The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 26, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    - -
Thomas Hastings, Another Old Of
fender, Wns Pined S75 Anthony
Hlggins and John Cnrson Also Ar
acstcd nnd Fined Johnson Met
with n rccullar Accident Thomns
Xynon 21ns His Shoulder Frac
tured Opening of Washington
null Other News Notes nnd Per
sonals. I.lriilonntit J).iN, nsslsteel h. T'a
trolmrn J'otein, .Marker, Mtt'olllRiin
nnd Thomas, iimdo i.ilils on fnui speak
easies Saturday nlRht nnd rouiuled up
two offptidoiH who weio niiestpd nnd
lined only two uppUh ngu, and two
others who were upeatedH wnnu'd,
but I'ald little or no attention to the
.lamps MlltlaiiRh, who ipsldps nt Xo.
S aiotiuo, Kelleuie, wits th
Irtim who two eekt iiRet piumNeel
l'ollco MaRlstrato Bulii that lio would
loso ti shop, but when his jil n e was
visited npnln he had a, b.itiel on tap
nnd ,in selling as usual. He was llin d
Sin, with an altt inailw thlity dns In
the county J. ill.
Thomas UastliiRs, of No 320 Meil
dl m Ktieet, was the other letlin who
lioisNtontly dolled the liw. He had
four ban els of beer on the jack wlen
the ollkeis p.ild him n Nlt Onlv two
weeks jiro li wits li (tiled ttp for the
panic offence nnd lined. Now he will
have to pay $7"i or spend thlity ihj In
the county Jail.
The other offendois wiie Anthonv
JIlRRlns, of 1IHI l.UJ'eine .stieet, wheie
pecial men were found iltlnUliiR at u
bir, nnd .lolm t'.ii-on, of 1M1 t)lison
Mrei't, who stNo had men thinking In
his pi, ice whin he was atiestfd. The
foi mot paid a flno of $2' nnd the lat
ter w.ih MjaUeil $V).
Opening of Washington Hall.
The new home of Camp ITS, IMtilotlr
Older Sons of Aintilta, lpeently com
pleted on Not Hi Main menue, will be
fontieily opened and tledhated nevt
Satiud.iy. I'ioiii S to 1J o'tlotU In the
mm nliiK the building will be open foi
Vtibllt Inspection and it 2 "a o'cloik In
the aftciiinou tlie disllcatoty wnlui
will take pl.ue.
The loinmlttie In tlitiRp of the ni
ranci nienis has not et completed the
pieiRiomine, bat It will be annouiKeil
in due time. In the oxeninR an entet-
Hon? nd Almond Cream rcmOTM
rrdncM ol the sMn and soothes the
pain of sunburn la one nlcht. Take
a bottle with jou on your acatlon.
ron sue by a. w. jeneins.
Startling Value Sale
Of Early Fall Silks
Black Taffeta Sis
Best makes, pure dye, bright finish and all silk.
The line is complete and the reductions from regular
value figures are sufficient to make it worth while to
stretch a point to buy during the continuance of this
timely, but unexpected sale.
Crisp Facts for
19-in. All Silk Black Taffetas, worth 62y2c,
19-in. All Silk Black Taffetas, worth 69c,
20-in, All Silk Black Taffetas, worth 75c,
21-in. All Silk Black Taffetas, worth 85c,
21-in. All Silk Black Taffetas, worth $1.00,
27-in. All Silk Black Taffetas, worth 85c,
27-in. All Silk Black Taffetas, worth $1.00,
27-in. AH Silk Black Taffetas, worth
27-in. All Silk Black Taffetas, worth
36-in. All Silk Black Taffetas, worth 1.25, for 95c
For Dress Skirts, Waists, Fine Linings, or Fine
Silk Petticoats, judicious buyers are pretty apt to
find what they want in the foregoiug list at a sub
stantial reduction in price, and without the slightest
sacrifice in quality or finish.
Bargains in Fancy
Pieces New Yaraa Mai Silks in all the
desirable shades, including black, white
and cream. These silks are fully war
ranted, are 19 inches wide, and the Sale
Price is ,
Pieces All Silk Taffetas, in every good
shade. Best finish, perfect crease, pure
dye, etc. A wonderfully good value.
During the sale at
Sale Begins Today.
Globe Warehouse
tnlnmcnt and social -w 111 be held, Tho
public will be cotdlnlly welcomed by
the moinbers of the camp nt till of the
Arabian Woman Detained.
Mrs. Ottoor Oeorsc, nn Arabian wo
man, who resided -In "West Scranton n
number of ears nnd -who tptuined to
her native land neeial mouths bro, Is
now detained nt Houses 1'olnt, N.V..
toRfther with her daughter and n boy
iiimiPd Joseph Abdoo.
The ttlo made an i ffoi t to teach this
country by way of Canada, but weie
lipid up by thp ItnmlRratioti Inspector.
NiiRpeb K. Vounls, of this city, u
cousin of the detained woman, commu
nicated with the uuthotltUs and re
t'pllPtl thu follow ItlK K'pl:
lr,iurv liirliiieiit. t s liinnlKratlnn, KotHM
I'tilnl. V , Mi 17. I""l
Mr Siicili K iml. N i uitnn, I't
sir t.ur four of the It III llet . rrfiio1 Itiit
in tn rtlpt'o our cousin, (Mteeir l.eirp, hir
il milliter, uml a Kit tutiiinl 1o li Miilo , do
talnrd at 1M port on Ibe iltli lnt , tmUnl
I Imp to kij tint lh pirtin ntirroil tu ttirt
rrjei Inl It thp Incipitur In Mntitreul.
1 rennet tfnllt tofrr urn tn Unit T Powiler
b, miiinil-e-li in r vonril i( liniiiliiritliiii. treti
tin ilipiriimnl, w uliiiutun, 1 I . l will
liirnMi j em with tho tnn'ar Infurniitle n
ft IPJm IfnIK jniw,
1 lioiiii Mori tl,
bntniitritiuii lnf i ! r
Mr. I'oweleih has been wiltteti to
nboiit Ihe matter.
A Veiy Peculiar Accident.
While n party of men weie enjovlnj;
n c '.mi bake- on llui West mountain
psteidaj one of the number, Chillies
lohii'-iiii, met with a pcetillnr uccldent.
He und ai'othci man weie (limbing u
tlie ttsliiK lie toilRS to help tilt 111 Up
TIip fiitwaid t limber let his toiurs
diop and they caught Johnson's baud,
I ii einllng the llesb nnd seveilni; two
aiteiles. The How ol blood was stop
ped an qtilcklv uc possible nnd a plu
sh Ian wan summoned, who ditsued the
li buy.
Aged Resident Injuied.
Thomas Kmhmi, of South Main ne
nue. an aged mid lespeeted tesltlpiit,
who Is hpeiidlng the .sunimer at Itai
tou, Vet moat, met with a painful acci
dent a few das ago bv falling; and
fi. ti luring his shoulder.
Mi. H.miou Is mi jeais of age and .such
ft n-M'ie nliock ut this time gic.ttly uu
liuscd him. His lelnthts line have
bei n iufoi med that li Is iecoeiing as
l.ipldix as could be expected under tlie
i lie umstanees
News of the Singeis.
Tli' union i holt, iiigaiiied to sing at
the tempellliee if union to be held at
Nay Aug pink on rpptembi i 1! met
esteidav afternoon in the b,t-emnt of
the rirst Welsh Congiegatl'imil thtiitli
md iphcai-ed ypcial eclectloiis
'lho William Council lcc c lull In Id
an excPllPiit uheai'-il pspic1-h. mid
at the business iiipc ting tic c epteel an In
it.illoii to tiaitlilpate In the CIii.n J'ipe
club outing nt Thursday. Tlie will
meet iiemIu foi toinottow
c veiling
The Oxford tileo dub held a wtll
itleuclfel letoP.tiMtl last eenlng foi tne
c uinpe tltlon te lw held nt Lake l.ndiuc
on Labor ela, 'Jht will meet ngaln
Silk Buyers
for 45c
for 55c
for 60c
for 69c
for 79c
for 69c
for 79c
1. 124tfor 89c
1.25, for 95c
this evtjnlnff, Wednesday cenlng nnd
Friday oven In p.
Two Funerals Saturday.
'Servleps over the retnnltn of the late
Mr. Wllllnm Wrlpley weie largely nt
tcntlpd nt the family rcdeloncf! n Dl
A Hon scttcet Saturday afternoon. The
llev. II. C. MelJpimntt, piittor of the.
HlmpMiin .Methodist Kplm ihureh,
oflli'l.tled. Thu remaliiH woio taken on
tho 4 o'clock train to raetoryvlllp,
wheie Intel mom was tuudc In tho fam
ily plot.
The p.tll-bt'Miei.H wero He 1 1 Tlnuley.
iieoiKP Snow, John Loomls nnd John
A treiuleni iimsch wns pplpbratPil at St.
IM trick's On t hollo church on Satuuliy
iiiorntnK owr the remains of the late
Mi. Thoti'nx Sheilelau, who tiled at lnr
home on Hampton xtieel. Tho Intel -inent
wan made lu the C4tliPil1.1l cento
tet y.
An Enjoyable Fnity.
l.iiKt 1'iltlay i.hiiIuk, Auk Jt, a vety
enJo.Mtble eenlnit was spent nt the
lexlili'iiee of Mr. and Mr. Owen W,
Thtnnns, M4 Ninth ltromle nPtiue. In
honor o A1lses Akiics liics and Kutle
Hmiiim, 1 11 it It of 1I mouth, Pa Selec
tions wete pl.t.ved on the piano by 1M
dl Williams anil Mlse Mat and
Ucssli. Thntiias, Kilns Williams anil
Miss AKlles Itees sanif HpVPial solos
eitlilni; the PNenlnif, nfter which I -liolunenis
wete ferpd.
Tlie follow I use were present Mi
Otveii Tltoni'ts, Jllis Mots and lle--slo, Ariips Itpes Katie Knii,
CiMsic i:iins Mamie uml I'atlniliie
Mlllnin, Kutle HllKlies lloiih.i Wil
li mis, Mm J:i1 is Williams, Messis,
John II JoniM, 1:11 is Williams ami 1M
cli Williams
Among the Churches.
A'. A. I'm ton. assistant .ecictftiv of
the K.lllliiul YotlllK Men's Clit Istlati
tissue I itliin. spoho at the Hampton
Pttert Methodist church ;ips
t'ielu. nioinliij; to it Inise coiiki ela
tion In the pmmiIiik the Dpuinlli
l.eamie lml e ItarKe of llif seixlces
Owltlf? to tile absence Ot Itev. lolm P
MotTatt. 1) I), pastur of the- Wash
burn Stteet Piesliyterlan church, tlieii'
weie 110 pleat hiliK sei It es III that
ehtliih yesteiiluv. The Vontii; People's
meetliif; at 1! '0 o'e lot 1; wasle-il bj I'tof
1 A. Stone. The pastor will occupy
the pulpit the tit it Sunday In Septem
ber. t'V ret. r Ilobetts, of Olvplnnt, a
fennel pallor of the Plwiiotlth Connie.
It. tlonal rhllich, oce tlpletl that pulpit
tit both r.eivlcs yesteielav, piiMthhiK
to litfjp 1 ntiKiCesMtlons
He II C Me De'linritt pivtor of tlle
Minp-cnn Methodist Kplsctipnl church,
li'stinied Ills ellltles estettlay, after Ills
aeatleii, ami pii.iilinl nt imtli s(t
1 PS
The roliKiPct.ilinus nf the J! llevtlrt
and nnd South Main Axentie Welsh
Cahlulstlc MethnilKt t hut cites enjowd
t.o excellent Welsh sei vices vestetelny
bv the Ue. .T0I111 IIiikIips, M. .., of
T.lM'iptol. IhiKlnnd He spoke- at the
foinier in the 11101 iiIiir and at the lat
tfl In the enellllis: A I.iiko Jllllll It
ol aciiu.lllltailtes nieeted the not Ml
The lualoiltv of the 1 ctii slonlsts
w ae eoinp 11111 el M t 1 1 ntlell s coun
cil Youiisr .'Ion . Institute', te Atl.intlc
Ciev on AlltMiit II, lettlilieil home on
S.ittlleln.v aciII plciseel with til -li ttlp
All tiiPliihtis of th West Mdi. Iih
A ' 'lib .lie leinii steel to attend a
spec 111 nieetlniT at T ."0 fiVIoc k this
tnon'iij; ut Dpi Uelnkk'.s clfjir Htoiu, on
Not th Main apnue.
The Interior llnlshln of the new
1'list Uapttst chiiicli, em Seitilh M11I11
.uiMiue, n 110,11 Iv completed and ,ir-
! uiKfiiiPiits uml t way for tin? e! -
ebelieatoiy .sei ie es,
Paul, the Infant son of Mr and Alts
fit lllllh J lines of South Deckel's colli t,
dud on Tildas last TIip leninlns
wete Intel led In the Washblllii stleft
ci'inetei.s. esteida. aftPtiieiou.
N'o woiel was 1 ceils eel .esteidas from
Middle riltnsllle t.latlse to the con
dition of C, A Williams, the Uepubli
i.ip (oiic-iioiident. but It Is appaient
that theie must hasp brcn a chani;p
for the better, or edsp pome Wtuel ssotild
bus e romp.
Adjutant and Captain Jones, tlto tn.
oted singei-, who ate holding special
meptliiBs nt the Siilsatlon aitnj lai
laeks on Pih o stie et, attiat led a lame
ciowd to Hie open-air ineetliiR last
esenlns fit the tinner of Main aspiiiio
'and .Lu Ki-on sttce-t
The PNcinslon of Dlait'ond local, No.
21! Vnlteel Mine WoiKpis of AniPilpa,
to I.tke I.oiloie on Slllllelas. t.ts at
ttinleil by between four and (He turn
elieel people Notw itlistandint; tho lain,
tlies had a cood tltiio.
TIip Inspeeton of the nesv hook nnd
l.Tlde r tiink, tinnotiiciMl fur
niotnlnp. was pnsipemed until this tlf.
tftlioon at '1 o'eleiek. It will take pint c
at the e 01 nor of WcH l.lnib'li and
Ihcrhth slice t
Alis Mat k.ii. t Campbell, nu need
worn in. lt'shHnsT at l.'l South Hi om
it s ase-nue suMaliied a sesete Injuis
to her li'.ul tecPiitls by falling lu the
house Di J J. Hiennan wan calkil
and ell. sv, d l( . Injllllf s
I'll fiinual of the lute Mis HiiKet
fb us wlio died nt liei home on l.u-
tf j-1 1 . t Satttiday. will take place
tin- moiniiiK Sei sices will be hi lei In
Si PatileU's Catholic rhllioh, and lu
te iniPtit will be inaele In tho
ci motet j
cimiles T.auson and ('limit Atulien
of VJM Mollis totilt, sPit t.ifh lltiHel $1
111 pollie coiut sestet tln.s nioinlmr. foi
be I hit elrunk and illsorileils when m
icstrel Siitiiidav nlRlit
The Iidps' Aid Mot It ty of the Pilst
HnptNt ihuit h will hold nn Inipiutant
nii't'tinpr teimonow cscnlnernt tho limup
of Mis. Tial, user the West MelP
('la's No. 0 of the (lai Hold as.-nup
mist-Ion, taiiRht b Ml-s Kllabith
TlmniiiH will hold a lawn soplal, tit HIS
Swptlainl strict, WpilnoHila eseningr
lee cieMin anil cako will be tor "-alp,
Sl ietsoiirt sve ip ehllstened and tulir
aeliulttiel tu niPinbeishlp jcstpid.ts in
the Pljmnulh Connie national chinch
A new li on feme has boon etee ted
nioiind St. Mark'8 l.utheian cliutth nt
the cottier of Washbiitn nntl roui-
tet nth stteeiK.
Hasld Jenkins, of Wwnik N I , Is
lltliu,' iflatlses in Wet Siianton.
Mls npba Thomas, lllnailnn at tho
pt Sldo biancli library, Is 111 at her
honip on South Lincoln incline.
John H Wllllaius, of Academy Miept.
Is sppnillim a fps ila.s nt Otean diose
Miss May Hems of I'lillmlolidilii. Is
1 cell ai tlio liitielwmr't, ami othfn
iro iiivltfd to call en my etitucl.t ami cct
bfu a trill liottls ol Ktniii'i lUUm fur thi
Thioat nd Lungs, a icinul Hut i siuuntcce
to euro and rollcio all Clironlo and Aiulo Coughi,
Adliiiu, llrunUillU and (.'uniuiiiptioii, I'lim iW,
and fiUc.
Its Inflnence Has Been Felt
by So Many Scranton
The soeithincr IuIIupiicp of icllef
After HiirfeilniT fioin Itdiltu? Piles,
1'ioni Kcoma or itny Itchiness of
tho skin
Makes one feel Ktnlcful to the rem
pd.s Ooiu'h Olutmiut has (onthod htin
dieils. Hcic'h sshat one Scranton iltlsten
Mi l-iank II. (lieen, of 1J1 Tenth
street. sas "I stiff) ted fiom ItchlnK
he nun 1 holds, el iv In nnd day out. I
used a Rient inany snlsos tluilnt; olKht
'if ten Jieais, but I npS'Pf tftH mis' ppf
mani'lit teller from theni. If I Rot
w mi m und sat ilossn, the terrible ltth
hiK linffnti, nnd I nlwass felt It come
on sshpii 1 umlipssptl utiil iptlrptl. I
pass Detail's Ointment advettlsed, pro
ctiicd a box at Matthews lttos tlrtipr
stole and used It nccottlliiK to tllrec
tlenis Two applications coiisiuceil 1110
that It was nil light, anil e unt Imilnt-r
the tipfitment, I swis enllielv cuiptl. I
h.ise had ease anil comfort eser since."
I'm sale bv nil elealers, ptlpp no cpnts.
Kostei Mllbutn Co, Huffalo. N Y.,
sole audits for the Cnltcel StntP".
Ib'UiPinber the nanie. Doan's, nnd
take 110 substitute.
n Ktiesf nt the home of her uncle, Mar
tin Holtoti of SKteeiifh stieet.
Mis Selden Passllni;, of Not 111 Main
iiseuue, Is entPitnlnlnt; lit r sister, Mrs,
Thomas Hi ass 11 and ilillelieli. of Can
ton, Hiadford county.
Miss M.uv, of reiurtepiith
stieet. entertained n nuinlipr ot friends
nt 11 house pirty Inst 1'ildnv espnliif;.
Mlsse's Poitla Van Vleet nnd Not a
Hee kei base returned home from a
pleasant sojourn nt lMke ,nola.
Miss Saelle llairls, of North riatfleld
nseiiue. has letutned hoine from At
lantic Cits and Philadelphia
Heniv Hrtinlnir of .Tonkins' dint?
Stoip, tpsiinied his duties sestet ilav
attei a two sseoks" vacation, spent at
I ake Win d 1
Clint les Pans, of o5utli Main asenup.
Is able to be out ngaln after a tluee
sseeks' Illness ft 0111 tvphold feser.
Itlih.nd 11. Williams, of Academy
stieet. Is conlliud to his homo by 111
ness llimy fJlaionian, of SKteenth stieot,
Is siijoui niii uuiiuiK filenls at Fit -
tetl.SS tl
lolm 'I'. Tib hauls imil family, of
Smith Main iisonuo an suninietint; at
Itioeiklsu, Pa.
Miss Anna nosgiose. of i:iinlra. N.
Y s tlie Kucst of West Scianton
Mis James O'Diinnill. of Hast M.itlch
Chunk, is sNItitiK tier sister, Mis.
Michael Mero.s, of .lai kson stieet,
William Hauls, of Denolt, Mlth, Is
spciulliiK Ills sat lion at the home of
his patents, em Noith Main asuui"
Mis Kiikoh,. Mill -t and chlldien,. of
Tenth stint, an slslting ulatises at
s-atuiebts- eseiilny l.leuteiiant Pal
11101 nnd -iiad i.tltlPtl a tlUnidPtly
hulls., tun lis Albeit Plire. on Depeit
street anil mii ceeeled In atrcstlny: the
piopilrtot one inmate and one sisitot
Maine Piltf tni'l John llussoil. Ye s
trttl'iv moiniiiK in polleo eouit befuie
Mnclstiati ridler, tho.s weie llnoel $10
tpleee anil ill elelnult sseio sent to the
counts Jill foi thlitv dttj.s
Tied Rowland who wasthniKcd -with
diunkeniipss and 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 o 1 1 , nmiliKt,
was IIiipiI $! whle h he paid.
John Noon thniRetl with be Iiir
ill link and tlNoideils , ssns sent to the
county jail toi thlity ilass, in default
ol Vi fine, plated on hint by Masls
HMti ridltr
IMwatel llliliauls left estiielay fm
Hiooklj n N. Y.
Mis V Jones o,f Dean Mieet. who
has been .spending- two sseoks nt U
lantlc Cits, tetninttl I101110 osteitlas.
Tlioina H. Ilsatis, 1 iptlon clcik
at Dasls' eltuttsteiie has letiliiicel fiom
Crstal lake, wlieio In has been spt nd
liu his s.u atlon.
I'atioliiiam Chailes Puts stas kept
piettv buss sesteidas I ,ieir.r liae
ball idTSets from dlffetent Ktoiiuiks (In
West Maiket sttpot, npai H1I1I. tuo
niio he canie upon a B.ttne whitli ssas
111 piouicss mnl sshei n latKe nowel
hael (ntiKifitftpir He t.lutseil theni tioiu
the place-, sshli li was a Kiiat ills- tp
polnliiitnt to tilu Sunilas ban ball
Miss Miucniiit Stpveivon of Tin imp
.sliiot. has c, tinned home, afiei i-pond-llisr
two weeks nt l.nke Wnolt.
Mis. O M Pauish, of PI mouth Is
lsltliit; hei iaiint.s, Mi. and Mis
D.nlil D Dasls ol West Mniktt stieet.
P.obeit Itiilimilseiii of lliein ItlilKe
.stlii't, lett Indus foi ldnltou, III
The flint 1.1I of the l.tto (ieoiKo
Hoiiscinth was held .sesteidas attei
noon at :' o'clock, fiom his tesldenio,
I'll 1'inspeit aselllle 'J'lie Set sit OS
weie hold at the house It lies. W. V..
Nordt pastor of tho Hlikoiy Stiet
Piosbs lei Ian ihuich, anil ssoh iiltenel
(sl li iiiiiuiioiis 'lends anl it'l .Uses,
At .1 o'clock, the casket was close I,
anil the tuneinl mosed to the Pltlston
aPiiue CPinetiiy, wheie luteiiuent was
inaele c tii . an Italian, was nt toiled
Saturdis night nhoiit 11 o'clock, nt
feelai itsPiiu and tlenet stipet. toi be
ItiK dl link und dlsoieeil. He ssas
taken to the South Suuntnn Htatlon
ho.lifP, sshoio he was somcbel and it
laiKo ope 11 knlto was found nu him.
Ho wns Risen r hoailnx befoi Magls.
ptiate Stm r, who lined him $10, whleh
ho paid
The niPiiibeis of Camp 410, Patilotlc
Older Sons of Anient a, will moot In
ifsulni session this ospiiIiu,' at 8
o'clock, nt Urn tinrtn's hall
Miss Pimento Campbell has returned
hoi home In Caibnnilalo, after a wo-k'n
islt with Miss Kitty Holand of
Piospec t nsenuo.
I.ieiitonant Peter X.iiiib will leasn to
da.s fm the Pau-Ameikan, wheie ho
will spend his sncntlon.
Klpitr Hios., the South Side dray
nun. will nut bo able to attend to
their .'cipe dray httHlnex thioiiRliout
tho city foi a few dajs, on account of
tho death of thell inothei.
Miss Mnnie DpiuuIIi, of ('pilar use
ni'. hns 1 etui nod fioin n week's visit
with fi lends In Wllkis-Ilaui.
Tho desTpnilants of Silas WlprRln,
who was born at llanos'or, Wllkos-Hani-,
In 1772, audi mm a ptonilnotit
chnracter In tho history of thp Wo
niltif? nllpy, jrnthcrpd ut the homo of
Mi. Sartth Itobertu, at l'actors villi
nnd wete iiiot lostilly entet tnlmtl
Illlt Ins tho da.s then wete scspiiiI ail
ducssts Riven by tho older mrnibotrt of
Incidents of tho early tltjs ami the
utdtiou labors attenilint upon pioneer
life. Tho follow Iiir olllccis won olett
oil in serve until the next leunlon
l'ieldont, 1:21a WlRRin.s; (list sice
ptpsldpiit, Mr, runny WTrkIus Hob
pits; second ico-prcsldpnt, Mts A M
Dei shinier; secretin y, Mis. Kilwurd
WiiRnoi; nssltttunt secrotary, Mrs
PiMtik Whcelock; tlcasiiior. James
Kohn; (hall man of tommlttoo of m
tanRemonts, It. V. Capwell. A niini
bor of it-la tlscs were unable to le tu.s.
ont. AmoiiR those piesent ssere
Mr. Jacob Phillips nnd thniRhtprs,
Ante anil i:mtnn, or Philadelphia, Mr
antl Mr. Abner ltobblns, Ils. A. M
Deislilincr, of Scianton, Mls Maty
Robbing, of KltiRs-ton: Mr. nnd Mis J
H. Detshiupr, of Nicholson Mis James
WlRRlns. Mr antl Mts. lMssanl WIr
Rlns uml family, of Dixon, Mis rnniij
Unbelts, Mis. Small Uobpi ts, Mr anil
Mi.s. Kohn nntl family. Mi, anil Mus
1'iniik WhepltKk nntl f.imll, Mi and
Mis. Noiman Mott and fnmll.s, MNs
Isa. Capwell. Alts. I.iipIIh Cook and
ilailRhttr Alin.s. Stanley Hecil, of l'ac
totsillo. After fiponilliiR n delightful daj binp
to be reniPinbe led, Hip ftenls RittliPicd
In a elude and sanir "(Jotl He- with You
'Till Wo Meet AriIu"
Thrum smi.0, tit 1 tt Shtlrt ttrnt, it it
Aibntle ( lie
It I Inliirelt hie inirelii.oil t ! lit nn tnn
sn nirrmr lulmon tin fret frepfrls in I he
I iiiebu rulilctiec and will Imil.l upon it in tin dilute.
Mls i ll'eljpth ltnliiiiM n, of ( ioiwe urnuc,
left seluiihv tor Hip I'm- smerlran rsiniltlon
ll Mirtict lliilic In re-lurnul lu tin ilirr a
siit it (He nreU uitli frietidc In llirfnnl jn I
llrnokltn Mks lljllot scat teronipaninl on her
i ft'trti tu Mi llrini Innn.. ot llnlord
Mr (Kinoiiil md ron, Williim, cf llii hsmti use
ntti, in it It. iliittnni. Pi , on j flchini; trip
Mr mil Mm I s Miller and el tui;liler, t lira,
of I) liwire sin ot, ire at (luan Cniti
W I'lttHMim, of I'lulnMpMi, sl.ltnl
t'.ie-pii ltlelife frieniN etterlis
lssrin Hi IiIihoii ntnl (mull. it aliliiiiion
in 11111, iitintii'il from tlnlr -iitiiiinr In 1111? it
MiplPMnml sitnnljs
Mm Hi snn nnd elitiijilrr, ("Irniinio, ot II It
Mie utr 11 ite lilin fnriiiN at lull, n
Mm Miiplictel md clatulilrr. lliMle ol t ipeniv
acitnii, are -uirilnt; from i se.,re Ulni-
Milt 111 lliininlik hu ntiirtied (nuii i-prridiiis;
tie Milium r it Wllniliit,'lon, Hit
I lie siininitit nt tin Inrd'i SuprT, llili in
tlie 11 Kill ir rile r ot ifliujc until I lie eeleliraied
llio fiMt Sil.bnli t! s.ponilior, will tike pUie
on tin ltt siiinlli of the iimiith thlt w ir
Mbs hli Willi niK. if WllhPslltiie, it li.m
riilrit llnoel lis Mi.t P. Ill Hint, of taeen Itido
tit ice t
Mr iiel Mr T ,t It 111. of ( ipon.e iconni
rntrrt niidl l tininhor of trim It en l-iiile niuhl
In linneir of tlnir ttiip.t, Slut 1 1 1111 it 11 il i.C
I'lnliililplili llio hun wit he nititiillt Minimi
alul noli eleetne lialitt, and etiminj w ! in
tlnlKrd In en t plitfoini -niiill rueiid
tetelas attei noon at .' o'e lot k She ssas
.1 lllKlll.s 11 spec toil losjtlent if ."south
Stianton. and pa.sseel assaj at lit i rtsl
tlente on Ceilin iiseuue altti a tise
ssteks' HtiReiliiR Illness stoininh
ttoiihlc be'lmr tho direct taui of In r
death Dot oned ssaa hS jeais of uro
and was born 111 Hasaiia Cotuiati,
and came to this countrs nboiit half a
tontuis- iiro. t-lio is vui sis id by the
following faniils: Her husband, font
sein, and two daughters, Jlijt M Hen
sliiRtr, Mis. Anna New, t'hatlrs Ji
John and lloins, of ihlselt.s, and Will
iam Klefet, of SIoun. Palls, South Di
kola. The ftiueial iinnotinicnient will
be publisliPil late I
MP.S DAVID 1' Ullll.l.Y iiRfd 44
jrnis, died S.itutdij inninliiR at her
lesldento. 1017 Stone asontie, nitir a
btlef Illness Det eased Used In South
Se ranton all hoi life, and ssas ssell
liked b her nuuiei oils filend.s. Heslelts
her husband, sb, k suislseel by font
tlilltlirii Mis .lost pli Mi Dpi mott, of
Hiookljn: .ln.-(ilt (ipiliiiiit and I.ulu
Uelll.s, mnl one slstci, Mis DanlPl I"
Krlle. of Wilkis-Hiiue. The tuncial
will lake place Tuesla iiioininR at !)
o'cloik Setslecsosci the ivmalns sslll
bo hold lu M John s t hint h Inteimont
will bo inaele in the Cubed i nl lotne
teij MP.S HAHTM'.V IIDHAN. of s'.l
Pawnee stieet. Not til MM.tutnil. illtil
Satuula.s nioinliiR, altoi sosi'tal sseeks
Illness She ss.t.s 7."i o.tls of ngc and
eiy ssell known lu tills cits. She Is
suts is ed bv a husband, sister, Mis
l.assi'iiee l.ntli, mid font ilaiiRhttis.
Tin lattoi nu. Mrs. .Intnos J. HaRRei
ty and Mis. Patilik Tin i ell both of
this e It : Mis Joseph MeCatthv and
Mis. Mat till Hillewlck, both ot Phila
delphia The f 11 111 ;i 1 will take pine
at 1' o'cloik this moiniiiK. A lilgh
mass of lei'iilcm sslll lie t.'lelnatod lu
th- Holy Hosai.s ihuiih Intel inent lu
Catll('ill.ll lenieteij.
ciiAiti.i:s tisciihi: ciuuies n,.
(hot, iiRtd tiS jeais, died .sostenlav at
hl. mtt.iRo at I.,iki SIipi Iilim. sshoio h
had been alllllH: foi senile time The
det eased was fm a ninnbot of y ai c
ciiRiiReil In the Rioeciy business on kawfiniiit iiseuue, but united some
.se.n.j iiro, Ho Is sin sis oil by one
ilmiRhtei, Mm. J i' jcui lliuh, of i;i;
Clay asenue, with sslioin ho had been
makliiK his hum The loiuains will bo
bioiiRlit to this ilt.s today.
MISS I'..Mi:i! SI.ATi:it illetl Satin -das
morning, alter a Jour Illness She
Is stiislSPtl bs her husband and two
chlldien (iiaeo and Iteaiilte. and tlie
tolIowliiR biothei ami slstcis l.osl
YotuiRs Mis Chai Its Hiltton, Mis
J lines Shannon und Mis William Dak
Icy. The luneial will take place fiom
the faiullv iidilcuii, on Dunn nseuue,
lienilhniii, Tueselay iiftoinoon at L
o'tlotk In t linen t at WiiHlibuin stteet
F'oiutli stiept, ellPd Satiirda.s .ittPinoon
nt .t o'tlotk, nfter n few ilas' Illness
She Is slushed bs sIn thlldicn James,
a t'liilstlau Inotlier at St Pitibk's
parochial sthool Newmk Tluun is,
John, Patrlik, Mis II J Keenan, Mis.
James Titnnnii, of this It v. Tho fun
eial sslll take pi, lee touioiiow iuiiiiiIiir
at 0 ii'ilnck fiom Hob Cioss thiirili
luteiiuent at Citlipelinl etiiieteij,
Her Fi lends Hope to Gnln Her Pni
don After Coionntlon.
lit Vseln.isu War frmn lite Sweiiied 1'iivi,
Loudon. Aur I'l lit nowed olfmtR
aie tn bo made to Include Mis. Mn.s
brick aiuoiiR tin stllijotts of to.snl
ilemi in v after (he tin mint ion. Pi lends
of tin tiiifoituiintp woman ate still full
of hope for hot ultimate leloase, oson
thoiib'h they may uuscr huiioi'iI In thuit
School Shoes
Sizes 8; to 1 1
of Hoys
and Girls
are looking
with eager
to the
Days of
The parent
in turn is
making ev
ery prepa
ration lor
their com
fort and
'1 o you we
would say
that the
Big Store
is in readi
ness to
your every
Today we
are espec
ially inter
ested in
News of
other de
partments will rami
&y2 to 3y2,
Made of don
gola kid, in but
ton and lace,
with flexible
soles and mili
tary heel,
S later.
Jonas Lods's Sods
Attend the
Jni 1 mJ.
m y jl Mi w m m - .mm a mr. hi
0I101 Itlipel ieslKii te loli.ilillltate her
geteiel 11.11110
It .i Just iHoht ytait ltit tri
suit i ihe hOK 111 tei oif tile llfoloiip
St'lltfllie, ulietllt Willi ll Millltllf"- llHve
liue Iiopii wilttpn tn iiop Iipi etiia
tli 11 .t 111 irtyiilnni When lift pimMi
niPllt lii' ntiltnilv lielieM'el the
mil in t iitlrt ,tos.hl Minlvt the liml-t-hli
uf ISiltNh pi Nun MtP leu ini'i"
thiin .1 e.n tn tw -it the iiiiI'IiIp. hihI
llPl fl lentil point te) llPI liillP Mlffeiillt?
ns pioof uf lli'f Inline eliet, tint tl.l to
bo pot.ihlltlittl
Tills N all tile niitii 1en1.11 Itiilile enii
ft'tlftlnB the tntnllty iittinillnx tin
eitllt'l aite)! ill the I11PIIHM inlii tllilfotlx
Tlitu Sli Atlliui reiiHintl h.tliiniiii
uf the ItPiit li nt ni.tcNti Uf ltit li 1 out
initteil liei tin tl till tile 1 lilpf of polltt.
wliti tin piu-cuiilon I'n
sltllllK .Itl'lK Mephen tlnot nf the
Jin v mnl lu 1 IpjiIIiik inin-pl tlien Sit
Clllll ! Ulltt-lll. till I. It 1 llll'f JllStilt,
nu till
Audiew Shlllnskl nnd A. Shnjmnn
Anested for Violating Laws.
Ill I lll-IM Mil tlelll I li. -tielei I'lew.
WIlKt'i-Hairo, Aner. 2."i AnelioiN rihll
lnM ami A. St, I'olNh lehl-
tlelll nf tilt tOUIl Ut IM.MIIIMItll, 11(11'
lllllllRIH'tl llPtOlo UlllKPfS t'eil tllllllV
MilllntM 1 ii i lil illoil f 1 tun xiiuillpiiN.
lie fnlleil tu nntlfv th ntuhiu llls. hut
pine 111 Iiikt a stole 1m lie pionaiotl tlie
henl.x I01 htnial liliui'lf. Up lilleil
Si Inn man. lio l a lniikMti, to tem
ey tlie liuily to the toineiPij
The liasou 1 lit 1 illT tlie lioily liinxeil
thiniiKli tli- piinelpal htiopts of tho
town in bi nail tla.NliKht. tin the same
tin, ihe Inn Uriel, with liN utiKtin. was
on the snects "tlllnK piiieluie to ills
tetmi'is. The latlifi was IIiipiI HI, hut
hail 110 uiono .md was eoiumiltoe! to
llio lookup The hue Umpi was hp.ully
IIiipiI TIip state Iio.ii d ot health has
hecil iiotilleil of tho nltaii.
Only 1.500 Shtit Waist Makeis Now
Remain Idle.
0) rxrlnali wire flint Hip pr(attl I'rtii
.'iW rU AUK Ti It was nu.
notim pil hv thp ppititlp hoaiel of i!ip
Hti.kint,' shut wiiNt Klilx toila. ihnt
.Max Hotpioncoi, the laiKPst ot tho
inanufHi'tuiPM iiealnst whmn a strike
was oitlpioil, hail Klen In, Ri.intliiR all
tlie union's ilftiu. ttriH. antl that his out
plrieprf wuiiltl n ti.i n 10 w hi k tumor
tow, Of the re nod who went on stilke a
week UK" onlj about 1 Vmi ,ue now nut.
English financiers Ptotest Against
rtoposed Revision of Rates,
P) rfilu.lie Witt Ireni The AMocUtfd 'ftui
l.eiiiilon, Auk. -' TIip KiirIIsIi ilntin
iltis who now own till the Cutiuti tall-
School Shoes
Sizes 2j4 to $i
Youths' School
Shoes, sizes 12 to 2,
double soles,
Misses' School
Shoes, in kid and
box calf, sizes 1 1 i
to 3,
v2 to sy2,
Low Cut
At especially
attractive re
ductions. This
line is splen
didly made from
good grade of
stock in the
newest styles.
August Sale
fee Hi" i V. 1
fottj mile-
t lai one!
IltMlllII II
te Nlnll i"t
pi Sit William ,in Hnine'ti
, Ii.ip split lioMinor Cicn
throtiRli T t'ti-tonaeia, of
pintp-t ttRitlnst the propnfpd
i.ito polntliiK nut that the
new I'll!) II
e stalillrliPtl
ele il with t
TI.p Van
tin; tin tit
i RiiPirinPiit will soon nn
ami will piolmbb i1clie to
In c net-1 Inn
Ileum ntoipcts in tnnstrutt
w i.illieiaiN in t'nh.t. have
lull uiiilpi-t.iiullncr with the
lt.ti hpil a
UnslNIi pp
nplp Intel p-tPil in rfgird to
the futuif
weiiklns of tlip roads
SutTeiinp from Paialysls, She Re
turns to Her Old Home in Utah.
II) Pifliunr Wire trotn The Avtoclatfd Fitis,
llolina Mmit . Aur. .Ti Mis Zina
otlliR, lli-t wile of the lute Hi'Rliun
VnuiiK ptsseel thiniiRh Helen t today
in mute lei Salt l.tUe i'll, -lit- sus
tailioei a streike ell ).ll,llsls espdnv
Qt the home eif hel elfillRlltel II at tho
Ciliutillitll linlilel. anil Iipi last lequest
licftnt InsltiR iiuisi Inustie ss was that
sin la taken to In i old home In Salt
l.aUe 'lt to tile
Mis, Youiir Is iipiiiIj TO p.tis nW,
and fm limn ihiiti lltt ears has been
pitimliuiit In lite Meiimon chinch.
lit Win tr in lln mi iit 1 1'rrn.i
. rU llB -I H lll"llk t tint
i elittt lull' iiuniil mnl "lie lunl niun .Utrn'mr
to it thin ulie elnl tn me ami I jtvt tinrroee it
mil li.iinli'l t t int liuiiil. lit" Itiinneu ' mnl
lneeititn I .ll.ililirei in the ImUM jail tndj
lie- l. I In' toilliz I ul' in rh el.'rd hi tlie lnh
IUuiii Imjiih, sineirt ltii'.tlio Miteii with hat.
mil- .-i I'll I" t i iiiurl.Pt niun In i rentage a
ui Hi at 1. 1 N I, two we k" aff
Si t lluiMUt," mnl I nltliirtn Iillta!s
nit mil Willi mt friiml jpt tin tuines lie
li int lit le ehil mt kn w that tlie nn nkcv
UK lietteiweel It Win Int I lllerne 11 H
wImI I i all . I iAi' in I 'ul j "
Bv Fnlute Mre Item Thr Awocutsl Trm
llaiiMiurj, is J'i til n 1 Inl n M tttr illdl
till piellllic at lilt inunllt lii'tne Iie-er thlt elty
ill lil -tititt ninth irir Il.eeip1 toimerly
an exlen.iie lioin ililer ami rii lent of the
irntin KinU, imw ill linn '
Mnihtiii Im. iiu- -' II tie tl 5 ltan I mttM
siiim illirlel altornpt fir MinnpniU, el Pil ml
ilcnlt tin iiininltis linn h4rt elii on tha
lillrtniv of hi hnnip In IJifPtt atPiniP, Ke-nwooil,
Up wh t n niun in ritiililite lirlup Hip
Into ht uiniii to tut i peel s'nitm C K DitU
III llio t nltPil si HP muni, lint a ditpatrei by
M K 1 lj. ' 'I I'm'
llitniiiiiluin. Mi , Viib ' -A pritjlp IpIp.
uuni fnmi I li.itl ilii-illl'', . sun nilirpn the)
eli itli eif Mlve XIiihIii I unman Wooil in tint rllt
Ml.. Umul WJ4 ltnne llllee 1 the) mutt lieaiititiil
ttiuiiiii in merie t li t c. ininlttio In m Oip Pan
iniiii.iii ii.ltiiii anl lipr Th1iIh jihrni all
if tlie iiipiIiN i4nni lij tin Imaril ot awarel
Now ..rU iiii 2 (iftiinl Ilnhprt illiimi
ilicel la.l nmlit al tlif llntrl Sitlirmootl, iioir
I'liln.llelel. I, frmn aoilrv He naj 7J
it ol iti. (iii.prjl Ullluiii n Imrn in Vir
ginia anil wat literal! eif th" itll ar, haling
ffitnl fiimi Oetolirr. li'M, In Oitulipr. 2,
coloiul i( lliu Hit ihW(.huattti latali).