THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1901. OtllGC: BURKE BUILDING Carbondale Department. 1 i'.,. . Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delawftie nnd Hudson Railroad. June fl, 1901. Trains will lute Carbondale it city ttlon i For Scranton nnd Wilkes IWrrM MM. ;.). s m. 0 01, 1001, . in.; ' -"' aw' 6M, 7 04, 10 01, 10 51 p. m. , ,fl Sunrtiv trains leave t 8.M, U 21 '" ufl 2 41, Sin, oo p, m ....., vw for Alhins. saratosi. Montreal. ?",n"' f JtiKUnd point, etc., 7.0M a in J I-' !' " f'nr Lake lodote. Wajmirt md Sl'n'-H'"'' 7.22. lias i. m.i SSI, p. m. .......... S-uniiav trains Iwc for Lake I.odore. '"'" nd llened.ile at n.W a in i 1.B0. 4 l P " , Train, strive t Carl.ond.l' from 11 k; ' ' ' ond SVranton as follosi rtM. 8 37. n..0, 1" a m ; 12.17, 2iw. 3.21, 4 2. lM. 7 01, s"'' v ' HJTp m.Uli m , , , , i Snndjv trains arrbe at 9 V n. in i 12 '" '-,' 4 2. o2D, ll.M) p m , , ,. ..,1 Trains arrive ihlly from Alham .it 1-" "na 0.',s p -n !, An Sundn nt 2 R0 p. 111. ,,.,,.., Train arrive from Honesclalc nd wavnisri dally at 8 41 a m , li 40. 4 10. 0 4. ,!' " . Stindiy train, arrlce at Carhondvle JJU l-?l. Lodore. Wajmart and Honcsdile at 12 '' 10 nd 7S5, p. m . New York, Ontirlo nnd Western June 21, 1101. Train lease Carhendale tor Sorsnton t 7 00. 10 01 a m , 4 00 p ni Sunday train, at 7m a ni : 0 01 p m. Train lejve Carbondilc for points north 11 10 a. m i 4 41 p m On Sunday t 0 1" f ' Train leavlntr at 11 10 a m week dav nil ' '" m Sunday nuke connections lor New lorn. rorn ill, He ,. Trains arrhe from Soranton nt 11 10 a m.l '! S4 p. m, from point, north. 10 00 a m. "' P rn. Sundays from Scranton at 0 10 a. in. an 1 45 p m i Imrr radon at fiOH p m Erie Rnilrond. June 2-). Wl Tnlni leave rlti nation. CarVtondale, dallv fesrept SnndsvV ai 7 00 a m. and 4 13 p m (or rtranit and N'lneveh, at 0.11 a m. dally (e r'rtlns SnnrtiO. for Hinithanitcn. miUlnfr con nections for New York citv and Buffalo, and at 6 10 p m for Suiquehanna. maklnir connections for ueitem point Sunday train, af 0 41 1 m lor Susquehanni, with western connection., and 0 27 p in, with fame connections. Trains arric at S 5.1 a. m and 5 45 p m. frunday at S i.1 a m THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE llir.H SCHOOL TrDKVls. rP and old. plrae rrRiXcr and ykit course of stulv at lentral hiiiMine rn Turtdu I'rlnoipjl MANY TEACHERS' SALARIES RAISED At a Special Meeting of the School Board the Teachers Were Locnted and Their Salaties Fixed Other Business Transacted. The jrhnol boird met in Fpeelnl sc. rlon Saturday nlclit Thn ntlnclpnl hurlnefs don? was the locatlni; o ttachcrs and fUir.r tlioir palarlrs. nnd the adoption of a rnuie of study for Xhf HlRh rchnol All of Hip d1trotor.! tprp present. Only nnf bid was i celed for tiio futnlfhlnpr of coal. It vvas foni the Polnw.tio and IIudnn company and ic;ni as follow Ksk coal, $2 To at tho ohutrs, ?'!.-." dolorocl; ptovp coal, tho .'iiti(, (.hfstniit cool, the Fame: poa coal. $1 fm at th chutc., $2.40 dolUfivd. On motion (.vf Mr. Evans Hip bid was- lfjoi'tod. Tho in. Jectlon of bids was due- to tho oxl-tr-ncr-of the ("artnien'M union, niembcis of which intlinatrd that It would be uronpr for the school board to invite the- cuttlnsr of pilocs It wns thought bc.t to defer action on th inntter, so it was laid over till the next nicotine. The follow Ins: bill's were ordered paid. Patrick HnriKn. $i4. V. .1 HuphPS $3rt. Pati Irk Oaln. $21. A .T. Hoyko .i Co., $!.-.:,; niack Diamond Coal company ?.". .1. H. Cotter. i22 SO Fecietary Kerwln, for the commit tee1 of the whole, lepnitoii the tollow inK Fchodule of wages and pcMtlon, for the teachers: HIGH PfHOOh. AV. D. nrjdpn, $1 .'. A. W. Geary, Jfio; C. M. Lasher. $'': I.ucy Joslln, J.'r., Katlierine Pace, $M; May Kllpatilck, $"0, Ccia Ktnhronk. $.".u: Harriet Hutchln". $".; ArKda Hits, J50. NINTH ortAoi:. Thomas I.nftuo, jr.o, Frank II. Co Itns, $55; Anna Herr, $jn niOHTII OP.AOK. Ella Boland, $15; Julia Kllhullen. $1J: Pa rah Snltjert. $in. NO. 1 SCHOOL. Anna Dun'stan, prlndpal. $4,.; niiza heth Thompson. SS?. Nellie Shorter, $40; Anna Murphy, .T4V NO. 2 SCHOOL. Janet Bryden. piludpnl, $45, Jennie Fox. $12.-0. Maty Muiph. $as, i:ila L. Harte, 40. NO. 3 SCHOOL. Thomas Ollmaitln, principal. $70; Kathryn Walsh, $10, Anna Kan ell, $10; Ella Horan, $3S, Brldcct Ollmaitln, $10. NO. 4 SCHOOL. Marearft, McAndrcw, piincipal, $13; Lydla Gllmai tin. $3s. NO. 5 SCHOOL. Mary Coojran. piincipal, $13; Mary M. J. McLean. $3S. NO. 6 SCHOOL. Nora Murphy, principal, $45; P. M. Brennan. $15. Lizzie Tlgne, $10, Anna B. Lofttir. $45. NO. 7 SCHOOL. Amdti. Peuekert. principal. $50; Jen nie Iiarnpy. $3S. Katie Scott, $45; KatlP Opthlne. $40. Lydla Morrison, $40; Alice Connor. $15; Mary Con naughton, $35. NO. S SCHOOL. Kathorin Jay. piincipal. $flO; Alice RashWch, $45: Mai caret Flneren. $35; Emma L. Barrett, $35, Mary Pencelly, $45, Oahrlella Colemar, $38. Elizabeth Harte. $38. Anna M. McLean. $17; Het tie Wilcox, $35. NO. 9 SCHOOL. Ella Malone, principal, $45; M. Louise Davis, $40, n. Helen Paesmore, $3S; Lihbie Burke, $3S. Sl'BSTITI'TES. Arr.i Stephen. $.'5; Mary Lally, $.'5 Mr. Hughes took occason to say that some one had spioad a teport that ho had opposed a lalse for Fiank H. Col-llnsj-and ho lefuted this charge, my. lne "that while the boaid had ml seen fit to allow it, he had propced that Mr. Collins be given a rahe. "I want It understood that I am not plug-gins again!, anybody." concluded .Mr. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS Jor Children Mother dray, for jears a nuie In 'the rhlldrcn'a Home in New Voik, tienlcd ri.ii dren iicelully with u remeJj, now rieiuiej and placed In the diu itoie. tailed Mother Oray'a &eet Powders for Children. 'Ih(y j, hirmleu u milk, pleasant to uUc and nurr fall. A, certain euro for leicrlihnci. iciuiIim tlini, headache, teethln; and tbmjih OUoide 1 nfl remoe worm. At all drut.-ln, jc. Sam. j..o .ti.i ,.,.. ..., nun, n, ujimtCil, w. Hughes. Sevenil of the dltcctors then ptotty severely roasted the ono- wlio had made public the doings of the committee of tho whole, about which each dliector had been pledged to he cuoy. The report of the committee nun then adopted by u unanimous ote. Mr. Keiwln then nominated n.ivld Lewis as Janitor of No. !i rchool build ing. Mr. Vnnnan nomlnnted John Jen nlnpa. Th 1 nit was called nnd all of th dltectors but Vnnnan voting for Lewis, hi? was dwlaiod elcctrd. His salary wis llxed at $2." per month Mr. Hughe nomtiMtcd Joseph Pow derly for truant officer, and Mr. Swl gert named J. M. Stewart. The tcsttlt wnM another deadlock, Mcssts. Hums Swlgert nnd Vannan votlry for Stcw ait. and Mesio. Kerwhu O.illagher an I Hughes for Powderly. Another ballot was tnkrn witli the s.ime result, after which the nntter wo laid over till the next meeting. Semi-centennial matters weio then dl.cuod Ht length. It was decided to hire conveances for the board of direc tors and trncher. Tho action of the liverymen In mixing the price for the day come in. for some warm comments, more especially as but a s-lngle llcry has contributed to the celebration. The chairman, seeretnty nnd supeilntend ent were empowered to complete all ar rangements for the school district's part In the d(nionttintlon The committee on com so of study then (submitted Its teport, which was adopted. One coutse linn been added to the High school cunlculum. making four It all. The new one eliminates all languages nnd was prepnied to meet n popular demands a many of the stu dents prefer to take some of the more common studies they not wishing to go away to other schools. The teport was adopted PREPARATIONS F03 THE SEMI-CENTENNIAL School Children Asked to Meet This Afternoon Moro Subscriptions Re ceived Other Interesting Notes. The preparations for the pait which the school ihlldien will take hi the semi-centennial celebration aie ery elaborate, and If tiny are successfully canled out, this featuie will undoubt edly be one of the most Intel cling of the many arranged. The pupils of the High school gtades aie 111 gently re iiuesfd to meet this aftei 110011 nt 3 o'clock in the High school to make n r rang meats for the event. Parents aie asked to co-opei.ite in this move ment to help m. ike It the success It should pioperly b. Every precaution will be taken to pi event accident or over-e.eidse, so no paients need be nfiald to allow their childu'ti to parti cipate In the ovieis-s. Tlie following subset lp tions have been lecclved: i; Kiimr . oo (I 1, iiiiv i0 1 llr V Nile. , '. I' II William ilil I Kirh ."! Ilinn Cirtrr '1 '" llr (illll. .' in Inlin W While '. ll The first rocking ch.ilr brought to Catbondale In 127 will be ilNplayod at the loan exhibition In Trinity par ish house. Many other old anil curi ous articles telating to Hump ' and America will be 011 exhibition. The leception to former tesldents on Mondav, Sept. 2, will probably be held In Pi of. Scott's commercial college In tho Anthracite building with the ad dressos and literary exercises In tho afternoon at the High school. The historical souvenir of Carbon- ilaie, which is being published as a feature of the semi-centennial celebra tion, is now in the hands of the bin dor. It is a veiy handsome volume, descriptive of the past years of the city, profusely Illustrated and of a na tuie that everv icsident will wnnt one 01 e more, while visitors to the golden Jubilee will undoubtedly entry many of them away. The Ketnll Metchants' association, nt their meeting tonight, will grapple with tho question of closing their stoics on the celebration days. They will ar lange for at least some open hours each morning, as most lardeis would become depleted if they had to enduie an onslaught for four days without re plenishing. TO DISCONTINUE BUSINESS STRANGE ABBERATI0N ' OF MARTIN MURPHY His Mind Becomes Affected nnd While In That Stato Ho Nearly Causes n Tragedy. Mm tin Murphy, of this city, was locked tip by Constable Neary yenter tiny ns the result of his unseemly ac tions the nlftht befoie. Thomas Hart, of the Maylleld cash stoic, with his wife, went to the Pan-American expo sition about ten days ago and left Mr. Mutphy In charge of tho stole. He had served in the store of the late James llattett for several years and being a good man of model habits, the Harts went away with easy minds. Their daughter, about IS years of age, was lelt home to keep track of tho other chlldicn and assist about tho stole. About midnight Saturday the girl was awakened by Murphy, who called htr Into the store. He vvas in a frantic, mood and flourished a revolver. So soon as the girl got nenr him he grab bed her and began to kick her. Ho seemed to be under the idea that two men were trying or had been tt.vlng to rob the stote nnd that the glil vvas Im plicated In the affair. Filially Mtnphy her sit down on n chair and putting the tevolvcr to her head, demanded she tell vvheto the men wete. The girl was tet rifled and her screams had leached the ears of John McCarthy, who went to her assistance. So roon ns he heard McCnrthv, Mur phy left the girl, who made her es cape. When he saw thy, Mur phy yelled at him to stay back, unless he was the butglnr. All the time tho Insane man was raving about what he would do to the burglars. McCarthy flnallv got Murphy quieted down and he pt miilscd to go home. The girl went to a doctoi for treatment. Yesteiday mot ping Murphy went to, chinch nnd on his way home stopped at Constable Neary's house, but Mr. Neary was out Mtnphy told Mrs. Neary that lie wanted the constable to find the burglais and then told her all about hovv'the store had been robbed. He was very quiet In his actions. Yes teiday afternoon Constable Neary was notified of the occttrience and he went to an est Mutphy. The young man nf feied no leslstance to the constable, but on the sti cot car he became so bolsteious that the constable had to take him off and walk. Mutphy again became violent and roughly handled anybody who enme within his teach. II" still labored under the robbery de lusion. The constable flnnlly got him to the city Jail, where he was confined over night. Some disposition of the case w ill be made today. Recheichcs to Entertain. On Wednesday night, August 2?, tho Hecheuhe Social club will entcttnln its fi lends in the Burke building. Tli- alfnlr will be strictly iiifoinial and promises to be among the moi enjoy able of the season. The committee In chat go of the affair have been con nected with many similar ones here tofore, and give every assutance of a delightful evening. Chinch Entertninment. An entei talntnent for the benollt of the Methodist Episcopal church Sun nav school will be conducted tonight In the chinch. Prot H. J. Hockenberty will lectin e on "The Old Playgiotind and the New," and the musical num bets will be contributed by G. Alexan der Itu-scll, pianist, nnd IS. N. Hoclo ellbeiry, bass soloist. Getting Along Nicely. Tracy Phillips, the fireman who Mas so badly Injured In the explosion at Quick's sawmill, Eikdnle, recently. Is getting along veiy nicely nt Emergency hospital. It will be ninny days, how ever, before ho will be able to leavo the lnstltut'on. For a time his condi tion u.ii considered critical. Meetings Tonight. Common council. Olive Leif lodge, 15R, I. O. O. F. Federal union, No. 7201. .'ntrintle Order Sons of America. Carnondale council, ".23, K. of C, ltelc.ll Mei chants' association. THE PASSING THRONG. Mrs. John Pidgeon. of Dickson Hill, Is visiting telatlves in Nlnevah, N. Y. .Mrs. P.obert S. Whitfield, of Wash- JERMYN AND MAVFIELP. Miss Margaret O'Mnltey, a domestic Rtrvant employed at the store of Thorn hs Hart, at Mayfleld, was brutally as saulted yestcrdny morning by Martin Murphy nnd has since been in a seri ous condition ns a result of the severe heating nnd kicking she received nt the hands of her assailant. Miss O'Mnl ley has been In the employ of Mr. and Mrs. Hart for n long time, hut Murphy, whose home Is In Carbondnle, vvas hired about n month ago to nsslst In the store. A week ago Mr. nnd Mrs, Unit left on a visit to the Pan-American exposition, leaving the business In charge of Murphy, who with Miss O'Malley and the children slept In tho house. On Saturday Murphy acted In 11 vety strange manner nnd during the evening pointed a revolver several times nt the tenmster employed nt the stote. He, however, nppeared to at tend to his duties satisfactorily nnd nt the time Miss O'Malley retired to bed he was out of doors. She does not remember hearing him enter the house, but was nwnke about 4 o'clockfyestor day morning by his brenklng In the dootof her chamber and dragging her nut of bed. He Insisted he had heard the voices of some men In her room nnd demanded to know their names. As a matter of fact the only occupants of the room vveie the two little Hart child! en nnd Miss O'Malley. In spite of her screams nnd nppenls he bent her with his hands nnd kicked her with his feet until she vvas nearly uncon scious and then pulled her feet first down the stairs, and pulling a revolver from his pocket, threatened to shoot her. Leaving her a moment to go Into the store, she had strength enough to escape and she rnn to the next houso occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fltzlmmnns, where she remnlned until 8 o'clock in the morning, when she vvns taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. Alexander Bruce, of South Main street, Jermyn. Dr. Jackson, of Mayfleld. vvas called to attend her and he found her condition quite serious. Her fnce vvns swollen so badly that her features were almost unrecognizable nnd her eyes nl- most shut. While none of her hones nre broken, her body nnd limbs nre covered with bruises and contusions. Shortly nfter her nrrlval at her sister's, Mr. Bruce had a warrant sworn out on the charge of assault and battery with attempt to kill, and the warrant was placed In the hands of Chief of Police McCllnley, who found Murphy at the home of his mother In Cnrbondale, wheie he was 111 rested and placed In the city lockup. Fiom the evidence of those who saw the man nnd from his actions after his nriest thetc seems lit tle doubt hut that Murphy Is Insane. It Is repoited he has previously In former situations exhibited signs of Insanity, nnd his friends are unable to offer any further explanation of his assault on the young lady. In response to a telegram sent yesteiday morning Mr. and Mis. Hart nrrlved home last even ing. The Mnyfleld school board met on Saturday afternoon for the purpose of assigning the teachers to their rooms and fixing their salaiies, which resulted as follows; Principal, Professor Krle, S70. vice principal, Miss Eva Kllker, $45; room No. 6, Miss Louisa Walsh, $37 50; 100111 No 3, Miss Amy Williams, $.57.50; room No. 4, Miss Annie Mc Carthy, $".7i50; 100m No. 3, Miss Eva Qiiinn, $30; room No. 2, Miss Annie Kllker, $30, 100m No. 1, Miss Martha Wnlsh and Miss Nllle Boundy, $30, The salaiy of Janitor Eastlake vvns fixed at $30 and the remuneration of the secietaty, John C'uley, at $73 per ea r Claude Stocker is home from the summer term at Lehigh university. Mis. W. M. Davis is confined to her home on North Main stieet by Illness. Mis. M. J. Shields and Miss Mar gaiet Thompson will leave today for the Buffalo exposition. Miss Mamie Wlnt, of Wllkes-Bnrre, Is visiting fiiends here. James Nicholson, sr., of South Main rtteet, Is setinusly III. Miss Grace Townscnd, of Carbondale, Is visiting in Jermyn. Harry Oiimths, of Monttose, a former Joimvn icsident, Is here after a twelve years' absence nnd Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllaid R. Dodson, of Second street. spending her vacation In Terzah, Sus quehanna county, returned home Sat urday. Electrician M. E, Dardls returned Saturday from n trln to Now York. P. J. McLnren. of Scotch street, Is recovering from his recent Illness. Mrs. Matthew Mnckcy has returned from Toronto nnd the Pan-American exposition. Miss Marian Wnlklngsltaw, of Provi dence, visited relatives at this place yesterday. Mrs. John Ferguson nnd Miss Kntle Loftus nre home nfter spending ten days nt Atlantic City. Edvvnrd Carter, of Taylor, was a visitor in town yesterday. Miss Lucy Fnrrcll Is spending two weeks nt Atlantic City nnd rhllndel phla Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frew have re turned from their wedding trip. TAYLOR. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA PECKVILLE. A serious accident occrurod nt the Mount Je.ssup btoaker, Saturday after noon, when tho coal pockets gave way with a crash and coal and splintered wood were deposited upon the Dela ware, Lackawnnna nnd Western tracks, blocking all traffic. Several emplojos had nanow escapes, but none were In jured, It will take several days to re pair the damaged pockets, which will t'tifnice ldlenesB of that colliery. The damage will amoui.t to several hun dred dollnrs. Mis. J. M. Arnts, aged 40 years, died at her home, on Main stieet, at 4 o'clock- yesterday morning of malig nant dlphthoila. Deceased had been ill three weeks. The iemaiii.s will be Tomorrow evening the pupils of Mls Sarah J. Price, elocutionist, nrslsted by Professor Harry Hvntvs, bntltone, of Wnics; Miss Susani Havnrd, soprano, of Newcastle!, and Professor W L. .Tonesi, tenor, will give nn endcitnln ment at the Welsh Cnngiogntlonal church. The progrnmme; Plnnlst, Mira Lydla Hosklns; Introductory remarks by chnlrmnn, J. M HnrrK esq ; solo, Professor W. L. Jones; recltntlnn, Miss Blanche Williams, recitation, Myrtle Fntsdnger; recltntloni Delhi Davis, parasol drill, twelve little girl; tccltn tloir, Almlna Cooper; recitation, Verna Williams; recitation, Mabel Davis, dialogue. "The Sick Doll," Oscar M01 rls nnd Myrtl Fntslnger. solo, Miss Havard; recitation, Grace Nyhnrt; recitation. Lydla Jones; recitation, I'ranla Tubbs; folo. Professor Hnny Evans; recitation, Viola Jones; recita tion, Mattie Smith; recitation,, Mar garet Divls; broom drill, twelve little girls; recitation, Oscar Morris; reclta ton, Nellie Lewis; duet, Profesor Evans and Mls Havnrd, hoop dilll, sixteen young ladles. At the conclus ion of the progrnmme the Ladles' Aid society of the church will conduct an Ice crmim and cake socinl. The following composed a mine party formed In honor of Mlw Agnes Hecse, of Plymouth, and Miss Susan Havard, of Newcastle, who visited the Interor workings of the Atchbald mine on Thursday evening of Inst week; Misses Susan Havard, Susan Harils, Maude Davis-, Ida Whlteford, Lillian Hnrrls, Dilsy Belnhnrdt. Agne neee, Saiah J. Price. Mamie Trancls, nnd Messrs. Luther Harris, John Morgans nnd David J. Pugh. I'pon returning from the mine the guests repaired to the home of Foreman nnd Mrs Harils, where they were very pleasantly entertained. The reception given In the fotm of n smoker by Invincible commander.v. No. 232. Knights of Malta. In their rooms In Reese's hall on Friday evening, was a very delightful affair. Theie were large delegations of members from Oieen Ridges. Providence, West Scran ton, South Side. Attorney J. v.. Wat kins was chairman of the event. A fine programme was lcndered. The Mozart quartette sang several excel lent numbeit, E. G. Evans and T. J. Davis leclted; Professor Hairy Evans, Aithur Morgans and .1. F TtibKs ten dered solo; Joseph Coombs nnd Messrs. Johns nnd Thomas, of the Hyde Park comninndeiy. tendered comical sketches. The Invincible commandpry double quaitette lendered two tine se lections, which brought the session to a close. Refreshments wete served and clgar.s passed. The camp meeting of the Primitive Methodists of the P.v r.e. Archbald and Sibley, held ye-stordny at the Pyne, was largely attended. Rev. H. J. Bucking ham, of Wilkes-Bane., and Miss Sarah Lanyon, the conference evangelist, as sisted Rev, James Walker In the work. The eniploes of the T.iyloi, Pyne and Aivhhfild minis lecelved their Honil-monthly earnings' for the tore part of August on Satutday. A very distressing accident occuned nt the Archbald mine oru Satutday morning, when John Proper, employed ns a carpenter, was run down by a tilp of loaded mine cars He received .1 badly lacerated leg, which was alo found to be broken In thiee places. He? was taken to the Moses Taylor hos pital, where amputation was found to be necesiry. The game of base ball scheduled for thj homo gtounds on Saturday, be tween tho local team and the West Scranton Anthracites, was postponed, owing to rain. Mis. Talhe Griffiths nnd son. John, of Taylor street, has returned home fiom a two weeks' visit with relatives in Blnghamton, N. Y. Mrs. Catheilno Nelger and grand daughter, Mells"a Powell, of Main stieet, aie spending a few weeks at Heart lake. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Trlhune. Tunkhannock, Aug. 25. Dr. E. 11. Hill, of Plttston, vvns called hete by the serious lllttes of Mrs. Berkley Lvman, on Frldav. Judge John A. Slttsr nnd' daughter, Mrs. E. N. Stone, leturned home on Frldny, nfter spending the summer nt Ownscn lake. New Auburn, N. Y Mr. and Mm Tlngley. of Suque hnnr..i. vslteil Dr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Wood ward on Ftldny. E. V. Might, of Tunkhannock town ship, returned ftnm Kansas on Satur day, hrlngltur with him n carload of yearling cattle, which he bought nt n greit bargain In the drouth-stricken dlsttlctH of that eitate. The personal property of the late Mary J Scull vvas exposed to public salei nt her late residence, on Pine street, on Saturday afternoon. Clinrles H. Vaughn acted us nttctloneer. The severe rnlns of Friday night caused mote trouble at tho Vosburg tunnel, and all night trains were nban iloned In consequent, tin Saturday the trains were running as tisunl, but the enw-hound track thiough the tunnel could only be used. On tho stnge route nlong Tunkhannock cieek, many of the bridges have been carried away, and It Is only vvi.h the greatest difficulty that the mall ran he biought thiough. Mr. and Mis. Aithur Stebblns, of Baltlmoie, aie the guets of tho Lit ter's mother, Mrs. Emily O. Mills, on Wairen sttect Mis. Daniel Carey, ef Wtlko-Rarie, who hafl been the guest of ft lends In town, returned home on Satutday. denvor convention .at Winwood, Ta,, Wednesday. m HOW TO BE HAPPY ALTHOUGH MARRIED NICHOLSON. Speclil to the Scranton Trlhune. Nicholson. Aug 25-MIs Ethel Smith Is the guest of Miss Flosfle Bundle, In Scinnton. Mr. L. N. Boyle l? the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mis. F. N. Boyle, of State stieet. MIsh Nellie Mack gave a musical medley to a Inige number of her fiiends on Friday evening. An Ice cream lawn social was given at the home of Dr. H. K. Wllklns on Tuesday evening. Miss Nellie Shields Is spending a few das as- the guest of Mis, Joseph Hard ing, at Lake Sheildnn. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Breck, of Pater son, N. J., aie visiting their patents In this place. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Tltas spent a pait of lust week at Hatfoid, Susque hanna county. School will open on September 2. Misses Frances and Claia Coyle are spending ten da, at Buffalo and the lake-. t Mr. and Mis. H. S Stephens nnd Mis. D. G. Black attended the Stephens family leunlon. at Pletceville, on Satur day. The Carpenter family reunion was held at the home of G. L. Davis on Friday. Ml"a Ida Jlmmerson, of Kanis City, is the guest of Mr. und Mis. II. O. Mack. It Is Rumored That W. R. Moon Will Go to New York City to Accept a Very Good Position. W. R. Moon, vi ho hns conducted a general stote on Belmont street for the past thliteen years, will discontinue huslncss and notices have been sent out to the credltot s to that effect. What disposition Mr. Moon will make of his store could not be learned, but It has been rumoied that he will accept a position oftercd him In New York city. Mr. Moon Is one of the best known and respected business men of the town. He seived ns director nnd treas urer of the school district for one term and performed his duties with romaik nble zeal. His departure from this city will be sincerely regretted by a wide elrcla of friends and business acquaintances. MRS. NILES' FUNERAL. The Services Will Be Held Tomor row Morning in tho Fhst Presby terian Church, The body of Mrs. NUes, wife of Dr. John S, Nlles, vvns lecelved from Dr. Pi Ice's prlvnto hospital, wheie sha died Friday at 1.30, Saturdny morning on tho 1.51 Delawaio and Hudson pas senger tuiln. Tho doctor has since been surrounded with sjmpathetlo fiiends. It has bejn decided to hold the fu neral toiitonow morning. At 11 o'clock tne body will bo conveyed fiom the house, on North Main stieet. to tho Fit. st Preshyteilan church, vvhero ser vices will be conducted by the pastor, Hev. Ch.ules Ley. assisted by How Ro lln Alger Sawyer, rector of Tilnlty Episcopal church. Interment will ba made In Brookslde cometery. Friends of the family who wish to view the body may do so at the house between th.5 hours of S and 5 o'clock this afternoon. ington stieet, spent Saturdny in Scran ton, Miss Anna Muir.iy, of Resse Bros,' diy goods stoie, Is spending her vaca te 11 :u Sc rantnn, Joseph O'Mnllry, of Plttston Is n guest ,u the home of Michael Coleman, on the West Side. Archln Htlnk, of Darte avenue, is spending a couple of weeks with friends nt Fnlondnl?. Willie Porter, of Belmont street, hns returned from Elmlra, where he has len visiting his mother. Frank of Bridge Builder Geotge Burt ell's force of men, Is laid up with a badly sprained ankle. Mrs, Ida E. McComb and Miss .Inno Graves leave Monday for Gloversville, N. Y., and will take In the Pan-American. Mrs. C. J. Riley and son, Roderick, of Wilmington, rre guests at ths honui of Mrs. P. J. O'Malley, of Hospital street. Tho Snyder reunion will bo held nt Lake Chapman Wednesday, September 11. All of tho relatives are cordially Invited to attend. Mr. and Mis. Owen Reese, of Thorn stieet, and Miss Josle and Inez Tay lor, of Set anion, nre spending a few days with fi lends at Beach lake. Miss Hart, of tho West Hide, who has been In Grand Rnplds, Michigan, for nearly a year past, has leturned to this city nnd will again ninko her homo here. Mts. A. C. R.iumnn, Miss B.iuman, Miss Stuber. B. A. Bauman nnd Albert Baiiui'in, of Blnghamton, -N, y, nre guests at the Crystal Lake cottage of J. B. Shannon. Mis. J. J. Rounds and fnmlly, of Reynshnnhurst, and Mrs. W. J. Dlx and daughter, Eva Maude, of Wyo. mlng street, nro attending camp meet ing at Thompson, Indefinite Instructions I.sdy (to clerk In clothlir.- vl.iroj I want a paii of trmiieri for my iiiumd. Clerk What slie, mudini? I.uly I don't know the l, b.t ho 11 1J collar, sniait net. taken to Merhoppen this motnlng for interment. The f uncial will bo pil vate. Miss Jennie Dikoman, who ha' been viritlng it'lntlvcH at Candor, N. Y has returned home A man named Patterson, of Wlnton, was run down and badly Injured by a Delawate. Lackawanna nnd Western engine, on the Winton branch, Satur day afternoon Frank Callender, of Green Ridge, vis ited his parents, Mr nnd Mrs. Judson Callender, yesterday. Mis. F. L Taylor, who has been vis Itlng relatives nt Scott, returned home yesterday. Miss Lottie Farber, of Dunmore, who ha been the guest of Miss Emma Car penta,' during tho past week, returned homo isterdny. A special meeting of class No. D will bo held at tlw home of G. H. Gendall on Tuesday evening next. All mem bers ara tequested to be present, as ftnther artangementsi will be made for the entertninment to be held In the near fiitute. THE FRENCH CENSUS. OLYPHANT. In the gnme of base ball between tho Sunsets of Aichbald and tho Ciescents of C.ubondale, Joseph Mahon. of this place, occupied the box for tho former team and pitched a remnrkablo gnme, allowing his opponents but ono single hit He had plenty of speed and good curves and had excellent control at critical periods. Thomas also participated in the gamo, holding down second Iriso In a clever manner. Miss Colin. Duffy is visiting friends In Mid field. Tho local order of Stationary Fire men havo changed their place of meet ing to tho Father Mathow hnll, where they will continue to meet every Wed nsday vnlng, Mis, Cassle Bailey, of Noxen, Is visit ing relatives on Susquehanna street. Mrs. M. J. McAndrew and daughter Mildred were visitors at North Scran ton yesterday. Miss May Dearie, who has been Glowing Scarcity of Children n Source of Much Anxiety. I'rnm the Philadelphia Irfdfjir. The Fiench census teturns hnve again nttiacted the attention of the world to the peculiar population prob lent In the Republic France is practi cally statonary In respect to numbers, and such a condition In comparison with tho rapid, steady growth of her nelghbois anil rivals seems to indicate. In effect, decadence. From a mllltaiy point of view numbers mean strength, and In France the Increase of popula tion fiom 1S9R to 1901 was only 330,ono Most of the Increase was In Paris nnd Its environs. In which dwell laige num bers of forelgnesr. The veiy slow growth of France compaied with other European countries, during the past half century. Is strikingly shown In the following table; WAmART. Special to the Porerton Tritium-. Wnjinart, Aug. 25. Mis Edward Miner left Wednesday for Indian Oichard, whete she was called by the illness of hep sister. F. S. Stephen-oti nnd fnmlly have ie tinned, after spending a week with relatives at Prompton. Mis. Walter Wngnor is setiously ill of eiyslpelns. MKs Doney is entertaining her friend, Miss Millet, fiom Pleasant Mount. Mis. Jiitues Walker and daughter. Edna, lett Wednesday tor their new home at Matamoras. Miss Kate Stephen' on was a business caller in Honesdale on Thursday. , Dr. Jesse W. Wngner. of Bufialo, N. Y.. Is visiting nt the ifsidonce of his uncle, Robeit Bat tan. Joseph, who has been the gue-t of Jnines Dole tor the past week, 1 etui nod to his home In Wilkes Bairo on Wednesda.v. The town council Is making muiio needed Improvements niound tho city hall Edith Shaffer has returned homo, after spen.llng the past two months with her uncle, Boyd Case, and family in Carbondale. Mts. Jane Beekvvlth is again occupy ing her home heie, alter her prolonged visit with 1 datives abroad. WELSH HILL. Trance I'nlted Kingdom Oemuny , Aii.tru Italy Itmsla ,,,,, I'VJ. inn ..I'.tii.ftin 3.nnn,rYi .r!neni.fil0 41,431, V79 ..iV,rvvio AA,.i43,nori jn,ivi,0"0 tv.Kio.eiiio .'.M.fklll.nOO .IVofiO.II.Y) ul.noo.OjY) UeY),im) In fifty years of Austrla-Hungaiy's population has increased 50 per cent.; Italy, 52 per cent ; the I'nlted King dom of Great Britain and Ireland, 54 per cent ; the vlgoious Get man Em pile, bO per cent , while Fiance gained but 10 per cent, for the same peilod. It should bo noted that In the mean time Gteat Britain has sent millions of its Inhabitants to Austialln, the I'nlted States and other lands, that gteat numbcijs of Germans have veaii swel led our ranks, and that the Italian ex odus Is assuming large pioportlons, while Fienchmen have been 11 utay-at-homo people. Tho explanation Is, of course that small families In France have become tho rule. Tho nnnunl exec. of births over deaths In Italy Is between SOO.COO and 400,000. Th excess In France Is about 60,000, and In 1805 the deaths exceeded the births by 17.R13, This is an explanation that does not explain, and the real question Is, why have the families become email? Special to the Scranton Trlhune. Welsh Hill, Aug. 25 The Ladles' Aid society held an ice cteim social at tho hall on Thursdnv evening. The roads which wete damaged by the heavy tains aie being icpaiied by Thomas Moigan. MLss ElUa Jones, of North Scranton, hns tentmed to her homo nfter a visit of two weeks nt Lake Idle-wild. Miss Lizzie Phillips, of Noi th Scian ton. Is visiting the home of Miss Edna Snyder. Thomas Thomas, of West Scrnnton, has returned homo after spending a week at this place Oliver Jones is very sick with Inflnm nmtlon of the bowels. Thetmns Griffiths, of Jermyn, Is a visitor at the home of John Moses. Miss Louise Price, of Scranton, Is a v'sitor nt thlf plaie. Mrs. David Thomas, of Gteen Ridge. Is visiting nt this place Mtss Maine Peaiey, of Olyphant, is vsltlng at the home of Owen Owens. Wllllmn Ruttei. of this place, was .1 visitor at Set anion leccutly. Rules for tho Guidance of the Young Married Man. Carol) 11 Milpman, in Lile. Keep up the Illusion. Don't settle down too obviously to married life. Be ns eager to please her ns yon were before marriage. Aim to preset ve the chnrm of the honey moon. Don't tell her she Is illogical, She) pi nimbly Is, but she musn't know It Don't be too reminiscent of the days befoie j on knew her. From the bat tles in which oti slew the Dtagon she may teaon to the snuggles wheio you fell by the wayside. Remember that the new life, which to you Is metely an episode, Is to her a complete levnlutlon of thought nnd habit nn undiscovered country. Make allowances for her. The readjustment is not e.ic.v. Tie.u her fairly, so that she will not deceive you. Keep up the Illusion. Tell her occasionally tint you lovo her. She knows It, but she likes to hear It. She can't always take It for granted. Statt In (he way jou want to con tinue. Particularly In nffalts of tho pin so. Never humiliate her by mak ing her ask for money. Have a defi nite undeistnndlng nt first. Money brings the discoid that causes most family bells to Jangle out of tune. Bo thoughtful In little things. A single rose may perfume a whole da. Never remark casually that there are two standards, one for a man and another for a woman. Women some times put two nnd two together with surprising accuracy. Remember the Woman's Instinct. Bo ha polite to bei- mother as In you lies, without encouraging her to live with j, nu. It pavs In tho end. Give advice when ou a ie asked for It, and not befoie. The unaided work ing out of her life problems may ho well-nigh homicidal In the process, hut the tesults will Justify your forbear nnce. Keep up the Illusion. Tell her nur soirows as well as your Jo.s. Two can bear trouble better than one. She Is our wife, not your ulster, and she loves you, You owe It to her. She may develop new power nnd grace with the knowledge. Leal 11 to bear with her occasional tears. Men must work and women must weep. Never give her power over you by allowing her to see that you are Jeal ous. This Is fatal. Assume indiffer ence If you have It not. Don't embaiass her by adverse crit icism of nny kind before people. Mako It 11 cut tain lecture If It must be. Don't forget to kiss her good-by. Tinln her to be pieparcd for emer gencies If she Isn't that kind. Bring nur friends home to dinner unexpect edly. Smoke In the house If you want to, and bilng the clogs in. She knew theso things befoie she married you. Why sacrifice your Innocent pleasures? Piove to her that marriage seldom reforms. Make her feel Hint she Is the only woman nu have ever loved. This t veiy Important. Don't tease her nnd then refuse to be tensed jourself. Don't talk business to her after sho has been shopping all day. She has tumbles' of her own. Treat her like n comrade and a friend but never fotget that she is, nbovo all, o woman, who needs your utmost sympathy and protection. Keep up the Illusion. Don't be an ostilch. Cover your tracks as well nt, jou head. Ask her advice' occasionally and take It sometimes on principle. It may bo vvnith taking. Never piotcst. Your zeal may over leap Itself and fall on the other side. It 5011 do. Maintain a dignified atiel thoughtful silence. Don't make the mistake of provid ing food, lodging and pin money for her poor lelatlves. How did they man age befoie ou were married? Cultivate your sponklmr. voice. A. few tender .wotds aptly utteted In thilllllig tones will calm her moet vio lent feelings. Few women aie proof ngalnst a pioperly managed voire. If you can't be fiank, be as frank na you can. Dont' think she is flirting outri geously when she Is merely trying to be nice to your best friends to pleases you. Don't tell her all the risque stories' you know. Reset ve .ome ot the vvoist and leave a few sensibilities It ou are hurting her feelings and you will tell her nu are sorry. An ounce of tine repentance will banl'h many pounds, of hurt Don't loe our temper when she, does. Choose a moie opportune mo ment. Some one must pilot the ship. Remember that If you love paeh, other, you can do with her as you will. Above all, keep up the Illusion If nq can. It Is worth the while. HAWLEY. Special to the Scranton Trlhune Haw ley, Aug. 25. .Miss Flora Case and Ralph Reynolds wete mnnied Wednesday evening, August 14, at tho residence of tho biide's mother, Rev. nines Pope, of Pleasant Mount, offi ciating. Mi. nnd Mis. H. J Atkinson nnd J. J. Kiohler nre enjoying the sights at tho Pan-Aineilean exposition. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Palmer go to Deposit, N. Y., Satutday to spend sev Cial dnys with lelatlves then-. James Coughlln will move into S. T. Palmer's tenement on Twentieth stieet In a few days. Ralph and Trert Sands aie spending a few days near Hancock, N. Y. Miss Ella Teeter, Mrs. Alfred Decker, Miss Gusslc Atkinson and W. C. Knapp attended the county Christian En- Tho Knights Templar, Louisville, Ky. On account of the triennial condavo August 27 to 31 inclusive, ticket agents of the "Lackawanna railroad" will sell round tilp tickets to LnulsVllle, Ky , at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be on sale good going Au gust 22 to 2i Inclusive, and good for if tin n until September 2 Inclusive, ex. cept by depositing tickets with Joint agent at Louisville on or before Sep tember 2 letuin limit will be extended to leave Louisville not later than Sep. tember IS on pajment of .'.o cents. Stop off nt Buffalo to visit the Pan American will be permitted on tho letuin tilp upon pnvment of one dol lar extra and depositing tliket with Joint agent, providing passenger reach es destination within the final return limit. The Giand minma,ndery of Knights Temphr of New Jersey have aitanged for a special trnln to leavoj Hoboken nt 10 a m. August 25, reich Ing Scranton at 1 30 p m . and n cor dial Invitation has been offeied to all local Sir Knights nnd their friends to Join them nt Scrnnton. Special Low Tnrcs to Cleveland, Ohio, via the Lehigh Valley Railroad, Account G. A. R. National En- campment. Tickets on sale September Sth to 12th Inclusive. Consult Lehigh Valley tic- ket ugents for particulars.