The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 26, 1901, Image 1

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, . 13V i
Condition ol the Strike Ridden Mills
Will Be Altered During the
Present Week.
Ofllcials Say That Men Enough Hnve
Been Secured to Start the Mills
unci Turn Out a Heavy Tonnage.
Pittsburg Tin Plate Plant Will Be
Abandoned Men Smuggled Into
the Star Mills Quiet at McKees
port Fires Lighted in the Demm
ler Tin Plate Mill.
fly Exrluh- Wire from The is.oelatcd I'rese.
Pittsburg, Aug. -" Hitnif icmurk
nhle changes In the condition nf strlke--rldden
mills eif the I nlt-fl Suites Steel
in! point Ion iitv promised for the pres
ent v "K thu v ill e-hnnge tlio aspect
tif aft'iilts considerably If carried out.
It hs stated on good authority today
Hint In-fene the end of the week, those
of the plants that have been operating
mi single turn would be run with full
fiTrc inn for the usual three full turns
Pilch day. Men enough have been se
Hired for this purpose, the nlllelais
saw In spite of the claims of the strik
ers that the companies could nut net
enough men to operate their plants,
and the managers of thu various mills
say they will be ready with all Un
skilled men required to start up the
niachln ry and turn out a heavy ton
nage. The 111 is; li.Urestlng situation Is In
the Star mill of the American Tin Pl-eto
company, In Twelfth street. This plant
was until this summer considered us
doomed. The Tin Plate ininpanv had,
It Is said, decided to abandon the mill
and iiiou- the machinery ol.-ewh -tv.
Since the strike has come on them, and
! iih demonstrated that the ope-a-tion
of the mill with non-union men
was po.sslble under the piot-cllon of a
Well-P(tlipped pollie folic, the ol" ids
dm Ided o keep this mill, make ex'eii
she Improvements In Its equipment,
and make It a permanent llxture of tho
iuihii.v. The most significant feat
ure of the- plan has l.-,'i riirrlcri out
1 uriliR 'he past we"';. This consists of
lilting the mill In the same manner as
that of the Monesseu plant In Mones
seii. l'n. The Cornier elsht mills have
been changed to four double mills.
Other Improvements have been added
that will give the plant a larger eapne-
liv, inciease its loice of men, and make
It one of the ii"nl modern 'if all tlio
tin plants of the company.
With the completion of ihc-.e ni
piovenient. the compiitn will be pn
pared to place a sulllclent number nf
mm In the plant to woik the four
double mill; three full tu I Hi- This Is
ii-l to be expecti d to Mice place dur
ing the picsent week, ISe-foro Sntut
ilay acconlliiR to Superintendent Piper
if the StHi- mills, the plant will be
np era ted to it full extent.
IJeferruijr to the pies-ent craidltion of
th- mills. Mr. piper said: "We re
reived elRht .-killed men early this
morning. Mr .1. It. Phillips of the
company, accompanied the men to the
null, and it whs not until 'after they
vein in and comfortably settled for the
nlcht that the ptrlki- discovered their
presence. These men are nf the best
Hi the fi.ielc and will enable us to move
the plant on a belter basis than hc
foie," Pickets on the Alert.
Outside ol the Star plant, toda. theie
was a laise number of striker- mi
picket duty, They were quiet and or-u-ily,
but had their cy s and eais open
f' r an signs of new coiners. The
pei ullar Pontine of the strike about Hie
Star plant Is the Rood feeling displayed
between the strlkeis and the manager
of tin- plant. There Is no signs of bit
terncss up to the present time, and
when Superintendent Piper left the
hllildliiR eaily this iuoiiiIiir, he met the
strikers ami laughed Rood-natuiedly at
the in. He said to the anxious pickets:
"I had inoie tun In RettliiR tlue-i- last
men Into the plant than at a gume of
tnec hers."
When the strikers wete told of the
claims of the olllclals of the Star mill
they denied that there was as many
skilled men at work as was claimed,
and said those who were In the plant
were sciit tliete from the Monesseu
plant, which wns being crippled In or
der to accomplish this woik. Stienu
ous denials were also made regarding
alleged desertions from the Amalgo
mated ranks to fill the positions offered
by the corporation, and It was said
that it would be Impossible to obtain
men enough to opeutte the plant with
out settling the- strike. There was no
change .In the situation legardltiK the
tube mills today. Things were all
quiet and the former employes re
mained away from the plants. It Is
understood that the nttlclals of the Na
tional Tube company have practically
determined not to stait these plants for
the present.
Kverythlng at McKeesport Is re
ported quiet. Pickets are around tlio
Pemmler tin plate mill In large num
bers, but they are orderly, unci are de
termined to be on hand nil night, as
they believe an nttempt will be made
to start the plant In the morning.
While the fires are lighted ami the mill
apparently In readiness for a start, It
was Impossible to get any of the ofll
rl.cls to name the exact time when the
nttempt will bo made.
General Stownrt's Leg Broken.
Py KmIu.Ivc Wire- fioin The .Wot-latcd Pus.
IliriUlmrtc. Aim'. -!o. Adjutant (.'cncial Wn.
irt met with a M-rlou aicicU-nt tliU eu-nlni;
r bile urhltiif will' P-nt "t friend on 1'oit
hunter mad. Tim harm-ft nn n eif tin- limcj
hoke mill In at tempi ln to Jump from the- car
rWiiv the adjutant fell ami broke hU left,
Irs In-low th.- linci-, 'I la- ic.t nf th- parly (
cand iiijin). Motart'a injuiy wa.gltcn
(tuntieii at tli'i Ilai'ri.lnn;' liutplul
He Has Heard Nothing of New
American Cardinals.
By Enclualve Wire from Tin- Awcitted Prr.
New- York, Aug. :r..-"I have hen id
nothing of the making- of American
cardinals," said Cardinal Olbhons' as he
stepped from the Ktrurla on his i-eturn
from Kurope yesterday. Thin wns In
response to n question as to whether
he line) hoard the report that at least
two new American cardinals were to
U? ct.-ated. Then, after replying as
quoted above, he added: "Indeed, If 1
knew about It 1 could not talk."
The cirdlnal repeated his recently
published uttettttice advising- the Irish
not to leave their native land to come
to America, and then ,iald:
"I had the greot pleasure of having'
three audiences with the pope. The last
one wa.s on .luno '20. He Ih certainly a
wonderful man. lln Is feeble, but has
the vigor of a man sixty years old. His
mental faculties nic not Impaired and
lie is remarkably well informed on
what Is going on lit the world."
The cardinal also refused to discuss
the Catholic church question In the
Terrible Fate of Henry Noles, a Ne-
gio. Accused of the Murder of
Mrs. Charles Williams.
lly Inclusive Wlie (rem The Axviciatc J 1'ioss.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 2.". Henry
Noles a negro, was today binned by a
. ...' citizens for criminally assault
ing and shooting- to death Mrs. Charles
Williams, wife of a prominent fanner
near Winchester, Tenn.. last Krlday.
Admitting his crime and asking his
fi lends to meet him In glory, he met
bis fate without a groan. He was cap
tured early this morning at Water
Tank, near Cowan. Tenn.. and was
taken to Winchester by his captors and
placed In the county jail.
Sheriff Stewart made haste to barri
cade the Jail and protec t the prisoner.
Soon after an angry mob of several
handled nier. gallieted, but Assistant
Attorney cienerol Matt X. Whlttaker
appeared and made a speech to the
crowd, urging them to assist him In
alla.xlug the excitement and upholding
the majesty of the law. He promised
to lecohvene the grand jury tomorrow
to indict the negro promptly and have
him speedily tried at the present term
of court, assuring the crowd that his
conviction and legal execution were a
foregone conclusion. This appeal was
supplemented by Judge .1. .1. lynch,
Captain W. P. Tolley and others. No
sooner had their appeals been made
than several citizens from the neigh
borhood where the crime was com
mitted came up and augmented the
ciowd to thousands. They swept for-
wairt upon the jail, overpowered the
sheriff and his deputies, took the pris
oner and started at a, in. for the
scene- of the crime twelve miles dis
tant. Tin- ninb was determltu'd, ami It
seemed that almost the entire popu
lation for miles around had turned out
to see the fale of the wietc-h. The pro
cession follow eel the mob to the Will
iams home. Arilvlng at a point In
sight of the- scene of the crime, the
negro was placed on a stump, and given
a chance to make a statement.
He mounted the stump stolidly and
laughed as he began his statement. He
said: "Tell all my sisters and biothers
to meet me lu filmy. I am going to
make that my home. Tell my mother
to meet me where parting will be no
He was then asked as to whether
anyone else was Implicated In the
crime. Noles stated emphatically there
was no one Implicated but himself.
"Why did you kill Mis. Williams?"
was necked,
"1 Just done Unit because I had
nothing else to do."
He was taken from the stump, bound
to a tree by c halns and his body satur
ated with oil.
At 1.40 p. in. a match was applied
and Instantly the quivering body was
enveloped In tlaine-. 1-Vnt-e rails were
piled about the burning- body and soon
life was extinct. The negro made no
outc ry at any time.
At least ti.UOO people witnessed the
horilble fate of the ii"gio. Many te
mnluecl until nightfall, augmenting the
blaze until the body was cntltely inn.
suniecl. They then deiiaited for their
homes quli-tly.
Lying on the floor of the room, her
face splashed with clotted blood,
Phatlcs Williams found his young
wile Ktld.'iy afternoon, when he re
turned to his liin.c, A bullet had gonn
through her head, life was extinct, and
and her two baby children were cry
ing lu grief and fear. The oldest hoy,
aged live, told what had occuned. The
young mother had been shot and killed
by Henry Noles, a negro hand upon the
Williams place. As the mortally
wounded woman sank to the floor,
Noles shot at the boy, the bullet Rim
ing tne cniiu s neail. Then he (led to
the woods. Williams' neighbors were
stlried to the pitch of exacting merci
less and summary Justice. Hearing of
the crime, Sheriff Stewart departed for
the scene with bloodhounds. A posse
of determined citizens, well armed and
provided with a rope, was also on
Nolo's trail.
It Is reported that the motive was
robbery and J20 was obtained by the
murderer. Mr. Williams Is h farmer
well-to-do, and one of the most promi
nent residents of his section of Frank
lin county. The dead woman was a
nieinbt-r of one of the oldest and most
respected famlllas In the county. The
two children, the oldest Just 5 years of
age, were the only witnesses of the
Protest fjom Japan.
lly Krlnip Wire Tlio Aoclalccl prcm,
IiiiiIiiii, Ai-if. Sid.- ".Iujijii lu hlnl n protest
nt NUaliliiRtnii." i a eliutili tu the Tlinr.
hum Ti'lln, iUuiI satiiHljy, "uiulmt the -.whin
of iiii-illi-dl inpri'tion jt ll.mallii, cloc-Urliii: tlut
thin U lm-onii.ifahle ltli friendly liitenouuo
tenii-cn the two prople."
Roosevelt's Children Improving.
New Vnil, Ann. Si, Tlio ihllclren nf Vice-
I'roMc-iil lhiii-.c-11-lt mi- ltniriiliiK at the Iton.e.
celt licupltal. 'I lie l(i-'iclilnu tniil a lutt
of the djy lu tin- itu'ialou luoiii,
It Has Been Decided to Increase Hie
flrmu bu Four Gompanles
ol Soldiers.
While There Seems to Be No Appar
ent Danger, the Officials Believe It
Best to Guard Against Possible Up
risingsArmy Officers Express
Themselves ns Gratified at the In
crease of the Force In View of the
Fact That 1,800 Prisoners Arc Con
lined in the City, Who Would Prove
Dangerous If Abandoned in an Up
rising. Dy lUdiKivc Wiie from Tho Awi-tited l'rrw.
Manila, Aug. -.. In the city of
Manila, there- are now less than l.OeO
effective soldiers and It has been de
cided to Increase this number by four
e-ompanles of Infantry. The olllelal
icason lor the Increase is that the
guard is too heavy for the present
force. As a matter of fact, however,
there- Is a feeling that, although there
is no apparent prospect of trouble,
nevertheless In tho event of an upris
ing In the future, such as Is always
possible Venning the Malays, It would
bo bitter to have a sufllclent body of
troops available for such an emer
gency. Ueneral Chaffee says he considers tho
city of Manila to be perfectly orderly
and he can see no prospect of an up
rising. Commissioner Wright thinks
the people "extremely peaceable." lie
is satisfied that, although nmong n
certain class there Is some discontent
on account of the land tax, which Is not
yet understood, this class Is not likely
to foment trouble.
Many army olllcers express them
selves as gratified at the Increase in
the military force. They think that
with the military guard withdrawn
from the prison, another uprising there
might result In the release of some
1,M)0 prisoners. This possibility Is re
garded as n menace to the city by
those who take that view of the case,
as they regard the white guard as In
sufllcient. Civil officials look upon this con
tingency as unlikely. Inasmuch as the
six hundred white police could mobilize
al the prison befene any of the prison
ers could escape and become' dispersed
throughout the disaffected district.
Colonel Loreel Surrenders.
Manila. Aug. 25, Word was reci-ived
today that the Insurgent Colonel I.oreel
with seventeen officers and thirteen
men surrendered yesterday to Captain
Mi-own. of the Kourth Infantry, at
Talisay, The surrender of numerous
other smaller e-oiitlngents last week
brings the total to more- than one- hun
dred. liovernor Tnft is expected to return
to Manila Tuesday after having ap
pointed civil olllclals throughout till
nrthern Luzon.
The Limited Express of the Seaboard
Air Line Caught in a Wash
outFireman Killed.
Dy Kxrhmve Wlie from The Associated I'resa.
Columbia, S. ('., Aug. IT). The Florida
and Metropolitan limited train of the
Seaboard Air l.Ino was totally wiecked
last night at lO.LTi o'clock, fovcii miles
south of Cheraw, S. P., due to a sand
lmk washout. The killed ami wounded
Fireman Itosemond, crushed to death;
Knglncer Mue, shoulder and leg In
jured: Tom Cleary, another engineer,
Injured In knees ami' legu; postal cloik,
name unknown, slightly lit used.
Tho passengeis escaped with a severe
shaking up.
Charles Rollo Said the Lord Told
Him to Drill There.
By Eieluthr Wire from The. .c.atfj PreM.
Oil City, ciir. 21. C'IuiIm A. Hollo, a promi
nent Ve-naiiEO county f.iimer, iue anrnteil ei
leiiiie cm .1 warrant lueil by the tmwi-lilp
I'l'iiiinU'lonene, Uiirgintf I urn ultli malTUulning a
Ueientlv l'.olln etaitcil to .1 r ill .in oil will in
the inhliMe nf what U hnoun o the W.itetfnnl
ami Hiuquelunna toad, kIvIiik, It U Alleged, a
an excuse lor hl im-nil action he m ml
locl by the Lord to drill for nil there.
Steamship Arrivals.
lly Kxchulve Wire from The Associated 1'res.c.
New Yolk, Am;. -IV- iriied: Itotleidcm,
Uotterdani and llnuliigne Mir Mrr. I.l&inl -I'.imi1:
KenmnKton, Sew Voik for niwerp,
Viidc'ihind. Antwerp for New Voik. I.bfrpned
Uiiwd: 1'inhrl.i, New York ia e)ix-rntown.
cjueentown-S.illed: Campania, fioin l.hrrimnl,
e York. Southampton Sailed! naiiurm-a,
freim Piemen, New Yolk.
Edicts En Route.
Dy Eicliulte Wire (rem The Aaorlated I'rm.
hondon, Auk. 'X "I.I llung CIuiir lus noti
fied the mlnlMem of the ntr," a,Mt a din
patch tn the Time, from Pekln, elated yesterday,
"that edieM nei-eraiiy In "Inning eif tho piotocoj
hy the- Clilnec-i- plrnleiteiitlarle are new r,i
rente from Man Ku and arc expected tu aulvc
line Wcdiirtday."
Careless Hunter Rebuked by Mr,
McComns, of Maryland.
lie- Woe fcom Ihe .. Luecl I'o-ve.
Ilagerstown, Mel., Aug. 2.".. Senator
McPomas hail a narrow oscupe while
bass fishing In the I'otomuc the other
clay, with former Naval Officer Nor
man H. Scott.
He was fishing from a boat In mid
stream, when the Wore stnrtled by u
bullet striking the water within a few
feet of the boat. The bullet was fired
from tlit Maryland hank by n mem
ber of a camping party, who, when
called upon by Senator McPomas to ex
plain his conduct, said that he did not
see the fishermen. The man was be
hind a clump of bushes and fired aim
lessly Into tlie river. Ho was rebuked
for his recklessness hy Senator Mc
Comas and Immediately left that
Walter Pierce Stabbed to Death by
James Ross.
Py KjcIu'-Uc Wire from Hie Associated Trewi.
tlreenvllle, Tenn., Aug. '-'.". Jnines
Koss and Walter IMerce, negroes, were
committed to the (Jreene county jail
kite Saturday night on trivial offenses,
holnir placed lu the same cell. The
jailer had scarcely left the cage when
the men drew knives which they had
hidden about them and engaged in a
deadly fight.
Quickly as possible Itoss was dragged
from tho cell, but not until he had fa
tally stabbed Fierce, who sank back on
his bunk dead. Itoss was only slightly
Commanderies Pour in from the Four
Corners of the United States.
lly Kxclu-dvr Wire from The Aewociiteil Prew.
Louisville, Aug. 25. Commanderies of
Knights Templar poured into l.otils
vlllo today and tonight from the four
corners of the 1'nlted States. The city
Is rapidly Idling with Its plumed
guents, although the- triennial con.slave
proper will not begin until the grand
parade of Tuesday morning-.
Imposing' religious services were held
this afternoon and these were the only
formal events today. At 1 p. m. the
knights assembled at their various
commanderies and marched to the (Salt
house, win-to the general formations
were made for th- match to the r.road-
way Methodist church, where- the ser
vicers were held lit " p. m. The column
was led by the Templars of Uo Malay
and Louisville commanderies of this
city, and the entire body foimeil an es
cort for the grand muster of the grand
encampment, Itctlhen II, Lloyd, and
the other grand officers.
The m ounel lloor of the church wns
reserved tor knlghtcs In full uniform.
The ground lloor of the Sunday whool
room was reserved for ladles of visit
ing knightM ati-il for knlpht.s In unifoim
iicconipanleel by ladles.
The form of service line! been pre
pared by Sir Knight the night Ue
Thomas I'. Dudley, Kplse-opal bishop of
Kentucky. With a few changes, it was
the form of worship used by the grand
eomtnundery of Kentucky.
Tho most striking part of the service
came when the grand prelate delivered
the faith of the knights, who, with
swotds uplifted, re-'led with b'.m the
apostles creed. After tho coronation
hymn, (Srand Prelate Coxe delivered
the sermon, Ills subject being, "What
Think Yo of Christ."
Tomorrow will be taken up with tlio
reception and escorting; to their quar
ters of arriving commanderies. From
S p. m. io 1-' o'clock, the grand co'ii
mandery and the subordinate com
manderies of Kentucky will hold a re
ception at Kentucky headquarters at
the custom house, in hotiot of the ofll-
cers and me-mbers of the grand en
campment and their ladles.
Hon. U. C. I'. Hreckenrlilge, of Lex
ington, Ky., will deliver Kentucky's
welcome to the Knights Templar at the
opening inei'tlng of the grand encamp
ment Tuesday afternoon,
Coal Business Is Still Experiencing
Summer Weather Demands.
Hy Kxiliulte Wire from The Ansoi-latrl Tre-n.
I'lciU lelplni, Aus. -' -'I ho l.nluir 111 itn coal
,-irtic lc- linnm ion- will .i .
The anthi.uile nul ti.ide It -.till exporieni Ins;
Milliliter we.ith'r, iiiit.iilaiL; the denund. The
cnnipjiilr-e, however, are not n-strle tint; Hie out
put very iniieh, at they are expecting tint the
.intMinii will Mioti hi me the unml inrriMe -if
ordrrini: and tint the toe Kt now aciuniiilatini;
will then all bu w-jiited. Another 10 cent pr
ton Reliance all around come into effect Sept.
1 and thu will probably hue the mini ellee-t
of an le.i'ini; the retail price- of coal. 'Ihe tra.le
reperiK imtlilntr that Is new-, the labor
an- well atllled and n very bn.k mitimin bust
lie i antloipateel. There lc i-em.lilcrahle ship
pine of i-oil, both east ane unnth fioin tide
iv.itiT, but the ne-trin movement Is repotted
rather dull. The official statement nf the an
tliracitp output for IDell to .July .11 khowt 11, HIV
7 tout chipped, compiled with 2n.-j;$,SXi tone
In liel, an intreae of t.PIO...'!! loin.
Sale of the Oklahoma Tracts Aggre
gates $059,427.
By E-cclvulvo Wire friin Tho Ate ended Pre.
W'flhlnston. Ana '-'. ellpati-li ici-eiieel at
the general li'id nflle-e- reporu Ihe Petal le
eeitt freitn Ihe sale of hut In the new town in
Oklahoma, up tn anl linliHine Am-. 'Jl, utiop
iraleel ie.VI,4-.'T. Ihe (.alej were dUliiliiileil at
fnllimn: bawtnii, 1,IV, Join fur .i:.l,MI.1; Ana
eliiln, I.OI'C lot for '?i;il,2Jij Hulurl, l.lil Icnp
tor t5l2.:i77.
btant Coniinlloner JthnariN, ho In gen-e-r.ll
iharue ief the sale, estimate. tliil the elm
position of the remalninu' Iota will brine the
ur.ind total up to ;n0,0no.
The Monroe Primaries.
By Kxcbwhe Wiro from The Auuclab-d I'resi.
Stnimt-I'iirpr. Aeis- 2.V- Tho lle-iniHiaitc pre
marie lieM In Mniirno leiuuly .leiterday reunited
in the nomination of V, II, IlilriilieiKir for eoiinty
chairman and etTreauier V, (I. Merwlue lor
nherlff. Kilenbercer mui-eed ei-Judne llatncy
tan.nelel. a Mill known Pi'mouat and meiuher
nf the Pi'ineH-iatlc' e-tale evccutiie roinnnttre,
Merwine lejel en e-ay lctory eni-r Joiili II. la
eig for the- iioiiiitiatlun for ibcrlfl,
Imperial Iratle Issued in Constanti
nople Concedes Everuthlnu
flsked bu Gonstans.
M. Constnns Threatened to Leave
Constantinople Today Unless the
Demands Were All Settled Tho
Official Communique Announcing
the Granting of tho French. De
mands Issued Saturday,
Py Kxelutlio Wire from The AmoeUtrd PreM.
Constantinople, Aug. 2.1. The Quays
company question has lieen settled, as
expected, In accordance with the de
sires of Fiance.
An imperial lrade has been Issued
ordering that the company shall be
alloweel to exercise fieely all the rlghls
granted by the e-oju-esslun.
Paris, Aug. 21. The; olllelal com
munique announcing the granting of
the l-'ieuch demands, Issued this morning-,
Is as follows:
"In consequence of the declaration
made to tho Porte by the French am
bassador that he acta under Instruc
tions from the minster of foreign nf
fqlrs. an imperial Irade has been Issued
declaring that no obstaclci-shall be op
posed to tho free exercise by the Quay
company of the rights resulting from
their concession."
The foreign olllce olllclals do not
conceal their delight nt the settle
ment of the Turkish difficulty. During
the last few days It was evident that
sumo anxiety was felt Kit the affair
might mar the festivities on the oc
casion of Ha; Czar's visit.
M. Constans' dispatch was very
brief, but It leaves no elollbt that the
sultan has yielded all that was wonted
In the matter of tho quays, by Issuing
nn hade recognizing the full rights
da lined by the French company.
Constantinople. Aug. 25. M. Con
stans, the French ambassador, sent a
note to the porte last Thursday to the
effect that he would leave Contnntl
nnplo August 26, unless the French
claims were settled. Thereupon Tew
11k Pasha, the Turkish minister of for
eign affairs, called at the- French em
bassy and Informed M. Constans that
the porte had abandoned the Idea of
ptircbatdng the iniay--; llrst, because
convinced that thf purchase would be
a bad t-peciilRUnu for Turkey, and sec
ond, on account of the financial diffi
culty Involved,, as the Ottoman govern
ment had no hope that the Paris mar
ket would take up a loan to cover the
put chase.
M. Constans then' gave Hv Ottoman
government until Monday (tomorrow)
to l.istte an Irade gran-tlnpr the quays
complete full rights and Indemnity for
the?- two years during" which the com
pany had been deprived ol those rights.
T.onilon. Aug. 2fi. Althougih the
French papers hall Turkey's yielding
as a gieat triumph for France mnie
especially as It was largely belle-ved
that the sultan's ohdmncy was due to
the supposed friendship tietween (!er
many an-1 Turkey It is felt In Uondon,
despite considerable satisfaction over
the ntl'alr. tbeiv l a grove- doubt as to
whether I- ranee lias nelileve-ir more
than- a paper victory. Tin- lirithsh the
ory Is that Al. Constans really wished
to force Turkey to imichase quas
which aie notoriously unremunerntlve.
The sultan has n-olded this, thus se-i-uilng
the pructle-al tc-sults while leav
ing to Al, Constans the empty con
He Decides to Set the Matter Straight
Regarding the Yerkes Affair.
Of Eicluilves Wirt from Th Aiiocltlert Prwi.
New Veeik, uk. i'o, lleorne, who
on he return finni Kiiftlaml yrterdav refu-e-d
to discu the dintrlct underprounil lailrmd of
London, of whiih I harlen T. Yerle 1 in con
trol, i banned hi blind today. He .iul that In
lew of Mime statement whleli had appealed 111
pilnt hei thought the piddle- miuht a well lean'
the matter straight, lie then went on tu ay
that there weie no dlfthitltiiH between Mr.
)or).c.t and hinielf, and that Mr. icrle ha
avcaideel In the Hrltn-li We-.tlnplinue cnmpanv
tin- contract for tbitty tboun.iud licire mwer en
gine and gi'iieiatoi for hi metropolitan ell
ttlet lailwa.c cnteipriio, and will reiiiln- mil h
moie aip.iratci. Ihe ininufactuie- nf which In
Knsland will be adiantaifcou to hi lutemci.
On the cpicktion of a certain pint of hostility
which, ac-e-ording tn Home bnndon cliopalihri-, lit
lid to haie deieloped In that i ily auaint the
American control of Ihe metropolitan dittrli
load and airalnit the imprnwmenta on Hie k.une
by AniiThau cotnpanle. Mr. Wretliiliniia? luil
Ibli to a) :
"While it It true that come liotlblr ha been
dlplanl, this really doe not amount to iniiili.
The public want (be Improvement tint aie
now under way, and, while 'ibei mlcbt prefer
tn bale Hum a the refill ill IliiiUb enterpii'e,
Ihey are clad tn luce them r-Bardie of the
Disastrous Russian Forest Fires.
Ily F.xeluiice Wire from The Attoclated I'rexi.
I. "l. dull, ,uir. "el. -'"Ihe Imi.i1 hmes fioin ihe
recent forel llien, whlih haie pamallv de.tnweil
ceii-ial townn, are elim.ited at iMo.tOMiW,-'
ae. a dl.iatili (mm St. Petrn-butz tn tin- llaily
Mall. "The ftiea haie been inotly inn
and are attributed to the .Jew. II I intimated
that J.'iO.UO" airea ol toiet ban- bn.-n iitioieel
and 17 vlllace rnmplrlely or p.ui'.iilv wiped
Will Swim from Boston to New York
O.i Kchiie Wlie fioin Tli oc-lalcd IT h.
neuclon. Ait?. 8V -Tn i-m from llo.ton p, Sen
York It the feat that I'eter S. Sally will aitrmpl,
inaMnx the tart neit Sundai, the entile- distance
tn bo coiereil In thirty Mr. Mi-Sally hopej
tn ariiie at the llatlny, N'ew Vork, before noon
Monday, Spt, HO. The actual dn-tauu- i iyi
liauliial mile, but the tulniniinK loui.t- will be
ur.v little K-m than Km miles
Weather Indications locUyi
1 (leneral -Turkey Will Settle with France.
Steel Strike Mliiallnn,
lliilne, lleler Schlatter In a W'ork-lloute.
Manila to llace More Troom,
2 (Jeneral-Carhondtle Department.
Northeastern lennyhnla.
3 Iienl -Chintjea t the local Tlieaters.
I'inbible Itallroad War.
S-inion hy ltev. (J, II. N'ewlnif.
4 I'dilnrlal.
Note and Comtn.-nt.
5 Week
ol The Tribune"! Kduca-
tlonal Contett.
rt Ixie-al -Went Sc-ranton an-l Suburban.
7 Story -" Tlillwaj Kplaode."
Financial and Commercial.
8 Local- Industrial and Labor,
Theatre Party Wrecked in the Storm,
Roars of Animals on the
Stage Start a Panic.
Hy Ktclutlre Wire from the Associated l'rew.
New Vork, AUK. 2f. A violent mid
protracted rain storm accompanied by
wind which approached the proportions
of a hurricane swept over tin- north
western portion of New Jersey yester
day tifternoein. About I! o'clock the wind
Increased and a half hour later Jersey
Cltv was having the worst storm In Its
Two wind storms seemingly met In
th- neighborhood of Ne-waik avenue
and Harrow street. Horses standing In
Newaik avenue and the wagons to
wlilc-h they were hitched were blown
over. Telegraph poles and wires fell.
A moment or two later the steeple of
St. Mary's Ilomiiti Catholic ohuii-h, the
largest in the city, fell backward upon
the church, crushing through the roof,
At the HIJoii theatre, the ".Man Who
lln red ' company was rehearsing. Two
lions used In the pl.ty were In their
i ages em the stage when a terrific rush
of wind made the building tremble-.
Warning ciles caused the- pet formers
to leave the stage- Just before bricks
came clown from the high walls, ruin
ing the- stage and bending lu the lions'
cage-, The Hniinols roared in terror,
and as the performers rushed out a
shout was raised In the street that the
lions were Ioo.e anil tho crowd which
had sought shelter in the corridor fled
panic-stricken. The lions did not es
cape. Opposite the- theatre tho roofs of
twelve three-story buildings were rip
ped off and greut pieces of tin fell In
the street.
Government Willing to Sell, but
There Is Dissatisfaction nt Small
Price Offered by America.
Ity Ktrlmivr Wile from The wncuted I'rcM.
Copenhagen. Aug. 'J.', A prominent
politician In th ceiur.r-els of the min
istry toclny s-flld that the al of the
Danish West Indies, It was confidently
)ected, would be consummated be
fore tb close of Wie present year.
The king and the new cabinet have
both concluded that it In absolutely
necessary for Den-mark to dlspo?' of
the Isl-inrics, and a majoi ity of the ltlgs
ilng fa vol s the sale, ns do also the pub
lic. The- only dlwiitlsfactloni arises in
I'onnectloii with the price. $:!. "."0,000, It
being considered too muuII. Hemever,
the- Until approval of the Klgsdag Is be
lieved to be- assured, and It Is expected
that legislative ratification will he
given In Washington In December.
Seven Thousand People Witness the
By Eclutlt Wire .'rom Tht Ailoclated Prest.
Ni-iv Voik, Auir. 'V. -Sei en thousand people
jw the ejelo race -it the uil-buis., N. .1..
track today. '. S. I'enn. of Waierbury, in the
llu- mile handicap of piofecdonals ran away
from Ihe nl lien, ulnnfiisr bj Hie length! lb
tune w.n Irt. 1A. The old woild't n-ionl feu the
dbtanee w.i 10 : '
There was a wramrle in the tun mile handi
cap, where another world' reroid wi broken,
but It may not be allowed, owlne to the notion
of one of the ufll.-i.iN. fake and Mil onnell i line
down the trelrh i-Icmi toitethrr. but to the ma
jorlt.i of Ihe iinlnnkeih it appeared a if Mi ( on
nell. the piriiih man, bad won In a few imbue.
Alexander Mobor, who wa kiippived In pick the
flit man at ih" hnih, itavi- the rice In Lake
and the onlooker fanli creamed their
r. The tune w four minute flat, which heat
the old woihl'a lecoid by I! 4 5 eeoiid..
Suicide nt Plymouth.
Hy Kulu.lie Wire finni The Wnciatcil PreM.
Willell,iire, Auif. IS. lteew I). Ki-ei-e, a well
known icidilint of l'liinouth, a town near here,
eoinmllb'il -.lib hie tint afternoon hy Jumpinit
from a row-boat Into the Misiin-haniia rner.
I,it Mumlay anolbet retldent of the town, .lohu
Mrx. a hotel keeper, elided hi lift- In the- tme
Prince Chun Is 111.
By Kxcbuhe Wire from The Associated l'rrn.
Ilerlln, uir !!V-I'iaice num. brother of the
rrnpiivr of China, and tlu iiieiuber nf the coin
lnlion now nn llu- w.n tn (crniativ let apoloi-lre
for the mutder of llaron on Kettt-ler, at 1'ekm,
hive arriied at lla.le. wltr.erlaml. Prince Chun,
who I III, will remain ibne for a few Uaja.
Wilson Will Not Resign.
fly Kchnie Wire from The Awoclated Pttm.
SinUairn He ( bile. ue. 11 llenr.i L. Wiltnn,
I'lilteel Matea minuter In Chill, today formally
denied the report publUhi-d ie!crda that he
would moil lelne and cleiote In. tune to rom-mne-e,
re-prevent iuic teieral American Hon. The
papcm of the cm publKh hi denial.
Delrxrey's Proclamation.
lly Kii-lutlre Wire from The Asaoclated Prean.
London, Ann. 2.V- The war utile i- reeehed
the Mlnuiiu dl-patc It from Lout Kltihener, elated
al Prelorla todij: "llclarey ha lued te counter
piiH'lamatloi. w.iuilui: all lloria igalm-t my latest
Pinclanullon and ileilarlng that they will con
tinue the liui;i;li'."
Francis Schlatter Rlnos Door Bells
and Becomes a General.
The Healer Quarrels with His Wife
and Then Becomes Too Active in
Searching for Her Ho la Not the
Denver Schlatter, Who Perished in
a Trip Across tho Desert to Old
Mexico, but an Impersonator Who
Ha3 Traveled About the Country
Since tho Death of tho Colorado
Dy F.xchulve Wire from The Associated Trev.
New York, Aug. 2.'. Krnnrls Schlat
ter, who assumed the role of divine)
h"alor and has played It more or less
successfully for several years, was sen
tenced to three months In the work
house lu the Harlem police court yes
terday. Mrs. Kllzabeth Mullen, tho
Jnnltress of ait apartment house fit No.
II liradhurst avenue, caused his ar
rest for unnoylng the tenants by run
ning scales on the hall hells and pound
ing cm ileie-rs and windows.
With his wife, the "healer" was liv
ing In nn expensive npnrtment In Cen
tral I'ark West until three months ago,
when they iiiarrelleil one! Mrs. Schlat
ter left him and went to live with Mr.
nnd Mrs. K. K. Harney, at No. It Hrad
hnrst avenue. Schlatter put th- furnl
t in o In store, anil It Is not known where
he has been living since.
Mrs. 'Schlatter went with Mr. Har
ney's family to the count! y two weeks
ago, and a few days later the "healer"
apparently discovered where his wlfa
had been staying. Since- then, Mrs.
Mullen said, he has haunted the neigh
borhood day and nUht, nnd would not
be convinced thai his wife was no lon
ger theie. He was frequently Intoxi
cated, she said and when tho tenants
threatened to leave If St-baltter's night
ly visits did not stop, she decided to
have him arrested.
Policeman Shayne, who arrested him,
told Magistrate Zellcr that Schlatter
also had been annoying saloonkeepers
In the neighborhood hy demanding free
drinks and that ho had been thrown
out of every elrlirk resort for blocks
When Schlatter heard his sentence,
he declared that It was n pitiful sign
of a degenerate age that a healer of
his renown should be herded with com
mon vagrants. He declined that Pres
ident MeKlnley and Deputy Commis
sioner Deveiy were- bis friends and
would sot him free when they learned
of his plight.
Schlatter Is nn Alsatian, and wns
llrst heard from in this country In 1S!U
as u shoemaker In Jamesport, U. I. At
odd times he was a steamboat fireman.
He had the reputation of making fairly
good boots, and ef always being sober.
He also had some fame there as a
clairvoyant. He left Jamesport In 1S3A
to develop mines he said he owned in
Not the Real Schlatter. '
The man sentenced yesterday claims
to h- the most famous of the so-called
divine healers of receiA years, the
Schlatter who In Denver. Col., during
the summer of IS'.t.", attracted world
wide attention by his ascetic life ami
apparently piofund confidence In the
genuineness of the divine Inspiration
he claimed. Thousand- flocked from
every part of the country to submit to
this Schlatter's treatment, which was
simply the laying on of hands. He uls-i
nssert-'d that cures could be worked
through the medium of some nrtlcb ,
usually u handkerchief, which ho
blessed and then s"llt to the sillTeier.
Ho wa-c eredlteel with many remarkublo
cures. There Is convincing evidence
that this Schlatter perished while mak
ing a solitary and dangerous trip
across a desert to old Mexico, and thn
remnli.s found In the dener were posi
tively identified as those nf the "heal
er." The assertions of the enemy of
the peace and cutlet In Urodhurst live.
nue that ho Is Schlatter have- been
proved false lit several cities. Th
impersonator of the Denver Si-hlntter
spent Inst winter in Washington. D. ( ,
where- he preached on the street:-. Ills
lfe left him there and ho became .1
common loafer during her nhsr-tire nnd
was arrested as an habitual drunkard.
He came to Now York list spring, nnd
announced a plan to establish a heal
ing Institute, hut nothing mor" was
heard of It. Ho is -hi years old.
Mr. Holbein Collapsed After a Stay
of Twelve Hours in Water.
Ily Kxelunlie Wire from The Associated Preas.
Hoirr. Licland, uir. 25.- Me Holbein, who
ie-.teida.v- t lie antuieisaiy of Captain Webb I
fwitii from Poter to falai. ectarled from Caps
CiiUAi-z (between Itoiilngno-fJcir-Mer and Calai.)
In an attempt to nwini to l)oer narroly escaped
clroiimni.'. He coined the e-o'ife to a point
within i mile of Docer and then collapsed,
after h.ivinir been In the water tnelic houra and
foiiv-mx minute.
Thetiiu- which aiconipinied bun took bun from
the water nnd hrouuht him Io Doier thi morn
Inc. lie wa carried to a hoti 1 in a irml cnn
minus prrearlmu iate and wa 'iheqiienil.v on
the ndine of hi medical Ulciidantf, remoied
tn a, when- In- lac for mine time in a,
terioim iniidiltuli. Ton .jht, l.nweier, he had re,
entered and he aniiniinn-il In intention to rene-r
the attempt lb i-si'l" was tery remarkable,
eoiitiderlm; the ik1iijcm of the lea, and hat
ISUhlMlCil 1 ire old.
ctH- l tftl-f -r f
Waihlnuton. uu. 2."i-rnreet for -c
Kaslein Ynn'.Unlai Generally fair -
Mondai mnl Tueodayj bsht north to -V
nnrllirjtt wind,
r t i 1 1 1 1 -t- tt-f f-u