ini? nn Injunction.
Ily F.Telinle Wire from The Aoclt(i l'rn.
I'tiwtilmrp, It I. Mm, "it -Jiirlce Wilbur In
the apprllile dlri'lon of the Supremo i out t to
ilai ciaiiieil a teniinrarv Injunction mlutntiiK
the Sitloiiit tmii(.blle .r.x lillmi and other
fiom holiliiic Aiiioninhile iiuejt nn Oieati ninile,
Ntwpeit. A hnrliig will be nhen net! Wriluc
dii en the applu illun tor a perm ment injuiii
tioti Ttio Mil a lironjht liv tho onnern of property
nl'iitiinir en u. enn .nenuo acralnt the Iviard of
oldrnni'ii. eomm'in inunrll, tho fperlal commlt
tre of tlw (it (ouiiril. National Aiitomhlle ao.
cuti'.ii. tin I iiioninliile aweoiatlon anit III tlnn-
fi of the pititinn pr.i.ilntf (r the use of Oican
arnue fur rate
State Convention Will Open for ft
Threo Days' Session
By Kxclmiie Wire from The Awintted Prri.
Harrlsburg, Aug. ".H. The Patriotic
(Irder Sons of America stato convention
will open In this city tonionow for a
tin ee days' session. Mote 'than fM
delegales .lie expected to he present at
the opening session, which begins at
Id a. in. The business of tonionow will
be devoted to the election of ofllcers
and to healing the reports of retlted
The oratorical contest will take place
lomoirow evening and there will he
live contestants. I'atilntlr subjects will
be assigned the contestants. The pa
rade will tuKe place on Thursday and
promise-, tn be tho latgest procession
held In llaii'-burg for years. John W.
(iertiiaii, of this city, will be the rhlef
Ho Is Received hy 10,000 People
Hended hy Acting Mayor Will
iams nnd Chns. J. Bonaparte.
By Kxcludic Wire from The W.e.ate.t Pre.
Baltlinoie, Aug. ".ii. Cardinal (ilh
bois reaclatd home this evening, after
a tour of Km ope. and' was tecelved
with open arms by his friends and
parishioner.".. He came on a tialn wlilth
iirtlVPd at union station shortly alter
Ii o'clmk. accompanied hy the party
of clergmn and laymen who had met
him In New York. When he alighted
he was greeted bv a riowd of at least
111 ntul people, headed by Acting Mavor
Homy Willlynis and Charles .1. Bona
parte. Both thee gentlemen niHde ad
diesseH of welcome, to which the cardi
nal responded feelingly, after which
they entered carriage; and wete driven
to the at the head of a plo
cesvlon, which lw hided all the pioiul
iiont t'athollc societies' of the city,
pileslH from tho vicinity of Baltimore
and Washington, and many of the nnn--ecular
tiletulH and admirers of his
The cardinal dismounted from his
earilago and tevlowed the ptocesslon
fiom the steps of the- Catholic club,
opposite his residence, nflor which he
addressed a congteg.ttlon that tilled the
venierabli' (athedial to the doois.
Caidinal nibbons talked entertain
ingly alter the parade on conditions
alnoad. lie was much Interested in the
status of tho steel strike and said he
hoped It would be settled .soon. When
asked about the relations between capi
tal and labor In Kiitope. lip said:
'That H an economic question and I
did not study it. 1 am not able to eon.
tlrm or deny the claims made that
unions have the manufacturers In Kng
luud so hound down with their rules
as to lessen the capacity of the works,
with the result that Kngland Is not
able to compete, with this country In
many lines of Made. It would take
much MikI.n to learn all the details of subject.
"We were, however, pi i tick with the
tale tnkfli to gum d against accident
to eniployeis in KiiRland. Seemingly
iiioie value Is pliucd on human life
theie than bote, liules are niado by a
bo.iid of commissioners and theso are
ligldly enforced.
"In many. Instances, employers take
out Insurance em the lives of their
hands. When an employe In perman
ently disabled he must be paid his
wages foi. 1 think, 'three years."
"Do you believe labor In this country
Is better ort than In Kngland?" was
"That." replied the cardinal, "Is a
subject for much Investigation. TIipip
is more In the question than wages
alone. Oiip must uscertaln the cost of
Using In each country In order to an
swer It intelligently."
They Vonture Upon a Raft and Are
Swept Into tho Sea,
Hy KarlurlTe Wire from The Aasodated Prcu.
Sew York, "g 'V. lour boa between tho
aju nf ID mid fi iear who drnwiied tmhy at
leiug lliam Ii n '
Tlie lrluns are lw n nf l' lllak-Iy,
the hiad of tho long Mi inch hi.-h ailimd, a Mm
ef Wi'Mtider ( ii'kil, of llrimh, and Harold,
son of Harry Sherman, of l.mig lli.inih
The bo wire on rail ipine a diilanrr from
the (hoio ami were awept Iran the a by the
w at ei.
Situation at Joliet,
Ily F.xrlualie Wire from The Auoclated Tress.
.loliit. 111 , iii. -M -Hkio Ih been no mite
rial lunge in tlio .tul .liike aliiiiiiou hne.
The aibbory biard w.ij In eiim toda.t, dicu.
Ini; plana for a public iiu-4 meeting in dtlcnse
cf the ktrlken,
His Visit Planned as an Olfsct to
the Rccen; Review of the
German Fleet.
Tho President Claims to Have Pro
moted the Affair Ha Explains
How Buch "Grsat Bvonts" Are
Arranged Paris Not in th Itin
erary Up to the Present Time Tho
Sultan's Act.
fly Kselulie Wtr from The Awoclale.l Pre.
Paris, Aug. "ft. The I'.-ittle today
quotoK President I.ouhet, In conversa
tion with nn Important person two
days ago, as saying:
"I always conldered the Franco
Ttusslan nlllanoe exceedingly nsoful
and fruitful to our cotintiy. t thought
the moment opportune, to obtain the
czar's presence at the nianoeuvtes. We
fltst Intended Inviting him to the west
em manoeuvres, which aro of greater
importance, but tho czar prefened the
Asked whether the czar himself sug
gested the visit, M. Louhot replied.
"Theso vhdtja are not decided on
without a previous change of views. I.
personally, inspired th negotlatlonec
which led to the result now known.
When I learned that the czar Intended
to review the German fleet In the Hal
tie, I deemed It more Important than
ever to obtain a visit to France, and I,
myself, wilth the co-opeiatlon of M., prepared this great event,
for which the negotiations were pur
sued with the greatest pecrecy."
M. I.oubet Is further reported nw fay
ing that, thanks to the Franco. rtmRlan
alliance, war with China was averted,
and also that, up to now, the pro
gramme of the Journey accepted by the
IMisslan chancellery does not Include a
visit to Paris.
Interference with Dock Company
Costs 700,000 Frances.
n.r Excluntve Wirp from The Aotlated Trrfs.
Constantinople. Aug. ".. The amount
of the Indemnity which the sultan
agrees to pay the Quays company Is
TOO.flftfl fiancp. for Interference with lf
rights. The sultan will also pay fiftfl.nro
francs to a Frenchman on account of
the seizing of his lands In Albania.
Thp Quas company t enounces for a
year the clause in its concession re
garding the transfer of the quays to
Turkey, only. It Is believed, to save
appearances for the sultan.
M. Constans, the French ambassa
dor, nfter making farewell calls on his
colleagues yesterday, left here today,
on board the Vautour, for Stamboul,
where he will take the train.
London. Aug. JR. The dhvatch from
Constantinople announcing that the
French ainbasfador, M. Constat's, left
thole today. Is not understood either In
London or Pails. It Is not believed that
It means a further cllffetence between
Franco and Turkey. The supposition
Is thataM, Constans Is taking a holi
They Wreck Two Bridges on tho
Dickerson Piko in Tennessee.
By Kxolnalve Wire from The Associated Piem.
Nisliilllo, Ti nn . Aug. 2ii 'llie turnpike nut
er hair- broken Ino.e in Hie iic-nuii of (.ooillrtln
illo, and attempts woie made jesterdii lo
wteik two bridge on Iho pirkir.nn nike lit
nun I to wa used and the -ilmtmenla of tlio liruljn
wir.- di.iuibed.
boiit half the population win awakined by
the ixphiMon, whnh wa ret off tally In Iho
inoiiuug. and people tin InMinotlielv tn tin
dooiUcttuMllo bank, under the niipro.lon
Imrglarn wete trying to rftei t an entrant t nun
the taiilt Tlie ranlen made Iheir oupe. but
befmo leitlng set fire to and de.trojed two ui.
occupied gale Imusij,
Tragedy Follows tho Snapping of a
Cable Supporting the Cage.
Oy Rirltnlie Wiie from The Anoclitcd Preaa.
. Illn-ini ngion. III . Vila: 'i rour miners were
Imtantb' kltled at 1 mine in (Tietioni. Una
"lint j . by the -napping nf Hie cablo up ort inar
Iho (age The men fell '!I7 feet.
Tin- dead: Hired, Hili.-rppe. Ilulmio llrlu.
Ilontnu llillilla, Thotn.n ,lone.
Col. "Jack" Haverly 111.
n t!rtube ire from the Avncialeil Presi.
Salt Like Citv, I tah. Vug. ifl Colonel I. II.
Utterly, ulnae fame in nilnatriUy i world wide,
l datigeinudv ill at "t. Mark'a hn.paal, in 'lii.
cm, of hiart Irniihte. His wile has bom tele
graphed for and she Is no" on her wit fiom
New oik Colonel llaterlj inientlv united lo
salt Lake, and alnce lii retirement from the
how Imonras, aeteral ti ar ago. ha been d'tot
lug hia time alnion etilu.itelt to mining.
No Further Use for Relief.
By Kvlin-lte Wire fiom The soi tated proM,
Washington, ug art. V neiaonal letter from
(iineral sternbiig. now niaKing an in'reitmn
f the nu dual depMrou-ni in the I'lullppinm,
sata he fltub Ihe depirpiieiit geniral't in gouj
c.indillon. Hesivslhii llu depi-liueni will have
no further u-e for Hie Ii Hal ship Pllef and
he hat recommended .1 - lie tinned mr U
the nuirtermasier'a il-pirtiu. nt
Hinslmw Out on Parole.
By Kxclmiie Wire from The Awocli'.rd Pies.'.
Mi. hit in I ill. Iml. Mil- -" William I'. Ilin
Miaw, sertilig a lift scnhiue for tin- inurdei of
lac wifi- 11 llilletille, lias been released from
.late prison on a ten datf. pauile i-ued In (,n
emor Duibln. lo tlsil hia pircnls, who are re
ported tiHIl.t ill al their home u-ar Wimhi.Ki.
Illiihiw foimerli was i pnaihir and alwa.ti has
piotr.tcd hli- Ihnocince,
Bj I'tdiiflYf Wire from The WooLtnl Pries.
Siinhur), I'a. ug. in.- Leiti. Piwart. one (
tho leading innnbera of tht Northumbfrlaud
coutiij bar, died here tonight, aged Si ycati.
He waa a son of lion, W', I. pewart, who, at
one rme, represented thi iiitrlct In eengrtu.
I Weather Indication Today!
1 fieneril No Truth In Humor of Peace In the
.eel strike,
tloer Leaders Are Hi riant.
The Czar'a Vl-lt tn Prance.
Yellow IVter and loo,ultoe.
2 r.eneral C'arbondale Department,
3 bo. al -Board of Control Will BulM New
School llouf.
Park Kurd) -Runty IteMtilncd,
4 Editorial.
Vote ami Comment.
6 Iril-Ohjecta of the Mine Workers' Confer-
Standing of ContelanM In (he b'duratlonal
rt Local Weet crantoii and Suburban.
7 Oeneral -VortheKlern Peniujbanla.
Klnaneial and Cnmmerrlal.
R Iiral-tnduttrtal and Labor.
Taks Everything in Sight at tho
Openinrr of the Grand
By Kxoliulve Wire fmm The Audited Press.
Piovldonoe, It. I.. Aug. 2i5. Favorites
won everything In straight heats at
the opening of the Cirand Circuit races
nt Nnragansett park this afternoon.
New Richmond was compelled to make
a new mark In the '2 ;'. pat e. when
Fta.ler, the tliihinger hoife. dtove tlie
gray under the wire Hn I'.OSij In the
second heat.
Country -laj was prohibitive in the
L'.:'0 tiot, and lint- Matey could dthe
with one hand nnd pull his hoise to
keep from distancing the Held.
Royal R. ShHilon was another sine
thing In the 2.O.," pace. He made his
three straight In good lime, stepping
the first In li.or.iij. The summailes:
J ii ilas, pulnc. three in live; put.. .',lji.
N'ew Hldiinond, g Ii , bv llrnwn Ihi-
-lewes. bj A W. Uuhmnud tllenedii t I I l
l'raaier I Mi Henri)
Onu (lliiiNrn) i 1 .1
(,07e (Prnctor) i ,t
-lohn II (fun-inl J di.
Time i.lV;. 2 il,, ius34
2i) cla., trotting; pure, J,0ij0;
Coiintrt .lay. ih. g. In .lay Hawker, Par-
cnclla. I.t I'atkillte (Macey) Ill
llamward iMcDonaldi , J :t
Kblia (Winnings) s :t 2
free Siltir iMillmry) 1 I t
Minnie L. Wllkea (I lark) I 0 ,j
Limerick, Vwaj, lluou Hell also ataricd.
Time 2 144. 2.1"V.. 2.11';.
2 as iUm. pacing, three In fliej pur-e, I.3W:
llntal II. Sliehloi, blk g.. b, Comtantlne-
Klavie. In lloiirbnn Wilkes tO'.Veili ... 1 I t
I'dith W. i rurn-r) fi 1
Hilev II (fllaikl ;, 4 j
Ihimnnt W d-'rnet) fi 2 I, iMe(oi) s 3 5
Hal B also started
Tunc -2 Hi's, 2 "'.. ? OU4
Two Chinese Fitters Burned to Death.
Four Severely Hurt Sailors De
sert Vessel in Japanese Ports,
B.i rxi-liwue Wire fr. m The A..01 uled I'rev.
Washington, Aug. 2fi--Mall adcin
received at the navy depatttnent from
China ghe the details of a lire which
occurred reently on the watership
Aielhusa, at Hundhum dock, during
which two Chinese litters wete burned
to death and four .eve-rely hint. A
point of Inquiry. It Is stated, wns con
vened aboatd the Wdlirington to In
vestigate the caup of the blaze. The
damage to tbe ship Is said to have
been slight. Forty-six sailors from the
New Voik and the New OiU.-tns. din
ing , the stay of thet. ve-.sfl In ,1a pan
ports during the Perry e erenionleu, are
teported to have taken "Fiench leave. '
Twenty woie anestod, and the ie
malnder letutncd voluutaiily
The advices nltei give the text of a
number of Chinese Imperial ediits urg
ing leforms fiom the pracllces Incident
to the recent trouble In the eniplie.
Employes of McClintock-Marshnll
Company Refused Demands.
By F.xcliine Wire from Tin ..ei iated l'ret,
Pittsliurg. 11c 2il Ihe Mil Marshall
Cnii.triKtion (ompant. of lliadilink. I'a 1. irai
ticallv tto..ed down on aceouut of the elnl.e
ef the seten hundred emuloji.. Tlie men de
manded tho reinstatement nf .111 di-
liargul lat week and 1 geneni adianec of PI
per cent, and the abolishment of tlie tiieck '
tern at nrwiii.
ciiinmlitee railed at Iho offiie tudtv tn pie
nt the di'iiiands, but Ihe manager rclu.cil tu aec
them meeting was then hi Id and the men ile.
mini fo at'lke
Engineers Commended.
By Ficluiive Wire from The Amoclatrd Preai.
Waelungton, Kuz. i'l drneral (allcpu, ilinf
of engineer, his receltc.1 a. personal letter trniii
djutant lienetal ( orlun, dated at M1111I1. P. I,
mon after hi arrlial, in whnh he cnmmcMlt lu
the liiEhest terms tin" iharaiter and alnlitt nf
the nfrltera and the diseipllne and koldietH ion
iluii nf Ihe enlisted men of the battalion nf engi
neers whnh went to tlie Pliilippinea with him
ilimeral loibiui on the tran-pnrt IlituoiV
- -
Rnins Close a Colliory,
himokin. Air: id. Owing to heati rnn. tlie
Henri Clji. Noitli franklin, lliar a!lrj and
Hig Mntintain rollierie. operiled bv ihe Phila
delphia ami Heading ( oal nnl Iron eompmi,
wcio forurl tn ilnit down today, two thoiiani
men and bnvs beina irmporanii thiown nui of
eniplovmrnt number nt othei ,ollieriea be
longing tn Imliuilual pperalnrs were opi rated
with grcit dlffliiiliv. intlng to the high water.
Captain Forsythe's Explanatisn Do
sired, Washington, ug ''n 'llir nan dep.irlment
has willten a lntri in ( apuin rersttlie. a.kmg
for an eiphnilion of the uiteitlew m 1 Inni
Inuring uiou the appion hlng In'piirv luin
mlral ililet' louduil in Ihi ") wal, pub
lislied tuilj).
Witnoss Shot Dead,
Columbia. c C, Aug "M. Itei aue Tom Wal
ton testified again.! Ilailnw Watien at the trial
of the latter (or nn etpieis tnhUry uhlih m
curred in ll. Warren thnt Watm thl aflernoon
at Branehtllle, K C. laUll.i wcutullng him. The
ahnotlng wji done in toll blood and no worda
were pa veil. Warren i ttill at laige.
Ot tlie Eiolu Persons Bitten bu ln
lections Mosnuitocs Three Have
Died o. Yellow Fever.
Tho Man Bitten After Innoculation
with Serum Devolops What Seam,
to Bo Symptoms of Yellow Fovor.
A Cuban NewspaporMan Is Killed.
E. C. Wotall, Chiof of the Money
Order Buroau, Is Robbed of $4,000
By Ptilu'Uo Wire from 'Hie Ai.oci.itnl I'resa.
Havana, Aug. 21. tif th ilaht p'r
sons bitten by Infected iiiosiiultocs In
cntinectliin with tho cxprlmcnt con
ducted by the yellow levi r boaid dur
ing the last three weeks three huvo
died. Three iithets, who took the fe
ver, are tNpectel to recover. One lma
not developed the dl.oaso. The eighth
lieisoti itf jot has not developed jcltow
fever, although It l-i loo ratly to fay
what will happen In that can-.
rilligeoa M.i lor Reed Intends to con
tinue lb.- investigation. ' Sixteen p?r
sims had been bitten and all had le
lotcred and the theory of the board
was that If some hundred or more per
sons could have been bitten with sim
ilar results a rpoit yiilld have lie 11
published, showing how apparently
safe and easy tt was to become Im
mune. Thu f"i" I'nrlng August thete lies
been two deaths from yellow fever In
1 at. 11111 a iiipan d with an average
of mote than llf.y for the month 1 f
August dining the previous eleven
.vears. Major (Jorgas regards the e.
poilnient lu nunfiulto Infection as if
Immense service to science.
The man who wa-i bitten by an in
fected tiios(iiito after innoculation w th
the serum of Dr. Caldas, the Hiazlllan
expert, has detelop'd what se;m to
b symptoms of yellow fever. This
y?llo-.v fever board calls the case a
Newspaperman Killed
Martin Do Castro, a well known Cu
ban newspaper man, has been killed at
.Manznulllo. About thiee- nrnths ago
he published .11 tides attacking the
rural guard of M.uizanllln mil whs
hot at. He came to Havana and com
plained to linvM'liot (lOiieial Wood, ex
pressing a fear that his life wjs In
danger. Ccnernl Wo id ordered th
lo -,il authorities to afford to him a 1
the rights and prote lion guiratiteed
by the law. Castio thereupon returned
to Manzanlllo, only to be shot dead bj'
a member of the rural guar1 wtih
whom ho had quarreled. The offender
Is being vigorously put sued.
Robbed of S4.000.
K. C. Westall, hlef of th money
order buieau of tho Havana post(lfhc',,
left the olllce as usual with the sut
plus remittance to pay Into the treas
ury. The amount was $1,000. He took
an omnibus and. ai entiling to his state
ment, placed th packet containing
ill- ni'in-j mi tin ."-eat b" his side. He
!"' Mew-iatioi until he reich d
the point where he wished to alight
.-( ii-- mn 1
bus. lie found that Iho packet was
missing. Two boys who wore In tho
omnibus at the same lime say they
saw a mulatto ihiow a packet to .1
negto ill the stteet Mr. Wesla'l is
under a bund of $i,oon. The matter
will bo left to th' courts for decision.
The Demented Family Living in tho
Woods Near Corning.
Hi KmIii-hi Wire from 'llie .m ijlnl Pre,
Cnrnuig. , uj "1' Hr Nillie Poor, tie
(hn.igi w-niiiin wlit. with hei two ons, cau I
eti'itenn nt on 1111 I lie dam la.t 'I hursilay nigl 1
lo rifhiiig Hiroiigli Hie train htaudiMiiug .1 knif. 1 rj.hlliir Ihioiigh Ihe'jilale gla. testlbule f
the ti 1111. ia being .inthmtlv I00K1 I fur hy roll
lues III the hills .llmllt hire. tfter sho Hit
In r two suits wen n 'eased b Corning poll o
(bet waiidiied alM'tit town for .eer.d lumrii. (1 1
I'lidtt tlie' .lldililllt ill,lipeiireil
II li.i. .iliei b. en letrneil thai the wunun -well
rniineeted In I hiiagi and his wealthy rela
tites there, laiuura r. rl that a woman an J
two linn, n.ttonn Ihe ,le liption of tho mix
In? tiio hat t In'i 11 bung in the womlj, bujitij
food fl III fj'lll liolisi.
40,000 Knights in Line.
By r.icluite Wire from fh Atajclated Preaa.
Ioiii.mII. , Ki , ug ill I'lie iwenty-elghth
11 leniiial iniiilm. nf Ihr grand imaiupmrnt of
hmghls 'p miliar "ill begin here tomorrow, la
jnr .Inlin II. Lciilurs, grand marahil of tin
parade, ctpe, t wmi ii knights tn b In bn
Tills; ingrint, as planned, will ettend oter a
mule nt four mile, and will be tlio featute of
the innil.Hf. liniglits (rum nearlv eterv nook
and ci inut nf the cnuntrt, including llunolum
will be In lino.
Advance in Stoam Pipe.
By Etcluslte Wire from The Associated Preaa.
e liu ign. ug '. vf.1111 rtiting pipe has ad
tanrid from -''i m !" per rent. In table in
(bingo dining the Im tw 1 weik. as a reau.t
cf the fti-il triki- light plate u.ei tn tht
hardware bu.ine.s is al .1 pninl'im. Chleic.i
dealeis tat that urn J1011I1I the Hrlko be ended
hi sept I, ii will 11. 1 In pie.ihle tor the plato
and pipe nulla 'u fill i.indiii; onlert before
Jan. 1.
YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. data I r b ''". l'H:
lllghesi lunpii inn-' "1 decret
iust 1. iiiperiiure i! rlegi.'r
Itelitiu- lliimiilit; .
s n in it per cent
s p m ... M per rent
I'm quia! mil, 21 limin ended S p. ni none.
sV -----fi-f---f-- -r
f -
4- Wasliingt 'n. Vug. 2fl Forecast for )
f Fasten! I'eiinstli inla : Partly elmidf -)-
Tueadi) and Wednrnlay; prohjbly occi-
4 alonal ahowera; light easterly wind. .
r -t--f-ft-t----f -t-ft--- t 't- .
7- J,